Comparison of English Education Between Japan and Indonesia [PDF]

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Puthut Prehantoro Hiroki Ishizuka

Department of English, Faculty of Education, Asahikawa Campus, Hokkaido University of Education

インドネシアと日本の高校学校における英語教育の比較 プレハントロプトゥト 石塚博規


ABSTRACT English education for high school in Indonesia has started using the 2013 Curriculum since July 2013. In Japan, a new course study of English for high school has also been implemented since Spring 2013. This study attemps to find out what the differences of National English Curricullum for high schools in Indonesia and Japan are, what the different features of class activities in Indonesia and in Japan are, and what the relationships between the national curriculum in Indonesia and in Japan and the results of COLT observation are. In this study, COLT observation scheme was used to analyze two English classes of Indonesian highs school and Japanese high school. The results show that there are both similarities and significant differences in the English education for high school in the twoo countries. This study also discuss the general situation of education in the two countries, so that this study is expected to be a benefit for teachers in to color their previous mindset on delivering English at school , and to be good additional information for English teachers and also especially for to-be English-teacher students in Japan, in order to know what problems are being faced by English teachers in other countries.


English has become the most learned and used language in the world as the effect of globalization in

information and technology. David Graddol (1997) in

community development after returning to

his book ‘The Future of English?’ stated that, after the


British colonilazation era, it was the rise of the US that


to be a good representative of Indonesia while

has promoted English to serve as the most-working

studying in Japan for stronger understandings

language for three big areas, namely world institutions,

and cooperation between Japan and Indonesia.

financial institutions, and scientific institutions. Unlike in Singapore, Malaysia, India, or Brunei

This study is conducted as one of efforts to

Darussalam, Fachrurrazy (2011) noted that English in

accomplish the two duties mentioned above. It is

Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, China, or Korea is a

expected to be a benefit for teachers in Indonesia to

foreign language.

Since it is a foreign language,

color their previous mindset on delivering English at

English learners in turn do not have chance to speak in

school. Moreover, this study hopefully can be good

English out of their class. In Singapore or India, for

additional information for English teachers in Japan,

instance, English is acknowledged as official language,

and also especially for to-be English-teacher students

and it consequently creates a supporting environment

of HUE, in order to know what problems are being

for English learners to apply their in-class lessons in

faced by English teachers in other countries.

the real context. Indonesia, for years, has become one of the countries which have strong relationship with Japan in


many areas, such as: economy, technology, education,

Since both countries are Asian countries, there are

culture, transportation, and health. As Japan has been

similarities between Indonesia and Japan. But surely,

known for its well-managed education system, it surely

there are abundant differences between Japan and

has attracted many Indonesian students to study in

Indonesia. This chapter tries to give overview about

Japan. One of the ways to study in Japan is by

Indonesia and Japan before discussing more about

scholarship, either granted by Indonesian goverment,

English education at high schools in both countries.

Japanese government, or other sponsors.

There are three topics about the similarities and

Teacher Training Program 2012 is one of the

differences between Indonesia and Japan explained

annual scholarship programs offered by the Ministry of

below, namely: social situation, schools, and English at

Education of Japan to teachers from all over the world.


This scholarship is given to teachers of any subjects from any levels of education (from elementary to high

2.1 Social Situations in Indonesia and Japan

school) to develop the quality of teaching and learning.

2.1.1 Social Situation in Indonesia

The General Consul of Japan in Surabaya, Mr. Noburo Nomura,



islands and more than 350 tribes. There are three time



zones (west, middle, and east), and the Indonesia’s East

Surabaya, that each of grantees has two main duties in

Time Zone is exactly the same as Japan Time Zone.

their studying in Japan, namely:

Indonesia, as the other South East Asian countries do,








Indonesia is an archipelago with more than 13,000


to study well and learn as much as possible of

has a huge diversity in term of beliefs, religions, social

any knowledge while studying in Japan for the

structures, languages, cultures and so on. There are six










Chatolic, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and

Confucianism) along with hundreds of local beliefs.

the total population of Indonesia, probably are regarded

Based on the 2010 population cencus by the Central

as Indonesian first language speaker. In other


provinces, most of Indonesian children start to learn







Indonesian citizens is 237,641,326 people.

Indonesian language in their elementary school, but

Geertz (1967) said that Indonesia probably has the

they do not speak in Indonesian language after school

greatest of diversity among the South East Asian

as local languages are widely used. All handbooks,

countries due to its wide territory and huge number of

educational materials, official letters, newspaper and

tribes. Since one tribe has more than two languages

television program are presented in Indonesian

used at the same time due to politeness toward the

language, but still, it does not eliminate the use of tribal

speaking partner, there are about 750 languages spoken

languages. Usually, students will have more chance to

in Indonesia as mother tongues for Indonesian children.

speak Indonesian when they are studying at high

Among the islands in Indonesia, Papua is the richest

school or university. Still, the amount of speaking

area in terms of language diversity. Yembise (2011)

Indonesian as daily language is small up to recent days.

wrote that there are 250 languages used as means of

Since most of Indonesian people are Muslim,

communication in Papua.

most children even will learn to read and cite Arabic

Due to fact that most of Indonesian people are

before they enter elementary school. In other words,

Muslim, consequently Arabic language is widely used

many of the children learn simple Arabic before they

and learned in Indonesia, mostly, for religious

learn Indonesian language (Madya, 2007). As a result,

purposes. This linguistic condition surely has impact to

before Indonesian children learning English at junior

Indonesian education system, especially English

high school or elementary school, they usually have

education in Indonesian schools.

been well exposed to at least two or three languages,

Indonesian language is the national and the only

namely: their mother tongue, Indonesian language, and

official language in Indonesia, but, as there are about

Arabic (if they are Muslim kids). This phenomenon has

750 languages in Indonesia, it is not the mother tongue

two-side effect that will be presented in the later

for more than 80% of Indonesian people. Those 750


languages are distinct from one to another. Even though sometimes they share a few similar grammar or

2.1.2 Social Situation in Japan

words, people from two different tribes hardly

Japan is an Asian developed country consisting of

understand each other. To have a better view, most of

more than 7,000 thousand islands stretching from

them will be like Japanese language to Korean

Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. This

language, or English to Dutch in comparison.

geographic position makes Japan have a wide range of

Indonesian language was firstly stated to be the

climate, vegetation, and social life. Japanese is the

unifying language in the Youth Oath on 28 October

national language and is the mother tongue for almost

1928. Indonesian language is originally rooted from

all Japanese people despite the dialects they have.

