053 Jsa Quay Wall Superstructure RV 02 [PDF]

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JSA revised 001

SEPTEMBER 06, 2021

Use of jackhammer

JSA revised 002

SEPTEMBER 18, 2021

Working near water



HAZARD/RISK MANAGEMENT Can all personnel in the group answer YES to the following questions:

• Have all the significant hazards involved with the work been identified? YES

• Have control measures been identified for these hazards? YES

Have the people responsible for implementing these control measures been identified and are the controls in place? YES

• Has the method of communication been agreed and tested? YES

• Is everyone aware what is being done at the worksite? YES • •

Are we aware of what everyone else is doing at the work-site? YES Does everyone know that any changes to the work plan have been communicated to everyone involved in the work? YES Does everyone know that any new people joining the work party must be given a full and thorough update off what is going on? YES

If the answer to any of these questions is NO, then the safety of people is at risk. The tool box talk leader should confirm the understanding of the group by asking open questions on the above points



Does the work involve/require? • Is a separate lifting plan required? NO • Working in a noisy area? NO • Line breaching or potential Hydrocarbon release? NO


• Any Environmental impact? NO • Manual handling, moving objects/loads? YES (If yes obtain/complete a manual handling assessment)


• Working near objects that may move? NO


• Working in an area with poor lighting or a tight/confined Space? NO


• Working at height? YES • Working near areas that could cause personnel to slip, trip or fall? YES • Using portable electric equipment? YES • Working with dangerous goods and substances hazardous to health? YES • Personnel who are new to the location or each other? YES • Equipment which is potentially dangerous? NO If so the work may be hazardous and care should be taken to ensure the work is done safely

Remember, everyone is responsible for: • Using the correct tools for the job • Being aware of the hazards around them and remaining vigilant to change. • Using/wearing the correct PPE for the task. • Making themselves aware of, and working within the requirements of the PTW system and construction procedures




Operation/Activity Stage (The Steps involved in doing the job) Preparation/planning

Possible Hazardous Situations (What could go wrong and What would the effects be)

Indicate Necessary Measure to be taken (how can the hazards be prevented and /or eliminated)

     

Mobilization of equipment & Materials

 

Involvement of unskilled personnel Unauthorised/ uninspected equipment/tools at site

Unskilled and un-inducted personnel starting the job

Personnel injury / property damage Slip, Trip & fall Inclement weather condition Hand Injury Back Injury SIMOPS

   

   

              


Set up of work area

Control in place YES

Poor/inadequate planning Poor communication Unauthorized work Unskilled personnel Unsafe system of work Poor PPE selection

  


Responsible (Who is going to take action)

 

Fire electric shock

 

Lifting, Excavation, Hot work and Work at Height PTW completed and obtained Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job. Sufficient lighting towers to illuminate the work area if night work should be carried out. Effective means of communication established Equipment and all tools inspected prior to use and defective items removed from use and replaced. Use of trained personnel for the task Competent personnel to plan the job Appropriate PPE issued (Protective Footwear, hard hats, hand gloves, rain coat/ Umbrella and safety glasses (clear glasses worn for night work, if required to do night shift). Trained & skilled staff to be authorized for working Ensure that all personnel prior to start the have been inducted and oriented about the hazard in the job site Ensure JSA briefing & Daily TBT to all workforce prior to commence activity Use of authorized & designated routes Only inspected Equipments/Tools must be allowed at work site Use right tools for right job Ensure safe transportation of equipment/materials at work site All of materials to be secured while its transportation to work site Stop work in case of any inclement weather conditions (Heavy Rain, storm, fog etc.) Ensure area is barricaded off from other work activities Ensure workers/operators properly inducted about the proper positioning Ensure proper hauling of materials/get help if required Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE req. Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, and dust mask. Restrict movement of heavy vehicles/equipments in rain/fog PPE issued (Protective Footwear, hard hats, hand gloves and safety glasses, reflective clothing) Area free from obstruction. Sufficient space available.

HSSE Manager Supervisor HSSE Officer.


