Beberapa Indeks Yang Digunakan Untuk Mengukur [PDF]

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Beberapa Indeks yang Digunakan untuk Mengukur "Activities Daily Living" (ADL) Posted by Syauqinaa Sabiilaa , at 12.34


Kenny Self Care Index Kenny Self Care merupakan alat wawancara instrumen klinis berbasis mirip dengan indeks Barthel, digunakan untuk menilai fungsi fisik, khususnya untuk perawatan diri dan ambulasi.

a. b. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. d.

Aktifitas yang dinilai Aktifitas di tempat tidur : Bergeser di bed Bangun dan duduk Transfer dalam posisi : Duduk Berdiri Penggunaan toilet Ambulasi : Berjalan Naik turun tangga Pengguanaan kursi roda Berpakaian : Anggota atas dan trunk bagian atas Anggota bawah dan trunk bagian bawah Kaki Higine : Wajah, rambut, lengan Trunk Anggota bawah Bladder dan bowel Makan


Skala Penilaian : 0 = Ketergantungan penuh 1 = Perlu bantuan banyak 2 = Perlu bantuan sedang 3 = Perlu bantuan minimal/pengawasan 4 = Mandiri penuh

B. Physical Self-Maintenance Scale Physical Self-Maintenance Scale (PSMS) mengukur kemampuan pasien untuk melakukan ADL secara independen (mandiri). Ini mengevaluasi tingkat kemandirian dalam melakukan buang hajat, makan, berpakaian, perawatan, pergerakan, dan tugas mandi. Total skor berkisar dari 0 sampai 6. Skor yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan kemandirian yang lebih besar dalam melakukan ADL.

Task Toileting 1 = Cares for self at the toilet completely, experieces no incontinence 0 = Needs to be remained or needs help in cleaning self, or has rare (weekly at most) accident 0 = Soils or wets while asleep more than once a week 0 = Soils or wets while awake more than once a week 0 = Has no control of bowels or bladder Feeding 1 = Feeds self without assistance 0 = Feeds self with minor assistance at meal times and /or with special preparation of food, or help in cleaning up after meals 0 = Feeds Self with moderate assistance and is untidy 0 = Requires extensive assistance for all meals 0 = Does not feed self at all and resists efforts of others to help Dressing 1 = Dresses, undresses, and select clothes from own wardrobe 0 = Dresses and undresses with minor assistance 0 = Needs moderate assistance in dressing or selecting clothes 0 = Needs major assistance in dressing or selecting clothes 0 = Is completely unable to dress self and resists effort of others to help Grooming (Neadness, Hair, Nails, Hands, Face, Clothing) 1 = Grooms self without assistance and is always neatly dresses and well-groomed


0 = Grooms self adequately and receives occasional minor assistance (e.g, with shaving) 0 = Need moderate and regular assistance or superfision in grooming 0 = Need total grooming care, but can remain well-groomed after help from others 0 = Actively resists all efforts of others to assist with grooming Physical Ambulation 1 = Goes about grounds or city 0 = Ambulances within residence or about 1-block distance 0 = Ambulances with assistance of the following (check one) : ( ) Another person ( ) Railing ( ) Cane ( ) Walker ( ) Wheelchair _____ gets in and out without help _____ needs help getting in and out 0 = Sits unsupported in chair or wheelchair, but cannot propel self without help 0 = Is bedridden more than half the time Bathing 1 = Bathes self (e.g., in tub, in shower, by sponge bath 0 = Bathes self with help in getting in and out of tub 0 = Washes face and hands only, but cannot bathe rest of body 0 = Does not wash self but is cooperative with those who assist 0 = Does not try to wash self and resists efforts to assist Modified from Lawton MP, Brody EM: Assesment of older people: self-maintaining and instrumental activities of daily living, Gerrontologist 9:179-186, 1969.

C. Activities of Daily Living-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale ADL-IADL Scale mengukur masalah fungsional dengan ADL dan IADL pada orang dewasa yang lebih tua. Ini mengevaluasi ketergantungan dan kesulitan dengan 18 ADL dan tugas IADL. Total skor berkisar 18-54. Skor yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan ketergantungan yang lebih besar dalam melakukan ADL dan tugas IADL.


Eating and drinking (ADL) Washing face and hand (ADL) Using the toilet (ADL) Arising from chair (ADL) Getting in and out of bed (ADL) Moving inside house (ADL) Dressing (ADL) Performing “light” house-cleaning activities (IADL) Washing oneself completely (ADL) Moving outdoors on flat ground (ADL) Preparing dinner (IADL) Preparing breakfast and lunch (IADL) Going up and down stairs (ADL) Making bed (IADL) Caring for feet and nails (ADL) Washing and ironing clothes (IADL) Shopping (IADL) Performing “heavy” house-cleaning activities (IADL)

Independently Independently Dependently and easily but with some or with difficulty supervision 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Modified from Kempken GIJM, Suurmeijer TPBM: The development of hierarchial polychotomous ADL-IADL Scale for noninstituionalized elders, Gerrontologist 30 (4): 497-502, 1990

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Merupakan alat ukur yang di gunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan fungsional pada pasien yang mengalami gangguan system syaraf. PROSEDUR TES: Pasien dinilai dengan menggunakan Barthel Indeks pada awal treatment, selama rehabilitasi dan pada akhir masa rehabilitasi. Hal ini digunakan untuk menilai peningkatan treatment yang dilakukan terhadap pasien. NO AKTIFITAS SCORE DEPENDENCE INDEPENDENCE 1 PEMELIHARAAN KESEHATAN 0 5 DIRI 2 MANDI 0 5 3 MAKAN 5 10 4 TOILET (AKTIFITAS BAB & BAB) 5 10 5 NAIK/TURUN TANGGA 5 10 6 BERPAKAIAN 5 10 7 KONTROL BAB 5 10 8 KONTROL BAK 5 10 9 AMBULASI 15 KURSI RODA 10 (BILA Px A,BULASI DENGAN KURSI RODA) 10 TRANSFER KURSI/BED 5-10 15 TOTAL: 100 KRITERIA HASIL: A. 0 - 100 B. 0 – 20 KETERGANTUNGAN PENUH 21 – 61 KETERGANTUNGAN BERAT (SANGAT TERGANTUNG) 62 -90 KETERGANTUNGAN MODERAT 91 – 99 KETERGANTUNGAN RINGAN 100 MANDIRI SKALA A. NUMERIK (RATIO) B. KATEGORIK (ORDINAL)