BJT - Mkdu4107 - Bahasa Inggris 1 [PDF]

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Nama Mahasiswa


Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 044178472

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah


Kode/Nama UPBJJ


Masa Ujian

: 2020/21.2 (2022.1)


PERTANYAAN/QUESTIONS : 1. Identifikasi bagian surat yang ditandai oleh nomor 1-3. Please identify the part of the letter numbered 1-3. 2. Identifikasi 3 (tiga) kesalahan pada surat di atas. Please identify 3 (three) errors in the letter above. 3. Anda adalah purchasing manager di sebuah perusahaan ponsel terkemuka, dan ingin bekerja sama dengan sebuah perusahaan pengeras suara. Tulislah sebuah surat singkat yang menyatakan bahwa Anda tertarik untuk bekerja sama dan Anda meminta perusahaan tersebut untuk mengirimkan katalog, daftar harga, dan contoh produk mereka. You are a purchasing manager of a well-known smartphone company and you would like to collaborate with a speaker company. Please write a letter that explains your needs and you ask for their catalogue, price list, and product sample. 4. Anda akan pindah ke kantor baru. Atasan dan rekan-rekan Anda di kantor lama mengadakan acara perpisahan dan memberi Anda hadiah berupa tablet. Tulislah sebuah email ucapan terima kasih terkait pemberian hadiah tersebut You are going to move to a new job. Your boss and colleagues held a farewell party and gave you a tablet as a goodbye gift. Write a thanking email about the gift.

JAWABAN/ANSWERS: 1. Bagian surat yang ditandai oleh no 1-3 adalah : The part of the letter numbered 1-3 : ❖ Pada no 1 ( Letter Head/ Kepala Surat) Berisi kan tentang nama perusahaan, merek dagang sebuah perusahaan, jenis perusahaan , alamat lengkap dan juga symbol dari perusahaannya, serta tanggal pembuatan surat At number 1 : in the letterhead Contains the company name, trademark of a company, type of company, complete address and also the symbol of the company as well as the date of the letter.

The company Name, also the location : ABC Education Inc. 123 Avenue New York, NY The date of the letter: January 3, 2022

❖ Pada no 2 (Adress/Alamat tujuan surat) Berisikan alamat yang di dalam yaitu alamat perusahan si penerima, nama perusahaan yang dituju, dan nama orang tersebut. At number 2 : contains the address inside, namely the address of the recipient company, the name of the company being addressed, and the name of the person. The name & address of the recipient company : Emily Cooper XYZ Company Inc. 789 Boulevard Seattle, WA The name of the person : Dear Ms. Cooper,

❖ Pada no 3 (isi surat dan penutup surat ) Berisikan maksud/ tujuan surat itu dibuat kepada pembaca secara detail yang mudah dipahami dan dimengerti, serta salam penutup dan nama sang penulis. At number 3 : Contains the intent/purpose of the letter made to the reader in detail that is easy to understand and understand, as well as closing greetings and the name of the author.

Subject Line / Body of the letter : After conducting extensive research and receiving feedback from our customers, we have determined that most customers strongly prefer a quarterly billing cycle rather than an annual one. In order to best suit your needs, we have decided to offer this benefit, which will take effect on February 1, 2022. On the first of February, we will be switching from an annual billing cycle to a quarterly billing cycle and this letter contains important information that may impact your organization. This letter is simply to notify you of the upcoming changes, and no immediate action is required from you at this time. We thank you for your continued business. Complimentary & the name of the author : Sincerely, Gabriel Bravo Gabriel Bravo

2. Tiga kesalahan pada surat diatas/ 3 (three) errors in the letter above. isi surat terlalu singkat dan tidak detail the contents of the letter are too short and not detailed kesalahan penulis kop surat letterhead writer error Kesalahan penulisan salam pembuka dan salam penutup Errors in writing greetings and closing greetings 3. Surat singkat yang menyatakan bahwa Anda tertarik untuk bekerja sama dan Anda meminta perusahaan tersebut untuk mengirimkan katalog, daftar harga, dan contoh produk mereka. A letter that explains your needs and you ask for their catalogue, price list, and product sample. ABC Technology Inc. 123 Avenue New York, NY January 3, 2022 Emily Cooper Esia Phone Company Inc. 789 Boulevard Seattle, WA

Dear Ms. Cooper, After conducting extensive research and receiving feedback from our customers, we determine that most customers really like your company's loudspeaker features. In order to meet the needs of our customers, we decided that we are interested in working with your company. That's why we ask for your company's catalog, price list and product samples. On February 1st, we will switch to using your speaker feature. This letter contains important information that can affect organization. This letter is only to inform you of the upcoming changes, and no immediate action is required from you at this time. We thank you for your continued business. Sincerely, Marcelino Eduard Sampelan

ABC Technology Inc. 123 Avenue New York, NY 3 Januari 2022 Emily Cooper Esia Telepon Perusahaan Inc. 789 Boulevard Seattle, WA

Ibu Cooper yang terhormat,

Setelah melakukan penelitian ekstensif dan menerima umpan balik dari pelanggan kami, kami tentukan bahwa sebagian besar pelanggan sangat menyukai fitur pengeras suara perusahaan Anda. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan kami, kami memutuskan bahwa kami tertarik untuk bekerja sama dengan perusahaan Anda. Untuk itu kami meminta katalog, price list dan sample produk perusahaan anda. Pada 1 Februari, kami akan beralih menggunakan fitur speaker Anda. Surat ini berisi informasi penting yang dapat mempengaruhi organisasi. Surat ini hanya untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang perubahan yang akan datang, dan tidak diperlukan tindakan segera dari Anda saat ini. Kami berterima kasih atas bisnis Anda yang berkelanjutan. Hormat kami, Marcelino Eduard Sampelan 4. Email ucapan terima kasih terkait pemberian hadiah tersebut. A thanking email about the gift 3 Januari 2022 Emily Cooper Esia Telepon Perusahaan Inc. 789 Boulevard Seattle, WA Perihal : Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada Yth, Bapak Muhammad Ilham Salam sejahtera, Saya karyawan Esia Telephone Inc mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada atasan dan rekan sekantor yang telah mengadakan acara tersebut perpisahan dan memberi saya tablet sebagai hadiah. Saya bersyukur memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja di sini. sebagaimana sikap yang

ditunjukkan Pak Muhammad Ilham selama ini, dan saya berharap di kantor baru saya bisa bekerja dengan semangat baru. Demikian surat ucapan terimakasih ini saya sampaikan, terimaksih atas semua dukungan nya selama ini. Semoga di masa dating kita dapat bekerjasama lagi Hormat saya, Marcelino Eduard Sampelan

January 3, 2022 Subject: Acknowledgments Dear, Mr. Muhammad Ilham Best wishes, I am an employee of Esia Telephone Inc. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my superiors and office colleagues who have held the event farewell and gave me a tablet as a gift. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work here. as the attitude shown by Mr. Muhammad Ilham so far, and I hope that in my new office I can work with a new spirit. Thus I convey this letter of thanks, thank you for all the support so far. Hopefully in the future we can work together again Yours faithfully, Marcelino Eduard Sample Emily Cooper Esia Phone Company Inc. 789 Boulevard Seattle, WA