Asking and Giving Attention [PDF]

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Asking and giving attention Asking attention/Meminta perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta perhatian dari seseorang. Giving attention/Memberi Perhatian adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan perhatian/respon. Asking for attention

Giving Attention

1. May I have your attention

1. Yes Sir/Ma’am

2. Can I get the attention

2. Ok

3. Excuse me

3. I see

4. Attention please!

4. Really

5. Listen to me

5. All right

Contoh Dialogue: Read and practise the following dialogue then answer the questions Mrs. Susi : Don’t be noisy. Attention please! Students

: Yes, Ma’am

Mrs. Susi

: Okay, next week we will do mid-examination.


: What !

Mrs. Susi

: Listen to me!


: Yes, Ma’am

Mrs. Susi

: The material that should be learned is from Chapter 1 until chapter 4. Don’t forget to enrich you vocabularies with exercise!


: Yes Ma’am

Mrs. Susi

: Okay, that’s all for today. Good luck then!

Questions 1. How many person are there in the dialogue? Who are they? 2. What does the teacher tell to the students? 3. What does the teacher say to get the attention? 4. When will the students have a mid-exams? 5. What material should be learned by the students? Exercise: Rearrange the dialogue into a good one! Students : Yes, Ma’am


: Everybody, may I have your attention, please?


: We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti What did I say?


: Yes, Ma’am, We will use English in our English class.


: Good morning, students


: Listen to my explanation


: Good morning, Ma’a,


: Everybody, are you ready to learn English now?


: Yes, Ma’am

Checking for understanding (Mengecek Pemahaman) -

Do you know what I mean?


Do you know what I am saying


Do you follow me?


Do you undertand?


Got it?


Is it clear?


Are you following me?





kepahaman) -

I see


I understand


I get it




I understand what you are saying


I know what you mean


I’m with you






(Menunjukkan kekurang pahaman/tidak paham) -

I don’t get it


I’m sorry. What do you mean?


Excuse me, but I’m not following you


Again, please


I don’t understand


What do you mean?


I don’t quite follow you

Contoh Dialog: Dialogue 1 Mr. Shidqi

: We will make an advertisement today. Do you understand?


: Yes, Sir.

Mr. Shidqi

: What did I say?


: We will make an advertisement, sir.

Dialogue 2 Mother

: Dear, can you help me to cook fish?


: Yes, Mom


: Will you buy me some fish in the market, first?


: Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle


: All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop. Do you know what I mean, dear? : I don’t quite follow you, Mom.

Tiara Mother

: please don’t forget to buy ginger at Mak Sumi’s shop Okay, be careful dear.


: thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

Berikut adalah contoh latihan soal untuk dialog 2 (Mother and Tiara) Question for exercise (Dialogue 2) 1.

How many persons are there in the dialogue 2?


Where does the conversation take place?


What does Tiara’s mother want Tiara to do?


Where will Tiara buy fish?


How do Tiara go to the market?


Does her mother want her to buy anything else?


Where should Tiara buy ginger?


What does her mother say to check whether Tiara understands or not?


And what is Tiara’s response ?

10. Do you think that she is happy to go to market? Complete the dialogues using the words in the box! a. No, I don’t b. I see c. Do you undertand? d. Any question e. Please pay attention?

Dialogue 1 Mr. Musto Students

Dialogue 2 Rissa

: We will make an greeting card. . . .(1) : Yes, Sir

: Do you understand the homework?


: . . . . (2) How about you?


: Yes, I do.

Dialogue 3 Teacher

: Ok . . . . (3) I will describe what the simple past tense is. Simple past is used to talk about finished actions

that happened at a spesific time in the past. Students

: . . . . (4)


: . . . . (5)


: Please explain the example of simple past tense, Sir.


: All right.




Well done!


Thank you


That’s great!


That’s very kind of you


How beautiful you are!


Yeah, thanks


What a nice shirt!


It’s nothing


Nice work!


I’m glad you like it


You’re great!


Thanks. It’s nice of you to say so


I appreciate your effort


Do you really think so?


How clever you are!


