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Current Therapy in


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Current Therapy in



Professor, Zoological Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois


DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian) Professor, Zoological Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana

3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043


ISBN: 978-1-4557-4084-0

Copyright © 2016, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein).

Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Mitchell, Mark A., 1967- | Tully, Thomas N., Jr., 1959Title: Current therapy in exotic pet practice / [edited by] Mark A. Mitchell   DVM,MS,PhD, Dip. ECZM (Herpetology), Professor, Zoological Medicine.   Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary   Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Thomas N. Tully, Jr.,   DVM, MS, Professor, Avian Medicine, Louisiana State University, School of   Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Baton   Rouge, Louisiana. Description: St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, 2015. | “Companion trext to   Manual of exotic pet practice”—Preface. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015033862 Subjects: LCSH: Exotic animals—Diseases. | Pet medicine. | Wildlife   diseases. | Wild animals as pets. Classification: LCC SF997.5.E95 C87 2015 | DDC 636.089—dc23 LC record available at Director, Content Strategy: Penny S. Rudolph Content Development Manager: Jolynn Gower Senior Content Development Specialist: Brian Loehr Publishing Services Manager: Hemamalini Rajendrababu Project Manager: Maria Bernard Design Direction: Ashley Miner

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I dedicate this book to my wife, Lorrie, and children, Mary and RJ. You are the true joys of my life! Because of your love, I feel that I can achieve anything. I would also like to thank my co-editor Tom Tully for being “the big chief.” If everybody had the opportunity to have a mentor like Tom, the world would be a much better place. Mark A. Mitchell

I dedicate this book to Susie, Claudia, and Fiona Tully. Anything I accomplish is a direct result of the love and support I receive from my wife, Susie, and two lovely daughters, Claudia and Fiona. I cannot thank my family enough for their patience and understanding while I am working on projects, such as this book, late at night, early in the mornings, and on weekends. Finally to the lead co-editor of this text, Mark Mitchell, who is an amazing colleague who is always a joy to work with and an inspiration to achieve more than you believe possible—thank you! Thomas N. Tully, Jr.

Contributors Hugues Beaufrère, DrMedVet, PhD, DACZM, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian) Health Sciences Centre Ontario Veterinary College University of Guelph Guelph, Canada

João Brandão, LMV, MS

Assistant Professor, Zoological Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences Center for Veterinary Health Sciences Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma

James G. Johnson III, DVM

Romain Pariaut, DrMedVet, DACVIM (Cardiology), DECVIM-CA (Cardiology) Associate Professor Department of Clinical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell University Ithaca, New York

Sean M. Perry, DVM

Intern, Emergency and Critical Care Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

Resident, Zoological and Aquatic Animal Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

Markus Rick, DrMedVet, PhD

Amber Labelle, DVM, MS, DACVO

Intern, Zoological Medicine Wildlife Health Sciences Smithsonian's National Zoological Park Washington, DC

Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

Kim Le, BSc(Vet)(HonsI), BVSc Health Sciences Centre Ontario Veterinary College University of Guelph Guelph, Canada

Jörg Mayer, DrMedVet, MS, DABVP (Exotic Companion Mammal), DACZM, DECZM (Small Mammal) Associate Professor Small Animal Medicine and Surgery University of Georgia Athens, Georgia

Michael S. McFadden, MS, DVM, DACVS North Houston Veterinary Specialists Department of Surgery Houston, Texas

Mark A. Mitchell, DVM, MS, PhD, DECZM (Herpetology) Professor, Zoological Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois


Assistant Professor, Endocrinology Michigan State University Lansing, Michigan

Samantha J. Sander, DVM

Lionel Schilliger, DECZM (Herpetology) DVM, DECZM (Herpetology), DABVP (Reptile and Amphibian) Clinique Vétérinaire du Village d’Auteuil Paris, France

Noemie Summa, DrMedVet, IPSAV

Department of Medicine and Epidemiology School of Veterinary Medicine University of California-Davis Davis, California

Thomas N. Tully, Jr., DVM, MS, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian) Professor, Zoological Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences School of Veterinary Medicine Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Megan K. Watson, DVM, MS

Resident, Zoological and Aquatic Animal Medicine Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois

CONTRIBUTORS Kenneth R. Welle, DVM, DABVP (Avian) Clinical Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois


Preface The coeditors and authors of this text set forth to construct a medical text based on the body systems of the major exotic animal taxa that are treated in veterinary hospitals. The result of this intense effort is the body of information contained within. The challenge of incorporating material from the body systems of invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and exotic small mammals into concise, thorough, and, most important, current information is no different from that faced by veterinarians who treat these species on a daily basis. No other book details the body systems of companion exotic animal species as does Current Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice. Each body system comprises a chapter that covers all of the taxa listed above. Each chapter is further delineated into subject areas such as anatomy, physical examination, diagnostic testing, disease conditions, therapeutics, epidemiology of diseases, and zoonoses. Within each of these subsections detailed current clinically relevant information is provided for each taxon. Naturally, depending on body system and subject area, there is more material provided for certain animal groups than others. The primary objective of the authors was to provide the most relevant clinical resource possible. The coeditors feel this objective has been met and will allow veterinarians and veterinary staff to utilize this extensive medical resource on a daily basis to provide quality veterinary care to their patients. This is also an excellent resource for veterinary students who want to learn more about the underlying pathophysiology of disease processes and recommended pathways for diagnosis and treatment options relating to companion exotic animal care. A picture is worth a thousand words, and this book is filled with color images that are descriptive and emphasize anatomical, physical examination, diagnostic testing, and disease conditions contained within the text. Tables, examination forms, and appendixes are included for easy reference and clinical use by veterinarians who see these animals. When combined, the material contained within provides an indispensable veterinary medical resource.


Current Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice is a completely new book and is in a format different from that of the Manual of Exotic Pet Practice. The coeditors wanted a companion text to Manual of Exotic Pet Practice, and they feel this goal has been achieved. While the Manual of Exotic Pet Practice is relevant and useful as ever, Current Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice expands on the description and underlying aspects of disease conditions reported in companion exotic animal species. The complete set of exotic pet texts allows one to find information that will be applicable to both simple and complex case presentations, including those that provide a moderate amount of difficulty in treating. The advancement of veterinary medical knowledge is increasing at a rapid pace, but not faster than that of companion exotic animal medicine. When treating these animals, to have optimum success requires providing quality veterinary care. Of course there are secondary options that reduce the veterinarian’s ability to properly diagnose and treat, but this is an owner’s decision. In order to communicate and inform the owner of the recommended course of action, a veterinarian must be knowledgeable of the subject involved. Owners who have confidence in a veterinarian’s knowledge and understanding of the patient’s condition will be more likely to follow the primary recommendations for disease diagnosis and treatment. This confidence in the veterinarian may begin with the physical examination through handling of the patient and extend to treatment recommendations and prognosis for recovery. Current Therapy in Exotic Pet Practice is an excellent resource for veterinarians to use when contemplating recommended diagnostic and treatment options for their patients. As mentioned, this veterinary medical text is different from any previously published in its scope and depth of body system information related to companion exotic animal species. This book alone will not be able to save a patient, but requires the important addition of quality veterinary care; together, they can give the companion exotic animal patient the best chance of living a long, happy, healthy life.

Acknowledgments This extensive text that details the body systems of the common exotic animal taxa treated by veterinarians posed a significant challenge for the authors. The coeditors would like to thank each of the authors for their perseverance, effort, and contribution to this work. It is impossible to complete the herculean task of publishing a medical text without the help and support of many people. Our colleagues with whom we work on a daily basis provide the support that has allowed us to “multitask” between clinical responsibilities, teaching, research, continuing education, and writing.

We are extremely grateful for their presence in our professional lives. This text would not have been possible without the commitment of our publisher, Elsevier, and production staff to this project. Finally, to Ms. Shelly Stringer, Mr. Brian Loehr, and Ms. Penny Rudolph, a big hug and thank you for holding our hands and pushing us when the finish line appeared as a distant mirage. We cannot express enough gratitude for your efforts, understanding, and, most important, patience during the compilation and production of this text.


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Contents 1 Introduction  1 Mark A. Mitchell and Thomas N. Tully, Jr.

2 Integumentary System  17 Sean M. Perry, Samantha J. Sander, and Mark A. Mitchell

3 Respiratory System  76 Hugues Beaufrère, Noemie Summa, and Kim Le

4 Cardiovascular System  151 Hugues Beaufrère, Lionel Schilliger, and Romain Pariaut

5 Gastrointestinal System  221 Kenneth R. Welle

6 Endocrine System  277 João Brandão, Markus Rick, and Jörg Mayer

7 Musculoskeletal System  352 Michael S. McFadden

8 Central Nervous System  392 Thomas N. Tully, Jr.

9 Special Senses: Eyes  435 Amber Labelle

10 Reproductive System  460 Megan K. Watson

11 Urinary System  494 James G. Johnson III, João Brandão, Sean M. Perry, and Mark A. Mitchell

Index  549


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Introduction Mark A. Mitchell, DVM, MS, PhD, DECZM (Herpetology)  •  Thomas N. Tully, Jr., DVM, MS, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian) Veterinarians working with exotic animals face many challenges. From attempting to interpret how an animal’s husbandry may affect its health to determining the most appropriate diagnostic tests required to confirm a specific condition, there are many different questions that veterinarians need to answer to successfully treat their patients. The real challenge for those of us working with exotic animals is that with over 64,000 different species of vertebrates, and another 1,000,000 plus species of invertebrates, developing a knowledge base capable of managing this broad number of species seems impossible. Fortunately, evolution is our friend. Across invertebrates and vertebrates there are patterns in morphology and physiology that have evolved. For example, while a Chilean rose-hair giant spider (Grammostola rosea) may have a very different circulatory system (e.g., open system, nonchambered tubular heart) from a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps; closed system, 3-chambered heart) (Figure 1-1), their basic function is the same: to circulate hemolymph or blood, respectively, and assist with delivering and removing nutrients and gases (see Chapter 5). Using a comparative approach, it is possible to rely on experiences with one species to interpret the needs of another. Of course, there are some limits to this (e.g., hemolymph in spiders and blood in bearded dragons) when dealing with the broad diversity of species; thus the focus of this book, reviewing the similarities and differences among these species using a comparative systems-based approach. By using a systems-based approach, veterinary clinicians can quickly review the differences between phyla or classes of animals and then apply this knowledge to the care of the animals they are managing. For example, clinicians with a strong understanding of the mammalian pulmonary system (e.g., rabbit, ferret) can use their foundation of knowledge with this class of animals to help them to understand the basics of the respiratory system of birds, learn what makes avian respiratory systems unique compared with other vertebrates (see Chapter 3), and apply it to a cockatiel case presenting for respiratory disease (Figure 1-2).

TAKING A PROBLEM-ORIENTED CASE APPROACH: HYPOTHETICALDEDUCTIVE REASONING While exotic animal medicine can seem daunting because of the large number of species that may be presented

to a veterinary hospital, it is important to recognize that veterinarians can manage these many different species if they rely on the hypothetical-deductive reasoning that they use when working with species they are familiar with, such as dogs and cats. This type of approach, regardless of species, directs the veterinarian to identify a problem or problems with the patient, develop a specific hypothesis or hypotheses to solve the problems, perform appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic trials to evaluate each hypothesis or hypotheses, and prove or disprove each hypothesis through critical evaluation of the results. Using a systems-based approach to problem solving will help the veterinarian focus on the fundamentals of medicine, especially when he or she is not familiar with a species. Thus allowing him or her to separate out the physiologic complexity of the patient into its “more digestible” components. The best method for veterinarians to use when treating an animal species for the first time is to organize the collected data into the standard problem-oriented veterinary record framework. The more we get away from paper-based records, the easier it is for some veterinarians to document more, although some use this as an excuse to document less. In a busy practice, it is essential to document our findings and follow up. This is especially important with new species or species we see infrequently, as it serves as a ready source of knowledge on how we should or should not handle the next case.

Anamnesis (History) Problem-oriented veterinary medical records are very important for exotic species, because there is often much more information (e.g., husbandry and nutrition) required to determine the underlying cause of the problems identified. To begin with, husbandry-related issues have been and continue to be an important area of concern related to the health of exotic species. When was the last time substrate or perching material had an effect on a dog or cat case? Also, dietary deficiencies are rare in domestic pets but remain a major concern for many exotic species such as reptiles (e.g., insectivores and secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism), birds (e.g., all-seed diets), and exotic mammals (e.g., hypovitaminosis C in guinea pigs). It is for this reason that the anamnesis (history) is so essential for exotic species. Since husbandry plays such an important role in the well-being of these animals, it is essential that veterinarians take the time to collect





FIGURE 1-2  Birds, like this cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandi-

B FIGURE 1-1  A, Chilean rose-hair giant spider (Grammostola

rosea); B, bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). While these animals have evolved to be very different, they share many commonalities regarding the basic “functions” of their different body systems.

information that will help them identify disease problems and the hypotheses required for diagnosis and treatment. Figures 1-3 to 1-7 are examples of history collection sheets that may be used by veterinarians or veterinary technicians to identify potential deficiencies in the husbandry of animals presented to their clinic. These “problems” can then be recorded and used in combination with the physical examination findings to direct the case. An important component of the history to collect for every patient is the signalment; however, this is especially important for exotic animal cases. Knowing the species, age (relative or absolute), and sex will allow the veterinarian to start to organize his or her thoughts on the husbandry needs of the animal, the unique morphologic and physiologic characteristics of the animal, and the potential problems that may exist based on the animal’s age (e.g., relative: juvenile, adult, geriatric; absolute: captive born, date of birth known) or sex (e.g., dystocia in a female). Unfortunately, clients may not be able to answer

cus), have the most elaborate respiratory system in the animal kingdom. While most veterinarians are comfortable with  how the mammalian respiratory system works (e.g., larynx, trachea, and lungs), they may not realize that birds have major morphologic (e.g., air sacs) and physiologic (e.g., air movement through lungs and air sacs) differences compared with their mammalian counterparts. By taking a systemsbased approach, a veterinarian can build on their foundation of knowledge with one group of animals to help manage a diverse number of other species.

a veterinarian’s questions regarding their pet’s signalment. In these cases, it is important for the veterinarian to have a basic knowledge about the different species that they may treat to determine the needs of their patients. As noted earlier, husbandry plays an important role in the welfare of captive exotic animals, therefore it is important to know which species is being examined. When a “turtle” is presented, it may be a species that lives exclusively on land (tortoise), shares a terrestrial and aquatic existence (terrapin), or is exclusively aquatic (turtle). Not being able to differentiate these different “lifestyles” could lead to unreliable information. Fortunately, there are many textbooks available to assist veterinarians with identifying animal species they have not seen before, and the Internet is also a valuable resource for that purpose. However, it is important to recognize that the Internet and some textbooks may provide less than ideal information regarding the care of some animal species. Consequently, veterinarians may want to rely on reference sources to help determine the

