Chapter I Makalah Seminar On ELT [PDF]

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Praise the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of His grace and gifts so that the author can complete the preparation of this mini research to fulfill the task of the Seminar in ELT course with the title "The Implementation of Discovery Learning Method in English Teaching" along with its form and contents quite simple. Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference and guide for the reader. The author hopes that this paper will help increase knowledge and experience for its readers, so that the writer can improve the form and content of this paper so that in the future it can be better. This paper, the authors admit, is still lacking because the experience that the writer has is still lacking. Therefore, the authors expect the readers to provide constructive input for the perfection of this paper.


1.1 Background Writing is one of the language skills, beside listening, speaking, and reading that must be mastered by English learners. They have to express their thoughts in writing to develop their ideas, and make readers interested when their writing is read. Through writing, they can also transfer information and knowledge to others. In other words, writing can be said as a mean of communication between the writer and the reader. Harsyaf (2009:3) also said that writing is transforming thoughts into language, it means that we need to think about the content of our writing first and then arrange the idea using appropriate language (e.g. grammar and vocabulary). Writing is the practice of the language they have learned, and in writing develop the students’ ability as writer. So, people have their own purpose to write, they can learn to write by trying to write something and to develop their writing ability. Basically, writing as one of the skills that have to be mastered by the students to be taught. As Brown (2000:335) states, “The process of writing requires an entirely different set of competence”. Therefore, the written products are often the result of thinking, drafting, and revising procedures that requires specialized skills, skills that not every writer develops naturally. It means that writing is not a simple task. It needs the process of building the idea and constructing a text. There are various different genres in writing, such as, recount, spoof, reports, narrative, procedure and others (Pardiyono, 2007:14) in Dodi. This different genre types are competence of mastering genre, understanding and producing some pieces texts. Among different kinds of texts, writing is one of the writing forms that students feel difficult of doing it. Students find difficulties in expressing their ideas, and sometimes get trouble when they jot down their ideas. Therefore, it needs teacher’s skills in teaching, in order that students can improve their skills in writing. There are many teaching writing methods which are used by teachers at school. In fact some of the students cannot understand well and be speechless. One of ways to make students interested to the material about writing is using a certain technique. The technique that is good needs to be implementated in teaching writing. Discovery learning is a technique which can be used in writing text. Acording to (Ormrod, 1995:442 in Fauziati), discovery learning is method of teaching which is inquiry- based, that is a method of teaching that focuses on active, hands on learning opportunities for students. Thus, students are expected to draw on their own experiences and prior knowledge and interact with their environment by exploring or manipulating objects, struggling with questions of performing experiments. Discovery learning is the method that takes place when a teacher sets up an experiment, acts as a coach, and provide clues along the way to help students come to solutions. In this way, teachers provide students with certain tools for learning a concept, and the students make sense of the tools. Discovery learning is used mostly while students solve

problem. It produces students’result which are constructivists as they work with others and learn from firsthand experiences. New information and skills are discovered as students use prior knowledge and past experiences. Students find problems, gather information, develop hypotheses, and prove their solutions. The benefits of discovery learning include students having a role in their own learning and developing their creativity as they work on problems. Research conducted by Dewi (2013) concludes that the application of learning using the Discovery Learning method works well and makes students active and understand the concepts of the material being taught. Student learning activities and student learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II have increased. In addition, Swaak, de Jongw and van Joolingenz (2004) stated that discovery learning increases students' understanding of prior knowledge and increases student activity. Balim (2009) also states that learning using discovery learning models can increase student learning success. Although the discovery learning model is effective in teaching other subject, it may be that the model is not effective in English teaching. Based on the experience of the writers in previous internships, the authors found that the use of discovery learning models were not effectively used in English teaching. The teacher cannot apply the discovery learning model well, so students cannot follow the lessons well. But after the writers examined the learning model conducted by English teachers in others school, we found that the discovery learning model was effective in English teaching. Therefore, writers are interested in conducting research entitled, "The Implementation of Discovery Learning Method in English Teaching", so that teachers can know that the discovery learning model is effective in English teaching.

1.2 Problem of The Study Based on the background above, the problem of this study can be stated as follows: How the implementation of discovery learning method in English teaching?

1.3 Purpose of The Study From the statement of the problem of the study above, the purpose of the study is to investigate the implementation of discovery learning method in English teaching.

REFERENCES Dewi, M. 2013. Penerapan metode Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Pokok Bahasan Pecahan Siswa Kelas IV SDN Kertosari 02 Pakusari Jember Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Skripsi Dipublikasikan. FKIP Universitas Jember. Swaak, J; de Jongw, T and van Joolingenz, W. 2004. The Effects of Discovery Learning and Expository Instruction on the Acquisition of Definitional and Intuitive Knowledge. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 20, 225-234. Balım, A., G. 2009. The Effects of Discovery Learning on Students’ Success and Inquiry Learning Skills. Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35, 1-20.