Many thanks


I like you .... Untuk memberi pujian atau kekaguman kepada seseorang kita dapat menggunakan kalimat kekaguman dengan menggunakan “How/What”. How atau what di sini bukan berarti kata tanya atau question word tetapi berati “Alangkah, betapa atau sungguh” Contoh: How handsome you are! (Alangkah gantengnya kamu) How smart you are! (Betapa pintarnya kamu) How clean this room is! (Sungguh bersih ruangan ini) What a kind man he is! (Betapa baiknya laki-laki itu) What a nice t-shirt! (Betapa bagus kaos ini) What an expensive motorcycle it is! (Alangkah mahalnya sepeda motor itu) What cheap laptops they are! (Sungguh murah laptop-laptop itu) Berikut adalah contoh dialog memberi pujian (compliments) Fayyadh : Hi Fatimah, How are you Fatimah

: Hello, Fayyadh, I’m fine. And you?


: I’m okay, thank you. Where are going Fatimah?


: I’m going to pick up my mother.


: Is that your new bicycle, Fatimah? What a nice bicycle it is!


: Yes, it is. Thanks Fayyadh.


: You’re welcome.

Questions based on the dialogue 1. How many persons are there in the dialogue? Who are they? 2.

Where will Fatimah go?


How does she go?


What is the expression used to give compliments in the dialogue?


What is the response use to respond the compliments?

Latihan Soal Tentang Showing Appreciation/Compliments Rearrange the following dialogue into a good one! Slamet : Excellent friend! Gombol Gombol Slamet Gombol

: Yes, of course. I prepare it well : Thanks friend. : Really? : Hey, You know I get a good mark in my exam.

Complete the dialogue below with suitable expression! 1. A : Look at the house! B : The house is very . . . . and . . . . isn’t it? A : Yes, I think the house is very big and large 2. Nani : Look, this is my cat. It ‘s . . . . isn’t it? Yani : Yes, I think it is . . . 3. A : Wow, the boy i s diligent and smart B : Yes, I think he is . . . . 4. Ana : What do you think about my picture? Dito : I think it is ... Ani : Amazing! Really? Thank you. 5. X : Look, this is my bird. It is .... isn’t it? Y : Yes, I think it’s beautiful. Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta pendapat(opinion) -

What do you think of….? What do you think about …? What’s your opinion of…? What do you feel about…? What can you say about….? How do you feel about…? Do you think….? What’s your idea…? Ekspresi yang digunakan untuk memberi opini


In my opinion… In my view… I think… I believe… I guess… To my mind… What I have in my mind… Jawaban atau respon atas pendapat yang dilontarkan


I think so That’s right It’s true I don’t think so If I may say so,… I disagree I can’t say that Contoh penggunaan ekspresi di dalam dialog:

1. Erna: What do you think of our English teacher? Almusto: He is smart and teaches us clearly. Erna : That’s right 2. Ari : What is your opinion of smoking? Ahdi : I think Smoking is not good for our health. Ari : I think so. 3. Hani : Do you think it will rain today? Aryoso: I guess it is going to rain today because the sky is cloudy. Hani: I don’t think so, The sun still shines. 4. Paul: how do you feel about the 2014 election? Likha: I believe that there’ll be many “golput”. Many people don’t trust the leaders in this country anymore. They have corrupted. Paul: I disagree. As a good citizen we must choose our leader. 5.

Mr. Amir

: Look, everybody. I have a new English book. What do you think about it?


: In my opinion, it is such an expensive book.

Mr. Amir

: Very good. How about you Gani?


: Well, I think it’s OK. I like that. It’s not thick and no expensive.

Mr. Amir

: Good. Anybody has another opinion?


: Yes, I have. My opinion is that the book is too thick.

Mr. Amir

: Good. All your answers are correct. Do you understand, students?


: Yes, sir.

Mr. Amir

: Great. You’re really smart.


: Thank you.

Stating Capability Capability artinya kemampuan/kesanggupan untuk melakukan/mengerjakan sesuatu. Untuk mengekspresikan kemampuan atau kapabilitas dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita dapat menggunakan modal “can, could, atau be able” yang artinya “dapat/bisa” Can Can dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan kapabilitas dalam bentuk present tense/masa sekarang. Pola umum: S+Can +V1 Perhatikan Can selalu diikuti kata kerja bentuk pertama Contoh dalam Kalimat: -

Jono can climb a tree. (Jono dapat memanjat pohon)


Siti can cook fried rice. (Siti bisa memasak nasi goreng).


Father and I can swim very well.


They can play guitars.


Birds can fly Untuk menyatakan ketidakmampuan dapat ditambahkan –not, (can not/can’t) Contoh:


Tiara can not ride a bicycle.


