All About Particles A Handbook of Japanese Function Words PDF [PDF]

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' u

民 げ

Z IALLJrfpd 川 TT:J・ 476H 1

HR!V -川

44 a L F

、t h o iF

Di stri buted in the Uni t ed States by Kodansha A meri ca,Inc. , and in the Uni t ed Ki ngdomand conti nental Eur opeby' Kodansha EuropeLt d.

事、 NMセi@


Publ i shed by Kodansha I nt emat i ona1 Ltd. , 17- 14 Ot owa 1- chome, Bunkyo・k u, Tokyo 112- 8652, and Kodansha Amer i ca, Inc. 白 pyri ght C 1991 by Naoko C hi no. Al l ri ghts reserved. Pri nted in J apan. I SBN- 13: 97ふ- 4- 7700- 2781- 8 I SBN・10: 7700- 2781- 8

事内坦庁、‘ a、 :

First edi ti on, 1991 First 回 de paperback edi ti on, 2001 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 15 14 13 12 11 10987


www. 1uHuJ nsha・ i nt Lcom


1. W a は


2. Ga カf


3. Mo も

19. Kurai (gurai ) くらい( ぐらい)


20. Hodo ほど



21. Bakari ばかり


4. - Temo( - demo) ても( でも)

22. Dake だけ



23. Shi ka しか


5. De mo でも


24. Nomi のみ


6. T o と


25. Ki ri きり


7. T o wa とは


26. Node ので


8. Y a や


27. Monode もので


9. T ok a とか


28. Ker edomo けれども

10. Nado など


29. Tokor o de ところで


11. Ka か


30. Noni のに


12. De で


3 1. K IlSe ni くせに


13. Ni に


32. Monono ものの



33. Tokor o ga ところカf


15. Kara から


34. - Ba ば


16. Made まで


35. - Tara たら

17. No の


36. Nar a なら


18. 0 を


37. Mononar a ものなら


14. E

31 :-jl ei rl ii lt li -t;: J ti1 -: ij r t !

H -

Previ o凶 ly publ i shed under the same title in the Power J apanese Series (1991).


川 ト 泌 事﹄



' u

民 げ

Z IALLJrfpd 川 TT:J・ 476H 1

HR!V -川

44 a L F

、t h o iF

Di stri buted in the Uni t ed States by Kodansha A meri ca,Inc. , and in the Uni t ed Ki ngdomand conti nental Eur opeby' Kodansha EuropeLt d.

事、 NMセi@


Publ i shed by Kodansha I nt emat i ona1 Ltd. , 17- 14 Ot owa 1- chome, Bunkyo・k u, Tokyo 112- 8652, and Kodansha Amer i ca, Inc. 白 pyri ght C 1991 by Naoko C hi no. Al l ri ghts reserved. Pri nted in J apan. I SBN- 13: 97ふ- 4- 7700- 2781- 8 I SBN・10: 7700- 2781- 8

事内坦庁、‘ a、 :

First edi ti on, 1991 First 回 de paperback edi ti on, 2001 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 15 14 13 12 11 10987


www. 1uHuJ nsha・ i nt Lcom


1. W a は


2. Ga カf


3. Mo も

19. Kurai (gurai ) くらい( ぐらい)


20. Hodo ほど



21. Bakari ばかり


4. - Temo( - demo) ても( でも)

22. Dake だけ



23. Shi ka しか


5. De mo でも


24. Nomi のみ


6. T o と


25. Ki ri きり


7. T o wa とは


26. Node ので


8. Y a や


27. Monode もので


9. T ok a とか


28. Ker edomo けれども

10. Nado など


29. Tokor o de ところで


11. Ka か


30. Noni のに


12. De で


3 1. K IlSe ni くせに


13. Ni に


32. Monono ものの



33. Tokor o ga ところカf


15. Kara から


34. - Ba ば


16. Made まで


35. - Tara たら

17. No の


36. Nar a なら


18. 0 を


37. Mononar a ものなら


14. E

31 :-jl ei rl ii lt li -t;: J ti1 -: ij r t !

H -

Previ o凶 ly publ i shed under the same title in the Power J apanese Series (1991).


川 ト 泌 事﹄


38. Tokoro ところ


59. Na な

39. Monoo ものを



60. Sa さ


40. -Nagara なが 6


6l. Koto こと

4l. -Tari たり



62. -Kke っけ

42. Shi し



63. -Tt eba ってば

4"3. Tomo とも



64. -1 い

44. Yara やら



65. Mono もの

45. Dano だの



66. Ze ぜ



67. Zo ぞ


68. Monoka ものか


69. Ni に





Nari なり

47. - Tewa ( -dewa) ては( では)


48. Dokoro どころ


49. Toshi te として


50. Yori より


5l. Sae さえ


52. Sura すら


53. Koso こそ



Sentence-endi ng Particles 54. Ne ね


55. Yo よ


56. Wa わ


57. Kana かな


58. Kashi ra かしら


福 島 守

司 v、

Some things are easier to learn 出叩 others. Take,for i nstance, J apanese nouns , verbs , adjectives , and adverbs. Once you have a lit t1e grammar under your belt , you can pick t hemup and squirrel t hemawaywi 血 relative ease. For some reason, though, 出is doesn' t work wi th parti c1es. They can't be l ooked up,pi nned down,or pi geonhol ed in the same way that their fel10ws can. Yet their correct usage is essential to speaki ng J apanese wi 出 any degree of 日uency. W hy are parti c1es so elusive? Because parti c1es are next to meaningless as isolated entities. A parti c1e, in fact , might be defi ned as a non-conj ugati ng part of speech, beari ng an absol ute mi ni mum of i ndependent meani ng, whi ch atlaches itself to other parts of speech and thereby places t hemin context. T hus ,a statem ent consi sti ng of a single parti c1e woul dn' t convey much meani ng. But the addi ti on of another word woul d make a worl d of difference. A phrase like お かo ni (to Tokyo) ,for i nstance,woul d communi cat e somethi ng, but not ni by itself. The rule of t humb 叩 igh t be: J apanese parti c1es have virtual1y no meani ng bereft of context. In 血is book, 1propose to c1arify the functi ons of a consi derable number of parti c1es ,to describe their vari ous usages ,and, most i rnportant , to exem pl i fy each and eve.y usage wi th sampl e sentences. Onl y in 白 is way- t hrough context- can the student truly come to grips with the J apanese parti c1e. Don't be surpri sed by certain of the parti c1es taken up here. For exampl e, there is -ba, as in nomeba (if [you] dri nk) . You may 出i叫E 出at - ba is not a parti c1e at a, 1l but an inflection of the verb nomu. Grammati cal l y speaki ng, however , -ba is one of a species of parti c1e 白紙 fol1ows conj ugated verbs (in 出is case,nome-).


38. Tokoro ところ


59. Na な

39. Monoo ものを



60. Sa さ


40. -Nagara なが 6


6l. Koto こと

4l. -Tari たり



62. -Kke っけ

42. Shi し



63. -Tt eba ってば

4"3. Tomo とも



64. -1 い

44. Yara やら



65. Mono もの

45. Dano だの



66. Ze ぜ



67. Zo ぞ


68. Monoka ものか


69. Ni に





Nari なり

47. - Tewa ( -dewa) ては( では)


48. Dokoro どころ


49. Toshi te として


50. Yori より


5l. Sae さえ


52. Sura すら


53. Koso こそ



Sentence-endi ng Particles 54. Ne ね


55. Yo よ


56. Wa わ


57. Kana かな


58. Kashi ra かしら


福 島 守

司 v、

Some things are easier to learn 出叩 others. Take,for i nstance, J apanese nouns , verbs , adjectives , and adverbs. Once you have a lit t1e grammar under your belt , you can pick t hemup and squirrel t hemawaywi 血 relative ease. For some reason, though, 出is doesn' t work wi th parti c1es. They can't be l ooked up,pi nned down,or pi geonhol ed in the same way that their fel10ws can. Yet their correct usage is essential to speaki ng J apanese wi 出 any degree of 日uency. W hy are parti c1es so elusive? Because parti c1es are next to meaningless as isolated entities. A parti c1e, in fact , might be defi ned as a non-conj ugati ng part of speech, beari ng an absol ute mi ni mum of i ndependent meani ng, whi ch atlaches itself to other parts of speech and thereby places t hemin context. T hus ,a statem ent consi sti ng of a single parti c1e woul dn' t convey much meani ng. But the addi ti on of another word woul d make a worl d of difference. A phrase like お かo ni (to Tokyo) ,for i nstance,woul d communi cat e somethi ng, but not ni by itself. The rule of t humb 叩 igh t be: J apanese parti c1es have virtual1y no meani ng bereft of context. In 血is book, 1propose to c1arify the functi ons of a consi derable number of parti c1es ,to describe their vari ous usages ,and, most i rnportant , to exem pl i fy each and eve.y usage wi th sampl e sentences. Onl y in 白 is way- t hrough context- can the student truly come to grips with the J apanese parti c1e. Don't be surpri sed by certain of the parti c1es taken up here. For exampl e, there is -ba, as in nomeba (if [you] dri nk) . You may 出i叫E 出at - ba is not a parti c1e at a, 1l but an inflection of the verb nomu. Grammati cal l y speaki ng, however , -ba is one of a species of parti c1e 白紙 fol1ows conj ugated verbs (in 出is case,nome-).

1! 1 1


AII About Parti cl es

pJP611 1什川141141111911u! ﹄ ‘ 1114aubi 141isll1

Si nce - ba and others of its tri be are not onl y true parti cl es but exhi bi t a m凶tiplicity of usage wel l wort h your attenti on, 1 have chosen to i ncl ude t hem. A n effort has been made to present the parti cl es in order of f requency- t he mor e c ommon first; the less ,later. A n at t empt has al so been made to group parti cl es by meani ng. Nei t her the orderi ng nor the groupi ng, however , is enti rel y consi stent , si nce the t wo systems are nowand t hen at l oggerheads. A further compl i cati on is that some of the mor e basi c parti cl es have usages bel ongi ng mor e properl y to an i ntermedi ate or advanced level of study. (All usages at these t wo levels are mar ked wi t h asterisks.) Cross references are provi ded wher e si m i l ari ti es exist bet ween di 旺erent particles. Thi s was not done wi t hout s ome misgi vi ngs , for whi l e certai n parti cl es ma y be basi cal l y alike,出ey are usual l y not true equi val ents in the sense 出at one can repl ace anot her wi t hout even a slight change in meani ng or a certai n oddness creepi ng in. In parti cul ar ,there are numer ous compari sons bet ween wa and ga because of the frequent i nterpl ay bet ween these t wo parti cul arl y pesky particles. For those who wi sh to test thei r profi ci ency t hrough exerci ses or who want mor e sampl e sentences , see my Gai kokuゴ in no t ama nojoshi (外国人のための助調) publ i shed in Tokyo by Musashi no Shoi n ( 武蔵野書院) . Fi nal l y, I 出 ank Suzuki Shi geyoshi and Mi chael Brase, myedi tors at Kodansha Internati onal , for thei r hel p. M y si ncere t hanks also go to J ay Thomas , who di d most of the transl ati on 白 血e body of the book and 0 能 r e dm叩 y val uabl e suggesti ons. Wi t hout the cooperat i on of these three, this book woul d never have c ome i nto bei ng.

1l ,


1! 1 1


AII About Parti cl es

pJP611 1什川141141111911u! ﹄ ‘ 1114aubi 141isll1

Si nce - ba and others of its tri be are not onl y true parti cl es but exhi bi t a m凶tiplicity of usage wel l wort h your attenti on, 1 have chosen to i ncl ude t hem. A n effort has been made to present the parti cl es in order of f requency- t he mor e c ommon first; the less ,later. A n at t empt has al so been made to group parti cl es by meani ng. Nei t her the orderi ng nor the groupi ng, however , is enti rel y consi stent , si nce the t wo systems are nowand t hen at l oggerheads. A further compl i cati on is that some of the mor e basi c parti cl es have usages bel ongi ng mor e properl y to an i ntermedi ate or advanced level of study. (All usages at these t wo levels are mar ked wi t h asterisks.) Cross references are provi ded wher e si m i l ari ti es exist bet ween di 旺erent particles. Thi s was not done wi t hout s ome misgi vi ngs , for whi l e certai n parti cl es ma y be basi cal l y alike,出ey are usual l y not true equi val ents in the sense 出at one can repl ace anot her wi t hout even a slight change in meani ng or a certai n oddness creepi ng in. In parti cul ar ,there are numer ous compari sons bet ween wa and ga because of the frequent i nterpl ay bet ween these t wo parti cul arl y pesky particles. For those who wi sh to test thei r profi ci ency t hrough exerci ses or who want mor e sampl e sentences , see my Gai kokuゴ in no t ama nojoshi (外国人のための助調) publ i shed in Tokyo by Musashi no Shoi n ( 武蔵野書院) . Fi nal l y, I 出 ank Suzuki Shi geyoshi and Mi chael Brase, myedi tors at Kodansha Internati onal , for thei r hel p. M y si ncere t hanks also go to J ay Thomas , who di d most of the transl ati on 白 血e body of the book and 0 能 r e dm叩 y val uabl e suggesti ons. Wi t hout the cooperat i on of these three, this book woul d never have c ome i nto bei ng.

1l ,




回l WAI


あさっては日曜日ですね。 違います。明日が日曜日ですよ。

Note: Wa has several usages , but its basic functi on is to set off a topic (e.g. , of conversati on) f romthe rest of the sentence, whi ch talks about the topic. Techni cal l y, wa does not i ndi cate case (subject ,object ,etcふ However ,in practical terms , it often (but not al ways) comes a食紅白esubj ect of the sentence. See also ωwa( #7) and ・tewa ( #47) .

Asatte wa ni chi yobi desu ne. Chi gai masu・Ashi taga ni chi yobi desuyo.

The day after t omor r owis Sunday, isn' t it. You' re wr ong there. Tomorrowjs Sunday.

1. Indi cates that i nf ormat i on is bei ng present ed about somet hi ng that i sal ready k nown or 出.at has been i denti fi ed.

3. I n t heconst ruct i on N + wa N + g仏 , wa i ndi cates a topi c (出e first noun) about whi ch anωpec t or qual i ty ( the second noun) is expl ai ned.


Asoko ni akai hon ga ari masu ne. Are wa kanj i no hon desu. Over t here is a red book, ri ght. It 's a kanj i book. / See the red book over there? T hat' s a kanj i book.


Zo wa hana ga nagai desu. The el ephant ー its nose is l ong. / El ephant s have l ong noses.

あの大学は、四谷駅の近くにあります。 Ano dai gaku w仏 Yotsuya-eki no chi kaku ni ari masu.


Takemot o- san wa sei kaku ga yasashi i desu. As for Takemot o,her personal i t y is gentl e. / Takemot o has

That uni versi t y- i t' s near Yot suya St at i on. / That uni versi ty is near Yot suya Stati on.

gentl e nature.

2. Indi cates a topi c , whi ch is 白 en i denti fi ed or expl ai ned.

Ashi ta wa ni chi yobi desu.


, aiJhf

As for t omor r ow, it's Sunday. / T omor r owis Sunday.

• 会ま'



4. Us ed to s how cont rast bet ween t wo i t ems or i deas , bot h of whi ch aresi gni f i edby wa.

漢字は難しいですが、日本語の文法はあまり難しくないん です。

Kuj i ra wa sakana de wa ari masen.

a Ni hon- go no bunpo wa amari muzuKanj i wa muzukashi i desu g, kashi ku nai -n desu. but J apanese gr ammar is not very di ffi cul t. Kanj i a問 di ffi cul t ,

Note: If ga replaces wa in these sentences ,the noun whi ch it fol l ows is no l onger bei ng presented as a topi c but as the subj ect of the predi cate (see g偽 , #2, 1-2). The switch f romtopi c (wa) to definite subject (ga) lays stress on the latter. For exampl e:

Hokkai do noル y uwa samui desu ga,Tokyo wa atatakai desu. 百le Hokkai do wi nt er is col d, but [由e] Tokyo [ wi nter] is war m. /

鯨は魚ではありません。 As for t he whal e, it is not a fish. / T he whal e is not a fish.


It's col d i n Hokkai do h t he wi nt er , but war mi n Tokyo-




回l WAI


あさっては日曜日ですね。 違います。明日が日曜日ですよ。

Note: Wa has several usages , but its basic functi on is to set off a topic (e.g. , of conversati on) f romthe rest of the sentence, whi ch talks about the topic. Techni cal l y, wa does not i ndi cate case (subject ,object ,etcふ However ,in practical terms , it often (but not al ways) comes a食紅白esubj ect of the sentence. See also ωwa( #7) and ・tewa ( #47) .

Asatte wa ni chi yobi desu ne. Chi gai masu・Ashi taga ni chi yobi desuyo.

The day after t omor r owis Sunday, isn' t it. You' re wr ong there. Tomorrowjs Sunday.

1. Indi cates that i nf ormat i on is bei ng present ed about somet hi ng that i sal ready k nown or 出.at has been i denti fi ed.

3. I n t heconst ruct i on N + wa N + g仏 , wa i ndi cates a topi c (出e first noun) about whi ch anωpec t or qual i ty ( the second noun) is expl ai ned.


Asoko ni akai hon ga ari masu ne. Are wa kanj i no hon desu. Over t here is a red book, ri ght. It 's a kanj i book. / See the red book over there? T hat' s a kanj i book.


Zo wa hana ga nagai desu. The el ephant ー its nose is l ong. / El ephant s have l ong noses.

あの大学は、四谷駅の近くにあります。 Ano dai gaku w仏 Yotsuya-eki no chi kaku ni ari masu.


Takemot o- san wa sei kaku ga yasashi i desu. As for Takemot o,her personal i t y is gentl e. / Takemot o has

That uni versi t y- i t' s near Yot suya St at i on. / That uni versi ty is near Yot suya Stati on.

gentl e nature.

2. Indi cates a topi c , whi ch is 白 en i denti fi ed or expl ai ned.

Ashi ta wa ni chi yobi desu.


, aiJhf

As for t omor r ow, it's Sunday. / T omor r owis Sunday.

• 会ま'



4. Us ed to s how cont rast bet ween t wo i t ems or i deas , bot h of whi ch aresi gni f i edby wa.

漢字は難しいですが、日本語の文法はあまり難しくないん です。

Kuj i ra wa sakana de wa ari masen.

a Ni hon- go no bunpo wa amari muzuKanj i wa muzukashi i desu g, kashi ku nai -n desu. but J apanese gr ammar is not very di ffi cul t. Kanj i a問 di ffi cul t ,

Note: If ga replaces wa in these sentences ,the noun whi ch it fol l ows is no l onger bei ng presented as a topi c but as the subj ect of the predi cate (see g偽 , #2, 1-2). The switch f romtopi c (wa) to definite subject (ga) lays stress on the latter. For exampl e:

Hokkai do noル y uwa samui desu ga,Tokyo wa atatakai desu. 百le Hokkai do wi nt er is col d, but [由e] Tokyo [ wi nter] is war m. /

鯨は魚ではありません。 As for t he whal e, it is not a fish. / T he whal e is not a fish.


It's col d i n Hokkai do h t he wi nt er , but war mi n Tokyo-






お茶は飲みましたが、時間がなかったので食事はしません でした。 Ocha wa nomimashi t a ga, j i kan ga.nakatta no de shokuj i wa shimasen deshita.

Note: In some cases,onl y one i temor i dea is explicitly menti oned. For in the fol l owing sentence, the i mpJi cati on is 白 紙 白eperson might exampl e, go to a cheaper restaurant.

高いから、あのレストランには行きません。 Takai kara, ano resutoran ni wa i ki m asen.

1 had s ome tea, but si nce t here wasn' t mu c h t i me, 1 di dn' t eat ( have a meal ) .

Because it's expensi ve, 1 won' t go to 白 at rest aurant. I 1 a mnot goi ng to t hat rest aurant because it' s t oo expensi ve.

園lGA I が

Note: In its contrasti ve functi on, wa comes after other particles (e.g. ,ni wa, de w a). Two i mportant excepti ons are when it repl aces ga and 0,as in the next exampl e.

wi 血 cer t ai n 1. I ndi cat 白 血 subj ect o f 血 e s ent enc e o r , v er bs a n d adj ect i ves , t he obj ect .

バターを買いましたか。 マーガリンは買いましたが、バターは買いませんでした。 Bat a 0 kai mashi ta ka. bata wa kai m . asendeshi ta. Magari n wa kai mashi ta ga, Di d y ou buy s ome butter?

1. Indi cates exi stence; used wi t h such verbs as aru, gozai masu, iru ,


あそこに私のボールペンがありますか。 Asoko ni watashi no borupen ga ari masu ka.

1 bought s ome mar gar i ne, but 1 di dn' t buy 組 y but t er. 1 1 bought s ome mar gar i ne, but not any but t er. 5. I n t he f or ms V- te wa iru (first exampl e bel ow) and V- masu base f ol l owed by wa and suru ( second and t hi rd exampl es) , 附 i ndi cates emphasi s. See al so ・t ewa ( #47) .

コンピュータを持つてはいますが、まだ使って( は) いません。 Konpyut a 0 motte wa i masu μ mada tsuka的 ( wa) i m asen.

1 own a c omput ぽ [1 do o wn a comput er l, but 1 haven' t used it yet.

あの人を知つてはいますが、あまり話したことはありません。 Ano hito 0 shitte wa i masu ga, amari hanashi ta koto wa ari masen. 1 knowhi m, but 1 haven' t spoken to hi mmuc h.

Is my bal l - poi nt pen over 白 ere?

b 長

あそこに郵便局があります。 Asoko ni yubi n匂' okuga ari masu. T here' s a post 0 伍 ce over 出ere. 私の会社には、女の人が50人以上います。 Watashi no kai sha ni wa, onna no hito ga goj u-ni n ijo i m asu. Ther e are mor e t han 飴 y wo me n 血 my c ompany . Note: Wa can replace ga in such sentences when (first exampl e bel ow) somebei ng contrasted ( my bal l -poi nt pen, say, in contrast to my pencil) or when ( second exampl e) i nformati on is bei ng presented about a subj ect al ready identified. See wa (#1, nos. 1, 4).

白血g is






お茶は飲みましたが、時間がなかったので食事はしません でした。 Ocha wa nomimashi t a ga, j i kan ga.nakatta no de shokuj i wa shimasen deshita.

Note: In some cases,onl y one i temor i dea is explicitly menti oned. For in the fol l owing sentence, the i mpJi cati on is 白 紙 白eperson might exampl e, go to a cheaper restaurant.

高いから、あのレストランには行きません。 Takai kara, ano resutoran ni wa i ki m asen.

1 had s ome tea, but si nce t here wasn' t mu c h t i me, 1 di dn' t eat ( have a meal ) .

Because it's expensi ve, 1 won' t go to 白 at rest aurant. I 1 a mnot goi ng to t hat rest aurant because it' s t oo expensi ve.

園lGA I が

Note: In its contrasti ve functi on, wa comes after other particles (e.g. ,ni wa, de w a). Two i mportant excepti ons are when it repl aces ga and 0,as in the next exampl e.

wi 血 cer t ai n 1. I ndi cat 白 血 subj ect o f 血 e s ent enc e o r , v er bs a n d adj ect i ves , t he obj ect .

バターを買いましたか。 マーガリンは買いましたが、バターは買いませんでした。 Bat a 0 kai mashi ta ka. bata wa kai m . asendeshi ta. Magari n wa kai mashi ta ga, Di d y ou buy s ome butter?

1. Indi cates exi stence; used wi t h such verbs as aru, gozai masu, iru ,


あそこに私のボールペンがありますか。 Asoko ni watashi no borupen ga ari masu ka.

1 bought s ome mar gar i ne, but 1 di dn' t buy 組 y but t er. 1 1 bought s ome mar gar i ne, but not any but t er. 5. I n t he f or ms V- te wa iru (first exampl e bel ow) and V- masu base f ol l owed by wa and suru ( second and t hi rd exampl es) , 附 i ndi cates emphasi s. See al so ・t ewa ( #47) .

コンピュータを持つてはいますが、まだ使って( は) いません。 Konpyut a 0 motte wa i masu μ mada tsuka的 ( wa) i m asen.

1 own a c omput ぽ [1 do o wn a comput er l, but 1 haven' t used it yet.

あの人を知つてはいますが、あまり話したことはありません。 Ano hito 0 shitte wa i masu ga, amari hanashi ta koto wa ari masen. 1 knowhi m, but 1 haven' t spoken to hi mmuc h.

Is my bal l - poi nt pen over 白 ere?

b 長

あそこに郵便局があります。 Asoko ni yubi n匂' okuga ari masu. T here' s a post 0 伍 ce over 出ere. 私の会社には、女の人が50人以上います。 Watashi no kai sha ni wa, onna no hito ga goj u-ni n ijo i m asu. Ther e are mor e t han 飴 y wo me n 血 my c ompany . Note: Wa can replace ga in such sentences when (first exampl e bel ow) somebei ng contrasted ( my bal l -poi nt pen, say, in contrast to my pencil) or when ( second exampl e) i nformati on is bei ng presented about a subj ect al ready identified. See wa (#1, nos. 1, 4).

白血g is







郵便局はどこにありますか。 ( 郵便局は) 駅の前にあります。 Yubi n- kyoku wa doko ni ari masu ka. ( Yubi n- kyoku wa) eki no mae ni a付mω u. Where is 白 e post offi ce? ( Thepost 0 節 目 is) i n froht of the stati on. 2. Indi cates t he subj ect of the predi cate.

あそこに桜が咲いています。 Asoko ni sakura ga saite i mω u. The cherry trees are bl oomi ng over 出 ere.

あの山を見てください。まだ雪が残っていますよ。 Anoyama 0 mite kudasai. Mada yuki ga nokotte i masu yo. Lookat 白紙 mount ai n. There' s still s nowon it. (Lit., ... s nowstill r em創 ns.)

Note: When maki ng a contrast , wa ( #1, no. 4) αn replace ga:

あそこに桜は咲いていますが、梅は咲いていません。 Asoko ni sakura wa saite i masu ga, ume wa saite i masen.

百 le cherry trees are bl oomi ng over there, but the pl umtrees are not.

3. Indi cates the subj ect of an i ntransi ti ve verb.

戸が聞きました。 To ga aki m ashi ta. The door opened.

雨が降っている。 Ame ga futte iru. !t 's rai ni ng. Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) can replace ga for contrastive purposes:

雨は降っているが、雪はまだ降っていません。 Ame wafutte iru伊, yuki wa mada角的 i m asen. It' s rai ni ng, but i t' s not snowi ngyet. 4. Indi cates the subj ect of the sentence when ne w, as-yet - unknown i nf ormat i on is bei ng presented.

こちらが山田さんです。 Kochi raga Yamada- san desu. Thi s is Mr . Yamada. (a personal i nt roduct i on)

昨日友達のジヤックがあなたに会いたいと言っていました。 Ki nδ tomodachi no J akku ga anata ni aitai to itte i m ashi ta. Yest erday my 企i end J ack sai d 出 at he want ed to meet you. Note: Here agai n wa ( #1 , no. 4) can replace ga for contrastive purposes:

ご紹介します。こちらが山田さんで、こちらは鈴木さんです。 Goshδkai shi mω u. Kochi ra ga Yamada- san de, kochi ra wa Suzuki san desu.

Let me do t he i ntroducti ons. Thi s is Mr . Yamada, and 出 is is Ms. Suzuki .

lol 'li--!

私のボールペンはあそこにありますか。 Watashi no borupen wa asoko ni ari masu ka. Is my bal l -poi nt pen over there?









郵便局はどこにありますか。 ( 郵便局は) 駅の前にあります。 Yubi n- kyoku wa doko ni ari masu ka. ( Yubi n- kyoku wa) eki no mae ni a付mω u. Where is 白 e post offi ce? ( Thepost 0 節 目 is) i n froht of the stati on. 2. Indi cates t he subj ect of the predi cate.

