Complex Engineering Problem [PDF]

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Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving Among Engineerıng Educators Conference Paper · January 2018 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60937-9_17





6 authors, including: Fatin Phang

Aznah Nor Anuar

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia





Azmahani Abdul-Aziz

Khairiyah Mohd-Yusof

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia




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Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving Among Engineerıng Educators Fatin Aliah Phang1(&), Aznah Nor Anuar1, Azmahani Abdul Aziz1, Khairiyah Mohd Yusof1, Syed Ahmad Helmi Syed Hassan1, and Yusof Ahmad2 1

Centre for Engineering Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia {p-fatin,aznah,azmahani,khairiyah,helmi} 2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia [email protected]

Abstract. According to the Washington Accord, skills to solve complex problems in engineering are important in the curriculum of engineering education. To fulfill the accreditation exercise, engineering educators must be able to design complex engineering problems to assess the learning of this important skill. Therefore, this research was conducted to explore what do engineering educators perceived as complex engineering problems and how did they design these problems in order to foster the skills among their students. A focus group discussion was conducted among 12 engineering educators. The audio recording was transcribed and analysed qualitatively. The result shows that only one engineering educator understands complex engineering problems and most of the attributes. The other were not able to tell more than three of the complex engineering problem attributes. As a conclusion, training on the attributes of complex engineering problems is needed to ensure that the teaching and learning of engineering programmes fulfill the accreditation criteria. Keywords: Complex engineering problem Accreditation

Engineering problem solving

1 Introduction The grand challenges of the 21st century require human race to solve problems and face uncertainties that we have never faced before. According to World Economic Forum (2016), the top most important skill for the fourth industrial revolution by 2020 is Complex Problem Solving. Therefore, it is ever more demanding to have competent problem solving skills to survive in this century. Students must equip themselves with abilities to think critically, creatively and solve problems at all level of education especially at the tertiary level. Moreover, engineering students are required to have the skills in knowledge acquisition, synthesis, reasoning, problem analysis, operation and evaluation (Funke and Frensch 2007). Hence, engineering students should be able to deal with and solve complex problems. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018 M.E. Auer and K.-S. Kim (eds.), Engineering Education for a Smart Society, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 627, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60937-9_17


F.A. Phang et al.

A study conducted through the collaboration of three UK universities, the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) summed up that 77% of employers request graduates who is able to self-learn and 74% of employer needed problem solvers. A working group lead by Sir David Brown (ex-chairman of Motorola and IET president) that comprised of a balanced membership of academics and industries discovered that most employees search for graduates with key skills. They desire for these skills to be adapted into the engineering degree courses and assessments. Rather than focusing on the cognitive knowledge possessed by the students, employees show distress over the lack of key skills of the graduates. The highest of all these skills are problem solving (IET 2008). Doubts are expressed on the current engineering education program in which some theories thought in universities are never translated into reality. Furthermore, the current grading system is often a poor indicator of a graduate’s abilities. There are various comments on how well lecturers deliver the engineering courses and help students to develop these skills. In universities, project works are viewed as important in developing problem solving skills. However, in most cases, the projects given were limited and lack real issues of the working environment. Even though project work was universally seen as important, it needed more relevance then the usual determined structural problems. Another criticism within the assessment of universities is the stress put upon students on rote learning and memory. Students must equip themselves with abilities to think critically, creatively and solve problems at all level of education especially at the tertiary level. Moreover, engineering students are required to have the skills in knowledge acquisition, synthesis, reasoning, problem analysis, operation and evaluation. Hence, engineering students should be able to deal with and solve complex problems. The worth of an engineer is not just determined just because one does not remember 100 equations (Spinks et al. 2006). Problems that are often encountered in engineering education programs are well structured. One of its characteristics is that it can be solved by applying an ideal solution method. The problems only apply a limited number of common rules that are organized predictively (Jonassen 1997). When facing with a well-structured problem, students will only need to translate the unknown relationships into equations, solve the equations and validate that the values satisfy the problem. This is a linear process in which students memorize the procedures and habituate it. This process puts and emphasis on getting answers over making meaning. In the end, it develops students who are contented with superficial engineering knowledge rather than understanding it profoundly. In reality, engineers function as problem solvers. They are employed, retained and salaried to solve problems, especially complex problems. Therefore, it is vital for engineering students to be exposed to ill-structured (workplace) problems. Workplace problems are not parallel to problems often given to students in classrooms. The nature of workplace problems is commonly complex and ill-defined. This happens because of conflicting goals, multiple methods in solving the problem, unexpected problems or solutions, and various form of problem representation. Consequently, the ability to solve common classroom problems does not actually ensure the success of a student in solving actual workplace problems (Jonassen et al. 2006).

Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving


2 Problem Solving Problem solving involves higher-order skills and is among the most authentic, useful, and crucial skills that learners can develop (Jonassen 1997). With this regards, Mina et al. (2003) proposed to look at the problem from the lens of John Dewey. They found that the objective of engineering education program is parallel to John Dewey’s own educational understanding. The context “philosophy of inquiry” Dewey (1938) used is similar to engineering education programs’ “problem solving skills”. From Mina’s observations through John Dewey’s perspective, it can be concluded that in the context of problem solving, today’s bloated education system does not promote nor produce problem solvers. In fact, due to the lack of flexibility and emphasis on “discovery aspects of education”, development of problem solving skills may also be inhibited. The adverse effects of current education system can be observed in students’ behaviour towards education which includes short retention spans and lack of determination in improving knowledge. According to contemporary learning theories, problem solving is the pinnacle of a practice (Syed et al. 2016). Current concepts of student centred learning, such as open-ended learning (Hannafin et al. 1994; Land and Hannafin 1996), goal-based scenarios (Schank et al. 1993), and problem-based learning (Barrows and Tamblyn 1980; Barrows 1986; Woods 2000; Tan 2004) concentrate on problem solving outcomes. These concepts tend to provide students with instructional strategies which include authentic cases, simulations, modelling, coaching, and scaffolding. The instructional strategies function as a support to the problem solving outcomes but insufficiently analyse the nature of the problems. According to Jonassen and Hernandez-Serrano (2002), for students to solve illstructured for students to solve ill-structured problems, they must have sufficient conceptual framework. Ill-structured problems are defined ambiguously, with indistinct aims and constraints. The problems possess a multitude of solutions and solution paths with no distinct consensus on the proper solution and no obvious method of defining proper actions or connections among principles that are used. In order to evaluate ill-structured problems, students will have to observe the problems thoroughly from across multiple criteria. Finding the solutions to the problems require learners to make decisions and express and defend their opinions. Educators once believed that the knowledge to solve well-structured problems can be transferred and used in solving ill-structured problems. Yet, as some recent research explicitly shown, knowledge to solve well-structured problems is not readily transferrable to solve ill-structured problems. In other words, the ability to solve well-structured problems, which is developed in the current engineering courses, would not enable graduates to solve complex, ill-structured workplace problems. In order to produce engineers with the ability to solve complex engineering problems, engineering educators must be able to design complex engineering problems to assess the acquisition of the skill. This means that engineering educators must know the attributes of complex engineering problems. According to the Washington Accord (IEA 2015), complex engineering problems are problems that:


F.A. Phang et al.

a. Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge. b. Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues. c. Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking and originality in analysis to formulate suitable models. d. Involve infrequently encountered issues. e. Outside problems encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional engineering. f. Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs. g. High level problems including many component parts or sub-problems. It must be noted that a complex engineering problem as defined by (IEA 2015) must have at least the first attribute and any of the attributes from (b) to (g). Based on a previous study (Phang et al. 2016) which assessed the complex engineering problems designed by lecturers from an engineering faculty, 58.5% of the problems were reviewed by experts as not complex engineering problems based on the attributes given by the Washington Accord (IEA 2015) as stated above. This shows that engineering lecturers may not fully understand complex engineering problems. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the understanding of engineering educators on the attributes of complex engineering problems and how they design the problems. This is important because in the outcome-based education subscribed by the signatories of the Washington Accord, constructive alignment is particularly important. In the constructive alignment, the learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities and the assessment must be aligned (Biggs 2003). In another words, if we claimed that an engineering program produces engineering graduates with the skills to solve complex engineering problems, there must be teaching and learning activities that support it and the assessment must be able to show the performance of the graduates in the skills. Hence, the lecturers’understanding of complex engineering problems must be identified because they are those who are responsible of teaching the skills and designing assessment methods to determine the student achievement in the skills.

3 Research Method In order to explore the lecturers’ understanding of complex engineering problems, qualitative inquiry was conducted. Creswell (1998) defined qualitative research as “an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problem” (p. 15). The aim of qualitative inquiry is to explore how people make sense of their world. Some examples of research methodologies are grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, case study and so on. Research methods that are usually employed in collecting qualitative data are open-ended questionnaire, interview, observation, document analysis and others. In this study, interview is a quick method to obtain rich information from respondents. It provides a two-way interaction between the researchers and the respondents (Kvale 1996). Unlike questionnaire and test, interview allows the respondents to ask the researcher for clarification when they do not understand the questions or allows the researcher to explain further what information he or she intends

Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving


to gather from the respondents. Furthermore, interview gives the opportunity to the researchers to probe further to gain deeper understanding from the respondents. However, interview is a time consuming method where data is collected from one respondents to another respondents. Therefore, to reduce time for data collection, focus group interview was selected as the method for this study. A focus group interview essentially is to conduct interview with a group of respondents who have certain characteristics and focusing on one or certain issues (Anderson 1990). In this study, a focus group interview was conducted among 12 civil engineering educators who volunteered to participate in this study. The issues discussed are their understanding about complex engineering problems and how they design the problems. The researcher acted as the moderator of facilitator of the focus group interview. The researcher asked questions and moderated the session. The respondents are from an engineering faculty of a university which were involved in another bigger study as reported in Phang et al. (2016). They may not represent all the 150 lecturers in that faculty but each department was represented by three lecturers. There are four departments in the faculty. Their teaching experience ranged from 12 to 29 years. Table 1 shows some details of the lecturers involved in this study. Table 1. Details of the research respondents. Respondent A B C D E F G H I J K L

Department Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering Geotechnic & Transportation Geotechnic & Transportation Geotechnic & Transportation Hydraulics & Hydrology Hydraulics & Hydrology Hydraulics & Hydrology Structures & Materials Structures & Materials Structures & Materials

Years of teaching 15 26 15 29 29 12 28 12 15 29 28 12

They were interviewed on what they understand about complex engineering problems and how they design the problems to assess their students. The discussion was video recorded. The discussion was transcribed into texts for analysis. The data was analysed quantitatively using the method introduced by Mills and Huberman (1994). There are three stages in this data analysis method: 1. Data reduction. The data is reduced and organised through coding, writing summaries, discarding irrelevant data and so on. This allows the researcher to focus on the issues that he or she wants to study. However, the researcher must ensure that the original raw data is available to be referred when necessary.


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2. Data display. To draw conclusions from the mass of data, a good display of data such as in the form of tables, charts, maps and other graphical formats will help the researcher to identify patterns and summary. 3. Conclusion drawing/verification. After the conclusion is made, it can then be verified by examining the conclusion to the data collected. In this study, the transcript of the focus group interview was read through. Later, the transcript was reduced to show answers to the two issues. The responses of the respondents were quoted out and displayed in two tables. One table is for their understanding of complex engineering problems and another table is on how they design their assessment. The conclusions were checked through data and discussion among the research team members.

