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PAPER RESEARCH PROCEDURE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIF Created to fulfill college assigment of “Research on ELT” The Lectures : “ Iim Khairunisa, M.Pd “

Created by : Group 5 Name

: Anang Jamaludin : Nita Haerun Nisa : Intan Putri Bungsu : Melawati


: IV (Four)


FOREWORD Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has given knowledge, strength and guidance. Where with His permission we were able to complete our paper entitled "Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research". We also thank Mrs. Iim Khairunisa, M.Pd who have guided us, and also to colleagues who have supported the completion of this paper. The presenter prepares a paper as a requirement to fulfill the assignment of the Biology Curriculum Review course. Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers, for our shortcomings, we apologize because verily perfection belongs to Allah alone. Wa’alaikumsalam, Wr. Wb.




CHAPTER I BACKGROUND 1.1. Issue There are so many forms and ways of writing scientific papers that we encounter. The broad form may be different, but the soul and reasoning are the same. On that basis, the most important thing is not to know the implementation techniques, but to understand the rationale that underlies them. The choice of form and writing is a matter of individual and institutional tastes and preferences by taking into account various other factors, such as what problem is being studied, who is the reader of this paper and in the context of what scientific activities will be conveyed. Based on the above thoughts, in order to uniform the writing procedure, it is necessary to issue guidelines for the preparation of research proposals and Thesis. This is done so that readers have a common perception of terms or terminology related to thesis writing. A scientific research can use a quantitative or qualitative approach. The quantitative approach uses statistical and mathematical test equipment which is often referred to as quantitative descriptive analysis, while the qualitative approach is based more on logical reasoning, understanding the interpretation of the research object. without using a qualitative analysis approach. 1.2. Problem Identification 1. What is the meaning of quantitative and qualitative research? 2. How to use quantitative and qualitative research methods? 3. What are the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research methods? 4. What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative research? 5. What are the similarities between quantitative and qualitative research?


1.3. Purpose Writing 1. After reading this paper, the reader can know what the meaning of quantitative and qualitative research 2. After reading this paper, the reader can find out How to use quantitative and qualitative research 3. After reading this paper, the reader can find out what are the characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research. 4. After reading this paper, the reader can find out what are the differences between quantitative and qualitative research 5. After reading this paper, the reader can find out what are the similarities between quantitative and qualitative research




Definition of Qualitative and Quantitatif Research Quantitative research method is one type of research whose specifications are systematic, well-planned, and clearly structured from the beginning to the making of the research design. Another definition states that quantitative research is research that demands the use of numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data, and the appearance of the results. Similarly, at the conclusion of the research, it would be better if it was accompanied by pictures, tables, graphs, or other displays. According to Sugiyono, quantitative research methods can be interpreted as research methods based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine certain populations or samples. The sampling technique is generally done randomly, data collection uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative/statistical with the aim of testing the established hypothesis. Quantitative methods are often also called traditional, positivistic, scientific/scientific methods and discovery methods. The quantitative method is called the traditional method, because this method has been used for a long time so that it has become a tradition as a method for research. This method is called the positivistic method because it is based on the philosophy of positivism. This method is called the scientific method because this method has complied with scientific principles, namely concrete, empirical, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. This method is also called the discovery method because with this method, various new science and technology can be found and developed. This method is called the quantitative method because the research data is in the form of numbers and the analysis uses statistics. Quantitative research is a study that is positioned as value free. In other words, quantitative research is very strict in applying the principles of objectivity. The objectivity is obtained, among others, through the use of instruments that have been tested for validity and reliability. In addition, quantitative research methods are said to be methods that emphasize more on aspects of measuring objectively on social phenomena. To be able to take measurements, each social phenomenon is described into several problem components, variables and indicators. Each variable that is determined is measured by giving different number symbols according to the category of information related to that variable. By using these numerical symbols, mathematical quantitative calculation techniques can be carried out so as to produce a generally 3

accepted conclusion in a parameter. The main purpose of this methodology is to explain a problem but produce generalizations. Generalization is a fact of truth that occurs in a reality about a problem that is expected to apply to a certain population. While the qualitative research method is a new method because of its recent popularity, this method is also called postpositivistic because it is based on postpositivist philosophy, as well as an artistic method because the research process is more artistic (less patterned), and is called an interpretive method because the research data is more concerned with interpretation of the data found in the field. Quantitative research methods can be interpreted as research methods used to examine certain populations or samples, data collection using research instruments, data analysis is quantitative / statistical, with the aim of testing the established hypothesis. Qualitative research methods are often called naturalistic research methods because the research is carried out in natural conditions (natural settings), also called ethnographic methods, because initially this method was used more for research in the field of cultural anthropology. Some methodologies, such as Kirk and Miller (1986), define qualitative methods as a particular tradition in social science that is fundamentally dependent on observing humans in their own area and dealing with these people in their language and terminology. Meanwhile, according to Bogdan and Taylor put forward a qualitative method as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words or words from people and observable behavior. Qualitative research method is also a research method that emphasizes the aspect of in-depth understanding of a problem rather than looking at the problem for generalization research. This research method prefers to use in-depth analysis techniques, namely examining problems on a case by case basis because the qualitative methodology believes that the nature of one problem will be different from the nature of other problems. 2.2 Use of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods There is no need to contrast between quantitative and qualitative research methods, because they are complementary and each has advantages and disadvantages. 1. Quantitative Research Quantitative research is usually used in research that aims to test a theory, to present a fact or describe statistics, to show the relationship between variables, and some are to 4

develop concepts, develop understanding or describe many things. The methods that are often used are experimental, description, survey, and correlation. Quantitative research presents proposals that are complete, detailed, specific procedures, complete literature and clearly formulated hypotheses. In quantitative research, the proposal is shorter and there is not much literature review, the approach is described in general terms, and usually does not present a hypothesis formulation. 2. Qualitative Research The use of qualitative research is used by someone who wants to know a problem that occurs in a "very deep" way. Therefore, the method used is in-depth interviews, field observations, observations, recordings. There are even researchers who experience what is happening in the field and follow their informants. Qualitative methods are used for different purposes when compared to quantitative methods. 2.3 Characteristics of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods A. Characteristics of research Qualitative The characteristics of research qualitative according to Bogdan and Biklen (1982) are: a.

