Bank Soal 12 SMA - STT3 [PDF]

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XII SMA Mid Semester 1 1. ‘Can you send this letter for me? I’m in a hurry.’ ‘Don’t worry. I will have Tina it for you.’ A. fax B. faxed C. will fax D. faxes E. to faxes 2. The teacher had students who didn’t bring their identification cards the auditorium where the exams were held. A. Left B. Leave C. To leave D. Leaving E. Leaves 3. My little brother had scattered all his toys on my bed, so I had him the bed before night fell. A. Clear B. To clear C. Cleared D. Be clearing E. To be cleared 4. ‘I fixed the light un the bathroom yesterday, but it went out again today.’ ‘Why don’t you have an electrician it.’ A. Checking B. Checked C. To checked D. Check E. Checks 5. ‘I’ve tried to fixed my motorbike, but it is still not running well.’ Why don’t you have a mechanic it?’ A. Check B. Checking C. To check D. In checking E. Checked

6. ‘I’m having trouble with my computer again, I’ve done everything I can but it doesn’t work properly.’ ‘Why don’t you have Darno it?’ A. To fix B. Fixing C. He fixed D. Fix E. fixed 7. The schoolmaster had the students their lessons before the exam. A. To review B. Reviewing C. Review D. Reviewed E. They reviewed 8. Since her handwriting is very bad, we will have her her composition. A. Types B. Typed C. Typing D. Type E. To type 9. “Aren’t you going to make hotel reservation?” “No, I’ll have the travel agent .” A. To do it B. In doing it C. Doing it D. Do it E. He does it 10. I will have my secretary an appointment with Mr. Setiawan for next week. A. Makes B. Made C. Make D. To make E. Making 11. As I found out that not all of the workshop participants knew about today’s schedule, I got my secretary it right away.

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A. B. C. D. E.

Distributing Distributed She distributes To distribute In distributing

12. The fact that he has another wife makes his family him anymore. A. Not trust B. Not to be trusting C. not trusted D. not to trust E. not trusting 13. Indra : Your dress looks nice. Did you make it yourself? Tutut : no, of course, I have it . A. Make B. Made C. Making D. Be making E. Is made 14. ‘When do you want to have the flowers to your house?’ A. To deliver B. Be delivering C. Delivering D. Delivered E. Deliver 15. My watch is too slow. Can I have it here? A. Fixed B. Fixing C. Fixes D. To fix E. To be fixed 16. ‘Anti’s wedding dress is really beautiful!’ ‘I heard that she had her sister design it.’ This implies that Anti’s sister . A. Is going to get married B. Has a beautiful wedding dress C. Is a very good designer D. Has a beautiful sister E. Is having the wedding dress designed

17. “I have difficulties in filling in these tax forms. “Well, you .” A. Can do it all by yourself B. Have done it with somebody’s help C. Can do it for one of my assistants D. Have to do it without difficulties E. Can have one of my assistants do it 18. This project is a huge construction project which needs the use of high technology; it is therefore most likely that the government will have an established foreign company do the job. From the above sentence we many conclude that A. The government seems to be incapable of doing the job B. The construction project should be completed within a short lime C. There are not enough technicians to be involved in the project D. The government may not have the necessary financial resources E. The project is performed based on a 40 – 60 share 19. Dodi : Did many people migrate to Kalimantan themselves? Rina : No, the government had them migrate. The underlined sentences means …. A. The government migrated there for them B. The government told them not to migrate C. The government migrated to Kalimantan D. The government didn’t ask them to migrate E. The government asked them to migrate there 20. We have our neighbor check our house whenever we go on vacation. This means that: every time we go on vacation, . A. We first check the house with our neighbor

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B. We don’t let our neighbor check our house C. Our neighbor comes to check our house D. We have checked our neighbor’s house E. We ask someone to check our neighbor’s hous 21. Ratu had her father contact his lawyer.’ This means that . A. Ratu and her father are contacting his lawyer B. Ratu asked her father to contact his lawyer C. The lawyer contacted Ratu’s father D. Ratu’s father was contacted by the lawyer E. Ratu is contacting her father’s lawyer 22. If I do not come to class today, the teacher will have me write the poem ten times. The underlined words mean: . A. The teacher has written the poem ten times B. The teacher will write the poem for me ten times C. I will have to write the poem ten times D. I will ask the teacher to write the poem ten times 23. ‘Mother has an interior decorator design the living-room’ means that ‘ .’ A. Mother has to design the livingroom B. The living-room has already been designed by an interior decorator C. Mother has asked an interior decorator to design the living-room D. The interior decorator asked mother whether he could design thelivingroom E. Mother has designed the livingroom as the interior decorator requested 24. ‘Mr. Prabu had his secretary get tickets for the football game,’ means . A. Mr. Prabu was asked by hi secretary to get tickets

B. The secretary had to get tickets for Mr. Prabu C. Mr. Prabu went with his secretary to get tickets D. The secretary had got tickets Mr. Prabu E. Mr. Prabu got ticket for his secretary  Passive # Have 25. Willy : This cake is very delicious. Did you make it yourself? Betty : Since I was busy, I had it made. From the underlined sentence we know that Betty the cake. A. Made B. Has made C. Had made D. Asked Willy to make E. Ordered someone to make 26. ‘Oh dear, this plant is too big. It cannot fit into my car.’ ‘Don’t worry, I will have it delivered to your home.’ From the above conversation we conclude that . A. The buyer hesitates to buy the plant B. There is no car to deliver the plant C. As the car is too small, the plant is damaged D. The buyer cancels the purchase E. The plant has been cut short 27. ‘What’s wrong with the computer, Widi? Can’t you do anything about it?’ ‘There appears to be an error in the computer program. I will have the matter dealt with immediately.’ This means that Widi . A. Is going to fix it immediately B. Asked his boss to deal with it C. Is going to deal with the computer D. Will ask someone to fix it for him E. Has dealt with such a problem before 28. ‘After I finished my article, I had it edited.’ This means that . A. I had edited my article