4 Results Table 2 shows the result of the lecturers’ understanding of complex engineering problems. The result shows that only (Respondent K) can tell most of the attributes of complex engineering problems. The attribute mentioned the most is that in-depth engineering knowledge is needed to solve the problems. Then, it was followed by the problems involve infrequently encountered issues. And finally, the problems have many sub-problems, or they are complex in nature. The rest of the 11 engineering educators can only tell no more than three attributes of complex engineering problems. Table 2. Examples of lecturers’responses on what are complex engineering problems Respondent D



Response It involves real thing and situation, not straight forward to solve it, need some skills of searching info and how to get the info, so the important thing is student must have searching skills to get something No specific way to solve it. Need to use all the knowledge learns, not just from specific course to solve. Include technical, ethics, attitude and all those things to reach conclusion Various problems, the problem is not straight forward to solve, if we want to solve it we need to have a fundamental and deeper knowledge Integrated task, multi solution and complex activities, it must a real problem and engineering problem No single solution, include conflicting technical, depth analysis is important as complex problem requires abstract thinking, depth of knowledge, unfamiliar issues and use other codes

With minimal understanding of the attributes of complex engineering problems, some engineering educators cannot explain how they are able to design complex engineering problems. Table 3 shows their responses on how they design complex engineering problems to assess their students.

Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving


Table 3. Lecturers’responses on how they design complex engineering problems Respondent C D



Response The questions are integrations from several topics It is related to the syllabus; we never teach before but provide hand out or give short briefing about the project. The students need to find on their own. Go for interview and learn how to get the information from other people. The students are out of the comfort zone I did like C. I related all the other topics while teaching highway subject So far, it is difficult to design a complex problem in examination paper for Year 1 because the lessons are very fundamental and not specific I design complex problem in case study because it is opened. Students create the problems, think independently, they measure and find their own solution. They need to identify the problem first The task is more on complex activities, consortium to solve the problem, must integrate to find the result and involve more integration activities Each of the level has their own complex problem. Final exam is not suitable to design complex problem because complex problem consume times and lots of discussion

Most of them refer to the learning outcomes when designing complex engineering problems because they believed that complex engineering problems must involve in-depth engineering knowledge and sometimes, knowledge out of the syllabus. They also believe that examination is not suitable to test complex engineering problem solving skills. It must involve activities, especially integrated activities and discussions, such as case study. However, based on a previous study (Phang et al. 2016) among the lecturers from this faculty, there are 14 complex engineering problems found in the final examinations (see Table 4) though most of the complex engineering problems can be found in projects. Figure 1 shows an example of a complex engineering problem designed by a lecturer for a final examination. Table 4. Types and number of assessment tasks that are complex engineering problems Types of assessment task No. of task Assignment 8 Project 17 Test 2 Final Exam 14


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Fig. 1. An example of a final examination that is marked as a complex engineering problem

5 Discussion From the results, the engineering lecturers have the basic understanding of complex engineering problems as outlined by the Washington Accord (IEA 2015) that the problems must involve the application of in-depth engineering knowledge. Based on a previous study (Phang et al. 2016), the complex engineering problem attributes that were found in the problems designed by the lecturers from this faculty are the first three attributes as listed in the Introduction of this paper which are: a. Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge. b. Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues. c. Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking and originality in analysis to formulate suitable models. Less than 6 problems were found to have the following attributes of complex engineering problem: d. Involve infrequently encountered issues. e. Outside problems encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional engineering. f. Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs. g. High level problems including many component parts or sub-problems. The results of this research and the previous study are aligned where only Participant K could tell the complex engineering problem attributes of (d) to (g).

6 Conclusion Therefore, it is important for the institution to give training and educate the engineering lecturers on the attributes of complex engineering problems so that they can design engineering problems that can be used to assess complex problem solving skill in

Perception of Complex Engineering Problem Solving


engineering. This will ensure that the engineering programme meet the accreditation requirement and produce engineers with the skill needed to meet new challenges in the future for the survival of mankind. Acknowledgements. This research is sponsored by University Teknologi Malaysia under the Research University Flagship grant Q.J130000.2409.02G61. The authors would like to thank Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

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