2011 Diagnosis and Treatment in Prosthodontics [PDF]

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Diagnosis and Treatment in Prosthodontics Second Edition


William R. laney,


Professor Emeritus Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Thomas J. Salinas,


Associate Professor of Dentistry Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Alan B. Carr,


Professor of Dentistry Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Sreenivas Koka,


Professor of Dentistry Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Steven E. Eckert,


Professor Emeritus Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc Chicago, Berlin, Tokyo, London, Paris, Milan, Barcelona, Istanbul, boollt Sao Paulo, New Delhi, Moscow, Prague, and Warsaw


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Diagnosis and treatment in prosthcxlontics I ediled by William R. Laney ... (et ai.J. -· 2nd ed. p.; em.

Rev. ed of: Diagnosis and treatment in prosthooontics I William R. L aney Joseph A. Gibilisco . 1983. Includes bibl iographical references and index. ,

ISBN g78-0-86715-404-7 (hardcover) 1. Prosthodontics. I. Laney, William R., 1928· II. Laney, William R., 1928· Diagnosis and treatment in prosthodont ics. [DNLM: 1. Prosthodontics--methods. 2. Oral Surgical Procedures, Preprosll1etic--methods. WU 500) RK651.D5 2011 617.6'9--dc22 2011006322

... � boolu

© 2011 Quintessence Publis h ing Co, Inc All ri ghts reserved. This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise. without prior written permission of the publisher.

Quintessence Publ ishi ng Co, Inc

4350 Chandler Drive Hanover Park, IL 60133 www.quintpub.com Editor: Leah Huffman Design: Ted Pereda Production: Angelina Sanchez Printed in China




Mayo Clinic College of Medi cine

Brent E. Larson, DDS. MS Professor Department of Diagnostic/S urgical Orthodontics University of Minnesota

Rochester, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Dusica Babovic-Vuksanovic, M D Chair and Associate Professor

Charles L. Loprinzi, M D Professor of Oncology

Department of Medical Genetics

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Mayo Clinic College of MediCine

Rochester, Minnesota

David J. Archibald, MD

Resident Otolaryngology

Rochester. Minnesota

David MacDonal d BDS. BSc(Hons). LLB(Hons). MSc. ,

Charles R. Carlson, PhD. MA. ABPP Professor of Psychology and Dentistry

DDS(Edin). FDSRCPS (Giasg). DDRACA (UK), FRCD (Can) Asso ciate Professor

College of Dentistry

Faculty of DentiStry

University of Kentucky

University of British Columbia

Lexington, Kentucky

Vancouver, British Columbia

Alan B. Carr, DMO, MS Professor of Dentistry Departmen t of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medi ci ne Rochester. Minnesota


Kevin I. Reid, DMD Assistant Professor of Dentistry

Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester. Minnesota

Mijin Choi, DDS. MS Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Prosthodontics

New York Universi ty College of Dentistry New York, New York Steven E. Eckert, DDS. MS

Kevin L. Rieck, DDS. MD Instructo r in Surgery Section of Oral and Maxillofacial S urgery Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester. Minnesota

Department of Dental Specialties

Jana M. Rieger, PhD Associate Professor

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine

Professor Emeritus

Rochester. Minnesota

Department of Speech and Language Pathology

Robert L. Foote M D Professor ,

and Audiology Faculty of Rehabilitation Medi ci ne

Radiation Oncology Mayo Clinic College of Med icine Rochester. Minnesota


Rochester, Minnesota

Thomas J. Salinas, DDS Associate Professor of Dentistry Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Sreenivas Koka, Dos. MS PhD Professor o f Dentistry D epartment of Dental S pecial ti es Mayo Clinic College of Medicine ,

Rochester, Minnesota

William R. Laney DMD. MS Professor Emeritus Department of Dental Specialties Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

University of Alberta Edmonton Albert a ,

Jan L. Kasperbauer, MD Professor of Oto laryngology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine


Misericordia Community Hospital

Rochester, Minnesota

John E. Schmidt, PhD Assi stant Professor of Psychiatry Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota Kostandinos Sideras, MD Assistant Professor of O ncology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester. Minnesota


Preface S ince publication of the first edition, many changes have occurred

8ectronic t echnology has provided for an improved diagnostic and

in the clinical practice of prosthodontics. While the human patient

treatment-planning capability. Imaging techniques and equipment

and related oraVperioral problems remain physically unchanged.

have evolved that provide more extensive and accurate information,

psychosocial attitudes toward dentistry and care deliverers have

which assist the clinician in decsion i making prior to and during

been altered as a result of shifts in societa l values and priorities.

treatment. COmpared to two -dimensional or flat-screen ima ges,

An enlightened and enti tled generation now places more e mp hasis

newer three-dimensional imaging and modeling have s ignificantly

on personal appearance, early relief from pain and inconvenience

enhanced the planning and delivery of surgical r estorative treatmen

in a timel y manner, as well as cost and cost sharing by third p arty -



In response to these developments, this second edition r equired the so lic itation of additional knowledge and expertise from experienced

Hard and soft tissue substance continues to be altered by disease

prosthodontic specialists and competent representatives from re·

and traumatic injury with genetic overlay imposed occasionally by

lated contributing disciplines. These relevant additions have provided

racial commingling and natural evolutionary processes. However,

a n enhanced scope and depth of subject matter on topics pertinent

the clinical management of tooth and bone loss and acquired and

to pr osthodontics.

congenital oral and peri oral defects has changed dramatically as a result of improved technical and procedural modalities and materials. The intro d uctiOn of BrAnemark's concept of osseointegration in


1982. with its accompanying biocompatible titanium hardware. has resulted in re ma rkable developments and ap proaches to restorative treatment with versatility of application

The authors would like to acknowledge their colleagues in oral and

and predictable outcomes.

and neck surgery for their dedication in helping compile the sub·

North America in

maxillofacial surgery, radiation oncology. and otolaryngolo gy/hea d

In addition to implant-support opportunities, probab ly more than

ject matter. Additional thanks are extended to the secretarial support

any other phase of restorative dentistry, the advances in ceramic

section o f the Department of Dental Sp ecialties at Mayo Clinic for

options and materials have contrib uted to satisfying pat ient demands

helping wi1h portions of the manuscript. Further acknowledgments

for more esthetic treatment outcomes. These applications relate

are extended to the authors wives and families for their understand·

primarily to fixed restoratio ns which now have more durability and a

ing of the time needed to accomplish this important project.


more li felike appearance.




Robert Stewart, ODS. MS

Julian B. Woelfel, DDS

Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry

Professor Emeritus

University of Detroit Mercy

School of Dentistry

Detroit, Michigan

The Ohio State University

James M. Van Ess, oos. MD

Columbus. Ol1io

Assistant Professor of Surgery

John F. Wolfaardt , eos, MOent. PhD

Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

Misericordia Community Hospital

Rochester, Minnesota


Christopher F. Viozzi,


Assistant Professor of Surgery Section of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Jonathan P. Wiens, oos. MSD Clinical Associate Professor School of Dentistry University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, Michigan

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University o i Alberta Edmonton. Alberta Canada

Table of Contents Foreword by George A Zarb Preface






Basic Concepts of Genetics


The Orthodontic-Prosthodontic Relationship


History, Laboratory, and Examination

4 5 6


Dusica Babovic-Vuksanovic


Brent E. Larson 17

William R. Laney and Sreenivas Koka

Oral-Systemic Interactions


Sreenivas Koka, William R. Laney, and Thomas J. Salinas

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology


David MacDonald

Psychologic Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment in Advanced Dental Care


