Contoh Percakapan Pertama [PDF]

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Contoh Percakapan Pertama: Pelaku




Thanks for calling Quallove

Terimakasih untuk menelpon Hotel Quallove. Di sini


Hotel. Jennifer speaking.

Jennifer yang berbicara (yang menerima).


Hello. I'm interested in booking a

Halo. Saya ingin (tertarik) untuk memesan kamar

room for the September long

untuk libur panjang akhir pekan di bulan september.


(long weekend merupakan istilah libur akhir pekan yang panjang untuk hari-hari tertentu, misalkan hari libur buruh, libur nasional, dan sebagainya)


I'm afraid we're totally booked

Saya khawatir kita sepenuhnya telah dipesan untuk


for that weekend. There's a

akhir pekan itu. Ada sebuah konvensi di kota dan

convention in town and we're

kami hotel terdekat ke pusat konvensi.

the closest hotel to the convention centre. Caller

Oh, really? Well what about the

Oh, benarkah? Yah, bagaimana dengan akhir pekan

weekend after that?

setelah itu?


Yeah, sorry about that. So, the

Ya, maaf. Jadi, tanggal 18? Kami punya beberapa


eighteenth? We have a few

yang kosong.

vacancies left. Caller

Okay, Friday and Saturday,

Ok, jumat dan sabtu, itu bagus. Apa kamu (hotelnya)

that'll be fine. Do you have any

punya kamar dengan tempat tidur ganda? Berapa

room with double bed? How


much is that? Reception

Yes, we have. The rate for that

Ya, kami punya. Ratenya untuk akhir pekan itu


weekend is $100 dollars per

adalah $100 dollar per malam.

night. Caller

Great! I take it.

Bagus, saya ambil (pesan) itu.


All right. What name will the

Baiklah. Atas nama siapa pesanan akan dicatat?


reservation be listed under?


Agung Mujtaba.

Agung Mujtaba


Could you spell your name for

Bisa anda mengeja nama anda untuk saya?


me, please?


Sure. A-G-U-N-G M-U-J-T-A-B-A

Tentu. A-G-U-N-G M-U-J-T-A-B-A


And is there a phone number

Dan adakah nomor telepon yang bisa dohubungi?


where you can be contacted?


Yes, my phone number is 0823-

Ya, nomor telepon saya adalah 0823-233-766-60.

233-766-60. Reception

Okay, now we need your credit

Baik, sekarang kami perlu informasi kartu kredit anda


card information to reserve the

untuk memesankan kamar untuk anda. apa jenis

room for you. What type of card

kartunya? Dan siapa nama pemegang kartunya?

is it? And what is the name of the cardholder? Caller

Visa. The number is 567894321.

Visa. Nomornya adalah 567894321. Dan nama dari

And the name of the cardholder

pemegang kartu adalah Agung Mujtaba.

is Agung Mujtaba Reception

Alright, Mr. Mujtaba. Your

Baiklah, tuan Mujtaba. Pesanan anda telah dibuat


reservation has been made for

untuk tanggal 18-19 september untuk satu kamar

the eighteenth of September for

dengan tempat tidur ganda.

a room with a double bed. Caller

Great, thank you so much.

Bagus, terimakasih banyak.


My pleasure. Have a nice day,

Dengan senang hati. Semoga hari anda



menyenangkan pak!

Baca juga: Contoh percakapan perkenalan dalam bahasa inggris. Contoh Percakapan Kedua: Pelaku Percakapan


Reception ist

Good morning. Welcome to The Grand Rose Hotel. My name is Tiffany. How can I help you?

Selamat pagi. Selamat datang di Hotel The Grand Rose. Nama saya adalah Tifanny. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu anda?


Hi, good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for the third weekend in December. Do you have any vacancies?

Hai, selamat pagi. Saya akan membuat reservasi untuk akhir pekan pada minggu ketiga bulan desember. Apa ada kamar yang kosong?

Reception ist

Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. What is the exact date of your arrival? And how long will you be staying?

Ya pak, kami memiliki beberapa kamar yang tersedia untuk akhir pekan tersebut. Tepatnya tanggal berapa kedatangan anda? Dan berapa lama anda akan tinggal?


The 23rd. And I'll be staying for two nights.

Tanggal 23. Dan saya akan tinggal untuk dua malam.

Reception ist

Okay. And would you like a smoking room or a non-smoking room?

Oke. Dan apa anda ingin smoking room atau non-smoking room?


No smoking, please.

No smoking.

Reception ist

Certainly. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean?

Tentu. Dan apakah anda lebih memilih kamar dengan pemandangan lautan?


If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. How much are the rooms?

