Biografi RA Kartini Dalam Bahasa Inggris [PDF]

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Biografi RA Kartini dalam Bahasa Inggris (Terlengkap) – Di bawah ini adalah biografi salah satu pahlawan Indonesia, R.A Kartini yang berjuang untuk kesetaraan kaumnya sendiri.

Profile Name: Place Place

Raden and and

date date

of of


birth: death:

Jepara, Rembang,


Central Central

Kartini Java,


21 17


1879 1984 years












Family’s Husband:

April September

name K.R.M.






Child: Raden Mas Soesalit

R.A Kartini’s Childhood Raden Adjeng Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1876. She comes from a noble family. Her father, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat is a regent who governed Jepara at that time. While her mother, MA Ngasirah descended from the common people. Like the other children from noble descent in general, she lived in prosperity and strict Javanese rules. She is the 5th child of 11 brothers and sisters coming from her biological and stepmother. Among her siblings from her biological mother, she is the eldest daughter. R.A Kartini studied in the ELS School (Europese Lagere School). She studied Dutch language there, so that she could speak Dutch language very well.

R.A Kartini’s Adolescence When she was 12 years old, she had to quit studying because she had to do “pingit” at that time, a rule of Javanese custom that forbid woman to go outside before marriage. Finally, on 12th November 1983 she was married to Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat. After getting married, R.A Kartini never stopped learning. She continued to study in her own house by reading a lot of European books and magazines. When she was reading them, she found a great difference between European women’s life with Indonesian women. European women live in freedom and they have the same equivalent position with men. While, Indonesia women lived under man’s power. Based on that fact, she had an idea to change Indonesian women’s life. She along with her friends opened the first school for women in Indonesia in 1912 in Semarang. They taught Indonesian women how to read and write, so that they could come out of ignorance. In addition to teaching, she also wrote letters to her friends in the Netherlands. One of them is Rosa Abendanon which strongly supported Kartini’s idea. She also often wrote to the Dutch women’s magazine De Hollandsche Lelie several times. Thanks to her efforts, many women schools were built in other areas such as in Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, and Cirebon. Moreover, there was also Kartini Foundation, founded by Van Deventer’s family who is a political figures, opened Kartini’s School.

R.A Kartini’s Death

On 13th September 1904, RA Kartini died after giving birth to her son named RM Soesalit. She was 25 years old at that time. Although she had passed away, her spirit and brilliant ideas remain alive and inspire Indonesian women to continue the struggle to make her dream comes true. Even her spirit made a Dutch figure, Mr.JH Abendanon, compiled and published her letters sent to her friends in Europe entitle “Duisternis DOOR TOT Licht”, which means “Through Darkness to Light”. For her contribution, she was awarded as Indonesian national hero because of her ideas which improve Indonesian women level, on May 2, 1964. Advertisement

Artinya: Biodata Nama Tempat Tempat

: dan dan


tanggal tanggal

lahir: wafat:


Jepara, Rembang,

Jawa Jawa



Tengah, Tengah,

21 17


Nama Ayah:




tua Adipati





Nama Suami:

1879 1984 tahun



April September

keluarga K.R.M.






Anak: Raden Mas Soesalit

Masa Kecil R. A Kartini anak keturunan bangsawan pada umumnya, Raden Ajeng kartini kecil hidup di lingkungan yang cukup mewah dengan aturan adat jawa yang sangat ketat. Beliau adalah anak ke-5 dari 11 orang saudara yang berasal dari ibu kandung dan ibu tirinya. Dari saudara-saudara kandungnya tersebut, beliau adalah anak perempuan tertua. Raden Adjeng Kartini bersekolah di ELS (Europese Lagere School). Di sekolah tersebut beliau belajar Bahasa Belanda, sehingga dia bisa berbahasa Belanda dengan baik.

Masa Remaja R.A Kartini Setelah usianya mencapai 12 tahun, Beliau harus berhenti dari sekolah karena pada waktu itu dia harus dipingit, yaitu sebuah aturan adat jawa yang mengharuskan seorang wanita untuk tidak boleh keluar sebelum menikah. Hingga akhirnya pada tanggal 12 November 1983 beliau menikah dengan Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat. Setelah menikah dia tidak pernah berhenti belajar dan terus menimba ilmu di rumahnya sendiri dengan banyak membaca buku-buku dan majalah Eropa. Ketika membaca buku dan surat kabar tersebutlah, dia menemukan suatu perbedaan yang cukup besar antara kehidupan wanita-wanita eropa dengan wanita-wanita di Indonesia. Wanita di Eropa memiliki kehidupan yang lebih bebas bahkan kedudukan mereka setara dengan kedudukan laki-laki.