CHAPTER 1   •  Introduction

difference between “valid” and “invalid” information. Ultimately, knowing the signalment allows the veterinarian to determine the husbandry needs of the animal and what may make it unique (morphologically and physiologically). The latter is important when performing a physical examination and determining diagnostic (e.g., where to collect a blood sample from for a complete blood count and biochemistry panel) and therapeutic plans (e.g., using an antibiotic bath for a frog because of its ventral abdominal patch). Knowing the age of a patient is important because there are certain diseases that are age specific. For example, congenital anomalies are typically identified early in life (juveniles), while reproductive diseases (e.g., dystocia) occur in adult animals. The problem with many exotic species is that it is difficult to accurately age the animal unless a specific date

of birth is known. For these cases, being able to categorize an exotic animal as a juvenile or adult will suffice. However, it may also be possible to further categorize “adult” status by reviewing how long an animal has been under the care of its owner. For example, a ferret (Mustela putorius furo) that was adopted as an adult but has been with the same owner for 5 years can be considered geriatric. As veterinarians become more successful providing exotic animals with the husbandry and medical care they need, they are living longer, and as with humans and domestic species, there are new categories (e.g., cardiovascular disease, neoplasia, renal dysfunction) of geriatric diseases that are now being recognized in exotic species. Determining the sex of an exotic species can be much more difficult than for domestic pets. Species that are sexually dimorphic (e.g., in eclectus parrots [Eclectus roratus], males are

Invertebrate History Form Date _________________________

Clinician ___________________________

Appointment me ______________

Client _____________________________ _______

_______ Pet name __________________ Species _______________________________________ Age ______

Sex ___________

Background informaon _______ Length of me owned ______________

Where acquired (circle) Breeder Pet store Other locaon __________________________________

Wild caught or capve bred __________

Previous treatments _________________________

Any other pets? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify _______________________________

Any recent addions of invertebrates? ________________________________ Husbandry Size of tank/enclosure (dimension or gallons) ___________________________ Materials (rocks, dri‡wood, etc.) in enclosure_________________________________________________ Substrate __________________________


_______ How o‡en is system/substrate cleaned? ______________

What type of disinfecon is used to clean enclosure? __________________________ Type of lighng ____________________________ Photoperiod ___________ hours Environmental temperature __________________ Environmental humidity _______________________ Water quality pH _____________ Alkalinity _______________ Hardness _________________ Chlorine _____________ Ammonia ____________ Nitrite _____________ Nitrate _______________ Temperature ____________ _______ Nutrion Type of food offered _____________________________________________________________________ Amount fed/frequency ________________________________ Last feeding ________________________ Appete _______________________

Past medical history/problems Current presenng problem Duraon of complaint

FIGURE 1-3  Questions to consider when assessing the history of an invertebrate patient.



Fish History Form Date _________________________

Clinician ____________________________

Appointment me ______________

Client ______________________________

Pet name __________________ Species __________________ Breed _________________ Age ______

Sex ___________

Background informaon Length of me owned ______________

Where acquired (circle) Breeder Pet store Other locaon _________________________________

Indoor aquarium or outdoor pond _____________________________ Wild caught or capve bred _____________

Previous treatments _______________________

Any other pets? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify _____________________________

Any recent addions of fish to aquarium or pond? _____________________________________________ Husbandry Size of aquarium/pond (dimension or gallons)_________________________________________________ Where is pond/aquarium located?__________________________________________________________ Materials (rocks, dri†wood, etc.) in aquarium/pond ____________________________________________ Substrate __________________________

How o†en is system/substrate cleaned? _______________

What type of disinfecon is used to clean aquarium/pond? ______________________________________ Type of lighng ____________________________ Photoperiod ___________ hours Water quality pH _____________ Alkalinity _______________ Hardness _________________ Chlorine ____________ Ammonia ____________ Nitrite _____________ Nitrate _______________ Temperature ____________ Nutrion Type of food offered _____________________________________________________________________ Amount fed/frequency ________________________________ Last feeding ________________________ Appete _______________________

Past medical history/problems Current presenng problem Duraon of complaint

FIGURE 1-4  Questions to consider when assessing the history of a fish patient.

CHAPTER 1   •  Introduction

Reple and Amphibian History Form Date _________________________

Clinician ___________________________

Appointment me ______________

Client _____________________________ _______

Pet name __________________ Species ____________________ Sex ___________

_______ Age ________________________

Background informaon Length of me owned _______________

Where acquired (circle) Breeder Pet store Other locaon _________________________________

Wild caught or capve bred ___________

_______ Previous treatments ________________________

How oen is animal handled? (circle)


When did animal last shed? _____________

Any trouble shedding? (circle) Yes No



If yes, specify ________________________________ Fecal output (circle) Normal Diarrhea None Urine output (circle) Normal Abnormal Any other pets? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify ________________________________

Any other reples? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify ________________________________

Reple housed singly? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify ________________________________

_______ Any recent addions of reples to the household? ________________________________________ Husbandry Type of enclosure _________________________ Size of enclosure___________________________ _______ Where is cage located? _____________________ Type of cage furniture ______________________ _______ Cage substrate ____________________________ How oen is cage/substrate cleaned? _________ What type of disinfecon is used to clean enclosure?_______________________________________ Type of lighng __________________________ Photoperiod ___________ hours Heat source _____________________________ Humidity level ______________________________ _______ Temperature within cage Minimum ___________ Maximum___________ Basking spot__________ Nutrion Type of food offered _________________________________________________________________ Amount fed/frequency _______________________________ Last feeding _____________________ Appete ____________________________________ _______ Water source ________________________________ Frequency changed _____________________

Past medical history/problems Current presenng problem Duraon of complaint

FIGURE 1-5  Questions to consider when assessing the history of an amphibian or reptile patient.




Avian History Form Date _________________________

Clinician ___________________________

Appointment me ______________

Client ____________________________ _______

Pet name __________________ Species __________________ Breed ________________ Age ______

Sex ___________

Background informa on Length of me owned ______________

Where acquired (circle) Breeder Pet store Other locaon ___________________________________

Housed indoors/outdoors _________________ Is animal allowed free roam in house? __________ Wild caught or capve bred __________ How oen is animal handled? (circle)

Previous treatments ________________________ _______ Daily



Fecal output (circle) Normal Diarrhea None Urine output (circle) Normal Abnormal Any other pets? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify _________________________________

Animal housed singly? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify _________________________________

Any recent addions of birds to the household? ____________________________________________ _______ Husbandry Type of cage _________________________ Size of cage______________________________________ Where is cage located? ___________________ Type of cage furniture __________________________ Cage substrate __________________________ How oen is cage/substrate cleaned? _____________ _______ Perch number __________________________ Perch type ___________________________________ _______ What type of disinfecon is used to clean enclosure?_______________________________________ _______ Type of lighng ____________________________ Photoperiod ___________ hours Nutri on Type of food offered _____________________________________________________________________ Amount fed/frequency ________________________________ Last feeding ________________________ Appete _______________________ Water source ________________________________ Frequency changed _________________________ _______

Past medical history/problems Current presenng problem Duraon of complaint

FIGURE 1-6  Questions to consider when assessing the history of a bird patient.

CHAPTER 1   •  Introduction


Exoc Small Mammal History Form Date _________________________

Clinician ___________________________

Appointment me ______________

Client _____________________________

Pet name __________________ Species __________________ Breed ________________ Age ______

Sex ___________

Background informaon Length of me owned ______________

Where acquired (circle) Breeder Pet store Other locaon _____________________________________

Housed indoors/outdoors _______________

Is the animal allowed free roam in house? __________

Wild caught or capve bred _____________ __ How oen is animal handled? (circle)

Previous treatments ___________________________ Daily



Fecal output (circle) Normal Diarrhea None Urine output (circle) Normal Abnormal Any other pets? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify ___________________________________

Animal housed singly? (circle) Yes No

If yes, specify ___________________________________

Any recent addions of exoc mammals to the household? _____________________________________ Husbandry Type of enclosure _________________________ Size of enclosure_______________________________ Where is cage located? ____________________ Type of cage furniture __________________________ ___ Cage substrate __________________________

How oen is cage/substrate cleaned? _____________ ___

What type of disinfecon is used to clean enclosure? __________________________________________ Type of lighng ____________________________ Photoperiod ___________ hours Nutrion Type of food offered _____________________________________________________________________ Amount fed/frequency ________________________________ Last feeding ________________________ Appete _______________________ Water source ________________________________ Frequency changed ________________________

Past medical history/problems Current presenng problem Duraon of complaint

FIGURE 1-7  Questions to consider when assessing the history of an exotic mammal patient.

green and females are red; in green iguanas [Iguana iguana] and bearded dragons, males have large femoral pores and females have small femoral pores (Figure 1-8); in bullfrogs [Rana catesbeiana], the tympanum is larger in males than in females) can be readily sexed; however, the vast majority of captive exotic species are not sexually dimorphic. Even some mammals, such as rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), can be a challenge to sex when young. For species that are not sexually dimorphic, it is important that the veterinarian, at the very least, try to characterize the sex of the animal. In some animals, such as snakes, probing for the reproductive organ can be peformed to confirm sex (Figure 1-9). In others, such as psittacines and reptiles, DNA blood testing or endoscopic sexing (Figure 1-10) is possible. Being able to characterize the sex of

an animal is important as some diseases are specific to one sex (e.g., testicular tumor in bird with intracoelomic testes or dystocia in female bird), and the husbandry needs of some animals may change based on sex (e.g., reproductively active females need more calories than males).

Physical Examination Once the history and signalment are collected, it is important to perform a thorough examination of the patient. While veterinarians gain a great deal of experience doing this on domestic species, they may have limited experience with exotic pets. In addition, some exotic species may be intimidating, such as macaws or large snakes. However, to be successful with these patients, it is important to thoroughly




FIGURE 1-10  Endoscopic sexing of a Blanding’s turtle (Emy-

doidea blandingii). This procedure was performed in juvenile turtles to determine their sex, as this species does not show sexual dimorphism until they are 5 to 8 years of age.

B FIGURE 1-8  Sexual dimorphism in an iguana. Note the larger femoral pores in the male (A) than in the female (B).

FIGURE 1-9  Snakes can be probed to determine their sex. A

lubricated stainless steel probe can be inserted caudo-laterally at the vent. Probe insertion >5 ventral scales is indicative of a male, while probe insertion 120 part per million [ppm]). Inappropriate salinity levels can also negatively affect skin. The common response of fish to poor water quality conditions is the formation of a protective barrier by increasing mucous production. Often, fish swimming in an aquatic environment of poor quality will appear to have gray or white mucus on their skin and fins. The protective mucus barrier prevents desiccation, irritation, and susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens in the water. As infectious diseases can induce similar clinical signs, it is always important to test the water as part of the fish examination to rule out whether any water quality parameters are associated with the disease process. Commercial test kits are available that can quickly assess water quality parameters. While not all water quality parameters have a direct impact on the skin, the potential for negative effects on other systems (e.g., respiratory) warrants their mention here. The following water parameters should be routinely tested as part of a complete fish examination: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity, pH, hardness, oxygen (ponds), and chlorine. Once the test results are assessed, water changes, the addition of stabilizers (e.g., sodium bicarbonate for pH), alterations to the size and function of the filtration unit, and changes to fish density and feeding habits should be considered. TRAUMATIC DISEASE.  Fish aquariums and ponds are often filled with a diverse number of species and sizes of fish, providing a nice esthetic for the aquarist. However, this diversity can often lead to problems for some fish. Conspecifics will occasionally injure smaller members of the same species, while certain species are just more aggressive to other species.

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


Fish noted to have scales missing or torn fins are possibly being bullied by others in the system. These fish are often presented for bacterial or fungal dermatitis; however, these lesions are secondary to an underlying problem of conspecific trauma. Certain species of aquarium fish (e.g., arowanas, cichlids) may also develop traumatic injuries secondary to swimming into the sides of the aquarium when startled. These cases often present with rostral abrasions. Traumatic injuries can be avoided by managing stocking densities and sizes of fish, only mixing community fish, and covering the outside walls of the aquarium with colored paper to create a distinct barrier for fish to avoid. Aggressive animals should be removed from an aquarium or pond and affected animals removed and treated for secondary bacterial and water mold infections with rock (aquarium) salt at 3 to 5 g/L. GAS BUBBLE DISEASE.  Gas bubble disease is observed in fish when gas is forced into the water at high pressure. The most common gas associated with this disease is nitrogen. Affected fish have a characteristic appearance of gas bubbles (emboli) under the skin. At first, fish may initially appear to have normal behavior; however, over time, their activity levels decrease. Removing the affected fish from the water is helpful but may not reverse the condition enough to save the fish. Identifying and subsequently correcting the gas leak is important to prevent recurrence. HEAD AND LATERAL LINE DISEASE.  Head and lateral line disease is a skin problem diagnosed in marine tangs, surgeonfish, and angelfish (Figure 2-2); it is also commonly observed in freshwater cichlids (Figure 2-3). There have been several possible etiologies linked to this disease, including hypovitaminosis C, electrical discharges within the aquarium, using activated carbon in the filter, and infectious diseases (protozoal, Hexamita spp.; bacterial). In the authors’ experience, removing carbon from the system and providing a balanced diet can reduce the incidence of the possible etiologies associated with head and lateral line disease. Submission of skin scrapes and biopsies for diagnostic assessment may aid in ruling out infectious and parasitic diseases.

Infectious Diseases

Ornamental fish are raised in breeding ponds that contain large numbers of fish. These fish continue to be maintained in high densities at commercial retailers. As with other vertebrates, large numbers of fish concentrated in small aquariums can predispose these animals to infectious diseases. In addition, mixing fish from different sources, using a communal filtration unit, and providing no quarantine for fish being moved through retail sources increase the likelihood for the dissemination and exposure to potential pathogens. BACTERIAL.  Bacterial dermatitis is a common finding in aquarium and pond fish; however, this is not surprising as fish are constantly exposed to potential pathogenic organisms circulating in the water. The most common bacteria to adversely affect fish are Gram-negative organisms. Many of these pathogens invade through skin or fin lesions (e.g., trauma, effects of poor water quality). Fish with infectious dermatitis can present with erythema, petechial or ecchymotic hemorrhages, ulcers, erosions, torn and frayed fins, and missing scales. In some cases, infectious dermatitis will develop into a bacterial septicemia. Diagnosis is primarily achieved through cytology, biopsy, and culture. Since many of the bacterial



FIGURE 2-4  Ulcerative dermatitis in a koi (Cyprinus carpio).

FIGURE 2-2  Head and lateral line disease in a Koran angelfish (Pomacanthus semicirculatus).

FIGURE 2-3  Head and lateral line disease in an oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus).

pathogens are ubiquitous in the aquarium or pond, it is important to correlate the cytology and/or biopsy diagnostic assessment with the culture results to identify the predominant disease causing organism. Treatment should be based on antimicrobial isolation and sensitivity testing. If this test is not possible, treatment should focus on Gram-negative pathogens. It is also important to ask the aquarist whether she/he has used any over-the-counter medications to treat the fish. The authors prefer to start treatment of freshwater fish with nonantibiotics, such as aquarium or rock salt. Maintaining the fish in a salt solution of 3 to 5 g/L is often sufficient to manage the majority of bacterial infections that affect the integument.

