A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic-English) [PDF]

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lowl ~ l:vp iot ~L ron:


A,;o!m:: Arahic-f:llgfi.\hl wuh an inrroducl.".,.

~bOO" 0 I)rim:al stl di-s. &ction I, :\"3r and M lodle fa'l

v. 70

IIAr:lbucb 1M" Ontn :aliNik) In h ~iatnI . oo~erwJ b\' the l~l'riot MMOnit~ hay'/! &l1 m.:ie:nt hIStory: ob$ern~. tor in~t;U1.:-e, the fl'Sti\1!\' Q( Pollm ~unJOI)' Jes.:rit...-J III the :I.h~\rt text I FublisheJ. in Borg U9$5: 1(>1-2). In m~'1.ii.~\"al ES'l'l an.:! P.llestine. the ~"l!:kt>rab,'n.x the Oli\'e-tre"" ritual of Palm Sunda, ~eem~ to hoi"£' b«-n sh.md "ith ~lu..J.ims.. Wntint: about tenth·centur\' lsIJ.m, \kz (1937:-4 I 1'-1~) Q~saw'd: ~1M feSh\'.us,show h~)w thin \'''as the Islamic "arnisn on~r the roru1.l.( life. The :"Iushms ..:tlebraleJ J.lI th~ Chr~im

fest.v-ili-most oi \\'hkh ',","'re n,.thinl! more \\T lto'S.~ Ih.lJl rivals of ntu.:h olJer practkn. ... PaJm,Sunda\' (Sha'nin-Hoqnnah) ~wJ.~ J. JJ.)" of unL,'enaliesti\'ity for the pnlpk.1I must ha\-e been an old feast oi the tree'l- 11\'tal:ol)' of olive: ~s.ln Eg\·rt it was ~ caned the "Olive fe:>.t)\'ar l:\lJ.qrizi 1:.::t>4\. At the court uf BaghJaJ :\!.;I,y-girh ~~ ~n Palm~Su?day in gay J~s$e~ I\tth ra1m and olive bran..:hes i.\gham X.IX. BSl. tn .erusalem of th"" 4th.' 10th century an olive· tf't'e was ~-am\-.J tn wkmn proo..~ Ilum the Chun:h of the- Eleasor to (he Chun.::h of th.::: Resurm;tioo-the wah \.'It th~ toWn W1~ his ""ntire stan heading the rnxn~wn ~ Yah\'3. Ibn ~iJ: l'Hl. AU ~ dlUrCJ;u J1~-3\ and in thl" rovJern ArJt-I': .:\..,u~ul~


24 .

, Itlllfl\l'

!~ •


"'mrn"'lhiJhl~ first attempt by •

Frans)~l;,ou In iT "-l" dh..'alalph;lbd all" at . leVI an~' f




Ius native- langu.

l,rt " ~h;.\ral.ttr~l· .'r 'N l' rt .. t ('YtlKCS.l sutnl,.·knt response " . - ~ larlllutcs, " It m;:,)' prOVide . a I: t hi~ wud.1hJ...f' rill" (\ ..l'(lot the rahl ~rta tllg f Ilr hJbdi1ath,lll III the! Gre-ek Sprach,. ..... anoth r rt"..'ent ..;J.~ (I • . , v ) • 0 • • n D\ ( \ k;'UlF 1 , S, I 1 , t i. d"C' " "onl3. . \ :, (Dl\L: .... ,"'L \F :d\fll.-'\;" !.)f (lPRIl'T ARABIC

-154(' I ~ct llut h' sh,,,,- that despite its I " , In ~org ( , , ' " r J l"f1l1d llf ~twrJ. 1 ( !.'ntunes, C"\ A has retained eh'(utl n ('1\ l . ' • I affihathln'" \\lth the (\,ntemrorary ArabiC If trar'L..;t'lrl'n t l ' . . ..-war: "" .. all't".hir .tt.hmlbratt'd Ul the ~r('~t.·dll1g sections, they t'C statrd mamh b\ n:I ..'rel1\:"(' t t) (onn.!1 teJ,tures c!l,uacteristic ,,'n ,t dial"" orra' (1) the ArabI< Waidich 1989,ZOI), CyA shows >I'k I e

d'I)'S'; at,.". djaJects, the further stage of per maneOt • CIII(I A cohan Ara b'c I . certain 5 ~ nn t- to plurals of certain lll~h frequ:ncY,nouns even aggJullllauon of [I J recedes: ti{xllr x and ~uiJm;\\.A,m'ral, . 'b I b60: ' d" ,n ,act, Y., ~. . dkxes of OA fstagala·v eI 'bUSle, I.e., stngal reden , (sA 'llst) retaIn I , I' '" usy onese f; (cf. Malt tragcll ('01\\'iId l .2.'7) and ste'fl, .pkytsteCe , ' Jelll) 'he worked' but (xoghoh work). . I ' lJ( ,r. 'h ' , ' t t b' evA .~t1.\W < .~Ilhfc < lacaJa air ~s an arr~s mg e.rm elll~ a rare , "d' its cognates ArabIc mark. it Out as Item 1Il la Ie l 'tal ArabiC' " . .Jll BedouIn . a remarkable residual archaism III thIS perIpheral vernacular mherited from H,mi!o-Semitic (Orel/Stolbova 1995:124; {7U), r\ diJ(hronically reyealing case of eyA lexical particularism is the it'xitication of the semantic slot 'see; for which this vernacular has wmpeting reflexes of two root morphemes: *qsc and *r~y; the first has a fully inflected paradigm, the second retains only residual forms exdusive/v for the first and second persons of the Perfect: • an


- . b'

sg 1 sg 2 m, (f)

rayt rayt(j)

pi I.




Whereas the general trend in dialectal Arabic has been to replace \\-'ith other lexemes, especially Sfif, yiaf, as in Palestinian (Bauer 271), Damascene (Sto/Ani 1964:203), Baghdadi (Blanc 1964a:152), ~Ioroccan Arabic (Sobelman/Harrelll963:172), etc" reflexes ofOA r'y occur mainly in varieties of Arabic spoken in sheltered dialect areas (d, Ferguson 1959b; Kaye 1986): N Yemen, Malta, Cyprus, Uzbekistan, etc. and in certain SOcially marginalized vernaculars, e.g., Jewish varietlesof urban Moroccan Arabic (Heath 1989:7), The formerly wide dlstnbution of OA )" '11 b ' d - d r y see can sh e mferred from the incidence of efl\'e forms of this verb across the Arabic language area: Bagh (M) r,fwa, }Tdwi 'show' (SI


1929:500), Ale r ' " an, 1964a:ISI_2); Cai warm (Spiro y on rm.~·d '~g:t;a(S'>'h'Wl/ rdawwa, yrawwi 'faire voir' (Barth 302); N



e nste t 1987:259),etc,6S


'·'e has cognates in a number of Eastern A b' k C A IS . ralCvern

(Barth 659), certain Lebanese dialects (K acu Iars: AleppJOle947:140; qs'U), and several varieties of q.1r Aarn~ff 1936:S9; Fra Yha tolia and Iraq (e.g., the Mosul dialect: qJS;} ':x; " :ll; m the lustorr of the latter form,

Cy~ shares numerous lexemes with

Neo-Aramaicj its isolation from mamslream Arabic, together with the strong likelihood of its early formation, render it a potential repository of rare lexical Aramaisms: CyA Aram g> eyA f : CyA *g) can also be observed in seve. ral other Eastern Arabic coJJoquials: K;md : .~nlg(l, rl SJrtIy,]g 'Transportsack, aus einer Zie&enhaardeckc' Oa~lnw.' 1981:54, fn 18) - JAram sarigtd 'net, network (M. Jastrow W::ti), AI~r ~add.lj 'prononccr Ie nom de Satan, des demons, des ~('nie~ QU. g~':I1, en Jurant' (Barth 570) - Kfar.»6,. (f). >.»6rln (pi) ·sreen.




