Confined Space Entery Procedure [PDF]

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RIYADH METRO PROJECT Package 2 Confined Space Entry Procedure

SR-JV-SHWP-CSE-000001- Rev. 0 25 May 2016

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SR-JV-SHWP-CSE-000001- Rev.


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ArRiyadh New Mobility – Package 2


Confined Space Entry Procedure








PMO Carmelo Marchese

HSEM CWG Giuseppe Serpe



Issued for Approval HSEM A.Mahmood

Confined Space working Procedure Page 3




Contents SCOPE......................................................................................................................... 2 1.0

Purpose.......................................................................................................... 2


Applicability................................................................................................... 2


Reference Documents.................................................................................... 2


Terms and Definitions.................................................................................... 2


Abbreviations................................................................................................. 2


Responsibilities.............................................................................................. 3


Site Managers............................................................................................. 3


Accountable Persons................................................................................... 3


Procedure....................................................................................................... 3


People and Traffic Safety within the worksite..............................................3


Parking........................................................................................................ 4


Breakdowns................................................................................................ 4


Incidents.................................................................................................... 5


Vehicles..................................................................................................... 5


Pedestrians................................................................................................ 5


Flagman..................................................................................................... 5


Approved Clothing...................................................................................... 6


Road and Traffic Management...................................................................6

7.10 Machinery and Plant................................................................................... 8 7.11 Deliveries and Load Shifting.......................................................................8

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1.0 SCOPE 1.1


This document provides a general description of the management and organization process for Working at Night Shift on the Riyadh Metro Project Package 2 Line 3 SRJV Working Areas.



Applicable to All SR-JV Activities with Riyadh Metro Project where working at not shift if applicable.


Reference Documents

OHSAS 18001 : 2015 Saudi labor Law SR-JV-LR-0001

Health and Safety Management System Royal Decree M/51, Dated 23/8/1426H HSE Legal and Other Requirement Register.

SR-JV-HSP-0001 SR-JV-RMP-0001

Site Health and Safety Plan Risk Management Plan


Terms and Definitions


ArRiyadh New Mobility Consortium Engineer Riyadh Metro Transit Consultant Civil work Group Electrical Work group Salcef Rhomberg Joint Vebture





ArRiyadh New Mobility Consortium (the SR-JV )


Civil Works Group Joint Venture


Electromechanical Works Group


Corrective Action Request’s Environmental Management System Hazard Identification Hazard and Operability Analysis Health, Safety and Environment Page 5



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Key Performance Indicator Material Safety Data Sheets

2.0 Responsibilities The Manager of Health, Safety and Environmental is responsible for:    


Ensuring that training material is current and of an appropriate quality. Ensuring safety and environmental systems are kept up to date in relation to this procedure. Recording and analyzing incident / investigation data. Ensuring that this procedure is reviewed as stipulated.

Site Managers

Have the responsibility for the management or control of a work place, within their area of authority, and must ensure this procedure is implemented. They shall maintain a Hazard and Risk register and appropriate signage for their work place; and shall ensure that competent and accountable persons assigned for the management and execution of work within their area of authority, conduct appropriate Risk Assessments.


Accountable Persons

Has the responsibility for following this procedure and ensuring those working under their control follow this procedure. They have responsibility for the safety of personnel following this procedure and for maintaining appropriate records relating to their activities. Line Managers, Asset Owners and their delegates, SR-JV s, Site Managers and Project Managers, Authorized Issuing Officers and Persons in Charge are all examples of Accountable Persons.

2.3 Vessel Attendant Roles and Responsibilities • Never allow unauthorized entry into Confined Space • Maintain accurate “log-in & log-out” Badging System and Awareness Board at all times • Recognize potential hazards and monitor conditions outside the Confined Space to ensure safe conditions

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• Calls for the evacuation of entrants in the event of an emergency Internal & external Air Horn to notify surrounding Attendants • Never allow a worker to enter the Confined Space alone • Wear the defined White Reflective vest and Confined Space Attendant Badge • Place Confined Space Attendant “Id Sheet” on the Badge Board by the Confined Space entrance • Verify that the non-entry barriers are in place when required • Shall not leave his post until relieved by another qualified Confined Space Vessel Attendant • Shall not undertaking any other duties or responsibilities which prevent him from carrying out his duties identified above • Never enter the confined space