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B. My article would be edited C. Somebody edited my article D. I was asked to edit my article E. I had to edit my article myself 29. Tina : Do you have time to cut the grass in the yard? Andi : Sorry.i am very busy. I will have it cut soon. The underlined sentence means that ____. A. Tina herself will cut the grass B. Andi himself will cut the grass C. Tina will cut the grass for Andi D. Andi will ask someone to cut the grass E. Tina will ask Andi to cut the grass 30. ‘Being ill, mother had her breakfast brought to her room.’ This means: As my mother was ill, her breakfast to her room. A. She had brought B. She was asked to bring C. She asked someone to bring D. She wanted to bring E. She had to bring 31. ‘Now that she has grown up, my niece has her old dresses lengthened.’ This means that . A. My niece has lengthened her old dresses B. My niece asked someone to lengthen her old dresses C. My niece has to lengthen her old dresses D. My niece has been told to lengthen her old dresses E. My niece ha been asked by someone to lengthen her old dresses 32. My mother has all her dresses made because ___. A. She cannot sew at all B. She likes sewing C. She is a dress maker D. She cannot afford to pay a dressmaker

E. She does not dressmaker




33. ‘I have the table cleared’ means ‘_____ the table.’ A. I have to clear B. I ask somebody to clear C. Somebody wants to clear D. I have cleared the table E. Somebody wants me to clear 34. ‘I’ll have all these books arranged on the shelves tomorrow’ means ‘I’ll _____ on the shelves tomorrow.’ A. Arrange all these books B. Have arranged all these books C. Have to arrange all these books D. Ask someone to arrange all these books E. Be arranging all these books 35. ‘I had my watched repaired’ means ‘_____.’ A. I repaired my watch B. I had someone repair my watch C. I had repair my watch D. I had to repair my watch E. My watch had to be repaired This text is for questions number 36-40 A Brief Summary of Speech Production Speech production is made possible by the specialized movements of our vocal organs that generate speech sounds waves. Like all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breath normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate. As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not speech. To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually alter the shape of the vocal tract by moving the tongue and lips. etc. These

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movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech. 36. The text above is in the form of A. hortatory exposition B. narrative C. explanation D. description E. report 37. The text about? A. A brief summary of speech production. B. The speech apparatus. C. How to articulate utterances. D. Communication and its processes. E. Organs of speech. 38. What is the generic structure of paragraph 1? A. A background event. B. A major complication C. An abstract D. A thesis E. A general statement 39. What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. to present two points of views about the processes of speech production B. to explain the processes involved in the processes of speech production C. to describe the way the processes of speech production is being observed D. to retell the result of acoustic properties-to the processes of speech production E. to persuade readers to accept the processes of speech production 40. The most lexicogrammatical features found in the text are in the form of A. the passive voice B. the simple past tense C. the present perfect tense D. the simple present tense E. the present continuous tense

This text is for questions number 41-43 Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll enter the amazing world of chocolate so you can understand exactly what you're eating. Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows i n equatorial regions, especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also known as cocoa beans. The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun ad then shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix. Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cocoa bean from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter. All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It's pure bitter chocolate. 41. The text above is in the form of A. hortatory exposition D. description B. narrative E. report C. explanation 42. What is the generic structure of paragraph 1 and 2? A. Events D. Thesis B. ComplicationE. General statements C. Explanations 43. What is the communicative purpose of the text? A. to present two points of views about the processes of chocolate making B. to explain the processes involved in the processes of chocolate making C. to describe the way the processes of chocolate making is being observed

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D. to retell the result of cacao seeds to the processes of chocolate making E. to persuade readers to accept the processes of chocolate making This text is for questions number 44 and 45 HOW PLANES FLY All planes need air pressure under their wings to stay Lip in the air. As they move forward, the higher air pressure underneath their wings pushes them upward and gives them lift. The smooth, streamlined shape of the plane allows air to flow easily over its surface. This helps to reduce the drag caused by the air pushing against the plane and allows it to move rapidly through the air. Planes move forward using engines. This movement is called thrust. Moving forward keeps a stream of moving air passing over the wings, which allows the plane to stay up in the air. If the engines fail, the plane will begin to descend very quickly. Air above the wing moves faster, so it , is at a lower pressure than the air under the wing. Air under the wing moves more slowly and is slightly squashed, so it is at a higher pressure than the air above the wing. 44. The purpose of the text is A. to explain how planes fly B. to inform a good plane to the readers C. to persuade readers to fly planes D. to describe something to the readers or listeners E. to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining 45. The writer uses writing style express his opinion. A. report D. descriptive B. procedure E. discussion C. explanation


This text is for questions number 46 and 47 Eha is an usual victim of the recent tsunami. She escaped death unlike her parents,

a nephew and grandmother. She returned to work as a broadcaster keeping her grief to herself. Her mates say, "She is always cheerful and laughing yet there is sadness in her eyes. She herself says, "It's not that I'm not sad. I realize that I've a future ahead of me". The first week after the disaster she was very deeply upset. She very often burst into tears remembering her parents. She found strength in her prayer. Now she feels she has gained a new spirit to start life again. 46. The writer uses — writing style to express his opinion. A. report D. descriptive B. procedure E. discussion C. explanation 47. The purpose of the text is A. to explain how Eha felt after tsunami B. to inform what happened to Eha after tsunami C. to persuade readers to sympathize to what happened to Eha D. to describe Eha, a victim of tsunami E. to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining 48. A: I heard that your boss had changed his new secretary. B: That's right. A: But why? B: He told me that she was incapable of doing her job well. The underlined utterance is an expression A. B. C. D. E.

disagreement inability uncertainty impossibility dissatisfaction

49. Boss

: Are you sure that you can deal with complaints from angry clients? Salesman : I'd say I am capable of doing that. The salesman wants to tell us that he has that ……….to deal with angry people.