Mother can’t run fast


A penguin can’t fly. Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya (interogative sentence), maka Can diletakkan di depan kalimat. Contoh:


Can he sing a song? Yes, he can/no, he cannot


Can a gecko crawl? Yes, it can


Can you come to my birthday party? No, I can’t. I’m busy. Menggunakan can dengan Question Words (5W + 1 H):


What can I do for you?


Why can’t you come to my house?


How can you fly a kite?


Etc. Could Could fungsinya sama dengan can. Perbedaanya adalah could digunakan untuk mengeskpresikan action atau tindakan dalam bentuk past tense/bentuk lampau. Selain past tense, could dimaksudkan supaya lebih sopan (polite) bukan bentuk past. Contoh:


Santi could walk 20 kilometers away.


The policeman could arrest the criminal.


Dani could not dance.


Could you please open the door?


Could she win the singing contest? Yes, she could/ No, She couldn’t.


What could your friend do to me? Be able to Bentuk ini dapat juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kapabilitas. Be(am, is, are/was, were) dapat digunakan baik present tense maupun past tense. Pola umum: S+be able to + V1 Contoh:


She is able to finish the job herself.


Toni and tini are able to collaborate.


They are able to win the football match.


Mother is able to cook delicious menus.


I am able to fix the leakage. Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif atau ketidakmampuan dapat ditambahkan –not setelah to be/be. Contoh:


We are not able to continue the jorney.


Ita is not able to come on time.


The dog is not able to overtake the cat anymore.


I am not able to be with her anymore. Untuk membuat kalimat tanya(interogative) be diletakkan di depan kalimat. Contoh:


Is uncle Ben able to make a delicious cakes? Yes he is. No, he is not.


Are they able to compete in international level? Yes, they are. No they are not 2. Stating willingness Willingness berarti kesediaan, kemauan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Untuk menyatakan itu kita dapat menggunakan modal –will/would. Yang berarti akan/mau/sedia. Will dan would memiliki kesamaan. Perbedaannya adalah Will digunakan untuk bentuk present tense (Sekarang) dan would untuk bentuk lampau. Pola umum: S + Will/would + V1 (+) S + Will/Would + not + V1 (-) Will/would + S + V1? (?) Contoh:


I will visit your house.


She will come to your bithday party.


They will help you if you want.


He would go there.


Mom and Dad would leave the room.


Dodi will not (won’t) pay the bill.


Ririn would not (wouldn’t) take part in the competition.


Will Tina go with Arum tonight? Yes, She will. No, She will not (won’t). -

Would you come here? Yes, I would. No, I wouldn’t

Should Should digunakan untuk memberikan saran (suggestions). Yang namanya saran sifatnya tidak wajib berbeda dengan obligation/kewajiban/keharusan. Pattern/pola: S + should + V1 S + Should be + Adjective/noun/adverb Contoh: -

Susi should drink medicine to get well soon (Susi sebaiknya minum obat supaya cepat sembuh)


You should be calm in the classroom


Irman should not eat sweet and hot food.


You should bring your dictionary. English is the third lesson.


I should not leave her alone.


Should Gibran do the homework? Yes, he should. No, he should not. (Apakah Gibran sebaiknya mengerjakan PR? Ya. Tidak.)


Should we go to the beach? Yes, we should. No, we should not. Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif kita menambahkan –not setelah should. Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya kita letakkan should di depan kalimat. Contoh Dialog Suggestion: Must Must artinya harus/wajib, yaitu sesuatu yang harus dilakukan dan dikerjakan, jika tidak akan ada konsekuensinya. Pattern/pola: S + must + V1 (+) S + must be + Adjective/noun/adverb Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif kita menambahkan –not setelah must. Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya kita letakkan must di depan kalimat. Contoh: -

Robert must wear his OSIS uniform on Monday. (Robert harus/wajib memakai seragam OSIS pada hari senin.)


You must not put on sandals during the school hours.


They must not be noisy in the classroom.


She must be on time.


Must we obey the school rules? Yes, we must. No, we must not. (Apakah kita harus mematuhi peraturan sekolah? Ya. Tidak.)

Yanuar Santi Yanuar Santi Yanuar Santi Yanuar

: San, Why don’t you join us to do Math homework? : Sorry Yan, I have a tootache. : Really? You should go to destist, san. : I am afraid : It will be better that you feel it for days and weeks. : I’ll try. I hope it won’t hurt a lot. Thanks Yan. : You’re welcome. I hope you will get better soon.

Contoh Dialog Obligation: Dewa

: Wi, is it Monday?


: Yes, it is. why?


