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Conditional Sentences. Type 1. CONDICIÓN


If + presente simple If you travel to England

will + infinitivo (futuro) you will practise English imperativo don’t worry about the language modal + infinitivo you must see the important monuments

If + presente continuo/going to If you are going out now

will + infinitivo you’ll have to take an umbrella

If + presente simple If you heat ice

presente it melts

Se utiliza para expresar situaciones que consideramos posibles. En estas situaciones “reales”, estamos seguros de qu algo ocurrirá si alguien hace algo. *If you ask him, he’ll help you. En ocasiones se describe lo que siempre ocurre en algunas situaciones. En estos casos se utiliza el presente simple in ambas frases. * If I have a cold, I stay at home. El orden de las frases puede ser distinto, desapareciendo la coma. * If you miss the bus, your teacher will be angry. * Your teacher will be angry if you miss the bus. Exercises




Make sentences beginning with If … Choose from the columns.

we don’t hurry you speak slowly I can get a flight you come late I don’t feel well tomorrow you have any problems

2. I can understand you It will be nice You’ll be cold

please come in quietly I’m not going to work + we’ll be late I can understand you I’ll try to help you I’ll fly home on Sunday

Make sentences with if in the middle. (…if…) you don’t wear a coat you don’t pass your exams you explain the problem to him

What are you going to do I’m sure he’ll understand I can understand you

3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

+ if +

can you answer it? you speak slowly you can come to the party

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or use will.

If Jack …………….. (not leave) now, he ……………… (miss) his bus. If Helen …………….. (work) hard, she ………………. (pass) her exam. If it ……………….. (rain), we ………………… (go) into a shop. If Mary……………… (not practise) her French, she ……………….. (not improve) . If you ………………… (not send) any invitations, nobody …………… (come) to the party. If it …………….. (rain) tomorrow, we ……………. (not go) swimming. If George ……………… (come) late, the teacher ……………. (be) angry. If you …………… (lend) me your dictionary, I …………….. (look up) the word. If I …………….. (see) Joe tomorrow, I …………….. (tell) him you want to see him. If Tina …………….. (go) to bed early, she ……………. (not feel) tired in the morning.


Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. If you press / will press that button, a bell rings. 2. If you wear your coat tomorrow, you aren’t / won’t be cold. 3. If I fell / will feel tired, I go to bed early. 4. If you will come / come back soon, David will be here. 5. If it rains / will rain tomorrow, we’ll stay at home. 6. If I go to university when I’m older, I work / will work very hard. 7. If our teacher is / will be ill, we don’t have a lesson. 8. If we leave / will leave early in the morning, we’ll be on time. 9. If you go camping in the summer, I come / will come with you. 10. If we don’t hurry / won’t hurry , they’ll sell all the tickets. 11. If I don’t feel / won’t feel well tomorrow, I stay / will stay at home. 12. If the weather is / will be nice tomorrow, we can go to the beach. 13. It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive / will arrive late. 14. The alarm will ring if there is / there will be a fire. 15. I’m / I’ll be surprised if they get / they’ll get married. 16. Do you go / Will you go to the party if they invite / they’ll invite you? 5. Read each situation, then complete each sentence. Example: A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You are worried about breaking a window. You say: If we play basketball in the classroom, we’ll break the window.


You want to leave the party now, because you are worried about missing the last bus. You say: If we … 2. Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog, so you say: If you … 3. It is raining. You want to stand under a tree, because you are worried about getting wet. You say: If we … 4. You want to take the bus to the city centre. Your friend wants to walk. You are worried about getting tired. You say: If we …


You are walking to school with a friend. You don’t want to be late, You suggest hurrying. You say: If we … 7. Look at these sentences.

What will the children do if it’s sunny tomorrow? If it’s sunny tomorrow, the children will play outside. What will happen if the children play outside? If the children play outside, they will get dirty. What will happen if the children get dirty? If the children get dirty, their mothers will be angry. What will happen if their mothers get angry? If their mothers get angry, they will send the children to bed. Conditional Sentences Type 0 Se describe lo que siempre ocurre en algunas situaciones o verdades. En estos casos se utiliza el presente simple in ambas frases. CONDICIÓN


If + presente simple

presente simple

* If I drink coffee at night, * If you lie in the sun too long,

I can’t sleep. you get sunburnt.

El orden de las frases puede ser distinto, desapareciendo la coma. * I can’t sleep if I drink coffee at night. * You get sunburnt if you lie in the sun too long. 1. Find the correct ending for each sentence. 1. If I have a cold, 2. If I feel tired, 3. If our teacher is ill, 4. If it rains hard in a tropical country, 5. If you heat water, 6. If you push that button, 7. If you have an e-mail, 8. If water gets cold, 9. If your grandparents all had blue eyes, 10. If you travel from England to Scotland, 11. If you put a cork into water, 12. If you kill someone,

a. it floats. b. you don’t need a fax machine. c. I always stay at home. d. the camera rewinds automatically. e. you have blue eyes. f. you go to prison. g. we don’t have a lesson. h. it boils. i. you don’t go through passport control. j. it turns into ice. k. I go to bed early. l. everyone stays indoors.

