Business Corresponence [PDF]

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BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE 1 Form (Layout) of a Letter The following is the form or the layout of a business letter Letter Head (Sender’s Address) Reference Number Receiver’s name & address Salutation Subject of the Letter Body of the letter: Introduction, Purpose, and Ending


Complimentary Close Signature Sender’s name Position in the company CC., Encl., and Secretary initials

Attention: 1. Letter Head For business letter, usually the company has its own Letter head. Letter head consists of the name of the company and its address, telephone number, facsimile and email address. 2. Inside Address Inside Address consists of: 

Sender’s Address

Receiver’s Address

3. Reference Number To ensure that the letter is easy to find, the company creates its own code and it is called reference Number. In English style, we have your reference and our reference to refer the owner of the letters.

4. Date Date here means the date of writing the letter. 5. Salutation The following are examples of the salutation: 

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

Dear Barbara

Dear Mr. Omar Khan

6. Subject of the Letter It is the subject or the topic of the letter 7. Body of the Letter Body of the letter consists of: 


Purpose or the content


8. Complementary Close The following are the examples of Complementary Close: 

Yours Sincerely

Yours Faithfully



9. Signature 10. cc : Carbon Copy 11. Encl. : Enclosure 12. Secretary initial It is the initial of the secretary who types the letter. 2 Inquiries Inquiries or inquiry letters are business letters which are used by the company to ask the information, prices and samples, and also catalogue, discount and guarantee offered by other companies. The following is the example of the

inquiry letter. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write inquiry letter.

ROYAL ENGINEERING LTD Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate, Kowloon, Hongkong Fine Tools and Equipment 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7BG

Your ref : Our ref : SS/ST 3 June 2020

Dear Sir With reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s Period, would you please send me full details, prices and samples of your newest electrical tools? Yours faithfully Simon Smith Simon Smith Purchasing Manager

Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. Who is the marketing Manager of Royal Engineering Ltd? 2. In which newspaper were the electrical tools advertised? 3. What does Mr. Smith ask for? The following is the example of a letter answering the above inquiry letter. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to answer the inquiry letter.

FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street. Birmingham B 30 7BG Mr. S. Smith Marketing Manager Royal Engineering Ltd Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate Kowloon, Hongkong

Your ref Our ref


9 June 2020 Dear Mr. Smith Thank you for your letter of 3 June enquiring about the newest electrical tools. We are delighted to enclose our new brochure and price list together with samples of newest electrical tools. We look forward to receiving your first order. Yours sincerely Mathew Collin Mathew Collin Sales Manager Enc.: 3 Answer the questions based on the above letter. 1. Who is MC? 2. Who wrote the letter on 9 June? 3. What did Mr. Collin send together with the letter? 4. Which address did the secretary of Mr. Collin type on the envelope? 5. Why did Mr. Collin write this letter? 6. What is meant by ‘we’ as it was written in paragraph 2? 7. Why is Mr. Collin looking forward to hearing from Manhattan Windsor?

3 Sales Letters (Sending out Advertising) FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B 30 7BG Mr. S Smith Your ref : SS/ST Purchasing Manager Our ref : MC/JG Royal Engineering Ltd Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate Kowloon, Hongkong Dear Mr. Williams We have pleasure in sending you a copy of our catalogue, which includes details and prices of our newest electrical tools. We would particularly like to draw your attention to our electrical tools that have multi functions, which you will find on page 123 of the catalogue. We can offer you a special discount of 10 per cent on all electrical tools which have multi functions ordered before 1 July. We look forward to receiving your first order. Yours sincerely Mathew Collin Mathew Collin Sales Manager Enc.: 1 The above letter is the example of a letter which is sent out with a catalog to a certain customer. The letter and the catalog are not asked by the customer. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to make a sales letter. Answer the following questions based on the above letter.

1. What does Collin especially want Smith to look at? 2. What special discount will be given before 1 July? 3. What is enclosed by Mr. Collin? The following is the example of a letter which is sent out to many customers with a catalog. The letter is not asked by the customers. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to make a sales letter.

FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B 30 7BG 15 June 2020 Dear Sir or Madam I enclose a copy of our latest catalogue and price list. May I draw your attention in particular to our electrical tools which have multi functions which can be seen on page 123? We are offering a special discount of 10 per cent on all orders received before 1 July. Please use the special order form at the back of the catalogue and deduct 5 per cent from the prices on our list. We hope that you will be pleased with the catalogue and look forward to receiving your order. Yours faithfully Mathew Collin Mathew Collin Sales Manager Enc.: 1

Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. What can be seen on page 123 of the catalogue? 2. Where is the order form? 3. Why does Mathew Collin use ‘yours faithfully’? 4 Placing Order The following is the official purchase order form. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to place the order.

