Chapter 2 - Lle Edited [PDF]

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CHAPTER / CONTENT Definition & Application

LLE for Partially Miscible Solvent

LLE for Immiscible Solvent

Liquid – liquid extraction equipment

Definition & Application

LLE= Separation of constituents (solutes) of a liquid solution by contact with another insoluble liquid. Solutes are separated based on their different solubilities in different liquid. LLE= Separation process of the components of a liquid mixture by treatment with a solvent in which one or more desired components is soluble. There are two requirements for liquid – liquid extraction to be feasible: component (s) to be removed from the feed must preferentially distribute in the solvent. the feed and solvent phases must be substantially immiscible

Definition & Application The simplest LLE involves only a ternary (i.e 3 component system)

Important terms you need to know: Feed


The solution which is to be extracted (denoted by component A)



The liquid with which the feed is contacted (denoted by component C)



‘Carrier’ liquid (denoted by component B)



The solvent – rich product of the operation

Raffinate -

The residual liquid from which solutes has been removed.

Definition & Application In some operations, the solutes are the desired product, hence the extract stream is the desirable stream. In other applications, the solutes my be contaminants that need to be removed, and in this instance the raffinate is the desirable product stream. Extraction processes are well suited to the petroleum industry because of the need to separate heat – sensitive liquid feeds according to chemical type (e.g aromatic, naphthenic) rather than by molecular weight or vapor pressure. Application: Major applications exist in the biochemical or pharmaceutical industry, where emphasis is on the separation of antibiotics and protein recovery.

In the inorganic chemical industry, they are used to recover high – boiling components such as phosphoric acid, boric acid and sodium hydroxide from aqueous solution.

Definition & Application Examples: Extraction of nitrobenzene after reaction of HNO3 with toluene in H2SO4 Extraction of perchlorethylene






Extraction of benzylalcohol from a salt solution with toluene. Removing of H2S from LPG with MDEA Extraction of caprolactam from ammonium sulfate solution with benzene Extraction of acrylic acid from wastewater with butanol Removing residual alkalis from dichlorohydrazobenzene with water

Definition & Application

Examples: Extraction of methanol from LPG with water

Extraction of chloroacetic acid from methylchloroacetate with water. The difference between LLE and distillation process in the separation of liquid mixtures: LLE depends on solubilities between the liquid components and produces new solution which in turn has to be separated again, whereas; Distillation depends on the differences in relative volatilities / vapor pressures of substances. Furthermore, it requires heat addition.

Definition & Application

Advantages of LLE over distillation process:

Where distillation requires excessive amount of heat Presence of azeotropes or low relative volatilities are involved (α value near unity and distillation cannot be used)

Removal of a component present in small concentrations, e.g hormones in animal oil. Recovery of a high – boiling point component present in small quantities in waste stream, e.g acetic acid from cellulose acetate. Recovery of heat – sensitive materials (e.g food) where low to moderate processing temperatures are needed. Thermal decomposition might occur. Solvent recovery is easy and energy savings can be realized.

LLE for Partially Miscible Solvent



Single – stage calculations Solvent and the solution are in contact with each other only once and thus the raffinate and extract are in equilibrium only once.

The solution – normally binary solution containing solute (A) dissolved in a diluent or carrier (B). The extracting solvent can be either pure solvent C or may content little A. Raffinate (R) is the exiting phase rich in carrier (B) while extract is exiting phase rich in solvent (C).

When liquid solution mixed with solvent (C), an intermediate phase M momentarily forms as the light liquid moves through the heavy liquid in the form of bubbles. These bubbles provide a large surface area for contact between the solution and the solvent that speed up mass transfer process.

The raffinate and extract are in equilibrium with each other.

Single – stage calculations

Liquid-Liquid Extraction Extracting Solvent, S Intermediate, M

ys (A)

Feed Solution, F

xM (A) Raffinate phase, R x* (A)

xF (A)

F E M yS x*

Mass of feed solution Mass of extract phase Mass of intermediate Mass fraction of A in S Equilibrium mass fraction of A in R

Extract phase, E y* (A)

S R xF xM y*

Mass of extracting solvent Mass of raffinate phase Mass fraction of A in F Mass fraction of A in M Equilibrium mass fraction of A in E

Note: Intermediate shown just for purpose of demonstration. Don’t have to draw it when answering the question

