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1. Foreign commercial air transport companies are not permitted to carry out domestic commercial air service in Indonesia (unless agreed). The specific term defining that type of transport activities is : A. Domestic air transport B. National Cabotage C. Domestic Cabotage D. Cabotage 2. CASR 121.65 Safety Management System (SMS): A. Is applicable for very big airlines only. B. To be developed when deemed necessary by the air carrier. C. Mandates air carrier to develop and implement SMS by 1 January 2009. C. Is nice to know basis only. 3. The liability of the air carrier for damage or loss to passenger baggage and cargo in domestic air transport in Indonesia is described in: A. Indonesia Aviation Law 1-2009 B. Law Number 83 year 1958 on Aviation C. Ordinance of Aviation Supervision Stb 1936 - 426 D. Civil Aviation Safety Regulation of 1960 4. Australian air forces aircraft the permitted to fly to/from and transit across Indonesia under the terms of: A. Bilateral air transport agreement between Indonesia and Australia B. Special permission from the Indonesia government C. International air transport agreement D. ASEAN agreement on aviation. 5. Lion Air, Citilink, Sriwijaya Air are some of Indonesia air carriers that are utilizing airplanes having a passenger seating configuration of more than 30 seats, or a payload capacity of more than 3,409 kilograms; they are subject to the following regulations among other things: A. Indonesia CASR 121. B. Indonesia CASR 61; CASR 91. C. A and B are correct. D. none of the above. 6. CASR 91.105 – Flight Crew Members at Stations, prescribed that during takeoff and landing, and while en-route, each required flight crewmember shall: A. Be at the crewmember station only on take off, climb, approach and landing. B. Be at the crewmember station all the time and have their seatbelt fastened. C. Be at the crewmember station unless the absence is necessary to perform duties in connection with the operation of the aircraft or in connection with physiological needs. D. Be at the crewmember station and may not have the safety belt fastened when at their seats. 7. Foreign airlines operation are prohibited from engaging in domestic commercial air transportation within a country (unless mutually agreed); this statement is consistent with: A. Sovereignty principle. B. Commercial principle. C. Sabotage principle. D. Cabotage principle.

8. Subject of Annex 2 of Chicago Convention 1944 is: A. Aeronautical chart. B. Meteorological Services for International Air Navigation. C. Rules of the air. D. International Commercial Air Transport Aero Plane. 9. Registration and nationality of an aircraft is subject to : A. International law. B. Chicago Convention 1944. C. Tokyo Convention 1963. D. National law/Aviation Regulation of the state of registry. 10. Wet-leasing of aircraft is regulated in: A. CASR 25.12 B. CASR 133. 12 C. CASR 121.6 - (amendment 11) D. No answer is correct 11. First freedom of the air is: A. A commercial flight to carry passenger, cargo, and mail from state of registry to another state. B. A flight to carry traffic from another state to the state of registry. C. A right to over fly on another state without making any landing D. A right for a flight to make a technical landing on another state. 12. Responsibility and authority Pilot in Command is regulated in: A. CASR 25.6. B. CASR 142.12, C. CASR 91.3 D. Not regulated in Indonesia. 13. State aircraft can be defined as : A. Any aircraft used by the armed forces of the Republic of Indonesia. B. Any aircraft belonging to certain government service having the function and authority to enforce the law in accordance with existing legal regulation. C. Any aircraft belong to State- owned enterprise D. A or b above 14. International Air Services Transit Agreement includes: A. First freedom of the air and 2ncl freedom of the air. B. First freedom of the air until 4lh freedom of the air. C. First freedom of the air until 5th freedom of the air. D. 7Ih freedom of the air and 8lh freedom of the air. 15. The sovereign body of ICAO, consisting of all Contracting States, is: A. Assembly. B. Council. C. Secretariat. D. Technical Bureau 16. For our national purpose, the implementation of all provisions contained in the convention and all rules prescribed in the ICAO Annexes is regulated nationally in:

A. Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan - tentang PKPS/CASR. B. Aviation Law no.1-2009 C. Other national law/regulations relating to aviation. D. All of a, b, and c. 17. The Standard & Recommended Practices (SARP) of ICAO is contained in: A. PANS. B. ICAO Annexes. C. International Air Transport Agreement. D. POCAO. 18. The inability of a Contracting State to comply with standard practices in ICAO Annexes will required that particular country to: A. Adjust is national regulations. B. Notify ICAO of its inability to comply C. Do nothing. D. Resign it-self as the member of ICAO. 19. CASR 121.3 – Applicability, prescribes the rules governing: A. The domestic, flag and supplemental certification and operations of an AOC holder. B. AOC holder utilizing airplanes having a passenger seating configuration of more than 30 seats, excluding any required crewmember seat, or a payload capacity of more than 3,409 kilograms (7,500 pounds). C. ‘A’ or ‘B’ are correct. D. No answer is correct. 20. CASR 91.211 – Supplemental Oxygen – general, prescribes: A. At cabin pressure altitudes above 14,000 feet (MSL) not required to use oxygen if flight time duration above that altitude is less than 30 minutes. B. At cabin pressure altitudes above 12,500 feet (MSL) up to and including 14,000 feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes that is of more than 30 minutes duration. C. At cabin pressure altitudes above 15,000 feet (MSL) only crew shall be provided with supplemental oxygen. D. All are correct. 21. Route air navigation facility charge is imposed upon every civil aircraft flying in the Indonesia airspace between airports of certain classification. Calculation of this charge is based on: A. Type of aircraft. B. Weight of aircraft, C. Distance of the route to be flown. D. ‘B’ and ‘C’ 22. Air transport means: A. Anything related with the use of space, aircraft, airport and auxiliary facilities B. Any activity using an Aircraft for the carriage of passengers, cargo and post in one or more voyages from one airport to another or to several airports C. Any activity using an aircraft for the carriage of passengers, cargo and post in one or more voyages from one airport to another or to several airports in the territory of a state D. All a, b and c are correct.

23. Basic VFR weather minimum as prescribed in CASR 91.155: A. 5 km below 10.000 feet. B. 5 km above 10.000 feet. C. 8 km below 10.000 feet. D. none of above answers are correct 24. Licensing of Pilots and Flight instructors is prescribed in: A. Peraturan Pemerintah no.4 - 1999. B. President decree C. CASR 61 D. CASR 25. 25. What is the title of Chicago Convention 1944? A. Convention relating to the regulation of aerial navigation. B. Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization. C. Convention on International Civil Aviation. D. Convention on International Transportation by air. 26. Airline Transport Pilot licensing is prescribed in: A. CASR 61 – Sub part B. B. CASR 121 – Sub part E C. Staff Instruction 8900. D. CASR 61 – Sub part F. 27. The Extended Twin Engine Operations requirements is prescribed in the: A. Advisory Circular 120-138. B. Ordinance of Air Transport (Stb. 1939-100) is declared to remain valid. C. SKEP MEN 66. D. CASR 121 – Appendix P. 28. According to CASR 121, a Flight crew member is: A. A person who is authorized by an air carrier to exercise operational control over a flight. B. A crewmember who performs, in the interest of safety of passenger, duties assigned by the operator or the pilot in command of the aircraft, but who shall not act as flight crewmember. C. A crewmember assigned to duty in an aircraft as a pilot, flight engineer, second officer or navigator. D. All are correct. 29. What is the most important legislative function performed by ICAO Council? A. Formulation and adoption of SUPPS. B. Formulation and adoption of a Regional Plans. C. Formulation and adoption of PANS. D. Formulation and adoption of SARPS. 30. Cabotage can be defined as: A. The privilege to carry traffic between two points in the territory of a State B. Offenses against penal law of the State. C. The privilege to carry traffic between one point in a certain State to the other point in the other Slate. D. Offences committed or act done by a person on board aircraft, while the aircraft is in flight.

31. CASR 91.19 prescribes: A. Indonesia is religious country, it is impossible that flight crew will carry narcotic or drugs. B. No person may operate a civil aircraft within Indonesia with knowledge that narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances as defined by law are carried in the aircraft. C. Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances is permitted in between countries. D. Carry-on baggage program. 32. The operation of foreign state aircraft of from to across the air space of Indonesia may only be carried out: A. By a special permission of the government. B. Based on the existing bilateral agreement Indonesia and the other country. C. If route charge (air navigation facility charge) is paid to the government. D. ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct. 33. Flight and Duty time limitations and Rest requirements for Flag, Domestic and Supplemental carriers are prescribed in : A. Advisory Circular AC 120-109. B. Public international air law. C. Penal international air law. D. CASR 121 Subpart Q. 34. As a member state of ICAO, Indonesia has committed to adhere with all provisions contained in convention and all its Annexes which consists of: A. 16 annexes. B. 17 annexes. C. 19 annexes. D. 20 annexes. 35. Each air carrier shall relieve each flight crewmember engaged in scheduled air transportation from all further duty for at least 24 consecutive hours during any: A. 7 consecutive days. B. 240 hours. C. 4 calendar weeks. D. ‘A’ and ‘C’ are correct. 36. CASR 91.5 – Prescribes, no person may operate an aircraft that is type certificated for more than one required pilot flight crewmember unless: A. The pilot in command meets the requirements of Section 61.58 of the CASRs. B. The pilot in command meets the requirements of the International air transport agreement C. The pilot in command meets the requirements of the ASEAN agreement on aviation. D. The pilot in command meets the requirements of Section 25.58 of the CASRs. 37. CASR 121.472: Flight duty time is defined as the time between the time the crewmember reports for duty until the termination of the flight, which of the following(s) is(are) correct: A. Where a flight crew is augmented by the addition of one pilot, flight duty time may be extended beyond 18 hours in normal condition. B. Air carrier may not assign a flight crewmember and a flight crew member may not accept an