Melayu language, one of tribes in Sumatera Island.

Unlike the religions in Indonesia, religion matters are

Nowadays, this Melayu language is officially named

totally separated from country’s administration as it is

Malaysian language in Malaysia.

regarded to be fully individual responsibility. However,

It is generally assumed that only people in the Capital’s Special Region of Jakarta, where the capital city of Indonesia is located, with approximately 15% of

Shinto and Buddhism, and Confucianism have played important roles in Japanese culture and life.

As it was reported by The Japan Times, the number of Japan’s population by October 2013 is about

or college level, the percentage of participation in 2011 was only 23% of the high school graduates.

127,515 million. Japan also attracts foreign nationals to

The feature of types of school in Indonesia is

come and live in. Most of them are studying, working

greatly affected by the fact that Indonesia regulates

or living in Japan because of getting married with

religions of its citizens in its governance, and its

Japanese people. In 2010, the number of foreigners in

national education system accommodate the previous

Japan was 2,314,151 people.

education run by religious groups. Historic facts show

Japan has been the house of some distinctive

that religious schools have existed before Indonesia

languages, beside Japanese itself. The site of

proclaimed its independency in August 17, 1945 due to lists 9 languages that exist in

the discrimination on education access by Dutch

Japan, although many Japanese people think that the

government in Indonesia in the colonialization era. In

minor languages are only dialects of Japanese. They

the past, as most Indonesian peope are Muslims,

are classified into two main groups: the isolate

common people would study at traditional Islamic

language (Ainu), and Ryukyuan languages (Northern

(boarding) schools where general course was usually

Amami Oshima, Southern Amami Oshima, Kikai,

not taught, but only Islamic subjects were. Other

Kunigami, Miyako, Oki-no-Erabu, Central Okinawan,

religions’ schools also had their own way to run their

Toku-no-Shima, Yaeyama,

and Yoron). However,

education. Later on, approaching the Independence

Japanese is now the first language for and is spoken by

Day, modern Islamic schools run by, for example,

almost 99% of Japanese people.

Muhammadiyah Foundation,

appeared. In these

schools, non-religious matters were started to be 2.2 School Systems in Indonesia and Japan

taught, such as: Mathematics, Science, Foreign

2.2.1 School System in Indonesia

Language, etc. The categories of schools in Indonesia

Duration of completion for the same level of

are shown in Table 1.

school in Indonesia and Japan is the same. The 9-year basic education consists of 6-year elementary school

2.2.1 School System in Japan

and 3-year junior high school education, and then

The present system of Japanese education is a 6-3-

students will pursue their study in 3-year high school

3-4 system. It is a 9-year compulsory education from

education. Indonesian national education system

elementary school until junior high school. However,

mainly consists of 5 levels, they are: pre-school,

the rates of participation in education by the children

elementary school, junior high school, high school, and

are different from that of Indonesian education. Hosoki

university/college. However, according to a report by


Ministry of Women’s Empowerment of Republic of

mentioned that, in 2008, 100% of Japanese children

Indonesia, the percentage of participation in education

join the compulsory education, the rate of enrollment

in 2008 was 97.83% for elementary school level

in high schools was 97.8% of junior high school’s

(children between 7-12), 84.41% for junior high school

graduates, and the rate of enrollment in universities or

level (children between 13-15), and 54.70% for high

colleges was 51.5%.

school level (children between 16-18). For university

Table 1: Categories of Schools in Indonesia









SEKOLAH DASAR (General-Course Elementary School) MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH (Islamic-Course Elementary School) SEKOLAH DASAR LUAR BIASA (Elementary School for Children with Special Needs) SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA (General-Course Junior High School) MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH (Islamic-Course Junior High School) SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA LUAR BIASA (Junior High School for Children with Special Needs) SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (General-Course Senior High School) MADRASAH ALIYAH (Islamic-Course Senior High School) SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN (Vocational-Course Senior High School) MADRASAH ALIYAH KEJURUAN (Vocational Islamic-Course Senior High School) SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS LUAR BIASA (Senior High School for Children with Special Needs)



RUNNING INSTITUTION Government or private institutions Government or private Islamicinstitutions Government or private institutions

ADMINISTERING MINISTRY Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Religion Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia

Government or private institutions Government or private Islamicinstitutions Government or private institutions

Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia

Government or private institutions Government or Private Islamicinstitutions Government or private institutions Government or Private Islamicinstitutions Government or private institutions

Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia

Ministry of Religion Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia

Ministry of Religion Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Religion Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia

2.3 English Education in Indonesia and Japan

was one of efforts to prepare Indonesian generations

2.3.1 English Education at Schools in Indonesia

with English communication skill in globalization era.