Single – stage calculations In most single – extraction, we are interested to determine the equilibrium composition and masses of raffinate and extract phases by using ternary phase diagram and simple material balances. Using material balance, Calculate the mass of intermediate M using total material balance:

FS M

Eq. (1)

Determine mass fraction of solute A in intermediate M using material balance for solute A : xF  F  y S  S  xM  M

Use both Eq. 1 and 2 to find xM value

Eq. (2)

Single – stage calculations On a right angle triangular diagram or equilateral triangular diagram for A-B-C system: Locate point F (xF) and S (yS) Draw a straight line from F to S Using the calculated value of xM, locate point M (xM) on the FS line. Note that point M must be on FS line. Draw a new tie line that pass through point M. This new tie line must take shape of the nearest given tie lines. From the new tie line, you can locate point E and R and hence you can determine the composition of raffinate, R and extract, E that are in equilibrium.

Single – stage calculations Once you have determine composition of R and E, you can determine the masses of E and R using the material balance as follows: Using the total material balance:

FS  RE

Eq. (3)

Using the material balance for solute A: x F  F  y S  S  x * R  y * E

Eq. (4)

Solve those Eq 3 and 4 to determine the masses of E and R

Single – stage calculations Example 1 100 kg of a solution containing 0.4 mass fraction of ethylene glycol (EG) in water is to be extracted with equal mass of furfural 250C and 101 kPa. Using the ternary phase equilibrium diagram method, determine the followings: the composition of raffinate and extract phases the mass of extract and raffinate the percent glycol extracted Furfural rich layer

Water rich layer

% EG

% water

% furfural

% EG

% water

% furfural

















































Use the following equilibrium tie – line to construct the ternary phase diagram

Single – stage calculations Solution 1 F = 100 kg

S = 100 kg



Calculate the mass of intermediate M using total material balance

FS M

100  100  M

M  200 kg

Determine mass fraction of solute A in intermediate M using material balance for solute A: xF  F  y S  S  xM  M

0.4  100  0  100  x M  200

x M  0.2

Locate point F & S, draw line FS. Locate point xM on FS line. Draw new tie line that pass through point xM. From that tie line, locate point E and R hence you can determine the composition of R (x*) and E (y*) which is in equilibrium. From the graph, y* = 0.26, x* = 0.075 (Solution for point 1)

Single – stage calculations Right angle method




Single – stage calculations Equilateral method




Single – stage calculations Solution 1 (cont’) Using the total material balance

FS  RE

100  100  R  E

R  200  E

Eq. (i)

Using the material balance for solute A: x F  F  y S  S  x * R  y * E

0.4  100  0  100  0.075  R  0.26  E

Insert eq (i) into eq above 0.075200  E   0.26E  40 15  0.075E  0.26E  40 0.185E  25 E  135.14kg R  200  E  200  135.14 R  64.86kg

Solution for point 2

% of EG extracted = (Mass of EG in extract / Mass of EG in feed) x 100%

% of EG extracted = y * E 0.26  135.14  100%  x100%  87.8% xF  F 0.40  100

Solution for point 3

Tutorial 1. 12.5-2 2. 12.5-4

Tutorial 1. 12.5-2 (Textbook-page 832) A single stage extraction is performed in which 400kg of a solution containing 35 wt% acetic acid in water is contacted with 400 kg of pure isopropyl ether. By using equilateral diagram, determine the composition of raffinate and extract phases the mass of extract and raffinate the percent acetic acid extracted

Tutorial 2. 12.5-4 (Textbook-page 832) A mixture weighing 1000kg contains 23.5 wt% acetone and 75.5 wt% water and is to be extracted by 500 kg methyl isobutyl ketone in a single stage extraction. By using equilateral diagram, determine the composition of raffinate and extract phases the mass of extract and raffinate the percent acetone extracted

Multi – stage counter current system Solvent and solution which flow opposite (countercurrent) to each other, come into contact more than once and mix on stages inside the reactor.

Normally numbering of the stages begin at the top down to the bottom. Thus the top most stage is named as stage 1, stage directly below stage 1 is stage 2 and so on. Final extract, E

Feed solution, F xF (A) 1

yE (A)


3 n N-1 N

Extracting solvent, S yS (A)

Final raffinate, R XR (A)

Multi – stage counter current system

The analysis of multistage extraction can be performed using right – angle or equilateral triangular diagram to determine the number of ideal stages required for a specified separation.