2.4 Vessel Entrant • Attend Confined Space Entry/Attendant training on-site • Participate in the Pre-START, JSA, and Permit to Work prior to entry into the Confined Space • Place their badge on the Badge Board prior to entry • Don all Permit and Task specific PPE prior to entry into Confined Space • Know and follow all emergency protocols • Do not conduct any hazardous activities that will endanger his life and the lives of co-workers • Remove their badge on the Badge Board promptly upon exit from Confined Space • Follow ALL instruction given by Confined Space Attendant • Never enter a Confined Space alone

3. Permit to Work 3.1 A Confined Space Permit is required for entering into all confined spaces including: • Process vessels and equipment • Tanks Page 7


• Pits (including those under sub-stations), sewers and shored trenches • Any other excavations greater than 1.5 m in depth without adequate natural ventilation • Equipment blanketed in, e.g. for weather protection for painting or construction • Road or rail tankers, including vacuum trucks, and catalyst tankers • Exchanger shell where the tube bundle has been removed • Any equipment not in safe operating condition shall be removed from service. Authorized personnel shall make all repairs in approved locations only. Equipment in need of repairs to the electrical system or welding are to be performed in any part of the body shall have the battery disconnected prior to such repairs.

3.2 Temporary Permit withdrawal and Cancellation Work must stop and all persons must leave the confined space on hearing the area gas alarm or upon instruction by the CS Attendant by Air Horn. The permit must be withdrawn and entry is prohibited until the Permit to Work is reauthorized. When entry is stopped temporarily or for emergency reasons it is the responsibility of the Confined Space Attendant to: • Confirm all persons have exited the Confined Space • Replace the physical barriers across all points of entry The permit must be cancelled and a new permit issued when any condition for which the initial entry was.

4. Conflicting Activities External to the Confined Space The Area Construction Manager must ensure that activities outside the CS will not affect the conditions inside it. These include: • Venting and draining of other equipment close to the confined space • The proximity of drains, sewer man heads and high level vents • Other maintenance activities, e.g. chemical cleaning, painting, grit blasting, pressure testing, Exhaust discharge, e.g. from the diesel engines of welding machines, air compressors and cranes

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5. Potential Hazards The procedures and permit are designed to safeguard the health and safety of all workers entering Confined Space’s against such hazards as: • Oxygen enrichment • Oxygen deficiency • Presence of flammable or pyrophoric substances • Nitrogen • Toxic substances • Power driven equipment • Falling masonry, collapse of the walls or sides of any structure • Unguarded holes • Ionizing radiation • Poor lighting • Internal electrics or electrically driven equipment • Internal process lines • Internal configuration and restrictions, e.g. tower trays, baffle plates

6. Prohibited Entry • Entry into a Confined Space is prohibited unless a valid Permit to Work/Entry Permit is completed and displayed. • Entry is prohibited under all circumstances (even wearing breathing apparatus) if: • Flammable gas concentration is above 10% of the LEL • Entry into sewers or ducting < 900 mm diameter is prohibited • If O2 < 19.5% (Inert Entry Procedures must be followed) • Hydrogen sulphide concentration is greater than 100ppm in the atmosphere (even in breathing apparatus)

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7. Working inside The Confined Space All work in the Confined Space and access to it must be co-ordinated by the Area Construction Manager to ensure that the work activities of different groups do not conflict. If the space is divided into sections to allow different work to precede simultaneously, great care must be taken to ensure the sections are effectively isolated. Only one Confined Space Permit to Work/Entry Permit is required for each Confined Space This is applies even when more than one group is working inside the space.

8. ADMOSPHERE TESTING • All Confined Space shall be gas tested at sufficient locations to ensure that the result is representative of the atmosphere inside the space. Tests should be carried out from outside the confined space using the available man ways and other open nozzles. • Testing should be consistent with applicable gas densities; i.e. testing the top, middle and bottom areas for gases. • Where forced ventilation is provided, the ventilation must be turned off for a period of 15 minutes prior to doing the gas test for the first entry. • Following a successful initial gas test, the ventilation system can remain in operation for subsequent gas tests. • Gas testing equipment should be bump tested once a day prior to use and the result documented. • Only trained and authorized workers shall conduct “bump test” and subsequent atmospheric testing in confined spaces.

