Analisa Psu [PDF]

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Setiap teknisi seharusnya memiliki amper meter,PSU 30V5A lebih dianjurkan. Kita dapat memonitor pergerakan arus pada saat pertama kali sebelum Laptop dibongkar. Colokkan PSU pada Laptop (tanpa battery)jika amper naik sebesar 0.009 s/d 0.030 (normal)berarti power sudah masuk sampai ke VBAT. Kemudian pasang battery jika amper naik mulai dari 0.300A s/d 1.800A di pastikan charger IC dalam kondisi baik dan pengisian battery sedang berjalan. Jika pada saat di colok PSU(tanpa battery) amper naik sampai 0,060 s/d 0.090 maka ada masalah terjadi pada SMPS power regulator ic.biasanya ditemukan ada ground feedback (short)pada output LDO atau pada inductor 3V dan 5V atau pada SMPS ic itu sendiri.Ciri2 nya SMPS ic panas. Jika pada saat colok PSU amper monitor menunjukkan angkat normal kemudian tekan tombol power maka amper akan bergerak naik pertanda system switching telah berjalan. Adakalanya setelah di switch amper naik kemudian drop kembali ke standby mode pertanda ada komponen atau device yang menolak dihidupkan,penyebab terbesar di karenakan adanya ground feedback. Sebagaimana hukum elektro,apabila kutub positif beradu /menyatu dgn kutub negatif maka tegangan yg ada pada kutub positif akan kalah dan berubah menjadi 0V.Ada juga pada saat di switch amper naik tetapi terhenti pada 0.100 s/d 0.250 untuk laptop yg total penggunaan amper hanya 1.5A.dan 0.100 s/d 0.900 utk laptop yg total penggunaan amper 3.2A serta 0.100 s/d 1.800A utk laptop yg Ttl penggunaan amper nya 4.7A.Sangat penting utk mengetahui total penggunaan amper yg tertera pada adaptor atau di casing bawah laptop utk mengetahui konsumsi amper pada saat laptop sdh tampil.Utk laptop yg Ttl penggunaan amper 1.5A biasanya motherboard cukup mengkonsumsi 0.2500.400A.utk yg 3.2A mobo cukup mengkonsumsi 0.700-1.500A sedangkan mobo yg adaptor nya 4.7A baru bisa display jika konsumsi amper sdh mencapai 1.800A2.200.Jika ternyata monitor amper sudah mencapai angka diatas ternyata motherboard belum tampil hanya 2 kemungkinan kerusakan yg terjadi memory atau VGAnya. Each technician should have ammeters, 30V5A PSU preferable. We can monitor the movement of currents at the first time before the laptop disassembled. Plug the PSU on a Laptop (without battery) if the current increase of 0.009A to 0.030A (normal) means the power already signed up to VBAT. Then plug the battery if the current rise from 0.300A to 1.800A it is positive charger IC is in good condition and charging the battery is running. If at the time at PSU plug in (without battery) amperage rises to 0.060A to 0.090A then there was a problem occurs in SMPS power regulator ic. usually there are ground feedback (short) at the LDO output or on the inductors 3VALW and 5VALW or the SMPS IC itself. Ic character traits SMPS being heat. If at PSU plug in than amperage monitor showing normal condition and then press the power button then the current will move up sign switching system has been running. Sometimes after the switch current rise and then drop back to standby mode sign any component or device that refuse is turned on, the biggest culprit in because the ground feedback. As electro law, if the positive pole collided / fused with the negative pole of the voltage existing at the positive pole will be lost and turned into 0V .There is also the time at switch updrafts but stalled in 0.100 to 0.250 for laptops which total current usage only 1.5A. End then 0.100A to 0.900A for a laptop that total use of current for 3.2A and 0100A to 1.800A for laptops that use total current for 4.7A. It is essential for knowing the total use of current marked on the adapter or on the bottom of the laptop casing for knowing the current consumption when the laptop is already to display. For laptops that use total current for 1.5A, motherboard usually consume enough for 0.250A to 0.400A to display . total current 3.2A motherboard consume enoughfor 0.700A to 1.500A and total current for 4.7A , motherboard already display if the current consumption reach for 1.800A to 2.200.If current usage has reached the figure above but it still no post ,there are 2 damage possibility it cause of memory or graphic chip.