あそこに桜が咲いています。 Asoko ni sakura ga saite i mω u. The cherry trees are bl oomi ng over 出 ere.

あの山を見てください。まだ雪が残っていますよ。 Anoyama 0 mite kudasai. Mada yuki ga nokotte i masu yo. Lookat 白紙 mount ai n. There' s still s nowon it. (Lit., ... s nowstill r em創 ns.)

Note: When maki ng a contrast , wa ( #1, no. 4) αn replace ga:

あそこに桜は咲いていますが、梅は咲いていません。 Asoko ni sakura wa saite i masu ga, ume wa saite i masen.

百 le cherry trees are bl oomi ng over there, but the pl umtrees are not.

3. Indi cates the subj ect of an i ntransi ti ve verb.

戸が聞きました。 To ga aki m ashi ta. The door opened.

雨が降っている。 Ame ga futte iru. !t 's rai ni ng. Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) can replace ga for contrastive purposes:

雨は降っているが、雪はまだ降っていません。 Ame wafutte iru伊, yuki wa mada角的 i m asen. It' s rai ni ng, but i t' s not snowi ngyet. 4. Indi cates the subj ect of the sentence when ne w, as-yet - unknown i nf ormat i on is bei ng presented.

こちらが山田さんです。 Kochi raga Yamada- san desu. Thi s is Mr . Yamada. (a personal i nt roduct i on)

昨日友達のジヤックがあなたに会いたいと言っていました。 Ki nδ tomodachi no J akku ga anata ni aitai to itte i m ashi ta. Yest erday my 企i end J ack sai d 出 at he want ed to meet you. Note: Here agai n wa ( #1 , no. 4) can replace ga for contrastive purposes:

ご紹介します。こちらが山田さんで、こちらは鈴木さんです。 Goshδkai shi mω u. Kochi ra ga Yamada- san de, kochi ra wa Suzuki san desu.

Let me do t he i ntroducti ons. Thi s is Mr . Yamada, and 出 is is Ms. Suzuki .

lol 'li--!

私のボールペンはあそこにありますか。 Watashi no borupen wa asoko ni ari masu ka. Is my bal l -poi nt pen over there?








5. Us ed wi t h i nterrogati ve wor ds in questi ons.

も ., 、


どの人が課長ですか。 hito ga kachδ desu ka.

Whi c h one [ person) is the secti on chi ef?

誰が一番早くきましたか。 Dare ga i chi ban hayaku ki mashi ta ka. W ho c ame [arri ved) first? Note: Wa ( #1 , nos. 1, 2) can replace ga if a topic is bei ng presented:

課長はどの人ですか。 Kacho wa dono hito desu ka. The secti on chi eι - whi ch one [ person) is he? / W hi ch one is 白 e secti on chi ef? b) l n aski ng for a choi ce:

すしとてんぷらとどちらが好きですか。 Sushi to tenpura ω dochi ra ga suki desu ka. W hi ch do you like better , sushi or t empura? 中国語と日本語と、どちらがむずかしいですか。 Chugoku- go ω Ni hon- go to, dochi ra ga muzukashi i desu ka. W hi ch is mor e difficult , Chi nese dr J apanese? 6. l ndi cates the subj ect of a rel ati ve c1ause.

先週私が見た映画はつまらかなった。 Senshu wa印 shi ga mita eiga wa tsumaranakatta. The movi e 1 sawlast week was bori ng.


1週間で私が読む本は 4 冊です。 Isshukan de watashi ga yomu hon wa yonsatsu desu. 1 read f our books a week [in one week] . (Lit., Four books is what 1read i n one week.) Note: No ( #17, 1-5) may replace ga in 出 is usage. 7. l ndi cates the subj ect of a c1ause endi ng in ka.

なぜ彼がそんなことをやったか、わかりません。 Naze kare ga sonna koto 0 yatta ka,wakari masen. 1don' t k nowwhy he di d that [lit. , ••• somet hi ng like that]. どうして彼女があんなつまらない本を読んでいるのか、不 思議です。 Do shite kanoj o ga anna tsumaranai hon 0 yonde iru no ka, fushi gi desu. lt is a myst e可 to me [ beyond me) why she' s readi ng such a bori ng book [a bori ng book like that). 8. l ndi cates the subj ect of a subordi nat e or condi ti onal c1ause when it is di 百erent f r omthe subj ect of the mai n c1ause. .a) Subordi nat e c1auses.

母が日本にくる前に、( 私は) この部屋をきれいに掃除しなけ ればならない。 Haha ga Ni hon ni kuru mae ni ,[watashi waJ kono heya 0 kirei ni soji shi nakereba naranai .

Bef ore my mot her comes to J apan, 1have to make this r oomni ce and c1ean.

母が来たとき、私はごちそうを作った。 Hahaga kita ωki ,watashi wa gochi so 0 tsukutta. W hen my mot her c ame, 1prepared qui te a spread.






5. Us ed wi t h i nterrogati ve wor ds in questi ons.

も ., 、


どの人が課長ですか。 hito ga kachδ desu ka.

Whi c h one [ person) is the secti on chi ef?

誰が一番早くきましたか。 Dare ga i chi ban hayaku ki mashi ta ka. W ho c ame [arri ved) first? Note: Wa ( #1 , nos. 1, 2) can replace ga if a topic is bei ng presented:

課長はどの人ですか。 Kacho wa dono hito desu ka. The secti on chi eι - whi ch one [ person) is he? / W hi ch one is 白 e secti on chi ef? b) l n aski ng for a choi ce:

すしとてんぷらとどちらが好きですか。 Sushi to tenpura ω dochi ra ga suki desu ka. W hi ch do you like better , sushi or t empura? 中国語と日本語と、どちらがむずかしいですか。 Chugoku- go ω Ni hon- go to, dochi ra ga muzukashi i desu ka. W hi ch is mor e difficult , Chi nese dr J apanese? 6. l ndi cates the subj ect of a rel ati ve c1ause.

先週私が見た映画はつまらかなった。 Senshu wa印 shi ga mita eiga wa tsumaranakatta. The movi e 1 sawlast week was bori ng.


1週間で私が読む本は 4 冊です。 Isshukan de watashi ga yomu hon wa yonsatsu desu. 1 read f our books a week [in one week] . (Lit., Four books is what 1read i n one week.) Note: No ( #17, 1-5) may replace ga in 出 is usage. 7. l ndi cates the subj ect of a c1ause endi ng in ka.

なぜ彼がそんなことをやったか、わかりません。 Naze kare ga sonna koto 0 yatta ka,wakari masen. 1don' t k nowwhy he di d that [lit. , ••• somet hi ng like that]. どうして彼女があんなつまらない本を読んでいるのか、不 思議です。 Do shite kanoj o ga anna tsumaranai hon 0 yonde iru no ka, fushi gi desu. lt is a myst e可 to me [ beyond me) why she' s readi ng such a bori ng book [a bori ng book like that). 8. l ndi cates the subj ect of a subordi nat e or condi ti onal c1ause when it is di 百erent f r omthe subj ect of the mai n c1ause. .a) Subordi nat e c1auses.

母が日本にくる前に、( 私は) この部屋をきれいに掃除しなけ ればならない。 Haha ga Ni hon ni kuru mae ni ,[watashi waJ kono heya 0 kirei ni soji shi nakereba naranai .

Bef ore my mot her comes to J apan, 1have to make this r oomni ce and c1ean.

母が来たとき、私はごちそうを作った。 Hahaga kita ωki ,watashi wa gochi so 0 tsukutta. W hen my mot her c ame, 1prepared qui te a spread.



ment ed beans.

9. I ndi cat es the obj ect of VErbs of abHi t y( ddi m 附 karu , and t he potenti al f orms ofverbs) .

The ki t chen smel l s of co依 e i n the morni ng. I In the mor ni ng you can smel l coffee [ brewi ng] i n the ki tchen.

Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) ωn replace ga for contrast:


阿部さんはゴルフができます。 Abe- san 附 gorufuga deki mω u. Abe can pl ay [li, .t doJ goIf.

朝の台所は、コーヒーの香りがします。 Asa no dai dokoro w, a kohi no kaori ga shi m asu.

li : : h ; ! i 1) H i l 1砂 1h , t i'' , 孟 i‘ ih ' 守 .d1 h, 11


あなたがそう言うなら、納豆を食べてみます。 Anat a ga so iu nara, natto 0 tabete mimasu. I f you say so [ i f you r ec ommend it , insist , etc.J , I' l t庁 s ome fer-

ここから富士山が見えます。 Koko kara Fuj i -san ga miemasu. M t. Fuj i can be seen 合o mhere. I Y ou can see M t. Fuj i 合omher e.

10. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs of sensati on ( m i eru and ki koeru) as キセャ@ as suru in certai n uses.

あの人が行くんだったら、私は行かない。 Ano hito ga i ku-n dattara, watashi wa ikanai. Ifhe' s goi ng, 1a mno.t

ri1 h “i ' fies 1 3 1 11% JRth141i1 E li -1 j

Yan凶 aunde附 ands Chi nese, but not Engl i sh.

b) Condi t i ona1 cI auses.


山田さんは、中国語はわかりますが、英語はわかりません。 Yamada- san W, a Chugoku- go wa wakari mω uga, Ei go wa wakari ・ masen.


母が来たあと、私は買物に出かけた。 Haha ga kita ato, watashi wa kai mono ni dekaketa. A 丘町 my mo曲 e r αme, 1went out shoppi ng.


Il i - -



Koko kara Fuj i -san wa mi emasu ga,noboru hito no sugaω wa mJemasen. Y ouαns e e M t. F吋i 合o mhere, but not the fi gures of the peopl e cl i mbi ng it.

岡田さんはピアノが弾けます。 Okada- san wa pi ano ga hi kemasu. Okada can pl ay the pi ano.

11. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs and adj ecti ves of necessi ty

山田さんは中国語がわかります。 Yamada- san wa Chugoku-go ga wakari masu. Yamada underst ands Chi nese.

(hi tsuyo d仏 , iru ). a

Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) αn replace ga to create a contrast:


私はお金が要る。 Watashi wa okane ga iru. 1need money.


ment ed beans.

9. I ndi cat es the obj ect of VErbs of abHi t y( ddi m 附 karu , and t he potenti al f orms ofverbs) .

The ki t chen smel l s of co依 e i n the morni ng. I In the mor ni ng you can smel l coffee [ brewi ng] i n the ki tchen.

Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) ωn replace ga for contrast:


阿部さんはゴルフができます。 Abe- san 附 gorufuga deki mω u. Abe can pl ay [li, .t doJ goIf.

朝の台所は、コーヒーの香りがします。 Asa no dai dokoro w, a kohi no kaori ga shi m asu.

li : : h ; ! i 1) H i l 1砂 1h , t i'' , 孟 i‘ ih ' 守 .d1 h, 11


あなたがそう言うなら、納豆を食べてみます。 Anat a ga so iu nara, natto 0 tabete mimasu. I f you say so [ i f you r ec ommend it , insist , etc.J , I' l t庁 s ome fer-

ここから富士山が見えます。 Koko kara Fuj i -san ga miemasu. M t. Fuj i can be seen 合o mhere. I Y ou can see M t. Fuj i 合omher e.

10. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs of sensati on ( m i eru and ki koeru) as キセャ@ as suru in certai n uses.

あの人が行くんだったら、私は行かない。 Ano hito ga i ku-n dattara, watashi wa ikanai. Ifhe' s goi ng, 1a mno.t

ri1 h “i ' fies 1 3 1 11% JRth141i1 E li -1 j

Yan凶 aunde附 ands Chi nese, but not Engl i sh.

b) Condi t i ona1 cI auses.


山田さんは、中国語はわかりますが、英語はわかりません。 Yamada- san W, a Chugoku- go wa wakari mω uga, Ei go wa wakari ・ masen.


母が来たあと、私は買物に出かけた。 Haha ga kita ato, watashi wa kai mono ni dekaketa. A 丘町 my mo曲 e r αme, 1went out shoppi ng.


Il i - -



Koko kara Fuj i -san wa mi emasu ga,noboru hito no sugaω wa mJemasen. Y ouαns e e M t. F吋i 合o mhere, but not the fi gures of the peopl e cl i mbi ng it.

岡田さんはピアノが弾けます。 Okada- san wa pi ano ga hi kemasu. Okada can pl ay the pi ano.

11. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs and adj ecti ves of necessi ty

山田さんは中国語がわかります。 Yamada- san wa Chugoku-go ga wakari masu. Yamada underst ands Chi nese.

(hi tsuyo d仏 , iru ). a

Note: Wa ( #1 , no. 4) αn replace ga to create a contrast:


私はお金が要る。 Watashi wa okane ga iru. 1need money.




Kotsu no anzen no t ame, kibishii ki soku ga hi tsuyo desu. Strict rules are needed for traffic safety. Not e:


・ 、8

"'匂 (# 1, no.

4) replaces ga when acontrast is being m ade:


Watashi wq, okane wa iru ga, monowa iranai . 1need money, but 1don' t need things. 12. Indi cates the obj ect ofadj ecti ves ofdesi re( 1105hi i and 出e -tai f ormofverbs). Compar e the use of 0 (#18, no. 5) wi th 血e -garu and - tai formsofverbs. 時間とお金が欲しい。 Ji kan ω okane ga hoshii. 1want ti me and money. 冷たいものが飲みたい。

Tsumetai mono ga nom i tai . 1want somet hi ng col d to dri nk. Not e: Wa (#1, no. 4)replaces ga when acontrast is being m ade: 冷たいものは飲みたいが、温かいものは要りません。

Tsumetai mono wa nomitai ga, atatakai mono wa irim asen. I' d like to dri nk somet hi ng col d, but not anythi ng hot.


13. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs and adj ecti ves of emot i on (suki d仏 kirai da, ureshi ,i kanashi ,i ko附 i, shi npai suru , etc.). Compar e the use of o ( #18, no. 5) wi 出 verbs in the - 加 i and -garu form5. 私はモーツアルトが大好きです。

Watashi wa Motsuaruto ga dai suki desu. 1l ove Mozart. ジョンさんは納豆が嫌いです。

J on-san wa natto ga kirai desu. J ohn doesn't like f erment ed soybeans. 秋になると台風が心配です。

Aki ni naru to tai声 ga shi npai desu. In the fall , t yphoons are a worry [a probl em]. 花子はこんなすばらしいプレゼントをくれたんですよ。その 気持ちが嬉しいです。

Hanako wa konna subarashi i purezenω o kureta-n desu yo. Sono ki mochi ga ureshii desu. Hanako gave me this wonderf ul present. I' m 50 pl eased by her thoughtfnl ness. Note: Wa (#1, no. 4) can besubstituted for ga to create a contrast : ジムさんは納豆 let 嫌いだが、するめは大好きです。 J i mu- san wa natt δ wa kirai da ga, surume wa dai suki desu. Ji m doesn' t like f ermented soybeans , but he l oves dri ed cuttlefi5h.





Kotsu no anzen no t ame, kibishii ki soku ga hi tsuyo desu. Strict rules are needed for traffic safety. Not e:


・ 、8

"'匂 (# 1, no.

4) replaces ga when acontrast is being m ade:


Watashi wq, okane wa iru ga, monowa iranai . 1need money, but 1don' t need things. 12. Indi cates the obj ect ofadj ecti ves ofdesi re( 1105hi i and 出e -tai f ormofverbs). Compar e the use of 0 (#18, no. 5) wi th 血e -garu and - tai formsofverbs. 時間とお金が欲しい。 Ji kan ω okane ga hoshii. 1want ti me and money. 冷たいものが飲みたい。

Tsumetai mono ga nom i tai . 1want somet hi ng col d to dri nk. Not e: Wa (#1, no. 4)replaces ga when acontrast is being m ade: 冷たいものは飲みたいが、温かいものは要りません。

Tsumetai mono wa nomitai ga, atatakai mono wa irim asen. I' d like to dri nk somet hi ng col d, but not anythi ng hot.


13. Indi cates the obj ect of verbs and adj ecti ves of emot i on (suki d仏 kirai da, ureshi ,i kanashi ,i ko附 i, shi npai suru , etc.). Compar e the use of o ( #18, no. 5) wi 出 verbs in the - 加 i and -garu form5. 私はモーツアルトが大好きです。

Watashi wa Motsuaruto ga dai suki desu. 1l ove Mozart. ジョンさんは納豆が嫌いです。

J on-san wa natto ga kirai desu. J ohn doesn't like f erment ed soybeans. 秋になると台風が心配です。

Aki ni naru to tai声 ga shi npai desu. In the fall , t yphoons are a worry [a probl em]. 花子はこんなすばらしいプレゼントをくれたんですよ。その 気持ちが嬉しいです。

Hanako wa konna subarashi i purezenω o kureta-n desu yo. Sono ki mochi ga ureshii desu. Hanako gave me this wonderf ul present. I' m 50 pl eased by her thoughtfnl ness. Note: Wa (#1, no. 4) can besubstituted for ga to create a contrast : ジムさんは納豆 let 嫌いだが、するめは大好きです。 J i mu- san wa natt δ wa kirai da ga, surume wa dai suki desu. Ji m doesn' t like f ermented soybeans , but he l oves dri ed cuttlefi5h.


ζ"' . '

弓" . . . 開申唄現時

, i



a 14. Indi cates the obj ect of adj ecti ves of ab出ty (j ozu na, heta n,

ωkui n, a kiyo n, a etc.).


The ne wpr i me mini st er is sai d to be good at hai ku.

f 川さんは語学力鴇意で、フランス語もイ夕リア芦もできま丸 附

2. Indi cates 出 at a gi ven subj ect has t wo di fferent qual i ti es: “but , al 出oughプ 桜の花はきれいだが、香りがない。

Atarashi i shushδ wa, hai kuga戸i ZU dasδ desu.

U4 ぷ zz:;

gog伊 tak 加u 伊 ω 枕kui 仇 Fura1伽 g 伊o 仰m o/;加 ωt制G 町 o m

Og.伊: aw ,附 ai必 sg'伊∞ O od 紙 a州 t l ang 伊ua 喝 ge 町s; shecans 叩 ipea 北k 加 bot血 h Prench and Italian.

新しい首相は、俳句は上手ですが、政治はまあまあです。 A UmMi s p u s M附 hai ku wa.j δi ZU des明 利i wa ma偏 向u Thenewnr i m s o: 0 pr uneml 削

Sakura no hana 附 kirei da ga, kaori ga nai.

Cherry bl ossoms a民 pretty, but t hey have no fragrance.

、 -

この映画は面白いが、長すぎますね。 Kono eiga wa omoshi roi gl仏 nagasugi masu ne. Thi s movi e is i nteresti ng, but it's j ust t oo l ong. 3. Connect s t wo cl auses wi t h.out any adversati ve i mpl i cati on (cf. 11-1 , above) : “ and. "

谷さんは頭がいいが、横田さんもいいで}す 。


I L Us e d bet ween daus es ( 組 d s omet i mes at t he e n d of sent ences) , us ual l ywi t h t he m e創姐n g “ but . "

Ki nδ Fuj i -san 0 haj i mete mimashi ta ga, kirei deshita. 1s a wMt. F吋i for the first t i me yesterday, and it was beauti fuI.

1. usedbet weent wocl ausest oi ndi cat edl at t heYEareopposedi rl meani ng (c.f II ・3, bel ow) : “ but , a1出ou凶

4. Indi cates a prel i min釘 yr emar k. ー

この頃昼は暖かいんですが、夜は寒くなりまし t::'n

Note: Thi s type of sentence is 0 食en term i nated after g, a at whi ch poi nt the interlocutor, sensi ng what it is to follow, takes upthe thread of conversati on.

附 仰 仰i-n

d仰 μ ,

仇 ku na αω ri m a

卯問附 5

Latωely,出e 白 da戸 are wa r m,but the ni dl ts have ur ned col d. /It' s wa r mduri ngt he dayt i me these days, but col d atni ght-

私の家からスーパーは近いんですが、駅は遠いんですo M匂tdshi noi e Kura sdpd wu di kai - n de5149aeb- wu t6i-F1da---

T h n u p m紅 ket is cl 悦

-一 口

to my house, but the trai n 似 t i on- hr

私、広野と申しますが、ご主人はいらっしゃいますか。 Watashi , Hi rono to moshi masu ga, goshuj i n wa i rasshai masu ka. . My name is Hi rono. Is your husband home? 先日お願いしたことですが、どうなりましたでしょうか。

Senjitsu onegai shita koto desu ga, do nari mashi ta desho ka. About the request 1 made sever a1 days ago, howhas it t urned out [has there been any progress] ?

Tani -san wa at ama gai i 伊 ,Yokoω-san mo i desu. Tani is i ntel l i gent , and so is Yokot a.

ii il l 1kt J1 u 叩rt t パ1 41Jv inH ‘l t1i 1 1 1 !-t i

Note: Wa (#1, no. 4) replaces ga when a contrast is i ntended:

そ ;;tm hm


ζ"' . '

弓" . . . 開申唄現時

, i



a 14. Indi cates the obj ect of adj ecti ves of ab出ty (j ozu na, heta n,

ωkui n, a kiyo n, a etc.).


The ne wpr i me mini st er is sai d to be good at hai ku.

f 川さんは語学力鴇意で、フランス語もイ夕リア芦もできま丸 附

2. Indi cates 出 at a gi ven subj ect has t wo di fferent qual i ti es: “but , al 出oughプ 桜の花はきれいだが、香りがない。

Atarashi i shushδ wa, hai kuga戸i ZU dasδ desu.

U4 ぷ zz:;

gog伊 tak 加u 伊 ω 枕kui 仇 Fura1伽 g 伊o 仰m o/;加 ωt制G 町 o m

Og.伊: aw ,附 ai必 sg'伊∞ O od 紙 a州 t l ang 伊ua 喝 ge 町s; shecans 叩 ipea 北k 加 bot血 h Prench and Italian.

新しい首相は、俳句は上手ですが、政治はまあまあです。 A UmMi s p u s M附 hai ku wa.j δi ZU des明 利i wa ma偏 向u Thenewnr i m s o: 0 pr uneml 削

Sakura no hana 附 kirei da ga, kaori ga nai.

Cherry bl ossoms a民 pretty, but t hey have no fragrance.

、 -

この映画は面白いが、長すぎますね。 Kono eiga wa omoshi roi gl仏 nagasugi masu ne. Thi s movi e is i nteresti ng, but it's j ust t oo l ong. 3. Connect s t wo cl auses wi t h.out any adversati ve i mpl i cati on (cf. 11-1 , above) : “ and. "

谷さんは頭がいいが、横田さんもいいで}す 。


I L Us e d bet ween daus es ( 組 d s omet i mes at t he e n d of sent ences) , us ual l ywi t h t he m e創姐n g “ but . "

Ki nδ Fuj i -san 0 haj i mete mimashi ta ga, kirei deshita. 1s a wMt. F吋i for the first t i me yesterday, and it was beauti fuI.

1. usedbet weent wocl ausest oi ndi cat edl at t heYEareopposedi rl meani ng (c.f II ・3, bel ow) : “ but , a1出ou凶

4. Indi cates a prel i min釘 yr emar k. ー

この頃昼は暖かいんですが、夜は寒くなりまし t::'n

Note: Thi s type of sentence is 0 食en term i nated after g, a at whi ch poi nt the interlocutor, sensi ng what it is to follow, takes upthe thread of conversati on.

附 仰 仰i-n

d仰 μ ,

仇 ku na αω ri m a

卯問附 5

Latωely,出e 白 da戸 are wa r m,but the ni dl ts have ur ned col d. /It' s wa r mduri ngt he dayt i me these days, but col d atni ght-

私の家からスーパーは近いんですが、駅は遠いんですo M匂tdshi noi e Kura sdpd wu di kai - n de5149aeb- wu t6i-F1da---

T h n u p m紅 ket is cl 悦

-一 口

to my house, but the trai n 似 t i on- hr

私、広野と申しますが、ご主人はいらっしゃいますか。 Watashi , Hi rono to moshi masu ga, goshuj i n wa i rasshai masu ka. . My name is Hi rono. Is your husband home? 先日お願いしたことですが、どうなりましたでしょうか。

Senjitsu onegai shita koto desu ga, do nari mashi ta desho ka. About the request 1 made sever a1 days ago, howhas it t urned out [has there been any progress] ?

Tani -san wa at ama gai i 伊 ,Yokoω-san mo i desu. Tani is i ntel l i gent , and so is Yokot a.

ii il l 1kt J1 u 叩rt t パ1 41Jv inH ‘l t1i 1 1 1 !-t i

Note: Wa (#1, no. 4) replaces ga when a contrast is i ntended:

そ ;;tm hm







、 '"

5. Us ed at the end of t he sentence. Note: T hese usages are essentially the sarne as those in 11-4, above, except 白紙 the second clause isn't stated outri ght. ( W ords in brackets showonl y one of vari ous i m agi nabl e contexts.)

彼女が独身だといいんだが・ .

Kanoj o ga dokushi n da ω i ・ndaga … 1 hope she is single. / ( Or , knowi ng that she is not) 1 wi sh she wer e single.

a) Impl i es an unst at ed meani ng 出 at is i n contrast to the one stated: “ Wel l , yes , but プ

7. Used i di omati cal l y after contrasti ve verbs or adj ecti ves: “ whet her or not."


a) Aft er the -o f or ms of contrasti ve verbs or adj ecti ves.

Ossharu koto wa mot t omo desu ga . What you sayi s qui te ri ght , but … [it's di 血ω1t to i mp1ement now] . b) Softens a refusal: “ l a ms o汀 y , but ..."

部長は今会議中でございますが・ .

Bucho wa i ma kai gi -chu de gozai masu ga. . The di vi si on chi ef is in a meet i ng no w '" [so you' l l have to wai t to see hi m]. 6. When 山 ed at the end of a sent ence or dause and preceded by ω ii, i ndi cates 白 紙 由e speaker want s the event to c ome out as is actual l y stated. Cont ext determiri es whet her or no! the セウィ@ real l zabl e: “ it woul d be ni ce if; 'it woul dhave b白n ni ce if."

来年外国へ旅行できるといいが、だめのようです。 Rai nen gai koku eりゅδ k deki ru to i ga, dame noyo desu. It woul d be ni ce if 1 cou1d mak e a trip abroad next year , but it seems 白血ough 1cah' t [ seems i mpossi bl e] . 早く春が来るといいんだが・ .

Hayaku haru ga kuru ω ii-n daga. . . It woul d be ni ce if spri ng c ame soon. / 1hope spri ng comes soon.


Watashi wa tasukaro ga shinδ ga kamai masen. 1don' t care whet her 1live [li, .t a msaved] or die.


Atsukardga samukaro ga-watashi wa dilijobu desu. I' m all ri ght [it doesQ' t bot her me] whet her it's hot or col d.

b) A 食紅白e -o and - mai f or ms of the s ame verb.

私が行こうが行くまいが、あなたには関係ないことです。 a anata ni wa kankei nai koto desu. Watashi ga iko ga i kumai g, W hether 1go or not has nat hi ngt o do wi t h you [is not your cOscern]. 田中さんが信じようが信じまいが、ぼくははっきりと UFOを 見ました。

Tanaka- san ga shinjiyo ga shi nj i m ai ga, boku wa hakki ri mimashi ta. Whether Tanaka bel i eves it or not , 1dearl y sawa UFO.

ωyuf do







、 '"

5. Us ed at the end of t he sentence. Note: T hese usages are essentially the sarne as those in 11-4, above, except 白紙 the second clause isn't stated outri ght. ( W ords in brackets showonl y one of vari ous i m agi nabl e contexts.)

彼女が独身だといいんだが・ .

Kanoj o ga dokushi n da ω i ・ndaga … 1 hope she is single. / ( Or , knowi ng that she is not) 1 wi sh she wer e single.

a) Impl i es an unst at ed meani ng 出 at is i n contrast to the one stated: “ Wel l , yes , but プ

7. Used i di omati cal l y after contrasti ve verbs or adj ecti ves: “ whet her or not."


a) Aft er the -o f or ms of contrasti ve verbs or adj ecti ves.

