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i prrogress апd review tests

1gdlgtic R/Т exchanges ,,, oa,udio CDs with ехаmрlе answers




7ord Oxfo" aviation



ffiеg*rihс} tГt* рi*t*r* Describe what you сап see iп the picture. Use the words in the Ьох.

Fýаiя,э trпglЕ*Lъ

2Ь ф


;,*Э Now listen to the sample answer.

1ь Answer

the questions.

Which aircraft is пеаrеr the ground? 2 Whеrе was the photographer n relation to the aircraft? 3 Are there any markings оп the aircraft? 1

4 What do you think


happen пех:?

5 Why do you think th]s s]tuat]on оссurrсо?



: List*ning fcr gist

2а # t.**

Listen to а report of а пеаr miss and choose the best summаrу. а Low visibility led to пеаr Tiss Ь Сопtrоllеrs prevent collision

с Lack of communication led to пеаr miss

Т"** Listen again and underline the correct

information. 1

angle starboard twin smаllеr taiI obscured

* ti*t*n-xiяtg f*r detail

The 757 was heading fоr / соmiпg frаm Copenhagen.

2 The aircraft avoided collision Ьу 200 / 400 В00 feet.

З Disaster was avoided when а tгаiпiпg iпsресtоr / сопtrоllеrs instructed the aircraft to alter соursе. 4 The rероrt recommends that rаdаr sсrеепs Ье improved / changed,

Ж****tеý*ýýэ**у * Е-*st*п*пg

3а #

t-*Э Listen to the dialogue. Write the call signs

iп the spaces to complete the summary.

The controller instructed (1)


lts present level, and instructed (2)


to maintain


to descend. The controlier instructed


to turп right and then gave traffic information to

(4) _ __.

*___. When

(5) _




failed to

comply with the instruction, the АТС instructed (6) (7)

to turп right, However, jUSt after that,

rероrtеd that he was following а TCAS

RА and was climbing,


immediate descent and Ianding



then requested

ffiя*dý*tеIерh*rъу -

Plaiп ЕпgIish

Vtэ*аhч*tшrу *ýзg*k

Rearrange the words to make phrases from the diaIogue.

Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions, аЬоrt

1 squawk/ incorrect / sау / 411З / readback / | /


2 action / 270 / traffic / avoiding / 1чrп / immediately /





] The паmе for а 'пеаr miss' in aviation 2 The amount of space between two things З Possible оr likely in the future

headino / hаrd / rioht / due

4 To stop something before it is finished

З injuries / we / some / have

5 То do something different to what is expected

4 is / l'm / whal / sоrrу / рrоЬlеm / your?


distance (п) close (adj) risk

deviate (v) аirрrох (п) collision


5 hurt/ have/ board



6 Nеаr

/we/ problems / реорlе/оп




7 When something crashes into






8 The possibility that something dangerous might



Complete the strategies for avoiding mid-air co!lisions with the words from 5а.



Take care whеп flying пеаr ап i

Work with а partner. Student А is CS-FHG maintaining 7,000 ft. Student В is ап АТСО, Bead the dialogue outline and decide what to say.


(r) ****'__.., of аД8*iв,Яiф of an аirроrt, Don't wait uпtiliЁ


for traffic. Pilotý ýhOU}d Ьёj'ам conf



g tra{fic whёп 0r lrJý:,grý

епSurе separation the сФrЁdt.tаЪ:

",;.. Rеquеs1 сопfirmаtiоп

' '.'."

l i

maintained at all times, lпfоrfi

Acknowledge and

request details of АС Request more information about

constant vigilance is (5)




оп the ground is




_,,j.",]И',q: :.J

mау Ье necessary to iB} "$1&

Acknowledge and request rероП on landing

Rоlе play the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.



Discuss the questions with а partner. '1

Describe а пеаr miss ехреriепсе you've had оr know of..

2 What do you think аrе the major causes of mid-air



З What can Ье done to rеduсе mid-air collisions? 4 What technology exists to help rеduсе the threat of mid-ajr collisions?

5 Do you think the iпсidепсе of mid-air collisions will increase оr decrease in the future?


SPEcIAL FLIGHT, Plain English - Listening for detai!

2Ь Ф

r.OS Listen again and decide if the statements are true or false. write r or Е 1 VFR pilots have to rеаd back АТС instructions, 2 VFR pilots acknowledge messages Ьу rocking their


З Aircraft land on the runway one after another. 4 VFR traffic usually lands iп front of lFR traffic. 5 lFR traffic flies slower than поrmаl оп short final.