Dipping fish in higher concentrations of the salt solution (10 to 20 mg/L for 10 to 60 sec) is also possible, but the fish must be evaluated closely during this procedure due to the possible toxic effect the saline solution may have on the fish. For marine fish, dipping (10 to 60 sec) in freshwater can have a similar effect. Koi ulcer disease is a specific type of bacterial dermatitis that is commonly diagnosed in Cyprinus carpio. In the authors’ experience, koi ulcer disease is diagnosed more often than any other pond fish illness. Affected fish present with erosive ulcers on the body or head (Figure 2-4). Early in the disease process the fish often have normal swimming and eating activity, however the animal’s behavioral characteristics degrade through the inevitable development of sepsis. The most common pathogens isolated from koi ulcer disease cases are Aeromonas salmonicida, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pathogenic bacteria often isolated from fish diagnosed with koi ulcer disease are commonly multidrug resistant and have infectious characteristics similar to that described for “flesh eating bacteria” in humans. It is believed that bacteria in aquatic environments develop multidrug resistance through frequent antibiotic usage during the intensive production process. To minimize losses, breeders and retailers often use antibiotics as prophylactic drugs. In addition, antibiotic medications are often used as the initial treatment for any fish showing signs of illness thus creating multi-drugresistant bacteria that become ubiquitous in pond water. Frequently, only a single fish within a group will exhibit clinical signs, thereby indicating the importance of an immunocompromised condition (e.g., stress, breeding, bullying) in disease development. Diagnosis of this disease can be made with cytology, biopsy, culture, and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. The treatment of choice for koi ulcer disease is to separate and isolate the affected fish to reduce stress and treat the water with rock salt (5 g/L). In severe disease cases, topical treatment with Betadine and silver sulfadiazine is beneficial; moreover the authors prefer to minimize stress (e.g., no handling), as it appears to exacerbate the condition. Due to the ubiquitous nature of these bacterial pathogens, it is not possible to completely clear all organisms from a pond. Consequently, pond owners are instructed to minimize stress by maintaining good water quality parameters, feeding a proper

nutritionally complete diet, and holding stocking densities to appropriate levels. Columnaris (Flexibacter columnaris) disease is commonly diagnosed in freshwater tropical fish. This bacterial pathogen primarily causes dermatitis and fin erosion. Affected fish may develop a characteristic saddle-back lesion, with erosion of the epithelium along the lateral body walls and dorsum. Observation of the characteristic long, narrow rods of Flexibacter columnaris microscopically on a wet mount slide preparation will provide enough evidence to tentatively diagnose columnaris disease. Treatment recommendations for columnaris disease include salt (5 g/L) and copper sulfate. Stress reduction and decreasing population densities will help reduce the possibility of disease recurrence. Mycobacteriosis is a widespread disease in aquarium fish, with Mycobacterium marinum and Mycobacterium fortuitum the most common organisms isolated. Mycobacteriosis in aquarium fish is a chronic disease. Affected fish present for chronic “poor doing”, muscle atrophy, weight loss, and chronic nonhealing skin ulcers. In many cases, the fish are eating but losing body condition. A definitive antemortem diagnosis is achieved through microscopic examination of tissue biopsy samples and observing the characteristic acid-fast organisms. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing may be used to confirm mycobacteriosis in aquarium fish. Frequently, postmortem examinations (i.e., granulomas often identified) are performed, allowing one to confirm the diagnosis. M. marinum and M. fortuitum are potentially zoonotic pathogens, therefore clients should be properly informed of the risk involved. Treatment is not recommended, due to the risk of developing multi-drug-resistant Mycobacteria spp. strains. Mycobactria spp. are widespread making eradication difficult. As with koi ulcer disease, minimizing stress within an aquarium or pond can reduce the likelihood of individual fish developing a susceptibility to these pathogens. VIRAL.  Viral diseases in tropical and marine fish are not common; however, this may be due to a lack general medical knowledge regarding these infectious organisms. It is important to pursue postmortem and associated histopathologic testing to identify these diseases due to their significant affect on populations of fish in a closed system (e.g., aquarium, pond). Lymphocystis is a common disease of fish that is caused by an iridovirus and is considered one of the most common viral diseases of tropical fish. Affected fish develop small to large masses that are associated with hypertrophy of fibroblasts. The masses can become so large that they disfigure the fish or affect its ability to swim and eat. Lymphocytosis is selflimiting, therefore treatment is not often required; however, if the lesions affect the ability of a fish to eat or swim, surgical removal is recommended. Koi herpesvirus (KHV; cyprinid herpesvirus 3) is a highly contagious virus that deserves special attention. This virus can cause devastating losses in koi, with very high mortalities occurring in ponds. Affected fish may be found dead or have mottled gills with necrosis and active hemorrhage. In many cases, opportunistic bacterial infections or parasites are identified at necropsy. When a number of fish die over a short period, the bodies should be submitted for postmortem examination and subsequent histopathological examination of tissues along with full necropsy with histopathology and PCR

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FIGURE 2-5  Saprolegnia sp. water mold in a butterfly splitfin (Ameca splendens).

testing to possibly diagnose KHV infection. There are no effective treatments for this disease, but there is a commercially available vaccine. Koi herpesvirus requires quarantine (4 to 6 wk preferred) and testing to prevent the introduction of this virus in an established pond. FUNGI AND WATER MOLDS.  There are numerous species of fungi and water molds within aquaria and pond environments. The majority of these organisms function to degrade organic materials within the aquatic system, although some may be identified as opportunistic pathogens. Water molds, such as Saprolegnia spp., are most likely to infect freshwater tropical fish. Fish that have epidermal lesions and/or are immunocompromised appear to be predisposed to these infections. Affected animals often present with cotton-like growths on the body and fins (Figure 2-5). A diagnosis can be made through wet mount microscopic examination of the nonseptate hyphae. Recommended treatments for water molds are rock salt (3 to 5 g/L) and increasing the aquarium temperature by 3° C to 5° C.

Parasitic Diseases

Parasites represent an important group of pathogens in freshwater and marine tropical fish. The reason that many pet owners present their fish to veterinarians is over-the-counter antibiotics treatment failure. Thus reinforcing the importance of performing diagnostic tests (e.g., skin scrapes, gill biopsies, and wet mounts) for fish. Dinoflagellates, protozoa, trematodes, and crustaceans are the most common parasites that adversely affect fish skin. Protozoans found to be important pathogens of fish are typically divided into ciliates and



FIGURE 2-7  Marine clown fish (Amphiprion spp. and Premnas FIGURE 2-6  Gill clip prepared using a wet-mount technique

spp.) are the most common species infected with Brooklynella hostilis.

flagellates. These organisms can be differentiated by their movement, with ciliates gliding when observed on a microscope slide while flagellates often tumble. The trematodes of importance are monogeneans. These parasites have a direct life cycle and can completely reproduce on fish or within the aquatic system. Crustaceans are macroscopic parasites grossly observed on fish. MICROSCOPIC PARASITES.  Amyloodinium spp. and Piscinoodinium spp. are dinoflagellates that affect marine and freshwater fish (Figure 2-6). The common names for dinoflagellate diseases are marine and freshwater velvet because the skin of infected fish appears to have a velvet sheen. The life cycle of these parasites is similar to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (see later), with a parasitic trophont feeding stage and an encysted tomont stage. However one difference is the free-swimming, infective stage of dinoflagellates in dinospores rather than theronts. Dinoflagellates can affect both the skin and gills, which results in severe reactions including sudden death. Recommended diagnostic testing to confirm dinoflagellate infections is microscopic examination of slide prepared skin scrape or skin and gill biopsy samples. Treatment can be achieved by increasing the temperature in the aquarium 3° C to 5° C to activate the dinospores and applying copper to the system. Freshwater and saltwater baths can also be used to treat marine and freshwater fish, respectively. Brooklynella hostilis is a ciliate parasite of marine fish. In the authors’ experience, it is most commonly associated with marine clown fish (Figure 2-7). This parasite can be found on the skin and gills. Affected fish often have increased mucus patches (e.g., gray discoloration) on their skin and may be dyspneic or tachypneic. A diagnosis can be made from a wet mount of a skin scrape or gill biopsy. The parasite is circular to oval in shape and has bands of cilia. Formalin is the treatment of choice for this parasite. Chilodonella piscivorous is a ciliate parasite of freshwater fish; it is similar in appearance and behavior to B. hostilis. These parasites can become quite dense in ponds and aquariums. Affected fish may have increased mucus production on their skin, tachypnea, and/or dyspnea. Recommended diagnostic

testing to confirm Chilodonella pisivorous infections is microscopic examination of slide prepared skin scrape or skin and gill biopsy samples. The parasite has a round to oval shape with bands of cilia. Salt, formalin, and copper can be used to treat this parasite. Ichthyobodo necator is a flagellate parasite of freshwater fish that can cause significant morbidity and mortality. In an aquarium or pond, heavy burdens of this parasite on a fish can incite substantial mucus production, leading to generalized mucoid covering of the skin. These parasites can also incite significant hyperplasia of the gills, leading to dyspnea and tachypnea. Diagnosis of this flagellate can be made from wet mounts of skin scrapes and gill biopsies. This parasite has 2 flagella and when curled up takes on a comma-shaped appearance. The recommended treatment for Ichthyobodo necator is salt baths (3 to 5 g/L) or formalin. Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is one of the most common and important pathogens of freshwater fish. This ciliate has a direct life cycle and can overwhelm a population of fish in an aquarium or pond. There are three life stages to this parasite: the trophont, or feeding stage on the fish; the tomont, which encapsulates and adheres to plants or substrates in the aquarium or pond; and the theront or infectious stage, which is derived from binary fission of the tomont. The life cycle of I. multifiliis is temperature dependent and clearing an aquatic environment of this organism can be expedited by increasing the temperature by 3° C to 5° C. Increasing the water temperature is most useful when treating an aquarium or pond because it adversely affects the only life stage that can be killed in the water, the free-swimming tomonts. Infected fish present with the classic “ich” clinical signs (i.e., fish appear to be covered in white salt). These small nodules or granulomas contain the trophonts and may be found on the skin or gills. Heavy infestations on the gills may cause the fish to be dyspneic and/or tachypneic. A definitive diagnosis is achieved by performing a skin scrape or gill biopsy and microscopically observing the trophont, which is easy to identify by its holotrichous cilia (covering the organism) and large C-shaped (horseshoe-shaped) macronucleus on a wet mount. Treatment of this parasite should focus on the fish and environment. Salt (3 to 5 g/L), formalin, copper sulfate, and malachite green

showing evidence of infection with Amyloodinium. (Photo courtesy of Shane Boylan.)

may be used to treat this parasite in aquariums or ponds. The authors prefer salt because it has the least potential for treatment toxicity. Cryptocaryon irritans is the marine version of ich. The life cycle of C. irritans is similar to I. multifiliis; however, the granulomas on the fish are often smaller in size. Diagnostic test recommendations are similar to that of I. multifiliis. The trophonts have a multilobed nucleus instead of a C-shaped nucleus. The recommended treatment for C. irritans is to reduce the salinity in the aquatic system; however, this may not be well tolerated by some species of fish. In cases where increased salinity will not be tolerated by the fish, copper sulfate may be used. Monogenean trematodes are important pathogens of tropical freshwater and marine fish. These parasites have a direct life cycle with two distinct forms of reproduction: oviparity (egg layers) and viviparity (live birth). The monogenean trematodes have a predilection for the skin and gills. In freshwater fish, Dactylogyrus spp. and Gyrodactylus spp. are most common monogenean trematodes identified, with the former being diagnosed more often on the gills and the latter on the skin; however, they can be found at either site. Benedenia spp. and Neobenedenia spp. are the marine versions of monogenean trematodes; the latter also have a high predilection for the eye. Low populations of these parasites may not be recognized; however, heavy burdens can result in fish developing generalized mucus over the skin and eyes and hyperplasia of the gills. Microscopic examination of wet mount slide preparations of skin scrapes and gill biopsies will achieve a definitive diagnosis for Benedenia spp. and Neobenedenia spp. The marine monogenean trematodes have a tube-like body and obvious hooks (opisthohaptor) for attaching themselves to their host (Figure 2-8). Recommended treatment options include praziquantel (preferred); freshwater and saltwater dips for marine and freshwater fish, respectively; copper; and formalin. Tetrahymena corlissi and Uronema marinum are ciliates that affect a variety of freshwater and marine tropical fish, respectively. In the authors’ experience, T. corlissi is most often associated with livebearers (e.g., guppy killer disease). Ciliate parasites invade the skin, encyst in muscle, and disseminate throughout the body. Affected fish may have integumentary erosions or patches of dermatitis with underlying muscle swelling. A diagnosis is determined through the microscopic

FIGURE 2-8  A monogenean fluke (Dactylogyrus sp.) from a koi (Cyprinus carpio). Note the 4 eyespots and the hooks used to attach to the fish.

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evaluation of a skin scrape or muscle biopsy. Ciliate parasites have an oval shape and are holotrichous. Formalin is the treatment of choice for both Tetrahymena corlissi and Uronema marinum. Trichodinosis is a ciliate disease that affects both freshwater and marine fish. This group of parasites is often associated with low morbidity but can cause more severe disease in immunocomproprised individuals. These parasites are easy to identify on skin scrapes and gill biopsies because of their round shape and obvious denticular ring of hooks. Salt, formalin, and copper are the recommended aquatic treatments for these parasites. MACROSCOPIC PARASITES.  Fish lice, Argulus spp. are commonly diagnosed on koi and goldfish. These crustaceans use a stylet to feed off the fluids and tissues of fish. Affected fish often display abnormal swimming patterns, including rubbing against materials within the aquarium or pond due to the associated irritation caused by the lice infestation. A definitive diagnosis is achieved by observing the parasite moving on the fish. Under light microscopy, one can note the obvious suckers of the lice that attach to fish. Treatment includes manually removing the lice and treating the aquatic system with lufenuron to terminate the life cycle. Anchor worms (Lernaea spp.) are another copepod of importance in pond fish. These parasites have an interesting life cycle. The male and female copepods join together, with the male becoming incorporated into the female and the female being anchored into the fish. Low populations of Lernaea spp. typically does not result in significant disease problems but in a closed pond, parasite burdens can become high. Diagnosis is straightforward because the anchor worms are identified when attached to the fish (Figure 2-9). Treatment can be achieved by manually removing the adult anchor worms from the fish using forceps along with pond treatment using lufenuron to inhibit the larval stages from fully developing.

Neoplastic Diseases

Neoplasia presents in fish similar to that of other domestic animal species. Abnormal growths or proliferations may be found at any location on the skin or fins. When a skin mass is identified on a fish, the diagnostic work up should follow

FIGURE 2-9  Anchorworm (Lernea sp.) infestation in an Australian arowana (Scleropages jardini).



similar methods described for domestic species, including a fine-needle aspirate and/or biopsy. Surgical excision of the mass is preferred and may be curative depending on type of neoplasm identified and one’s ability to obtain clean surgical borders on the removed tissue. Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), fibromas, fibrosarcomas, melanomas, and schwannomas have been diagnosed in freshwater and marine tropical fish by one of the authors (M.A.M.).