2. Write one of the following verbs in each space making any necessary changes. RING; VISIT; TAKE; BREAK; GO; PUT; COME; GO; HELP; FEEL; MISS; BE; COME; PRESS; READ; TAKE; GO; DROP; SEE; TASTE. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

If I ......................late, my father ....................... me to school by car. If he ...................... to Rome, he always ...................... the Vatican. If her child ..................... the bus, she ....................... to work 30 minutes late. If his daughter ...................... to town, he ....................... her out to dinner. If you ................... a glass on the floor, it ....................... into small pieces.

6. If you ................... that button, a bell ..................... 7. If I ................... tired, I ..................... to bed early. 8. If I ................... to bed early, I usually ....................... for a while. 9. If I ................... a blind man trying to cross the road, I ..................... him. 10. If you .................. sugar in your coffee, it ..................... sweet.

Conditional Sentences. Type 1. CONDICIÓN


If + presente simple

will + infinitivo (futuro)

If you travel to England

you will practise English

If + presente simple If you travel to England

imperativo don’t worry about the language

Se utiliza para expresar situaciones que consideramos posibles. En estas situaciones “reales”, estamos seguros de que algo ocurrirá si alguien hace algo. *If you study hard, you will pass all your exams. *If we don’t catch the bus, we will be late. *If we catch the bus, we won’t be late. El orden de las frases puede ser distinto, desapareciendo la coma. * If you miss the bus, your teacher will be angry. * Your teacher will be angry if you miss the bus. 1. Make sentences beginning with If … Choose from the columns.



we don’t hurry you speak slowly I can get a flight + you come late I don’t feel well tomorrow you have any problems

please come in quietly I’m not going to work we’ll be late I can understand you I’ll try to help you I’ll fly home on Sunday

2. Make sentences with if in the middle. (…if…) I can understand you It will be nice You’ll be cold What are you going to do I’m sure he’ll understand I won’t go swimming


you don’t wear a coat you don’t pass your exams you explain the problem to him if + it’s too cold. you speak slowly you can come to the party

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or use will. 1. If Jack ……………..……….. (not leave) now, he …………………..…… (miss) his bus. 2. If Helen ……………………….. (work) hard, she …………………………. (pass) her exam. 3. If it ………………….. (rain), we …………………… (go) into a shop. 4. If Mary……………..………… (not practise) her French, she ………….……….. (not improve) 5. If you ………………… (not send) any invitations, nobody …………………..… (come) to the party. 6. If it …………………….….. (rain) tomorrow, we ……………….………. (not go) swimming. 7. If George …………………… (come) late, the teacher …………….………. (be) angry. 8. If you ……………….… (lend) me your dictionary, I ……………………….. (look up) the word.

9. If I …………………….….. (see) Joe tomorrow, I …….……..……….. (tell) him you want to see him. 10. If Tina …………..…….. (go) to bed early, she …………….………. (not feel) tired. 4.Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. If you press / will press that button, a bell rings. 2. If you wear your coat tomorrow, you aren’t / won’t be cold. 3. If I fell / will feel tired, I go to bed early. 4. If you will come / come back soon, David will be here. 5. If it rains / will rain tomorrow, we’ll stay at home. 6. If I go to university when I’m older, I work / will work very hard. 7. If our teacher is / will be ill, we don’t have a lesson. 8. If we leave / will leave early in the morning, we’ll be on time. 9. If you go camping in the summer, I come / will come with you. 10.If we don’t hurry / won’t hurry , they’ll sell all the tickets. 11.If I don’t feel / won’t feel well tomorrow, I stay / will stay at home. 12.If the weather is / will be nice tomorrow, we can go to the beach. 13.It will be difficult to find a hotel if we arrive / will arrive late. 14.The alarm will ring if there is / there will be a fire. 15.I’m / I’ll be surprised if they get / they’ll get married. 16.Do you go / Will you go to the party if they invite / they’ll invite you? 5. Read each situation, then complete each sentence. Example: A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You are worried about breaking a window. You say: If we play basketball in the classroom, we’ll break the window. 1. You want to leave the party now, because you are worried about missing the last bus. You say: If we ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog, so you say: If you …………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................... 3. It is raining. You want to stand under a tree, because you are worried about getting wet. You say: If we ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. You want to take the bus to the city centre. Your friend wants to walk. You are worried about getting tired. You say: If we ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. You are walking to school with a friend. You don’t want to be late, You suggest hurrying. You say: If we ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Answer these questions with a logical answer as in the example. What will you do if it rains tomorrow? If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. 1.