Supervisor HSSE Officer


Supervisor HSSE Officer



CHELE-CCCC4-HSE-JHA-2021-053   

Pinch point Obstructed access Unauthorized personnel

    


Survey the pile level for form work installation (Performing Survey with Total station)

     

Manual handling/property loss Sharp edges Inappropriate PPE’s Hand injury when installing survey pegs/cube blocks Road traffic Poor communication

         


Rebar Preparation

       


Rebar Installation

      

Injury and damage to body parts from improper tool usage Use of maskeshift arrangements Sprain on body parts Untrained person Uninspected tools Electric shock Unguarded machines Flying particles

Use of defective sling while lifting Hit by slings. Amputation Equipment damage Ineffective Communication between rigger and operator Pinch point Sharp edges

                      

Area barricaded and safety signs in place Fire extinguisher/fire point in place. Area well illuminated by placing tower lights for maximum effectiveness if working past 18:30hrs. Area kept clear and dry. PPE issued (Protective Footwear, hard hats, hand gloves and safety glasses,(clear glasses worn for night work). Careful handling with total machine/survey apparatus Ensure Use of hand gloves (PPE’s) Do not left un attendant any of equipment/tools in the area Consult with HSE in case of any confusion/query Be careful while working at excavation adjacent Maintain good housekeeping at site Be aware of road traffic while performing survey Pre-job briefing and tool box talk will be performed prior to starting the job Area barricaded against vehicular collision. Passage/pathways for workers are inspected daily to ensure materials/equipments/tools are not kept along the passage/pathways Surveyor not allowed to work in open field during rain Improper body positioning Keep hands and finger out of line of fire Use of radio phone for proper communication Use certified tools for rebar bending Ensure correct usage of tools Don’t use makeshift tools Ensure worker rotation to avoid sprain in body parts Use good support and good ergonomic postures Skilled and trained personnel are deployed Used double insulated tools Ensure cable are not frayed and in good condition Use guards for rotating parts Unauthorized workers are restricted from entry into the work area Use appropriate PPE for the job Use of proper eye protection against flying particles Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Lifting and Hoisting PTW obtained and signed. Use only trained crane operator with certification Effective Signaling by use of competent Banksman Keep eye out for people close-by Inspect rigging tools and shackles daily Daily pre-use inspection of cranes to be carried out

Surveyor HSSE Officer


Foreman HSSE Officer .


YES Foreman HSSE Officer .

CHELE-CCCC4-HSE-JHA-2021-053          


Side form work installation

           

Overhead hazards Manual handling injuries Pinch points Cuts/abrasion Falls Unskilled personnel Unauthorized access to the work area Hit by moving machine/vehicle Equipment Failure Fall of forms Use of defective slings/gears Poor communication

                       

Defective/damage rigging tools to be removed from the site to prevent use Use tag line to control loads while load may swing Rigger to be free and away from rigging of shear rings prior to crane lifting Warning signs put in place with safe alternative route provided Keep hand away from line of fire rebars should not be lifted over personnel Lifting area properly barricaded with signage in place Ensure sharp edges protection Put caps on ends of exposed rebars/reinforcement cages Appropriate PPE(safety helmet, safety goggles, ear plugs, safety footwear, reflective vests) to be worn at all times Obtain Lifting and Hoisting PTW prior to any lifting Involvement of skilled personnel Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Barricade off work area Crane operator must be competent and certified Lifting gears must be in good condition Radius of the lifting must be barricaded to prevent people walking into the lifting zone Warning Signs will be placed around the lifting zone Slings shackles inspected for damage before use Defective tools and shackles to be removed from use. Competent rigger to guide the crane operator and coordinate lifting process Two-way radio shall be used for effective communication Keep eye out for people close-by Full-time supervision and safety personnel Allow only authorized personnel in the work area Post signs to communicate additional information Use of proper manual handling techniques Never work under a rigged load Make sure there is enough lighting in the work area Clear all concrete and loose materials from forms to prevent anything from falling overhead Use of taglines to direct/control suspended formwork Do not place hands in between forms Use pry bars to release the forms Fall protection must be used when climbing forms

YES Foreman HSSE Officer .



