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SK NO 92/Dikti/Ken/I996 FakultaslImuKomputer, Teknologl Industri, 13konomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Psikologi, Sastra Program Diploma (D3) Manajemen Informatika, Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi Komputer, Manajemen Keuangan dan Program sarjana (S1) Sistem Informasi, SistemKomputer, Teknik Informatika, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin,

Teknik Industri, Akuntansl, Manajemen, Arsitektur, Teknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris

Program Magister ($2) Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, Teknik Elektro, Sastra Inggris, Psikologi, Tcknik Sipil Program Doktor (S3) llmu Ekonomi, Tcknologi Informasi / llmu Komputer



Bahasa Ingeris Bisnis 1

: Ilmu Komputer

Jenjang / Jurusan S1 / SI

Tanggal: 12/02/2020





Tingkat/Kelas :IV/4KA01-19,21-29, 31-34 Sifat Ujian

Semester/ Tahun:PTA 2019/2020

Tutup Buku

Juml. Soal

40 Soal


When you need information about materials, price, discount and other information, you should write a. b.

application letter order letter

c. letter of inquiry d. replying letter


This part of business letter shows the address of recipient. a. the salutation c. the inside address b. the signature d. the body of the letter


Below are parts of a business letter, except a.


an inside address a salutation

C. a letter head d. an announcement


With reference to your letter of .... as requested, we enclosed here with our latest catalogues and price list. The sentence above can be found in a. application letter c. replying to inquires b. complaining letter d. inquiry letter


These are the styles of business letters, except. a. full block style b. indented style



This is NOT part in letter head a.

name of the company


branch address

Which of the a. b.



There are three a. b.

d. references

followings is incorrect complimentary close format in British style?

Dear Sir, Gentlemen, Madame, b.

c. office address

yours very truly, yours sincerely,

a. complimentary close 9.

c. block style d. reference style

C. yours faithfully,

d. yours truly, are some

examples of

c. salutation d. inside address

paragraphs in body of letter, except,

closing paragraph message of letter

C. enclosing

d. opening paragraph



Which of the following a.

Dear Sir:


Dear Sir

is the correct

salutation in British style

c. Dear Sir, d. Dear Sir,

Replying about products or goods requcsted by prospective buyer is called a.


order letter complaining letter

c. letter of inquiry d. replying to inquires

12. This

part of a business letter shows the postal address of the writer. the inside address c. the salutation b. the signature d. the letter head 13. Ref. DA/SH/D9 in reference line D9 is. a. the filling number -- DA inisial penanda tangan (signature) c. the typist system b. the signer SH initial pengetik surat (typist) d. the initial product ---- D9 filling intern / reference number filling a.

14. We should be pleased if could send us your latest The sentence above can be found in



opening paragraph


requesting information




we can find the initial name Attention line


Inside address

abbreviation of

of person who sign and type the letter?

c. Postcript d. Postal Subject

17. The abbreviation in the a. Credit Card b. Complimentary Close

of CC

18. These are the following a. block style b. hanging style



c. Reference line d. Subject line

P.S is

Personal Sentence Purchase Statementt

19. What style


C. closing paragraph d. enclosure

15. Where do

16. The


English business letter is.

c. Carbon Copy notation d. Contact Channel

styles of business letter that are commonly used, except c. semi block style d. full block style

of business letter which all texts are typed flush left. Indented style Full Block style



Modified block style Hanging indentation style

20. Do not include an address or title, such as Mr. or Ms. It can be found i a. curriculum vitae C. cover sheet b. resume d. memo 21. The correct date format of letter in American style is a. 17 January-2020 c. 17th January, 2020 6. January 17th, 2020 d. January 17th/2020


22. The Indonesian term of semi block style is a. bentuk bertakuk

b. bentuk yang disederhanakan

c. bentuk setengah lurus d. bentuk lurus

23. We make an application letter in order to a. ask for information b. order good from abroad

C. apply for a job d. invite someone

24. The Indonesian a.


25. The

term of perihal surat salutation is lampiran

C. salam pembuka

d. salam penutup

English term of kop surat i



subject line

complimentary close

C. salutation

d. letterhead 26.

