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ACCA Passcards Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management Passcards for exams from 1 September 2015 – 31 August 2016

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Professional Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management



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First edition 2007, Eighth edition Apr il 2015 ISBN 9781 4727 2708 4 e ISBN 9781 4727 2773 2 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Published by BPP Learning Media Ltd BPP House, Aldine Place 142-144 Uxbridge Road London W12 8AA

Printed in the UK by RICOH UK Limited Unit 2 Wells Place Merstham RH1 3LG

Your learning materials, published by BPP Learning Media Ltd, are printed on paper obtained from traceable sustainable sources.

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of BPP Learning Media. © BPP Learning Media Ltd 2015



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Welcome to BPP Learning Media’s ACCA Passcards for Professional Paper P4 Advanced Financial Management.  They focus on your exam and save you time.  They incorporate diagrams to kickstart your memory.  They follow the overall structure of BPP Learning Media’s Study Texts, but BPP Learning Media’s ACCA Passcards are not just a condensed book. Each card has been separately designed for clear presentation. Topics are self contained and can be g rasped visually.  ACCA Passcards are still just the right size for pockets, briefcases and bags. Run through the Passcards as often as you can during your final revision period. The day before the exam, try to go through the Passcards again! You will then be well on your way to passing your exams. Good luck!

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Page 1 2 3a 3b 3c 4 5 6 7a 7b 8

The role and responsibility of senior financial executive Financial strategy formulation Conflicting stakeholder interests Ethical issues in financial management Environmental issues Trading and planning in a multinational environment DCF Application of option pricing theory in investment decisions Impact of financing and APV method Valuation and free cash flows International investment decisions

1 7 17 23 25 31 41 47 51 65 73


Page 9 Acquisitions and mergers vs growth 81 10 Valuation for acquisitions and mergers 87 11 Regulatory framework and processes 99 12 Financing mergers and acquisitions 105 13–14 Reconstruction and reorganisation 111 15 The treasury function in multinationals 119 16 Hedging forex risk 123 17 Hedging interest rate risk 135 18 Dividend policy in multinationals and transfer pricing 143 19 Recent developments 149



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1: The role and responsibility of senior financial executive Topic List Financial management Financial planning

Senior financial executives are required to make crucial decisions, including those related to investment, distribution and retention.



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Financial management

Financial planning

Financial objectives

Non-financial objectives

The prime financial objective is to maximise the market value of the company’s shares. Primary targets are profits and dividend growth. Other targets may be the level of gearing, profit retentions, operating profitability and shareholder value indicators.

Non-financial objectives do not negate financial objectives, but they do mean that the pr imary financial objectives may be modified. They take account of ethical considerations. Examples

Why profit maximisation is not a sufficient objecture    

Risk and incertainty Profit manipulation Sacrifice of future profits? Dividend policy


Employee welfare Management welfare Society’s welfare Service provision Responsibilities towards customers/suppliers



Investment decisions Investment decisions include:  New projects  Takeovers  Mergers  Sell-off/Divestment The financial manager must:  Identify decisions  Evaluate them  Decide optimal fund allocation

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Financing decisions

Dividend decisions

Financial decisions include:  Long-term capital structure Need to determine source, cost and risk of long-term finance.  Short-term working capital management Balance between profitability and liquidity is crucial.

Dividend decisions may affect views of the company’s long-term prospects, and thus the shares’ market values. Payment of dividends limits the amount of retained earnings available for re-investment.

1: The role and responsibility of senior financial e xecutive



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Financial management

Financial planning

Strategic planning

Key elements of financial planning

The formulation, evaluation and selection of strategies to prepare a long-term plan of action to attain objectives. Strategic decisions should be suitable, feasible and acceptable.


 Long-term direction  Matching activities to environment/resources Strategic analysis means analysing the organisation in its environment, its resources, competences, mission and objectives. Strategic choice involves generating and evaluating strategic options and selecting strategy.

Long-term investment and short-term cash flow Surplus cash How finance raised Profitable

Strategic cash flow management Planning involves a long horizon, uncertainties and contingency plans.

Strategic fund management Consideration of which assets are essential and how easily assets can be sold.


Strategic Tactical


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Selection of products/markets Target profits Purchase of major non-current assets Other non-current asset purchases Efficient/effective resource usage Pricing

Debt/equity mix

Growth v dividend payout

Lease v buy

Scrip v cash dividends

Tactical planning and control Conflict may arise between strategic planning (need to invest in more expensive machinery, research and development) and tactical planning (cost control). Page 5

1: The role and responsibility of senior financial e xecutive



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Financial management

Financial planning

Johnson and Scholes separate power groups into 'internal coalitions' and 'external stakeholder groups'. Stakeholder goals Shareholders

Providers of risk capital, aim to maximise wealth


To be paid full amount by date agreed, and continue relationship (so may accept later payment)

Long-term lenders

To receive payments of interest and capital by due date


To maximise salaries and benefits; also prefer continuity in employment


Political objectives such as sustained economic growth and high employment


Maximising their own rewards



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2: Financial strategy formulation

Topic List Assessing corporate performance Financial strategy Arbitrage Risk and risk management

Formulating the correct financial strategy is crucial for business success. The four main areas of financial strategy are capital structure policy, dividend policy, risk management and capital investment monitoring.



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Assessing corporate performance

Profitability and return  Return on capital employed  Profit margin  Asset turnover

Debt and gearing    

Debt ratio (Total debts: Assets) Gearing (Proportion of debt in long-term capital) Interest cover Cash flow ratio (Cash inflow: Total debts)

Page 8

Financial strategy


Risk and risk management

Liquidity ratios  Current ratio  Inventory turnover  Receivables’ days

 Acid test ratio  Payables’ days

Stock market ratios  Dividend yield  Earnings per share  Price/earnings ratio

 Interest yield  Dividend cover



Comparisons with previous years     

% growth in profit % growth in revenue Changes in gearing ratio Changes in current/quick ratios Changes in inventory/ receivables turnover

 Changes in EPS, market price, dividend Remember however

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Comparisons with other companies in same industry These can put improvements on previous years into perspective if other companies are doing better, and provide further evidence of effect of general trends.  Growth rates  Retained profits  Non-current asset levels

Comparisons with companies in different industries Investors aiming for diversified portfolios need to know differences between industrial sectors.     

Sales growth Profit growth ROCE P/E ratios Dividend yields

 Inflation – can make figures misleading  Results in rest of industry/environment, or economic changes Page 9

2: Financial strategy formulation



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Assessing corporate performance

Page 10

Financial strategy


Risk and risk management

Economic Value Added (EVATM) EVATM = NOPAT – (cost of capital × capital employed)

Adjustments to NOPAT Add:  Interest on debt  Goodwill written off  Accounting depreciation  Increases in provisions  Net capitalised intangibles

Adjustments to capital employed Add:  Cumulative goodwill written off  Cumulative depreciation written off  NBV of intangibles  Provisions



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Ownership stake Equity (full voting rights) Preference (prior right to dividends) All companies can use rights issues Listed companies can use offer for sale/placing


Fixed or floating rate Zero coupon (no interest) Convertible Bank loans Security over property may be required

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Page 11

Comparison of finance sources When comparing different sources of finance, for example different categories of debt, the following factors will generally be important:       

Cost Flexibility Commitments Uses Speed/availability Certainty of raising amounts Time period available

2: Financial strategy formulation



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Assessing corporate performance

Page 12

Financial strategy

Estimating cost of equity  Theoretical valuation models, eg Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) or Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)  Bond-yield-plus-premium approach: adds a judgmental risk premium to the interest rate on the firm’s own long-term debt  Market-implied estimates using discounted cash flow (DCF) approach (based on an assumption on the growth rate of earnings of the company)


Risk and risk management

Practicalities in issuing new shares    

Costs Income to investors Tax Effect on control



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Assessing corporate performance

Page 13

Financial strategy

Pecking order  Retained earnings  Debt  Equity

Whether lenders are prepared to lend (secur ity) Availability of stock market funds Future trends Restrictions in loan agreements Maturity of current debt

Page 13

Risk and risk management

Suitability of capital structure       

Feasibility of capital structure     


Company financial position/ stability of ear nings Need for a number of sources Time period of assets matched with funds Change in risk-return Cost and flexibility Tax relief Minimisation of cost of capital Acceptability of capital structure


Risk attitudes Loss of control by directors Excessive costs Too heavy commitments 2: Financial strategy formulation



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Assessing corporate performance

Page 14

Financial strategy


Risk and risk management

Dividend policy Dividend decisions determine the amount of, and the way in which, a company’s profits are distributed to its shareholders.

Ways of paying dividends  Cash  Shares (stock)  Share repurchases

Theories of why dividends are paid     

Residual theory Target payout ratio Dividends as signals Taxes Agency theory



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Assessing corporate performance

CAPM exam formula E(r i) = Rf + βi (E(rm) – Rf)

Factor analysis

Page 15

Financial strategy


Risk and risk management

Arbitrage pricing theory The theory assumes that the return on each security is based on a number of independent factors. r = E(r j ) + B1F1 + B2F2 ... + e

Analysis used to determine factors to which security returns are sensitive. Research indicates:

E (rj ) is expected return on security


F1 is difference between Factor 1 actual and expected values e is a random term

Unanticipated inflation Changes in industrial production levels Changes in risk premiums on bonds Unanticipated changes in interest rate term structure

Page 15

B1 is sensitivity to changes in Factor 1

2: Financial strategy formulation



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Assessing corporate performance

Types of risk         

Systematic and unsystematic Business Financial Political Economic Fiscal Regulatory Operational Reputational

Page 16

Financial strategy


Risk and risk management

Risk management Overriding reason for managing risk is to maximise shareholder value.

Risk mitigation The process of minimising the likelihood of a risk occurring or the impact of that r isk if it does occur.



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3a: Conflicting stakeholder interests

Topic List

Governance of a modern corporation can give rise to conflicts between the various stakeholders of the firm.


Be prepared to answer questions on key concepts such as agency theory or goal congruence, or developments in corporate governance.

Corporate governance



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Separation of ownership and management: ordinary (equity) shareholders are owners of the company, but the company is managed by its board of directors. Central source of stakeholder conflict: difference between the interests of managers and those of o wners. Sources of stakeholder conflict     

Short-termism Sales objective (instead of shareholder value) Overpriced acquisitions Resistance to takeovers Relationships with stakeholders may be difficult

Corporate governance

Transaction costs economics The transaction costs economics theory postulates that the governance structure of a corporation is determined by transaction costs.

The transactions costs include search and information costs, bargaining costs and policing and enforcement costs.



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Agency theory

Corporate governance

Goal congruence

proposes that, whilst individual team members act in their own self-interest, individual well-being depends on the well-being of other individuals and on the performance of the team.

is accordance between the objectives of agents acting within an organisation and the objectives of the organisation as a whole.

Corporations are set of contracts between principals (suppliers of finance) and agents (management).

Management incentives may enhance congruence:

The agency problem If managers don’t have significant shareholdings, what stops them under-performing and overrewarding themselves?

Page 19

 Profit-related pay  Rights to subscribe at reduced price  Executive share-option plans BUT management may adopt creative accounting. Sound corporate governance is another approach.

