Annual Report [PDF]

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SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS, INC. 7811 Shaffer Parkway • Littleton, CO 80127-3732 USA • Tel: +1.720.981.7882 • Fax: +1.720.981.7874 E-mail: [email protected]

Student Chapter Annual Report Form This form is used to report on Student Chapter activities over the previous year. The report provides a useful medium to document the status and progress of individual chapters. Annual Reports are used to evaluate applications for SEG support and to keep information up-to-date on the SEG website. Please provide a summary of chapter activities in a concise form as suggested below. Description of programs may be supported by a limited number of photographs and figures in a format appropriate for publishing on our website. Submission Deadline: September 30th

Submit to: [email protected]

January/2016 January/2017 Month/Year Reported: From _______________________(mm/yyyy) – To _______________________(mm/yyyy) Universitas Gadjah Mada SEG Student Chapter Chapter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Jl. Grafika No.2 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia Chapter Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ [email protected] Chapter E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Website: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Society of Economic Geologists UGM SC Chapter Facebook: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter Executive Committee (in office during the time frame captured on this report) (type “Vacant” if position not filled): President:

Nevio Muhammad Kamel __________________________________________ Name

Jordan Romora Simarmata Vice President: __________________________________________ Name


[email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail

Ivy Nur Arini __________________________________________ Name


[email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail

[email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail

Mahwarti Novelli Purba __________________________________________ Name

[email protected] __________________________________________ E-mail

Chapter Academic Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing):

Lucas Donny Setijadji [email protected] +6281392173015 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name



Geological Engineering Department, Jl. Grafika No.2 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia ______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Address


Chapter Industry Sponsor (SEG Fellow membership in good standing and not affiliated with the student chapter’s institution):

Sukmandaru Prihatmoko [email protected] +62811118841 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________ Name



Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo SH, Jakarta 12870 West Java Indonesia _____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Address


PT SRJ-Pama Group Sponsoring Institution or Company (name): _________________________________________________________________ Attach: 1. a list of names of all Student Chapter members (please indicate by * if SEG Student Member). 2. complete Student Chapter Membership Information form with the current Executive Committee listed on page 1. On a separate page(s) provide a summary of student chapter annual activities: 1. Regular meetings, lectures 2. Field trips (dates, area visited, field trip leaders, number of participants, sponsors, benefits for students). Note: this is not the place for a detailed field trip report that is required from a chapter who has received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund. 3. If your chapter received funding from the Stewart R. Wallace Fund, please submit a separate actual accounting of how chapter funds were spent/used.

4. Organization of conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants, benefits for students) 5. Participation in conferences, workshops, short courses (theme, number of participants from the chapter, benefits for students) 6. Fund-raising programs 7. Other programs 8. Future plans Aug2015VS

Table of Contents

Table of Contents............................................................................................................1 The Organization............................................................................................................2 Annual Report............................................................................................................... .4 Course and Workshop............................................................................................4 Fieldtrip Activities....................................................................................................7 Internal Activities...................................................................................................11 Minnovation 2016...................................................................................................15 Competition and Conference Participation .........................................................18 Future Plan.....................................................................................................................21


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: Geological Engineering Department Jl. Grafika No. 2, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Student Chapter Members (2016 – 2017 Period) Nevio Muhammad Kamel*

Ghaneswari Yugamaris

Jordan Romora Simarmata*

Nurul Arusal Hofiqoini

Ivy Nur Arini*

Taufiq Bakhtiar Ramadhan

Mahwarti Novelli Purba*

Wahyudin Bempah

Ilham Dharmawan Putra

Cahyo Sedewo

Hendra Maulana Irvan

Ekky Reno Priyambodo

Muhammad Sidqi

Ferdy Harry T. P.

Habib Nur Hidayat

Ilham Ilmawan

Michael Stephen

Zahrotun Naimah

Arvida Noviana

Adelide Asriati Sekar Rianda

Galih F. Fitono

Amanda Ayudhia Sahri

Hardian Dwi Lakstianto

Pratama Hadi Nugraha

I Gusti Ngurah Kusuma Wijaya

Rifqi Abbas

Rayhan Alghifari

Salma Difa Masti

Cendi Diar Permata Dana

*) SEG Student Member


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Faculty Advisor

Industry Advisor

Dr. Lucas Donny Setijadji, S.T., M.Sc.

Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, S.T., M.Sc.

President Nevio Muhammad Kamel

Vice President Jordan Romora Simarmata

Sekretaris General

Sekretaris Assistant

Ivy Nur Arini

Ilham Dhamawan Putra

Head of Membership Division

Head of Public Relation Division

Hendra Maulana Irvan

Muhammad Sidqi

Treasurer Mahwarti Novelli Purba

Head of Course & Workshop Division Michael Stepen

Head of Fieldtrip & Development Habib Nur Hidayat


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SOCIETY OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGISTS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA – STUDENT CHAPTER ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 2016 – JANUARY 2017 COURSE AND WORKSHOP 1. One Day Course: Facing the challenge of ore mineral deposit in Indonesia: Gold, Silver, and Copper. One Day Course SEG UGM-SC was held on March 26th, 2016, in room 2.1 KPFT Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The theme of this Course is ‘Facing the Challenges of Ore Minerals Exploration in Indonesia: Gold, Silver and Copper.’ The objective of this course was to encourage innovation and creativity of Geoscientists in maximizing the potential of gold, copper and silver resources in Indonesia. This course was lectured by the representatives from Geological Engineering Department UGM (Mr. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Warmada) and Mining Company (Mr. Ir. Adi Maryono M,Sc. and Mr. Andreas Yudha Sugiyanto, S.T). There are 100 participants who attended this course, that come from students and professionals who interest about ore mineral resources. The chairman of this event is Rifqi Abbas (Member of Course and Workshop Division, SEG UGM-SC). The goals of this course for academic’s participants is participants can improve their knowledge about ore minerals, especially for Gold, Silver, and Copper, while the goals for professionals who attend this course is to know what to do before Explorations, Steps and Methods to do Exporation, and Also Industrial Side of Of Ore minerals : Gold, Silver, and Copper. The first speaker, Mr. I Wayan Warmada talked about theory about ore mineral: gold, silver, and copper, their genesis, occurence, assiociations, variations, and its potential and development in Indonesia. The second speaker, Mr. Adi Maryono then explained about exploration of gold, silver, and copper ore mineral especially from preparations to explore it, how to explore it, the methods to explore it, challenges to explore it, and solution to make exploration efficients. The course ended with last speaker, Mr. Andreas Yudha Sugiyanto who talked about introduction about open pit and underground mine, modelling resources


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of open pit and underground mining. After each of the speakers finished explaining, the question sessions was opened for around 15 minutes to any participant who wanted to know more about a certain topic. Overall, all the participants seems eager about the themes thus encourage SEG UGM SC to continue further discussion in the second course.

Figure 1. Photo Session of the Member of the First Course with all the Speakers 2. One Day Course: Exploitation, Economic Assessment and Environmental Counter- measure in Gold Group Mining. The second course that was held by SEG UGM SC May 21 st, 2016, in room 3.2 Jurusan Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The theme of this Course is Exploitation, Economic Assessment and Environmental Counter-measure in Gold Group Mining. The objective of this course was to understand how to exploitate ore minerals from porphyry and epithermal deposits, understanding environmental effect caused by mining activities and safety procedure for working in mining industry. The speakers were from mining company and environmental consultant. The first speaker was Seno Aji Kowara, a production geologist from J Resources. The second speaker was Sujarwo Hadi Suryono, Trainer Mining Safety Supervisor. The last speaker was Albertus Adi Tarwoco, from PT Parama Asia.


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In the first session, Seno Aji Kowara explained about production method of ore minerals in general. Then, the second session continued with Mr. Sujarwo Hadi Suryono explained about HSE of Coal and Mineral Resources. In the afternoon, Albertus Adi Tarwoco closed the course with his presentation about Environment effect caused by by mining activities

Figure 2. Mr. Seno Aji Kowara Explains about production method of ore minerals in general


