Bekam Nyeri Punggung Bawah Hanik Badriyah [PDF]

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Bekam untuk Nyeri Punggung Bawah Dr. dr. Hanik B. Hidayati, SpS (K)

Departemen Neurologi FK UNAIR – RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya


Nyeri & Bekam Sunnah Meet the Experts: Dokter, Doktor dan Ulama

Dr. dr. Hanik B. Hidayati, SpS (K)

Dr. dr. Imam Subadi SpKFR (K)

Ustadz dr. Zaidul Akbar

KH. Kathur Suhardi, S.Pd.I, MA

Dr. Wahyudi Widada, S.Kep, M.Ked

Narahubung: Hamid Arif (085731467000), Kang Tri (081357009108), Widodo (085731311001) No. Rekening: BNI Syariah 7314670005 atau BSM 7314670005 atas nama Abdul Hamid Arif

Ahad, 8 Rabi‟ul Awal 1442 H / Minggu, 25 Oktober 2020, 06.30 – 11.10 WIB, live on

Daftar Isi 01



Nyeri Punggung Bawah


04 05

Terapi Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Bekam sebagai Terapi Alternatif Nyeri Punggung Bawah



Pendahuluan Alasan terbanyak ke dokter

Pandemik, 80% of lifetime prevalence 1 15-20% populasi pada titik waktu kapan saja 1/4 dewasa: min 1 hari di 3 bln terakhir (Amerika)2

“High costs” Gangguan finansial, sosioekonomik, fisik, ke hilangan pekerjaan & produktivitas, $100M (2006)

Kecacatan usia muda

Nyeri Punggung Bawah

 Fungsi harian & kualitas hidup Gangguan mood, depresi, emosional, kerja

Tekanan fisik & psikis Kelelahan kronik, depresi, kegelisahan, cemas, stres, cemas

Schreiber 2015; Tesfaye 2015; Saeed et al. 2014; Cohen SP et al, 2014; Yalcin I et al, 2014; Kessler TL, 2016; Casanova-García C et al, 2016; Schreiber AK et al, 2015; Obermann 2015; Navya et al. 2017; Lindsay TJ, 2010

Nyeri Punggung Bawah Tempat Tersering pada Kasus Nyeri Kronik Non Kanker

Nyeri Punggung Bawah

“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experien ce associated with, or r esembling that associat ed with, actual or poten tial tis- sue damage”

Definisi Nyeri

Nyeri •

Fungsi vital - mengenali intensitas stimulus yg berpotensi membahayakan - melindungi tubuh thd kerusakan yang lebih luas

Biasanya: singkat

Peran protektif (+)

• Nyeri patologis Kerusakan saraf Kronik (bulan/ tahun) Tantangan berat


Fungsi protektif (-)


Nyeri Punggung Bawah “Nyeri yang dirasakan di antara sudut iga terbawah dan lipat bokong bawah, yaitu di daerah lumbal atau lumbosakral, dengan atau tanpa disertai penjalaran ke ekstrimitas” 1: (Teixeira and Machado, 2006); 2: (Bhattacharyya et al., 2008); 3: (José A. López-Escámez, 2008); 4: (Fife and von Brevern, 2015); 5: (M urdin, Seemungal and Bronstein, 2016); 6: (Imai et al., 2017)

Epidemiologi Nyeri Peunggung Bawah

Low Back Pain • Affects all ages • Prevalence increase with age until 60–65 y.o • Peaks at 55-64 y.o • >80% of adults: at some point in life • More disability than Cancer + heart disease + stroke + AIDS

50% Equally affected

50% 1Jain N, et al, 2013; Qaseem A, et al 2017; Dageanis S, et al 2012., Allegri M, et al 2016;5:

Joint capsules Ligaments Tendons

Spine: strong design Muscles Nerve


Protect the spinal cord & spinal nerve roots.

Highly flexible Ligament: • Anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) • Posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL) • Ligamentum flavum (LF)

The complex anatomy

Mobility in many different planes.

