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SECTION 1 : STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSIONS Bagian Pertama 1.    X: Are you going to be in your firm next Monday? Y: No. I …… my aunt in Canada. A.    Visit B.    Am visiting C.    Will be visiting D.    Will visited E.    Shall visit 2.    I will spend the rest of time in my room. Gaby will pick me up at eight P.M. Since five P.M I will be reading novel in my room. I …… for three hours by the time she picks my body up. A.   will have been reading B.    had being read C.    would be read D.     am reading E.    was read 3.    “Why did not Michael want to go home?” “His mother ….. him for causing the accident.” A.    would blame B.    has blamed C.    is blaming D.    had blamed E.    Had been blamed 4.    X: “Last year I didn’t have to pay for my brother’s tuition fee” Y: “That’s great. I heard he ……. a scholarship from a foreign university” A.    Receives B.    Had received C.    Was receiving D.    Would receive E.    Has received 5.    This is a very popular TV Program. Every week it …… by millions of people. A.    Watches B.    Being watched C.    is watched D.    Has watched E.    To be watched 6.    We stayed in the sun for …… a long time that we became sunburned.

A.    So B.    Such C.    Little D.    Much E.    Many 7.    Anna     : “What do you think about the location of our new restaurant?” Bobby    : “Excellent …… in the centre of the town”. A.    Which location is strategical B.    Locating it strategically C.    It is strategically located D.    That is a strategical location E.    The strategical location 8.    Being an out going person, Agam ….. his time with friends on Saturday nights than stay at home. A.    Might be spending B.    Would rather spend C.    Ought to have spent D.    Could have spent E.    Had better spend 9.    As I found out that not all the workshop participants knew about today’s schedule, I got my secretary ……. it right away. A.    Distributing B.    Distributed C.    She distributes D.    To distribute E.    In distributing 10.    Both of teams ….. required to fight fairly. A.    Is B.    Are C.    Was D.    Be E.    To be

KUNCI DAN PEMBAHASAN BAHASA INGRRIS Bagian Pertama 1. C. Pada kalimat sebelumnya, “are..going to..”, dapat dilihat bahwa kalimat tersebut menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi (future). 2. A. The future perfect progressive, menekankan durasi dari suatu aktivitas yang berlangsung sebelum waktu atau kejadian lain di masa depan.

3. D. Pada kalimat sebelumnya menunjukkan suatu kejadian lampau. Sehingga verb pada jawaban pun menjadi v2 dan kata “had” menyatakan “telah”. 4. B. Jika ada dua aktivitas yang terjadi secara berturutan pada waktu yang lampau, maka peristiwa yang terjadi lebih dulu dinyatakan dengan past perfect atau past perfect continuous tense. 5. C. Dalam makna soal tersebut harus lah bentuk passive, dan karena subject nya singular (it) maka jawaban yang paling tepat yaitu C. 6. B. Jawabannya yaitu such, karena “such” harus diikuti dengan noun, sedangkan “so” tidak bisa diikuti dengan noun, hanya bisa diikuti dengan adjective dan adverb. 7. C. Kata ‟strategical‟ bukan bentuk kata sifat yang benar dari kata strategy. Kata sifatnya yang benar adalah strategic. Dengan demikian pilihan jawaban yang menggunakan kata „strategical‟ semuanya salah dalam kalimat pasif. Keterangan cara (manner), strategically dapat diletakkan antara to be dan V3 untuk menekankan makna. 8. B. Untuk mengungkapkan hal yang lebih disukai digunakan would rather + v1. 9. D. Pola kalimat causative get dengan objek aktif yaitu get + objek + to verb . 10. B. Karena terdapat kata “both of teams…”

Bagian Kedua 1.    Shakespeare wrote that play. So, the play ….. Shakespeare. A.    Was wrote by B.    Was written by C.    Had been wrote by D.    Has being written E.    Was write by 2.    She ……. everything she wants. Then she knew that those stuffs are useless. A.    Buy B.    Is buying C.    Bought D.    Brought E.    Were bought 3.    Those men act so weird, so I know now who are …… my money. A.    Steal B.    Stealing C.    Stole D.    Stolen E.    Steals

