Cerita Snow White [PDF]

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Snow White

Once, there was a beautiful princess has a very white skin as snow and blue eyes. Because her skin was very white then she was called as Snow White. When she was a baby, she lost her mother. His father decided to marry again with the beautiful queen but she was very cruel. Her stepmother is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. She has a magic mirror. Every day the queen asked to this mirror, “Magic mirror, magic mirror on the wall! Who is the prettiest woman in this entire kingdom? Magic mirror said” Of course, you are the most beautiful woman “. One day the queen is asked to the magic mirror again. However, she was surprised when the mirror said, “Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. The evil queen is very jealous and angry when she found out Snow White more beautiful than her. She ordered the royal guard to hunt Snow White and bring her to forest to be killed. “I want you to kill her, then bring me her heart!” she ordered. When the guards find snow, they felt sad and couldn’t stand to kill her. Then they kill a deer abd brought its heart to the queen. They did not say that heart was not belong to Snow. Snow White is very sad and crying. She went back into the forest to wander until night. In the afternoon, she came to a small house in the woods. She entered the house. However, she found no one there. She only found seven plates on the table and seven little beds. Then, she cooked delicious meals and cleaned the house. She was very tired and slept in one of the small beds. At night, the seven dwarfs who lived in the house was very surprised found her in their homes. When Snow White woke up, she tells the story of her evil stepmother. Seven dwarfs were very sorry and asked her to stay with them. Every morning she made food for dwarf. The dwarf ordered her not to open the door for strangers. Meanwhile at the palace, the queen was very surprised when she asked to magic mirror. The mirror was still saying that Snow White is the most beautiful woman in kerjaaan. She was very angry when heard it. Actually, the queen was a witch. Then, she made a poisonous potion and put into the apple. She planned to give the apple to Snow White. Then, she was disguised as an old woman, and went to the house of Snow White. She knocked on the door. Snow White did not let her in. However, Snow saw the woman was carrying apples. “Let me in, I bring sweet apples for you, so please open the door?” said the queen Then Snow opened the door and ate an apple. When she ate an apple, Suddenly, she fell asleep. Queen returned to the palace and asked the magic mirror. This time, the mirror replied, “You are the most beautiful woman in this kingdom” Seven dwarfs were very surprised when they found Snow White lying at home. They are very sad and cried all night. Then they put Snow into a glass coffin. One day, there was a handsome prince who saw her. Prince was amazed with the beauty of Snow. He promised to find a cure for Snow. However, he was unable to find a cure. He was very sad and disappointed. With tears in his eyes he kissed Snow. Then, Snow opened her eyes and she woke up. Prince and the seven dwarfs were very happy. Then, the prince married with Snow White and lived happily ever after.

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Suatu ketika, ada seorang putri cantik mempunyai kulit yang sangat putih bagaikan salju dan mata biru. Karena kulitnya yang sangat putih maka dia dipanggil nama Snow White. Ketika masih bayi, Snow White sudah kehilanggan ibunya yang meninggal. Ayahnya memutuskan untuk menikah lagi dengan Ratu yang sangat cantik namun dia sangat kejam. Ibu tirinya yang jahat adalah wanita paling cantik di kerajaan. Dia memiliki sebuah cermin ajaib. Setiap hari ratu bertanya ke cermin ini, “Cermin ajaib, cermin ajaib di dinding! Siapakah waita tercantik di seluruh kerajaan ini? Cermin ajaib itu berkata “Tentu saja, kamu adalah wanita tercantik”. Suatu hari ratu ini bertanya kembali ke cermin ajaib. Namun, dia kaget ketika cermin itu berkata, “Snow adalah wanita yang paling cantik dan kamu kalah cantik di kerajaan ini. Ratu jahat ini sangat cemburu dan marah ketika dia mengetahui dia kalah cantik dengan Snow White. Dia memerintahkan para pengawal kerajaan untuk memburu Snow White dan membawanya ke hutan untuk dibunuh. “Aku ingin kamu membunuh dia, kemudian bawakan hati dia ke saya!” perintahnya. Beruntungnya, para pengawal menemukan Snow, mereka tidak tega untuk membunuhnya. Lalu, mereka membunuh rusa dan mengambil hati rusa untuk ratu. Mereka tidak bilang kalau hati itu bukan milik Snow. Snow White sangat sedih dan menangis. Dia kembali ke hutan untuk mengembara sampai malam. Di siang hari, dia datang ke sebuah rumah kecil di hutan. Dia masuk kedalam rumah itu. Namun, dia tidak menemukan seorangpun disana. Dia hanya menemukan tujuh piring diatas meja dan tujuh tempat tidur kecil. Lalu, dia memasak makanan yang enak dan membersihkan rumah itu. Dia sangat kelelahan dan tidur di salah satu tempat tidur kecil itu. Pada malam hari, tujuh kurcaci yang tinggal di rumah itu sangat kaget ketika menemukan dia ada di rumah mereka. Ketika Snow White bangun, dia menceritakan tentang ibu tirinya yang jahat. Tujuh kurcaci itu sangat kasihan dan meminta dia untuk tinggal bersama mereka. Setiap pagi dia membuat makanan untuk kurcaci. Para kurcaci memerintahkan dia untuk tidak membuka pintu untuk orang asing. Sementara itu di istana, Sang ratu sangat kaget ketika dia kembali bertanya ke cermin ajaib. Cermin itu masih mengatakan kalau Snow White adalah wanita tercantik di kerjaaan. Dia sangat marah ketika mendengarnya. Sebenarnya, ratu ini adalah seorang penyihir. Lalu, dia membuat ramuan beracun dan dia memasukkan ke dalam apel. Dia berencana untuk memberikan apel itu ke Snow White. Lalu, dia menyamar sebagai wanita tua dan pergi ke rumah Snow White. dIa mengetuk pintu rumah itu. Snow White tidak membiarkan dia masuk. Namun, Snow melihat wanita itu membawa apel. “Biarkan aku masuk, aku membawa apel manis untuk kamu, jadi tolong buka pintunya?” Kata ratu Lalu Snow membuka pintu dan memakan aple itu. Ketika dia memakan apel itu, tiba – tiba dia terjatuh dan tertidur. Ratu kembali ke istana dan bertanya kepada cermin ajaib. Kali ini, cermin menjawab “Kamu adalah wanita tercantik di kerajaan ini” Tujuh kurcaci sangat kaget ketika menemukan Snow White terbaring di rumah. Mereka sangat sedih dan menangis sepanjang malam. Kemudian mereka menaruh Snow kedalam peti kaca. Pada suatu hari, ada pangeran tampan yang melihat dia. Pangeran sangat kagum dengan kecantikan Snow. Dia berjanji akan menemukan obat untuk menyembuhkan Snow. Namun, dia tidak dapat menemukan obat itu. Dia sangat sedih dan kecewa. Sambil meneteskan air mata dia mencium Snow. Lalu, Snow membuka matanya dan dia kembali hidup. Pangeran dan tujuh kurcaci sangat senang. Lalu, pangeran menikah dengan Snow White dan hidup bahagia selamanya.