Which one a.

b. c.


is the correct sentence that can be found in of application letter? closing I would like to apply for the post of.. in your company. Iwould be glad to meet you for an interview and look forward to having your response. We look forward to having your comments by return. We look forward to hearing that the replacement will be sent by return.


27. The purpose of letter a.


of inquiry is

to get some messages to get an interview

C. to get some information d. to apply for a job

28. What should they usually do after they have received the reply of their inquiry letter? a. Write a letter of refusal c. Write a letter of order b. Write a letter of invitation d. Write a letter of complaint 29. Which of the following is the correct salutation in American a. Dear Sir: b. Dear Madame;

style? c. Dear Sir d Dear Mr. Robert

30. What kind of letter should you write when you want to know about the newest

of payment from a manufacturer? a. A letter of complaint b. A letter of refusal

c. A letter of order

d. A letter of inquiry

31. Ref NR/RF/G9 The NR in reference line above is the initial of_ a. the signer b. the filing number d. the 32.

products, price list or term

c. the typist

filing system

Mywork experience matches your requirements. I worked as an administrative assistant for three years. Those two sentences can be stated in a claim letter C. memo b. application letter d. replying to inquiries

33. The Indonesian term of bentuk lurus penuh is a. block style b. semi block style

c. full block style d. simplified style

34. These are the characteristics of memo, except a.




It is used for communicating concisely Messages between members of the same organization or company Short messages

Formal messages

35. Ref. AN/KV/F9 The KV in reference line above is the initial of the filing number a. b. the filing system

c. the signer d. the typist


is a writen list that dosortbes your educatlon and tho jobs you have had,


resuime b.

d. fax


37. What will you do if you recelve a product which hus difforont color and size from the catalogue c. Wrlte a complaintng letter Write a reply of order d. Writo an order letter

Write an inquiry lottor

38. These are some information that you wll find in tho lotter of inqury, oxcept. c. order letter

terms of delivery



d. terms of payment

39. The reply of the inquiry letter is usually made by, a.

a buyer

c. a8oller d. no onc

b. a customer 40. These expressions are standard forms of complimontary clos0, except c. Yours truly, a. Sincercly yours, d. Dear Madame, b. Truly yours,



SK NO 92/Dikti/ KepL1996 Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknologi Industri, Ekonomi, Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan, Psikologi, Sastra Program Diploma (D3) Manajemen Informatika,Teknik Komputer, Akuntansi Komputer. Manajemen Keuangan dan

Program sarjana ($1) Sistem intormasi, Sistem Komputer,TeknikInformatika, Teknik Flcktro, Teknik Mesin,

Teknik Industri, Akuntansi, Manajemen, Arsitektur, Tcknik Sipil, Psikologi, Sastra Inggris Program Magister ($2) Sistem Informasi, Manajemen, Toknik Elektro, Sastra Inggris, Psikologi, Teknik Sipil


Program Doktor ($3) Ilmu Ekonomi, Teknologi Informasi / Tlmu Komputer



Mata Kuliah




60 Menit


Jenjang/ Jurusan S1/Manajemen


Sifat Ujian

Tutup Buku

Semester/ Tahun: PTA 2019/ 2020

Juml. Soal

40 menit


: III/ 3EA01-16, 18-25, 29-32



The purpose of letter of inquiry is a.

to get some messages

C. to get some information


to get an interview

d. to apply for a job


What should they usually do after they have received the reply of their inquiry letter? c. Write a letter of order a. Write a letter of refusal b. Write a letter of invitation d. Write a letter of complaint


Below are parts ofa business letter, except, a. an inside address c. a letter head b. a salutation d. an announcement


With reference to your letter of ... as requested, we enclosed here with our latest catalogues andprice list. The sentence above can be found in _ a. application letter b. complaining letter


These are the styles of business letters, except a. b.



C. replying to inquires d. inquiry letter

full block style indented style

c. block style d. reference style

This is NOT part in letter head a. name of the company b. branch address

c. office address d. references

Which of the followings is incorrect complimentary close format in British style?

yours very truly,

b. 8.

Dear Sir, Gentlemen, Madame, a. complimentary close

b. 9.

C. yours faithfully, d. yours truly,

yours sincerely,


are some

examples of

C. salutation d. inside address

There are three paragraphs in body of letter, except. a. b.

closing paragraph message of letter

c, enclosing d. opening paragraph

10. Which ofthe following is the correct salutation in

a. b.

