Beauty Salons
 9781619870390, 1619870398 [PDF]

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Beauty Salons 美容美发沙龙 常文心 编/译


Contents 目录




Bundy Bundy 邦迪美发沙龙


Granny. M


AVEDA Hair Salon


Salon Gallerie


Erics Paris Salon – Beijing Kerry Centre


Colour Bar Hairdressers


Hair Culture


La Guardia Salon


Han Salon de Visage


West Hertfordshire Hair Academy


Cristiano Cora Salon


Carmen Font Madrid Hairdresser’s


Scissor Hands


Bergman Beauty Clinics MediSpa





















Produce NARUSE


Imai Colore

106 112 118 122 130 138 144 150 156 160 166 174 180





Vasken Demirjian Salon



Hairstyling Nafi 娜菲造型

Hair Salon at Peter Mark College Salon Salon Beaute Tribeca Aoyama Showhair Salon Cure Salon Monsieur Style Club Index 索引


Tan Bella Hair and Tanning Salon

228 234 240 246 252 258 264



Cesare Ragazzi




Produce Hashimoto




Hair Salon in Kolonaki

Jenny House Beauty Salon



Arrojo Cutler Salon




Philippe Venoux

Studio 1452



Suave Hair








Hair Salon in Golden Hall





Sense Spa



Hair Salon Kasbah




4 Zoom Salon

Hairu Hair Treatment 哈鲁护发沙龙




Beauty Salons and Spatial Designs


In modern days, beauty salons are expected to be more than just a place to get a haircut.


Beauty salons used to be just a place to “become beautiful” and hairdressers’ role was only to provide hairstyles that made the customers look better. Therefore, the space of a beauty salon was designed to be avant-garde and it was a place that had somewhat a sense of tension. However, nowadays, beauty salons are considered not merely as a place to “become pretty” but also as a place to “get refreshed (healed)”. Many beauty salons have developed new menus such as head spa, head treatment and scalp massage to heal the customer from inside. Moreover, under the idea of “a total beauty”, beauty salons also provide nail cares and eyelash extensions to cover everything concerning “beauty”, and thus various functions are required in one space. Based on this stream of beauty salons changing from a place to “become beautiful” to a place to “get refreshed (healed)”, the tone of spatial designs have switched from avant-garde and tense to a war ming one, using wood and plastering materials. In order to realise the idea of “total beauty”, designers use various techniques to create a space that is suitable for each function, meaning that multiple elements are combined in one space.

美容美发沙龙曾经只是一个“让人变美”的场所:美发师的 角色仅仅是提供发型设计并让顾客看起来更美。因此,沙龙 的设计总是很前卫,又略带一种紧张感。然而,现在的美容 美发 沙龙已经不只是“让人变美”的场所,而且是“获得治愈” 的场所。许多美容美发沙龙开发了新服务项目,如头部 SPA、头部护理和头皮按摩,让顾客获得从内到外的治愈。 此外,一些全方位美容美发沙龙更是提供了美甲、嫁接睫毛 等服务,涵盖了一切与美容相关的内容,顾客可以一次性获 得全方位的服务。 随着沙龙的功能从“让人变美”转变到“获得治愈”,美容 美发沙龙的空间设计风格也从前卫到温馨,大多采用了木材 和塑料作为材料。为了实现“全方位美容”的理念,设计师 们利用各种技术来打造适合将多种功能区融合在同一地点的 设计。 在这一转变过程中,我最强调的是沙龙店长的经营哲学的转 变。美丽的标准因人而异,并且随着时代变迁而变迁。但 是,我认为沙龙店长的经营哲学是始终如一的。 以下是一些我的设计实例。宝冠美容沙龙的店长曾对我说 过:“宝冠是新娘所佩戴的一种冕状头饰。婚礼当天是女人 最美的时刻,我让女性顾客每次光顾都能获得婚礼一样的体 验。”为了表现店长的经营哲学,我进行了如下设计:每个 座椅上方都有一块天花板,让顾客享有一片自己的天地。我 将天花板制成岛屿的模样,顾客们可以幻想到自己的蜜月旅 行。

What I emphasise most in the midst of this change is the “philosophy” of the owners. The standard of “beauty” varies in accordance with personal tastes and it alters with time as well. However, in my point of view, the” philosophy” of the owners is universal. I will give you examples from my past works. An owner of a beauty salon named “Tiara” said to me as below. “Tiara is a jewelry that a bride wears on her head. ‘The wedding day’ is the day that a woman looks most beautiful and I want to provide a service that a woman can feel as same as that special day every time she comes to my salon.” In order to express the owner’s “philosophy”, here is what I did in the design of the salon: above each seat lies a ceiling, which you can say is a head of the space. On that ceiling, I put “islands” instead of “Tiaras” so that the customers are able to imagine about their honeymoons. In another salon, “Produce NARUSE”, the owner’s “philosophy” was to make their new shop into something that would link to the historical city it is located in. Every beauty salon has “partitions” to separate the space according to use (haircutting space, waiting room, reception, shampooing space and dispensary). I used the partition as well as the façade as parts of one picture. That is to say, when looking at them separately, the partitions are just regular partitions, but when looking the shop from outside, it is designed to be one big picture that would blend into the city.

I also believe that the “lighting” is the most important factor that we must consider when actually designing a space. In a beauty salon, the illuminance of a haircutting space requires to be more than 1,000 lx, which is almost equal to the colour temperature of the daytime sunlight. The illuminance for sections of nail care and eyelash extension needs to be around 700 lx to 800 lx, while make-up space requires approximately 600 lx and they use an incandescent lamp (orange light) to make the colour of the customer’s face look better. Since shampooing section doesn’t have to be bright at all, indirect illuminations are used to prevent the lights from getting into the customers' eyes directory and make them feel more relaxed. By securing just enough level of illuminance in each section, the space will necessarily be divided into various atmospheres, from “tense” to “relaxing”. We can create a space that is both functional and well-designed merely by changing the lights. As stated above, beauty salons need to fulfill many conditions, but the most precious thing is the “philosophy” of the owner and there are limitless ways to respond to their needs. Beauty salons will keep on developing, but at the same time, spatial designs will continue to advance as well. Masahiro Yoshida Representative Executive, KAMITOPEN Inc.

在另一个实例中,成濑制造美发沙龙店长的经营哲学则是让自 己的店铺与其所在的历史悠久的城市(町田市)紧密联系。沙 龙的隔断分割了不同的功能区(剪发区、等候室、前台、洗发 区和药剂调配室)。我将隔断和外墙当做图画的一部分来看 待,也就是说:单独看来,这五层隔断毫无出众之处;而从店 外看去,这些隔断便构成了巨幅图画,完全融入了城市之中。 同样,我认为在空间设计中,灯光也是一个重要的元素。在美 容美发沙龙中,剪发区的照明度要达到1,000勒克斯以上,几乎 与白天日光的色温相同;美甲区和睫毛嫁接区的照明度需要在 700到800勒克斯之间;化妆区的照明度则在600勒克斯左右, 并且要使用白炽灯,让顾客的肤色看起来更好;而洗发区则不 需要明亮的灯光,使用间接照明可以防止灯光直射顾客的眼 睛,让他们感到放松。 通过在不同的空间设置不同程度的照明,整个沙龙可以被划分 出不同氛围,从“紧张”到“放松”。我们可以仅通过调节照 明来打造兼具功能性和设计性的空间。 综上所述,美容美发沙龙的设计需要满足许多条件,但是最重 要的一点还是店长的经营哲学,设计师有无数的方式来满足他 们的需求。 美容美发沙龙还会不断发展,同时,空间设计也会不断创新进 步。 吉田昌弘 KAMITOPEN设计公司,执行总监


Bundy Bundy 邦迪美发沙龙 Location:

Vienna Austria


BWM Architekten und Partner

Photographer: Rupert Steiner

Completion date:


项目地点: 奥地利 维也纳 设计师: BWM建筑事务所 摄影师: 鲁伯特 • 斯坦纳 完成时间: 2006


Bundy Bundy is the largest hairstyling firm in the high-quality segment in Austria. This internationally oriented flagship salon is a jewel in Vienna’s crown. The objective is to accommodate the high art of hairstyling in a salon that cleverly combines many years of Bundy Bundy's expertise with the latest demands in the ambience and design, while featuring all elements of timeless classic. The key focus of the concept is the customer, who will to be made to feel like guests in a fivestar hotel. The concept was strongly influenced by the colour palette: each room has its own individual accent. The spectrum runs from soft light beige and strong mauve through bright magenta and lustrous mother-of-pearl all the way to relaxing mint. Sophisticated lighting design intensifies the ambience and gives each room its very own personality. Reception and lobby area with an open fireplace, bar and prominent artistic delights in a soft light brown. The lounge provides first-class treatments and indulgent experiences for the customer in a cosy atmosphere with strong mauve. The Mirror Hall is a place of transformation and an

邦迪美发沙龙是奥地利最大的高端美发造型公司。这家沙龙 旗舰店是维也纳皇冠上一枚闪闪发光的宝石。设计的目标是 将邦迪美发沙龙具有专业水准的发艺技巧和最具潮流的室内 设计完美地结合在一起,打造一个永恒的经典空间。 顾客是设计的核心,沙龙的设计力求给他们五星级酒店一般 的感受。项目的设计理念深受整体色调的影响,每个房间都 有其独特的味道。色谱从柔和的浅肤色、强烈的淡紫色,转 变为明快的洋红色和光亮的珠光,最后到达轻松的薄荷绿。 精致的灯光设计更是加强了空间的氛围,增添了房间的个 性。悬挂着艺术海报,带有开放式壁炉和吧台的前台大厅采 用了令人愉悦的柔棕色。淡紫色的休息室为顾客提供顶级护 理和奢华体验。镜厅明快的洋红色给人以深刻的印象。水晶 厅里,华丽的巴洛克风格圆桌、流光溢彩的瀑布水晶灯以及 珠光墙壁极具个性。美发SPA是一片休闲的绿洲,拥有全套 的洗发、按摩和柔化设施。整个空间都采用了薄荷绿,其间 还点缀着小型绿色植物景观。


1. The reception and lobby area are in a soft light brown 2. Large graphic pattern of bird on the wall 3. Transition area 4. Mirror-surfaced closets with set-in screens 5. The Mirror Hall is in exciting bright magenta 6. The unique-designed light fixtures

impressive backdrop for exciting new looks with bright magenta. The Crystal Hall’s styling scenery like a sumptuous baroque table with a sparkling crystal waterfall and walls dipped in lustrous mother-of-pearl. The hair spa is an oasis of relaxation with washing facilities complete with massage function and soft laser applications, dominated by calming mint-green including a view of the verdant courtyard.

1.前台和大厅采用了柔棕色色调 2.墙壁上巨大的鸟形图案 3.过渡区 4.镜面橱柜上装有嵌入式屏幕 5.洋红色的镜厅明快而令人愉悦 6.造型独特的灯具

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1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Dressing room 4. Lounge 5. Mirror Hall 6. Crystal Hall 7. Toilet 8. Lounge spa 9. Hair spa 10. Waiting area

1.入口 2.前台 3.更衣室 4.休息室 5.镜厅 6.水晶厅 7.洗手间 8.休息SPA 9.美发SPA 10.等候区



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Granny. M M外婆的店 Location:

Toyokawa Japan


Hiroyuki Miyake


Nacasa & Partners Inc.

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 丰川 设计师: 三宅裕之 摄影师: Nacasa事务所 完成时间: 2005

14 - 15

The designer tried to make a fictional scenery but something nostalgic, like a location of fairy-tale. Two huts were put together without thinking about where was the outside or the inside. The small one which runs through the front window is an approach from outside to inside, namely from reality to unreality. The healing/relaxing factors like shampoo, headspa are in another hut to emphasise the interior. The designer hopes this space tempt people to submerge themselves, because a salon should be the place for people not only to have hair cut but also to escape from their ordinary life. The requirements and the restrictions have been carefully analysed to express the space as pure as possible and make a landscapefactor in the space. The whole surface of the huts was put up of mosaic tiles with designed striped pattern, because of attempting to describe obvious space. The stripe makes directional and continual in the space. The plan was very definite, so the way of lighting was divided clearly between two huts and the other space. The illumination and the colour temperature in the huts are much lower than the outside of the huts.

设计师试图打造一种如梦似幻的怀旧效果,就像童话中一 样。两间叠放在一起的小屋让人看不出室内外的界限。略小 的一间贯穿了橱窗,直接将室内外相连,象征着美发沙龙贯 穿了现实和幻境。洗发、头部SPA等服务设施则设在另一间 小屋里,让室内空间更加饱满。 美发沙龙不仅仅是一个理发的地点,更是人们逃避平淡生活 的世外桃源,设计师希望前来美发的客人可以沉浸于此。 设计师仔细衡量了项目的限制和需求,将空间设计的愈发纯 粹,并将景观元素也融入其中。小屋的表面上镶满了条纹样 式的马赛克,条纹兼具指向性和延续性,点缀了平淡的空 间。由于项目的设计界限分明,灯光设计也十分简洁。两间 小屋内外的灯光效果截然不同,小屋内部的照明和色调要比 屋外暗淡得多。


1. Two huts were put together 2. The walls of the hut were put up of mosaic tiles 3. The salon provides a place for people to escape from their ordinary life, like a world of fairytale 4. The inside-out effect 5.The illumination and the colour temperature are simple

1.两个小屋叠加在一起 2.墙面上镶满了马赛克 3.沙龙让人们逃脱平淡的生活,来到童话世界 4.内外颠倒的效果 5.灯光设计和色调十分简洁

5  4


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1. Waiting area 2. Reception 3. Styling area 4. Colouring area 5. Dispensary 6. Shampoo area 7. Relaxation 8. Staff room 1.等候区 2.接待处 3.造型区 4.染发区 5.药剂调配室 6.洗发区 7.休息区 8.员工休息室

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AVEDA Hair Salon AVEDA美发沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan



Photographer: CURIOSITY Inc.

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: CURIOSITY设计事务所 摄影师: CURIOSITY设计事务所 完成时间: 2007

20 - 21

In the AVEDA Hair Salon, power and energy of nature are translated into architecture. The guests would feel like walking through a forest, surrounded by high trees. The dynamic of the space is a reminiscence of the power of nature, a series of sequences, a journey through different scene each with as specific function, a seamless space where the architecture seems suspended from above. A subtle game of transparency and reflections trigger the sensitivity and senses of the customer, to bring them closer to themselves and the essence of AVEDA. The random of the facets is a sharp contrast with the environment, it reminds of the freedom of nature, while large wood walls structure the space into a spatial composition the reveals unexpected views and perspective as you walk through. The space seems to be created with three basic elements: water (glass), stone (concrete floor) and wood (walls). The palette of materials was kept to the minimal, the natural feel of the concrete floor, is a sharp contrast with the graphical wood structure, the light wood colour gives a fresh and natural feel gradually enlighted with linear undirect lighting.

在AVEDA美发沙龙,自然的力量被融入到建筑之中。走进 AVEDA,顾客会产生一种置身树木环绕的森林之中的感 觉。充满活力的空间让人想起了许多:自然的力量、因果循 环、穿越不同风景的旅程、宛如悬在空中的天衣无缝的建筑 空间等。关于透明度和反射的精妙处理触发了顾客的感官, 让他们能透彻地审视自己,审视AVEDA的精髓。 凌乱的刻面设计与整体环境形成鲜明对比,象征着自然的自 由;大片的木板墙壁将空间连接起来,遮蔽着意想不到的景 色。整个空间由三个基本元素组成:水(玻璃)、石(水泥 地面)、木(墙壁)。材料的色调保持了极简的风格,直线 型的间接照明让浅木色产生了一种自然清新的效果。


1. The power and energy of nature were translated into architecture 2. Terraced wood stand 3. The cutting area combines three basic elements: water, stone and wood 4. The relaxing area is quite comfortable 5. The lighting expresses a sense of relaxing 6. The chairs in the cutting area

1.自然的力量被融入到建筑之中 2.阶梯型木架 3.剪发区由三个基本元素组成:水、石、木 4.休息区十分舒适 5.灯光营造出一种放松感 6.剪发区的座椅








22 - 23

1. Reception 2. Counselling centre 3. Locker room 4. Toilet 5. Shampoo area 6. Cutting area 7. Head spa 8. Lab 9. Relaxation

1.前台 2.咨询中心 3.更衣室 4.洗手间 5.洗发区 6.剪发区 7.头部SPA 8.药剂调配室 9.休息区



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Salon Gallerie 加莱利发廊 Location:

Omaha USA


Randy Brown


Assassi Productions

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 奥马哈 设计师: 兰迪·布朗 摄影师: 阿萨西建筑摄影 完成时间: 2007

26 - 27

The project was to design a series of individual rooms to be rented out to independent entrepreneurial hair stylists. The great hair stylists are artists. They work from pictures, which clients bring in of potential hairstyles and then use their hand-eye coordination to sculpt hair into artistic compositions that complement the clients facial and body features. A great hair cut and colour transforms body and soul. The architects decided to create the salon architecture using the hair stylist’s creative process. The client gave the architects a picture of a colourful painting as the inspiration for the salon. The architects then transformed the painting into a floor plan and abruptly left the office to become the builders. Just as the hairstylist looks at a picture and then creates, sculpting as they cut, the architects began building and sculpting space based on the colourful painting. The fluid geometry of the painting was hand crafted. The transparency of the painting was sculpted from glass, perforated metal and back-lit polycarbonate. The architects took rebar and sculpted it with their hands to create sculptures for the space, abstracting hair styles and accessories. The result of this process was a space that could not have been conceived on paper. Design was created during the act of making. The architects just as the hairstylists designed with hands and eyes.

