Contoh - SOP Safety Meeting [PDF]

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STANDARD OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE SAFETY MEETING REPORT FORM 1. OBJECTIVE 1. TUJUAN To provided understanding and recall of the Untuk memberikan pemahaman dan risk of dangerious in site project especially mengingatkan kembali tentang risiko bahaya di for personnel who work with high risk of area kerja terutama bagi para personil yang danger. bekerja dengan risiko bahaya yang tinggi. 2. DEFINITION “Safety Meeting” is a method to provide initial knowledge and recall associated with the risk of a job before working in the field of personnel work. “Project Area” Site project/actvities personnil. “The Subjects to Discuss " The problems affecting staff believes should be discussed “Labour Problems " The personnil entitled and obliged to reveal the problems they face in the area of work, especially the high risk that threatens the safety and health of workers themselves. “Measures to be Taken " The measures of that the should be done in accordance with the level of risk problems and dangers.". “Comment " Input to regarding the results of the safety meetings issues related to the problems discussed. 3. RESPONSIBILITY “Manager Representative HSE” The personnil that the responsiblities on the implementation to all procedure of the Safety and Health in work area as weel as in office. “Site Manager Project” The personnil that the responsibilities toward all the activity in project area. “Safety Officer” The personnil that the responsibilities toward the implementation HSE procedure and work instruction in work certainly area. 4. PROCEDURE 4.1 In the project area on the Site Project Manager the required for the make safety Meeting for each personnilo before doing the work. Site Project Manager direct to

2. DEFINISI ”Safety Meeting” merupakan metode untuk memberikan pengetahuan awal serta mengingatkan kembali terkait dengan risiko pekerjaan sebelum personil bekerja di area kerja. ”Area Proyek” Lokasi tempat bekerja / beraktifitas para pekerja ”Topik Yang Akan Dibahas” Permasalahan yang diperkirakan berdampak pada personil sehingga perlu untuk di bahas. ”Masalah Pekerja” Personil berhak dan wajib untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan yang dihadapi di area kerja, terutama yang berisiko tinggi sehingga mengancam akan keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja itu sendiri. ”Tindakan Yang Akan Diambil” Langkah – langkah yang diperkirakan akan dilakukan sesuai dengan permasalahan dan tingkat risiko bahayanya. ”Komentar” Masukan dari Safety Officer mengenai hasil safety meeting terkait dengan masalah yang dibahas. 3. TANGGUNG JAWAB ”Manager Representative HSE” Personil yang bertanggung jawab atas penerapan semua prosedur keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja baik di area proyek maupun di perkantoran. ”Site Project Manager” Personil yang bertanggung jawab terhadap semua kegiatan di area proyek. ”Safety Officer” Personil yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pelaksanaan prosedur keselamatan kerja dan instruksi kerja di area kerja tertentu. 4. PROSEDUR 4.1 Di setiap area proyek Site Project Manager diwajibkan untuk melakukan Safety Meeting kepada tiap personil sebelum melakukan pekerjaannya. Site Project Manager melaporkan langsung

Doc. Status : Controlled

No. Copy : -

Page : 1 of 2

No. Doc.: MLD-HSE-P03

No. Revision : 1.0

Issue Date : 14 March 2007

Review Cycle: 3 Year

Author: HSE Team

Approval: MR HSE





Safety Officer will determine theSaefty Meeting topics to be discussed and spared topics of discussion of 15 munites before Safety Meeting a start. Before the start of worked in this project area in the office before the safety meeting to determine the level of securityin agreement about the dangers of workers. The long time of safety meeting approximately less than  10 – 15 mnuites. Be accompanied by personnel from the project initiator (project owner) is as well as more obvious area off limits and areas to avoid Each employee to the personnel must fill out the form and sign it then submitted Safety Officer at that the times.

kepada Manager Representative HSE hasil dari Safety Meeting. 4.2




Safety Officer akan menentukan topik Safety Meeting yang akan dibahas serta menyebarkan Topik pembahasan 15 menit sebelum Safety Meeting dimulai. Sebelum memulai pekerjaan baik di area proyek maupun di perkantoran terlebihdahulu melakukan safety meeting untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman pekerja tentang risiko bahaya. Lama Safety Meeting ini sekitar  10 – 15 menit. Bisa didampingi oleh personil dari pemrakarsa proyek (pemberi proyek) sehingga lebih jelas daerah yang tidak boleh dimasuki dan daerah yang perlu di hindari. Setiap personil pekerja harus mengisi form dan menandatanganinya, kemudian diserahkan kepada Safety Officer yang ada saat itu.

LAMPIRAN : Form Safety Meeting HSE

ATTACHMENT Safety Meeting Form HSE

Doc. Status : Controlled

No. Copy : -

Page : 2 of 2

No. Doc.: MLD-HSE-P03

No. Revision : 1.0

Issue Date : 14 March 2007

Review Cycle: 3 Year

Author: HSE Team

Approval: MR HSE