3a: Conflicting stakeholder interests



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Corporate governance

UK Corporate Governance Code AUDITORS provide external assurance DIRECTORS responsible for corporate governance



OTHER USERS Board of directors    

Meet regularly Matters refer to board Division of responsibilities Committees – audit, nomination, remuneration

(employees, creditors)

Executive directors Limits on service contracts, emoluments decided by remuneration committee and fully disclosed

Non executive directors    

Majority independent No business/financial links Don’t participate in options Appointed for specified term



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Annual general meeting  20 working days’ notice  Separate resolutions on separate issues  All committees answer questions

Page 21

Accountability and audit    

Audit committee of non-executive directors Consider need for internal audit function Accounts contain corporate governance statement Directors review and report on internal controls

The Higgs Report stresses the importance of the board including a balance of e xecutive and non-executive directors such that no individual or small g roup can dominate decision-making. The report also lays down criteria for establishing the independence of non-executive directors, and stresses the need to separ ate the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive.

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3a: Conflicting stakeholder interests



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International comparisons USA


Corporate governance


By means of Stock Exchange regulation, stringent reporting requirements, tightened by Sarbanes-Oxley.

By means of tax law. Also two-tier board system to protect shareholder interests.

Flexible approach to governance, low level of regulation. All stakeholders collaborate.

The US system is based on control by legislation, regulation, more rules on directors’ duties than in UK. Major creditors are often on boards.

In Germany, banks have longerterm role, may have equity stake. Separate supervisory board has workers’ and shareholders’ representatives.

Stock market is less open, more links with banks than in UK. Policy boards (long-term) Functional boards (executive) Monocratic boards (symbolic)

Management culture Management culture comprises views on management and methods of doing b usiness. Multinationals may have particular problems imposing the parent company’s culture overseas eg American practices in Europe.



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3b: Ethical issues in financial management

Topic List Ethical aspects

Ethics have become increasingly important in formulating financial strategies. Financial managers must remember to build ethical considerations into the decision-making process.



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Ethical aspects

Human resource management

Business ethics

Marketing Market behaviour

Product development

Minimum wage, discrimination

Social and cultural impact Dominant position, treatment of suppliers and customers Animal testing, sensitivity to culture of different countries and markets



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3c: Environmental issues

Topic List Business practice Regulation

You could be asked to discuss how the financial manager needs to take into account environmental issues when formulating corporate policy.



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Business practice


Green issues and business practice

Environmental reporting

Direct environmental impacts on business – eg:

Many companies produce an external report for external stakeholders, covering:  How business activity impacts on environment  An environmental objective (eg use of 100% recyclable materials within x years)  The company's approach to achieving and monitoring these objectives  An assessment of its success towards achieving the objectives  An independent verification of claims made

 Changes affecting costs or resource availability  Impact on demand  Effect on power balances between competitors in a market Indirect environmental impacts: eg, legislative change; pressure from customers or staff as a consequence of concern over environmental problems.

Sustainability refers to the concept of balancing g rowth with environmental, social and economic concerns.

Company’s environmental policy

may include reduction/management of risk to the business, motivating staff and enhancement of corporate reputation.



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Triple bottom line decision making

Page 27

Triple bottom line proxy indicators


Economic impact  Gross operating surplus  Dependence on imports  Stimulus to domestic economy by purchasing locally produced goods and services



Triple bottom line reporting: a quantitative summary of a company’s economic, environmental and social performance over the previous year. Page 27

Social impact  Organisation’s tax contribution  Employment Environmental impact  Ecological footprint  Emissions to soil, water and air  Water and energy use 3c: Environmental issues



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Business practice

Financial capital

Manufactured capital

Intellectual capital

Integrated reporting

Human capital

Social and relationship capital

Natural capital




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Principles of integrated reporting Integrated reports should be based on a n umber of principles:       

Strategic focus and future orientation Connectivity of information Stakeholder responsiveness Materiality Conciseness Reliability and completeness Consistency and comparability

Integrated thinking involves consideration of the interrelationships between operating and financial units and the capitals the business uses.

Page 29

Contents of integrated report      

Organisational overview and external environment Governance structure and value creation Business model Opportunities and risks Strategy and resource allocation Performance – achievement of strategic objectives and impact on capitals

 Basis of preparation and presentation

3: Environmental issues



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Business practice

Carbon trading allows companies which emit less than their allowance to sell the right to emit CO2 to another company.


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change agreements:


To develop programs to slow climate change To share technology and cooperate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

To develop a greenhouse gas inventory listing national sources and sinks

1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC obliged signatories to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions by 2012, compared to 1990 levels. EU15 reduction target: 8%.


Environment Agency Mission: to protect or enhance environment, so as to promote the objective of achieving sustainable development.

Environmental audit is an audit that seeks to assess the environmental impact of a company's policies. The auditor will check whether the company’s environmental policy:   

Satisfies key stakeholder criteria Meets legal requirements Complies with British Standards or other local regulations



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4: Trading and planning in a multinational environment Topic List Trade Institutions International financial markets Global financial stability Multinationals’ strategy Risk

The growth of international trade brings benefits and risks for the corporation. The globalisation of international markets facilitates the flow of funds to emerging mar kets but may create instability.





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International financial markets

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Global financial stability

International trade World output of goods and ser vices is increased if countries specialise in the production of goods/services in which they have a comparative advantage and trade to obtain other goods and services.

Multinationals’ strategy

Barriers to market entry     

Product differentiation barriers Absolute cost barriers Economy of scale barriers The level of fixed costs Legal/patent barriers Protectionist measures

Comparative advantage Countries specialising in what they produce, even if they are less efficient (in absolute ter ms) in production of all types of good, is the compar ative advantage justification of free trade, without protectionism or trade barriers.


Tariffs or customs duties Import quotas Embargoes Hidden subsidies Import restrictions Restrictive bureaucratic procedures Currency devaluations




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What’s wrong with trade protection    

Mutually beneficial trade may be reduced There may be retaliation Economic growth prospects may be damaged Political ill-will may be created

Why protect trade?    

To combat imports of cheap goods To counter ‘dumping’ Infant industries might need special treatment Declining industries might need special treatment  Protection might reduce a trade deficit

European Union The EU combines a free trade area with a customs union (mobility of factors of production).

Page 33

4: Trading and planning in a multinational environment





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International financial markets

World Trade Organisation and International Monetary Fund WTO aims

Page 34

Global financial stability

Multinationals’ strategy


IMF aims  

Promote international monetary co-operation, and establish code of conduct for international payments Provide financial support to countries with temporary balance of payments deficits Provide for orderly growth of international liquidity


Reduce existing barriers to free trade Eliminate discrimination in international trade (in eg tariffs and subsidies)

Prevent growth of protection by getting member countries to consult with others first

supplements private finance and lends money on a commercial basis for capital projects, usually direct to governments or government agencies.

Act as a forum for assisting free trade, and offering a disputes settlement process


Establish rules and guidelines to make world trade more predictable

World Bank (IBRD)

Bank for International Settlements: the banker for central banks. Promotes co-operation between central banks Provides facilities for international co-operation





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International financial markets

Globalisation of financial markets has contributed to financial instability, despite facilitating the transfer of funds to emerging markets.

Page 35

Global financial stability

 To promote economic convergence in Europe  To develop European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) Page 35


Arguments for EMU    

European Monetary System (EMS) Purposes  To stabilise exchange rates between member countries

Multinationals’ strategy

Economic policy stability Facilitation of trade Lower interest rates Preservation of the City’s position Arguments against EMU


Loss of national control over economic policy The need to compensate for weaker economies Confusion in transition to EMU Lower confidence arising from loss of national pride 4: Trading and planning in a multinational environment





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International financial markets

Page 36

Global financial stability

The global debt crisis arose as governments in less developed countries (LDCs) took on levels of debt that were above their ability to finance. Resolving the global debt crisis    

Restructure or rescheduled debt Economic reforms to improve balance of trade Lending governments write off some of the debts Convert some debt into equity

Multinationals’ strategy


Negative impacts on multinational firms    

Deflationary policies damage profitability Devaluation of currency Reduction in imports by developing countries Increased reliance on host countries for funding





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International financial markets

Page 37

Global financial stability

Strategic reasons for FDI Market seeking

Economies of scale

Raw material seeking

Managerial and marketing expertise

Production efficiency seeking


Knowledge seeking

Financial economies

Political safety seeking

Differentiated products

Management contracts: a firm agrees to sell management skills – sometimes used in combination with licensing. Can serve as a means of obtaining funds from subsidiaries, where other remittance restrictions apply. Page 37

Multinationals’ strategy


Ways to establish an interest abroad  Joint ventures – industrial co-operation (contractual) or joint-equity    

Licensing agreements Management contracts Subsidiary Branches

Many multinationals use a combination of methods for servicing international markets.

4: Trading and planning in a multinational environment





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International financial markets

Page 38

Global financial stability

Multinationals’ strategy


Multinationals’ financial planning Multinational companies need to develop a financial planning framework to ensure that the strategic objectives and competitive advantages are realised. Such a financial planning framework will include ways of raising capital and risks related to overseas operations and the repatriation of profits. Finance for overseas investment depends on:  Local finance costs, and any available subsidies  Tax systems of the countries (best group structure may be affected by tax systems)  Any restrictions on dividend remittances  Possible flexibility in repayments arising from the parent/subsidiary relationship

A company raising funds from local equity markets must comply with the listing requirements of the local exchange.

Blocked funds Multinationals can counter exchange controls by management charges or royalties.

Control systems Large and complex companies may be organised as a heterarchy, an organic structure with significant local control.





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International financial markets

Page 39

Global financial stability

Government stability Political and business ethics Economic stability/inflation Degree of international indebtedness Financial infrastructure


Level of import restrictions Remittance restrictions Assets seized Special taxes and regulations on overseas investors, or investment incentives

Dealing with political risk      

Negotiations with host government Insurance (eg ECGD) Production strategies Contacts with customers Financial management eg borrowing funds locally Management structure eg joint ventures

Page 39


Litigation risks

Factors in assessing political risk    

Multinationals’ strategy

can generally be reduced by keeping abreast of changes, acting as a good cor porate citizen and lobbying.

Cultural risks should be taken into account when deciding where to sell abroad, and how much to centralise activities.

Environmentally sensitive

Environmentally insensitive

Adaptation necessary

Standardisation possible

 Fashion clothes  Convenience foods

 Industrial and agricultural products  World market products, eg jeans

4: Trading and planning in a multinational environment





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International financial markets

Agency issues Agency relationships exist between the CEOs of conglomerates (the principals) and the strategic business unit (SBU) managers that report to these CEOs (agents). The interests of the individual SBU managers may be incongruent not only with the interests of the CEOs, but also with those of the other SB U managers. Each SBU manager may try to make sure his or her unit gets access to critical resources and achieves the best performance at the expense of the performance of other SBUs and the whole organisation.

Page 40

Global financial stability

Multinationals’ strategy


Solutions to agency problems in multinationals Multiple mechanisms may be needed, working in unison. Eg:  Board of directors: separate ratification and monitoring of managerial decisions from initiation to implementation  Executive incentive systems can reduce agency costs and align the interests of managers and shareholders by making top executives’ pay contingent on the value they create for the shareholders



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5: DCF

Topic List

In this chapter, we discuss the evaluation of projects using the Net Present Value (NPV) method and the Inter nal Rate of Return.


The NPV method is extended to include inflation and specific price variation, taxation and the assessment of fiscal risk and multi-period capital rationing.

Internal rate of return

We also look at the potential inter nal rate of return to assess a project's return margin and its vulnerability to competitive action.



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Net present value (NPV) The sum of the discounted cash flows less the initial investment.