Amphibians Husbandry-Related Disease

Hypovitaminosis A is a disease problem diagnosed in captive amphibians as a result of vitamin A–deficient diets. Since adult amphibians are carnivores, captive animals are fed prey species that are commercially available. Many of the invertebrate diets offered to captive animals are deficient in fat-soluble vitamins (e.g., vitamin A). Hypovitaminosis A can lead to the development of squamous metaplasia which results in alterations in the tight junctions between epithelial cells of the skin and linings of the gastrointestinal, excretory, and respiratory systems. Affected animals may present for chronic dermatitis, tears, or erosions in the skin; nasal discharge; tracheitis; pneumonia; and enteritis. A diagnosis of hypovitaminosis A can be made by taking a detailed nutritional history, performing a thorough physical examination, noting systemic changes in the amphibian, and collecting a skin biopsy to identify squamous metaplasia. Measuring vitamin A concentrations in postmortem samples (e.g., liver) may be used to confirm the disease in a population of captive animals. Recommended treatment for hypovitaminosis A is the increased supplementation of the deficient vitamin in the animal’s diet. Vitamin A supplementation may be achieved by improving the dietary offerings of prey animals being offered to the amphibians. Parenteral vitamin A can also be administered, but overdosing is possible (hypervitaminosis A). One of the authors (M.A.M.) has observed no complications when using low doses (1000 to 1500 IU/kg) with dosing intervals of at least 10 to 14 days. Water quality parameters that are important for fish are also important for amphibians. Large fluctuations in pH or ammonia can cause irritation to the skin, effectively disrupting fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. For terrestrial amphibians, alterations of soil pH can also lead to dermatitis and alterations in electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. A diagnosis of poor/inadequate quality of the animal’s living environment can be made by testing the water or soil. Water quality measures are determined with commercial kits used for aquarium fish, while soil pH can be measured using commercial meters available for plants. Rostral abrasions in amphibians, much like reptiles, can occur as a result of the animal chronically running into the sides of an enclosure. Larger anurans (e.g., bullfrogs [Rana catesbeiana]), can fracture bones in the jaw as a result of their powerful jumps. Rostral abrasions have the ability of becoming quite severe; in advanced cases, the maxilla and mandible may be exposed, predisposing the animal to osteomyelitis. Rostral trauma and associated lesions can be prevented by providing the amphibian ample space, covering the walls of the enclosure to create a visual barrier, and educating clients on how to remove the animal from its enclosure without pursing it around the terrarium (i.e., dropping a cloth over the amphibian to prevent it from escaping and then picking

it up). Impression smears with Gram and Diff-Quik stains may be used to evaluate the microflora and cell types (e.g., inflammatory cells) associated with the lesion. A uniform population of bacteria may indicate an active infection. These lesions can be managed topically, unless there is boney involvement, and the husbandry improved. For focal disease, topical disinfection with dilute chlorhexidine or Betadine and topical silver sulfadiazine is often sufficient to treat these lesions. For more advanced cases, microbiological culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing is recommended to determine the best course of treatment.

Infectious Diseases

BACTERIAL.  Historically, “red leg” has been the descriptive terminology used to describe a specific disease associated with bacterial infections caused by Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Unfortunately, this has led many clinicians to treat these case presentations with antibiotic medications instead of performing a proper diagnostic evaluation. “Red leg” is best described as a clinical sign of disease. Affected amphibians present for erythema and petechial to ecchymotic hemorrhages on the legs and ventrum (Figure 2-10). These clinical signs are an indication of vasculitis with the animals typically suffering from some form of systemic disease, which may indeed be bacterial in nature but could also be associated with a fungus (e.g., chytrids) or a virus (e.g., ranavirus). Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. are common opportunistic pathogens of amphibians. These bacteria are ubiquitous in nature and are capable of infecting animals suffering from injuries to their integument. Additionally, a number of other genera of Gram-negative bacteria can also cause similar clinical signs. A definitive diagnosis for bacterial dermatitis cases can be obtained by performing skin scrapes or biopsies and antimicrobial culture. The correlation of the diagnostic test results is required to confirm the underlying etiology of the disease process. Other diseases, such as chytrid and ranaviral infections, should also be ruled out in these cases, especially if multiple animals are showing disease signs. Antimicrobial sensitivity testing is recommended to determine the most

FIGURE 2-10  Bacterial dermatitis present on the ventrum of

a Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki); note the petechiations and hemorrhages.

effective medications to treat the pathogenic organisms identified. Amikacin (3 mg/kg, intramuscularly [IM], every 72 h), enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg, orally [per os], every 24 h), and trimethoprim sulfadiazine (25 mg/kg, per os, every 24 h) are antibiotic drugs often administered prior to receiving culture results. Rock salt (3 to 5 g/L) may also be used with aquatic animals to help manage bacterial dermatitis infections. Mycobacteriosis is not encountered often in amphibians but should be on a differential list for animals presenting with weight loss, especially if associated with a normal appetite, and nonhealing cutaneous lesions (e.g., erosions, ulcers). Mycobacteriosis is an important disease to consider in amphibians because it is considered a zoonotic organism. Exposure to the organism does not only occur through direct contact with the infected animal, but environmental contact is possible. Mycobacteria can lie dormant in aquatic and semiaquatic environments with exposure occurring during water exchanges, wiping down the insides of an aquarium, manipulating the substrate, or cleaning filters. Diagnostic tests commonly used to confirm a diagnosis of mycobacteriosis include cytology and histopathological assessment using acid-fast stains and PCR testing. At this time, treatment is not recommended because of the human health risk. To minimize the risk of zoonotic infection with Mycobacteria spp., clients should be educated on the importance of wearing gloves when working with animals with open sores, or when the caretaker has open sores, and hand washing immediately after working in an aquatic environment. Chlamydia psittaci is a Gram-negative bacterium that is typically associated with disease in birds but has also been associated with infections in amphibians. This infection is most commonly found in captive populations of African clawed frogs. Affected animals may present for “red-leg” syndrome, with erythema, ulcers, and hemorrhages being observed on the ventrum and legs. On postmortem examination, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, and myositis may be seen. A diagnosis can be made by correlating PCR testing and histopathology results. Doxycycline (5 mg/kg, per os, once a day) or enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg, per os, once a day) are the recommended treatments for amphibian chlamydophilosis; treatment should extend for 45 days and retesting performed to confirm disease status of the patient and therapeutic response. VIRAL DISEASES.  Ranavirus is an important pathogen of amphibians and has been associated with worldwide declines of these animals. In captivity, ranavirus can cause high morbidity and mortality. Frog virus-3 is considered the most common virus isolated from amphibians in captivity and causes widespread systemic disease. The most common skin disease conditions identified in amphibians diagnosed with frog virus-3 include edema, ulcers, erythema, erosions, sloughing of skin, and petechial to ecchymotic hemorrhage. Frog virus-3 is one of the diseases, along with bacteria (e.g., Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) and fungus (e.g., chytrids), that can present as “red leg.” Antemortem diagnosis of this virus is achieved through PCR testing of lesions. Prior to the submission of any diagnostic sample for testing, knowledge of proper sample collection and shipping to the laboratory must be known. Biopsy or postmortem samples can be used to confirm the presence of the intracytoplasmic basophilic inclusion bodies associated with this virus. Currently, there is no effective treatment for frog virus-3 infection;

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however, this virus does not tolerate warm temperatures and increasing environmental temperature (>85° C) for amphibian species that can tolerate the elevated warmth may be curative. Quarantine (4 to 6 wk) and PCR testing are the best methods to prevent the introduction of this virus into a collection. FUNGAL.  Chytrid fungi are another pathogen of importance because of their effects on worldwide populations of amphibians. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans are the two species that have been identified as pathogenic organisms to both captive and wild amphibians.17,18 These fungi have a predilection for keratinized skin. Affected amphibians may present for anorexia, lethargy, weakness, edema, skin sloughing, skin ulcers, and hemorrhage. Morbidity and mortality rates can be high in amphibians infected with these fungi. A definitive diagnosis of chytridiomycosis can be made from a detailed history and physical examination, cytology, histopathology, microbiologic culture, and PCR testing. For antemortem samples, PCR testing is preferred. Collecting swabs from the affected sites on the skin will often yield the best diagnostic test results. Treatment using itraconazole has been found to be effective using both oral (0.1 mg/kg, once daily for 7 to 10 d) and immersion routes (0.01% for 15 min/d for 10 d).19,20 Avoid compounded itraconazole, as the absence of cyclodextrin appears to reduce the efficacy of the drug.21 The quarantine of new animals for a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks is strongly recommended. PCR testing animals upon arrival, prior to introduction and immediatly before release from quarantine, is strongly recommended. There are numerous species of fungi and water molds within aquariums. The majority of these organisms function to degrade organic materials within the aquatic system, although some may cause disease in aquatic amphibians such as African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) and axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) as opportunistic pathogens. Water molds (e.g., Saprolegnia spp.) represent the group most likely to infect aquatic amphibians. Aquatic amphibians that experience trauma (e.g., thermal injury, bite wounds) or are immunocompromised appear to be predisposed to these infections. Affected animals are often presented for cotton-like growths over the injury. A definitive diagnosis can be made by microscopically examining a cytologic sample on a wet mount slide by visualizing the nonseptate hyphae. Recommended treatments for fungi and water molds are rock salt (3 to 5 g/L) and increasing the aquarium temperature of the amphibian by 3° C to 5° C.

Parasitic Diseases

Protozoal parasites encountered with fish (see Fish, Parasitic Diseases, Microscopic Parasites) can also affect the skin and gills of captive amphibians. Amphibians with excess mucus, erosions, or ulcers on their body or hyperplasia of their gills (larval and neotenic forms) should be examined using the same methods as described for fish, including wet mount examination of skin scrapes and gill biopsies. Recommended treatment protocols are similar, and the parasite should be eliminated from the environment. Monogenean trematodes are important pathogens of aquatic amphibians. These trematodes have a direct life cycle and a predilection for the skin and gills (larvae and neotenic species). Low burdens of these parasites may not be clinically recognized; however, heavy burdens can result in amphibians



developing generalized mucus over the skin and hyperplasia of the gills. Wet mounts of skin scrapes and gill biopsies are diagnostic. These parasites have a tube-like body and obvious hooks (opisthohaptor) for attachment to their host. Successful treatment for monogenean trematoads can be achieved using praziquantel (preferred) or saltwater immersion (5 g/L for axolotls). Larval migrans is diagnosed in captive and wild amphibians. Since these animals can serve as both intermediate and terminal hosts, it is possible to find larval forms of cestodes or nematodes associated with skin disease. Affected animals present with swellings in skin and subcutaneous space (Figure 2-11). Surgical removal of these parasites is the recommended treatment for the tissue cysts that contain the parasites. For focal lesions, a topical anesthetic can be used. A #15 blade can be used to incise both the surface of the skin and cyst wall, while thumb forceps are inserted through the opening to remove the parasite. Flush the affected area with warmed 0.9% saline then close the skin incision with tissue glue. If the amphibian presents with multiple lesions, general anesthesia (e.g., tricaine methanesulfonate) is preferred during the surgical removal of the multiple parasites. Different species of ectoparasites may be found on captive amphibians, including mites, ticks, leeches, and crustaceans. These parasites are similar in appearance to those described for other species. Leeches and ticks can be manually removed. The parasite should be grasped near the mouthparts or where it is attached to the skin. Once removed, the site should be disinfected with dilute chlorhexidine or Betadine. For mites,

ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg, every 14 d, for 3 treatments) may be used to eliminate the ectoparasites. The environment of the amphibian should also be cleaned and disinfected to remove all life stages of the mites. Crustacean parasites, such as Argulus spp. (e.g., fish louse), can be manually removed and the aquatic habitat treated with lufenuron.

Neoplastic Diseases

Neoplasia of the integument is not often diagnosed in captive amphibians but does occur. Affected amphibians may present with discoloration of the skin (e.g., melanophoroma), prominent erosion or ulceration of the skin (e.g., SCC), or as a distinct mass (e.g., adenocarcinoma). Biopsy and histopathology are required to confirm a diagnosis. To date, surgical resection of the mass or affected skin appears to be the most effective method of treating cancer in these species. Since some of the neoplasms are malignant, it is important to perform additional diagnostic testing (e.g., radiographs, ultrasound, computed tomography) to determine possible metastasis.

Reptiles Reptile skin evolved to be less permeable than amphibian skin, decreasing their need for direct contact with an aquatic environment. While this evolutionary advancement reduced the likelihood of certain disease conditions occurring in reptiles (e.g., ammonia toxicity), susceptibility remains to other disease conditions that involve the integument. Skin diseases in reptiles can be associated with husbandry deficiencies (e.g., dysecdysis), trauma (e.g., thermal burns, prey bites), infectious diseases (e.g., bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens), parasitism (e.g., mites and ticks), and cancer.

Husbandry-Related Disease

FIGURE 2-11  Subcutaneous parasites in a White’s tree frog (Litoria caerulea). A stab incision was made over the white mass and the parasite removed.

DYSECDYSIS.  One of the unique features of reptiles is that their outer keratinized layer of skin is periodically shed. Chelonians and crocodilians asynchronously and continuously shed patches of their skin, while snakes and lizards do not have continuously renewing skin. In snakes and lizards, cell replacement in the germinal epidermal layers is cyclic and takes place during a renewal phase. In snakes, skin is shed in a synchronous loss of all keratinized epidermal tissue, which results in the outer skin being lost in one piece (Figures 2-12, 2-13). Lizards often shed their skin in sections. Ecydsis is a complex multifactorial process that is dependent on varied environmental factors (e.g., temperature, humidity, photoperiod) and health status (e.g., hydration). Additionally, thyroid hormones and age play roles in ecydsis. Disease processes such as infection, trauma, malnutrition, crowding, stressors, and parasitism can influence the shedding cycle, leading to dysecdysis (i.e., difficulty shedding) in some cases. Identifying the underlying cause of dysecdysis is key to formulating a successful treatment plan. Snakes with retained skin patches can be soaked in a shallow warm water bath for 20 minutes to facilitate removal of the shed skin without disturbing the new underlying skin. The container should be deep enough to cover the animal’s body with water but kept shallow to prevent interference with the animal’s ability to breathe. Reptiles should be monitored when being soaked to decrease the likelihood of drowning. Snakes also can be wrapped or patted down with a warm wet towel to help

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B FIGURE 2-12  (A,B) Normal chameleon and snake skin in the resting phase before ecydsis.

remove retained skin. Veterinarians should aggressively peel back firmly attached shed skin, as this can damage the underlying epidermis. Correcting any husbandry deficiencies (e.g., low temperature and humidity, no cage furniture) will help reduce the likelihood of dysecdysis in the future. ABRASIONS.  Skin abrasions are common in reptiles housed in glass tanks. Skin abrasions can occur anywhere on the reptile’s body, although rostral abrasions are the most common. Certain reptile species, such as the Chinese water dragon (Physignathus cocincinus), green iguana (Iguana iguana), and boa constrictor (Boa constrictor), are more prone to develop rostral abrasions because they constantly run into or rub the surfaces of an enclosure in an attempt to escape. These abrasions can progress into ulcers, abscesses, and osteomyelitis if not managed properly. Placing problematic animals into enclosures with solid-colored walls or hanging colored paper over the sides of a glass tank may reduce the incidence of rostral abrasions in captive reptiles that are easily excited. BITE WOUNDS.  Bite wounds from prey or conspecifics (cage mates) are a common reptile disease presentation. In most cases, these wounds are localized, although in severe cases, entire sections of skin and muscle may be traumatized and/or removed. Bite wounds most commonly occur due to mammalian prey (e.g., mice and rats), but crickets can cause severe lesions in small lizards. Bite wounds can be avoided by offering prekilled prey items, separating animals during

B FIGURE 2-13  (A,B) Normal chelonian scute before and after


feeding times, and rationing food items. For insectivores, juvenile lizards should be fed crickets that are of an appropriate size (i.e., avoid feeding adult crickets to juvenile lizards). It is also important to take into account inter- and intraspecies interactions when housing animals in a communal setting. THERMAL BURNS.  Thermal burns can occur when a reptile is not provided an appropriate heat source. Reptiles typically bask in radiant light to regulate their body temperature. In captivity, “hot rocks,” heating pads, exposed incandescent light bulbs, and other unnatural heating elements



FIGURE 2-15  Carapacial fractures in a turtle. Note that the

fractures cross the vertebral, pleural, and marginal scutes. It is important to assess neurologic function in these animals.