Radiotelephony - Listening

3а ý

0,0O Listen to ап approach controller sequencing traffic for the Benejov air show. Match the letters (А-Н) оп the chart with the aircraft 1-8.

1 Cessna 182 Skylane 2 Grumman Duck 3 Grumman Tiger 4 Extra З00

5 Boeing Stearman 6 Piper Seneca 7 Socata ТВ9 8 Auster J59 Alpine

Describe the picture 1а Describe what уоu сап see

Ваrоп 55

iп the picture. Use the


words iп the Ьох.

** | В"""r, / Mast Staggerwing


vintage formation smoke trail аirсrаft mаrkiпgs


ý 1ь



r.O+ Now listen to the sample answer.




mапоеuvrе с42

+ н



RоЬiп DR-400

Answer the questions. 1 What аrе the аirсrаft doing? 2 What do you think аrе the speed and altitude of the


З Why аrе there smoke trails coming frоm the aircraft?

4 What do you think will happen next? 5 Who do you think took the photograph?

Рlаiп English - Listening for gist

2а ý

l.ОS Listen to an air-traffic controller talking about lпstrчmепt Flight Rules (lFR) arrivals to ап аir show. Tick (r/) trre things he mentions.



weather communicatic:ls

аррrсасг SpeedS touci. ээ",г zэпеs

approach fixes

missed approach



Radiotelephony - Plain English Rearrange the words to make phrases from the dialogue.



/ see / blue and white / high-wing / сап / Benejov /

а / east of

2 keep / чпIil / up / west of / your gear / Benejov З and get

/ l.чrп /

behind r in line / the lkarus / left

4 flown / trоm / you've / tracks / railway / the / away

5 up / you


the Staggerwing / to Ье / is going / fоr /


clarification Work with а partner. Student А is an air show АТСО. Student В is а pilot оп approach. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say.

The Beechcraft Modol (2)



Complete the extracts from а book about aircraft with the words from 5а.



January 1937.

Say type

Give positive rеропsе Declare unable and say reason



used bybqfii ',1з;;

Coast Guard.

Role play the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.

VосаЬчlаrу Check

The Grчmmап Duck, ап

The Zivko Edge 540, а

Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions. аir show (п) bi-plane (n) twin-engine (n) low-wing

amphibious (adj) floatplane (n) high-wing (n) rоutiпе

often seen реrfоrmiпg {5):,: (n)

such as the




] Ап aircraft with the wing lower surface level with оr

below the bottom of the fuselage 2 Describes а vehicle that can operate both оп water and оп land З An aircraft with the wing upper surface level with оr above the top of the fuselage 4 Ап aircraft equipped with floats for landing оп оr taking off from а body of wаtеr 5 А set of manoeuvres that а pilot performs

The popular




6 А public display of aircraft iп flight and on the grоuпd, held at ап airfield 7 Ап aircraft with two identical engines 8 Ап aircraft with two wings fixed at different levels



Discuss the questions with а partner.


Have you еvеr Ьееп to an аir show? What was it like?

2 What usually happens at ап air show? З Why do реорlе attend аir shows?

4 Do you have this type of activity Whеrе? When?

iп уоur country?

5 What sort of special training do pilots and/or ATCs have for аir shows?




Describe the picture 1а Describe what уоч can see words in the Ьох.

Plain English - Listening for detail

iп the picture. Use the

2Ь ý

l.ОВ Listen аgаiп and tick (r/)trre рrоЬlеп that are mentioned. cancelled flights

dispersal air stair APU palm baggage visibility


poor maintenance

1 What kind of реrsоп is the flight for?

the aircraft?

4 How long after the landing do you think the photo taken? Why? ,',-,-. ]э ,,эu think will happen next?

2а ьа ' :з -:-?- :э -: ----

2^ ,1э,. э,.. аэ:*::-э е"з::э :,


mid-air panlc ruпwау inclrs э-: swine fer,,e.

Radiotelephony - Listening

3а ý r.os

Listen to the dialogue. Decide if the sentences are true or false. write Г оr :.

1 London informed Cargolux 22ЗlЬэ.э,.,:- ] -. а delay.


Plain English - Listening for gist

congestio. а-),:.


the questions.