Significantly, VIrtually the same five basic colour ~ Pr..-Isl~mic Arabic: abydd 'white: aswad "lack,' green, blue, and "Ifar 'yenow' (W-D.Iscer P' h 1965-2371 term1db .• CS , y CyA speakers tend to be of erode tB,.:,.~son With other Semitic languages. Ours Pb~'b~~,:",ts that this five-term categorivtlon "SI!mi 'nom' (Barth 8) -PIIAr_ (JeraL'" ,",urn) pi 'asdmi 'Name' (Bau 215) - Ma1t ....... pl isaIijioI>'lIiIa!

namei ... 1-"""""

,malla (blessing uttered against the eYiI Cpo but aD 0100 ...... approval and admiration) 'God forbid! wbal a piIr! . . CIoao!": .... '·mn k.ysua! 'God bless you, how prelly.,.,., are!'; ......... iIIIItIiJIiiIDx-xoP' pl;yi,lax rankUlsmalla ' .. h..o1 we throw bt. d...,,-......• sa)" ,malla' (d. Maro;ais 19\1,127, Ii> Ii B"h. 19O!l-.13;*L1lV.1O; John \1, 12;; < *ism-allah'COOs name'; - Alep sm-all. 'a~k -que Dien Ie fou'iBarth 8) - Bagh (M) srrurI/Il (a won! to Wild express solicitousness and Bi;m 'der Name - Lehan ,ma/la (udekraIID) IayI: Ie pn>tiF .: doit dire pour conjurer Ie mauvais oeiI cknrIt 1ID



enfant malade; Fafla (Jiha 1964: - \!.1rdlll'n1l' .... elcher'(1



ai bi- (before 1st per~on smg, b-, \',er~ p~etix w~th Imperfect - C tinuo uS or habltual action: bt-fNnll }Ch \,'hat are you . , dicatlflg can ;oing1' (Bad/Hi 48), b->-r I pkyara 'cistern'; OA bi'r, pI abdrlbi)tIr, nonclass Ar l'1i)'dra

, plr, p

(H~~l:~;blr, pi byara 'puits' (Barth 72) -

Mard bir'Zisterni (VOl Wald 30) _ Sagh (M) bir, pi bylirl'ilhiir5Wood/Bec 49) - Pal Ar bir, pi b"a, (Bau 67) - Cai hir, pi 'aby,'r/b,),ar (Bad/H, 115) - Malt ,bIT, pi bl3/"' 'cistern:


pa§J11in, pi ftam,,, 'rive"': jik-GkiproG p-pafli!lin pkyip·y-n~a


OCclUSI\',za I '

an: ...·tkhef {}astra ..... J985~42),J

b-h-r ,

paxr (f, cf. Mod Gk SaAaaaa f) 'sea; (fig,) confusion, me.,,, bbaxr e me'ike 'the sea is deep'; nL"(l/n b-ba.tr 'we went to the seaside'; savaxot! paxr 'he made a mess of them' calquing eyG Ta OU\.iOOll-'(fi' (Frangiskou 122); cf. Malt (marna I-baharl 'we're in a mess'; 0.-\ l)a~r. pi abQlIr/builur/bi!'iir (Hava 22); ITranslocntive verbs without a folloWing preposition J.re JiS';:USSffl In the lntro (Prel), The idiomatic parallel CyA between t\1altt",~e derives from shared Indo-European influences; cf. Italian marr tn!twas Used t say-to (ome and open his mouth for the first time and feed h' 0 tha~ he w~ul~ g~~w i~to a .~eal,thy chil~ (I.e.,. with a good ap~:e~ k·kllp pk)1~1; pIN fcrllX te.soxx the dog IS whimpering, it wants to ~ out'. OA b"k,] Ii) (Hava 43); g lFor metathesis between labial segments and the back conso-nants k and q in vernacular ArabiC, cf. BIr Zet bikba < *bibka < *bibqa (Blau 19W:I1I): substandard ,\Iall IwI:f'aJ 'standing f' < wiiqifa, [}'l'paJ 'he remains' < -ribqa. etc. (Borg 1985:88, fn 4a).J

. d got d rene . the raUl an ;~ava 44); II a"if de 1) (Barth 62) - Bagh (M) IbalIai 'get wet' _ Nep mba (Pp I Ar nball 'naB werden' (Bau 216) - Cai inbaU, dlBee 43) - a (WOo . 1895. 55 ). . Ii (SpICO . I


I ' (pp) 'wet': mantsay xmire, maxxalllta mall-isrmt


foP -HI map1"1 II, - , . n.

Bagh (M) bila (prep) 'without' (WoodiBee 41) - C;;ukur bla 'ohne' (Prochazka, p.c.) - Pal Ar bala (Bau 113) - Cai bala (Bad/Hi 95) - Malt ,bla>.

miSJ!.i, f. -e,. pl m~m 'weeping, inclined to weeping': ld-tisimfjlJu,

b-I-s palos, pkyiplos (v/t) 'press, squash, crush; run over (car)': z-za'inli tealla palas itll xost b-bape 'our little boy got his hand caught in the door'; paisllflna k-kilp, I-1II,j)~/bllld' (Wood!Bee 45) - Pal Ar. bu:," (Bau. 42) _ Cai8h~M) pi ·(It buildmg, construction (Bad/HI 108· S· nat I'I"d '/bl1l1i1'II .'..., • pUo 189 . 60) _l\1alt ,hini) buddmg (vo) and (n). S.


pape. pi -,it 'door'; rakket b·bape'someone's knocking at the d ' "-bare mil-'iIka kaes 'he dld not shut the door properly'; OA bdo,:r: ab....!b/Mb by (d. bydrU) and t~e analogous eUipsis of this lexem~ in toponyms

(Zadok 1997:123; Wild 1973:256f) and Hask be stx das Haus des Scheichs' (Talay 2002:69). Commenting on Pale.~lini~n usage, Dalman (VII, 77) noleS: "GewiG war das Haus des gewoh~hc~en. Mannes Lm Aherturn auf dem Lande WI~ heute (l940,.ABJ mel!)t emraumig.... An eineo einzigen Hausraum wad gedacht sem, wenn der Hausherr dem vor der verschlossenen TUT urn Brot bittenden Freun~ antwortet, daB er mit den Kindem schon Zll Bett .. , sel (Lk. 11, 7). On the notion 'inner room: d, Heb bdtim ha-pnimiyim (Krauss, op. cit., fn 566) and T. E. Shaw's translation 'inner room' in Odyssey XIV, 45}.

b-y-d-r paytar, pi pkyeterlpkyetir 'threshing-floor': kintam kmlyltirsu kkampx rna m-moras xost b-baytar 'formerly, they used to thresh wheat with a sled on the threshing-floor'; sel « syI) taxmin aska sa'a pitrf atrlJx u atii anlaxt l-ipkyetir 'reckon how much time you need to go down to the threshing-floors and to come back'; OA baydar, pi bayddir - IAram bey darey'Scheune' (Levy I, 214); - Alep bedar, pi bayader'aire OU 1'on depique Ie ble en y passant Je traineau appele dargar' (Barth 72) - Dam bedar, pi bayMer'Tenne' (Grotzfeld 1965:153) - Darag baydar, pi bwed.r'Tenne, Kelterplatte' (Vorwald 53) - Bagh (M) bedar, pi -at, barM;r 'threshing-floor, threshing-area, pile, heap' (Wood/Bee 49) - Pal Ar bedar pI bayadir 'Tenne' (Bau 300); [cf. Malt ,andar> < AramJ. ' lef. A~a~ (DSS) 'edddr > andar'Tenne' (Beyer 1984;505); Be~p badra !~~~~ (Smha ~OOO:80), TUT 'adro 'Tenne' (Jastrow 1985:218). Reflexes f K15 AramaiC lexeme also Occur in the Maghreb: Malt, AA andar ~~ ~~emer 195~:42}. For the dissimilation of *dd here, d. Bibl Aram n a you know < yd< (Qimron 1995:136).}


. 'I

eO, p;paeli (vlt) 'bleach': pip")'/ju "',"psom'eU.. blanch,,,.,. pa e' (Roth 1975:-6): OA baryada (""va 53)' ' c!:;


• ~ Alep ban·ad 'blanchir a I'eau bOllitlante (de la toUt «rut, de . ) blanchir iz la chaux (un mur), ...• (Barth 7J) _ Bagb (" L_~ sole, . • I"IJW.,.l'WV 'whiten' (WoodfBee 49) - Cal b'Hyad whiten. bh.'ilCh, wbtew4$h (Spiro 117) - ~Ialt baqad '(only) whitewash.'

pkyalilia, pk)lpyalili,,'lurn white'; 0.\ ib)'Id,il/i/zld'blan( (Raith :41- n.nl 'abyad f b~da, pi bId'white' (Sto/Ani 10.1) - R,nd "I».,,~, f bb.n. pI rban 'paille hache< (Barth SO) - Man! , '''''Ii'Stroh. . kseJ'{Vo/Wald 67) - Bagh (M) ribin 'straw' (Wood/Bee 54) - Pal AT ac Hb (Bau 146) - Cai ribn 'chopped straw' (BadlHi 121) - Malt . "",,,,,urn, f -a,

rl-'n (pp) ',ompleted:

mmmc (f. cf. '100 Gk cr\.,~.l1TA~po.lO'l 0 'completion, end, conclusion' < -lam~ '·asfal-'dt ma-li\ltn tamme 'there's no end to studying'; _ Ca..i tamma/ummQ'completeness, fullness' (Bad/Hi 137). t-w-a

taw (ad. Ulvar' 'exact, specific (time)': kwalikullu k-kassis Have sac« u '-tn\" xat (nhr ~ ttantzi 'we used to tell the priest: "On such a dav and 11 such a time. we'll come [to church to baptize the babyr< -f4Ww.,; d. At ,~~, "tout a rheure, it n'y a qu'un instant' (Dozy I, 153); \ A """''On (Wehr '19); 'Bf'hftd ~ (1~3b "" :91\'''1n ._- D-deu t ung ...Jetzt. .Sin . d Re ft exe von IlIw • er _..L • I, ~,DO;: •Noni-Osttns I«.llt tdteu; ~ k ommen vor allem in den q.1ltu-Dialekten

an f\ll1D. IIIIOf(t W. als: ~WWUP1, taww~. tawwi wobei die letztere m -f atwte:babe, tu.,ng \ erdlcnt, au slch hier Reste einer alteren

