Bing Asking Giving Suggestion [PDF]

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EXPRESSION OF ASKING, GIVING, REFUSING, ACCEPTING SUGGESTION/ OFFERING Ungkapan menanyakan, memberi, menolak dan menerima saran dan tawaran Okta Andi Rahman R., SS

Definition and Social Function of suggestion Definition of suggestion (Definisi saran) • Suggestion is an idea or plan to be put forward for consideration. (saran adalah ide/ rencana untuk dijadikan pertimbangan agar dilakukan) Social Function of suggestion (fungsi sosial saran) • To give suggestion to someone. (untuk memberikan saran kepada orang lain) • To help someone who needs any suggestion or advice. (untuk membantu seseorang yang membutuhkan saran)

CONCEPT MAPS Asking for suggestion (bertanya saran) Expression of suggestion (ungkapan memberi saran)

Giving suggestion (memebri saran)

Responding suggestion (merespon saran)

Accepting Suggestion (menerima saran) Refusing Suggestion (menolak saran)

ASKING FOR SUGGESTION Asking for suggestion is the way someone asking suggestione in English when we have a problem. Then, use the following formula : Modals + S + V1 We can express with… • What do you advise me to do on …? (apa saranmu untukku dalam hal ….) • What should I do? (apa yang harus aku lakukan) • What ought I to do? (apa yang sebaiknya aku lakukan) • Do you have any suggestion for me? (apakah kamu punya saran untukku??

Giving Suggestion • To give suggestion in a regular situation, then use the

following formula : (untuk memberikan saran pada situasi yang tidak begitu genting gunakan :


S + Should/ ought to / have to + Verb1

Examples : - You should do the homework soon (Kamu sebaiknya mengerjakan tugas itu segera) - You ought to pay attention to Mr. Didik explanation (Kamu harus memperhatikan penjelasan Pak Didik) - You have to study harder (Kamu harus belajar lebih rajin lagi)

Giving Suggestion • To give suggestion in a regular situation, then use the following formula :

(untuk memberikan saran pada situasi yang tidak begitu genting gunakan :

2. What/ How about + Ving 3. What if + S + V1 4. Let’s + V1 Examples : 1. What about having dinner at Jojo café tonight? (Bagaimana dengan makan malam di café Jojo nanti malam? 2. What if you order the food by GoFood? (bagaimana jika kamu pesan makanan melalui GoFood? 3. Let’s have some Nasi Campur tonight (Ayo kita makan Nasi Campur saja nanti malam)

GIVING SUGGESTION • To make suggestion which is in bad situation in which if severe , then use

the following formula : (untuk situasi yang genting dan dipertimbangkan saran itu sangat dibutuhkan untuk dilakukan maka menggunakan formjula berikut ini:

1. S + Had better +Verb1 2. S + must + Verb 1

Example: 1. You had better take your father to doctor soon (Kamu harus membawa ayahmu ke dokter segera) 2. We must get out of this jungle before the dark (kita harus keluar dari hutan ini sebelum gelap. Jadi , untuk sesuatu yg genting dan perlu saran tersebut harus benar-benar dilakukan.

WHY DONT WE … + V1 ???? (Kenapa kita tidak …) Examples : 1. Why don’t we buy some fresh fruit for him? (kenapa kita tidak membeli buah segar saja untuk dia? 2. Why don’t you borrow my money? (Kenapa kamu tidak meminjam uangku? 3. Why don’t we have a virtual class through zoom meeting? (kenapa kita tidak membuat kelas virtual saja melalui zoom meeting?

Accepting Suggestion (menerima saran) • The definition of accept suggestion means to willingly take,

receive or agree to an object or idea. • We can express to accepting suggestion with.. • Yes, I’d like/ love to. • That sounds like a good idea. • Ok, Let’s do/try that. • Why didn’t I think of that?

• • • • •

Ok. Yes, let's. What a good idea! Why not? Yes, with pleasure. That sounds brilliant

Refusing suggestion (Menolak saran) Refusing is to say or show that you are not willing to do something that someone wants you to do. Here are some expression to refuse suggestion : • I tried that, but… • Thanks, but that won’t work/ help because … • That’s a good idea, but … • No, I’d rather not. • I don’t feel like it. • I think it’s a bad idea.

TUGAS : Complete with the proper giving suggestion 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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