4.    The Philippines ……. more than 7,000 islands. A.    Consisting of B.    Consists of C.    Consist of D.    Contained E.    Be contains of 5.    “I’m really worried about his health as his next semester starts two weeks from now.” “Let’s just hope that by that time he……. .” A.    Has recovered B.    Is going to recover C.    Will be recovering D.    Is recovering E.    Will have recovered 6.    “Had there not been a black-out for more than thirty minutes yesterday, the performance of our play would have been a success.” From  the above sentence, we may conclude that ….. . A.    We receive a big applause B.    The lighting was just perfect C.    We were very disappointed D.    The play was too long E.    We were very grateful 7.    Having read the document carefully, ……. . A.    The manager signed it B.    The manager’s signature was affixed C.    The document is signed by the manager D.    It was signed by the manager E.    The document that is signed by the manager 8.    She could not finish her study in four years, ….. , she would have been entitled to a scholarship for  further study. A.    However B.    Consequently C.    Otherwise D.    Moreover E.    Nevertheless 9.    “Do you know that George had withdrawn his money from the bank just before it was liquidated?”  “Oh yes, otherwise she ……. a great deal” A.     lost

B.    would lose C.    had lost D.     would have lost E.    Would lost 10.    I will be in my office tomorrow morning around ten …… you need to see me. A.    In case of B.    In event that C.    In event of D.    In other hand E.    In order to KUNCI DAN PEMBAHASAN BAHASA INGRRIS BAGIAN KEDUA

1. B. Pada kalimat passive, “objek” pada kalimat aktif menjadi “subjek” di kalimat pasif. 2. C. Bentuk lampau dari buy adalah bought. 3. B. Terdapat kata “..are…” yang menunjukan kalimat tersebut merupakan present continuous. 4. B. Karena the Philipines merupakan subjek dalam kalimat, maka verb ditambahkan huruf “s” setelahnya. 5. E. Keterangan waktu next semester dan by that time digunakan dalam future perfect tense (will have + V3/been ). 6. C. Fakta dari kalimat pengandaian tersebut adalah : „karena terjadi penghentian selama lebih dari tiga puluh menit, pertunjukan kita tidak sukses‟. Tersirat dari kenyataan ini adalah kita sangat kecewa (karena tidak sukses). 7. A. Yang melakukan aktivitas having read the document adalah the manager. 8. C. Konjungsi yang tepat adalah otherwise (jika tidak). 9. D. Would have lost 10. B. Mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yang tidak akan terjadi, tapi masih mungkin terjadi. In event that dan in case memiliki arti yang sama, hanya saja in event that lebih sopan.

BAGIAN KETIGA 1.    Mary stayed up very late last night. Today she is tired and sleepy. She wishes… A.    She did not stay up very late last night B.    She did not sleep last night C.    She were tired and sleep D.    She had not been tired and sleepy E.    She had not stayed up very late last night

2.    Sue is in charge     …… the meeting. A.    Of organizing B.    Of organize C.    To organize D.    Organized E.    For organizing 3.    The fact that he was put in prison for something that he had not done made his wife …... A.    To be crying B.    Cry C.    Cried D.    To cry E.    Be cried    4.    I asked, “What did you do on Sunday?” So John ……. , “I was going to dentist, my teeth was making me be a nut.” A.    Is answering B.    Answer C.    Answered D.    Had answered E.    Being answer 5.    He never seems so cheerful ……. the tragedy of his mother that drains his tears. A.    So B.    Because C.    Then D.    Otherwise E.    Since 6.    You …….. permit to your mother before a long trip you take. A.    May B.    Must C.    Should not D.    are preferred E.    could 7.    You are in campus right now. Where …… you ……..? A.    Should, prefer be B.    Would, rather be C.    Ought, rather be D.    Would, prefer be E.    Should, used to

8.    Miscommunication is bad, misjudge is worse, but the stray punishment is …… ever. A.    Most bad B.    Best C.    Badly D.    Worst E.    More worst 9.    Bali is the greatest place ever for throw all your exhausts off, …….? A.    Is not it B.    Is it C.    Right D.    Am I right E.    Is that 10.    Do you have ……. minutes? I would like to ask you …… questions. I need ……. more information. A.    A few, a little, some pieces of B.     A little, a little, a few C.    A few, a few, a little D.    Some, a few, a few E.    A little, a little, a little