Ossharu koto wa mot t omo desu ga . What you sayi s qui te ri ght , but … [it's di 血ω1t to i mp1ement now] . b) Softens a refusal: “ l a ms o汀 y , but ..."

部長は今会議中でございますが・ .

Bucho wa i ma kai gi -chu de gozai masu ga. . The di vi si on chi ef is in a meet i ng no w '" [so you' l l have to wai t to see hi m]. 6. When 山 ed at the end of a sent ence or dause and preceded by ω ii, i ndi cates 白 紙 由e speaker want s the event to c ome out as is actual l y stated. Cont ext determiri es whet her or no! the セウィ@ real l zabl e: “ it woul d be ni ce if; 'it woul dhave b白n ni ce if."

来年外国へ旅行できるといいが、だめのようです。 Rai nen gai koku eりゅδ k deki ru to i ga, dame noyo desu. It woul d be ni ce if 1 cou1d mak e a trip abroad next year , but it seems 白血ough 1cah' t [ seems i mpossi bl e] . 早く春が来るといいんだが・ .

Hayaku haru ga kuru ω ii-n daga. . . It woul d be ni ce if spri ng c ame soon. / 1hope spri ng comes soon.


Watashi wa tasukaro ga shinδ ga kamai masen. 1don' t care whet her 1live [li, .t a msaved] or die.


Atsukardga samukaro ga-watashi wa dilijobu desu. I' m all ri ght [it doesQ' t bot her me] whet her it's hot or col d.

b) A 食紅白e -o and - mai f or ms of the s ame verb.

私が行こうが行くまいが、あなたには関係ないことです。 a anata ni wa kankei nai koto desu. Watashi ga iko ga i kumai g, W hether 1go or not has nat hi ngt o do wi t h you [is not your cOscern]. 田中さんが信じようが信じまいが、ぼくははっきりと UFOを 見ました。

Tanaka- san ga shinjiyo ga shi nj i m ai ga, boku wa hakki ri mimashi ta. Whether Tanaka bel i eves it or not , 1dearl y sawa UFO.

ωyuf do





no sooner 8. Used 白 血e expressi on V + ga hayai ka: “ as soon as , had. "

2. Showi ng si mil ar nouns in paral l el constructi on: “and, as weU ω, bo血 "

窓を開けるが早いか、猫が飛び込んで来た。 Mado 0 akeru ga hayai ka, neko ga エッセゥォョ、・@ kita.

私の会社には、アメリカ人も中国人もいます。 Watashi no kai sha ni wa, Ameri kaてjin mo Chugokuてjin mo im a'14.

No sooner had the wi ndowbeen opened th叩 the cat j umped in. I As soon as 1 opened the wi ndowthe cat j umped in.

横になるが早いか、すぐ眠ってしまった。 Yoko ni naru ga hayai ka, sugu nemutte shi m atta. N o sooner had 1l ai n down th組 1fe11 asl eep. I 1fと1 asl eep as soon as my head hit the pi l l ow.


Ther e are bot h A meri cans and Chi nese in my c ompany.

花子さんは、すしもてんぷらも好きですよ。 Hanako- san wa, sushi mo tenpura mo suki desu yo. Hanako likes bot h sushi and t empura. 3. Indi cates an addi ti on: “ as wel l as , i n addi ti on."

これは黒ですが、白い靴もありますよ。 Kore wa kuro desu ga, shiroi kutsu mo ari masu yo.

Note: See also ・te mo (-de m o) , #4, and de mo, #5.

These are bl ack, but we have whi t e shoes as wel l .

日本では子供だけでなく、大人もマンガを 読んでい ます。 Ni hon de wa kodomo ゐJcede nak, u otona mo manga 0 yon-deimasu.

1. Indi cates that t wo wor ds ar c: equal in wei ght:“ al so, too. "

In J apan, not onl y chi l dren read comi c books , but adul ts as well .

これは桜です。これも桜です。 Kore wa sakura desu. Kore mo sakura desu. Thi s is a cherry tree. Thi s is a cherry tree, too.

4. Shows emphasi s or absence of doubt concerni ng a questi on of t i me, quant i t y, etc.: “ any number of t i mes , 」ッョエゥオ。ャケ セG@N

ポールさんは日本語を勉強しています。ナンシーさんも日本 語を勉強しています。 Poru- san wa Ni hon- go 0 benkyo shite i m asu. Nanshi i -san mo Ni hon- go 0 benkyo shite i mω u. Paul is st udyi ng J apanese. Nanc y i sal so st udyi ng J apanese.

あの映画は何度も見ました。 Ano eiga wa nando mo mimashi ta. 1have seen that movi e any number of ti m es.

このレストランは、いつも混んでいます。 Kono resutoran wa, itsu mo konde i masu. Thi s restaurant is al ways crowded.





no sooner 8. Used 白 血e expressi on V + ga hayai ka: “ as soon as , had. "

2. Showi ng si mil ar nouns in paral l el constructi on: “and, as weU ω, bo血 "

窓を開けるが早いか、猫が飛び込んで来た。 Mado 0 akeru ga hayai ka, neko ga エッセゥォョ、・@ kita.

私の会社には、アメリカ人も中国人もいます。 Watashi no kai sha ni wa, Ameri kaてjin mo Chugokuてjin mo im a'14.

No sooner had the wi ndowbeen opened th叩 the cat j umped in. I As soon as 1 opened the wi ndowthe cat j umped in.

横になるが早いか、すぐ眠ってしまった。 Yoko ni naru ga hayai ka, sugu nemutte shi m atta. N o sooner had 1l ai n down th組 1fe11 asl eep. I 1fと1 asl eep as soon as my head hit the pi l l ow.


Ther e are bot h A meri cans and Chi nese in my c ompany.

花子さんは、すしもてんぷらも好きですよ。 Hanako- san wa, sushi mo tenpura mo suki desu yo. Hanako likes bot h sushi and t empura. 3. Indi cates an addi ti on: “ as wel l as , i n addi ti on."

これは黒ですが、白い靴もありますよ。 Kore wa kuro desu ga, shiroi kutsu mo ari masu yo.

Note: See also ・te mo (-de m o) , #4, and de mo, #5.

These are bl ack, but we have whi t e shoes as wel l .

日本では子供だけでなく、大人もマンガを 読んでい ます。 Ni hon de wa kodomo ゐJcede nak, u otona mo manga 0 yon-deimasu.

1. Indi cates that t wo wor ds ar c: equal in wei ght:“ al so, too. "

In J apan, not onl y chi l dren read comi c books , but adul ts as well .

これは桜です。これも桜です。 Kore wa sakura desu. Kore mo sakura desu. Thi s is a cherry tree. Thi s is a cherry tree, too.

4. Shows emphasi s or absence of doubt concerni ng a questi on of t i me, quant i t y, etc.: “ any number of t i mes , 」ッョエゥオ。ャケ セG@N

ポールさんは日本語を勉強しています。ナンシーさんも日本 語を勉強しています。 Poru- san wa Ni hon- go 0 benkyo shite i m asu. Nanshi i -san mo Ni hon- go 0 benkyo shite i mω u. Paul is st udyi ng J apanese. Nanc y i sal so st udyi ng J apanese.

あの映画は何度も見ました。 Ano eiga wa nando mo mimashi ta. 1have seen that movi e any number of ti m es.

このレストランは、いつも混んでいます。 Kono resutoran wa, itsu mo konde i masu. Thi s restaurant is al ways crowded.



- T E MO( ・ OE MO)


5. Indi cates total negat i on concerni ng セ@ ⦅アセ・ウエゥッョ@ セ@ qual i ty or quant i t y ( accompani ed by a negati ve verb): “ nO, no出i ng. "

何もありませんが、召し上がって下さい。 Nani mo ari masen gゐ meshi agatte kudasai . We have not hi ng speci al to offer , but pl ease hel p yoursel f. (Li, .t Ther e is nothi ri g, but pl ease eat [a convent i onal phrase] . ) あの部屋には、だれもいませんよ。 Ano heya ni wa, dare mo i masen yo. There is no one i n that r oom. 6. T o emphasi ze the extent of a number : 加 of, as muc h ( m叩 y) as.

スミスさんは、漢字を 5 0も知っています。 Sumisu- san wa, kanj i 0 gosen mo shitte i m asu. Mr . Smi t h knows all of five t housand kanji. そのアパートの家賃は、 1 ヶ 月 90万円あするそうです。 Sonoapaω noyachi n wa, i kkagetsu セ セ ュ。ョM・ mo suru so desu.

The rent for 出at apart ment is sai d to be 出 hi gh as ¥900, 000.

7. Indi cates approxi mat i on ( by showi ng an approxi mat e upp釘 lim i t) regardi ng number or quanti ty: “ ar ound, up to."

1時間もあれば、ホテルから空港へ行けます。 Ichi-jikan mo areba, hoteru kara kuko e i kemasu. If you have as muc h as an hour , you can get 合o mthe hotel to the ai rport. / Y ou can get 台 。m the hotel to the ai rport i nsi de an hour [in an hour or so].

5 万円も出せば、いいカメラが買えますよ。 Go man- en mo daseba, i kamera ga kaemasu yo. ・

If you spend up to ¥50, 000, you can get a good camer a. / Y ou can buy a good camer a for ¥50, 000.

国1 T E MO( - DEMO) ・

I ても(


Note: Here we are concerned with mo in com bi nati ori with the - te (-de) form ofverbs and the -kuteformof adjectives. See also mo (#3) and de mo ( #5) . 1.“ Even if , even 出 ough. "

明日天気が悪くても、ドライプに行きましょう。 Ashi ta tenki ga warukut e mo, dorai bu ni i ki m asho.

Everi i fthe weat her is bad t omor r ow, let's go for a drl ve. / Let's go for a dri ve t omor r oweven if the weat her' s bad.

友達が作ってくれたので、あまりおいしくなくても料理は全 部食べましたよ。 Tomodachi ga tsukutte kureta no de, amari oi shi ku nakute mo ヲ 'ori wa zenbu tabemashi ta yo. ,,-吟

Si nce a 仕i end prepared the f ood [for me] , 1 ate everyt hi ng, even t hough it di dn' t taste very good. 2. Aft er verbs , used in co吋unct i onwi t h i nterrogati ves for emphasis: “ no mat t er wher e ( who, what , etc.)."

武田さんは、いくら飲んでも酔わないんですよ。 Takeda- san wa, i kura nonde mo yowanai - n desu yo. No mat t er h o wmuc h Takeda dri nks , he doesn' t get drunk.



- T E MO( ・ OE MO)


5. Indi cates total negat i on concerni ng セ@ ⦅アセ・ウエゥッョ@ セ@ qual i ty or quant i t y ( accompani ed by a negati ve verb): “ nO, no出i ng. "

何もありませんが、召し上がって下さい。 Nani mo ari masen gゐ meshi agatte kudasai . We have not hi ng speci al to offer , but pl ease hel p yoursel f. (Li, .t Ther e is nothi ri g, but pl ease eat [a convent i onal phrase] . ) あの部屋には、だれもいませんよ。 Ano heya ni wa, dare mo i masen yo. There is no one i n that r oom. 6. T o emphasi ze the extent of a number : 加 of, as muc h ( m叩 y) as.

スミスさんは、漢字を 5 0も知っています。 Sumisu- san wa, kanj i 0 gosen mo shitte i m asu. Mr . Smi t h knows all of five t housand kanji. そのアパートの家賃は、 1 ヶ 月 90万円あするそうです。 Sonoapaω noyachi n wa, i kkagetsu セ セ ュ。ョM・ mo suru so desu.

The rent for 出at apart ment is sai d to be 出 hi gh as ¥900, 000.

7. Indi cates approxi mat i on ( by showi ng an approxi mat e upp釘 lim i t) regardi ng number or quanti ty: “ ar ound, up to."

1時間もあれば、ホテルから空港へ行けます。 Ichi-jikan mo areba, hoteru kara kuko e i kemasu. If you have as muc h as an hour , you can get 合o mthe hotel to the ai rport. / Y ou can get 台 。m the hotel to the ai rport i nsi de an hour [in an hour or so].

5 万円も出せば、いいカメラが買えますよ。 Go man- en mo daseba, i kamera ga kaemasu yo. ・

If you spend up to ¥50, 000, you can get a good camer a. / Y ou can buy a good camer a for ¥50, 000.

国1 T E MO( - DEMO) ・

I ても(


Note: Here we are concerned with mo in com bi nati ori with the - te (-de) form ofverbs and the -kuteformof adjectives. See also mo (#3) and de mo ( #5) . 1.“ Even if , even 出 ough. "

明日天気が悪くても、ドライプに行きましょう。 Ashi ta tenki ga warukut e mo, dorai bu ni i ki m asho.

Everi i fthe weat her is bad t omor r ow, let's go for a drl ve. / Let's go for a dri ve t omor r oweven if the weat her' s bad.

友達が作ってくれたので、あまりおいしくなくても料理は全 部食べましたよ。 Tomodachi ga tsukutte kureta no de, amari oi shi ku nakute mo ヲ 'ori wa zenbu tabemashi ta yo. ,,-吟

Si nce a 仕i end prepared the f ood [for me] , 1 ate everyt hi ng, even t hough it di dn' t taste very good. 2. Aft er verbs , used in co吋unct i onwi t h i nterrogati ves for emphasis: “ no mat t er wher e ( who, what , etc.)."

武田さんは、いくら飲んでも酔わないんですよ。 Takeda- san wa, i kura nonde mo yowanai - n desu yo. No mat t er h o wmuc h Takeda dri nks , he doesn' t get drunk.




お花見のときは、どこへ行っても人でいっぱいだ。 Ohanami no ωki wa, doko e itte mo hito de i ppai da. Dur i ng f l ower- vi ewi ng t i me, there are crowds of peopl e wherever yougo. 3. Emphasi zes an approxi mat e lim it: “ at the mos t."

ぞのカメラなら、高くても 5 万円くらいでしょう 6 Sono kamera nara, takakute mo go- man- en kurai desho. At the mo唱し血at camer a will cost ar ound ¥50, 000. (Li, .t That camer a, even ifit's expensi ve, will be about ¥50, 000. ) あの芝居は長くても 3 時間で終わりますよ。 Ano shibai wa nagakute mo san-j i kan de owari masu yo. That pl ay wi l l l ast three hours at the mos t.

D E MO I でも Note: In aII usages except no. 6, de mo can be repl aced by the more i nformal datte (not i ncl uded 泊 出is book). See also mo, #3, 叩 d -te m o (-de m o) , #4. 1. Us eda負.er nouns to emphasi ze a hypotheti cal : “even, even if."

つまらない会議でも仕事ですから出なければなりません。 Tsumaranai kaigi de mo shi goto desu kara denakereba nari masen. Even if it' s a bori ng meet i ng, you have to atl end si nce it' s [part of] the j ob. / Y ou have to attend even the bori ng meet i ngs si nce i t' s[part of]血ej ob.


嫌いな食べ物でも、体によければ食べた方がいいですね。 Kirai na t abemono de mo, karω ,:la n i yokereba tabeta hoga ji desu ne. Even if i t' s f ood you di sl i ke, you shoul d eat it if it's good for your heal th. / Y ou shoul d eat even f ood you di sl i kei f it' s good for your heal 出. 2. Used after nouns for emphasi s: “ evenプ

その仕事は私でもできましたから、あなたならすぐできます よ 。 Sono shi goto wa watashi de mo deki mashi ta kara, anata nara sugu deki masu yo. Si nce even 1 was abl e to do that wor k, you will be abl e to do it i mmedi at el y. / If 1can do it , you shoul d be abl e to do it [ handl e that j ob] wi t h ease. 動物でも人間の心がわかります。 Dobut su de mo ni ngen no kokoro ga wakari masu. Even ani mal s canunder st and the huma n heart. 3. Used after an i nterro伊 ti ve wor d for posi ti ve emphasi s: “ any( one, wher e, etc.)."

ジョンさんは、日本料理なら何でも食べます。 J on-san wa, Ni hon-ryori nara nan de mo tabemasu. J ohn will eat any [ ki nd of] J apanese food. 私は、夜だったらいつでもいいですよ。 Watashi wa, yoru dattara itsu de mo i desu yo. As l ong as it's at ni ght , any t i me is all ri ght for me. / Any t i me at ni ght お曲l ewi t h me.




お花見のときは、どこへ行っても人でいっぱいだ。 Ohanami no ωki wa, doko e itte mo hito de i ppai da. Dur i ng f l ower- vi ewi ng t i me, there are crowds of peopl e wherever yougo. 3. Emphasi zes an approxi mat e lim it: “ at the mos t."

ぞのカメラなら、高くても 5 万円くらいでしょう 6 Sono kamera nara, takakute mo go- man- en kurai desho. At the mo唱し血at camer a will cost ar ound ¥50, 000. (Li, .t That camer a, even ifit's expensi ve, will be about ¥50, 000. ) あの芝居は長くても 3 時間で終わりますよ。 Ano shibai wa nagakute mo san-j i kan de owari masu yo. That pl ay wi l l l ast three hours at the mos t.

D E MO I でも Note: In aII usages except no. 6, de mo can be repl aced by the more i nformal datte (not i ncl uded 泊 出is book). See also mo, #3, 叩 d -te m o (-de m o) , #4. 1. Us eda負.er nouns to emphasi ze a hypotheti cal : “even, even if."

つまらない会議でも仕事ですから出なければなりません。 Tsumaranai kaigi de mo shi goto desu kara denakereba nari masen. Even if it' s a bori ng meet i ng, you have to atl end si nce it' s [part of] the j ob. / Y ou have to attend even the bori ng meet i ngs si nce i t' s[part of]血ej ob.


嫌いな食べ物でも、体によければ食べた方がいいですね。 Kirai na t abemono de mo, karω ,:la n i yokereba tabeta hoga ji desu ne. Even if i t' s f ood you di sl i ke, you shoul d eat it if it's good for your heal th. / Y ou shoul d eat even f ood you di sl i kei f it' s good for your heal 出. 2. Used after nouns for emphasi s: “ evenプ

その仕事は私でもできましたから、あなたならすぐできます よ 。 Sono shi goto wa watashi de mo deki mashi ta kara, anata nara sugu deki masu yo. Si nce even 1 was abl e to do that wor k, you will be abl e to do it i mmedi at el y. / If 1can do it , you shoul d be abl e to do it [ handl e that j ob] wi t h ease. 動物でも人間の心がわかります。 Dobut su de mo ni ngen no kokoro ga wakari masu. Even ani mal s canunder st and the huma n heart. 3. Used after an i nterro伊 ti ve wor d for posi ti ve emphasi s: “ any( one, wher e, etc.)."

ジョンさんは、日本料理なら何でも食べます。 J on-san wa, Ni hon-ryori nara nan de mo tabemasu. J ohn will eat any [ ki nd of] J apanese food. 私は、夜だったらいつでもいいですよ。 Watashi wa, yoru dattara itsu de mo i desu yo. As l ong as it's at ni ght , any t i me is all ri ght for me. / Any t i me at ni ght お曲l ewi t h me.






4. Us ed in the f or mdonna … demo: “what ever. "


ヨーロツノ f へ行ったら、どんな美術館でも見てみたい。 Yoroppa e ittara,donna bijutsu kan de mo mite m itai. I fI go to Eur ope, I' l want to s配 what ever mus eums [1 can].

Shal l we l i sten to a record or somet hi ng?


Ei go no dekuru hito nara, donna hito de mo kamai masen. As l ong as it's someone who can speak E ng1ish, it doesn' t mat t er who it is. / Anyone who can speak E ng1i sh will do. 5. Us ed wi t h t wo or mor e nouns whi ch serve as exampl es of a l arger lis t:“ ei ther … or ( and others of a si mil ar nature) . "

松本さんは運動神経がいいので、テニスでも、ゴルフでも できますよ。

Mat sumot o- san wa undo-shi nkei ga ii no de,tenisu de mo, goru戸 de mo deki masu yo.

Gi ven Mat sumot o' s good refl exes , he can pl ay ei ther tenni s or gol f [or any ot her sport].

片岡さんは、外国語に興味を持っているから、フランス語で も中国語でも、すぐ覚えてしまう。

Kataoka- san wa gai koku-go ni kyδ,mi 0 motte iru kara, Furansu- go de mo Chugoku- go de mo-;Sugu oboete shi mau・ Si nce Kat aoka is i nterested in f orei gn l anguages ,he can easi l y pi ck up ei ther French or Chi nese [or any ot her l an伊 age].

6. Indi cates one possi bi l i ty: “... or somet hi ng. "

映画でも見に行きませんか。 E 恕a de i no mi ni i ki m asen ka. H o wabout goi ng to see a movi e or somet hi ng?

Rekodo de mo ki ki masho ka.

阻│TO I と 1. Fol l ows nouns ; i ndi 伺 t e s s uc hme銅 山 部 副 “ and" and

“ wi 乱" 佃d set s of f names .

1. J oi ns.nouns , usual l y t wo or 血ree ( but not phrases and cl auses): “and. "

Note: Contrast with ya ( #8, no. 1).


Aran- san to POT'l ω an wa Furansuゾin desu. Al ai n and Paul are French.


Shi roi yuri to akai bara no hana 0 kai mashδ. Let' s buy s ome whi t e lilies and red roses. 2. Indi cates a compar i son or cont ras t:“ and' ? or ( when a choi ce is asked for) “ or. " Note: In 出 is usage, ωmus t fol l oweach of the nouns.


Kono kai sha to sono kai sha ω de wa, shi hon-ki n ga chi gai m asu.

Thi s company and that company have d.ifferent amount s of 臼 pi 凶.






4. Us ed in the f or mdonna … demo: “what ever. "


ヨーロツノ f へ行ったら、どんな美術館でも見てみたい。 Yoroppa e ittara,donna bijutsu kan de mo mite m itai. I fI go to Eur ope, I' l want to s配 what ever mus eums [1 can].

Shal l we l i sten to a record or somet hi ng?


Ei go no dekuru hito nara, donna hito de mo kamai masen. As l ong as it's someone who can speak E ng1ish, it doesn' t mat t er who it is. / Anyone who can speak E ng1i sh will do. 5. Us ed wi t h t wo or mor e nouns whi ch serve as exampl es of a l arger lis t:“ ei ther … or ( and others of a si mil ar nature) . "

松本さんは運動神経がいいので、テニスでも、ゴルフでも できますよ。

Mat sumot o- san wa undo-shi nkei ga ii no de,tenisu de mo, goru戸 de mo deki masu yo.

Gi ven Mat sumot o' s good refl exes , he can pl ay ei ther tenni s or gol f [or any ot her sport].

片岡さんは、外国語に興味を持っているから、フランス語で も中国語でも、すぐ覚えてしまう。

Kataoka- san wa gai koku-go ni kyδ,mi 0 motte iru kara, Furansu- go de mo Chugoku- go de mo-;Sugu oboete shi mau・ Si nce Kat aoka is i nterested in f orei gn l anguages ,he can easi l y pi ck up ei ther French or Chi nese [or any ot her l an伊 age].

6. Indi cates one possi bi l i ty: “... or somet hi ng. "

映画でも見に行きませんか。 E 恕a de i no mi ni i ki m asen ka. H o wabout goi ng to see a movi e or somet hi ng?

Rekodo de mo ki ki masho ka.

阻│TO I と 1. Fol l ows nouns ; i ndi 伺 t e s s uc hme銅 山 部 副 “ and" and

“ wi 乱" 佃d set s of f names .

1. J oi ns.nouns , usual l y t wo or 血ree ( but not phrases and cl auses): “and. "

Note: Contrast with ya ( #8, no. 1).


Aran- san to POT'l ω an wa Furansuゾin desu. Al ai n and Paul are French.


Shi roi yuri to akai bara no hana 0 kai mashδ. Let' s buy s ome whi t e lilies and red roses. 2. Indi cates a compar i son or cont ras t:“ and' ? or ( when a choi ce is asked for) “ or. " Note: In 出 is usage, ωmus t fol l oweach of the nouns.


Kono kai sha to sono kai sha ω de wa, shi hon-ki n ga chi gai m asu.

Thi s company and that company have d.ifferent amount s of 臼 pi 凶.





りんごとみかんとどちらが好きですか。 Ri ngo to mi kan to dochi ra ga 却 ki desu ka. W hi ch do you like better , appl es or mandar i n oranges? 3. “ Toget her , wi t hプ

社長は部長と食事をしています。 Shacho wa buchδ 如 shokuj i 0 shite i mω u. The c ompany presi dent is eati ng out wi t h the di vi si on manager.

明日この問題について、先生と話すつもりです。 Ashi ta kono mondai ni tsuite, sensei to hanasu tsumori desu. Tomor r ow 1 i nt end to di scuss 也 is pr obl em wi 血 my teacher [i nstructor , doct or , l awyer , etc.).

丸山di cates a change or resul t ( commonl y used i n the phraseω narul

, ..

Not e: Ni ( #13, no. 8) is aISOused in 血i spa悦 m; ωi s more form al and is commonl y used in wri ti ng.

オリンピックの開会式の日となった。 Ori npi kku no kai kai -shi ki no hi 如 natta. The day of the openi ng cer emony of the Ol ympi cs arri ved. (Li, .t It became the day of the openi ng cer emony of the Ol ympi cs. )

今年の海外旅行者は、 1 o万人となった。 Kotoshi no kai gai -ryokosha wa, i ssen-man-ni n 如 natta. [ The number of] overseas travel ers 出is year reached ten mil l i on.

5. Fol l owi ng an expressi on of quanti ty, rei nforces the negati ve i dea of the sentence: “ (not) as muc h as." 持

あの山に登るには、 2 時間とかかりません。 Anoyama ni noboru ni wa, ni ゴ i kan ω kakari masen. It won' t take as l ong as [ won' t take even) t wo hours to cl i mb 白紙 ロl ountai n.

あの会社とは 2 度と取引きをしたくない。 Ano kai sha to wa ni do to torihiki 0 shi taku nai. 1 don' t want to have deal i ngs wi t h 白紙 c ompany ever agai n. (Li, .t 1 don' t want to have deal i ngs wi t h that c ompany t wo t i mes [ because I' ve deal t wi t h t hemonce al ready and k now what they' re like).) 11. U s ed af t er onomat opoei c adver bs, or f ol l ows a wo r d, da us e, or sent ence a n d pr ecedes s uc h ver bs , as i 叫 ki ku , 組 d om out o i ndi cat e wha t ωme one s a i d, 鎚ked, 也ought , etc. 1. Indi cates what someone sai d, ordered, asked, etc.

山本さんが、あとで電話するとおっしゃいました。 Yamamot o- san ga, ato de denwa suru to osshai m ashi ta. Yamamot o sai d that she woul d phone later.

母が先生によろしくと申しておりました。 Haha ga sensei ni yoroshi ku to mδshite ori m ashi ta.

Mot her sai d to gi ve her regards to you ( who are my teacher , doctor , etc.).

渡辺さんが 9 時までに事務所に来るように、と言っていました。 Wat anabe叫 nga kuji made ni j i mu-sho ni kuruyo ni , ωitte imashita.

Wat anabe sai d that you shoul d c ome to his office by ni ne o' cl ock. / Wat anabe asked that you c ome to the office by ni ne o' cl ock.





りんごとみかんとどちらが好きですか。 Ri ngo to mi kan to dochi ra ga 却 ki desu ka. W hi ch do you like better , appl es or mandar i n oranges? 3. “ Toget her , wi t hプ

社長は部長と食事をしています。 Shacho wa buchδ 如 shokuj i 0 shite i mω u. The c ompany presi dent is eati ng out wi t h the di vi si on manager.

明日この問題について、先生と話すつもりです。 Ashi ta kono mondai ni tsuite, sensei to hanasu tsumori desu. Tomor r ow 1 i nt end to di scuss 也 is pr obl em wi 血 my teacher [i nstructor , doct or , l awyer , etc.).