8.1 Testing by Entering the Space • In some cases (e.g. storage tank cleaning, gas testing for hot work) it is necessary to enter the confined to carry out additional gas tests. In such cases the person doing the gas test must take the normal precautions required for confined space entry and a valid permit based on gas measurements taken from outside the space must be raised and authorized. The need to wear breathing apparatus must be considered based on applicable risk assessments of the interior and exterior areas having the potential to affect the space. • Sufficient periodic or continuous monitoring for oxygen, hydrocarbons, and other toxic vapors must be carried out to ensure that the confined space atmosphere does not exceed the allowable limits for safe entry. Page 10


• Atmosphere tests must be repeated as often as it is considered necessary based on risk assessments • Repeat gas tests should be made as work progresses based on activities within the scope of work that may create additional hazards. • It must be anticipated that the vapor concentration will increase when the space warms up during the day. In some cases it may be appropriate to provide continuous monitoring. • Gas tests for toxic/harmful substances can be discontinued once the confined space is gas and sludge free to hot work standards, and the gas test results from at least three consecutive shifts are all below the allowable occupational exposure limits (OEL). In all cases, gas tests for oxygen and %LEL should continue to be carried out at least once per shift. • Gas tests may need to be reinstated or additional tests may be required if mechanical work is carried out which introduces hazardous vapors, gases or fumes in to the space (e.g. use of solvent based paints; welding fumes; carbon monoxide from air-arc gouging).

9. CONFINED SPACE SAFETY CHECK The Confined Space Safety Check is carried out by the Subcontractor Foreman. The proposed entry and the work to be carried out should be discussed with the Area Construction Manager to ensure that all the hazards are identified and appropriate precautions are taken to minimize the risks.

9.1 Safe Access Access should be provided to ensure that persons can safely enter and exit the CS without injury. The designated man way(s) for access and egress shall be kept free from obstructions that could hinder safe egress. As far as practical, other openings (e.g., nozzles or another manhole) should be used for routing cables and hoses to eliminate tripping hazards/obstructions Barriers/boards should be provided where there is potential for persons to fall. The condition of internals (e.g. trays) shall be assessed to confirm that they are not likely to fail when stood

9.2 Lighting Where natural lighting is inadequate, artificial lighting shall be provided. All electrical equipment shall be 12v or provided with a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). In larger vessels, the need for emergency lighting should be considered in case the primary lighting source fails. Page 11


9.3 Ventilation • Process vessels or equipment shall be ventilated using forced or induced draught air movers to achieve 10 or more air changes per hour. The method of ventilating the equipment should ensure that an effective through-flow of air is provided and that dead zones are minimized • The ventilation system shall be suitable for use in a flammable atmosphere and shall be properly bonded and grounded, and should not interfere with the entry and exit of personnel. • In some cases it may necessary to provide additional local air extraction (e.g. when carrying out extensive welding or hot cutting). • Electrical Isolation Check The contractor Foreman (with input from Area Construction Manager) shall identify and isolate all potential energy sources that could cause harm or injury.

9.4 Emergency Rescue Drawing and Plan • A sketch/drawing showing the Confined Space configuration, access and egress should be provided for any process equipment that has internals. • This should be kept at the same location as the Entry Permit so that in the event of a fire, or other emergency requiring the need for rescue, the Rescue Team attending the incident can quickly assess the internal layout of the confined space • In addition, where access is limited or movement inside the confined space is difficult, e.g. a large fractionation tower or sewer, an emergency rescue plan must be produced and agreed with the Riyadh Metro HSE Department. This shall be located at the main access point to the CS.

Preparation of the emergency rescue drawing/plan is the responsibility of the person making the permit request.

9.5 Ventilation • Process vessels or equipment shall be ventilated using forced or induced draught air movers to achieve 10 or more air changes per hour. The method of ventilating the equipment should ensure that an effective through-flow of air is provided and that dead zones are minimized • The ventilation system shall be suitable for use in a flammable atmosphere and shall be properly bonded and grounded, and should not interfere with the entry and exit of personnel.

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• In some cases it may necessary to provide additional local air extraction (e.g. when carrying out extensive welding or hot cutting).

9.6 Heat Stress • When working inside a confined space, the potential for heat stress shall be assessed and appropriate precautions put in to place • Heat Stress will be addressed in a manner consistent with the Riyadh Metro Heat Illness Prevention Procedure.

10. ENTRY CONTROL PROCEDURE This section covers additional requirements and procedures to control safe access to confined spaces. • All Confined Space shall be gas tested at sufficient locations to ensure that the result is representative of the atmosphere inside the space. Tests should be carried out from outside the confined space using the available man ways and other open nozzles. • Testing should be consistent with applicable gas densities; i.e. testing the top, middle and bottom areas for gases. • Where forced ventilation is provided, the ventilation must be turned off for a period of 15 minutes prior to doing the gas test for the first entry. • Following a successful initial gas test, the ventilation system can remain in operation for subsequent gas tests. • Gas testing equipment should be bump tested once a day prior to use and the result documented. • Only trained and authorized workers shall conduct “bump test” and subsequent atmospheric testing in confined spaces.

