12 Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program [PDF]

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12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program Table of Contents (Click Enabled)


*Please note that this is a simplified table of contents based on my opinion of what beginners need to immediately start and where to focus*

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Hello and congratulations on taking charge of your health! Welcome to the 12-week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program. Since you’re reading this right now there’s one thing that I can say about you for sure. You’re a lot more serious about taking control of your health and transforming your body than the millions of people in the world that claim to want it but never TAKE ANY ACTION! The fact that you have invested into yourself by purchasing this program says a lot. You should be proud of yourself. If you’re here looking for shortcuts or fast unsustainable results, you’re in the wrong place. This program is designed for people who’ve tried to lose weight in the past using all the wrong methods and mindsets, but are now ready to do things the right way. This program is designed for people who are willing to be patient and resilient in taking on the most life altering task of their lives. I do ask one thing, trust me. Some of the methods that I suggest in this program are not the traditional approaches that you see in today’s fitness industry. That is because unlike most of the fitness industry, I am not interested in selling you a false dream of fast results using short cuts and “hacks”. My approach will prevent stress and heartache while ensuring that you learn techniques that will give you outstanding long-term results. You will have to make this program a priority. It will require an investment of time that you may not think you have. Over the last 5 years, I’ve done nearly 6,000 hours of research. I have gone through tons and tons of both good as well as bad information in books, magazines and on the Internet. The Simple 12-Week Transformation Jumpstart Program takes all of the best information that I’ve studied and tested on myself, family and hundreds of my clients, and compiles it into one neatly organized package. Have you started programs before only to end up quitting a month later? Have you tried “diet plans” where you eventually get bored or burned out, reverting back to your old eating habits? Well, the approach that I take in this program is for the people who are tired of the traditional methods that haven’t worked for them long term. In this program you will learn the basics of MINDSET TRAINING, NUTRITION TRAINING and EXERCISE & RESISTANCE TRAINING, in a personalized way for you to understand. Why simple is better! We’re naturally hard wired to dislike uncertainty. Anything that is too much work to compute we reject. Simple keeps it easy to follow and increases the likelihood that we’ll stick to it. Not giving you the extra unnecessary information that usually makes things too complex and intimidating

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM A few more things… I repeat that YOU are going to have to trust me. The objective of the program is for you to not just get an awesome jumpstart to your body transformation, but also learn how to train & nourish your body in a way that aligns with your long-term goals. Also, to plant new internal seeds of habit that will ensure that you successfully lose weight and keep it off forever. This program is designed with 3 goals in mind:  To teach the fundamental basics of nutrition and exercise that are able to be built upon to continue a life long journey in health;  To start a path of full body transformation with good habits and a mindset that’ll ensure adherence and long-term success;  To have amazing mind-blowing results in the first 12 weeks that will not only motivate, but will give confidence, and create habits to assure success with personal fitness goals. Brix Fitness Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE EASY. YOU HAVE TO BE READY TO COMMIT. YOU HAVE TO BE READY TO FIGHT. YOU HAVE TO BE READY TO PICK YOURSELF WHEN YOU FALL… BECAUSE YOU WILL FALL. YOU HAVE TO BE AT THE POINT WHERE TRANSFORMING YOUR BODY AND BECOMING HEALTHY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO YOU! GET READY, GET SET, GET WELL & GO! Best Wishes,


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12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

MINDSET TRAINING The mindset you approach your journey of body transformation with will determine your success. There’s no one factor more relevant to your success than the way you’re mentally framing this mission. The body that you want is owned by a different version of you. The person you are today built the body that you have. To transform your body you’ll have to become a better version of you; a resilient, mentally tough version with healthy habits and a resilient spirit. There are 3 areas of mindset that we’ll cover in this program. 1. Your “why” and your “vision” 2. Habits 3. Mental toughness and resiliency Your “Why” and your “vision” Grab a pen and paper and write down the reasons why you want to transform your body. I want you to dig deep. Write the reasons that affect you on an emotional level. For example, I wanted to transform my body so that I would be mentally and physically healthy enough to be an amazing father; so that I could train with my son and help make his dreams come true. Another reason was to improve my self-esteem so that I could have the confidence to improve my quality of life and to achieve my goals. Now write down your 3 top reasons for wanting to transform your body. Hold on to this list. We’ll get back to it in a second. It’s going to be a very important part of your success. In the beginning of my transformation journey I formed a vision for my body. I closed my eyes and I used my imagination to create an image in my head of exactly what I wanted it to look like. I imagined the emotions I would feel and I imagined how my life would be different once I acquired this body. It is so important that you use your emotions to burn the image and the mission into your head. I also found photos of other people who naturally transformed their bodies and I used these images as wallpaper for my smart phone and laptop. The most important factor in all this is that you have to genuinely believe. You have to have faith in yourself and in your abilities to achieve your transformation goal. You have to talk to yourself with a tone of assurance. If you don’t truly believe that it can it be done, then sadly you won’t be able to do it.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Habits Assessment and adjustment This is probably the most important part of this process so please pay close attention. When you downloaded this program there was a file called HabitAssessment.pdf. At this time I want you to fill out that form. Habit assessment form (see habit assessment form) The assessment that I just had you perform was designed to make you aware of your current habits and the role they’re playing in building your body. AWARENESS IS THE KEY!!! If more than 4 of your 9 responses were either a or b then get excited!!! Because that means you have lots of room for improvement (perspective)!! Just to give you a little context on the way you should approach goal setting new habits, take a look at each of your responses. If you responded A to a question than your first goal should be to improve that habit to a response of B. For example, question 3 asks “How often do you eat at a restaurant or take out each week?” If you’re response was A. 7 or more, your first goal should be to improve that response to B. 4-6 meals, eventually working your way down to D. 1 or fewer. It takes time to form new habits so you have to approach this process with patience. Take baby steps. How to form a new habit Here’s a method for habit forming that I learned from James Clear. The 3 R’s of habit 1. Reminder (the trigger that initiates the behavior); 2. Routine (the behavior itself; the action you take); 3. Reward (the benefit you gain from doing the behavior). You can’t rely 100% on will power or motivation to form new habits. You have to create a system that makes forming the new habits almost automatic. Use your old habit as the reminder or the cue to initiate the new desired behavior. For example, if the new habit that you want to acquire is flossing your teeth, you’ll set brushing your teeth (already an automatic habit) as the trigger [Reminder] for the new behavior, flossing [routine]. To ensure that you didn’t forget you would put a bowl of flossers next to your toothbrush and voilà you have a system in place that will form your new desired habit of flossing daily. Healthier teeth and gums will be the gained benefit from the behavior [Reward].

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Write your habit statement in this formatted example: “After I brush my teeth [Reminder], I will floss [Routine]” Your routine (new habit) has to be paired with a reminder (current behavior/trigger) that is related. Pairing a reminder to floss with the established behavior of brushing your teeth makes it easy to remember as you form your new habit. Now let’s apply this to your transformation goals. The systems you set up to reform your behavior are totally unique to you. I would choose 1 or 2 of the following habits and would work on them slowly. Setting up systems ensures that it’s as seamless and effortless as possible. 5 habits to form that will set you up for success:     

Planning!! Schedule your grocery trips Blocking!! Block off time for your meal prepping Tracking!! Record everything you eat. Write it down or add it to your food tracking app Doing!! Do a form of daily physical activity. You should form the habit of going for a walk or a bike ride every day. Educating!! Educate yourself – Read a fitness or nutrition article every single day.* *Example of above habit written in Habit statement format *After I complete my lunch, I will read a nutrition article on my smart phone. (Then set an alarm on your phone for the time you normally finish your lunch reminding you to read an article)

This process is challenging and it will take time! Focus on reforming your habits as it will be the best investment of your energy. If you reform your habits you will transform your body and maintain it forever. Summary Remember these keys to habit forming 

System – You have to make the habit forming process easy and seamless by creatively connecting the new desired habit to an already established habit.