丸山di cates a change or resul t ( commonl y used i n the phraseω narul

, ..

Not e: Ni ( #13, no. 8) is aISOused in 血i spa悦 m; ωi s more form al and is commonl y used in wri ti ng.

オリンピックの開会式の日となった。 Ori npi kku no kai kai -shi ki no hi 如 natta. The day of the openi ng cer emony of the Ol ympi cs arri ved. (Li, .t It became the day of the openi ng cer emony of the Ol ympi cs. )

今年の海外旅行者は、 1 o万人となった。 Kotoshi no kai gai -ryokosha wa, i ssen-man-ni n 如 natta. [ The number of] overseas travel ers 出is year reached ten mil l i on.

5. Fol l owi ng an expressi on of quanti ty, rei nforces the negati ve i dea of the sentence: “ (not) as muc h as." 持

あの山に登るには、 2 時間とかかりません。 Anoyama ni noboru ni wa, ni ゴ i kan ω kakari masen. It won' t take as l ong as [ won' t take even) t wo hours to cl i mb 白紙 ロl ountai n.

あの会社とは 2 度と取引きをしたくない。 Ano kai sha to wa ni do to torihiki 0 shi taku nai. 1 don' t want to have deal i ngs wi t h 白紙 c ompany ever agai n. (Li, .t 1 don' t want to have deal i ngs wi t h that c ompany t wo t i mes [ because I' ve deal t wi t h t hemonce al ready and k now what they' re like).) 11. U s ed af t er onomat opoei c adver bs, or f ol l ows a wo r d, da us e, or sent ence a n d pr ecedes s uc h ver bs , as i 叫 ki ku , 組 d om out o i ndi cat e wha t ωme one s a i d, 鎚ked, 也ought , etc. 1. Indi cates what someone sai d, ordered, asked, etc.

山本さんが、あとで電話するとおっしゃいました。 Yamamot o- san ga, ato de denwa suru to osshai m ashi ta. Yamamot o sai d that she woul d phone later.

母が先生によろしくと申しておりました。 Haha ga sensei ni yoroshi ku to mδshite ori m ashi ta.

Mot her sai d to gi ve her regards to you ( who are my teacher , doctor , etc.).

渡辺さんが 9 時までに事務所に来るように、と言っていました。 Wat anabe叫 nga kuji made ni j i mu-sho ni kuruyo ni , ωitte imashita.

Wat anabe sai d that you shoul d c ome to his office by ni ne o' cl ock. / Wat anabe asked that you c ome to the office by ni ne o' cl ock.




1 0 37


2. Indi cates what someone thi nks or feels.

4. Used after onomat opoei c adverbs.

来年は、アメリカへ行こうと考えています。 Rai nen wa, Ameri ka e ikδ to kangaete i m asu. I' m thi nki ng of goi ng to the Uni t ed States next year.

小川がきらきらと、道のそばを流れていた。 Ogawa ga sarasara to, michi no soba 0 nagarete iω . A sparkl i ng br ook f l owed al ongsi de the road.

電車は 9 時に出ると思いましたが、 10 時でした。 Densha wa kuji ni deru ω omoi mashi t a ga, juji deshita. 1t hought the trai n woul d l eave at ni ne o' cl ock, but [it le食 at] ten. / Or , 1 t hought the trai n was goi ng to l eave [ was schedul ed to l eave] at ni ne o' cl ock, but it t urned out to be ten.

星がきらきらと輝いています。 Hoshi ga ki raki ra to kagayai te i m asu. The stars are twi nkl i ng.

3. Indi cates the name of somet hi ng, about whi ch an expl anat i on f oUows; usual l y used when the name al one woul d not be understood. Al ways used in the f or mto iu (or s ome vari ati on): “ 白紙 ( who, whi ch) is caUed, k nown as."

「世界」という雑誌を知っていますかo "Sekai " to iu zasshi 0 shitte i masu ka. Do you k nowthe magazi ne Sekat? ブルー・スカイズというホテルに泊まりました。 Buru Sukai zu to iu hoteru ni tomari mashi ta. 1stayed at a hotel caUed Bl ue Skies. まず、田中という部長に書類をもらって下さい。 Maz u,Tanaka to iu bucho ni shorui 0 moratte kudasai . First of aU, get the document s f r oma secti on manager named Tanaka.

皿. Fol l ows ver bs a n d adj ect i ves t o f or ma condi t i onal :

“ if , unl ess , whet her or not . "

1. Indi cates that a second acti on f oUows 卸 unedi atel y upon the acti on precedi ng it; often used wi 出 sugu ( i mmedi at el y, ri ght away) : “ as soon as プ

Not e: - Tara ( #35, no. 5) 曲 目ameme祖 師g.

d nari ( #46, no. 3) can be used here wi t h much

朝起きるとすぐ、カーテンを開けます。 Asa oki ru to sugu, katen 0 akemasu. As soon as 1get up in the mor ni ng, 1 open the curtai ns. 昨日は会社の仕事が終わると、まっすぐ家に帰った。 Ki nδ wa kai sha no shi goto ga owaru to, massugu ie ni kaetta. Yest erday, as soon as wor k was over , 1went home. / 1went strai ght home after wor k yesterday.



1 0 37


2. Indi cates what someone thi nks or feels.

4. Used after onomat opoei c adverbs.

来年は、アメリカへ行こうと考えています。 Rai nen wa, Ameri ka e ikδ to kangaete i m asu. I' m thi nki ng of goi ng to the Uni t ed States next year.

小川がきらきらと、道のそばを流れていた。 Ogawa ga sarasara to, michi no soba 0 nagarete iω . A sparkl i ng br ook f l owed al ongsi de the road.

電車は 9 時に出ると思いましたが、 10 時でした。 Densha wa kuji ni deru ω omoi mashi t a ga, juji deshita. 1t hought the trai n woul d l eave at ni ne o' cl ock, but [it le食 at] ten. / Or , 1 t hought the trai n was goi ng to l eave [ was schedul ed to l eave] at ni ne o' cl ock, but it t urned out to be ten.

星がきらきらと輝いています。 Hoshi ga ki raki ra to kagayai te i m asu. The stars are twi nkl i ng.

3. Indi cates the name of somet hi ng, about whi ch an expl anat i on f oUows; usual l y used when the name al one woul d not be understood. Al ways used in the f or mto iu (or s ome vari ati on): “ 白紙 ( who, whi ch) is caUed, k nown as."

「世界」という雑誌を知っていますかo "Sekai " to iu zasshi 0 shitte i masu ka. Do you k nowthe magazi ne Sekat? ブルー・スカイズというホテルに泊まりました。 Buru Sukai zu to iu hoteru ni tomari mashi ta. 1stayed at a hotel caUed Bl ue Skies. まず、田中という部長に書類をもらって下さい。 Maz u,Tanaka to iu bucho ni shorui 0 moratte kudasai . First of aU, get the document s f r oma secti on manager named Tanaka.

皿. Fol l ows ver bs a n d adj ect i ves t o f or ma condi t i onal :

“ if , unl ess , whet her or not . "

1. Indi cates that a second acti on f oUows 卸 unedi atel y upon the acti on precedi ng it; often used wi 出 sugu ( i mmedi at el y, ri ght away) : “ as soon as プ

Not e: - Tara ( #35, no. 5) 曲 目ameme祖 師g.

d nari ( #46, no. 3) can be used here wi t h much

朝起きるとすぐ、カーテンを開けます。 Asa oki ru to sugu, katen 0 akemasu. As soon as 1get up in the mor ni ng, 1 open the curtai ns. 昨日は会社の仕事が終わると、まっすぐ家に帰った。 Ki nδ wa kai sha no shi goto ga owaru to, massugu ie ni kaetta. Yest erday, as soon as wor k was over , 1went home. / 1went strai ght home after wor k yesterday.





2. Indi cates the inevitability of a second acti on fol l owi ng the one precedi ng it: “when, as.'

4. Indicates that somet hi ng has been l eamed as a result of a cert 必n action: “ when, after , as a result of."

日本では春になると桜が咲きます。 Ni hon de wa haru ni naru to sakura ga saki mω u. W hen spri ng comes in J apan, the cher可 trees bl oom. / In J apan, 出echerry trees bl oomwi th the comi ng of spri ng.

Note: -Tara ( #35, no. 4) can also be used with this me創 出g.

車が多くなると交通事故が増えます。 Kur uma ga oku naru 如 kotsu-j i ko伊丹l emasu. As (the number of) cars 血creases ,出e(i nci dence of) tra血cacci dents rises. / The mor e cars there are, the mor e 仕 組c acci dents occur. 不景気になると失業者が増えます。 Fu-kei ki ni naru ω shi tsugyo-sha 伊丹l emasu. W hen there is a recessi on, the number of j obl ess increases. unl ess." 3. Indi cates a hypotheti cal condi ti on: “ if , no. l ) and ・tara ( #35, no. 1) have much the same m eani ng. Note: ・Ba( #34, Compare also -ba ( #34,no. 2). 山田さんが来ないと会議が始められません。 Yamada- san ga konai ω kaigi ga haj i meraremasen: I f Yamada doesn' t come, the meet i ng can't be started. / We can' t start the meet i ng unl ess Yamada comes. 明日、天気がいいと野球ができます。 Ashi ta, tenki ga i toyakyu ga deki masu・ If the weather is good t omor r ow, we can pl ay baseball.

銀行へ行くと、もう閉まっていた。 Gi nko e iku to, mo shi matte i飢 W hen 1went to the bank, [1 found] it was al ready closed. 交番で道をきくと、その会社はすぐ見つかった。 Koban de michi 0 ki ku to, sono kai sha wa sugu m i tsukatta. A食er aski ng the wayat a pol i ce box, 1f ound [located] the c omp釦 Y right away. 5. Uぽ dwi 由 t woverbs (ei 也er t wo different verbs endi ng in -yol -o, or the same verb 問 peated, the first endi ng in -yol -o, the second in 出enegati ve - mω0; i ndi cates a l ack of concern over whi ch of the Wo events occurs: “ whet her … or (not)." “ 円" が強くなろうと弱くなろうと、私の生活には関係ありま せん。 “'En" ga tsuyoku na而 如 yowakunaro 凧 watashi no sei katsu ni wa kankei ari mω en. ー W hether the yen ge飴 stronger 0 1' grows weaker [rises or fall s) , .it hasnoe百ect on my [daily]life. 彼女が一人でパーティーに行こうと行くまいと、 私はか まい ません。 Kanoj oga hitori depati ni .i初 ω iku mai t o, 附 加hi 附 kam ai mωen. 1don' t care whet her she goes to 由eparty al one or not.






2. Indi cates the inevitability of a second acti on fol l owi ng the one precedi ng it: “when, as.'

4. Indicates that somet hi ng has been l eamed as a result of a cert 必n action: “ when, after , as a result of."

日本では春になると桜が咲きます。 Ni hon de wa haru ni naru to sakura ga saki mω u. W hen spri ng comes in J apan, the cher可 trees bl oom. / In J apan, 出echerry trees bl oomwi th the comi ng of spri ng.

Note: -Tara ( #35, no. 4) can also be used with this me創 出g.

車が多くなると交通事故が増えます。 Kur uma ga oku naru 如 kotsu-j i ko伊丹l emasu. As (the number of) cars 血creases ,出e(i nci dence of) tra血cacci dents rises. / The mor e cars there are, the mor e 仕 組c acci dents occur. 不景気になると失業者が増えます。 Fu-kei ki ni naru ω shi tsugyo-sha 伊丹l emasu. W hen there is a recessi on, the number of j obl ess increases. unl ess." 3. Indi cates a hypotheti cal condi ti on: “ if , no. l ) and ・tara ( #35, no. 1) have much the same m eani ng. Note: ・Ba( #34, Compare also -ba ( #34,no. 2). 山田さんが来ないと会議が始められません。 Yamada- san ga konai ω kaigi ga haj i meraremasen: I f Yamada doesn' t come, the meet i ng can't be started. / We can' t start the meet i ng unl ess Yamada comes. 明日、天気がいいと野球ができます。 Ashi ta, tenki ga i toyakyu ga deki masu・ If the weather is good t omor r ow, we can pl ay baseball.

銀行へ行くと、もう閉まっていた。 Gi nko e iku to, mo shi matte i飢 W hen 1went to the bank, [1 found] it was al ready closed. 交番で道をきくと、その会社はすぐ見つかった。 Koban de michi 0 ki ku to, sono kai sha wa sugu m i tsukatta. A食er aski ng the wayat a pol i ce box, 1f ound [located] the c omp釦 Y right away. 5. Uぽ dwi 由 t woverbs (ei 也er t wo different verbs endi ng in -yol -o, or the same verb 問 peated, the first endi ng in -yol -o, the second in 出enegati ve - mω0; i ndi cates a l ack of concern over whi ch of the Wo events occurs: “ whet her … or (not)." “ 円" が強くなろうと弱くなろうと、私の生活には関係ありま せん。 “'En" ga tsuyoku na而 如 yowakunaro 凧 watashi no sei katsu ni wa kankei ari mω en. ー W hether the yen ge飴 stronger 0 1' grows weaker [rises or fall s) , .it hasnoe百ect on my [daily]life. 彼女が一人でパーティーに行こうと行くまいと、 私はか まい ません。 Kanoj oga hitori depati ni .i初 ω iku mai t o, 附 加hi 附 kam ai mωen. 1don' t care whet her she goes to 由eparty al one or not.





T O WA I とは 1. Indi cates a wor d or pl 官 邸e bei ng defi ned, or for whi ch a defiMt i on is bei ng asked.

1. Joi ns nouns to i ndi cate a non-exhausti ve list of i tem s: “ such

白血gs as , 叩d

U Nと陪、国連のことです。 t刀V 旬 開 , kokuren no koto desu. “ UN" refers to the Uni t ed Nati ons.

plies that the item s stated are taken as exam pl es froma larger Not e: Ya im group of item s. In contrast , ω( #6, 1・1) im plies that the item s stated are the only ones under consideration. Ya is often combi ned with nado (“ and such") , reinforcing its basic m eani ng.



Ri da noj oken to wa nan desho ka. What are the prerequi si tes ofl eadershi p?

Teburu no ue ni , osushi ya yakitori ya tenpura nado ga ari m asu. On the table, there are such thi ngs as sushi , yaki to同 組d tempura.

2. Used bet ween t wo cl auses 白 at are opposed in mean泊 . g; the first cl ause represents a concessi on to the second (usual l y in 由e even 出 ough. " f ormto wa ie): “ 出 ough,


Watashi no heya ni wa, konpyuta ya sutereo ga oite ari m asu. In my r oomthere is a comput er , a stereo, and such.

政府を信用していないとはいえ、政府のやり方に従わない わけにはいかない。

*2. In the i di omati c expressi on ya ina ya (fol l owi ng a verb root): soon as , no sooner had. "

Sei戸oshin' yo shite inai 卸 wa 仇 se i. 向noyari kaω ni shitaga附 nai 附 ke n i wa i kana.i Even 血ough you don' t trust the government , you [still] have to ヲN」Zャ ッ ァ ゥョァウNャ Ys mmay npt trust the govadhere to ゥセ@ セ。ケ ernment , but you must still adhere to its ways of doi ng things. 春とはいえまだ寒い。

Har u 如 wa ie mada sam ui . Even 出 ough it's spri ng, its still cold.

… and. "

“ 邸

駅に着くやいなや、電車が出てしまった。 エャセオケ ョア ケ 。 ⦅ 、セDィ。ァT・エ ⦅ ウィゥュ。エ N@ . .Eki ョゥ No sooner had 1arri ved at the stati on 血an the train left. h


Ofuro ni hai ruya ina ya, denwa ga nat 飢 No sooner had 1gotten i nto the bath 出an the phone rang.





T O WA I とは 1. Indi cates a wor d or pl 官 邸e bei ng defi ned, or for whi ch a defiMt i on is bei ng asked.

1. Joi ns nouns to i ndi cate a non-exhausti ve list of i tem s: “ such

白血gs as , 叩d

U Nと陪、国連のことです。 t刀V 旬 開 , kokuren no koto desu. “ UN" refers to the Uni t ed Nati ons.

plies that the item s stated are taken as exam pl es froma larger Not e: Ya im group of item s. In contrast , ω( #6, 1・1) im plies that the item s stated are the only ones under consideration. Ya is often combi ned with nado (“ and such") , reinforcing its basic m eani ng.



Ri da noj oken to wa nan desho ka. What are the prerequi si tes ofl eadershi p?

Teburu no ue ni , osushi ya yakitori ya tenpura nado ga ari m asu. On the table, there are such thi ngs as sushi , yaki to同 組d tempura.

2. Used bet ween t wo cl auses 白 at are opposed in mean泊 . g; the first cl ause represents a concessi on to the second (usual l y in 由e even 出 ough. " f ormto wa ie): “ 出 ough,


Watashi no heya ni wa, konpyuta ya sutereo ga oite ari m asu. In my r oomthere is a comput er , a stereo, and such.

政府を信用していないとはいえ、政府のやり方に従わない わけにはいかない。

*2. In the i di omati c expressi on ya ina ya (fol l owi ng a verb root): soon as , no sooner had. "

Sei戸oshin' yo shite inai 卸 wa 仇 se i. 向noyari kaω ni shitaga附 nai 附 ke n i wa i kana.i Even 血ough you don' t trust the government , you [still] have to ヲN」Zャ ッ ァ ゥョァウNャ Ys mmay npt trust the govadhere to ゥセ@ セ。ケ ernment , but you must still adhere to its ways of doi ng things. 春とはいえまだ寒い。

Har u 如 wa ie mada sam ui . Even 出 ough it's spri ng, its still cold.

… and. "

“ 邸

駅に着くやいなや、電車が出てしまった。 エャセオケ ョア ケ 。 ⦅ 、セDィ。ァT・エ ⦅ ウィゥュ。エ N@ . .Eki ョゥ No sooner had 1arri ved at the stati on 血an the train left. h


Ofuro ni hai ruya ina ya, denwa ga nat 飢 No sooner had 1gotten i nto the bath 出an the phone rang.





園│ T OK A I とか


1. J oi ns nouns , verbs (cl auses) , or adj ecti ves to i ndi cate several representati ve i t ems 合oni a muc h l arger possi bl e listiilg: “ among other thi ngs , such 由i ngs as."

Not e: Nanka is 叩 i nform al equi val ent , and na.zo and nan%o more CormoJ equivalents.

Note: When used with nouns , ω kahas the same meani ng as ya ( #8, no. 1) , but is more inform al. See also ka ( #11, II -4).

昨日デパートで、セーターとかくっとかを買った。 Ki no depato de, seta to ka kutsu to ka 0 katta.

Yest erday 1bought a sweater , shoes , and s ome other 血i ngs at 血e depart ment store.

休みにはジョギングをするとか、テニスをするとかしています。 Yasumi ni wa j ogi ngu 0 suru to ka, tenisu 0 suru ω kashi te i mω u. W hen l' m o在wor k, 1do thi ngs like j oggi ng and pl ayi ng tenni s. 持2 . Us ed after pai rs of wor ds of opposi t e meani ng,i ndi cati ng uncertai nty.

川口さんは、あの銀行に勤めるとか勤めないとか言ってい ました、どうなりましたか。 Kawaguchi - san wa, ano gi nko ni tsuωmeru to ka tsutomenai ω 初 itte i mashi ta ga, do nari mashi ta ka. Kawaguchi was sayi ng that he' d wor k for that bank and t hen that he woul dn' t. W hatever happened?

あの人はそのときによって、仕事が面白いとか面白くないとか 言うので、どちらなのかわかりません。 Ano hito wa sono ωki ni yotte, sh包o ω ga omoshi roi to ka omoshi roku nai to ka iu no de, dochi ra na no ka wakari masen. Dependi ng on whi ch day it is , she says she likes her wor k or she doesn' t like it , so 1 don' t k nowwhet her she does or not.


1. Indi cates that a series of i t ems is non-exhaustivei oft en used wi t h ya ( #8, no. 1): “ etc. , and so forth. "

そのへんにはレストランやディスコや映画館恕どがあります。 Sono hen ni wa resuωran ya di suko ya ei ga-kan nado ga ari masu.

There are restaurants , di scos , movi e theaters , and so forth ar ound there [in that area] .

私は、みかんやりんごやバナナなど、くだものなら何でも好 きです。 Watashi w, a mi kan ya ringo ya banana nado, kudamono nara nan de mo suki desu. 1like any ki nd of 企ui t: mandar i n oranges , appl es , bananas. 2. Indi cates a tentati ve suggesti on: “ or somet hi ng ( somewher e, etcιω .).'

来週の旅行は箱根などどうですか。 Rais恥 no 1ア oka wa Hakone ni i do dl desu ka.

H o wabout s ome pl ace like Hakone for next week' s trip? / H o w woul d Hakone be for the trip next week?

プレゼントを買うなら、真珠のブローチなんかいいんじゃな いんですか。 a shi nj u no burochi nanka ii-nja nai -n desu ka. Purezento 0 kau nar,

If you' re goi ng to buy a present , woul dn' t somet hi ng like a pearl br ooch be all ri ght? / If you' re goi ng to buy a present , a pearl br ooch, or somet hi ng like that , mi ght be ni ce.





園│ T OK A I とか


1. J oi ns nouns , verbs (cl auses) , or adj ecti ves to i ndi cate several representati ve i t ems 合oni a muc h l arger possi bl e listiilg: “ among other thi ngs , such 由i ngs as."

Not e: Nanka is 叩 i nform al equi val ent , and na.zo and nan%o more CormoJ equivalents.

Note: When used with nouns , ω kahas the same meani ng as ya ( #8, no. 1) , but is more inform al. See also ka ( #11, II -4).

昨日デパートで、セーターとかくっとかを買った。 Ki no depato de, seta to ka kutsu to ka 0 katta.

Yest erday 1bought a sweater , shoes , and s ome other 血i ngs at 血e depart ment store.

休みにはジョギングをするとか、テニスをするとかしています。 Yasumi ni wa j ogi ngu 0 suru to ka, tenisu 0 suru ω kashi te i mω u. W hen l' m o在wor k, 1do thi ngs like j oggi ng and pl ayi ng tenni s. 持2 . Us ed after pai rs of wor ds of opposi t e meani ng,i ndi cati ng uncertai nty.

川口さんは、あの銀行に勤めるとか勤めないとか言ってい ました、どうなりましたか。 Kawaguchi - san wa, ano gi nko ni tsuωmeru to ka tsutomenai ω 初 itte i mashi ta ga, do nari mashi ta ka. Kawaguchi was sayi ng that he' d wor k for that bank and t hen that he woul dn' t. W hatever happened?

あの人はそのときによって、仕事が面白いとか面白くないとか 言うので、どちらなのかわかりません。 Ano hito wa sono ωki ni yotte, sh包o ω ga omoshi roi to ka omoshi roku nai to ka iu no de, dochi ra na no ka wakari masen. Dependi ng on whi ch day it is , she says she likes her wor k or she doesn' t like it , so 1 don' t k nowwhet her she does or not.


1. Indi cates that a series of i t ems is non-exhaustivei oft en used wi t h ya ( #8, no. 1): “ etc. , and so forth. "

そのへんにはレストランやディスコや映画館恕どがあります。 Sono hen ni wa resuωran ya di suko ya ei ga-kan nado ga ari masu.

There are restaurants , di scos , movi e theaters , and so forth ar ound there [in that area] .

私は、みかんやりんごやバナナなど、くだものなら何でも好 きです。 Watashi w, a mi kan ya ringo ya banana nado, kudamono nara nan de mo suki desu. 1like any ki nd of 企ui t: mandar i n oranges , appl es , bananas. 2. Indi cates a tentati ve suggesti on: “ or somet hi ng ( somewher e, etcιω .).'

来週の旅行は箱根などどうですか。 Rais恥 no 1ア oka wa Hakone ni i do dl desu ka.

H o wabout s ome pl ace like Hakone for next week' s trip? / H o w woul d Hakone be for the trip next week?

プレゼントを買うなら、真珠のブローチなんかいいんじゃな いんですか。 a shi nj u no burochi nanka ii-nja nai -n desu ka. Purezento 0 kau nar,

If you' re goi ng to buy a present , woul dn' t somet hi ng like a pearl br ooch be all ri ght? / If you' re goi ng to buy a present , a pearl br ooch, or somet hi ng like that , mi ght be ni ce.




3. Expresses humbl eness: “ such as , the likes of."

私など、そんなむずかしい試験にはとても合格できません。 Watashi nado, sonna muzukashi i ・shi ken ni wa ωt emo gokaku dekimasen. Someone like me coul d never pass a difficult exami nat i on like 出 at. 1There' s no way that 1 [the likes of me] coul d pωs such a di 伍 cul ttes t.

橋本先生のご兄弟と違って、私の兄弟怠ぞは、頭が悪い者 ばかりです。 Hashi moto-sensei no gokyodai ω chigatte, watashi no kyodai nazo wa, at ama ga warui mono bakari desu. Unl i ke Prof essor Hashi mot o' s brot her and sisters ,none of my brothers and sisters , such as t hey are, is very bri ght . *4. Used to emphasi ze the negati ve 剖 pect of the si tuati on, esped a1l y in a bel i ttl i ng manner : “ 叩yone like,出e l i kes of."

田中さんなどは、とても社長にはなれない。 Tanaka- san nado wa ,削emoshacho ni wa narenai . There' s no way 白 紙 組yone 肱 e T叩 aka [ 伽t 也e likes of Tan北 a] coul d bec ome presi dent of the c omp組 y.

あの人琢んか、選挙に出てもだめですよ。 Anoh抑 制nka, senかo ni dete mo dame desu yo. It's no use for someone like hi mto r un for el ecti on. 持5. Em phasi zes the i mpossi bi1i ty of the si tuati on: “ such,anythi ng like."

そんな高いものなぞ、いただくわけにはいきません。 Sonna takai mono nazo, i tadaku wake ni wa i ki m asen. 1 coul d never ac臼 pt such an expensi ve thi ng ( 原 氏 ).



家なんか、とても買えない o Ie nanka, totemo kaenai . 1coul d never buy anyt hi ng like a house. 6. After verbs and adj ecti ves: “ somet hing to 由 ee能 ct that. "

山本さんがそのコンサートがとてもよかった怠ど と育ってい ましたよ。 Yamamot o- san ga sono konsato ga ωtemo yokatta nado ω itt i mashi ta yo.

Yamamot o was sayi ng that the concert was qui te good [and such 出血gs]. / Yamamot o was sayi ng somet hi ng about the concert bei ng very good.

彼はその仕事を自分がやったなどと 言ってい る 。 Kare wa sono shi goto 0 j i bun ga yatta nado to itte i間 . He' s sayi ng such thi ngs as it was he that di d that work. / He' sayi ng 出 at he was the one who di d that j ob.

臥 │か 1. I ndi cat es a quest i on; f ound at t he e n d of a sent ence. 1. Indi cates a si mpl e questi on.

これはだれの傘ですか。 Kore 附 dare no kasa desu ka. W hose umbrel l a is 血is?

明日のパーティーに行きますか。 Ashi ta nopati ni i ki masu ka. Ar e you goi ng to 白 epa比yt omor r ow?



3. Expresses humbl eness: “ such as , the likes of."

私など、そんなむずかしい試験にはとても合格できません。 Watashi nado, sonna muzukashi i ・shi ken ni wa ωt emo gokaku dekimasen. Someone like me coul d never pass a difficult exami nat i on like 出 at. 1There' s no way that 1 [the likes of me] coul d pωs such a di 伍 cul ttes t.

橋本先生のご兄弟と違って、私の兄弟怠ぞは、頭が悪い者 ばかりです。 Hashi moto-sensei no gokyodai ω chigatte, watashi no kyodai nazo wa, at ama ga warui mono bakari desu. Unl i ke Prof essor Hashi mot o' s brot her and sisters ,none of my brothers and sisters , such as t hey are, is very bri ght . *4. Used to emphasi ze the negati ve 剖 pect of the si tuati on, esped a1l y in a bel i ttl i ng manner : “ 叩yone like,出e l i kes of."