项目为独立发型师设计了一系列独立的房间。优秀的发型师 都是艺术家,他们将顾客带来的图样通过慧眼和巧手变成实 际的发型,并使其与顾客的脸型和体型相称。一次成功的美 发甚至会改变人的躯体和灵魂。 建筑师决定用发型师的创意过程来打造发廊。首先,客户选 择了色彩艳丽的墙面漆,用以点亮整个空间。然后,建筑 师将色彩附着在平面图中,离开自己的工作室,亲手打造发 廊。正如发型师通过图片创造出发型一样,建筑师通过涂抹 空间来雕琢、建造自己的作品。具有流体感的墙面完全采用 手工刷涂。玻璃、金属网和背光树脂为空间营造出层次不同 的透明度。建筑师亲手为钢筋塑形,打造了以发型和美发工 具为主题的抽象雕塑。通过这一系列过程,建筑师打造出一 个难以在图纸上描绘的空间。设计被融入了制作的过程之 中,建筑师也像发型师一样手眼并用地进行了设计。


1. The project consists of a series of individual rooms 2. An individual room viewed from the corridor 3. Long corridor 4. Rebar sculptures 5. Interior view of an individual room

1.项目由一系列的独立发型工作室组成 2.从走廊看独立工作室 3.长长的走廊 4.钢筋雕塑 5.独立造型室内部


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1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Toilet 4. Individual styling rooms

1.入口 2.前台 3.洗手间 4.独立发型工作室



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ERIC Paris Salon – Beijing Kerry Centre 爱丽克巴黎沙龙——北京嘉里中心分店 Location:

Beijing China

Designer: GRAFT

Photographer: Yang Di

Completion date:


项目地点: 中国 北京 设计师: GRAFT设计事务所 摄影师: 杨迪 完成时间: 2008

32 - 33

The remodel of ERIC Paris Salon started with the need for a connection between the newly acquired second floor space, which will house the hair cutting stations in the future, to the existing salon entrance, retail space and reception located on the ground floor. GRAFT introduced a continuous fluid staircase, linking these two spaces together and creating a vertical “cat walk”. This main vertical circulation becomes the central spine which branches off and connects the different functional areas throughout the salon. As the stair ascends, it morphs from staircase, to wall panel, until it loops over to become a fully enclosed corridor before it spills out onto the second floor. The sculptural stair is accentuated on the inside by cladding of colourful metal panels, mimicking the salons shiny and sensuous, bold, fingernail colours, while the polished stainless steel on the outside will provide customers with distorted reflections of themselves after their beauty treatment. The manicure and pedicure stations are set off as galleries for clients to admire the other roaming customers; hidden beauty rooms contain custom-designed massage tables and leather wall patterns.

爱丽克巴黎沙龙的改造工程是将新扩展的二楼理发空间和一 楼原有的沙龙大门、零售空间以及接待处连接在一起。 GRAFT采用了一个流体造型的楼梯来连接上下楼,营造出 一个垂直的小天桥。这个楼梯是通往沙龙各个功能区的主要 通道。楼梯缓缓上升,随后卷曲起来形成一个封闭的走廊, 最后到达二楼大厅。楼梯的内侧扶栏采用了色彩鲜艳的金属 面板,和沙龙提供的闪亮而大胆的指甲油有异曲同工之妙。 楼梯外侧的不锈钢面板则能倒映出扭曲的效果。美甲区的设 计类似一家画廊,美甲的顾客可以看到人们在走廊上走动。 隐蔽的美容室里设有特别定制的按摩床和皮革印花墙壁。


1. Brightly lighted display area 2. Main cutting area was arranged around a large table 3. The hidden beauty room contains leather wall patterns 4. Overlooking the reception and entrance from the fluid staircase 5. The separate styling room provides full-services to VIP guests 6. The manicure stations 7. The waiting area and corridor

1.灯光明亮的产品展示区 2.主剪发区围绕着一个巨大的方桌展开 3.美容室采用了皮革印花墙壁 4.从流体造型楼梯上俯瞰前台和大门 5.独立造型室为贵宾提供全套服务 6.美甲台 7.等候区和走廊





6 3

34 - 35

1. Staircase 2. Cutting area 3. Manicure stations 4. Shampoo area 5. Toilet 6. Separate styling room

1.楼梯 2.剪发区 3.美甲台 4.洗发区 5.洗手间 6.独立造型室


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Colour Bar Hairdressers 染发吧美发沙龙 Location:

Prospect Australia


Studio Nine


Sarah Long Photography

Completion date:


项目地点: 澳大利亚 普罗斯佩克特 设计师: 9号工作室 摄影师: 莎拉·朗摄影 完成时间: 2007

3 - 3

Colour Bar Hairdressers was to engage the idea of the shop as a “place” rather than a traditional “shop”. This shop is a unique “Colour Bar” experience but not just a “hair cut”. This was achieved by creating a colour ful and dynamic space, which was filled with light, sound, the aroma of coffee, colour, cutting, style and service. The shop invents a new and exciting retail image and store concept for the emerging Colour Bar hair dressing chain. The fitout was derived from a carefully formulated “Kit of Parts” that was unique to the Colour Bar Salon. This design strategy has been followed through in two later Colour Bar Stores. They all form distinctive “working zones” with a memorable “Retail Image” for the chain. These unique devices include the idea of a coffee bar as a waiting area and attracting passing by clientele; the integration of a colour lab as an internal working feature and an area of interaction; the use of music and visual elements with colourful dynamic bulkheads and innovative lighting. Other shop parts include a Colour Waiting Area, feature Cutting Stations, window waiting bench seating, Nails table amongst others.

染发吧美发沙龙不仅是一家传统的理发店,在这里,顾客可 以拥有染发吧的特别体验,而不仅仅是理发而已。沙龙是一 个多姿多彩的动感空间,里面混杂着光影效果、曼妙的音乐 和咖啡的香气,顾客可以享受到美发、造型等服务。项目为 彩条连锁美发沙龙打造了一个全新的形象。项目的配套设施 采用了染发吧独有的“组合工具包”。这一设计策略被成功 地应用到随后的两家染发吧旗舰店。各家旗舰店都有独特的 “工作区”和令人印象深刻的“零售空间”。 项目具有以下几个独特的设施:带有等候区的咖啡吧,用以 吸引过往的顾客;整合的色彩工作室是内部工作区和互动空 间;色彩鲜艳的动感隔板和创意灯光设计营造出令人迷醉的 声影效果。其他区域则包括染发等候区、特色美发台、窗边 长椅以及美甲台等。


1. General view of the storefront 2. The reception with tall stolls 3. The red lanterns will catch passersby’s eyes 4. The cutting area and shampoo area were combined together

1.店面全景 2.前台设有高脚凳 3.红灯笼十分抢眼 4.剪发区和洗发区结合在一起





6 4 1

40 - 41

1. Reception 2. Manicure station 3. Waiting area 4. Cutting area 5. Shampoo area 6. Beauty rooms 7. Staff kitchen

1.前台 2.美甲台 3.等候区 4.剪发区 5.洗发区 6.美容室 7.员工厨房

3 4


Hair Culture 发式文化沙龙 Location:

Taipei China

Designer: CJ STUDIO

Photographer: Marc Gerritsen

Completion date:


项目地点: 中国 台北 设计师: CJ设计工作室 摄影师: 马克·格里森 完成时间: 2007

42 - 43

Situated in the alley lane, Hair Culture is a salon which has combined with fashion elements to provide individual expert hair care and design. Using the dark brown laser-perforated metallic net to engrave the pattern of waves, it was created to bring a variety of layers and shading effects within the space. At the same time, it is a metaphor of foams and bubbles, which formed during hair washing, and emphasis the figure of water. As such, a façade of a glowing black diamond being surrounded by metallic foams can somewhat be seen from far. The premises were divided into two floors. The core space for both the first and second floor was the mineral modules which were sculpted by black mirror glasses. Hiding behind the mineral modules, there are VIP rooms and other functional sections such as the washing area, the staff room and etc. Within the white painted space, the multilateral geometrical cut was employed on the ceilings, with the addition of brown epoxy floor, reinforcing the image of natural mineral rocks. Besides, chairs and sofas placed in the cutting and waiting area are all designed by CJ Studio. The warm grey leather of the chairs cleverly complements the white wall and the brown floor, preventing the atmosphere being overly stiff.

发式文化沙龙坐落在一条小巷里,是一家特别的美发沙龙。 这家融入了时尚元素的美发沙龙为顾客提供专业美发护理和 设计。设计师用深棕色激光打孔金属网营造出一种起伏的图 案,为空间带来多样的层次感和光影效果。同时,这个图案 也是对洗发过程中产生的泡沫和气泡的隐喻,强调了水的作 用。远远看去,美发沙龙那闪闪发光的黑金刚石墙壁和周围 环绕的金属泡泡特别显眼。 项目共分两层楼,一楼和二楼的的核心空间都是被雕琢成黑 色镜子的矿石模块。矿石模块后面是VIP房和一些其他的功 能区,例如洗发区、员工休息室等。白色区域的天花板采用 了多边形几何切面,它和棕色树脂地板一起,加强了自然石 材的效果。此外,美发区和等候区的座椅和沙发都是CJ设 计工作室设计。暖灰色的皮革座椅补充了白色的墙壁和棕色 的地板的不足,避免了整体氛围过于单调。


1. The custom-designed chair is aesthetic and comfortable 2. A façade of a glowing black diamond 3. The shampoo area uses indirect lighting 4. The lighting in cutting area and shampoo area contrast each other 5. VIP room is private 6. The perforated metallic brings a variety of layers and shading effects within the space 7. Viewing the salon through coloured glass in the staircase

1.特别定制的座椅既美观又舒适 2.闪闪发光的黑金刚石墙壁 3.洗发区采用间接照明 4.剪发区和洗发区的照明形成了对比 5.VIP造型室具有私密性 6.打孔金属网为空间带来多样的层次感和光影效果 7.透过楼梯上的彩色玻璃看沙龙

6 4




44 - 45




1. Cutting area 2. Colour bar 3. VIP room 4. Staff room 5. Shampoo area 6. Toilet

1.剪发区 2.染剂调配台 3.VIP造型室 4.员工休息室 5.洗发区 6.洗手间


4 5

46 - 47

6 7


La Guardia Salon 拉瓜迪亚沙龙 Location:

West Village USA


Z-A and Cheng+Snyder

Photographer: Danny Bright

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 西村 设计师: Z-A设计事务所和Cheng+Snyder设计事务所 摄影师: 丹尼·布莱特 完成时间: 2007

4 - 4

Heightening the experience of sensory attentiveness provided the conceptual basis for the design. All of the major salon components doubly function as programme and frame. These frames, outlined in red, draw your attention to specific views, whether it is the sight of yourself in a mirror or of the receptionist through the frame of the reception desk. The waiting area, cutting stations, storage units, colour bar, espresso bar and lounge are likewise all defined in a series of frames. The adjacencies and overlaps between the frames animate the space. On the one side the exposed brick wall was treated as a found object, where all the items that run along the wall are seen as graphic elements. The pipes and electric conduits are exposed lines that fit the red outlined frames between them. On the other side of the salon, white sheetrock wall was treated as a pliable material where the wall itself was bent and stretched, and the red frames were carved into the wall. Extending the sheetrock wall to merge with the ceiling and the brick wall to merge with the floor created an atypical configuration of the sur faces. The lighting

项目的设计以强调感官体验为基本理念。沙龙里所有的主要 设施都是设计框架的一部分。这些红色的框架框住了引人 注意的风景:可以是你自己的镜像,也可以是前台的工作人 员。等候区、剪发区、存储间、染色吧、咖啡吧和休息室都 采用了类似的框架结构。框架间的层次感为空间增添了活 力。 沙龙一侧的红砖墙壁被打造成画廊的效果,所有的物品都沿 着墙壁依次摆放,就像平面图形一样。墙上裸露的水管和电 线与红色的框架十分相称。沙龙的另一侧采用了白色石膏板 墙壁,形成了柔和的曲线,不断弯曲和延展,而红色框架则 正好嵌入墙壁。石膏板墙壁融入了天花板,而红砖墙壁则融 入了地面,这形成了一个不规则的设计。垂直的荧光灯是平 面图形系统的一部分,勾画出个人美发空间的红色外框。红 砖墙上的荧光灯使用了表面式安装,进一步强调了墙壁的材 质。石膏板上的灯则安装在框架内部,在白色的墙壁上染上 了一抹红色。


1. The frames create layered effect 2. The red frames with mirrors will contain customers' images 3. A separate cutting station in the corner 4. View from the entrance 5. The frames of different sizes 6. The reception and display area 7. The whole space has a red tone

scheme of vertical fluorescent lights, serve as an additional graphic system that outlines the individual spaces within the red frames. On the brick wall the fluorescents were surface mounted to highlight the texture of the wall. On the sheetrock wall lights were located within the carved frames to wash the white walls with the reflected red light.

1.框架形成了层叠的效果 2.红色框架中镜子倒映出顾客的形象 3.角落处一个独立的美发台 4.从入口向内看 5.大小不一的框架 6.前台和产品展示区 7.整个空间都是红色系









50 - 51

1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Cutting area 4. Colouring area 5. Styling area 6. Shampoo area 7. Staff room 8. Waiting area 9. Lab

1.入口 2.前台 3.剪发区 4.染发区 5.造型区 6.洗发区 7.员工休息室 8.休息区 9.药剂调配室


4 5

52 - 53

6 7


Han Salon de Visage 面孔·韩式沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan



Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: 西胁一郎 完成时间: 2007

54 - 55

Han Salon de Visage is on the third floor of a building located at a residential district in Aoyama, Tokyo, which is very famous for many brand shops. This esthetic salon is a franchise shop of famous esthetician in Korea. Treatment using many kinds of potent stone is this shop’s character. The designers remove the sentiments of the general public from entrance space and create a luxury space. Conductor to private room is sharp, so it reminds customers of guest rooms in a luxury hotel. Regarding the waiting room, the designers construct tenderness and high quality space with combination of gorgeous touch of carpet and fringe curtain.

维赛奇沙龙位于东京青山的住宅区,周围林立着许多知名品 牌商店,由韩国知名美容师经营。沙龙的特色是运用强化石 头进行美容理疗。沙龙的设计完全没有平民感,从头到尾都 充满了奢华感。通往包间的走廊设计十分时尚,让顾客有一 种置身于高档酒店客房的感觉。等候室的空间柔和而高端, 极具质感的地毯和流苏窗帘增添了房间的奢侈感。


1. Indirect lighting creates an intimate space 2. The salon is a place full of luxury 3. The purple velvet sheet shines slightly in the obscure lighting 4. A luxurious crystal chandelier in the corridor 5. White beam-screen in the corridor

1.间接照明营造了一个私密的空间 2.整个沙龙充斥着奢华感 3.紫色天鹅绒床单在昏暗的灯光中隐隐发光 4.走廊上奢华的水晶吊灯 5.走廊里的白色珠帘

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6 2

3 6


6 1 7 7


56 - 57

1. Reception 2. Waiting area 3. VIP treatment room 4. Toilet 5. Make-up corner 6. Treatment room 7. Shower booth

1.前台 2.等候区 3.VIP美容室 4.洗手间 5.化妆角 6.美容室 7.淋浴室



5 - 5



West Hertfordshire Hair Academy 西赫特福德郡大学美发实习基地 Location:

Hertfordshire UK


Tony Kerby and John Carrabin

Completion date:


项目地点: 英国 赫特福德郡 设计师: 托尼·科尔比,约翰·卡拉宾 完成时间: 2005

60 - 61

The designers were commissioned to convert an existing storage area into a state-ofthe-art hair academy at West Hertfordshire College of Further Education. This re-branding of the facility on a more prominent part of the campus created a “real world” salon environment for the students, whilst being more friendly for them, staff and visitors. The design was organised around a reception hub area, with students progressing through the space to the final “aspiration area”. The atmosphere of the academy is contemporary but with softer tones of colour, wooden flooring and better quality lighting.

