CAS Interviews [PDF]

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1. Which aspect of the programme excites you the most? Which aspect seems most challenging? As for me, the most exciting part of the programme is the external CAS itself. The official meetings with CAS members and the teacher when accomplishing the objectives we planned for that particular day. CAS day of the week also brings relaxation to my mental well-being because personally, I consider CAS activities as a part of self-reflection. There are always lessons learnt at the end of every activities. Not just mere exhaustion and complaints throughout. Also, without realizing it, Cas gives room for my brain to taking a break from academical brainstorming. Aspect that is most challenging for me is the part where we have to sacrifice our time for fundraising purpose. Usually, our fundraise session is held during the time before dawn which is the time for personal preparation, but we had to gather around and sort things out so that we can distribute orders to students. Sometimes, we had to rush because we were running late for Maghrib prayers. 2. How do you think CAS programme will enable you to grow? How do these areas of growth apply to attributes of the IB learner profile? CAS programme enable me to grow internally where I develop these soft skills without realizing its importance in order to function rationally as human being. As for example, out of the 10 IB learner profile, CAS acquire at least 7 of the profiles. Which at the end of the programme, I can see myself carrying these adjectives in the future wherever I go. Most of it, I developed through CAS activities which obviously leading me the way to become a caring person as I take responsibility towards people’s misfortunes. Secondly, I’ll be reflective as CAS report itself allow special rooms to write down our reflections for every session. Thirdly, we will be better communicators as we work in a group requiring discussion and pouring ideas. Theres no way a quite person can get away with that. Lastly, I am now more balanced than before. Because I am now not only stressing about academic, but other essential type of busy. I am now more independent I would say.

3. What are your personal goals? How could they be achieved through CAS? Personally, I realized that I am ignorant, most of the time unmotivated, insensitive and selfish. Not insulting myself, but I am working myself towards a better person by setting these goals to overcome these negativities from growing inside me. Be kind they said. Not for the sake of being liked or so that people talk highly of you, but for yourself. Inner peace and mindfulness. It’s a great thing to have. Through CAS, i am not giving away this opportunity to achieve those goals. Imagine a society full of kind and caring people, I bet all the despair and grief felt by humans can be cured or at least these people can help to ease them up by lending help or radiate positivity. im certain through community service, we will eventually instill these values where we prioritise people and try to do anything under your capability. Don’t ignore their needs without considering anything to help them feel better. 4. How can you advance your skills and talents through CAS? I believe I can advance my skills in art, photography and creativity through CAS programme. For example, during external CAS, most of the time we discussed on how to light up a room, initiatives to make it cheerful. Basically, we transformed a dull boring environment of a room into a beautiful one with minimal decorations yet it brings significant differences to it. So without realizing it, I used my sense of creativity as a tool to come out with brilliant ideas. therefore, it enhanced my skill through experience as well. I took photos for documentary purposes so I learnt which angle of the room snaps right and whatnot. As for skills, I’ve enhanced many of them especially the skills of negotiating and adapting. I learnt that negotiation and compromising are key elements to solve any arguments or when people are impatient in taking turn to voice out. Especially when you work in a group, 1) don’t be selfish 2) listen to people talking 3) stop negating their ideas by saying yours are better. When I follow these, my messages are usually delivered and accepted. But when it doesn’t, I’m reflective about why it doesn’t. 5. Can you summarize each of the learning outcomes in your own words? Yes, I can.

Learning outcome 1: I can identify my own strengths and grow in terms of different areas. Basically, I recognise my potentials and drive myself to strengthen it. Learning outcome 2: I take risks into my list of options. In fact, I go for challenges or adventures rather than staying in my comfort zone. Take in the opportunities to experience something different and familiarizing uncertainties Learning outcome 3: able to draw out preparations, research, demonstrations, actions and procedures from raw ideas to a series of making CAS activities a reality Learning outcome 4: Demonstrate regular participation and engagement with CAS activities and able to consider valid alternatives and back-up plans. Learning outcome 5: Able to work in a team and coherently understand each other’s perspectives. Therefore, skills and knowledge are shared and contributed all throughout Learning outcome 6: Recognize global issues related to the activities carried out. And we show awareness by taking appropriate actions in response either locally, nationally in the community Learning outcome 7: acknowledge ethical issues where we take into account cultural context when planning or making decisions. We also show responsibility towards ethical judgement when making choices.

6. What learning outcome might present a significant challenge? Personally, I think learning outcome 2 is the most challenging one, because I need to explore unfamiliarities. The title risk-taker can’t simply be entitled to anybody because it require someone who voluntarily become involved in new and uncertain type of environment. And its not easy to do that. Secondly, in achieving newly developed skills require a lot of efforts and energy to do so. Based on research, in order for you to be skill full or an expert in a certain area, the minimum time required is 10,000 hours of engaging doing it. Since IB has

me busy all the time completing unfinished assignments and revising for exams, I didn’t quite have time to sacrifice my time for this as I have priorities to get done to. The challenge I am talking about here is the limited time I have not allowing me to be fully engaged in achieving this learning outcome

7. How can you keep track of your plans and meeting the learning outcomes through your portfolio? First of all, by doing activities based on my interests, skills and talents simultaneously working my way to achieve learning outcome 4 which is by showing commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. For an example, when I do such community service activities, my mind will give me ideas on how I like it to be. And I will shape the activities based on how my interests possessively telling me to. Without realizing it, I am enhancing my skills at a certain field and showed commitment in completing CAS activities as well. Secondly, the time I had to squeezed in to write CAS reports have taught me on how to initiate and plan CAS experience which is learning outcome. Since writing report require me to be articulate the CAS stages including the investigation, preparation, action, reflection and demonstration. Lastly, answering this interview questions made me think reflectively and consciously about how CAS has helped me build new personalities as a whole. I am thankful at the same time to be involved in this programme.