" (BehnstedI1993b:9l) This le.xeme is inflected N, . ' . &.,'QOW L~ ,e g.... ege' ArabiC Ul:1+'1-I-'-1, ta»'W-ak, taww-U, 1 kl)OW that my~' ~ dr~t 1'1 aJ-~bGYrib Ii-furgay yifrah 'nOW the ikn"ltf.--....t 1.5 to part from me.' (Bar-ZviIBorglKressel), - - l3eugh "t, ' hation of Ar ta~"Wa IS also note ..... orthy; cf. Its ' _ as ~ 1lI.1he

lJl (







audialecl'Owens 1984:188).}

ouJI)~. -)~outa !'heu,e' (Barth 98) - Bagh (M) fawwa- (+ Wood,.Bee6l) i~·Vfrt ... Just now, just this minute'; 'I just arrived


&mde 01>.

tt.7bbtt (v'i) 'be confirmed (Chr)': ipni ttettabbet (=ltta-yit9abbetJ) i-fum;tsebbat lwaled (byidhnll kull rnafaslo UlOU) (Berss:r:fler



1924:66)'after Baptism, the baby is confirmed (they hL' Jomt; "'th oil)' (my trans.) _ Pal Ar it8abbat (pass) (Bau


''f''-~ ..'''t,



tnpeaffte, pi mpeajftfn 'confirmed (Chrr (Chr), (local formation < *tf!lIbbot < *ta6abI,L O'( '", wi" ' teeabbe~ alok pisauon exern rno'a M.,""",'_m '-Umti " I -", - , erut

tlaxe, tlax- (construct form) 'three': tlax-truk'three times; tlaxlaYlat'three nights': xatinni tlax.pasal iifJ2dr 'hand me three onions!'·, tlax-vak 'three ok,'es',' tlax' ,'tna 'the three of us; tltiJaton th ree of th ' 1) em: OA ealdea, Oallie (Hava 7 :



t U &·$ubbot " I . Ily] from Be; . "ormer y the bishop used to come [spec" rut to admlOlster C nfi . b Ptl$.m and Conti 0 rmatlOn; nowadays they perform a

~ _I At 1a6bft'Ko fi .', 19, .. Dam: rash}' 0 rmalton (Bau P


tlnatlon together'



178) - Alep tatbrt (Bar _ t (Cia 'ucra.rnen: rConfirmation' (Stol Ani 50) - Cai sirr it-tasbl

° cOnfi,ma['On' {Bad/Hi 393) ' -_ _ _ _ __


r . . . tlLlI is probably an e stop reflex It! of the interdental IrlCatlve In U rks Aramaic trait; d. Bagh Ar (J) tld8i (Blanc 1964:46) an? t~~(=~ch on Bo'g (1985,127, fn 26); note Mod Mand ,1.BalklaBo dre, shift of 1993,:10,443), Urmi taha 'three' (Garbell 1965:336). On t he ~'Ii" > x. cf. also rural varieties of : ephaMft 8). ~_ _ _ _e_'_ed_,__ . :::.,:1,;; 9n,,;;. •....;.....;_ _ _ __

~eddl~1 ~8





(Within Ara!:ok. cf. N Ye,m 61ntaYli - hilltaYII 'drei (f)' (Behnstedt 19 45), Malt ,hcmm' 'there < OA 9amma).J 8s:

_ Alep tlate/tlat· 'trois,' rfiifJtna 'nous trois' (Barth 90) _ M rd /B,le- 'drej' ; fMe~t~lI 'diese drei, aUe ~rei' (Vo/Wald 78) _ B: B46e 11.>8a/l/a8- 'three' (WoodiBee 63; Erwm 1963;260) - 0) r/,!()j/tI~ (1.1) lidli/I/al- (Blanc 196HO) - Hask sase (Ta1ay 2002;81) - Pal A - (C)

114t- (meistens tiat) (Bau 78) - Cai talata/talat(t)- : talat rigga/.tldtel men,' talatt aftIf'three, tholls.an.d' (~ad/Hi 133: - Malt (tlieta/~I:~~~~ ,dell iJiellv 'three days, ,rlett tkheb) three dogs.


tLn,trp,I'fI 'three or four': maxxallion tlaxarpdcQ 8kyem ZON_ ' keep (the harvested olives) at home for three or four days'; < "'BldB. at'ba'o; - .rur Pal Ar hdoa qa'ad (Ja~(J, arba(t-ya~ l~-jrub wald figi 'Drei bis vIer Tage saB er ohne ArbeJt und Beschaftlgung und ging nich au, und em' (SchmldllKahle 1918; 1, 70) - Bagh (j) tIa8 'agba' snad; t 'three or four boxes' (Mansour 1983:102). . Iq

t-thlRclt-tlaxc 'Tuesday: ymnutlaOelyamutlaxe 'on Tuesday': xna 11 t!axe 11 ~rph' lina GstasisG 'on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday fof Holy \\eek) .....e make the Way of the Cross'; OA yawm aB-(}uI48iPI B.1J8.l' (Lane 348); ~ Alep. ,Jtti.iitdlyam ~ttldtdlnhdr ~ttlata 'mardi' (Barth 90) _ Bagh )'Om lB-lli/ti8a 'Tuesday' (Wood/Bee 63) _ Pal Ar yam eIi-Ba1aBa Dlemtag' (Bau 76) - Cai )it-taldt and yom it-talat (Bad/Hi 133) _ Malt {nhar' it-tlieta"


'thirty' (possibly a recent loan from mainland Arabic); OA {;.J1Ulili (obI case). tretl11


xmenyc (invar) , . h' 8hctt ' , h d ' clg t: xmenye pnatu8kya 'eight girls'; xmenye (Hav: ;~t t ays xmenye varak 'eight books'; OA OanuJniya, Bamanin ~FQr tlv vuit ·9 > x

.. AI




9-n-y noyn 'two': xnaytna, xllayBkon, xnaytOll 'the two of us yo / 8/laytt x ,h f' -B _ ,u, '; klm na xnayt~a t ere were two 0 us ; OA I nat'u, f iBtluttitli; obl, thero . f ·8nataym (Hava 73); 'Il'laym,



-hly under the influence of Greek, CyA has not retained a reflex of d-fl'·Gk. OA feminine form. G ~n er In eelton In ree cardinal numerals is the . ,ed to 'one' (Tzcrmtas 1969:97, Ruge 1986:51). On the shift 8 > x res lnC ") see under 818 and [lmn. [pOSSI

'"' Alep mtn, f tdnt~n nom de nombre cardinal 'deux' (Barth 95) _ d enayn, f BantaYIl (Jastrow. p.c.) - Bagh (M) Bnetl, pi-at 'two, pair' K;IO. 1963:65) _ N Yem 6intayn - hintayn 'zwei (f)'(Behnstedt 1985: (ErWlD - - -fl' h45) '"' Malt (tnejn, iewg-() t -) : z) typifying urbanized Yia hacktng of it reater Syna. (Note the occiusivization of glm > [g] oft" in en\'lronme~~:'~ of articulation in Cairene, possibly triggered tlpalatal athicate.)! eTe sibIlants cO-occurred with the voiced alve-

!i~1 ' (v/t) , . ., g-b- I , •. Pk)npol create •. th.; miX cla wpetnr (Roth 1975:36); OA gabala (i, u) 'form, - Alep gabal (o)'L ,th water' (Hava 76); (Barth 102). e ayer avec de l'eau (du platre, du mortier); petrir' ~t""'l' ~ r'" mOUntain, hill'. 0

- AIt;p gabal, pi gbai/ A g~ba/, pi agbdllgibal (Hava 76); plgb.!1 mOUntain' iWoo~1 montagne' (Barth 102) _ Bagh (M) gilJat Bee 67) - Pal Ar gabal, pI gbal'Berg' (£IihOI

_ Cai gabal, pi gibdl 'hill, mountain' (Badl Hi 148) - Malt 1999,93) ) n un g'ebla>'stone: . bel (maSS n , ,ge I Gk VUrIC) 'mountain' (name of Cypriot village)· < Ar i-lipe :::; , I_gab a/' g_b_n t 'forehead': li _GprotoG (x)xar tes-syam marrux l-iknise mim· zpIMtex6ttinna k-ka:srs' /-rrfimut " '"zpm u pi'k unna: mill-itrrlp ukra dXO k zf-L v

P "w u ll-itrap ttatruxu on the rst ay a ent, we go to church in the Zl . g so that the priest can put ashes on our foreheads and say to rnm mo . return! "; OA gab!n, pI us: From dust you came and to dust you wlll

gbunlagbina (Hava 76); a _ Alep gbln 'front' (sans pi) (Barth 103) - Mard gben 'Stirn' (Vol Wald 83) _ Pal Ar gbln, pI 'agabln (Bau 290) - Cai gibln, pi gibfna 'forehead' (Bad/Hi 148) - Malt 'Sbin>. g_b_n 2 iabben, pii abben'make cheese'; d. OA agbana/HI'he made cheese of it (milk)' (Lane 376); _ Alep gabban 'faire du fromage' (Barth 103) - rur Egyp Ar iabbi" 'kasen, zu Kase werden' (Behn/Woid 1994:56).

iupn 'cheese filling for krilli"i (rolls)': tlax -okktit iup" 'three okes of cheese filling'; OA gubn (Hava 77); _ Alep g,b,n 'du fromage: pi gbuntit 'des sortes de fromages' (Barth 103) _ Dam i ,b,nli,bne 'cheese' (Sto/ Ani 83) - Ka'b g,b,n 'Kase' (Vo/ Wald 83) _ Bagh (M) gibin (Wood/Bee 67) - Pal Ar gibn (Bau 170) _ Cai gibna, pi giban (Bad/Hi 148) _ Malt ,goban (mass n), nun gobna).