It is carried out in natural conditions, directly to the source of data and the researcher is the key instrument.


Qualitative research is more descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words or pictures, so it does not emphasize numbers.


Qualitative research conducted inductive data analysis.


Qualitative research emphasizes more on meaning.


Qualitative data collection techniques are participant observation, in depth interviews, and documentation.

B. Characteristics of research Quantitative a.

Quantitative research is written in detail and clearly before going into the field.


Quantitative research performs deductive data analysis.


The data obtained are the results of the measurement of variables that are operationalized using the instrument.


Quantitative data collection techniques are questionnaires, observations and structured interviews.


The purpose of this study is to test the theory, show the relationship between variables, and look for generalizations that have predictive value. 5

2.4 Differences Quantitative and Qualitative Research The differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods can be seen based on the following: 1. Research Design • Qualitative is general, flexible, and dynamic. Qualitative research itself can develop during the research process. • Quantitative has special, detailed, and static properties. The flow of quantitative research itself has been planned from the beginning and cannot be changed. 2. Data Analysis • Qualitative analysis can be done during the research process. • Quantitative analysis can be done at the final stage before the report. 3. Research Subject Terms • Qualitative has research subjects commonly referred to as resource persons. • Quantitative has research subjects commonly referred to as respondents. 4. How to Look at the Facts • Qualitative: Qualitative research views “Facts/Truth” depending on the way the researcher interprets the data. This is because there are complex things that cannot be simply explained by numbers, such as human feelings. Quantitative research departs from data which is then explained by theories that are considered relevant, to produce a theory that strengthens existing theories. • Quantitative: Quantitative research views the “Fact/Truth” as being the object of research out there. Researchers must be neutral and impartial. Whatever is found on the ground, that's a fact. Quantitative research departs from theory to data. 5. Data Collection • Qualitative: Qualitative research focuses more on something that can't be measured by 6

black and white truth, so that in qualitative research, researchers explore data as deeply as possible on certain things. Thus, the quality of qualitative research is not determined by the number of informants involved, but by how deep the researcher explores specific information from the selected informants. • Quantitative: Data collection is carried out using a series of research instruments in the form of tests/questionnaires. The collected data is then converted using predefined categories/criteria. The quality of quantitative research is determined by the number of research respondents involved. 6. Data Representation • Qualitative: The results of qualitative research are in the form of the researcher's interpretation of a phenomenon, so that the research report will contain more descriptions. • Quantitative: The results of quantitative research are presented in the form of mathematical calculation results. The result of the calculation is considered as a confirmed fact. The validity of quantitative research is largely determined by the validity and reliability of the instruments used. 7. Implications of Research Results • Qualitative: The results of qualitative research have limited implications in certain situations. Thus, the results of qualitative research cannot be generalized in different settings. • Quantitative: The results of quantitative research are in the form of generalized facts/theories. Whenever and wherever, that fact applies. 8. Kinds of Methods • Qualitative: Phenomenology, ethnography, case studies, history, grounded theory. • Quantitative: Experiment, survey, correlation, regression, path analysis, expost facto. 9. Research Objectives • Qualitative: Gaining deep understanding, developing theory, describing reality and social complexities. • Quantitative: Explaining the relationship between variables, testing theories, generalizing the social phenomena studied. 7

10. Data Type • Qualitative: Descriptive and exploratory • Quantitative: Numerical and statistical

2.5 Similarities Of Quantitative and Qualitative Research There are several sides that both of these research designs have in common as a way to get the right knowledge, which are as follows: 1. In the early stages, the two researchers with different designs examined one common theme. 2. Related to the theme to be researched, the next stage is to make questions that are intended for preliminary studies. 3. Each design already has assumptions that underlie the implementation of the research. 4. In the process of tracking the initial information, sometimes the same methods such as observation, interviews, and documentation are used, although the levels in each of these studies are different. 5. The validity of the data that has been obtained is checked in their respective ways. 6. The data that has been obtained is processed and a report is made on the results of the research that has been carried out.


CHAPTER III CLOSING 3.1 Conclusion Types of Methods Quantitative research uses a lot of counts, statistics, and tables, with certain rules. This quantitative research uses data collection techniques with questionnaires. Quantitative research is often used in various disciplines, both natural and social sciences such as biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, sociology, journalism, economics, and so on. This research method is different from qualitative research methods because it uses calculations, while qualitative research methods use words or descriptions. The properties contained in quantitative research include calculating the magnitude or number, measuring the level of occurrence, proving something, predicting a variable based on other variables, actions or experiments, and proving a hypothesis. The research used for this Quantitative Research is a systematic study of the phenomena that occur and their relationships. Qualitative research is a research method that aims to gain an understanding of reality through inductive thinking processes. In this research, the researcher is involved in the situation and setting of the phenomenon under study. Researchers are expected to always focus on the reality or events in the context under study. Each event is something unique and different from the others because there are different contexts. 3.2 Suggestion We realize that there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this paper. We still hope that this paper will continue to provide benefits for readers. However, we welcome suggestions and constructive criticism with open arms for the perfection of future papers.


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