In Indonesia, Teaching English as Foreign Language was started at some schools in the Netherland’s




2.3.2 English Education at Schools in Japan


It was in 1845 when Japan opened itself to

discriminating education access for students based on

Western countries, and English was thought to be a

race, skin colour, and social status. After the

tool for Westernization. Hosoki (2010) wrote that

Independence Day, English was officially started to be

there are four important eras connecting with English

taught at junior high schools.

education in Japan. In the Meiji era (1868-1911) when

The curriculum or guideline for English education

English education was started as a system, the

in Indonesia has been developed from time to time.

government’s policy was aiming English as a means to

For a long time, English education in Indonesia tended

import modern technologies from the West and to

to use Grammar-Based Approach. It lasted until the

access Western knowledge and culture. In the Taisho

establishment of 2004 National Curriculum, when

era (1912-1925), the awareness about teaching

English education in Indonesia started to use

methodologies arouse among teachers. However, the

Discourse Analysis Approach (Fachrurrazy, 2011). It

purpose of English education had shifted to prepare

students for entrance examination. English education

Question 1:

started to mainly deal with grammatical analysis and

English Curricullum for high schools in Indonesia and

translation into Japanese. In this era, there was also


movements to abolish English.

Question 2: What are the different features of class

In the Showa era, prior to the end of World War

What are the differences of National

activities in Indonesia and in Japan based on COLT

(WW) II, English education was abolished from


school curriculum as the result of anti-English

Question 3: What are the relationships between the

language education sentiments among Japanese. After

national curriculum in Indonesia and in Japan and the

the end of WWII, English education was conducted

results of COLT observation?

again. Due to the need of employees with English communication skill in business, practical English

In order to achieve the goal, Communicative

gained more attention, even though the English






language curriculum in schools was still examination-

observation scheme was used. This scheme was first

oriented. This was also when Communicative

used in the early 1980’s. It tries

Approach was getting popular. In this era, Japanese

differences in the communicative orientation of

government started inviting native English speakers to

language teaching and to determine whether and how

teach English in Japan. In 1987, Japan Exchange and

this contributes to differences in L2 learning outcomes

Teaching (JET) was launched. In this program,

(Spada & Lyster 1997, p. 788).

to describe

Japanese government hired thousands of foreign

Allen (1983) wrote that “the COLT observation

nationals to teach English at schools in Japan as

scheme is divided into two parts: Part A describes

Assistant Language Teachers (ALT).

classroom events at the level of episode and activity;

In the Heisei era (1989-present), JET program is

Part B analyses the communicative features of verbal

popular among foreign nationals. In 2013, according

exchanges between teachers and students and/or

to the data published on JET’s official homepage,

students and students as they occur within each

there are 4,372 people from 40 countries participating

episode or activity”. This COLT observation scheme

in this program. The development of internet and

has also been used for classes other than English.

technology plays important roles in widespreading the

Rondon-Pari (2012) has implemented the Part B of

use of English. The global relationship, the increasing

this scheme for a Spanish class. In this case, this study

number of foreign students in Japan and tourists have

only used Part A of the COLT observation scheme.

urged the more needs of more practical English. Starting from 2013, MEXT concluded that English education at high schools should be conducted in


English. Although the examination-oriented English

This chapter will deal with the national English

education exists, English education is gradually

curriculum for high school in Indonesia and Japan that

shifted to be more communicative.

mainly are described into objectives, contents, and

3. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study deals with two different national education systems of two countries: Indonesia and

class distribution, and the result of COLT observation on two English classes of Indonesian and Japanese high school.

Japan. It attemps to find out the answers for these following questions:

4.1 National English Curriculum for High

Schools in Indonesia and Japan

There are four categories of Core Competence,

In 2013, Indonesian schools start to use the new

each of which are explained into some categories of

national curriculum. Previously, the curriculum in use

Basic Competences. The four categories of Core

was Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi 2004 or literally

Competences are:

the 2004 Competence-Based Curriculum which was developed






Understanding and practicing the preaches of


student’s own religion. Understanding and practicing the behaviours


Pendidikan 2006 or literally the 2006 Education-Unit

of honesty, discipline, responsibility, social

Level Curriculum.

awareness (community-work, cooperation,

In Japanese education, the present guideline is the

peace), politeness, responsiveness, and pro-

Course of Study of English published by MEXT in

activeness, and showing a good will for

2013. English is one of the foreign languages taught in

solving problems in an effective interaction

Japanese education, but it has strong position and

with the society and the nature, and in

becomes the most taught language at school. Almost


all students take English examination in university entrance examination.






about science, technology, arts, cultures, and

Education Curriculum

humaniora with the paradigms of humanity,

Based on the 2013 National Curriculum, the

nation, country, and civilization in their

objectives of English education in Indonesia are into


knowledge related to student’s curiousity Objectives of Indonesian English



representative in the global community. Understanding, applying, and analyzing the factual,

4.1.1 Objectives





relation with causes of phenomena and


happenings; and applying the procedural

Competence. Core Competence is a number of

knowledge in a specific field related with

competence categories that all high school students


have to achieve before completing the three-year study. This Core Competence then is described further


problems. Processing,









into what is called Basic Competence. In other words,

concretely and abstractly the development

Basic Competence is the subcompetence of Core

learned at school in an independent way, and

Competence, and it deals with the affective, cognitive

being able to apply the scientific methods.






Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, 2013). This Basic Competence is determined based on the level of study year, or, in other words, based on the materials presented each year.

Table 2 shows an example of how Basic Competence is applied in presenting the topic of Expression of Self-Introduction for the first graders of Indonesian high school:

Table 2: Application of Basic Competence for Expression of Self-Introduction

Basic Competence 1.1 Thanking to God for the opportu-nity to study English as a means of international communication by showing good motiva-tion to learn. 2.1 Showing the behaviors of honesty, discipline, confi-dence, and responsibility in con-ducting transactional communication with teacher and friends. 3.1. Analyzing the social function, text structure, and linguistic features in the selfintroduction text, in its relation with the context. 4.1. Constructing simple oral and written text to present, ask, and respond selfintroduction, by paying attention to the social function, text structure, and

Main Material



Simple oral and written text to present, ask, and respond self-introduction Social Function: Building relation with teachers, friends, and other people. Expression: My name is... I’m ... I live in ... I have … I like …. and so on Linguistic Features: (1) Words related to family and relatives, profession, and hobbies. (2) Verbs in Simple Present Tense: be, have (3) Question words What? Who? Which? (4) Pronunciation, stressing, intonation, spelling, tidy handwriting. (5) Word reference

Observing  Students listen/read the self-introducion text by paying attention to the social function, text structure, and lingusitic features, and also the presentation/writing format.  Students try to imitate the pronunciation and write the presented selfintroduction.