FIGURE 2-14  Severe third-degree thermal burns on the ventrum of a green iguana (Iguana iguana).

have been used to provide “heat”. The unnatural heating sources listed above can cause severe burns. Unfortunately, reptiles do not have the same natural reflex to avoid heat found in higher vertebrates, which allows the animal to remain in contact with a heat source while thermal trauma occurs (Figure 2-14). Thermal burns in reptiles can be classified using the same scale reported for humans and domestic animals. First-degree burns are superficial or partial-thickness injuries that involve only the epidermis, second-degree burns are deeper partialthickness injuries with full destruction of the epidermis and damage to the underlying dermis, third-degree burns burn through the entire thickness of the skin, and fourth-degree burns affect deeper tissues such as muscle and bone. The clinical signs associated with burns vary; however, erythema, subcutaneous swelling, vesicle formation, blister formation, oozing, discoloration, and scabbing of the skin and deeper tissues are common. Management of a thermal burn should follow standard protocol. First-degree burns are generally managed using cool compresses and irrigating the wounds with physiologic saline. Second- and third-degree wounds require topical treatment and systemic antimicrobials to prevent opportunistic infections. Fourth-degree burns may require extensive surgical resection and amputation. A broad-spectrum antimicrobial (e.g., fluoroquinolone, third-generation cephalosporin), with activity against Pseudomonas spp., should be empirically selected pending culture and sensitivity results. HYPOVITAMINOSIS A.  Hypovitaminosis A is reported in reptiles fed diets that are deficient in vitamin A. Historically, chelonians were the group most often identified as being susceptible to this nutritional deficiency; however, many

cases were likely misdiagnosed. Today, hypovitaminosis A is a common problem in reptiles (e.g., chameleons) and amphibians (e.g., frogs) that are insectivores. Hypovitaminosis A leads to squamous metaplasia, which results in epithelial cells undergoing a transitional phase and losing the tight junctions between the cells. Affected animals are often susceptible to infections. Hypovitaminosis A results in systemic disease conditions that affect the respiratory, integumentary, gastrointestinal, and excretory systems. RENAL DISEASE.  Renal disease has been associated with bulla formation due to epidermal or dermal separation in reptiles. Additionally, metastatic mineralization has been observed to lead to dermal vesicle formation. CONTACT DERMATITIS.  Contact dermatitis can occur when a reptile is exposed to novel caustic chemicals within its environment. Erythema and vesicle formation are common sequella associated with contact dermatitis. Removal of the chemical from the environment and aggressive flushing of the wound with warm saline are recommended. Analgesics should also be provided if the reptile appears uncomfortable. SHELL INJURIES.  Shell injuries are a common presentation for both wild and captive chelonians (Figure 2-15). Complete shell fractures should be treated as open fractures. If the shell fracture is greater than 6 hours old, it should be managed as a contaminated injury. Systemic antimicrobial agents are an important component of the treatment plan for these cases, and initial therapy should be directed at treating Gram-positive surface contaminants, ubiquitous opportunistic Gram-negative pathogens, and anaerobes. Microbiological cultures and antimicrobial sensitivity testing should be performed to confirm that the antibiotic medication(s) are appropriate. Simple, uncontaminated fractures can be reduced using various types of surgical hardware, including metal sutures, cerclage wire, screws, or plates (Figure 2-16). The authors prefer to reduce the shell fractures using screws and cerclage

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FIGURE 2-16  Radiographic image of a box turtle (Terrapene carolina) after surgical correction of a shell fracture with cerclage wire.

wire because these products are simple to work with, easy to acquire, and inexpensive. Once fractures have been reduced, they are allowed to resolve by secondary intention healing. The healing process of shell injuries may require 4 to 12 months of convalescence. The first step in managing contaminated shell fractures is to assess the extent of the injury and remove any devitalized tissue. The injury should be liberally irrigated with warmed, sterile saline. Care is required to avoid introducing a large volume of saline into the coelomic cavity. Wet-to-dry bandages can be applied to the shell surface to facilitate removal of debris. Once the wound is considered decontaminated, it can be closed. SHELL PYRAMIDING.  Shell pyramiding occurs in captive chelonians as a result of receiving a diet that is excessively elevated in protein, nutrients, and calories. The rate of shell growth cannot keep up with the extreme nutritional intake, leading to deviations in the carapace (Figure 2-17). Decreasing caloric consumption can slow the growth of the chelonian and thus its shell. It is best to be preemptive in these cases and grow the chelonian at a slower, more natural pace by providing a proper diet.

Infectious Diseases

BACTERIAL.  Abscesses are one of the most common integumentary diseases in reptiles that are presented to veterinary hospitals. Abscesses in reptiles frequently are caseous/ inspisated in nature. The inspisated characteristic of reptile abscesses is often attributed to a lack of myeloperoxidase in heterophils. While abscesses can also be associated with fungi, foreign bodies, and parasites, bacteria tend to be the most common cause of these lesions. Abscess formation in reptiles is primarily attributed to skin injuries (e.g., bites, scratches, trauma) that allow opportunistic bacteria to contaminate the wound. Inadequate husbandry also often plays a role in the formation of abscesses, as animals held at low environmental temperatures are often immunocompromised. Diagnosing an abscess in a reptile is not complicated. A fine-needle aspirate of the abscess often reveals necrotic cells

FIGURE 2-17  Shell pyramiding in an Aldabra tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea).

and debris. Bacteria are rarely identified, as the center of the abscess contains only necrotic material. Abscesses must be surgically opened and debrided. Bacterial cultures should be taken of the abscess body wall interface, because this is the site at which the organism(s) is most likely found. Bacterial dermatitis is the most common cause of infectious dermatitis in reptiles. Affected animals may develop focal or generalized vesicles, ulcers, crusts, and granulomas. The majority of the infections result from inappropriate husbandry conditions (e.g., chronic low temperatures). Immunosuppression is a common physiologic condition in reptiles maintained at suboptimal environmental temperature, predisposing these animals to chronic infections. The majority of the bacterial dermatitis cases reported in reptiles are associated with Gram-negative bacteria, including Aeromonas spp., Citrobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp., and Serratia spp. Although less common, Gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp.), Gram-negative cocci (Neisseria spp.), Dermatophilus congolensis, Mycobacterium spp., and anaerobic bacteria have also been associated with bacterial dermatitis in reptiles.22 It is important to evaluate the lesion and culture results to determine whether the findings can be attributed to a primary bacterial dermatitis or whether the organisms identified are secondary to some other disease process that must be addressed. Early signs of bacterial dermatitis include swelling and discoloration of the skin (e.g., erythema). If not identified early in the course of disease, bacterial dermatitis can lead to erosive changes and severe ulcerations. If the skin becomes ulcerated, inflammation can occur in the underlying tissues (e.g., muscle). Alternatively, some cases of bacterial dermatitis can occur secondary to a blood-borne infection by Gram-negative bacteria. Gram-negative bacteremia and septicemia are characterized by petechiation, thrombosis in small vessels, and some degenerative changes to the skin. Some of these bacterial infections lead to abscess/granuloma development. Abscesses in reptiles are caseous/inspisated in nature.



Necrotizing dermatitis or “blister disease” is commonly reported in snakes maintained in enclosures with excess moisture. Affected animals develop coalescing vesicles on their ventral scales. The vesicles are typically sterile but often become infected by an opportunistic microbe as the disease progresses. Placing the snake in an environment with optimal humidity and providing appropriate antimicrobial therapy and supportive care are usually corrective. However, fatal septicemia can occur in severe cases (Figure 2-18). Septicemic cutaneous ulcerative disease (SCUD) is a common problem in aquatic chelonians living in an enthronement that has poor quality water. Citrobacter freundii was the first microbe described as the causative agent of SCUD23; however, the authors have isolated other species of Gram-negative microbes (family Enterobacteriaceae) from shell ulcers. It is likely that any opportunistic pathogen producing exotoxins could create similar lesions in the chelonian epidermis. It is also likely that many of SCUD infections are secondary to other disease processes, so it is important for veterinarians to thoroughly assess affected turtles and their environment. Affected animals present with ulcers and erosions on their shell, primarily the plastron. When active,

hemorrhage and ulceration may be noted, although most animals present with chronic, nonhemorrhagic lesions. Diagnosis is often based on clinical signs; however, a definitive diagnosis is possible with more extensive diagnostic testing (e.g., biopsy, histopathology, culture). Treatment often includes decreasing the organic load in the captive system (e.g., more frequent water changes, improved filtration), topical cleaning (e.g., chlorhexidine or Betadine), and/or systemic antibiotic drugs, when bacteria are present. VIRAL.  Viral dermatitis has been reported in chelonians (Figure 2-19), crocodilians, and squamates (Table 2-2). New molecular diagnostic assays (e.g., enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, PCR) and cell culture lines for isolating viruses have improved the ability to identify viral infections in reptiles. FUNGAL.  Fungal dermatitis has been reported in chelonians, crocodilians, and squamates. Aspergillosis spp., Candida spp., Fusarium spp., Geotrichum spp., Mucor spp., Oospora spp., Paecilomyces spp., Penicillium spp., Trichoderma spp., and Trichophyton spp. are the genera of fungi most commonly isolated from skin lesions in reptiles.29 Most of these fungi have a cosmopolitan distribution and are ubiquitous in the reptile’s environment. These fungi are typically considered to be opportunistic invaders and take advantage of a host through

FIGURE 2-18  Neonatal Boelen’s python (Morelia boeleni)

FIGURE 2-19  Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) with large

with severe necrotizing dermatitis due to inappropriate husbandry conditions.

fibropapillomas diffusely affecting the skin.

TABLE 2-2 

Common Causes of Viral Dermatitis in Reptiles Virus

Reptile Host(s)

Clinical Signs



Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)

Gray patch disease: gray, coalescing papules


Soft-shelled turtles (Trionyx sinensis) Crocodilians, squamates Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)

Erythematous epidermis in cervical region Gray-white epidermal pox lesions Fibropapillomas: large epithelial tumors (Figure 2-19)

Histopathology: eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies Viral culture, PCR

Poxvirus26 Herpesvirus and/or retrovirus27,28 PCR, Polymerase chain reaction.

Histopathology Histopathology, PCR

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


open lesions. Inappropriate environmental temperature, humidity, and diet; poor sanitation; inadequate ventilation; and inappropriate substrate may predispose reptiles to fungal infections. However, not all cases of fungal infections are associated with poor captive environments, as wild-caught reptiles are also susceptible to fungal infections.29,30 In addition, some genera of fungi, such as Chrysosporium spp., Nannizziopsis spp., Paranannizziopsis spp., and Ophidiomyces spp., are considered to be obligate fungal pathogens and actively infect both captive and wild reptiles.31 Fungal infections may be localized or generalized. In severe cases, fungal dermatitis can develop into systemic disease. The clinical signs associated with a fungal dermatitis may be similar to those described for bacterial infections, including erosions/ulcerations, vesicles, granulomas, pododermatitis, necrosis, crust formation, and osteomyelitis. Geotrichum candida infections are a common problem in farm-raised green iguanas from Central America.32 Affected iguanas present with generalized black necrotic plaques on their skin. Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii is a fungus that has been isolated from a variety of reptiles.31,33 Affected reptiles develop vesicles, black necrotic crusts, and pyogranulomatous lesions (Figures 2-20, 2-21). In bearded dragons, this fungus has been associated with “yellow fungus disease.” Since its original identification, this fungus has been reclassified into 4 distinct genera: Chrysosporium spp., Nannizziopsis spp., Paranannizziopsis spp., and Ophidiomyces spp. Diagnosing a fungal infection can be difficult. A cytological sample should be collected from a fresh lesion and evaluated for fungal elements. A cytological evaluation of a skin lesion is often useful in determining the possibility of fungal involvement. Fungi often grow at lower ambient temperatures than bacteria; therefore, the authors prefer to culture samples at both 28° C and 37° C to increase the likelihood of isolating a pathogenic fungus. Certain fungi (e.g., Chrysosporium spp., Nannizziopsis spp., Paranannizziopsis spp., and Ophidiomyces spp.) can be difficult to culture using standard methods, therefore the diagnostic laboratory should be

informed on the specific media required to isolate the organisms in question. When available, molecular assays can be used to confirm the presence of fungal infections. Fungal infections are routinely difficult to treat in reptiles and may require long-term therapy. Localized fungal infections can be surgically managed by debulking the lesion or applying a topical antiseptic (e.g., dilute iodine solution) and/or antifungal cream (e.g., miconazole/ketoconazole). Chlorhexidine (2%) has been used topically to successfully treat dermatomycosis in green iguanas.32 Systemic antifungal agents are not necessary for localized infections; however, generalized infections should be treated with systemic antifungal medication. The literature regarding pharmacokinetic studies for antifungals in reptiles is limited. Ketoconazole, itraconazole, and voriconazole are the antifungal drugs most often used in reptiles. The authors have used itraconazole at 5 to 10 mg/kg once or twice daily (SID-BID) and voriconazole 5 mg/kg SID-BID successfully to manage systemic fungal infections in reptiles. Of the two, voriconazole is preferred, as it appears to be safer and associated with lower mortalities in bearded dragons.34 Systemic antifungal agents are ineffective for treating against abscesses and granulomas, therefore these masses must be surgically removed.

FIGURE 2-20  Pyogranulomatous lesion on the lateral body

FIGURE 2-21  Histopathology from the bearded dragon

wall of a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) associated with Paranannizziopsis sp.

Parasitic Diseases

ACARIASIS.  Captive reptiles are routinely presented to veterinarians infested with a variety of ectoparasites (e.g., ticks, mites). While it is generally considered that wild-caught reptiles have an increased incidence of ectoparasites than captive animals, this unsubstantiated belief is not true. In reality there is often a higher prevalence of ectoparasites in captive reptiles because of high stocking densities and limited quarantine. Reptiles infested with ectoparasites may present for pruritus, discomfort, severe dermatitis, anemia, and a failure to thrive. Several species of ectoparasites are also known to transmit infectious diseases to reptiles. Infestations are serious and must be evaluated and treated immediately to reduce the magnitude of further disease conditions. It can be

(Pogona vitticeps) in Figure 2-20. Note how the fungus is “pushing” its way into the skin.



FIGURE 2-22  A heavy Ophionyssus natricis infestation on a snake.

