Advanced 3 Handout 1 [PDF]

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Name: _______________

A. Questions 1-10 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, you will see four words or phrases, marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.


When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to take a more active role in politics, and many people believed that _____ and the president shared his responsibilities.

a. she



c. herself

d. hers

b. beneath their

c. beneath its

d. beneath

b. other one

c. one the other

d. each other

The theory of Continental Drift assumes that there _____ long-term climatic changes in many areas during the past.

a. must have been


Business partners can usually sell their mutually owned property without consulting _____ unless they have agreed to a separate contract.

a. other


b. her

Since the earth’s crust is much thicker under the continents, equipment would have to be capable of drilling through 100,000 feet of rock to investigate the mantle _____.

a. beneath them they


b. must be

c. must have

d. must

A good counselor would rather that the patient _____ his or her own decisions after being helped to arrive at a general understanding of the alternatives.

a. makes b. making c. will make d. made

It is necessary that all students be (be) here next week. It is necessary _____ the approaches to a bridge, the road design, and the alignment in such a way as to best accommodate the expected traffic flow over and under it.

a. Plan b. to plan c. the plan d. planning

It is necessary for all students to be here next week. 7. Amniocentesis can be used not only to diagnose fetal disorders _____ the sex of the unborn child with 95% accuracy.


a. but determining

c. but also determining

b. but to determine

d. but also to determine

In a parliamentary system, it is not the monarch but the prime minister _____.

a. whom the real power


c. who has the real power

b. whom has the real power

d. whom the real power

An equilateral triangle is a triangle _____ and three angles of equal size.

a. that have three sides of equal length

c. that has three sides of equal length

b. it has three sides equally long

d. having three equal length sides in it

10. Farmers look forward to _____ every summer.


a. participating in the county fairs

c. be participating in the country fairs

b. participate in the county fairs

d. have participated in the county fairs

Beginning in the 1960s, national studies have surveyed changes in the values of college students to identify _____ in college education.

a. what is important to them

c. what importance to them

b. to them what is the importance

d. what is the importance to them

12. Sandy beaches are popular recreational locations where people come _____

a. for a swim, playing sports, and sunbathing

c. to swim, play sports, and sunbathe

b. swim, play sports, and sunbathe

d. to swimming, playing sports, and sunbathing

13. Florida, mainly a peninsula jutting into the Atlantic Ocean, _____ during the economic expansion of the 1990s.

a. has been experienced, its fastest growth

c. experienced its fastest growth

b. its fastest growth has been experiencing

d. was experienced the fastest growth

14. Ballet dancers appear to perform many movements _____

a. that are unnatural for the body

c. when the body is being unnatural

b. where the body is unnatural

d. which the bodies are being unnatural

15. The buff pottery with red designs made by the Hohokam desert dwellers in the Southwestern regions _____ for its original construction and unique shape.

a. are highly prized b. is a high price

c. is highly prized

d. is price highly

B. In questions 1-10, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct and correct it.


used to moving As television images of the astronauts showed, even for trained professionals who are used to move about in a lessened gravitational field, there are still problems.


he We know that in 1000 A.D. Leif Erikson landed on the North American coast, and that him and his Norwegian companions were the first white men to see the New World.


which Absolute zero, the temperature at whom all substances have zero thermal energy and thus, the lowest possible temperatures, is unattainable in practice.


use The Amish people, descended from the Germans and Swiss, would rather using horses than machines for transportation and farm work because they believe that a simple life keeps them closer to God.


conditional type 2 would be If we were to consider all of the different kinds of motion in discussing the movement of an object, it is very confusing, because even an object at rest is moving as the earth turns.


its Management and Data Systems, a course for business executives and their employees, offers their own approach to financial planning so that class members can learn what they need to know for their jobs.


The introduction of the tomato from the New World changed the cuisines of Europe in an instant, thoroughly and irrevocably.


and Both viruses as well as genes are made from nucleoproteins, the essential chemicals with which living matter duplicates itself.


country is in When a country in an early stage of development, investments in fixed capital are vital.

10. Schizophrenia, a behavioral disorder typified by a fundamental break with reality, may be triggered by stress genetic predisposition, stressful, drugs, or infections.

C. Fill the gap with the best word from the box.

hesitated accessible harness

scheduled middle glide

propel commercial technological

floating reasoned connects




scheduled to depart I stepped away from the check-in desk, boarding pass in hand. My flight was _______________ Shanghai in just more than two hours, but instead of heading to the gates, I turned to walk away.