设计师的任务是将一处仓库改建成西赫特福德郡大学的新美 发实习基地。实习基地坐落在校园显眼的位置上,为学生打 造了一个真正的美发沙龙,可以满足工作人员和顾客的各项 需求。设计围绕着一个圆形的接待台展开,学生可以在里面 进行形形色色的美发体验。实习基地以现代氛围为主,柔和 的色调、木质地板和高效的照明共同点缀其间。


1. View from the street 2. Chairs arranged in a line 3. The circle reception with circle ceiling 4. The black chairs are highlighted in a white background

1.从街道上看沙龙 2.排成一线的座椅 3.圆形前台和圆形吊顶 4.白色背景中的黑色座椅异常明显




62 - 63



1. Reception 2. Styling area 3. Shampoo area

1.前台 2.造型区 3.洗发区

3 4


Cristiano Cora Salon 克里斯蒂亚诺·柯拉沙龙 Location:

New York City USA


Avi Oster Studio

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 纽约 设计师: 艾维·奥斯特工作室 完成时间: 2008

The goal was to create a new essence of salon environment that captures the balance between modern architecture and the needs of the hair dressing industry. The fluid movement of the Cristiano Cora Salon truly captures the elements of simple modern design while the functionality of the design enables a smoother process of hair dressing. The vision for this project evolved gradually. The designer’s aim was to create a space that would be distinctly appealing to women; something slightly curved, clean and stylish, but at the same time comforting and being transformational. The designer tried to keep everything clean and to eliminate as much information or distraction besides the experience of the client and the stylist. For instance, there is a separate wet and dry room for laundry services which is kept discreet by a hidden door. The designer also designed the floor to curve upwards to enable easy sweeping of the hair to the vacuum system’s nozzles at the edge of the floor. The experience of the client is one of transformation. At Cristiano, the simplicity of the design encourages the client's focus to be on the inspiring experience of becoming transformed. In this salon, the designer wanted to create the sensation for a woman to enter a protected space and emerge transformed; they would feel purified, indulged, comforted and relaxed.

64 - 65

项目的设计目标是打造一个既体现现代建筑风格又能满足美 发业需求的沙龙环境。克里斯蒂亚诺·柯拉沙龙流畅简洁的 设计抓住了现代设计的精髓,而其设计的功能特征保证了更 为顺利的美发过程。 项目的设计理念在逐渐变化。设计师的目标是打造一个专属 于女性的空间——线条柔和、简洁、时尚,而又不乏舒适和 新生感。为了保持设计的间接性,设计师剔除了一切顾客和 造型师所不需要的元素与信息。例如,洗衣服务的干湿两用 房被设在一扇隐蔽的门后。地板沿墙面略微向上弯曲,方便 吸尘器清扫角落散落的头发。 客户在美发沙龙得到的是新生的体验。在克里斯蒂亚诺·柯 拉沙龙,简洁的设计让客户更能专注于自己的新生过程。在 这个沙龙里,设计师为女性提供了一个受保护的蜕变空间。 她们沉浸其中,身心得到了净化,会感受到舒适和放松。


1. It is a space of pure white 2. High-fashion chairs in the waiting area 3. The red shampoo chairs add colour to the white space 4. View from the entrance 5. The reception is merged in the floor and wall 6. View from the inner part of the salon

1.这是一个纯白色的空间 2.等候区的时尚座椅 3.红色的洗头椅为白色空间增添了色彩 4.从入口处看沙龙 5.前台和地板、墙壁融为了一体 6.从沙龙内部向外看




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6 1

66 - 67

1. Office 2. Styling room 1 3. Waiting area 4. Display area 5. Styling room 2 6. Reception 7. Dry room 8. Staff room 9. Shampoo area

1.办公室 2.1号造型室 3.等候区 4.产品展区 5.2号造型室 6.前台 7.吹干室 8.员工休息室 9.洗发区


4 5

6 - 6



Carmen Font Madrid Hairdresser's 马德里卡门·方特美发店 Location:

Madrid Spain


Diego & Pedro Serrano (innova:: designers studio)

Completion date:


项目地点: 西班牙 马德里 设计师: 迭戈&佩德罗·萨拉诺设计事务所 完成时间: 2008

70 - 71

The own charm of the space, located in the historical zone of the opera, in Madrid, made us to be respectful. That’s why the designers get the hairdresser’s ready to have an unforgettable night at the opera: the interior design is reminiscent of a sophisticated and avant-garde suit or dress, black for men and with transparents clothes for women (the walls and the mirrors). The designers also made a previous hair implant on the walls, which resembles the glamous hairstyle appropriated to the circumstances. In this hairdresser’s, there is glamour and glamour.

这间魅力十足的美发店位于马德里市历史悠久的歌剧院 区,就其位置来说不得不让人肃然起敬。所以设计师为这家 发型屋打造了歌剧院一样令人难忘的夜晚:室内设计宛如裁 剪精致而时尚的西装和晚礼服,男士是黑色的,女士则是透 明的(分别指墙壁和镜子)。设计师还在墙壁上装饰了曾经 剪下来的头发,象征着得体而优雅的发型。这间美发店的整 体设计充满了魅力。


1. The storefront has a retro look 2. The interior lighting creates a glamorous effect 3. The waiting area is extremely ancient with its stone walls 4. Black walls with hair implant 5. The transparent glass mirror frame 6. The entrance and waiting area

1.店面充满了复古感 2.室内灯光营造出魅力效果 3.石头墙壁的等候区极度复古 4.黑色墙壁上装饰着头发 5.晶莹通透的玻璃镜框 6.入口和等候区





72 - 73

1. Reception 2. Cutting area 3. Shampoo area 4. Toilet

1.前台 2.剪发区 3.洗发区 4.洗手间



74 - 75

5 6


Scissor Hands 剪刀手美发沙龙 Location:

Istanbul Turkey


Nagehan Acimuz

Completion date:


项目地点: 土耳其 伊斯坦布尔 设计师: 纳格汉·阿斯穆兹 完成时间: 2006

76 - 77

Scissor Hands was designed as a dynamic and energetic hairdresser that offers women and men hairstyles together. The space already had a warm effect and had all the right conditions to turn itself into a cosy home like atmosphere. The hairdresser was divided into three sections. The ground floor space was designed for men, the first floor was designed for women and the basement section used for serving and office spaces.

剪刀手美发沙龙的设计充满了活力与朝气,为男女顾客提供 专业的美发服务。沙龙充满了温馨的气氛,为顾客带来一种 惬意的居家感。沙龙共分为三个部分:一楼是男士美发,二 楼是女士美发,地下室是服务和办公空间。

At the linear and horizontal surfaces, mosaic, natural stone, timber, glass and certainly the mirrors and their relations with each other had been used in a balanced way. The designers have selected special motifs, pictures and words and used them as sticker on the walls that turns some parts of the space into a romantic atmosphere.

由于沙龙的经营者不想让室内空间暴露在外,设计师只在门 口安装了落地窗。行人可以透过落地窗看到室内墙壁上的 装饰图案,从而了解空间的功能。室内外的空间得以相互融 合在一起。对于美发沙龙来说,灯光设置和照明系统至关重 要,剪刀手沙龙内柔和的灯光与自然的材料共同营造出温 馨、好客的氛围。

As the owner did not want the inside to be seen much, the designers have created a façade that would satisfy their needs, at the same time, designed huge glass walls in the entrance part, so that the huge motif on the wall can be seen from outside giving clues about the function of the space. Outside becomes in, inside becomes out. Lighting armatures and lighting levels were very important because of the function of the space, and soft lighting combines with natural materials to create a warm, welcoming feel.

在室内的表面设计中,马赛克、天然石材、木材、玻璃和镜 子等材料相互作用,打造出了一曲和谐的乐章。设计师精心 挑选了一些图案、海报和标语贴在墙面上,为空间增添了浪 漫的感觉。


1. Wood floor in cutting area creates a relaxing atmosphere 2. There is a pair of large eyes on the wall behind the reception 3. Waiting room is provided with TV and coffee bar 4. The lighting in cutting area is warm and soft 5. Overall view of the lower floor salon 6. Shampoo chairs are very comfortable 7. Along staircase, there are fashion wallpapers

1.剪发区的木地板营造了轻松的氛围 2.前台后方的墙壁上有一双巨大的眼睛 3.等候室配备着电视和咖啡吧 4.剪发区的灯光温暖而柔和 5.一楼沙龙全景 6.洗头椅十分舒适 7.楼梯两侧是时尚壁纸



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1. Reception 2. Waiting room 3. VIP styling room 4. Shampoo area 5. Styling area

1.前台 2.等候室 3.VIP造型室 4.洗发区 5.造型区


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Bergman Beauty Clinics MediSpa 伯格曼医疗美容SPA馆 Location:

Amsterdam The Netherlands


Concrete Architectural Associates

Completion date:


项目地点: 荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 设计师: Concrete建筑事务所 完成时间: 2008

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Bergman is all about beauty. The best item to express beauty is a mirror and therefore this is the central theme of the MediSpa. These mirrors are used in the three areas of the MediSpa: the shop, the treatment rooms and the main surgery room. It enlarges the rooms and creates a spacious feeling. When clients enter the MediSpa they are invited to take a seat in the heart of the shop: an island made of corian and smooth white leather surrounded by Bergman’s beauty products and magazines. Floating white corian cabinets, filled with and coloured by Bergman’s beauty products give costumers the opportunity to try the products such as crèmes and make-up. Inside the four treatment rooms, located on both floors, a spacious and cosy environment is waiting for their clients. Full-length mirrors create the impression of an even more spacious room. White corian cabinets and semi-transparent curtains give the room a smooth and clean appearance. In the surgery room consumers encounter an open atmosphere. Cabinets of stainless steel, filled with bottles of alcohol give visitors the suggestion of being in a laboratory. A big surgical light is hanging above the white treatment chair.

伯格曼医疗美容SPA馆是美的集合,而最能体现美的物品便 是镜子。因此,镜子是室内设计的核心元素。这些镜子主要 被使用在三个区域:商店、理疗室和手术室。镜子让空间看 起来更加宽敞明亮。 一进入美容SPA馆,顾客便被邀请来到店铺中心的沙发 上,人造大理石和光滑的白色皮革沙发周围环绕着伯格曼的 美容产品和杂志。悬在墙壁上的白色人造大理石橱柜上摆满 了伯格曼的美容产品,顾客可以随时试用。四个理疗室以舒 适温馨的姿态迎接着顾客的到来。落地镜让室内空间更加宽 敞。白色的人造大理石橱柜和半透明的窗帘营造出简洁、优 雅的感觉。手术室的空间十分开阔,不锈钢橱柜上摆满了酒 精瓶,让顾客感觉犹如进入了实验室。一个巨大的手术灯悬 挂在白色治疗椅上方。


1. A mirror wall with the brand’s logo enlarges the whole space 2. The treatment room has a spacious and cosy environment 3. Customers can either read magazines or watch TV in the waiting area 4. The main surgery room 5. An island made of corian and smooth white leather surrounded by Bergman’s beauty products and magazines 6. The doctor’s office was combined with the surgery room

1.一面带有品牌标识的镜墙放大了整个空间 2.理疗室的环境宽敞而舒适 3.顾客可以在等候区看杂志或是电视 4.主手术室 5.人造大理石和光滑的白色皮革沙发周围环绕 着伯格曼的美容产品和杂志 6.医生办公室和手术室连在一起

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1. Main surgery room 2. Treatment room 3. Waiting area

1.主手术室 2.理疗室 3.等候区



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Tiara 宝冠美容沙龙 Location:

Sendai Japan


KAMITOPEN Inc./Masahiro Yoshida


Keisuke Miyamoto

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 仙台 设计师: KAMITOPEN设计公司/吉田昌弘 摄影师: 宫本圭介 完成时间: 2009


Tiara is a motif of accessories that brides wear. The hair salon’s concept is “wedding day and the women’s beautiful moment”. The hair salon is located at a retail area in Aoba-ku, Sendai. The interior design represents high quality for the high end customers and shows the owner’s high fashion concepts. People consciously make barriers to the outside and make their own territory at anytime and anyplace. Therefore, the designer designed floating island ceiling, which was changed by reflecting chairs’ shape to make customers feel vague and invisible barriers at this salon. Each island floats in the air like customers’ own island. Those islands can help people sitting on the chair recognise their own place. Practically, this island works as board reflector, all light falling onto the floor from this island. In addition, this falling light was specially designed. The light, which is falling onto the pathway from entrance to setting place, is soft amber light in order to represent “sunset”. The light, which falling onto the setting area, is white flesh light in order to represent “sunrise”. In result, those lights create rainbows at shampoo booth through illuminating doublelayered ceilings at shampoo booth and create prismatic effect through triangle glass pole that was placed at shampoo booth entrance.

宝冠喻指新娘所佩戴的一种头饰。宝冠美发沙龙的基本理念 是“婚礼——女人最美的时刻”。沙龙位于仙台青叶区的商 业区,其室内设计向高端顾客展示了沙龙经营者的时尚品位。 人们会随时随地有意识地建造一个壁垒,划分出自己的领 地。因此,设计师设计了悬浮的岛型天花板。小岛的形状随 着下方座椅的空间而变换,为顾客在沙龙里打造出界限模糊 的壁垒。每个悬浮在空中的小岛就像是顾客自己的岛屿一 样,帮助他们找到属于自己的空间。 这些小岛结构也可以作为反光板,灯光从小岛反射到地面 上。这些灯光全部经过精心设计:从入口通往理发区的走廊 的灯光是轻柔的琥珀色,重现了“落日”;理发区的灯光是 明亮的白色,重现了“旭日”。洗发区的双层照明天花板通 过入口处的三角玻璃孔营造出五光十色的棱镜效果,重现了 “彩虹”。


1. The VIP room has brown and white leather wall, showing a sense of luxury 2. Above each seat floats an island 3. The reception 4. Comfortable shampoo beds 5. The make-up room looks like a wonderland 6. The corridor to the main salon

1.VIP室的棕色和白色墙壁有一种奢华感 2.每个座椅上方都漂浮着一片小岛 3.前台 4.舒适的洗发椅 5.化妆室宛如仙境 6.通往沙龙的走廊







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1. Cutting area 2. Lab 3. Toilet 4. Make-up room 5. Shampoo room 6. VIP styling room

1.剪发区 2.药剂调配室 3.洗手间 4.化妆室 5.洗发室 6.VIP造型室


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Haarwerk 哈尔维克理发店 Location:

Cologne Germany


Hackenbroich Architekten


Hackenbroich Architekten

Completion date:


项目地点: 德国 科隆 设计师: Hackenbroich建筑事务所 摄影师: Hackenbroich建筑事务所 完成时间: 2008

4 - 5

For the hairdresser shop Haarwerk in Cologne, Germany the light installation has become a main spatial feature. Seventy-five lamps emerge from a central point of the space and reach out into the room. A cloud of lights expands through the store. With the visible wires they form a spatial texture like a distorted chandelier. The lights can be controlled and dimmed in five circles to allow a smooth transition of various illuminated conditions. The overall organisation of the store was challenged by the spatial limitation of the old factory building. To maintain a coherent spatial experience while accommodating all functional areas, the designers decided to “extrude” the enclosed functional areas from the back-wall. The surface of the wall “remained” on the volumes/furniture while the other surfaces “merged” with the floor. The materials fluctuate between a refined and rough appearance. While the wallpaper has a subtle elegance the lamps have an industrial quality. The colours articulate the volumetric logic by continuing the dark grey of the floor or the ginger marking the sidewalls of the store. The lights, when partially dimmed, combine the white of the wallpaper, the ginger of the wall and the dark gray of the floor.

