Analisis Model 7S McKinsey Pada Coca-Col [PDF]

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Nama: Rizky Ananda Putri Akuntansi 2015 Kelas: CB

tugas tanggal: 7 Desember 2015 Sebagai Tugas Kuis

Analisis Perusahaan Disandingkan dengan Model “Tujuh S” (sumber: Nama Perusahaan: PT. Coca-Cola The Coca-Cola Company didirikan tahun 1892 oleh Asa G.Chandler di Atlanta, yang juga mempatenkan merek dagang Coca-Cola, Perusahaan ini merupakan induk dari semua perusahaan pembotolan yang memiliki merek dagang Coca-Cola di seluruh Negara di dunia dengan menyediakan bahan baku consetratnya. PT. Coca-Cola hadir di Indonesia sekitar tahun 1927, ketika De Nederland Indische Mineral Water Fabriecj (Pabrik Air Mineral Hindia Belanda) membotolkannya untuk pertama kali di Batavia (Jakarta). Pada tahun 1971 didirikan pabrik pembotolan modern pertama di Indonesia dengan nama baru PT. Djaya Beverages Bottling Company. Di Indonesia, The Coca-Cola Company melalui PT. Coca-Cola Indonesia bermitra dengan Coca-Cola Amatil, salah satu jaringan pabrik pembotolan yang memiliki lisensi dari merk-merk dagang The Coca-Cola Company yang terbesar. 1. Sasaran Tingkat Tinggi Pada tahun 2010, Coca-Cola menetapkan sistem pendapatan ganda sampai tahun 2020 dengan mengembangkan produk minuman baru (NPD) dan melakukan pertemuan preferensi pelanggan dengan menyelaraskan strategi visi 6P, yaitu profit (keuntngan), people (manusia), portfolio (portofolio), partners (kolega), planet, dan productivity (produktivitas). 2. Strategi Untuk menggapai 6P yang telah menjadi visi perusahaan, Coca-Cola melakukan beberapa strategi, diantaranya: Strategi perusahaan. Mengakuisisi merek khusus di Asia untuk membangun pijakan di Asia Pasifik, mengembangkan tampilan kemasan untuk meningkatakan volume pelanggan, melakukan ekspansi asset dengan Cina dan India, dan memanfaatkan sinergi biaya di fasilitas produksi dan pembotolan sehingga memastikan efisiensi. Strategi fungsional. Pemasaran, didukung oleh kekuatan seluruh merek Coca-Cola. Manajemen bakat strategi, Coca-Cola mungkin tidak melibatkan karyawannya tapi dengan mengurangi tingkat turnover tenaga kerja dan perlu untuk mengencangkan retensi dan pengembangan kebijakan. Strategi produksi, memanfaatkan sinergi biaya dengan mengintegrasikan fasilitas pembotolan. Strategi distribusi, hubungan distributor yang kuat dengan menempatkan merek Coke dalam jangkauan dan memastikan cakupan distribusi yang baik melalui berbagai cara.