What will Jack do if he stays indoors? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 2. What will your father do if he loses his car keys? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 3. What will you do if you can’t open the door? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 4. What will the children do it they are tired. ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 5. What will the teacher do if the students are late? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 6. What will you do if you can’t find your English book? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 7. What will the cat do if it catches the mouse? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 8. What will your mother do if you break her favourite vase? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 9. What will the boy do if he fails his exams? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 10. What will your friend do if he misses his train? ……………………………………………………………………………………………......................... 7. Look at these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What will the children do if it’s sunny tomorrow? If it’s sunny tomorrow, the children will play outside. What will happen if the children play outside? If the children play outside, they will get dirty. What will happen if the children get dirty? If the children get dirty, their mothers will be angry. What will happen if their mothers get angry? If their mothers get angry, they will send the children to bed. 8. Now do the same. What will you do if you find a lot of money in the street?

................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ............... ........................................................................................................


Conditional Sentences. Type 2. CONDICIÓN


If + pasado simple If they lived in the town centre

conditional (would/could/might + infinitive) they would go to the cinema more often.

Se utiliza para expresar situaciones posibles pero poco probables, hipotéticas o imaginarias. * If I knew the answer, I would tell you. * If I didn’t have a car, I would walk to work. * If I came to work by car, I wouldn’t be late. *If I were you, I would wear a new jacket. 1. Find the correct ending for each sentence. 1. If we missed the bus, 2. If I had a helicopter, 3. If I lived in the North Pole, 4. If you fell, 5. If you wore that coat, 6. If I had some money, 7. If I were taller, 8. If we didn’t go to their party next week, 9. If you stopped smoking, 10.If I was offered a job,

a. I would buy a new car. b. you would be healthier. c. I would take it. d. we would be late for school. e. we would feel very cold. f. I’d fly to work. g. you would hurt yourself. h. I’d be in the school team. i. you wouldn’t be cold. j. they would be very angry.

2. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. If I found a hundred pound in the street, I .................................. (keep) it. 2. They would be rather angry if you ................................. (not/visit) them. 3. If she sold her car, she ....................................... (not/get) much money for it. 4. Ann Gave me this ring. She .................................... (be) very upset if I lost it. 5. If someone .................................... (walk) in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened. 6. What would happen if you ..................................... (not/go) to work tomorrow? 7. If we ........................................ (catch) the 10.30 train, we would arrive too early. 8. If I ................................... (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that coat. 9. I’d go out if it ......................................... (not/be) raining. 10.If I .......................................... (not/live) so far away, I would visit you more often.

3. Read the situations, then complete the advice. 1. Your friend has bad toothache. If I were you, I would go to the dentist. 2. Your friend can’t decide whether to go to the cinema, or stay at home. If .............................................................................................................. cinema. 3. Your friend wants to buy a new bike, but he hasn’t got any money. If .............................................................................................................. my parents. 4. Your friend is having problems studying. If ............................................................................................................... teacher. 5. Your friend always feels tired in class, and sometimes falls asleep. If ...............................................................................................................bed early. 6. Your friend is thinking of starting to smoke cigarettes. If ....................................................................................because it’s bad for your health. 7. Your friend wants to take more exercise and be fit. If ...............................................................................................................a sports club. 8. Your friend had found a wallet with a lot of money in it. If ...............................................................................................................the police. 4. Complete each sentence with one of the following verbs. More than one answer may be possible. HAD; LIVED; MET; ROBBED; SAW; SLEPT; WERE; WON; WOULD ASK; WOULD BE; WOULD BUY; WOULD CALL; WOULD CATCH; WOULD FLY; WOULD GO; WOULD VISIT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

If I ....................... a famous person, I ......................... ask them some questions. If I ....................... an accident, I .............................. an ambulance and the police. If I ....................... a helicopter, I .............................. to school. If I ....................... a bank, the police ........................... me. If I ....................... a lot of money, I ............................ presents for my family. If I ....................... on a desert island, I ........................ fishing every day. If I ....................... in the classroom, my teacher ......................... very angry. If I ....................... an astronaut, I ....................... other planets. 5. This time you have to make the question. Perhaps one day somebody will give you a lot of money. What would you do if somebody gave you a lot of money.?

1. Perhaps one day a millionaire will ask you to marry him/her.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What would you do if ........................................................................................? Perhaps one day you will lose your passport in a foreign country. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day somebody will throw an egg at you. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day you car will be stolen. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day somebody will park his car on your foot. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day you will become very famous. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day somebody will give you a pig as a present. What ....................................................................................................................? Perhaps one day you will travel to the moon. What ....................................................................................................................? 6. Match the halves of the sentences.