Using material balance, Calculate the mass of intermediate M using total material balance:

FS M

Eq. (1)

Determine mass fraction of solute A in intermediate M using material balance for solute A : xF  F  y S  S  xM  M

Use both Eq. 1 and 2 to find xM value

Eq. (2)

Multi – stage counter current system On a right angle triangular diagram or equilateral triangular diagram for A-B-C system: Locate point F (xF) and S (yS) Draw a straight line from F to S Using the calculated value of xM, locate point M (xM) on the FS line. Note that point M must be on FS line. Locate point E1 (Point M must be on E1RN line). Operating Points and Lines.

Locate the Operating Point by finding the intersection of operating lines for the left most and right most stage. Draw a line through E1 and F. Draw a line through S and RN. Locate the intersection P. This point is the operating point P.

Multi – stage counter current system


Plait Point E1 Feed Operating Point P


RN S Carrier

Multi – stage counter current system Operating Lines and Tie Lines: Stepping Off Stages: Locate point R1 from the tie line intersecting E1 Draw a line from the operating point P through R1 to the extract side of the equilibrium curve. The intersection locates E2 Locate point R2 from a tie line.

Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until RN is obtained Summary: E1 → R1 : Tie line, R1 → E2 : Operating line. Stop until E value is slightly below RN value

Multi – stage counter current system


Plait Point

E1 E2 E3 E4

Feed M

Operating Point P


E5 E6

RN Carrier

Solvent C

Multi – stage counter current system Minimum solvent amount / minimum solvent flow rate Minimum solvent flow rate is the lowest rate / amount at which solvent could be theoretically used for a specified extraction.

Occurs when operating line touches the equilibrium curve at which the separation requires infinite number of ideal stages.

Point M is dependent upon the solvent flow rate / amount. The larger the rate / amount, the closer is point M to point S on the FS line.

Multi – stage counter current system On a right angle triangular diagram or equilateral triangular diagram for A-BC system: Locate point F (xF) and S (yS)

Draw a best tie line that originate from F. The intersection of this line with extract half – dome is point Emin (minimum extract flow rate / amount). Draw a straight line from Emin to point R. The intersection of this line with FS gives point Mmin. From point Mmin you can read the value of xmin. Use the value of xmin and material balance to calculate the Smin . % Overall efficiency of multi – stage extraction column: % Overall efficiency = (number of ideal stage / number of real stage) x 100%

Multi – stage counter current system Example 2 5300 kg/h of a solution containing 30% by weight of ethylene glycol (EG) in water is to be reduced to 4.5% (solvent free) by a continuous extraction in a countercurrent column using recycled furfural that contains 1.5% EG as the extracting solvent:

Determine the minimum solvent flow rate for the extraction above If the solvent enters at 1.25 times the minimum solvent rate, how many ideal stages are required? Determine the number of real stages if the overall efficiency of the column is 60%

Multi – stage counter current system From the graph above, XMmin = 0.25 From material balance:

Solution for point 1 F  S min  Mmin 0.3  5300  0.015S min  0.25Mmin

5300  S min  Mmin x F  F  y s  S min  x Mmin  Mmin

S = 1.25 x Smin=1.25 x 1127.66 kg/h

Smin=1127.66 kg/h

S = 1409.58 kg/h

Calculate the mass of intermediate M using total material balance :

FS  M

5300  1409.58  M

M  6409 .58 kg

Determine mass fraction of solute A in intermediate M using material balance for solute A: From material balance:

Multi – stage counter current system xF  F  yS  S  xM  M

x M  0.24

0.3  5300  0.015  1409.58  x M  6709.58

Solution for point 2 E1 E2

From figure above, no of ideal stages = 5

E3 M


E4 E5




Number of real stages = 5 / 0.60 = 8.33 = 9 stages.

Solution for point 3

Multi – stage counter current system xF  F  yS  S  xM  M

x M  0.24

0.3  5300  0.015  1409.58  x M  6709.58

Solution for point 2 E1 E2

From figure above, no of ideal stages = 5

E3 M


E4 E5




Number of real stages = 5 / 0.60 = 8.33 = 9 stages.