Concrete Pouring/casting

               

Personnel injury during movement of heavy vehicles Manual handling Unskilled personnel Vehicles/equipment collisions Slip ,trip & fall Inappropriate PPE’s/Tools during concrete work Skin contact with concrete or other chemicals Machine failure/mechanical failure Concrete in contact with eyes Inhalation of harmful dust Machine vs personnel interface Environmental hazards (fuelling and leakages) Traffic congestion Poor access to working area Violent ejection of concrete from hose at first delivery Noise

Appropriate PPE(safety helmet, safety goggles, ear plugs, safety footwear, reflective vests) to be worn at all times

 

Involvement of skilled personnel Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Ensure all operators know the safe limitations of their equipment Assign a competent banksman when equipment is moving at the working area Ensure strict measures to separate mechanical plants and enforce swing radius as a no go area for any person or vehicle to avoid collision Ensure all machines and equipments are in good conditions Regular preventive and corrective maintenance of equipment must be observed Use only designated roads for delivery of concrete Ensure the use of respiratory protective equipment Housekeeping regimes to help keep site clear Ensure there is good access for concrete personnel and equipment Keep other people not directly involved with concrete pouring clear from area Give warning prior to starting or re-commencing the pour Check hoses for air sources e.g blockage, change in supply, poor mix or delays in pour Ensure delivery hose is not damaged prior to concrete pouring Be aware of potential for blow back in the line/pipe Ensure appropriate edge protection Ensure connecting pipes are adequately secured Ensure brackets are positioned close together to minimize excessive movement Ensure that pipe’s operating pressure is appropriate for diameter of pipe Check pipe to ensure it is of correct thickness for operating pressure Do not use damaged pipes Provide support where a change in direction or reducer occurs Provide adequate hearing protection (ear plugs) Provide rest time or alternate work rotation Avoid long periods of twisting, repetitive movements Use of appropriate PPE’s during concrete works (Eye protection, rubber gloves, gum shoes) Availability of fresh water at site First aid box should be in place at site wash off splattered concrete ASAP with fresh water or neutralizing solution Use a spotter for concrete trucks and all vehicles in tight or congested

                             

YES Foreman HSSE Officer .

CHELE-CCCC4-HSE-JHA-2021-053    


Form wok removal and concrete curing

             

Overhead hazards Manual handling injuries Pinch points Cuts/abrasion Falls Unskilled personnel Unauthorized access to the work area Hit by moving machine/vehicle Equipment Failure Fall of forms Use of defective slings/gears Poor communication Contact with cement dust Inhalation of cement dust

                           

areas Use chute man to swing concrete chute back & forth & signal concrete truck driver Chute man needs to commute with rest of crew when moving chutes or repositioning truck Use mesh over rebar to cover holes produced by rebars. Exposed mesh will be trip hazards until concrete placed. Keep mesh ends tied down Appropriate PPE(safety helmet, safety goggles, ear plugs, safety footwear, reflective vests) to be worn at all times Obtain Lifting and Hoisting PTW prior to any lifting Involvement of skilled personnel Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Barricade off work area Ensure personal hygiene Availability of fresh water at site wash off splattered concrete ASAP with fresh water or neutralizing solution Crane operator must be competent and certified Lifting gears must be in good condition Radius of the lifting must be barricaded to prevent people walking into the lifting zone Warning Signs will be placed around the lifting zone Slings shackles inspected for damage before use Defective tools and shackles to be removed from use. Competent rigger to guide the crane operator and coordinate lifting process Two-way radio shall be used for effective communication Keep eye out for people close-by Full-time supervision and safety personnel Allow only authorized personnel in the work area Post signs to communicate additional information Use of proper manual handling techniques Never work under a rigged load Make sure there is enough lighting in the work area Clear all concrete and loose materials from forms to prevent anything from falling overhead Use of taglines to direct/control suspended formwork Do not place hands in between forms Use pry bars to release the forms Fall protection must be used when climbing forms

YES Foreman HSSE Officer .



Use of Jackhammer

          

Lower back, arm and shoulder strain Pinched hand on side of compartment Possible hernia Pinched finger from connecting hose Electric shock Possible hearing loss Flying particles Jackhammer hitting feet Rotating parts Dust Heavy vibration

Appropriate PPE(safety helmet, safety goggles, ear plugs, safety footwear, reflective vests) to be worn at all times

Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Be sure that hammer is unplugged and perform pre-use inspection according to the manual. 2 people needed to lift jack hammer Use lighter jackhammer 60lbs instead of 90lbs if possible Wear gloves when connecting hoses Wear ear plugs Eye protection Is required against flying particles Position feet apart keeping a safe distance from blade of hammer Respiratory protection against dust Dust suppression where necessary to reduce dust Keep the work area as small as possible Alternate workers throughout the day if working with tool for 8hours Hold the hammer by insulated gripping surfaces when performing an operation. PPE issued (Protective Footwear, hard hats, coveralls, hand gloves and safety glasses (clear glasses worn for night work, if required to do night shift). Obtain Lifting and Hoisting PTW prior to any lifting Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Use only trained crane operator with certification Barricade the area covering radius of crane under the load being lifted Signalman to be wherever it is applicable Keep eye out for people close-by Inspect rigging tools and shackles daily Defective/damage rigging tools to be removed from the site to prevent use Rigger to be free and away from rigging of beams prior to crane lifting each load Temporal road closure and warning signs put in place with safe alternative route provided. Slings, Shackles certified for safe use. Trained and qualified riggers used Slings shackles inspected for damage and colour coded Slings and shackles (SWL) as per the load to be lifted. Tag Lines not less than 2 meter must be attached to load and properly controlled by riggers. Test lift and to ensure the material is balanced and weight is correct. Fingers and hands kept clear of pinch points. PPE issued and worn (safety shoes, safety goggles, hard hats, coveralls,

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Installation of precast beams

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       

Crushed by swinging loads. Unexpected rollover of the crane as a result of improper setting up of the crane on an uneven ground. Injury due to damage lifting tools. Improper installation of pre-cast slab Defective rigging. Equipment failure. Collision with the vehicles using the road. Breaking of sling material while lifting Hit by slings. Amputation

                 

Supervisor HSE Officer


YES Foreman HSSE Officer .



Installation of Quay wall equipments

        

Breaking of sling material while lifting Hit by slings. Amputation mechanical failure pinch point poor communication unskilled personnel uneven lifts improper installation

             


Work near water

    

Man over board Drowning Flooding Slips, trips and falls from uneven, unstable or boggy ground Effects of adverse weather conditions

            

hand gloves) Slings, Shackles certified for safe use. Trained and qualified riggers used Full time supervision Proper pre-task planning Slings shackles inspected for damage Defective tools and shackles to be removed from use. Slings and shackles (SWL) as per the load to be lifted. Tag Lines not less than 2 meter must be attached to load and properly controlled by riggers. Test lift and to ensure the material is balanced and weight is correct. Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Hoisting PTW signed before the commencement of lifting activity. Use of two-way radio for communication Use of trained crane operators and riggers for lifting activity Fingers and hands kept clear of pinch points. PPE issued and worn (safety shoes, safety goggles, hard hats, , hand gloves)

Foreman HSSE Officer .


Pre-job/Tool Box talk/JSA discussed and all hazards and controls explained and understood prior to starting the job Life jackets to be worn at all times Lifebuoys to be available in the working area at all time

Hard barriers and adequate warning signage posted Full-time HSE Monitoring Ensure that emergency procedures are in place and all staff are aware of this information Ensure work area is free from debris (so far as is reasonably practicable) Implement an adequate inspection / maintenance programme Assess height of water, flow and tides if appropriate. Postpone work if necessary Appropriate PPE to be worn at all times. Buoyancy Aids etc Keep area clear of obstruction / debris to avoid trips/falls Never work alone or out of view of work mates In the event of floods stay on high grounds

Foreman HSSE Officer




Welfare Facilities

 

 

Heat stress Environmental issues

Adequate clean drinking water to be provided. Toilet will be provided for personnel working on site. No usage of open air excretion will be permitted. Intermittent breaks to be observed. Wash hand stations installed close to the work area Weather condition /temperature monitoring. Heat stress awareness of workers / preparedness of medical team / HSE team.

   

Type of Permit Required Additional PPE Requirements (please indicate by ticking (Please list) box) þ 1. Mandatory PPE General Permit to Work þ 2. Face shield Hot Work Lifting Certificate 3. Fall arrestor þ 4. High visibility vest Excavation Permit Man basket Certificate 5. Dust Mask MEWP Certificate 6. Breathing Apparatus Other.__________________ 7. Other.______________ ___ JSA Review Process Was the work crew involved in formulating the JSA? Did the work crew review/discuss the JSA prior to starting task? Was the JSA referred to during the task? Were the job steps followed? Can you suggest improvements to the JSA? (Provide details)

Foreman HSSE Officer


Special tools or equipment required þ

Drilling Rigs Welding Machines Cranes Pay loader With Bucket Pay loader With Fork Self-Loading Mixers/Washer Truck Wire Ropes And Slings Trolleys

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þ þ þ þ þ

Shackles þ Grease Pump Excavator Concrete Pump + Hoses Man Basket Shovels, Pile Head Mold, Hammers, Surveyor Equipment’s CFA Cage Vibrator Comments

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