Berangkat dari kenyataan itu, Beliau memiliki ide untuk memperbaiki kehidupan perempuan di Indonesia. Bersama dengan teman-temannya dia menciptakan sekolah bagi wanita pertama di Indonesia pada tahun 1912 di Semarang. Sekolah itu mengajarkan para wanita Indonesia membaca dan menulis, agar mereka keluar dari kebodohan. Selain mengajar, beliau juga aktif menulis surat kepada teman-temannya yang ada di Belanda. Salah satunya adalah Rosa Abendanon yang sangat mendukung cita-cita kartini. Dia juga beberapa kali sering menulis untuk majalah wanita Belanda De Hollandsche Lelie. Berkat usaha kerasnya tersebut, sekolah, banyak sekolah-sekolah wanita didirikann di daerah-daerah lain seperti di Surabaya, Jogjakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon. Selain itu muncul pula Yayasan Kartini yang didirikan oleh keluarag Van Deventer dari tokoh politk Etis. Yayasan tersebut membuka sekolah kartini.

Kematian R.A Kartini Pada tanggal 13 September 1904 R.A Kartini meninggal setelah melahirkan anaknya yang bernama R.M Soesalit. Saat itu, beliau berusia 25 tahun. Meskipun beliau telah meninggal, semangat dan cita-cita beliau untuk memajukan kaum wanita Indonesia terus hidup. Pemikiran-pemikirannya yang cerdas menginspirasi kaum-kaum perempuan terus berjuang untuk mewujudkan cita-citanya. surat dirinya dengan teman temannya di eropa dengan judul “DOOR DUISTERNIS TOT LICHT” yang artinya “Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang”. Berkat kontribusinya itu pada tanggal 2 Mei 1964, beliau diberikan gelar pahlawan nasional karena ide-ide besarnya untuk memajukan kaum wanita di Indonesia.

Biografi Soekarno Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat & Jelas – Soekarno adalah salah satu pahlawan Bangsa, beliau bersama dengan Mohammad Hatta, adalah pejuang yang menjadi presiden dan wakil presiden pertama di Indonesia. Kini, kisah singkatnya ada di artikel biografi berikut.

Soekarno Soekarno was born in Surabaya, on June 6, 1901, and named as Koesno Sosrodihardjo, however he was often sick so that his parents changed his name into Soekarno. Many people adored him because he had many special characteristics. He was charismatic and he made many people grace him. His parents were teachers who had huge influence. They were Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjon and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. Soekarno had many wives. They are Oetari, Inggit Ganarsih, Fatmawati, Hartini, Kartini Manoppo, Ratna Sari Dewi, Haryati, Yurike Sanger, and Heldy Djafar. Fatmawati gave him five children. They are Megawati Soekarno Putri, Sukmawati Soekarno Putri, Rachmawati Soekarno Putri, Guntur Soekarno Putra and Guruh Soekarno Putra. Soekarno went to primary school in Mojokerto and after that he continued to high school in Surabaya. There were many advantages by having education in Surabaya. One of those was he knew many figures who had reformist soul and they were willing to struggle for Indonesia’s independence. After he graduated from high school, he continued his study in Bandung. At that era, he chose Netherlands engineering school or now it is well-known as ITB (Bandung Intitute of Technology). Advertisement