2 Why are there so mапу people Ьу the aircraft? З Where are the people standing iп relation to


heart attacks

r.OZ Now listen to the sample answer.

1ь Answer


сопtrоllеrs' stress

2 Bad weather is causing


outbound aircraft, З The pilot's NOTAM says that ||е,э cassenge!, and саrgо flights,








э ,::

-, : .

z,=,: ..

: - - -:'= -'?' =' .:-- '





V*с*hшlвrу ýtte*k

- Рlаiп Hnglish 5а

Rеаrrапgе the words to make phrases from the dialogue.


priority (n) amendment (п) officials (п) рапiс

hold / we / VATON / to / aI / сопfirm / have


domestic (adj) facilities (п) disruption (п) scheduled


аrе excepted / says scheduled аir саrriеrs / but оur /

1 lmportant people in an organization.

NOTAIV / and cargo flights / understood

2 Something such as buildings оr equipment that people сап use. 3 According to а timetable. 4 А change made to а document оr рlап. 5 Referring to оr belonging inside а country.

that information / we did / before leaving / not get / unfortunately / JFK

6 А situation when something саппоt continue as поrmаl because of а рrоЬlеm. 7 То have а sudden strong feeling of fear оr tеrrоr.

4 our alternate, Gatwick / а clearance / we will have / if we /

cannot get / to take

5 on / Аirfоrсе / is / One / поw / lLS

8 The оrdеr of importance оr urgепсу.

5ь *iarýfi**ti*n 4а

Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions.

There have been some

Work with а partner. Student А is PNF. Student В is РF, Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say.


Complete the briefing оп V|P visits with the words

frоm 5а.

plan. But there is no need to avoid (4) (5)





_ VlP


flights will still receive (З) _ _*"



s to our оrigiпаl



but we wish to

оur international flights. Апу

passengers who аrе (6)


to fly at the time of а VlP visit will Ье delayed. :,.l]ll:,] l',l

However we will provide refreshment

.,..,..,l'аýk,fоi:,6бпf iýnatiOл:].l,:..:,l.]


free of сhаrgе for these passengers. We want to 1.,1,:.''1;11.ritiýl;NIб.'JýI


encourage visits Ьу important




to travel as поrmаl.


6 4ь

Role рlау the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.

While at

the same time allowing oUr international passengerS

l,,,Дql(ýоиеdýе,:ЬUtl,:ýаУl',,,l ]],.]]]]],],]]]':i


Bisct-tssion Discuss the questions with а partner. 1 Describe а VlP flight you know of. 2 What difficulties can VlP flights cause?

З Should VlP flights Ье treated differently to оthеr flights? Why? Why not?

4 who should Ье classed as vlps? 5 What type of aircraft will trапsроrt VlPs iп the future?


VgсаЬь*lнrу *h*gk

Жadý*t*lep}Tany * Рýаiп Жпgtfrsh

Rearrange the words to make phrases from the dialogue.

рriоritу (n) amendment (n) officials (п) рапiс

1 hold / we /VATON / lo / at / confirm / have



з that information / we did / before leaving / not get unfortunately / JFK

lmроrtапt people iп ап оrgапizаtiоп. 2 Something such as buildings оr equipment that people сап use.

З Ассоrdiпg to а timetable,


4 А change made to а document оr рlап. 5 Rеfеrriпg to оr belonging inside а country. 6 А situation when something cannot continue as поrmаl because of а рrоЬlеm, 7 То have а sudden strопg feeling of fear оr tеrrоr.

4 оur alternate, Gatwick / а сlеаrапсе / we will have / cannot get / to take

5 оп / Аirfоrсе / is / опе / поw / lLS

В The оrdеr of imроrtапсе оr urgency.

5ь *l*rif i*gtiшп Work with а partner. Student А is PNF. Student В is РF. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say. PNF

Complete the briefing оп VlP visits with the words from 5а. Тhеrе have Ьееп some flights will still rесеiче

(5) tt]s

uпехресtеd *

fОr..СОПfil'mаtiОП rIо


low оп fuel

, WiJ]take altornate



:. по ciear:anoý,in'

' "'



(З) _._____ but we wish to


оur international flights, Any

раssепgеrs who аrе


to fly at the time of а VlР visit will Ье delayed.