FIGURE 2-23  An adult Ophionyssus natricis.

challenging to eliminate ectoparasites, especially in large collections, unless the owners are compliant with treatment and husbandry recommendations. It is important for veterinarians to learn the life cycle of a parasite to ensure complete treatment of both the affected reptiles and their environment. Snake mites (Ophionyssus natricis) can thrive on many different snake and lizard species in captivity (Figure 2-22). Heavy infestations can lead to the dissemination of both bacterial and viral pathogens and cause severe anemia, especially in small reptiles. Captive reptile environments can provide an ideal environment for these mites to thrive through their direct life cycle. After mating and engorgement with blood from their host, adult female mites leave the reptile and search for a site suitable for oviposition (Figure 2-23). The soft larvae hatch and remain in the hatching area. Larvae molt and, once their skin hardens, disperse from the hatching site in search of host animals. Once a host is found, the mites attach themselves and commence feeding. If hosts are not found, the nymphs climb onto objects and await passing reptiles. After

engorgement, they leave the host and seek refuge in microhabitats similar to those inhabited by gravid females. During this time, males and females may pair up until mature. After 2 additional molts, they become adults (13 to 19 d total), breed, and once again become more active. The entire mite life cycle is (approximately) 40 days. The newly molted adult mites continue to seek hosts in the environment and feed. After engorgement and falling off the host, the female lays 60 to 80 eggs during the next week or two, feeding several more times. Due to the long mite life cycle (40 d), it is important to treat reptiles and their environment for at least 40 days. Ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg, subcutaneously [SC] or orally q14 d; or 10 mg/L water sprayed topically, q7 d) and Provent-a-mite (Pro Products, Mahopac, NY) have been used to treat the reptiles, while Provent-a-mite and predatory mites (Hypoaspis spp.) can be used to eliminate the mites in the reptile’s environment. Ophionyssus natricis has been shown to be zoonotic, causing intense pruritus in susceptible humans. Trombiculid mites (Hirstiella spp.) are parasitic during their larval stage of development. Adults and nymphs are typically free living within the environment. These mites are six legged and are bright orange to red in color. In the authors’ experience, trombiculid mites are most often identified on captive lizards (e.g., iguana). In nonterminal hosts (e.g., humans), these mites can induce an intense pruritic response. Chiggers typically remain on the skin for several days until an “itchy host” actively dislodges them. These parasites do not consume blood from the host but rather use their saliva to inject into the skin, which then digests the cells and lymphatics, resulting in necrotic debris. This necrotic debris is then taken back into the chigger as a meal. These mites can be managed using the same methods described previously for mites. Hard-bodied ticks that have been documented in reptiles include the following genera: Ixodes, Hyalomma, Haemaphysalis, Amblyomma, and Aponomma. Soft-body ticks that have been identified on reptile species include Argasidae and Ornithodoros. Compared with mites, ticks employ different techniques to attach to their hosts. The life stages of a tick consists of an egg, larvae, two or more nymphal stages, and an adult form. Hard ticks usually attach and engorge for several days, while soft ticks attach and engorge for several hours before detaching. Ticks often feed in areas where they do not have to burrow through scales (e.g., conjunctiva, interscalar areas) (Figure 2-24). It is important to remove any ticks that are observed on a reptile to limit the potential for the parasites to cause an anemia or disseminate pathogens to the host. Some species of tick (larval, nymph, and adult stages) can persist within a reptile’s captive environment for months, therefore it is important to clean the host’s habitat as well. Leeches are a common finding on aquatic chelonians. In the wild, leech burdens are typically low; however, in captivity, leech burdens can become high in a closed pond system. Leeches attach to the chelonian and feed on blood and tissues. Similar to mites and ticks, leeches can also serve as a mechanical vector and deliver bacterial and viral pathogens to their reptile hosts. Leeches can be removed manually using forceps. Leeches can be zoonotic, consequently it is important to examine the extremities of any human who spends time in a pond with a known infestation.

FIGURE 2-24  A tick located on the ventrum of a marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus).

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observations seem to indicate an increasing rate of SCC in bearded dragons. It has been suggested that this increased incidence may be associated with the high levels of ultraviolet B exposure that these animals receive from full-spectrum lamps in captivity. To date, metastasis has not been documented with these masses; however, they can be locally invasive. Soft tissue sarcomas, such as fibrosarcomas, myxosarcomas, and liposarcomas, have also been documented to affect the skin of reptiles. Many of these tumors appear as swelling involving the skin or underlying tissue structures. Chromatophoromas are also reported in reptiles. These neoplasms are often present in the skin and subcutis and can be aggressive. Tumors may arise from any of the different pigment cells, including melanophores, iridophores, erythrophores, and xanthophores. Typically, tumors involve only one type of pigment cell; however, multiple pigment cells have been reported in some cases. Round cell tumors, including mast cell tumors, lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, plasma cell tumors, and leukemia, have also been described in a variety of reptiles.

Birds Husbandry-Related Diseases

FIGURE 2-25  A squamous cell carcinoma in a king snake. The mass originally looked like an abscess and nonhealing ulcer.

Neoplastic Diseases The number of reported cases of cutaneous neoplasia in reptiles has been increasing. This finding is likely due to the improved husbandry methods being provided captive reptiles and the resultant increase in age to which these animals are living. However, some forms of cutaneous neoplasia, such as SCC, may actually be the direct consequence of husbandry factors (e.g., exposure to ultraviolet radiation). Any abnormal skin mass on a reptile should be pursued using the same diagnostic methods described for domestic pets. Fine-needle aspirates and tissue biopsies can be performed and submitted to determine a definitive diagnosis. Squamous cell carcinoma is relatively uncommon in reptiles but may be increasing in incidence. Tumors are often observed in the oral cavity and the skin associated with the head. Cutaneous SCC appears as proliferative, irregular, broad-based masses. In some cases of SCC, the cancer appears as a nonhealing ulcer (Figure 2-25). Overall clinical

Feather destructive behavior (FDB) is defined as self-inflicted feather loss, damage, or destruction, regardless of the underlying etiology. Feather destructive behavior can be easily confused with true feather loss or molting; however, once it is identified as self-induced, it is necessary to determine whether the FDB has an underlying medical etiology or is related to husbandry, nutritional, or psychogenic factors.35 Scant evidence exists in the veterinary literature elucidating the underlying cause of FDB. Medical causes of FDB that have been described include renal disease, hepatic disease, septicemia, endocrinopathies, allergic/inflammatory diseases, viral diseases (e.g., avian bornavirus), bacterial diseases (e.g., Staphlococcus spp.), fungal diseases (e.g., Aspergillius spp., Candidia spp., Malassezia spp.), and parasitic diseases (e.g., Giardia spp. in mites).35 Birds with specific FDBs associated with behavior include cockatoos, lovebirds (Agapornis spp.), and quaker/ monk parrots (Myiopsitta monachus).35 If environmental factors or medical causes are ruled out, psychological factors must be considered. It is important to recognize that birds are a flock animal and removing them from a flock, as we do with pet birds, can lead to stress and the development of negatively reinforced behaviors. Some veterinarians and behaviorists characterize FDB as a stereotypic behavior, similar to trichotillomania in humans and captive primates.36–38 Feather destructive behavior is only observed in captive birds, which may suggest that living arrangement (singly) and management (environment related) are important contributors to the development of this disease condition. Chronic ulcerative dermatitis (CUD) is frequently diagnosed in small Psittaciformes (e.g., lovebirds, cockatiels, parakeets).39,40 The majority of CUD cases appear to be attributed to self-induced trauma. The skin lesions are typically found on the patagium, neck, and back. Chronic ulcerative dermatitis patients often present with a chronic scarified linear lesion or an acutely lacerated hemorrhagic linear lesion. Both polyomavirus and circovirus infections have been implicated in the development of CUD.41 Diagnosis is based on ruling out other causes of disease. Treatment often includes



antimicrobial medications to control secondary bacterial and/ or fungal infections in conjunction with using an Elizabethan collar to prevent further mutilation. When lesions of the patagium are healed, scar tissue often restricts movement; this can exacerbate the condition and increases the risk of selfmutilation recurrence. Xanthomatosis is a condition of proliferative skin lesions of unknown etiology. Xanthomas are nodular lesions that are caused by an accumulation of lipid-containing macrophages.39,40 These tissue masses are most commonly diagnosed in cockatiels, budgerigars, and smaller psittaciforms. Animals may present with variable-sized yellow masses on the wing, sternopubic area, and keel. It has been hypothesized that these lesions are caused by high-fat diets, trauma, or a disorder in lipid metabolism.42 To prevent any secondary infection, surgical resection of these masses is necessary when movement or function of the bird is affected or when the lesion becomes traumatized (e.g., hemorrhage). Diagnosis is typically determined through histological evaluation of representative tissue samples. In some species, nutritional therapy (e.g., well-balanced diet with increased vitamin A precursors) may be used to control the growth of these masses.42 Allergic skin disease in birds has been reported but is not well documented. Clinical signs associated with cutaneous hypersensitivity in birds include pruritus (possibly seasonal), feather loss, erythema, feather plucking, and skin mutilation.39,40,43 Definitive diagnosis of allergic skin disease can be difficult. To obtain a diagnosis, it is important to rule out other causes of pruritic skin disease. Food elimination trials (i.e., canine and feline type testing) can be employed and, in some cases, have shown dramatic improvement. Antiinflammatory medications may be used to treat skin allergies, and resolution of clinical signs with treatment can help with a presumptive diagnosis. Intradermal testing can be performed; however, there is significant difficulty in properly performing this procedure on avian patients.42 Intradermal skin testing can be difficult to perform due to the need for fresh allergens and accurate injections, the small area of skin available, and difficulty in obtaining positive controls for avian species. Skin biopsies should be used to determine the type and level of inflammation associated with a skin lesion. Feather follicle cysts may be observed in all avian species. Feather cysts present as an oval or elongated swelling of a feather follicle, that contains an accumulation of keratin. Follicular cysts must be differentiated from folliculitis. Cyst formation can either be inherited or acquired. In canaries, there is a predisposition associated with color and the formation of these cysts.39,40 The etiology of acquired cysts has not been determined, although infection, trauma, neoplasia, and any other disease abnormalities that can interfere with normal feather growth may lead to cyst formation. Removal of the feather follicle is curative. Constricted toe syndrome and leg band injuries are common in young, growing psittacines. Fibrous bands of tissue (toe) or identification leg bands can reduce the blood flow to the distal extremity when improperly placed or when there is not enough humidity in the environment.39,40 Constricted toes are commonly caused by fibrous tissue that are noted as contracting annular rings involving one or more toes; the toe will be swollen distal to the area of compression. Treatment depends on the viability of the tissue distal to the

compression. If the toe is warm and viable, medical management may be sufficient and requires the incision of the tissue “bands” with the bevel of a 22 gauge needle; however, if it is cold and discolored, amputation is recommended. Band injuries can occur in any avian species to which a band (metal or plastic) has been applied. These bands are typically placed on neonatal birds when the foot is small enough to pass through the band. In these cases, the entire foot can swell because of impaired lymphatic and vascular drainage. As with the constricted toe syndrome, medical or surgical management is required and based on tissue viability distal to the compression. Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem observed in parrots that are fed an exclusive all-seed diet without supplementation. Affected birds often present with hyperkeratosis and scaling of the skin, white plaques in the oral cavity, rhinitis, blepharitis, and sublingual swellings secondary to abscessation of the salivary glands due to squamous metaplasia. Diagnosis of hypovitaminosis A is achieved after collecting a thorough history and evaluating the patient’s diet and husbandry in conjunction with clinical signs. Veterinarians treating these cases should use caution when supplementing with vitamin A because it is a fat-soluble vitamin which can result in toxic effects if overdosed. Gout occurs as a result of the accumulation of monosodium urate crystals in the synovial capsules and the tendon sheaths of joints, leading to the development of swellings around the intertarsal and metatarsal joints. While not in the integument, gout tophi may be confused with skin swellings. Gout lesions are identified most often in small psittacines (e.g., budgerigars, cockatiels). Although unsubstantiated, it is believed if birds have constant access to water and are fed a low protein diet this will reduce the likelihood of gout development. Allopurinol may be used in severe cases to manage hyperuricemia. Hypothyroidism is a rare disease in psittacines and likely overdiagnosed. Animals with hypothyroidism can have decreased molting events, feather discoloration, hyperkeratosis, and alopecia and may be prone to obesity. To confirm the presence of this disease, it is important to perform the appropriate testing, which can be a challenge. While a thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH) assay can be performed, there is no avian TSH assay commercially available.39,40 In the research setting, it has been demonstrated that there is a two- to fourfold increase in circulating T4 levels when exogenous TSH is administered to the avian patient. Interpretation of baseline T4 levels has many caveats, as with other domestic species. At this time, a definitive diagnosis of hypothyroidism can only be determined by assessing pathological changes to affected thyroid tissue collected during post mortem examination of the suspect case.

Infectious Diseases

BACTERIAL.  Bumblefoot or pododermatitis, a common malady of captive birds of prey, parrots, waterfowl, and poultry, is a degenerative and inflammatory condition that affects the weight-bearing surface of the foot (Figure 2-26). The underlying cause of pododermatitis is multifactorial. Trauma to the plantar surface of the foot or toes can compromise the blood supply to the tissues, leading to tissue necrosis. Lacerations or puncture wounds to the foot may also

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


FIGURE 2-27  Malassezia spp. dermatitis in an African gray parrot (Psittacus erithacus).