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A. B. C. D. E.

opportunity ability quality capacity reliability

50. Dina : I will ask Fito to repair my computer Susi : …………to do it. He knows nothing about computer. A. He is the right person B. Give a chance to him C. You can ask him D. It's necessary for him E. It's impossible for him. 51. Susi : There's something wrong with my computer. Can you fix it, Tom? Tom : Oh, I am sorry. I know nothing about it. From the dialogue we know that Tom……………….fix the computer. A. will B. can't C. wants D. helps E. refuse 52. X : I never see you so nervous like this. What happens to you? Y : I have to do this complicated task, but I do not know where to start. The underlined words express …….. A. dissatisfaction B. incapability C. uncertainty D. disagreement E. possibility 53. Intan : Will you attend the next junior tennis competition? Putri : I am not sure……… Intan : But you are the only hope of us. A. It is my hope to be the winner of the competition B. Of course, as a matter of fact I am the only hope C. I am not very good at tennis D. Well. I'll take this chance

E. I am not be able to play it 54. .X: Tom, are you sure that we are going to have a math test next Monday? Y: We've finished lesson 5, haven't we? A. 1 hope so B. I agree with that C. I am sorry to hear that D. It's out of the question E. I am 100 percent certain about it. 55. Adrian : Is man able to find an efficient way to convert the heat of the sun into energy? Budi : have been done, and the resul quite positive. A. It's quite improbable B. It's out of the question C. 1 don't think it is possible D. There is always a chance E. There's no certainty of it 56. Toto : Science and technology has developed very fast. Do you think we are ready for that? Tati : …………… A. Good. It is interesting B. Why not. Just behave yourself C. Oh, marvelous. It great for you D. Frankly speaking, I disagree with you E. I'm not certain. The quality of our education is still low 57. Mother : When the price of petrol rises, the price of all basic commodities follows to rise. It always happens like this. Father : ….…that our income will be sufficient if there is no increase in our salary. A. I am sure B. It's certain C. I am pleased D. It's possible E. I doubt 58. X: Do you think that monetary crisis will soon come to an end? Y: ……, this condition won't be back to normal within one or two years.

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A. B. C. D. E.

I am fed up with the news I am sorry to hear that It would be agreeable It is not my business It's very unlikely

59. Annie: I can't believe that this is my last here. Bob : You're leaving today? Annie : Yes. I'm so nervous about this. Bob : I'm sure it will be fine. Annie : I don't know it will be so different Bob : I thought you wanted a change. Annie : Yes I did. And I wanted more pay. But now I'm not sure it was the right thing to do. Bob : Stop worrying. Everything will be fine. What is Bob suggestion? A. Suggest Annie not to worry B. Suggest Annie to worry C. Suggest Annie to doubt herself D. Suggest Annie to give up E. Suggest Annie not to give up 60. From the dialogue we can conclude that Annie was …….. about her decision. A. pleased B. curious C. doubtful D. satisfied E. contended Questions 1-60 are taken from “1700 Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA” by Otonk Setiawan Djuharie.

Semester 1 1. Ani : What a nice dress! Did you make it yourself? Ati : Oh, I got it made. The underlined sentence means …. A. Ati bought the dress B. Ati made the dress herself C. Ati had to make her dress D. Someone made Ati’s dress

E. Ati wanted to make Ani to make the dress 2.

“The manager needs the financial data for tomorrow’s meeting.” ‘All right, ______ immediately.’ A. I’ll have processed them B. I want to process them C. I’ll have them processed D. I have already processed them E. I’ll have processed them 3. ‘How can the faculty accommodate the increasing number of incoming students with such limited classes?’ ‘Well, I think the faculty will ______.’ A. Has expanded its premises B. To have its premises expanded C. Has to expand its premises D. Have to have its premises expanded E. Have had to expand its premises 4. “As I was sent out of town to work construction project, I could not help my fiancée with our wedding preparations.” “But you should _____.” A. Ask her to help B. Have helped her C. Ask us to help her D. Have somebody help her E. Have her to help somebody 5. ‘What’s the that noise upstairs?’ ‘The school _____.’ A. Has to renovate its second-floor classroom B. Has already renovated its secondfloor classrooms C. Is having its second-floor classrooms renovated D. Will have to renovate its secondfloor classrooms E. Has had to renovate its secondfloor classrooms This text is for questions number 6-9 Gene Splicing Genetic research has produced both exciting and frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene splicing.

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On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit mankind. For example, because it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory. Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture. Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrogen front the air instead of from fertilizer. Therefore food production could be increased. In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to feed the world's hungry people. Not everyone is excited about gene splicing. however. Some people feel that it could have terrible consequences. A laboratory accident. for example. might cause an epidemic of an unknown disease that could wipe out humanity. As a result of this controversy. the government has made rules to control genetic experiments. While some members of the scientific community feel that these rules are too strict, many other people feel that they are still not strict enough. 6. What type of text is used by the writer? A. Discussion D. News items B. Spoof E. Directory C. Recount 7. The communicative purpose of this text is __’ A. to present two points of views about an issue B. to explain the processes involved in the research of gene spicing C. to describe the why genetic splicing is being researched D. to retell the result of genetic engineering to men's benefits E. to persuade readers to accept the benefits of genetic splicing

8. The organization of the text above is A. issue, argument: point-elaboration, argument: point-elaboration, argument: point-elaboration, conclusion B. orientation, evaluation, interpretative recount, evaluation, summation C. general statement, explanation, explanation, explanation D. thesis, argument, argument, recommendation E. identification, description 9. To show his/her own ideas/judgments, the writer mostly expresses them in/with A. passive voice B. modals C. present Perfect Tense D. simple Present Tense E. present Continuous Tense This text is for questions number 10-12 Two students were discussing the school's new rule that all the students must wear a cap and a tie. One of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag rising ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contrary to the girl's opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that lie didn't mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie will make the students look great and like real educated persons. The first students gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. moreover, the classroom were not air conditioned. The second student said it wasn't a big problem. He was sure that the students would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way. 10. What is the form of the text? A. an analytical exposition B. an explanation C. an hortatory exposition D. a description E. a discussion 11. The communicative purpose of this text is

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A. to present two points of views about an issue B. to explain the annoyance brought by the new rule C. to describe the way the new rule affects students' comfort D. to retell the result of the new rule to the students' acceptance E. to persuade readers to accept the new school rule 12. The organization of the text above is A. issue, argument: point-elaboration, argument: point-elaboration, argument: point-elaboration, conclusion B. orientation, evaluation, interpretative recount, evaluation. summation C. general statement, explanation, explanation, explanation D. thesis, argument, argument, recommendation E. identification, description This text is for questions number 13 and 14 Text We are bombarded with words every day. We engage in conversation, we listen to action, preachers and teachers, when we turn on the radio or television. Hour after hour someone is trying to communicate with us through English. But a great deal of our talk is what linguists now call "phatic communion". That is to say, the use of language when the actual meaning of the words is unimportant. "How do you do?" we say to someone and we should be confused if the person addressed began to tell us about his health. "A wet morning, this morning." we say as we buy our newspaper from the unfortunate street vendor dripping in the rain, who is well aware of the fact. "See you," says the American to whom we are introduced in passing, and who knows he will never see us again. So many of our utterances are intended to convey not information but signals of human sympathy and good fellowship. Indeed, it is too easy to conduct long conversations without saying anything at all!