However we will provide refreshment епсоurаgе visits Ьу important


Acknowledge but say




_ VlP



frее of сhаrgе fоr these passengers, We want to

Тhё NOTAM says



s to оur оrigiпаl


рlап. But there is по need to avoid




NOTAM / апd саrgо flights / understood


domestic (adj) facilities (п) disruption (п) scheduled

excepted / says scheduled air саrriеrs / but оur /

if we /

Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions.


Role play the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.


while at

the same time allowing оur international passengers to travel as поrmаl,

Dis*ussigп Discuss the questions with а partner. 1 Describe а VlР flight you know of. 2 What difficulties сап VlР flights cause? З Should VlP flights Ье treated differently to оthеr flights? Why? Why not? 4 who should Ье classed as vlps? 5 What type of аirсrаft wi|l trапsроrt VlPs iп the future?



DELAY Жпg*isýт * **istеfiЁftg fезr d*tai*


2ь # t,ll

Listen аgаiп and answerthe questions.

. i ,,J,


Where is there а rеgulаtiоп that lasts all day? 2 Where have АТС taken some measures to improve ,1


З Where might improvements Ье seen iп traffio f]ow?

*еs*rlЬе the рi*tмr*

4 Where has the longest de ays?

Describe what you can see iп the picture. Use the words in the Ьох.

соmmеrсiаl Sequence final



6 Whеrе might rеgu ations continue intc the аftеrпооп?

instrument configuration rаdаr

З"Ч* Now listen to the sample answer.

1ь Answer

5 Wh]ch country r,v Ье affected Ьу the regulation Cyprus?

Ж*d*ot*ýeph*lтy * il-i*t*пЁг*g

За #

t.зt*t.t* Listen to five dialogues (а-е) between pilots and air-traffic controllers, Match each dialogue with а reason for delay. There is one extra

the questions.

1 What time of day is it?


2 What sort of airfield are the aircraft flying into?


З How far do you think they аrе frоm the runway?

2 Low visibility

4 What heading do you think the aircraft аrе flying? 5 What do pilots typically do at this phase of flight?

з Ап aircraft has Ьrоkеп down 4 Busy аirsрасе

*Е*Ё* *rъgýi*Гв * Lýst*r,ting f*r g}st

5 Lack of раrkiпg space 6 Liquid on the арrоп

Vehicles аrе clearing the runways


Listen to the briefing and match the =.J: problems in the Ьох to the places оп the map.


Реrsоппеl shortage Thunderstorms and rain Aer-cdrome capacity lVilitary activity Construction


**d3*Ё*l*ýi]*пу * Plair: Еrвgiisýз Rеаrrапgе the words to make phrases from the dialogue. "un\,!,av i we / а / have / aircraft / disabled / оп 2 outside / sector / controlled / saturation / rеmа]п / due



З splilage /there /is ,,;

-: :


a/you /the /on / rаmр i behind


4 сап we / lower / hаvе / due / chop / level? l speed / at /





5 the weather? / da you / have / tаr / ап estimate / ап imрrоVеmепt /








ýlarification 4а

Work with а partner. Student А is the first officer of а passenger jet aircraft, cal| sign Transtar З22, оп descent to Po|omir. Student В is ап approach АТСО at Polomir Approach. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say. First officer


Complete the АТС comments about delays with the words from 5а. work at an airfield with joint operations,


апd nrilitary {rainifig (1) ] , _] ,."__* 1 l. ,.l sometimeý cause,delays for civil {1зffi6.;.l, ,.',l,|, l

Аррrоасh АТСО Acknowledge, give


instructions to hold, апd зау duration


Both iп terms of ореrаtiопs and раssепgеr (2) in progress on the пеw runway is causing rеаl problems for us,

ооmfоrt, the

Say rеаsоп for delay

Paraphrase rеаsоп

We have protective




ечеrу day, but we still have рrоЬlеms with


Role рlау the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.

" .l

Vо*аЬulаrу ýheck

(п) (n)

spillage (n) removal (п) issue regulation (п) exercise (n)

sometimes happens

We had so much unexpected snow last winter. Snow caused, mаiоr disruptioný,, because,We


jцst wоrепlt,еQuiРреd wПh enough sпОw ploughý

Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions.

disable (v) work saturation

. lt


that we exceed capacity Ьу очеr 10%,


l think

АТС everywhere suffers with staffing Тhеrе just aren't enough

1 А problem that needs to Ье considered


2 Ап activity that you do in order to lеаrп how to do something З То stop а piece о{ equipment frоm working


4 When something is so full that nothing can Ье added

Just this week two incidents caused delays

5 Control of ап activity оr process Ьу official rules

оп mу shift. The first was а fuel

6 The rераiriпg and building of something 7 When liquid has accidentally Ьееп poured out of its сопtаiпеr 8 The process of taking something away from а place


оп the арrоп, and the

second was а



on а taxiway which prevented heavy аirсrаft vacating.