FIGURE 2-26  Pododermatitis in a bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).

predispose the bird to opportunistic bacterial infections. Contributing factors to the development of pododermatitis in captive birds include perches of inappropriate size, shape, and texture; malnutrition; trauma to the foot; and obesity/ inactivity. Grading systems have been developed to characterize the severity of disease. Grade I injuries are classified as mild and localized. The epithelium on the plantar surface or toe in these cases is thin and flattended to hypertrophic. Increased swelling and inflammation to the affected area and scabs may be present in these cases. Grade II lesions are associated with infections. Common bacterial pathogens isolated from the foot lesions include Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Increased swelling, heat, and pain are often observed. Grade III lesions are the most severe and carry a guarded prognosis. These are long-standing lesions that are infected and degenerative in nature. Grade III pododermatitis lesions often involve the tendons, joints, and bone. Reommended treatment for birds diagnosed with pododermatitis is focused on correcting the underlying cause, relieving pressure on the affected area, decreasing swelling and inflammation, treating secondary infections, promoting drainage if necessary, and pain management. The overall therapeutic approach is dependent on the severity of the lesions, and a multimodal course of action should be taken; medical and surgical options are further discussed later in this chapter. Mycobacterial granuloma formation involving the skin of birds is an atypical presentation but can occur. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium have both been reported to cause cutaneous lesions in Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.) and

macaws (Ara spp.).44 Lesions associated with mycobacterial infections include dermatitis, diffuse nonpruritic skin thickening associated with xanthomatosis, pale soft subcutaneous masses, and tubercle formation within the skin. Mycobacterial granulomas have also been observed around the head or face. In addition to these cutaneous lesions, systemic lesions (e.g., respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and bone) may also be present. Although mycobacterial infections are relatively uncommon, they have important public health implications because Mycobacterium spp. are zoonotic. However, at this time there have been no reports of Mycobacterium spp. transmission from a bird to a human that resulted in a clinical infection. Diagnosis of Mycobacterium spp. is often based on histopathology, microbiology, and PCR testing. FUNGAL.  Aspergillus fumigatus skin infections are not common in bird patients; however, these infections can occur secondary to trauma to the skin.45 Lesions associated with cutaneous Aspergillus spp. include blue to dark gray ulcerated epidermal patches. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, biopsy results, and a positive fungal culture. Impression smears can be initially performed to screen for the fungal organisms; however, appropriate samples should be submitted for histopathology and culture to obtain a definitive diagnosis. Birds with cutaneous aspergillosis should also be screened for a primary fungal respiratory tract infection caused by this fungal pathogen. Candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast that is rarely considered a primary pathogen. Candida spp. infections are typically found in the upper gastrointestinal tract; however, in canaries, they can cause intense head and cervical pruritus that has been associated with feather picking.35 A diagnosis of a C. albicans skin infection are often confirmed based on skin cytology, histopathology, and fungal culture. Malassezia spp. have been associated with dermatitis and feather picking in birds.35 (Figure 2-27). Initial cytologic examination of a skin scrape may be used to guide the clinician toward a diagnosis; however, to confirm an infection, both culture and histopathology are required. The role of Malassezia spp. as an etiologic agent for feather picking remains



controversial, as at least one study reported no difference in Malassezia spp. findings between feather-picking and nonfeather-picking psittacines.46 VIRAL.  Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is caused by the psittacine circovirus. Psittacine beak and feather disease can occur in a wide variety of wild and captive parrots, especially species from Australia, the Pacific islands, and Southeast Asia.42 Two forms of the disease have been reported: an acute form and a chronic form. The acute form occurs in neonatal birds and is a generalized disease that affects feather growth. Birds with the acute form of PBFD may die within 2 months of showing clinical signs. Alternatively, the chronic form is observed in older birds with clinical signs being observed after the first molt. Clinical signs of the chronic form include feather dystrophy or abnormalities (e.g., clubbing, blunting), feather loss, shiny beak, and deformed beak and nails. Dystrophic feathers ultimately replace normal ones. In cockatoos (Cacatua spp.), the powder down feathers are the first affected, thereby reducing the animal’s ability to produce “powder”. PCR testing and histopathologic examination of biopsy samples can be used in conjunction with clinical signs to confirm a diagnosis of PBFD. Birds that display clinical signs carry a guarded to grave prognosis. Supportive care has prolonged the lives of infected birds for years; however, these birds should be considered contagious. Currently there is no curative treatment nor preventive vaccine available for PBFD. Polyomavirus is another virus that can cause systemic disease with characteristic skin lesions in birds. Affected birds often develop abnormal feathers (e.g., French molt, budgerigar fledgling disease) and hemorrhages under the skin.39 Young birds are most susceptible, although adult birds can also become infectious. In addition to the previously noted feather issues, affected birds may be depressed, poor growers, and have delayed gastrointestinal tract emptying (e.g., crop stasis). A PCR assay is available to confirm the disease. There is a vaccine available to protect birds against this virus. Vaccinating animals that may be at risk of exposure (e.g., in aviaries, zoological institutions) is recommended. Papillomas are thought to be induced by viral disease; however, at this time an etiologic agent for birds has not been confirmed.39 To date, both a herpesvirus and papillomavirus have been suggested as possible etiologic agents.39,40 In affected birds, papilloma-like hyperplastic and hyperkeratotic lesions are observed on the palpebrae, beak commissure, and feet. In psittacines, lesions also can be observed on the cloaca or choana. Biopsy and histopathology are required to obtain a definitive diagnosis of papillomatosis. Radiosurgery, cryosurgery, and electrocautery have all been employed to debulk and resect affected tissues.42 All avian species appear to be susceptible to poxvirus infections.42 There are three different forms of disease: dry, wet, and systemic form. The dry form is the most common type of avian pox diagnosed in birds. Hemotogenous exposure through vector blood meals (primary) and open wounds (rare) is the route in which birds become infected with avian pox virus. When draining lesions are observed, a bird is considered contagious to conspecifics in close contact. Birds that have the dry form of avian pox develop small to large nodular lesions on the nonfeathered areas around the face, cere, and feet. The lesions are typically raised and proliferative. Topical disinfection and supportive care should be provided for these

cases until the bird’s immune system can control the infection. The wet form, or diphtheritic form, is typically associated with the mucous membranes. The prognosis for cases of wet form avian pox is guarded to grave. Systemic antibiotic and antifungal agents may be required to limit the potential for opportunistic infections (e.g., Salmonella spp., Aspergillus fumigatus). The systemic form of avian pox carries the most grave prognosis. Affected animals have widespread disease and often die acutely (24 to 48 h) from infection.

Parasitic Diseases

Scaly leg and beak mites (Cnemidocoptes spp.) are the most common parasite diagnosed in captive budgerigars. Affected birds present with hyperkeratosis and crusting of the cere, beak, legs, and feet. A definitive diagnosis is achieved by collecting a skin scraping and reviewing the material under light microscopy to positively identify the mites. In addition to Cnemidocoptes spp., there are other mites that infest captive passerines and psittacines, including red mites (Dermanyssus gallinae), Ornithonyssus spp., and quill mites (Syringophilidae, Laminosioptidae, and Fainocoptinae). In all cases, skin scrapings or feather screening can be used as diagnostic options for mite identification. Giardia psittaci has a cosmopolitan distribution and is known to infect many avian species. In most cases, clinical signs are limited to enteritis; however, in cockatiels, the species most commonly affected, infected individuals have been documented to demonstrate pruritus and a predisposition to feather plucking.35 However, the clinical belief that there is an association between Giardia spp. infections in cockatiels and feather picking has never been scientifically validated. A diagnosis of giardiasis in birds is possible through direct fecal examination or by PCR assay; however, it is important to note that transient shedding of the organism increases the chance of false negative results. To improve one’s ability to detect the protozoan parasite on a direct fecal smear it is recommended to warm the slide prior to sample placement and use a warmed dilute Lugol’s iodine as contrast solution.

Neoplastic Diseases

Captive avian species are susceptible and often present with integumentary neoplasms. Xanthomas, uropygial adenocarcinomas, lipomas, fibrosarcomas, lymphosarcomas, SCCs, melanomas, hemangiosarcomas, and mucoepidermal carcinomas have all been diagnosed in captive birds.47 A diagnosis of skin cancer can be made through biopsy collection of suspect tissue and histopathologic evaluation of submitted samples.

MAMMALS: FERRETS Parasitic Diseases Ferrets can become infested with the same species of flea that infect dogs and cats (e.g., Ctenocephalides felis). Infestation can occur as a result of direct contact with another animal infested with fleas or from exposure within an infested environment. Infested ferrets often present with mild to severe pruritus, scaling, crusting alopecia, and excoriations. Additionally, “flea dirt” or live fleas can be observed on flea

combing. Treatments used for cats appear safe for ferrets. One product marketed for control of external parasites, Advantage Multi® (Bayer Animal Health), has approval for use on ferrets. It is important to treat both the animal and environment to control the fleas. Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are another commonly diagnosed ectoparasite in ferrets. Ear mites are directly transmitted between animals with infestations being subclinical (e.g., dark ceruminous ear wax) or overt (e.g., shaking head, scratching ears). Infestations can be characterized by large amounts of waxy brown otic exudate, although this clinical condition is identified in ferrets that are parasite free. A definitive diagnosis is achieved by swabbing the ears and placing the material, with mineral oil, on a microscope slide with a coverslip and reviewing it under light microscopy to positively identify the mite. The life cycle of O. cyanotis is 21 days; therefore, treatment should be administered for at least 4 weeks.48 Sarcoptic mange mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) infestations are known to cause two types of disease presentations in ferrets, both of which involve intense pruritus. With one clinical condition the infested animal is presented with generalized alopecia (e.g., face, pinna, ventrum), while the other presents as localized disease involving only the paws, which can appear swollen, inflamed, and crusted. Severe infections of the feet can result in deformities of the nails and in more severe cases loss of the nails or toes. The life cycle of S. scabiei is 2 to 3 weeks and adults only live a maximum of 10 days; therefore, treatment should be administered until a second skin scrape is negative.48

Infectious Diseases Bacterial

Bacterial pyodermas can present as either a primary skin disease or as a secondary response to an adverse physiologic condition associated with an underlying illness. Bacterial pyodermas can present as a moist dermatitis and diagnosed through procuring a skin scrape and impression smear which are then microscopically evaluated or cultured. Treatment for any bacterial disease should be based on antimicrobial sensitivity testing in order to prevent bacterial resistance. If the bacterial pyoderma is secondary to another disease process, the primary disease should be identified and treated to prevent any further exacerbation of the concurrent bacterial infection.

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System



Canine distemper virus (CDV) (paramyxovirus) is a highly fatal disease in ferrets, with reported mortality rates approaching 100%. Canine distemper virus is a preventable disease in ferrets through vaccination. A modified live vaccination should not be used in ferrets since it is believed to induce clinical disease under certain conditions. Although, for the last 30 years, there have been commercially available ferret CDV vaccines. Unfortunately at this time there are no ferret specific CDV products that are regularly available to the practicing veterinarian. Therefore, at this time, the American Ferret Association (AFA) recommends vaccination with Novibac DPv (Merck Animal Health) and provides more information regarding this recommendation on the AFA website. Ferrets infected with canine distemper virus can develop generalized disease involving the central nervous system, respiratory system, and integument, among others. Common dermatologic lesions include brown crusted lesions on the chin, nose, inguinal, and perineal regions. Hyperkeratosis and swelling of the footpads are also common, although relative to the size of the animal. An antemortem diagnosis is based on clinical history (no CDV vaccine), serology, and PCR testing.

Endocrine Disease Adrenal gland disease (AGD) is common in middle age to geriatric ferrets. One of the first indications of adrenal gland disease is the clinical presentation of bilaterally symmetrical alopecia that is initially observed involving the caudal half of the body (e.g., over pelvis) which then extends to other areas of the body (Figures 2-28, 2-29). Alopecia associated with this disease can begin as a seasonal alopecia that ultimately does not resolve after 2 to 3 seasonal cycles. Pruritus is known to be a clinical disease presentation associated with AGD and often presents as erythema, papules, and excoriations. Other


Microsporum canis and Trichophyton mentagrophytes have both been diagnosed in ferrets. Exposure to these fungal organisms occurs through direct contact with an infected animal (or human) or contaminated fomites. Overcrowding is thought to be associated with an increased incidence of fungal skin disorders; additionally, the incidence of disease appears to vary according to geographic location.49 Skin and hair lesions associated with dermatomycosis are similar to those observed in other mammals, including small patches of alopecia, papules that spread to the periphery, crusting, and erythematous pruritus. Excoriations and pyoderma may also be observed secondary to pruritus. Dermatomycosis is more common in younger animals but is generally self-limiting. A definitive diagnosis can be confirmed through dermatophyte (DTM) culture or PCR testing, similar to other domestic species.

FIGURE 2-28  Adrenal gland disease in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Note the generalized alopecia over the hind end and the swollen vulva.



FIGURE 2-30  A sebaceous adenoma in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo).

FIGURE 2-29  Adrenal gland disease in a ferret (Mustela putorius furo). Note the generalized alopecia over the dorsum.

clinical signs associated with this disease including prostate enlargement and vulvar enlargement are discussed in the reproductive and endocrinology chapters. Seasonal alopecia is a common occurrence in ferrets. Typically, the hair is shed and the coat becomes light during the warmer months of the year. Seasonal alopecia can be confused with adrenal gland disease, especially in early cases of the disease when hair loss is light. No treatment is necessary for seasonal alopecia. A proper diagnostic evaluation for adrenal gland disease (e.g., measuring sex steroids and ultrasound) is necessary to determine whether the generalized hair loss is associated with a seasonal event or adrenal gland disease. Hyperestrogenism in jill ferrets is an uncommon disease presentation because the majority of pet ferrets are spayed as kits. However, veterinarians that see intact breeding ferrets in their practice may encounter this disease; ferrets with remnant ovarian tissue (incomplete surgery) may also present with similar clinical signs as those of hyperestrogenism. Ferrets are seasonally polyestrous-induced ovulators.50 Female ferrets remain in estrus if they do not ovulate, either through natural or artificial means. Jills diagnosed with hyperestrogenism may present with bilaterally symmetrical nonpruritic alopecia and/ or a swollen vulva, which are similar to the clinical signs observed in ferrets with adrenal gland disease. Ferrets affected by hyperestrogenism are typically young animals (1 to 2 yr of age). Concurrent bone marrow suppression (e.g., anemia, leukopenia, pancytopenia) can be observed in individuals that exhibit signs of hyperestrogenism.

Neoplastic Disease The most common skin tumors diagnosed in ferrets are mast cell tumors, apocrine scent tumors, basal cell tumors, and sebaceous adenomas or epitheliomas (Figure 2-30). These tumors are often focal and benign; metastasis is uncommon. Mast cell tumors in ferrets are often characterized by erythema and hemorrhage, often the result of the animal licking or scratching at the tumor. The tumors may appear as raised

FIGURE 2-31  Pododermatitis in a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

growths on the skin and in many cases, regress without treatment. Tumors that involve the ferret integument are often hemorrhagic as a result of self induced trauma due to licking or scratching. Routine diagnostic protocol for tissue masses is required to confirm a diagnosis. Surgical excision of the tissue mass(es) is typically curative.

MAMMALS: RABBITS Husbandry-Related Disease Rabbits are unique in that they lack footpads. Rabbit skin is firmly attached to the underlying tissues forming a tarsometatarsal skin pad. Thick fur on the plantar aspect of the metatarsus pads the skin. When walking and/or running, rabbits support most of their weight on their claws, while at rest they distribute most of their weight between their claws and the plantar aspect of the metatarsus.51 Loss of the fur padding layer on the plantar/palmar surface of the feet can lead to pressure-induced necrosis of the skin or ulcerative dermatitis/ pododermatitis (Figure 2-31). Risk factors that predispose

rabbits to the development of ulcerative dermatitis/pododermatitis include obesity, inactivity, wet or soiled bedding, and wire flooring. Rex rabbits are commonly affected because they lack protective guard hairs. Improper substrate (e.g., metal screen flooring) can accelerate the development of this disease process. Lesions and associated conditions observed on the feet include alopecia, pain, and erythematous ulcerative dermatitis of the metatarsal and metacarpal regions. Staphylococcus aureus and Pasteurella multocida are the most common bacteria associated with infectious pododermatitis lesions.52 As the disease condition continues to progress, there is often a significant loss of structural integrity that involve the surrounding anatomic structures. In severe cases of ulcerative dermatitis/pododermatitis the ligaments of the hock joint are often compromised which can initiate a cascade of associated disease complications. The loss of ligament integrity of the hock joint will allow for medial displacement of the superficial digital flexor tendon. Once the superficial digital flexor tendon is displaced, the rabbit redistributes its weight, disease progression intensifies, and there is a significant decrease in mobility. In severe cases of pododermatitis, it is not unusual to diagnose osteomyelitis in the bone(s) contacting the lesion due to secondary bacterial infections. Barbering is diagnosed in rabbits and rodents that are maintained in both the laboratory and companion animal environments. Broken hairs and vibrissae, as well as areas of alopecia, may be observed in affected animals. Diagnosis is based on obtaining a thorough history, physical examination, and performing a trichogram (i.e., hair pluck reviewed under light microscopy) to reveal the presence of broken hairs. Barbering is typically the result of one animal displaying dominance over another; however, low-fiber diets have also been associated with barbering. Managing animal densities, providing sufficient cage space to escape from dominant animals, and providing an appropriate coarse-fiber diet will help reduce the incidence of barbering. Sebaceous adenitis is an immune-mediated disease that targets sebaceous glands. Affected animals develop lesions that include nonpruritic scaling, alopecia, and follicular casting. A diagnosis can be confirmed with biopsy and histopathology testing of identified integumentary lesions. Treatment will depend on the severity of disease, although systemic anti-inflammatory medications are often required to manage the disease. Telogen defluxion is a condition that affects rabbits in response to systemic stress or illness; but also occurs after parturition. Telogen defluxion is characterized by generalized hair loss over a 4 to 6 week period following systemic stress or illness. Affected rabbits present for nonpruritic patchy alopecia. A detailed history, characterizing the illness or stress, is helpful to diagnose the underlying cause for telogen defluxion. Cutaneous asthenia is a rare heritable collagen defect that has been documented in rabbits and is characterized by hyperextensible skin.53 The skin tears easily, which results in lacerations and open wounds. Once healed, the affected tissue remodels into thin atrophic scars. A definitive diagnosis can be achieved through histopathology and electron microscopic evaluation of representative biopsy samples. A single case of exfoliative dermatitis secondary to the presence of a thymoma in a rabbit has been reported in the literature.54 Clinical disease signs identified with the

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


FIGURE 2-32  Psoroptes cuniculi from a rabbit (Oryctolagus


exfoliative dermatitis rabbit case were generalized scaling and alopecia.