John E. Schmidt and Charles R. Carlson


Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain


Considerations in Treatment Planning

9 10


Kevin I. Reid


Alan B. Carr, Steven E. Eckert, and William R. Laney

Preprosthetic Surgery


Christopher F Viozzi

Bone Grafting and Ridge Augmentation Considerations Prior to Endosseous Implant Reconstruction James M. Van Ess and Kevin L. Rieck


11 12 13 14

Osseointegrated Implants and Implant Site Development


Kevin L. Rieck, Thomas J. Salinas, and James M. Van Ess

Surgical Defects of the Mandible and Maxilla


David J. Archibald and Jan L. Kasperbauer

Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy


Kostandinos Sideras, Charles L. Loprinzi, and Robert L. Foote

Radiation Therapy and Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer


Mijin Choi


Restoration of Congenital, Developmental, and Acquired Oral and Perioral Defects


Thomas J. Salinas, Alan B. Carr, and William R. Laney


Contemporary Dental Materials and Their Application to Prosthodontics


Thomas J. Salinas and Julian B. Woelfel


Diagnosis and Management of Inadequate Denture Prostheses Steven E. Eckert

The Mutually Protective Complex: Occlusion and Fixed




Jonathan P. Wiens and Robert Stewart

19 20

Speech Pathology and Prosthodontic Applications Thomas J. Salinas, William R. Laney, Jana M. Rieger, and John F. Wolfaardt

Management of Patients with New Prostheses Steven E. Eckert






Foreword Twenty-eight years have elapsed since I came across the first edition

it also preceded the osseointegration era; and the intervening

o f this superb text. I had al the time already made my personally

years between the two editions were overtaken by the remarkable

decisive journeys to two renowned US institutions of graduate edu­

speed and excitement of the relevant scientific changes-biologic,

cation in my chosen field of interest. And just like many other would­

behavioral, social, technologic-that have now come to dominate

be clinical academics-both then and now-1 benefrted enormously

the discipline.

from my extraordinary teachers' experience and their commitment

The editors are therefore readily forgiven for making us wait so

to clinical excellence. However, my acquired and presumed ability

long for this very welcome second editiOn. It significantly expands

to address the bigger picture of diagnosis

the original book's scope by its recruitment of those essential topics


well as treatment in

the discipline of prosthodontics had to be acknowledged as an in­


complete one. I had gradually realized that the rigor and focus that

concerns, imaging techniques. etc, that have informed and revised

underscored the era's guidance in specialized dental education was

the entire profession. It also makes it far clearer than ever before that

not automatically reconcilable with patients' systemic determinants

the discipline has not only benefited from the infomnation explosion but

and individualized needs. Dental treatment planning tended to be

that it has also convincingly embraced it. The net result is a renewed

hegemonic because handicraft and anecdotal traditions in

and elegant confimnation of the conviction that good prosthodontics

the discipline were dominant. Moreover. the additional objective of

is simply not reducible to tidy formulas or rigidly ordered credos, that

treatment interventions t o restore orofacial function was rarely de­

i t demands scrupulous and eclectic observational skills, and that this

temnined by the exacting standards today's treatment outcome de­

approach remains a wise and essential strategy to avoid what might


very well be unnecessary and misguided interventions.



genetics, adjunctive laborato1y examinations, psychologic

It was inarguably an opportune time tor a text that sought to proVide

This text makes a compelling case tor prosthodontics as a clinical

a synthesis of what was even more essential and comprehensive

dental specialty in the best scholarly tradition. I cannot think of a

for optimal management of the prosthodontic patient. and this

better one to make the profession appreciate what the discipline is

book's first edition addressed that big picture need in the scholarly

really all about.

manner that admirably reflected the Mayo Clinic's distinguished authorship pedigree. It quickly became a de rigeur assignment

George A. Zarb

for graduate students in the specialty

Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto

who were considering prosthodontics

as as

well as new graduates their career pursuit. But

Editor-in-Chief. International Journal or Prosthodontics



Basic Concepts of Genetics Dusica Babovic-Vuksanovic,


e field of genetics has undergone rapid growth in recent

ears and greatly affected all areas of medicine. The compte­


• Does this patient have a hereditary disorder? o

on of the Human Genome Project. which identified the three

Does this patient have a simple condition or a complex disorder underlying the symptoms?

billion base pairs of DNA that compose a human genome, was a


Is there a need for evaluation of other family members?

landmark event of the end of the 20th century. Genetic information is

What is the risk that the patient's children or siblings will inheri t the condition?

now being incorporated into all areas of clinical medicine. changing even basic concepts in evaluation of and therapy for patients. While science has yet to reach full comprehension of all gene functions and

Could the disease be managed or stopped in its early stages i f a timely diagnosis is made?

protein interactions we remain optimistic that opportunities soon will ,

be developed to p redict. prevent, and cure human diseases through

The answers to these questions


significantly affect a pa·

methods such as personal genetic fingerprinting and routine gene

tient's life. For example. if

therapy. Staying up to date on recent genetic developments and

ents with dental irregularities (eg, crowding) recognition of a gen·

applying this knowledge to patient care will become a necessary skill

eralized connective tissue abnormality would typically lead to a

for most clinicians.

series of p reventive measures including screening f o r aortic root


patient with Marian syndrome pres· ,

dilatation. In this patient, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment might be life-saving. Another example is a patient with osteomata

Genetics in Clinical Medicine

of facial bones, dentigerous cysts, or supernumerary teeth-pos· sible signs of familial adenomatous polyposis. Early identification of this hereditary disorder in the patient and his or her family would

The role or genetics in human disease is well-known. Some condi· lions are caused by single genes and inherited in a Mendelian pat·

live colectomy, thereby transforming a uniformly malignant and le­

tern; the diagnosis. risk assessment, and counseling for the family

thal condition into a manageable one. The dental specialist often

usually simple for these conditions. 1·2 In other cases, recognition

may be the first t o see a patient with an unrecognized. complex

of an underlying genetic trail may be a challenge. and multidisci·

medical problem; a high index of suspicion and appropriate refer·

plinary evaluations and complex diagnostic testing are often needed.

rat may dramatically influence the well-being oi a patient and his or

Common quest1ons that general clinicians should ask include the

her relatives.


lead to necessary surveillance for colon cancers or even preven·





B as ic Concepts of Gen eti cs


> a





1(1 )

1·)t)) 2


u 6

1(' 13

Ji 19

Fig 1·1

((' )f


)f IJ 7

?I )) )) 8






' -'W ""'









A normal, male, G·banded kal)'otype. (Courtesy of







l( 17

u 22

0 Healll>y female


• Affected male e Affected lemale




0 Female carrier of X-linked










Or Gopalrao Velagaleti, Ried

Hete10zygote carri0< male

f) Hete10zygo1e carrier female



Healthy male





Fig 1-2 Family trees demoostratill(J autosomal dominant (a), autosomal recessive (II).

Meyer. Daniel Kuffel. and Or Eric lhorland. Cytogenetic Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, Aoch· ester, MN.)

and X·finked (c) lraits.