Klasifikasi Nyeri ANATOMI Kepala, leher, bahu, siku, pergelangan tangan, lutut, punggung bawah, dsb

PENYEBAB Fraktur, dislokasi, kram, sprain, tumor, dll

DURASI Akut, kronik (> 3 bulan ) 1

MEKANISME Nosiseptif, neuropatik, mixed



Ringan, sedang, berat

Post pembedahan, penuaan (degeneratif), keganasan

1 Mehta

et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2013; Ji et al. 2014,

Klasifikasi Nyeri Punggung Bawah (NPB) NPB

1. 2.




4 minggu

4 - 12 minggu

> 12 minggu

Qaseem A, Wilt TJ, Mclean RM, Forciea MA, Audience T. Noninvasive Treatments for Acute , Subacute , and Chronic Low Back Pain : A Clinical Practi ce Guideline From the American College of. 2017;(May 2016). Allegri M, Montella S, Salici F, Valente A, Marchesini M, Compagnone C, et al. Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000 Research [Internet]. 2016;5:1530. Available from:

Mekanisme Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Nyeri Campuran Nyeri Nosiseptif Kerusakan jaringan, proses penyakit atau pun fungsi abnormal dari otot / organ dalam Mixed Pain (Nyeri Campuran) - Nyeri Nosiseptif - Nyeri Neuropatik

Nyeri Neuropatik - Gejala positif - Gejala negatif

Nyeri Nosiseptif

Nyeri Neuropatik

Gambaran Klinis Nyeri Neuropatik Allodinia 1, hyperalgesia

Terbakar/ Panas Air mendidih 4 • • •

Rasa geli Kesemutan


Tertusuk 5 Tajam

Tidak nyaman, tidak menyenangkan 3 Alat skrining: verbal descriptors of pain (++), pemeriksaan fisik Pemilihan alat: berdasar pada kemudahan menggunakan

Tersetrum listrik

Kebas Mati rasa Kurang terasa Tidak terasa

1: (Tiwari et al. 2014; Jarahi et al. 2014; Vallejo et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2015; Yalcin et al. 2014; Calvo et al. 2012; 2: Mihai et al. 2014; Jaggi & Singh 2011; Nickel et al. 2012; Tiwari et al. 2014; Calvo et al. 2012; Jaggi et al. 2011b; Jarahi et al. 2014; Vallejo et al. 2010; 3: Smith et al. 2013; Ji et al. 2014; 4: Costigan et al. 2010‟ 5:

Neuropathic Component of Chronic LBP Up to 37% of patients with chronic low back pain may have a neuropathic component to their pain Freynhagen R et al. Curr Med Res Opin 2006; 22(10):1911-20.


Muscle spasms Weakness throughout the lower extremities Radiating burning pain, numbness, tingling

Risk Factors Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Age Gender education Marital status

Sociodemographic Degenerative


Income level Worker’s compensation Personal injury Disability insurance



General health

Work satisfaction Autonomy Supervisor empathy Monotonous/ repetitive tasks Prolonged heavy activities (lifting, carrying & manual handling)

Tobacco use Body weight Physical activity levels Systemic, physical/ psychological comorbidities

1. Dageanis S, Haldeman S. Evidence-Based Management of Low Back Pain. Dageanis S, Haldeman S, editors. Elsevier Mosby; 2012.

Pathophysiology of Low Back Pain Central sensitization/ dysfunctional pain May develop over time in some px with chronic LBP Chronic LBP commonly have simult aneous multiple pain gener ators. This is called “mixed Nociceptive pain pain.” Most patients with acute non-specific LBP (85%)

Neuropathic pain Radiculopathy (7%)

1. Allegri M, Montella S, Salici F, Valente A, Marchesini M, Compagnone C, et al. Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000Re search [Internet]. 2016;5:1530. Available from: 2. Manusov EG. Prim Care 2012; 39(3):471-9; Neblett R et al. Pain 2013; 14(5):438-45; 3. Vellucci R. Clin Drug Investig 2012; 32(Suppl 1):3-10; Woolf CJ, Salter MW. Science 2000; 288(5472):1765-9.

