Analysis of The Main Character in Breaking Dawn Novel by Stephenie Meyer [PDF]

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Submitted as an individual assignment for the subject of research method in language and literature by Sultan Baa, S.S., M.ED., PhD



TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I A. Background ............................................................................................... 3 B. Problem Statement .................................................................................... 5 C. Objectives of the Research ........................................................................ 5 D. Benefit of research .................................................................................... 5 E. Scope of the Research ............................................................................... 6 Chapter II A. Previous finding ........................................................................................ 7 B. Pertinent ideas ........................................................................................... 8 C. Theoretical Basis ....................................................................................... 10 Chapter III A. Research design ......................................................................................... 12 B. Source of Data ........................................................................................... 12 C. Research approach .................................................................................... 12 D. Procedure of Data Collecting ................................................................... 13 E. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................... 13 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Until now, no one could clearly define the meaning and purpose of the word literature. But I can draw conclusions from various references that I have read about literature that Literature is a beautiful writing. Literature is the art of language, so I can conclude that a literary work is a work of art, art in language. Literature concerns about a work that favor the beauty of the language in it. Literary works have their own uniqueness and often describe the contents of the author's heart. Birth literary works aim to entertain or please and be useful for literary connoisseurs. Literary works have many types, one of the examples that I took in accordance with the title of the research that I did was about the characters in the novel, and the novel is a literary work that has elements in it, namely intrinsic and extrinsic elements. In this study I examined the intrinsic elements in the novel or rather I conducted research on the character characterization of the main characters in a novel. Often figures are equated with terms of character or character. However, it is actually different. The figure is the actors contained in a fiction, while the character refers to the term character which means the condition of the soul or the nature of the character. So, a character is an actor who is in the work of fiction, while character or character is a behavior that fills the character. Often figures are equated with the term character or character. However, it is actually different. The figure is the actors contained in a fiction, while the character refers to the term character which means the condition of the soul or the nature of the character. So, figures are actors who are in the work of fiction, while character or character is the behavior that fills the character Before the characters of the characters are filled with traits and behaviors to display their images clearly, there is a process called characterization or characterization. Characterization is a method of describing the character of the 3


characters in a work of fiction. Characterization is a pattern of painting a person's image that can be viewed in terms of physical, psychological and sociology. In this case it is very important to analyze characterization in characters to make it easier for readers to know each character in a novel. The figure in a novel is very important, because it is through characters that the story begins, runs, and also ends. The flow of a story's journey cannot be separated from the characters in the story. The more interesting the character in a story, the more interesting the story will be. Unique and interesting characters can be seen for example in the breaking dawn novel by Stephenie meyer. Breaking dawn is the 4th novel from Stephen Meyer and this novel is a continuation of the story of the previous novel and is the end of the love story of a vampire and a human made by Stephenie meyer. In the novel is told about the love story of Bella (a human) who has fallen in love and married to (a vampire) named Edward. In the novel, the vampire family, each of which has a great general prowess. Bella is an ordinary human and then has strength after marrying Edward (vampire). After a long time they were given a strange child who had a very different growth from other children, and was named Renesmee. Renesmee is a half-human half-baby vampire. Renesme almost kills Bella while still in the womb because all the blood of bella is suctioned by the child in the fetus. After being born Renesmee grew fast and developed both mentally and physically. He can speak in 7 days after birth, and at the end of Breaking Dawn, he can read, run, hunt, and do other work beyond his age and Renesmee has the ability to tell the description of his contents just by touching the face of the object. And this baby who makes conflict in the novel because Renesme is discovered during hunting, even though in the rules of immortals (vampire) it is strictly forbidden to create a vampire when he was a baby or a child, the penalty is death. And almost there was a battle between the vampire family to kill an immortal child, Renesmee, but the attack to kill Renesmee from a family who disagreed with the existence of a child failed because he could not defeat Bella who had a shielding power capable of projecting it to protect her


entire family. At the end of the story, Bella shows her thoughts to Edward by "lowering" her shield, so Edward can see images that show how much love from Bella to him. Novel breaking dawn by Stephenie meyer an interesting novel to discuss the main characters in it. The uniqueness of the characters of the main characters in the novel braking dawn is what drives researchers to further examine the novel. In addition, researchers are interested in examining how the characterization method in novel breaking dawn. And the novel breaking dawn that makes it interested to be studied because of its unique story that tells the story of the love story of the two living beings that are different between vampire and humans. This is also a factor that makes researchers want to discuss the novel deeper.