13. The paragraph is about . A. the use of English B. daily conversation C. phatic communion D. greetings in English E. English on the mass media 14. Which of the following statements about English is NOT TRUE? A. We hear English every day on both television and radio B. We use English every day but we do not really say anything C. Many words in everyday English are meaningless D. Many expressions in English are not meant to convey information E. English is used worldwide only to express our sympathy to others This text is for questions number 15 and 16 Text Our legal department requires a mature, versatile secretary who will report to one senior counsel and one assistant counsel. The successful candidate should have a solid background in organizational work, advanced skill in shorthand and data processing, combined with at least three years of legal secretarial training. Some experience in real estate could be an asset. Sunham Life offers excellent opportunities for personal advancement. Compensation will be in accord with qualification, beginning at a minimum of $2,000 per month. A superior benefit package and an attractive incentive program arc included. Begin at once. Interviews will be held Mondays through Friday, May I2th to 16th. 15. From the text we may conclude that the company needs a qualified secretary for its business which deals with………………. A. counseling in life insurance B. insurance in real estate C. legal secretarial training D. organizational work in insurance companies

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A. shorthand and data processing skills 16. The text can be found in a A. scientific magazine B. billboard C. daily newspaper D. announcement board E. business report Questions 1-16 are taken from “1700 Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA” by Otonk Setiawan Djuharie.

34. I want to send an invitation to a friend. I just have to find her address. I am quite sure, however, that I will find it. It can be written as: A. If I found her address, I’ll send her an invitation. B. If I will find her address, I send her an invitation. C. If I find her address, I do not send her invitation. D. If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation. E. If I find her address, I sent her an invitation. 35. I know John very well earns a lot of money Ferraris. So I think it sooner or later he will buy a Ferrari.

and I know that he and that he loves is very likely that have the money to

A. If John had the money, he will buy a Ferrari B. If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari C. If John had the money, he buy a Ferrari D. If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari E. If John had the money, he would be bought a Ferrari

36. Which one will be happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time? A. If I don’t see him this afternoon, I would phone him in the evening B. If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening C. If I didn’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening D. If I didn’t see him this afternoon, I would phone him in the evening E. If I didn’t see him this afternoon, I phoned him in the evening 37. Which one will be happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time? A. If I found her address, I will send her an invitation. B. If I found her address, I will send her an invitation. C. If I find her address, I will send her an invitation. D. If I would find her address, I will send her an invitation. E. If I find her address, I sent her an invitation. 38. Which one will be happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time? A. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil will decorate the house. B. If Caroline and Sue prepares the salad, Phil will decorate the house C. If Caroline and Sue prepared the salad, Phil will decorate the house D. If Caroline and Sue prepare the salad, Phil would decorate the house E. If Caroline and Sue prepared the salad, Phil would decorate the house 39.

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A. You should sleep during the class B. You shouldn’t sleep during the class. C. You sleep during the class. D. You don’t sleep during the class. E. Sleep! 40.

What is not the appropriate suggestion for the picture? A. You shouldn’t scratch your uniform B. You ought to keep your uniform clean and neat. C. You had better keep your uniform clean and neat. D. You should keep your uniform clean and neat. E. You must not scratch your uniform. 41.

What is the appropriate suggestion for the picture? A. You shouldn’t listen to the teacher. B. You shouldn’t cheat in the class. C. You shouldn’t study in the class. D. You shouldn’t talk to your friend. E. You shouldn’t do homework late. 42. Andi : Can you come to my party? Budi : Yes, I can. Andi : Are you sure? Budi : ………………. Andi : Thanks. You are my best friend. A. I promise B. I agree C. I refuse D. I am glad E. I am not sure 43. Wati : Can I trust you?

Amir : ……………….. Wati : Ok. Thank you Amir. Which one is not the appropriate answer for the blank sentence? A. You can count on me B. You can trust me C. You will not be sorry for that D. You can doubt me E. You can rely on me 44. Robert : Can you help my presentation? Vina : My pleasure. Robert : Can I trust you? Vina : ……………… Robert : Thank you Vina. I trust you now. A. I cross my heart B. I trust in you C. I am not sure D. I agree with you E. I doubt my self 45. Wendi : Wow, That is interesting? Yuni : Yeah. Do you want to know how it is work? Wendi :Yes. I want to know more about it. The underlined sentence means that Wendi feels…………… about something. A. satisfied B. curious C. tired D. disgusted E. smart 46. Roman : The picture is very beautiful! loco : I can’t agree more. The underlined sentence means that loco ……….. with Roman’s opinion. A. doubt B. does not know C. disagree D. agree E. interupt Yudhist : What’s that? Bambang : A coffee maker. Yudhist : How does it work? Bambang : You just put the coffee, water and sugar in here and then … the button. 47. The blank is best filled by…..