Inheritance Patterns

drome), and some forms of ectodermal dysplasia. Disease expres­

sion may vary significantly in affected people even within the same

Some examples of autosomal dominant conditions include Marian syndrome, von Hippel-lindau disease tuberous sclerosis, Gorlin

family, res ulti ng in different severity of disease in different individuals. Carriers of an autosomal dominant gene may not develop the p he notyp e at all. because some genetic traits have reduced penetrance. Alternatively, development of symptoms may be limited to late age, as is seen in so me neurodegenerative disorders that manifest in adul thood (eg, Huntington disease. spinocerebellar ataxias , or Alz· heimer disease). This behavior sometimes may give the impression that the disease is skipping generatiOns. In contrast to autosomal dominant conditions, for which one abnormal gene (or allele) is sufficient to produce disease, autosomal recessive conditions occur only in individual s who inherit two abnormal copies of a gene (FIQ 1-21:>). Usually. each parent iS a carrier of one abnormal copy or the gene. but they are a y s mptomatic because they also have a normal copy that prevents expression of the phenotype . The aut oso mal recessive t rait is often suspected when a disease occurs in several siblings or in consanguineous families. The risk for carrier parents to have an affected child is 25% in e ach pregnancy.

syndro me, some chromosomal

Examples of conditions that follow t his inheritance pattern include

Despite the availability of many sophisticated diagnostic tests, basic genetic prinCiples and the tra d�ional evaluation of the patient (medi· cal history, family h is tory and physical examination) remain essentia l. Genes can be d ominant or recessive and are located on one of the ,

autosomes (chromosomes 1 thro ug h 22)

or sex

chromosomes (X

orY)'"' (Fig 1-1). Careful analy si s of the family tree often provides a clue t o t h e di ag· no sis or suggests whether further investigation is warranted. When a genetic cause of the co ndit ion is unknown (le, diagnostic testing is not available). the family analysis becomes the p rimary tool used in g enet ic co u nseling. Autosomal dominant conditions are transmitted through multiple

generations of families. An affected individual has a 50% risk of passing the abnormal gene to each of his or her children (Fig 1·2a). ,

disorders (eg, velo-cardio-faeial syn-



Genetic Screening and Counseling

Table 1-1




Inheritance pattern

Autosomal dominant

Recurrence risk"

Most craniosynostoses

Siblings: 50%

Sex differences None

Children: 50%

Autosomal recessive X-linked recessive

Most dysmo.phlc syndromes


Siblings: 25% Chlldren: 1 100







24 mo-12 y


> 12y


Carbondioxide (CO,) (mmolll)


Chloride (C� (mmot/L)


Creatinine (mgid�

Glucose (mgi1 mo


0..12 mo


> 12 mo


Protein. total (g/dL)


SOdu i m (Na) (miOOIIL)

135-14 4

Urea ntrogen i (UN) (mgldL)







History, Laboratory, and Examination

spected for ulceratrons, crusts. fissures, or other surface changes. No physical examtnati on IS complete without digrtal palpatron. Lat­ eral surfaces of Ihe face and temporal areas are palpated as the pa­ tient opens and closes the mouth to ascertain the extent of lemporal.

pterygoid, and masseteric function. Asking lhe patient to purse the lips gives an indication of the perioral muscular vigor and integr ity. To assess the smoothness and range of motion of the TMJs, the clini­

cian should place t he Index fingers bilaterally over the preauricular areas as the palient opens from a closed position and moves the mandible anteropostenorly and laterally. Tenderness, onep1tus, and deviation are noted. The condyles can be further examined by plac­ ing the fiOQBf wi thin the external auditory meatus and palpat.ng the Cervical lymph nodes

anterior wan below the tragus. This examination often can suggest

Thyroid gland examined

potential problems 1n record•ng rnaxillomandibular relations. lnspecllng the neck and cerv�cal lymp h nodes is an Important part of the extraoral examination of the head and neck and logically fol­

Fig 3·1 Left, Bimanual palpalioo of the neck should include examination of the cervical lymph nodes. Right, Clinician should palpale along the larynx tor Immobility and enlarge­ men! Examination of the U1yroid glancl includes palpatioll olllle lobe, which Is facilitated by !laving the patient swallow to e!evale the gland.

lows digital palpation {Rg 3- 1). A suggested routine includes pal­ pation for enlarged nodes In the jugular chain and in the parotid. submandibular, and submaxillary groups.

Salivary glands The lateral structures of the face and the penrnand!bular area are

Physical Examination

best examined wrth bimanual manipulation {Fig 3-2). Nodular or indurated surfaces


the V1Cin1ty of the mandtbufar angle are sug­

gestive of parotid leSions. Lesions deep in the cheek are difficult to

The face and mouth are relatively s.mple to examtne because their component structure s are readily accessible to visual inspect ion ,

by means of a forefinger placed intraorally and the opposite hand

digital palpation, percuss1on, and radiographic record1ng. Any ap­

placed extraorally, should be a routine procedure. Obviously, the

proach to the actual examination should be systematic and routine

purpose of the examination is to distinguish the normal from the

for each examining cli n ician. Printed forms may be helpful to record

abnormal. The parotid duct {Stensen's duel) i s usually clearly iden­

findings because they provide an ouUine that minimizes oversight

tifiable in trao r a lly, and manipulation of the gland should elicit a flow

and encourages thoroughness.

of watery ftuid. Diagnostically, it is advantageous to locate nodes or

detect: therefore, careful palpation of the buccal mucosa and skin.

The common tendency when conducting an i ni tia l examination is

swelling relative to the musculature of the area. Circumscrrbed Ia·

to proceed with the intraoral phase without givi ng much consider­

sions are readily movable whereas inflamed tissues or structures ag­

ation to the body as a whole. In preliminary deliberato i ns, an astute

gressively 1nvolved by neoplastiC disease are relatively fixed. The pa­

observer notes the patiSnt's relative body proportiOnS. weight. pos­ ture, gait, degree of functional coordination, and any obvious abner·

tient may provide subjecllve Information by reacting to patnful st1mu�

malit1es or deform1Ues. A closer look at the head and neck should

early indiCation of Inflammation. but 1t is also associated with tater

reveal signifiCant aspects of facial compositiOn. asyrTllmelries, sk1n

stages of malgnant diSease.

texture, complexion, expression in the eyes, breathing, functional

The submandibular gland is readily identified by intraoral and ex­ traoral palpation. It can be examined by gently rolling the glandular

habits of teeth clenching . twti ching, and other neuromuscular invol· un tary manipulations.

Extraoral examination


by failing to respond to palpation ol the tissue. Pain 1s usuaJy an

substance belween the fingers, and its patency can be noted by the salivary flow. Irregular or firm structures within the duct or possible at· a t ched lymph nodes should be examined. Inflammation, purulence, a hard mass within the duct, and pa in suggest the presence of a salivary stone

(calcification) and the need for further eval uat i on by Imaging.

Regardless of the examination seque nce . the perioral structures

A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the saliva is very Im­

should be assessed first. A general evaluation is made of the fa·

portant t o prognos1s, partiCularly for the patient with complete den·

ciaJ contours and support provided by the denlillon. Characteristcs i

tures. Salivary flow from the parotid duct is primarily serous, the flow

such as abnormal swellings. deformities, tes.ons. discolorahons. and

from the sublingual and submandibular glands is mixed ITlUCillOUS·

general bony contours are noted. The tips, ears. and nose are in-

serous, and the products o f the palatine glands are purely mUCinous.


Physical Examination

a Fig 3-2 (a) lntra01a1 and exuooral palpation of the salivary glands torpatMiogic change. The tollSillar area should also be inspected visually. (b) SubmaxiUary gland examinalioo with bimanual digital palpatioo. (Courtesy of Dr Dan E. Tolnl A. Fenton A. Mericske·Stern R Prosthodontoc Treatment for the Partially Edentulous Patient. St Louts: Mosby, 2004. 6. Zarb GA Or

Pharmacologic Interactions in the Oral Cavity Medications inducing hyposalivation

Interferon-a iS a cytokine with a wide range of systemic effects that particularly affect the immune system. RCTs appear to have reached a reasonable consensus that interferon-a improves patients' subjective assessment of xerostomia; however, conflicting data have been published regarding benefits on reducing hyposalivation.42 Current dosage recommendations for patients with primary SS who are looking for relief from xerostomia are 150 IU of interferon-alpha

A dry mouth

seem s

to be one of the most common side effects

to be taken in lozenge form three times a day.

of medication use; over 400 medications depress function of the salivary glands.m� Different medications induce hyposalivation by different mechanisms that interfere with parasympathetic signaling.