1. If Steve breaks his leg, 2. If Steve broke his leg, 3. If the car breaks down, 4. If the car broke down, 5. If I were rich, 6. If I make a lot of money, 7. If the prison officer falls asleep, 8. If the prison officer fell asleep, 9. If it snows tomorrow, 10.If it snowed tomorrow,

a. we can go skiing. b. we’d have to walk. c. I’ll buy a diamond ring. d. Harry would escape. e. they’d build a snowman. f. he won’t be able to play football. g. I’ll push it to the garage. h. he’d have to go to hospital. i. I’d give a lot of money to charity. j. everyone will escape

7. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

If I ...................... (find) it, I’ll give it to you. What would you do if you ......................... (find) a million pounds? I ..................... (be) very frightened if someone pointed a gun at me. If you don’t hurry, you ......................... (be) late. I’d be more careful if I ......................... (be) you. How ......................... (you/feel) if you lived in Mars? We’ll go out for a walk unless it ....................... (rain). If we travelled to the USA, we ........................ (go) to New York. If I ........................ (become) a famous rock star, I would buy my parents a huge house.

10.It is not very far. If you ....................... (follow) this path, you’ll come to the station. 11.He’ll accept the job the salary ....................... (not/be) too low. 12.He’d accept the job if the salary ....................... (not/be) too low. 13.If I ...................... (find) someone’s wallet, I’d take it to the police station. 14.If I ............................. (be) you, I wouldn’t eat so much chocolate. 15.If you left the car here, the police ........................ (give) you a fine. 16.What ......................... (you/do) if you were rich? What would you do in these situations? If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? If I only had 24 hours to live, I would have a wild party. 1. If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam, what would you do? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.If you could be a bird, what would you choose to be? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. If you could be a super-hero, which one would you be? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. If you could be an animal, what would you be? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. If you could be invisible for a day what would you do and why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. If you could travel back in time, where would you go? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. If you didn't have enough money to get the bus home what would you do? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10.If you were in the bank and somebody started to hold up the bank, what would you do? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11.If you found a suitcase full of $1,000,000, what would you do?


12.If you found a wallet with £1,000 in it, what would you do? 13.If you had 25-hour days (while everyone else continued to have 24-hour days), what would you do with the extra time?

14.If you had one wish, what would it be? 15.If you had the opportunity to be different, what would you change? 16.If you had time machine, where would you go and why? 17.If you had to choose between a wonderful romantic relationship that would end after only a year, or a so-so relationship that would last your entire life, which one would you choose?

18.If you had to choose between love and no money or money and no love for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

19.If you had to choose, would you give up your sight or your hearing? 20.If you received lottery tickets as a gift at the office party, and you won $30,000.00, would you share the winnings with the person that gave you the gift?

21.If you saw a robbery, would you report it? 22.If you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed, what would you do? 23.If you speak two languages and your spouse (husband or wife) speaks only one, will you raise your children to be bilingual?

24.If you were a candy, what candy would you be? 25.If you were a monster, what monster would you be? 26.If you were a toy, what toy would you be? 27.If you were abducted by aliens, would you tell anybody? Why or why not? 28.If you were American/Chinese/Mexican, how would your life be different? 29.If you were asked to choose which time you would like to live in, which century would you choose?

30.If you were asked to speak to a graduating class, what would you say? 31.If you were given a chance to go to the moon, would you go? Why or why not? 32.If you were given a choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose?

33.If you were given an opportunity to be born again, in which country would you like to be born? 34.If you were given an opportunity to be born again, what kind of person would you choose to be?

35.If you were given one million dollars, what would you buy? 36.If you were given the opportunity to be born again, how would you change how you lived? 37.If you were given the opportunity to mould your partner the way you wanted, how would you mold your partner?

38.If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for? 39.If you were God, how would you transmit or let people know your message? 40.If you were going to a deserted island and could only take three things with you, what would you take? Why?

41.If you were marooned on a desert island with one other person how would you survive? 42.If you were invited to have tea with the Queen of England, what would say? 43.if you were the leader of your country, what would you change? 44.If you were the President, what problem or concern would you work on first? 45.If you were to be stranded on an island, which three things would you bring with you? 46.If you were told that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? 47.If you were walking through the forest and you suddenly saw a tiger, what would you do? 48.If you woke up suddenly because your house was on fire, which three things would you save as you ran outside?

49.If you worked for a store and you saw another employee steal something, would you tell the manager?

50.If your friend could not have a child, would you carry her child for her? 51.If you saw someone in public with toilet paper stuck to their shoe, would you tell them? 52.If you could change one thing that you did that was bad,perhaps a crime or some wrong you did to another person,what would it be?

53.What kinds of problems would you have if you had to always tell the truth? 54.You were told you had a terminal illness and had six months to live. What three things would be most important for you to do?

Conditional Sentences. Type 3. CONDICIÓN If + pretérito pluscuamperfecto (had + participio pasado) If they had been at home

CONSECUENCIA condicional (would) + have + participio they would have come with us.