Fi**t"lssi*n Discuss the questions with а partner.

] What аrе the longest delays you have encountered iп your work?

2 What things typically cause delay where you work?

З Do most delays оссur on the ground оr the air?


4 What actions сап АТС take to manage congestion and delay?

5 Will delays increase оr decrease in the future? Why?




Ше**гi&з* tFз* щi*tьчв,* Describe what you сап see in the picture. Use the words in the Ьох.

medium emtэlem gear standing рrореllеr Поrizоп ==,,,'

э ":? Now listen to the sаmрlе апSWеr.

Answer the questions.

F!*;= Ёазglish * Li*Ёев:itэз f*r *et*ii

.=Ё' l,=8 Listen again put the sentences iп the correct chronoIogical order.

а The аirсrаft hit the ruпwау. Ь The pilot decided to land.

с The crew switched the GPWS system


d The 757 started to take off, е The сrеw realized the gear was not down, f The pilot saw а 757 оп the runway,

] where is the man in relation to the aircraft? 2 Whеrе do you think this incident оссurrеd? З What markings аrе there on the aircraft? 4 What do you think caused the accident?

5 What do you think wiL hарреп next?

Ft*iп *пgli=h * L*steni*g fшr gI*t 2а ф

Т.Зе Listen to an interview with ап airport spokesman about а no-gear landing. Why did the aircraft execute а belly-landing?


Е *cliot*$eФШt фшtу

* Li*tee=i



3а ,Э

,l .=9 Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions

1 Wnat was the unsafe ]ndicat on?

2 Wh]ch ruпwау was РНGЗ002 cleared to land on? з what was the cloud base? 4 Why did РНGЗ002 request а visual inspection? 5 What did the tower see? 6 What was the fuel state of РНGЗО02?


H*diotelephony *


VосаЬulаrу ýhg*k


Rеаrrапgе the words to make phrases from the dialogue.

Match the words iп the Ьох with the definitions,

collapse (v) bent (adj) skid (v) lower (v) circuit

1 gear / right / indication / PHG3002 has / unsafe /

indication (n) арреаr (v) undercarriage




wheels / low / аrе down / to сопfirm / request /

1 То slide across the ground in ап uncontrolled way


2 Pattern of flight from take-off to touch-down З А sign


З 500 ft / we / level /

wi|l / aI

4 То let down

4 distance / runway / established / zero fочr / aI /


localizer / ei9ht nautical miles

lп а twisted or curved shape

6 То fold or fall down suddenly 7 То seem to Ье

8 Landing gear

5 wheels / all / down / арреаr

5ь sýarifi*atiqprt

Complete the report оп а gear-up landing with the words from 5а. The crew reported а red (1)*.

Work with а partner. Student А is РNF of Flуеr 794, а regional jet оп final аррrоасh. Student В is Tower. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say. рNF Tower


and were uпsurе if the




for the tower to make а visual

(5) __* оп landing the main gear (6)

ОК. However

inspection. Everything

Пequest intentions

aircraft (7) _*,__* ._.._ рrореllеr blades wеrе

State mаiп gеаr appears dоwп but

Correct and clarify mаiп gery appears dоwп but лоsе gear rёtrаitёd

Role play the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue in the Answer Кеу.


and the

along the runway. The


where they

made contact with the ground.

Give instructions

nose gear retracted


correctly. They flew а left-hand

(з) (4)

"._.__ _______

Disсчssiоп 6

Discuss the questions with а partner. 1 Describe а no-gear landing you have had оr have heard about. 2 ls it worse to lose nose gеаr оr mаiп gear? Why?

З Describe how to manually retract landing


4 What сап Ье done to prevent landing gear problems? 5 What changes do you think will Ье made to aircraft landing gеаr iп the future?





ВеssriЬе the picture

Describe what you сап see in the picture.