Drug-induced intrinsic discoloration of teeth

Some do this by inhib�ing adrenergic neuroeffector junction activ­ ity, others by lowering central connection activity of the autonomic

Teeth are especially prone to drug-induced changes from birth to

nervous system, and still others through anticholinergic effects.

approximately 8 years old. Effects of drugs on tooth development

The clinician must stay aware of new and existing medications and

include discoloration that can be difficult to reverse by noninvasive

possible medication interactions. Currently, the following families of

means such as vital bleaching.70 Depending on the teeth and tissues

medications have representatives that interfere with salivary gland

affected, direct or indirect restorations may be necessary.

function: antidepressants, antihistamines. antihypertensives, anti­ psychotics. antiarrhythmics. anticonvulsants . diuretics. antiparkin­ sonians, antiemetics, antiarthritics, anJHnflammatones, and anx­


iolytics. In addition, chemotherapy can lead to hyposalivation and

Optimum fluoride intake results in esthetically unaffected teeth that

changes in the quality of the saliva produced. Fortunately, in most


patients, salivary function returns to normal or close to normal after

improved enamel strength. However, excess fluoride exposure dur·

chemotherapy ends. unless doses were exceedingly high or pro­

ing tooth development leads to hypomineralized enamel and chang·

longed use occurred.

es in appearance lhat range from small white flecks at cusp tips lo

relatively resistant to the formation of caries lesions because of

larger opaque areas t o darkly stained pitted areas.

Medications to treat hyposalivation and its effects

Tetracycline Mothers who take tetracycline (or a derivative) during the second or tl1ird trimesters of pregnancy may have children whose teeth are

Pilocarpine is a muscarinic-stimulating cholinergic agonist with para­

significantly discolored and which appear initially as yellow and then

sympathomimetic properties, nesulting in increased muscle tone

turn to gray or gray-brown over time. Parents should avoid giving

o f various tissues o f the gastrointestinal (GQ tract. As a mimic of

tetracycline to children under the age of 8 years to prevent disco!·

acetylcholine, pilocarpine stimulates secretion from the salivary and

oration of the permanent dentition. Tetracycline or oxytetracycline

lacrimal glands.'e Patients should be monitored for sweating or Gl

leads to yellow teeth, whereas chlortetracycline produces gray­

disturbances, and the drug should not be administered t o patients

brown teeth.'6


7. Scuty C. Carrozzo M. Oral mucosal disease: l.Jchen planus. Br J Oral Maxil lo fac Surg 2008;46:15-21.

Minocycline Minocycline is a tetracycl1ne denvahVe used to treat a variety Ollnlec­ tious or inflammatory conditions. In contrast to tetracyclrnes. which affect tooth color during development, mil'lOCycine may mfrequently cause tooth discolorallon after tooth development has ceased.80 The mechaniSm for thiS elfect IS unclear. Furthermore, mlflOC:ydlne af­

fects soli tissue pigmentation. causing a1terat1ons in the skin. thyroid gland, naUs, bone. sclera, conjUnctivae, and g1ng1vae.••JO Some re­ ports suggest that g1ngival d•scolorat1011 is a result of changes to the underlying bone. and purple-black discoloration of gingiva has been observed, often in the area covenng the hard palate.83

8. Yaooet

KB. Egan CA. P 40 mm 4. Lateral movements;, 7 mm 5. If S·cUNe deviation is presen t, then joint must be silent



10-intraart iculaf d isorder. (Adapted fromMderson et at �1

increased muscle tenSion were good predictors of jaw pain."' As

tors,31 recognizing that chronic temporomandibular pain. like other

with TMDs in general. the cause of Axis I disorders is not known

musculoskeletal pain syndromes. is frequently identified as a persis­

but has often been attributed to malocclusion, a hypothesis that

tent dull ache'" that i s aggravated by use of the jaw.

contemporary standards of investigation have not supported.2-211

The clinician should ask a standard series of questions to begin to rule out TMD. A jaw disability checklist may be a helpful tool

Axis /, Groups II and J/1 disorders

(Box 7-1 ).1'1 Oth er questions that may assist the c linician include the following:

Axis I. Groups 11 and 111 disorders are related to alteration of soft tiSSLte anatomy within the TMJ or degenerative joint changes (see

1. Are you able to open your mouth as well as you think you

Table 7-1 ). The cardinal signs of internal anatomical alterations of soft tissue in the TMJs include decreased range of mandibular mo­

2. Do you feel your bite has changed?

tion and joint noises w�h mouth opening and closing. Patients may

3. Does your jaw make clicking, grating, or grinding sounds? If so,

report prominent clicking or grinding sounds with jaw use. These

should be able to?

is this noise accompanied by pain?

disorders may not necessarily be associated with pain. so it should

4. Does your jaw lock or catch?

not always be assumed that a patient's clicking TMJ is the source of

5. Have you been told

pain. Symptoms of mandibular dysfunction may also include "catch­

or are you aware of clenching or grinding

your teeth while awake or sleeping?

ing" or locking of tile jaw. Clinicall y reliable criteria (Table 7-2) al­

low the clinician to determine the anatomical status of a par ticular

It any of these questions is answered in the affirmative, the

TMJ with a great degree of accuracy.29 These clinical criteria do not

developing differential diagnosis then should include TMD. A

make reference to pain, which may or may not be present in any of

complete history and clinical examination may then follow, uSing

these diagnostic scenarios. The clinical reliability of the criteria was

criteria presented in the RDC.15 Stohler provides a treatment

tested against radiographic findings, which are not predictive of pain

algorithm based on responses to the Graded Chronic Pain Scale, a

in TMDs. 30 The methods of esta blishing a diagnosis depend in part

seven-item questionnaire assessing pain intensity and impact of pain

on accurate assessment of range of motion (see Rg 7-3).

on usual activities.:!$

Clinical history of TMD


Diagnosis of TMDs is contingent both on obtaining a comprehensive

The examination should include palpation of the preauricular (TMJ)

history and, t o a lesser extent, on physical examination findings and

areas and the masseter muscles in addition to the anterior, middle,

reproductions of the patient's pain comp la int. It is crucial to ask the

and posterior areas of the temporal muscles. Although much has

patient to highlight the area of discomfort by pointing with one finger

been published to guide clinicians in this technique, no universal

rather than fanning the entire hand over the face. which precludes

technique has emerged as the gold standard."" One useful tech­

the ability to attempt to locate the site of discomfort. It is equally

nique is to palpate the muscles of mastication and the preauricular

important to present the patient with a choice ot verbal pain descrip-

regions with a moderate amount of pressLtre while asking the patient



Temporomandibular Disorders

Tabl e 7_3 What activities does your present jaw probl&m prevent or llmft yoo from doin g? o Chewing




Low Sharp, electric, burning. paroxysmal,

Constant ache/tightness

interm»tent, spontaneous pain

Sharp pa1n with jaw use


DrinlOtolac Surg 2008:37:535-541 19. ShahaAR. Preopetauveevaluauon ol the manoo1:>1e n patoents '"'lh carcnoma olthe lloorOI mouth. Head Neck 1991;13:398-402. 20. Ciemo BW. IZ2afd M. � EA. Fwan N. Corlllanson oll!RJone graft. A donocal ex­

lerlSIOular bone �alt. Plast Aeconstr Surg t 988:81: 378-385. 27. Shpitzer T, Neligan PC, Gullane PJ, 01 al. Oromai\OibtA3J reconstructiOn with the fibular free

nap. AnaJysos of 50 consecutive flaps. AICh OtOiaryngol Hood

Neck Surg 1997:123:939-944.