Repetition – The more you consistently repeat this new behavior the more it is etched into your subconscious.

Patience – You have to approach this process understanding that it will probably take a while.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Understand that during this habit forming process you will have times where you forget and times that you “slip up”, both which are perfectly ok! The important thing is that you never give up on your efforts. Attack one habit at a time. You have the rest of your life to get this right. The goal is to develop habits that will ensure you live a long healthy and happy life. Habit forming affirmations I know this may feel weird or awkward but I want you to say these sentences aloud with conviction. “My goal is to develop habits that will ensure that I live a long healthy happy life” “I am not going on a diet; I am changing my relationship with food. I am improving my eating habits” “This is a life long journey that I’m embarking on, not an attempt at a quick fix” “It’s going to take a lifetime commitment to slowly changing my habits, to successfully acquire long-term health and wellness” “This is a marathon, not a sprint and I will choose my pace accordingly” I want you to approach this with the understanding that the verbiage you use when talking to yourself or others is more powerful than you think. So be mindful of how you say things (both in your head and aloud).

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Mental toughness and resiliency A major key to transforming your body is to develop mental toughness. Mental toughness can be defined as the ability to maintain the focus and determination to complete a course of action despite difficulty or consequences—to never quit, period. I attribute a big part of my success in weight-loss to my ability to endure being uncomfortable. I had to develop the discipline to withstand my mind telling me not to work out, or to eat the cheeseburger instead of my nutritiously prepared meal. You can have the best habit systems in place but when it comes down to it, you have to consistently take the action that aligns with your goal of body transformation. Developing mental toughness To develop mental toughness you have to be in tuned with yourself emotionally. You have to know the details of what makes you GO, your personal inner mechanics. You have to be able to control your emotions and not let them control you. Gaining that control starts with awareness. You must be aware of emotions and how they directly effect your actions. This awareness becomes a tool that allows you to strategize. It allows you to gain control in the MOMENT. Having control and awareness IS the strength. You no longer are a victim to impulsive decision-making. You are now a mentally tough person that is fully in control of your actions and crushes your goals like grapes. Mental toughness comes down to your why (see how the subjects interconnect?) What’s driving you? What’s fueling you? For me the Idea of creating the best life possible for my children drives me. My vision of being an active and in shape 70 year old drives me. Is your why something important enough to you that it will drive you to endure being uncomfortable? Is it more important to you than the temporary satisfaction of eating that cake or not going to the gym? The level of your dedication to your transformation typically lets you know if your “why” is effective.

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12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

NUTRITION TRAINING Welcome to the nutrition portion of the 12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program. My goal is to give easy to follow steps to set you up for success with your full body transformation. I’ve included a lot of valuable information in this portion and I hope you will be enlightened and educated. The 4 main steps of this guide provide the necessary information to get you on track with your nutrition. The steps are: Step 1: Calculate estimate calorie requirements Step 2: Identify your body type and choose your macro setting Step 3: Set-up your food-tracking app Step 4: Create your grocery list Prior to starting steps 1-4, you will find information on Reading Nutrition Labels, Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods, and Systematic Portion Control vs. Calorie Counting. This information will give you working knowledge of nutrition to assist you in making the best decisions with food. Nutrition will play the biggest role in the success of your full body transformation. You aren’t going to “go on a diet”, like you’ve done in the past. Your goal right now is to slowly improve your eating habits, and reform your relationship with food. This is a process that will take a lot longer than you think but that’s perfectly ok. You have the rest of your life to get this right. With the right adjustments to your nutrition in 12 weeks you will see a significant change in your body that will energize you. Not only will your body look different, but you will also be a healthier, stronger, and more productive version of yourself. This starts with learning the right foods to eat and most importantly HOW MUCH you should be eating. I have broken nutrition down in a very simple way, which will teach you the basics of what you need to know. The newly learned information will be used to jumpstart your transformation. However, I do advise you to do more personal research or even consult with a nutritionist. PLEASE NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EAT EVERY 2-3 HOURS. YOU CAN EAT AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. CARBS ARE NOT THE ENEMY. WHATS IMPORTANT IS THE AMOUNT OF CALORIES YOU’RE EATING, NOT TIME

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Reading Nutrition labels Learning how to read and understand food labels will help you make healthier choices. Here are some tips from the American Heart Association for making the most of the information on the Nutrition Facts label. Adapted from: https://healthyforgood.heart.org/eat-smart/articles/understanding-food-nutrition-labels

1 - Start with the serving information at the top of the label. This will tell you the size of a single serving and the total number of servings per container (package). 2 - Next, check total calories per serving. Pay attention to the calories per serving and how many servings you’re really consuming if you eat the whole package. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and nutrients .

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM 3 - Limit these nutrients. Limit the amounts of saturated fat and sodium you eat, and avoid trans-fat. Choose foods with less of these nutrients when possible. 4 - Get enough of these nutrients. Make sure you get enough of beneficial nutrients such as: dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and other nutrients you need every day. 5 - Quick guide to % Daily Value. The % Daily Value (DV) tells you the percentage of each nutrient in a single serving, in terms of the daily-recommended amount. As a guide, if you want to consume less of a nutrient (such as saturated fat or sodium), choose foods with a lower % DV — 5 percent or less. If you want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber) then seek foods with a higher % DV — 20 percent or more. **Remember that the information shown in these panels is based on 2,000 calories a day. You may need to consume less or more than 2,000 calories depending upon your age, gender, activity level, and whether you’re trying to lose, gain or maintain your weight. Whole Foods vs. Processed Foods Whole foods are defined as foods that have been processed or refined as little as possible and free from additives or other artificial substances. Processed food is the transformation of cooked ingredients, by physical or chemical means into food, or of food into other forms. Food processing combines raw food ingredients to produce marketable food products that can be easily prepared and served by the consumer. Had I known the difference between these 2 types of foods earlier in my transformation I would’ve saved myself months of mistakes and confusion. There’s a lot that can be written about these 2 types of foods, but here’s the part that will make the biggest impact on the way you think about them. Whole foods (when cooked with healthy methods) nourish and heal your body, while processed foods destroy your body. It may sound harsh but it is just truth. There are of course exceptions to every rule. Not all processed foods are harmful to your body. I definitely eat them; however the key is processed foods make up a small percentage of my diet. I eat them with awareness of what they do to my body, and this awareness is the key. I hate to confuse you, (hopefully it won’t) but when I say that I include processed foods in my diet, 75% of them are “Healthy” processed foods. I put quotes around “healthy” because what’s considered healthy varies from person to person.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Most of my processed calories come from protein powder, protein bars, protein pancake mixes, protein peanut butters, and artificial sweeteners. I personally call these “Healthy” foods in comparison to what I used to eat. So yes, compared to chocolate chip cookies and potato chips, protein powder and protein bars are considered healthy (but still processed) foods. I hope I didn’t lose you with that. If I did, send me an email to [email protected] with “You confused me” as the subject, and I’ll try my best to explain it to you. Systematic portion control vs. Calorie counting Nothing is more important than knowing how much to eat when your goal is a full body transformation. And since the mission for this program is to help you build a foundation of knowledge and habits that will set you up for long term success; it is only right that I explain to you the advantages and disadvantages of both. Systematic portion control is a method of controlling your caloric intake using a very deliberate system of sizing your portions. This approach simplifies weight loss and trains your body to adapt and function optimally (increased satiety and sufficient energy regulation) on reduced calories for fat loss.