Decision criterion Invest in a project if its net present v alue is positive ie when NPV > 0 Do not invest in a project if its net present v alue is zero or negative, ie when NPV ≤ 0

Internal rate of return

Real and nominal discount factors What nominal rate (i) should be used for discounting cash flows, if the real rate is r and the rate of inflation h? (l + i) = (1 + r)(1 + h) (the Fisher equation, given in exam)

The net effect of inflation on the NPV of a project will depend on three inflation rates: the rates for revenues, costs, and the discount factor.

Tax effects on NPV  

Corporate taxes Value added taxes


Other local taxes Capex tax allowances



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Capital rationing Capital rationing problem exists when there are insufficient funds to finance all available profitable projects.

Case I Fractional investment allowed: rank the alternatives according to the ratio of NPV to initial investment or the benefit cost ratio.

Case II Fractional investment not allowed: a more systematic approach may be needed to find the NPVmaximising combination of entire projects subject to the investment constraint. This is provided by the mathematical technique of integer programming. Page 43

The multi-period capital rationing problem can be formulated as an integer programming problem.

The Monte Carlo method amounts to adopting a par ticular probability distribution for the uncertain (random) variables that affect the NPV and then using sim ulations to generate values of the random variables.

Project Value at Risk is the minimum amount by which the value of an investment or portfolio will fall over a given period of time at a given level of probability. 5: DCF



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Internal rate of return

IRR The discount rate at which NPV equals zero.  The IRR calculation also produces the breakeven cost of capital and allows calculation of the margin of safety  If the cash flows change signs then the IRR may not be unique: this is the multiple IRR problem  With mutually exclusive projects, the decision depends not on the IRR but on the cost of capital being used

Decision criteria using IRR A project will be selected as long as the IRR is not less than the cost of capital.



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Modified IRR (MIRR)

Re-investment rate

MIRR is the IRR which would result without the assumption that project proceeds are reinvested at the IRR rate. 1

Calculate the present value of the return phase (the phase of the project with cash inflo ws)


Calculate the present value of the investment phase (the phase with cash outflows)


Calculate MIRR using the following formula: PVR MIRR = PV1

1 n

(1+ r e) –1

This formula is given in the exam.

Page 45

Page 45

The NPV method assumes that cash flows can be reinvested at the cost of capital over the life of the project. Selection of investments based on the higher IRR assumes that cash flows can be reinvested at the IRR over the life of the project. The IRR assumption is unlikely to be valid and so the NPV method is likely to be superior. The better reinvestment rate assumption will be the cost of capital used for the NPV method.

Decision criterion If MIRR is greater than the required rate of return: ACCEPT If MIRR is lower than the required rate of return: REJECT 5: DCF



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6: Application of option pricing theory in investment decisions Topic List Options concepts Real options

Option valuation techniques can be applied to capital budgeting exercises in which a project is coupled with a put or call option. For example, the firm may have the option to abandon a project dur ing its life. This amounts to a put option on the remaining cash flo ws associated with the project. Ignoring the value of these real options (as in standard discounted cash flow techniques) can lead to incorrect investment evaluation decisions.



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Page 48

Options concepts


Real options

Determinants of option values

An option is a contract that gives one party the option to enter into a transaction either at a specific time in the future or within a specific future per iod at a price that is agreed when the contract is issued.  The buyer of a call option acquires the r ight, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying at a fixed price  The buyer of a put option acquires the r ight, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying shares at a fixed price In the money option: intrinsic value is +ve At the money option: intrinsic value is zero Out of the money option: intrinsic value is –ve

 The higher the exercise price, the lower the probability that the call will be in the money  As the current price of the underlying asset goes up, the higher the probability that the call will be in the money  Both a call and put will increase in price as the underlying asset becomes more volatile  Both calls and puts will benefit from increased time to expiration  The higher the interest rate, the lower the present value of the exercise price



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Options concepts

Real options Strategic options – known as real options – arising from a project can increase the project value. They are ignored in standard DCF analysis, which computes a single present value.

Option to delay When a firm has exclusive rights to a project or product for a specific period, it can delay taking this project or product until a later date. For a project not selected today on NPV or IRR grounds, the rights to the project can still have value.

Option to expand is when firms invest in projects allowing further investments later, or entry into new markets, possibly making the NPV +ve. The initial investment may be seen as the premium to acquire the option to expand. Page 49

Real options

Option to abandon

is if the firm has the option to cease a project during its life. Abandonment is effectively the exercising of a put option. The option to abandon is a special case of an option to redeplo y.

Option to redeploy

is when company can use its productive assets for activities other than the original one. The switch will happen if the PV of cash flows from the new activity will exceed costs of switching.

Black-Scholes valuation In applying Black-Scholes valuation techniques to real options, simulation methods are typically used to overcome the problem of estimating volatility. 6: Application of option pricing theory in investment decisions



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Options concepts

Determinants of option values      

Exercise price (Pe) Price of underlying asset (Pa) Volatility of underlying asset (s) Time to expiration (t) Interest rate (r) Intrinsic and time value

Black-Scholes formulae C = Pa N(d1 ) – PeN(d 2 )e – rt ⎛P In⎜⎜ a P d1 = ⎝ e

⎞ ⎟ + (r + 0.5s 2 )t ⎟ ⎠ s t

d 2 = d1 – s t

These formulae are given in the exam. Put option

Real options are highly examinable.

P = C – Pa + Pe e – rt

Real options



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Page 51

7a: Impact of financing and APV method

Topic List Sources of finance Duration Credit risk Modigliani & Miller Other theories APV approach

The cost of capital is the r ate of return required by investors in order to supply their funds to the compan y. It is also the rate of return a company must earn in a project in order to maintain its market value. There are two forms of capital to a firm, equity and debt, and each supplier of capital requires a return which is determined by the risks each type of investor faces. The overall cost of capital to the fir m is the weighted average of the cost of equity and the cost of debt.


Sources of finance




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Credit risk

Venture capital

Page 52

Modigliani & Miller

Business angels

Other theories

Asset securitisation

Sources of finance

Short-term/ long-term debt

Lease finance


Islamic finance

APV approach



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Page 53

Islamic finance transaction

Similar to



Trade credit/loan

Pre-arranged mark up for convenience of later payment, no interest


Venture capital

Profit share per contract, no dividends, losses per capital contribution, both parties participate



Profit share per contract, no dividends, losses borne by capital provider, organisation runs business



Whatever the other features, lessor remains asset owner and incurs risks of ownership



Underlying tangible asset in which holder shares may be asset-based (sale/leaseback) or asset-backed (securitisation)


Forward contract

Commodity sold for future delivery, cash received at discount from financial institution, payments received in advance


Phased payments

Project funding, initial payment and then instalments from business undertaking the project

Page 53

7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance



Cost of equity ke =

12:39 PM

Credit risk

Page 54

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Cost of irredeemable debt d0 (1 + g) P0


kd =

i(1 – T) P0

Cost of redeemable debt g = br g is growth rate of dividends b is proportion of profits retained r is rate of return on investments

CAPM E(r i) = Rf + βi (E(rm) – Rf)

IRR calculation, including amount payable on redemption


ù é Vd ù ú ke + ê ú kd (1 - T ) ë Ve + Vd û ë Vd + Ve û

WACC = ê




12:39 PM

Beta factors of portfolios Portfolio of all stock – market securities

Beta factor 1

Portfolio of risk-free – securities

Beta factor 0

Investors’ portfolio

Beta factor weighted average of individual beta factors

Page 55

Page 55

Limitations of CAPM  Difficulties in determining excess return  Difficulties in determining risk-free rate  Errors in statistical analysis used to calculate betas  Difficulties in forecasting companies with low P/E ratios  Assumption that costs are zero  Assumption that investment market is efficient  Assumption that portfolios are well-diversified

7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance



12:39 PM

Credit risk

Geared betas may be used to obtain an appropr iate required return when an investment has differing business and finance risks from the existing business. Weaknesses in the formula  Difficult to identify firms with identical operating characteristics    

Page 56

Estimate of beta factors not wholly accurate Assumes that cost of debt is r isk-free Does not include growth opportunities Differences in cost structures and size will affect beta values between firms

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Exam formula βa =

Vd(1 – T) Ve β β (Ve + Vd(1 – T)) e + (Ve + Vd(1 – T)) d

where βa = asset (or ungeared) beta βe = equity (or geared) beta βd = beta factor of debt in the geared company Vd = market value of debt in the geared company Ve = market value of equity capital in the geared compan y T = rate of corporate tax


Sources of finance


12:39 PM


Credit risk

Duration (Macaulay duration) The weighted average length of time to the receipt of a bond’s benefits (coupon and redemption value). The weights are the present values of the benefits involved.

Calculating duration 1

Multiply PV of cash flows for each time period by the time period and add together


Add the PV of cash flows in each period together


Divide the result of step 1 by the result of step 2

Page 57

Page 57

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Properties of duration  Longer-dated bonds have longer durations  Lower-coupon bonds will have longer durations  Lower yields will give longer durations

Modified duration Modified duration =

Macaulay duration

1 + gross redemption yield Modified duration shares the same proper ties as Macaulay duration.

7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance



Credit risk (or ‘default risk’) is the risk for a lender that the borrower may default on interest payments and/or repayment of principal. Credit risk for an individual loan or bond is measured by estimating:  Probability of default – typically, using information on borrower and assigning a credit rating (eg Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, Fitch)  Recovery rate – the fraction of face value of an obligation recoverable once the borrower has defaulted

12:39 PM

Page 58

Credit risk

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Standard & Poor’s




Highest quality, lowest default risk



High quality



Upper medium grade quality



Medium grade quality



Lower medium grade quality






Poor quality (high default risk)



Highly speculative



Lowest grade quality

Credit migration is the change in the credit r ating after a bond is issued.



12:39 PM

Determinants of cost of debt capital    

Credit rating of company Maturity of debt Risk-free rate at appropriate maturity Corporate tax rate

Credit spread is the premium required by an investor in a corporate bond to compensate for the credit risk of the bond. Yield on corporate bond = risk free rate + credit spread Cost of debt capital = (1 – tax r ate)(risk free rate – credit spread) Page 59

Page 59

Option pricing models to assess default risk The equity of a company can be seen as a call option on the assets of the company with an exercise price equal to the outstanding debt.

Expected losses are a put option on the assets of the firm with an exercise price equal to the value of the outstanding debt. From the Black-Scholes formula, the probability of default depends on three factors:  The debt/asset ratio  The volatility of the company assets  The maturity of debt 7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance


12:39 PM


Credit risk

Internal credit enhancement External credit enhancement

Page 60

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

Excess spread Over-collateralisation Surety bonds Letters of credit Cash collateral accounts

APV approach


Sources of finance



12:39 PM

Credit risk

Page 61

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

MM theory (no tax)

MM and cost of equity

The use of debt would only transfer more risk to the shareholders, therefore will not reduce the WACC.

Vd Ve where ke = cost of equity in a geared compan y ke i = cost of equity in an ungeared compan y Vd, Ve = market values of debt and equity kd = pre-tax cost of debt This formula is given in the exam.

MM theory (with tax) Debt actually saves tax (due to tax relief on interest payments) therefore firms should only use debt finance.

Page 61

k e = k ie + (1 − T)(k ie − k d )

Limitations of MM theory  Too risky in reality to have high levels of gearing  Assumes perfect capital markets  Does not consider bankruptcy risks, tax exhaustion, agency costs and increased borrowing costs as risk rises 7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance



12:39 PM

Credit risk

Static trade-off theory

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Agency theory

A firm in a static position will adjust their gear ing levels to achieve a target level of gearing.