Neuropathic Component of LBP • Neuropathic component of LBP may be caused by: • Mechanical compression of nerve root (mechanical neuropathic nerve root pain) • Damage to sprouting C-fibers within the degenerated disc (localized ne uropathic pain) • Action of inflammatory mediators released from the degenerated disc (inflammatory neuropathic nerve root pain), even without mechanical c ompression

Freynhagen R, Baron R. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2009; 13(3):185-90.

Looking for the pain generator Joints


Nerve roots Bones

Intervertebral discs (IVDs)

Muscle Fascial structures Organs within the abdominal cavity Fundamental importance in determining the therapeutic approach 1. Allegri M, Montella S, Salici F, Valente A, Marchesini M, Compagnone C, et al. Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000Re search [Internet]. 2016;5:1530. Available from:

Tendon Otot Saraf perifer Ligamen Tulang & kartilago

Risk Factors Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Age Gender education Marital status

Sociodemographic Degenerative


Income level Worker’s compensation Personal injury Disability insurance



General health

Work satisfaction Autonomy Supervisor empathy Monotonous/ repetitive tasks Prolonged heavy activities (lifting, carrying & manual handling)

Tobacco use Body weight Physical activity levels Systemic, physical/ psychological comorbidities

1. Dageanis S, Haldeman S. Evidence-Based Management of Low Back Pain. Dageanis S, Haldeman S, editors. Elsevier Mosby; 2012.

Differential Diagnosis of LBP Intrinsic Spine



• Compression fractu • Malignancy • Gastrointestinal conditions re (e.g., pancreatitis, peptic ulcer • Infection (e.g., disease, cholecystitis) • Lumbar strain/sprai vertebral n discitis/osteomye• Pelvic conditions (e.g., litis) endometriosis, pelvic • Herniated disc inflammatory disease, • Connective tissue • Spinal stenosis prostatitis) disease • Spondylolisthesis • Retroperitoneal conditions • Inflammatory • Spondylolysis (e.g., renal colic, spondyloarthropathy • Spondylosis (degen pyelonephritis) erative disc or facet • Herpes zoster joint It is important to identify and treat the underlying causes of pain whenever possible! Casazza BA. Am Fam Physician 2012; 85(4):343-50.

Chronic LBP • • • • •

Radicular Pain Facet Joint Pain Sacro-iliac Pain Pain Related to Lumbar Stenosis Discogenic Pain

Common Causes of Low Back Pain Mechanical (80-90%) (e.g., disc degeneration, fractured vertebrae, instability, unknown cause [most cases]) Neurogenic (5-15%) (e.g., herniated disc, spinal stenosis, osteophyte damage to nerve root) Non-mechanical spinal conditions (1-2%) (e.g., neoplasm, infections, inflammatory arthritis, Paget’s disease) Referred visceral pain (1-2%) (e.g., gastrointestinal disease, kidney disease, abdominal aortic ane urism) Other (2-4%) (e.g., fibromyalgia, somatoform disorder, “faking” pain ) Cohen S. BMJ 2008; 337:a2718.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain Muscle tension and spasm are among the most common reasons for LBP, for example, in patients with fibromyalgia

In other cases, LBP can be attributed to different pain generators, with spe-cific characteristics, such as radicular, facet joint, sacro-iliac, and discogenic pain, as well as spinal stenosis.

1. Allegri M, Montella S, Salici F, Valente A, Marchesini M, Compagnone C, et al. Mechanisms of low back pain: a guide for diagnosis and therapy. F1000Re search [Internet]. 2016;5:1530. Available from:

Terapi Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Follow-Up of Patients with Acute Low Back Pain Review and assess improvement within 2 weeks No improvement or deterioration

Assess risk of persistent disability


Consider referral if there is se vere, refractory radicular pai n/neurological deficit

Low risk

Continue current management

Medium risk

High risk

Refer to physiotherapist

Refer for biopsychosocial assessment

Review within 12 weeks No improvement : consider referral to specialist

Adapted from: Lee J et al. Br J Anaesth 2013; 111(1):112-20.