Solution for point 3

Exercise 1. 12.7-3 (Textbook, pages 833) An aqueous feed solution of 1000 kg/hr containing 23.5 wt% acetone and 76.5 wt% water is being extracted in a countercurrent multistage extraction system using pure methylisobutyl ketone solvent at 298-299 K. The outlet water raffinate will contain 2.5 wt% acetone. By using equilateral method, a) Determine the minimum solvent that can be used (Answer: Xmin = 0.18, Smin = 305.56 kg/hr , Mmin = 1305.56 kg/hr) b) Using a solvent flow rate of 1.5 times the minimum, determine the number of theoretical stages. (Answer: S= 458.34 kg/hr, Xm=0.16 , 5 stages)

LLE for Immiscible Solvent

Sometimes extraction use a solvent C that is only slightly soluble in B or the solvent C used is in range where the solubility in B is so low that for all practice purpose, it can be assumed to be completely insoluble / immiscible in B and vice versa.

Bancroft weight fractions or mass ratio, x’ and y’ are defined as follows: x’ (in raffinate phase) = mass of solute A / mass of diluent B y’ (in extract phase) = mass of solute A / mass of solvent C

LLE for Immiscible Solvent



Single – stage calculations Feed solution M kg A in feed

S kg solvent C in Extract y’ kg A/kg solvent C

Solvent N kg A in feed

B kg diluent B in Raffinate x’ kg A/kg diluent B

Solvent C is used in such a range that it is considered insoluble in B.

Material balance of the solute (A) are: M  N  y' S  x' B

y' 

B MN x'  S S

Eq. (3)

Single – stage calculations Example 3 An aqueous solution of acetic acid is to be extracted in a single extractor with isopropyl ether. The solution contains 24.6 kg of acetic acid and 80 kg of water. If 100 kg of isopropyl ether is added to the solution, what weight of acetic acid will be extracted by isopropyl ether if equilibrium is attained? Water and isopropyl ether may be considered as completely immiscible under the condition of extraction. The equilibrium data as follows: x’ (kg acid/kg isopropyl ether)








y’ (kg acid/kg water)








Single – stage calculations Solution 3 A = Acetic Acid

B = Water

C = Isopropyl ether

Feed solution 24.6 kg A

80 kg diluent B in Raffinate x’ kg A/kg diluent B

Solvent 0 kg A in feed

100 kg solvent C in Extract y’ kg A/kg solvent C

From mass balance, M  N  y' S  x' B

24.6  0  y'100  80 x'

y'  0.80x' 0.246

The equilibrium data and equation above is plotted in figure next page.

From the intersection of lines, x’ = 0.062, y’ = 0.195 Amount of acetic acid extracted = 19.5 kg

Single – stage calculations Solution 3 x' - y' diagram for system acetic acid-water-isopropyl ether 0.35 0.3 0.25


0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0




0.08 x'




Multi – stage counter current system The principle is quite same with the partially miscible solvent, but in this case the extraction process involved the immiscible solvent.

B kg/h pure diluent B in feed solution

S kg/h pure solvent in extract phase

x’2 kg A/kg pure B 1

y’2 kg A/kg pure solvent

2 3 n N-1 N

B kg/h pure diluent B in raffinate

S kg/h pure solvent C

x’n kg A/kg pure B

yn’ kg A/kg pure solvent

Multi – stage counter current system For immiscible solvents, analysis of the extraction process become much simpler since the flow rate of pure solvents (extracting solvent and feed solvent (diluent) ) are constants). The operating line equation for multi stage liquid –liquid extraction: yn ' 

B y ' S  x '2 B xn ' 2 S S

Form of y = mx + c

The operating line gives a relationship between mass fraction of A (x’n) in raffinate phase coming out of the nth stage, with mass fraction of A (yn) in extract phase entering the nth stage.

The operating line can be plotted by locating points (x’1,y’1) and (x’2,y’2) and draw a straight line through these points. Using the method similar to Mc Cabe – Thiele diagram, the number of ideal stages can be determined by drawing the triangular steps connecting equilibrium line and the operating line.

Multi – stage counter current system Example 4 8000 kg/h of an acetic acid-water solution containing 20% acid by mass is to be counter currently extracted with isopropyl ether to reduce the concentration of acid to 2% in the solvent-free raffinate product.

Determine the number of theoretical stages if 20,000 kg/h solvent is used. Use the following equilibrium data: x’ (kg acid/kg water)











y’ (kg acid/kg isopropyl ether)











Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4 Since acid is to be extracted, acid is the absorbable component A, while water is component B and isopropyl ether is component C.