哈尔维克理发店的照明装饰是其主要的空间特征,75个灯 泡从空间的中心伸展到室内的各个角落。一片灯泡组成的云 彩蔓延在整个理发店之中。灯泡上方的灯线让整个照明装饰 看起来像一个扭曲的吊灯。灯光可以进行调节,以满足不同 的光线需求。 理发店坐落在一个旧厂房里,狭小的空间对设计造成了挑 战。为了在不同的功能区之间保持一致性,设计师将功能区 设置在墙壁之外,墙壁变成了一件“家具”,起到了壁橱的 作用。 精致和粗糙的装饰材料被糅杂在一起:壁纸精细而典雅,而 灯泡则极具工业特性。地板采用了深灰色,而墙壁上则是明 亮的姜黄,很好地突出了室内的空间感。昏暗的灯光将白色 的壁纸、姜黄的墙壁和深灰的地板融合在一起。


1. General view from the entrance 2. The light installation has become a main spatial feature 3. The white of the wallpaper, the ginger of the wall and the dark grey of the floor are combined together 4. All the cabinets are either white or dark grey 5. The space with natural light 6. The wallpaper has a subtle elegance

1.从入口看沙龙全景 2.照明装饰是理发店的主要空间特征 3.白色的壁纸、姜黄的墙壁和深灰的地板融合在一起 4.柜子不是深灰色便是白色 5.自然照明情况下的空间效果 6.壁纸精细而典雅

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1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Shampoo area 4. Wardrobe/storage 5. Waiting area 6. Work places 7. Kitchen 8. Toilet

1.入口 2.前台 3.洗发区 4.衣柜/储藏室 5.等候区 6.工作区 7.员工厨房 8.洗手间


4 5




Produce NARUSE 成濑制造美发沙龙 Location:

Machida Japan


KAMITOPEN Inc./Masahiro Yoshida


Keisuke Miyamoto

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 町田 设计师: KAMITOPEN设计公司/吉田昌弘 摄影师: 宫本圭介 完成时间: 2008

100 - 101

Located in residential streets, this salon opens on road, and it has more than tripled depth than openings width. The concept of this project is “Sense of Vision” to enhance to keep the relationship between outside and inside and impact each other by using necessary elements for salons. Today, the method of divideing individual spaces by partition is frequently used in order to keep customers’ privacy, especially in this kind of retail shops. This method can make individual spaces rich and special. Moreover, the technique can spoil fascination as total space. This salon consists of five partitions: Outside Wall, which is dividing outside and inside; Partition 2, which is dividing waiting area and cut area; Partition 3, which is dividing cut area and shampoo area; Partition 4, which is dividing shampoo area and exclusive cut area; Partition 5, which is dividing shampoo area and space for colour dispensers. Those five partitions are normal partitions when customers see one by one. The partitions can be turned to one picture when customers look at distance.

成濑制造美发沙龙位于一片住宅区,室内空间的深度是街面 宽度的三倍。项目的主要设计理念是“视觉感”,促进室内 外空间的相互联系,利用必要的元素使二者相互碰撞。 最近,利用隔断划分空间十分流行,这种设计可以保证顾客 的隐私,尤其适合于沙龙和美容院。这种设计既可以丰富独 立空间的空间感,又能提升整体空间的魅力。沙龙共有五层 隔断:第一层是外墙,分割了室内和室外;第二层分割了休 息区和剪发区;第三层分割了剪发区和洗发区;第四层分割 了洗发区和专属剪发区;第五层分割了洗发区和药剂调配 区。单独看来,这五层隔断毫无出众之处;而从一定距离看 去,这些隔断便构成了一幅图画。


1. Partitions divide individual spaces, and that is the main feature 2. The exclusive cutting area uses crack-style indirect lighting in the ceiling 3. The lighting in shampoo area is dimmed 4. The pure white shampoo area 5. The main cutting area 6. Viewing from the street, the partitions turn to one picture

1.隔断划分了独立空间,是主要设计特征 2.专属理发区的天花板上采用了裂缝式间接照明 3.洗发区的照明十分昏暗 4.纯白色的洗发区 5.剪发区 6.从街道上看,隔断形成了一幅画









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1. Inner styling room 2. Styling area 3. Shampoo area 4. Toilet 5. Lab

1.内部造型室 2.造型区 3.洗发区 4.洗手间 5.药剂调配室



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Imai Colore 今井色彩美容沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan


Edward Suzuki


Yasuhiro Nukamura

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: 爱德华·铃木 摄影师: 额村康博 完成时间: 2007

This beauty parlor is located in the basement of the newly completed “Omote-Sando Hills” complex in posh Harajuku district of Tokyo. “Imai Colore” is a “total beauty salon” boasting 424 square metres of floor space and is one of the largest shops in the new commercial complex. It features basically hair colouring (Colore), facial and body care (Suite), and a flower shop (Odette) by the entrance. “Relaxation” was the key design concept. To achieve this objective a gently falling waterfall of three metres tall, twenty metres long with a pool of reflective water was planned as a highlighting feature. The water “wall” consists of corrugated glass backlit to provide a warm, indirect lighting effect. Customers can sit in front of the pool to enjoy the beauty and the serenity of the atmosphere, watching and/or listening to the sound of the gentle waterfall. Mirrors of polished stainless steel were erected as free-standing plates that almost disappear in the man-made landscape. Lighting was deliberately kept minimal only to shine on the customers’ faces and heads as well as to highlight certain attractions such as the water and the green planted in and out of the pool. Attracted into the shop by the scent of flowers by the entrance, customers once inside cannot help but sense a feeling of being in a Zen garden of tranquility, serenity and harmony, only to come out totally relaxed and refreshed.

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这个美容沙龙位于东京原宿一处新建成的表参道山大厦的地 下室。今井色彩美容沙龙总面积为424平方米,为顾客提供 全身美容服务,是大厦里最大的店铺之一。整个沙龙由染发 沙龙、面部和身体护理沙龙、花店三个部分组成。 沙龙以“放松”为主要设计理念。3米高的小瀑布和20米长 的倒影池是室内设计的焦点。水幕后面的背景灯提供了温馨 的间接照明效果。顾客可以坐在水池的前面,享受宁静优美 的氛围,聆听瀑布潺潺的水声。抛光不锈钢镜子矗立在人造 景观之中,几乎与景观融为一体。 室内采用了最低限度的照明,灯光只打在顾客的头部和面 部,强调了水景和绿植景观的设计。入口处的鲜花散发出阵 阵香气,令顾客有一种置身于禅境花园的错觉。这里宁静、 安详、和谐,让人焕发活力、获得完全的放松。


1. The sweet smell of flowers makes a sense of relaxation 2. Customers will face the pool while enjoying hairdressing services 3. The face & body treatment room 4. The shampoo area 5. The round reception is back-lit 6. The water wall provides a warm, indirect lighting effect

1.鲜花散发出阵阵香气,让人感到放松 2.顾客们在接受美发服务时可以面向倒影池 3.面部和身体护理室 4.洗发区 5.圆形的前台采用了背光灯 6.水幕提供了温馨的间接照明效果


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1. Entrance 2. Flower shop 3. Reception 4. Pond 5. Colour and blow area 6. Waiting area 7. Toilet 8. Face & body treatment 9. Shampoo area 10. Staff room

1.入口 2.花店 3.前台 4.水池 5.染发吹发区 6.等候区 7.洗手间 8.面部和身体护理 9.洗发区 10.员工休息室


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4 Zoom Salon 四倍变焦沙龙 Location:

Taipei China


M. Design/Stephen Kuo

Photographer: Kyle Yu

Completion date:


项目地点: 中国 台北 设计师: 石坊空间设计研究/郭宗翰 摄影师: 凯莉·于 完成时间: 2008

Vision and circulation guide trend of space. Independent ladder is used with pure white ceiling and terrace, echoing with modern keynote. White terrace at the entrance was integrated in space. Main visual axis with L-shape framework collocating with shape wraparound demarcation, exposing architecture body and dragging out of infinite tension of space. At the entrance, bar counter which is like wooden box sets off the wood grain ceiling and terrace more naturally through leaning narrow angle and oblique angle, which gives prominence to unique charm of dark black beam column. Dying and perming area keeps the rounded hollow-out, which is near the window, and it is the best position for viewing landscape. Natural light is brought into interior space, which makes this area integrate with outdoor green colour, so as to make people enjoy joyful and comfortable atmosphere. Behind bar counter, there is a haircutting area organised by some wooden boxes. At the end part, bar code style mirror faces with unsymmetrical cuttings enfold and stand side by side, which reflect corresponding relationship of spatial texture and create an order.

112 - 113

视觉景象和流通路径引导着空间走势。沙龙纯白色的天花板 和平台极具现代气息。入口处白色的平台完全融入了空间之 中。L形框架里的主视觉轴线展现了建筑结构,增加了空间 的张力。 入口处的吧台像一个木盒,它倾斜的角度突出了深黑色廊柱 的独特魅力,与木纹天花板和平台十分相称。染烫区临近 圆形凹窗,是最佳的观景地点。自然光线透过窗户射入室 内,使这一区域染上了户外鲜绿的色彩,零顾客感到愉悦而 舒适。 吧台后方是一个由木架围绕的剪发区。沙龙后部的条码形镜 子采取不对称切割,镜子依次排列,倒映出空间结构,营造 了空间次序。


1. General view of the salon 2. The reception is designed like a bar 3. Customers can have an outdoor view through the mirror 4. The rounded windows provide natural light for the interior 5. The bar’s leaning narrow angle gives prominence to unique charm of dark black beam column 6. The cutting area consists of wooden shelves 7. At the end of the salon is bar code style mirror faces with unsymmetrical cuttings

1.沙龙全景 2.前台的设计像酒吧吧台 3.顾客可以透过镜子看室外的风景 4.圆形窗户为室内带来了自然采光 5.吧台倾斜的角度突出了深黑色廊柱的独特魅力 6.理发区由木架组成 7.沙龙后部的竖条形镜子采取不对称切割

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1. Reception 2. Styling area 3. Shampoo room 4. Toilet 5. SPA room 6. Staff room

1.前台 2.造型区 3.洗发室 4.洗手间 5.SPA室 6.员工休息室


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Hair Salon Kasbah 古堡美发沙龙 Location:

Nagano Japan


no.555 – Tsuchida Takuya

Photographer: Torimura Koichi

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 长野 设计师: no.555设计事务所——土田拓也 摄影师: 酉村光一 完成时间: 2007

11 - 11

The site is located in a business district where unplaned land lines up in the heartland of Nagano Prefecture. The house with the hair salon was planned here. First of all, walls were planned around the site to guard the site from the neighbourings. The functional area is inserted deeply in the second and the third floor to secure the lighting and ventilation. The hair salon is located on the first floor. Since the salon is targeted to the middle-age, the building looks sealed to give the brand image of “the customer is covered and secured”. The building is designed to secure residential comfort and salon brand at same time to endure the surrounding change in the future.

这座带有美发沙龙的住宅位于长野县中心商业区一块未经规 划的区域。建筑周围的墙壁将住宅与周边的建筑隔绝开来。 住宅的主要功能区设在三楼和四楼,保证了最佳的照明和通 风。 美发沙龙设在二楼,以中年人为主要客户群体。严丝合缝的 建筑外观给沙龙的形象是:顾客在这里是安全的。整体设计 既保证了住宅般的舒适,又体现了沙龙的品牌,也便于适应 未来周边建筑的改造。


1. The salon is an open space 2. There’s a void between the envelope and the window wall 3. General view of the salon 4. The French windows provide natural light

1.沙龙是一个开放式空间 2.建筑外墙和玻璃幕墙之间有一大块缝隙 3.沙龙全景 4.落地窗提供了丰富的自然采光






120 - 121

1. Staircase 2. Cutting area 3. Shampoo area 4. Waiting area 5. Lab

1.楼梯 2.剪发区 3.洗发区 4.等候区 5.药剂调配区

3 4


Tierra 蒂艾拉沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan


Ryo Matsui Architects

Photographer: T. Hiraga

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: 松井亮建筑都市设计事务所 摄影师: T.平贺 完成时间: 2008

122 - 123

This hair salon is located in the Tokyo city centre. It is a salon which consists of haircut area, shampoo area, head-spa room, arrangement area and VIP rooms to treat people’s hair comprehensively. The client wanted the space with tranquility and spirituality in a restricted basement level. A large number of mirrors, whose quantities unfamiliar in an ordinary architectural space, are indispensable inside the salon. Focusing on this particular condition and treating the “mirror” as one of the major component in the space formulation, the designers have attempted to deal with the function as a material instead of the space being dominated by the function. Moreover, this notion will ensure users the dramatic experience of space, including the transition of space from outside, by perceiving this context positively. Mirror's original intention of reflecting people has disappeared, and it has become an architectural portion to reflect the space itself. People will see themselves reflected in the space and will be able to reflect on oneself instead of just seeing oneself reflected in the mirror.

蒂艾拉沙龙位于东京市中心,由剪发区、洗发区、头部SPA 区、造型区和VIP室组成,为顾客提供全方位的头发护理。 沙龙的经营者希望在有限的地下室空间里打造一个幽静的灵 性空间。 与一般的建筑空间不同,大量的镜子是沙龙里必不可少的元 素。设计师以此为出发点,将镜子作为空间构置的主要因 素。设计师试图将功能作为设计的材料,而不是让功能控制 空间。这一理念会给予空间的使用者梦幻般的体验,让他们 积极地探索空间环境。在这个沙龙里,镜子反映人像的原始 功能消失了,它变成了建筑的一部分,反映着空间。人们会 在空间里看到自己的倒影,并且可以在空间内进行自我反 思。 设计师同样花费了大量精力在灯光设计上。灯光设备的运用 不仅考虑了美观和实用,而且考虑了使用者的舒适度。墙壁 和天花板上装饰着由工匠用泥土和碎石合成的特殊涂料。这 种精致而不均匀的质感与光滑的镜子表面形成了对比,强调 了屋顶的拱形结构。


1. The arches remind people of an European palace 2. The space has a warm colour tone 3. In head spa room, the lighting in the ceiling looks like stars 4. The open space has a generous and relaxing effect 5. The reception 6. The lighting design is both aesthetic and functional 7. The entrance to the salon 8. Mirrors have a magical effect in the salon design

The designers have also done trial calculations on lighting to allocate both appropriate quality and quantity of lighting equipment, not only from the aesthetician’s functional point of view, but for the user’s comfort in this space. The material covering the wall and ceiling was finished by the craftsman with the special coating containing soil and aggregate. Delicate uneven texture that contradicts with the mirror accentuates the silhouette of the arch.

1.拱门的设计让人宛如置身欧洲皇宫 2.空间的色调十分温暖 3.头部SPA室天花板上的灯光犹如点点繁星 4.开敞的空间让人感到舒适和放松 5.前台 6.灯光设计美观又实用 7.沙龙入口 8.镜子在沙龙设计中具有神奇的效果




2 1



3 4

124 - 125


1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Cloak room 4. Head SPA room 5. VIP room 6. Shampoo area 7. Arrangement area 8. Cutting area 9. Staff room 10. Waiting area 11. Toilet 12. Preparation room for hair arrangement

1.入口 2.前台 3.衣帽间 4.头部SPA室 5.VIP造型室 6.洗发区 7.造型区 8.剪发区 9.员工休息室 10.等候区 11.洗手间 12.造型准备室



126 - 127

5 6


12 - 12



Hair Salon in Golden Hall 金色大厅美发沙龙 Location:

Athens Greece


Gfra Architecture


Fotis Traganoudakis

Completion date:


项目地点: 希腊 雅典 设计师: Gfra建筑事务所 摄影师: Traganoudakis摄影 完成时间: 2009

130 - 131

The hair salon is situated in the Golden Hall Shopping Centre in Marousi, Athens, next to the Olympic Stadium. The space was divided vertically into two areas. On the ground floor the welcome and service desk is located parallel to the linearly positioned hair-dressing tables. The mezzanine is used for more private functions such as manicure, pedicure and the massage area. The overall space is designed combining two elements: the existing shell, with an industrial character, referring to the construction phase, and the new shell, using free forms and more refined materials to address the function of the shop. Therefore, the materials and colours chosen to support this concept are concretelike cement plaster on the walls, industrial cement flooring and visible metal structures for the new walls made of gypsum board and unpainted sheet metal for the service and bar desk. The minimal stair, with triangular visible metal steps leads to the metal mezzanine construction. The floor of the mezzanine is also covered with untreated metal sheets. The rough industrial character of these materials is contrasted by a choice of more refined materials suitable for a hairdressing environment. Thus parts of the walls and ceilings were covered with vinyl wallpaper; the hair-dressing desks and the sinks were shaped out of Corian, and completed with a wide use of mirrors, both for functional and decorative reason.