The specific method of systematic portion control that I’m going to discuss is the hand size method of portion control. Your hand size is typically relative to our body size, which is said to make it the simplest yet most reliable way to estimate the proper portions size for fat loss.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Advantages  Fail proof way estimate a portion size for each meal  Doesn’t require tools, apps, or devices

Disadvantages  It’s not 100% accurate  There are no numbers (makes hard to make adjustments)  Doesn’t tell you how many meals you should be eating

Calorie counting is the most precise approach to weight management but also the biggest pain in the butt for most people struggling to lose weight all over the world. You do not have to count calories to lose weight. But if your goal is full body transformation (From beer belly to six pack) then calorie counting in some part, will be a requirement. I actually believe the best approach is an individually unique balance between calorie counting and the hand portion method, and I’ll explain this in detail in the next section. Advantages  It’s the only fat loss strategy that is virtually guaranteed to work  Gives you full and complete control over your calorie intake  Helps develops calorie awareness  Gives you a record of your intake

Disadvantages  Tedious  Numbers can become overwhelming  Requires several tools, apps, or devices

The Best approach My opinion on this subject and obviously every subject in the program is biased by the results my clients and I both have received with these techniques. I think the best approach is a hybrid method that lies somewhere between the systematic portion method and calorie counting. I’ve dealt with the inconvenience of calorie counting for almost 3 years. And though it was extremely challenging, and at times inconvenient, it was worth it. I’m now able to maintain or manipulate my body’s composition at will, without having to count a single calorie. I share this information with you to illustrate the power of calorie awareness. I probably continued to count calories way longer than I had to, so don’t think that you’ll have to turn the next 3 years of your life into a calorie counting nightmare.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Combining the methods I think calorie counting should be approached with the goal of developing calorie awareness in mind. I don’t think the expectation of life long calorie counting is practical, or realistic. Enter the world of calorie counting with an escape route planned, lol. Be extremely consistent, accurate and reliable with your tracking (calorie counting). And be EXTREMELY attentive to EVERY PART of your nutrition. After you measure your portions pay really close attention to what the serving sizes look like. Take a mental note of how much room each serving takes on your plate, how your stomach feels when you eat that particular serving size, how are your energy levels for the next 2 or 3 hours after eating. I know it sounds like a lot but try not to over think it. Just be aware. Pay attention to your body. It will give you all the signals you need. You want to be able to use the information you learn from calorie counting to develop your very own systematic portion control method, one that will be perfectly unique to you. This will take time to develop so patience and consistency are super important.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 1: Calculate/estimate calorie requirements How many calories should you eat? A calorie is the unit of measurement for energy. Calories are usually used to measure the energy content of food and beverages. In order to lose fat, you need to consume fewer calories than your body burns each day. This is the most important fat loss principal ever written. Creating a caloric deficit by regulating your caloric intake and increasing your physical activity is the principal that all fat loss information is based on. To determine a rough estimate of the calorie amount you should consume in order to lose body fat, you first have to determine what your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is. Your TDEE is the total number of calories you burn in a given 24-hour period. Take this number (your TDEE) and subtract 15-20%. You want to be sure to create a modest deficit, nothing too extreme. Dieting with extreme deficits can potentially cause big problems like muscle loss, low energy, and binging (Trust me I’ve experienced all three). I know fast weight loss sounds attractive, but if your goal is long-term mental and physical health I would pace myself with a modest calorie deficit. There are several online calculators you can use to get a rough idea of how many calories you should be consuming in order to lose body fat. These calculators should only be used as an estimate of where to start. You’ll ultimately have to pay attention to how your body responds (your energy, strength, sleep, etc.) to a particular amount of calories in order to set your calorie goal to the exact number for you (or you can hire a coach). There are hundreds of calorie calculators on the Internet, and their calorie suggestions are often drastically different from one to the next. I understand how this can be extremely confusing for an already frustrated person seeking dependable weight loss guidance; trust me I know the feeling. Below are links to the 3 calculators that I’ve found to be the most accurate: Bodybuilding.com - Calculator IIFYM - Calculator Precision Nutrition - Calculator I want you use all 3, (being 1000% honest about the responses), and calculate the average. For example if the 3 results calculated were 2800cal, 2400cal, and 2500cal, add all 3 figures together (7700) and divide that number by 3. That gives you 2566.66. This would be a great calorie estimate to start with. Again this number is just an educated guess. You’ll still need to test this number to see if it’s truly the right calorie amount for you. Record the calorie amount that you calculated as you’ll need it along with the macros you calculate in the next section.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Nutrients are divided into 2 categories: Macronutrients, and Micronutrients. To state it simply, macronutrients are needed by the body in large amounts and micronutrients are needed in smaller amounts. Macronutrients There are 3 main types of macronutrients carbohydrates, proteins & fats. The main function of macronutrients is to provide energy, and this energy is counted as calories. There are always at least 2 types of macronutrients in every food we eat. The only difference is how the macronutrients are balanced. For example a 5-ounce chicken breast is about 92% protein and 8% fat, while a slice of whole wheat bread is 70% carbs, 25% protein and 7% fats. Each macronutrient plays a different role in the body and each of our bodies responds differently to them. This is why we should tailoring diets to our individual body type. (I’ll help you figure out your body type in the next section) Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers, found in fruit, grains, vegetables and dairy products. The main function of the carbohydrate is to serve as our body’s primary source of energy, which is why it’s important to eat enough of the RIGHT kinds of carbohydrates and there are the 2 main types. Simple/refined carbohydrates Sugar, honey, fruit, and fruit juices, white breads and pastas, these are the carbs that you want to limit to a very small amount. Complex carbohydrates Foods made from whole grains such as oatmeal, pasta, and whole-grain breads, starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, pumpkin, beans, lentils, and peas. These are the type of carbs that should be your primary source. Protein Protein’s main function is to repair and regenerate body tissue and cells. So when you lift weights, the tiny tares that you create in your muscle are recovered and restored by the protein that you eat. This is why its super important to have enough protein in your diet. Fats Fats are a very misunderstood macronutrient. Despite their name, fats don’t make you fat, too many calories do. Fats are a very essential part of any healthy diet. They’re used as a backup source of energy, they maintain the body’s core temperature, and they help absorb nutrients from the foods you eat.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Micronutrients Micronutrients are those little letters numbers and fancy words that we see on nutrition labels but most of us ignore. Examples are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, sodium, zinc, vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K, as well as biotin, folic acid, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and thiamin. Blah blah blah right? Let me try to explain in a way that’ll really give you context of how important micronutrients are. Vitamins activate protein enzymes that cause biological reactions in our body. Meaning that all of our bodily functions, the energy we need to walk and talk, the digestion of our food, the air going into our lungs, all of these activities are made possible by micronutrients. Those little fancy letter and number combinations are essential for the proper functioning of every system in the body and are vital for good health. There are two classes of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Each vitamin and mineral has a specific role in bodily function.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 2: Identify your body type and choose your macro setting Identifying your body type