1. E. Menyatakan sebab dari suatu kejadian, dan pengharapan bahwa sebab tersebut tidak terjadi. Kunci Jawaban & Pembahasan Try Out Nasional STIS 2012 / 2013 2 2. A. Of organizing 3. B. Cry 4. C. Direct speech. 5. E. Since : semenjak, sejak. 6. A. May : menyatakan kemungkinan. 7. B. Would rather : menyatakan preference ( pilihan atau sesuatu yang dipilih) 8. D. Bad : buruk, Worse : lebih buruk, Worst : paling buruk, (menyatakan tingkatan perbandingan/ comparison) 9. A. Kalimat tersebut merupakan Question tag, sehingga apabila kalimat awalnya berupa positif, akhirannya berbentuk negative. 10. C. A few : sedikit, beberapa (untuk sesuatu yang dapat dihitung atau memiliki satuan, contoh : minute, people, etc). A little : sedikit, beberapa (untuk sesuatu yang tidak dapat dihitung/ abstrak dan atau tidak memiliki satuan. Contoh : information, knowledge).

BAGIAN KEEMPAT By experimenting with combination of chemicals, manufactures have produced a wide variety of effective dusts and sprays to control plant pests. Some, such as those containing pyrethrum, work well and do rat harm to people, pets and birds. There are others that contain stronger chemical, such as DDT, melathion, fazinat, and chlorine. These can be extremely dangerous if they are not properly used. The first thing to do in dealing with plant pests it to seek the proper advice. Trained salesmen at garden stores can supply valuable information on the correct product to use. If the problem is a complicated or stubborn one, additional advice should be obtained from goverment agricultural department offices. 1.    How can manufactures get various effective pesticides... A.    By experimenting with combination of chemicals B.    By combining different chemicals C.    By producing various chemicals D.    By spraying stronger chemicals E.    By controling plants pests 2.    What is the main idea of the second paragraph.... A.    Farmers should have good knowledge to fight plant pests B.    Agricultural department only deals with complicated problems C.    Valuable information to control plant pests is needed by farmers D.    Proper advice to control plant pests is provided by trained salesmen E.    Pesticides can be obtained freely in goverment agricultural deparment offices 3.    What do farmers need before they use pesticides A.    Combinations of the chemicals B.    Various stronger chemicals C.    Various effective dusts and sprays D.    Information about harmful pesticides E.    Valuable information in using pesticides 4.    “... to seek the proper advice” (paragraph 2) The opposite of the word “proper” is A.    Useful B.    Wrong C.    Correct D.    Suitable E.    ineffective JAKARTA - When the government announced the liquidation of 16 banks last Saturday, many people are surprised as they did not expect their bank to be on the list, Others were still trying to come to terms with the fact that they had lost their jobs.

"I heard on the radio that 16 bank were liquidated, that's why I came here, to check whether I could still withdraw my money," said Prapto, who claimed to have a deposit in one of the liquidated banks on JI. Thamrin. But the said he couldn't get it as it was Saturday and most banks do not open then. The headquarters of some of the liquidated banks, such as Bank Pacific and Bank Industry look calm, with only a few people coming and going. Several people called the 'Observer' last Saturday afternoon two find out which banks had been liquidated. I Nyoman Moena, a noted banking analyst told the 'Observer' it is a normal reaction for people to panic when hearing such things, but, he said, the government must certainly have anticipated the situation. "I think the monetary authority must have been prepared this tune, after the announcement of the liquidation of Bank Sumina in 1992," Moena said referring to the guarantee by the government two pay depositors in to weeks on November, 13, 1997 and the naming of the banks that will handle the pay outs. When announcing the liquidations last Saturday, Bank Indonesia assured depositors they would get their money back. Those who had less than Rp 20 million would get all their money on November 13, while those who had over Rp 20 million would get up to Rp 20 million in the first stage with the remainder being paid later. The President Director of Bank IFI Harry Rachmadi said yesterday that the liquidation of sixteen bank would certainly have an impact in the community, as some people may lose their jobs. To minimize the impact of the liquidations. it is important to accelerate the process. Rachmadi said that the decision could also be a 'shock therapy' for Indonesian banks. "Bank owners can no longer do as they want when operating their own banks," he said. He also said that some members of the public should have anticipated this, as the press had ear her reported the likely liquidation of some ailing banks following the currency turmoil that hit the country in July this year. 5.    The article is about ........ A . the liquidation of 16 banks B . a shock therapy for banks C . people's reaction about liquidated banks D . the loss of money deposited in the liquidated banks E . the impact of liquidated bank on the employees 6.     The main idea of paragraph 4 is ......... A . some banks are assigned to handle the pay outs B . the government has anticipated the people's reaction C . the government guarantees to pay depositors by certain banks D . I Nyoman Moena is a noted banking analyst E . The liquidated banks do not guarantee that the depositors can get back their deposits 7.     Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text ? A . The hadquarter of the liquidated banks were crowded with people B . Bank Summa was one of the banks liquidated last Saturday C . The liquidation could be a shock therapy for Indonesian banks