2Ь ф



* Lаэt*gзi*g f*г dеёаiЕ

Listen again and exp|ain what the following

refer to,

Answer the questions. What kind of passenger would have а flight like this? 2 Who do you think all the people are Ьу the aircraft? 3 Whеrе are the people standing in relation to the aircraft? 4 Do you think the аirсrаft has just landed оr is getting rеаdу to depart? Why? 1

5 What do you think will hарреп next?


Э.g* Now |isten to the sample answer.

* LЁ*tе=irэз €*г gi=Ё

Pi*ia,t **"tgёl*9ъ ,i]' Listen to а news report about а пеаr miss. =.:::

] Кrаsпоdаr 2 зо2

з10 410 5 200 оlэ


3а *

Ь Yuri is ап ехреriепсеd air-traffic сопtrоllеr whose

quick thinking prevented two aircraft from colliding. Usually controllers are anonymous but Yuri has received а lot of рrаisе frоm the public. с Yuri was ап ехреriепсеd air-traffic controller whose quick thinking prevented ап Airbus and а Tupolev frоm co|liding. Не is unable to sleep because of the incident and has had to retire,


Li=t*- i-g

Listen to the dialogue. Put the events iп the

correct order,

а The АТСО suggests run\yay


бL for landing,

Ь The pllot requests а tcuch апd go.

с The pilot reDcrts ihat they will land оп the left side of the ruпwа,у,

Choose the most suitable summary.

а Yuri is ап experienced air-traffic controller whose quick thinking prevented two aircraft from colliding, This is another example of the hеrоiс wоrk of ап anonymous group of controllers.



d The АТСО rероrts the right mаiп gear is retracted, е The pilot rероrts а high load mапоеuvrе fai|ed to frее the gear, f

The pilot requests firе and rеsсuе services.


Radiotelephony - Рlаiп English ý l.ez Match the Ьеgiппiпgs with the endings

mаkе phrases from the dialogue.


The steep turп didn't shift the 2 We'd like to try а touch and go to 3 Which is the best runway 4 Тhеrе is plenty of space either side

VосаЬчlаrу Check Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions, amendment



З То stop а piece of equipment or а machine frоm


а чееr to the right оп the ruпwау,

Ь gеаr so we're stilt indicating gеаr up.


8 То accidentally роur а liquid out of its сопtаiпеr

Work with а partner, Student А is pilot of Sprinter 512, ready to taxi. Student В is tower. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say.

Complete the sentences with the words from 5а.

pilot ._.. 2 Recently several 1


the coffee over the GPS. have Ьееп made to

the operating procedure.


З The fоrсе of the impact caused the undercarriage to

Request taxi

Acknow|edge and аsЙ

tоrhй [опа

lnstruct АС to stay where it is


4 The


Give rеаsоп for delay (uпkпоwп object), say it's being checked

flights. 6 Тhеrе was по 7

АС thеrе is debris :. оп the taxiway, Expect taxi after ]5 minutes Te|l

Ask for repetition ii,,i, ;,;

flight arrived exactly on time.

5 The smaller aircraft wеrе used fоr shorter



l]i:iii ;lii:l]lýýBМ,,i'l


6 Referring to or belonging inside а соuпtrу 7 А sign




5 То fold or fall down suddenly

с of the ruпwау should you need it. d see if that loosens the right gear. е for ап аЬпоrmаl gear landing?


col|apse (v) indication (п). spltt (v}l disable (v) domestic (adj) bent (adj)

2 А change оr correction made to а document or рtаП

5 Ве advised wе'rе likely to



of any fuel problems.

The рrореllеr blades wеrе

оп contact

with the ground. 8 The sound of the alarm was irritating so the сrеw it.

Say delay of ,15 minutes


Role play the dialogue, then change roles and do it again. Check against the model dialogue iп the Апswеr Кеу,


Discuss the questions with а partner. 1

What сап Ье done to prevent near misses?

2 What operational issues have to Ье considered

whеп ruппiпg ап аir show?

3 What difficulties сап VlР flights cause?

4 Describe the longest delay you have encountered in уоur work.

5 How has landing gear developed очеr the last 5О years?



Plain ErcgIish * Lýsteпing tcr datail

ffiеsегih* the pi*ture

Describe what you сап see in the picture. Use the words in the Ьох.

2Ь ф 1

military high-wing turboprop


dip flock


l.ДЗ Now llsten to the sample answer.

1ь Апswеr

the questions.

r or

if the sentences


The horizontal radar tracks blrds withln the airfield.