Esta condicional se utiliza para expresar situaciones en el pasado que no llegaron a ocurrir nunca.

*If she had taken her raincoat, she wouldn’t have got wet. *If I hadn’t driven carefully, I could have had an accident. *If he had cheated in the exam, the teacher would have punished him. 1. Find the correct ending for each sentence. 1. If I had seen you when you passed me in the street, 2. If I hadn’t been so tired, 3. If he had been looking where he was going, 4. If you had studied harder, 5. If she hadn’t lost her lottery ticket, 6. If the pilot had been more careful, 7. If Billy hadn’t cheated, 8. If my car hadn’t broken down, 9. If he hadn’t invented a new computer game 10. If she had married the Prince, a. you would have passed the exam. b. she would have won a million pounds. c. I would have said hello. d. he wouldn’t have walked into the wall. e. she would be the Queen now. f. I would have gone out. g I wouldn’t have been late. h. you would have passed the exam. i. we wouldn’t have crashed. j. he wouldn’t have made so much money. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. If I ...................................... (know) that you were ill last week, I’d have gone to see you. 2. Tom ................................... (not/enter) for the examinations if he had known that it would be so difficult. 3. Tom got to the station in time. If he ...................................... (miss) the train, he would have been late for his interview. 4. It’s good that Ann reminded me about Tom’s birthday. I .......................... (forget) if she hadn’t reminded me. 5. I’d have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I ............................. (have) your address. 6. If the boy hadn’t been careless, the old man ............................... (not/fall). 7. If David’s parents ............................... (be) poor, they wouldn’t have had such a posh wedding. 8. If he hadn’t won the lottery, he .............................. (not/go) to the Bahamas. 3. Look at the example and complete the table. 1º I’ll do it, if I have time. 2º I would do it, if I had time. 3º I would have done it, if I had had time. 1. I’ll tell her, if I see her. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 2. If she doesn’t try, she won’t succeed. .................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

3. Will you do it if I ask you? .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 4. .................................................................................................................................. I’d buy it if you gave me discount. .................................................................................................................................. 5. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. If I had been ill, I would have stayed at home. 6. .................................................................................................................................. If I knew the answer, I would tell him. .................................................................................................................................. 4. What will you do if the bus doesn’t come? .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 8. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. I would have been sorry if she had left. 9. .................................................................................................................................. I wouldn’t stay in this job if I could find another one. .................................................................................................................................. 10. .................................................................................................................................. They would get wet if it rained. .................................................................................................................................. 11. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. Would he have passed if he had studied harder? 12.It won’t bite you unless you move. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. 4. Now read the situation and write a sentence with if. 1. She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry If she had been hungry, she would have eaten something. 17.The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. If the diver in front.................................................................................... 18.I didn’t wake George because I didn’t know he wanted to get up early. If I ............................................................................................................. 19.I was able to buy the car because Jim lent me the money. If ................................................................................................................ 20.She wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a set-belt. If ................................................................................................................ 21.Your’e hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast. If ... ............................................................................................................. 22.She didn’t buy the coat because she didn’t have enough money on her. If ... .............................................................................................................

23.John didn’t get to the station on time because there was too much traffic.

If .. .............................................................................................................. 5. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

1. If I ...................... (find) it, I’ll give it to you. 2. What would you do if you ......................... (find) a million pounds? 3. If I had taken my umbrella, I ........................ (not/get) wet. 4. I ..................... (be) very frightened if someone pointed a gun at me. 5. If you don’t hurry, you ......................... (be) late. 6. I’d be more careful if I ......................... (be) you. 7. How ......................... (you/feel) if you lived in Mars? 8. We’ll go out for a walk unless it ....................... (rain). 9. If Helen had left early, she .......................... (not/miss) the bus. 10. If I .......................... (hear) the weather forecast, I wouldn’t have gone out. 11. If we travelled to the USA, we ........................ (go) to New York. 12. If I .......................... (become) a famous rock star, I would buy my parents an enormous house. 13. It is not very far. If you ....................... (follow) this path, you’ll come to the station. 14. He’ll accept the job unless the salary ....................... (be) too low. 15. He’d accept the job unless the salary ....................... (be) too low. 16. If they had arrived earlier, they ........................ (not/miss) the beginning of the film. 17. If I ...................... (find) someone’s wallet, I’d take it to the police station. 18. If I ............................. (be) you, I wouldn’t eat so much chocolate. 19. If you left the car here, the police ........................ (give9 you a fine. 20. If you ..................... (phone) me yesterday, I would have given you the news. 21. What ......................... (you/do) if you were rich? 22. If Jack had made a shopping list, he ...................... (not/forget) to buy some coffee. 23. If people in the cities ....................... (use) bikes instead of cars, there wouldn’t be so much pollution. 24. I won’t talk to her unless she ...................... (apologise) to me first. 25. If I .......................... (not/go) to bed so early, I wouldn’t have woken up at 7.00. 26. If he .......................... (catch) the 10.30 train, he would arrive too early. 27. If I ......................... (go) out I’ll close the window. 28. We’ll be late unless we ...................... (hurry). 29. I ....................... (send) Jane a postcard if I knew her address. 30. If I have time I ......................... (come) and visit you this evening. 6. Make sentences as in the example. I‘ll probably go to London. I’ll visit my uncle. If I go to London, I’ll visit my uncle. 1. I won the violin competition because I practised a lot. If I hadn’t ................................................................................................... 2. Sue was tired because she went to the disco last night. If Sue .......................................................................................................... 3. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celcius. If you heat ................................................................................................... 4. Tommy decided to cook dinner because his mother was ill. ....................................................................................................................... 5. Yesterday had been a bad day for Chris. He didn’t hear the alarm clock, so he got up late. ....................................................................................................................... 6. They want to take a holiday, but they haven’t got enough time. ....................................................................................................................... 7. Sandra wants to change her job, but she hasn’t got the qualifications ....................................................................................................................... 8. You want to go to the beach tomorrow, but it depends on the weather.