Problems with financial distress costs Direct financial distress  Legal and admin costs associated with bankruptcy

Page 62

Indirect financial distress    

Higher cost of capital Loss of sales Downsizing High staff turnover

The optimal capital structure will occur where the benefits of the debt received by the shareholders matches the costs of debt imposed on the shareholders.



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Page 63

Pecking order theory


is, unlike the MM models, based on the idea of information asymmetry: investors have a lower level of information about the company than its directors do. As a result, shareholders use directors' actions as a signal to indicate what directors believe about the company with their superior information.

 To finance new investment, firms prefer internal finance to external finance

Page 63

 If retained earnings differ from investment outlays, the firm adjusts its cash balances or mar ketable securities first, before either taking on more debt or increasing its target payout rate  Internal finance is at the top, and equity is at the bottom, of the pecking order. A single optimal debtequity ratio does not exist: a result similar to the MM model with no taxes

7a: Impact of financing and APV method


Sources of finance


12:39 PM


Page 64

Credit risk

Adjusted present value (APV) approach

Modigliani & Miller

Other theories

APV approach

Steps in applying APV

The adjusted present value (APV) method of valuation is based on the Modigliani Miller model with taxation.


Calculate the NPV as if the project w as financed entirely by equity (use k ei )


Add the PV of the tax saved as a result of the debt used to finance the project (use k d)

We assume that the primary benefit of borrowing is the tax benefit and that the most significant cost of borrowing is the added risk of bankruptcy.


Subtract the cost of issuing new finance



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Page 65

7b:Valuation and free cash flows

Topic List Yield curve and bond values Free cash flows Equity valuation

This chapter mainly focuses on the use of free cash flows and their use for valuation puposes. It also briefly considers using the yield cur ve for bond values and recaps equity valuation methods from Paper F9 financial management.



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Page 66

Yield curve and bond values

Free cash flows

Equity valuation

Using the yield curve The yield curve can be used to estimate bond v alue by splitting, say a four year bond into four separate bonds. Each bond can then be discounted by using the rates from the yield curve. The total of the discounted cash flows represents the issue price. An IRR style calculation can be used to calculate the yield to matur ity. In general: Price = Coupon ×


(i + r1)

+ Coupon ×


(i + r2 )


+ … + Coupon ×

1 n

(i + rn )

+ Redemption value ×

1 n

(i + rn )



5:35 PM

Page 67

Yield curve and bond values

Free cash flow (FCF) Free Cash Flow (FCF)


Free cash flows

Equity valuation

Forecasting FCF Earnings before Interest and Taxes (EBIT)

less Tax on EBIT

Constant growth

FCF = FCF0 (1 + g)n

plus Non cash charges (eg depreciation)

where FCF0 is the free cash flow at beginning n is the number of years

less Capital expenditures

Differing growth rates

less Net working capital increases

Forecast each element of FCF separately using appropriate rate.

plus Net working capital decreases plus Salvage value received Page 67

7b: Valuation and free cash flows



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Page 68

Free cash flows

Yield curve and bond values

Forecasting dividend capacity The dividend capacity of a fir m is measured by its free cash flow to equity (FCFE).

Direct method of calculating FCFE

Indirect method

Net income (EBIT – net interest – tax paid)

Free cash flow




(Net interest + net debt paid)


total net investment



net debt issued

Tax benefit from debt (net interest × tax rate)


net equity issued

Equity valuation



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Page 69

Firm valuation using FCF

Terminal values and company valuation

Value of the firm is the sum of the discounted free cash flows over the appropriate time horizon.

Value of the firm is the present value over the forecast period + terminal value of cash flows beyond the forecast period.

Assuming constant growth, use the Gordon model:

Firm valuation using FCFE

PV0 = where

Page 69

FCF0 (1 + g) k−g g = growth rate k = cost of capital


Calculate value of equity (present value of FCFE discounted at the cost of equity)


Calculate value of debt


Value = value of equity + value of debt

7b: Valuation and free cash flows



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Page 70

Yield curve and bond values

Range of values Max


Equity valuation

Uses of net asset valuation method

Value the cashflows or earnings under new ownership. Value the dividends under the existing management. Value the assets.

Possible bases of valuation Historic basis (unlikely to be realistic)

Free cash flows

Replacement basis (asset used on ongoing basis)

Realisable basis (asset sold/ business broken up)

 As measure of security in a share valuation  As measure of comparison in scheme of merger  As floor value in business that is up for sale Problems in valuation    

Need for professional valuation Realisation of assets Contingent liabilities Market for assets



5:35 PM

Price-earnings ratio Market value EPS Market value = EPS × P/E r atio

P/E ratio =

Shows the current profitability of the company

Shows the market’s view of the growth prospects/risk of a company

May be affected by one-off transactions

Which P/E ratio to use? Adjust downwards if valuing an unquoted company

Page 71

Page 71

Have to decide suitable P/E ratio. Factors to consider:  Industry  Status  Marketability  Shareholders  Asset backing and liquidity  Nature of assets  Gearing

Earnings yield valuation model Market value =

Earnings Earnings yield

7b: Valuation and free cash flows



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Page 72

Yield curve and bond values

Dividend valuation model P0 =

D ke

Where P0 is price at time 0 D is dividend (constant) ke is cost of equity

P0 =

D 0 (1 + g) ke – g

Where D0 is dividend in current year g is dividend growth rate

Free cash flows

Equity valuation


Based on expected future income Can be used to value minority stake Growth rate difficult to estimate Dividend policy may change Companies that don’t pay dividends don’t have zero values

Discounted cash flow method Value investment using expected after-tax cash flows of investment and appropriate cost of capital.



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Page 73

8: International investment decisions

Topic List

Companies that undertake overseas projects are subject to exchange rate risks as well as other risks such as exchange controls, taxation and political action.

NPV and international projects

Capital budgeting methods for multinational companies can incorporate these additional complexities in the decision-making process.

Exchange controls Exchange rate risks Capital structure



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NPV and international projects

Page 74

Exchange controls

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Purchasing power parity

NPVs for international projects

Absolute purchasing parity theory: prices of products in different countries will be the same when expressed in the same currency. Alternative purchasing power parity relationship: changes in exchange rates are due to differences in the expected inflation rates between countries.

Alternative methods for calculating the NPV from a overseas project:

International Fisher effect 1 + ic 1 + ib


1 + hc 1 + hb

This equation is given in the exam. In the absence of trade or capital flows restrictions, real interest rates in different countries will be expected to be the same. Differences in interest rates reflect differences in inflation rates.

 Convert project cash flows into sterling and discount at sterling discount rate to calculate NPV in sterling terms  Discount cash flows in host country's currency from project at adjusted discount rate for that currency and then convert resulting NPV at spot exchange rate



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Page 75

Effect of exchange rates on NPV

Effect on exports

When there is a devaluation of sterling relative to a foreign currency, the sterling value of cash flows increases and NPV increases. The opposite happens when the domestic currency appreciates.

When a multinational company sets up a subsidiary in another country in which it already exports, the relevant cash flows (and NPV) for evaluation of the project should account for loss of export earnings in the particular country.

Impact of transaction costs Transaction costs are incurred when companies invest abroad due to currency conversion or other administrative expenses. These should also be taken into account.

Page 75

8: International investment decisions



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NPV and international projects

Taxes in international context Host country  Corporate taxes  Investment allowances  Withholding taxes

Page 76

Exchange controls

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Tax haven characteristics  Low tax on foreign investment or sales income earned by resident companies  Low withholding tax on dividends paid to the parent

Home country

 Stable government and currency

 Double taxation relief  Foreign tax credits

 Adequate financial services support facilities

Subsidies The benefit from concessionary loans should be included in the NPV calculation as the diff erence between the repayment when borrowing under market conditions and the repayment under the concessionary loan.



5:36 PM

NPV and international projects

Page 77

Exchange controls

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Exchange controls



Multinational company strategies to overcome exchange controls:

 Rationing supply of foreign exchange. Payments abroad in foreign currency are restricted, preventing firms from buying as much as they want from abroad

 Transfer pricing, where the parent company sells goods or services to the subsidiary and obtains payment

 Restricting types of transaction for which payments abroad are allowed, eg suspending or banning payment of dividends to foreign shareholders, such as parent companies in multinationals: blocked funds problem

 Royalty payments adjustments, when a parent company grants a subsidiary the right to make goods protected by patents

For an overseas project, we include only the proportion of cash flows that are expected to be repatriated in the NPV calculation.

 Management charges levied by the parent company for costs incurred in the management of international operations

Page 77

 Loans by the parent company to the subsidiary: setting interest rate at appropriate level

8: International investment decisions



5:36 PM

NPV and international projects

Page 78

Exchange controls

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Transaction exposure

Economic exposure

is the risk of adverse exchange rate movements between the date the price is agreed and the date cash is received/paid, arising during normal international trade.

is the risk that the present value of a company’s future cash flows might be reduced by adverse exchange rate movements.

Translation exposure is the risk that the organisation will make exchange losses when the accounting results of its f oreign branches or subsidiaries are translated. Translation losses can arise from restating the book value of a foreign subsidiary’s assets at the exchange rate on the statement of financial position date – only important if changes arise from loss of economic value.

Economic exposure:  Can be longer-term (continuous currency depreciation)  Can arise even without trade overseas (effects of pound strengthening)



5:36 PM

NPV and international projects

Page 79

Exchange controls

Overseas subsidiaries Parent company needs to consider a number of issues when setting up an overseas subsidiary:      

Amount of equity capital Whether parent owns 100% of equity Profit retention by subsidiary Amount of subsidiary’s debt Amount of subsidiary’s working capital Whether subsidiary should obtain local listing

Page 79

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Choice of finance       

Finance costs Taxation systems Restrictions on dividend remittances Flexibility in repayments Reduction in systematic risk Access to foreign capital Agency costs

8: International investment decisions



5:36 PM

NPV and international projects

International borrowing options (1) Borrow in the same currency as the inflo ws from the project (2) Borrow in a currency other than the currency of the inflows, with a hedge in place (3) Borrow in a currency other than the currency of  the inflows, without hedging the currency r isk  Option (3) exposes the company to exchange rate risk which can substantially change the profitability of a project.

Page 80

Exchange controls

Exchange rate risks

Capital structure

Advantages of international borrowing  Availability. Domestic financial markets, except larger countries and the Euro zone, generally lack the depth and liquidity to accommodate large or long-maturity debt issues  Lower cost of borrowing. In Eurobond markets interest rates are normally lower than borrowing rates in national markets  Lower issue costs. Cost of debt issuance is normally lower than the cost of debt issue in domestic markets



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Page 81

9: Acquisitions and mergers vs growth

Topic List Acquisitions and mergers Shareholder value issues

Firms may decide to increase the scale of their operations through a strategy of internal organic growth by investing money to purchase or create assets and product lines internally. Alternatively, companies may decide to grow by buying other companies in the market, thus acquiring ‘readymade’ tangible and intangible assets and product lines.



