Conjunction [PDF]

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CONJUNCTION Conjunction atau konjungsi adalah kata penghubung, yaitu kata-kata yang digunakan di dalam kalimat yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan klausa atau bagian dari kalimat, baik itu berupa argument (pendapat) maupun berupa event (kejadian). Berikut adalah beberapa contoh konjungsi:

Addition         

and = dan besides = selain itu both…and… = baik… maupun… (untuk kalimat positif) nor…neither… = baik… maupun… (untuk kalimat negatif) either…or… = baik… maupun… (untuk kalimat positif dan negatif) further = lebih jauh furthermore = lebih jauh lagi moreover = terlebih additionally = sebagai tambahan

Comparison         

as if = seolah-olah while = sementara itu instead of = daripada conversely = sebaliknya by contrast = kontrasnya in fact = kenyataannya indeed = memang at least = paling tidak on the other hand = sebaliknya

Time          

after = setelah since = sejak before = sebelum once = ketika as soon as = sesegera previously = sebelumnya firstly = pertama-tama secondly = kedua at the same time = pada waktu yang sama lastly = terakhir

Cause      

because = karena therefore = oleh karena itu although = meskipun even though = meskipun but = tetapi however = bagaimanapun/ tetapi

Means • thus = jadi

Condition    

if = jika provided that = asalkan as long as = selama even if = sekalipun


unless = kecuali

Purpose   

so that = sehingga in order to = agar without = tanpa

Consequence   

of course = tentu saja still = tetap admittedly = terus terang, tak dapat disangkal

Catatan: Kata-kata konjungsi di atas ada kalanya diikuti oleh klausa, namun dapat juga diikuti oleh frasa. Contoh: > Meskipun - although - though (diikuti klausa) - even though My brother keeps going to school although It rains heavily S P K - in spite of - despite (diikuti frasa) Despite the heavy rain, she goes to school on foot. frasa > Karena - because - as - since (diikuti klausa) - for He did not attend the meeting because his mother is sick (klausa) S P O - because of - due to (diikuti frasa) - owing to He did not attend the meeting because his sick mother frasa > Agar - in other that → diikuti klausa We must study hard in order that we pass the exam S P O - in order to → diikuti frasa We must study hard in order to be clever frasa