Assessment Criteria:  Achievement in social function  Completeness and chronology of the text structure in presenting and asking selfintroduction.  Accuracy of linguistic features: grammar,, vocabulary, pronunciation, stressing, intnation, spelling, and hand-writing.  Appropriateness of writing/presentation format.

Topic Examples for behaviours of open-mind, appreciation on diversity, peace.

Asking  Under teacher’s guidance and direction, students ask the difference between self introduction in English and in Indonesian.  Students ask about the pronunciation and the content of the selfintroduction text. Exploring  Students find selfintroduction from various sources.  Students practice selfintroduction with friends.  Students practice selfintroduction by writing. Associating  Students analyse the expression for selfintroduction by grouping them based on the use.  In groups, students discuss the expression for self-introduction that they find in other sources and compare them with those of teacher uses.  Students get feedbacks from teacher and friends about the social function and linguistic features in group work. Communicating  Students demonstrate the use of selfintroduction, both in oral and written form, in front of the class by care taken to social

Performance  Doing a monolog introduction in front of the class.  Using accurate linguistic structures and aspects in the introduction Observations: It is not a formal assessment like a test, but it is for giving feedback. The assessing targets are:  Being honest, discipline, confident, and resposible in conducting communi-cation.  Student’s seriousness in every stage of learning process Portofolio  Collection of student’s work representing their result or achievement in form of records of the use of expressions and conversation script.  Collection of test and practice results.  Notes or records

Time Allocation 2 x2 periods (it means two meetings of 90 minutes per meeting)

Learning Source

 

 

Audio CD/ VCD/DV D SUARA GURU English Newspape rs/ Magazine s www.dail yenglish.c om http://ame ricanengli sh.state.go v/files/ae/ resource_f iles http://lear nenglish.b ritishcoun

Debates have arisen among experts about the first category






Examination. However, without ignoring the sceptical


arguments people have in mind, these curriculum

Competence. The first category of Core Competence

shows the hope and the willing of Indonesian

says that students are expected to “understand and

government for a better Indonesia.

practice the preaches of student’s own religion” and in the example above, its Basic Competence says: Objectives of Japanese English

“Thanking to God for the opportunity to study English

Education Curriculum

as a means of international communication by showing

Not far different from Indonesian English

good motivation to learn”. Some experts are

Education Curriculum in term of the communicative

questioning such category of Basic Competence due to

objectives, it is cited on the documents by MEXT that

its unclarity on how to assess the objective.

the overall objective of foreign languages teaching,

Regardless the debates, it can be seen that the

including English, in high schools is ‘to develop

Core Competence of Indonesian English Education

students’ practical communication abilities such as

Curriculum represents three broad areas of its

understanding information and the speaker’s or writer’s

characteristics, they are:

intentions, and expressing their own ideas, deepening


Religious characters (e.g. thankfulness)

the understanding of language and culture, and


Social characters (e.g. honesty, discipline,

fostering a positive attitude toward communication

confidence, and responsibility)

through foreign languages’.


English communication abilities

This overall objective is the described further in

Some experts think that this curriculum is a proof

the class objectives. It is important to note that English

of bad condition about Indonesian students’ characters.

class are presented in different classes, they are: Basic

They argue that by inserting religious matters and

Communication English, Communication English I, II

social characters in detail in the curriculum is a

and III, English Expression I and II, and English

wasting-energy effort because the government is not

Conversation (MEXT, 2009). Table 3 presents the

yet clean from corruption, and there are still many

objectives of English classes in the three-year study at

cheating phenomena found in the National Final

Japanese high schools:

Table 3: Objectives of English Education for High Schools in Japan Class Basic Communication English Communication English I Communication English II Communication English III English Expression I English Expression II

Objective to develop basic skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English to lay the foundations for both accurate understanding and appropriate communication of information, ideas and more, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English to hone students’ skills in accurately understanding and appropriately communicating information, ideas and more, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English to continue to advance students’ abilities to accurately understand and appropriately communicate information, ideas and more, and in using English in real social situations, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English to build students’ skills in examining facts and opinions from different perspectives and in conveying their thoughts logically and expressively, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English. to enhance students’ skills in examining facts and opinions from different perspectives and in conveying their thoughts logically and expressively, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English

English Conversation

To develop the ability to converse informally about everyday topics, while cultivating in students a desire to engage in communication through the study of English.

The next task is that, after the learning process,

understand the language contexts. Even though the

students are expected to be able to hold conversations

minimum grammatical features to be taught are

on everyday matters. In carrying out the objectives,

mentioned in the 2013 Curriculum, grammar items

teachers are supposed to do it through various contents

gain less and less attention as the most important thing

and activities. The significant characteristics of the new

perceived by English teachers and students is that they

regulation is that the language activities conducted in

understand the language context they face. It is due to

class by teachers should be presented in all English as

the fact that, in the English test of National Final

much as possible.

Examination which score determines whether a student can graduate or not from high school, there is no

4.1.2 Contents

question about grammatical items. The English test Contents of English Curriculum for High

consists of 15 objective questions of Listening session, and 35 objective questions of Reading session.