: Upz, I forget to put on my cap.


: What? Do you forget that today we will have a flag ceremony? You must put on you cap Dewa, otherwise you’ll get punishment.


: Yeah, I think today is Tuesday. I know that. What should I do?


: Well, you have thirty minuntes to go home and take your cap right away.

Dewa Dewi

: That’s a good idea. I’ll be back soon. Thanks Wi : Don’t mention it.

Should Should digunakan untuk memberikan saran (suggestions). Yang namanya saran sifatnya tidak wajib berbeda dengan obligation/kewajiban/keharusan. Pattern/pola: S + should + V1 S + Should be + Adjective/noun/adverb Contoh: -

Susi should drink medicine to get well soon (Susi sebaiknya minum obat supaya cepat sembuh)


You should be calm in the classroom


Irman should not eat sweet and hot food.


You should bring your dictionary. English is the third lesson.


I should not leave her alone.


Should Gibran do the homework? Yes, he should. No, he should not. (Apakah Gibran sebaiknya mengerjakan PR? Ya. Tidak.)


Should we go to the beach? Yes, we should. No, we should not. Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif kita menambahkan –not setelah should. Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya kita letakkan should di depan kalimat.

II Must Must artinya harus/wajib, yaitu sesuatu yang harus dilakukan dan dikerjakan, jika tidak akan ada konsekuensinya. Pattern/pola: S + must + V1 (+) S + must be + Adjective/noun/adverb Untuk membentuk kalimat negatif kita menambahkan –not setelah must.

Untuk membentuk kalimat tanya kita letakkan must di depan kalimat. Contoh: -

Robert must wear his OSIS uniform on Monday. (Robert harus/wajib memakai seragam OSIS pada hari senin.)


You must not put on sandals during the school hours.


They must not be noisy in the classroom.


She must be on time.


Must we obey the school rules? Yes, we must. No, we must not. (Apakah kita harus mematuhi peraturan sekolah? Ya. Tidak.)

Contoh Dialog Suggestion: Yanuar Santi Yanuar Santi Yanuar Santi Yanuar

: San, Why don’t you join us to do Math homework? : Sorry Yan, I have a tootache. : Really? You should go to destist, san. : I am afraid : It will be better that you feel it for days and weeks. : I’ll try. I hope it won’t hurt a lot. Thanks Yan. : You’re welcome. I hope you will get better soon.

Contoh Dialog Obligation: Dewa

: Wi, is it Monday?


: Yes, it is. why?


: Upz, I forget to put on my cap.


: What? Do you forget that today we will have a flag ceremony? You must put on you cap Dewa, otherwise you’ll get punishment.


: Yeah, I think today is Tuesday. I know that. What should I do?


: Well, you have thirty minuntes to go home and take your cap right away.

Dewa Dewi

: That’s a good idea. I’ll be back soon. Thanks Wi : Don’t mention it.

1. a. b. 2. a. b. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. 5. a. b. 6. a. b. 7. a. b.

LATIHAN ULANGAN UMUM AKHIR SEMESTER KELAS 8 SEMESTER 1 CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER OCTOPUS The octopus the sea animal with eight power full feet which it uses as hands. These are called tentacles. The word “Octopus” comes from two Greek word that mean “Eight Feet”. The octopus, the squid and the cuttlefish belong to the same family that has no outside shells. Their bodies are recovered entirely with skin. Therefore the body of an octopus is soft. It looks like a big balloon. A fully-grown octopus can be as large as 8,5 meters from the tip of one tentacles to the tip of another. It can weigh as much as 45 kilograms. Besides using its tentacles to cacth small fish, sea plants, crab and lobsters. The octopus also uses them against its enemies. The octopus wraps its tentacles around the victim and squeezes it before eating it. The octopus escapes from its enemies by giving out dark fluid to darken the water. It can also change the color of its body match its surroundings. It hides from its enemies by doing this. Which group of sea creatures belongs to the same family? Fish,octopus and crab c. crab, cuttlefish and squid Squid, crab and octopus d. cuttlefish,octopus and squid How does the octopus hunt for food? It uses magic color c. it uses its teeth It uses its tentacles d. it uses color What does the word “octopus” mean in Greek? Eight feet c. Monster b. tentacles d. fish X: Do you need me to clean the car? Y:……….the servant will clean it Yes,please c. of course b. No, thanks d. All right Via: What do you think of my new bag? Eva:………………… I think its beautiful bag c. I don’t think so I don’t know d. I am not sure Doni: When were you born? Aldi:…………… I was born on October, 28th , 1997 c. I was born on October,10th , 1997 I were born on October, 28th ,1997 d. I were born on October,10th ,1997 Ade : Where are you going to do tomorrow morning? Vidi and Vini :we…………………….visit our teacher in the hospital Plant to c. is going to b. are going to d. are going READ THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 8-9 10.00 Daniel- Sorry, can’t make it to the bookshop this afternoon. Can we makeanother outing? TQ. Ahmad.