10.1 NO ENTRY Barrier A physical barrier shall be securely fixed across each entrance to the confined space except when entry is allowed. The 'No Entry' barrier shall be installed: • At Confined Space entry way and before the entry permit is • Overnight or weekends when no work is taking place • When entry has been stopped or the permit withdrawn or cancelled • The barriers are to be made of lightweight material which could be broken in the event of an emergency

10.2 Entry Log & Badge Board Processes • Vessel Entry

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Confined Space Vessel Attendant will present to Riyadh Metro Loss Control (LC) for issuance of the following: • Vessel specific Confined Space Entry Logbook • Confined Space Attendant “ID Sheet” • Prior to issuance, Loss Control will verify Attendants training records and identification • The Confined Space Entry Log and “ID Sheet” must be present at each Confined Space entrance. • The “ID Sheet” will be posted on the Badge Board signifying the Attendant for that location • Each Entrant will sign the Entry Logbook and place his badge on the Badge Board prior to entry into the Confined Space • Each Entrant will immediately remove his badge from the Badge Board and verify that the Entry Logbook is updated upon exiting the Confined Space • The Entry Logbook and Badge Board must be updated each time a person enters or leaves the space • Non Vessel Confined Space Entry • Non-Vessel CS entry will be conducted in accordance with standard CS entry/exit/attendant duties for trenches and excavations • Confined Space “Hole Watch(s)” will monitor the Confined Space for activities thru line of sight and communicate via air horn(s) for emergencies “Hole Watch” roles and responsibilities are consistent with Vessel Attendants with the following exceptions: • Hole Watch” is not required to sign out CS Log book and ID Badge/Sheet • ID Badge Board is not required • Standard “Hole Watch” and general Confined Space training will be required

11. HARNESS AND LIFELINE The requirement for any person who enters a confined space to wear a harness or harness with a lifeline attached depends upon the specific circumstances. The decision will be based on: • The geometry of the confined space which could result in the lifelines snagging • The need for a man to vacate the space when working in artificial light which may fail and where the entry point is not visible Page 14


• The need in an emergency for the man himself to find the way back to the entrance and for a fireman to find the man The Area’s HSE Officer should be consulted when deciding if a harness and lifeline is to be worn. When required, a written rescue plan must be produced and fully understood by all concerned.

11.1 Harness and Lifeline with Breathing Apparatus It is mandatory to wear a harness with, where practicable, a lifeline attached, when entry is permitted wearing breathing apparatus. The line must not be attached to any part of the breathing apparatus or attached when the confined space contains obstructions which could result in the line snagging.

12. PRE ENTRY PLANNING 12.1 Pre-START Meeting A Pre-START meeting shall be carried out for all confined space entries. All persons entering or conducting work inside the confined space shall be made aware of the hazards present, any specific precautions required, and the emergency procedures prior to entry.

12.2 JSA Review A confined space entry activities with corresponding JSA’s shall conduct a JSA review will all workers conducting activities associated with the JSA.

12.3 Permit to Work Review Personnel entering a Confined Space shall review the applicable Permit to Work to ensure knowledge and understanding of Permit requirements

13. BURNING AND GAS WELDING Hot cutting and gas welding cylinders must be kept outside the space. The gas torch and associated hoses must be taken into the confined space only when required. All lines must be purged and correct functioning of the gas torch confirmed before they are taken into the confined space. For break periods less than two hours, positive isolation of the gas and oxygen supplies must be made at the cylinder by closing the outlet valve (not the pressure regulator). For longer periods, lines must be removed from the space or they must be physically disconnected from all gas supplies.

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14. CHEMICAL AND SOLVENTS When hazardous/flammable chemicals or similar substances are used only the minimum practical amount should be taken into the space at any time and should be stored in sealed containers. Substances shall be removed when no longer in use and kept away from the work area. During break periods substances should be removed, if practicable, or sealed securely. Chemical hazard and handling data must be made available to Operation and Maintenance/Contractor personnel doing the work, and any special precautions must be included on the relevant work permit. Particular care is required when flammable materials are to be used inside a confined space (e.g. applying solvent based paint coating) to prevent fire or explosion.

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