B. Gullane P. Gur E. Freeman J. Leg onorotd· and functKlfl following fibular free flap h orvesl. Ann Plast Surg 1997:38:

28. Shpotzer T.


dtlQ-464. 29. Wet FC, Seah CS, Tsai YC. IJu SJ, Tsal MS. FltlUia osteoseplocutaneous

flap for reconstruCiion ol composllo mandol:>ular detects. Plasl Reconstr Surg 1994;93:294-304. 30. Futran ND.

Farwel DG. Smith RB. JOhnson PE. Funk GF. Def•�111e manage­

ment d severe faoal trauma ut.t.zing tree tiSSUe transfer OIOiaryngol Head Neck Surg 2005;132:75-85. 31. Futran ND. Retrospectove case seroos 01

� and secondary microvas·

cular rroo tiSsue tr.nsler reconsttuetioro o t mldlaoal defects J Prosthel Dent 2001 ;86:369-376. 32. Muzaffar AR. Adams WP Jr.

Hallog JM. Rohnch RJ, B'yl'd HS. Maxjary re­

constiUCtiOn: FmcbOnal and aeslhehc consideratoons

F'last Reconstr Surg

1999:104:2172-2183. 33. Olsen let These results support further study of pentoxifylline in patients in

The soft tissue necrosis of oral cavity mucosa that occurs after high

whom soft tissue necrosis develops after a course of radiation

doses of radiation therapy may be at1ributed to the obliteration of


small blood vessels or to severe mucositis with ulceration. Irradiated

Most bone exposures will heal spontaneously after conservative

epithelium is thinner than normal and appears pale and atrophic. It

treatment. Although small areas of bone exposure Qess than

also has telangiectatic vessels. The irradiated mucosa is more sus­

1 em) generally heal spontaneously after a periocf of weeks

ceptible to mechanical injury and to the noxious effects of alcohol

to months, larger areas of bone exposure may persist and result

and tobacco. Soft tissue necrosis usually begins with breakdown of

in bone necrosis, followed by sequestration. If the bone is rough

damaged mucosa. resulting in a small ulcer. Most soft tissue necro­

or protrudes above the level of the gingiva. an oral surgeon may

ses occur within 2 years after radiation therapy. Occurrence after this

remove it to promote healing. An oral surgeon can also perform local

time is generally preceded by mucosal trauma. The risk of soft tis­

debridement of mocferate- sized necrosis, if indicated. Patients who

sue necrosis increases with larger fraction sizes, higher total doses,

wear dentures should refrain from using them or have them modi·

larger volumes of irradiated mucosa, and the use of an interstitial

lied to provide relief over the site of exposure. Pain is not a common


symptom; if present, it can usually be controlled with analgesics or

The mandible and maxilla will tolerate rather high doses of

a local anesthetic applied with a cotton-tipped applicator, if needed.

radiation therapy without serious problems, as long as the tissues

Antibiotics frequently reduce infection and discomfort within a few

overlying the bone remain intact. If sott tissue necrosis develops in

days but should be continued for 2 l o 3 weeks. Hyperbaric oxygen,

the mucosa overlying the mandible or maxilla. the underlying bone

along with antibiotic therapy and local debridement, may help

may become exposed. This can lead t o serious injury, resulting

promote healing. Mandibular resection should be reserved as the

in ORN. Patients at highest risk for ORN appear to be those with

last resort for the patient with intractable pain, recurrence of severe

tumors involving the gingiva or bone; those who continue to smoke

infections, fracture. or trismus.

or drink after radiation therapy; and those who receive high doses

Most bone problems develop within 3 to 12 months after radia·

o f radiation therapy, large treatment volumes. large fraction sizes.

lion therapy. but some risk persists for many years, especially if

or interstitial implants. Compared with the maxilla, the gingiva of the

the patient undergoes dental extractions. Necrosis is most likely

mandible has a rather tenuous blood supply, placing the mandible at

to occur after extraction of mandibular teeth, although this is

greater risk of exposure and necrosis. If exposed. necrotic bone may

infrequent i f special precautions are taken. TI1e edentulous patient

become infected. The necrotic process may then extend to involve

has a lower overall risk for bone necrosis compared with the

adjacent bone for a considerable distance. Severe necrosis can then

dentulous patient.

develop and lead to orocutaneous fistulae and pathologic fractures.




Oral Complications of Chemotherapy and Radiation Thera py

Taste alterations


Loss of taste occurs rapidly and early in the course of radiation ther­

The carcinogenic effect of ionizing radiation 11as long been recog·

a py to the oral cavity. Most patients report that the sense of taste

nized. The latent inteNaJ between radiation therapy and the develop·

is essentially nonexistent by the third or fourth week of treat ment .

ment of cancer varies from several to many years. Kogelnik et al'64

After the completion o f radiation therapy, most patients report some

reviewed the charts of 1, 163 patients from the MD Anderson Can­

t aste improvement within 1 to 2 months. Full recovery of taste usu­

cer Center who had suNived a minimum of 5 years after treatment

ally requires 2 to 4 months. In some patients. taste never returns

for head and neck cancer without recurrence. Follow-up for these

to normal, at least in part because of xerostomia. Allhough some studies have suggested that zinc therapy may be useful in improv­

patients ranged from 7.5 to 25.5 years. Patients were treated with

ing taste acuity. a randomized clinical trial did not show any benefit


for zinc over a placebo.•03 Amifostine may protect against taste loss

cers in the primary tumor site (1.8% vs 2.7%}. within the immediate

caused by irradiation. "4•11•

vicinity of the primary tumor (4.2% vs 3.1 %}, or at sites remote from

surgery alone (n =



337) or radiation therapy with or without surgery

For these respe ctive groups, the inc i den c es of new can·

the primary tumor but still within the oral cavity or pharynx (4.7% vs 5. 7%) were very similar. It was concluded that moderate-dose or


hig h- dose radiation therapy did not produce any new squamous cell carcinomas of the mucous membranes. Similar findings have been


reported elsewhere.•65.•60

Causes of trismus include (1) fibrosis of the mas ticatory musculature after high-dose radiatiOn therapy to the oral cavity or oropharynx (2)

before their deve opment, and the difficulty of obtaining reliable l long-term follow-up data make the task of estimating tl1e true risk of

surgical scarring. and (3) advanced carcinomas involving the ptery­

this problem difficult. However. most series include 1 or 2 cases of

goid or masseter musculature. The temporomandibular joint (fMJ}

radiation-induced bone sarcoma per 1 ,000 5-year survivors. If one

is relatiVely resistant to ankylosis caused by radiation therapy, but

were to

the risk of injury increases if the joint is invaded by tumor. The use

term suNivors and an estimated 5-year suNival rate of 40% for all

of large daily treatment fractions also appears t o increase the risk of

patients with head and neck cancer who received radiation therapy,


it is calculated that 1 case would be induced per 1 ,250 patients

The rarity of radiatiOn-induced sarcomas, the long latent period


assum e

malignant in duction in 1 patient of every 500 long·

treated. A review of lhe Mayo Clinic experience showed no difference in suNival between patients with ra diation-indu ced sarcomas of the