田中さんなどは、とても社長にはなれない。 Tanaka- san nado wa ,削emoshacho ni wa narenai . There' s no way 白 紙 組yone 肱 e T叩 aka [ 伽t 也e likes of Tan北 a] coul d bec ome presi dent of the c omp組 y.

あの人琢んか、選挙に出てもだめですよ。 Anoh抑 制nka, senかo ni dete mo dame desu yo. It's no use for someone like hi mto r un for el ecti on. 持5. Em phasi zes the i mpossi bi1i ty of the si tuati on: “ such,anythi ng like."

そんな高いものなぞ、いただくわけにはいきません。 Sonna takai mono nazo, i tadaku wake ni wa i ki m asen. 1 coul d never ac臼 pt such an expensi ve thi ng ( 原 氏 ).



家なんか、とても買えない o Ie nanka, totemo kaenai . 1coul d never buy anyt hi ng like a house. 6. After verbs and adj ecti ves: “ somet hing to 由 ee能 ct that. "

山本さんがそのコンサートがとてもよかった怠ど と育ってい ましたよ。 Yamamot o- san ga sono konsato ga ωtemo yokatta nado ω itt i mashi ta yo.

Yamamot o was sayi ng that the concert was qui te good [and such 出血gs]. / Yamamot o was sayi ng somet hi ng about the concert bei ng very good.

彼はその仕事を自分がやったなどと 言ってい る 。 Kare wa sono shi goto 0 j i bun ga yatta nado to itte i間 . He' s sayi ng such thi ngs as it was he that di d that work. / He' sayi ng 出 at he was the one who di d that j ob.

臥 │か 1. I ndi cat es a quest i on; f ound at t he e n d of a sent ence. 1. Indi cates a si mpl e questi on.

これはだれの傘ですか。 Kore 附 dare no kasa desu ka. W hose umbrel l a is 血is?

明日のパーティーに行きますか。 Ashi ta nopati ni i ki masu ka. Ar e you goi ng to 白 epa比yt omor r ow?




2. Indi cates an i nqui ry about someone' s feel i ngs or i ntenti ons or a suggesti on about somet hi ng: ( ( howabout.)) 映画を見に行きませんか。

Ei ga 0 mi ni i ki masen ka. H o wabout goi ng to see a movi e? 佐藤さんに聞いてみたらどうですか。

Sato-san ni kiite mitara do desu ka. Ho wabout aski ng 5at 討 3. Indi cates a rhetori cal questi on. こんなにきれいな所が、ほかにあるだろうか。

Konna ni kirei na tokoro ga, hoka ni aru daro ka. ls t hereanot her pl ace as l ovel y this? / W here else coul d you fi nd a pl ace as l ovel y as this?


Sonna warui hito ga iru mono desu ka. Ar e there peopl e ar ound as bad [awful ] as 由at?

4. Indi cates anger or censure: “ 50you . .?)) また今日も、遅れて来たんですかo

Mat a kyo mo, okurete ki ta-n desu ka. 50 you' re late agai n today?

q. Indi cates 出 at someone is tal ki ng to hi m- or herself.


Kyowageぉuyobi ka. Today' s Monday, is it? そろそろ夏も終わりか。

Sorosoro natsu mo owari ka.

50 summer ' s al most over , huh? / Wel l , it looks like summer ' al most over. doubt , uncer t ai nty; f ound wi thl n 11. I ndi cat es a choi ce, asent ence. 1. Indi cates a choi ce: “ or , whet her or not. "


Kohi ka kocha ka nomitai desu ne. l' d sure like to dri nk some co庄町 or tea. / 50me co能 eort ea wo凶d

be ni ce, woul dn' t it.

旅行に行くか行かないか、まだ決めてい ません。 Ryoko ni iku ka i kanai ka, mada ki mete i masen. 1 stiUhaven't deci ded wJi et ner Tmgoi ng to-take a trip or not. 広田さんはお酒が飲めるかどうか聞いてみましょう 。

Hi rota-san wa osake ga nomeru ka do ka kiite mimashd. Let' s ask Hi rot a whet her he dri nks [al cohoHc beverases] or not.


Mada kono shigoω o shite i nai -n desu ka.

Y ou haven' t done [fi ni shed] this wor k yet?


Kaze 0 hiita no ka, 仰 maga itai-n desu.

1wonder if I' ve caught a c ol d- my h伺 d h町 ts. 1I' VI 恥1aybe I' ve caught a col d.





2. Indi cates an i nqui ry about someone' s feel i ngs or i ntenti ons or a suggesti on about somet hi ng: ( ( howabout.)) 映画を見に行きませんか。

Ei ga 0 mi ni i ki masen ka. H o wabout goi ng to see a movi e? 佐藤さんに聞いてみたらどうですか。

Sato-san ni kiite mitara do desu ka. Ho wabout aski ng 5at 討 3. Indi cates a rhetori cal questi on. こんなにきれいな所が、ほかにあるだろうか。

Konna ni kirei na tokoro ga, hoka ni aru daro ka. ls t hereanot her pl ace as l ovel y this? / W here else coul d you fi nd a pl ace as l ovel y as this?


Sonna warui hito ga iru mono desu ka. Ar e there peopl e ar ound as bad [awful ] as 由at?

4. Indi cates anger or censure: “ 50you . .?)) また今日も、遅れて来たんですかo

Mat a kyo mo, okurete ki ta-n desu ka. 50 you' re late agai n today?

q. Indi cates 出 at someone is tal ki ng to hi m- or herself.


Kyowageぉuyobi ka. Today' s Monday, is it? そろそろ夏も終わりか。

Sorosoro natsu mo owari ka.

50 summer ' s al most over , huh? / Wel l , it looks like summer ' al most over. doubt , uncer t ai nty; f ound wi thl n 11. I ndi cat es a choi ce, asent ence. 1. Indi cates a choi ce: “ or , whet her or not. "


Kohi ka kocha ka nomitai desu ne. l' d sure like to dri nk some co庄町 or tea. / 50me co能 eort ea wo凶d

be ni ce, woul dn' t it.

旅行に行くか行かないか、まだ決めてい ません。 Ryoko ni iku ka i kanai ka, mada ki mete i masen. 1 stiUhaven't deci ded wJi et ner Tmgoi ng to-take a trip or not. 広田さんはお酒が飲めるかどうか聞いてみましょう 。

Hi rota-san wa osake ga nomeru ka do ka kiite mimashd. Let' s ask Hi rot a whet her he dri nks [al cohoHc beverases] or not.


Mada kono shigoω o shite i nai -n desu ka.

Y ou haven' t done [fi ni shed] this wor k yet?


Kaze 0 hiita no ka, 仰 maga itai-n desu.

1wonder if I' ve caught a c ol d- my h伺 d h町 ts. 1I' VI 恥1aybe I' ve caught a col d.





試験があるのか、みんな図書館で勉強していますよ。 Shi ken ga aru no ka, mi nna tosho kan de benkyδ,shite i masu yO. 1wonder if there' s a test - everyone' s st udyi ng at t he library. ・

5. In the i di omati c expressi on ka ... -nai uchi n:i “ hardl y had, no sooner had. "


Eki ni tsuku ka tsukanai uchi ni densha ga ki ω .

3. Used wi 出 an i nterrogati ve wor d, i ndi cati ng such meani ngs 部 “ somet hi ng, anythi ng; someone, anyone. "

1had hardl y arri ved at the stati on when the trai n came.


Ofuro ni hai ru ka 1開 ranai uchi ni denwa ga na伽 .

Dare ka Yamada- san no denwa- bangl δ o shitte i masu ka. Does anyone knowYamada' s t el ephone number ?

おふろに入るか入らないうちに電話が鳴った。 No sooner had 1gotten i nto the bat h 出an 出ephoner 叩 g.


Nani ka tsum etai mono ga nom i tai . 1want to dri nk s ome血i ng col d. / l' d like somet hi ng col d to dri nk. 4. Fol l owi ng ot her parti cl es l i ndi cates uncertai nty or doubt. See

aIso ω ka (#9).


Yamada・san ω ka iu hi ω kara denwa ga ari m ashi ta. There was a call f r omsomeone cal l ed Yamada or somet hi ng or o出er. 彼女は、デパートでかプティックでか、どちらかで買物をし たいと言っていました。 Kanoj o wa, depato de ka buti kku de ka, dochi ra ka de kai mono 0

shitai ω itte i m ashi ta.

She sai d she want ed to do s ome shoppi ng, at a depart ment store or about i que 1白血ki t was.

DE / で 1. Indi cates the l ocati on of an acti on: “ at , in."

Not e: Contrast wi th ni ( #13, no. 2).


Ki no Gi nza no resutoran de bangohan 0 tabem ashi ta. Yest erday 1had di nner at a restaurant in Gi nza.


Watashi no tomodachi wa, tosho kan de hon 0 yonde i m asu. ・

My 企i end [a 企i end of mi ne] is readi ng a book i n the libra可 ・ 2. Indi cates a means or i mpl ement : “ by, wi 也 "

私は日本へ船で来ました。 Watashi wa Ni hon e戸tie de ki m ashi ta. 1came to J apan by boat.





試験があるのか、みんな図書館で勉強していますよ。 Shi ken ga aru no ka, mi nna tosho kan de benkyδ,shite i masu yO. 1wonder if there' s a test - everyone' s st udyi ng at t he library. ・

5. In the i di omati c expressi on ka ... -nai uchi n:i “ hardl y had, no sooner had. "


Eki ni tsuku ka tsukanai uchi ni densha ga ki ω .

3. Used wi 出 an i nterrogati ve wor d, i ndi cati ng such meani ngs 部 “ somet hi ng, anythi ng; someone, anyone. "

1had hardl y arri ved at the stati on when the trai n came.


Ofuro ni hai ru ka 1開 ranai uchi ni denwa ga na伽 .

Dare ka Yamada- san no denwa- bangl δ o shitte i masu ka. Does anyone knowYamada' s t el ephone number ?

おふろに入るか入らないうちに電話が鳴った。 No sooner had 1gotten i nto the bat h 出an 出ephoner 叩 g.


Nani ka tsum etai mono ga nom i tai . 1want to dri nk s ome血i ng col d. / l' d like somet hi ng col d to dri nk. 4. Fol l owi ng ot her parti cl es l i ndi cates uncertai nty or doubt. See

aIso ω ka (#9).


Yamada・san ω ka iu hi ω kara denwa ga ari m ashi ta. There was a call f r omsomeone cal l ed Yamada or somet hi ng or o出er. 彼女は、デパートでかプティックでか、どちらかで買物をし たいと言っていました。 Kanoj o wa, depato de ka buti kku de ka, dochi ra ka de kai mono 0

shitai ω itte i m ashi ta.

She sai d she want ed to do s ome shoppi ng, at a depart ment store or about i que 1白血ki t was.

DE / で 1. Indi cates the l ocati on of an acti on: “ at , in."

Not e: Contrast wi th ni ( #13, no. 2).


Ki no Gi nza no resutoran de bangohan 0 tabem ashi ta. Yest erday 1had di nner at a restaurant in Gi nza.


Watashi no tomodachi wa, tosho kan de hon 0 yonde i m asu. ・

My 企i end [a 企i end of mi ne] is readi ng a book i n the libra可 ・ 2. Indi cates a means or i mpl ement : “ by, wi 也 "

私は日本へ船で来ました。 Watashi wa Ni hon e戸tie de ki m ashi ta. 1came to J apan by boat.






ボールベンで書いて下さい。 Borupen de kaite kuぬsai.

あのテレビは 10万円で買える。 Ano terebi wa j u- man- en de kaeru.

Pl ease wri te wi 血 a bal l - poi nt pen.

Y ou can buy that T V set for ¥100, 000.

f r om, wi 血プ 3. Indi cates materi al s used: “ of ,

6. Indi cates the mode or condi t i on of the agent of an acti on ( not to be conf used wi t h the subj ect).

このケーキは、卵と砂糖で作ります。 Kono keki wa, t amago ω sato de tsukuri masu.

山田さんはアパートに 1 人で住んでいます。 Yamada- san wa apaω ni hitori de sunde i m asu.

Thi s cake is made of eggs and sugar.

昔、日本人は木と紙で作った家に住んでいました。 Mu匂 shi , Ni honゴ in waki ωkami de tsukutta ie ni sunde i mashi t a. Long ago, the J apanese l i ved i n houses made of wood and paper.

Note: Kara may replace de in this usage except when the rawm ateri aI is unmistakabl y evi dent ( ωwi 吐l paper , w∞d, gI ass , cloth, s凶 n, g and leather) , in whi ch case de must be used. Compare kara ( #15, 1 6). ・

t smal l est , least , ol dest , newest , etc.) 4. Indi cates 血egr 伺 飽st (l arges,

世界で一番高い山は何ですか。 Sekai de i chi ban takai yama wa nan desu ka. W hati s 出 e hi ghest ni ount ai n i n the wor1d? これはこの村で一番古いお寺です。 Kore wa kono mur a de i chi ban戸rui otera desu. Thi s is the ol dest t empl e i n t he village. 5. Indi 臼 tes amount and scope: “M 出面白. espace (白ne) of , in, for プ

この本は 1 時間で読めますよ。 Konohon 附 ichi ゾi kan de yomemasuyo. Y ou can read this book i n an hour.

Yamada lives i n an apar t ment by hi msel f.

家族中でハワイへ旅行した。 KazokuゾU de Hawai e ryokδ shita. 1ma de a trip to Hawai i wi t h the whol e famil y. 7. Indi cates t i me or age: “ when, at the age of." Note: Compare ni ( #13, no. 3).

あの詩人は 25歳で死んだ。 Ano shijin wa nij ・ugo-sai de shi nda. 百lat poet di ed at t he age of twenty-fi ve.

戦争が終わって来年で50年になる。 Sensoga owatte rai nen de goj u- nen ni naru. Next year wil l be t he 自負ie血 year si nce the war ended. 8. Indi cates the reason for somet hi ng: “because of."

病気で旅行に行けなかった。 Byoki de ryoko ni i kenakatta. Because 1 was si ck, 1 coul dn' t go on the trip.

51 '





ボールベンで書いて下さい。 Borupen de kaite kuぬsai.

あのテレビは 10万円で買える。 Ano terebi wa j u- man- en de kaeru.

Pl ease wri te wi 血 a bal l - poi nt pen.

Y ou can buy that T V set for ¥100, 000.

f r om, wi 血プ 3. Indi cates materi al s used: “ of ,

6. Indi cates the mode or condi t i on of the agent of an acti on ( not to be conf used wi t h the subj ect).

このケーキは、卵と砂糖で作ります。 Kono keki wa, t amago ω sato de tsukuri masu.

山田さんはアパートに 1 人で住んでいます。 Yamada- san wa apaω ni hitori de sunde i m asu.

Thi s cake is made of eggs and sugar.

昔、日本人は木と紙で作った家に住んでいました。 Mu匂 shi , Ni honゴ in waki ωkami de tsukutta ie ni sunde i mashi t a. Long ago, the J apanese l i ved i n houses made of wood and paper.

Note: Kara may replace de in this usage except when the rawm ateri aI is unmistakabl y evi dent ( ωwi 吐l paper , w∞d, gI ass , cloth, s凶 n, g and leather) , in whi ch case de must be used. Compare kara ( #15, 1 6). ・

t smal l est , least , ol dest , newest , etc.) 4. Indi cates 血egr 伺 飽st (l arges,

世界で一番高い山は何ですか。 Sekai de i chi ban takai yama wa nan desu ka. W hati s 出 e hi ghest ni ount ai n i n the wor1d? これはこの村で一番古いお寺です。 Kore wa kono mur a de i chi ban戸rui otera desu. Thi s is the ol dest t empl e i n t he village. 5. Indi 臼 tes amount and scope: “M 出面白. espace (白ne) of , in, for プ

この本は 1 時間で読めますよ。 Konohon 附 ichi ゾi kan de yomemasuyo. Y ou can read this book i n an hour.

Yamada lives i n an apar t ment by hi msel f.

家族中でハワイへ旅行した。 KazokuゾU de Hawai e ryokδ shita. 1ma de a trip to Hawai i wi t h the whol e famil y. 7. Indi cates t i me or age: “ when, at the age of." Note: Compare ni ( #13, no. 3).

あの詩人は 25歳で死んだ。 Ano shijin wa nij ・ugo-sai de shi nda. 百lat poet di ed at t he age of twenty-fi ve.

戦争が終わって来年で50年になる。 Sensoga owatte rai nen de goj u- nen ni naru. Next year wil l be t he 自負ie血 year si nce the war ended. 8. Indi cates the reason for somet hi ng: “because of."

病気で旅行に行けなかった。 Byoki de ryoko ni i kenakatta. Because 1 was si ck, 1 coul dn' t go on the trip.

51 '





2. Indi cates t he l ocati on of an acti on: “ in, at."

The trai n st opped on account of the t yphoon.

Note: In contrast to this use of ti me or short-termaction.

Ta抑 dedenshaga ωma伽 .



de ( #12, no.

1) is used to indicat e a one-

a) Us ed wi t h certai n “ non- act i on" verbs , whi ch i mpl y that the subj ect is permanent l y l ocated i n the pl ace of acti on.




Yamada・san wa genzai Yotsuya ni sunde i m asu.

1. Indi cates wher e a person or t hi ng is: “i n, at , on. "

Yamada lives i n Y ot suya at presen.t

a) Indi cates a concret e pl ace.


山田先生は、今図書館にいらっしゃいます。 Yamada- sensei wa, i ma tosho kan ni i rasshai mω u. Prof essor Yamada is in 也e l i brary now.

Terada- san wa Shi nj uku no gi nko ni tsutom ete i m asu. Ter ada wor ks (is worki ng) at a bank i n Shi 吋uku.


Denwa・cho wa tsukue no ue ni ari masu. The phone book is on the desk. b) Indi cates an abstract pl ace.


Kacho wa i ma ka恕i ni shusseki shite i m asu. The secti on chi ef is n o wi n conf erence.


Kare wa i ma de mo engeki -kai ni kunri n shite i m asu. Even n o whe rul es over [ dominat es] t he theatri cal worl d.

Note: T heverbs hataraku and shigoto 0 suru (to work) are preceded by de. b) Us ed wi t h verbs 由at i ndi cate that an acti on has t aken ( or is to take) pl ace and 出 .!! resul ti ng condi t i on is ( or will be) static. 百le last sent ence exempl i fi es the parentheti cal defi ni ti on.


Ano isu ni suwatte hon 0 yonde iru hito wa, dare desu ka. -Wh o is 血e persori si tti ng 白 血at chai r ai l d readi ng a book?


Yama no ue ni yuki ga tsum otte i masu ne.

S nowis pi l ed up on t op of the mount ai n, isn' t it . / There is s now on the mount ai nt op, isn' t there.

すみませんが、壁に掛かっている私のコートを取ってくれま すか。

Sumi masen ga,kabe ni kakatte iru watashi no koto 0 totte kuremasu ka. Excuse me, but woul d you get my coat hangi ng on the wall?






2. Indi cates t he l ocati on of an acti on: “ in, at."

The trai n st opped on account of the t yphoon.

Note: In contrast to this use of ti me or short-termaction.

Ta抑 dedenshaga ωma伽 .



de ( #12, no.

1) is used to indicat e a one-

a) Us ed wi t h certai n “ non- act i on" verbs , whi ch i mpl y that the subj ect is permanent l y l ocated i n the pl ace of acti on.




Yamada・san wa genzai Yotsuya ni sunde i m asu.

1. Indi cates wher e a person or t hi ng is: “i n, at , on. "

Yamada lives i n Y ot suya at presen.t

a) Indi cates a concret e pl ace.


山田先生は、今図書館にいらっしゃいます。 Yamada- sensei wa, i ma tosho kan ni i rasshai mω u. Prof essor Yamada is in 也e l i brary now.

Terada- san wa Shi nj uku no gi nko ni tsutom ete i m asu. Ter ada wor ks (is worki ng) at a bank i n Shi 吋uku.


Denwa・cho wa tsukue no ue ni ari masu. The phone book is on the desk. b) Indi cates an abstract pl ace.


Kacho wa i ma ka恕i ni shusseki shite i m asu. The secti on chi ef is n o wi n conf erence.


Kare wa i ma de mo engeki -kai ni kunri n shite i m asu. Even n o whe rul es over [ dominat es] t he theatri cal worl d.

Note: T heverbs hataraku and shigoto 0 suru (to work) are preceded by de. b) Us ed wi t h verbs 由at i ndi cate that an acti on has t aken ( or is to take) pl ace and 出 .!! resul ti ng condi t i on is ( or will be) static. 百le last sent ence exempl i fi es the parentheti cal defi ni ti on.


Ano isu ni suwatte hon 0 yonde iru hito wa, dare desu ka. -Wh o is 血e persori si tti ng 白 血at chai r ai l d readi ng a book?


Yama no ue ni yuki ga tsum otte i masu ne.

S nowis pi l ed up on t op of the mount ai n, isn' t it . / There is s now on the mount ai nt op, isn' t there.

すみませんが、壁に掛かっている私のコートを取ってくれま すか。

Sumi masen ga,kabe ni kakatte iru watashi no koto 0 totte kuremasu ka. Excuse me, but woul d you get my coat hangi ng on the wall?






Shi nbun wa tsukue no ue ni oite kudasai .

a) Indi cates movement f r oml arger to smal l er physical place.

Pl ease put 血e newspaper on the desk.


3. Indi cates ti me: “ at , on, in; every, per. "

Pl ease boar d the bus in 合ont of Tokyo stati on.

a) Indi cates the speci 自c t i me at whi ch somet hi ng takes pl ace.


Tokyo eki no mae de basu ni notte kudasai . ・

会社は 9 時に始まります。

Kai sha wa kuj i ni haj i mari masu.

oftsu ni hai ttara, tabako wa suwanai de kudasai . Pl ease don' t smoke a白er enteri ng the office. / Pl ease don't s moke i nsi de 白 e o伍 ce.

Wor k [the 0 節目] begi ns at ni ne o' cl ock. 月曜日に大阪へ行きます。

Getsuyobi ni

α。 ka e i ki m asu.

I' m goi ng to Osaka on Monday.

b) Indi cates the i nterval of t i me duri ng whi ch somet hi ng takes pl ace.

b) Indi cates movement


ml arger to smal l er abstract pl ace.


Kyonen Wat anabe- san wa reki shi -gakkai ni haitta. Last year Wat art abe j oi ned a hi stori cal soci ety. あなたはぼくの夢の中に何度も出てきました。

Anat a wa boku no戸4me no naka ni nando mo dete ki m ashi ta.

1 週間に 1 度テニスをします。 Isshukan ni ichido tenisu 0 shi masu.

Y ou have appeared 白 my dr eams any number of ti m es.

1pl ay tenni s once a week.

5. Indi cates movement t oward a pl ace: “ to. "

このパスは 30分おきに来ます。

Note: E ( #14, no. 1) can a1so be used here.

Thi s bus comes every 由irty mi nut es.


Kono basu wa sanj i ppun oki ni ki masu.

4. Indi cates movement f r oma l arger to a smal l er pl ace (e.g. , f r oma trai n pl at f ormi nto a trai n, or f r omthe l ay worl d i nto a rel i gi ous organi zati on) : “ in, i nto. " Note: Contrast wi th 0 ( #18, no. 6) .

Ameri ca ni ikitai. 1want to go to A merica. ジョンさんは銀行に行きましたよ o

] on-san wa gi nko ni ikimashi ta yo. J ohn went to the bank, you know.






Shi nbun wa tsukue no ue ni oite kudasai .

a) Indi cates movement f r oml arger to smal l er physical place.

Pl ease put 血e newspaper on the desk.


3. Indi cates ti me: “ at , on, in; every, per. "

Pl ease boar d the bus in 合ont of Tokyo stati on.

a) Indi cates the speci 自c t i me at whi ch somet hi ng takes pl ace.


Tokyo eki no mae de basu ni notte kudasai . ・

会社は 9 時に始まります。

Kai sha wa kuj i ni haj i mari masu.

oftsu ni hai ttara, tabako wa suwanai de kudasai . Pl ease don' t smoke a白er enteri ng the office. / Pl ease don't s moke i nsi de 白 e o伍 ce.

Wor k [the 0 節目] begi ns at ni ne o' cl ock. 月曜日に大阪へ行きます。

Getsuyobi ni

α。 ka e i ki m asu.

I' m goi ng to Osaka on Monday.

b) Indi cates the i nterval of t i me duri ng whi ch somet hi ng takes pl ace.

b) Indi cates movement


ml arger to smal l er abstract pl ace.


Kyonen Wat anabe- san wa reki shi -gakkai ni haitta. Last year Wat art abe j oi ned a hi stori cal soci ety. あなたはぼくの夢の中に何度も出てきました。

Anat a wa boku no戸4me no naka ni nando mo dete ki m ashi ta.

1 週間に 1 度テニスをします。 Isshukan ni ichido tenisu 0 shi masu.

Y ou have appeared 白 my dr eams any number of ti m es.

1pl ay tenni s once a week.

5. Indi cates movement t oward a pl ace: “ to. "

このパスは 30分おきに来ます。

Note: E ( #14, no. 1) can a1so be used here.

Thi s bus comes every 由irty mi nut es.


Kono basu wa sanj i ppun oki ni ki masu.

4. Indi cates movement f r oma l arger to a smal l er pl ace (e.g. , f r oma trai n pl at f ormi nto a trai n, or f r omthe l ay worl d i nto a rel i gi ous organi zati on) : “ in, i nto. " Note: Contrast wi th 0 ( #18, no. 6) .

Ameri ca ni ikitai. 1want to go to A merica. ジョンさんは銀行に行きましたよ o

] on-san wa gi nko ni ikimashi ta yo. J ohn went to the bank, you know.




NI 6. Indi cates the obj ect of an acti on: “ to. Note: II1 this usage, emay not be used. a) Us ed after a noun. 百le di sti ncti on bet ween 出is usage and 也at i n no. 5 is 出at here the noun i m pl i es an acti on (e.g., goi ng shoppi ng, seei ng Kab此 i).


Kai mono ni i ki masu. I' m goi ng shoppi ng.


Ashi ta wa kabuki ni i ku tsumori desu. 1pl an to go to [see] Kabuki t omor r ow. b) Us eda食er the base of a - masu verb.

もうお昼ですから、食事をしに行きませんか。 Mo ohi ru desu ka叫 shokuj i 0 shi ni i ki m asen ka. Si nce it's noon al ready, shal l we go to eat l unch? 木下さんは友達を迎えに成固まで出かけました。


Kuri sumasu ni tomodachi ni purezenωo moratta. 1recei ved a present f r ommy 企i end at Chri st mas.

昨日フランスにいるナンシーに手紙を出してあげた 。

Ki no Furansu ni iru Nanshi ni tegami 0 dashi te ageta. Yest erday 1sent a letter to Nanc y 泊 France. 8. Indi cates the resul t of a change or an i mpendi ng change.


J on-san wa dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shite, isha ni na伽 . J ohn graduat ed 企o muni versi ty and became a doctor.

このケーキを 3 つに分けて下さい。

Kono keki


m i ttsu ni wakete kud由。t.

Pl ease di vi de 出is cake i nto three [parts].


Wat anabe- san wa shi goto no shisugi de byoki ni natta. Wat anabe become ill f r omover wor k.

Ki noshi ta-san wa tomodachi 0 mukae ni NaT加 made dekakemωhitl 仏 Ki noshi ta went out to Nari ta [Ai中ort] to meet [pi ck up] a 合i end.

9 弘 . Indi cates a condi t i on al ready 泊 iIl exi stence ( usual l y f ol l owed by natte ir問u and equi val ent to the Engl i sh “ ωbe "勺 )

7. Indi cates the reci pi ent of an acti on (i n Engl i sh, equi val ent to the i ndi rect obj ect) : “ to,合o mプ

Kono tatemono no mが伊waga 匂loshi ぉu ni natte imω u.