After he finished his study, Soekarno realized and became more concerned in the struggle to reach the independence of Indonesia. The history noted that his effort was hard and he often dealt with law. Soekarno also establish a party named Indonesian National Party on July 4, 1927. The purpose of this party was to free Indonesia from Netherlands colonial government. Due to his bravery, the colonial government arrested him and he was jailed in Suka Miskin, on December 1929. He was free from the jail in 1931. Nevertheless, his struggle came true than on August 17, 1945, Soekarno and Moh. Hatta declared the independence and freedom of Indonesia. This declaration of independence brought them together to be the first president and vice president of Indonesia. During his presidency, Soekarno faced many problems. He focused in building the image of Indonesia to eyes of the world. Soekarno also got many awards. One of them was a doctor title from 26 universities in Indonesia and the other countries, such as Gajah Mada University, Indonesia University, Bandung Institue of Technology, Padjadjaran University, Hasanuddin University, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jakarta, Columbia University (Amerika Serikat), Berlin University (Jerman), Lomonosov University (Rusia) and Al-Azhar University (Mesir). President Soekarno also gave many ideas to the international world. He felt empathically to help the countries in Africa which had not got their independence yet, therefore he initiated to hold a conference of Asia-Africa in Bandung in 1955. Soekarno had to step back in 1967. After his presidency period, he spent his time in Bogor Palace. Day by day, his health became worsen so that he had to get care from president’s doctor team. He passed away on June 20, 1970, in Jakarta. Soekarno is well-know as the founding Father of Indonesia. He was given a title as proclamation here. The story of Soekarno was filmed by Hanung Bramantyo with title “Soekarno : Indonesia Merdeka”.

Biography Mohammad Hatta Mohammad Hatta is one hero who greatly contributed to the independence of Indonesia. He is known as the proclaimer. He was born on August 12, 1902, precisely at the high hill of West Sumatra. He is better known by the name of Bung Hatta. Mohammad Hatta was born of a mother who named Siti Saleha and a father named Muhammad Jamil. Hatta was raised in a religious environment. His grandfather is a cleric who founded a mosque in Batuhampar. Her family background that merchant. Belonging to the family of his mother a successful trader. Mohammad Hatta studied in Europese Largere School (ELS) in New York City who currently renamed SMAN I Padang. He also studied at the Meer Uirgebreid Lagere (MULO) in Padang. He also studied related to trade that Handel Middlebare School (High School of Commerce) and the last one he was educated in the Netherlands, namely in the Netherlands Handelshogeschool. This is where he was awarded Drs. Religious knowledge are also not spared from the education which he passes. He even studied religion by scholars who are in Indonesia, among others, Abdullah Ahmad, Muhammad Jamil Jambek, and several other prominent scholars. Mohammad Hatta not only serves as a proclaimer, but he is also active in the field of organization and politics. His role in politics begins He was elected as treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond in Padang. Political knowledge has grown very rapidly when he often attend political meetings. He also joined a social organization. The organization called Indische Vereeniging. This organization eventually turned into a political organization. This happens because of the Ki Hajar Dewantara which has considerable influence in the development of the organization. Mohammad Hatta became vice chairman of the preparation of independence in August 1945. The event was chaired by Sukarno. At the time of Muhammad Hatta ordered by Sukarno to write the text of the proclamation to be read out at the event. However, he still wants the manuscript was written by Sukarno. Finally, Soekarno Hatta typed and sent to join the signed copy of the proclamation. Translate: Biografi Mohammad Hatta Mohammad Hatta merupakan salah satu tokoh pejuang yang sangat berjasa bagi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Beliau dikenal sebagai tokoh proklamator. Beliau lahir pada tanggal 12 Agustus 1902, tepatnya di Bukit tinggi Sumatera Barat. Beliau lebih dikenal dengan nama Bung Hatta. Mohammad Hatta lahir dari seorang ibu yang bernama Siti Saleha dan seorang ayah yang bernama Muhammad Djamil. Hatta dibesarkan di lingkungan yang agamis. Kakeknya merupakan ulama yang mendirikan sebuah surau di Batuhampar. Latar belakang keluarga ibunya yaitu pedagang. Keluarga dari ibunya tergolong pedagang yang sukses. Mohammad Hatta belajar di Europese Largere School (ELS) di Bukittinggi yang saat ini berganti nama menjadi SMAN I Padang. Beliau juga menempuh studi di Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) di Padang. Beliau juga menempuh pendidikan yang berhubungan dengan perdagangan yaitu Handel Middlebare School (Sekolah Menengah Dagang) dan yang terakhir beliau menempuh pendidikan di Belanda yaitu di Nederland Handelshogeschool. Disinilah beliau mendapatkan gelar Drs. Pengetahuan agama juga tak luput dari pendidikan yang ditempuhnya. Beliau bahkan belajar agama dengan ulama-ulama yang berada di Indonesia antara lain Abdullah Ahmad, Muhammad Jamil Jambek, , dan beberapa tokoh ulama lainnya. Mohammad Hatta tidak hanya berperan sebagai tokoh proklamator, melainkan beliau juga aktif dalam bidang