School in Indonesia Fahrurrazy (2011) mentioned that the 2004

It is also interesting to note that the documents


published by Ministry of National Education do not say

developed based on Discourse Analysis Approach

anything about the minimum vocabulary to be given in

proposed by Celce-Murcia, Dornyei, and Thurrell

high school level. It can be plausible that the

( 1995). This approach puts dicourse competence

curriculum designer thought ‘the more the better’ so

as the ultimate goal, which is supported by socio-

that they did not feel the importance of making

cultural competence, lingusitic competence, actional

limitation or requirement about students’ English

competence, and supported by strategic competence.






Consequently, the target of English competence of high school students in Indonesia is an ability to produce various interpersonal, transactional, and functional text Contents of Course of Study of English for High School in Japan


The contents of Japanese course of study of

procedure, report, recount, news item, exposition,

English include three aspects, they are: 1) Language

explanation, discussion, review, anecdote, and spoof.

activities, 2) Treatment of the language activities, 3)

As the 2013 Curriculum is the continuation of the 2004

Language elements. The examples of language-use

Curriculum, it is developed in the same way. The

situations, examples of functions of language, language

different thing is the distribution of the genres in first,


second and third year of high school, and the

presented in the last part of the guideline. Dealing with

expressions to teach.

the language activities, it is mentioned that the











One other important characteristic is that English

language communication should be conducted using

is thought to be a means for self development,

communicative activities in concrete language-use

obtaining knowledge, and global communication. In

situations. Since 2013, the language activities are

other words, knowledge on grammar and knowledge

supposed to be conducted all in English.

on social function, generic structures, and linguistic

In the treatment of language activities, there is also

features of text types are considered as the means to

emphasis on the English pronuciation with due

attention to basic characteristics of English sound such

Meanwhile, at high schools in Japan, in one level,

as rhythm and intonation, and the emphasis on

students will have two or more specified classes. For

pronunciation is coherenct with the fact that there are

example, the first year students will have classes of

pronunciation questions in the university entrance


examination, besides it is important in conducting a

English I, and English Expression I. In total, they will

daily communicative language activities

have 5 classes times 50 minutes in a week, or 250

One of the distinctive features in Japanese English education guideline is that




minutes in a week in total.

despite the importance of

One of the impacts is about the textbooks. For

standard English in principle, the consideration is also

Indonesian high school, they just need one main

given to the fact that different varieties of English are

textbook to guide the learning process, but in Japan,

used throughout the world as means of communication.

students at least will have two main textbooks as they

The minimum number of vocabulary to be given in

have two or more different classes.

addition to those taugt in junior high school is also very clear. There are 400 new words to be given to students

4.2 COLT Observation

in English I (first year), 700 new words in English II

In order to present a better view of how English is

(second year), and 700 new words in Reading (third

presented at Indonesian high schools and Japanese high

year of high school).

schools, two videos of English class were observed by using Communicative Oriented of Language Teaching

4.1.3 Class Distribution

(COLT) observation.

In the curriculum of high schools in Indonesia,

The Indonesian English class observed in this

there is only English Language class without any

study was the one conducted by Mrs. Dewi Susanti for

differentiation. The compulsory English class for each

the second year students of MAN (Islamic High

level in the 2013 Curriculum is only 1 meeting of 2x45

School) of Temanggung, Temanggung, Central Java

minutes. It means that, in a week, students will only

Province. The total length of video is 38:50 minutes.

have English class with a total of 90 minutes. If a

This class is actually 1x45-minute class. It is not

student takes the elective English class, he/she will

common to have an English class of 1x45 minutes in

have 3 more periods or additional 115 minutes Indonesia. However, some schools have this kind of

With their abundant amount of money, they can

class to adjust to the availability of teachers or other

facilitate their teaching-learning process better.


The Japanese English class observed in this study

It was a class discussing the use of functional

is an English class conducted by by a model teacher for

expression of Giving and Responding to Advice. The

the second year students of Chigusa Kouto Gakkou,

observed class in this study has common features that

Aichi Perfecture. The total length of video is 43:29

can also be seen at Indonesian high schools. Indonesian

minutes. This class, which was discussing the idea of

schools are not well standardized in term of buildings

‘Colonizing Mars’, was 1x45-minute of English

and facilities. There is a big gap between the favored

Communication II class for the second year students.

schools –usually located at the center of the city- and

The observed Japanese English class in this study is a

the schools in rural area. It will surely give impacts to

recommended, model class by MEXT in order to

the availability or possibility of using media in a class.

accomplish the MEXT’s project of communicative

Private favorite schools are certainly out of discussion.

English class. Japanese schools are well-known for

their standardized buildings and facilities. It will surely

but since now teachers are encouraged to use more

give impacts to the availability or possibility of using

sources to broaden their discussion, the use of textbook

media in a class so that teachers can hold their

in this observed class was little (16.0%).

teaching-learning process better.

In the observed English class of Japanese high

As it is shown in Table 4, in the observed English

school, audio materials about ALTs’ opinion on

class of Indonesian high school, no audio materials

colonizing Mars were used (4.1%). The magnetic board

were used (0.0%). Because the use of magnetic board

is well used in this class so that the visual materials

is not yet common at public schools in Indonesia, the

were presented on papers (24.2%). Because the topic

visual materials were presented mostly or even only by

discussed in this class was a scientific matter, textbook

LCD projector (10.0%). Textbook is utilized in class,

was utilized at a relatively high rate (37.1%).

