BAHAN AJAR Talking About Self [PDF]

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Bahan Ajar dinda

BAHAN AJAR A. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) Kompetensi Dasar (KD) 3.1

Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive)


Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks penggunaannya.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) 3.1.1 Menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya, meliputi kalimat Present Tense nominal dan verbal serta penggunaan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun. (C4) 3.1.3 Membuat resume fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks penggunaanya terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dengan menggunakan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun. (C6) 4.1.1 Membuat Teks terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dalam bentuk teks tulis. (C6) 4.1.2 Menyajikan teks pemaparan Jati Diri dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan. (C6)

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran Tujuan dari kegiatan pembelajaran menggunakan Model Discovery Learning yang dipadukan dengan pendekatan saintifik adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait

Bahan Ajar dinda

Let Me Introduce Myself peserta didik dapat menentukan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks lisan dan tulis tentang pemaparan jati diri meliputi kalimat Present Tense nominal dan verbal serta penggunaan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun dengan tepat. 2. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait Let Me Introduce Myself siswa dapat membuat resume tentang materi teks pemaparan jati diri. 3. Setelah mengamati video pembelajaran tentang teks pemaparan jati diri yang telah diberikan, membaca materi serta diskusi kelompok pada grup WA terkait Let Me Introduce Myself peserta didik dapat Membuat Teks terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga menggunakan personal pronoun dan possessive pronoun dengan benar dan tepat. 4. Setelah membuat teks caption, peserta didik dapat menyajikan teks terkait pemaparan jati diri secara tertulis dengan benar. dengan rasa rasa ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, displin selama proses pembelajaran, bersikap jujur, santun, percaya diri dan pantang menyerah, serta memiliki sikap responsif (berpikir kritis) dan pro-aktif (kreatif), serta mampu berkomukasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik. (PPK).

Bahan Ajar dinda

Learning LearningMaterial Material Let LetMe MeIntroduce IntroduceMyself Myself

A. Definition, Generic Structure and Language Features To help you analyse the caption text, please visit this video with the link below

Bahan Ajar dinda After seeing the two videos above, we can conclude:  Definition Introducing self is introducing ourselves in English to others using correct sentences and expressions so that others can get to know us more closely and better than ever.  The Purpose The purpose is of Talking about self is so that other people can get to know you better. Usually, telling yourself is needed when you meet a distant friend that you have never met, and during a scholarship or job application interview.  Generic Structure of introducing self : Stating your name clearly Stating your origin, address, or your position of organisation Sharing your particular skill Sharing your passion, goal, or interest Stating your personal details, such as hobbies, favorite food, etc  Language features In telling yourself to others, there are several linguistic elements that need attention. Why? So that other people do not get bored when hearing or reading it. What are the elements of these languages? Check it out, guys! 


Bahan Ajar dinda

Pronouns/Kata Ganti Orang Subjective


Possessive Adjective 

Possessive Pronoun





























Tenses In the talking about self text, you can use several tenses that are in harmony with what is being told. For example, if you are conveying a hobby, the tense used is the simple present tense, if you tell an incident in the past, such as having served as student council president, the right tentses are simple past tense.

Contoh Expressions of Introducing Oneself and others 1. Introducing oneself a. I am happy to introduce my self, my name is Jimmy Lorenzo. b. I need to introduce my self, my full name is Kimi Raikonen c. Excuse me, my name is Muhammad Fajriansyah d. Let me introduce myself, my name is Sisilia Steward e. I want to introduce myself, I am Bill John f. I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Willy Nikita 2. Introducing other a. Hi, Marina. This is my sister, Friska Lorenza. b. Please, allow me to introduce our new friend. He is... c. Do you know our humble new manager.  He is………….. d. Let me introduce you to my parents. My father is….and my mother is……

Bahan Ajar dinda

e. I'd like you to meet my best friend. He is Brian Santoso f. Rika, this is my best partner Ryan Daniel g. Let me introduce you to my boss. He is Pevita Sonia h. Give me time to introduce my new branch manager. He is Danilo Wonder. g. May I introduce myself? h. Give me time to introduce my self. My name is…… Example of Text Introducing Oneself Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is Faiz Rizqi Aji. I was born in Bandung on 26 July 1993. I now live in Garut. Right now I stayed at my aunt’s house. Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing. Okay now about me and my family,  I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister, and she is high school student. My father is a Police which is  named Endang Kurnia. While my mother is a housewife.I love my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you. Example of Introducing Oneself Dialogue Kartika : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Kartika.  Okki : Hello. I’m Okki. I am your new neighbor.  Kartika : Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you?  Okki : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies.  Kartika : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Okki. Okki : Nice to know you too Kartika. 

Bahan Ajar dinda

Learning LearningActivity Activity Talking Talkingabout aboutSelf Self Task 1 Pay attention to the following video. Please explain about this video talking about intoducing lf above, who anyone involved in this dialog, and explain/introduce about them ! Task 2 1. Introduce yourself to your friend, brother, sister, or teacher. State your name, where you are from, what class, and where you live. 2. You act as a teacher of Indonesian language. Display an introduction to the students. 3. Greet your friends in English.