Ch. 8 Work, Power & Energy [PDF]

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1. Nature of Work: Work – when a force acts on matter and causes it to move at a certain distance. Work = Force x displacement W = Fd + it is a scalar quantity Conditions for work to happen: 1. the force must be able to move the object 2. the force and the displacement must be of the same direction - work happens only and only if the displacement is in the same direction or parallel to the force. If they are of different direction, no work is done. Two factors affecting Work: 1. the displacement of the object Ex. Pushing a concrete wall or post 2. the component of the force in the direction of the displacement + if the force and the displacement are perpendicular to each other, the force has no component along the direction of the displacement, and the work is zero. Situations in which work is done: A, In pushing or pulling an object: F

F d W ork Work = F=x dF x d

+ In pushing or pulling an object at an angle:

Work = cos θ F d

+ The horizontal component of the force that acts at an angle is the one that performs work since it is parallel to the direction of the displacement of the object.

B. In raising an object: 1

The work done in raising a body against the force of gravity is equal to the weight of the body multiplied by the height through which the body has been raised. W =mgh


If the body is raised with no acceleration, then, the upward force used in raising the body is equal to the weight (Fw). C. In climbing through a flight of stairs: The work done when we ascend the stairs is equal to our weight multiplied by the height through which we raise ourselves.


W = mgh + The displacement does not depend on the inclination of the stairs since we are taking a vertical displacement in the same direction as the force being exerted. + If the person carries some loads with him as he goes up the stair way, the force he exerts is equal to the sum of his weight and the weight of the loads being carried. If he performs it several times, its total work is the number of times he performs the work. Units of Work: In MKS: W = F x d → Joules = Newton x meter

or kg∙ m2/ s2

+ Work is expressed in Joule, after the English physicist, James Prescott Joule. 1 Joule (J) = a work done by a force of 1 Newton (N) acting on an object and move it through a distance of 1 meter (m). In cgs: 1 Joule = 1 x 10 7 ergs

W = F x d → Erg = dyne x centimeter

+ 1 Erg = a work done by a force of 1 dyne acting on an object and move it through a distance of 1 centimeter. In FPS: W = F x d → ft∙ lb = lb x ft Sample Problems: 1. What work is done by a man who pushes a box along the floor with a force of 30 N over a distance of 5 m. Disregard friction.

2 .What work is done in pushing a crate 20 m horizontally when a force of 60 N is applied on a 2

rope which makes an angle of 30° with the ground.

3. A boy lifts a 100 N rock to a distance of 1 m. What work does he do in Joules? In ergs?

4. How much work is done in lifting a 2.5 kg package to a shelf 2 m high?

5. How much work is required to raise a load of 500 kg from the ground to the tenth floor of a building30 m above the ground?

6. How much work is done when a 25 kg crate is pushed horizontally to a distance of 2 m along a 3

level floor. The coefficient of friction is 0.2.

7. A laborer who weighs 600 N is to carry 5 sacks of rice from the ground to the second floor of a storehouse. If the distance between floors is 3.5 m and the mass of each sack is 50 kg, find the total work done against gravity if the laborer carries only one sack at a time.

POWER: - the rate of doing work.

Power =

Work W Fd mgh cosϑFd → = = = = Fv or cos ϑFv since d/t = v time t t t t

Power depends on 3 factors: 1. the displacement of the object 2. the component of the force in the direction of the displacement 3. the time required to finish the work + its unit is expressed in WATT (W), after the Scottish inventor James Watt, with a measurement of Joules/sec (J/s). Other units are ergs/s , ft∙lb/s. + The old unit is Horsepower (Hp) , which is still in used at present time with the following 4

equivalents: 1 horsepower = 746 Watts or 0.750 kW = 33,100 ft∙lb/ min or 550 ft∙lb/sec Sample Problems: 1. A 60 kg man climbs flights of stairs to the fourth floor of a building in 40 sec. If the 4th floor is 14 m above the ground, determine the power developed in a). Watts b). Horsepower

2. A carabao pulled a 466 N load to a distance of 8.0 m in 2 s at a constant speed. What power was expended by the carabao in Watts and Horsepower.

3. A force of 250 N was applied in pushing a table at an angle of 35°. The table moved with a constant velocity of 1.5 m/s. How much force was expended in pushing the table?


