A Detailed Lesson Plan in Collection of Data [PDF]

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics for Grade 7 (Executed Lesson Plan) Name of Student Teacher:Eusefa M. Sostines

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students shall be able to: 

identify the difference between primary and secondary data;

collect or gather statistical data; and

apply the different methods of collecting data.

II. SUBJECT MATTER A. TOPIC: Collection of Data B. MATERIALS: Laptop, Projector, Power point Presentation, Book,

Paper, Board, Chalk C. REFERENCES:Mathematics Grade 7 Learners Materials by DepEd



A. Preparatory Activities 1. Routine Activities Class, let us all stand and pray. Prayer leader, please lead the

(The students will pray.)

prayer. Good morning, Class!

Good morning, Ma’am!

Before we start our discussion please

( the students will pick up the

pick up the pieces of paper under

pieces of paper and arrange

your chair then arrange your chairs

their chairs silently)

silently. And also please keep all the things unrelated in our subject. Who are absent for today? Please

None, ma’am.

look at your seatmate. 2. Motivation Before we start our discussion, let us first talk about the communication life of people. If we’re going to compare our communication life before and now, we can say that our present communication life is more advancement than before, it because of many different forms of technologies madein our new generation that makes the life of the people became easy to communicate with their family and friends. And cellphone is one of the technologies made for the present communication life of the people which can bring anywhere they want. Like in your case class, I’ am sure that most of you have a cellphone right?

Yes ma’am.

And who among you have no cellphone?

(raising of hands. . .)

Ok, for your first activity today since we’re talking about cellphone then I want you to know about the sim card use by your classmate it may be a Touch Mobile, Smart, Talk and Text, Sun Cellular, and Globe, how many times in a month they load their sim, and the person they contact usually, it maybe theirfamily, relatives, friends, classmates, or special someone. I will give you three minutes to do your activity and after three minutes you should already have five respondents. And for those who will have five respondents, then you will receive a point for today’s recitation. Is that clear? Yes ma’am. Ok, you may now stand and start doing your first activity. (the teacher will facilitate) (students will actively do the activity) After three minutes. . .

Time’s up! (students will stop doing their activity) Ok class,go back to your proper place and please settle down.

(students will go back to their proper place and they will settle down)

Now, who among you can describe about the things that you did in the

(raising of hands. . .)

first activity? Ok, face your classmates and state your answer.

Ma’am in our first activity we collaborate with our classmates by asking what kind of sim card they use, followed by asking them of how many times they load their sim in a month, and lastly by asking them who among the person they contact

Very good!


Now in the activity how will you represent the kind of sim card use,

Ma’am they served as the

number of times they load, and the

information that we gathered

person they contact usually?

from our classmates.

That’s right!

Or in other words we can call it as the data that you need to know about. Is that clear? Yes ma’am. Next, how will you represent your classmate as part of the activity?

Ma’am they served as the source of information that we


gathered in the activity.

Your classmates or all of you served as the source of information that you gathered. Is that clear? Yes ma’am. And lastly, how will you represent yourselves as part of the activity?

Ma’am each of us served as the collector of the activity.

How did you say that all of you served as a collector of the activity?

Ma’am because in the activity our task is to collect or gather information from our

That’s right! In the statistics based from the activity, you can call yourself as the researchers who gathered or collect data from any sources. Is thatclear?


Yes ma’am. Ok, based from your activity, what do you think is our topic for today?

Ma’am gathering data.

B. Exploration and Discovery That’s right! And in other words we can also call our topic for today as collection of data. So what is your expectation about this topic?

Ma’am we will learn how to gather data in most appropriate way.

Ok, good expectation. Now let us start discussing about collection of data by defining the word collection and the word data. Let us first define the word collection. Collection is the act or process of getting things from different places and bringing them together. So it is the literal meaning of collection. Now, how will you define collection in Statistics?

Ma’am collection is the process of gathering data

from different sources and analyzes them together. That’s right! Next, let us define the word data. Data can be information, statistics, numbers, facts, figures, and records that used usually to calculate, analyze, or plan something. Now, after we define collection and data then what do we mean by

(raising of hands. . .)

data collection? Anyone? Yes? Ma’am data collection refers to the process of collecting That’s right! So data collection is the process of preparing and gathering information and it is systematic gathering of data for a particular purpose from various sources, which has been systematically observed, recorded, organized. In short, we can say that data collection is a term used to describe a process of preparing and collecting data.

some important information.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am. Data gathered may be classified as primary or secondary. Now, based from the pictures what do you think is the meaning of

Ma’am based from my

primary data?

understanding on that picture, I can say that primary data is information that we gathered with an interaction with the sources.

What do you mean with an interaction with the sources?

Ma’am it means that when we gathered data we get the information directly from

Very good!

the source.