Note: W hen the meani ng is “ to, >> e m ay replace ni j when the meani ng is “ 合o m , " kara may replace ni.

クリスマスには友達にプレゼントをあげる。 Kuri sumasu ni wa tomodachi ni purezento 0 ageru. W e gi ve presents to our 企i ends at Chri st mas.


The ri ght si de of this bui l di ng is a dassroom.


Hot eru no mae ga bichi ni natte i m asu. In 企ont of the hotel is a beach. (Lit. , The front of the hotel is a beach.)




NI 6. Indi cates the obj ect of an acti on: “ to. Note: II1 this usage, emay not be used. a) Us ed after a noun. 百le di sti ncti on bet ween 出is usage and 也at i n no. 5 is 出at here the noun i m pl i es an acti on (e.g., goi ng shoppi ng, seei ng Kab此 i).


Kai mono ni i ki masu. I' m goi ng shoppi ng.


Ashi ta wa kabuki ni i ku tsumori desu. 1pl an to go to [see] Kabuki t omor r ow. b) Us eda食er the base of a - masu verb.

もうお昼ですから、食事をしに行きませんか。 Mo ohi ru desu ka叫 shokuj i 0 shi ni i ki m asen ka. Si nce it's noon al ready, shal l we go to eat l unch? 木下さんは友達を迎えに成固まで出かけました。


Kuri sumasu ni tomodachi ni purezenωo moratta. 1recei ved a present f r ommy 企i end at Chri st mas.

昨日フランスにいるナンシーに手紙を出してあげた 。

Ki no Furansu ni iru Nanshi ni tegami 0 dashi te ageta. Yest erday 1sent a letter to Nanc y 泊 France. 8. Indi cates the resul t of a change or an i mpendi ng change.


J on-san wa dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shite, isha ni na伽 . J ohn graduat ed 企o muni versi ty and became a doctor.

このケーキを 3 つに分けて下さい。

Kono keki


m i ttsu ni wakete kud由。t.

Pl ease di vi de 出is cake i nto three [parts].


Wat anabe- san wa shi goto no shisugi de byoki ni natta. Wat anabe become ill f r omover wor k.

Ki noshi ta-san wa tomodachi 0 mukae ni NaT加 made dekakemωhitl 仏 Ki noshi ta went out to Nari ta [Ai中ort] to meet [pi ck up] a 合i end.

9 弘 . Indi cates a condi t i on al ready 泊 iIl exi stence ( usual l y f ol l owed by natte ir問u and equi val ent to the Engl i sh “ ωbe "勺 )

7. Indi cates the reci pi ent of an acti on (i n Engl i sh, equi val ent to the i ndi rect obj ect) : “ to,合o mプ

Kono tatemono no mが伊waga 匂loshi ぉu ni natte imω u.

Note: W hen the meani ng is “ to, >> e m ay replace ni j when the meani ng is “ 合o m , " kara may replace ni.

クリスマスには友達にプレゼントをあげる。 Kuri sumasu ni wa tomodachi ni purezento 0 ageru. W e gi ve presents to our 企i ends at Chri st mas.


The ri ght si de of this bui l di ng is a dassroom.


Hot eru no mae ga bichi ni natte i m asu. In 企ont of the hotel is a beach. (Lit. , The front of the hotel is a beach.)





10. Indi cates the agent of a 抑 制vever b (出e person or thi ng per.. f orrni ng the acti on): “ by. "

電車の中で、すりにお金を取られた。 Densha no naka de, suri ni okane 0 torateta. M y money was t北 enby a pi ckpocket i n the tra加. 家に帰る途中で雨に降られた。 Ie ni kaeru tochu de ame ni furareta. O n my way home 1got rai ned on. (Li, .t 1was fallen on by the r必n.) 11. Indi cates the person( s) made to do somet hi ng i n a causati ve sentence.

先生は学生に漢字を書かせました。 Sensei wa gakusei ni kanji 0 kakasemashi ta. The teacher had the students wri te kanji. 子供たちに本を読ませることはとても大切だ。 Kodomo・tachi ni hon 0yomaseru koto wa totemo taisetsu da. It is ve可 i mport ant to have chi l dren read books. 12. Indi cates the agent of a causati ve-passi ve verb (也e per sonor t hi ng perf ormi ng the acti on): “ byプ

学生は先生に漢字を書かされました。 Gakusei wa sensei ni kanj i 0 kakasaremashi ta. The students wer e made to wri te kanj i by the teacher. 私は子供のとき、母に嫌いな物も食べさせられました。 Wat ashi wa kodomo no toki ,haha ni kirai na mono mo tabesase・ rarem ashi ta. Wh e n 1 was a chi l d, 1 was made to eat even thi ngs 1 di sl i ked by my mot her ( my mot her made me eat f ood 1 di dn' t like).

13. J oi ns nouns ( usual l y three or more) : “and."

Not e: 百lis usage of ni is equi val ent t oω( #6,I・, )1 but is more commonl y found in writing.

その会議に出席した人は、中国人に、緯国人に、日本人だ った。 50no.仰が ni shω seki shita hito w, 仏 Chugoku-j i n ni , Kankokuてjin ョセ@ Ni hon-j i n da伽 . The peopl e attendi ng the conf erence wer e Chi nese, Koreans , and J apanese. パーティーの飲物は、日本酒に、ウイスキーに、ワインでした。 Pati no nomi mono wa, Ni hon- shu ni ,ui suki ni ,wai n deshita. The dri nks [avai l abl e] at the party wer e sakι whi skey, and wi ne. 持1 4. Indi cates a pai r of peopl e or thi ngs that are c ommonl y ment i oned together: “ and. "

ロメオにジュリエット。 Romeo ni Jurietto. Romeo and J uliet.

ー ー富士山に芸者。 Fuj i -san ni geisha. M t. F吋i and gei sha (a hackneyed phrase i n reference to J apan) . 持 15. Indi cates the basi s on whi ch, or means by whi ch, an acti on takes pl ace ( usual l y used wi t h the verbs moωzuku (to be based on) and yoru ( owi ng to).

あの映画は有名な小説に基づいて作られました o Ano eiga wa yumei na shoseぉu ni motozui te tsukuraremω hi ω. That movi e was [ made] based on a f amous noveJ.





10. Indi cates the agent of a 抑 制vever b (出e person or thi ng per.. f orrni ng the acti on): “ by. "

電車の中で、すりにお金を取られた。 Densha no naka de, suri ni okane 0 torateta. M y money was t北 enby a pi ckpocket i n the tra加. 家に帰る途中で雨に降られた。 Ie ni kaeru tochu de ame ni furareta. O n my way home 1got rai ned on. (Li, .t 1was fallen on by the r必n.) 11. Indi cates the person( s) made to do somet hi ng i n a causati ve sentence.

先生は学生に漢字を書かせました。 Sensei wa gakusei ni kanji 0 kakasemashi ta. The teacher had the students wri te kanji. 子供たちに本を読ませることはとても大切だ。 Kodomo・tachi ni hon 0yomaseru koto wa totemo taisetsu da. It is ve可 i mport ant to have chi l dren read books. 12. Indi cates the agent of a causati ve-passi ve verb (也e per sonor t hi ng perf ormi ng the acti on): “ byプ

学生は先生に漢字を書かされました。 Gakusei wa sensei ni kanj i 0 kakasaremashi ta. The students wer e made to wri te kanj i by the teacher. 私は子供のとき、母に嫌いな物も食べさせられました。 Wat ashi wa kodomo no toki ,haha ni kirai na mono mo tabesase・ rarem ashi ta. Wh e n 1 was a chi l d, 1 was made to eat even thi ngs 1 di sl i ked by my mot her ( my mot her made me eat f ood 1 di dn' t like).

13. J oi ns nouns ( usual l y three or more) : “and."

Not e: 百lis usage of ni is equi val ent t oω( #6,I・, )1 but is more commonl y found in writing.

その会議に出席した人は、中国人に、緯国人に、日本人だ った。 50no.仰が ni shω seki shita hito w, 仏 Chugoku-j i n ni , Kankokuてjin ョセ@ Ni hon-j i n da伽 . The peopl e attendi ng the conf erence wer e Chi nese, Koreans , and J apanese. パーティーの飲物は、日本酒に、ウイスキーに、ワインでした。 Pati no nomi mono wa, Ni hon- shu ni ,ui suki ni ,wai n deshita. The dri nks [avai l abl e] at the party wer e sakι whi skey, and wi ne. 持1 4. Indi cates a pai r of peopl e or thi ngs that are c ommonl y ment i oned together: “ and. "

ロメオにジュリエット。 Romeo ni Jurietto. Romeo and J uliet.

ー ー富士山に芸者。 Fuj i -san ni geisha. M t. F吋i and gei sha (a hackneyed phrase i n reference to J apan) . 持 15. Indi cates the basi s on whi ch, or means by whi ch, an acti on takes pl ace ( usual l y used wi t h the verbs moωzuku (to be based on) and yoru ( owi ng to).

あの映画は有名な小説に基づいて作られました o Ano eiga wa yumei na shoseぉu ni motozui te tsukuraremω hi ω. That movi e was [ made] based on a f amous noveJ.






百 l ankst o 白 e spread [ owi ng to the spread] of tele吋si on, we [ now]

1t el ephoned Kawada in the eveni ng, but he wasn' t there.

Terebi no戸kyu ni yott, e gai koku noyosuga yoku wakaruyo ni natta.

Yugata Kawada- san e denwa 0 kaketa ga, inakatta.

have a better underst andi ng of condi t i ons i n forei gn countri es.


Kawada・san e no denwa ga atta no wa nanj i deshi ta ka. What tI me di d that phone call c ome for Kawada?

田 恒 」 三

Note: In both of the 山 ages bel ow,ni may rep1ace Eちexcept when e is fo110wed by no (as in the 1ast sentence of no. 2)

1. Indi cates a di recti on or goal , or a desti nati on t owar d whi ch one is movi ng or at whi ch one has arri ved: “ toプ




Fol l ows nouns and t he - t ef or mof ver bs: “台om. "

l. A 食er nouns , i ndi cates the t i me at whi ch somet hi ng begi ns:


“f r om, at."

Itsu Kyoto e i ki masu ka. When are you goi ng to Kyot o?

銀行は 9 時か 5 聞いています。

Gi nko wa kuji kara aite i m asu.


Banks are open f r omni ne o' cl ock. / B創ホS open at ni ne.

Tani guchi -san wa ki no Ameri ka e shuppatsu shi m ashi ta. Tani guchi left for the Uni t ed States yesterday.

この飛行機は、 6 時に成田空港へ到着しました。

Kono hi ko ki wa, rokuji ni Nari ta kuko e tochaku shi m ashi ta.

日本語のクラスは、 1 時か 5 4 時までです。


Ni h耐 -g.ono kurasu wa, ichiji kat a yoji rrtade desu. J apanese class lasts 合o mone to f our 0' cl ock.

Thi s ai rpl ane arri ved at Nari ta Ai rpo此 at six 0' cl ock. 2. Indi cates the reci pi ent of the i ndi rect obj ect): “ toプ

ti on (i n Engl i sh, equi val ent to

如 氏


Gai koku ni iru tomodachi e tegami 0 kaita. 1wrot e a letter to a 企i end abroad.

2. After nouns , i ndi cates the pl ace 企o mwhi ch somet hi ng begi ns: “ f r om, at."

マラソンはここか 5 出発します。

Marason wa koko kara shuppatsu shi masu. 百 le mar at hon starts [ f rom ] here.






百 l ankst o 白 e spread [ owi ng to the spread] of tele吋si on, we [ now]

1t el ephoned Kawada in the eveni ng, but he wasn' t there.

Terebi no戸kyu ni yott, e gai koku noyosuga yoku wakaruyo ni natta.

Yugata Kawada- san e denwa 0 kaketa ga, inakatta.

have a better underst andi ng of condi t i ons i n forei gn countri es.


Kawada・san e no denwa ga atta no wa nanj i deshi ta ka. What tI me di d that phone call c ome for Kawada?

田 恒 」 三

Note: In both of the 山 ages bel ow,ni may rep1ace Eちexcept when e is fo110wed by no (as in the 1ast sentence of no. 2)

1. Indi cates a di recti on or goal , or a desti nati on t owar d whi ch one is movi ng or at whi ch one has arri ved: “ toプ




Fol l ows nouns and t he - t ef or mof ver bs: “台om. "

l. A 食er nouns , i ndi cates the t i me at whi ch somet hi ng begi ns:


“f r om, at."

Itsu Kyoto e i ki masu ka. When are you goi ng to Kyot o?

銀行は 9 時か 5 聞いています。

Gi nko wa kuji kara aite i m asu.


Banks are open f r omni ne o' cl ock. / B創ホS open at ni ne.

Tani guchi -san wa ki no Ameri ka e shuppatsu shi m ashi ta. Tani guchi left for the Uni t ed States yesterday.

この飛行機は、 6 時に成田空港へ到着しました。

Kono hi ko ki wa, rokuji ni Nari ta kuko e tochaku shi m ashi ta.

日本語のクラスは、 1 時か 5 4 時までです。


Ni h耐 -g.ono kurasu wa, ichiji kat a yoji rrtade desu. J apanese class lasts 合o mone to f our 0' cl ock.

Thi s ai rpl ane arri ved at Nari ta Ai rpo此 at six 0' cl ock. 2. Indi cates the reci pi ent of the i ndi rect obj ect): “ toプ

ti on (i n Engl i sh, equi val ent to

如 氏


Gai koku ni iru tomodachi e tegami 0 kaita. 1wrot e a letter to a 企i end abroad.

2. After nouns , i ndi cates the pl ace 企o mwhi ch somet hi ng begi ns: “ f r om, at."

マラソンはここか 5 出発します。

Marason wa koko kara shuppatsu shi masu. 百 le mar at hon starts [ f rom ] here.




社長はパリか 5 飛行機でスペインへ行きます。 Shacho wa Pari kara hi ko-ki de Supei n e i kumasu. Thec omp叩 y presi dent will go f r omPari s to Spai n by pl ane. ワ. Certai n i di om ati c usages in whi ch figurative references to pl ace aremade.

新聞をすみか 5 すみまで読んだ。 Shi nbun 0 sumi kara sumi made yonda. 1read the newspaper 企o mbegi nni ng to end. to corner. ) Hlゥ



女の人の目か 5 見れば、日本にはまだ差別がたくさんある。 Onna no hito no me kara mireba,Ni hon ni wa mada sabetsu ga takusan aru. Fr oma woman' s vi ewpoi nt , there is st 出 a lot o( di scri minati on Looki ng f r oma woman' s eyes …) in J apan. (Lit. , 4. After 血.e -te f or mof verbs ,i ndi cates that an acti on begi ns i mmedi at el yaf t er 出 eprevi ous one ends: “ a食er." 昨日私は仕事が終わってか 5 買物をしました。 K 加owatashi wa shigot ひga owatte kara kai mono oshi m ashi ta. Yesterday 1went shoppi ng a食er fi ni shi ng wor k. 明日の夜、食事をしてか 5 映画を見ませんか。 Ashi ta no yoru, shokuj i 0 shite kara eiga 0 mi masen ka. Ho wabout seei ng a movi e t omor r owni ght a食er [havi ng] di nner?

5. After 白e te f or m of verbs ,i ndi cates the passage of ti me: for プ si nce, 司

山田さんが大学を卒業してか 5 5 年になります。 Yamada- san ga dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shite kara gonen ni nari masu. Fi ve years have passed si nce Yamada graduat ed f r omcol l ege. あの 2 人が結婚してか 5 2 0 年だそうです。 Anofutari ga kekkon shite kara ni j u-nen da so desu. 1underst and that it is t went y years si nce those t wo were marri ed. J 1hear 出at those t wo have been marri ed for t went y years. . 6. Indi cates materi al s used: “ f rom." Not e: Karaand de(#12, no. 3) 釘 esi mil ari nωage.However , the forrner tends to accompany m aterials that are the result of a somewhat compl ex process , whereas the latter is generally used with m aterials that retain, or appear to their original state, such as wood, rock, leather , paper , and glass. retain, ワインはぶどうか 5 作ります。 Wai n wa budo kara tsukuri masu. Wi ne is made f r omgrapes. 立腐は何か 5 作るか知っていますか。 Tφ t wa nani kara tsukuru ka shitte i masu ka. Do you k nowwhat tofu is made f rom? 7. Indi cates the agent of a pぉ sive verb (出eperson or thi ng perf ormi ng the acti on): “byプ Note: The agent of a pぉ sive verb is usually indicated by ni , but kara may replace ョセ@ with no basic change in meani ng,when (1) the noun precedi ng kara can be perceived more as the source ofan action than as ti s agent and (2) when kara m akes the meani ng clearer by avoi di ng a repetition of ni (ω




社長はパリか 5 飛行機でスペインへ行きます。 Shacho wa Pari kara hi ko-ki de Supei n e i kumasu. Thec omp叩 y presi dent will go f r omPari s to Spai n by pl ane. ワ. Certai n i di om ati c usages in whi ch figurative references to pl ace aremade.

新聞をすみか 5 すみまで読んだ。 Shi nbun 0 sumi kara sumi made yonda. 1read the newspaper 企o mbegi nni ng to end. to corner. ) Hlゥ



女の人の目か 5 見れば、日本にはまだ差別がたくさんある。 Onna no hito no me kara mireba,Ni hon ni wa mada sabetsu ga takusan aru. Fr oma woman' s vi ewpoi nt , there is st 出 a lot o( di scri minati on Looki ng f r oma woman' s eyes …) in J apan. (Lit. , 4. After 血.e -te f or mof verbs ,i ndi cates that an acti on begi ns i mmedi at el yaf t er 出 eprevi ous one ends: “ a食er." 昨日私は仕事が終わってか 5 買物をしました。 K 加owatashi wa shigot ひga owatte kara kai mono oshi m ashi ta. Yesterday 1went shoppi ng a食er fi ni shi ng wor k. 明日の夜、食事をしてか 5 映画を見ませんか。 Ashi ta no yoru, shokuj i 0 shite kara eiga 0 mi masen ka. Ho wabout seei ng a movi e t omor r owni ght a食er [havi ng] di nner?

5. After 白e te f or m of verbs ,i ndi cates the passage of ti me: for プ si nce, 司

山田さんが大学を卒業してか 5 5 年になります。 Yamada- san ga dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shite kara gonen ni nari masu. Fi ve years have passed si nce Yamada graduat ed f r omcol l ege. あの 2 人が結婚してか 5 2 0 年だそうです。 Anofutari ga kekkon shite kara ni j u-nen da so desu. 1underst and that it is t went y years si nce those t wo were marri ed. J 1hear 出at those t wo have been marri ed for t went y years. . 6. Indi cates materi al s used: “ f rom." Not e: Karaand de(#12, no. 3) 釘 esi mil ari nωage.However , the forrner tends to accompany m aterials that are the result of a somewhat compl ex process , whereas the latter is generally used with m aterials that retain, or appear to their original state, such as wood, rock, leather , paper , and glass. retain, ワインはぶどうか 5 作ります。 Wai n wa budo kara tsukuri masu. Wi ne is made f r omgrapes. 立腐は何か 5 作るか知っていますか。 Tφ t wa nani kara tsukuru ka shitte i masu ka. Do you k nowwhat tofu is made f rom? 7. Indi cates the agent of a pぉ sive verb (出eperson or thi ng perf ormi ng the acti on): “byプ Note: The agent of a pぉ sive verb is usually indicated by ni , but kara may replace ョセ@ with no basic change in meani ng,when (1) the noun precedi ng kara can be perceived more as the source ofan action than as ti s agent and (2) when kara m akes the meani ng clearer by avoi di ng a repetition of ni (ω




出e first exam pl e bel ow). Exampl es of other verbs in conj uncti on with l i ch kara can replace n i are ai suru (to love) , kiku (to ask) , m eirei suru (to shikaru (to scold) , shiraberu (to examine). der) ,

2. Us ed trai l i ngl y at the end of a sentenα , i ndi cates censure or war ni ng to the listener: なo you had better. "

、は大使か 5 パーティーに招待されました。

Sonna koω bakari itte iru ω mi nna ni ki rawareru kara .

atashi wa taishi kara pati ni shotai sarem ashi ta.


Has i nvi ted to a part y by the ambassador.

2日課長か 5 叱られた。

i no kacho kara shikarareta. Has scol ded by t he secti on chi ef yesterday.

そんなことばかり言っているとみんなに嫌われるか 5 ・ .....

If you say onl y t hose ki nds of thi ngs , you' re goi ng to be di sl i ked byever yone [so stop sayi ng t hem] . / I f you keep sayi ng thi ngs lik疋 that , peopl e aren' t goi ng to like it.

勉強しないと試験に合格できないか 5 …

Benkyδ shi nai ω shi ken ni gokaku deki nai kara . . . I f you don' t st udy, you won' t be abl e to pass the exam [so you had better study].

• Fol l ows ver bs a n d adj ect i ves t o i ndi ωt e a c aus e or セ。ウッョZ ウゥョ」・ @ b e伺 use. " beαuse. " Indi cates a cause or reason: “ si nce,

(1) kara ote: Kara can be repl aced by no de ( #26) 凶 this usage. In general , dicates a more subjective reason, no de a more objective one; and (2) no de softer and more polite 出 叩 kar仏,

: しかったか 5 私たちは公園へ行きませんでした。 J l Sen tJ. eshi ω . ogl ω hi katta kara .watashi -tachi キセ@ koen e i ki m l e di dn' t go to t he park because we wer e t oo busy.

〉のレストランは安いか S いつも混んでいます。 no resutoran wa yω ,u i kara itsu mo konde i masu. hat restaurant is i nexpensi ve, so it's a1ways crowded.

園lMA D E I


1. Indi cates a t i me l i mitati on for acti ons or events ( often pai red wi 血 kara): “unti l , till , to."

この会社の社員は 9 時から 5 時まで働きます。 Kono kai sha no shai n 附 k吋i kara goji made hataraki masu. The empl oyees of 血is ∞mpa ny wor k f r omni ne o' cI ock till five o' cI ock. このデパートは、土曜日と日曜日は 8 時までです。

Kono depato wa, doyobi ω ni chi yobi wa hachiji made desu. Thi s depar t ment store is open unti l ei ght o' cI ock on Sat urdays and Sundays.




出e first exam pl e bel ow). Exampl es of other verbs in conj uncti on with l i ch kara can replace n i are ai suru (to love) , kiku (to ask) , m eirei suru (to shikaru (to scold) , shiraberu (to examine). der) ,

2. Us ed trai l i ngl y at the end of a sentenα , i ndi cates censure or war ni ng to the listener: なo you had better. "

、は大使か 5 パーティーに招待されました。

Sonna koω bakari itte iru ω mi nna ni ki rawareru kara .

atashi wa taishi kara pati ni shotai sarem ashi ta.


Has i nvi ted to a part y by the ambassador.

2日課長か 5 叱られた。

i no kacho kara shikarareta. Has scol ded by t he secti on chi ef yesterday.

そんなことばかり言っているとみんなに嫌われるか 5 ・ .....

If you say onl y t hose ki nds of thi ngs , you' re goi ng to be di sl i ked byever yone [so stop sayi ng t hem] . / I f you keep sayi ng thi ngs lik疋 that , peopl e aren' t goi ng to like it.

勉強しないと試験に合格できないか 5 …

Benkyδ shi nai ω shi ken ni gokaku deki nai kara . . . I f you don' t st udy, you won' t be abl e to pass the exam [so you had better study].

• Fol l ows ver bs a n d adj ect i ves t o i ndi ωt e a c aus e or セ。ウッョZ ウゥョ」・ @ b e伺 use. " beαuse. " Indi cates a cause or reason: “ si nce,

(1) kara ote: Kara can be repl aced by no de ( #26) 凶 this usage. In general , dicates a more subjective reason, no de a more objective one; and (2) no de softer and more polite 出 叩 kar仏,

: しかったか 5 私たちは公園へ行きませんでした。 J l Sen tJ. eshi ω . ogl ω hi katta kara .watashi -tachi キセ@ koen e i ki m l e di dn' t go to t he park because we wer e t oo busy.

〉のレストランは安いか S いつも混んでいます。 no resutoran wa yω ,u i kara itsu mo konde i masu. hat restaurant is i nexpensi ve, so it's a1ways crowded.

園lMA D E I


1. Indi cates a t i me l i mitati on for acti ons or events ( often pai red wi 血 kara): “unti l , till , to."

この会社の社員は 9 時から 5 時まで働きます。 Kono kai sha no shai n 附 k吋i kara goji made hataraki masu. The empl oyees of 血is ∞mpa ny wor k f r omni ne o' cI ock till five o' cI ock. このデパートは、土曜日と日曜日は 8 時までです。

Kono depato wa, doyobi ω ni chi yobi wa hachiji made desu. Thi s depar t ment store is open unti l ei ght o' cI ock on Sat urdays and Sundays.



6 . MA DE

2. Indi cates the pl ace to whi ch an acti on ext ends (often pai red wi t h kara): “ to."

Sai to was apparent1yeven cont empl at i ng sui ci de if she were unabl e t o m釘庁 t heman.

この飛行機は東京からホノルルまで行きます。 Kono hi ko・ki wa Tokyo kara Honoruru made i ki m asu.

その両親は子供の病気が治るなら、全財産を捨ててもいい とまで考えていた。 Sono ryoshi n wa kodomo no byoki ga ・naoru nara,zen-zai san 0 sutete mo i to made kangaete ita. If thei r chi l d woul d onl y get wel l , the parents t hought 白at they woul d even sacrifice all they owned. I The chi l d' s parents were [even] prepared to sacrifice all 血ey owned if on1y he/she woul d recover.

Thi s pl ane goes 合o mTokyo to Honol ul u.

ここから京都まで何時間かかりますか。 Koko kara Kyoω madena吋 i kan kakari masu ka. Ho wl ong does it take to get f r omhere to Kyot o? 3. Indi cates the degree of a condi t i on by ci ti ng an exampl e (e.g. , it is not j ust col d, it is so col d that my gl asses have f rozen over): “ even, so ... that."

子供だけでなく大人まで、そのゲームを楽しんだ。 Kodomo dake de naku otona made, sono gemu 0 tanoshi nda. Not on1y the chi l dren but even the adul ts e吋oyed [pl ayi ng] that game. その日山の上はとても寒くて、夕方には雪まで降ってきた。 Sono hi yama no ue wa totemo samukut e, yugata ni wa yuki made 角的 kita. The t op of the mount ai n was ve可 col d 出 at day; it even started snowi ng in the eveni ng. I The mount ai nt op was so col d 出at day 由 at it even started to s nowin the eveni ng. *4. Indi cates an ext reme condi ti on.

斉藤さんは、あの男の人と結婚できなければ死のうとまで 思いつめたそうです。 Sai to-san wa,ano otoko no hito to kekkon deki nakereba shi nδ to made omoi t sumet a so desu.

5. At the end of a sentence, i ndi cates a l i mitati on or extent:

“ 白紙 is


今日はここまで。 Kyo wa koko made. That' s all for today. (Lit 咋As for t oday, up to here. ) とりあえずご報告まで。 Tori aezugohδkokumade. For your reference. (Li t For the moment , as far as a repor t.) リ

*6. In the f or mmade mo nai ( whi ch fol l ows verb roots) , emphasizes extent or degree; the compl et e phrase ma y be transl ated: “ there is no need to."

明日のパーティーにはわざわざ行くまでもない。 Ashi ta no pati ni wa wazawaza i ku made mo nai. There is no need to go out of one' s way [to make a speci al effort] to attend t omor r ow' s party. I Tomor r ow' s party is hardl y wor 出 goi ngt o.