- is the ability or capacity to do work. (Energy = Work) + It is expressed in Joule. + Energy and work are expressed in the same unit since work is also the amount of energy transferred. Forms of Energy: 1. Mechanical 2. Electrical 3. Chemical 4. Heat 5. Sound

6. Light (Radiant) 7. Magnetic 8. Atomic / Nuclear 9. Internal

Energy Transformation – is the process in which energy is change from one form to another. Sources of Energy: Conventional Sources:

Non-conventional Sources:

1. Fossil Fuels + This includes: a. Petroleum Products b. Coal c. Natural Gas (LPG) 2. Hydroelectric 3. Geothermal 4. Atomic / Nuclear

1. Wind Energy 2. Tidal Energy This can be done through: a. waves generator b. current c. Tides 3. Solar Energy 4. Biomass Resources, such as: a. dendrothermal energy b. oil-yielding plants (biofuels) c. Agricultural and forestry waste d. Biogas from animal manure and plant leaves

Renewable Sources:

Nonrenewable Sources:

1. Hydroelectric 2. Wind Energy 3. Tidal Energy

1. Fossil Fuels 2. Geothermal 3. Atomic / Nuclear

Solar energy and biomass resources are considered as inexhaustible sources for as long as the sun continues to shine energy will be transformed continually and produces living things on this planet. Types of Energy: 1. Potential Energy: (Stored, Latent or Inactive) - the energy possess by a body at rest or due to its position or location, shape, and condition or configuration. Kinds of potential energy: a. Gravitational Potential Energy – energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position or location relative to the ground or level surface. + Gravitational potential energy of a body is zero when it is at ground level. Thus to obtain the gravitational potential energy, we have: GPE = mgh

where: m = mass

g = gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s2) 6

h = height

+ The gravitational potential energy of a body of mass (m) at a height (h) from the ground is equal to the work done in raising the body from the ground to that height. + Examples of this are: pile driver, water tank at the top of a building, dam, rock at the top of the hill, etc. + The higher the body is, the greater is the potential energy. b. Elastic Potential Energy – is possessed by a body that is capable of returning to its original shape or form after undergoing distortion, being displaced or deformed. + Examples of this are winding watch, spring, rubber, bent bow, compressed air, etc. 2. Kinetic Energy: - the energy possess by a body in motion. Consider an object lying on a level horizontal surface. If the force is horizontally applied to the body, work is also done on the body but no increase in its potential energy. Work done results in the transfer to the body some other form of energy which is called energy of motion or kinetic energy. Vi = 0

Vf = V acceleration = a





smooth surface (no retarding force) d


B K.E = ½ mv2

In moving the object of mass m to a distance d, a net force F is needed. Thus work is done which is W = Fd. From the Second law of motion we know that F = ma and d from uniformly accelerated motion when vi = 0 is d =

1 3 at . Thus: 2

W = Fd = ma ( =

1 2 at ) 2

1 m(at ) 2 2

but at is v

Work = K.E = so:

1 mv 2 2

+ The kinetic energy depends only on the mass and the speed of the object which is equal to one-half the mass multiplied by the square of the velocity. + Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity and although it depends on the velocity, it does not depend on the direction of the velocity. An object traveling at a given speed has the same K.E. no matter in what direction it is moving.


Sample Problems: 1. Find the kinetic energy of a 6000 kg truck which is moving at a speed of 36 km/h.

2. A 10 kg block is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. If it is acted upon by a constant horizontal force of 80 N for 4 sec. Find: a. the work done by the force b. the final kinetic energy of the block

3. What force must be applied on a 0.5 kg box in order to increase its velocity from 40 cm/s to 70 cm/s through a distance of 150 cm?

Interchange of Kinetic and Potential Energy: (Law of conservation of Mechanical Energy) 8


P.E = mgh & K.E = 0 K.E = ½ mv2 & P.E. = 0

Throughout the two-way motion of the stone its total mechanical energy is constant if we neglect the effect of air resistance. In any instance of its motion, the total mechanical energy is constant. K.E + P.E. = 0 + The total mechanical energy at the bottom to the total mechanical energy at the top, we get: (TOP) (BOTTOM) P.E. + K.E = P.E + K.E mgh + 0 = 0 + ½ mv2 mgh = ½ mv2 + the kinetic energy at the bottom is totally given up, but it is acquired in the form of mechanical energy. Even at any intermediate position, what is given up as kinetic energy is acquired as potential energy. LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: It states: “ Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be changed from one form to another.” ΔK.E + ΔP.E. + Δ other forms of Energy = 0 + Energy can be changed into different forms but the total energy of a system is constant. + If we consider mechanical forms of energy only, we have: Δ K.E. + Δ P.E. = 0 Δ K.E = - Δ P.E. This means that the change in kinetic energy is equal to the change in potential energy or P.E. lost = K.E gained

Sample Problems: 9

1. A 200 g bullet is fired with a velocity of 400 m/s. If it is stopped in 100 m, find: a. its kinetic energy b. the force needed to stopped it.