Table 4: Result of Observation on Materials MATERIALS TYPE


Minimum Text Extended Text Audio Visual L2-NNS L2NS Ls-NSA Student-made



10,3% 0,0% 0,0% 10,0% 16,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

33.6% 2.7% 4.1% 24.2% 37.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Table 5: Result of Observation on Participant Organization PARTICIPANT ORGANIZATION CLASS


Teacher  Student/Class Student  Student/Class Choral Same Task Different Task Same Task Different Task



61,0% 10,3% 5,0% 4,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

65.7% 23.7% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

As Table 5 shows, interaction in the observed,

activities was very little, whereas group-tasks which

English class of Indonesian high school was mostly

tried to encourage communicative student-student

done in teacher-centered style (61.0%) and students

interaction was at the rate of 10.0%.

took the initiative in only a little partof the class

Table 6 shows that in the observed English class of

(10.3%). The teacher in this class also used drills on

Indonesian high school, teacher’s instruction mostly

words or expressions in choral (5.0%), whereas group-

dealt with procedural content (20.3%). The rate of

tasks which encourage communicative student-student

discipline is also easily noticeable in this observed

interaction was not yet well applied in delivering class

class (2.4%). Indonesian teachers in their classes

(4.8%). Interaction in the observed English class of

indeed always pay much attention to students’

Japanese high school was still mostly done in teacher-

motivationbehaviors,/personality, and students’ courage

centered style (65.7%), but in this observed class,

to do something, not only about English or the topic

students were given more opportunities to interact each

they are discussing, but even also their daily life. The

other in the class (23.7%). The amount of choral

observed teacher in this video is a good teacher

because she could manage the class with only 2.4%

manage equal opportunies for her students in the

content allocation for discipline. Its total rate of for

overall activities. Even though the topic was a highly

Manage and Other Topics contents was 64.2%,

scientific topic, the discussion took advantage from

whereas the rate of Language content was 12.7%.

students’ previous knowledge about Earth. As it is

In the observed English class of Japanese high school,





presented in Table 7, most of the content in the


observed English class of Indonesian high school was

procedural content (23.1%). The amount of discipline

guided by the teacher/text (55.3%). However, there is a

was too small to notice. The total rate of for Manage

very common occasion in Indonesian schools that other

and Other Topics contents was 82.6%, whereas the rate

students/teachers will interupt the class. In this

of Language content was 7.5%. The observed teacher

observed video, there were two students of the

in this video is a good teacher because she could

Students’ Board who collected the weekly charity for

Table 6: Result of Observation on Content CONTENT Manage Language

Other topics



20.3% 2.4% 4.6% 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 33.7% 7.8%

23.1% 0.0% 3.5% 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 24.2% 35.3%

Procedure Discipline Form Function Discourse Sociolinguistic Narrow Broad

Table 7: Result of Observation on Content Control CONTENT CONTROL Teacher/Text Student/Text/Student Student



55,3% 0,0% 5,6%

58.6% 11.1% 0.0%

Table 8: Result of Observation on Student Modality STUDENT MODALITY



69.4% 10.3% 4.8% 0.0% 6.5%

65.7% 10.0% 7.1% 0.0% 1.3%

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Others (Indonesian, Javanese)

the mosque. As they were in an English class, they had

The language skill which was focused more in the

to give their address in English (5.6%). Some schools

observed English class of Indonesian high school was

and English teachers apply this culture to encourage

the Listening skill (69.4%) as it is shown in Table 8.

the use of English among the students for daily

Despite the urgency to have an all-English class, the


use of Indonesian and students’ local language was

found (6.5%). This rate has decreased a lot compared to the English classes before 2010.

Indonesian National English Curriculum, through its Core Competence and Basic Competence, tries to

There was also a unique, common feature of

integrate religious characters, social characters, and

English class in Indonesia found in this observed

English communication abilities. Indonesia is neither a

video. It is the use of local language when students are

religion-based country nor a secularist country, but

completing their group work, even though the teacher’s

Indonesia tries to define itself as a religious country.

address and the materials are in Indonesian. As it was

There are six acknowledged religions along with

explained before in this study that Indonesian is not the

hundreds of local beliefs, and the government has the

real mother tongue for most of Indonesian kids, they

responsibility to preserve this state. One of the ways is

prefer to discuss their class or school assignments in

through the formal education at schools. Despite many

their local language (in this study, Javanese), and then

difficulties apply this objective in English class, this

present them in Indonesian both in written or oral.

effort needs appreciating.

In the observed English class of Japanese high

The objectives dealing with the social characters

school, most of the content was guided by the

are also clearly cited in the guideline. There are many

teacher/text (58.6%). However, student/text/student

items of social characters to be included in the lesson

content control was relatively high (11.1%). The

plan to be the ‘soul’ of the activities, such as honesty,

language skill which has the most treatment was the

discipline, confidence, and responsibility. It may

Listening skill (65.7%). Speaking and Reading were

answer why Indonesian teachers usually take some

also given more treatment as it showed the rate of

amount of their teaching time to encourage their

10.0% for Speaking and 7.1% for Reading. As it is a

students by telling a story, having free discussion, and

model class in campaigning the totally English class,

even scolding the students. The supporting enviroment

the use of Japanese by the teacher was very litle (1.3%)

for this is that Indonesian English class is mostly done

even though students still discussed in Japanese when

in 90 minutes. It is a long duration so that talking about

completing their group work.

social matter often becomes a variation to avoid boredom. On the other hand, Japanese National English


Curriculum does not clearly state any religious

This study is conducted to answer three questions.

characters and social characters like the Indonesian

First question is what the differences of National

National English Curriculum does. The teaching of

English Curricullum for high schools in Indonesia and

social characters is not conducted in subject classes,

Japan are. The second one is, based on COLT

but in the period of Integrated Study, and through

observation, what the different features of class

activities outside of the class, such as sports clubs,

activities in Indonesia and in Japan are, and the third

music clubs, culture clubs, etc.

question is what the relationships between the national

The contents of English curriculum in Indonesia are

curricullum in Indonesia and in Japan and the results of

developed based on Discourse Analysis Approach

COLT observation are.

