16 Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris (dengan passive voicenya) PRESENT TENSE 1. Simple Present Tense Present tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, kejadian, kegiatan, aktivitas dan sebagainya yang terjadi pada saat ini. Present tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu fakta atau sesuatu yang terjadi berulang-ulang di masa kini. Bentuk kata kerja ini paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Formulas of Present Tense: (positive) : S + V1 / S + V1 + O (Negative) : S + do (es) not + V1 (Interrogative) : Do (es) + S + V1 ? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He drinks milk. : He does not drink milk. : Does he drink milk?

Passive Voice

: O + IS/AM/ARE + V 3 = Milk is drunk by him

2. Present Continuous Tense Present continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan, mengatakan, membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di masa depan (future). Karena dapat digunakan dalam present atau future, tense ini sering diiringi adverb of time untuk memperjelasnya. Formulas of Present Continuous Tense: (positive) : S + Be (am, is are) + V ing (present participle) (Negative) : S + Be (am, is are) + not + V ing (Interrogative) : Be (am, is, are) + S + V ing ? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He is drinking milk. : He is not drinking milk. : Is he drinking milk ?

Passive Voice

: O + AM/IS/ARE + BEING + V 3 = Milk is being drunk by him

3. Present Perfect Tense Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang telah dikerjakan dan masih berkaitan dengan masa sekarang.

Formulas of Present Perfect Tense: (positive) : S + have (has) + V3 (past participle) (Negative) : S + have (has) + not + V3 (Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + V3? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He has drunk milk. : He has not drunk milk. : Has he drunk milk ? : O + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + V 3 = Milk has been drunk by him

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Present perfect continuous tense suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian yang baru saja selesai. Formulas of Present Continuous Tense: (positive) : S + have (has) + been + Ving (Negative) : S + have (has) + not + been + Ving (Interrogative) : Have (has) + S + been + Ving ? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice by him

: He has been drinking milk. : He has not been drinking milk. : Has he been drinking milk ? : O + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + BEING + V 3 = Milk has been being drunk

PAST TENSE 1. Simple Past Tense Past tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang telah “lampau”. Lampau disini tak harus sudah terlalu lama, yang penting sudah berlalu, sudah lewat. Itulah penekanannya. Mungkin kemarin, satu jam lalu, 1 tahun yang lalu, 1 abad yang lalu, dan sebagainya. Formula of Simple Past Tense: (Positive) : S + V2 (Negative) : S + did not (didn’t) + V1 (Interrogative) : Did + S + V1 ? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He drank milk. : He did not drink milk. : Did he drink milk ?

Passive Voice

: O + WAS/WERE + V 3 = Milk was drunk by him

2. Past Continuous Tense Past continuous tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi tetapi dulu dan sudah lewat. Formulas of Past Continuos Tense: (Positive) : S + was/were + V ing (present participle) (Negative) : S + was/were + not + V ing (Interrogative) : was/were + S + V ing? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He was drinking milk. : He was not drinking milk. : Was he drinking milk ? : O + WAS/WERE + BEING + V 3 = Milk was being drunk by him

3. Past Perfect Tense Past perfect tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menunjukan, menyatakan sesuatu yang telah selesai dilakukan pada saat itu (dimasa lampau/waktu yang telah lalu). Formulas of Past Perfect Tense: (Positive) : S + had + V3 (Negative) : S + had + not + V3 (Interrogative) : Had + S + V3? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He had drunk milk. : He had not drunk milk. : Had He drunk milk ? : O + HAD + BEEN + V 3 = Milk had been drunk by him

4. Past Perfect Continuos Tense Past perfect continuous tense adalah bentuk yang digunakan untuk menyatakan hal atau peristiwa yang sesuatu yang telah dan sedang terjadi dimasa lampau Formulas of Past Perfect Continuos Tense: (Positive) : S + had been + V ing (Negative) : S + had not + been + V ing (Interrogative) : Had + S + been + V ing? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He had been drinking. : He had not been drinking. : Had he been drinking ?

Passive Voice

: O + HAD + BEEN + BEING + V 3 = Milk had been being drunk by him FUTURE TENSE

1. Simple Future Tense Future tense bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi. Future tense adalah tentang nanti. Sesuatu arti katanya future yaitu masa depan. Formulas of Simple Future Tense: (Positive) : S + shall/will + V1 (Negative) : S + shall/will + not + V1 (Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + V1 ? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He will drink milk. : He will not drink milk. : Will He drink ? : O + WILL + BE + V 3 = Milk will be drunk by him

2. Future Continuous Tense Future continuous tense bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang akan sedang terjadi atau akan sedang dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang juga sebagaimana Present Continuous Tense, tetapi bedanya dalam Future Continuous Tense maka “sedang” nya itu bukan sekarang melainkan besok, akan datang, nanti. Formulas of Future Continuous Tense: (Positive) : S + shall/will be + V ing (Negative) : S + shall/will + not + be + V ing (Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + Be + V ing? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He will be drinking milk. : He will not be drinking milk. : Will he be drinking milk ? : O + WILL + BE + BEING + V 3 = Milk will be being drunk by him

3. Future Perfect Tense Future perfect tense bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan selesai di masa depan yang sudah mulai di masa lalu. Formulas of Future Perfect Tense: (Positive) : S + shall/will have + V3 (Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have + V3 (Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have + V3?

Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice

: He will have drunk milk. : He will not have drunk milk. : Will he have drunk milk ? : O + WILL + HAVE + BEEN + V 3 = Milk will have been drunk by him

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense Future perfect continuous tense adalah suatu bentuk kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi akan sudah berlangsung selama sekian lama pada titik waktu tertentu di masa depan atau peristiwa yang akan, telah, dan masih berlangung di masa datang. Formulas of Future Perfect Tense: (Positive) : S + shall/will have been + V ing (Negative) : S + shall/will + not + have been + V ing (Interrogative) : Shall/will + S + have been + V ing? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative) Passive Voice being drunk by him

: he will have been drinking milk. : he will not have been drinking milk. : Will he have been drinking milk ? : O + WILL + HAVE + BEEN +BEING + V 3 = Milk will have been

PAST FUTURE TENSE 1. Past Future Tense Past future tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa akan dilakukan tetapi di masa lampau bukan saat ini. Formulas of Past Future Tense: (Positive) : S + would + V1 (Negative) : S + would + not + V1 (Interrogative) : Would + S + V1? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He would drink milk. : He would not drink milk. : Would he drink ?

2. Past Future Continuous Tense Past future continuous tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan sedang dilakukan, di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Formulas of Past Future Continuous Tense: (Positive) : S + would + be + V ing (Negative) : S + would + not + be + V ing (Interrogative) : would + S + be + V ing?

Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: He would be drinking milk. : He would not be drinking milk. : Would he be drinking milk ?

3. Past Future Perfect Tense Past future perfect tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi, tetapi akan namun posisinya pasti sudah berlalu. Formulas of Past Future Perfect Tense: (Positive) : S + would + have + V3 (Negative) : S + would + not + have + V3 (Interrogative) : would + S + have + V3? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: he would have drunk milk. : he would not have drunk milk. : Would he have drunk milk ?

4. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past future perfect continuous tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa yang akan, telah, dan masih berlangung di masa yang lalu/masa lampau. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense mengenai peristiwa atau hal yang akan telah sedang terjadi di masa lampau. Formulas of Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense: (Positive) : S + would + have + been + V ing (Negative) : S + would + have + not + been + V ing (Interrogative) : would + S + have + been + V ing? Examples: (Positive) (Negative) (Interrogative)

: he would have been drinking milk : he would have not been drinking milk : Would he have been drinking ?