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FIELD ACTIVITIES 1. Fieldtrip: New Discovery for Future Exploration in Java Region Internal field trip of Society of Economig Geologist Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Chapter (SEG UGM SC for short) was held in Gupit, Kebonsari, Magelang at 23rd April 2016. It was guided by Mrs. Dian Yesy Fatimah, S.T., a former member of SEG UGM SC itself who has finished her bachelor degree in 2015. The fieldtrip started at 10 am and ended at 2.30 pm. The first place which was observed by SEG UGM SC members placed on Dusun Ngadiharjo. The location was interpreted by the previous researcher as high sulfidation epithermal deposit. High sulfidation epithermal deposit is a result from hydrothermal fluid activity in the hipabisal depth at 1-1,5 kilometers, with low temperature around 50300̊C. High sulfidation epithermal deposit is strongly controlled by geological structural in nearby zone because the hydrothermal fluid can only move upward through the weak zone that caused by geological structure, such as faults and joints. High sulfidation epithermal deposit is usually characterized by vuggy silica texture and clay mineral that formed in high temperature condition such as dickite, alunite, and pyrofilit. The hydrothermal alteration that happened in Gupit Hill is consists of Propilitic, Argilic, Advance Argilic, and Silicification alteration. In the first observation station, we can see the Propylitic alteration that has some feature minerals such as chlorite and epidote. Still in the first station, fieldtrip members could see a body of rock that has already controlled by one of geological structure, joints. The joints made the hydrothermal fluid moved upward and caused the wall rock’s texture and minerals replaced, becoming new minerals that usually called secondary minerals. On this place, we also saw the altered rock is consists of some secondary minerals beside chlorite and epidote, some oxide mineral that has a dark red color.


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Figure 3. The outcrop of propylitic alteration The second observation station is located about 500 meters from first station. In this station, we met some Argilic-Advance Argilic Alteration outcrop that consists of some secondary clay mineral group like alunite, dickite, and kaolin group. To determine the type of clay mineral, we should do the SEM test because petrological and petrographic approach can’t be applied into clay minerals that have a really small size. The alteration in this station didn’t look very clear because of strong clay weathering.

Figure 4. Advance argilic alteration outcrop that consist of clay mineral such as dickite and alunite


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Afterwards, the members visited the third observation station, located about 1 kilometer from second station. In that place, the members found the host rock of high sulfidation epithermal in Gupit area, which mostly hornblende andesite. The host rock has already altered to propylitic alteration that characterized by chlorite and epidote, but the alteration only selective, meaning we can still see the host rock on some spots. The selective alteration happened because the distance is quite far from the source thus the temperature is low. After observing station 3, SEG UGM SC’s members went to station 4 which is located about 300 meters from the third station. In fourth station, the members could see the traditional gold mining which being neglected by the miners. In this station we also found some type of altered rock. There was also lignite, a low rank coal that belongs to Nanggulan Formation. The intrusion pass the low rank coal, transferred the heat into it until it became a medium rank coal because of heat transfer. There are also silicication and silicification alteration type in this zone. Silicication replaces some mineral into silica that was carried by the hydrothermal fluid, while silicification adds silica into the rocks nearby. These alteration types indicate high temperature. In hydrothermal process, silica came from circulation fluid or leaching of host rock. The silica gel deposited in low pressure zone and fills the crack of the rock. It is really fortunate that the weather was very sunny that day, thus our visit to station 3 and 4 that located on an intermittent river can be done without any obstacle. We hope in the future, a field study like this can be organized again to polish the skill of mining geologist from Indonesia.


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Figure 5. The quartz vein on STA 4, which most likely consists of Au element

Figure 6. Lignite that breached by intrusion


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INTERNAL ACTIVITIES 1. Monthly Meeting and Discussion SEG Universitas Gadjah Mada – Student Chapter held a meeting once a month. In this meeting, we discuss about student chapter future activities for the current month, plus a discussion about economic geology in general in order to raise the members understanding in economic geology. This meeting held mostly on the first week of each month, with time estimation of 3 hours. The participants of this meeting are members and former members of SEG UGM – SC.

Figure 7. Monthly Meeting and Discussion of SEG UGM SC, Explained by One of The Member 2. Mid Year Evaluation This evaluation was held once in the middle of the year. This evaluation pretty much the same with monthly meeting and discussion, unless with the addition of evaluating the work of the student chapter in the first half year. This meeting held with time estimation of 4 hours. The participants of this meeting are members and former members of SEG UGM – SC.


