Bone Ash As An Alternative Cement [PDF]

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Statement of the problems


Significance of the study


Null Hypothesis


Conceptual Framework


Theoretical Framework


Scope and delimitation


Definition of terms

CHAPTER II 2.1 Review and Related literature

CHAPTER III 3.1 Research design 3.2 The Sample 3.3 Instruments 3.3 Data gathering procedure 3.4 Plan for Data Analysis 3.5 Statistical Parameter


A Quantitative Research presented to the faculty of Basic Education Department ILIGAN MEDICAL CENTER COLLEGE Laya Extension, Pala-o, Iligan City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research 2

Makabinta, Nowaini S. Maranga, Irish B. Maruhom, Farinah B. Pansar, Abdulfatah I.

Grade 12 – H STEM

JULY 2018

CHAPTER I The Problem

Introduction The production of one tons of cement liberates about one tons of CO2 to the atmosphere, as the result of de-carbonation of the limestone in the kiln during manufacture of cement and the combustion of fossil fuel. The contribution of Portland cement production worldwide to the greenhouse gas emission is estimated to be about 1.35 billion tons annually or about 7% of the total greenhouse gas emissions to the earth’s atmosphere. This effect of cement production on the environment has made the research for alternative materials to cement popular in the last decades. Various works have been conducted in this area, by looking for materials that will totally or partially replace cements in the construction industry; Most especially agro-based waste materials. (Turner and Townsend, 2012) The search for such waste material, which is used as a choice for cement, must guide to global sustainable expansion as well as small environmental impact. One of such waste, which is cow bones from which cow bone ash is obtained Application of Cow Bone Ash (CBA) disposal for road construction, such as, rigid pavement construction, is significant and this serves various benefits to the environment. This application will reduce landfills, promote waste management at little cost, reduce pollution by these wastes and increase economic base of butchers when such wastes are sold, thereby encouraging more production. Also, CBA production requires less energy demand compared with Portland cement production and saves the needed foreign exchange spent on importation of cement and its components. (Manikanta Varma) According to Seidler Chemical Co., Bone Ash Ca5 (OH) (PO4)3 is a calcium-rich chemical made from concentrated animal bones. Bone ash occurs when bones calcinated when heated at high temperatures. Bone ash serves as a major component of traditional

bone in china, a form of porcelain ceramic, although most porcelain with high calcium and phosphorus content comes from alternative sources rather than animal bones.

Statement of the problem The researchers seek to answer the following: 1. Is there a significance difference between the amount of CBA and the amount of normal cement as an alternative composition of cement? 2. How much amount of cattle bone ash is needed to produce a kilogram of cement? 3.

How much rate of possibilities that CBA can be used as an alternative composition of cement?

4. Is using CBA as an alternative composition of cement durable enough to be used in constructing buildings? 5. How long does CBA as an alternative composition of cement will takes to harden?

Significance of the study This conducted study will contribute and be beneficial to our environment because it will lessen the consumption of natural material such as limestone and reduce the emission of CO2 in our atmosphere during manufacturing of cement as a result of decarbonation of the limestone in kiln. The effect of cement production on the environment has made the research for alternative materials to produce as alternative chemical components of cement.

Null Hypothesis The researchers predicted that the outcomes after the experimentation was stated that there is no significance difference between the amount of CBA and the normal cement because CBA and limestone – a natural sources of CaO (calcium oxide) both have similarities in chemical composition such as the CaO, they are both produces CaO which is the main composition of cement, It is also predicted that during the process of making cement using CBA, It requires atleast 80% of CBA to produce a kilogram of cement, and the researchers claims that the CBA is 25% can be used as an alternative cement because it has less durability and it takes too long to harden.

Conceptual Framework This conceptual framework will illustrate the behavior of the researchers.

Process • Analyze and study the bone

compositions to understand its concept.


• Collecting cattle bones (IV) from free-range market to use in experimentation with other cement compostion (DV) for making alternative cement

• Analayze the satistical data gathered from experimenation results to be presented.


Theoretical Framework

Scope and Delimitation The researchers’ study will scope and delimit the study about cattle bone ash including its chemical components to answer the findings of the statement of the problem, so it would support the claim of the researchers’ study. The informations and collected data would not exceed in its scope and delimitation.