6 . MA DE

2. Indi cates the pl ace to whi ch an acti on ext ends (often pai red wi t h kara): “ to."

Sai to was apparent1yeven cont empl at i ng sui ci de if she were unabl e t o m釘庁 t heman.

この飛行機は東京からホノルルまで行きます。 Kono hi ko・ki wa Tokyo kara Honoruru made i ki m asu.

その両親は子供の病気が治るなら、全財産を捨ててもいい とまで考えていた。 Sono ryoshi n wa kodomo no byoki ga ・naoru nara,zen-zai san 0 sutete mo i to made kangaete ita. If thei r chi l d woul d onl y get wel l , the parents t hought 白at they woul d even sacrifice all they owned. I The chi l d' s parents were [even] prepared to sacrifice all 血ey owned if on1y he/she woul d recover.

Thi s pl ane goes 合o mTokyo to Honol ul u.

ここから京都まで何時間かかりますか。 Koko kara Kyoω madena吋 i kan kakari masu ka. Ho wl ong does it take to get f r omhere to Kyot o? 3. Indi cates the degree of a condi t i on by ci ti ng an exampl e (e.g. , it is not j ust col d, it is so col d that my gl asses have f rozen over): “ even, so ... that."

子供だけでなく大人まで、そのゲームを楽しんだ。 Kodomo dake de naku otona made, sono gemu 0 tanoshi nda. Not on1y the chi l dren but even the adul ts e吋oyed [pl ayi ng] that game. その日山の上はとても寒くて、夕方には雪まで降ってきた。 Sono hi yama no ue wa totemo samukut e, yugata ni wa yuki made 角的 kita. The t op of the mount ai n was ve可 col d 出 at day; it even started snowi ng in the eveni ng. I The mount ai nt op was so col d 出at day 由 at it even started to s nowin the eveni ng. *4. Indi cates an ext reme condi ti on.

斉藤さんは、あの男の人と結婚できなければ死のうとまで 思いつめたそうです。 Sai to-san wa,ano otoko no hito to kekkon deki nakereba shi nδ to made omoi t sumet a so desu.

5. At the end of a sentence, i ndi cates a l i mitati on or extent:

“ 白紙 is


今日はここまで。 Kyo wa koko made. That' s all for today. (Lit 咋As for t oday, up to here. ) とりあえずご報告まで。 Tori aezugohδkokumade. For your reference. (Li t For the moment , as far as a repor t.) リ

*6. In the f or mmade mo nai ( whi ch fol l ows verb roots) , emphasizes extent or degree; the compl et e phrase ma y be transl ated: “ there is no need to."

明日のパーティーにはわざわざ行くまでもない。 Ashi ta no pati ni wa wazawaza i ku made mo nai. There is no need to go out of one' s way [to make a speci al effort] to attend t omor r ow' s party. I Tomor r ow' s party is hardl y wor 出 goi ngt o.




言うまでもないことですが、この会社の経営状態は、かなり 悪化しています。

Iu made mo nai koto desu g, 仏 kono kai sha no keiei てjo加 i wa, kanari akka shite i mω u. Needl ess to say [it goes wi t hout sayi ng that] , this company' s operati ons have deteri orated consi derabl y.



2. Indi cates posi ti on or l ocati on.

机の上、いすの下、学校の前、この建物の後ろ 。 a ga枇 o n o m偽 kono tatem ono " 0 ωhiro. Tsukueno 同 isu no shit, The t op of t he desk [i ム on the desk]; under the chai rj the [area in] front of t he school; behi nd this bui l di ng.

3. Indi cates that the fir は noun i smodi 命i ng the second in t erms of ki nd or catego可 ・

1. Us e d bet ween t wo nouns , i ndi cat i ng t hat t he fi rst possesses or is r nodi 均 ri ng t he second; al so us ed i n pl ace of ga t o i ndi cat e t he subj ect i n r nodi 均 ri ng dauses. 1. Indi cates possessi on: “ 'sJ'


Yamada- sensei wa Ei go no sensei desu. YaI1! ada is a teacher of E ng1ish [aI! E ng1ish teacher]. この学校は料理の学校です。

Konogakkδ war yδri nogakkδ desu. Thi s school is a cooki ng schoo.l


Kore wa Takagi -san no kasa desu. Thi s is Takagi ' s umbrel l a. それが佐藤さんの車です。

Sorega Sato san no kur uma t} esu. ・

That is Satδ' s car. Note: If the context is understood, the s.econd noun can be om i tted: それが佐藤さんのです。

Sorega Sato・san no desu. T hat is Satδ' s.

4. Indi cates that t wo nouns are in apposi ti on.

K 大学学長の今井氏が演説をしています。

K dai gaku gakucho no Imai -shi ga enzetsu 0 shite i masu. Aケ@ iS.Il! aki ng a speech. 問r. I mai , the presi dent of K uョゥカ・Aセ こちらが佐山さんのお姉さんの千香子さんです。

Kochi ra ga Sayama- san no onesan no Chi kako- san desu.

Thi s is Chi kako, Sayama' s el der sister.

5. Used to repl ace ga to 泊 di cate 由e subj ect of a cl ause modi f y・ mganoun. これは坂本さんの描いた油絵です。

Kore wa Sakamot o- san no kai ta aburae desu. Thi s is the oil pai nti ng that Sakamot o p; lI nted.



言うまでもないことですが、この会社の経営状態は、かなり 悪化しています。

Iu made mo nai koto desu g, 仏 kono kai sha no keiei てjo加 i wa, kanari akka shite i mω u. Needl ess to say [it goes wi t hout sayi ng that] , this company' s operati ons have deteri orated consi derabl y.



2. Indi cates posi ti on or l ocati on.

机の上、いすの下、学校の前、この建物の後ろ 。 a ga枇 o n o m偽 kono tatem ono " 0 ωhiro. Tsukueno 同 isu no shit, The t op of t he desk [i ム on the desk]; under the chai rj the [area in] front of t he school; behi nd this bui l di ng.

3. Indi cates that the fir は noun i smodi 命i ng the second in t erms of ki nd or catego可 ・

1. Us e d bet ween t wo nouns , i ndi cat i ng t hat t he fi rst possesses or is r nodi 均 ri ng t he second; al so us ed i n pl ace of ga t o i ndi cat e t he subj ect i n r nodi 均 ri ng dauses. 1. Indi cates possessi on: “ 'sJ'


Yamada- sensei wa Ei go no sensei desu. YaI1! ada is a teacher of E ng1ish [aI! E ng1ish teacher]. この学校は料理の学校です。

Konogakkδ war yδri nogakkδ desu. Thi s school is a cooki ng schoo.l


Kore wa Takagi -san no kasa desu. Thi s is Takagi ' s umbrel l a. それが佐藤さんの車です。

Sorega Sato san no kur uma t} esu. ・

That is Satδ' s car. Note: If the context is understood, the s.econd noun can be om i tted: それが佐藤さんのです。

Sorega Sato・san no desu. T hat is Satδ' s.

4. Indi cates that t wo nouns are in apposi ti on.

K 大学学長の今井氏が演説をしています。

K dai gaku gakucho no Imai -shi ga enzetsu 0 shite i masu. Aケ@ iS.Il! aki ng a speech. 問r. I mai , the presi dent of K uョゥカ・Aセ こちらが佐山さんのお姉さんの千香子さんです。

Kochi ra ga Sayama- san no onesan no Chi kako- san desu.

Thi s is Chi kako, Sayama' s el der sister.

5. Used to repl ace ga to 泊 di cate 由e subj ect of a cl ause modi f y・ mganoun. これは坂本さんの描いた油絵です。

Kore wa Sakamot o- san no kai ta aburae desu. Thi s is the oil pai nti ng that Sakamot o p; lI nted.



昨日あなたの話していたレストランはどこですか。 Ki no anata no hanashi te ita resutoran wa doko desu ka. W here is the restaurant you wer e tal ki ng about yesterday? 11. Us e d t o nomi nal i z e ver bs a nd adj ect i ves. 1. Si mpl e nominal i zer: ・ “ i ng, what."

天気が悪いですから、ドライプに行くのはやめましょう。 Tenki ga 附 rui desu kara, dorai bu ni i ku no 附 yamemaョ ho. Si nce the weat her is bad, let' s call off goi ng for a dri ve. 外国語を学ぶのは、むずかしいですね。 Gai koku- go 0 manabu no w, 仏 m uzukashi i desu ne. Lεarni ng a forei gn l anguage is difficult , isn' t it. 彼女が欲しいのは、新しいピアノです。 Kanoj o ga hoshi i no w, 仏 aω rashii pi ano desu. W hat she want s is a ne wpi ano.

mieru 2. Used asa nominal i zer bef ore verb喧 of percept i on (e.g. , [to bevi sゐle]; ki koeru [to be audi bl e]). このピルの屋上から、車が走っているのがよく見えます。 Kono biru no okt がkar, a kuruma ga hashitte iru noga yoku m加 η ω u. F r omthe roof [top] of this bui l di ng, you can cl earl y see the cars goi ng by. (Lit., … the dri vi ng cars are easi l y visible.) 女の人が歌っているのが聞こえますね。 Onna no hito ga uωtte iru no ga ki koemasu. ne. You can hear a woma n s加gi n, g αn' t you. (Li, .t A woman' s sin伊19 is audi bl e . .)

皿. Us e d at t he e nd of sent ences. 1. Indi cates a quest i on (col l oqui al usage).

会社、本当にやめるの。 Kai sha, honto ni yameru no. You real l y qui tti ng the company?

明日は何時に出かけるの。 Ashi ta wa nanj i ni dekakeru no. What t i me you l eavi ng t omor r ow? 2. I mpart s a softer t one ω a st at ement ( usual l yused by women) .

私、来月フランスに留学するの。 Watashi , raigetsu Furansu ni 1ヲ tugakusuru no. 1will be goi ng to Franc疋 to st udy next mo n曲。 土曜日はコンサートに行きたいと,思っているの。 Doyobi wa konsato ni ikitai to omotte iru no. I' m t hi nki ng I' d like to go to a concert on Saturday. な Indi cates a mi l d c ommand.

そんなこといわないの。 Sonna koto i1-¥ωnai no. Don' t say such thi ngs. / Don' t say 由at. あなたは黙っていればいいの。 Anaω wa damatte ireba i no. You j ust keep qui et. (Lit. , As for you, if you keep silent , it' s good.)




昨日あなたの話していたレストランはどこですか。 Ki no anata no hanashi te ita resutoran wa doko desu ka. W here is the restaurant you wer e tal ki ng about yesterday? 11. Us e d t o nomi nal i z e ver bs a nd adj ect i ves. 1. Si mpl e nominal i zer: ・ “ i ng, what."

天気が悪いですから、ドライプに行くのはやめましょう。 Tenki ga 附 rui desu kara, dorai bu ni i ku no 附 yamemaョ ho. Si nce the weat her is bad, let' s call off goi ng for a dri ve. 外国語を学ぶのは、むずかしいですね。 Gai koku- go 0 manabu no w, 仏 m uzukashi i desu ne. Lεarni ng a forei gn l anguage is difficult , isn' t it. 彼女が欲しいのは、新しいピアノです。 Kanoj o ga hoshi i no w, 仏 aω rashii pi ano desu. W hat she want s is a ne wpi ano.

mieru 2. Used asa nominal i zer bef ore verb喧 of percept i on (e.g. , [to bevi sゐle]; ki koeru [to be audi bl e]). このピルの屋上から、車が走っているのがよく見えます。 Kono biru no okt がkar, a kuruma ga hashitte iru noga yoku m加 η ω u. F r omthe roof [top] of this bui l di ng, you can cl earl y see the cars goi ng by. (Lit., … the dri vi ng cars are easi l y visible.) 女の人が歌っているのが聞こえますね。 Onna no hito ga uωtte iru no ga ki koemasu. ne. You can hear a woma n s加gi n, g αn' t you. (Li, .t A woman' s sin伊19 is audi bl e . .)

皿. Us e d at t he e nd of sent ences. 1. Indi cates a quest i on (col l oqui al usage).

会社、本当にやめるの。 Kai sha, honto ni yameru no. You real l y qui tti ng the company?

明日は何時に出かけるの。 Ashi ta wa nanj i ni dekakeru no. What t i me you l eavi ng t omor r ow? 2. I mpart s a softer t one ω a st at ement ( usual l yused by women) .

私、来月フランスに留学するの。 Watashi , raigetsu Furansu ni 1ヲ tugakusuru no. 1will be goi ng to Franc疋 to st udy next mo n曲。 土曜日はコンサートに行きたいと,思っているの。 Doyobi wa konsato ni ikitai to omotte iru no. I' m t hi nki ng I' d like to go to a concert on Saturday. な Indi cates a mi l d c ommand.

そんなこといわないの。 Sonna koto i1-¥ωnai no. Don' t say such thi ngs. / Don' t say 由at. あなたは黙っていればいいの。 Anaω wa damatte ireba i no. You j ust keep qui et. (Lit. , As for you, if you keep silent , it' s good.)



園也i 主 1. Indi cates the obj ect of 叩 acti on (di rect obj ect).

夕べは映画を見た。 Yube wa eiga 0 m ita. 1s awa movi e yest erday eveni ng. 原因さんは手紙を書いている。 Harada- san wa tegami 0 kaite iru. Har ada is wri ti ng a letter. 2. Indi cates the di rect obj ect of a p出 si ve verb.

私は昨日、電車の中でお金とパスポートを盗まれました。 w白 加hi 附 kinι densha no naka de okane ωp頃5叩 伽 o nusumarem ashi ta. 1had my money and passport stol en i n the trai n yesterday. 彼女は犬に手を噛まれた。 Kanoj o wa i nu ni te 0 kamareta. She had her hand bi tten by a dog. 3. Indi cates the person or thi ng made to do somet hi ng in a causabve sent ence.


4. Indi cates a speci fi c occupat i on or posi ti on (usuall y ( ol l owed by suru).

山本さんのお父さんは、医者をしている 。 Yamamot o- san no otosan w, 仏 isha 0 shite iru . Yamamot o's fa由er is a physi ci an. 私の兄は、新聞記者をしています。 a shi nbun-ki sha 0 shite i m asu. Watashi no ani w, M y el der brot her is a newspaper reporter. 5. Us ed wi t:Qverbs i ndi cati ng wi shes or dc:! sires endi ng in -tai or


コーヒーを飲みたいんです。 Kohi 0 nomitai -n desu. 1want to dri nk s ome coffee.

ジョンさんはおすしを食べたがっていますよ 。 J on-san wa osushi 0 tabetagatte i masuyo. J ohn feels like eati ng s ome sush.i 6. .Indi cates .I Dovement 企' om.a smal l er to a l arger .pl ace i n both concret e and abstract senses. no. 4). (2) Al though kara sounds correct Note: (1) Contrast with ni ( #13, ofEngl i sh, it shoul d not be substituted ゐro加 白is usage.

合o mthe standpoi nt

その政治家は、財界人のパーティーに秘書を出席させた。 Sono seiji-ka wa, zaikai-jin nopati ni hi sho 0 shusseki saseta. That pol i ti ci an had her secretary at t end a busi ness l eaders' party.

a) Mov ement 合o ma smal l er physi cal space to a l arger physical pl ace ( wi th the l arger pl ace usual l y i m pl i ci t).

部長は部下を出張させた。 Buchδ wa buka oshutchδ saseω . T he depart ment head sent a subordi nat e on a busi ness trip.

毎日新宿駅で地下鉄を降ります。 Mai ni chi Shi nj uku-eki de chi katetsu 0 ori masu. 1 get off the subway at Shi 吋uku Stati on every day.


園也i 主 1. Indi cates the obj ect of 叩 acti on (di rect obj ect).

夕べは映画を見た。 Yube wa eiga 0 m ita. 1s awa movi e yest erday eveni ng. 原因さんは手紙を書いている。 Harada- san wa tegami 0 kaite iru. Har ada is wri ti ng a letter. 2. Indi cates the di rect obj ect of a p出 si ve verb.

私は昨日、電車の中でお金とパスポートを盗まれました。 w白 加hi 附 kinι densha no naka de okane ωp頃5叩 伽 o nusumarem ashi ta. 1had my money and passport stol en i n the trai n yesterday. 彼女は犬に手を噛まれた。 Kanoj o wa i nu ni te 0 kamareta. She had her hand bi tten by a dog. 3. Indi cates the person or thi ng made to do somet hi ng in a causabve sent ence.


4. Indi cates a speci fi c occupat i on or posi ti on (usuall y ( ol l owed by suru).

山本さんのお父さんは、医者をしている 。 Yamamot o- san no otosan w, 仏 isha 0 shite iru . Yamamot o's fa由er is a physi ci an. 私の兄は、新聞記者をしています。 a shi nbun-ki sha 0 shite i m asu. Watashi no ani w, M y el der brot her is a newspaper reporter. 5. Us ed wi t:Qverbs i ndi cati ng wi shes or dc:! sires endi ng in -tai or


コーヒーを飲みたいんです。 Kohi 0 nomitai -n desu. 1want to dri nk s ome coffee.

ジョンさんはおすしを食べたがっていますよ 。 J on-san wa osushi 0 tabetagatte i masuyo. J ohn feels like eati ng s ome sush.i 6. .Indi cates .I Dovement 企' om.a smal l er to a l arger .pl ace i n both concret e and abstract senses. no. 4). (2) Al though kara sounds correct Note: (1) Contrast with ni ( #13, ofEngl i sh, it shoul d not be substituted ゐro加 白is usage.

合o mthe standpoi nt

その政治家は、財界人のパーティーに秘書を出席させた。 Sono seiji-ka wa, zaikai-jin nopati ni hi sho 0 shusseki saseta. That pol i ti ci an had her secretary at t end a busi ness l eaders' party.

a) Mov ement 合o ma smal l er physi cal space to a l arger physical pl ace ( wi th the l arger pl ace usual l y i m pl i ci t).

部長は部下を出張させた。 Buchδ wa buka oshutchδ saseω . T he depart ment head sent a subordi nat e on a busi ness trip.

毎日新宿駅で地下鉄を降ります。 Mai ni chi Shi nj uku-eki de chi katetsu 0 ori masu. 1 get off the subway at Shi 吋uku Stati on every day.




山本さんは夕方 5 時半に会社を出ます。 Yamamot o- san wa yugata goj i -han ni kai sha 0 demase. Yamamot o l eaves the office at 5: 30 in the eveni ng. b) Mov ement 企o ma smal l er space in an abstract sense to a l arger abstract space (e.g. , f r omschool l i fe i nto soci ety at large).

首相は早稲田大学を卒業した。 Shusho wa Waseda dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shita. The pr i me mini ster graduat ed 合o mWas eda Uni versi ty. 沖氏は、 70歳になった年に経済界を引退した。 Oki -shi wa, nanaj ussai ni natta toshi ni keizai-kai 0 intai shita. M r. Oki reti red f r omthe busi ness wor l d when [in the ye紅 i n whi ch] he t urned seventy. i ndi cates the pl ace of the 7. W hen used wi t h verbs of mot i on, mot i on.

車で新しい橋を渡った。 Kur uma de atarashi i hashi 0 watatta. 1 crossed over the newbri dge by car. 私の固では、車は道の左側を走ります。 Wat ashi no kuni de wa, kur uma wa michi no hi dari gawa 0 hashi nmasu. In my count ry, cars dri ve on the left si de of the road. このパスは、デパートの前を通りますか。 Konobasuwl 仏 depato no mae 0 tori masu ka. Does 也is bus pass in 合ont of the depart ment store?


8. Indi cates the starti ng poi nt of an acti on.

社長は火曜日の午後 6 時に成田を出発し ます。 Shacho wa kayobi no gogo rokuji ni Nari ta 0 shuppa削 shi masu. 百le corri pany presi dent w迎 l eave f r omNari ta at 6 P. M. on Tuesday. この電車は 8 時に東京駅を出ますから遅れない で来て下さ ¥ 1 '0

Kono densha wa hachiji ni Tokyo-eki kite kudasai .


demasu kara okurenai de

Thi s trai n l eaves Tokyo Stati on at ei ght o' cl ock, so pl ease don' t be late.


I くらい(


1. Indi cates an approxi mat e amount or extent; in contrast wi t h

hodo 叩 d baka叫 kurai denot es an approxi mat e quanti ty wi t hout Connot i ng its upper or l ower lim its: “ approxi mat el y, about." Not e: Hodo ( #20, no. 1) and bakari ( #21, no. 1) may replaα kuraiin 出is usage.

ー ( ごこからその学校まで車で30分ぐ 5 いかかります。 Koko kara sonogakko made kuruma de sanj i ppunguroi kakari masu. It takes about t hi rt y mi nut es by car to get to the school f r omhere. 昨日のパーティーに来た人は、 100人ぐ 5 いだったと思います。 Ki no nopati ni ki ω hito wa, hyakuni n guroi datta ω omoi masu. 1 t hi nk about 100 peopl e c ame to 出 e party yesterday.

1 '5




山本さんは夕方 5 時半に会社を出ます。 Yamamot o- san wa yugata goj i -han ni kai sha 0 demase. Yamamot o l eaves the office at 5: 30 in the eveni ng. b) Mov ement 企o ma smal l er space in an abstract sense to a l arger abstract space (e.g. , f r omschool l i fe i nto soci ety at large).

首相は早稲田大学を卒業した。 Shusho wa Waseda dai gaku 0 sotsugyo shita. The pr i me mini ster graduat ed 合o mWas eda Uni versi ty. 沖氏は、 70歳になった年に経済界を引退した。 Oki -shi wa, nanaj ussai ni natta toshi ni keizai-kai 0 intai shita. M r. Oki reti red f r omthe busi ness wor l d when [in the ye紅 i n whi ch] he t urned seventy. i ndi cates the pl ace of the 7. W hen used wi t h verbs of mot i on, mot i on.

車で新しい橋を渡った。 Kur uma de atarashi i hashi 0 watatta. 1 crossed over the newbri dge by car. 私の固では、車は道の左側を走ります。 Wat ashi no kuni de wa, kur uma wa michi no hi dari gawa 0 hashi nmasu. In my count ry, cars dri ve on the left si de of the road. このパスは、デパートの前を通りますか。 Konobasuwl 仏 depato no mae 0 tori masu ka. Does 也is bus pass in 合ont of the depart ment store?


8. Indi cates the starti ng poi nt of an acti on.

社長は火曜日の午後 6 時に成田を出発し ます。 Shacho wa kayobi no gogo rokuji ni Nari ta 0 shuppa削 shi masu. 百le corri pany presi dent w迎 l eave f r omNari ta at 6 P. M. on Tuesday. この電車は 8 時に東京駅を出ますから遅れない で来て下さ ¥ 1 '0

Kono densha wa hachiji ni Tokyo-eki kite kudasai .


demasu kara okurenai de

Thi s trai n l eaves Tokyo Stati on at ei ght o' cl ock, so pl ease don' t be late.


I くらい(


1. Indi cates an approxi mat e amount or extent; in contrast wi t h

hodo 叩 d baka叫 kurai denot es an approxi mat e quanti ty wi t hout Connot i ng its upper or l ower lim its: “ approxi mat el y, about." Not e: Hodo ( #20, no. 1) and bakari ( #21, no. 1) may replaα kuraiin 出is usage.

ー ( ごこからその学校まで車で30分ぐ 5 いかかります。 Koko kara sonogakko made kuruma de sanj i ppunguroi kakari masu. It takes about t hi rt y mi nut es by car to get to the school f r omhere. 昨日のパーティーに来た人は、 100人ぐ 5 いだったと思います。 Ki no nopati ni ki ω hito wa, hyakuni n guroi datta ω omoi masu. 1 t hi nk about 100 peopl e c ame to 出 e party yesterday.

1 '5





2. Indi cates t he ext ent of a n act i on or condi t i on after a speci fi c to t he ext ent 血 at プ exampl ei s gi ven: “ so … 出at ,

1. Indi cates an appr oxi mat e amount or appr oxi mat e ma xi mum extent; i n cont rast wi 血 kurai and baka, ir hodo ten ds to stress appr o足mat e upper l i m i t: “ approxi mat el y, about. "

no. 3) may repl ace kurailgurai in 白is u鈍 ge. Note: Hodo ( #20,

安田さんの旅行の話は面白くて、時間のたつのも忘れたく 5 いだった。 Yasuda- san no ryoko no hanashi wa omoshi rokute, j i kan no tatsu no mo wasureta kurai datta. Yasuda' s stori es of her of t i me.

仕 i p wer e

Note: Kurai ( #19, no. l) and bakari ( #21 , no・1) may repl ace hodo in this usage, al though hodo is somewhat mor e f orma.l

so i nteresti ng 出at we l ost t rack

来月は、一週間ほど九州へ出張します。 Ra恕eぉuwa, i sshukan hodo Kyushu e shutcho shi masu. Next mor i t h 1' 1 be goi ng on a busi ness tri p to Kyus hu for as l ong

恥ずかしくて穴があったら入りたいぐ 5 いだった。 Haz u初出ikute ana ga attara hairitai gurai datta. 1was so embar r assed 由at 1felt l i ke crawl i ng i n a hol e. (Li t., … if

as a week.

今度の事故で、 100人ほどの人が死んだそうです。 Kondo nojiko de, hyakuni n hodo no hito ga shi nda so desu. 1hear 由 at s ome 100 peopl e di ed i n thi s traffi c acci dent.

t here had been a hol e, 1woul d have want ed to go i n it.)

3. Indi cates a compar i son: “ as . . . 出プ Note: Hodo ( #20, no. 2) may repl ace kurailgurai

泊 this


山下さんの新しい家の庭は、ゴルフ場ぐ 5 いの大きさだ。 Yamashi ta- san no atarashi i ie no ni wq w . a,_gorufu-j o gurai no kisa da.

T he gar den at Yamashi t a' s ne whouse is as bi g as a gol f course.

自分の家く 5 い、いい場所はない。 J i bun no ie kurai , i basho wa nai . There' s no pl ace as ni ce as one' s o wn home.

H OD O I ほど

4 ・ 同

2. I ndi cat es a compar i son ( used onl y i n negat i ve sent ences) : ‘ as . . as. " Note: Kurai may repl ace hodo 泊 白is usage, but hodo is mor e c ommon.

今年は去年ほど寒くないです。 Kotoshi wa kyonen hodo samuku nai desu. Thi s year is not as col d as last year.

あの人ほど頭のいい人はいないでしょう 。 Anohi ω hodo at ama no i hi ω wa inai desho. N o one has as good a head as he has. / N o one is as smar t as he is.





2. Indi cates t he ext ent of a n act i on or condi t i on after a speci fi c to t he ext ent 血 at プ exampl ei s gi ven: “ so … 出at ,

1. Indi cates an appr oxi mat e amount or appr oxi mat e ma xi mum extent; i n cont rast wi 血 kurai and baka, ir hodo ten ds to stress appr o足mat e upper l i m i t: “ approxi mat el y, about. "

no. 3) may repl ace kurailgurai in 白is u鈍 ge. Note: Hodo ( #20,

安田さんの旅行の話は面白くて、時間のたつのも忘れたく 5 いだった。 Yasuda- san no ryoko no hanashi wa omoshi rokute, j i kan no tatsu no mo wasureta kurai datta. Yasuda' s stori es of her of t i me.

仕 i p wer e

Note: Kurai ( #19, no. l) and bakari ( #21 , no・1) may repl ace hodo in this usage, al though hodo is somewhat mor e f orma.l

so i nteresti ng 出at we l ost t rack

来月は、一週間ほど九州へ出張します。 Ra恕eぉuwa, i sshukan hodo Kyushu e shutcho shi masu. Next mor i t h 1' 1 be goi ng on a busi ness tri p to Kyus hu for as l ong

恥ずかしくて穴があったら入りたいぐ 5 いだった。 Haz u初出ikute ana ga attara hairitai gurai datta. 1was so embar r assed 由at 1felt l i ke crawl i ng i n a hol e. (Li t., … if

as a week.

