Aladdin and The Magic Lamp: English Reports [PDF]

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English reports

“Aladdin and The Magic Lamp“

By : Iksal Sibaki XI Natural Science


SMA N 1 Bonepantai 2015/2016 Aladdin and The Magic Lamp

Once upon a time, there lived a handsome boy in Baghdad. The name was Aladdin. He was a clever boy, but he did not like to work. One day Aladdin’s mother sent him to the market place to look for a job. In the market he met a magician. The magician asked him to work together with him. If Aladdin could do, he would get a lot of gold coins and jewellery. The magician asked Aladdin to go inside the cave and find a magical lamp there. He also gave a ring and said, “If you are in any trouble, rub this ring and a genie will come to your rescue!” Aladdin went into the cave. Inside the cave, Aladdin was surprised by what he saw. Every corner was full of gold and treasures. A few minutes later, he found the lamp and quickly returned to the entrance of the cave. Aladdin called out, “Magician, I have found the lamp.” “Excellent,” answered the magician. “Quick, pass it to me!” Aladdin did not trust the magician so he said, “Not so fast Magician. You must help me out of this cave first.” The magician became very angry. When Aladdin was walking to the entrance, the magician pushed a huge rock over the entrance of the cave and left Aladdin and the lamp behind. Aladdin tried to move the rock all by himself, but it was too big and heavy, “Oh no! I am trapped in the cave!” he cried. Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. To his surprise, a genie appeared before him and in a powerful voice said, “Master, I am the Genie of the ring. How can I help you?” Aladdin was frightened, but he soon found the courage to ask, “Could you please send me back to my house?” In no time at all Aladdin was back home. Aladdin took out the lamp. He wondered what would happen if he rubbed it. As Aladdin was rubbing it, all of a sudden another enormous genie stood before him. The genie of the lamp said, “Master, your wish is my command.” Aladdin was very excited and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold. One day, a beautiful princess was passing by Aladdin’s palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good

friends. Before long, Aladdin and Jasmine fell in love each other. She married Aladdin and lived happily.

Aladin dan lampu ajaib Sekali waktu, hiduplah seorang anak laki-laki tampan di Baghdad. Dia bernama Aladdin. Dia adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang pintar, tapi dia tidak suka bekerja. Suatu hari ibu Aladin mengirimnya ke pasar untuk mencari pekerjaan. Di pasar ia bertemu seorang penyihir. Penyihir memintanya untuk bekerja sama dengan dia. Jika Aladdin bisa melakukan, ia akan mendapatkan banyak koin emas dan perhiasan. Pesulap meminta Aladdin masuk ke dalam gua dan menemukan lampu ajaib di sana. Dia juga memberikan cincin dan berkata, "Jika Anda berada dalam kesulitan apapun, menggosok cincin ini dan jin akan datang untuk menyelamatkan Anda!" Aladdin masuk ke gua. Di dalam gua, Aladdin terkejut dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Setiap sudut penuh emas dan harta. Beberapa menit kemudian, ia menemukan lampu dan cepat kembali ke pintu masuk gua. Aladdin berseru, "penyihir, saya telah menemukan lampu." "bagus," jawab si penyihir. "Cepat, berikan kepada saya!" Aladdin tidak percaya kepada penyihir sehingga ia berkata, "penyihir Tidak begitu cepat. Anda harus membantu saya keluar dari gua ini dulu. " Penyihir itu menjadi sangat marah. Ketika Aladdin berjalan ke pintu masuk, si penyihir mendorong sebuah batu besar di atas pintu masuk gua dan meninggalkan Aladdin dan lampu belakang. Aladdin mencoba untuk memindahkan semua batu, tapi itu terlalu besar dan berat, "Oh tidak! Saya terjebak di dalam gua! "Serunya. Tiba-tiba, ia teringat cincin ajaib. Dia mengusap dengan telapak tangannya. Yang mengejutkan, jin muncul di hadapannya dan dengan suara yang kuat dan berkata, "Guru, saya Jin cincin. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda? "Aladdin ketakutan, tapi ia segera menemukan keberanian untuk bertanya," Bisa tolong kirimkan saya kembali ke rumah saya? " Dalam waktu singkat Aladdin telah kembali ke rumah. Aladdin mengeluarkan lampu. Dia bertanya-tanya apa yang akan terjadi jika ia menggosoknya. Aladdin menggosok lampu ajaib itu, tiba-tiba jin berdiri di depannya. Jin lampu itu berkata, "Guru, keinginan Anda adalah perintah saya." Aladdin sangat gembira dan berharap sebuah istana yang sangat besar dan tas penuh emas. Suatu hari, seorang putri cantik lewat istana Aladin. Dia berhenti

untuk berbicara dengan Aladdin dan segera mereka menjadi teman baik. Sebelum lama, Aladdin dan Jasmine jatuh cinta satu sama lain. Dia menikah dengan Aladdin dan hidup bahagia.

1. Orientation : Once upon a time, there lived a handsome boy in Baghdad. The name was Aladdin. He was a clever boy, but he did not like to work 2. Complication : Aladdin did not trust the magician so he said, “Not so fast Magician. You must help me out of this cave first.” The magician became very angry. When Aladdin was walking to the entrance, the magician pushed a huge rock over the entrance of the cave and left Aladdin and the lamp behind. Aladdin tried to move the rock all by himself, but it was too big and heavy, “Oh no! I am trapped in the cave!” he cried 3. Resolution : Suddenly, he remembered the magic ring. He rubbed it with the palm of his hand. To his surprise, a genie appeared before him and in a powerful voice said, “Master, I am the Genie of the ring. How can I help you?” Aladdin was frightened, but he soon found the courage to ask, “Could you please send me back to my house?” In no time at all Aladdin was back home 4. Re-orientation : As Aladdin was rubbing it, all of a sudden another enormous genie stood before him. The genie of the lamp said, “Master, your wish is my command.” Aladdin was very excited and wished for an enormous palace and bags full of gold. One day, a beautiful princess was passing by Aladdin’s palace. She stopped to talk to Aladdin and soon they became good friends. Before long, Aladdin and Jasmine fell in love each other. She married Aladdin and lived happily.

5. Moral value : The moral of the story Aladin and the magic lamp that we have to be grateful for what you already have, do not be greedy, though clever must remain diligent, and do not always wear akai jin strength was the strength of its own as the most perfect of human beings