How about on the secondary data? What do we mean by this data?

Ma’am in contrast with the primary data, secondary data is the information that we gathered not exactly from the primary sources.

If we gathered data not from the primary sources, then what do we

Ma’am maybe we called

called to the sources of the

that as secondary sources.

secondary data? That’s right!

Now, like what you said before, the definition of primary data is information gathered directly from the source or we called this data as first-hand or original sources. While secondary data is information gathered from the secondary sources, such as books, journals, magazines, or thesis of other researchers. Now, why do you think that books, journals, magazines, or thesis of other

Ma’am because when we

researchers are considered as

gathered data with the use

secondary sources?

of books, journals, magazines, or thesis of other researchersinformation from these sources are not directly came from the primary

Very good!


Now, can you give some examples of primary data?

(students will give some examples of primary data)

Very good! How about examples of secondary data?

(students will give some examples of secondary data)

Very good class!

Can you now distinguish the difference between primary and

Yes ma’am.

secondary data? Ok, who among now can say the difference between these two data?

(raising of hands. . .)

Ok, state your answer and face your classmates.

Ma’am primary data is the information gathered directly from the source, while secondary data is the information gathered

Very good!

indirectly from the source.

Just remember that a common classification between primary and secondary data is based upon who collected the data. Is that clear? Yes ma’am. Collecting data is important because itanswers questions whose answers are not immediately obvious;it describes social or physical phenomena in the world around us, and it identify questions for further investigation.

Now, as a student or as a learner what do you think is the importance

Ma’am it serves as an

of collecting data to you?

important idea of the process or way of collecting data which are relevant to what we need in our study.

Ok, good. Now, since we already know how important collecting data is, then for us to develop our knowledge about gathering some important data then we need to know some important ways on how to collect data. Therefore our discussion will also tackle about different methods of gathering data.





Registration or Census

Interview, observation, experimentation, and questionnaire are the methods of gathering data which can be used to gather primary data.

While registration or census is the method among the given five methods of gathering data that can be used to gather secondary data. Before we discuss each of the methods, I want you to watch first the video that I found that can help you to understand each of the given methods. (the teacher will play some video)

(students will watch the video)

After playing the video. Now what methods did you see on

Ma’am interview,

the video?

observation, and experimentation.

In what part of the video is the

Ma’am the part where there

interview method?

is two students who interview other students about the importance of trash can.

That’s right! How about the part where there is an

Ma’am same with the video

observation method?

where the interview method use.

But how did you say that there is an

Ma’am because before they

observation method in that video?

do the interview, they do the observation first to know how the students of their school give attention to the importance of cleanliness in their surroundings.

Very good! How about the method of

Ma’am experimentation

experimentation? What part of the

method is the part of the

video did you see this method?

video when the two students throw some trash on the floor to test how students of the school pay attention to the cleanliness of their surroundings.

How did you say that they use an

Ma’am because of using

experimentation method?

tools to come up with the data that they need to analyze.

Ok, very good observation. And what kind of data have you

Ma’am it is primary data.

seen on the video? Why is it primary data?

Ma’am because the data was gathered directly from

the sources. Very good! Now, let’s define each of the methods of gathering data. First is the interview method. Interview method is a direct method of gathering data because the data was came directly from the source. And since it is directly from the primary source, then this method is a face-to-face inquiry with the respondent. Like what you have watched from the video, two students gathered data about the importance of the trash can inside their campus by directly asking some of the students of their school. Can you now give another example

(students will give example)

of gathering data with the use of interview method? Very good class! Now, do you have any questions

None ma’am.

about interview method? Ok, next is the observation method. This method makes use of the different human senses in gathering information. Now class based from the video and

Ma’am the sense of sight.

your answer before,which of the human senses use to gathered data as observation method? Why the sense of sight?

Ma’am because they observe the behavior of the students regarding the cleanliness of their school surrounding by looking at the reactions of each students toward the trash that they use to test the students response.

That’s right! But aside from the sense of sight, we can also use other different human senses to this method it depends only on the data needs to gather by the researcher. Other example for this method is an astronomer looking at the night sky

and recording data regarding movement and brightness of the objects he sees, a botanist recording daily data on plant growth after looking and measuring each day, and a doctor watching a patient’s reaction to medication. Now who among you can give

(students will give example)

another example of gathering data for the observation method? Very good class! Now, do you have any questions about observation method? Now, we proceed to the experimentation method. This method is usually conducted in laboratories where specimens are subjected to someaspects of control to find out cause and effect relationships. From the video you are right to say that from the first part of the gathering data we can also say that they also use the experimentation method because like a scientist who uses different scientific tools in the

None ma’am.

laboratories can also do outside the laboratory or anywhere with the use of any materials that can help researchers to analyze the data that they need to gathered. Now, who among you can also give

(students will give examples)

some examples of gathering data with the use of experimentation method? Very good class! Now do you have any questions

None ma’am.

about experimentation method? Next, we proceed to the method of questionnaire. Before we go to the definition of this method, I wantyou todiscover the

(students will observe the

meaning of this method first by

given pictures)

looking at these pictures. Now, based from the pictures, what

Ma’am the data will be

can you say about the questionnaire

gathered by letting the


respondents to supply information in the given questionnaire.