0.8(8000) kg/h of water in

20,000 kg/h isopropyl ether (C) in extract phase


y’2 TOP (2)

0.8(8000) kg/h of water (B) in raffinate 0.02 kg A/kg (solvent free) x’1

BOTTOM (1) 20,000 kg/h isopropyl ether (C) in y’1

Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4 F = 8000 kg/h

xF = 0.20

xBF = 0.80

S = 20,000 kg/h

From the definition:

x’ (in raffinate phase) = mass of solute A / mass of diluent B y’ (in extract phase) = mass of solute A / mass of solvent C For location 1, Solvent feed

Raffinate phase

Mass of solute A = 0 kg/h

Solvent-free composition of A = 0.02, B = 0.98

Mass of solvent C = 20,000 kg/h.

x'1 

Coordinates for (x’1,y’1) = (0.0204, 0)

A A B A A  B 0.02       0.0204 B A B A B A B B 0.98

y'1 

0 0 20000

Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4 For location 2, Feed

Mass of solute A = 0.20 x 8000 = 1600 kg/h Mass of diluent B = 0.80 x 8000 = 6400 kg/h. Extract

Mass of solute A = Mass of acid in – Mass of acid in raffinate Mass of solute A = 1600 - x’1x B = 1600 – 0.0204 x 6400= 1469.44 kg/h Mass of solvent C = 20 000 kg/h

Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4 For location 2, Extract x'2 

1600  0.250 6400

y'2 

1469.44  0.0735 20000

Coordinates for (x’2,y’2) = (0.250, 0.0735) The points for operating line are (0.0204, 0) and (0.250, 0.0735). No. of theoretical stages = 14 stages

Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4

TOP (0.250,0.0735)

BOTTOM (0.0204,0)

Multi – stage counter current system Minimum solvent amount / flow rate: immiscible solvent Minimum solvent flow rate, Smin is defined as the flow rate of solvent at which the number of stages approaches infinity. Smin can be determined graphically by drawing a straight line originating from the bottom (x’1,y’1) until it becomes tangential to the equilibrium curve. The slope of this line corresponds to minimum slope (mmin): m min 

B S min

S min 

B m min

Multi – stage counter current system

The slope of the tangential line = 0.343

S min 

B 0.8  8000 = 18 658.89 kg/h.  m min 0.343

Multi – stage counter current system

Example 5 Determine the minimum flow rate of isopropyl ether for the problem in Example 4.

Multi – stage counter current system Solution 4

TOP (0.250,0.0735)

BOTTOM (0.0204,0)

Multi – stage counter current system

The slope of the tangential line = 0.343

S min 

B 0.8  8000 = 18 658.89 kg/h.  m min 0.343

Tutorial 12.7-6 (Textbook) A water solution of 1000kg/hr containing 1.5 wt% nicotine in water is stripped with a kerosene stream of 2000kg/hr containing 0.05 wt% nicotine in a countercurrent stage tower. The exit water is to contain only 10% of the original nicotine, that is, 90% is removed. 1.Determine the number of theoretical stages needed. 2. Determine the minimum solvent(kerosene) flow rate

Liquid – liquid extraction equipment

Two main classes of solvent – extraction equipment:


Vessels in which mechanical agitation is provided for mixing


Vessels in which the mixing is done by the flow of the fluid themselves.

The extraction equipment can be operated batch or continuous.

Liquid – liquid extraction equipment Mixer – Settlers for Extraction A mechanical mixer is often used to provide intimate contact between the two liquid phases – to provide efficient mass transfer. One phase is usually dispersed into the other in the form of small droplet. In figure 12.6 – 1(a) for typical mixer settler, mixer or agitator is entirely separate from the settler. The feed of aqueous phase and organic phase are mixed in the mixer, and then the mixed phases are separated in the settler. In figure 12.6 – 1(b) for combined mixer settler, sometimes used in extraction of uranium salts or copper salts from aqueous solution.

Liquid – liquid extraction equipment Spray Extraction Towers In Figure 12.6 – 2 the heavy liquid enters at the top of the spray tower, fills the tower as the continuous phase, and flows out through the bottom. The light liquid enters through a nozzle distributor at the bottom, which disperses or sprays the droplets upward. The light liquid coalesces at the top and flows out.

In some cases the heavy liquid is sprayed downward into a rising, light continuous phase.

Liquid – liquid extraction equipment Packed Extraction Towers More effective tower – made by packing the column with random packing such as Raschig rings, Berl saddles, Pall rings and so on Packings cause the droplets to coalesce and redisperse at frequent intervals through the tower. Packed tower is more efficient than spray tower. Table 12.6 – 1 shows typical performance for several types of commercial extraction towers.