. mii ipne 'rennet'; GammaG piSldd I-ixlip, e kayse I-mfiipne 'if the Illilk curdles, the rennet is good'; OA magbana 'dairy' (Hava 77); , . - Alep magbana 'caillette, presure' (Barth 103) - Pal Ar magbana Kaserei' (Bau 170). , h-h-s z ' f -e, pI Zxus 'young donkey; o· foolish person'; OA gaoh" ,axs,. s young ass, plglhdSigihsunlgahasa (Hava 78); . Sot,~~lep gahs/ga!,as, pi {henme de petite taille, bourriquet, tgnoran~ arth 104) _ Darag dah s'Fullen (pferd, Esel)' (Vo/Wald 84) - P



A Ralli! 1'1 ~1"IS/ghiiS 'Eselftillen, aber auch Esel schlechth· , 1;4) _ C~' galls, 1'1 gllllliSlgllllliSa 'young donkey' (BadlHi 14;~ (B" g-d-d :ht. f -r, 1'1 it"t 'new'; OA gadid, pi glldlld (HaY. 79); _ Aiel' Mid, pi gJdad'neuf' (Barth I O~) -; Dam idid, 1'1 iddd/iodild 'new' (Stol Ani 157) - Mard td,d, pi gdad neu, fnsch' (Vo/W,ld 84 _ Baoh (M) ~idld (WoodiBee 68) - Leban Ar idid, pi idad (F h l) 0" d.d egai IQIQ,1I9) - Pal Ar gdld, pi gdll Igli ud (Bau 216) - Ca; gidid I glldlld (B"dIHi 150) - Malt 'gdid, f -a, pi godd... 'P g-d-y itie [ldP'eJ (sg "nd pi) 'young nanny goat'; pilipu itie 'some young nanny goa:s are missing'. (F~a~giskou ,158) < *idiyye, OA gady 'kid; pi g;dll'igldY ' co er,ounr, c . avoir lieu' (Barth 110) _ K;md g,ri ( J aieBen 'Wasse" 6 rh slch abspi 1 '(V, , ~_w, stream. run; happen ( ,e en ol\Vald 86) - Bagh (M) gira, (,)

-AiepJlaral,')' ul

1 ) - ~WI tera, j'gri"


" .... ra.i"ra



, ' (Bau 227) - Cai gara (a) 'happen, occur' (BadlH, 'passieren gil~ _' Malt (gara, jigri>. ., )5, ~ , + (pronominal suffix) '~ndergo, b~ subjected to < ~gar4 /I: zara fi " Ihon xarka tem-Grtlor6s o)fi SIN bnm ta la~tt:ra fix Sf lI_rumnu't u t-tataare responsible for the child until the age of six :;'0 that 'the g~dparenhtsuld befall him'; as zara finn! '(if you onty knew) what mIshap S 0 no hI' \fe've been throug . . ' - ..

\\ood/Bee 71) - Cai giri (i) 'run' (B.dIH,

. , P9'lZTa lv/i)'ha " " Bukta'a happen ppen, Ar 'gard (a) < OA nard (i): ,cOmetop ass'(Abu+Haidar 1978:45) • _ Pal /U

,. ft rendered as 3. phonological word: zar!.lJlIll. '::llmfil. etc ~ en Gk. ,Hle'· F etc.• and proba bl y conveys 'loJ I~ .;l.fVl,l\ or IThls( IS )0 nderwent: ),ou hmift ~ry ;> *rky > rk d. Beaudouin (1884:450 and Kais-~e (liN.!}} the s '

, 'f ierkye, pi ierkln (ap) 'running': OA garin: zen, [Note here the fronted reflex of.OA t'I Jbsent m ot~er Atabi~ Jialt\:L~ otherwise showing the q~l(tj vanety of the undla shift: Aleppme. tote}

_ Alep gari (pa) (Barth 110) - K.nd 'l,ay gilri 'fliellendcs Was>d (Vo!Wald 86) _ Bagh (M) gad (ap) 'f\owmg, running, circ.ulatins" (Wood/Bee 71) _ Malt dlma gieri>'running water' (note contrast with

(gari) 'my neighbour'),

iarkiiri (vn) 'running' < *iarky: _ Cai gary (vn) (Bad/Hi 157) - Malt .giri, (nv) gir'!a"

iirk (n) 'pace, speed' « 'iiry) : i,iirk tcl-ixlIlIlr akke un 'such " th.' donkey's Iro)!' (said of a slow,witted person: Frangisko u 230) < ':irki' : pxiss pxal'I feel sick', hm;'itfilsni'l felt someone pushIng me'; ana pxissu 711.(. ',XasSd)'t C r~1J , h. assa/abassa (Hava 122). " P'r( 'en;, 'I suspect he doesn,t want to go,"OA - Alep ha" (.) 'sentir par Ie toucher' (Barth 157) - Mard h 'enldecken bcmerken' (Vo/Wald 113) - Bagh (M) hass (i) '. 'IIlSS (a) , h (') (B . ee, Sense' (Wood/Bee 102) - Pal Ar ,ass ' au 51) - Egyp Ar has 'h" , s oren' (Behnlll'oid 1994:84) - Ma lh t, ass, ih ass> 'feel.' xiss 'voice': xissu kacs 'his voice is beautiful'; OA biss 'feelin , "(H ava 122) ; g,ptstJhi (Barth 189) - Pal Ar mist~j (EliI)ai 1999:282) _ Malt 'mismi~ 'shy,'

I kka'c:tc h at,hrown.ob·' eyA sa, Jend haYWJ~, pi ha)""iinat - Darag hrwan, pI ~rwanat 'Tier, Vieh, Last., Re:tt,er (\'o/Wald 132) - Bagh (M) haywdn, pi -at 'animal, beast' ~\\OOd/Bee 127) - Kfar'ab ii/wail 'animal' (Feghali 1919:84) _ Pal AI Q)'lnp 'zlir-


orn (~eslBu ,57); d. also 'trek >app;}kt1 (Jer. 15, 14), 'orek >appayim (Prov....5, 15) patience: and Mod Mand dp,na 'G"I'cht Mut' (Macuch 1993:36i).)


xI[,k, pkyaxlak 'arrive' (lhqU),


xall . x-I-y teritl..·.(1ka·.P~lilj (v/t) 'let, leave, abandon- bide one's time; leave pas--,. nylS ax Il' ' d abandon ou h ana f pkyutna u al1naxrop mni8-oeca 'we ha to anlh: u 4I1t':'£· 'thoUT,es and flee from the village' - t _turk kanixLlIluTUl .. I li e urks use d to aIIow us to come'and ( go "I.e...across the armistIce ., ~dited for mv f~~S} ; xalla y-yapati 11 Il-ummi xarpu u ia pilakrm h~ )'Dpati u. xalkt n· .;~ ~d mother to leave and came to see me'; ana ma· lr let me slet-pl" .::afla my father died when I was small'; xdllinj tatui;" , }'fa l-rXntara ' . xruH !1t raxet antaxt l-yapatt uv-ana 'J' I


.re 'leaven,'. OA


day, he/she receives the samts name; ets! _ rur Egyp Ar illxalaq 'geboren werden' (Behn/Woid 199 . 4.124)·([ Dam kazztfb /1/:m Wtlq~t-11Ia Xd Ieq 'h' es a b orn I iar' (StefAni 26). "


x-ro-r xamlra (Hava ISS); Aram xamird (Fraenkel


-re'levain pour la pate' (Barth 216) - Mhall xamlre ~:A.vald 145) - Pal Ar xamlre 'Hefe' (Bau 151) - Malt




'sauertelg ( ,

. a) ·yeast.



. 'Hefe'(Jastrow 1987:182).]


x-m-s amps- 'five': xamps-iksus 'five priests'; xamps-tisxur 'five xarnpse. x " xamps-Ismn "five years;' xamps, mps-ta'irfe 'five I oaves, m~t~\: Cypriot pounds (a cryptic term to foil Greek salesmen I'; x~ p 'Ok 'the five ofyou';OAxamsa, xams (Hava 185); xarnp~\ on xamse, xams- : xamst-iiliif 'five thousand; xamshlCro' _Nep h I " h ' d'ees'·, on dit meme qqf. xamst-a. rna cmq c arges, xamst. 'cmqcou .• . _ ahwas-'"emq cours au malsons (Barth 216) - Dam xamse, xam>s(t-I. . ia-d 'five children'' xam>5t >571Or 'five months' (Stow/Am 92) .winS JW _ Oarag xam,e (selbstandige Form), xams- (Vo/Wald 145) - Pal AI xamse, xams, xam(e)st- (EliI)ai 1999:193) - Malt ,hamsa, hames! t-)I 'five': (harnes snin> 'five years; .hames qtates~ 'five cats: .hamest ele6 ['d,n 'five thousand.'

xampsitt(e) 'about five or six': naxni kunna xampsit! riel 'we were about five or six men'; - Alep xams,tt contracte de xams s>tt'cinq, six .. .' (Barth 217), [Cf. MMAr :cams sitt jo.wdris 'five or six knights' (Schen 1973: II, S5}, 1

xmis'Thursday'; OA a[-xamlslyawm a[-xamls (Hava 185); - Alep xamls et nhiir ,[xamls 'jeudi' (Barth 217) - Pal Ar ycm 'ixamis'Donnerstag' (Bau 77) _ Malt mhar iI-Hamis. 'Thursday.' yamuxmis 'on Thursday' < Ar *yal\-'nI l-xamis.