That’s right! But if we’re going to compare this

Ma’am the only difference

method to the interview method,

between the two methods is

then what can you say about the

the way they gathered data

differences and similarity of these

because in interview method


a researcher gathered data directly from the person they use as the source of information, while the questionnaire method use some questions written on the paper which not directly gathered from the source.

And what is the similarity of these two

Ma’am the similarity is that


the information that we can gathered with the use of these methods is a primary data which came directly from the primary source.

Very good! Now, questionnaire method is referred to as the indirect method of gathering data because this makes use of written questions to be answered by the respondent. For example is that the government wants to know if people are pleased with how the government is being run, so they hand out questionnaires to the public asking if they are

happy and, if not, how to improve. For this example we can say that the data to be gathered is about the satisfaction of the community from the government services. Now, who among you can give

(students will give another

another example of gathering data


with the use of questionnaire method? Very good class! Now do you have any questions

None ma’am.

about questionnaire method? Ok, for the last method. We also have the registration or census method. Like in questionnaire method, I will

(students will observe the

also let you discover the meaning of

given pictures)

this method by also looking at the given pictures. Now based from the given pictures,

Ma’am the data that can be

what can you say about registration

gathered by this method is

or census method?

not directly from the source.

How did you say so?

Ma’am because from the

word census, I conclude that the data gathered by the researcher covers the entire record of one country, therefore it means that the data needs can only gathered with the use of some records made by the other sources from the different officials ofone society. Very good! Now this method requires the enactment of law to take effect because it needs the participation of a large, if not the entire, population. For example, Educational Characteristics, Number of Live Births by Teenage Mother in the Philippines within 20002010, Number of registered deaths, and 2010 Resident Population of United States. Who among you now can give another example of gathering data with the use of registration or census method? Very good class!

(students will give example)

Now, do you have any questions

None ma’am.

about registration or census method? So do you understand about the

Yes ma’am.

different methods of gathering data? Ok, very good class! C. Generalization Now, let’s have some recap about the terms that was discussed a while ago. What do we mean by data collection?

Ma’am data collection is the process of gathering information from different sources. Ma’am primary and

What are the classifications of data?

secondary data. Ma’am primary data

What is the difference between primary and secondary data?

information gathered directly from the source, while secondary data information gathered indirectly from the source.

Ma’am interview, And what are the different methods of gathering data?

observation, experimentation, questionnaire, and registration or census. Ma’am we can collect

What types of data can we collect by using these methods?

primary data by the use of interview, observation, experimentation, and questionnaire methods, and secondary data is the information that we can collect from the registration or census method. None ma’am.

Very good! Now do you have any questions about collection of data? D. Evaluation Now, for your next activity, I want you to collect data outside the classroom. For this activity, you’re going to gather information with the application of our lesson from the school staff it maybe from the school vendor, security guard, nurse, librarian, or housekeeping. I will give you ten minutes to gathered data and after ten minutes

you’re going back inside the classroom with at least three respondents so you may use your watches to time your activity, and you will do this activity by partner, so you may choose your own partner to gathered data. Now, please fall in line with your partner and before you start I will first give you an activity sheet. (the teacher will distribute activity sheets) Ok, in doing your activity please maintain your discipline, no one could make unnecessary noise, is that clear?

Yes ma’am.

Ok, you may now start.

(students will start doing the

(the teacher will facilitate the activity)


After ten minutes. Ok, class time’s up. Now pass your output, and please go back to your classroom and sit on your proper place, then we will talk about your assigment.

(students will pass their output and they will go back to their classroom)

E. Assignment (Review about Angles) Now for your assignment I want you to make a survey in your community or in school to find out how far students travel to come to school. Make the best estimate using kilometers, ask at least 40 students. You will do this assignment by group, so now count one to five for you to have a groupmates. You may divide the number of respondents so that each of the members of the groups will have a task for your assignment. And put your assignment on a short bond paper, then you will pass it as a group. Is that clear? Now before we end our class, do you have any questions or clarification regarding your assignment? Ok, that’s all for today. Thank you and good day.

Yes ma’am. None ma’am.

Good day ma’am and thank you very much.

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Checked by: Mrs. Elsa P. Dizon Cooperating Teacher