Improvement : continue supportive management

Management of Acute Low Back Pain Clinical presentation: acute low back pain History and examination Red flags? No


Consider differential diagnosis

Advise mobilization a nd avoidance of bed rest

Provide appropriate pain relief

Provide education and counsel on self -care

Review and assess improvement within 2 weeks

Adapted from: Lee J et al. Br J Anaesth 2013; 111(1):112-20.

Investigation and mana gement; consider referral

Management of Persistent Low Back Pain* Persistent low back pain Signs and symptoms of nerve root disease or spinal stenosis? No Yes Re-evaluate symptoms and risk factors, review diagnosis and consider referral and/or imaging studies Consider alternative therapy (e.g., interdisciplinary approach incorporating pharmacological and non-pharmacological elements Review response

Consider referral and/or diagnostic MRI No Nerve root compromise or spinal stenosis? Yes Refer for specialist manageme nt

*American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society Adapted from: Chou R et al. Ann Intern Med 2007; 147(7): 478-91.

Multimodal Treatment of Low Back Pain Lifestyle management Sleep hygiene

Physical/ occupational thera py

Stress management


Interventional management

Education Complementary therapies


Gatchel RJ et al. Psychol Bull 2007; 133(4):581-624; Institute of Medicine. Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research; National Academies Press; Washington, DC: 2011; Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Center Program Guide. Mayo Clinic; Ro chester, MN: 2006.

Nyeri Dipengaruhi Banyak Hal

Harapan Terapi Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Education Px expectations for pain relief

Analgesic effect




Menjawab ketidakpuasan terhadap perawatan kedokteran modern ini, terutama terkait Penyakit kronik ESO kimiawi Kurangnya akses sejumlah besar orang (80%) di bebe rapa negara untuk mendapatkan perawatan kesehatan primer


Slogan "Kesehatan untuk semua”  tx tradisional

Bekam Tx tradisional Tx banyak penyakit, slh 1: nyeri Di tangan professional: aman Al-rawi & Fetters 2012; Lee dkk., 2011; Mehta & Dhapte 2015; Reza dkk., 2002; Rozenfeld & Kalichman 2016; Emerich dkk., 2014; Sajid 2016; Kim dkk., 2014; SHI dkk., 2013; Tagil dkk., 2014 ; Malik 2014; Al-kazazz et al. 2014; Cao et al. 2014

Terapi Bekam Nyeri Punggung Bawah

Nama Lain *To restore to the original size

Al Hijamah* 3

Canduk/ kop/ canthuk 7

Al Hijama 1

Baguan 2

Cupping therapy 5 Βεντούζα 8 B_a gu_an li_ao fǎ 4 Cupping method 6

Ventusynge 7 Ventouza 1: Kim et al. 2014; Mehta & Dhapte 2015; 2:  Cavlak M, 2015; 3: Sajid 2016; 4: Mehta & Dhapte 2015; 5: Araştırılması et al. 2013; 6: Shi et al. 2013 ; 7: Samiasih 2013; 8: Chirali 2014

“Cupping is a therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin to cause local congestion throug h negative pressure created b y heat or vacuum” “ Application of suction by creating a vacuum” (WHO) 1

Definisi Bekam

1: Chi LM, 2016

Sejarah Bekam

Intervensi Tertua 1

3000 SM 2 China Tanduk banteng

1550 M

Mesir Ebers papyrus 3 Membuang “zat asing”

400 SM

1800 M

Yunani Eropa & Amerika Kuno Galen nyeri kepala Paracelcus nafsu makan, Ambroise Pare pencernaan, pingsan, abses, narkolepsi,