Ectomorph: Naturally thin, with skinny limbs. Their activity preference is generally endurance exercise. An Ectomorph will most likely will struggle to pack on muscle. They typically have fast metabolisms and high carbohydrate tolerance. This group usually does well with higher carb, moderate protein and moderate fat diets. 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat Mesomorph: Naturally muscular and athletic. Their activity preference is generally bodybuilding and/or relative strength exercise. A Mesomorph will have a solid muscular foundation, and will stay relatively lean when eating properly. Mesomorphs typically do best on a diet consisting of balanced carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. A macronutrient split of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, and 30% fat can work well for fat loss. Endomorph: Naturally broad and thick. Their activity preference is generally absolute strength exercise. An Endomorph will usually have relatively easy time packing on muscle, but may struggle with fat loss, specifically in the abdominal region. Endomorphs typically do best on a higher fat and protein diet with carbohydrate intake being lower than the previous 2 body types mentioned. A macro split of 25% carbs, 35% protein, and 40% fat should work well for an endomorph.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Setting your Macros Now that you’ve identified your body type, it’s time to set your macronutrient ratio (the percentage of carbs, fats, and protein that you eat daily). Each body type has different carb tolerances, insulin tolerances, metabolic rates, and so on. Use the guide below to find the suggested macronutrient split for your body type. Keep in mind that these are only estimated figures. Don’t over think or stress about the numbers too much. Focus mainly on creating a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you burn. Estimated figures based on body type: Ectomorph 50% carbs 30% protein 20% fat Mesomorph 40% carbs, 30% protein 30% fat Endomorph 25% carbs, 35% protein 40% fat

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 3: Set-up your food-tracking app Now that you’ve calculated your estimated daily calorie intake goal and you’ve identified your body type and macros ratio, let’s get started using one of my favorite web based food tracking apps, MyFitnessPal. My Fitness Pal MyFitnessPal is a free smartphone app and website that helps you keep track of your daily food and beverage intake, calculating all your nutrients, calories, and vitamins for you with certain elements built in to keep you motivated. The accountability of having to count every single morsel of food that you put into your head is going to be a game changer, but only if you are 1000% honest. I don’t care if you slip up and eat 3 Big Macs, YOU HAVE TO ENTER IT INTO THE APP. It’s VERY important to set up principal guidelines in your transformation journey that will set you up for success and keep you honest. At this point in your journey tracking EVERYTHING you eat is paramount. To accurately measure and track your food it is highly recommended to invest in a food scale, and measuring cups (pictured below).

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Setting up your MyFitnessPal profile The My Fitness Pal app helped me significantly with my personal transformation, so I do suggest you invest time in learning about all the helpful features. But for the sake of keeping this nutrition guide simple I’m going to teach you the basics of what you need to know. Step 1: Download the “My Fitness Pal” application from your app store, and set up your account.

Step 2: Follow the prompts to the screen pictured here. Ignore their calorie suggestion. It most likely doesn’t align with the number you calculated. Don’t panic, it will all work out!

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 3: Cycle through the next few screens until you get to the home screen (pictured). Follow the arrow and tap the more button.

Step 4: Tap “Goals”

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 5: Tap “Calorie & Macronutrient goals”. Enter your calories and your Macro nutrient ratio that you calculated from the previous section of the guide.

Step 6: Return to previous screen. Tap “steps”

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Be sure the “Don’t track steps” section is checked. This will simplify everything for you. When the step counter is activated the app adds calories for activity and right now were keeping things SIMPLE so we don’t need the confusion that this feature adds.

Step 7: Add your first meal, from the home screen tap “+” button and follow the prompts to search.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 8: After searching your item, you’ll arrive at the screen pictured right. I like to switch the serving size to 1oz for everything (when applicable) I track, and adjust the serving size to the number of ounces the food weighs.

Step 9: After entering your items scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap “Nutrition” **This will bring you to what I believe is the most important screen on the app. This screen outlines all of the important numbers in an easy to read screen.**

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

On the nutrition screen: “Total” tells you how much of that particular nutrient that you’ve consumed; “Goal” is the amount that you want to consume for the day; and “Left” is the amount you have to intake in order to reach your goal. I would focus predominantly on your protein, carb, and fat intake. If you’re eating a diet of at least 80% unprocessed foods and you’re getting the recommended 5-9 servings of vegetables and fruit (mostly vegetables) you won’t have to think much about the other nutrients on this screen. Just be sure you’re not heavy handed with the salt and/or salt seasonings and you’ll be fine (unless you have medical issues that require sodium restrictions). Remember our goal is to make this process SIMPLE and easy to stick to. The less you have to think about the better.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Step 4: Create your grocery list One thing that I learned very early in my journey was to NEVER go to the grocery store without a very detailed shopping list. A shopping list helps keep you disciplined with your purchases, as well as saves you time, and money! Let’s get ready to go shopping! First, figure out an eating schedule that works for you. You want this to be as easy and effortless as possible. If you don’t like breakfast, fine, don’t eat breakfast. If your job makes it difficult to eat every 3 hours, fine, don’t eat every 3 hours. Assess the flow of your day and figure out an eating schedule that works best. This schedule may change from day to day, and that is 1000% fine. This is just a guideline that will help you plan your grocery list. You want to tailor this list to YOU! Things to consider    

Number of meals per day Variation vs. repeating meals Budget Preferences

My personal grocery list (2 week supply) 3 types of meat (Usually chicken breast, fish, and lean ground Turkey) 3 types of carbohydrates (Red potato, sweet potato, and amaranth) 3 types of snacks (Greek yogurt, Protein bars, Rice cakes) 2 types of fruit (apples and avocado) 2 Types of vegetable (Broccoli and spinach) Breakfast (I eat oat meal and eggs everyday) Peanut butter Low sugar jelly Low sugar ketchup

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Grocery list ideas Proteins

Carbohydrates Fats

Chicken Breast

Red Potatoes

Chicken thighs


Ground Turkey (97% lean or better)

100% wholewheat bread, wraps, English muffins etc.

Ground Chicken


Fish (white fish has less fat)

Sweet Potatoes

Steak (Lean cuts)

Brown Rice

Eggs (yellows are ok if you’re tracking your fats)





Condiments Snacks /Other Sugar Rice Nuts Spinach Apple free/reduced cakes sugar jelly Nut Protein Kale Berries Green Tea butters bars Mustard Low Coconut Grape (Honey Broccoli calorie Oil fruit mustard is Popcorn ok) Reduced Light Avocado Zucchini Grapes sodium soy string sauce cheese Whipped Turkey Olive Oil Squash Orange cream jerky Low calorie Balsamic Dark Mushroom Avocado salad vinaigrette chocolate dressing Cottage Low fat Stevia Mozzarella Carrot Mango cheese (sweetener) Cheese Flax, chia





Greek yogurt

This list of foods barely scratches the surface. These are just some of the foods that I enjoy most. Take time to explore the world of healthy food. Don’t be afraid to try new things. Just like every other part of the process, building your grocery list is something that will get better with time and practice. Make mistakes, learn from them, and then adjust. Please remember, nutrition is the most important factor in a body transformation. Don’t just “go on a diet”. Focus on your habits, and reforming your relationship with food. Structuring your grocery list On the next page you’ll find a form to help you organize your grocery list. Get some ideas from the food items that I listed above. Note: to make it easier for you to track your food, I’ve divided the grocery list form by macros, Carbs, Fats, Proteins, etc.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM GROCERY LIST