. x-m-n 1 do: men, pkyixman (vii) 'be low, diminish'; cf. xa~~Awvw 'lower, bnng n, become lower' (Pring 1982:205). xtlmm en, fnxammen . 'lower': xammen moxxak 'lower your head".



'-l11l11ll'll (adj) 'bent over, stooping': kanituluPPlzan . P ttl . t ., G 6' '6G t I" • . II m.f, . , ,. ircx (;ist1 G tezf m- mor 5 IS • a ,,-tezf ('kampu'G "'or.

""k '/'h n,fal4 . "ell ",_Gmor6f-', tezt SO 'or nun .te u t ey also used t0 S\y d-'til mp.,am-t a bdby ~o that his legs would grow straight, so that it would Ib a dl~ . 'I stand upright and not develop a hump, Or a stoop t able tostallu ,so that he would draw compliments from "lIS re "attves (te/u).' M


ICf. Qaraq dalita 'vine' (Khan 2002:730),'

d_m_c • ' t: md·liXD tam'lI mot tamca 'drop (of liquid),: ltf·cayn tel Naus Y'Pst,' dro of water XOst 'the water source at Naus has dried up; theres nOltka' ,.Pb' dnnIt L , J 'ba damcllta· nn 'tear' in qatrat ayyub lanne de 373),1




drpt'. 'Wednesday,' ya,,!~,drpi'i 'on /ina "'stmw 'Ill) Monday, Iuesday, and Wedneact.,. make the WdY of the Cross'; OA al-arbiCtP (Lane ... Alcp #arlrtf. l_JI~r~,f. nhdr ~1-Jarbc4. yDm (Barth 26111, (J) ",m '/"arb'i (Pi,menta, p.e,) _ ~ ' ~!ollwoch' (prochazka 2002: 182) - Mos (M) 19M 22) . Malt ,(nhar ill·crbgha·lt:/, fPllct Lenn 12002-44.1 ), fhl: final imdla in erA. Je-willi ~ukuf'OVl suggests (hat Ilarthtlemy's imdla-less VIIiant


I't'r.cnl the PrISt me dialect form.)

r·b·y rabb", pirabb. (v/tl 'bnng up, cultivate': marrabbi '(to m,th- bre.,d) we prepare the yeast the night


(Hal'o 239);

- Alep rabba 'e to rhe surface of the sYrup" i-iUml'l It be - Den week Were ' celebrating carnjval'; • •OA ~ ~., raIsed In d.~~t(. .~...


nondass Ar raffQ{ 'hold carnival' (Han.

t:u:.,~~~l, ~~eyt"f17 ~ince' (Barth

287) - Mud

# •

hoist'- w-traffe ,~ ra{f. ea Dtte/1 __ ', xissak 'don't raist

yaur (Ill

rwff~ F'ltaffi'

"o/c.. Q 'A.

u,etc, '\o/W.1rl 180). -""'1\23);




'_,oJ,\Oo' (Bau 80).


(til U,· -

, f,ij,l'a 'height'; OA

rifa 'bigh rank' (Hav. 262).

mdrfa'a, pi mprdf~e 'the week before Lent; carnival': m-marfa;ar.Q'\e., Naples curnoin--are. etc. [ ~teyer-lubke 1935:162}.~

_ .-\lep marfa', pI marafec 'etagere. rayon perce de trOllS OU fon pose is ,'meset les cruches aeau ._:; marfa' ~lla~lm 'proprement le lieu ou le :e::nps ou l"on enleve ou supprime la viande pour pre-parer au careme, ;m sui'& Ie cama\'al'; /ah~ad .Imarfa' 'Ie dimanche gras' (Barth 288); :t also marje 'slide') (nltzuxlok (vn)' I' , ' _ AI S 'PPIng, skiddin " ep t:.:>bloq (inf) of lizahla g , (nl"nt! , ' , ' q (Barth, lac, cit,), . 14 t slIppery slo e'. _ tf,Alep Oro ::;,hk' p, OA zu!,luqalzllhluka (Hava 285); q IMI ti'l4ga .,jide' I terratn g1issanl el en pente' (Barth 308) _ Bagh 'GI 'b ' P ace to lid' ell abn' (Bau t40), 'M s e (WoodiBee 202) _ Pal Ar zuh/lqa ,,> all lllilll, pi ,}lr!1O 'terrasse (d'une maison)' (Barth 435) - Dam J,riih 1'1 a.ense of touch, fingerprint';

• Akp /at" vn of ,.Ie< (Barth 435).

""'''11'II,f-a ()" 'd by the devil.' . pl' -In pp touched: mastlJcu mnis-setan possesse , . s·.

s-m-k . sammu~, pI smemfk'broomstick'; cf. OA simak 'upholding or lifting unple~ent 5H.va 337); Syriac stlmuktl 'support, 'tai' (Barth 359); cf Heb samC& support' (Klein 449) , samokot'supports pillars' (M. JastroW Q99); - ,

s-n-h sine, pl min 'year': s-sine 'this year'; kulla s-sinc'during the entire year'; atka snin int?'how old are you?'; sine sirltaY1J 'a year or two'; t):\ "na,pls;nun (obi sinin) (Hava 340): , - Alep "ne, pi sMin 'an, annee' (Barth 362) - Kand sane, pI ",tn I,hr' (Vo/Wald 209) _ Pal Arsalle/sine pI snill (Bau 165) - )'lalt , CyA sal 'plO\1gh: ~ the lntro [Oil I e oo.ng Aramaism 5harcd with S.£. AnalOOan pro Armt(" ~v_a sir

'k , f -a ' pi -Ill (pp) 'ploughed' x'ali mantsukin 'ploughed' m(ltlts U , fields, 5(lwk (vo) 'ploughing'; OA saw'l (vo) of ~dq lUI 'dnve la beast}' (Hav' 344); , ,_ _ Alep sawaqdtl (vn) (Barth 367) - Dam sWllqa lSto! Am ,2 \ . Arb w 'pfiug,n' (Vo/Wald 213) - rap 'the water 15 unJS e ; weve not mg to n n ; OA sariba (Hava 358)-

IA '

- Alep '>reb (a) 'boire' (Barth 383) - Dam soreb (a) 'drink' (St 72) - K,nd s,r,b (a) 'trinken, rauchen' (VolWald 222) - Pal Ar Si~b (Bau 306) _ Malt 'cleave:

maskttk, f -a, pl -(n (pp) 'cracked, split'; x-xetti" enne maSkukin'the walls have cracks.' sakk 'crack'; O A saqq, pI suqfiq; siqq 'part' (Hava 371);, • ._ - Alep s.qq, pi s'quq(a),fente, fissure' (Barth 399) - CaISO", pi s'fl' 'slit' (Bad/Hi 471).


s-q- , . '. cf sakkce, pisakk'e (v/t) 'stuff (pocket, sack, etc,), fill to capacity, ' IAram i.qa' 'sinken' (Levy IV 604), 'lJ Upi5tlllltru tckfim I-impslx '(on Easter Saturday) they p.u~t ("~, dean up, cook. and await Jesus' resurrection'; OA $abagahu III, ~ .,) he d~·ed.t' (Lane 1647);

s-\l-n mm 'pots and pans; crockery': iatfet l-isxlln 'she did the washingup'; OA ,lIb"n, pi of ;ahn 'basin, pla'e, dish' (Hava 390); - Alep $a~lQll, pl $~i1n 'assiette, en metal et fa'ience' (Barth 428) - Pal Ar $a~ln, pi $blln 'Teller' (Bau 299) - Cai $aban, pI $ubilfll$u~una 'plate, dish' (Bad/Hi 497).

