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1. Dian’s magnificent speaking ability enabling him to efectively express the demands for social justice for black americans. 2. Most of his neighbours do not know that he has been living in a small hut since he moves back to hometown last june. 3. Land from sultan palace will be devided between all the agencies according to guidelines set up by municipality. 4. Should you have any problems, just visit your psychic as he can provide the sound advise on choosing the reputable university. 5. Scarcely the thief comes in the morning to the house full of people, according to my relative who happends to be a policeman. 6. Alike jakarta dan bandung, yogya experiences hot weather triggered by serious global warming. 7. Everyone in the classroom believes that Economics is the most easiest subject of all the subjects taught by their teachers. 8. From the day that were born, puppies have shown significant responds to their environment. 9. Only not do the private sectors give the best services to their customers but also understand their needs. 10. As education city, yogyakarta is push to give its best service on education facilities.

Not many are aware that Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), as it is known today, was partly the pinnacle of Indonesian national struggle to proclaim its liberty; neither do many know that it was once an Islamic Institute or STI before it turned out to be a University in 1948. In fact, established in jakarta on July 8, 1945, a few week prior to Indonesia’s independence declaration, it was grounded at the decisive moment for education which has been neglected for a while as the national struggle was focused on unchaining itself from colonialism. Apparently, during the mid 40s STI emerged as the manifestation of indonesian founding fathers’ visionary objective in that they were apprehended with the fact that the existing institutions such as Technische Hoogeschool or the so-called Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung. Recht Hoogeschool in Jakarta, and Institute of Agriculture in Bogor, were technically initiated and organized by the Dutch. Therefore, setting up STI marked their rising awareness of the importance of a purely-indonesian product in educational field. Among them were Dr. Moh. Hatta (the Proclamator and former Vice President of Indonesia), Moh. Natsir, Prof. KHA. Muzakkir, Moh. Roem, KH. Wachid Hasyim, and more. They made STI the basis for developing an Islamic and nationalist edification which strived and brought hope for young generation for a better future of Indonesia. Nearly twelve months later, however, STI was moved to Yogyakarta along with the shifting of Indonesia’s capital from jakarta to yogyakarta. It was then reopend by president soekarno on april 10, 1946 in ndalem pangulon. Furthermore, in 1947, in order to escalate its significant role in educating the youth and increasing social welfare during the early growth of a new nation, STI as the only islamic institute in indonesia was designed to be expanded into a university in which its name was changed into Islamic University of Indonesia (Al Jami’ah Islamiyah Al Indonesiyah). The changing of the status and name was officially celebrated on june 4, 1948 in ndalem kepatihan, yogyakarta, and the event was visited by some ministers and military authorities. In its opening, one of the main points put forward was that UII provided four faculties: Economics, Law, Education, and Religion (Islam) that were substantial for the immediate improvement of the condition of higher education in indonesia at the moment.

1. What can be inferred about education on indonesia that STI was needed? A a. It manifested what was grounded for education b. It became a role model c. It was so conventional d. It was overlooked e. It was focused on technology and engineering programs 2. Which of the following aspired the founding of STI? D a. Independence day declaration b. The well-established islamic institutes c. Soekarno as indonesian proclamator d. National struggle for capital relocation e. Dr. Moh. Hatta and som of his colleagues

3. Where was STI opened at the outset? B a. Bandung c. Bogor d. Ndalem Pangulon b. Jakarta d. Yogyakarta 4. The word “apprehended” is closest in meaning to? B a. Seized c. Excited d. Ignorant b. Worried d. Inspired c. Excited 5. The word “edification” can best be replaced with? C a. Movement c. Education e. Objective b. Revolution d. Foundation 6. The word “significant” means? E a. Contrary c. Indispensable e. indisputable b. Cobsiderable d. Irrelevant 7. Where in the passage does the author refer to the goal of building up STI? E a. Lines 3-4 c. Lines 11-12 e. Lines 19-20 b. Lines 7-9 d. Lines 13-15 8. Which of the following statements about the opening of UII’s suggested by the text? D a. It took place in jakarta on july 8, 1945 b. The ceremonial event was held in ndalem kepatihan c. Some ministers and military authorities were take part d. There were 4 faculties for graduate program e. Soekarno was choosen as the first university president of UII while in yogyakarta 9. Which of the following would likely be discussed in the paragraph following the passage? B a. Indonesian institutes d. The faculties in UII b. STI as an islamic institute e. Universities in yogyakarta c. UII at the present time 10. What pattern of organization does the author apply in the passage? D a. Time order c. Listing order e. Problem solution b. Spatial order d. Argumentative

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Since it was first instigated, UII has been a university. (T/F/NG) F Indonesia’s independence day was declared preceding STI. (T/F/NG) T In its early growth, STI was impeded by other institutes so as to be better of. (T/F/NG) NG The youth declaration in 1982 inspired the presence of islamic university. (T/F/NG) F Educational program was one of the most important programs in any universties. (T/F/NG) NG

Islamic university of indonesia as the product of indonesian remarkable figures’ (16).....D with the need of higher (17)..... C for local people was originally an islamic institute. Located in jakarta, in 1945 it was initiated and managed by a number of well-known indonesian intellectuals at the moment. Moreover, in the next (18).....f of years, it was moved to yogyakarta following indonesian (19)....B relocation. It was reopned in 1948 and (20).....G its status as a universty with four faculties. Since then, it has remained and grown in yogyakarta. A. Concern B. Capital