Prevention and treatment High-energy x-ray beams and sophisticated

mandible or maxilla and those with non-radiation-induced sarcomas multiple-field tech­

niques should be used whenever possible to reduce the total dose

of the same site (45% 5-year overall suNivaQ. Because






of radiation to the TMJ and the muscles of masti cation. Patients

sarcomas of the mandible or maxilla can be cured. the risk of death

treated with both surgery and radiation therapy have a greater risk

from a radiation-indu ced sarcoma after a course of radiation therapy

for trismus than patients treated with just one modality. For these

is minimal and is very similar to the risk of death a patient accepts

high-risk patients and those in who m trismus has developed before


treat ment daily jaw-stretching exercises may increase the interarch

surgery. or major head and neck cancer surgery.







or interincisor distance. A number of devices can be used, includ­

An association also has been noted between radiation therapy and

ing commercially available jaw-stretching tools and less-expensive

thyroid tumors. The latent period is usually I 0 to 30 years. Almost

stacked tongue blades, tapered corks. or clothespins. These devices

all reported cases have followed low doses of radiation therapy

are inserted between the teeth to increase the interincisor distance

(from less than 6 cGy t o 1 ,500 cGy), well below the doses used for

until gradual increases are encountered. The exercises should be

squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. In contrast, doses

done for 4 minutes four times daily. Additio nal tongue blades can

greater than 2,000 cGy to 3,000 cGy are associated with a very low

be added or a thicker aspect of the cork can be placed between

risk of induction of thyroid neoplasia. This is likely because higher

the teeth every few days t o increase the interincisor distance and

doses of radiation t11erapy either completely destroy follicular celts or

stretch the muscles of mastication. The rate of advancement should be approximately 1 mm every other day and should be monitored to

at least render the survivi11g cells incapable of division. Not all thyroid l neoplasms that deveOP after radiation therapy are malignant. and

ensure the distance approaches an amount that permits adequate

many of the malignant neoplasms that do develop (papillary and

hygiene measures and reasonable bolus manipulation. Any sudden

follicular carcinomas} are readily curable with surgery. Thus, the

degree ot restri ction In mandibular opening is suspici ous for recur

risk of radiation-induced carcinoma should not be a major factor in

rence or other infratemporal fossa disease.

determining treatment approaches for the typical patient with head


and neck cancer.




Oral Complications of Radiation Therapy

Fig 13-4 Tongue depressing stent for balloon catheter. {a) Wax template is fitted to

determine opening and fit to teeth. (b) Maxillary defect is susceptible to mocosltls at the air-tissue Interface. (c) Wax pattern ol the stent shows where the balloon catheter would enter. (d) Wax pattem before processing to acrylic resin. (e) Completed stent and balloon catheter.

Prevention and treatment of radiation-induced

ticiently to the target volume. Historically, this was alded by the use

oral complications

of positioning devices such as stents and shields. The trend toward using computed imaging and IMRT for treatment of head and neck cancer has somewhat decreased the need for shielding devices.

Need for guidelines

However. the use of tissue bolus materials and positioning devices is still required to make the treatment effective.

Investigators surveyed Dutch radiation therapy centers that per­

The target tissue may involve a relatively superficial area, or it may

form irradiation of patients with head and neck cancer to determ•ne

be more centrally and deeply located. As such, the treatment beams

which prevention and treatment regimens are used for oral sequelae

may be projected from multiple directions to mini mize dose to tt1e

resulting from head and neck radiotherapy. •e7 Survey questions in­

superficial areas of the skin and vital structures such as the spinal

cluded queries about screening, care before and during radiation

cord. Movable structures such as the tongue and mandible may b e

therapy, care during postradiation therapy, and the composition of

positioned outside o f the treatment field by the use of a positioning

the dental team who evaluated and treated the patients undergoing

stent (Rg 13-4). These stents often depress both the tongue and

radiation therapy. Unfortunately, these investigators found a great

mandible away from the treatment area to minimize the exposure in

diversity among the institutes' approaches to prevention and treat­

the treatment area and decrease the risk or incidence of radiation­

ment of oral sequelae in patients with head and neck cancer. Dis­

induced mucositis. Further incorporation of gold seed markers

turbing findings included a lack of well-defined guidelines in many

is useful to ensure reproducible treatment orientation between

centers. absence of a dental team at some centers. absence of an

treatment sessions.

oral hygienist on some dental teams, and the observation that many

Superficial lesions requiring radiotherapy can be most efficiently

patients were not referred to the dental team in a timely manner. The

treated by incorporating the use of a tissue bolus material to allow

development of a general standard protocol for the pev r ention of

optimal location of the beam energy at the surface. Often, these

oral complications was recommended tor all head and neck cancer

materials are made of either wax or acrylic resin, permitting delivery

radiation therapy centers.•EB Similar deficiencies are likely present at head and neck cancer

of a focalized and effective dose to the treatment area (Fig 13·5). Shielding devices can be made o t prevent the radiation from af­

radiotherapy centers within the United States. It is strongly recom­

fecting tissues behind the prop osed target tissue . These devices

mended that dedicated teams be assembled to administer aggres­

often are made primarily of acrylic resin surrounding a central core

sive care to pati ents receiving radi ation therapy to the oral mucosa.

of a shielding alloy such as Wood's metal (Fig 13-6). It is critical that

These teams should institute preventive measures and treat symp­

the thickness of acrylic resin be proportional to the planned energy of

toms as early as possible.

the beam. Acrylic resin tt1at sufficiently surrounds \118 alloy minimizes scatter, thereby preventing fonnation of mucositis. Energies used to

Stents, shields, carriers, and positioning devices

treat head and neck tumors are approximately 6-MV photons. and require at least 7 mm of acrylic resin around the alloy to absorb scatter.

One goal of radiation therapy of head and neck tumors is to confine

Brachytherapy is also used occasionally to treat specific areas

the treatment to only the area planned for treatment. This minimizes

ot t118 head and neck and recurrent lesions. Often. radioisotopes

the side effects noted earlier and allows treatment to be directed ef-

are used. which emit gamma radiation from their radioactive decay


1 3lOral Comp lic ations of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy

Fig 13·5 (a) Bolus of wax used to contrOl deptll of treatment of supe11icial skin lesion of face. The tub­ Ing is used for airway exchange. {band c) CT image shOwing lhe wax bolus alongsi�e lhe skin. Fig 13·6 (a)A wax template is to be created for a shield:ng slenl !hal "nil prolect the longue and other struc­ tures behind the target tissues of basal cell carcinoma of the upper Up. (b) Steo t fabnca"on on casts of max­ lila and mandible. {c) Wood·s metal i s pouree into the stent. (d)Resolution of lesion after 3 weeks of treatmeol wilh stent in place.

Fig 13·7 (a} Brachytherapy

using ce·

slum in tile catheter for treatment of in­ lranasal Kaposi sarcoma. (I>) Computed vault for delivel)' of ra�ioactive isotope. (c) Acrylic resin slenl wilh catheter re· ceptacle.

Fig 13-8 (a) Trealment of scalp angiosar­ coma. (IIJ Catneter cap used for ra�ioactive isotope delivery.

and can be pl aced a t a specified proximit y to the tumor bed for

invasive in nature. Recent large-scale trials have d emonstrated that

a specific dose based on timed exposure. Positioning stents are

chemotherapy and r adiotherapy in conjunction wi th tumor-ablative

helpful to direct the spatial location of these point sources for

surgery are more effective i n controlling disease than surgery and ra­

repeated exposures. The stents configure the uninvolved tissue at

diotherap y atone. Because of the trends in using this combined ther­

a specific distance from the target tissue and can be automatically

apy and contemporary chemotherapeutic agents. the sequelae of

loaded from a computed vault that contains the radioactive source

common side effects precipitate often within this patient population.

(Figs 13-7 and 13·8).