assignment where the flight crewmember’s flight duty time in any 24 consecutive hours will exceed 14 hours (without flight engineer). C. Approval from the International air transport agreement is required. D. Must be in alignment with the ASEAN agreement on aviation. 38. CASR 61.151 - To be eligible for an airline transport pilot license, a person must: A. Maximum 30 years of age when he/she applies. B. Have a first-class medical certificate issued under Part 67 of the CASRs within the 6 months before the date he applies. C. Be in compliant with Ordinance of Aviation Supervision Stb. 1936-426. D. Be Civil Aviation Safety Regulation of 1960. 39. CASR 121.481: An air carrier may not schedule a flight crewmember and a flight crewmember may not accept an assignment for flight time in air transportation or in other commercial flying if that crewmember's total flight time in all commercial flying will exceed:: A. 30 hours in any 7 consecutive days (for 2 pilots crew). B. 120 hours during any 30 consecutive days. C. 310 hours during any 90 consecutive days. D. ‘A’ or :B’ above. 40. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the safety of Civil Aviation, is also known as: A. Montreal Convention 1971 B. The Hague Convention 1970. C. Den Haag Convention 1970. D. Tokyo Convention 1963. 41. Indonesia CASR 121.11 Rules Applicable to Operations in a Foreign Country prescribes: A. Each certificate holder shall comply with the air traffic rules of the country concerned, while operating an airplane within a foreign country. B. The certificate holder shall also comply with the local airport rules. C. Except where any rule of this part is more restrictive and may be followed without violating the rules of that country. D. All the above are correct. 42. Indonesia Aviation Law 1-2009 – article 141 description regarding: A. An air service which passes through the air space from one airport to another. B. An air carrier which passes through the air space within the territory of more than one State. C. The carrier is responsible for any loss of passengers who died, permanently disable, or injured resulting from any occurrence in flight, in the aircraft and/or during embarking/disembarking. D. An air service which passes through the air space over the territory of more than one State for non-traffic purpose. 43. All aviation personnel shall have a certificate of competency. The (safety sensitive) aviation personnel is; A. The pilot and the flight engineer of the aircraft. B. Any person who have certain skill where his/her job directly influence flight safety. C. The flight operation officer and the air traffic controller. D. Any persons who have certain skill where his/her job directly or indirectly influence flight safety.

44. Any activity using an aircraft for the carriage of passenger, cargo and post in one or more voyages from one airport to another or to several airports is called: A. Cargo services. B. Air transport. C. Aviation. D. Post services. 45. CASR 121.547 - Admission to Flight Deck, restricts any person to enter the flight deck of an aircraft during flight unless the person being admitted is: A. A crew member; A DGCA Inspector; An employee of the Indonesian government, or an aeronautical enterprise who has the permission of the pilot in command and whose duties are such that admission to the flight deck is necessary; Any person who has the permission of the pilot in command, authorized by the certificate holder management, and by the DGCA. B. Any person who has the permission of the pilot in command, authorized by the certificate holder management, and by the DGCA. An employee of the Indonesian government, or an aeronautical enterprise who has the permission of the pilot in command. C. Any person who has the permission of the pilot in command, and a DGCA Inspector D. No such permission is required or mandated by regulations, especially in the need to satisfy passengers when they would like to visit the cockpit.

46. All aircraft that are operated in Indonesia, shall have: A. Nationality mark. B. Registration mark C. ‘A’ and ‘B’ D. ‘A’ or ‘B’ 47. Convention of offences and certain other acts committed on board aircraft, is also known: A. Warsaw Convention 1929. B. Montreal Convention 1971. C. The Hague Convention 1970. D. Tokyo Convention 1963. 48. CASR 121.559 In-flight fuel Management: A. The pilot-in-command shall advise ATC of a minimum fuel state by declaring MINIMUM FUEL when, having committed to land at a specific aerodrome, when the calculated fuel to that aerodrome may result in landing with less than the planned final reserve fuel. B. The pilot-in-command shall await the sequence for the approach clearance based on the first come first served basis, even though the fuel calculated at that time will be less than the planned reserve fuel when the Pilot lands at the nearest suitable airport C. The pilot-in-command shall declare a situation of fuel emergency by broadcasting MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY FUEL, when the calculated usable fuel predicted to be available upon landing at the nearest aerodrome where a safe landing can be made is less than the planned final reserve fuel. D. A and C are correct.