8 . Harry Rachmadi said that there will be no impact of liquidation in the community E . The liquidated banks do not guarantee that the depositors can get back their deposits

In my community its various organisms are linked in a complicated web of relationships. There are usually in balance with one another. If the natural web is disturbed, the results my be disastrous. As a rule, the various populations of organisms tend to adjust to seasonal and other changes, and the whole community stays in balance. Most disturbances come from man's activities. In an undisturbed forest, white-tailed deer feed on plants of various kinds. Wolves and mountain lions prey on the deer. When deer are numerous, their enemies become numerous too, because them is so much to feed upon. The deer and their enemies stay in balance with one another. Then man enters the scene. He looks on aninuls such as wolves and mountain lions as harmful. He kills as many as possible. When the animals that feed on deer are killed, the deer multiply, without check. Soon the large deer population has eaten nearly all the plants available for food. Then the deer begin to starve. Another example of man's interference with natural communities is the use of chemical insecticides. Grass in the sprayed areas my he eaten by cows. As a result, the milk of some cows has been found to contain too much DDT. The insecticides are also collected in the tissues of birds that eat the sprayed insects. Some of the affected birds lay eggs that do not hatch. The number of birds therefore decreases, cutting down the food supply of other animals. Whether intended or not, almost every change that man has made in natural webs of life has turned out to be a disaster for the communities involved. Man, of course, is part of the world's living community. Everything he does affects all the rest of it, just as my change in the community or climate around him affects his own well-being. Thus, by changing natural communities, man may  arm himself. 9.    What is the text about ....... A . Forests B . Disturbed forests C . Disturbed communuties D . A complicated web of relationships E . The interference of men with natural communities 10.    The forest is disturbed becaase of ....... A . man's activities B . the food supply of other animals C . a complicated web of relationshp D . the balance of the whole community E . the various population of organisms


1. C. Traumatic = trauma A. Rare = langka B. Soiling= mengotori C. Painful= menyakitkan D. Interesting =menarik E. Absurd =konyol 2. C. Bland = Ringan a. Spicy = pedas b. Varied = bervariasi c. Mild = ringan d. Stir = mengaduk e. Heavy = berat 3. E. Impetuous = Terburu Nafsu. Sedangkan illustrious= Termahsyur, Immune= Terlindungi, Impolite = Kasar, Implisit = Tersirat . Jadi arti yang mendekti adalah Impulsive = Mengikuti kata hati/nafsu 4. E. Dalam konteks kalimat diatas, Run into = Yang ditemui diluar perkiraan. Sedangkan forget to do = Dilupakan untuk dilakakukan, pay for = yang dibayar untuk, add on = yang ditambahkan, walk into = berjalan ke dalam. Jadi arti yang paling mendekati adalah meet unexpectedly = ditemui diluar perkiraan. 5. D. Dalam konteks kalimat diatas, chargin = Perasaan terhina/mengecewakan. Sedangkan Indifference = Pengabaian, Suprise = Terkejut, Anger = Marah, Calm = Tenang. Jadi arti yang paling mendekati adalah Humiliation = terhina 6. D. Dalam konteks kalimat diatas, Shrewd= Pintar/cerdik. Sedangkan Amateur= amatir, Tyro=, Thirfty, Professional = professional . Jadi arti yang berlawanan adalah stupid = bodoh. 7. A. Dalam konteks kalimat diatas, adequate = memadai. Sedangkan Abundant= melimpah, Enough= cukup, Power = kekuatan, Redundant = mubazir . Jadi arti yang berlawanan adalah Insufficient = Tidak memadai. 8. A. Seperti yang terdapat dalam wacana paragraf 1 baris 1, “melalui percobaan-percobaan yang dilaksanakan dengan menggabungkan bahan-bahan kimia” 9. C. Main idea pada paragraf 2 adalah informasi yang benar dan lengkap untuk mengawasi penyakitpenyakit tanaman diperlukan oleh petani 10. E. Yang diperlukan para petani sebelum mereka menggunakan pestisida dalah informasi dalam menggunakan pestisida (Valuable information in using pesticides)