Condiments Other

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM You’re ready to go!! You have your calories and macro estimates setup in “My Fitness Pal” and your grocery list prepared! Please keep in mind these figures are estimates based on where you are currently and will require adjusting as you lose weight. If you need further guidance visit www.brixfitness.com/online-coaching and choose a coaching package that fits your needs! Listen to your body I believe the human body is one of the most awe-inspiring creations ever made. In one hour, your heart produces enough energy to raise a ton of steel 3 feet off the ground. Our natural abilities to adapt, adjust, grow, shrink, build strength, endure stress are simply amazing. Our bodies have natural mechanisms built inside that are designed to keep us alive. They give us feedback in such a detailed way that it’ll blow your mind and change your life once you develop the awareness of the signals. You’re the boss of your body, but in order to get it to do what you want; you have to communicate with it effectively. How well would you respond if your boss rushed, abused and expected you to do things that just weren’t safe or responsible? When you’re doing the right things your body will feel good, inversely if you’re doing the wrong things it will respond negatively. So, when it comes to your workouts and the amount of food you’re eating, pay attention to the signals that your body is giving you. Below is a list of the main signals to look for: Appearance- your skin and eyes will be clearer. Your hair and nails may grow faster and become stronger and healthier; Energy levels- You will feel elevated levels of energy throughout the day, as well as through the evening. You will slowly start becoming more excited about your workouts; Sleep quality- You will fall asleep easier and wake up feeling extremely rested and restored; Strength- you will feel strong and your progression will be swift (in the beginning); Mood- You will literally start to feel like a better version of you. Your relationships, your communication and your performance in every area of your life will improve.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Tracking Your Progress My issue with the scale Tracking and documenting the progress of your transformation will be extremely important. But the last thing you want to do is obsess over that stupid number on the scale. The scale is one of THE WORST ways to track your progress so my advice would be to weigh yourself once, in the beginning of your transformation and then get the scale OUT OF YOUR HOUSE!! Take back your power from the scale. There are a lot of factors and variables that contributes to that number on the scale. You can be doing “everything right” and the reading on the scale can fluctuate dramatically from day to day. I’ve on many occasions fell victim to the “How Can This Be?” moment. When you jump on the scale after a long week of consistent challenging exercise and laser focused nutrition, only to see that the scale didn’t budge an inch or even may have gone up a pound or two. Scale factors to consider  Muscle gain  Glycogen stores  Water retention\depletion

 Menstrual cycle (women)  Dehydration

Simply setting a goal of full body transformation isn’t enough to get it done by itself. You need a system of accountability and progress monitoring setup, to ensure that you are steadily improving toward your goal. It makes it a lot harder to remain motivated when you don’t know whether or not your efforts are working. Great ways to track progress  Tape measurements  Photos  Video

   

The mirror Clothing fit Sleep quality Strength

  

Skin Mood Confidence

Your baseline Before photos, videos and measurements are going to play a key role in your full body transformation. I remember the feeling of excitement after taking new photos and comparing them to my old ones. Watching my body change every month was the most amazing feeling I’d ever experienced. It became my addiction. Get your spouse or a friend to help you measure your body with a tape measure. Be sure to use a method of measurement that you will be able to recreate to ensure the accuracy of your measurements. Measure your chest, stomach (around the belly button), waist, arms and thighs. Also take before photos, one from the front, side and rear. And also grab a quick 30 second video of yourself and say a few words to the camera about how you’re feeling, be sure to bid farewell to your old body. Back to TOP

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

EXERCISE & RESISTANCE TRAINING Welcome to the exercise and resistance training portion of the 12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program. This program is designed to lay the foundation for safe & efficient functional training for people looking to transform their body. It mainly comprises of full body workouts using the fundamental compound exercises as well as circuit training workouts designed to burn fat and strengthen your body. Read the entire program before beginning. Take notes, and be sure to research anything that you that you don’t fully understand. The first 6 weeks of the program will be comprised of 3 full body resistance-training days, 2 cardio days and 2 active rest days a week. The last 6 weeks will be comprised of 2 full body resistance-training days, 1 circuit-training day and 2 cardio sessions a week. The key terms listed below will be beneficial to learn and understand. Knowledge is essential to any exercise and training program. Key Terms Rep- The number of times to repeat a specific exercise. (Short for repetition) Sets- The number of cycles of reps to complete. Tempo- Is the rate or pace that a lift\activity is performed. The tempo is usually broken down into 3 parts.  The concentric (upward motion or positive) part of the lift  The mid-point or bottom of the lift.  The eccentric (lowering or negative) part of the lift.  3-1-2 is normally a good tempo for beginners. (3 seconds down, 1 second at the bottom and 2 seconds up. Please don’t not stress about the tempo of your lift. This information has been included purely for educational purposes. Please just focus on performing slow and controlled repetitions. AMRAP- As many reps as possible. Do as many reps as you can perform with perfect form. Once you have to compromise your form to complete a repetition, stop.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Rep Range- The range of repetitions to perform for a specific workout out or exercise. For example, perform approximate 9-12 reps for each set. The specific amount of reps perform depends on how your muscles perform during that set. Active Rest Day- This is a day that you are not scheduled to workout but you still will perform a light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, playing with dog/kids, etc.). Active rest days have a couple of functions:  Helps to stimulate the recovery process;  Helps you feel less sore and stiff;  Burns calories, preventing a caloric surplus; and  Reinforces the habit of daily physical activity Program Rep Ranges There are 3 rep ranges that you’ll be training within during the program: Weeks 1-4 - 12-15 reps Weeks 5-8 - 9-12 reps Weeks 9-12 - 6-8 reps For this program, if the workout asks you to perform 3 sets of “12-15”, your goal should be to find a weight that you can perform 12 (the lower end of your rep range) slow and controlled reps with great form, that causes what I like to call “comfortable fatigue”. “Comfortable fatigue” is going to feel differently for each individual. If I had to describe the feeling, it is when your muscles feel perfectly challenged for your level of experience. Not overly challenged but not under challenged. Again, you want to start off shooting for the lower number in your rep range. This leaves room for progression without having to add weight. For example, each rep range of the program is performed for 4 weeks. If during week one you’re able to perform 3 sets of 12 bicep curls with a 15lb dumbbell, your goal should be to perform 15 reps using the same weight by the week 4. Modifications If there are any exercises in this program that you can’t perform due to injury or limited range of motion, do an Internet search using “modification for [insert exercise]” Comparable exercises The workouts are designed to be effective fat burning workouts that get you and in and out of the gym in about an hour. The key to achieving this is keeping your rest times low and to transition through exercises in a timely manner. If an exercise station is unavailable, it is ok and recommended to choose another exercise that works the same body parts.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Cardio for your body type In the nutrition portion of the program body types were introduced, here is a review:  Ectomorphs- (Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle). Higher intensity cardio would be most effective for you.  Mesomorph- (Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells). Interval cardio would be effective for you.  Endomorphs- (Big, high body fat, often pear-shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat). Steady state cardio would be effective for you. Body Types:

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM LET’S GET TO WORK – BRIX STYLE!!! I’m going to talk about weight training in the order that the topics would arise if you were walking into the gym. It may be different from any other program you may have tried, but it’s the Brix Fitness way of thinking! Just like the previous sections, I am talking to you and with you, hear my voice and follow me as we begin the resistance portion of the program. First, you want to warm up your body, next you want to perform some dynamic stretching routines, and then you want to warm up your muscles with 1-2 warm-up sets for each major muscle group and finally you’d go into your working sets.     

Warmup Dynamic stretching Warm up sets Working sets o Picking your weight o Form, control, tempo Static stretching

Warming Up Alright! You put your gym bag away in the locker. You got your favorite playlist playing in your headphones. Now it’s time to warm-up! Your warm-up routine can involve any activity that increases the heart rate slowly and gets the blood flowing through your muscles (cardio machine, jump rope and/or body weight movements). This helps prevent injury & gets your mind and body ready for your workout. Dynamic Stretching Dynamic stretching is active movement that prepares your muscles and joints for workout. This DOESN’T involve holding your stretch. Stretches that you hold are called static stretches. Warm-up sets To prepare your major muscle groups (upper and/or lower), perform 2 sets of the first exercise as warm-up sets (2 sets in addition to your working 2-5 sets) Example using working set of 80lbs: First warm-up set of 10-15 reps - 50% of your working set weight – 40lbs Second warm-up set should be performed at about 65% of your working set - 65lbs 2-5 Working Sets – 80lbs