5:36 PM

Page 82

Acquisitions and mergers

Operating economies

Management of acquisition


Asset backing

Shareholder value issues

Earnings quality

Mergers and acquisitions Finance/ liquidity

Internal expansion costs


Defensive merger

Factors in a takeover  Cost of acquisition  Reaction of predator’s shareholders  Reaction of target’s shareholders


Form of purchase consideration Accounting implications Future policy (eg dividends, staff)

Economic efficiency



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Page 83

VERTICAL MERGER Supplier Aim: control of supply chain BACKWARD MERGER HORIZONTAL MERGER Two merging firms produce similar products in the same industry Aim: increase market power


Two firms operate in different industries Aim: diversification

FORWARD MERGER Customer/distributor Aim: control of distribution

Page 83

9: Acquisitions and mergers vs growth



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Page 84

Acquisitions and mergers

Shareholder value issues

Takeover strategy


Growth prospects limited

Younger company with higher growth rate

Potential to sell other products to existing customers

Company with complementary product range

Operating at maximum capacity

Company making similar products operating below capacity

Under-utilising management

Company needing better management

Greater control over supplies or customers

Company giving access to customer/supplier

Lacking key clients in targeted sector

Company with right customer profile

Improve statement of financial position

Company enhancing EPS

Increase market share

Important competitor

Widen capability

Key talents and/or technology



5:36 PM

Page 85

Acquisitions and mergers

Shareholder value issues

Synergy Revenue synergy exists when the acquisition will result in higher revenues, higher return on equity or a longer period of growth for the acquiring company. Revenue synergies arise from:

Sources of financial synergy  Diversification  Use of cash slack

 Tax benefits  Debt capacity

(a) Increased market power (b) Marketing synergies (c) Strategic synergies

Cost synergy results from economies of scale. As scale increases, marginal cost falls and this will be manifested in greater operating margins for the combined entity. Page 85

9: Acquisitions and mergers vs growth



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Page 86

Acquisitions and mergers

Failures to enhance shareholder value Why do many acquisitions fail to enhance shareholder value?

Agency theory: takeovers may be motivated by self-interested acquirer management wanting:  Diversification of management's own portfolio  Use of free cash flow to increase size of the firm  Acquisitions that increase firm's dependence on management Value is transferred from shareholders to managers of acquir ing firm. Hubris hypothesis: bidding company bids too much because managers of acquiring firms suffer from hubris, excessive pride and arrogance.

Shareholder value issues

Market irrationality argument: when a company’s shares seem overvalued, management may exchange them for an acquiree firm: merger. The lack of synergies or better management may lead to a failing merger. Preemptive theory: several firms may compete for opportunity to merge with target to achieve cost savings. Winning firm could improve market position and gain market share. It can be rational for the first firm to pre-empt a merger with its own takeover attempt. Window dressing: where companies are acquired to present a better shor tterm financial picture.



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Page 87

10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers

Topic List Valuation issues Type I Type II Type III High-growth start-ups Intangible assets

There are different methods for predicting earnings growth for a company, using external and internal measures. An acquisition potentially affects the risk of the acquiring company and its cost of capital. First, we consider the ‘overvaluation problem’: the problem that when a company acquires another company, it often pays more than the company’s current market value.


Valuation issues


Type I

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Type II

The overvaluation problem is paying more than the current mar ket value, to acquire a company.

Page 88

Type III

 The overvaluation problem may arise as miscalculation of potential synergies or overestimation of ability of acquiring firm's management to improve performance  Both errors will lead to a higher pr ice than current market value

Intangible assets

Estimating earnings growth Gordon constant growth model: PV =

 During an acquisition, there is typically a fall in the price of the bidder and an increase in the price of the target

High-growth start-ups

FCF0 (1 + g) (k – g)

Three ways to estimate g:  Historical estimates: extrapolate past values  Rely on analysts’ forecasts  Use the company’s return on equity and retention rate of earnings (g = ROE × retention rate)



5:38 PM

Page 89

Asset beta

Business risk of combined entity The risk associated with the unique circumstances of the combined company. Affected by the betas of the individual entities (target and predator) and the beta of the resulting synergy.

Acquisitions and acquirer’s risk

The weighted average of the betas of the target, predator and synergy of the combined entity.

Geared equity beta

Affects financial risk?

Affects business risk?


Calculate value of debt (net of tax). Divide by value of equity

Type 1




Type 2



Multiply the above by difference between beta of combined entity and beta of debt

Type 3




Add the above to the beta of the combined entity


Page 89

10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Type II

Type I valuations Methods to value company: (1) Book value-plus models (2) Market-relative models (3) Cash flow models, including EVATM, MVA

Book value-plus models Use the statement of financial position as star ting point. Total Asset Value Less Long-term and short-term payables Equals Company's Net Asset Value Book value of net assets is also 'equity shareholders' funds': the owners' stake in the company.

Page 90

Type III

High-growth start-ups

Intangible assets

Market-relative models (P/E ratio) P/E ratio =

Market value

EPS so market value per share = EPS × P/E ratio

Decide suitable P/E ratio and multiply by EPS: an earnings-based valuation. EPS could be historical EPS or prospective future EPS. For a given EPS, a higher P/E ratio will result in a higher price. High P/E ratio may indicate:  Optimistic expectations  Security of earnings  Status



5:38 PM

Page 91

Q Ratio is the market value of company assets (MV) divided by replacement cost of the assets (RC).



Equity version of Q: MV – Market value of debt Qe = RC – Total debt

Page 91

Points to note  RC of capital is difficult to estimate, so is proxied by the book value of capital. The equity Q ie Q e is approximated as: Qe =

Market value of equity Equity capital

 If Q 1, management has increased the v alue of contributed capital

10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Page 92

Type II

Free cash flow model

Type III



High-growth start-ups

Intangible assets

Calculate WACC from cost of equity (K e) and cost of debt (K d). Vd Ve + (1 − T) × K d × WACC = K e × Vd + Ve (Vd + Ve ) where T is the tax rate


Vd is the value of the debt


Ve is the value of equity



Discount free cash flow at WACC to obtain value of firm.



Calculate equity value.


2 Forecast FCF and Terminal Value.

Equity Value = Value of the firm – Value of debt



5:38 PM

EVA approach EVA = NOPAT – WACC × Capital Employed

Page 93

Market value added approach shows how much management has added to the value of capital contributed by the capital providers.

Or, EVA = (ROIC – WACC) × Capital Employed where NOPAT = Net Operating Profits After Taxes ROIC= Return on Invested Capital WACC = Weighted average cost of capital

MVA = Market Value of Debt + Market Value of Equity – Book Value of Equity

Value of firm = Value of invested capital + sum of discounted EVA

MVA related to EVA: MVA is simply PV of future EVAs of the company.

(Subtract value of debt from value of company to get value of equity.)

Page 93

If the market value and book value of debt are the same, MVA measures the difference between the market value of common stock and equity capital of the firm. 10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Page 94

Type II

Type II valuations: APV Acquisition is valued by discounting Free Cash Flows by ungeared cost of equity, then adding PV of tax shield. APV = – Initial Investment + Value of acquired company if all-equity financed + PV of Debt Tax Shields If APV is +ve, acquisition should be under taken.

Type III

Discount free cash flow at ungeared cost of equity to obtain NPV of ungeared fir m or project


Calculate interest tax shields


Discount interest tax shields at pre-tax cost of debt to obtain PV of interest tax shields




Calculate FCF (as previously)


Forecast FCFs and Terminal Value


Ungeared beta of firm is calculated from geared beta: β β = G 1 + (1 − T)


Intangible assets


APV calculation steps


High-growth start-ups


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Page 95

Type II

Type III iterative valuations 1

Estimate value of acquiring company before acquisition


Estimate value of acquired company before acquisition


Estimate value of synergies


Estimate beta coefficients for equity of acquiring and acquired company, using CAPM


Estimate asset beta for each company


Calculate asset beta for combined entity


Calculate geared beta of the combined fir m


Calculate WACC for combined entity


Use WACC derived in step 8 to discount cash flows of combined entity post-acquisition

Page 95

Type III

High-growth start-ups

Intangible assets

A problem with WACC If WACC weights are not consistent with the values derived, the valuation is internally inconsistent. Then, we use an iterative procedure:  Go back and re-compute the beta using a revised set of weights closer to the weights derived from the valuation.  The process is repeated until assumed weights and weights calculated are approximately equal.

Value of equity: difference between the value of the firm and the value of debt. 10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Type II

Valuation of high-growth start-ups

Typical characteristics of start-ups: few revenues, untested products, unknown product demand, high development/ infrastructure costs.

Steps in valuation

Page 96

Identify drivers (eg market potential, resources of the business, management team) Period of projection – needs to be long-term Forecasting growth Growth in earnings (g) = b × ROIC For most high growth start-ups, b = 1 and sole determinant of growth is the return on invested capital (ROIC), estimated from industry projections or evaluation of management, marketing strengths, and investment.

Type III

High-growth start-ups

Intangible assets

Valuation methods Asset-based method not appropriate: most investment of a start-up is in people, marketing and /or intellectual rights that are treated as expenses rather than capital. Market-based methods also present problems: difficult to find comparable companies; usually no earnings to calculate P/E ratios (but price-to-revenue ratios may help). Discounted Cash Flows With constant growth model: V=

FCF r–g

Since FCF = Revenue – Costs = R – C, value of company: V=

R–C r–g

Probabilistic valuation methods can be used.


Valuation issues


Type I

5:38 PM

Type II

Intangible assets

Page 97

Type III

Market-to-book value measures intangible assets as the difference between book value of tangible assets and market value of the firm. Tobin’s ‘q’ =

Examples of intangible assets

Page 97

Intangible assets

Measuring intangible assets

Differ from tangible assets as they do not have ‘physical substance’.

 Goodwill  Brands  Patents

High-growth start-ups

 Customer loyalty  Research and development

Market capitalisation of firm

Replacement cost of assets Used to compare intangible assets of firms in same industry serving the same markets and with similar tangible non-current assets.

Calculated intangible values (CIV) – calculates an ‘excess return’ on tangible assets, which is used to determine the proportion of return attributable to intangible assets.

10: Valuation for acquisitions and mergers


Valuation issues


Type I

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Type II

Lev’s knowledge earnings method separates earnings deemed to come from intangible assets, which are then capitalised.

Methods of valuing intangible assets    

Relief from royalties Premium profits Capitalisation of earnings Comparison with market transactions

Page 98

Type III

High-growth start-ups

Intangible assets

Valuing product patents as options.


Identify value of underlying asset (based on expected cash flows)


Identify standard deviation of cash flows


Identify exercise price of the option


Identify expiry date of the option


Identify cost of delay (the greater the delay, the lower the value of cash flows)



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Page 99

11: Regulatory framework and processes

Topic List

The agency problem can have a significant impact on mergers and acquisitions. Takeover regulation is a key device in protecting the interests of all stak eholders.

Global issues

Different models of regulation have been used in the UK and in continental Europe. EU level regulation seeks to create convergence in takeover regulation.

UK and EU regulation Defensive tactics



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Page 100

Global issues

UK and EU regulation

Agency problem

Takeover regulation

The agency problem and the issues arising from the separation of ownership and control have potential impact on mergers and acquisitions.

Takeover regulation can:

Defensive tactics

 Protect the interests of minority shareholders and other stakeholders  Ensure a well-functioning market for corporate control

Potential conflicts of interest

Two models of regulation

 Protection of minority shareholders. Transfers of control may turn existing majority shareholders of the target into minority shareholders

 UK/US/Commonwealth countries: market-based model – case law-based, promotes protection of shareholder rights especially

 Target company management measures to prevent the takeover, which could run against stakeholder interests

 Continental Europe: 'block-holder' or stakeholder system – codified or civil law-based, seeking to protect a broader group of stakeholders: creditors, employees, national interest



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Page 101

Global issues

UK takeover regulation Mergers and acquisitions in the UK subject to:    

City Code Companies Act Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Criminal Justice Act 1993 (insider dealing provisions)

City Code The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers:  Originally voluntary code for takeovers/mergers of UK companies – now has statutory basis  Administered by the Takeover Panel

Page 101

UK and EU regulation

Defensive tactics

City Code Principles  Similar treatment for all shareholders  Sufficient time and information for informed decision  Directors must act in interests of whole company  Avoid false markets in shares  Offer only made if it can be fully implemented  Offeree company not distracted for excessive time by offer for it

11: Regulatory framework and processes



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Page 102

Global issues

UK and EU regulation

Defensive tactics

Competition and Markets Authority

EU Takeovers Directive

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) can accept or reject proposed merger, or lay down certain conditions, if there would be a substantial lessening of competition.