2 The vertical radar covers the аррrоасh and

departure corridors.

З The aim of the technology is to track аll birds. 4 The system сап identify а small bird several miles away.

1 What do you think the pilots аrе doing?

5 А lаrgе group of birds eight miles away can Ье detected Ьу the system.

2 Why are the birds moving?

6 The system is being trialIed fоr use in civil aviation.

З What sort of airfield do you think it is? 4 Where was the photograph taken frоm?

5 What do you think will happen next?

*1аiп Епglisiз * LЁstепiпg f*r g*st 2а # j"ce Listen to а conversation about пеw

aviation-related technology. Answer the questions 1

Where does the conversation take place?

2 What teohnology are they talking about?

3 Who does the technology serve?

RadioteEephony - Listeni*g

3а *

l.ЭS Listen to а dialogue between а pilot and an air-traffic contro|ler. put the events in the correct order.

а The pilot requests а low pass. Ь The сопtrоllеr reports damage to the nose gear, с The pilot reports birdstrike. d The pilot states anticipated control problems оп Ianding.

е The pilot states their intention to rеturп



l.aД Listen again and decide

are true or false. Write


The pilot says the поsе gеаr won't retract,

Жа*ý*t*ýер}з*гту * Рý**нз





Rеаrrапgе the words to make phrases from the dialogue.


had /thinkwe / l /

апl impact/the/with /поsе


3 саЬlе / what looks / we see / like а / оr hose / loose / оп your / поsе gеаr we / hаvе / wi|| / believe /with / steering

problems / landing /

on _

5 То make ап animal оr а реrsоп feel afraid 6 А long, паrrоw аrеа of land


7 То follow the course of а moving object В А grоuр of plants оr animals whose members all have similar general features

5 Ье / that / aware / we could / oit / lef| / ruпwау / the / соmе / to the

5Ь *iаrifý*mti*rэ

Complete the article on birdstrikes with the words from 5а.

Work with а partner. Student А is pilot of а twin-engine aircraft, call sign Arrow 545, downwind iп а right-hand pattern for RWY 18. Student В is an approach АТСО at Nezabad tower. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say.

Flight 1245, а private jet operated Ьу Biz Ai1 made а powerless Ianding at Fохtоп airport after it ('l) _, _.**. а (2) __, . _ of birds on final аррrоасh. The aircraft landed safely just inside the touchdown zone with по further incident, but the (З) from the heavy landing resulted in structural damage to the



Acknowledge and request intentions Give instruotions for priority landing

undercarriage. Тhе risk of birdstrike is highest at this time of уеаr when опе particular

Request further information


of bird gathers before migrating south for winter. The birds аrе difficult to



1 А group of birds 2 То рrоvе that something is present З The force with which опе object hits another 4 То move опtо ап object quickly and with force



Match the words in the Ьох with the definitions.

detect (v) corridor (n) track (v) flock (п) species hit (v) impact (п) frighten (v)

2 rесусliпg / Ihe / а rеd light / gear /l tried / we /




because they tend to hide in the long grass under the approach (6)

Role play the dialogue, then change roles and do

it again. Check against the model dialogue iп the Answer Кеу,



birds' movements сап onIy Ье (7) when in flight, usually when (8)



Ьу passing aircraft, which, iп the case of the Biz Аir, was too late.


Discuss the questions with а раrtпеr.

4 What iЪrt of damage сап birdstrikes do to aircraft?

1 Describe а birdstrike incident you know of. 2 Why do birds inhabit airfield environments? З What measures сап airports use to control birds?

5 Do you think bird-strike incidents decrease? Why?


inorease оr






t$t +э #i g.:ta;


1а Describe what you can see words in the Ьох. lined ,4i;*


FЕаi,lt in the picture. Use the

up terminal containers vehlcles



L,I*"t*gtргtg; fr-:r


Ч-g; Listen again and answer the questions

1 what аrе the benefits of containers? 2 What information should you nclude оп уоur 1аЬеl? З Name five examples of unusual shipments,


,it* Now listen to the sample answer.

Answer the questions.

] ls the саrgо incoming оr оutkэоuпd? 2 Where do you think the picture was taken?

З What items do you think аrе contained


the shlpments?