• Alcp '''/lag ro) 'teindre, attrapper' (Bar,h 331) _ K,nd iabag weifien' (Vo/Wald 240) _ Cai s/$abag (0) 'dye. have ..pamt. cd ~Badr;1396) - Pal Ar mb"g· (0) 'dye (hair)' _ Malt .iebah,jiiboh,


~~r.~n. ~nstr~lch~n,

mas/'Ii'IIlpp) r",pl-in'dyed: , • s-b-n '"pun, pi 'I"pln 'soap'· c · . .. flus u att sap G..._ . ' m- mammUC pk}'ahllZ aika ma pmtu un U -:lan'maG' h ' the\' . . .am. a bar of t ey gIVe the midwife as much money as " soap and a towel'; OA $dblln, n un _Q (Lane 1649); AnL

SUOr (no pi) 'chest, breast' < *~llc}r < *$idr; OA $adr, pl $(1l1r 'upper part of breast, chest' (Hava 391); -- Az $J(i ·confirm.' $ll&kc'alms' < ·satke < *~adqa; OA sadaqa (Hava 392) < Heb SJrid -h 'Recht, rechtes Verhalten, Almosen' (Schall 1982; 147); . qa I - Alep sadaqa15adaqa 'aumene' (Barth 434) - Az ~adaqa 'Almosen' (\of~ald 242) - Pal Ar sadaqa (Bau 12) - Cal jada'alsada>al$ada Q ,hantahle deed or gift' (Bad/Hi 499), q ~-r-(

OA is

fara'a ·wrestle. fight a duel with' (Hava 394);

• cf. Alep t~drar'lutter corps a corps I'un contre I'autre' (Barth 430) ~ Pal Ar ta$ara" 'ring~?' (Bau 245) _ Cai >j l$drict~j~$drjc 'wrestle' (Bad/Hi SOl) - Malt ssara. Jls.~ara. 'struggle.' ~fUr"'o (vn) 'fighting, ~cuffiing, wrestling.'

'-I·b·1 I Hap, ~rit 'barn cowsh d' . . , mules or " e < OA I$labf for dawtibb [i.e .• horses or Krauu 18~S;~t18~~;ne 64) < Ara~ i$tbla « Low Gk OTl:xp'\ov/onlpAlOv, (hacnkel 1886'1'2 . Mo~ Gk oTap,\oC;, Pring 1982:495) < Lat Sttlbllll4n1 , ,4; Vlre 1978,213); - K>nd "ab,1 'St II' ( .tall: ",abl/"abh! Ibt, VO/Wald 243) - Syr Ar IIabll$rabli 'Kuh· 467; Bchm.tcdt I;~ PferdestaU; $labl 'Schafstall' (maps 463, 466. 'Vljlah 'os hat keinen Zweck' (VoIWakI145).

$Iifwe Uh.. (Sto/Anj 13) - HOr map (2) - Bask I'llM . 1938,789) - Pal Ar 274; YD. (27); Ar

na, "d. Asche \IOn

Mcbe wn


and.ren· (Almkvist 1925:118).

. /Jolla.

pittiwna (vii) (pm 01 Poim pi"'tsa/la XOSl k-kiddd. u 4Ue /baM ~ is biased duriDa: M'fli this Ineenle (in their home.) all the weyear

. "'psoU;. f m-·I~pi _,,, .... --L l",psoU' Y_K. "Ie 'he bl.lled olive brandl'. _





mqa,!ia.~~·'\·eihwasser'; Bauer 357); pinti C Xl"", '. _. Psn,e' Jau~hta ;,~ \-aY well edu ... ated. my



- 'prayer, .::hur.:h


sen"ke; \'espers, benediction: pls[m'ut'ed ' Gp G 'k ' ' . I' ucahon· 'studies'; PI.U:IN ('"xen etro u,,:- -C:S S1S plsdy. -Impsix u rnantsd), sa~ :On \faund\" Thur~da~·} he (the priest) appomts som€()ne to be p and he act$ the role of Jesus and we hold the sen"ice'; aria pri tat ·grow': l-iptdr sammex 'the seeds ~prou>ted; cf. Synac s;)maQ 'germinavif (Brockel 631), GAram $mab grow (S?koI1990.466); Ugar ;rnb 'sprout, grow, prosper' (Del Dlmo { Sanmartm 2003.785);

-: Le~an Ar $amme~ 'il produisit des germes, des rejetons. des raemes; 11 poussa (hie, oignan, plante, etc.), (Feghali 1918:75).

tsummox'growth, vegetation: s-m-d sunt, pi snut'(wood ) I . > . . 57)' d 1\1 d en Pough;cf.Synacsamde(Feghah 1918: ' . an man sam·a d . h (D . I pa ana tauria 'who will yoke the oxen to t e lough" P . rower/M h h ' (Sokol 1990.467) acuc 1963:395); GAram $mat 'gather loget er sindu < 5imdu 'V~r~:m~r ~ram $md 'coupling' (Tal 2000:734); Akk seme..l 'em· G nd > Gespann: pi $inde (Salonen 1956:194); Heb . Ii espann Von Z d alpm 'yoked bull' (0 I ug- oder Lasttieren' (Ges/Bu 686); Ugar $"', s e Olmo/Sanmartin 2003: II, 784); OA midmada a

s-n-d-q ·k 1 sfetltik '(usually ornate) wooden ,ht:st lor dothe~, (:t)t· ,atlW ,p J' f k' (L \-") \ fi '·OA 'IltJdl1q, pI saruidiq 'a chest, cot er, or trun· ane . - ; '_ r n'd_ ~ e·notaphe' (Sourdel-Thornint'lSourdd 1961:~2S); \-toJ , ,

tlllllllvl'length'; OA ,ill (Hava 442); - Alep IllI'longueur' (Barth 493) - K,nd ,lIl'Lange, Lang"eite' (Vol Wald 265) - Pal Ar wi (Bau 188) - Malt ,tul> 'length:

tl'al· (prep) 'during' < 'twal: tvallayl'all night' < k mpa7TesG 'at noon on the following day, Jesus rises (from the dead) and the bells ring throughout the day'; < *twalIHlhffr,

t-w-y lava, pitavi (vll) 'let herd for~ge freely (i.e. not graze in enclosed area)' . , s : naxm mal1tavi li~Gkwelle5C aXXGst p-Ptincara 'we allow the sheep to graze freely at P h ' , OA anag ra (Frangiskou 135)'" < *tClwwa,, *ytawwl; h tawa- (,). , th 'h I go rough a country or stages' (l lava 443) tawiyat {lyyaw u t e p ace to which h '" 1898)' ML '.. C would repair ,.. became remote (Lane ' A fawa l-arda tay , h ) All' l!al· : yal1 rus through a country' (Wehr 675 ; P J~ISall bJlwi f~)ard taw; 'cc cheval replie. enroulc Ie sol

cad. devon." rcspace'tBarth 494) - DaWl\lr ,\r I'..... ~/u_ P as s sou s s e ,..l, . .... ..'" "'.a __ L. 1 'fold up, wrap up; cowr Ul~tance, cross, traverst' (Kunv-r.. -r-'~_ .~ 412-3), rninta",>j, f mima""ie, pI mint'1~'il1 (~p) 'wande~, foragtng


(caue: I ) ' mud.

D• 8-f-r O/lJr, pI "roftr « '"waftr) 'fingernail. fingertip': pO'ott oUfri xo,t 1_ i.x.lip u GammaG pikaem 8ufri l-isxUlle, pkyisJax tarawpu'(while making roghourt) I dip my finger tip in the [boiling] milk, and if it can stand the heat, I have to curdle it (the milk),; OA /,iifr//,i/lfar//,i!lfur, pI a/,ifarl

aoJ.~r (HO'. 446);

- Alep d'f", pI 'adiiftrldiiftrlt}far 'ongle (de l'homme et de qqes animaux); sabot, corne du pied du cheval, griffe, serre' (Barth 461) - Dam pI 'adaftr 'nail' (StolAni 155) _ Mard o'f.r, pI aoaftr 'FlOgemagel, Zehennagel' (Vo/Wald 270) - Pal Ar /,iifr!>uofar, pI /,iiiftri 'aoaftr (Bau 112) - Egyp Ar (Bedouin) !;iufur, pI 'aoaftr (Behn/Woid 19940153) - Malt .difer, pI difrejn/dwiefef>.


8-1-m Dulm/oulmeJolam 'darkness; fa int light': Cattet i-simps u sar 8uJme 'the sun set and it got dark'; ka n aulme u ma-kuntakSa'a 'it was dark and I ,~ul~n't,see'; ltf-tsaJIi xost o-8ulme 'don't read in poor light!'; OA Oulma,oafam obscurity' (Hava 447); . - Atep OJltnat'tenebres epaisses' (Barth 503) _ Darag zltim 'dunkel, FI~lsternis' (Vo/Wald 270) - Pal Ar Ollimaloalam 'DunkeIheit' (Bau 80) - •. alt .dalma. dlam. 'darkness.' '

, c-h-r ua." (no pI) 'b k' 0 . . I 01 "" ac : axn. oaxralc. etc.; OA oahr . til, .. ,., IH aVa 448}~ . , piouhariaohur. .

dahrMahar, pI dhllr 'dos' (Barth 464) - Dam do' I dhAl P e . d8 h ,n~,p Ura Ani k' (Sto/ 16) - Mar . a dr, pI §hOra 'Rucken' (VolWald 2'0) ~~al Ar dah r, pI dhfir (Bau 247) - Malt till.

CG.:jme,"ta.:me ·in..;tation·~ OA (azjm4 'UlVltzlion' (Han 4 -1 I; . ) ' (1Ia'" SIll - A:ep ca.=ime, pi ,=.t}t:Jiz·in\;tation (a un ,!j:;;;~PIlAr"'" ~ ~ c..uJrne. pI "o-;hnn 'in"tatiofl'(Srol.t\DI '&i..u~ pI ra.=..lyim 'Einladung.' (Bau :0).