Srategi bisnis. Menyataan dengan jelas adopsi diferensiasi terhadap kepemimpinan harga dan faktor-faktor kritis kompetisi yang akan bekerja. 3. Struktur Coca-cola memiliki Head Office Segment yang bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan CocaCola keseluruhan arah dan memberikan dukungan untuk struktur regional. Keputusan strategis yang dibuat oleh ExCo dari 12 Perusahaan Petugas. Ketua ExCo berperan juga sebagai CEO yang bertanggung jawab, baik untuk daerah besar atau memiliki spesialisasi penting bisnis misalnya CFO. Perusahaan beroperasi di lima segmen geografis operasi atau SBU serta korporasi (Kantor Pusat) yaitu di Amerika Latin , Pasifik , Eurasia dan Afrika , RU , N.America. Di mana pada setiap SBUnya dibagi menjadi beberapa divisi. 4. Sistem Sistem directional, untuk memantau visi 6P agar tetap selaras dengan tujuan visi untuk 2020. Sistem proses, masing-masing sub-divisi dikelola untuk mencapai visi 6P. Sistem manajemen hari ke hari, pada tingkat manajeriallangah-langkah procedural dan umpan balik akan ditetapkan secara bersamaan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang hasil seiring dengan imbalan untuk keselarasan dengan tujuan. 5. Style (gaya) Coca-cola memiliki gaya melihat ke depan dan menekankan kesatuan. “Satu Perusahaan. Satu Tim. Satu Gairah.” Satu perusahaan, bermakna memberikan kesempatan belajar kepada staf untuk berkontribusi untuk kebaikan Coca-Cola. Satu tim, bermakna ikatan hubungan yang dibangun dilakukan untuk kesuksesan karir. Satu gairah, mendukung masyarakat dan melestarikan dan melindungi lingkungan ini. 6. Staff Sistem manajemen kinerja lebih baik dikelola untuk menurunkan tingkat omset 19,1%. Beberapa praktek juga dibutuhkan untuk menekan inovasi yang juga melibatkan staff. Imbalan dari kepemilikan saham di Coca-Cola juga dapat menumbuhkan minat karyawan untuk membangun bersama dengan perusahaan. 7. Skills (keterampilan) Untuk menerapkan ke enam S yang lain, dibutuhkan beberapa keterampilan, yaitu dalam hal sasaran tingat tinggi, visi 6P membutuhkan pendekatan inovatif dalam mencapai tujuan, terutama hubungannya dengan konten produk, volume, dan inovasi efisiensi. Target jelas mengatur mengenai apa tindakan utama yang diperlukan Coca-Cola untuk mencapai target untuk setiap tingkat. Dalam hal sistem, diperluan alokasi staff dan sumber daya teknologi untuk memberikan ide-ide inovatif. Dan dalam hal staff, rekrutmen staf untuk spin-off ide-ide kreatif dan bekerja sama dengan pusatpusat R & D.


The 7S framework courtesy of the McKinsey consulting firm will help you to do this well. The 7S framework stands for: 1.


5. Staff



6. Superordinate goals/Shared Values



7. Strategy



Shared Vision Double CC’s 2010 system revenue by 2020 by developing new beverage products (NPD), meeting evolving customer preferences by aligning the strategy with their 6P vision. 1.Profit 2. People 3. Portfolio 4. Partners 5. Planet 6. Productivity The shared vision to achieve these 6Ps will be through: Strategy (further divided to 5 types of sub-strategies): i) Corporate Strategy: 1. Building of portfolio – acquisitions of Fruit/Veg and Asian Specialty brand in China to establish foothold in Asia Pac. 2. Riding on HW trend – Convert health switchers towards FVJ 3. Amending of packaging to increase volume per customer 4. Asset expansion with “china-India” focused approach 5. Exploiting cost synergies across its production and bottling facilities thereby ensuring efficiency. ii) R&C Strategy Human: Weak talent management with a high staff turnover rate of 19.1%, when industry average is about 5.7%. Will need to tighten up. Tangible: a. strong financials: b. A+ credit rating (Standard & Poor) c. Debt/ Equity ratio 43% (compare to Pepsico. 99%) d. Total cash and equivalent of $14 billion (compare to Pepsico $4 billion) e. 2007-2011 revenue growth from U$ 28.8 billion to U$46.5 billion increase over 61% f. Operating income has increased from U$7 billion to U$10.5 billion from 2007-2011 Good backing of Physical assets: a. Total book value of property, plant and equipment $15 billion

b. Total 102 production facilities and manufacturing plants worldwide and 183 distribution warehouses. c. TCC holds majority interest in 97 bottling plants worldwide Intangible: a. Latest SAP systems to ensure alignment with distributors. b. Top brand in the world. -COCA-COLA world’s largest beverage company. Own, license and market more than 500 non-alcoholic beverage brands. Own and market 4 of the world’s top 5 non-alcoholic sparkling beverage brands: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Finished beverage products bearing Coca-Cola trademarks, sold in the United States since 1886, are now sold in more than 200 countries. c. Trademark values at U$6.4 billion d. goodwill consisting of brands, reputation and other intangible values at U$12.2b. iii) Functional Strategy Marketing strategy – well supported by the overarching CC brand strength, each product-line across the 7 categories of CC. Talent management strategy – CC may not have engaged its employees sufficiently and thereby reducing the labour turnover rate. Will need to tighten its retention and development policies. Production strategy – capitalise on cost synergies by vertically integrating bottling facilities. Supply chain management well supported by latest SAP/ERP software on a global scale. Distribution strategy – strong distributor relationships, proximity strategy to put a Coke brand within reach though use of vending machines and ensuring good distribution coverage through various means. iv) Business Strategy Clearly defined competitors, price-quality points. Adoption of differentiation rather than price leadership clearly stated and critical factors of competition to be worked at clearly indicated. v) Operational Strategy What are we good at doing? Providing the preferred beverage/drink across 7 product categories. Advantage? Yes, this allows for brand momentum to built which translates to revenue and volume growth. Who will buy it? Our existing customers as well as new “converts”. Structure CC – has head office segment responsible for giving CC overall direction and providing support to the regional structure. Key strategic decisions made by an ExCo of 12 Company Officers. ExCo shapes the 6Ps set out earlier. Chair of the ExCo is figurehead for CC, also the CEO. Other