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Figure 8. Mid Year Evaluation of SEG UGM SC 3. End Year Evaluation This evaluation pretty much the same with mid year evaluation, unless this meeting held in the end of the year and evaluating one year of KEPENGURUSAN. This meeting held with time estimation of 4 hours. The participants of this meeting are members and former members of SEG UGM – SC. 4. Internal Gathering Internal gathering of SEG UGM – SC took place on February 13th, 2016 at Pesanggrahan Taman Siswa Kaliurang. The gathering main purpose is for the member to know each other better so in the future we can have a solid teamwork in all events through one year ahead. This gathering proven to be a success since throghout all events in this year, SEG UGM – SC has shown a good teamwork, helping each other, high responsibility, and hardwork. In this gathering, we also present what shall this organization do in the future, vision, mission, bylaw, and work programs.


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Figure 9. The Photo Session of SEG UGM SC Members 5. Member Recruitment Member recruitment of SEG UGM – SC objectives are to sustain the membership of SEG UGM - SC, so this organization would last long and be consistent. The recruitment consists of three (3) steps, the first step was collection of archive that consist of curriculum vitae and motivation letter that was opened from September 19th - September 30th 2016. After selecting dozens of candidates, the second step was continued by an interview held by SEG UGM SC members on October 11th 2016. This interview aims to see the candidate’s further goals and potentials. The last step of member recruitment is a technical test. It was held on October 14th 2016, and aims to see and train the candidate’s way of thinking and logics. All those steps were held in Laboratorium Bahan Galian, Jurusan Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada. After all those steps, the announcement of the accepted candidates was announced on October 20th, resulting in 24 new members of SEG UGM SC.


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Figure 10. The Interview of A Candidate of SEG UGM SC New Members 6. President Election In order to continue the committee from year to year, a new president is needed to sustain the student chapter. There are three (3) candidates for this year election. The election of new president was held on November 29th, 2016 at Remedy Coffee Yogyakarta. The event started at 4 PM and ended at 9 PM. The event started with short introduction of the candidates, continued with presentation of their vision, mission, and innovation for the next period. Followed after is the question and answer sessions and a forum discussion between other members of SEG UGM SC (aside of the candidates) to see the pros and cons of each candidates. After the forum’s come to an agreement, the new president of SEG UGM SC was announced.

Figure 11. Former President of SEG UGM SC (Nevio Muhammad Kamel) and the New President of SEG UGM SC (I Gusti Ngurah Kusuma Wijaya)


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Minnovation is the biggest annual event of the Society of Economic Geologists Gadjah Mada University-Student Chapter. Minnovation which stands for Innovation Mine is an event aims to enhance the knowledge and research of mineral resources in Indonesia. Minnovation also expected to be a pioneer and driving students and professionals to innovate and explore in the field of economic geology. Minnovation was held for the first time on 2014. Minnovation 2014 theme is "Indonesia Mineral Resources: Answering The Challenges for the Future Exploration". SEG UGM-SC as the host invites Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) to cooperate in the success of this event by becoming part of the MGEI Convention "Sundaland Resources" in 2014 which was held in Palembang. Speakers in Minnovation 2014 are Dr. Lucas Donny Setijadji (Geological Engineering Lecturer, UGM), STJ Budi Santoso. M.Sc (Mining Industry Representative "J Resources") and Dr. Indra Nurcahyo Basuki (MGEI-IAGI Representative). Minnovation was held for the second time on 2015. Minnovation 2015 theme is "Gemstones". UGM SEG-SC cooperate with Indonesia Gems Lover (IGLO) in organizing the event. Minnovation 2015 discussed all aspects related to the precious stone (gemstone) from identification, testing and laboratory testing precious stones. Speakers in Minnovation 2014 are Dr. Lucas Donny Setijadji (Geological Engineering Lecturer, UGM), Sumarni Paramitha (Gemologist of Adamas Gems Laboratory), Nugroho Imam Setiawan, Ph.D. (Geological Engineering Lecturer, UGM), Adam Harith (Gemologist of GRI Labs) and Nugroho (Gemologist of Skylab). Minnovation for the third was held in Yogyakarta on 2016. Mnnovation 2016 theme is "Exploration for epithermal and Porphyry Precious Metal Systems in Java Island". The theme was choosen to emerge innovation of precious metal exploration in Java.