Several approaches t o h an dling this complex array of treatments and their associated side effects have been presented as guide­ lines. As continued development of radiot herapy techniques move

Summary Combined-modality therapy of head and neck cancers or cancers of other origin is effective in con t rolling tumors that are advanced or


forward, these sequelae may continue to change in their frequency

of occurrence. The goal of disease control with these mod alities is state oi the art and should be approached with the knowledge of management of their accompanying complications.


References 1. Peterson DE. Keefe DM. l�-oonlrolled, srudy of iseganan for the IGduction of SlOfi'IIIIIIIS on patients receM>Q stomatoloxoe OhemOlherapy. Leuk Res 2004:28:559-565. 26. Yuen KY. woo PC. Tal JW. Lie AK. LI.Jk J. Liang R. enects of c:ta uthromy · cin


oral mucosll1S in bone marrow transplant r�ients. HaematOiogoea

2001;86:554-555. 29. Herrmann RP. Trom M.

CoOr\01' J. Cannell PK InfectiOns in pallents 1nonagod

at home Cfurlng autologous stem coli trOflsplantation lor lymphoma and mul tiple myeloma. Bone Mwow TranspiOI'It 1999;24:1213-1217. 30. Feld R The role ofsurveillance c:uttures ., patoe nts likEly to develop chemolheN. J Cern EdUc: 2002.66:903-91 1. 32.. Mahood OJ. Dose AM. L.oprinzl CL. et a1. lnhlboloo of OU(I(Ot.OliCit·nOOced stomatms byoral CI)'Olt1er8py. JOn Onool1991:9:449-452. 33. Casonu S. F9defl A Fedeli SL Cetalano G Oral COOling (�herap�. an ot· fectl\'11 treatment tor the plll\'eOtoon 01 5·11uorouraoHnduced slOp/iC811ons • Loss oJ seal ((:(eates nasal speech and leakage of loodliq l uids) • lack of retention or looseness • lnabitity to place prosthesis because of contracture Of lateral scar band • Discomfort caused by mucosills (radiolhefapy o r chemotherapy). pros­ thesis pressu re. too-aggressive defect cleafling

Fig 15-16 (a) WebmtXO of 1O·mm sa p c.ng between s and IJle OPPOSing 111e sofl ts ue covering the bone i OCClusion (not the opposing ridge)

Size and shaPe:

Intraoral form

Exhibits a rounded superior surfaoe With nearly parallel buccal and lnguaJ surfaces at least 1 height from vestibule

em n

Provides a minmum bulk for Implants of 10 mm in width and 15 mm In height


Provides a 10.mm vestibular depth and distension that allows independent movement of the cheek and toogue relative to the mandible

Ridge coveeations lor proslhellc speech appli­ ances in cleh palate. Plasl Reconstr Sorg Transplant Bull 1962;30:663-669. 39. Gr'ayson BH. Sanuago PE. Brecht LE. Cutling CB. PresUfg,cal nasoal· veotar molding In 1ntan1s wrth Cleft lop end palate. Cteh Palate CIMIOfac J

37. Kuijpened from lOng·term ObServations in tha fleory and Practice of Fored Proslh­ odontiCS. ed 8. & Louis: Medico Dental Media International. 1989. 175. Rosenstief SF, Land MF, Fujimoto J (eds). Contemporary Fi�ed Prosthodon· tics. ed 2 . Stlouis: Mosby. 1995. 176. Mack PJ. A theoretical

and Clinical investigation Into Uie taper aChieved on

crown and Hllay preparations. J Oral Rehabil 1980;7:255-265. 177. Wiskott HWA, Nicholls Jl, Belser UC. The relat10nsh1p betvveen abutment taper and resistance of cemented crowns t o dynamic load111g. fnt J Prostho­

203. McGuire MK. Nunn ME. Prognosis versvs actual outcome Ill. The effective· ness of clinical parameters in accurately predicting tooth survival. J Periodon­ tol1996;67:666-674. 204. Ante 11-1. The fundamental principles or abutments. Mich State Dem Soc Bull 1926:8:14-23. 205.

Nyman S. Lindhe J.Lundgren D. The role of occlusion foeU1e stability of fixed bridges in patients wiUi reduced periodontal tissue SUPPOft. J Clin Periodon·

tol 1975:2:53-66. 206. Stein RS. PontiC-residual ridge relationship: A researc/1 report. J Prosthet Dent 1966:16:251-285. 207. Zitzmann NV. Mannello CP. Berglundh T. The ovate ponitC design: A llisto·

dont1996:9:117-130. 1 78. Dodge ww. Weed RM, ea.,. RJ, BuChanan RN. The effect or convergence angle on retention and resistance form.Quintessen ce lnt 1985:3:191-194. 179. Wiskott HWA. Nicholls Jl. Belser UC. The effect of tooth

cemented zi2G the lateral dimension of the obturator in the various conditions (above, on, and below the area

of posterior pharyngeal wall activity) did not change significantly as the position varied. This finding was contrary to the hypothesis of the


follow-up studies showed improved palatopharyngeal

use of a palatal lift include (1J inability to attain adequate retention, (2) presence of a spastic or stiff soft palate that does not tolerate elevation, and (3) lack of cooperation on the Contraindications to the

part of the patient.

inv estigators that the lateral dimension of the nasopharynx wo utd be

Hardy et al compared the use of the p alatal lift in 11 children with

the level where the posterior and lateral pharyngeal wall activ­

cerebral palsy to the results obtained with pharyngeal flap s urgery

less at

ity takes place. compared t o above or below it.

in 6

c hildren with

cerebral palsy.85 Of the 6 chldren treated surgi­ i

cally only 3 made suffiCient speech gains to justify considering the ,

procedure a success; prosthetic management of t 0 of the 11 chil


Palatal lift

dren was judged to be successful. Anticipated difficulty i n tolerati ng the lift because of increased gag reflex


not experienced. Even

palates related to neurologic

though some of the children displayed gross invol untary head move­

disease or in patients with su rgically repaired clefts where a fairly long

ments, the prosthesis did not irr itate the posterior pharyngeal wall

soft palate remains essentially nonfunctional for closure, a conven­

during head flexion; nor were any instances noted of inflam mation

tional obturator prosthesis may be difficult to fabricate because of

or necrosis of the soft tissue on the inferior velar surface. Improved

the palatal tissue under and behind which the prostl1esis must pass

functioning of the palatopharyngeal valve was noted in one patient

to b e effective. In such cases. a palatal lift has been found to be ef­

after he had worn the palatal lilt for

fective (see chapter 15). Gibbons and Bloomer first reported the use


of such a prosthesis in an adult patient with flaccid velar paralysis resulting from bulbar poliomyelitis.'43 The lift elevated the velum and

palsy is the procedure of choice. Not only is there no surgical risk to

reduced the palatopha1yngeal space, resulting in improved speech.

with the prosthetic program compared with the surgica.l procedure.et.

In patients with weak or

paralyzed soft

management of palatal

a time. Based on

these results,

paresis in children with cerebral

the ch ild, but there appears to be a greater probability or success

Gonzalez and Aronson studied the use of palatal lifts in the treatment of 35 patients ranging in age from 4 to 72 years."' Of




Speech Pathology and Prosthodontic Applications

Table 19-5 Age of child 3to4 4 !05

5to6 6to 7 7 to 8

[1 Developmental sequence of speech1. Consonants correctly used in words

/mi. /p/, lbl. /wl, {hi In!. /V,Idl, lf}l.lkl, lgl,ljl Iff. M,lsl,lzJ /j/, ly, !II. !a/.101 /rl, lhwl, Is!, /zJ

production of the phonemes is again possible when the permanent dentition erupts. The developmental sequence of articulation is paralleled in the development o f skill in the use of other features of language. Children advance in orderly increments of language skills such as (1) length of utterance, (2) number of words they understand (recog­ nition vocabulary), (3) number of different words they use (vocabulary of use). (4) grammatic complexity of their sentence structures. (5) accuracy of syntax. (6) fluency and spontaneity of oral expression, and (7) social use of speech to influence listeners' opinions and actions.