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A. B. C. D. E.

turn off turn on stop switch off operate

48. From the dialogue, Bambang ……………. about the coffee maker. A. satisfied B. curious C. tired D. disgusted E. smart

E. To get a great job!


49. Iqbal : Mam , tell me in what country does the Liberty statue stands? Mother : It ………… on Liberty island in New York harbor. A. stand B. stands C. standing D. is standing E. stood 50. Fitri : Do you know the main function the screen of computer? Adi : Yes, it’s to …. A. play the game B. process the data C. type a letter D. show the data E. print out the data 51. Study this Ad! Why Wait for a Better Job? Get a Great Job Now! NATIONAL AIR is hiring full – time representatives for sales and reservation. talk to our employees and discover why we’re the best thing in the air. OPEN HOUSE National Air Headquarters South east Regional Airport – Thursday, June 15 – 7.30 p.m. What is the purpose of this ad? A. To meet new people. B. To sell tickets C. To get job applicants. D. To introduce the new headquarters.

52. What are needed by the NATIONAL AIR A. full – time representatives for sales and reservation. B. pilot C. steward and stewardess D. National Air Headquarters E. passenger 53. Budi: More and more people have died as the victims of war. Ann: That’s terrible. I wish we were living in a world with no war among countries. That underlined sentence means…. A. We were not living in a peaceful world B. We were living in a peaceful world. C. There is no war in this world D. We are not living in a peaceful world E. We do not living in a peaceful world F. 54. If we had told him, he would have helped us. This sentence means…. A. We told him but he didn’t help us B. We didn’t tell him but he helped us C. We didn’t tell him so he helped us D. We told him so he helped us E. We didn’t tell him so he didn’t help us 55. A: did you watch ‘Avenged sevenfold” concert last night? It was really awesome. B: I wish I had seen it. The underlined sentence means…. A. B saw the concert B. A did not see the concert C. B did not see the concert D. A and B saw the concert together. E. B does not see the concert 56. If the company’s personnel department had mailed the letter earlier, I would not have been too late for the interview. We may conclude that …. A. I did not want to be interviewed

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B. C. D. E.

The company did not sent the letter I went through the interview The letter came too early I missed the interview

57. We would not have a lost our bag, if we … it in the hotel. A. Left B. Have left C. Had left D. Would have E. Would have left 58. If her mother had not been ill, Ati would… the study tour to Lombok. A. Have B. Had join C. Have join D. Had joined E. Have joined 59. She could have attended the meeting if she had taken the first train. It means that…. A. The first train was late B. She didn’t like the meeting C. She was too late for the first train D. The meeting was cancelled E. She stayed at home that day 60. “ Mom, I feel like staying away from school today” “I wouldn’t if I were you!” We can conclude that mother… A. Thinks he should go to school B. Wants him to stay at home C. Thinks they should go both to school D. Thinks that is a good idea E. Would like him to do what he wants

Mid Semester 2 1. In spite of the many vacancies in a neighboring factory, the unemployed in my village cannot get work because ____. A. They need money B. They are unskilled C. They are unfamiliar

D. They work part-time E. They have jobs 2. The child hid behind his mother ___ he was afraid of the dog. A. For B. And C. Or D. So E. Yet 3. ___ the earthquake had made the region unsafe for living, the villagers were willing to transmigrate. A. In order that B. Whereas C. Until D. So that E. Since 4.

‘Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket?’ ____ I’m sure it’s going to be very cold outside.’ A. Until B. Since C. Although D. So that E. Because of

5. Now that he has moved to my town, we can see each other regularly. The underlined words means ____ to my town we can see each other regularly. A. Before he has moved B. Because he has moved C. Although he has moved D. Provided that he has moved E. In the mean time has moved 6. There was a road construction near our office; therefore, _____. A. People prefer taking that road to work B. Many people were passing that road C. Cars were directed to pass the road D. It was very quiet in that are

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E. We had to take a different route to work 7. People living in the outskirts of Jakarta are suffering from dengue fever; therefore, they __. A. Cannot be contaminated B. Are not aware of the danger C. Do not have to go to the hospital D. Badly need medical help E. Keep themselves healthy 8. When my friends came to the Language Centre, registration for the conversation class had just been closed so ____. A. They went home very disappointed B. They came in the office just in time C. They managed to have their names registered D. They were very interested in the course E. They have to fill in some forms 9. The workers won’t end the strike unless their wages are raised. Therefore ____. A. The company does not raise their wages B. The workers have got a raise in their wages C. The company has to raise their wages D. The workers do not expect a raise in their wages E. The company does not agree to the workers’ request 10. ‘There was such a long applause at the end of the play that the performance repeatedly appeared on the stage, bowing.’ From the above sentence we may conclude that____. A. The players did not perform well B. The play was a great success C. The viewers got bored of the play D. The play was a popular drama E. The players should rehearsed better 11. That vase is such a beautiful antique that people were willing to pay a lot for it at the auction.

From the above sentence we may conclude that ___. A. People do not like antique B. The vase is too expensive C. Many people buy such vase D. The vase is very precious E. It is very modern vase 12. Cities remain, as always, the herb of our civilization intensified versions of both the good and the bad in the human way of life. It’s no surprise ___ that the world’s cities are overpopulated. A. Moreover B. Yet C. Then D. Besides E. However 13. There was nothing for dinner; ____, we had to go to a grocery store. A. Otherwise B. Moreover C. Besides D. However E. Therefore 14. ‘His two last musical shows were not professionally conducted.’ ‘You’re right. , he has contacted Kris, a professional in the entertainment business, for his next show.’ A. So that B. In addition C. Therefore D. In spite of that E. Moreover 15. Condition in Afghanistan after the civil war have grown so severe many refugees have risked death to escape. A. what B. why C. how D. when E. that

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16. As I found out that not all of the students have the resource book, I got one student the materials. A. Reading B. Read C. She read D. To read E. In reading 17. The fact that he was put into prison for something he had not done made his wife A. B. C. D. E. 18.