Effective from May 2006 – to converge marketbased and stakeholder systems.

Substantial lessening of competition tests:  Turnover test (£70m min. for investigation by CMA)  Share of supply test (25%)

European Union Mergers fall within jurisdiction of the EU (which will evaluate it, like the CMA in UK) where, following the merger: (a) Worldwide turnover of more than €5bn per annum (b) EU turnover of more than €250m per annum

Takeovers Directive principles  Mandatory-bid rule: required at 30% holding, in UK  Equal treatment of shareholders  Squeeze-out rule and sell-out rights: in UK, 90% shareholder buys all shares  Principle of board neutrality  Break-through rule: bidder able to set aside multiple voting rights (but countries can opt out of this)



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Page 103


Consequence of share stake levels


Company may enquire on ultimate ownership under s793 CA 2006


Beneficial interests must be disclosed to company – Disclosure and Transparency Rules


Shareholders controlling 10%+ of voting rights may requisition company to serve s793 notices Notifiable interests rules become operative for institutional investors and non-beneficial stakes


City Code definition of effective control. Takeover offer becomes compulsory


CA 2006 definition of control (At this le vel, holder can pass ordinary resolutions.) Point at which full offer can be declared unconditional with regard to acceptances


Major control boundary: holder able to pass special resolutions


Minorities may be able to force majority to buy out their stake. Equally, majority may be able to require minority to sell out

Page 103

11: Regulatory framework and processes



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Page 104

Global issues

UK and EU regulation

Defensive tactics

Defensive tactic


Golden parachutes

Compensation payments made to eliminated top-management of target firm

Poison pill

Attempt to make firm unattractive to takeover, eg by giving existing shareholders right to buy shares cheaply

White knights and white squires

Inviting a firm that would rescue the target from the unwanted bidder. A ‘white squire’ does not take control of the target

Crown jewels

Selling firm’s valuable assets or arranging sale and leaseback, to make firm less attractive as target

Pacman defence

Mounting a counter-bid for the attacker

Litigation or regulatory defence

Inviting investigation by regulatory authorities or Courts



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Page 105

12: Financing mergers and acquisitions

Topic List

Questions on the subjects discussed in this chapter ma y be regularly set in the compulsory section of this paper. Questions could involve calculations.

Financing methods

A bidding firm might finance an acquisition either by cash or by a share offer or a combination of the tw o. We consider how a financial offer can be evaluated in terms of the impact on the acquir ing company and criteria for acceptance or rejection.

Effects of offer



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Page 106

Financing methods

Effects of offer

Methods of financing mergers

Funding cash offers

Payment can be in the form of:  Cash  Share exchange  Convertible debt

Methods of financing a cash offer:  Retained earnings – common when a firm acquires a smaller firm  Sale of assets  Issue of shares, using cash to buy target firm's shares  Debt issue – but, issuing bonds will aler t the market to the intentions of the company to bid for another company and may lead investors to buy shares of potential targets, raising their prices  Bank loan facility from a bank – a possible short-term strategy, until bid is accepted: then the company can make a bond issue  Mezzanine finance – may be the only route for companies without access to bond markets

The choice will depend on:  Available cash  Desired levels of gearing  Shareholders' tax position  Changes in control



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Page 107

Use of convertible debt Problems with using debentures, loan stock, preference shares:

Mezzanine finance

 Establishing a rate of return attractive to target shareholders

With cash purchase option for target company's shareholders, bidding company may arrange mezzanine finance – loans that are:

 Effects on the gearing of acquiring company

 Short-to-medium term

 Change in structure of target shareholders' portfolios

 Unsecured ('junior' debt)

 Securities potentially less marketable, possibly lacking voting rights

 At higher rate of interest than secured debt (eg LIBOR + 4% to 5%)

Convertible debt can overcome some such problems, offering target shareholders the oppor tunity to gain from future profits of company.

Page 107

 Often, giving lender option to exchange loan for shares after the takeover

12: Financing mergers and acquisitions



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Page 108

Financing methods

Effects of offer

Cash or paper? Company and existing shareholders Dilution of EPS

May be a fall in EPS attributable to existing shareholders if purchase consideration is in equity shares

Cost to the company

Loan stock to back cash offer: tax relief on interest, lower cost than equity. May be lower coupon if convertible


Highly geared company may not be able to issue further loan stock for cash offer


Major share issue could change control

Authorised share capital increase

May be required if consideration is shares: requires General Meeting resolution

Borrowing limits increase

General Meeting resolution required if borrowing limits need to change Shareholders in target company


If consideration is cash, many investors may suffer CGT


If consideration is not cash, arrangement must mean existing income is maintained, or be compensated by suitable capital gain or reasonable growth expectations

Future investments

Shareholders who want to retain stake in target business may prefer shares

Share price

If consideration is shares, recipients will want to be sure that shares retain their v alues



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Page 109

Financing methods

EPS before and after a takeover If a company acquires another by issuing shares, its EPS will go up or down according to the P/E ratio at which target company was bought.  If target company's shares bought at higher P/E ratio than predator company's shares, predator company's shareholders suffer fall in EPS  If target company's shares valued at a lower P/E ratio, the predator company's shareholders benefit from rise in EPS Buying companies with a higher P/E r atio will result in a fall in EPS unless there is profit g rowth to offset this fall. Page 109

Effects of offer

Dilution of earnings may be acceptable if there is:  Earnings growth  Superior quality of earnings acquired  Increase in net asset backing

Post-acquisition integration A clear programme should be in place, re-defining objectives and strategy. The approach adopted will depend on:  The culture of the organisation  The nature of the company acquired, and  How it fits into the amalgamated organisation (eg horizontally, vertically, or in diversified conglomerate?) 12: Financing mergers and acquisitions



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13–14: Reconstruction and reorganisation

Topic List

Reorganisations of business operations and business structures are a constant feature of business life.

Financial reconstruction

Business reorganisations include various methods of unbundling companies, including include sell-offs, spinoffs, carve-outs, and management buyouts.

Divestment and other changes MBOs and buy-ins Firm value

Corporate restructuring may typically take place when companies are in difficulties or are seeking a change in focus.



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Financial reconstruction

Page 112

Divestment and other changes

MBOs and buy-ins

Firm value

Capital reconstruction scheme is a scheme where a company re-organises its capital structure, often to avoid liquidation.

Steps in a capital reconstruction

Providers of finance will need to be con vinced that the return is attractive. Company must therefore prepare cash/profit forecasts.


Estimate position of each par ty if liquidation is to go ahead

 Creation of new share capital at different nominal value


Assess additional sources of finance

 Cancellation of existing share capital


Design reconstruction


Calculate and assess new position, and compare for each party with Step 1


Check company is financially viable

 Conversion of debt or equity Most importantly, a scheme of reconstruction needs to treat all par ties fairly and offer creditors a better deal than liquidation.



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Page 113

Leveraged recapitalisation A firm replaces most of its equity with a pac kage of debt securities consisting of both senior and subordinated debt. Leveraged capitalisations are used to discourage corporate raiders who will not be able to borrow against assets of the target fir m to finance the acquisition. To avoid financial distress from a high debt le vel, the company should have stable cash flows and not require substantial ongoing capital expenditure to retain their competitive position.

Leveraged buy-outs A group of private investors uses debt financing to purchase a company or part of it. The company increases its level of leverage but (unlike leveraged recapitalisations) no longer has access to equity markets. A higher level of debt will increase the company’s geared beta; a lower level of debt will reduce it. Page 113

Debt-equity swaps 

In an equity/debt swap, shareholders are given the right to exchange stock for a predetermined amount of debt (ie bonds) in the same company

In a debt/equity swap, debt is exchanged for a predetermined amount of stock

After the swap takes place, the preceding asset class is cancelled for the newly acquired asset class

Debt-equity swaps may occur because the company must meet certain contractual obligations, such as maintaining a debt/equity ratio below a certain number

A company may issue equity to avoid making coupon and face value payments in the future 13–14: Reconstruction and reorganisation



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Financial reconstruction

Demerger is the splitting up of a cor porate body into two or more separate bodies, to ensure share prices reflect the true value of underlying operations.

Sell-off is the sale of par t of a company to a third par ty, generally for cash. Organisational restructuring typically involves changes in divisional structures or hierarchy, and often accompanies restructuring of ownership (portfolio restructuring).

Page 114

Divestment and other changes

MBOs and buy-ins

Firm value

Disadvantages of demergers  Loss of economies of scale  Ability to raise extra finance reduced  Vulnerability to takeover increased

Reasons for sell-offs      

Strategic restructuring Sell off loss-making part Protect rest of business from takeover Cash shortage Reduction of business risk Sale at profit

A divestment is a partial or complete reduction in ownership stake in an organisation.



Spin-offs and carve-outs Spin-off: a new company is created whose shares are owned by the shareholders of original company. There is no change in asset ownership, but management may change. In a carve-out, part of the firm is detached and a new company’s shares are offered to the public.

Going private occurs when a group of investors buys all the company’s shares. The company ceases to be listed on a stock exchange.

Page 115

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Page 115

Advantages of spin-offs to investors  Merger or takeover of only part of business made easier  Improved efficiency/management  Easier to see value of separate parts  Investors can adjust shareholdings

Advantages of going private to company    

Costs of meeting listing requirements saved Company protected from volatility in share prices Company less vulnerable to hostile takeover bids Management can concentrate on long-term business 13–14: Reconstruction and reorganisation



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Financial reconstruction

Management buy-outs (MBOs) is the purchase of all or par t of a business by its managers. The managers generally need financial backers (venture capital) who will want an equity stake. Reasons for company agreeing to MBO are similar to those for sell-off, also:  When best offer price available is from MBO  When group has decided to sell subsidiar y, best way of maximising management co-operation  Sale can be arranged quickly  Selling organisation more likely to retain beneficial links with sold segment

Page 116

Divestment and other changes

MBOs and buy-ins

Firm value

Evaluation of MBOs by investors       

Management skills of team Reasons why company is being sold Projected profits, cash flows and risks Shares/selected assets being bought Price right? Financial contribution by management team Exit routes (flotation, share repurchase)

Venture capital Venture capitalists are often prepared to fund MBOs. They typically require shareholding, right to appoint some directors and right of veto on certain business decisions.



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Page 117

Performance of MBOs Management-owned companies typically achieve better performance. Possible reasons:    

Favourable price Personal motivation Quicker decision-making/flexibility Savings on overheads

Buy-ins are when a team of outside managers mount a takeover bid and then run the business themselves.

Page 117

Problems with MBOs      

Lack of financial experience Tax and legal complications Changing work practices Inadequate cash flow Board representation by finance suppliers Loss of employees/suppliers/customers

Buy-ins often occur when a business is in trouble or shareholder/managers wish to retire. Finance sources are similar to buy-outs. They work best if management quality improves, but external managers may face opposition from employees. 13–14: Reconstruction and reorganisation



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Financial reconstruction

Page 118

Divestment and other changes

MBOs and buy-ins

Firm value

Unbundling and firm value Unbundling affects the value of the firm through changes in return on equity and the asset beta. Growth rate following a restructuring:

When firms divest themselves of existing investments, they affect the expected return on assets (ROA), as good projects increase ROA and bad projects reduce it.

g = b × re

where re is the return on equity (ie Ke) b is the retention rate

Investment decisions taken by firms affect their riskiness and therefore the asset beta βa.