....................................................................................................................... 9. You want to go out this evening, but you can’t because you have a lot of work to do. ....................................................................................................................... 10. The fire got out of control because the fire brigade didn’t arrive quickly. ....................................................................................................................... 7. Complete these third conditional sentences using any suitable idea. 1. If he hadn’t won the lottery, he wouldn’t have gone to the Bahamas. 2. She would have been champion ................................................................... 3. He wouldn’t have got lost ............................................................................. 4. If he hadn’t drunk so much alcohol, ............................................................. 5. If we hadn’t telephoned the police, ............................................................... 6. The team would have won the cup ................................................................ 7. If she hadn’t passed the exam, ...................................................................... 8. The holiday would have been great .............................................................. 9. They wouldn’t have had an accident ............................................................ 10. He wouldn’t have married her ...................................................................... CONDITIONALS : TYPE I I . Put the verbs into the correct tense. 1. If it ............... cold tomorrow, we will stay at home. GET 2. If I find your passport, I ......................... you. PHONE 3. If he ................... all that food, he will be ill. EAT 4. The police ............................... him if they .................. him. ARREST CATCH 5. If you ......................... any breakfast, you ....................... hungry. NOT EAT BE 6. I ...................him a candy if he .................. my car. GIVE WASH 7. If he ................. late, we ................. without him. BE GO 8. If you ................... my dog a bone, he ...................... it at once. GIVE BURY 9. If you ........................away, I ...................... the police. NOT GO CALL 10.If you .................... Tom, tell him I have a letter for him. SEE 11.I ..................... you only if you .................. me. HELP PAY 12.If you .................. a pill, you ................. a headache. TAKE NOT HAVE 13.Take care of my dog if I ................... DIE 14.What will happen if my parachute ............................ ? NOT OPEN 15. She ................... very angry if you ....................... her the truth. BE TELL 16.If I lend you 10 $, when .............. you ................. me ? REPAY II. Finish the sentences. 1. If I see him again, .......................................... 2. What will happen if ............................................... 3. If you don't hear from me by next Friday, ............................. 4. .................................................................... only if you promise not to tell anyone. 5. What will he say if ................................................ 6. If someone breaks into your house, .......................................... 7. What will you do if ................................................................... 8. Don't tell her the truth even if ..................................................... 9. If it's cold tomorrow, ................................................ 10.She will marry you if .................................................... 11.If you don't leave me alone, ............................................................... 12........................................................... if he doesn't agree to help us ? 13.If you don't turn down that silly music, .......................................... 14.Unless you promise to be a good boy, ................................................ 15.If John goes mad, .............................................. 16.If your fingerprints are on the knife, ........................ CONDITIONALS : ..................

1. First Conditional if + present simple, future (If you drop it, it will break.) the first conditional refers to the future; it is used when there is a possibility that the if-event might happen

future, if + present simple (It will break, if you drop it.) If you drop it, it will break. (Will he drop it? Maybe or maybe not)

Examples: 1) If the bus is late, we (walk). 2) She (call) them if she (have) time. 3) If it costs too much, I (buy) a smaller one. 4) If the flight for New York is full, I (go) somewhere else. 5) What will we do if the taxi (not come)? 6) Will you phone me if there (be) any problems? 7) I (ask) Anthony if I (see) him tomorrow. 8) I (go) next week, if I (can) get a train ticket. 9) If I (have) to, I (complain) to the manager. 10) If he (see) me here with you, she (be) really angry. 11) Mary (be) worried if you don’t come to the airport. 12) If it (snow) this winter, we (go) skiing. 13) My father (lend) me some money if I (ask) him. 8. Complete these third conditional sentences using any suitable idea. 11. If he hadn’t won the lottery, he wouldn’t have gone to the Bahamas. 12. She would have been champion ................................................................... 13. He wouldn’t have got lost ............................................................................. 14. If he hadn’t drunk so much alcohol, ............................................................. 15. If we hadn’t telephoned the police, ............................................................... 16. The team would have won the cup ................................................................ 17. If she hadn’t passed the exam, ...................................................................... 18. The holiday would have been great .............................................................. 19. They wouldn’t have had an accident ............................................................ 20. He wouldn’t have married her ......................................................................