这个美发沙龙位于雅典的金色大厅购物中心,紧邻奥林匹克 体育场。沙龙的室内空间分为两个区域:一层的接待台与 直线排列的理发台相平行;阁楼用于更加私密的功能,如美 甲、修脚和按摩。 整体空间由两个元素组成:具备工业特征的原有墙面和结构 自由、功能精细的新墙面。室内装饰的材料和色彩也遵循了 这一原则:水泥墙面、水泥地面、金属装饰的石膏板墙面、 无漆金属板接待台。设计简洁的三角形金属楼梯直通金属阁 楼结构。阁楼的地面也是未经处理的金属板。 适合美发空间的精细材料与这些具有工业特性的材料形成了 鲜明对比。部分墙面和天花板覆盖着乙烯基墙纸;理发台和 水槽由人造大理石制成,周围装饰着大片的镜子。


1 . The hair-dressing tables were arranged in a line 2. The space has an industrial atmosphere 3. The reception parallels with the hair-dressing tables 4. Black and white contrast each other 5. The mezzanine is used for manicure, pedicure and the massage area 6. The floor of the mezzanine is covered with untreated metal sheets 7. The washing room 8. View from the entrance 9. View from the back of the mezzanine 10. Comfortable and simple-designed shampoo chairs


1.理发台呈直线排列 2.空间具有工业化气息 3.前台和理发台平行 4.黑白两色形成鲜明对比 5.阁楼是美甲、修脚和按摩区 6.阁楼地面是未经处理的金属板 7.洗手间 8.从入口处看沙龙 9.从阁楼后部看沙龙 10.舒适简约的洗发椅



7 4 6 7


132 - 133

1. Entrance 2. Stair to mezzanine 3. Waiting area 4. Reception 5. Cutting area 6. Shampoo area 7. Toilet

1.入口 2.通往阁楼的楼梯 3.等候区 4.前台 5.剪发区 6.洗发区 7.洗手间


4 5

134 - 135

6 7


136 - 137



C-Style C风格沙龙 Location:

Saitama Japan


KAMITOPEN Inc./Masahiro Yoshida


Keisuke Miyamoto

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 琦玉 设计师: KAMITOPEN设计公司/吉田昌弘 摄影师: 宫本圭介 完成时间: 2009

13 - 13

The C-Style Salon’s concepts are “Clean, Care and Colour” and its hair colouring membership system is one of their unique business points. The salon is located at station high street in Saitama. The main customer targets are the local people and the local commuters. The salon was designed and concentrated on that fitting into the local environment. Mirrors are needed at all hair salons, and only hair stylists turn on their skills at work through freely travelling back and forth between the real world and the reflected world. The designers hope to create the space where customers can recognise their changing to beautiful in the mirror by utilising characteristic of mirror. The mirror reflects two surfaces all the time by setting all furniture away from the mirror and angled forty-five degrees. By those devices, customer can see two different images, direct and reflected, whose figure is same but in different atmospheres. In addition, gradationally coloured floor and ceiling can connect the real world and the reflected world. In our ordinal life, the mirror exists naturally, and we never pay attention. However, there are two worlds in front of us.

C风格沙龙的理念是“清洁、护理、染色”,沙龙的会员制 染发是它的一个营销点。沙龙位于琦玉繁华的大街上,主要 顾客群体是当地人和通勤者。沙龙的设计十分契合当地的环 境。 镜子是美发沙龙必不可少的元素,美发师通过自己的技巧在 镜中的虚幻世界与现实世界中来回穿梭。设计师试图利用 镜子的特性,为顾客营造一个可以识别自己变美的过程的空 间。所有的家具都距镜子有一定的距离,并且呈45度角摆 放,因此,镜子可以随时反射出两个平面。 通过这些设计,顾客可以看到两种不同的景象:直接的和反 射的,二者的形象是相同的,但是处在不同的氛围之中。此 外,地板和天花板的色彩层级进一步连接了现实与虚幻的世 界。在日常生活中,我们并不会注意镜子的特别。但是在C 风格沙龙里,镜子为我们创造了两个世界。


1. It is a long and narrow space 2. The ceiling was designed with fortyfive-degree angle 3. The storefront at night 4. The shampoo area is dimly lighted 5 . Mirrors make a atmosphere be combined with reality and illusion 6. The space is simple but fashionable

1.这是一个狭长的空间 2.天花板的设计呈45度角 3.店面夜景 4.洗发区的灯光昏暗 5.镜子营造出真假难辨的效果 6.空间设计简约时尚

4 1

2 7 3



140 - 141

1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Shampoo room 4. Cutting area 5. Toilet 6. Staff room 7. Lab

1.入口 2.前台 3.洗发室 4.剪发区 5.洗手间 6.员工休息室 7.药剂调配室


4 5

142 - 143



Suave Hair 丝华芙美发 Location:

Ibaraki Japan


Kayo Hayakawa


Nacasa & Partners Inc.

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 茨城 设计师: 早川华世 摄影师: Nacasa摄影公司 完成时间: 2006

144 - 145

This building has a sharp geometric polyhedron by special shape of the site to be a symbol of this region. It makes this building characteristic. Customers can see the beautiful scenery of plentiful trees avoiding pedestrians' eyes or people’s look who is driving a car by lifting the floor 1.5 metres up from land level. While the dynamic shape, the furniture are lined up systematically, and the difference makes the atmosphere soft. To get free opening of the façade, the designers made the slanting pillar line up unequally as quake-proof wall. Because of the long span beams, there is no pillar and no partition inside to make the space flexible to use. There are several different levels inside which is made the best use of the shape, so customers can feel a wider space. This structure which has rational function of bringing strength express both the character of symbol of the town by the outside and the inside space which is softly connected with the scenery of trees.

建筑依地势而建,呈锐利的多边形结构,是该地区的标志性 建筑,极具特色。 由于建筑的楼面离地1.5米高,顾客可以坐在窗边尽情欣赏 室外的风景,而不必担心人行道或是汽车里的目光。虽然建 筑的造型生动而具有活力,室内家具的布置却有条有理,使 空间看起来格外柔和。玻璃外墙边设有交叉的木廊柱,用以 抗震。由于屋顶的横梁具有很高的跨度,室内并没有隔断或 是柱子,空间可以被灵活的运用。设计师充分利用建筑的造 型,设置了多层结构,让空间看起来更宽敞。 从外面看,美发沙龙造型硬朗有力,反映了城镇的个性;从 内部看,柔和的空间与周边茂密的树木相得益彰。


1. This building has a sharp geometric polyhedron 2. There are several different levels inside, so customers can feel a wider space 3. Customers can see the beautiful scenery of plentiful trees through the windows 4. There is no pillar and no partition inside to make the space flexible to use 5. The chair is simple-designed 6. The slanting pillar is a design feature 7. General view of the salon

1.建筑呈锐利的多边形结构 2.空间有多层层次,看起来更宽敞 3.顾客可以透过窗户看到外面茂密的树木 4.室内并没有隔断或是柱子,空间可以被灵活的运用 5.椅子的设计十分简单 6.倾斜的廊柱是空间设计的特色 7.沙龙全景


5 2 6

3 1

1. Waiting area 2. Reception 3. Styling area 4. Staff room 5. Toilet 6. Shampoo area 146 - 147

1.等候区 2.前台 3.造型区 4.员工休息室 5.洗手间 6.洗发区


4 5

14 - 14

6 7


Philippe Venoux 菲利普·沃努发廊 Location:

Barcelona Spain


Francesc Rifé

Completion date:


项目地点: 西班牙 巴塞罗那 设计师: 弗朗西斯科·利弗 完成时间: 2008

Located on the ground floor of a for mer rehabilitated building in the heart of the high zone of Barcelona, Philippe Venoux has renewed its emblematic hair dressing salon, obtaining a modern and sober image. It’s a space of approximately 85 square metres distributed in two areas – reception and zone of work – on a plant with irregular structure. There’s a great glazed façade that integrates the main entrance, creating a completely per meable space of transition between the exterior and the interior. The lighting is originated from the ground, accentuating the columns that distribute the space in three big openings and that allow a total vision of the space from the street: on the right, the reception, showcase and integrated built-in cupboards, and on the left, a great hanging of mirror that integrates the labelling of Philippe Venoux. Thanks to this hanging of mirror, there has been obtained an effect of geometriccubic symmetry, saving the difficulties of the triangular structure of the plant. The main colour of the space is white, in contraposition to the dark tone of the hair. Different elements and volumes in the project follow the same language: pavement of resins in white colour with sheen finished, specific furniture in black. This game of contrasts is presented in different areas to provide the client an intimate atmosphere.

150 - 151

菲利普·沃努沙龙位于巴塞罗那中心区的一座先前的住宅楼 里,设计现代而清新。发廊总面积为85平方米,分为两个 部分——前台和工作区,内部呈不规则结构。 主入口的外墙采用了大片的落地玻璃,沟通了室内外空间。 来源于地面的灯光突出了分散在空间里的小圆柱。这些灯 光让人们从街道上看见室内的景象:右侧是前台和嵌入式橱 柜,左侧是印有菲利普·沃努品牌标识的镜子。这些镜子产 生了一种立体对称效果,让三角形空间布局更加简单。 空间的主要色调是白色,与头发的深色色调形成了对比。项 目所运用的不同元素使用了同一种语言:白色的树脂地面和 闪耀着光泽的黑色家具相结合。这种对比效果在不同区域为 顾客呈现出一种私密的氛围。


1. View from the entrance 2. There’s a great glazed façade at the main entrance 3. The exit of the staircase is surrounded by poles 4. White floor and walls contrast with black furniture

1.从入口处看沙龙 2.主入口处是一大片落地镜 3.楼梯的入口处环绕着立杆 4.白色的地面和墙壁与黑色的家具形成了对比


4 1 4

4 2 5

152 - 153


1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Shampoo area 4. Cutting area 5. Staircase 6. Toilet

1.入口 2.前台 3.洗发区 4.剪发区 5.楼梯 6.洗手间


154 - 155



Arrojo Cutler Salon 阿罗州·卡特勒沙龙 Location:

New York USA


Messana O'Rorke Architects


Elizabeth Felicella

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 纽约 设计师: 梅萨纳·奥罗克建筑事务所 摄影师: 伊丽莎白·芙丽瑟拉 完成时间: 2006

156 - 157

The programme for the salon was extremely simple; the designers were to provide optimum capacity for the three basic functions of the salon: hair cutting, hair colouring and product retail, and also the possibility of utilising some of the space for teaching seminars. The form of the gutted space and the two functional elements of the programme, hair cutting and colouring, generated the design for the project. These elemental functional areas were interconnected and linked together by an axial wall. The entrance and the Aveda retail area all occur at the con joinment of these two spaces and straddle a change in level. Long horizontal backlit stainless steel shelves, for retail products are the only elements that inhabit the monolithic brown coloured wall. Clients pass through this wall to access dressing rooms, hair wash sinks, toilets, etc. The fixtures further exaggerate the horizontal aspect of the design and break down into two categories of design format. The first category of fixtures inhabits the edge of the space between the interior and the external glass. These fixtures include the window display, retail shelves and the colour wall, all incorporate floor‑to‑ceiling

沙龙的设计极为简单,设计师为沙龙设计了三个基本功能 区——理发区、染发区和产品零售区,以及一个进行小组教 学的空间。 空间的布局和项目的两个功能性元素——剪发和染发决定了 项目的基本设计理念。这些功能区通过一个轴向墙连接起 来,而沙龙的入口和零售区设在这两个区域的对面,在不同 的水平面上。 摆放零售产品的不锈钢架子是棕色墙面上唯一的装饰。顾客 穿过这面墙到达更衣室、洗发池、洗手间等。这些固定装置 强化了水平方向的设计,共分为两类。第一类装置设在玻璃 墙的边缘,包括橱窗展示、零售货架和彩色墙壁,这些设计 全部融入了金属柱子的设计,货架、镜子、面板、工作台和 橱窗都悬在这些柱子上。第二类装置是设置在开放式空间里 的长桌和镜子。这些元素可以被旋转或移开,以进行教学讲 座。


1. The salon’s logo was printed on the windows 2. Metal elements were displayed everywhere in the design 3. The reception 4. The salon can be converted into a classroom

1.沙龙的标识印在窗玻璃上 2.设计到处都融入了金属元素 3.前台 4.沙龙还可以被改装成美发教室

metal columns from which shelves, mirrors, panels, work surfaces and display vitrine are suspended. The second group of fixtures inhabits the open space; these are long narrow tables with billboard mirrors. These elements can be swung or rolled out of the way to create open space for demonstration seminars.



3 1



15 - 15

1. Reception 2. Styling area 3. Shampoo area 4. Toilet 5. Staff room

1.前台 2.造型区 3.洗发区 4.洗手间 5.员工休息室

3 4


Hair Salon in Kolonaki 科隆纳其美发沙龙 Location:

Athens Greece


gfra architecture


Fotis Traganoudakis

Completion date:


项目地点: 希腊 雅典 设计师: gfra建筑事务所 摄影师: Traganoudakis摄影 完成时间: 2008

160 - 161

The hair salon is situated in the heart of the Kolonaki area of downtown Athens. This is the area where most fashionable shops are situated. One enters the hair salon in a lower part, where one encounters the reception desk and the toilets. In the elevated level are the hairdressing and hair washing areas. Finally a more separated mezzanine houses supplementary functions such as pedicure and manicure spaces.

这座美发沙龙位于雅典的科隆纳其区,该区林立着各式各样 的时尚商店。美发沙龙的底层是接待台和洗手间,理发和洗 发区设在较高的区域,而独立的夹层阁楼里设置着美甲、修 脚空间。

An atmosphere of designed contradiction was created: a clear monolithic space with a characteristic glittery plaster, encloses many elements of a decorative nature: lights, furniture, accessories etc. The shop is partly “overdesigned” to emphasise luxury, and partly left as it was found, such as the cracked terrazzo cement floor and the “bleached” wenge wooden fur niture, to create less formality.

天花板以黑色闪光石膏板为背景,上面设置着通风装置和装 饰灯具。这种自在的奢华还体现在洗手间里,金色的壁纸与 水泥地面也十分相称。这种环境让顾客在理发时感觉到放松 与舒适。

The ceiling participates by combining the functional light and ventilation with the d e c o r a t i v e l i g h t i n g f i x t u re s , a g a i n o n a background of black glitter plaster. This attitude of relaxed luxury continues in the toilets, which are cladded with gold wallpapers, protected by glass, again in combination with the existing cement floor. This environment makes the clients feel relaxed and comfortable when they are doing the hair dressing.

沙龙内部的气氛具有鲜明的对比,以简洁的闪光石膏墙壁为 主体的单一空间里点缀着多种装饰元素:灯具、家具、装饰 品等。整个沙龙设计有些过分强调奢华的氛围,破裂的水磨 石地板和脱色木家具减少了正式的感觉。


1. Exterior view of the salon 2. The chandelier was decorated with feathers 3. It’s a home-like space 4. General view of the salon 5. Different areas have different lighting fixtures 6. A separate hair-dressing table

1.沙龙外观 2.设计独特的吊灯上装饰着羽毛 3.这是一个家一般的空间 4.沙龙全景 5.不同区域有不同的灯光装置 6.一个独立的理发台

2 1 5


4 3 3 3

162 - 163

1. Entrance, window shop 2. Reception 3. Cutting area 4. Shampoo area 5. Toilet 6. Auxiliary space

1.入口,橱窗店铺 2.前台 3.剪发区 4.洗发区 5.洗手间 6.辅助空间


4 5

164 - 165



Produce Hashimoto 桥本制造美发沙龙 Location:

Kanagawa Japan


KAMITOPEN Inc./Masahiro Yoshida


Keisuke Miyamoto

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 神奈川 设计师: KAMITOPEN设计公司/吉田昌弘 摄影师: 宫本圭介 完成时间: 2007

166 - 167

The “Produce” salon’s concept is the customer transforms oneself. The salon transforms styles, time and feelings of the customers and renew themselves. The interior design was recreated with the concept of “transformation”. Produce Hashimoto is located at a main commuting street in a private residential area, just off from Hashimoto station. The design is targeting family. Ripples are “patterns drawn by waves on the surface of water”, “influence on other people or things” and “shape that looks like a wave”. Light spreads, interfering each other like ripples. As ripples cause ripples, influences infinitely grow larger and larger. Those effects create a space which goes beyond the meaning of “light”. Simple action and influence, cutting hairs, infinitely spreads to customers’ daily lives, life and community like stones thrown to the water.