Cry To be crying Cried To cry Crying

the price of gold rises sharply, people keep buying it. A. However B. Even though C. Nevertheless D. In spite of E. On the other hands

19. Perdana went to the meeting he was ill. A. because B. unless C. although D. provided that E. regardless of 20.

the great inconvenience of travelling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their reports. A. Despite B. In addition to C. Although D. In case of E. Because of

21. Pak Hadi : The Usman family is poor. Pak Kasim : We all know it. , they can send their children to universities. A. Despite the fact that they are poor B. They are poor despite the fact C. However they are poor

D. They are poor although E. Because they are poor 22.

his good performance as a student, he is always nervous when doing exams. A. Unless B. Although C. Instead of D. Even though E. Despite

23. Many people in the world are against the construction of nuclear plants in their neighborhood for fear of accidents that may harm their lives, nevertheless, . A. governments insist on using nuclear power as alternative energy B. most recently established stations are closed C. there is no future for nuclear power industry D. people still prefer various traditional kinds of energy E. nuclear energy has many disadvantages over traditional ones 24. our high school has limited facilities; yet, many of its students . A. were admitted to state universities last year B. usually skip their language class C. have moved to schools with better facilities D. always get bad report cards E. are not interested entering universities 25. The expensive treatment had been well researched; however, . A. it cured the patient effectively B. it could comfort the patient C. it was not very effective D. it made the patient feel well E. it did not cause discomfort 26. ‘How’s the new restaurant?’ ‘The food is good but

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A. the atmosphere of the restaurant is very easy B. it can be easily reached C. the service needs to be improved D. it is cheaper than any other restaurant E. its parking lot is considerably big 27. Being a government official, he does not earn much but he . A. lives in poverty B. is very dedicated C. is never happy D. is not satisfied E. is frequently absent 28. the hotel provides good facilities; still, my wife___. A. Has enjoyed staying here B. Has her friends move to this hotel C. Has prolonged her stay there D. Has so much to complain about E. Has promoted its good service to others 29. The hotel provides good facilities; yet ____. A. The occupancy rate is very low B. Foreign tourists like to stay there C. It is located on a beautiful beach D. On-the-job training is provided for the employees E. It is advertised in the yellow pages 30. People like to live in a peaceful world; nevertheless, _____. a. Every conflict and disagreement should be avoided b. They try very hard to live in harmony c. Coordination and cooperation are being conducted d. They come together to solve global problems e. There are still wars among many nations 31. The river is heavily polluted by industrial wastes; nevertheless, many people _____.

A. Are still washing their clothes there B. Have become the victims of it C. Complain about the danger threatening them D. Are concerned about it E. Do not allow the children to play there 32. Dina: Why are the students outside? Ann: Oh, their classroom …. A. Is cleaning D. Is being cleaned B. Are cleaning E. Have been cleaned C. Is cleaned 33. “This office … in1960”, the boss said. “So I was not born yet at the time,” Said the new employee. A. Is built D. has been built B. Was built E. was building C. Is building 34. The crash … when I was walking there. A. Happens D. happened B. Was happened E. to happen C. Had happened Carriers in HOTEL & RESTAURAN MANAGEMENT Learn professional hospitality at our training institute!   

6-12 month certificate programs Classes days, night, or weekends Job placement assistance upon completion. Classes begin April 1. Call the school for further information. 35. What is the purpose of the text? A. To visit hotel & restaurant B. To get a new job. C. To work in hotel & restaurant D. To invite someone who wants to study. E. To sell the restaurant and hotel product

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36. How long will you have to study at this school? A. 6-12 days B. 6-12 weeks C. 6-12 months D. 6-12 years E. 6 months 37. When will the applicants start to study? A. At April 1 B. At night C. At weekend D. days, night, or weekends E. Every time 38. When will the school help you get a job? A. When you enroll. B. For a year after graduation. C. When you have finished the course. D. While you are studying. E. Before you apply the course

39. What is being advertised in the text above? A. A strong plastic. B. A correct spelling. C. A complete dictionary. D. An electronic dictionary. E. Translator. 40. From the advertisement above, we know that.... A. the item is free for English students B. the item comes in more than two colours C. the price of the item is Rp104.500,D. one of the item’s colours is dark blue

E. there are more than 80,000 words in the item 41. ”Find the correct spelling and pronunciation.” The underlined word means an ordered set of ... which forms a word. A. letters B. alphabet C. sentences D. paragraphs Text for questions number 42 and 43 One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big, black snake sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mouse deer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took hold of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. ”Please don’t eat me now”, said the mousedeer. ”I have something important to do”. “Look,” said the mousedeer. ”That is the king’s belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away in the forest”. The tiger looked at the snake and said, ”That is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it?” He asked the mousedeer. ”Oh, all right,” said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldn’t breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and ran away into the forest. 42. Where was the tiger sleeping? A. In the middle of the forest. B. Next to the mousedeer’s house. C. Near the black snake sleeping under the tree. D. Far away from the place where the mousedeer fell. E. In the nest

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43. After reading this story, we can learn that.... A. we have to behave like the mousedeer B. we have to be careful with the mousedeer C. sleeping black snake was a dangerous animal D. we have to find a way to save ourselves from danger E. we will save from danger automatically 44. The best arrangement to make a sentence is.... A. 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 - 6 - 4 B. 5 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 - 6 - 4 C. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3 - 8 - 6 D. 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 8 - 6 – 3 E. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 8 45. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph! 1. The animals have been pushed back and their natural habitat has been reduced. 2. The government has located reserves to protect both animals and plants life. 3. Many natural forests where animals live are being destroyed. 4. One of them is the Bogor Botanical Garden. 5. People have cleared the land to cultivate crops. A. 1 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 B. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 C. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 D. 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 E. 2 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 46. 1. I help the woman 2. She helped me The correct combination is….. A. I help the woman helped me B. I help the woman who helped me

C. I help the woman which helped me D. I helped the woman and she thanked me E. I thank the woman, She helps me 47. Ani : Look at that back hoe! Burhan : That is huge! The underlined word has the same meaning with these words, except…. A. digger B. mechanical digger C. excavator D. digger machine E. digger carrier 48. The article's ……. read "Countdown the Best School in Poland". A. title B. headline C. sentence D. article E. news 49. Could you give me the……….for that wonderful dessert? A. recipe B. receipt C. receive D. rent E. reference 50. Could you give me …………. for that problem? A. advice B. advise C. advertise D. add E. advertorial 51. Unfortunately, he made quite a serious …………. while working on the plumbing. A. blame B. fault C. mistake D. failed E. mistaken 52. ………..the fact that it was difficult, the exam also included questions that we had never studied before.

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A. B. C. D. E.