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Page 119

15: The treasury function in multinationals

Topic List Markets Instruments

The treasury function of a multinational company should deal with short-term decisions in a way that is consistent with the long-term management objective of maximising shareholder value. The treasury function deals with the management of short-term assets of a company and its risk exposure. You should understand the principal money market instruments that are available.



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Page 120


Financial markets



Financial intermediaries




Lenders - Savers 1 Households 2 Firms 3 Government 4 Overseas


Financial markets



Borrowers - Spenders 1 Firms 2 Government 3 Households 4 Overseas



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Page 121

Primary and secondary markets

Capital markets

Primary market: a financial market in which new issues are sold by issuers to initial buyers

are markets in which the securities that are traded have long maturities, ie represent long-term obligations for the issuer. Securities that trade in capital markets include shares and bonds.

Secondary market: a market in which securities that have already been issued can be bought and sold  Secondary markets can be organised as exchanges or over the counter (OTC) – where buyers and sellers transact with each other through individual negotiation  Securities that are issued in an over the counter market and can be resold are negotiable securities Page 121

Money markets are markets in which the securities traded have short maturities, less than a year, and repayment of funds borrowed is required within a shor t period of time.

15: The treasury function in multinationals



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Page 122



Coupon bearing instruments

Discount instruments


Money Market Deposits Very short-term loans between institutions, including governments. Either fixed – with agreed interest and maturity dates, or call deposits – with variable interest and deposit can be terminated on notice.

Treasury Bill (T-bill) Debt instruments issued by central governments with maturities ranging from one month up to one year.

Forwards and futures Forward rate agreement (FRA): cash-settled OTC forward contract on a short-term loan. Futures contract: standardised agreement to buy/sell asset at set date and pr ice. Interest rate future: underlying is debt security, or based on interbank deposit.

Certificate of Deposit (CD) Either negotiable or non-negotiable certificate of receipt for funds deposited at a financial institution for a specified term, paying interest at a specified rate.

Banker's Acceptances Negotiable bills issued by firms to finance transactions such as imports or purchase of good and guaranteed (accepted) by a bank, for a fee.

Swaps Interest rate swap: two parties exchange payments stream at one interest rate for stream at a different rate.

Repurchase Agreement (repo) Loan secured by a marketable instrument, usually a Treasury Bill or a bond. Typical term: 1–180 days. Counterparty sells on agreed date and simultaneously agrees to buy back instrument later for agreed price.

Commercial Paper (CP) Short-term unsecured corporate debt with maturity up to 270 days but typically about 30 days. Used by corporations with good credit ratings to finance short-term expenditure.

Options Interest rate option: an instrument sold by option writer to option holder, for a price known as a premium.



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Page 123

16: Hedging forex risk

Topic List FX markets Money market hedging Futures Swaps Options

Any future payments or distributions payable in a foreign currency carry a risk that the foreign currency will depreciate in value before the foreign currency payment is received and is exchanged into the home currency. While there is a chance of profit if the pr ice of the foreign currency increases, most investors and lenders would give up the possibility of currency exchange profit if they could avoid or ‘hedge’ the risk of currency exchange loss.



FX markets

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Money market hedging

Exchange rates An exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in another currency.  The spot rate at time t0 is the price for delivery at t0

Page 124




Term/reference currency Bank

sells buys


For example, if UK bank is buying and selling dollars, selling (offer) price may be $/£1.50, buying (bid) price may be $/£1.53.

 A forward rate at t0 is a rate for delivery at time t1. This is different from whatever the new spot rate turns out to be at t 1

Term and base currencies If a currency is quoted as say $/£1.50, the $ is the term (or reference) currency, the £ is the base currency.

 Direct quote is amount of domestic currency equal to one foreign currency unit  Indirect quote is amount of foreign currency equal to one domestic unit



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Page 125

Forward exchange contract

Forward rates as adjustments to spot rates

 A firm and binding contract between a bank and its customer  For the purchase/sale of a specified quantity of a stated foreign currency  At a rate fixed at the time the contract is made  For performance at a future time agreed when contract is made Closing out is the process of the bank requir ing the customer to fulfil the contract by selling or buying at spot rate.

Forward rate cheaper – Quoted at discount Forward rate more expensive – Quoted at premium Add discounts, or subtract premiums from spot rate.

Netting is the process of setting off credit against debit balances within a group of companies so that only the reduced net amounts are paid by currency flows. Multilateral netting involves offsetting several companies’ balances. Page 125

Interest rate parity Interest rate parity must hold between spot rates and forward rates (for the interest rate period), otherwise arbitrage profits can be made:

f0 = s 0

(1 + i c ) (1 + i b )

Where f0 s0 ic ib

= forward rate = spot rate = interest rate in overseas country = interest rate in base country 16: Hedging forex risk



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Money market hedging

FX markets

Page 126




Money market hedging Future foreign currency payment

Future foreign currency receipt

1 Borrow now in home currency

1 Borrow now in foreign currency

2 Convert home currency loan to foreign currency

2 Convert foreign currency loan to home currency

3 Put foreign currency on deposit

3 Put home currency on deposit

4 When have to make payment

4 When cash received

(a) Make payment from deposit

(a) Take cash from deposit

(b) Repay home currency borrowing

(b) Repay foreign currency borrowing

Remember International Fisher effect

1 + ia 1 + h a = 1 + ib 1 + hb



FX markets

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Money market hedging

Page 127




Futures terminology Closing out a futures contract means entering a second futures contract that reverses the effect of the first. Contract size is the fixed minimum quantity that can be bought/sold. Contract price is in US dollars. eg $/£ 0.6700. Settlement date is the date when trading on a futures contract ceases and accounts are settled. Basis is spot price – futures price.

Page 127

Basis risk is the risk that futures price movement may differ from underlying currency movement. Tick size is the smallest measured movement in contracts price (movement to fourth decimal place).

Transactions not involving US dollars If trading one non-US dollar currency with another, sell one type of future (to get dollars) and b uy other type (with dollars), and reverse both contracts when receipt/payment made.

16: Hedging forex risk



FX markets

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Page 128


Money market hedging



What type of contract? Transaction on future date


On future date




currency futures


currency futures




currency futures


currency futures




currency futures


currency futures




currency futures


currency futures

Disadvantages of futures Advantages of futures


Transaction costs lower than forward contracts Futures contract not closed out until cash receipt/payment made


Can’t tailor to user’s exact needs Only available in limited number of currencies Hedge inefficiencies Conversion procedures complex if dollar is not one of the two currencies



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Page 129

Step 1 Setup process (a) Choose which contract (settlement date after date currency needed) and type (b) Choose number of contracts Amount being hedged Size of contract Convert using today’s futures contract price if amount being hedged is in US dollars (c) Calculate tick size: Minimum price movement × Standard contract size

Step 2 Estimate closing futures price Step 3 Hedge outcome

(May have to adjust closing spot pr ice using basis, assuming basis declines evenly over life of contract)

(a) Outcome in futures market

Short-cut for calculating the effective futures rate = opening futures price – closing basis

Futures profit = Tick movement × Tick value × Number of contracts (b) Net outcome Spot market payment (closing spot rate) Futures profit / (loss) (closing spot r ate unless US company) Net outcome Page 129

(x) x (x) 16: Hedging forex risk



FX markets

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Money market hedging

Currency swaps In a currency (or ‘cross-currency’) swap, equivalent amounts of currency and interest cash flows are swapped for a period. However the original borrower remains liable to the lender (counter par ty risk). A cross-currency swap is an interest rate swap with cash flows in different currencies.

Advantages of currency swaps       

Flexibility – any size and reversible Can gain access to debt in other currencies Restructuring currency base of liabilities Conversion of fixed to/from floating rate debt Absorbing excess liquidity Cheaper borrowing Obtaining funds blocked by exchange controls

Page 130




Risks of swaps  Credit risk (Counterparty defaults)  Position or market risk (Unfavourable market movements)  Sovereign risk (Political disturbances in other countries)  Spread risk (For banks which combine swap and hedge)  Transparency risk (Accounts are misleading)



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Page 131

Example Edward Ltd wishes to borrow US dollars to finance an investment in the USA. Edward’s treasurer is concerned about the high interest rates the company faces because it is not well-known in the USA. Edward Ltd should make an arrangement with an American company, Gordon Inc, attempting to borrow sterling in the UK money markets.


Gordon borrows US $ and Edward borrows £. The two companies then swap funds at the current spot rate


Edward pays Gordon the annual interest cost on the $ loan. Gordon pays Edward the annual interest cost on the £ loan


At the end of the per iod, the two companies swap back the principal amounts at the spot rates/predetermined rates

An FX swap is simply a spot currency transaction that will be reversed, in a single transaction, by an offsetting forward transaction at a pre-specified date. Page 131

16: Hedging forex risk



FX markets

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Money market hedging

Currency option is a right to buy or sell currency at a stated rate of exchange at some time in the future. Call – right to buy at fixed rate Put – right to sell at fixed rate Over the counter options are tailor-made options suited to a company’s specific needs. Traded options are contracts for standardised amounts, only available in certain currencies.

Page 132




Why option is needed  Uncertainty about foreign currency receipts or payments (timing and amount)  Support tender for overseas contract  Allow publication of price lists in foreign currency  Protect import/export of price-sensitive goods

Choosing the right option Complicated by lack of US dollar options. UK company wishing to sell US dollars can purchase £ call options (options to buy sterling with dollars).



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Page 133

Strike price

May need to use exercise price to convert US dollars

Surplus cash

If option contracts don’t cover amount to be hedged, convert remainder at spot price on day of exercise or with formal contract

What type of contract Transaction on future date

Page 133

Buy now

On future date

Receive currency

Currency put

Sell currency

Pay currency

Currency call

Buy currency

Receive $

Currency call

Buy currency

Pay $

Currency put

Sell currency

16: Hedging forex risk



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Page 135

17: Hedging interest rate risk

Topic List FRAs IR futures IR swaps IR options The Greeks

The value of a firm’s assets, liabilities and cashflows is affected by changes in interest rates. Various derivatives are available to reduce interest rate risk, including forward rate agreements, interest rate futures contracts, interest rate swaps and options. Here we deal with the application of these der ivative contracts for hedging.




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IR futures

Page 136

IR swaps

IR options

The Greeks

Interest rate risk Fixed v floating rate debt

Change in interest rates may make borrowing chosen the less attractive option

Currency of debt

Effect of adverse movements if borrow in another currency

Term of loan

Having to re-pay loan at time when funds not a vailable => need f or new loan at higher interest rate

Forward rate agreement An FRA means that the interest r ate will be fixed at a certain time in the future. Loans > £500,000, period < 1 year.

 5.75-5.70 means a borrowing rate can be fixed at 5.75%  ‘3-6’ FRA starts in three months time and lasts for three months  Basis point is 0.01%




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IR futures

Page 137

IR swaps

Interest rate futures hedge against interest rate movements. The terms, amounts and periods are standardised.