“制造”沙龙的基本理念是“顾客的自我转变”。沙龙通过 转变顾客的风格、时间和感受来使他们重获新生。因此,沙 龙的设计理念也是“转变”。桥本制造美发沙龙位于桥本站 边的一处私人住宅区内,以家庭为主要客户群体。 涟漪是“波浪在水面上形成的图案”,是“人和事物之间的 相互影响”,也是“看似波纹的形状”。光线的散布与相 互作用正如波纹一样,相互作用,无穷无尽。这些效果使空 间超越了光的意义。剪发这样简单的行为散播到了顾客的生 活、工作、日常交流中,就像被丢入水中的石头一样。


1. Ripple patterns were repeated in the salon design 2. The war m lighting creates a comfortable effect 3. The storefront at night 4. VIP styling room 5. White furniture contrasts with black floor 6. Dark brown leather wall with grids looks luxury 7. Even the stools look like ripples 8. Shampoo area is warm and cosy

1.沙龙设计中反复使用了涟漪图案 2.温暖的灯光营造了舒适的效果 3.店面夜景 4.VIP造型室 5.白色的家具与黑色的地面形成了对比 6.深棕色的格子皮墙面营造出奢华感 7.甚至连凳子看起来都像涟漪 8.洗发区温暖而舒适







16 - 16

1. Reception 2. Cutting area 3. Shampoo area 4. VIP styling room

1.前台 2.剪发区 3.洗发区 4.VIP造型室



170 - 171



172 - 173

7 8


Cesare Ragazzi 西萨尔·拉嘉思发廊 Location:

Zurich Switzerland


Rossetti + Wyss Architekten


Juerg Zimmermann

Completion date:


项目地点: 瑞士 苏黎世 设计师: Rossetti + Wyss建筑事务所 摄影师: 杰格·齐默尔曼 完成时间: 2008

The Hairdresser Cesare Ragazzi is located at Puls 5 Shopping Mall in Zurich. Six main guide walls divide the interior space in zones of various dimensions. Around the concrete core in the centre of the shop results a wide and neutral hallway, guided by the main walls. The ambiance lighting was set into the guide walls and provides the illumination of the space. The floor is the main reflector of the indirect light concept. The large sized glass boards carry natural and artificial light to the surrounding working spaces and ensure the requested privacy, although with a lack of any hermetic separation. The overall design gives people neat lines of the structure and bright impression. The work presents a modern and elegantly simple design style. The green roof adds a pure natural feeling into the interior, but also the pure and fresh colour embrace the client. Simple and high quality feeling of the seat assembly is located in space. It makes the environment comfortable so that the clients have easy feeling. The partitions look like crystal wall in the rain, which the texture looks quite natural and beautiful. They are not only clearly divided into the boundaries of the region, but also make room brightness, the light soft and the space comfy and cosy.

174 - 175

西萨尔·拉嘉思发廊位于苏黎世Puls 5商场里,室内由六面 隔墙划分出不同的空间。这些墙壁围绕着发廊中心的混凝土 墙形成了宽敞而中立的走廊。隔墙上的气氛灯为室内提供了 照明,而地板则是间接照明的主要反射器。巨大的半透明玻 璃板将灯光和自然光导入周边的工作区,同时也保证了空间 的私密性。 空间的整体设计给人以干净的线条和明快的印象,呈现出现 代而优雅的简洁设计风格。绿色的天花板为室内增添了纯自 然感觉,也让顾客感到更加清新和纯净。简单而又不失质感 的座椅依次排列,为客户营造出一种舒适、惬意的感觉。 隔断看起来像是雨中的水晶墙,使材质的纹理看来更自然、 更优美。它们不仅划分了区域的界限,还增加了空间的明亮 度,让光线更加柔和,让空间更加舒适。


1. Simple and high quality seats are arranged in a line 2. The green roof adds a pure natural feeling into the interior 3. The partitions look like crystal wall in the rain 4. The reception 5. A hairdressing table

1.简单而高质量的座椅排成一列 2.绿色的天花板为室内增添了纯自然感觉 3.隔断看起来像是雨中的水晶墙 4.前台 5.美发台






2 4



176 - 177

1. Reception 2. Cutting area 3. VIP room 4. Waiting area 5. Shampoo area 6. Staff room

1.前台 2.剪发区 3.VIP造型室 4.等候区 5.洗发区 6.员工休息室



17 - 17



Tan Bella Hair and Tanning Salon 棕贝拉美发和日光浴沙龙 Location:

San Francisco USA


Natoma Architects Inc.


Rien van Rijthoven

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 旧金山 设计师: Natoma建筑事务所 摄影师: 瑞恩·范里奇德温 完成时间: 2007

10 - 11

Tan Bella is a luxurious tanning salon located in San Francisco, California. The interior design, an elegant interior with unique wall pattern, combined perfectly with latest technology will give customers a completely different tanning experience. Tan Bella is all covered in hairy three form panelling. The problem of cut hair falling on the floor and messing the stylish look is eliminated. The space comprises a main area with a central reception desk and cutting stations on both sides. Behind, a series of cubicles with tanning machines are arranged along a hallway. Dividing the hallway is a long and low product display table. At the end are the shampoo stations, the colouring area and restrooms. The ambience is clubby and dark, with spotlights beaming on the patrons, and violet light radiating from the tanning cubicles along the hallway.

棕贝拉是一家奢华日光浴沙龙,位于加州的旧金山市。沙龙 优雅的室内设计以独特的墙面图案为特色,完美地结合了最 先进的技术,为顾客带来了一个全新的日光浴体验。 棕贝拉室内的墙面上布满了头发,这样一来,便不存在剪下 来的头发破坏整体空间造型的问题。空间的中心是一个接 待台,两侧是理发台。安放着日光浴机器的小隔间沿着后方 的走廊两侧依次排开。走廊的中央是低矮、细长的产品展示 桌。空间的尽头则是洗发台、染发区和洗手间。 沙龙的整体氛围私密而昏暗:只有少量的聚光灯打在顾客身 上,日光浴室的深紫色光线弥漫在走廊里。


1. View from the entrance 2. A series of cubicles with tanning machines are arranged along the hallway 3. The reception 4. The storefront at night 5. Cutting stations 6. The walls were decorated with hairs

1.从入口看沙龙 2.安放着日光浴机器的小隔间沿着后方的走廊 两侧依次排开 3.前台 4.店面夜景 5.理发台 6.墙壁上装饰着头发





12 - 13





1. Reception 2. Hair salon 3. Hallway 4. Shampoo area 5. Tanning cubicles

1.前台 2.美发沙龙 3.走廊 4.洗发区 5.日光浴隔间


4 5

14 - 15



Suite 套房沙龙 Location:

Fukuoka Japan


Koichi Futatsumata

Photographer: Hiroshi Mizusaki

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 福冈 设计师: 二俣公一 摄影师: 水崎浩志 完成时间: 2008

16 - 17

This hair salon in Fukuoka City, Japan, is a "hommage to the existing tiles". Converted from an old four-storey office building, the salon is on the first to third floors, and the residence is on the fourth floor. In nowaday Japan, the opinion on the trend of “scrap and build” has just started to change. The most important subject is how to redesign old buildings and create street scenes with creativity. The problem was how to work with the white tiled exterior which was the only character of the building and definitely not fascinating at all. Either remove all of the tiles or make good use of them. The designers tried to make a new concept using these tiles as a proof of the history of the building. The designers finally started to build the interior with other tiles and to adore these exterior white tiles. The designers used different colours and luster of tiles for the floors and the walls in the salon. The gradation of the tiles formed the character of the salon.

套房沙龙位于日本福冈,主要设计理念是“向建筑上原有的 瓷砖致敬”。沙龙的前身是一座四层的办公楼,现在一到三 层是沙龙,四楼是住宅。在日本,人们已经开始改变“推倒 重建”的观念。当前最重要的目标就是如何运用创意重塑旧 建筑和街道的景观。 设计的关键是如何让沙龙与建筑外墙单调的白色瓷砖相映 衬。设计师有两种选择:拆除这些瓷砖或是对它们好好加以 利用。设计师试图利用这些瓷砖展示建筑的历史,在室内用 其他的瓷砖来装饰外墙的白瓷砖。设计师在沙龙的地面和墙 壁上运用不同色彩和光泽的瓷砖。瓷砖的渐变是沙龙的主要 特征。


1. The storefront at night 2. The gradation of the tiles formed the character of the salon 3. A comfortable shampoo chair 4. General view of the salon 5. The tiles link the interior and exterior spaces 6. Wood floor adds warmth to the space

1.店面夜景 2.瓷砖的渐变是沙龙的主要特征 3.一个舒适的洗发床 4.沙龙全景 5.瓷砖将室内外空间连接起来 6.木地板增添了空间的温馨感

10 4 5










1 - 1

1. Entrance 2. Reception/waiting area 3. Setting area 4. Staff room 5. Toilet 6. Staircase 7. Cutting area 8. Waiting area 9. Shampoo area 10. Office 11. Head SPA room 12. Storage

1.入口 2.前台/等候区 3.准备区 4.员工休息室 5.洗手间 6.楼梯 7.剪发区 8.等候区 9.洗发区 10.办公室 11.头部SPA 12.储藏室


4 5

10 - 11



Vasken Demirjian Salon 维斯肯·德米尔金沙龙 Location:

New York USA


MSK Design Group

Photographer: Stan Wan

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 纽约 设计师: MSK设计集团 摄影师: 斯坦·温 完成时间: 2009

12 - 13

This is a highly conceptual boutique salon. The crisp white environment is a clear background, a clean palette, which accurately showcases the colour and the hair design. Sharp, clean and glossy surfaces, along with ambient soft lighting give the space a very flattering glow. The layout in the salon is very cohesive and harmonious among the colour and styling departments which allows for effortless circulation for both staffs and customers and increases productivity. All the furniture was custom designed and built from white and red Corian, including the custom built styling “Cubes” that serve as compact and mobile storage units as well as work stations for the stylists. Dashes of red and glossy geometric shapes punctuate the interior and showcase the architecturally renowned “floating ceiling” that is composed of an intricate blanket of white cylinders that allow for a glowing diffusion of soft, ambient light perfect for hair colour.

这是一家高端精品沙龙。清爽的白色环境为美发、染发设计 提供了干净的背景。尖锐、简洁、闪亮的表面和柔和的灯光 相结合,让空间炫彩夺目,惹人喜爱。 沙龙的空间布局十分紧凑,围绕着色彩和造型有序地展开, 为工作人员和顾客提供了有利的路径,提高了效率。全部 的家具都采用红白两色的人造大理石,包括极具风格的“方 块”。“方块”既可以作为移动的存储柜,又可以作为造型 师的工作台。白色的圆筒造型交错排列,形成了漂浮的天花 板,让灯光看起来更加柔和,更适合染发的照明,而极具冲 击感的红色则点缀其间。


1. The white space was decorated with colourful products 2. The floating ceiling was composed of an intricate blanket of white cylinders 3. Cutting stations and waiting area 4. There is a bar for customers to wait 5. The interior is basically in two colours: white and red 6. The shampoo area

1.彩色的护发产品点缀着白色空间 2.白色的圆筒造型交错排列,形成了漂浮的天花板 3.理发台和等候区 4.顾客可以在吧台等候 5.室内基本由两种色彩组成:白色和红色 6.洗发区








3 13



14 - 15

1. Reception 2. Waiting area 3. Closet 4. Changing room 5. Toilet 6. Coffee bar 7. Manicure/pedicure room 8. Colour bar 9. Shampoo area 10. Laundry 11. Kitchen 12. Toilet 13. Cutting area

1.前台 2.等候区 3.衣橱 4.更衣室 5.洗手间 6.咖啡吧 7.美甲/修脚室 8.染剂调配台 9.洗发区 10.洗衣房 11.厨房 12.洗手间 13.剪发区



196 - 197

5 6


Hairstyling Nafi 娜菲造型 Location:

Basel Switzerland


ZMIK in collaboration with SÜDQUAI patente.unikate.

Photographer: Eik Frenzel

Completion date:


项目地点: 瑞士 巴塞尔 设计师: ZMIK设计事务所和SÜDQUAI设计事务所 摄影师: 艾克·弗兰泽尔 完成时间: 2009

1 - 1

The most important element of Hairstyling Nafi’s refurbishment is that the entrance of the salon has been wallpapered with photocopies from Vogue magazine. The space is subdivided into two zones, which are separated by a sharp border. The two areas strongly contrast in their function as well as in their spatial atmosphere. The ceiling and the walls of the entry zone are seamlessly covered with photocopies on packaging paper made from Vogue magazines from the 1920s until today. Opulently furnished and bathed in warm light, the entry is an invitation for a rest, for purchasing products and for discussing the newest styling trends. This butts abruptly into the second segment, designed for working – it's brightly lit and bare. In the white working area nothing distracts the work of the hair stylist. The ideal light for working, the bright and glossy surfaces and the reduced furnishing put the newly cut hairstyles into the centre of attention.

娜菲造型室内设计最显著的元素就是沙龙的入口处采用了 Vogue杂志的影印版作为墙纸。 空间被划分为两个区域,二者之间的界限鲜明,从功能和空 间氛围上都形成了强烈的对比。入口处的墙面和天花板上贴 满了从20世纪20年代至今的Vogue杂志的影印版。入口处 的家具齐全,光线温和,使顾客可以放心地休息、购买产品 或是讨论最新的流行时尚。而工作区则恰好相反,异常明 亮而空旷。白色的工作区里,造型师的精神得到了高度集 中。明亮的光线和光滑的表面使新发型成为了注意力的核心。


1. General view of the salon 2. The space is subdivided into two zones by a sharp border 3. Opulently furnished and bathed in warm light, the entry zone makes customers feel comfortable 4. The reception

1.沙龙全景 2.空间被划分为两个区域,由鲜明的界限隔开 3.入口处的家具齐全,光线温和,让顾客感到舒适 4.前台





200 - 201

1. Reception 2. Waiting area 3. Shampoo area 4. Cutting area

1.前台 2.休息区 3.洗发区 4.剪发区


202 - 203



Hairu Hair Treatment 哈鲁护发沙龙 Location:

Jakarta Indonesia


Chrystalline Artchitect


William Sebastian

Completion date:


项目地点: 印度尼西亚 雅加达 设计师: Chrystalline建筑事务所 摄影师: 威廉姆·塞巴斯蒂安 完成时间: 2009

204 - 205

The idea is to create a space within an existing space. The entrance is the dark colour wooden louvre on both sides. Once you enter the gate, there are six treatment areas which covered by black and white fabric to define a private treatment area for each customer. The soft material is acting as a divider that could be moved to get along with the other, and the hard material, black cotton, is acting as a permanent divider from the main corridor. The ribbon mirrors on the both side wall are carried through the view of all the space with private sight just for the client without eyes contact with the therapist. Andesit stone was applied as wall treatment. It is randomised between rough and flat side to create a distraction from a shipshape form of the design. There is continuous light above it and the mirror below is aim to give a floating image from the floor. Semi-outdoor experience also appears in floor finishing which is a natural texture ceramic in the waiting area and staging dark colour parquets in the treatment area that is surrounded by coral stone as the border. The only ceiling treatment is a wooden louvre with continuous lights, which acts as general lighting, along the main corridor, and the rest is black out open ceiling.

项目的设计理念是打造一个屋中屋。入口的两侧是深色的木 质百叶窗,穿过内门,映入眼帘的是六个由黑白布艺隔开 的护发区,每位顾客都能享受自己的私密空间。材质柔软的 纱帘可以被拨到旁边,而黑色的棉布则将走廊和护理区永久 地隔开。两侧墙面上带状的镜子让顾客可以避免与理疗师对 视,又能看到空间里的所有景象。安山岩在墙面上高低不平 地随意排列着,打乱了井然有序的室内设计。上方的灯光和 下方的镜子让人感觉地板漂浮在空中。 等候区的地面采取了自然石材,让人犹如置身户外;理疗区 的深色拼花地板边缘环绕着珊瑚石。天花板的中央采用了木 质百叶窗结构,延续的灯光透过百叶板射到走廊上。天花板 的剩余部分均为黑色。


1. The space was designed along a corridor 2. The dark colour wooden louvre on the both sides of the entrance 3. The waiting area at the entrance 4. The interior lighting is soft and dim 5. Mirrors enlarge the space visually 6. The black curtain divides the individual treatment space from the main corridor

1.空间沿着一条走廊展开 2.入口的两侧是深色的木质百叶窗 3.入口处的等候区 4.室内灯光昏暗柔和 5.镜子让空间看起来更开阔 6.黑色的棉布将走廊和护理区隔开



2 4



206 - 207

1. Reception 2. Corridor 3. Hair treatment 4. Shampoo area 5. Balcony

1.前台 2.走廊 3.护发区 4.洗发区 5.阳台


4 5

20 - 20



Sense Spa 感官SPA沙龙 Location:

New York USA

Designer: MARKZEFF

Photographer: Eric Laignel

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 纽约 设计师: MARKZEFF设计公司 摄影师: 艾利克·莱格纳尔 完成时间: 2008

210 - 211

Sense Spa is a spa salon in Carlyle Hotel. The designers’ impressive challenge with Sense was to create a space that would reflect the Art Deco style and elegance that is a trademark of the Carlyle Hotel and simultaneously combine it with the most advanced technology in the skincare and beauty industries. Faced with limited space and a landmarked New York City institution, the designers’ solution was to create an incredible oasis that bridged the dramatic Busby Berkeley-esque glamour of 1940s Hollywood with clean and modern lines. This approach resulted in a jewel-like haven that is sophisticated, elegant and exudes subdued charm. The atmosphere by design is equally glamorous and supremely relaxing. A dramatic black and gray colour scheme is highlighted with luminous lacquered wall panels, deep charcoal faux leather floors and English chandeliers. A spectacular barrel-vaulted stairwell finished in naturally shimmering platinum mosaic tiles leads to the treatment rooms. In the women’s locker room as well as in the Yves Durif salon, the dark wood of the treatment rooms was contrasted with an all white design and white Carrara marble to enhance the glamour quotient. Lush patterned wool carpets and rich lacquered wood paneling and molding lend the Sense Spa a timeless, classic style.