Definition of terms For better understanding of the discussion in the succeeding chapters the key concepts are defined.

Bone Ash. Is the white porous residue chiefly of tribasic calcium phosphate from bones calcined in air used especially in making pottery and glass and in cleaning jewelry. Bos Taurus. Is a scientific terms of domesticated cattle. Calcination. "heating to high temperatures in air or oxygen" Cattles. —colloquially cows—are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. CBA. Means cattle bone ash. Combustion. A chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen combines with other substances to produce heat and usually light Decarbonation. These terms are often used synonymously in high purity water treatment. Kiln. An oven furnace or heated enclosure and for a substance by burning, firing, or drying Portland Cement. A hydraulic cement made by finely pulverizing the clinker produced by calcining to incipient fusion a mixture of clay and limestone similar materials . Pozzolan-finely divided sliceous or sliceous and aluminous material that reacts chemically with slaked lime at ordinary temperature and in the presence of moisture to form strong slow hardening cement.

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature Related Literature Bone ash is done by removing any meat articulated to the bone. The bone is then treated to remove organic material by heating the bones to about 1000°C or more. During the process of heating, the bones are sterilized as well. Afterward they are grind into fine particles to become powder like and suitable to be used as cementitious material. The figure shows the sterilized bone and powder form. (Ceramic dictionary, 2015). Moreover, the use of bone ash would be very applicable in developing country where livestock is staple food production and relative to the fact for limitation of cement materials. The use of one incinerated or pulverised bone can be considered as artificial pozzolanic material. Bone ash are force to constitute the hydraulic property by calcinating them in higher temperatures (Yilmaz, K.2010). According to Neville, A. M. 2003, The loss of ignition is limited is measured by considering the extent of carbonation and hydration of free lime and free magnesium due to atmospheric exposure of the pulverised bone (1.14%). The alkaline property cause by the combination of K2O and Na2O for pulverised bone is 2.18% which is low. This is beneficial considering the possible reduction of the destructive alkali aggregate reaction. Also, the limits pulverise bone alkalinity is free from cyanide which is an agent of corrosion of reinforcement. In addition, the specific gravity is lower than that of Portland cement which indicate the applicability of pulverised bone ash mixture to be a light weight cement or concrete mixture.

Chapter III Research Methodology Research Design The researchers used field experiment type of experimental method to apprehend if the process of utilizing bone ash can be used as alternative chemical components to produce cement, because the researchers manipulates the independent variable and apply several approaches and trials during experimentation until the researchers obtain possible final result. The researchers will be doing an experimentation to come up with a product. They will be given enough time to do their experimentation. The researchers aimed to determine if the cattle bone ash can be an alternative chemical component to produce cement.

The Sample The researchers doesn't involve respondents to the study, but it delimits the study only to focus experimenting if the cattle bone ash can be as an alternative chemical component to produce cement.

The Instrument(s) The researchers’ study used experimental method to calibrate and apply several approaches to obtain the final result of the study. The instrument being used by the researchers to gather data are based through books, articles and theories that would relate to the researchers study.

Data Collection Procedure After validating the instrument being used by the researchers, the researchers will ask permission to the research adviser to check the data that has been collected by the researchers, when the research adviser already approve and correct the errors, the researchers may now change the errors that have been corrected by the research adviser and finalize everything.

Plan for Data Analysis The researchers will also use the statistical record on and how much amount needed of cattle bone ash to produce a kilogram of cement, The data that have been accumulated by the researchers will be analyzed through the gathered theories and literature, The researchers would also let the instructor or adviser to check the progress of the researcher’ study after experimentation to identify and correction the mistakes and errors in the output of the study.

Statistical Treatment A parametric study was carried out on different CBA mixtures for better accuracy of result to be evaluated on a specific mix. The cement mixtures as earlier stated were substitution of cattle bone ash (CBA) for Portland cement in proportions of 20% up to 40%. Each of the cement mixtures, three (3) batches were mixed to fill three molds. Afterward, the workability of the mixtures will be examined.

Samples of adopted Parametric Study % Mixtures

Bone Ash (g) Portland cement mixtures (g)

Sand (g)

Water (g)

20% CBA





30% CBA





40% CBA