8. a. b. 9. a. b. 10.

Who send the message? Daniel c. Ahmad b. Daniel and Ahmad d. TQ. Ahmad What does “TQ” stand for? Thanks c. The question b. Thank you d. Too Quick Leddy : May I………………………..the lamp? It’s dark here Winda: Sure a. See c. turn off b. b. Look for d. Turn on READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 11-13 MY GRANDMOTHER My grandmother is a very gentle, loving and caring person. She never raises her voice at anyone. She has lived with me for as long as I can remember. She takes care of me when mom and dad go to work. Grandmother likes to tell stories. She usually tells me brief stories of her childhood and expresses them very well with her tried. Old, winkled grandmother who has passed away. My dear grandmother always says good things about him. She once told me that the nicest person she had ever met. I really love my grandmother. 11. The writers tell us about….. a. His grandparents c. his grandmother b. b. His grandchildren d. His grandfather 12. Whom does grandmother stay with? a. The writer c. the grandmother b. b. The reader d. Her husband 13. Old, winkled grandfather who has passed away The underlined word has same meaning with…… a. Corpse c. live b. b. Dead d. life 14. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentences. Come(1)-tonight(2)-you(3)-my(4)-like(5)-would(6)-party(7)-to(8)-dinner(9)-?(10) The best arrangement is…… a. 13897654210 c. 63185497210 b. 36581497210 d. 63581497210 15. Dena: Many houses were damage by tsunami Arvy:………..they lost everything a. I am glad to hear that c. I don’t sympathize b. I am happy to hear that d. I do sympathize READ THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 16-17 Receptionist : Can I help you, sir? Guest : I need one room for two peoples Receptionist : All right, It’s the key number 25 Guest : Ok, thanks Receptionist : May I help you carry those suitcase, sir? Guest : Yes, thank 16. Where does the dialogue take place? a. In the hotel c. In the restaurant b. b. In the shop d. In the bank 17. What is a bellboy? a. The man who receives the guest in the hotel

b. c. d. 18.

The man who helps the guests in the hotel The man who leads the tour The man who serves the guests in the restaurant Teacher : Silvia come here. Why did you make the floor dirty? Silvia :…………………..Yudha did it a. Yes, I did it c. I didn’t do that b. b. I’m sorry d. I did it on purpose 19. Father : Lusi, you used my towel, didn’t you? Lusi : Yes, dad. I did . But I don’t know a. Accepting something c. Admit something b. Declining something d. Deny something READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 20-24 A TRIP TO BALI Last year my family had a trip to Bali. My parents, my elder sister and I spent 3 days. We had a flight to Bali. We arrived there at 9 a.m. Then, we checked in the hotel. It was not big, but comfortable. After taking a rest and having a shower, we had a lunch in the restaurant of the hotel. In the afternoon, we went to sanur beach. There were a lot of tourist enjoying the beautiful beach. Some of domestic and foreign tourist surfed on the beach. It seemed they enjoy it. My sister and I played the sand. We built the castle from the sand. On the second day, we had a shopping in the traditional market near the hotel. My mother bought a new dress, while my father chose a leather jacket. My sister bought a pair of unique glasses and a cap. While I liked having T’shirt. On the last day, we checked out the hotel. We left the hotel at 8 p.m. It was really an amazing holiday. 20. How many days did they spend in Bali? a. One day c. three days b. b. two days d. four days 21. How did they go there? a. By plane c. by bus b. b. by train d. by car 22. What did the tourist do on the beach? a. Played the sand c. shopping b. b. surfing d. sailing 23. What time did they check out the hotel? a. Nine a.m. c. nine p.m. b. b. eight a.m. d. eight p.m. 24. What is the purpose of the text? a. To entertain the readers c. to describe a thing b. To invite the readers d. to retell the experience 25. Arrange the jumbled dialogue into the best order 1) Risma : Really? Happy birthday, ayu ! 2) Sinta : Ayu is going to have a birthday party at her house this Sunday 3) Risma :Hi, what are you two talking about? 4) Ayu : Thank you,Risma a. 2314 b. 3214 c.2143 d. 3241 FILL IN THE BLANK THE CORRECT WORD TO ANSWER 26-28 Dio : What did you do last weekend? Angga :(26)……………………………………. Dio : Did you enjoy it? Angga : Not at all