_ Alep 'a;;a 'donner ~ diner a (qqn)' (Barth 531) - Pol 'trt'at ~.(I. to evenmg meal (Elil)al J999:379).


tdfa ...-ja, rkyit'aSfa 'eat evening meal': fasie ~aJldyt ma night. I alfled with mr brother~ and sisters'; 0-: ta'aila (Ila..

- Alep I'a;;a'diner (Barth :>31) - K.nd I'assa {Vo!WaJd

'aM, pi'OIio (Vi:) :bite': ntor: k-I:ilp pi'6ll& 'worch .......... . ",01\ 'aMa (a) ""ze a tho With the b,tes. Nep 'aM (a) 'mordre (qqn)' (Barth 53f) - Da WtI (.IJ_ -'Ani 23) - Pal AI 'a44 (u)'bei1len' (llau 48).


'a.'.l 'evening meal. supper'; OA faSiP (Lane 2055);

tli'aoOa. pkyitiIe -

- Alep 'a;. 'reras du sOIr. diner, souper' (Barth 531) _ nut Suffix '4Idhl i\hendessen' (Vo/Wald 280) - Pal Ar 'ala


aile1ast mght'; OA 'asiy)'ah 'nightfall, evening' (Ha.,. 475); - Alep hulye'le soir' (Barth 53!) - Pal Ar 'aii"" 'Zeit etwa

na.:h Sonnenuntergang' (Bau I) - rur Egyp AT UIiku,

fla·,in, '

n un

-a,eCla 'sp 'I

mantsaJOn le·'il A '



' Easter time: . 'I -I llll "n ca kes served dunng

, . , CG make jlaLln during Easter tUllC < Jy (Yangoullis 1997:59) < OFr fla;" (12th c,; Robert

/.jyn( , ~ r we


fallek, pifallek (vlt) , k ,f-I-q . , 11 and k' erae S.O.s head': vak'a II ftlUck mox.xu he Ie erae cd hiS h d'· < .' d 'I lengthwise'; 4arab e~ " OA fal~qa h.e ,split it, clave it, or dlvlde I where his h . a u ala Jilqt ra)stlu 'he struck him on the place air was separated, the middle of the head' (Lane 2441). cf.

t"r 'J" . fiorr·/lIlIrr (vll)'hllil o\"(.'r· i8 b- 'konnen' (0.. 1- • istgil'ich muB nach rechts und links sehen,damit ich arbeiten kann' Oiha 1964: 149,30), 'pou\'oir, etre possible': la tebttlk b'amd ma fill. thlmmdll 'ne commence pas ce que tu ne pounas p.s adlen~r: t"/-mn [is iMI el-'ri5e biqul bamdl1 'qui n'atteint pas a la treillt rut: i.ls ne sont pas encore muTS; hal-flk tecemlu )ent la rica/left gnjTd;fih 'ce que tu peu\ faire par toi-meme, nen charge personne' (Feghali 1938: 81~, 13. 60, -0, etc.) - l' Pal Ar .tin; 'I can' (Abu Snan: informant). Ie£. Tur


kiN. ,hlmx. etc. 'konnen, imstande sein' (Jastrow 199Oa:I07);

.\lang ,Iraq) >is'I can: ~bux\ou can (mr (Sara 1974:82); Hert Jj_~ \/a.slrow 1958.1: ~.;.3): ~nah hiM, hlro, etc. 'kannen' i1iiStrow 1mb: : -oj; :\Iand qumb- 'be able' lMacuch 1993:6-7, 3891.j

.fia 'there i~; it happens that; ago' f:aIqlJdd < O.rS"I'ltddr. ,,""quc1 Bl'rC .\·t·i\~·lB;1.nh "ka'how . . 1', (ltl! ( '~ttI,{·. t" 119) _ 397) - Dam qa~d1'5 hO. ... !\lard (J~lldd, K.1nd If:'tlIIJt,,!)U :15qad I ' . ·1'(prochazka2002.135) . ' \' (v,,\\,.ld U9). Ilagh (\) '',I'leVle ,. h wie lange. WICVle ~. • Ka(b asqa Wle se r. 38-) .' h' (Wood/Bee ,. sglldd how mUC .wl Ildo (Ilu.:h >J4lfJlull \lie Brel{(' lef. Pal Ar tl-arJ a,bu' ~tfidl 7a~ 'l'':U 1910:10i); l~l4>ldJ~tt:lio bettig! 4 mund ebenmvld Ie, lI. dl bur 'alt'yn ,pddJ sdC,: w.utl" Gestalt' '" 'so viel als, so lanS.1! ah : "~z.. (~~itta I 880:''!tl91. d .• ),so ~ f "r


(Barth 718) _ Cai kisil (a) (Bad/Hi 751) _ Bagh (M) takasal be lazy (Wood/Bee 405) _ Pal Ar takaslanltakasal 'faulenzen' (Bau 108) . kasel'laziness'; OA kasal (Hava 655); - Alep kasal'paresse' (Barth 718) _ Pal Ar kaml (Bau 108,303).

kislall, f -e, pi -ill 'lazy'; OA kasil/kas/dll, pi kastlla (Hava 655); I l k, - Alep kaslall, pi kasala 'paresseux' (Barth 718) - MhaU k,t ,;' P, (~ala 'faul' (Vo/Wald 367) _ Bagh (M) kasldtl, pi -in, kasa lazy 'Ood/Bee 405) _ Pal Ar kasldtl, pi -in (Bau 108).


k-s-f katte! pikaHc! (v/t) 'uncover': knise! I-xasie til tapx 'take the lid off the pot so that the cooking doesn\ ka1a(a (ii (Hava 656);

~ Alep kasa/(ei 'decouvrir, mettre a nu: kaIla!(v/I), de 1 (Barth 719)

jikxef. 'uncover.'


Pal Ar kafa! (ii 'entbloJlen' (80u 26)



/IIkaSfe! f /IIkaSf!e, pi mkafijin 'uncovered.' 8ku{{o!(vn) 'uncovering.'


kiSk (f) 'dried dough made of crushed wheat and SOUr mlIt'r OA Wk, pi kas/lka (Hava 656); kafk (aus pers. xufk durch Aram. Vantil!. lung?), vulg. kiSk 'bruised grain soaked in milk and lal.r dried, .....

(Ullmann 1970:221);

- Alep b§k'mets dont iI existe plusieurs varietes: bbbe ~ brA "'bblni. compose de laban, de b.rgol et de pate levee, ...' (1Iartb 720) - Mos (M) kllsllk (al-Bakri 1972:409) _ Leban Ar krlkllceJ/ciyyt'_ d'un plat' (Fegha/i 1938:822), 'sorte de semoule' (Fegh M/l 1978,265,61 3) - Bask kisk 'a dish of crushed wheat and yoghurt prepareel arutIII/Ir in late summer and stored for Winter, when it is usually served lOr breakfast' (Abu-Haidar 1979:130, fn 26) _ Cai kifk 'cakes ofllour .... milk (for Cooking With minced meat)' (Spiro 1895:521).

ISe~ also Dozy (1.480) and Almkvist (1891:388) s.v. kik.

295}:·Di~ QuarkkJo~ heiBen in Aleppo duberki, in Nordgalilaa lebnr }'tInll, wohJ auch kiik. Ma'i xeska (Arnold. p.e.)./

D4IIIman (VI.


k,s· n - r

kisnar, pi kienfr'pickaxe'; eyG

~tV6.PIV CYangoullis 1997:215),

k·C·k kaakfdn (Bau 192) _ Malt ,leefen, pi " Id 368), - Pal Ar ka a", p (Vo/V.. kfien) 'shroud.



'envelopp~r (u~ mor~




L.n ~wu...


kulIo b-

'. {sutr forms: kullJkUit- 'totality (00, alii ~c~:v;;:a~a 661; Levin 1993:231-32); a kUi9koll, kll/loPl);OA kid / I I · .tbaJoDowi~dcfi.


~nd~t agr«rotnt WI . tuILu-smt'llR leyA kull ,hows nU~\~\ulla ~.6t'"a 'the who~ ~~ the children: and

nile noun (c:f.lntfO. . Ii th~ peoplr: kwllon m~_~and number mukina th~ ear; kullon n·ntH. c in the gftIOK"' should 1keep

'd'P~O~~:~~I:~ ~~';'ko '! ~~!~ ":;.....~ ''''Jlli' ~ ant~cn'8 t~na~ ~f l~t.l; «...