organisasi dan politik. Perannya dalam dunia politik diawali beliau terpilih menjadi bendahara Jong Sumatranen Bond di wilayah Padang. Pengetahuan politik yang dimilikinya berkembang sangat pesat ketika beliau sering menghadiri berbagai pertemuan-pertemuan politik. Beliau juga bergabung dengan sebuah organisasi social. Organisasi tersebut bernama Indische Vereeniging. Organisasi ini akhirnya berubah menjadi sebuah organisasi politik. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya Ki Hadjar Dewantara yang memiliki pengaruh cukup besar dalam perkembangan organisasi tersebut. Mohammad Hatta menjadi wakil ketua persiapan kemerdekaan pada bulan Agustus 1945. Acara tersebut diketuai oleh Soekarno. Pada saat itu Muhammad Hatta diperintahkan oleh Soekarno untuk menulis naskah proklamasi yang akan dibacakannya pada acara tersebut. Namun, beliau tetap ingin naskah tersebut di tulis oleh Soekarno. Akhirnya,Soekarno mengetiknya dan menyuruh Hatta untuk ikut menandatangani naskah proklamasi tersebut.

Biografi Bung Tomo Versi Bahasa Inggris ( Biography Bung Tomo English Version ) 22.00 Pahlawan Nasional No comments

Biography Bung Tomo Blog People and People to know where the famous hero of the Indonesian increase our knowledge of science is also motivated to take the Positive side of the world leaders in the know with Sutomo or call Bung Tomo is listed as a national hero since 2 November 2008 through confinement by Information and Communications Minister M Nuh. He was a character on the events of the battle popoler November 10 in Surabaya. He was an orator, burning spirit to fight to the death, maintaining dignity, homeland and nation was proclaimed on August 17, 1945. For a closer look at Bung Tomo brings his passion for motivation We're so much better here's a little story of life can bung tomo please login or take a look at the positive side that we are also motivated. Sutomo (Surabaya, October 3, 1920 - Makkah, October 7, 1981) or Bung Tomo is a hero known for his role in encouraging the people to resist the return of the Dutch through NICA troops and ending with the events of 10 November 1945 battle hitherto celebrated as Heroes' Day .Sutomo worked as a civil servant, he was a staff person at a private company, as an assistant in the office of government tax and employee small Dutch import-export company.He has also worked as a policeman in the city of Praja and had also become members of the SI, before he moved to Surabaya and become a distributor for the company's sewing machine "Singer". Sutomo grew up in a middle-class family. Education was important to be obtained Sutomo and family. Sutomo tenacious personality, hard worker, his fighting power is very high. At the young age Sutomo active in scouting organization or KBI. He is also joined by a number of political and social groups. In 1944 he was member of the New People's Movement.