proposed by Celce-Murcia, Dornyei, and Thurrell. Materials are developed by functional text types

5.1 Differences of National English Curricullum

(genres) along with expressions. Due to the fact that

for High Schools in Indonesia and Japan

there is no question about grammatical items in the English test of National Final Examination, teachers

and students pay less attention to grammar discussion.

took more than 60% of the class to deliver their

About the minimum vocabulary to be possessed by the

address, and Listening skill is given the most allotment.

students during the study in high school, there is no

In terms of teaching media, the Japanese English

fixed official number of words for the minimum

class tended to utilize more media than the Indonesian


English class did. It is highly related with the facilities

In Japan, in the treatment of language activities,

provided by schools and government. It is also

there is an emphasis on the English pronuciation. It is

interesting to know that the Indonesian English teacher

closely related to the fact that there is Pronunciaton

talk less than the Japanese English teacher in the class.

items in the Listening section in the English test of

In this observed Indonesian English class, the teacher

university entrance examination. The number of

said approximately 2,150 words during the class (or 55

vocabulary to be given is clearly stated. It is a

words per minute), whereas the Japanese English

distinctive feature in Japanese English education

teacher said approximately 3,400 words during the


that even though it clearly states the

class (or about 79 words per minute). Commonly,

importance for standard English in principle, the

English classes in Indonesia last for 90 minutes per

consideration is also given to the fact that different

meeting, and this long period may affect students and

varieties of English are used throughout the world as

teachers’ energy in the class activities.

means of communication.

In these observed classes, both classes showed the

Other difference between Indonesian and Japanese

tendency of communicative English classes. From the

English education in high school is about the total

result of observation, the total of Manage and Other

amount of English classes in a week. At high schools in

Topics contents of English class of Indonesian high

Indonesia, the compulsory English class for each level

school was 64.2% and that of Japanese high school was

in the 2013 Curriculum is only 90 minutes. Usually it

82.6%. However, the English class of Indonesian high

is done in one meeting or 1x2 periods since Indonesian

school tends to be more in Focus on Forms (Language

class period is 45 minutes long. If a student takes the

content: 12.7%) compared to that of Japanese high

elective English class, he/she will have 3 more periods

school (Language content: 7.5%).

or additional 115 minutes. Meanwhile, at Japanese high

Student-student interaction is considerably low in

schools, in one level, students will have two specified

Indonesian English classes, and that of the Japanese

classes. They have 5 or 6 classes minutes in a week, or

English class is higher. Japanese teachers try to apply

a total of 250 or 300 minutes in a week. There is

more group work in their classes. However, in

usually only one textbook at Indonesian high school to

Indonesian situation, it is common to have an English

guide the learning process, but in Japan, students at

interaction with people from outside of the class. For

least will have two main textbooks as they have two

example, an Arts teacher interrupts an English class

different classes.

because he or she selects some students to be members of school choir, a vice headmaster of students’ affair

5.2 Different Features of Class Activities in







Indonesia and in Japan Based on COLT

badminton competition, and many others. In this

From the result of COLT observation, the English

situation, those teachers often use English phrases to

classes in Indonesian high schools and Japanese high

deliver their intention, although students will consider

schools tend to be teacher-centered classes. Teachers

it as a fun. In this observed Indonesian English class, there were the students of Students’ Board who

delivered a speech in English. In many other cases,

English class did. It is highly related with the facilities

other subjects’ teachers who have an ability to speak in

provided by schools and government. It is also

English will try to deliver their announcement in

interesting to know that the Indonesian English teacher

English in an English class which they interrupt.

talk less than the Japanese English teacher in the

The procedural contents are high both in

class. In this observed Indonesian English class, the

Indonesian English class and Japanese English class,

teacher said approximately 2,150 words during the

while the different feature in the two observed classes

class (or 55 words per minute), whereas the Japanese

is about the discipline content. Indonesian English

English teacher said approximately 3,400 words

teachers see that school is the only place the kids learn

during the class (or about 79 words per minute).

norms and values for their life so that they need to

Commonly, English classes in Indonesia last for 90

make encouragements or even to scold their students if

minutes per meeting, and this long period may affect

it is badly needed. Besides, character building is one of

students and teachers’ energy in the class activities.

the objectives of 2013 English Curriculum.

In these observed classes, both classes showed the

Japanese English class has more opportunities to

tendency of communicative English classes. From the

have materials by native speaker due to the fact that

result of observation, the total of Manage and Other

Japanese government runs the JET program for public

Topics contents of English class of Indonesian high

schools. Besides, there are many exchange students

school was 64.2% and that of Japanese high school

who are English native speakers. Even though they are

was 82.6%. However, the English class of Indonesian

not English native speakers, they have a good

high school tends to be more in Focus on Forms

competency of English. In Indonesia, there is no such

(Language content: 12.7%) compared to that of

JET program run by the Indonesian government. The

Japanese high school (Language content: 7.5%).

use of local language is a common feature in

Student-student interaction is considerably low in

Indonesian classroom settings. Students sometimes still

Indonesian English classes, and that of the Japanese

find difficulties to understand the meaning of some

English class is higher. Japanese teachers try to apply

English words since the English-Indonesian dictionary

more group work in their classes. However, in

they use, occasionally, does not help them much to

Indonesian situation, it is common to have an English

understand very difficult English words.

interaction with people from outside of the class. For example, an Arts teacher interrupts an English class

5.3 Relationships between the national curriculum

because he or she selects some students to be members

in Indonesia and in Japan and the results of

of school choir, a vice headmaster of students’ affair

COLT observation







The results of COLT observation of the English

badminton competition, and many others. In this

classes in Indonesian high school and Japanese high

situation, those teachers often use English phrases to

school show that both classes have the tendency to be

deliver their intention, although students will consider

more communicative. It is coherent with the aims of

it as a fun. In this observed Indonesian English class,

both countries’ English education guideline which urge

there were the students of Students’ Board who

that English class be communicative.

delivered a speech in English. In many other cases,

In the English class of Japanese high school, n

other subjects’ teachers who have an ability to speak in

terms of teaching media, the Japanese English class

English will try to deliver their announcement in

tended to utilize more media than the Indonesian

English in an English class which they interrupt.