感官SPA沙龙位于卡莱尔酒店内部,因此,设计师决定将设 计一个具备装饰艺术风格(卡莱尔酒店的标志性特色)的优 雅空间,并将这一空间与先进的护肤、美容技术自然地融合 在一起。面对狭小的空间,设计师决定将20世纪40年代好 莱坞的伯克利风格与简洁干净的现代线条结合在一起,形成 一块神奇的绿洲。最终,沙龙被设计成一个宛如宝石般的天 堂,精妙、优雅而迷人。 沙龙的设计既崇尚魅力,又崇尚轻松。夸张的黑灰色调与闪 亮的喷漆墙面、木炭人造革地面和英式吊灯交相辉映。夸张 的圆形穹顶楼梯上装饰着闪耀的白金马赛克,楼梯直接通往 理疗室。理疗室采用黑木设计,而女士更衣室和伊芙·德里 夫沙龙则采用全白的卡拉拉大理石,二者的对比增加了沙龙 的魅力指数。花纹丰富的羊毛地毯和喷漆木质面板为感官 SPA沙龙打造了永恒的经典风格。


1. Chandeliers in the reception area look like stars 2. The hair salon is a space of black and white 3. The golden staircase looks gorgeous 4. Black and white are always classical 5. In the women’s locker room, white Carrara marble enhances the glamour quotient 6. Lush patterned wool carpets and rich lacquered wood panelling and molding lend the space a timeless, classic style 7. A treatment room

1.前台的吊灯宛如点点星光 2.美发沙龙是一个黑白空间 3.金色楼梯看起来富丽堂皇 4.黑白是永恒的经典 5.女士更衣室的白色卡拉拉大理石增添了魅力 指数 6.花纹丰富的羊毛地毯和喷漆木质面板为沙龙 打造了永恒的经典风格 7.理疗室

8 1

5 9




4 9



212 - 213



1. Entrance 2. Retail area 3. Hair salon 4. Waiting room 5. Locker room 6. Treatment room/fitness centre 7. Private treatment room 8. Shower room 9. Toilet 10. Reception

1.入口 2.零售区 3.美发沙龙 4.等候室 5.更衣室 6.理疗室/健身中心 7.私人理疗室 8.浴室 9.洗手间 10.前台


4 5

214 - 215

6 7


Blythe 布莱丝美发沙龙 Location:

Kyoto Japan


YASUO IMAZU/ninkipen! Architect office

Photographer: Hiroki Kawata

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 京都 设计师: YASUO IMAZU/ninkipen!建筑事务所 摄影师: 川田宏树 完成时间: 2008

216 - 217

Blythe is a Boudoir-Style salon. From shabby chic to gothic and over the top, opulent glamour is the key to this style of salon design. Black chairs and white walls, the main colours of the whole salon contrast with each other, which will supply more inspirations to the hairdressers. Customers can sit and witness the whole progress of their hair changed in such a clean and comfortable environment, making it an enjoyable experience. When a person reflects in a large mirror, a blank increases because the area in which a person reflects doesn’t change. In addition, when the mirror is inclined by five degrees and the area of ceiling in it increases, the customer can obtain a sense of freedom. Next, a shampoo space was divided from a cut space by twisting the whole. Then, two spaces should be originally optimised in sound and lighting environment.

布莱丝是一家闺房风格的沙龙。这种风格的设计范围极广, 摩登、哥特、夸张风格等魅力设计都牵涉其中。黑和白是这 个沙龙设计的主色调,黑色的座椅和白色的墙面形成了鲜明 的对比,可以为发型师提供更多的灵感。在这个简洁而舒适 的环境中,顾客可以坐在桌前见证自己发型的改变,这个过 程令人愉悦。 当人们在大镜子中看到自己的时候,由于周边的环境并没 有改变,人们会感到空虚。但是,当镜子倾斜5度放置的时 候,天花板的也被映入镜中,人们便能感受到自由。洗发区 和剪发区被隔绝开来,将整个空间都扭曲了。这两个空间的 声效和光效都得到了最优化。


1. Chairs of different styles make the space Boudoir-Style 2. Customers can sit and witness the whole progress of their hair changed 3. The whole space has a clean and comfortable sense

1.不同风格的座椅让空间产生了闺房感 2.在这个简洁而舒适的环境中,顾客可以坐在 桌前见证自己发型的改变 3.整个空间有种洁净和舒适感


3 4


21 - 21

1. Shampoo area 2. Cutting area 3. Entrance 4. Toilet

1.洗发区 2.剪发区 3.入口 4.洗手间



Studio 1452 1452工作室 Location:

Santa Monica USA


Narduli Studio


Art Gray, Hinerfeld Ward

Completion date:


项目地点: 美国 圣塔莫尼卡 设计师: 纳杜利工作室 摄影师: 格雷艺术工作室,辛内菲尔德·沃德 完成时间: 2009

220 - 221

Studio 1452 – the West Coast headquarters for the KMS and Goldwell hair care brands – is a project about beauty, creation and perception. It is the launch site for a new business model that brings together three functions in one space: Hair Salon, Training Academy and Corporate Offices. The project is located in a 1920s masonry structure within a busy retail district of Santa Monica. The designers stripped the building down to its original brick and wood truss shell. Within this industrial framework, the spaces are designed to function as discrete elements or to open up into larger interconnected zones of activity. The street view into the building focuses on the salon. A folded white surface defines the space within the darker brick and concrete volume. This folded plane becomes reception desk, perimeter wall, colour bar, work station, retail and graphic display, storage and seating. Transparency and connection between spaces was important to the client. Glass walls and operable panels slide open to create larger rooms for events and shows.

1452工作室是KMS和Goldwell美发品牌在美国西海岸的总 部,这个项目设计以美、创意和感觉为主要设计理念,集美 发沙龙、教学基地和办公三大功能于一身,开创了美发业的 新模式。 项目位于圣塔莫尼卡商业区一座建于20世纪20年代的砖石 建筑里。设计师保留了建筑原有的砖石墙壁和木桁架,并在 这个工业化框架里划分出不同功能的空间,或私密,或开 放。 从街面上看,沙龙是建筑的焦点。深色的砖墙和混凝土结构 里设置着白色的组合隔断。隔断通过折叠形成了接待台、围 墙、染发吧、工作台、零售货架、储藏室和休息处。对于顾 客来说,空间的通透性和连接度是至关重要的。玻璃隔墙和 可控式玻璃拉门创造了更大的空间。


1. The salon is an open space 2. Large screens with fashion hair styles 3. The salon has an industrial style 4. Large French windows provide natural light for the interior

1.沙龙采用开放式空间 2.带有潮流发型巨幅屏风 3.沙龙设计具有工业风格 4.大片的落地窗为室内提供了自然采光



10 14

11 4 15








222 - 223

1. Entrance 2. Retail area 3. Salon 4. Reception 5. Changing room 6. Open lounge 7. Color bar 8. Shampoo area 9. Breakroom 10. Toilet 11. Modular stage 12. Academy space 13. Conference room 14. Model shampoo 15. Open office

1.入口 2.零售区 3.沙龙 4.前台 5.更衣室 6.休息室 7.染剂调配台 8.洗发区 9.员工休息室 10.洗手间 11.模式化舞台 12.研究空间 13.会议室 14.示范洗发区 15.开放式办公区

3 4


Jenny House Beauty Salon 珍妮之家美容沙龙 Location:

Seoul Korea


Di Cesare Design

Photographer: Zhang Yan

Completion date:


项目地点: 韩国 首尔 设计师: 蒂凯撒设计 摄影师: 张彦 完成时间: 2010

224 - 225

Jenny House is a VIP luxury beauty salon sited in Seoul, Korea. The beauty salon is developed on two floors with an additional floor for the offices and the terrace on the roof, for private parties and special events. For the beauty salon, one floor is mostly dedicated to the wedding services – hair styling, make-up, dressing room, meeting room; the other is dedicated to the standard services – hair styling, nail design, head and foot spa. Each floor has a huge space for waiting where you can enjoy a drink while watching television or reading magazines. The concept was based on the myth of Narcissus, the legendary guy whose beauty was acknowledged everywhere in the ancient Greece. Narcissus used to look at himself reflected on the water of the lake in the forest. Here starts the salon’s story: a beautiful face built by MDF laser-cut panels. The face is reflected on the opposite black mirror, like a dark water pool in the forest. All around is the forest that the designers recreated with organic shapes that hold the mirrors. A big waving tree in the middle is functionally used as a sitting area. The white, smooth shaped metal ribbons, the reflections in the mirrors and the general atmosphere all belong to a wonderland.

珍妮之家是一家位于韩国首尔的贵宾专属豪华美容沙龙。美 容沙龙共分三层,顶楼是办公空间,屋顶的平台还可以举行 私人派对和特别活动。美容沙龙的一层主要提供婚礼服务, 如发型设计、化妆、更衣室、讨论室等。另一层提供标准服 务,如发型设计、美甲、头部按摩和足浴。每层楼都有一个 巨大的等候区,顾客可以边饮水边看电视或杂志。 沙龙的设计灵感来源于希腊神话中那喀索斯的故事,传说他 的美貌令古希腊人惊叹。那喀索斯恋上了森林中湖水里自己 的倒影。沙龙的入口处正是由激光切割面板所构成的那喀索 斯的脸。人脸倒映在对面的黑色镜子中,宛如倒映在黑暗的 湖面上。沙龙四周环绕着托着镜子的有机结构,仿佛一片森 林。空间中央伸展的树木四周则可以作为休息区。白色顺滑 的金属缎带结构、镜子的反射和与整体环境共同营造出一个 仙境。


1. There is a beautiful face at the entrance 2. The chairs with pearl luster look luxury 3. In the middle of the hair salon, there is a big waving tree 4. Manicure area and meeting room

1.沙龙门口有一张美丽的脸孔 2.珠光感的座椅尽显奢华 3.美发沙龙中央是一棵伸展的树木结构 4.美甲区和会谈室






3 4




226 - 227

1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Waiting area 4. Dressing room 5. Make-up room 6. Hair style room 7. Meeting room 8. Shampoo room 9. Toilet 10. Hair drying area 11. Wedding room

1.入口 2.前台 3.等候区 4.更衣室 5.化妆室 6.造型室 7.会谈室 8.洗手间 9.洗发室 10.干发区 11.婚礼造型室

3 4


kilico. 奇丽可美发沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan


Makoto Yamaguchi Design Inc.

Photographer: Ken'ichi Suzuki

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: 山口诚设计公司 摄影师: 铃木研一 完成时间: 2009

22 - 22

Located in Daikanyama, one of Tokyo’s trendiest areas, “kilico.” is a hair salon housed in an attractive space in the basement of a commercial building with a skylight built in 1983 that has seen many prior tenants. The site was in an extremely stripped-down state. Even though the interior layout had basically remained the same, there were many traces left behind by previous occupants on the floor and walls – a flat mortar wall next to an unfinished concrete block wall, and a whole host of dents and depressions of various sizes in the coarse concrete floor. The designers decided to leave these textural details intact and incorporate them into the design for the new salon, so they painted the walls over in white and filled the depressions of various sizes with mortar. Looking at the white wall that extends downwards from the ceiling until the floor, for example, you can see an entire gradient of different textures: the surface of a concrete block gradually changes into a surface riddled with holes that probably appeared when it was dismantled, which then segues into a panel with a completely flat and even finish, ending up as a fairly flat surface at the very bottom. After the designers had filled the depressions in the floor with mortar in order to make it flat, a map-like pattern emerged that they call a “time map”. The design of “kilico.” is based on these vestiges of past “time” – traces of previous incarnations of this building that have been given a new lease of life.

奇丽可美发沙龙位于东京最时尚的区域之一——代官山。沙 龙位于一座建于1983年的商业建筑的地下室,之前曾被许 多租户租用。地下室在改造前相当破旧,虽然基本的室内布 局依然完整,但是从前租户所留下的印记相当明显——单调 的灰泥墙紧邻未完成的水泥墙壁,粗糙的水泥地板上布满了 大大小小的压痕。设计师决定原封不动地保留这些细节,将 它们融入新沙龙的设计之中,他们将墙面刷成了纯白色,并 且在地面上抹上了一块块的灰泥。 白色的墙壁从天花板一直延伸到地板,但是其间的材质却不 尽相同:水泥墙表面逐渐变得千疮百孔,像要被拆除了一 样,随后又转变成了平整的面板,并在临近地面时变得异常 平滑。 在设计师用灰泥抹平地面之后,地面上显现出了一幅类似地 图的图案,设计师称其为“时间地图”。奇丽可美发沙龙的 设计展示了时间的痕迹,建筑所经历的轨迹被赋予了新的生 命。


1. The white wall that extends downwards from the ceiling until the floor 2. There are magazines for customers to read while they are waiting 3. The textural details of previous occupants are kept intact 4. There is a map-like pattern on the concrete floor 5. It is a space of pure white 6. Different areas have different lightings

1.白色的墙壁从天花板一直延伸到地板 2.顾客在等候时可以阅读杂志 3.从前租户所留下的印记被原封不动地保留了下来 4.水泥地面上有一块类似地图的图案 5.这是一个纯白的空间 6.不同区域的灯光不同

1 4

5 2




230 - 231

1. Reception 2. Waiting area 3. Cutting area 4. Shampoo area 5. Toilet 6. Skylight

1.前台 2.等候区 3.剪发区 4.洗发区 5.洗手间 6.天窗


4 5

232 - 233



Hair Salon at Peter Mark College 彼得·马克学院美发沙龙 Location:

Dublin Ireland


Garry Cohn for Douglas Wallace

Photographer: Conor Horgan

Completion date:


项目地点: 爱尔兰 都柏林 设计师: 加里·科恩(道格拉斯·华莱士) 摄影师: 康纳·霍根 完成时间: 2008

234 - 235

The hair salon studios at Peter Mark College is a creation of modern elegance. You know that you are in the height of fashion and design once you enter this high end salon. The challenge was not to overwhelm with the interior design but instead to let the space inspire new hair styling creations. This European salon interior is clean, minimal w i t h s o p h i s t i c a t e d a rc h i t e c t u r a l d e t a i l s throughout. The salon was also designed to have natural light enhance each studio through placement of skylight built into the ceiling of the new building addition. The open plan design predominant colours are in graceful tones white and beautiful soft greys. In contrast bright colours and patterns adorn the ceilings helping defining the different studios. All free standing styling stations are mobile and can be moved aside for fashions shows and other events that are commonly taking place on the premises.

彼得·马克学院美发沙龙既摩登又优雅。一走进这个高端沙 龙,人们便能体会到高度的时尚感和设计感。设计的重点 在于不让室内设计喧宾夺主,而是让空间激发发型师的新灵 感。 这个欧式风格的沙龙设计简洁,却又处处彰显着精致的建筑 细节。扩建部分天花板上天窗的设计让沙龙可以得到充分 的自然光。开放式设计的主体色调是优雅的白色和柔美的灰 色。此外,天花板上明快的色彩和图案标志着沙龙不同的工 作区。每个独立的造型台都是可以动的,被移开后,沙龙里 可以举行时尚秀或是其他活动。


1. The styling area 2. Bright colours and patterns adorn the ceilings 3. The colourful hair products and wall painting complement mutually 4. There is a wall painting of half scissors in staircase 5. The reception 6. The shampoo area

1.美发造型区 2.天花板上有明亮的色彩和图案 3.彩色的护发产品和壁画相互映衬 4.楼梯间的墙上有一副半把剪刀的壁画 5.前台 6.洗发区

10 3 4 






236 - 237

1. Entrance staircase 2. Reception 3. Senior training salon 4. Training studio a 5. Training studio b 6. Coffee bar & waiting area 7. Shampoo area 8. Teachers’ room 9. Toilet 10. Fire exist staircase

1.入口楼梯 2.前台 3.高级培训沙龙 4.培训工作室a 5.培训工作室b 6.咖啡吧和等候区 7.洗发区 8.教室办公室 9.洗手间 10.防火楼梯



23 - 23

5 6


Salon Salon Beaute 美丽沙龙 Location:

Guaynabo Puerto Rico


Ramirez Buxeda Arquitectos


Robin Planas Casado Miguel Maldonado

Completion date:


项目地点: 波多黎各 瓜伊纳沃 设计师: 拉米雷斯·布克塞达建筑事务所 摄影师: 罗宾·普拉纳斯,米格尔·马尔多纳多 完成时间: 2008

240 - 241

The designers were instructed to maximise all work areas so as to accommodate as many clients as possible and to minimise waiting areas. Work areas for client services include spaces for ten cutting and hair preparation stations, four hair washing stations, seven hair colour stations, three manicure and pedicure stations, a massage and esthetics room, bathroom, changing room and two stations for receptionists. Other back-of-house spaces included the laboratory for the preparation of hair dyes, administrative office, laundry, storage and electrical rooms. The materials colours and textures used on all volumes and surfaces were selected to complement the soothing, calming effect and the atmosphere of tranquility created by the lighting. A simple palette of contrasting colours and textures was used to achieve this, the cold, hard, matte surfaces of the exposed concrete fixed furniture juxtaposed against the warm tones and textures of the zebra wood veneer of the dividing boxes and against the soft cowhide and microfibre cushions. The polished, semi-reflective background provided by the grey concrete floor against the light, floating gypsum board ceiling. The translucent glass that lets light pass through, providing functions as a visual space divider and as product display background. The colours and textures also serve as visual references, the wooden boxes, the red modules, the exposed concrete benches identify the different spaces defined and created by and within them.

