Belajar Materi Question Tag [PDF]

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Belajar materi Question Tag – Halo everyone, We are going to discuss about Question Tag. “What is question tag?” and “What types of question tag?” “Apa pengertian question tag?” “Bagaimana pola question tag?” dan “Bagaimana pula pengguna question tag dalam kalimat?” Before discussing those questions, let’s see the definition of question tag.

Belajar materi Question Tag Pengertian Question Tag Question tag adalah pertanyaan yang kita letakkan di akhir kalimat atau pola kalimat khusus dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk meminta konfirmasi, persetujuan, atau penegasan. Biasanya saat kita berbicara secara langsung penggunaan question tag ini diterapkan. contoh “Kemarin malam Itu kamu bukan?” “Kamu Reno, kan?”. Dalam bahasa indonesia, question tag atau paper lunch box dapat diartikan sebagai kan? bukan? ya? yuk?. Terdapat banyak perbedaan question tag, tetapi aturannya tidak sulit untuk kita pelajari. Question tag berupa pernyataan (statement) yang diikuti oleh pertanyaan singkat (miniquestion). Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam Question tag, diantaranya : 1. Apa bila ada pernyataan positif (positive statement) diikuti oleh tag negatif (negative tag). o Positive Statement “You are Reno” o Negative tag “aren’t you?” o Arti “Kamu Reno, kan?” 2. Apa bila pernyataannya negatif (negative statement) diikuti oleh tag positif (positive tag). o Negative statement “Goku doesn’t like coffe” o Positive tag “does he?” o Arti “Goku tidak suka kopi, kan?” 3. Gunakan personal Pronoun ( Kata ganti nama ) dalam tag ex : Goku isn’t fit, is he? 4. Kata “Not” dalam Negative tag selalu disingkat ex : will not = won’t

Berikut Pola Question Tag 1. Positive Statement –  Negative Tag Pernyataan positif (Positive Statement) diikuti oleh tag negatif (negative tag).  

Positive statement “You are Writing” Negative tag “aren’t you?”

Attention! Ada beberapa kata, yang kita mengulang auxiliary yang diubah kedalam bentuk negatifHave -> haven’t    

Will -> won’t Can -> can’t Should -> shouldn’t Must -> mustn’t

Jika kita tidak menemukan auxiliary dalam pernyataan tersebut, Ingat bahwa auxiliary untuk simple present adalah “do/does” dan auxiliary untuk simple past adalah “did”.   

Plays -> doesn’t (simple present) (i,you,we they menggunakan “do”, he, she, it menggunakan “does”) Study -> don’t (simple present) (I, you, we they menggunakan “do”, he she it menggunakan “does”) Played -> didn’t (simple past) (I, you, we,they he, she,it menggunakan “did”)

2. Negative Statement – Positive Tag Pernyataan negatif (Negative Statement) diikuti oleh tag positif (positive tag).  

Negative Statement “They won’t go to school” Positive Tag “will they?”

Attention : Di Negative Statement, kita mengulang auxiliary yang diubah ke dalam bentuk positif.        

Aren’t you -> are Havent’t -> have Can’t -> can Shouldn’t -> should Mustn’t -> must Doesn’t -> does Don’t -> do Didn’t -> did

Belajar Materi Question Tag 3. Special Cases Ketentuan khusus special case dalam menggunakan question tag a. Negative Words ( kata negatif )

Kata-kata berikut terlihat seperti pernyataan positif. Tetapi kata-kata berikut ini memiliki arti/makna negatif. Kata tersebut memiliki arti tidak pernah, jarang, hampir tidak, tak seorangpun.  

Never Seldom

    

Hardly Rarely Barely Nothing Nobody/No one

Apabila suatu pernyataan menggunakan kata tersebut, maka pernyataan tersebut pernyataan negatif (Negative Statement). Sebab itu kita menggunakan tag positif (positve tag).

  

Negative Statement “You never come to this place” Positive “Do you?” Arti “Kamu tidak pernah datang ke tempat ini, kan?”