Since the arrival of allied forces and NICA in Surabaya, Bung Tomo struggled to maintain grip Allied and Surabaya from NICA. Bung Tomo has a strong influence among the youth and the fighters. He boldly fired up fighters to battle it out against the allied forces. The fighting was triggered by the death of Brigadier General AWS Malaby in a firefight with militants. Although power is not balanced by fighters allied troop strength, but the events of the battle 10 November noted as the most important events in the history of Indonesia Around the 1950's Bung Tomo was active in political life. He had become the country Affairs Minister Former Combatants Forces / Veterans as well as Minister of Social Affairs Ad Interim in 1955-1956 on Harahap Burhanuddin cabinet. Bung Tomo is also a member of the House of People's Party of Indonesia 1956-1959.During the New Order government, Bung Tomo criticizing Suharto's policies which he considered starting off. As a result, on 11 April 1978 he was arrested and jailed by the Suharto government. In fact so great merit in the struggle for independence. One year after the resistance freed Bung Tomo later and not much active in political life. Bung Tomo is known as a devout Muslim worship. Beliaupun died while performing hajj in Mecca Arafah desert 1981.Jenazah October 7 Bung Tomo brought back to his homeland and buried not in the Heroes Cemetery, but at the General Cemetery Ngagel place in Surabaya. Thank you hopefully biography Biography and Profiles. Benefit for you to know more figures in the world, General Sudirman is one of the most popular figures in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. He was the first commander of the military, religious leaders, educators, Muhammadiyah leader and a pioneer of guerrilla warfare in Indonesia. General Sudirman also one of the five-star general in Indonesia besides General AH Nasution and General Suharto. He was born in Bodas Karangjati, Purbalingga, Central Java, on January 24, 1916 and died in Magelang, Central Java, January 29, 1950 at the age of 34 years of tuberculosis and is buried at the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta. General Sudirman was born and raised in a modest family. His father, KARSID Kartowirodji, was a worker at Sugar Factory Kalibagor, Banyumas, and his mother, Siyem, bleary-eyed offspring Wedana Apex. Soedirman since the age of 8 months was appointed as a child by R. Tjokrosoenaryo, an assistant district officer Apex is still a brother of Siyem. General Sudirman acquire formal education from the School Garden Student. Then he went on to HIK (school teacher), Muhammadiyah Surakarta but not until the end. Sudirman was also active at the moment Scouts organization Hizbul Wathan. After that he became a teacher at his school in Cilacap Muhammadiyah. The knowledge gained from the Japanese military through education. After completing his education at the MAP, he became a battalion commander in Kroya, Central Java. Later he became the commander of Division V / Banyumas after TKR formed, and eventually was elected Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Commander TKR). Sudirman was known to have a private firm on principle and conviction, he always put the interests of many people and nation above personal interests, even the interests of his own health. His personality is written in a book by Tjokropranolo, bodyguard during the guerrilla, as someone who is always consistent and consistent in defending the interests of the homeland, the nation and the state. During the Japanese occupation, the Sudirman been a member of the People's Food Board and a member of the House of Representatives residency of Banyumas. In this time he set up a cooperative to help the people from starvation. After World War II, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Sukarno used the moment to declare the independence of Indonesia. Sudirman and his troops fought in Banyumas, Central Java against the Japanese and captured weapons and ammunition. At that time the Japanese position is still strong in Indonesia.MAP Soedirman organizing his battalion into a regiment based in Banyumas, to become the army of the Republic of Indonesia which then played a major role in the war Indonesian National Revolution. After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was subsequently appointed as Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of Colonel. And through TKR Conference on 12 November 1945, was elected Soedirman TKR Commander / Chief of the Armed Forces of Indonesia. Later he began to suffer from tuberculosis, but he still falls within the guerrilla war against the forces who want to master the Dutch NICA Indonesia after the Japanese surrender. The first great war is a war led Soedirman Palagan Ambarawa against the British and Dutch NICA which lasts from November to December 1945. In December 1945, forces led by Sudirman TKR fought against the British army in Ambarawa. And on December 12, 1945, Sudirman launched simultaneous attacks against all top notch British Ambarawa. Famous battle which lasted for five days to end with the withdrawal of British troops to Semarang. The war ended on December 16, 1945. After victories in the Sudirman Ambarawa Theater, on December 18, 1945 he was appointed as General by President Soekarno. Soedirman gained the rank of General is not through the military academy or other higher education, but because of his achievements. General Sudirman still plunge into battle during the second Dutch military aggression in the capital Yogyakarta.When the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia as Jakarta has mastered Belanda.Soedirman led his troops to defend Yogyakarta from the Dutch attack was on December 19, 1948. In opposition, the health condition of General Sudirman was in a very weak state of tuberculosis he suffered for a long time. Yogyakarta was then controlled by the Dutch, although Indonesia was ruled by the army after General Offensive March 1, 1949. At that time, President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and several cabinet members were also arrested by the Dutch army. Because of the precarious situation, Soedirman crutches left with his troops and return to guerrilla warfare. He moved around for seven months from one forest to another forest, and from mountain to mountain in sickness almost without treatment and medical care. Soedirman home of guerrilla because his health condition does not allow her to lead the Armed Forces directly. After that just a figure Soedirman planners behind the scenes in a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch. After the Dutch surrender as the Indonesian archipelago States in the 1949 Round Table Conference in The Hague, General Sudirman back to Jakarta with President Sukarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta. At the date January 29, 1950, General Sudirman died in Magelang, Central Java illness suffered severe tuberculosis. He was buried in the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta. He was named the Defender of Independence hero. In 1997 he was awarded posthumously to Major General of the five-star rank possessed only by a few generals in Indonesia until now.