11.If we missed the bus, a. I would buy a new car. 12.If I had a helicopter, b. you would be healthier. 13.If I lived in the North Pole, c. I would take it. 14.If you fell, d. we would be late for school. 15.If you wore that coat, e. we would feel very cold. 16.If I had some money, f. I’d fly to work. 17.If I were taller, g. you would hurt yourself. 18.If we didn’t go to their party next week, h. I’d be in the school team. 19.If you stopped smoking, i. you wouldn’t be cold. 20.If I was offered a job, j. they would be very angry.

Choose the correct form of the verbs. 1. If I miss / I’ll miss the bus this afternoon, I’ll get a taxi instead.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

We’ll have to go without John if he doesn’t arrive / won’t arrive soon. They won’t refund / didn’t refund your money if you haven’t kept your receipt. Will you send me a postcard when you reach / you’ll reach Mexico? If I make some coffee, do you cut / will you cut the cake? Did you work / Would you work harder if you were better paid? If you don’t complain / didn’t complain so much, you might be more popular. Please don’t sign any contracts before I’m checking / I’ve checked them. Weren’t my friends / Wouldn’t my friends be envious if they could only see me now!

Fill the gaps in the sentences, using the words given.

1. If I had more money, would you marry (you / marry) me? 2. He wouldn’t help you if …………………………………………....( he / not / like ) you. 3. ……………………………………………………( you / find ) the machine is quite simple to operate if you l the manual. 4. …………………………………………………………(your parents / not / be) proud if they could see you no 5. If ………………………………….......................( I / not / revise ) thoroughly, I may fail my test. 6. If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing …………… ……………………………….(you / look for )? 7. You’d have a lot more friends if ……………………………………………… (you / not / be ) so mean. 8. How …………………………………………………. (you / feel ) if you were in my position ? 9. Would you change your job if ……………………………………………………….. ( you / can) ? Complete the questions in the conversations. 1 EVA: SUE: EVA:

I don’t know what’s happened to my dictionary. I’ve looked everywhere What will you do if you don’t find it? I suppose I’ll have to buy a new one.

for it.

2 TIM:I’m thinking of applying for the manager’s job. ANN: Really? How ………………………………………………………………? TIM:Oh, about £2,000 a year more than now, I suppose. 3 MAY: I don’t know what I’m going to do about money. I can’t even pay this week’s LEE:…………………………………… if ………………………………………? MAY: Well, it would help, of course. But I can’t borrow from you. LEE: Don’t be silly. How much do you want?


4 IAN: This room is so dark and dull. PHIL: What ………………………………..if ………………………………………? IAN: White, I think. And I’d have white curtains. PHIL: You’d spend a lot of time cleaning it. IAN: But at least I’d be able to see! 5 BILL: BEN: BILL:

I don’t think I’m going to pass my driving test next week. What ………………………………….if …………………………………….? I won’t be able to get the job I want at the warehouse. They said I must be

able to

White questions using if which might produce the following answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What would you do if someone gave you a diamond necklace? I’d probably give it to my mother. ……………………………………………………………………….........................? I’d share it with my frie ……………………………………………………………………………………….? I’d call the police. ………………………………………………………………………………….........? We’d get out as fast as w ……………………………………………………………………………………….? I’d ask my teacher’s adv it.

6. ……………………………………………………………………………………….? He’d e extremely angry. 7. ……………………………………………………………………………………….? She’d probably fall over 8. …………………………………………………………………………………….....? I’d be late for class. 9. ……………………………………………………………………………………….? We’d sail around the wo 10. ……………………………………………………………………………………….? They’d never make any 11. ……………………………………………………………………………………….? There’d be no more war Look at the questions you wrote for 74. Now write your own answers to some of your questions.

1. What would you do if someone gave you a diamond necklace? I’d sell it and buy a horse. 2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… 10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… If I did and If I had done Match the two halves of these sentences.

1. If you are a promoted 2. If you lost your job 3. If you were promoted 4. If you hadn’t been promoted 5. If you had lost your job 6. If you apologise 7. If you are fired

a you’d be able to change the system b would you have left the firm? c you won’t be sacked. d you won’t get a reference. e will you make any changes? f you’d regret it. g you’d have lost your car as well.