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Figure 12. Memento Giving by Lucas Donny Setijadji, Faculty Advisor of SEG UGM SC to Douglass J. Kirwin Minnovation 2016 was held over two consecutive days, September 3 rd – 4th 2016. For the first day, seminar was held in Viglosia Building, Yogyakarta and attended by 56 participants. The seminar was filled by three speakers who are experts in the field of mineral exploration. The first speaker was Mr. Sukmandaru Prihatmoko as Chairman IAGI with the topic of presentation "Exploration and Potential Sediment epithermal in Java". The second speaker was Mr. STJ Budi Santoso as General Manager of GF Exploration of J Resources Nusantara with the topic of presentation "Exploration and Potential Porphyry Deposition in Java". The third speaker was Mr. Douglas J. Kirwin as Mineral Exploration Consultant with the topic of presentation "Exploration and Field Observation Deposition epithermal and Porphyry". For the second day, a field study was carried out at PT. Alexis Perdana Mineral, Selogiri, Central Java.. A field study was attended 13 participants. Mr. Douglas J. Kirwin and Mr. Lucas Donny Setijadji act as the groud leader and speaker. Participants were invited to observe, describe and interpret drilling core conducted by PT. Prime Alexis Minerals at Randu Kuning prospect. A field study concluded with a discussion and a short lecture given by Mr. Douglas J. Kirwin about hydrothermal breccia and diatreme.


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Figure 13. Explanation of Alteration Charts in PT. Prime Alexis Minerals by Douglass J. Kirwin


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Best Oral Presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Sutrisno (former member) Best Poster Presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Aloysius Andrianto Saputro (former member) First Winner of International Geomapping Competition 2016 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Ekky Reno Priyambodo, Achmad Faisal Amin, Eka Dhamayanti First Winner of Olimpiade Geologi Indonesia at Universitas Pandjajaran Indonesia: Ivy Nur Arini, Adnan Hendrawan, Agin Setiawan, Gabriela Bunga Naen, Yoyok Hartoyo First Winner of Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) Student Research Paper Contest 2016: M. Fikri Aulia Rahman (former member) Second Winner of Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) Student Research Paper Contest 2016: Dian Yesy Fatimah (former member) Third Winner of Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) Student Research Paper Contest 2016: Renaldi Suhendra (former member) Third Winner of Geology Student Competition 2016 at Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia: Muhammad Sidqi, Ni’matul Azizah, Rini Fahmita Third Winner of Paper Competition in Geology Total Action, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta: Friska Putri Ayunda (former member) Poster presentation at Sriwijaya International Conference On Engineering Technology & Science 2016: Dr. Ferian Anggara, Amanda Ayudhia Sahri, Zain Andrian Nur Asa. Oral presentation at GeoSEA XIV Congress and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016: Cendi Diar Permata Dana, Ilham Dharmawan, Cahyo Sedewo. Petrographic Characteristic of Pyroxene Andesite Lava in Kalibawang Area, Kulon Progo D. I. Yogyakarta: a preliminary petrogenetic study of Old Andesite Formation in South of Central Java Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Sutrisno(former member), I Gde Budi Indrawan, Adhe Bassmantra, Angguning Dyah Fahmi. “Analisis Kestabilan Lereng Tambang Batubara Bagian Highwall Area Middle dan South Pit Kanguru Extension, Kutai Timur, Kalimantan Timur” Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Friska Putri Ayunda (former member), Lucas Donny Setijadji. “Kelimpahan Unsur Tanah Jarang di dalam Berbagai Jenis Litologi dan Alterasi Hidrotermal yang