Jika jenis kamar itu tersedia, saya akan senang untuk memiliki pemandangan lautan. Berapa harga kamarnya?

Reception ist

It’s available. The rates depend on the type of room. We have the Deluxe Executive Suite and a standard room available. The Deluxe Executive Suite is $550, plus tax, per night. And the standard room is $220, plus tax, per night.

Tersedia. Ratenya tergantung dengan tipe kamar. Kami memiliki Deluxe Executive dan Standard Room yang tersedia. Harga Deluxe Executive adalah $550, plus pajak, per malam. Dan Standard Room adalah $220, plus pajak, per malam.


Oh wow! I’ll take the standard room, please.

Oh wow! Saya akan ambil Standard room.

Reception ist

All right. Could I have your name, please?

Baiklah. Boleh saya tahu nama anda?


Yes. Bob Xiangxi.

Ya. Bob Xiangxi.

Reception ist

How do you spell your last name, sir?

Bagaimana anda mengeja nama belakang anda, pak?




Reception ist

Okay, and how will you be paying?

Oke, dan bagaimana anda akan membayar?


Do you take Visa?

Apa anda menerima visa?

Reception ist

Yes we do. Would you like to use that?

Ya kami menerimanya. Apa anda inginmenggunakan itu?


Yes, please.


Reception ist

Okay, Can I have your credit card number, please? And what’s the expiration date?

Oke, boleh saya tahu nomor kartu kredit anda? dan kapan tanggal kadaluarsanya?


800 4321567. The expiry date is June 2016

800 4321567. Tanggal kadaluarsanya adalah bulan Juni 2016.

Reception ist

Okay, Mr. Xiangxi, we look forward to seeing you on December 23rd. Have a good day, sir.

Oke, tuan Xiangxi, kami berharap dapat bertemu/melihat/berjumpa dengan anda pada tanggal 23 Desember. Semoga hari anda baik, pak.


Okay, thanks.

Oke, terimakasih.

Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Untuk Memesan Kamar di Hotel dan Artinya Making Reservations Receptionist : Good morning. Welcome to The Great Golden Hotel. Mr. Wang : Hi, good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the second weekend in July. Do you have any vacancies? Receptionist : Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. And what is the exact date of your arrival? Mr. Wang : The 13th. Receptionist : How long will you be staying? Mr. Wang : I’ll be staying for four nights. Receptionist : How many people is the reservation for? Mr. Wang : There will be five of us. So, I want to reserve 3 rooms. Receptionist : And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed? Mr. Wang : A double bed, please. Receptionist : Okay. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean? Mr. Wang : If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. What’s the rate for the room? Receptionist : Your room is seven hundred and fifty dollars per night. Now what name will the reservation be listed under? Mr. Wang : Michael Wang. Receptionist : Could you spell your last name for me, please? Mr. Wang : Sure. W-A-N-G. Receptionist : And is there a phone number where you can be contacted? Mr. Wang : Yes, my cell phone number is 545-98234. Receptionist : Well, now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What type of card is it? Mr. Wang : Visa. The number is 99534890. Receptionist : And what is the name of the cardholder? Mr. Wang : Michael Wang. Receptionist : Alright, Mr. Wang, your reservation has been made for the 13th of July for three rooms, each room with a double bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at 1 o’clock. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us. Mr. Wang : Great, thank you so much. Receptionist : My pleasure. We’ll see you in July, Mr. Wang. Have a great day. Artinya: Resepsionis: Selamat pagi. Selamat Datang di The Great Golden Hotel. Wang: Hi, selamat pagi. Saya ingin memesan kamar untuk akhir pekan kedua di bulan Juli. Apakah Anda memiliki kamar yang kosong? Resepsionis: Ya Pak, kami memiliki beberapa kamar yang tersedia di akhir pekan itu. Dan kapan tanggal pasti kedatangan Anda?