2. A mass of 25 kg is dropped from a height of 15 m. Find: a. its kinetic energy and b. its velocity just as it reaches the ground.

3. A stone whose mass is 5 kg is dropped from a point 120 m above the ground. What is the potential energy and the kinetic energy of the stone: a. at t = 0 c. at t = 3 s b. at t = 1 s d. when the stone strikes the ground



is any mechanical device that helps us do our work or make our work easier.

Purpose of machines: 1. multiplies the applied force making our work easier 2. changes the direction of a force 3. increases the speed with which the work is done Whenever we work or moved any other object , it is accompanied by: 1. exerted force = applied force or effort 2. a resistance (weight or load) = anything which opposes the applied force or that with which the force is trying to overcome. Resistance can be in the form of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pull of gravity, as in lifting or pulling an object upward inertia (body at rest or in motion) Molecular attraction Friction

How machines helps us: Mechanical Advantage = is the amount of help we get from a machine. It is obtained by: 1. dividing the load by the effort needed to move it M . A. =

load (resis tan ce) effort ( appliedforce)

= example:

30 N = 2.8 18 N

2. dividing the distance the effort moves by the distance the load moves M . A. =

dis tan ceeffortmoves dis tan cetheloadmoves

= example:

3m =2 1.5m

SIMPLE MACHINES: - any device that has one or two parts SIX TYPES OF SIMPLE MACHINES: 1. Inclined Plane – is a flat surface with one end higher than the other. + the longer it is in relation to its height, the larger is its mechanical advantage. + it is used in transporting heavy loads to a higher end. Examples: plank, ladder, stair, winding roads, etc. 2. Lever – any rigid body which is pivoted about a point called fulcrum. + it is used to overcome a load which is greater than the effort used Examples: crow bar, claw hammer, wheel barrow, pliers, nut cracker, tongs, able knife, baseball bat, etc. 3 classes of levers: 1. First-class lever – has the force (F) between the effort (E) and the resistance (R) Ex. see-saw and pump handle 2. Second-class lever – has R between E and F Ex. oar 11

3. Third-class lever – has E between F and R Ex. human forearm 3. Screw – a spiral inclined planes + it works by transferring force applied on the circumference of the screw Examples: food grinder, vase, jar with mouth and cp, metal screws, grinding, boring holes, locking mechanisms, propellers M . A. =

Circumferenceofacircle Pitchofthescrew

4. Wheel and Axle – consist of a wheel attached to an axle so that, if you push on the wheel, the axle turns also Examples: door knob, egg beater, pencil sharpener, screw driver, steering wheel, gear boxes of cars and trucks, bicycles, etc. M . A. =

Radiusofth ewheel Radiusoftheaxle

5. Pulley – a wheel with a grove rim over which a rope passes + if it is mounted on a framework and has several of them, it is called block Kinds and Uses: 1. 2. 3.

Fixed Pulley – change the direction of a force Movable Pulley – increases the amount of force Block and Tackle – helps in lifting very heavy objects as in cranes and lifts

6. Wedge – an inclined plane with either one or two sloping sides + the smaller is the angle of the wedge, the greater is the mechanical advantage + it is used in cutting, piercing and plowing Examples: nail, scissors, chisel, screw, knife, ax, needles M . A. =

Length thicknessofthebase

D. Efficiency of Machines + Efficiency – the amount of work we get out of that machine is almost the same as the amount we put into it

Efficiency =

workgottenout workpuin


output input

+ Work would never have 100% efficiency E. Compound Machines - are combination of two or more simple machines Ex. 1. Ax handle – lever blade – wedge 2. Meat Grinder crank – wheel and axle blade - screw


F. What Machines can do: 1. speed increased 2. direction change 3. energy transferred 4. energy transformed 5. force increased