Dear Sir: Dear Sir

British style? c. Dear Sir,

d. Dear Sir

11. Replying about products or goods requested by prospective buyer is called a. b.

c. letter of inquiry

order letter complaining letter

d. replying to inquires

12. This part of a business letter shows the postal address of the writer. a. the inside address c. the salutation b. the signature d. the letter head 13. Ref. DA/SH/D9 in reference line D9 is a. the filling number system c. the typist b. the signer d. the initial product 14. We should be pleased could send us your latest catalogue. The sentence above can be found in a. opening paragraph c. closing paragraph

if you



requesting information

d. enclosure

15. Where do we can find the initial name of person who sign and type the letter? a.

Attention line


Inside address

16. The abbreviation of P.S is a. Personal Sentence b. Purchase Statement

c. Reference line d. Subject line

c. Postcript d. Postal Subject

17. The abbreviation of CC in the English business letter is a. Credit Card c. Carbon Copy notation b. Complimentary Close d. Contact Channel 18. Theseare the following styles of business letter that are commonly used, except a. block style C. semi block style b. hanging style d. full block style 19. What style of business letter which all texts are typed flush left. a. Indented style c. Modified block style b. Full Block style d. Hanging indentation style 20. Do not include an address or title, such as Mr. or Ms. It can be found in a. c. cover sheet curriculum vitae b. resume d. memo

21. The correct date format of business letter in American style is a. b.

17 January-2020 January 17th, 2020

22. The Indonesian term ofsemi block style is a. bentuk bertakuk b. bentuk yang disederhanakan

c. 17th January, 2020 d. January 17th/2020

c. bentuk setengah lurus d. bentuk lurus

23. We make an application letter in order to

a. ask for information b. order good from abroad

C. apply for a job d. invite someone

24. The

Indonesian term of salutation is perihal surat


b. 25. The


c. salam pembuka d. salam penutup

English term of kop surat is a. subject line b.

C. salutation

complimentary close

d. letterhead

26. Which one is the correct a. I would like to

ieuar sentence that can be found in closing paragraph of application apply for the post of.. in your

would be glad to meet you for an interview andcompany. look forward to having your response. We look forward to having your comments by return.

b. . a.

We look forward to hearing that the replacement will be sent by returm.

27. When you need information about materials, price, discount and other information, you should write



c. letter of inquiry

application letter order letter

d. replying letter

28. This part of business letter shows the address ofrecipient. a.

the salutation


the signature

29. Which of the

c. the inside address d. the body of the letter


is the

in American

correct salutation

c. Dear Sir d Dear Mr. Robert

Dear Sir: Dear Madame;




newest products, write when you want to know about the 30. What kind of letter should you of payment from a manufacturer? c. A letter of order a.

A letter of complaint


A letter of refusal

d. A letter of inquiry

31. Ref NR/RF/G9 the initial of_ The NR in reference line above is


the signer


the filing number

a. b.

sentences can

I worked as an administrative assistantfor

be stated in

C. memoo

claim letter application letter

33. The Indonesian term

of bentuk lurus penuh is

d. replying to inquiries


c. full block style

a. block style b. semi block style 34. These

c. the typist

d. the filing system

matches your requirements. 32. Mywork experience Those two

d. simplified style

the characteristics ofmemo, except, It is used for communicating conciselyy same organization or company between members of the






Short messages Formal messages


35. Ref. AN/KV/F9 above is the initial The KV in reference line a b.

the filing number

the filing system

price list or termn

of. c. the signer

d. the typist

three years.


is a written list that describes your education and the jobs you have had. a.


C. message



d. fax

37. What will you do if you receive a product which has different color and size from the catalogue? a. b.

c. Write a complaining letter d. Write an order letter

Write a reply of order

Write an inquiry letter

38. These are some information that you will find in the letter of inqury, except b.

c. order letter

terms of delivery quotation

d. terms of payment

39. The reply of the inquiry letter is usually made by a. b.

a buyer

C. a seller

a customer

d. no one

40. These expressions are standard forms of complimentary close, except. c. Yours truly, a. Sincerely yours, d. Dear Madame, b. Truly yours,