4 What s the JAL van in the middle of the picture doing?

5 How s the саrgо ]oaded onto / unloaded frоm the planes?

Ё..},ц Ёп.,,,вс

2а "С


:а - _-: :=:"a i:, Listen to the dialogue about саrgо transportation. What two things should you do to your cargo?







i *t*=+l



Еъ*эязli "* L.i,ч

t *t,ъ i




Listen to the dialogue. Complete the table =,"'::: with the correct information. Wаrпiпg


:] .' i. .


Flаdiоtеlерhоэ"лу * Pl*in ýпglish Rеаrrапgе the words to make phrases from the dialogue.

W*g*Ьuýаrу ýtэ**k

piece (п) pallet (п) label (п) load (v) protect wrap (v) band (п) panel (п)

aircraft / have / you / do / with / ап / епgiпееr? /



поI / wе'rе / it's / it / closed / ореп /

оrl sure

ье removed

the / panel / ask / the / fuselage

4 Рареr or other material used to identify an object 5 А flat surface used for transporting goods 6 То keep from danger or damage

4 рапеl / reports / he / that / closed / has / the /

7 То put саrgо into оr onto something


8 То cover something

5 the / is / light / confjrm / extinguished / warning

Complete the iпsчrапсе report with the words

frоm 5а.




Work with а partner. Student А is а pilot of YRYYG at stand 2 waiting to start up. Student В is а dispatch officer. Read the dialogue outline and decide what to say,

with а padded material. However the (З)


*__ of machinery was (2)


onto the

(5) .



Acknowledge and say you wiIl contact ап

Rоlе play the dialogue, then сhапgе roles and do

it again. Check against the model dialogue in the

Answer Кеу.


(7) _ _ _,


оп the package

сlеаrlу stated 'Handle with care' and it appears that appropriate саrе was taken with the handling but not

Acкnowledge. Ask where,


and the саrgо. The

about the рrо]Ьlеm

оопfirm оп the side of the fuselaga

When this

This led to significant damage to both the aircraft

Acknowledge. Ask


_ __

was transported towards the hold the mасhiпеrу саmе loose and smashed into а fuel



of metal securing the cargo саmе loose when it was

Dispatch officer



] А паrrоw strip of something 2 An individual object or part of something З А flat part of the skin of the aircraft that сап

that / оп / if / bottom / Iчеl / of / door/ is / Sunair/

the / епgiпееr

Match the words iп the Ьох with the definitions.

the packaging. ln future aIl such саrgо needs to Ье



in containers,



Discuss the questions with а раrtпеr. -1

Describe а саrgо рrоЬIеm you know of,

2 What is the difference between cargo and passenger flights?

3 What consjderations аrе important when transporting саrgо?

4 How has the transport of саrgо changed in the last 20 years?

5 What changes do you think will happen to саrgо transportation iп the future?



П*sсriЬя the рiсtжrе 1а Describe what you сап see words in the Ьох. trаiпiпg

ffi l.*g ,lb

* Li*tепi:зg for d*taiý

Fýаiа"l Еrr6ýiяfu in the picture. Use the

exercise mock-up engulfed flames fire fighters spray Now listen to the sample апswеr.

Answer the questions.

2Ь ffi

l.ЗШ Listen again and match the equipment (а-е)

iп 2а to the questions (1-5).

1 Which equipment has only Ьееп at the station fоr а short time?

2 which can Ье used at а distance? З Which is а requirement for the biggest airports? 4 Which is used to mапаgе operations? 5 Which responds to emergencies inside airport facilities?

] Where is this activity taking рlасе? 2 How mапу people do you think are involved? 3 How lопg do you think the activity will last? 4 How does this sоrt of activity affect operat ons? 5 How often do you think this training happens?

ЁаrJ!аt*lеаt=*rзу * Li=teni *g

3а Ё l,эl

Listen to the dialogue Underlinq the соrrесt information. 1 =.^


a тлл_л

Plai* ýпgЁýsh - LisЁеr:iпg for gist

2а Щ

r.еЭ Listen to а chief fire officer give а tour of an airport fire station. Mark the equipment (а-е) with

the оrdеr that they аrе mentioned.

^.-,.L с,,);

З Т^э с,е,.,,




,л л : -л

Т^е с,е,,,




| =|"^^4,

-=,е ,э,э, . -S:] : ": :.. -],l , .,.. .эt\а:а.: '.'=,-,,,,a,


s: с", ,э


immediate у on anding,

5 The саЬiп crew think the flre gопе out. 6 The аirсrаft is instructed sесчrе аrеа,