I'm ill! covemi In " n hJjtna 1M . ~s inlC'rposl 10 th~ suffix on. kull requlr ." rth 726) _ Kmd 'all of us, elc.) I't" Ikall'la totalite (Sa) rukur nih,",

of Its qUiet serl

k II 'total e, aid 369 _.,. . - Alep subst. .• .'g lie jeder, ganz' (VolWgh (M) h.1la1- 'all or: k,II, k.lI.t- 'Gesa~th(~,t, 2002:74) - Ball4ti1bllafdri, kaIlAtoni killaytlla 'wir aile roc e 409) -1:Iama b 'II f '(WoodlBe kulltHna a 0 u s ) n kinds of kdlfaydtoPl (Lewin 1962:23 . . kullon lara 'ht eats a


. '. kyakol mm

klllloPl 'everythmg. f )' < Ar -kaUlhun. t prux s. . 't particular .satQ arpa a II things (I.e., he ISO il-um caJepukra S ning and go to , k I.n the mor kI'yyom 'every day.'. kuyyom rlyat}"" four odO(

50'01 'every day I get up eala wmin (kIlu). m (Jaslro 1979:56) ~ w work'· < 'hUyom < OA k~ '~7) _ M05 kaU-I" kall I"m (Kuhnt 1958. k,lyawm 'jeden (T".'laY 2002:85) (Bau 296) _ Malt Hask kllil-iom lull·lam (mit oder ohne 115) _ Pal Ar k.1I I"m (kulljum'.

- AZ




k-n -ks, f kwan'Se, pI kwas, Elativ akwas 'gut. schon, sorgfaltig, h.ichtig' (VolWald 374) - Hask kWlslkwiyy.s 'id: (Talay 2002:75) _ rur Egyp Ar kuwa)'}'l' 'guI, schOn' (Behnstedt 1979:76),


~~~r~h~ distribution of the undetived form in Syrian Arabic, see map

",t.); Cd an



cye dim ruff -UQ « k y_ (

(0 'pretty,, be autiful'; + kaySUiJ


t rr ), that (con). 0 :'lod Gk em,' "'" /"Odd. b' ~ dhO"-? • h' e ,'I'd ,uch • thing': plkultlUu k -ka.

nT~t«!.t.~997; 703; cf. W. Neo-Aram kayyes (Bchnstedl 1997, loco ur"", Iso (Prym/Socin 1881 :132).1

kats-kat ' I k L ,S very ":ell, thoroughly': kwannaxtu l-nu'IcdlJ, kwan'ass u aeh.ues (to mak h - ) , 't Ihoroughly.' e an5e We used to take some wheat and nnse I

L , , I to \\Ml 'I--ti.llabial 'reach, manage.' a I-h-m , laxm 'meat; pi Xlllnat (= Mod Gk Kptum) 'meat dishes' < >Iuhum -t pri e.xen.GkommntiG laxm 'I want a slice of meat'; OA labm/la~am,a luhumlhM ..., etc. (Hava 681); p


IOn lo,s of the first radical in the eyA plural here. see under 15"11. J

- Alep lalwnllabam (coll) 'chair' plutot que 'viande' (Barth 749) - Dam lah,mlla"me, pi -tit, Ibwn!lltumdt 'meat' (Sto/Ani 148) - Az 1,,11,111, F,sk labam, Mard laltme 'Fleisch' (Vo/Wald 390) _ Pal Ar lahem, pllhum 'meat' (Elil)ai 1999:238) _ Malt . I-x-I-x laxlax (name of lieu-dit in Kormakiti,) , I-z-q I lazzck. p,lllZ2ek (v/t) 'stick, glue" OA alzaqa (Hava 684), MLA azzaqa (Wehr 1014); , ' . -_'I- Alep D lazzaq. (v/t) fact"f Itl et frequentatif de lazaq 'coller' (Barth .,- - am Iaza (0) (S . , (a) 'adhere' (\\'o~dJB tol Am 225) - Bagh (M) lazzag intens. of hzag ee419) - Pal Ar lazzaq'k1eben'(Bau 174), mplazzek, f mplazzke, pi-in (pp). lazk (vn) 'stickll1g gJ , , - Alep laz;,q (vn) '(B~::~~~~A luzuq (Hava 684);

l-s-n l_tit'tongue, language' (c[, Mod Gk Y'WOO




Hll'~ -:~

['mJ mas' ~lIIrl.ilt:";U;(aIt &u 111 ... M"::

rth -,,);



IU_" " \1_ ...... -_:1


m.l'O"D ,

Iftd the !..sfol" (ilirlycommon in CYA and invites comparison With Ihe phasing OUt CJf tht' velar nual in llama, n.g mtJq4r 'Schnabel' (LeWin 1~:201; r..,ndberg 1920:2n2). Alep ml/~, f mlJha 'quI ~ ifni

nuuvau., plIanl < nih (Barth 826);

1981 :414), Arb m1fdr (Jist row 199\ b:412)


Mus mlldg (JUlrOW

~ge' ~ Ar It/llllM. VolI('r.'

COmmt'nt on Ihu Ir.lit: ~~ ennnert an das Sab.li.tche Hebl.tilch~ lind Ar1miikh,,' , Hl.'b maUl'r, Syriae maUOro 'Sage' (Nolddl.t' 1910 182)'

n-x-I • (v/t) 'sift (flour, grain)': mpsixt l.it.\"i1l, mli ',\...\:111111 « J al pns la farine, je ne I'ai pas tamisce' (Roth 1996:70); ,ulIl, /. ItXtn II karrfst 'J "ieved the flour and shaped the dough into loavt','; OA naxala (It) "ift (flour)' (Hava 758);

n~I, pk~nxol


Ale~ nax.a/ (0) 'blutcr (la farine)' (Barth 819) .. Dam 1/ux.tlll 'siew:

(finely) (Sto/Ani 211) ... Bagh (M) nixal (Il)'sift' (WoodJRee4S4) _ Pal Ar naxxal'cribler' (l)enizeau 1960:514), :1IM'm patnt",'"

bellyaches'; /-ummdt pk)'UZlhl awfo mill-yapatdt .qXltX' w 'Mann' (Jastro I ',' -Ik warms (B en Cheneb 1922:19). vel' 'when the ml

(!he and884); rec"ve their wages'; nonclass Ar istawfa 'exact the Wholecarobs) (Hava

R'.~ AJep ""-1.. ">slawfj "e fa Ire payer integralement' (Barth 902) _

-or'IM nawfa'obta,n repayment of' (WoodlBee 499). muji. (mufie pi '""[i" (pP) 'paid.'

~~ 1>o::nt' rfi ; OA ....fd' 'payment 0: debt' (Hava 884); ....'d 'S?"hl ung ~(BernaUer ent!"9), ,otal.aclton d acquilter' (Barth 920) _ Pal Ar 'JO

Qw'a (adV)'more" ka WU',


awfaXJ.1Y ·I~ ~.YY;~zat'a aVofa rninni'he Was more scared than I

ikarn: .rwfa

text~~ a Jt>x'older,' awfaxok'higher up: a"ia iump

'fttno I Clxfa 1-.tvt1 fd.~ ~l:an, as ~ssible'; a .... fa (JIdkt' 'thinner:; I IImImdt .... ,....., 'll!.:tt.. n whos.Lthe taUe\t in your famil}'? ; I.~- ..... m, I-yaPO'd,' --.nttS' 1-QA, 4W(dmore CO Ie' lIlo...uers are more sensitive than _ .... plus avamageux "'P te( (Wehr "'-..., ... . ' -_}I ' . 1273): ~. (.olTleJUeol997 S68 . rrtx) (Barth 9(2) _ AA awfala"'fi


. nl')'- I-ox' ttl pk}'1SXO

I-axt'when (con) .

Ip, ..

'prot 'come 1. llexte, t-ltlpX tta _A. early:, 1\0 . u. k_GkampanQ '

up .. ,•

tit soon. . 0.' p,lOl\II.U h texte 'quickly, pro~PII ~ cold!'; sift nu~suxd (Holvl Saturday, t ~ fi od WI ge .• tmld ayon , e Jesus

;;;,:~~::,: :~:ul~ GO~:r~~~I~;i,m:.:~ :~iCk st::::;,:;ea'::~~~er :~~

church bells nng m e,r'it's still early ·)'ilpa.Alntcim. ta IJ~ttnlXU . nt 'notc resurrection .;p~. nr5d;- re:dt: (iJrru''(niU as to arrive fi rst andpri'\e tM. before his time; k.w~ used to hurry so '. < -dirllkra -n_g_a nothing_s_y_> now_ w+q-t numb-x-d_r



of-s_ y _>

mtddaY-n·$_1 nndday mea!-'-r_y

offend-g-b_b oil-z-y_t oke_w_q_y old-ntb l-h r moon-q-m_r mo~-w


oleander_d_f_1 olive-z_y_t

olive branch_s_'_n_n one-w·h_d onion_b_s_l small onion-q_z_h

open-f_t_h orchard-b_s_t_n other-'_x_r

ounce_>_w_q Ouuide-b-r_ r


..... ome-g-b 1- b ove.... overtake-s- -q oV'erturn-q-l-b ox_9- w- r

. , pain-w-g- .


~alm S~nday->-iJ-d, S·C. n-n paper-w-r-q parents-J·h-l part-q-s-m parturition-w-l-d party-~-y-n

pass by- q-V

483 propcrty-r-z_q propose marriage to-x-!-b pull out (wheat)-h-l_s puUey-b-k-r purify-s-f-y pus-q-y-h push-d-f-s put-~-t-t

put out ear-s-b-l

quarrel-d-r-b quickly-w-q-t quilt-I-h-f


rabbit-'-r-n-b radish-f-g-l

peel-q-s-r peer-r-g-l people-'-n-s, d-n-y,