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM If you don’t really know what weight your working sets will be performed, use a rough estimation. (It’s better to guess low than to guess high, use caution while you’re learning your body’s abilities and limits). You’re working to get the target muscles warm and working in coordination. Doing these warm up sets lubricates your joints, increases your core temperature, which are super important for injury prevention. Picking your weight You have warmed up your body and muscles, now it’s time to get to work! Picking the right amount of weight is a skill that you will develop over time. As you get more experience grabbing the right amount of weight will become second nature. My goal is to give you the information to help guide you to choosing the correct and safe weight for your specific workout goal. There’s an inverse relationship between the amount of weight and the number of repetitions. This means that the more repetitions you’re shooting for in a particular set the less weight you’ll be lifting. For a set of 20 reps I would chose a much lighter weight than I would for a set of 8. There will be a little guessing involved with choosing weight in the beginning, but eventually you’ll develop your personal technique. First guess: Choose a weight heavier than your warm up set (ex. If I warm-up with a 130lb bench press, my first guess would be about 160lbs for a set of 12-15 repetitions) * Try 1 or 2 repetitions. If it feels like you can perform the lower amount of your targeted rep range (12) then complete your first set with that weight. *If you were able to achieve 12 reps with good form, but you feel like you could’ve performed 3 or 4 more reps with good form, your weight was too light. You should increase your weight slightly. *If you were unable to achieve 12 reps with good form, your weight was too heavy and you should decrease your weight slightly. During your first few workouts choose a weight that you can perform the lower number of your rep range (12 if your target rep range is 12-15) with good form until you feel comfortably fatigued. The last few reps of your set should be difficult but you should still have been able to execute them with good form. * Shooting for the lower number in your rep range leaves room for progression without having to add weight. As your muscles gets stronger and you’ll be able to push your boundaries of fatigue a little more.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Form The most important aspect of working out is actually being able to work out. You can’t exercise if you’re injured. And proper form is the number one factor that goes into injury prevention. We all heard the saying “practice makes perfect” but with weight lifting “perfect practice makes perfect”. With every single repetition you perform, you are burning that particular movement pattern into your nervous system. You want to be sure that you’re practicing the right movements that will allow you to effectively train your body. Progression The goal with weight training is slow progression through safe overload. What this means is you want to continually increase the demand that you place on your body during your workouts. In order for our body’s to change we have to be sure that we challenge our muscular system in such a way that we stimulate muscle growth and strength improvements. To state it as simple as possible, building muscle helps your body burn fat, in order to build muscle and get stronger, you have to make sure your muscles work harder and harder. The moment your workouts become “comfortable” or “easy”, expect your progress to stop. Progression is caused by progressive overload. Ways to increase over load include:  Heavier weights/increased resistance  Increase repetition count  Increased overall training volume (volume = sets x reps)  Decreased rest time  Manipulation of tempo For this program, if the workout asks you to perform 3 sets of “10-12”, your goal should be to find a weight that you can perform 10 (the lower end of your rep range) slow and controlled reps with great form, that causes what I like to call “comfortable fatigue”. “Comfortable fatigue” is going to feel differently for each individual. If I had to describe the feeling, it is when your muscles feel perfectly challenged for your level of experience. Not overly challenged but not under challenged. Again, you want to start off shooting for the lower number in your rep range. This leaves room for progression without having to add weight.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM When to add weight? As your muscles get stronger you’ll be able to push your boundaries of fatigue a little more. Each workout, attempt to perform one or two additional reps until you have reached the upper repetition range (12 if your targeted range is 10-12), after you’re able to increase the amount of reps you’re able to perform at a particular weight from the lower end of the rep range to the higher end of the rep range, you then increase your weight by 5 to 10%. Choose your progression If weeks 1-4 are comfortable for you and you enjoy your workout and it encourages you to be consistent then stay on weeks 1-4 program until you are ready to progress to weeks 48. Be sure to progress at your own speed. Remember consistency is way more important than intensity. The more consistent you are the more likely exercise will become a habit. And there’s not a more life changing habit than exercise.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Stretching routine

Chest Stretch

Hip flexor stretch

Shoulder stretch

Abdomen Stretch

Knee to chest stretch

Sitting hamstring stretch

Standing quad stretch

Video demonstration  Brix

Fitness Stretching Routine

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Training calendar Weeks 1-4 M



Weeks 5-8















Weeks 9-12 M



KEY - Active rest - Full Body resistance workout - Circuit workout - Rest day - Cardio day - Stretching


12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Exercise List & Video Guide A listing of the exercise and resistance movements that will be utilized in the program is below; use it as a guide as you move through each day. Exercises are linked to video demonstrations from www.bodybuilding.com, www.exrx.net, and www.youtube.com.

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program Exercise List and Video Guide Alternating Front and Lateral Raises

Cable Rope Curls

Dumbbell Squat and Curl

Incline Bench Press

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Arnold Press

Cable Standing Incline Fly

Dumbbell Squat Thrusters

Jumping Jacks

Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Assisted Pull-ups

Cross Body Mountain Climbers

Elbow Plank

Jumping Jack Press

Straight leg Deadlift

Back Squat

Crunch on Swiss Ball

Hanging Knee Raise

Leg Extension

Squatted Curl

Barbell Curl

Curl and Press

Farmer's Walk

Leg Press

Stretching Routine

Bent-over Barbell Rows


Flat Bench Press

Military Press


Bird Dogs

Dumbbell Bent-over row

Hammer Curls




Dumbbell Chest Press Swiss Ball

Hamstring Curls

Renegade Row

Two Dumbbell Rows


Dumbbell Curl

Heel Touch

Seated Cable Row

Wall Sit

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

High Knees

Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull In

Warmup Routine

Cable Pull Down (Wide Grip)

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 1 – 84 (12 Weeks) Day 1 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Bent over barbell rows Barbell curl

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec

Back squat




60-90 sec

Hamstring curl




60-90 sec

Standard plank


Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 2 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio).

Day 3 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 4 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Military press Cable Rope curls Deadlift Push ups Bird dogs Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3



60-90 sec

3 3

12-15 12-15

3/1/2 3/1/2

60-90 sec 60-90 sec

3 2 3

12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec AMRAP 60-90 sec 2x16 Slow 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip

Modify if needed 8 reps each leg Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 5 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 6 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Cable Row (close grip) Barbell upright row Leg Press Hamstring curl Quad extension Standard plank (Push up position) Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 3 3

12-15 12-15 12-15


40 sec

3/1/2 3/1/2 3/1/2

Coaching Tip

60-90 sec 60-90 sec 60-90 sec 60-90 sec

COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 7 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research “Compound Movements”.

Day 8 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Barbell Rows Curl and press Back squat Calf raise machine Standard plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration Coaching Tip 1 5 min Try to break a sweat 1 10 sec 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 10 sec 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 10 sec 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest Coaching Tip 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec Stretch calves between sets to 3 15-20 3/1/2 60-90 sec prevent cramping. 3 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration Coaching Tip 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 9 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 10

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Assisted pull up Barbell curl Leg Press Dead lift Standard plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip (Pronated/overhand grip)

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 11 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio).

Day 12 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 13 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat dumbbell press Seated cable row (close grip) Hammer curl

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2



60-90 sec




60-90 sec

Leg Press




60-90 sec

Quad extension Standard plank

3 3

Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip

Pushup position Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 14 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research “Caloric deficits, and how they cause fat loss. ”.

Day 15 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Dumbbell lateral raise Barbell curl Back squat Hamstring curl machine Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 40 sec 60-90 sec 2 12 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 16 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 17 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Cable pull down (wide grip) Curl and press Tricep rope pull down

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3



60-90 sec

3 3

12-15 12-15

3/1/2 3/1/2

60-90 sec 60-90 sec





60-90 sec

Goblet squats Standard plank

3 3

Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 18 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio).