Dio :(27)…………………..did the weather? Angga : It rained all the time. It was windy and very cold Dio : (28)……………………………………… 26. a. I want to swim c. I went swimming b. I will go with you d. I like it very much 27. a. where c. when b. why d. how 28. a. I disagree c. that’s good b. That’s too bad d. Yes, of course you can READ THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENT TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 29-33 DRAMAC CLUB The drama club will put on a play called” the magic carpet”. All teachers and students are invited to watch the play. Parents will also be invited. Date : December 21st Time : 10.00 a.m. Place : School Hall Students who are interested in taking part in the part in this play may register their name with Mr.Rudi. An audition will be held on November,9th to choose actors and actresses for the following part: 1. The princess 2. The prince 3. The cruel stepfather 4. The hunter 5. Eight soldier 6. The wise man 7. The old lady 8. Five villagers Students who are chosen must come for practice an the following dates at 2.00 p.m in the school hall. First practice : November 16th Second practice : November 23rd Third practice : November 30th Fourth practice : December 7th Last practice : December 14th The play will be directed by Mrs. Tari 29. What is the name of the play? a. Drama club c. the magic show b. An audition d. the magic carpet 30. How many practices are there? a. 3 practices c. 5 practices b. 4 practices d. 6 practices 31. Who will direct the play? a. Mr.Rudi c. Cruel stepfather b. The princes d. Mrs. Tari 32. What time the practices begin? a. 2.00 p.m. c. 2.00 a.m. b. 10.00 a.m. d. 10.00 a.m 33. How many actors and actresses are needed in the play?

a. b. 34. a. b. c. d.

Ten person c. eighteen person Fifteen person d. nineteen person Resti is sick at school. She asks her mother to pick up. Here is the SMS: Mum, pick me up right now I get flu at field Mum, pick up your daughter, am I sick in UKS? Mum, can you pick me up, I am sick at school Mum, She is sick now. Pick up me at school

READ THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 35-37 Doctor : What,s your trouble Anita : I have a cough and a headache Doctor : How long have you been feeling ill? Anita : Four days Doctor : Lie down please. I’ll examine you Anita : What’s the matter with me, Doctor? Doctor : You throat infection. I’ll write a prescription. You should stay in bed tomorrow Anita : Alright doctor 35. a. b. 36. a. b. 37.

As a matter of fact. What the matter with anita? She have throat infection c. She has throat injection She has throat infection d. She have a cough and a headache How long has anita been feeling ill? 2 days c. 4 days 3 days d. 5 days “Lay down, please. I’ll examine you” The word “I” refers to…… a. Doctorb. patient c. nurse d. anita 38. “Aji was get an accident”. What is your hope”? a. I hope he get better soon c. you shoul put an eye-lotion b. I hope he will get better soon d. I hope he’ll get better later 39. Rahma : I have a headache Meli :………………………………………. a. You should take an aspirin c. you should put an eye-lotion b. You should take cough syrup d. You should put ear-drop 40. My grandfather is 67 years old now. He is weak and often get sick. He usually complain that he pain in his back. He has a…………………… a. Headache c. Backache b. Stomachache d. toothache II.ESSAY COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE 1. Toyib : Will you join us for dinner tonight? Fasa :………………..I have to go to visit my grandmother 2. Answer the question based on the invitation for number 2 (a) and (b)

Hello Elvin, There will be a garden party at myhouse. Please come tomorrow afternoon at 2.p.m. call me if you come. Your truly Rudi a. Who is rudi? b. What is the “closing” of the invitation? 3. Complete the following dialogue Laura ; Can I go to the cinema with my friends, mom? Mother :………………………..But don’t come home late. 4. Complete the following text using the words in the box Eyes, beauty, carrot, ears,pet The rabbit is a domestic animal. It has two long……………….(a) and two beautiful …………………..(b) to see. It eats leaves, vegetables, especially…………………(c), because of the…………………..(d) many people keep them as pets. You can buy them at the…………………(e) shop. It’s fun, it’s action is very interesting. 5. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb using past continous tense I was sleeping when my brother……………………….Football game on TV.]]