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Berkaitan dengan Mineralisasi Timah Primer di Desa Tanjung Gunung dan Batu Belubang, Kecamatan Pangkalan Baru, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah, Provinsi Bangka-Belitung” Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Egy Erzagian (former member), Lucas Donny Setijadji, I Wayan Warmada. ” Studi Karakteristik dan Petrogenesis Batuan Beku di Daerah Singkawang dan Sekitarnya, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat” Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Agung Harijoko, I Wayan Warmada, Agung Setianto, Ferian Anggara, Nugroho I Setiawan, Aditya Pratama (former member), Gabriela Bunga Naen, Kesuma Wahni, Esti Handini. “Erupsi Skoria Basalt di Gunung Inierie, Busur Sunda Bagian Timur” Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Rilo Restu Surya Atmaja (former member), Doni Prakasa Eka Putra. “Geologi Dan Genesa Mata Air - Mata Air Waduk Bentolo dan Sekitarnya, Blora-Jawa Tengah” Oral presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Heru Hendrayana, Rezha Ramadhika (former member). “Penentuan Zona Konservasi Cekungan Air Tanah Wates, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Aloysius Andriyanto Saputro (former member), Nugraha Imam Setiawan. “Studi Petrologi dan Geokimia Batuan Metamorf Jalur Sungai Muncar, Desa Seboro, Kecamatan Sadang, Kabupaten Kebumen, Provinsi Jawa Tengah” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Subagyo Pramumijoyo, Agung Harijoko, Nugroho I Setiawan, Yan R Freski, Ekky R Priyambodo. “Stratigrafi Vulkanik Gunung Api Lawu, Jawa Timur” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Ikrar Ismail (former member), Agus Hendratno. “Studi Petrogenesis Andesit di Daerah Hargorojo dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Bagelen, Kabupaten Purworejo, Provinsi Jawa Tengah” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Anton Prasetyo, Jordan Romora S, Yeftamikha, Fransiskus L B, Nugroho Imam S. “A Petrographical Review Of Metamorphic Rocks From Ciletuh Complex, In West Java And Their Related Metamorphism In Central Indonesia Region” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Indranova Suhendro (former member), Agung Harijoko, Gabriela N.R. Bunga Naen. “Karakteristik Batuan Gunungapi Intra Caldera Ijen (Gunung Kawahwurung, Gunung


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Pendil, Gunung Anyar, Gunung Genteng, dan Gunung Pendlan), Desa Kalianyar, Kecamatan Sempol, Kabupaten Bondowoso” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Cendi Diar Permata Dana, Muhammad Rizki Sudirman, Arvida Noviana, Rahmadi Hidayat. “Analisis Granulometri, Morfologi Butir, dan Batuan Asal pada Endapan Pasir-Kerakal di Sepanjang Aliran Sungai Progo, D.I.Yogyakarta” Poster presentation of Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-9 at Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia: Galih Zoya Manggala Putra, Mohamad Irza Fandi Pradana, Sutrisno (former member), Agus Hendratno. “Analisis Geosite dan Geomorphosite Pantai Menganti sebagai Potensi Geowisata Indonesia”


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FUTURE PLANS SEG UGM-SC future plans are: President and Vice President a. Monthly Meeting and Discussion SEG Universitas Gadjah Mada – Student Chapter held a meeting once a month. In this meeting, we discuss about student chapter future activities for the current month and discuss about future plan for the activities. b. Mid Year Evaluation This evaluation was held once in the middle of the year. This evaluation pretty much the same with monthly meeting and discussion, unless with the addition of evaluating the work of the student chapter in the first half year. c. End Year Evaluation This evaluation pretty much the same with mid year evaluation, unless this meeting will discussion and evaluation about management of whole period and demolish this period. Secretary a. Correspondence Maintain a record of all Chapter and Executive Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be responsible for preparation of reports, with the exception of the President’s Annual Report, make certificate for all members and shall conduct necessary communications on behalf of the Chapter. Treasurer a. Program of Treasurer Maintain a complete record of income and expenses of the Chapter and pay bills as authorized by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall submit an annual report to the Executive Committee for audit and approval.


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Membership Division Plan a. Internal Gathering Internal Gathering is one of main program of membership division. In order to strengthen the relationship between members of SEG UGM SC this kind of program is required. We also need time to gather all members to introduce and discuss programs year ahead in each division of SEG UGM SC 2017. Beside that, there is also program to entertain all members such as barbeque and some mini games. b. Making of SEG UGM SC Uniform There are two main headquarters of Society of Economic Geologists in Indonesia. These headquarter are in the form of student chapter. West region’s headquarter located at Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung and east region’s headquarter located at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Each SEG – Student Chapter has different style of uniform. SEG UGM – SC has identity of grey colored uniform. This uniform includes several badges such as: international badge of Society of Economic Geologists and badge of Society of Economic Geologists Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Chapter. Beside those badges, there are also some informations about SEG UGM – SC’s member such as name and his / her number of membership in SEG UGM – SC. c. Former Sharing In order to strengthen the relationship between formers and members of SEG UGM SC this kind of program is required. We also need time to gather all members to introduce and discuss about SEG UGM SC 2017 with SEG UGM SC formers. Beside that, to enrich our knowledge in economic geology we also discuss it by hearing some experiences from formers. d. Member Recruitment Each year SEG UGM SC will resemble its management. This resembling includes changing of old members into new members. In order to provide some new member, SEG UGM SC will hold member recruitment, which has some several steps for all candidates. These steps will show how serious the new members to enter SEG UGM SC. In each step, will be provided by overview in working at SEG UGM SC. First step is new members register themselves by applying CV, motivation letter, and paper or posters (optional), then all committees will select who pass to the next step.