Factors Related to the Development of Speech Skills

Intelligence The child's intelligence plays an important role in the rate of mastery

The ability of the child t o communicate depends on more than the

of speech and language skills. The intellectually disabled are typically

condition of the speech structures. Important internal and environ­

delayed in their first use of words and sentences. They present more

mental variables profoundly influence a child's learning and use of

than the average number of articulation errors. most prominently

speech. One must appreciate the patient's social and family history

omissions of phonemes. Complete speechlessness can be attrib­

in addition to medical history to visualize the dynamic relationships

uted to mental deficiency only in extreme cases152•153 (ie, 10 range

between these elements and plan a remedial program comprehen­

of 10 to 25). Mutism is usually attributable to autism or, in an older

sive enough to meet the patient's needs.

child who once spoke but stopped speaking, to hysteria. Altl•ough the level of proficiency in speech and language ultimately attained by intellectually disabled children is below that of normal children. all

Developmental sequence of speech-sound mastery The child is not born able to produce the entire repertoire of pho­

except those with extremely low intelligence demonstrate growth in these skills.

Hearing loss

nemes; the infant has a meager repertoire to which he or she gradually adds. The average child can produce 27 diffe rent phonemes by 2.5

Children who are deaf or profoundly hard of hearing display colos­

years of age.'"" Mastery of the use of these phonemes in words takes

sal delays in acquisition of a symbol system and development of

longer. Cross-sectional studies of children generally a gree that the de­

intelligible speech. Children whose loss of hearing is less severe

velopmental sequence is somewhat as shown in Table

develop a symbol system but miss ce1tain crucial features of the


The rate at which children master phonemes varies greatly. By 3

speech around them and display difficulty in reproducing it. Because

years of age, some children correctly articulate all of the consonants

children who are hard of hearing can monitor their performance to

and all of the vowels (vowels are typically mastered by all children

some degree, they produce voice and speech patterns less bizarre

early and without much difficulty). Other children do not master all of

than !hose of deaf children. Their communication may be lacking

the consonants until they attain the age of 8 years or perhaps even

in vocal melody. and they may demonstrate articulatory distortions,

later. Girls typically master phonemes in context somewhat earlier

particularly of phonemes with high-irequency components (ie. frica­

than boys.

tives and affricates). Also. they may omit final phonemes and may

No single general principle appears to adequately account for

have trouble monitoring the intensity of their speech.

the developmental sequence of speech. Among the factors that

The incidence of hearing loss is higher in children with cleft palate

probably play a role in determining this sequence are (1) frequency of

compared to the general population.154 Incidence of pathologic

occurrence of the phonemes in the child's environment, (2) visibility

conditions of the middle ear also i s higher than in the general

of the phonemes, (3) their auditory distinctiveness, (4) their phonetic

population. 1*1$7 Hearing loss occurs more frequently in children

power. (5) the distinctive tac1ile and proprioceptive characteristics of

with cleft palate only than in cl1itdren with clefts of both lip and

their production. (6) the complexity of muscular adjustment required

palate. 1011 One cannot make a general statement about the incidence

for their production, and (7) the child's changing dental status. With regard to the last factor, although children typically master lsi and

of hearing toss within the cleft palate population because research data indicate that it varies widely with the age of the group tested.

lzl between the ages of 5 and 6 years. these sounds often become

Spriestersbach et al reported that the hearing acuity of children with

distorted when maxillary anterior primary teeth are lost. Correct

cleft palate varies a s a function of age.158 Children who were 6 years



Factors Related to the Development of Speech Skills

or older when they were tested had Significantly smaller incidence

severe picture of communication disturbance. Their motor difficulties

and magnnude of toss than did children tested before 6 years of

are often complicated by hearing loss.

age. The research of Goetzinger et at suggested that adults with

Some patients who do not show the weakness, slowness. or

cleft palate do not display more hearing problems than the general

incoordination that causes dysarthria nevertheless may demonstrate

adult population. •so

unusually poor motor-speech performance. Such difficulty in per­

Some clinicians believe that t11e manner in which cleft palate is

fomling skilled motor acts voluntarily is termed apraxia. 162 A patient

managed bears an important relationship to the incidence of hearing

with oral apraxia is unable to follow instructions to wiggle or pro­

toss. Masters et at studied a group of 172 patients."'" They reported

trude and retract the tongue, to whistle, to blow. to click the teeth,

that patients wnh prosthetically repaired clefts had the highest

t o click the tongue, or to cough. Associated with this, or sometimes

incidence of hearing toss, and they attributed this hearing toss to the

occurring independently, is apraxia of speech, demonstrated by

prosthodontist's inability to fabricate

adequate prosthesis prior

difficulty in producing phonemic units of speech. The patient cannot

to 2 years of age and the failure of the prosthesis to restore palatal­

understand where to place the tongue to produce a given phoneme

musculature function.

or how to execute a sequence of movements to produce a word.


They considered the preservation of nom1al physiology of the eustachian tube and middle ear to be essential. However, their data did not take into account the age of the children at the time

Specific language disability

they were tested. Spriestersbacll et al also found that the incidence

of hearing loss was greater in children treated prosthetically than

Some children display difficulty in understanding and using language

in children with surgically repaired clefts, but the degree of loss

even though testing reveals no hearing loss. motor defect, intellec­

between the two groups was not significantly different. 1"' Because

tual impairment, or emotional disturbance. Such difficulty in handling

of these findings, they doubted that the higher incidence of hearing

the symbol system is designated specific language disability (devel­

loss in subjects wearing obturators could be explained on the basis

opmental aphasia or congenital aphasia). It is presumed that such

of poorly functioning palatal musculature.

cllildren have tl1is difficulty because of bilateral cerebral lesions or

In another study by Graham et al,161 54 patients were examined

defective crucial neural substrate for language. Such children may

before and after placement of an obturator: no ear infections

express themselves with gestures and indicate considerable under­

developed after initial placement of the obturator. and no patients

standing of their environment, but they are unable to understand the

showed an increase in hearing toss after obturator use. It was

significance of what is said to them or. in milder cases. give the ap­

concluded that an obturator can b e wom with no adverse effect

pearance of mishearing words in a way similar to the hard of hearing.

on the otologic condition of the palatal cleft patient Patients in this

Less severe degrees or specific language disability may account for

study had received otologic care from infancy, and obturators were

some of the persistent articulation and syntactic problems displayed

not fabricated before these children were 4 years of age.

by some children. Examination with the Illinois Test o f Psycholinguistic Abilities may indicate that a child has particular difficulty in the

Impairment of motor control

sequencing and recall of series of auditory units. '60 Although the child may be able to discriminate between and produce individual sounds. he or she may be unable to blend sequences of sounds

Children with cerebral palsy and patients with neuromuscular impair­

and recognize what words they compose. Sentences generated are

ment may display, as a part of their motor difficulties. i mpairment of

often syntactically primitive and reveal a disability in incorporation

control of the speech apparatus with resulting dysarthria. •e. Motor

of implicit syntactic rules from the surrounding auditory language

impairment may range from minimal weakness or incoordination to

environment. The specific reading disability known as dyslexia falls

complete paralysis or severe incoordination: consequently, speech

within the general category of specific language disability.•G