1. What would you do if you missed the bus? 2. What would you do if you were taller? 3. What would you do if you only had 24 hours to live?

1. I would catch a taxi. 2. I would play for the NBA. 3. I’d celebrate a big party with all my friends and family

55.Your doctor has just told you that you have a month to live, what would you do in that stretch of time? o

If your doctor told you that you had only one month to live, how would you use the time left?

56.What if you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of saving your mother? What would you do?

57.If you could live perfectly well without sleeping, if you had no need to sleep at all, how would you spend all your nights?

58.If you could be married with a foreign (man/woman), how do you think your life would change?

59.If you had a chance to choose a poor (man/woman) as a (husband/wife)

from your culture or a rich (man/woman) from another culture, which would you choose?

60.If you got into traffic accident, what would you do at first? 61.If you could be God, what would you do for humanity? 62.If you could receive praise from a person, what person would it be?


What kind of praise would you like to receive?

63.If you were a color, what color would you be and why? 64.If you could be a crayon, What color and Why? 65.If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be and why? 66.If you had time machine and you could be transported to any time, the past or the future. What time would you choose?

67.If you could ask an All-Knowing Being one question about life, what would it be?

68.If you could have dinner with anyone (dead OR alive), who would you choose, and why?

69.If you could live forever on earth as it is now, would you? Why or why not? 70.If you could have a free chip put in your brain so that you would

automatically be able to speak and understand another language besides English, which language would it be and why?

71.If you were the Queen or King of Britain for a day, what would you do? 72.If you were the President of the USA for a day, what would you do? 73.If you had to spend 100 days on a desert island, what five things would you take with you and why?

74.If you were down on your luck, would you seek the advice of a palm reader, 75.You can ask current event questions using this pattern. However,

depending on the class, you need to be careful about what kind of questions you ask. o

If the U.S. attacked North Korea, what would happen?


What would you do if you lost your bathing suit while you were swimming?


Imagine you woke up one morning to find you had switched bodies with someone you know. What would you do?


If you could have any one supernatural power (flying, being invisible), which would you choose and why?


If you could say a sentence which the whole world could hear, what would you say?


If you were a loin would you like to eat a man?


If you could choose to live anywhere in the world where would you prefer to live?


If your spouse cheated on you, what would you do?


If you were given a choice to live as long as you want, how long would you like to live? If we could live for 300 years, what would the life be like?

1Look at the example and complete the table. 1º I’ll do it, if I have time. 2º I would do it, if I had time. 1. I’ll tell her, if I see her. .................................................................................................................................. 2.If she doesn’t try, she won’t succeed. .................................................................................................................................. 3. Will you do it if I ask you? ..................................................................................................................................

4. .................................................................................................................................. I’d buy it if you gave me discount.

5. If I am ill, I’ll stay at home. .................................................................................................................................. 6. .................................................................................................................................. If I knew the answer, I would tell him. 7.What will you do if the bus doesn’t come? .................................................................................................................................. 8. .................................................................................................................................. I would be sorry if she left. 9. .................................................................................................................................. I wouldn’t stay in this job if I could find another one. 10. .................................................................................................................................. They would get wet if it rained. 11. Will he pass if he studies harder? .................................................................................................................................. 12.It won’t bite you unless you move. .................................................................................................................................. 2. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. If I ...................... (find) it, I’ll give it to you. 2. What would you do if you ......................... (find) a million pounds? 3. I ..................... (be) very frightened if someone pointed a gun at me. 4. If you don’t hurry, you ......................... (be) late. 5. I’d be more careful if I ......................... (be) you. 6. How ......................... (you/feel) if you lived in Mars? 7. We’ll go out for a walk unless it ....................... (rain). 8. If we travelled to the USA, we ........................ (go) to New York. 9. If I .......................... (become) a famous rock star, I would buy my parents an enormous house. 10. It is not very far. If you ....................... (follow) this path, you’ll come to the station. 11. He’ll accept the job the salary ....................... (not/be) too low. 12. He’d accept the job if the salary ....................... (not/be) too low. 13. If I ...................... (find) someone’s wallet, I’d take it to the police station.

14. 15. 16.

If I ............................. (be) you, I wouldn’t eat so much chocolate. If you left the car here, the police ........................ (give) you a fine. What ......................... (you/do) if you were rich?

3. Find the correct ending for each sentence. 1. If we missed the bus, a. I would buy a new car. 2. If I had a helicopter, b. you would be healthier. 3. If I lived in the North Pole, c. I would take it. 4. If you fell, d. we would be late for school. 5. If you wore that coat, e. we would feel very cold. 6. If I had some money, f. I’d fly to work. 7. If I were taller, g. you would hurt yourself. 8. If we didn’t go to their party next week, h. I’d be in the school team. 9. If you stopped smoking, i. you wouldn’t be cold. 10. If I was offered a job, j. they would be very angry.