B. Problem Statement Referring to the background above, the author wants to answer the questions the following: 1. How are the main characters in the Breaking Dawn novel? 2. How is the characterization method applied in this novel?

C. Research purposes 1. To identify, analyze and to describe the character of each character found in Breaking Dawn. 2. To analyze and describe the characterization in Breaking Dawn.

D. Benefits of research In this study there are benefits that can be taken, namely theoretical and practical benefits: 1. Theoretical, this study can enrich character analysis in literary studies. 2. Practically, readers can understand that character is an important element in a literary work, especially in a novel. Character in a literary work created by the author to convey his ideas and feelings about something that happens in


this world and the character has the power to dominate the whole story in a literary work. The author suggests to readers to be able to further research this story based on intrinsic elements literature such as background, theme, plot and so on.

E. Scope of the Research In this study researchers only analyze the character description of each character contained in the novel Breaking Dawn.


CHAPTER II REFERENCES AND THEORETICAL BASIS A. Previous finding 1. In the breaking dawn novel research researchers found previous research examining the structural form of illocutionary action found in the novel "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer. This research is qualitative research. This research model uses qualitative descriptive method. The data is an illocutionary act taken from the words contained in a breaking dawn novel and the data source is a breaking dawn novel. By “Ainil Musfiroh an analysis illocutionary act in the novel Breaking Dawn”. 2. Analysis of the main character in the novel Lolita by “Vladimir nabokov”, author “Jein jeyklin byn”. Analysis by the author, the authors found character the characters of the main character Humbert are: - Imaginative - Polite - Positive - Dodgy - Quiet - Save And found several factors that influence development character of the main character Humbert. a. Factor From Inside - Past - Self-control - Love b. Factors from Outside Sexual information and reading habits related books with sexuality since he was a teenager, this influenced the psychic character of Humbert until he grew older. The change in Humbert's character just flows when he is with consciously drowning in fantasy - fantasy gaira only against women, especially for girls - the girl he met. Humbert often uses services women commercial sex workers just to satisfy their adventures. In the end, the most significant character changes occur when Humbert Humbert meets Dolores Haze (Lolita). From a person moody turns into a person who looks happy. From a person learned and calm, turned into a closed and possessive person.



The author realizes there is a message: The message found in this analysis namely a lesson on life which teaches us about the world wild fantasies and imagination that sometimes makes someone enter the side the darkness of life. B. Pertinent ideas 1. Understanding novel Elements of literary works can be classified into elements of form and content elements. The form element is all the linguistic elements that are used to pour content into elements of story facts, story tools, literary themes, while the content element is the ideas and emotions that are poured into literary works. “Wellek & Warren 1993:140” The term novel comes from the Italian novella which contains the literal meaning of a small new item, which is then interpreted as a short story in prose. Abrams “Via Nurgiyanto, 2009:9” Stating that literature is not a copy of reality, but an expression or embodiment of universals or general concepts. Aristoteles “Via Hartoko, 1984:17” Based on some of the opinions above, the researcher concludes that the novel is a fictional story that describes the life story of heroic figures through a series of complex events 2. Understanding character According to W.B. Saunders (1977) character is an individual nature that is real and different from other people, which is usually indicated by attributes, behaviors, activities, which can be observed by others. According to Gulo W (1982) According to him, character is a person's personality which is viewed from the moral he does According to Kamisa (1997) the character is closely related to the psychological nature that is commonly known as morals or manners so that it becomes a character or character. Based on some of the opinions above, the researcher concluded that the character does not grow by itself, but the character must be created, we


grow consciously and deliberately. By being realized through moral values instilled this will influence attitudes and behavior. 3. Understanding characterization According to Nurgiyantoro (1995) characterization is a depiction or a clear picture of someone who appears in a story. According to Sudjiman (1988) namely the quality of the soul and reasoning of characters that can be distinguished from one character to another. In that case the image creation and presentation of the character of a character are called characterizations. Characterization and characterization are always closely related. Based on several opinions above, the researchers concluded that characterization is a method of describing the character of the characters contained in a work of fiction. Characterization is a pattern of painting a person's image that can be viewed in terms of physical, psychological and sociology.