ROYAL ENGINEERING LTD Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate, Kowloon, Hongkong


Fine Tools & Equipment 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG

Purchase Order No: 3344H Date: 28 June 2020





Electrical drills













Delivery Date required 28 August 2020

Terms 30 days from receipt


For Royal Engineering Ltd Simon Smith

This is a letter with an official purchase order. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write a letter with an official purchase order. ROYAL ENGINEERING LTD Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate, Kowloon, Hongkong Fine Tools & Equipment 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG

Your Ref.: MC/JG Our Ref. : SS/ST Date: 28 June 2020

Dear Sirs Purchase Order No. 3344 H Thank you for your letter of 9 June enclosing your catalogue, price-list and samples of newest electrical tools. We have tested the samples and are pleased with their quality. We enclose our official purchase order and will open an Irrevocable Letter of Credit as soon we receive your pro forma invoice. Yours faithfully Simon Smith Simon Smith Purchasing Manager Encl. : 1   Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. What does ‘their’ in paragraph 2 refer to? 2. What does ‘irrevocable ‘(paragraph 3) mean? 3. What does ‘pro forma invoice’ mean? 4. How will Royal Engineering Ltd pay for the electrical tools?

This is a letter without an official purchase order. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write a letter without an official purchase order. ROYAL ENGINEERING LTD Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate, Kowloon, Hongkong Fine Tools & Equipment 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG

Your Ref.: MC/JG Our Ref. : SS/ST Date: 28 June 2020

Dear Sirs Purchase Order No. 3344H  Thank you for your letter of 9 June. We have examined your samples and would like to place the following order:   150 Electrical drill Cat. Ref. A 1234      150 socket Cat. Ref. B. 5678 250 switch Cat. Ref C. 9101 We shall pay for the goods by banker’s draft on receipt of your pro forma invoice. Yours faithfully Simon Smith Simon Smith Purchasing Manager

Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. What does ‘your’ (paragraph 2) refer to? 2. What does ‘Cat. Ref.’ mean? 3. How will Royal Engineering Ltd pay? 5 Dialing with Orders 5.1 Acknowledging letters

The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write an acknowledging letter. FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG

Royal Engineering Ltd. Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate Kowloon, Hongkong

Your Ref.: SS/ST Our Ref. : MC/JG Date: 30 June 2020

Dear Sirs Purchase Order No. 3344H We are pleased to acknowledge your order of 28 June for: 150 Electrical drill Cat. Ref. A. 1234      150 socket Cat. Ref. B. 5678 250 switch Cat. Ref C. 9101 We enclose our pro forma invoice as requested. The goods will be dispatched by air on receipt of your banker’s draft. Yours faithfully Mathew Collin Mathew Collin Sales Manager Encl.: 1

Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. Who sent order no 3344H? 2. Who requested the invoice?

3. When will the goods be sent? 4. What is enclosed? 5.2 Advising of dispatch The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write an advising of dispatch. FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG Royal Engineering Ltd. Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate Kowloon, Hongkong

Your Ref.: SS/ST Our Ref. : MC/JG Date: 30 June 2020

Dear Sirs Purchase Order No. 3344H We are .pleased to advise you of the dispatch of your order No. 3344H, which was collected today for transport by British Caledonian Airways to Hongkong. The air way-bill, insurance certificate and invoice for freight charges and insurance are enclosed. We look forward to receiving further orders from you in the future. Yours faithfully Mathew Collin Mathew Collin Sales Manager Encl.: 3 Answer the following questions based on the above letter. 1. How will the order be sent to Hong Kong? 2. Who does ‘you’ (paragraph 3) refer to? 3. What are the enclosures?

6 Payment: Invoice An invoice is always sent with an order. The customers who do not have credit must pay in cash the total amounts of the invoice. The name and address of the company, the name and position of the people, the date of writing the letter, the reference, the subject, and all information in this letter is fictitious only for the purpose of studying how to write an invoice. FINE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 20 Jasmine Street Birmingham B30 7 BG Mr. S. Smith Purchasing Manager Royal Engineering Ltd. Unit 14, New Kowloon Industrial Estate Kowloon, Hongkong

Date: 30 June 2020

INVOICE No. 3456WH Your order number: 3344H Catalogue No. A. 1234 B. 5678 C. 9101

Quantity 150 150 250

Price ₤20.00 ₤ 2.00 ₤ 2.00 Less 10% discount

Terms : 30 days 2½ % M.V. Amaranth 1 case D3/178/17

c.i.f. Kowloon

₤ (Pond sterling) 3,000.00 300.00 500.00 3,800.00 380.00 3,420.00 100.00 3,520.00

Note: c.i.f. = cost, insurance, freight. QUESTION Who has sent the invoice Who must pay the invoice? What discount is given?

ANSWER Fine Tools & Equipment Simon Smith 10%

What does c.i.f. Kowloon mean?

Cost including freight and insurance (to

How much must be paid? What do the following mean?

Kowloon) £ 3520.00 a) If the invoice is paid within 30 days

a) Terms: 30 days 2 ½% b) M.V. Amaranth c) 1 case D3/178/17

there is an additional discount of 2 ½%. b) Merchant Vessel or Motor Vessel (=ship) Amaranth. c) The goods are packed in one case marked D3/178/17.