Content Video-63 [PDF]

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Applied Computer


Content Video BUS1201 Applied Computer for Business



Interesting facts • Each month, 85% of Internet users in the U.S. watch video content. • By 2021, the average person will spend 100 minutes

Applied Computer

every day watching online videos (a 19% increase from 2019). • 93% of companies claim they got a new customer because of their video content on social media

• 63% of businesses say that video gets the best return on investment (ROI) on social media.

GBM Information :

Applied Computer



Types of Video Content for Marketing SUBTITLE GOES HERE


Types of VDO Content • Vlog • Behind-the-Scenes/Company Culture Applied Computer

• Interview/Q&A • Webinar • Event

• Presentation • Tutorial/How To • Product Review

• Personalized Video (Yaya’s Bedroom)


• Testimonial (Share/Review for confirmation)

• Animation • Live Streaming • Brand Film • Video Emails • 360 (Virtual Reality (VR) • User-Generated Content (UGC) • Contests/Giveaways

Information :


Applied Computer

Vlog Vlog stands for a video blog or video log, and refers to a type of blog where most or all of the content is in a video format. Vlog posts consist of creating a video of yourself where you talk on a par ticular subject such as repor ting or reviewing a product or an event.



Applied Computer

Behind-the-Scenes/Company Culture Behind-the-Scenes (BTS) videos offer a sneak peak of the magic that drives growth by presenting the people and stories behind brands. With consumers more willing to buy into brands that resonate w i th th e m e m oti o n a l ly, BTS vi d e o s a l s o help brands build trust and create a deeper connection with its potential clients and customers. Great concepts for workplace culture videos include “a day in the life” videos, where you showcase one day at your office, or talking head videos featuring interviews with employees..




Applied Computer

Vid eo inter view s have b ecome MU CH more common, including one-way video interviews which were relatively rare.


One-way video interviews are an increasing method of doing the first round of interviews, although phone interviews are still also widely used.


Applied Computer

Event Share your thoughts and experience on any kind of events. Share what's inspiring you or frustrating you at the m o m e n t . Yo u ' l l s t i l l b e c r e a t i n g content, but you'll never have to wonder what to talk about. And because you're just being yourself, it will instantly be relatable..



Applied Computer



A video presentation is a popular form of multimedia presentation with a duration of several seconds or minutes that shows the benefits of a produc t, service, or any idea with the help of interesting graphic images, concise text, and appropriate narration.


Applied Computer

Tutorial/How To


Tu t o r i a l v i d e o s h a v e t h e power to guide viewers into the proper way of using a product or a service. Such a discovery changes the way businesses operate and engage with their customers and networks, making sure that they are on the same page.


Applied Computer

Product Review


A product video is an explainer video that effectively demonstrates the benefits of a produc t. ... People are more likely to retain information received through video because the information is presented through audio and visual channels.


Applied Computer



There is no better way to build brand credibility than testimonials videos! According to Boast, customer testimonials had the highest rating of effectiveness for content marketing at 89%. That makes it evident most consumers will look up a testimonial or two before purchasing your produc t. Because of that, these videos are some of the most useful ones you can make to boost the decision part of the marketing funnel..


Applied Computer

Personalized Video


Personalized video is video that has been customized to each individual v i e w e r. T h i s i s a c h i e v e d b y i n s e r t i n g personal elements such as the viewer's name, email, job title, profile image, company name, logo, etc. ... These videos might include a company name, logo, or even text points specific to their use case..


Applied Computer



Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images. In traditional animation, images are drawn or painted by hand on transparent celluloid sheets to be photographed and exhibited on f i l m . To d a y , m o s t a n i m a t i o n s a r e made with computer-generated imagery (CGI).


Live Streaming

Applied Computer

Live streaming is when the streamed video is sent over the Internet in real time, without first being recorded and stored. To d ay, T V b ro ad c a s t s , v i d e o g a m e s t re a m s , and social media video can all be livestreamed..


The term live streaming usually refers to broadcast live streams: one-to-many connections that go out to multiple users at once. Videoconferencing technologies l i k e S k y p e , F a c e Ti m e , a n d G o o g l e H a n g o u t s Meet work on real-time communication (RTC) protocols rather than the protocols used by one-to-many live stream broadcasts.


Applied Computer

360 (Virtual Reality (VR) VR video and 360 VR are essentially interchangeable terms. They refer to videos that are captured using specialist omnidirec tional cameras which enable the filming of an entire 360 degrees at the same time. The main difference between regular filming and VR filming is the type of camera used. Specialist cameras called omnidirec tional cameras are used for virtual reality filming. These cameras film every direc tion at once, hence the name, omnidirec tional.



Applied Computer

User-Generated Content (UGC) U s e r- g e n e r a t e d c o n t e n t ( U G C ) i s any content—text, videos, images, reviews, etc. —created by people, rather than brands. And brands will often share UGC on their own social media accounts, website, and other marketing channels.




Applied Computer

Te c h n i c a l l y s p e a k i n g , w h e n y o u hear the term 'giveaway', you should think of it as a promotional drawing where a prize is given away to a participant chosen from a pool of entries at random.


Applied Computer



How to create Video Content for Marketing


Content is the KEY!!! • What kind of content? • Who is the target audience?

Applied Computer

• How to deliver the content?

GBM Information :


VDO Production Plan • Pre-Production - Research audience - Core Message - Write a Script

- Plan&Schedule the Shooting

- Write Story board/VDO production brief

Applied Computer

• Production - Shoot the Footage

• Post-Production - Edit the video content – Effect – Sound – Voice Over

- Export Format

- Distribution /Channel

GBM Information :


Video Editor Applied Computer

Yo u c a n u s e a n y t y p e o f V D O e d i t i n g program.



Types of No-Face VDO Content Skills Applied Computer

• Cooking


• Painting • Drawing

• Arts&Crafts • Tutorial • DIY

Interesting content • Movie/Series Spoiled • Critiques • Ranking • Top 5/Top 10 • Story Reading

• Music • Sound of nature

Information :


Types of No-Face VDO Content Skills Applied Computer

• Cooking


• Painting • Drawing

• Arts&Crafts • Tutorial • DIY


Types of No-Face VDO Content Interesting content Applied Computer

• Movie/Series Spoiled


• Critiques

• Ranking • Top 5/Top 10 • Story Reading

• Music • Sound of nature


Your Homework

Your in-class task today One minute-VDO

Use the videos that you recorded

Applied Computer

- Create 1 minute VDO using KINEMASTER


- Name your VDO Submit within the class TODAY!!

1-2 minute-VDO

“IBM Presentation” Group Work: Work in a group of 4-5 people. - Create 1-2 minute VDO using KINEMASTER or other

applications. - Create the VDO for promoting GBM&IBM - Invite high-school students to study IBM (developed program) -

You can use whoever you would like to be the main characters. (As long as they are ok.)

Show me that you have played with KINEMASTER and you have tried to use all 4 features that I taught.

• You can use any kind of language, but you need to add English subtitle for it.

Applied Computer



VDO Editing is fun!!


VICTORIA LINDQVIST +1 (589) 555‐0199

Applied Computer

[email protected]

THANK YOU H T T P : / / W W W. M A RG I E S T R AV E L . C O M /


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