If I timed it right, there was a chance for one last adventure before I left China. I wanted to ride the fastest commercial train on the planet.

_______________ Shanghai's magnetic levitation train _______________ connects Pudong International Airport to the city's metro system, hitting speeds of 430kph, faster than one-third of the speed of sound. As one of the few publicly technological wonder you'd expect to find in a theme _______________ accessible maglevs in the world, it’s a _______________ park, not on a transit map.

middle The train station sits in the _______________ of the airport, with signs guiding the way in Chinese and English along with a cool graphic of a train _______________ above a rail. It's not artistic license. Instead floating of running on wheels, maglevs glide _______________, eliminating the drag of friction. And the science is surprisingly simple. Anyone who has ever played with magnets knows that positive and negative poles _______________ attract each other, while two positives (or negatives) push each other away. Maglevs _______________ that repulsion by rapidly switching on and off electromagnets to _______________ the propel harness carriages forward at astonishing speeds.

I'm no trainspotter, but as a transportation nut, this was something I had to try.

surveyed It took several minutes to reach the station, where I found a ticket machine and _______________ my options. A roundtrip cost 80 yuan, much less than a pass for Shanghai Disneyland, I _______________. reasoned There was even a first class option, but I passed it up, figuring that on the world's most advanced train, economy is hardly _______________ slumming it.

And then I looked at the map and _______________, realizing what I was about to do.


D. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of verbs, either active or passive.

would rocket If everything went as promised, I _______________ (rocket) 30km away from my boarding gate. When I arrived at the Longyang Road station less than eight minutes later, the idea was to exit and immediately went _______________ (catch) the next train back. If all _______________ (go) as planned, the entire 60km catch round-trip would take less than 20 minutes.

If not, there was going to be an interesting conversation with an airline representative explaining why I _______________ (miss) my flight.

had missed This was my last chance _______________ (bail). Sucking in my breath, I shoved a 100-yuan bill into the to bail machine.

A moment later I stepped into a gleaming, gold-pillared entrance hall. A digital clock counted down the seconds to the next departure. Thanks to my hesitation at the ticket machine I had just missed the previous train, and it would be nearly eight minutes until the next one arrived.

Before the clock reached one minute, a sleek, white, four-carriage train hummed into the station. The doors _______________ (slide) open and I stepped into a clean, modern vehicle with blue corduroy seats. Nice slid enough, but nothing remarkable except for a digital clock and speedometer at each end of the carriage.

The moment the countdown clock hit zero, the doors _______________ (shut) and we slipped out of the were shut station.

accelerating The train immediately accelerated, and, like a high-tech drag racer, it kept _______________ (accelerate). In no time, the speedometer reached 100kph, then 200. With each milestone, the carriage grew more animated. I’d expected my fellow travellers to be nonchalant, flipping through their smartphones and ignoring the marvel of the trip. Instead they were giddy as school children.

At 300kph, passengers began standing in the aisle, posing for pictures in front of the speedometer. Landscape smeared by the windows. Inside the car, a white noise hum grew louder. "I feel like am flying I _______________ (fly),” yelled out Tin Nguyen, a visitor from California.

A moment later, we topped out at 431kph, hovering there just long enough to bask in the wonder. Then the to slow train began _______________ (slow): 300kph, then 250. At 100, it felt like we were crawling.

I grabbed my bag, readying for a quick transfer. When the doors parted, I rushed toward the exit, but instead of turning left to leave the station, I turned right.

was surprised I slid my fare card into the turnstile, hurried to the platform and _______________ (surprise) to find myself at the same carriage I had just exited. I could have stayed on board, saving the price of a roundtrip ticket. A maglev rookie error.

crawled On the return journey I noticed new details about the experience, like the traffic that _______________ (crawl) on the highway parallel to the tracks and then disappeared into a blur as we gained speed. About pried four minutes in, several passengers rushed to one side of the train. I _______________ (pry) my eyes from the speedometer and noticed a momentary smudge out the window. It was another maglev speeding by in the opposite direction.

The train slowed, and soon I _______________ (retrace) my steps to the terminal. This time I dutifully retraced headed to security and immigration, which moved painfully slow. When I finally arrived at the gate, about half the flight had already boarded.

I slipped into line behind a couple I recognized from the check-in queue. They looked bored and a little had purchased glum, weighed down with bags from duty free. I couldn’t see what they _______________ (purchase), but I had no doubt I _______________ (go) home with the better souvenir. would go