4. Characterization method Depictions of characters used by writers in novels usually use the Discursive Method (direct method) and Dramatic Method (indirect method). 1. Discrete Method (Telling Method) Discourse method or by direct method is the method taken by the author if he describes the figures of the characters directly. Similar to the Discourse Method, there are also people who call it the Telling Method, which relies on the character's exposure to the author's direct comments. Through this method the participation or interference of the author in presenting figures of the character is very pronounced, so that the reader understands and lives the character of the figures based on the author's exposure.

2. Dramatic Method or Showing Method or in an indirect way is indirectly portraying the character of the character's quality. The author places himself outside his story by giving other characters


the opportunity to display their character through conversational dialogue and actions and character behavior. This Dramatic Method or Showing Method ignores the presence of authors, so that the characters in literary works can present themselves directly through their behavior.

C. Theoretical basis This study aims to analyze the characters in the Breaking Dawn novel. For this purpose, the authors use several theories that support this research. In the book Writing Themes about Literature (1964: 54) by Edgar V. Roberts, states that "character" in literature is a broad oral representation of humans, especially in determining themselves through thought, speech, and behavior. This theory clearly states that dialogue, actions and comments are human verbal representations in literary works to create several character interactions surrounding. With the definition of the character, the author tries to analyze the character of the characters in this study by using the theory of Edgar V. Roberts in the same book saying that there are four ways to analyze characters, namely: 1. What the character said about him. 2. What did the character do? 3. What other figures say about the figures analyzed. 4. What the author said both narrator and observer for each character's actions (1983: 56-57) The author uses the characterization method, to analyze and describe characterization based on Perrine (1959: 84) which is directly and indirectly. The author directly informs by explaining or analyzing what character is like, or another character in the story that tells us what the character looks like. Indirectly the author shows the character in action or his actions, so that we can understand the character through what he thinks, says and does. Understanding the character according to Robert Stanton in his book, An Introduction to Fiction (1965: 17) can refer to a person in a story or in other words the character or story also refers


to the incorporation of interests, emotions and moral principles that shape the character or with words others describe the behavior or nature of the story (in this case the author takes a novel reference). The intrinsic approach is used by the writer to analyze novels in character characters in relation to other elements such as plots. Through the facts of a story, in this case the character, plot and elements in it that describe the existence of the story. The setting of a story is the environment of its events, the immediate world in wich they occur. The plot of a story is its entire sequence of events. We usually limit the term, however, to include only causally linked events, that is, event that directly cause or results from other events and cannot be omitted without breaking the line of action. Setting is the background of a story, is the environment or world where the character is. The plot is a plot in a story that is a whole series of events.


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research design Qualitative descriptive research is a series of activities to obtain data that is as it is without being in certain conditions, the results of which emphasize meaning. The research design in this study is to explore the characters of the main characters that the author wants to express in the Breaking Dawn novel.

Novel Breaking Dawn

Main character


B. Source of data The source of data is divided into is primary data and secondary data. 1. In this study, generally it does not use primary data, because the primary

data is data taken directly to the subject, but in the novels studied, no figures or subjects can be interviewed. 2. Secondary data in this study are breaking dawn novels, which are

examined in this novel, namely the main character in the novel.

C. Research Approach The approach in this study uses pure structuralism. Pure structuralism is one approach in the study of literature which considers literature as a building built by components or elements that build it. The element in question is an intrinsic element, namely the theme, plot, setting, character, language style, point of view and title.



The purely structuralism approach is usually referred to as the objective approach, namely the approach of literary research based on the literary work. His approach is seen from the existence of literature itself based on the prevailing literary conventions, the convention is the instrictical aspects of literary works which include roundness of meaning, diction, rhyme, sentence structure, theme, plot, setting, character, and others. What is clear is that the assessment given is seen from the extent to which the strength or value of the literary work is based on the harmony of all the constituent elements. This research uses a structuralism approach especially on the characters told in the novel. The characters discussed are the main character, because the main character gives the storyline in the Breaking dawn novel.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data In collecting data, the seeks to know in advance the needs of this research and then identify by focusing this research on dialogue, actions and comments carried out by characters in the novel Breaking Dawn, after finding characters from the characters and then immediately classifying them.

E. Technique of data analysis 1. Looking for novel 2. Read the novel 3. Looking and analyzing the research framework 4. Seeking for supporting theories and research supporters 5. Read the theory 6. Do the research



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