Beside Besides Beside that Besiding Besides from

53. I told my boss that I wanted a big ……. It is for about Rp.1.000.000, 00 per month. A. rise B. rose C. raise D. race E. rised 54. The immigration staff………….his passport on entering the country. A. control B. inspect C. watch D. listen E. predict 55. I'd rather have tea …………. vodka. A. in behalf of B. in case of C. by means of D. apart from E. instead of 56. ………bad weather, the trip will be postponed to next week. A. instead of B. from C. in common with D. in case of E. as for

B. C. D. E.

 by means of make in make up in case of

59.   I'm all ……. helping out the poor when in need. A. in case of B. because of C. instead of D. by means of E. in favor of 60. We will have to postpone our trip …… the bad weather. A. by far B. as for C. because of D. at the latest E. apart from

Semester 2 1. Some studies suggest that coffee is practically a health food with its abundance of antioxidants, ___ other studies highlight the negative side effects of caffeine on our bodies. A. When B. Because C. While D. Whether E. Which

57. ……….. my fellow employees, I would like to thank management for all they have done to improve our situation. A. on behalf of B. ruin with C. lack of D. apart from E. in common with

2. By the year 2015, 27 of the world’s 33 largest cities will be Tokyo Bombay and Shanghai, which will bulge with 20 million people each, ____ Jakarta and surrounding will overflow cities with nearly 37 million. A. In addition B. Therefore C. Nevertheless D. While E. Otherwise

58. We finally solved our problem……… a new device created by our research and development department. A. effect

3. The song “We shall Overcome” is an example. It was sung by those working for civil right in the 1960s. some people use music or clothing or certain hairstyles to

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help them in a connection with a certain pieces of music __ other teenagers like them are examples of this use of music. A. If B. While C. Although D. Because E. In order to 4. Chimpanzees use gestures and many voice sounds in the wild, ___ other apes use sounds to communicated territorial information. A. When B. While C. If D. So that E. Although 5. The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely ‘not ill’ and someone who is in excellent health and paying attention to the body’s special needs. Both types have simply been called ‘well’. In recent years, _____, some health practitioners have begun to apply the terms well and wellness only to those people who are actively striving to maintain and to improve their health. A. Furthermore B. Nevertheless C. Therefore D. Moreover E. However 6. ‘How was the exam?’ ‘It was not easy ____ I am sure I can pass.’ A. And B. But C. Or D. So E. As 7. We are planning to open a new branch office in Surabaya, _____ the economic crisis forced us to postpone it. A. And B. Or

C. So D. But E. For 8. The government is planning to liquidate several banks soon, ___ very few people know which one they are. A. But B. Or C. As D. For E. So 9. My uncle doesn’t earn much; _____, he can send his children to college. A. However B. And C. Therefore D. So E. Hence 10. The murder suspects wanted to tell the police the truth; ____, they were afraid. A. So B. Nevertheless C. Otherwisw D. Moreover E. Therefore 11. Last night I promise to fetch her ___ I didn’t. I have apologize to her. A. Or B. And C. But D. Because E. Although 12. He does not earn much; however, he ____. A. Works very hard for it B. Can afford to make a trip to Europe C. Is unable to meet his daily necessities D. Complains about his financial condition E. Was careful in spending his money

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13. My brother wants to go hiking in the mountains; ___, my sister prefers to go to the beach. A. Moreover B. On the other hand C. Otherwise D. Consequently E. In spite of 14. ‘As I was jogging, a man stopped me and asked for the time. The above sentence means______. A. I was jogging when the man asked for the time. B. A man asked for the time after I finished jogging. C. While the man and I were jogging he asked me for the time. D. When a man was jogging, I asked for the time. E. A man asked me for the time when I was about to start jogging. 15. ‘Our football team had never won until we got a new coach.’ The above sentence means: ‘_____’. A. Our football team was able to win after we got a new coach B. Our football team used to win before the new coach came C. Although we got a new coach, we have never won D. Even before the new coach came, our football team had always won E. Ever since the new coach came, our football team has always been defeated 16. He was never interested in mathematics until he got a very good teacher. We may conclude that at present ____. A. He likes mathematics B. He’s trying to make mathematics interesting C. He hates mathematics D. He finds mathematics boring E. He avoids doing mathematics

17. ‘I could not afford to buy that TV set until the price went down’ means____. A. When the price went down I bought the TV set B. I did not buy the TV set because its price never went down C. I had already bought the TV set before the rice went down D. The price of the TV set went down, however, I could not buy it E. After I bought the TV set, the price went down 18. ‘I had not been able to support my family until I worked for Citibank’ means ____. A. I can never support my family although I am working for Citibank B. Before I worked for Citibank I could support my family C. I could not support my family after I worked for Citibank D. When I worked for Citibank I will be able to support my family E. After working for Citibank, I could support my family 19. ‘I’d never seen Panda bear until I visited the London zoo ‘ means____. A. I didn’t go to London zoo until I saw a Panda bear B. I visited the London zoo until I saw Panda bear C. I saw a Panda bear for the first time in the London zoo D. I didn’t see a Panda bear when I visited the London zoo E. When I entered a London zoo I immediately saw a Panda bear 20. ‘I got the library at one o’clock, and it started raining immediately.’ We can also say ‘_____.’ A. It started raining as soon as I got to the library B. It had started raining before I got to the library C. It started raining when I was walking to the library

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D. When I got to the library, it was already raining E. The rain started sometime before I went to the library 21. ‘Prabu did not return my books until he had done his exams.’ The above sentence means _______. A. It was even before the exams that Prabu returned my books B. Prabu returned my books as soon as he did his exams C. Prabu returned my books when he was doing his exams D. Prabu is planning to return my books right after his exams E. Prabu has not returned my books yet because he hasn’t done his exams 22. “How was her reaction when she heard about the car accident happening to her parents?” ‘She ran to the hospital _____ she received the news.’ A. Until B. The moment C. Even though D. Since E. Before