IR options

The Greeks

Example LIFFE three months sterling futures £500,000 points of 100% price 92.50. Tick size will be:

 The futures prices will vary with changes in interest rates  Outlay to buy futures is less than buying the financial instrument

£500,000 × 0.01% × 3/12 = £12.50 A 2% movement in the futures price would represent 200 ticks. Gain on a single contr act would be 200 × £12.50 = £2,500.

 Price of short-term futures quoted at discount to 100 per value (93.40 indicates deposit trading at 6.6%)  Long-term bond futures prices quoted at % of par value

Page 137

17: Hedging interest rate risk




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IR futures

Page 138

IR swaps

IR options

Step 1 Setup process (a) Choose which contract: Date should be after borrowing/lending begins. (b) Choose type: sell if protecting against an increase in r ates, buy if protecting against a fall. (c) Choose number of contracts:

Exposure Contract size

(d) Calculate tick size: Min price movement as % ×

Step 2 Estimate closing futures price May have to adjust using basis.


Loan period Length of contract

Length of contract 12 months

× Contract size

The Greeks



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Page 139

Step 3 Hedge outcome (a)

Futures outcome Opening futures price: Closing futures price: Movement in ticks: Futures outcome: Tick movement × Tick value × Number of contracts


Net outcome Payment in spot market Futures market profit/(loss) Net payment

Page 139

(X) X (X)

17: Hedging interest rate risk




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Page 140

IR swaps

IR futures

Interest rate swaps

IR options

The Greeks

Uses of interest rate swaps

are agreements where parties exchange interest commitments. In simplest form, two parties swap interest with different characteristics. Each party borrows in market in which it has comparative advantage.


Switching from paying one type of interest to another Raising less expensive loans Securing better deposit rates Managing interest rate risk Avoiding charges for loan termination

Example Company A Company B Interest paid on loan (9%) (LIBOR + 1%) A pays to B (LIBOR + 1%) LIBOR + 1% B pays to A 9% 9% __________ _________ LIBOR + 1% (9%) __________ _________ Companies may decide to use a swap rather than terminating their original loans, because costs of termination and taking out a new loan may be too high. If LIBOR is at 8%, neither par ty will gain nor lose. Any rate other than 8% will result in gain/loss .

Complications  Bank commission costs  One company having better credit rating in both relevant markets – should borrow in comparative advantage market but must want interest in other market




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IR futures

Page 141

IR swaps

Interest rate option grants the buyer the right, to deal at an agreed interest rate at a future maturity date.  If a company needs to hedge borrowing, purchase put options  If a company needs to hedge lending, purchase call options To calculate effect of options, use same proforma as currency options. UK long gilt futures options (LIFFE) £100,000 100ths of 100%.

IR options

The Greeks

Interest rate caps, collars and floor  Caps set an interest rate ceiling  Floors set a lower limit to rates  Collars mean buying a cap and selling a floor

Strike Calls Puts price Nov Dec Jan Nov Dec Jan 1.27 1.34 0.29 0.69 1.06 11,350 0.87  Strike price is price paid for futures contract  Numbers under each month represent premium paid f or options  Put options more expensive than call as interest rates predicted to rise Page 141

17: Hedging interest rate risk




5:40 PM

IR futures

Greeks Delta – change in call option pr ice/change in value of share Gamma – change in delta value/change in value of share Theta – change in option price over time Rho – change in option price as interest rates change Vega – change in option price as volatility changes

Gamma Higher for share which is close to expiry and 'at the money' 

Page 142

IR swaps

IR options

The Greeks

Delta hedging determines number of shares required to create the equivalent portfolio to an option, and hence hedge it.

Vega is the change in value of an option (call or put) resulting from a 1% point change in its v olatility.

 +ve gamma means that a position benefits from movement -ve theta means the position loses money if the underlying asset price does not move



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18: Dividend policy in multinationals and transfer pricing Topic List Dividend policy Transfer pricing

Multinational businesses operate through subsidiaries, affiliates or joint ventures in more than one countr y, and produce and sell products globally. Revenues are repatriated to the parent company in the form of dividends, royalties or licence payments. Overseas operations’ ability to repatriate funds can have a major impact on the parent company’s ability to pay dividends to external shareholders and finance its investment plans.



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Dividend policy

Dividend capacity The dividend capacity of a company depends on: after tax profits, investment plans, foreign dividends.

Transfer pricing

Dividend policy Revenue after operating costs, interest and tax + Dividends from foreign affiliates and subsidiaries –

Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) FCFE = Dividends that could be paid to shareholders = Net profit after tax + Depreciation + F oreign Dividends – Total Net Investment + Net debt Issuance + Net Share Issuance

Net investment in non-current assets – Net investment in working capital + Net debt issued + Net equity issued



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Dividend repatriation Factors affecting dividend repatriation policies Financing – how much needed for dividends / investment at home? Tax – often the primary reason for the firm’s  repatriation policies Managerial control – regularised dividends restrict discretion of foreign managers (so reducing agency problems) Timing – to take advantage of possible currency movements (although these are difficult to forecast in practice)  Page 145

UK companies’ subsidiaries’ foreign profits are liable to UK corporate tax, whether repatriated or not, with a credit for tax already paid to the host country. Similarly, the US government does not distinguish between income earned abroad and income earned at home and gives credit to MNCs headquartered in the US for tax paid to foreign governments.

Collecting early (lead) payments from currencies  vulnerable to depreciation and late (lag) from currencies expected to appreciate will benefit from expected movements in exchange rates. 18: Dividend policy in multinationals and transfer pricing



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Dividend policy

Transfer prices are prices at which goods or ser vices are transferred from one process or depar tment to another or from one member of a g roup to another.

Using market value transfer prices Giving profit centre managers freedom to negotiate prices with other profit centres results in marketbased transfer prices.

Transfer price bases  Standard cost  Marginal cost: at marginal cost or with gross profit margin added  Opportunity cost  Full cost: at full cost, or at a full cost plus pr ice  Market price  Market price less a discount  Negotiated price, which could be based on any of the other bases

Transfer pricing

Transfer pricing motivations Evaluation of performance of divisions Management incentives Cost allocation between divisions Financing considerations – to boost or to disguise the profitability of a subsidiar y  External factors, including taxes, tariffs, rule of origin tests and exchange controls    



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Transfer price regulation Tax authorities often use an arm's length standard: price intra-firm trade of multinationals as if it took place between unrelated parties acting in competitive markets. Method 1: use price negotiated between unrelated parties C and D as proxy for intra-firm transfer A to B


Arm’s length transfer



Intrafirm transfer


Arm’s length transfer

B Intrafirm transfer

Page 147


Method 2: use price at which A sells to unrelated party C as proxy


18: Dividend policy in multinationals and transfer pricing



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Dividend policy

Arm’s length pricing methods (tangible goods) Transaction-based  Comparable uncontrolled price (CUP)   Resale price (RP)   Cost plus (C+)  Profit based  Comparable profit method (CPM)   Profit split (PS) 

PS: Common when there are no suitable product comparables (CUP) or functional comparables (RP and C+). Profits on a transaction earned by two related parties are split between the parties, usually on basis of return on operating assets: operating profits to operating assets.

Transfer pricing

CUP: Based on a product comparable transaction, possibly between different parties but in similar circumstances – a method preferred by tax authorities.

RP: Tax auditor looks for firms at similar trade levels that perform a similar distribution function (a functional comparable) – method best used when distributor adds relatively little value, making it easier to estimate. Profit margin derived from that earned by comparable distributors, subtracted from known retail price to determine transfer price.

C+: Appropriate mark-up (estimated from similar manufacturers) added to costs of production, measured using recognised accounting principles.

CPM: Method is based on premise of similar financial ratios and performance of companies in similar industries.



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19: Recent developments

Topic List Developments in world financial markets Developments in international trade Developments in Islamic finance

It is important to keep up to date with recent developments in the business environment. This chapter focuses on such developments in world financial markets and international trade.



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Developments in world financial markets

The credit crunch The credit crunch first became a global issue in early 2007. How the global crisis happened. Billions of dollars of ‘sub-prime’ mortages in the US Rise in interest rates caused defaults on such mortgages Collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) containing sub-prime mortgages sold onto hedge funds Value of CDOs fell due to defaults Huge losses by the banks

Developments in international trade

Developments in Islamic finance

Financial reporting Common accounting standards are increasing transparency and comparability for investors – improving capital market efficiency and facilitating cross-border investment.

Monetary policy In advanced economies, monetary policy has encompassed the task of controlling inflation. Interest rates are commonly set by central banks independent of Government – enhancing credibility and so lowering inflation expectations. A low inflation environment is conducive to longterm business planning and investment.



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The credit crunch and IFRS Entities must value financial assets and liabilities at ‘fair value’.

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19: Recent developments



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Developments in world financial markets

Developments in international trade

Developments in Islamic finance

Tranching Where claims on cash flows are split into several classes (such as Class A, Class B) Risks of tranching  Very complex  May not be divided properly  Rebuilding

Benefits of tranching  A good way of dividing risk  Potential to make a lot of money from ‘junior’ tranches



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Credit default swaps (CDS) allow the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to another.

Similar to insurance policies Credit default swaps

Uses of CDS  Speculation  Hedging

‘Spread’ is similar to an insurance premium CDS market is unregulated

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19: Recent developments



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Developments in world financial markets

Trends in global financial markets Integration and globalisation – fostered by liberalisation of markets and technological change; creating more efficient allocation of capital and economic growth  Growth of derivatives markets – advances in technology, financial engineering and risk management have enhanced demand for more complex derivatives products  Securitisation – eg sale of loan books by banks. Now a common form of financing, leading to increased bond issuance  Convergence of financial institutions – abolition of barriers to entry in various segments of financial services industries has led to conglomerates with operations in banking, securities and insurance

Developments in international trade

Developments in Islamic finance

Effects of financial sector convergence

Economies of scale  Economies of scope: a factor of production can be employed to produce multiple products  Reduced earnings volatility  Reduced search costs for consumers 

Money laundering A side effect of globalisation and the free movement of capital has been a growth in money laundering, and there has been increased legislation and regulation to combat it.



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Developments in world financial markets

Trade financing

has become easier for companies to obtain. Financing for international trade transactions includes commercial bank loans within the host country and loans from international lending agencies. Trade bills may be discounted through foreign banks, for short-term financing. Eurodollar financing is another method for providing foreign financing. Eurodollar loans are short-term working-capital loans, unsecured and usually in large amounts. The Eurobond market is widely used for long-term funds for multinational US companies. In many countries, development banks provide intermediate- and long-term loans to private enterprises. Page 155

Developments in international trade

Delevopments in Islamic finance

Regulation Globalisation creates incentives for governments to intervene in favour of domestic MNCs in respect of ‘macroeconomic’ and ‘macrostructural’ policies.

Pressure groups Transnationally networked pressure groups can influence the public and put pressure on governments to take measures against multinational companies.

19: Recent developments



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Developments in world financial markets

Developments in international trade

Delevopments in Islamic finance

Islamic finance operates under the principle that there should be a link betw een the economic activity that creates value and the financing of that activity. Advantages of Islamic finance

Drawbacks of Islamic finance

 Islamic funds are available worldwide  Gharar (uncertainty, risk, speculation) is not allowed  Excessive profiteering is not allowed  Banks cannot use excessive leverage  All parties take a long-term view  Emphasis on mutual interest and co-operation

 No international consensus on Sharia’a interpretations  No standard Sharia’a model, which leads to higher transaction costs  Additional compliance work increases transaction costs  Islamic banks cannot minimise risk through hedging  Some Islamic products may not be compatible with financial regulations  Limited trading in Sukuk products