今度の事故で、 100人ほどの人が死んだそうです。 Kondo nojiko de, hyakuni n hodo no hito ga shi nda so desu. 1hear 由 at s ome 100 peopl e di ed i n thi s traffi c acci dent.

t here had been a hol e, 1woul d have want ed to go i n it.)

3. Indi cates a compar i son: “ as . . . 出プ Note: Hodo ( #20, no. 2) may repl ace kurailgurai

泊 this


山下さんの新しい家の庭は、ゴルフ場ぐ 5 いの大きさだ。 Yamashi ta- san no atarashi i ie no ni wq w . a,_gorufu-j o gurai no kisa da.

T he gar den at Yamashi t a' s ne whouse is as bi g as a gol f course.

自分の家く 5 い、いい場所はない。 J i bun no ie kurai , i basho wa nai . There' s no pl ace as ni ce as one' s o wn home.

H OD O I ほど

4 ・ 同

2. I ndi cat es a compar i son ( used onl y i n negat i ve sent ences) : ‘ as . . as. " Note: Kurai may repl ace hodo 泊 白is usage, but hodo is mor e c ommon.

今年は去年ほど寒くないです。 Kotoshi wa kyonen hodo samuku nai desu. Thi s year is not as col d as last year.

あの人ほど頭のいい人はいないでしょう 。 Anohi ω hodo at ama no i hi ω wa inai desho. N o one has as good a head as he has. / N o one is as smar t as he is.




3. Indi cates the extent of an act i on or condi t i on by ci ti ng a speto t he extent 出 at." cific exampl e: “ so . . . 出at ,

明日から 2 日ばかり旅行に行ってきます。 Ashi ta kara戸tsuka bakari ryoko ni itte ki masu.

Bヲ i nni ng t omor r ow, 1' 1 be maki ng a tri p for a day or t附 /

Not e: 百1is usage is sim ilar to kurai ( #19, no. 2).

1 0 r r o wrli be l eavi ng o n a tri p h r a coupl e of days-

今日は勉強ができないほど疲れた。 Kyo wa benkyo ga deki nai hodo tsukareta. Today I' m so ti red that 1 can' t study.

試験に合格したので、うれしくて眠れないほどです。 Shi ken ni gokaku shita no dι ureshi kute nemurenai hodo desu.

Si nce 1 passed t he exami nat i on, I' m so happy 血at 1 can' t sl eep. 4. Us ed in t he f or mV- ba + V hodo: “ t he mor e ... t he mor e. "

1 万円ばか D 貸していただけませんか。 Ichi - man- en bakari kashi te i tadakemasen ka. Coul d y ou l end me, say, somet hi ng like ¥ 1O,OOO? 2. " Not onl y ... but a1so. "

Note: W hile dake ( #22,no. 4) may repl ace bakari in this usage,bakari is slightly more em phati c.

北へ行けば行くほど寒くなります。 Ki ta e i keba iku hodo samuku nari masu.

原因さんはピアノばかりでなく、歌もうまいんですよ。 Harada- san wa pi ano bakari de naku,uta mo umai - n desu yo・ Har ada is good not onl y at t he pi ano but a1so at si ngi ng.

年をとればとるほど、体が弱くなります。 Toshi 0 toreba ωru hodo, karada ga yowaku nari masu.

英語ばかりでなく、フランス語も勉強したいんです。 Ei go bakari de naku, Furansu- go mo benkyo shitai -n desu. 1want to st udy not onl y Engl i sh but Fr ench as wel .l

The f urther nor t h y ou go, t he col der it gets.

The ol der you get , t he weaker your body becomes.

王-Ei均 np加 hお叩包附ぬ血雌es平 ?伊 μl 副 t yo ぱf 白即 eI m 町 rIπ rme-

園│BA臥則│ ばかり Note: Mor e i nformal f orms of bakari are bakka, ir 「。ォウィセ@

冶 εon 叫 叫 1ly , れ not hi ng but. '

and bakkashi.

1. Indi cates an appr oxi mat e amount or extent; i n contrast to kurai and hodo,bakari t ends ( but onl y tends) to f ocus o n the about." s ma1l ness of t he a mount:“ approxi mat el y,

Note: Kurai ( #19, no. 1) and hodo ( #20, no. 1) may replace bakari in this usage.

n 恥α C 削 悶 e the posi ti on of bakari in the s倒 er 悶 a能 cts 白 th e附me 飽an 凶 ni ln1:1胤1:. Note: (1υ) Si血 e叫 v刊eお rsio 凶ぬ ons of 叩 on 即es 挺拙 sen 釘印 n 蜘 E ln loose usage, however , 拘 b'a ,k 旬ariれt除endω s tωosぬ hi泊負企o mt hewordi註t is i ntendedω to mod 必i今 臥 F九 l eavi ng 山 , th e m 悶 1 b 向ak 白 aric∞ on 蹴 1t匂 凶 a 必 in碍ssa degree of 必 dis鈍approval whi ch dakμedoes , not. 記卿 V 刊

課長はこの頃ウイスキーばかり飲んでいますね。 Kachδ wa konogoro ui suki bakari nonde i masu nι The secti on chi ef is dri nki ng not hi ng but whi skey these days.





3. Indi cates the extent of an act i on or condi t i on by ci ti ng a speto t he extent 出 at." cific exampl e: “ so . . . 出at ,

明日から 2 日ばかり旅行に行ってきます。 Ashi ta kara戸tsuka bakari ryoko ni itte ki masu.

Bヲ i nni ng t omor r ow, 1' 1 be maki ng a tri p for a day or t附 /

Not e: 百1is usage is sim ilar to kurai ( #19, no. 2).

1 0 r r o wrli be l eavi ng o n a tri p h r a coupl e of days-

今日は勉強ができないほど疲れた。 Kyo wa benkyo ga deki nai hodo tsukareta. Today I' m so ti red that 1 can' t study.

試験に合格したので、うれしくて眠れないほどです。 Shi ken ni gokaku shita no dι ureshi kute nemurenai hodo desu.

Si nce 1 passed t he exami nat i on, I' m so happy 血at 1 can' t sl eep. 4. Us ed in t he f or mV- ba + V hodo: “ t he mor e ... t he mor e. "

1 万円ばか D 貸していただけませんか。 Ichi - man- en bakari kashi te i tadakemasen ka. Coul d y ou l end me, say, somet hi ng like ¥ 1O,OOO? 2. " Not onl y ... but a1so. "

Note: W hile dake ( #22,no. 4) may repl ace bakari in this usage,bakari is slightly more em phati c.

北へ行けば行くほど寒くなります。 Ki ta e i keba iku hodo samuku nari masu.

原因さんはピアノばかりでなく、歌もうまいんですよ。 Harada- san wa pi ano bakari de naku,uta mo umai - n desu yo・ Har ada is good not onl y at t he pi ano but a1so at si ngi ng.

年をとればとるほど、体が弱くなります。 Toshi 0 toreba ωru hodo, karada ga yowaku nari masu.

英語ばかりでなく、フランス語も勉強したいんです。 Ei go bakari de naku, Furansu- go mo benkyo shitai -n desu. 1want to st udy not onl y Engl i sh but Fr ench as wel .l

The f urther nor t h y ou go, t he col der it gets.

The ol der you get , t he weaker your body becomes.

王-Ei均 np加 hお叩包附ぬ血雌es平 ?伊 μl 副 t yo ぱf 白即 eI m 町 rIπ rme-

園│BA臥則│ ばかり Note: Mor e i nformal f orms of bakari are bakka, ir 「。ォウィセ@

冶 εon 叫 叫 1ly , れ not hi ng but. '

and bakkashi.

1. Indi cates an appr oxi mat e amount or extent; i n contrast to kurai and hodo,bakari t ends ( but onl y tends) to f ocus o n the about." s ma1l ness of t he a mount:“ approxi mat el y,

Note: Kurai ( #19, no. 1) and hodo ( #20, no. 1) may replace bakari in this usage.

n 恥α C 削 悶 e the posi ti on of bakari in the s倒 er 悶 a能 cts 白 th e附me 飽an 凶 ni ln1:1胤1:. Note: (1υ) Si血 e叫 v刊eお rsio 凶ぬ ons of 叩 on 即es 挺拙 sen 釘印 n 蜘 E ln loose usage, however , 拘 b'a ,k 旬ariれt除endω s tωosぬ hi泊負企o mt hewordi註t is i ntendedω to mod 必i今 臥 F九 l eavi ng 山 , th e m 悶 1 b 向ak 白 aric∞ on 蹴 1t匂 凶 a 必 in碍ssa degree of 必 dis鈍approval whi ch dakμedoes , not. 記卿 V 刊

課長はこの頃ウイスキーばかり飲んでいますね。 Kachδ wa konogoro ui suki bakari nonde i masu nι The secti on chi ef is dri nki ng not hi ng but whi skey these days.





課長はこの頃ウイスキーを飲んでばかりいますね。 Kachδ wa konogoro ui suki 0 nonde bakari i masu ne. The secti on chi ef is doi ng not hi ng but dri nk whi skey these days. 課長はこ q 頃ウイスキー飲んでいるばかりですね O KMJ 16wuK3nogoro ui SUMo mMe i r u bakari de5Une. All the secti on chi ef does these days is dri nk whi skey. テレピばかり見ていると目を悪くしますよ 。 Terebi bakari mite iru ω me 0 waruku shi masu yo・ If all you do is wat ch T V, you' l l rui n your eyes. / I f you wat ch T V you' l l rui n your eyes. all the ti me,

Note: Here,terebi 0 m ite iru bakari da ω me 0 waruku shi m asu yo is also possible (and grarnm ati ωll y more acceptable) ,but the exampl e above is more common and has the same m eani ng.

5. Emphasi zes a reason or cause in the phrase bakari merel y) because, for the si mpl e reason. " 持

";“: J( ust ,

渡辺さんはステレオを買いたいばかり に 、 ー生懸命 にアル バイトをしている 。 Watanabe- san wa sutereo 0 kaitai bakari ni, issho-kenmei ni arubai to o shite iru. Wat anabe is worki ng like a dog at his part -t i me j ob for the si mple reason 由 at he want s to buy a stereo. / Wat anabe want s to buy a stereo so badl y that he is worki ng for all he's wort h at his part エゥセ・ェッ「N@

山田さんは政治家と結婚したばかりに、苦労している 。 Yamada- san wa seiji-ka ω kekkon shita bakari ni , kur δ shite iru. Si mpl y because Yamada marri ed a pol i ti ci an, she is havi ng a hard ti m e. / Just because she marri ed [ happened to marry] a politi ci an, Yamada is fi ndi ng the goi ng tough.

4. U sed after the - ta f or mof verbs: “ just." Note: If tokoro ( #38,no・1) replaces bakari in this usage,the meani ng is but bakari shows more em phasis. sim ilar , 父は今帰ってきたばかりです。 Chi chi wa i ma kaette ki ω bakari desu. My father just nowcame home j[ ust got home] . 順ちゃんは、ご飯を食べたばかりなのに、もうおやつを欲し がっています。 i mo oya伽 ohoshigatte J un- chan w, 仏 gohan 0 ωbeta bakari na no n, tm asu. Even 血ough J un has just eaten a meal [just fi ni shed eati ng, ] he al ready want s a snack.

D A悶 │だけ 1. Indi cates an absol ute quanti tati ve lim it wi t h the connotati on that the arnount is sm al l : "onl y, j us t."

昨日クラスに来た学生は、 5 人だけでした。 Ki nδ kurasu ni kita gakusei wa, goni n dake deshi t 仏, Onl y five students came to class yesterday. 今日は 1 時間だlオテレビを見ました。 Kyowa ichi てj i kan dake terebi 0 mimashi ta. Today 1wat ched T V for onl y an hour.





課長はこの頃ウイスキーを飲んでばかりいますね。 Kachδ wa konogoro ui suki 0 nonde bakari i masu ne. The secti on chi ef is doi ng not hi ng but dri nk whi skey these days. 課長はこ q 頃ウイスキー飲んでいるばかりですね O KMJ 16wuK3nogoro ui SUMo mMe i r u bakari de5Une. All the secti on chi ef does these days is dri nk whi skey. テレピばかり見ていると目を悪くしますよ 。 Terebi bakari mite iru ω me 0 waruku shi masu yo・ If all you do is wat ch T V, you' l l rui n your eyes. / I f you wat ch T V you' l l rui n your eyes. all the ti me,

Note: Here,terebi 0 m ite iru bakari da ω me 0 waruku shi m asu yo is also possible (and grarnm ati ωll y more acceptable) ,but the exampl e above is more common and has the same m eani ng.

5. Emphasi zes a reason or cause in the phrase bakari merel y) because, for the si mpl e reason. " 持

";“: J( ust ,

渡辺さんはステレオを買いたいばかり に 、 ー生懸命 にアル バイトをしている 。 Watanabe- san wa sutereo 0 kaitai bakari ni, issho-kenmei ni arubai to o shite iru. Wat anabe is worki ng like a dog at his part -t i me j ob for the si mple reason 由 at he want s to buy a stereo. / Wat anabe want s to buy a stereo so badl y that he is worki ng for all he's wort h at his part エゥセ・ェッ「N@

山田さんは政治家と結婚したばかりに、苦労している 。 Yamada- san wa seiji-ka ω kekkon shita bakari ni , kur δ shite iru. Si mpl y because Yamada marri ed a pol i ti ci an, she is havi ng a hard ti m e. / Just because she marri ed [ happened to marry] a politi ci an, Yamada is fi ndi ng the goi ng tough.

4. U sed after the - ta f or mof verbs: “ just." Note: If tokoro ( #38,no・1) replaces bakari in this usage,the meani ng is but bakari shows more em phasis. sim ilar , 父は今帰ってきたばかりです。 Chi chi wa i ma kaette ki ω bakari desu. My father just nowcame home j[ ust got home] . 順ちゃんは、ご飯を食べたばかりなのに、もうおやつを欲し がっています。 i mo oya伽 ohoshigatte J un- chan w, 仏 gohan 0 ωbeta bakari na no n, tm asu. Even 血ough J un has just eaten a meal [just fi ni shed eati ng, ] he al ready want s a snack.

D A悶 │だけ 1. Indi cates an absol ute quanti tati ve lim it wi t h the connotati on that the arnount is sm al l : "onl y, j us t."

昨日クラスに来た学生は、 5 人だけでした。 Ki nδ kurasu ni kita gakusei wa, goni n dake deshi t 仏, Onl y five students came to class yesterday. 今日は 1 時間だlオテレビを見ました。 Kyowa ichi てj i kan dake terebi 0 mimashi ta. Today 1wat ched T V for onl y an hour.




2. Indi cates an extent or amount : “ as ... as."

どうぞお好きなだけお飲み下さい。 Dozo osuki na dake onomi kudasai . Pl ease dri nk as muc hωy ou wi sh. できるだけ早く行きます。 Deki ru dake hayaku i ki m asu. 1' 1 go [be on my way, l eave, get there] as soon as I can. (Li, .t T o I will go qui ckl y. ) the extent that I can, and dake no koω wa aru, ワ. In the phrases dake ョセ@ dake atte, i ndi cates the cause or precondi t i on for a certai n resul t or state of a伯 irs ( when the resul t meet s expectati ons , does not meet expec・ tati ons , or is consi dered a natural out come) . a) Whe n the resul t meet s expectati ons and is therefore wor t h the effort of achi evi ng: “.. . was wort hwhi l e. "

あの大学に合格できたから、勉強しただけのことはあった。 a benkyo shita ぬkeno koto wa a侃 Ano dai kagu ni gokaku制 加 kar, I passed [the ent rance exami nat i on to] 出at uni versi ty,so the studりng I di d was wor t h it. 寺田さんは私のプレゼントを喜んでくれたので、無理して 買っただけのことはあった。 Terada- san wa watashi no purezento 0 yorokonde kureta no de, muri shite katta dake no koto wa atta. Si nce Terada was happy [pl eased] wi t h my present , it was wor t h all the troubl e I went to in buyi ng it.


b) When the resul t does not meet expectati ons and is therefore di scouragi ng: “ gi ven 血e 白ct 由at プ

彼は彼女に夢中だっただけに、失恋のショックはとても大き かった。 Kare wa kanoj o ni muchu datta dake ni ,shi tsuren no shokku wa totemo okikatta. Gi ven the fact 出 at he was head over heel s in l ove, l osi ng her was a bi gbl ow. て生懸命に勉強しただけに、不合格の通知を受け取ったと き、山本さんは非常にがっかりした。 Issho-kenmei ni benkyo shita dake 同声- gokaku no tsuchi 0 ukeωtta toki ,Yamamot o- san wa hijo ni gakkari shita. . Si nce he had studi ed so hard, Yamamot o was ext remel y di sappoi nt ed when he recei ved noti fi cati on that he had fai! ed. / Gi ven Yamamot o was crushed the fact 出 at he had studi ed so hard, when he l earned 也at he had not been accepted. c) W hen the out come is seen as a natural resul t of f oregoi ng condi ti ons: “ as you mi ght expect."

佐藤きんは英国の大学で勉強しただげあって、英語がうま いですね。 Sato san wa Ei koku no dai gaku de benkyo shita dake atte, Ei go ga umai desu ne. As you mi ght expect 合o mhis havi ng studi ed at a uni versi ty i n Engl and, Sato' s Engl i sh is qui te good. ・




2. Indi cates an extent or amount : “ as ... as."

どうぞお好きなだけお飲み下さい。 Dozo osuki na dake onomi kudasai . Pl ease dri nk as muc hωy ou wi sh. できるだけ早く行きます。 Deki ru dake hayaku i ki m asu. 1' 1 go [be on my way, l eave, get there] as soon as I can. (Li, .t T o I will go qui ckl y. ) the extent that I can, and dake no koω wa aru, ワ. In the phrases dake ョセ@ dake atte, i ndi cates the cause or precondi t i on for a certai n resul t or state of a伯 irs ( when the resul t meet s expectati ons , does not meet expec・ tati ons , or is consi dered a natural out come) . a) Whe n the resul t meet s expectati ons and is therefore wor t h the effort of achi evi ng: “.. . was wort hwhi l e. "

あの大学に合格できたから、勉強しただけのことはあった。 a benkyo shita ぬkeno koto wa a侃 Ano dai kagu ni gokaku制 加 kar, I passed [the ent rance exami nat i on to] 出at uni versi ty,so the studりng I di d was wor t h it. 寺田さんは私のプレゼントを喜んでくれたので、無理して 買っただけのことはあった。 Terada- san wa watashi no purezento 0 yorokonde kureta no de, muri shite katta dake no koto wa atta. Si nce Terada was happy [pl eased] wi t h my present , it was wor t h all the troubl e I went to in buyi ng it.


b) When the resul t does not meet expectati ons and is therefore di scouragi ng: “ gi ven 血e 白ct 由at プ

彼は彼女に夢中だっただけに、失恋のショックはとても大き かった。 Kare wa kanoj o ni muchu datta dake ni ,shi tsuren no shokku wa totemo okikatta. Gi ven the fact 出 at he was head over heel s in l ove, l osi ng her was a bi gbl ow. て生懸命に勉強しただけに、不合格の通知を受け取ったと き、山本さんは非常にがっかりした。 Issho-kenmei ni benkyo shita dake 同声- gokaku no tsuchi 0 ukeωtta toki ,Yamamot o- san wa hijo ni gakkari shita. . Si nce he had studi ed so hard, Yamamot o was ext remel y di sappoi nt ed when he recei ved noti fi cati on that he had fai! ed. / Gi ven Yamamot o was crushed the fact 出 at he had studi ed so hard, when he l earned 也at he had not been accepted. c) W hen the out come is seen as a natural resul t of f oregoi ng condi ti ons: “ as you mi ght expect."

佐藤きんは英国の大学で勉強しただげあって、英語がうま いですね。 Sato san wa Ei koku no dai gaku de benkyo shita dake atte, Ei go ga umai desu ne. As you mi ght expect 合o mhis havi ng studi ed at a uni versi ty i n Engl and, Sato' s Engl i sh is qui te good. ・





、 ・

ジョンさんは、京都に 15年も住んでいるだけあって、お寺の ことをよく知っています。 J on- san wa, Kyδ,to ni j ugo- nen mo sunde iru dake atte, otera no asu. koto 0 yoku shitte i m As you mi ght expect 合o mhi s havi ng l i ved i n Kyot o for fi fteen years , J ohn is very knowl edgeabl e about templ es. / Si nce J ohn has l i ved i n Kyot o for fi fteen years , it is not surpri si ng that he knows a lot about templ es.

園l SHI 臥│ しか

一流のピアニストだげに、すばらしい演奏をしますね。 Ichi ryu nopi ani suω dake ni , subarashi i enso 0 shi masu ne. As you mi ght expect of a first-rate pi ani st , he pl ays wonderf ul l y, doesn' t he.

あの庖には、この雑誌しかありませんでした。 Ano mise ni wa, kono zasshi shi ka ari masen deshita. 百1I s was the onl y magazi ne at that sto問 . / The onl y magazi ne that store had was this one.

ここは北海道だけに、寒さが厳しいです。 Koko wa Hokkai do dake n,i samusa ga kibishii desu. As you mi ght expect 企o m血is bei ng Hokkai do, it is terri bl y col d. / It is terri bl y col d here i n Hokkai do, 前 yourni ght expect.

今は、 13∞円きりしか持っていないから、とてもフランス料 理など食べられないよ。 I ma wa sen-sanbyaku-en kiri shi ka motte inai kara, totemo Furansu・ ryori nado taberarenai yo. Si nce all 1 have at t he moment is ¥l , 300, there is no way 1 can [afford to] eat French food.

4. “ Not on1y …but al so." Note: Whi l e bakari ( #21, no. 2) may replace dake in 出 is usage, it is slightly more em phati c.

原因さんはピアノだけでなく、歌もうまいんですよ。 Harada- san wa pi ano dake de naku,uta mo umai - n desu yo. Har ada is good not on1y at the pi ano but al so at si ngi ng. 英語だけでなくフランス語も勉強したいんです。 Ei go dake de naku Furansu・.go mo benkyδ shitai-n desu. 1want to st udy not on1y E ng1ish but French as wel l .

Note: Shika is used onl y wi t h negative verbs. It may combi ne wi t h (follow) dakι nomi, and kiri for further em phasi s. 1. After nouns , i ndi cates there is not hi ng mor e 由an the qu叩 ・ tity speci fi ed, wi t h the connot at i on 血at the quanti ty is smal l or unsati sfac旬可: “ onl y, not hi ng but , merel y. "

2. After verbs , i ndi cates a l i m i t to 出 e acti on stip叫.ated by the b: “ there is no choi ce but , all 0 限 can do is."

y 町


加 da keredo, shutchδ da kara iku shi ka nai. 1 don' t want to, but si nce i t' s c omp叩 y busi ness [li, .t a busi ness trip] , 1can' t hel p but go [1 have no choi ce].

このレポートは、明日までだから、今日中に終わらせるしか ない。 . lkR nai . Konorep仰 叫 ashita made da 初 叫 匂lo-ju ni owaraseru ., Si nce 血is report is due t omor r ow, 1have no choi ce but to fi ni sh it somet i me t oday [will j ust to have to 白lish it somet i me today] .





、 ・

ジョンさんは、京都に 15年も住んでいるだけあって、お寺の ことをよく知っています。 J on- san wa, Kyδ,to ni j ugo- nen mo sunde iru dake atte, otera no asu. koto 0 yoku shitte i m As you mi ght expect 合o mhi s havi ng l i ved i n Kyot o for fi fteen years , J ohn is very knowl edgeabl e about templ es. / Si nce J ohn has l i ved i n Kyot o for fi fteen years , it is not surpri si ng that he knows a lot about templ es.

園l SHI 臥│ しか

一流のピアニストだげに、すばらしい演奏をしますね。 Ichi ryu nopi ani suω dake ni , subarashi i enso 0 shi masu ne. As you mi ght expect of a first-rate pi ani st , he pl ays wonderf ul l y, doesn' t he.

あの庖には、この雑誌しかありませんでした。 Ano mise ni wa, kono zasshi shi ka ari masen deshita. 百1I s was the onl y magazi ne at that sto問 . / The onl y magazi ne that store had was this one.

ここは北海道だけに、寒さが厳しいです。 Koko wa Hokkai do dake n,i samusa ga kibishii desu. As you mi ght expect 企o m血is bei ng Hokkai do, it is terri bl y col d. / It is terri bl y col d here i n Hokkai do, 前 yourni ght expect.

今は、 13∞円きりしか持っていないから、とてもフランス料 理など食べられないよ。 I ma wa sen-sanbyaku-en kiri shi ka motte inai kara, totemo Furansu・ ryori nado taberarenai yo. Si nce all 1 have at t he moment is ¥l , 300, there is no way 1 can [afford to] eat French food.

4. “ Not on1y …but al so." Note: Whi l e bakari ( #21, no. 2) may replace dake in 出 is usage, it is slightly more em phati c.

原因さんはピアノだけでなく、歌もうまいんですよ。 Harada- san wa pi ano dake de naku,uta mo umai - n desu yo. Har ada is good not on1y at the pi ano but al so at si ngi ng. 英語だけでなくフランス語も勉強したいんです。 Ei go dake de naku Furansu・.go mo benkyδ shitai-n desu. 1want to st udy not on1y E ng1ish but French as wel l .

Note: Shika is used onl y wi t h negative verbs. It may combi ne wi t h (follow) dakι nomi, and kiri for further em phasi s. 1. After nouns , i ndi cates there is not hi ng mor e 由an the qu叩 ・ tity speci fi ed, wi t h the connot at i on 血at the quanti ty is smal l or unsati sfac旬可: “ onl y, not hi ng but , merel y. "

2. After verbs , i ndi cates a l i m i t to 出 e acti on stip叫.ated by the b: “ there is no choi ce but , all 0 限 can do is."

y 町


加 da keredo, shutchδ da kara iku shi ka nai. 1 don' t want to, but si nce i t' s c omp叩 y busi ness [li, .t a busi ness trip] , 1can' t hel p but go [1 have no choi ce].

このレポートは、明日までだから、今日中に終わらせるしか ない。 . lkR nai . Konorep仰 叫 ashita made da 初 叫 匂lo-ju ni owaraseru ., Si nce 血is report is due t omor r ow, 1have no choi ce but to fi ni sh it somet i me t oday [will j ust to have to 白lish it somet i me today] .






NOMI I のみ 持 l . A 食er nouns , i ndi cates 白紙 出 i ng(s) sti pul ated: “ onl y. "

there is not hi ng other t han the

Note: In this usage, nomi and dake have the same meani ng, but nom i is used more in writing than in the spoken language. Nomi can be combi ned with pl e sentence below. (followed by) shi ka, as 血 the second sam

この会議には、 4 つの国の代表のみが出席した。 Konoka抱i ni wa, yottsu no kuni no dai hyo nomi ga shusseki shita. 百le repr 悦 ntati ves of onl y four countri es attended this conference. 以前、この大学には男性のみしか入れなかった。 Izen, kono dai gaku ni wa dansei nomi shi ka hai renakatta. In the past , onl y me n were abl e to enter 出 is uni versi ty. 勺 . Used in 血e f or mA

nomi narazu B mo: “ not onl y … but also."

Not e: 百l I S usage is essentially equivalent to bakari ( #21, no. 2) and l kke ( #22, no. 4) , but is found more i n the written than in 出直 spokenl angua伊・

この大学の文学部の学生は、英語のみならずフランス語も 勉強しなければならない。 Kono dai gaku no bungaku- bu no gakusei wa,Ei go nomi narazu Furansu- go mo benkyo shi nakereba naranai . The students iq the l i terature depart ment of 出 is uni versi ty must but French as well. study not onl y Engl i sh, シェークスピアは戯曲のみならず詩もたくさん書いた。 Shekusupi a wa gi kyoku nomi narazu shi mo takusan kaita. Shakespeare wrot e not onl y pl ays , but many poems as well.

I きり

1. Useda 幼 食e 釘r nouns and 刊 v