Jika subjeknya nobody, no one, somebody, someone, everyone, maka menggunaan tag “they” Jika subjeknya nothing and everything, maka menggunakan tag “it”

b. Imperative (kalimat perintah) menggunakan tag “will you”

   

Close the door, will you? Turn of the lamp, will you? Don’t come late, will you? Open the window,will you?

c. “I am” menggunakan tag “aren’t I?” 

=> I am wrong, aren’t I? I am sad, aren’t I?

d. “Have” menggunakan tag 

“Have”bisa digunakan sebagai auxiliary, contohnya : o We have visited Bandung Zoo, haven’t we? (Kita telah mengjungi bandung Zoo, kan? o You have finished, haven’t you? (Kamu sudah selesai, kan?)

“Have” bisa digunakan sebagai verb (kata kerja), contohnya

o She has a doll, doesn’t she? **Ingat dalam kalimat tersebut sebenarnya: She (does) has a doll. Jadi question tagnya dari paper lunch box adalah : doesn’t, she? o They have a new car, don’t they? **Dalam kalimat tersebut sebenarnya: They (do) have new car. Jadi question tagnya adalah : don’t they? e. Let’s (let us) menggunakan tag “shall” 

example : Let’s go, shall we? => Let’s read, shall we? =>Let’s write, shall we?

Test Bahasa Inggris : Belajar Materi Reported Speech Nah bagaimana materinya? Masih kurang? Yuk tonton video berikut agar semakin jelas. Itulah materi question tag, semoga materi question tag ini dapat membantu stain mengerjakan soal TBI SPMB PKN STAN nanti ya, tentunya juga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Terus belajar dan berlatih ya stain!

1. Father went to office late last day, didn’t he? 2. She wasn’t happy when he didn’t came to her house, was she? 3. They were learning Physics when we came last morning, weren’t they? 4. I can do this faster, can’t I? 5. He could try again if he wanted to get more, couldn’t he? 6. I will be happy if you bring me many chocolates, won’t I? 7. Retna eats many fresh vegetables every night to her dinner,doesn’t she ? 8. They shouldn’t play a lot if they want their task to be finished, should they? 9. Mia and I wanted to shop together last Friday night, didn’t we? 10. He had many things to be sold, didn’t he? 11. She has done her task since 8 a.m, hasn’t she? 12. We want to make friendship, don’t we? 13. He canceled his vacation because of his business, didn’t he? 14. We will come if they had finished their task yet, won’t we? 15. I have finished my report for 5 minutes, haven’t I ? 16. My friend and I were in market when you came to my house, weren’t we? 17. She always keeps her attitude better, dosen’t she? 18. He lost his money when he went to exhibition, didn’t he? 19. They didn’t choose Leda as their leader, did they? 20. I shouldn’t have kissed him, should I? 21. We might come if we wanted to know her answer, might not we? 22. They have been waiting their professor for one minutes, haven’t they? 23. I had been chosen because of my attitude, hadn’t I? 24. He will be loved soon, won’t he ? 25. We’d rather go with him, wouldn’t we? 26. I never think about it anymore, do I ??? 27. My mom and I like to go to beauty center in the weekend, don’t we? 28. My father always checks his car before he leaves, doesn’t he ? 29. I would write the letter to him, if I found his address, wouldn’t I? 30. She didn’t take his book, did she?

1. didn’t he? 2. was she? 3. weren’t they? 4. can’t I? 5. couldn’t he? 6. won’t I? 7. doesn’t she? 8. should they? 9. didn’t we? 10. didn’t he? 11. hasn’t she? 12. don’t we? 13. didn’t he? 14. won’t we? 15. haven’t I? 16. weren’t we?

17. doesn’t she? 18. didn’t he? 19. did they? 20. should I? 21. might not we? 22. haven’t they? 23. hadn’t I? 24. won’t he? 25. wouldn’t we? 26. don’t I? 27. don’t we? 28. doesn’t he? 29. wouldn’t I? 30. did she?