设计师被要求最大化沙龙的工作区域(以容纳尽量多的顾 客),并且最小化等候区域。为顾客提供服务的工作区包 括10个理发工作台、2个洗发台、7个染发台、3个美甲台、 1间按摩美容室、1间洗手间、1间更衣室和两个接待台。其 他后台工作区域包括染发剂调配室、办公室、洗衣房、储藏 室和配电室。 室内装饰材料的色彩和纹理与灯光所营造的舒缓、静谧的氛 围十分相称。设计采用了简单的对比色调和纹理。水泥冷 硬、粗糙的表面与斑马纹木板分隔箱温暖的纹理和色调相并 列,和柔软的皮革靠垫形成了对比;光滑的灰色水泥地面与 轻质石膏天花板形成了对比。透光的玻璃板既起到了隔断的 作用,又能够展示美容产品。色彩和纹理还是划分各个区域 的依据:木盒子、红板块、水泥椅分别代表了不同的区域。


1. The reception and display area 2. Detail of the manicure stations 3 . T h e h a i rd r e s s i n g s t a t i o n s a r e slender, up to the ceiling 4. The salon has a dark colour tone 5. Detail of the precast concrete pedicure stations 6. The waiting area bench is covered with cowhide; the contrast in textures and colours is one of the main themes of the salon 7. The hair drying stations and manicure stations

1.前台和产品展示区 2.美甲台细部 3.美发台又细又长,直达天花板 4.沙龙采用深色色调 5.预制混凝土足疗台细部 6.等候区的长椅上覆盖着牛皮,与沙龙的主题 色彩和材质形成对比 7.干发台和美甲台



2 3 13 5

7 12 6


242 - 243



1. Entrance/lobby 2. Waiting area 3. Pedicure 4. Office 5. Change room 6. Massage room 7. Manicure 8. Colour area 9. Colour lab 10. Storage/laundry 11. Closet 12. Shampoo area 13. Cutting and styling area

1.入口/大厅 2.等候区 3.修脚区 4.办公室 5.更衣室 6.按摩室 7.美甲区 8.染发区 9.染剂调配室 10.储藏室 11.衣橱 12.洗发区 13.剪发和造型区


4 5

244 - 245

6 7


Tribeca Aoyama 青山特里贝克沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan




Nacasa & Partners

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: CURIOSITY设计事务所 摄影师: Nacasa摄影公司 完成时间: 2006

246 - 247

The men’s esthete salon Tribecca was designed as a place to escape from Tokyo disconnected environment and work style. The place is a gallery of mirrors and deep black walls; the precise layout of the interior creates a visual effect so when you are sitting the reflection and reality can be confusing: people entering the shop suddenly disappear from the mirror; it was only an illusion: they reappear later; the mind becomes confused. With strong graphical elements, wood wall panels that extend on the floor are reflected by the mirrors, and create a rhythm and define the location for the customers sitting. The original leather chairs designed with angles give a visual twist within the linear interior. The shampoo area is in totally black, and the ceiling has only one light that is used to check the colours of the hairs during colourations (otherwise nothing is visible) and you can enjoy the pleasure of massage and shampoo that always take very long time in Japan. It is all about the experience, which is part of the service provided to customers, and a hair salon in this case is also a unique sensorial experience.

特里贝克男子沙龙是躲避东京忙碌的生活工作环境的世外桃 源。沙龙的设计以镜子和黑色的墙壁为主,室内精准的布 局所营造的视觉效果让人分不清现实和倒影。人们进入沙龙 后,镜中的倒影时隐时现,让人感到混乱。 镜中所倒映的带有生动的图形元素的木板墙十分具有韵律 感,是顾客座椅的标志。棱角分明的真皮座椅在线性室内设 计中形成了扭曲的视觉效果。洗发区是全黑色的,天花板是 唯一的光线来源,以便美发师在染发过程中检查色彩。顾客 可以在黑暗中尽情享受头部按摩和洗发的过程。特里贝克男 子沙龙不仅能提供美发服务,还可以为顾客带来了独特的感 官体验。


1. The storefront at night 2. The place is a gallery of mirrors and deep black walls 3. Wood and black contrast each other 4. The reception 5. The shampoo area is in totally black 6. The interior design elements have hard lines, expressing a masculine feeling

1.店面夜景 2.空间设计以镜子和黑色的墙壁为主 3.木色和黑色相间,形成对比 4.前台 5.洗发区是全黑的 6.室内造型元素线条硬朗,充满男性气息









24 - 24

1. Office 2. Cutting area 3. Shampoo area 4. Head SPA room 5. Toilet 6. Beauty room 7. Entrance hall 8. Waiting area

1.办公室 2.剪发区 3.洗发区 4.头部SPA室 5.洗手间 6.美容室 7.入口大厅 8.等候区


4 5

250 - 251


1. Hairdressing tables are facing the windows, so customers can enjoy the outdoor view 2. The spatial design is clean and simple 3. The wood furniture has a low-profile luxury 4. The shampoo area 5. The salon has a masculine colour tone 6. General view of the salon from the reception

1.美发台面对窗户,顾客可以欣赏窗外的风景 2.空间设计简洁干净 3.木制家具有种低调的奢华 4.洗发区 5.沙龙拥有阳刚的色调 6.从前台看沙龙全景


1 3 4



260 - 261

1. Reception 2. Nail corner 3. Cutting area 4. Shampoo area 5. Staff room 6. Toilet

1.前台 2.美甲区 3.剪发区 4.洗发区 5.员工休息室 6.洗手间


Showhair Salon 小海发廊 Location:

Shanghai China


Song Weijian, Guo Chun/VJian Design Office

Photographer: Song Weijian

Completion date:


项目地点: 中国 上海 设计师: 宋微建,郭纯/上海微建建筑空间设计有限公司 摄影师: 宋微建 完成时间: 2009

252 - 253

The salon is located in a 100-year-old Spainstyle building, in West Nanjing Road, Shanghai. The designers wished to keep the historical footprints in the interior design. In order to realise this idea, the designers kept the integrity of the inner structure and only made changes in the plan for functional needs. The designers used two kinds of materials: one is modern and fashionable; the other is traditional and elegant. The aim is to launch a strong contrast between modern fashion and historical footprints. The use of a large amount of PMMC is one of the main design highlights. Windows, cabinets, lampshades, curtain boxes were all made of twelve-millimetre-thickness PMMC, so the old structures and frames were exposed well. Besides, as a fashion texture, matching up with appropriate lighting, the whole atmosphere resembles the feel of a beauty, whose both brilliant in appearance and elegant in itself. As a VIP private hair salon, mirrors also play an important role in the whole design. The designers got inspiration from the bronze mirrors, a kind of polished bronze that ancient C h i n e s e l a d i e s u s e d f o r ma ki n g u p a n d dressing. In order to soften the harshness in the space, the designers also applied some fur in the design, making the female customers more comfortable and showing dignity and grace.

店铺坐落在上海市南京西路,是一栋有着一百年历史的西班 牙建筑。设计师希望能够把这些历史的印记留下来融入到新 的设计当中。为了让设计想法最大化的实现,设计师保持了 内部结构的完整性,只是对平面做了些许改动,从而满足功 能上的一些需求。在材质的选择上,设计师把它分为两种: 一种为现代前卫,一种为古朴怀旧,目的是让现代的时尚和 历史的印记发生激烈的碰撞。 亚克力大面积的使用是设计中的一个亮点,在窗口、柜子、 灯罩、窗帘盒的设计上都分别运用了12毫米厚的透明亚克 力,使得一些老的结构和旧构件能不被遮挡更好的显露出 来,而且亚克力本身就是一种比较时尚的材质,在加以灯光 的配合,使整个场景就像一个气质美女,光鲜靓丽的外表 下,却不失那份内涵与幽雅。 因为这是一个会员制的私人造型会所,所以镜子在整个设计 中也是重中之重。众所周知,中国古代的美女都是靠铜镜来 梳妆和打扮的,设计师也受到了这种启发。所以在镜子的设 计中选用了古铜做为材料。然而,会所里女性居多,所以在 设计中也穿插了皮毛的使用,这样不但可以打破整个空间生 硬的感觉,还可以体现出雍容华贵的感觉。


1. General view of the salon 2. The designers got inspiration from the bronze mirrors that ancient Chinese ladies used 3. Fur elements make the female customers more comfortable and show dignity and grace 4. The reception 5. Even the washing room expresses a luxurious European style

1.沙龙全景 2.设计师从古代侍女所用的铜镜中受到了启发 3.皮草元素让女性顾客更舒适,体现出雍容华贵的感觉 4.前台 5.连洗手间都体现了奢华的欧式风格








254 - 255

1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Waiting area 4. Cutting area 5. Shampoo area 6. Compartment 7. Toilet

1.入口 2.前台 3.等候区 4.剪发区 5.洗发区 6.隔间 7.洗手间



256 - 257



Cure Salon Monsieur 绅士修护沙龙 Location:

Tokyo Japan


upsetters architects


Yusuke Wakabayashi

Completion date:


项目地点: 日本 东京 设计师: upsetters建筑事务所 摄影师: 若林雄介 完成时间: 2009

25 - 25

A complex site of a beauty salon and a café, has a narrow frontage. The site is a little way off the main shopping street and on a lane. In addition, it is narrow and deep, which the Japanese call “unagino-nedoko”, meaning “a bed for an eel”. The client desired it to be a space for retreating. So the designers focused on utilising the depth of the site that sandwiched between two buildings and creating an interior space in which people can feel light. Thus they divided the building into three parts and slightly shifted them each other. Additionally, the designers used different materials for each part and alternate their roof pitches so that people can feel it extending far back. Furthermore, the designers put its entrance on the side and people just feel what is happening inside. This should make people want to peep into the room. The space for hair dressing is located in the middle and has the other two parts of exterior walls as its interior wall. Moreover, it is facing the small garden and the customers will see it over the mirrors. Consequently, they can enjoy being hair-dressed inside the building just like outdoors.

绅士修护沙龙结合了美容沙龙和咖啡馆,位于远离商业街的 小巷里。整个十分狭长,在日语里,这种狭长的地带被戏 称为“鳗鱼床”。由于委托人希望把沙龙打造成一个世外桃 源,设计师决定利用场地狭长的特点打造一个令人感到轻松 的室内空间。建筑被分为三个部分,每个部分有不同的功 能。设计师在每个部分都使用了不同的材料,并且调节了屋 顶的斜度,让人们感受到空间的延伸。此外,设计师还将入 口设在了建筑的侧面,让人们产生了深入空间内部、一探究 竟的心理。 美发区被设在沙龙的中部,其他两部分的外墙是它的内墙。 美发朝向小花园,顾客可以在镜子里看到花园的风景,他们 在美发的同时可以享受到户外的感觉。




262 - 263

5 6


Style Club 风格会所 Location:

Dublin Ireland


Garry Cohn for Douglas Wallace

Photographer: Conor Horgan

Completion date:


项目地点: 爱尔兰 都柏林 设计师: 加里·科恩(道格拉斯·华莱士) 摄影师: 康纳·霍根 完成时间: 2008

264 - 265

The design is not minimal. Less is not more in this space – more is more and fun at the same time. Entering the traditional building you know that there is something special going on before you set foot into the space. From the street you see a wild linticular (3-dimensional graphics) ceiling in a crazy pattern with vibrant salmon coloured walls and bright white traditional moldings. Entering the salon feels like falling into Alice in Wonderland. The design is clever with its wall of convex mirrors against a stripe patterned wall that sits next to, yes, a tartan wall – next to blue stylised clouds. This is all off set by a pink giraffeskin printed ceiling and completed with pink giraffe-skin marshmallow shapes. The styling stations in the middle of the room are wonderful with their candy colours and chunky geometric shapes. The shampoo area is fun. Set towards the back of the salon it was completed with five pedestals adorned with five random gold objects: a coffee cup, a baby, crayons, roller skates and a 1970s instamatic camera. And if that’s not enough you will get a black and white polka dotted

会所的设计一点也不简单,纷繁的元素相互叠加,大大增加 了空间的趣味性。一踏入这幢传统建筑,还未走进会所之 时,人们便会感受到它的不寻常。从街道上可以看到会所天 花板上狂野的三维图案、鲜红的墙壁以及传统的白色装饰嵌 线。 走进沙龙,让人感觉仿佛进入了爱丽丝的仙境。一面墙上装 饰着凸面镜,一面墙上是斑纹图案,一面墙上是苏格兰格 子,而另一面墙上是蓝天和彩云。天花板上的粉红长颈鹿纹 看起来就像棉花糖,将这些繁杂的色彩和图案统一了起来。 屋子中央的糖果色造型台敦实可爱,惹人喜欢。洗发区也很 有趣,座椅背后的架子上摆放着五个金色摆件:咖啡杯、 小婴儿、蜡笔、溜冰鞋和20世纪70年代的傻瓜相机。洗发 时,顾客可以看到黑色天花板上的白色圆点。接待处的造型 看似经典,但是带有纽扣图案的白亮天花板上与红色现代玻 璃吊灯却形成了鲜明的对立。咖啡吧的设计让人感觉仿佛回 到了20世纪80年代。奢华的红色天鹅绒沙发后面挂着一幅 画着3个长发美人的图画。会所的整体设计很疯狂,却充满 了趣味。


1. The reception area has retained classical details 2. Entering the salon feels like falling into Alice in Wonderland 3. The shampoo area is complete with five pedestals adorned with five random gold objects 4. Bright colours fulfill the space 5. The styling stations look like Lego bricks 6. There is a “cow” in the restroom

1.前台区域的设计十分经典 2.走进沙龙,让人感觉仿佛进入了爱丽丝的仙境 3.洗发区座椅背后的架子上摆放着五个金色摆件 4.空间里充斥着缤纷亮丽的色彩 5.美发台看起来像积木一样 6.洗手间里有一头“牛”

ceiling to focus on while your hair is being treated. The reception area has retained classical details but these are contradicted by a white shiny tufted ceiling of buttoned fabric panels, with a red modern glass chandelier. There is a coffee bar that looks like it was in a time capsule that came right out of the 1980s. Furthermore there is a luxurious over-sized red velvet sofa with a large round painting of three ladies with “big hair” above. It’s mad and it really works. There is nothing boring going on here.

3 4 1 2

266 - 267

1. Reception 2. Retail area 3. Salon 4. Shampoo area

1.前台 2.零售区 3.沙龙 4.洗发区


4 5

26 - 26


Index 索引 Avi Oster Studio Cristiano Cora Salon 64 BWM Architekten und Partner Bundy Bundy 8 Chrystalline Artchitect Hairu Hair Treatment 204 CJ STUDIO Hair Culture 42 Concrete Architectural Associates Bergman Beauty Clinics MediSpa 82 CURIOSITY Inc. AVEDA Hair Salon 20 Tribeca Aoyama 246 Di Cesare Design Jenny House Beauty Salon 224 Diego & Pedro Serrano (innova::designers studio) Carmen Font Madrid Hairdresser’s 70 Edward Suzuki Imai Colore 106 Francesc Rifé Philippe Venoux 150 Garry Cohn for Douglas Wallace Hair Salon at Peter Mark College 234 Garry Cohn for Douglas Wallace Style Club 264 gfra architecture Hair Salon in Golden Hall 130 Hair Salon in Kolonaki 160

BEAUTY SALONS 美容美发沙龙 Author: Catherine Chang Print version (Hardcover) - 2011 ISBN 9787538165708 Published by Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House Shenyang, Liaoning, China eBook version - 2012 ISBN 9781619870390 Published by Profession Design Press Co., Ltd California, United States of America Distributed by Actrace, LLC, United States of America Website:, Copyright©2012 Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House License agreement: Unauthorized copying prohibited. 作者:常文心 纸质书(精装)- 2011 书号:9787538165708 出版商:辽宁科学技术出版社 中国辽宁沈阳 电子书 - 2012 书号:9781619870390 出版商:设计专业出版有限公司 美国加州 经销商:Actrace 公司,2012 网址, 版权所有:2012 辽宁科学技术出版社 版权协议 严禁非法复制。