Hotel, I am not interested in applying for it because the pay is not so good; moreover, ___. A. The working condition is quite good B. It gives incentives to motivate workers C. There is no promise for advancement D. There are no job opening at all E. The pay includes various allowances 26. Mr. Sulaiman is a prominent figure among Indonesian scientists; moreover, people know him as ___person. A. An arrogant B. A strict C. A proud D. A tough E. A sociable 27. John is very lazy student; beside, _____. A. He is good at extra-curricular activities B. He always does his homework C. He performs studying until late at night D. He never pays attention in class E. He sometimes practices English

23. All the members of the parliament applauded ____ the president was walking to his seat. A. So that B. Although C. Even if D. As soon as E. While

28. Smoking can be the cause of many illness and respiratory disorders; ____, it may harm non smokers. A. Consequently B. However C. In addition D. Nevertheless E. Otherwise

24. _____ all the students were seated, the teacher started the lesson. A. If B. When C. Until D. So that E. Although

29. Our dental clinic should be provided with more modern equipment; otherwise, ____. A. Patients would be eager to come B. It would make patients comfortable C. Patients would not be cured it would become more popular D. It would become more popular E. No patient would come

25. Although there is a vacancy for an experienced receptionist at the Ratna

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30. She could not finish her study in four years; ____, she would have been entitled to a scholarship for further study. A. However B. Consequently C. In addition D. Nevertheless E. Otherwise 31. He said that he had spent all his money on books; ____, he could have taken his girl friend to a good restaurant. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides E. Yet 32. We should immediately make reservation we for our seminar at the Mandarin Hotel; ____ the room would be booked by others. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Otherwise D. Still E. Yet 33. I told Tommy to take the recruiting test seriously, _____ he would not be accepted. A. But B. And C. So D. For E. Or 34. You’ll have to call me early in the morning; ___, I will have left for work. A. However B. Otherwise C. Furthermore D. Consequently E. Moreover 35. Seanu has to take a part-time job during vacation; ____he will not be able to play his tuition fee. A. Nevertheless B. Otherwise C. Moreover D. Therefore

E. Besides 36. Last year the couple could not save much money; otherwise, they ____make a tour around the world this year. A. Can’t afford B. Could afford C. Wouldn’t afford D. Could not have afforded E. Will afford 37. The direction of sun’s rays varies too, however, during the past two hundred years significanct advances have been made in the use of solar energy to generate heat and more recently to produce electricity. During the nineteenth century, ___, solar steam generators were built . A. For example B. However C. Therefore D. Moreover E. nevertheless 38. The explanation for this strange phenomenon is that the human mind can create actual changes in body – chemistry as a result of what it believes. If, ____, a person believes that a certain medication contains a substance that can accomplish a specific need, the body tends to move to that direction. A. Such as B. In addition C. For example D. In conclusion E. Therefore 39. At other times, people enjoy music just for fun. They might, ___, sing “Ninety- Nine Bottles of Beer in the Wall” when riding a school bus. A. In addition B. For instance C. Furthermore D. Such as E. Nevertheless

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40. ‘What did your father say when you told him you had lost all your money?’ ‘He was so angry he couldn’t say anything.’ A. therefore B. after C. that D. so E. when 41. ‘Why didn’t you print your report at home?’ ‘I ran out of ink for my printer. It’s expensive that I can’t afford it.’ A. such B. very C. so D. such an E. very much 42. Father was so happy about his promotion he promised to take us to an expensive restaurant. A. until B. when C. although D. that E. since 43. ‘I was late because I caught the wrong bus.’ means ‘I caught the wrong bus I was late.’ A. although B. but C. so that D. so E. when 44. The painting was we stood in front of it for a long time. A. beautiful because of that B. such beautiful until C. beautiful in order that D. so beautiful that E. very beautiful until 45. When I go shopping in the city centre, I never drive my car I won’t have the problem of finding a parking space. A. so that

B. however C. furthermore D. even though E. while 46. Derry : Why do you always run around this stadium five times a day? Sony : I do it . Which of the following is not suitable to complete the dialogue? A. however very tired I am B. so that I had a healthy heart C. so that I can reduce my weight D. in order that my body gets stronger E. because I didn’t want to be overweight 47. Even though the speaker had been reminded that his time was up, . A. he kept on talking B. he stopped his presentation C. he did not realize it D. the audience enjoyed it E. the talk was boring 48. Vera has recently been promoted to a top position in her company, although . A. she has a master’s degree in business B. she is relatively new in the company C. she has proved herself to be a good manager D. she has many years of experience E. she seems to have much selfconfidence 49.

their village is located in the dangerous zone of Mt. Merapi, the people do not want to leave their home. A. Because B. While C. Although D. Since E. Before

50. Caffeine may lead to severe headaches as well as constipation or bowel upset. So, it is ideal for young body to be rid of this addictive substance as quickly as possible,

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it is best to take a gradual approach to cutting out coffee in order to achieve the most success pain-free. A. because B. although C. whether D. since E. as

Nelly : You’re right. My family and I are happier here, my salary is smaller than before. A. in spite of B. although C. because D. since E. when

51. ‘Did he say anything to the police?’ ‘Well, he admitted breaking into the car, he denied stealing the tape.’ A. even though B. because C. meanwhile D. when E. as soon as

56. ‘How were you doing in your exams?’ ‘Not very well I studied hard for it.’ A. while B. since C. whenever D. in spite of E. even though

52. “Was there any violating during last week’s demonstration?” “No; there were thousands of demonstrators.” A. since B. even though C. before D. when E. where 53. Many types of today’s business institutions already existed in the ancient world it was obviously on a much smaller scale. A. before B. whereas C. as D. if E. even though 54.

three people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get an injection against it. A. Although B. However C. In spite of D. Since E. Despite

55. Ricky : You look happy with your new job here.


Andy seldom attends classes, he is always one of the best students in class. A. Whenever B. Since C. Because D. Although E. If


I can drive, I often ask my brother to drive me to the city. A. Since B. When C. Because D. Whether E. Although


she like him very much, she always pretends to ignore him. A. Since B. Because C. Whereas D. Even though E. However

60. The tourist bus came to our school thirty minutes late we had repeatedly told the driver to be on time. A. even though B. so that C. because D. whether E. in order that

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Questions 1-60 are taken from “1700 Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA” by Otonk Setiawan Djuharie.

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