executives are responsible either for the major regions or have an important business specialization e.g. the CFO. Needs to meet local consumers’ needs – CC therefore organised into a regional structure which combines centralisation and localisation. The Company operates 5 geographic operating segments or SBUs as well as the corporate (Head Office) segment – Latin America, pacific, Eurasia & Africa, RU, N.America. Each regional SBUs sub-divided into divisions. For Pacific SBU, Singapore fits into the ASEAN business unit. This structure recognises: a. Varying tastes and psychographics, demographics (incomes and consumption patterns) b. Markets at different stages of development. At a more local level CC management involves a number of functional specialisms. management structure for Singapore: CCS combines elements of centralisation and decentralisation. Divisions and regions operate as business unit teams, with each country Director reports to the Division President. However, there is a matrix structure for each function e.g. the Finance Director in the CCS Division reports to the CCS President, but also to (dotted line) the Finance Director of Pacific Division. In addition, functions within the Company operate across geographical boundaries to share best practice. Local decision making at a regional (local) level the various SBUs are responsible for regionspecific market research, and for developing local advertising, e.g. using the languages of the countries in which CC operates. A major region like Asia Pac has its own marketing structure, organised as shown on the diagram. Key challenges in structural alignment (noting Cooperation vs Coordination Problems) Cooperation Problems: a. Agency problems b. Global Integration c. Organizational Culture d. Solutions (in combination):

Coordination Problems: a. Functional silos – given the structural setup of CC, silos may result. b. Communication Channel – integration of information

e. Control mechanisms

c. Solutions (in combination)

f. Institute HR policies including incentivizing

d. Rules and directives.

to encourage teamwork. g. Reinforce Shared Values (Culture)

e. Routinize work. Implication: mechanistic approach can result in higher staff turnover. f. Reliance on ERP, SAP, and staff channels.

Systems Directional systems: to monitor 6Ps with following objectives to align to vision 2020

Process systems: each sub-division to break these into manageable tasks and provide milestones for initiatives to achieve the 6Ps. Day to day management systems: at the managerial level, procedural measures to be set in place along with frequent feedback and reports given at the subordinate level to provide knowledge of results. Along with rewards and incentives to tie in performance to alignment to objectives. Style Culture of Coke – forward looking and driven, emphasizing oneness. One Company. One Team. One Passion. As One Company, meaningful and accelerated learning opportunities are provided to staff to contribute to the greater good of CC. One Team, CC ties in relationships built to career success. One Passion goes farther than the portfolio of brands, to sustainability, and supporting the communities and preserving and protecting the planet. Staff Benchmarked attraction and retention policies against industry. Providing Career development pathways. Performance management systems to be better managed in order to lower the turnover rate of 19.1%. Given the silo nature of some staff functions, EIP practices have to be incorporated to tap on innovation and to also engage staff. This provides recognition. Financial rewards of stock ownership at CC. Encourages employee to build along with the company. Skill Applied to all the other 6Ss. In terms of Shared Vision, Vision 2020 requires innovative approaches in reaching the goal, particularly to do with product content (new tastes, riding the health-wellness trend), volume, and efficiency innovation. Targets clearly set as to what primary actions for CC to take and what needs to be achieved for each level. In terms of Strategy, resource commitment towards innovation in product content (R&D centres to be set up), volume (new packaging to incorporate at least 10% more volume), and efficiency (lighter weight packaging to encourage more take-up rate, clearer health information). In terms of Structure, R&D division is to be closely linked with all other geographical divisions to incorporate feedback on tastes, packaging, etc. based on real time information provided by the ERP and SAP systems in the backdrop. In terms of Systems, allocation of staff and technological resources to provide innovative ideas is required. In terms of Staff, the recruitment and using staff to spinoff creative ideas, and to work closely with the R&D centres. Finally, in terms of Style, to inculcate a forward looking and driven culture of CC, setting pace for innovation.