Day 19

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 20 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable Standing incline fly Seated cable row (wide grip) Hammer curl

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3



60-90 sec




60-90 sec

Leg Press




60-90 sec

Back Squat




60-90 sec

Quad extensions


Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 21 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research the effects of training in different rep ranges. Day 22

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Assisted pull-up Barbell curl Overhead tricep extension Back squat Hamstring curl machine Standard Plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 12 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

(Push up position) Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 23

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 24 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Curl and press Deadlift Leg press Push-ups Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3



60-90 sec

3 3 3

12-15 12-15 12-15

3/1/2 3/1/2 3/1/2

60-90 sec 60-90 sec

2 2

AMRAP 3/1/2 60-90 sec 15 3/1/2 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 25 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio). Day 26

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 27 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Seated cable row (wide grip) Leg Press Leg extension Hamstring curl Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3



60-90 sec

3 3

12-15 12-15

3/1/2 3/1/2

60-90 sec 60-90 sec

3 2

12-15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 15 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 28 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research processed foods vs. unprocessed foods. Day 29 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Two Dumbbell Rows Curl and press Tricep rope pull-down Back squat Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 30 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 31

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Barbell curl Military press Deadlift Quad extensions Push ups Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 3 3 3 3 2



60-90 sec

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec AMRAP 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip Pronated (overhand) grip

Modify if needed Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 32 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio). Day 33

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 34

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline dumbbell press Cable Row (close grip) Hammer curl

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec

Leg Press


Hamstring curl Forearm plank

3 3

Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch



Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

60-90 sec

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 45 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 35 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research the role of carbohydrates in the body. Day 36 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Barbell Rows Dumbbell lateral raise Back squat Leg press Standard plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 45 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 37 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 38 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Seated DB shoulder press Standing Dumbbell curls Deadlift Standard Pushup Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 2 2 2 2 3



Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

60-90 sec

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec AMRAP 120 sec 40 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 39 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio).

Day 40 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 41 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Seated cable row (close grip) Barbell curl Leg Press Bridge Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2



60-90 sec




60-90 sec

3 3

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 20 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 42 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research “metabolic training” Day 43

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat dumbbell press One arm dumbbell Rows Barbell curl Back squat Hamstring curl machine Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 15 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 44 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

CARDIO/MOBILITY Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 45

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Curl and press Deadlift

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3



60-90 sec

3 3

9-12 9-12

3/1/2 3/1/2

60-90 sec 60-90 sec

Leg extension machine




60-90 sec

Hamstring curl machine Forearm plank

3 3

Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 45 sec 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 46 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio).

Day 47 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 48

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press Seated cable row (wide grip) Hammer curls Seated overhead tricep extension Back Squat Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3



60-90 sec




60-90 sec




60-90 sec

3 3

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 15 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 49 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research “Micronutrients”.

Day 50 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Curl and press Tricep rope pull-down Barbell curl Back squat Elbow Plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 2 45 sec 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 51

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

CARDIO/MOBILITY Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 52 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Cable pull down (wide grip) Barbell curl Dumbbell lateral raise Deadlift Push-ups Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 3 3 3 2 2



Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

60-90 sec

9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec AMRAP 3/1/2 60-90 sec 15 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 53 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform at least 30 minutes of light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio). Day 54 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 55

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench Cable row (wide grip) Leg press Leg extension Hamstring curl Super man Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 9-12 60 sec 2 20 COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 56 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research “Meal timing”.

Day 57

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench press One arm dumbbell row Goblet squat Barbell curl Forearm Plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 2 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 2 45 sec 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 58 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 59 WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Exercise Sets Duration Coaching Tip Cardio 1 7 min Try to break a sweat FULL BODY CIRCUIT WORKOUT (REPEAT EACH CIRCUIT 3X) Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Coaching Tip Controll Be sure to push yourself! Push-ups 5-10 0 sec ed Controll Bench dips 5-10 0 sec ed Controll High knee 40 sec 0 sec ed REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Controll Body Weight Squat 20 0 sec ed Forearm plank 30 sec 0 sec Alternating Front & Lateral Controll Use 5-15lb dumbbells 20 total 0 sec Raises ed REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Controll Use 0-15lb dumbbells Renegade row 8 total 0 sec ed Controll Use 5-15lb dumbbells Squatted curl 12 0 sec ed Controll High Knee 40 sec 0 sec ed REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Slight incline/ @ a safe Controll Treadmill sprints 30 sec 0 sec challenging speed ed Controll Superman 10 0 sec ed REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 2X COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Stretch Sets Duration Coaching Tip Chest Stretch 1 30 sec Shoulder stretch 1 30 sec Abdomen Stretch 1 30 sec Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 60 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform a light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio)

Day 61 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 62

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Military press Dead Lift Leg press Hanging knee raise Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 2 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 2 AMRAP 60-90 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 63 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research the effects of training in different rep ranges.

Day 64

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline Dumbbell press Bent over barbell rows Barbell curl Back squat Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 65 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

CARDIO/MOBILITY Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 66 You’ll need an exercise ball as well as dumbbells for this workout. Use weights that challenge you on every single set, but allow you to recover in less than 40 seconds in between sets. You want to keep your heart rate between 70-90% at all times. WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Exercise Sets Duration Coaching Tip Cardio 1 7 min Try to break a sweat FULL BODY CIRCUIT WORKOUT (REPEAT EACH CIRCUIT 3X) Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Coaching Tip Be sure to push yourself! Body weight squat 20 Controlled 0 sec Jumping jacks 30 Controlled 0 sec Push-ups 5-10 Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Bird Dog 20 Controlled 0 sec Dumbbell Wood Chop 30 sec Controlled 0 sec Stability Ball Hamstring 15 total Controlled 0 sec Curl REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Dumbbell Chest Press Use 0-15lb dumbbells 15 total Controlled 0 sec Swiss Ball Use 5-15lb dumbbells Swiss ball crunch 20 Controlled 0 sec Star Jump 10 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X T-Pushups 8 total Controlled 0 sec Half Burpee 20 Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 2X COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Stretch Sets Duration Coaching Tip Chest Stretch 1 30 sec Shoulder stretch 1 30 sec Abdomen Stretch 1 30 sec Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 67 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform a light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio)

Day 68 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 69

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench Seated shoulder press Dumbbell curls Leg press Calve raise machine Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 9-12 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 15 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 70 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research the role of sleep in weight loss. Day 71 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench press Bent over barbell rows Dumbbell curls Tricep Rope pull-down Back squat Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 10 3/1/2 60-90 sec 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 60 sec COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 72

Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

CARDIO/MOBILITY Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 73 WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Exercise Sets Duration Coaching Tip Cardio 1 7 min Try to break a sweat FULL BODY CIRCUIT WORKOUT (REPEAT EACH CIRCUIT 3X) Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Coaching Tip Be sure to push yourself! Push-ups 5-10 Controlled 0 sec Bench dips 5-10 Controlled 0 sec High knee 40 sec Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Mountain Climbers 30 Controlled 0 sec Use 15-30lb dumbbells Bent-Over Dumbbell Row 15 Controlled 0 sec Standing Overhead Use 10-25lb dumbbells 20 Controlled 0 sec Dumbbell Tricep Extension REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Use 0-15lb dumbbells Leg Press 15 Controlled 0 sec Calf Raise on Leg Press Use 5-15lb dumbbells 15 Controlled 0 sec Machine Forearm plank 40 sec 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Use 5-15lb dumbbells Squat thrusters 12 Controlled 0 sec Superman 15 Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Stretch Sets Duration Coaching Tip Chest Stretch 1 30 sec Shoulder stretch 1 30 sec Abdomen Stretch 1 30 sec Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 74 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform a light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio)

Day 75 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 76 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat Bench Cable pull down (Wide grip) Military press Stiff leg Deadlift Push-ups Hanging knee raise Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 3 3 2 2



Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

2-3 min

6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min AMRAP AMRAP COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 77 Rest day Exercise your mind today. Research the effects of training in different rep ranges. Day 78 Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Incline bench One arm dumbbell row Overhead tricep extensions Barbell curl Back squat Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 3 3 3



Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

2-3 min

6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min` 45 COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM DAY 79 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

DAY 80 WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Exercise Sets Duration Coaching Tip Cardio 1 7 min Try to break a sweat FULL BODY CIRCUIT WORKOUT (REPEAT EACH CIRCUIT 3X) Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Coaching Tip Be sure to push yourself! Push-ups 5-10 Controlled 0 sec Bench dips 5-10 Controlled 0 sec High knee 40 sec Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Air squats 30 Controlled 0 sec Use 15-30lb dumbbells Farmer’s walk 15 Controlled 0 sec Z Bar Deadlift with Row Use 10-25lb dumbbells 20 Controlled 0 sec and Curl REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Use 5-20lb dumbbells Squat Thrusts 15 Controlled 0 sec 8 each side Bird Dog 16 Controlled 0 sec Superman 15 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X Alternating Front and Use 5-15lb dumbbells 12 Controlled 0 sec Lateral Raises Burpees 8 Controlled 0 sec REST 2 MINUTES & REPEAT 3X COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Stretch Sets Duration Coaching Tip Chest Stretch 1 30 sec Shoulder stretch 1 30 sec Abdomen Stretch 1 30 sec Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM DAY 81 ACTIVE REST DAY Perform a light active activity (walking, swimming, hiking, sports, playing with dog/kids, light cardio) Day 82 Exercise Cardio Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

Sets Duration 1 30 min COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip A sweaty shirt is the goal! Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Day 83

Exercise Cardio Small Arm circles Medium Arm Circles Large Arm Circles Walking toe reach Toy soldiers Incline/standard pushup Back slaps Standing Hip Circles Standing torso twist Exercise Flat bench Bent over barbell row Back squat Quad extension Hamstring curl Forearm plank Stretch Chest Stretch Shoulder stretch Abdomen Stretch Hip flexor stretch Knee to chest stretch Sitting hamstring stretch Standing quad stretch

WARM-UP/ DYNAMIC STRETCHES Sets Duration 1 5 min 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 10 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 10-15 1 20 sec 1 15 sec 1 30 sec FULL BODY RESISTANCE WORKOUT Sets Reps Tempo Rest 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 6-8 3/1/2 2-3 min 3 45 COOL DOWN/STATIC STRETCHING Sets Duration 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 30 sec 1 1 1 1

30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec

Coaching Tip Try to break a sweat 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward 1 set fwd. 1 set backward

Incline or standard

Coaching Tip

Coaching Tip

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Day 84 Rest day

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program complete!!!

Congratulations! It has been a long 12 weeks but you completed the program! Make sure to upload and tag me in your transformation pictures on all social-media platforms! I am very proud of your accomplishment and change! Now, this is just the beginning of your life-changing fitness journey. Continue to invest in yourself and the outcomes will continue to amaze you. Keep it up!

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

HABIT ASSESSMENT FORM 1. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat in a day? a. None b. 1-2 c. 3-4 d. 5 or more 2. How often do you eat “junk” foods? a. 3 or more times a day b. 7 or more times per week c. 1-2 times a day d. Seldom (less than 3x a week) or never 3. How often do you eat at a restaurant or take out each week? a. 7 or more meals per week b. 4-6 meals per week c. 2-3 meals per week d. 1 or fewer per week 4. How many 8oz servings of soda (non diet), juice, or sweetened drinks (Gatorade, Snapple, Kool-aide, etc.) do you drink in a day? a. More than 3 8oz b. 2-3 8oz Serving c. 1 8oz Serving d. less than 1 8oz Serving 5. How many alcoholic drinks do you usually have per week? a. more than 7 b. 4 -7 c. 1-3 d. none

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6. What is your daily activity level? a. mostly resting (sleeping, or lying down) b. mostly sitting (some standing, desk job) c. Mostly walking around and moving (teacher, retail, childcare) d. A lot of physical activity (constant movement, heavy labor) 7. How many minutes of moderate to medium exercise do you get each day? (brisk walking, biking, running, weight lifting, swimming etc.) a. less than 10 minutes b. 10-14 minutes c. 15-25 minutes d. 25 minutes or more 8. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? a. 4 hours or less b. 5-6 hours c. 7 or more hours 9. How would you rate your current nutrition/eating habits? a. poor b. “So So” c. Good d. Excellent

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

EXERCISE LIST (Alphabetical Order) Alternating Front and Lateral Raises http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Supraspinatus/DBFrontLateralRaise.html Arnold press http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidAnterior/DBArnoldPress.html Assisted pull ups http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/LatissimusDorsi/AsPullupKneeling.html Back squat http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/BBSquat.html Barbell curl http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Biceps/BBCurl.html Bent over barbell rows http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/BBBentOverRow.html Bird dogs http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/BWBirdDog.html Bridge https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/butt-lift-bridge Burpee http://www.exrx.net/Aerobic/Exercises/Burpee.html Cable pull down (Wide grip) http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/LatissimusDorsi/CBFrontPulldown.html Cable Rope curls https://www.muscleandstrength.com/exercises/rope-cable-curl.html Cable standing incline fly http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralClavicular/CBStandingInclineFly.html Cross Body Mountain Climbers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p-8sXwh-7k

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Crunch on Swiss Ball http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/RectusAbdominis/BWBallCrunch.html Curl and press https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKDvr9FS8Ks Deadlift http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/GluteusMaximus/BBDeadlift.html Dumbbell Bent-over row http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/DBBentOverRow.html Dumbbell Chest Press Swiss Ball http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/DBBenchPress.html Dumbbell curl http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Biceps/DBCurl.html Dumbbell Lateral raise http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidLateral/DBLateralRaise.html Dumbbell Squat and Curl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuDFp-Cr1IM Dumbbell Squat thrusters http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Power/DBThruster.html Elbow plank http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/RectusAbdominis/BWFrontPlank.html Hanging knee raise Farmer's Walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K1O0FRvNDI Flat bench press http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/BBBenchPress.html Hammer curls http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Brachioradialis/DBHammerCurl.html Hamstring curl http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Hamstrings/LVSeatedLegCurl.html

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM Heel touch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zhFTw2epoc High Knees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZZoCNMU48U Incline bench press http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralClavicular/BBInclineBenchPress.html Jumping jacks http://www.exrx.net/Aerobic/Exercises/JumpingJack.html Jumping Jack Presses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTASAdkq14Q Leg extension http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/LVLegExtension.html Leg press http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/SL45LegPress.html Military press: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidAnterior/BBMilitaryPress.html Push-ups http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/PectoralSternal/BWPushup.html Renegade Row https://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/back-exercises/videos/renegade-row Seated Cable Row http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/BackGeneral/CBSeatedRow.html Seated Flat Bench Leg Pull In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPBVNHl5cS8 Seated Dumbbell shoulder press: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/DeltoidAnterior/DBShoulderPress.htm Standing Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/standing-dumbbell-triceps-extension Straight leg Deadlift http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Hamstrings/BBStraightLegDeadlift.html

12-Week Simple Transformation Jumpstart Program WWW.BRIXFITNESS.COM

Squatted curl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyNf_UCGKCA Stretching Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvf_--EFE-k Superman http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/ErectorSpinae/Superman.html T-Pushups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SgeUqvNzag Two Dumbbell Rows https://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/bent-over-two-dumbbell-row Wall sits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdph8hv0O0 Warmup Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJB46bbvMys

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