C. Education D. Living Standard

E. Couple F. Moment

G. Acquired

Yogyakarta was founded following the gianti pact on february 13, 1755. It was signed by Dutch authorities Governor Nicholas Hartingh representing Governor General Jacob Mossel. The point included in the agreement is that Mataram kingdom was divided into two: one belonged to Surakarta dynasty and the other belonged to prince mangkubumi. Based on the pact, prince mangkubumi was admitted king for half of region of the java kingdom. He was titled sultan hamengku buwono I. The areas under sultan hamengku buwono I’s authority covered mataram (yogyakarta), pojong, sukowati, bagelen, kedu, bumigede plus some foreign regions like madiun, magetan, cirebon, pacitan, kertosuro, kalangbret, tulungagung, mojokerto, bojonegoro, ngawen, sela, kuwu, wonosari, grobogan. Soon after the pact, sultan hamengku buwono I announced that mataram area was named ngayogyakarta hadiningrat in which its capital was in ngayogyakarta (yogyakarta) on march 13, 1755. The location which was chosen as a place where the capital and central government would be build was the wilderness named beringin in which there was a little village named pachetokan inside. In this village was a shelter named garjitowati which was previously build by susuhunan paku buwono II and changed its name into ayodya. Once the location was decided, sultan hamengku buwono commanded that his people clear the land and built a palace (kraton). A year later, sultn hamengku buwono I was ready to settle in his new palace. After the declaration of indonesia’s independence day on august 17, 1945, the president of indonesia soekarno inaugurated dri sultan hamengku buwono IX and Sri paduka paku alam VIII as the governor and vice governor for the province of special regency yogyakarta (DIY). Later on september 5, 1945, he gave the first announcement that kesulthanan and pakualaman became parts of the republic of indonesia according to chapter 18 of 1945’s constitution (UUD 1945). On october 30, 1945, his second announcement pointed out that the governance in yogyakarta province was lead by sri sultan hamengku buwono IX and sri paduka paku alam VIII in coorperation with the national commision.

21. what is the main topic of the passage?A a. gianti pact b. early history of yogyakarta c. the life of sultan hamengku buwono I d. dutch colonial period e. the declaration of indonesia’s independence 22. what was the role of governor nicholas hartingh in gianti pact?A a. To help the liberating yogyakarta from invasion b. To sign an obligatory check c. To represent his higher commander d. To deny the validity of gianty pact e. To announce his signature to indonesian public 23. the word “it” refers to?B a. Yogyakarta c. Prince mangkubumi e. Dutch governor b. Gianti pact d. Mataram kingdom 24. the word “pact” can best be replaced by?E a. Fact c. Letter of conduct e. Agreement b. Act d. Announcement 25. which of the following is not true according to the text?D a. Gianti pact enable the existance of yogyakarta b. Prince mangkubumi was later titled sultan hamengku buwono I c. Garjitowati was located in pachetokan village d. Soekarno was located the signing of gianti pact e. In 1945, soekarno gave two announcement related with yogyakarta province 26. the followings are the areas under the authority of sultan hamengku buwono I, except?E a. Pacitan c. Kalangbret e. Cilacap b. Kertosuro d. Tulungagung 27. what location was chosen by sultan hamengku buwono to the center of yogyakarta?E a. Beringin wilderness c. Kotagede e. Ayodya b. Mataram d. malioboro 28. what does the author mention garjitowati in paragraph 4?B a. To measure the center of yogyakarta b. To show former susuhunan’s shelter c. To show the familliar place for prince mangkubumi d. To deny the importance of other place e. To imply sultan’s affair 29. What can be inferred of yogyakarta in paragraph 5?E a. It was announced in the declaration of independence b. It became the capital of indonesia c. It implied the significance of sultan d. It was place in strategic location e. It was officially taken as part of indonesia in 1945 30. how does the author arrange the passage?A a. Chronological order c. Argumentative e. Descriptive b. Spatial order d. Problem solution

31. yogyakarta was established prior to gianti pact. (T/F/NG)t 32. magetan was ruled bu sultan hamengku buwono I not long after gianti pact. (T/F/NG)t 33. tugu marked the beginning of yogyakarta. (T/F/NG)t 34. sri sultan hamengku buwono IX is no longer the governor of province of special regency yogyakarta. (T/F/NG)f 35. soekarno’s announcement that kesultanan and pakualaman were parts of indonesia was on september 5, 1945. (T/F/NG)t

36. governor nicholas hartingh represented governor general jacob mossel to sign on...... 37. half of mataram was granted to surakarta empire while half was bequeathed to...... 38. two of around twenty regions which were under the authority of sultan hamengku buwono I included...... 39. since march 1755 mataram district was termed...... 40. the initial of the shelter in pachetokan village was...... A. Ngayogyakarta hadiningrat F. Garjitowati B. Mataram kingdom G. Ayodya C. Surakarta empire H. Gianti Pact D. Kuwu and wonosari I. Prince Mangkubumi sultan hamengku buwono E. Bumigede and majapahit