Wang: Tanggal 13. Resepsionis: Berapa lama Anda akan tinggal? Wang: Saya akan tinggal selama empat malam. Resepsionis: Berapa banyak orang yang akan menginap? Wang: Akan ada lima orang. Jadi, saya ingin memesan 3 kamar. Resepsionis: Dan Anda ingin kamar dengan twin bed atau double bed? Wang: Double bed. Resepsionis: Oke. Dan apakah Anda lebih suka sebuah ruangan dengan pemandangan laut? Wang: Jika jenis kamar itu tersedia, saya akan senang untuk mendapatkan pemandangan laut. Berapa harga ruangan tersebut? Resepsionis: Kamar tersebut adalah tujuh ratus lima puluh dolar per malam. Sekarang siapa nama yang akan terdaftar sebagai pemesan? Wang: Michael Wang. Resepsionis: Bisakah Anda mengeja nama belakang Anda untuk saya, tolong? Wang: Tentu. -W-A N-G. Resepsionis: Dan apakah ada nomor telepon dimana Anda dapat dihubungi? Wang: Ya, nomor ponsel saya adalah 545-98234. Resepsionis: Nah, sekarang saya akan memerlukan informasi kartu kredit Anda untuk memesan kamar untuk Anda. Apa jenis kartu itu? Wang: Visa. Angka tersebut adalah 99.534.890. Resepsionis: Dan siapa nama pemegang kartu? Wang: Michael Wang. Resepsionis: Baiklah, Pak Wang, pesanan Anda telah dibuat untuk tanggal 13 Juli untuk tiga kamar, setiap kamar dengan tempat tidur ganda dan pemandangan laut. Check-in di 1:00. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami. Wang: Great, terima kasih banyak. Resepsionis: Kita akan melihat Anda pada bulan Juli, Mr. Wang. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan.

“Good morning, Maju Terus Hotel here. How can I help you Resepsionis: today?” [“Selamat pagi, hotel Maju Terus di sini. Apa yang bisa saya bantu untuk Anda hari ini?”] Arwin:

“Hello, I would like to book a room for tomorrow.” [Halo, saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar untuk besok.”]


“What kind of room would you like?” [Kamar tipe apa yang Anda inginkan?”]


“I would like a double room, please.” [Saya ingin double room.”]

“Please hold on I will check. I am afraid we only have single room available…Tomorrow we will have a double room.” Resepsionis: [Mohon tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksanya. Saya takut kami hanya punya single room…. Besok kami memiliki double room.”] Arwin:

“OK. How much for a double room?” [“Baik. Berapa tarif double room?”]


“Forty dollar per night including tax.” [“Empat puluh dolar per malam, termasuk pajak.”]


“Are meals included in that price?” [“Apakah makanan termasuk dalam harga tersebut?”]

“Yes, your breakfast and dinner are included and are served in Resepsionis: our dining room.” [Ya, sarapan dan makan malam Anda sudah termasuk dan disediakan di ruang makan kami.”] Arwin:

“That’s great. I will take a double room for tomorrow.” [“Bagus. Saya akan mengambil sebuah double room untuk besok.”]

“Can you give me your name and phone number so we can book your room?” [“Bolehkah Anda menginformasikan nama dan Resepsionis: nomor telepon Anda sehingga kami bisa memesankan kamar Anda?”] Arwin:

“OK” [“Baik.”]

Reservation : Good Morning, Plaza Hotel. This is reservation, how may I help you ? Guest : Good Morning I would like to book a room. Resevation : Yes Sir, may I know what type of room would you like, and for how many person, Sir ? Guest : I like one suite room, just for me. Reservation : May I know what date you will be arriving? Guest : I will be arriving on 19th of June 2011 and depart on 22nd of June 2011. Reservation : Alright Sir, May I know your name, Sir ? Guest : My name is David. Reservation : Just a moment Mr. David, I will check available room for that period. Guest : Yes please Reservation : You are very lucky Sir, because one suite room still available for you. In our hotel you will get room number 183. You will get room facilities such as private balcony, living room, small kitchen, mini bar, wardrobe, television, telephone, air conditioner,bath room complete with shower, bath tub and wash basin complete with hot and cold running water. And hotel facilities such as boga sari restaurant, meeting room, sport area, parking area, laundry, and beauty salon and spa. The room rate is Rp 550.000,00 including breakfast. Would you like to take it, Sir ? Guest : Yes I will take it. Reservation : May I know how about your deposit, Sir ? Because it is a high season, so you need to pay the deposit of room. Guest : Ok, I will pay, how much I should pay ? Reservation : You must pay for one night, is that OK ? Guest : Of course. If that possible, how may I transfer the payment ? Reservation : If you want to transfer the payment, you can transfer using XX bank in your city, and our account is 11234560000, is that alright, Sir ? Guest : Ok. Thank you for you information, Reservation : May I repeat your request, Sir ? Guest : Yes Please Reservation : Well, Mr. David, you would like one suite room,and the rate is Rp 550.000,00 net including breakfast, you will be arriving at 19 th of June 2011 until 22nd of June 2011, you will pay the deposit for one night, and would you like a something else ? Guest : No thank, I think that is enough. Reservation : Thank you very much for you reservation. Looking forward for your coming to our hotel. If you had any cancellation about your reservation, please inform us as soon as possible. Guest : Thank you very much for your service. Reservation : You are welcome.