The procedural contents are high both in

In 2013, based on the data by JET’s official homepage,

Indonesian English class and Japanese English class,

4,372 people from 40 countries participated in this

while the different feature in the two observed classes

program (JET Programme, 2013).

is about the discipline content. Indonesian English

Second, the objectives of the English education

teachers see that school is the only place the kids learn

curriculum are different. Indonesian government tries

norms and values for their life so that they need to

to preserve the religiousity and to encourage the

make encouragements or even to scold their students if

students’ character building by inserting their values

it is badly needed. Besides, character building is one of

into the Core Competence and the Basic Competence

the objectives of 2013 English Curriculum.

of English classroom activity. It is still one of strong

Japanese English class has more opportunities to

problematic issue that Indonesian education is facing

have materials by native speaker due to the fact that

nowadays. On the other hand, Japan, which is well-

Japanese government runs the JET program for public

known for its people’s unique culture and characters

schools. Besides, there are many exchange students

does not clearly state the cultural and character aspects

who are English native speakers. Even though they are

in its objectives of English education. The character

not English native speakers, they have a good

building is done more effectively out of class through

competency of English. In Indonesia, there is no such

students’ club activities.

JET program run by the Indonesian government. The

Third, it is the different school facilities and

use of local language is a common feature in

supporting programs provided by the goverment. The

Indonesian classroom settings. Students sometimes still

availability of school facilities is undeniably a

find difficulties to understand the meaning of some

determining factor to encourage teachers’ creatity to

English words since the English-Indonesian dictionary

create a more enjoyable learning process. Japanese

they use, occasionally, does not help them much to

government also runs some important supporting

understand very difficult English words.

national programs. One example, there are JET program for foreign nationals to teach English at Japanese public schools and sister-cities schools all over Japan to build a strong relation with city







Despite the similarity about the position of English

program usually will also include the exchange student

in both countries, Indonesian English education and

program which certainly give more chances for

Japanese English education have some differences. The

interaction in English. In Indonesia, there is no such

differences are strongly affected by some aspects.

JET program, and the exchange student programs are

First, it is the social situation. Indonesia is a

mostly administered for university students.

multiethnic country with more than 750 languages as

Fourth, there are different systems of examination

means of communication. Therefore, teaching English

for the third year students of high school. In Indonesia,

as a foreign language in Indonesia mostly will involve

the most critical examination for third year students is

three languages. There are not many English native

the National Final Examination which determines

speakers residing in Indonesia. Japan, on the other

whether they can graduate or not from the high school.

hand, has more opportunities to create an interaction

With a total of 50 questions, there is no grammatical

between students and English speaking people because

items in the English examination. Consequently, it

there are foreign nationals working in Japan as ALTs.

affects the way teachers and students treat grammatical

items in their teaching-learning process. It is very

The second limitation is the duration of class. The

different from Japanese university entrance exam. With

Indonesian English class observed in this study was a

22 questions about grammatical structures and many

1x45 minute class, in fact the common duration in one

reading texts, students tend to focus themselves on

meeting of English class in Indonesia is 2x45 minutes.

grammar discussion and reading activities.

For further study, it is important to take into account

There are some limitations in this study. First, the

about difference of duration. It is important to consider

two observed classes are quite different. The

how to compare the results of COLT observation of

Indonesian English class observed in this study was a

two classes with different length.

real daily English class conducted by teachers in

The next limitation is that the video of the

Indonesia. The class was recorded without any prior

observed Indonesian English class is not a complete

confirmation to the teacher so that the teacher and the

video. Approximately three minute scene of the

students were doing things as what they were used to

beginning of the class was not recorded. And the last,

doing. In contrast, the Japanese English class observed

this study observed only one Indonesian English class

in this study was a selected English class that is

and one Japanese English class. A further study using

recommended and distributed by MEXT to be a model

more Indonesian English classes and more Japanese

for the campaign of communicative English class. To

English classes urgently need to be conducted to gain

gain a better comparison, a further study utilizing two

better understandings about English education in Japan

identic classes of two identic schools in Indonesia and

and Indonesia.

Japan need conducting.

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Appendix 1 Result of COLT Observation



Teacher  Student/Class Student  Student/Class Choral Same Task Different Task Same Task Different Task

CONTENT Manage Language

Other topics

Procedure Discipline Form Function Discourse Sociolinguistic Narrow Broad

CONTENT CONTROL Teacher/Text Student/Text/Student Student STUDENT MODALITY Listening Speaking Reading Writing Others MATERIALS TYPE


Minimum Text Extended Text Audio Visual L2-NNS L2NS Ls-NSA Student-made

Appendix 2 Result of COLT Observation of Indonesian High School’s English Class



61,0% 10,3% 5,0% 4,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

65.7% 23.7% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%



20.3% 2.4% 4.6% 8.1% 0.0% 0.0% 33.7% 7.8%

23.1% 0.0% 3.5% 3.5% 0.0% 0.0% 24.2% 35.3%



55,3% 0,0% 5,6%

58.6% 11.1% 0.0%



69,4% 10,3% 4,8% 0,0% 6,5%

65.7% 10.0% 7.1% 0.0% 1,3%



10,3% 0,0% 0,0% 10,0% 16,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

33.6% 2.7% 4.1% 24.2% 37.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Appendix 3 Result of COLT Observation of Japanese High School’s English Class