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Second step is Interview, in this session each candidates will be asked some questions about his/her self and about SEG UGM SC. After candidates passed this step, the next step is forum group discussion. Last step is announcing the new members of SEG UGM SC. e. President Election Each year SEG UGM SC will resemble its management. This resembling includes changing of president. In order to provide new president, SEG UGM SC will hold president election, which has some several steps for all candidates. These steps will show how serious the candidates to become the next president of SEG UGM SC. First step is register for all candidates by applying CV, motivation letter, and vision – mission(s), then committees will select who pass to the next step. Second step is election, in this session each candidates will be presented their programs year ahead in front of all members of SEG UGM SC. By discussing, all members will select the new president of SEG UGM SC. Public Relation Division Plan a. SEG News, Hardrock Trivia and Hardrock Issue This program is a publication of SEG UGM-SC on social media. Publications such as SEG News, Trivia and Hardrock Hardrock issue. Publication utilizing media such as website, Line, Facebook and Instagram. b. SEG Goes to Social It’s a visit program and building relationships between SEG UGM-SC and community/social. To establish good communication with the community, providing some of the science and the assistance that can be useful to society. c. Company Visit It’s visit program of SEG UGM-SC to Hardrock Company. To establish good communication between SEG UGM-SC and hardrock company, introducing the world of hardrock from visit hardrock company and get benefits that is knowledge about the world of hardrock.


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Course and Workshop Division Plan a. Course SEG UGM SC To improve knowledge and research about ore mineral resources in Indonesia, we organize a program for Indonesian students about ore mineral resources in their own country. The program is “Course SEG UGM- SC” The concept of this program is a one day course. SEG UGM-SC will invite mineral industry agent to cooperate and participate in this events. The mining company could delegate a representative to participate in this course series. b. ROCKIDE (Rock Identification Workshop) ROCKIDE is one of new program of SEG UGM SC period 2017-2018. We organize this program as a means of learning together at SEG UGM SC. Through this program, we will be trained to improve our skills in rock description include description of hand specimen and thin sections. The project will be lectured by the representatives from former of SEG UGM SC. After lecture session, there will be workshop and discussion session. This program will be attended only by active member of SEG UGM SC. c. Workshop (Software Training) Software training is a new program of SEG UGM SC in this period. It introduces us to all the mining essentials facets. We will learn together about processing geological data, interpretation to surface and block model construction, working with rock properties and property modelling and others. This project will be held in 4 sections, include theory, introduction basic software and exercises. It will be lectured by the representatives from mineral resources industry. The target of participants are students as a beginner and professionals that interest about this topic. d. Minnovation Minnovation mean “Mine Innovation”. Organizing the event aims to improve knowledge and research on mineral resources in Indonesia. Minnovation also expected to be a pioneer and driving a motor in particularly students and professionals to innovate and explore in the field of ecomonic geology.


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Minnovation is the annual largest event of the Society of Economic Geologists Universitas Gadjah Mada - Student Chapter. Minnovatioan this year is the implementation of the held the fourth after 2014, 2015 and 2016. Fieldtrip and Development Division Plan a. SEG Research Centre (Seger) This Program is an long term program that held to encourage guide the members of SEG UGM SC to achieve “1 Person 1 Publications” in Hard Rock World. b. Internal Course Internal Course is Held to motivate al of SEG UGM SC member to do Research and also guide them in general how to choose the themes based on case study that found and also the methods to pass thorough it. c. Internal Fieldtrip Internal Fieldtrip is held to learn about mineralization of ore minerals and its all aspect, but learning will he in the field. By looking at geological condition, we hope that all of SEG UGM SC’s member will understand what factor, condition, that can cause mineralization of ore minerals in the field.


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