1: Kim et al. 2014; 2: Rozenfeld & Kalichman 2016; 3: Araştırılması et al. 2013

Abad: 19, akhir 20

Inggris Unisovyet

Sejarah Bekam Ebers Papyrus (1550 SM)

Kop gelas Timur Tengah Mesir Kom Omb o


Dokter Muslim melakukan bekam

Hippocrates: WCT > CT Galen Mesir  negara barat (dilakukan dr. bedah terkenal) Alexandrians & Byzantines  timur tengah

Sejarah Bekam

Afrika: WCT dengan tanduk hewan 1

Dokter bedah melakukan bekam 1

Sacrificator dg 13 Set bekam 1878 M lancet 1 Eropa abad 17 1

1 Chirali


Tantara dibekam lengannya saat situasi politik Prancis dg Jerman1820 1

Bekam di Banyak Negara Cina, Yunani, Mesir, India, Jerman, Norwegia, Finlandia, Jerman, Finlandia, dll Asia, Afrika, Eropa, America (North)3 China:


Jiao Fa (角法 horn method) Huo Guan (火罐Fire Cupping)

Vietnam Pengobatan 1: Filipina - Tradisional - Alternatif - Rakyat Inggris - Komplementer Seluruh dunia, ribuan tahun 2

Saudia Arabia Korea Taiwan 12.8% of the participants: use of CT 1 

1: (Al-rawi dan Fetters, 2012; Cao dkk., 2014a; Lee, Kim dan Ernst, 2011; Mehta dan Dhapte, 2015a; Reza, Mahdavi dan Ghazanfari, 2012; 2: Tagil, 2014; 3:  Cavl ak M, 2015

ATLIT & SELEBRITI Victoria Beckham, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian West, Lena Dunham

Moeen Ali

Michael Phelps


Alexander Naddour

Will Russell

Natalie Coughlin

„body builder”

Steven Adams

Bekam Di tangan profesional 0 1

Sederhana 1 0 2 0 3

Aman, bisa ditoleransi 2

Mudah digunakan 3 0 3

Untuk banyak penyakit, di antaranya : nyeri 2: Sajid 2016; 3: Al-kazazz et al. 2014, 4: Kim, 2014; El Sayed, SM, 2014 

Efek samping minimal 4

Animal horns cups Bamboo cups : murah, gampang, namun ujung tajam, sulit steril Suction cups Rubber cups Glass cups ✓: mudah (pakai, steril, kontrol), namun mudah pecah Silicone or plastic cups Pottery cups Porcelain cups Electromagnetic cups Portable cupping machine Cup with squeeze rubber top Needle cupping cupping therapy

MACAM & BENTUK KOP (Kim et al. 2011; Mehta & Dhapte 2015; Rozenfeld & Kalichman 2016)

• Tarikan mekanik ✓ • Elektrik

ALAT TEKANAN NEGATIF Tarikan mekanik lebih dipilih untuk menghindari efek terbakar pada kulit (Michalsen et al. 2009)

Cao et al. 2014; El-Domyati & Saleh 2013, (El-Domyati & Saleh 2013; Kim et al. 2014; Michalsen et al. 2009, Michalsen et al. 2009

Adverse Effects WCT  eneralized body ache/ G itching Factitious panniculitis  Iron deficiency anemia 

Burns & blisters from fir e cupping

0 1 0 3 0 5 0 7

0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8

kin laceration S Light scratches (WCT)

Dark circular mark ain/ pressure/ P discomfort at the cupping sites Tingling

Jenis Bekam

1. Flashing fi re cupping

2. Throw fire c upping

3. Fire-retention c upping

4. fire stacking cupping

Jenis Bekam

Moving cupping application

Jenis Bekam Bekam basah

Bekam seluncu r Bekam kombinas Bekam obat i

Bekam air

Bekam gerak Bekam yang dit ahan

Bekam air

Bekam jarum Bekam cepat

Jenis Bekam 1 Bekam

Bekam kering