Parasitic Diseases Sarcoptes scabiei can cause crusty and pruritic lesions over the face, nose, lips, and external genitalia of rabbits. These mites are zoonotic, and owners should be advised to wear gloves when handling or treating infected animals. A confirmative diagnosis is frequently determined by performing a deep skin scrape similar to domestic species. Psoroptes cuniculi is the common rabbit ear mite and causes severe otitis externa. Affected rabbits often present with excessive crusting and exudate involving the external ear canal and pinna (Figure 2-32). The crusty exudate that develops from the presence of the mites is due to a hypersensitivity reaction to the parasite which causes an intense tissue response in the form of cellular discharge and pruritis. Infestations can be unilateral or bilateral but in most clinical cases, both ears are affected. The mites can also leave the ears, with similar crusting lesions noted on the head, muzzle, and dorsum. Rabbits can be exposed to P. cuniculi through direct contact or indirectly via fomites. The life cycle of this mite is 21 days; therefore, treatment should continue for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Cheyletiella parasitovorax is a skin mite that can cause large white scales on rabbits; these scales may be observed to “move” on the limbs and neck (e.g., “walking dandruff”) of affected rabbits. Rabbits with cheyletiellosis present with mild pruritus, large flakes of white scales, alopecia, and oily dermatitis. Infestations can be observed in any animal; however, young, obese, and immunosuppressed individuals appear to be most susceptible to Cheyletiella parasitovorax.55 A definitive diagnosis is determined by reviewing fur and skin tape preparations using light microscopy (Figure 2-33). The life cycle of this parasite is 21 to 28 days, and the adults can live off the host. Thus, it is important to treat the rabbits for at least 4



FIGURE 2-33  Cheyletiella parasitovorax from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

weeks (e.g., with ivermectin, 0.2 mg/kg, q10 d, for 3 treatments) and change the bedding regularly during the treatment period. This parasite is zoonotic, therefore it is extremely important to educate owners regarding special precautions one should follow (e.g., wearing gloves) when handling and treating their pet. The fur-clasping mite Leporacarus gibbus is another species of mite that can be found on captive rabbits. Affected animals often present with scaly alopecia, especially over the dorsum and rump. In severe cases, self-mutilation secondary to a hypersensitivity reaction may occur. The fur-clasping mites are ovoid and brown and live their entire life cycle (28 d) on the host. Females attach their eggs to the hair shaft. Thus, diagnosis can be made using tape preparations of fur to identify the attached eggs. Selamectin and ivermectin are both effective for treating Leporacarus gibbus. Dog and cat fleas (Ctenocephalides canis and C. felis, respectively) are the most common fleas that infest rabbits. The most common location that fleas infest on rabbits is the dorsum from the shoulders to the pelvis. Rabbits, similar to dogs and cats, can develop fleabite hypersensitivities. Flea treatment for rabbits should include both the animal and the environment. Many of the flea treatments used for cats can be used for rabbits and as with ferrets, Advantage-Mutli® (Bayer Animal Health), is effective. It is extremely important for all veterinarians to know that Frontline (Merial, Duluth, GA) should not be used because it has been associated with both morbidity and mortality in rabbits. Lice can be categorized as either anoplurans (sucking lice) or mallophagans (chewing lice). Haemodipsus ventricosus, an anopluran louse, is the clinically relevant species for captive rabbits (Figure 2-34). Adult lice have a head with short antennae and 3 pairs of strong legs with hook-like claws.55 When eggs are deposited, they adhere to hair. Haemodipsus ventricosus, can also serve as a vector for disease such as tularemia in animals and humans. Treatment for this anopluran louse is similar to that for domestic species (ivermectin or selamectin; see treatments for rabbits). Ticks are most often diagnosed in rabbits that are housed outdoors. In the U.S., rabbits are commonly parasitized by

FIGURE 2-34  Haemodipsus ventricosus from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

FIGURE 2-35  Fly maggots removed from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

Ixodes scapularis, Ixodes dentatus, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris, and Dermacentor variabilis.55 The species of ticks listed above also infest many other species of mammals, consequently it is possible that they may serve as biologic vectors for tick-borne diseases such as Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia spp., and Anaplasma spp. At this time, there are no documented cases of Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia spp., and Anaplasma spp. in rabbits; however, there has been a single report of antibodies to B. burgdorferi in Chinese rabbits.55 Myiasis, or fly strike, is commonly observed in rabbits that are housed outdoors during the summer. Unsanitary conditions, dermatitis, and obesity can predispose rabbits to developing myiasis. Diagnosis is straightforward, as the maggots will be found in the wound; however, it is important to define the extent of the wound, as the infested area can be quite deep (Figure 2-35). Removing the maggots, debriding the wounds, and allowing for closure of the wound (delayed primary or secondary) are curative. Cuterebra larvae, or botflies, will infest both rabbits housed outdoors and those in the wild. Hatched larvae of Cuterebra

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that the abscess does not recur. Pasteurella multocida, Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. are common bacterial isolates from rabbit abscesses. Treatment should be based on the results of antimicrobial sensitivity testing, as multidrug resistance is increasing with many of these pathogens.


FIGURE 2-36  Cuterebra larvae removed from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

flies can crawl through the fur and into the subcutis through body openings or injuries of the skin. The larvae are easily diagnosed by the presence of a subcutaneous swelling and the presence of a small breathing hole in the skin. Infected rabbits can have between 1 to 5 botfly larvae under their skin. A rabbit’s fur is often matted around the breathing hole as a result of the rabbit licking the wound in reaction to the pain and irritation associated with the larva’s presence. Surgical removal of the larvae is necessary for successful treatment (Figure 2-36). A small incision can be made over the larva and the entire larval cyst, which includes the maggot, removed; the area also should be flushed and debrided to prevent secondary bacterial infections. If inappropriately removed (i.e., larvae ruptured), the larvae can induce an anaphylaxis. Rabbits housed outdoors should be protected against flies by appropriate flytraps and cage screening.

Infectious Diseases Bacterial

Treponematosis (Treponema cuniculi), or rabbit syphilis, is a sexually transmitted disease that is disseminated by direct transmission. Rabbits infected with T. cuniculi often present with crusts covering the mucocutaneous junctions of the nose, lips, eyelids, and/or external genitalia. Infected does can abort kits, retain placentas, and potentially develop a fatal metritis. A diagnosis is made through collection of sample material by performing a skin scrape or biopsy of affected tissue. Slides in which the collected sample has been applied should be evaluated with silver stain or under dark-field microscopy to identify the organism. Injectable penicillin (never oral penicillin) can be used to treat affected rabbits. Subcutaneous abscesses can form anywhere on the body of rabbits but are most often diagnosed secondary to dental disease and bite wounds. Abscesses in rabbits normally contain thick purulent material and do not readily drain (e.g., penrose drains are typically unrewarding). It is best to surgically remove rabbit abscesses in total with the abscess capsule. When this is not possible, the abscess material should be removed and the surrounding tissue void vigorously flushed. Delayed primary or secondary closure is preferred to ensure

Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis are common fungal organisms identified in rabbits that are diagnosed with dermatitis lesions. Lesions observed on rabbits infected with these organisms are similar to those described for domestic animals. Infections with Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis can occur anywhere on the body and are described as crusty, erythematous alopecia that may be pruritic. These infections are most common in young animals or recent acquisitions where population densities are high and husbandry conditions inadequate. Diagnosis is typically made with a potassium hydroxide (KOH) preparation from a skin scrape or fungal culture. Owners should be asked whether any other animals or people within the household have any similar lesions, because reports of zoonotic transmission and reverse zoonosis are present with rabbits. Owners should be advised to seek medical attention if they or their other animals have lesions typical of fungal dermatitis.


Myxomatosis is caused by a poxvirus (myxoma virus). In nature, this virus occurs in rabbits and tapeti from Central and South America and forms a mild self-limiting cutaneous fibroma.56 However, in domestic rabbits, myxomatosis can be a severe, inevitably fatal systemic disease. The virus is transmitted through insect vectors, such as rabbit fleas (Cediopsylla simplex and Odontosyllus multispinous) and mosquitos (Aedes spp., Anopheles spp.), although direct transmission has been documented.56 Clinical signs associated with the nodular form of the myxomatosis include subcutaneous masses and edema of the eyelids and genitals. Purulent ocular discharge, pyrexia, lethargy, depression, and anorexia may also be observed in affected animals. The highly virulent strain of the virus can cause death within 5 to 6 days of infection, with few clinical signs; however, death usually occurs between 10 to 12 days following infection. In rabbits infected with less virulent strains of the virus, the lesions are similar to the virulent form but are less severe. Rabbits can survive the less virulent strain, as the cutaneous lesions eventually scab over and slough. Shope papilloma virus, a member of the Papovaviridae family, occurs in wild brush rabbits and cottontail rabbits. The Shope papilloma virus is a DNA virus that is typically transmitted by biting arthropods (e.g., ticks). The virus induces oncogenesis, causing multiple hyperkeratotic lesions around the eyes, eyelids, neck, and shoulders. In experimentally infected domestic rabbits, 75% of inoculation sites underwent malignant transformation into SCC.57 A diagnosis is achieved through biopsy and histopathology of suspect tissue. Surgical removal of the mass can be curative. Vector control is vital to prevent the spread of Shope papilloma virus. Shope fibroma virus is a leporipoxvirus of wild rabbits in the Americas. The natural host of this virus is the eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus flordianus). This virus is transmitted through arthropod vectors. Domestic rabbits



occasionally get infected and develop fibromas that slough at ~30 days postinfection. The fibromas are variable in size and typically occur on the legs, feet, muzzle, and periorbital and perineal regions. Recommended diagnotic tests to confirm disease presence include biopsy, virus isolation, and histopathology. Supportive care and antibiotic therapy for secondary infections is the recommended treatment protocol for Shope fibroma infection. Rabbit pox is a large DNA virus within the family Poxviridae. Disease outbreaks of rabbit pox infection have been described in the laboratory setting, with clinical signs including pyrexia, lymphadenitis, pox-like lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, keratitis, and orchiditis.56 Rabbit pox is an extremely uncommon disease presentation in pet rabbits.

Neoplastic Diseases Many different forms of skin cancer have been reported in rabbits, including trichoblastomas, collagenous hamartomas, Shope fibromas, lipomas, SCCs, myxosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, malignant melanomas, fibrosarcomas, carcinomas, squamous papillomas, liposarcomas, leiomyosarcomas, trichoepitheliomas, apocrine carcinomas, and Shope papillomas. Any skin mass encountered in a rabbit patient should be diagnostically evaluated following the same standard practices used for domestic species. A fine-needle aspirate or biopsy with cytology and histopathology, respectively, can be used to confirm the type of neoplasm identified on the patient. For malignant cancers, diagnostic imaging to assess the potential for metastases should be performed. Due to the limited veterinary medical knowledge regarding rabbit neoplasia, surgical resection of a skin tumor remains the primary form of treatment.

MAMMALS: GUINEA PIGS Husbandry-Related Diseases Guinea pigs, similar human and nonhuman primates, cannot synthesize vitamin C (ascorbic acid) because they lack L-gulono-δ-lactone oxidase. Subsequently, guinea pigs are predisposed to scurvy if they do not receive sufficient dietary levels of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in collagen synthesis; therefore, a lack of this essential dietary nutrient can result in widespread disruption to collagen structures within the body. Hypovitaminosis C is a common finding in guinea pigs and is frequently underdiagnosed. In mild cases of hypovitaminosis C, the hair coat is in poor condition and scaling may be seen. In severe cases, guinea pigs present with swollen joints, subcutaneous hemorrhages, and active bleeding from wounds or the mucous membranes with pain being apparent upon palpation. When a guinea pig is presented with a history of anorexia, the patient should be treated for hypovitaminosis C. The authors recommend 50 mg/kg once a day during the treatment period or until the animal is eating on its own. Parenteral vitamin C should be used until the guinea pig is eating on its own. Owners should be instructed to provide known daily doses of vitamin C through the form of tablets or vitamin C impregnated “hay tabs” (Oxbow Animal Health). Pregnancy-associated alopecia is a disease condition that affects guinea pigs. The hair loss associated with pregnancy

in guinea pigs is also called effluvium postpartum.58 Elevated levels of estrogen are responsible for the hair loss. When estrogen concentrations increase, hair follicles enter the telogen phase and stop growing. The alopecia will resolve following the pregnancy period. Unlike rabbits, guinea pigs have foot pads, and while these padded structures help to protect their feet against some of the disease conditions diagnosed with rabbits, they do not protect the guinea pigs from all potential risk factors (e.g., metal flooring). In most cases, lesions occur secondary to a traumatic event, poor hygiene, or as a result of obesity. Guinea pigs housed in unhygienic conditions or on inadequate flooring may be exposed to a variety of bacterial pathogens (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) that can invade the footpad. In severe cases, these infections can enter the bone. Obesity often predisposes guinea pigs to pododermatitis, as overconditioned guinea pigs develop abnormal wear patterns on their pads that have an increased susceptibility to puncture wounds and subsequent bacterial invasion. Cytology, culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing, and diagnostic imaging should be pursued in pododermatitis cases to properly assess the overall extent of the disease process. Treatment often requires long-term topical and systemic antibiotic and analgesic therapy. In severe cases, surgical amputation may be necessary. Cheilitis, or inflammation of the lips, can occur in guinea pigs and is frequently associated with opportunistic integumentary bacterial infections (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus spp.) or yeast (Candida spp.). These lesions may arise from cuts or abrasions acquired from the environment. Cytology and culture with antimicrobial sensitivity testing should be performed to identify the pathogen in order to select the appropriate treatment. Reduction of any inciting factors within the animal’s living environment (e.g., removing any sharp metal) is also important to ensure a positive treatment response and prevent recurrence. Barbering has been observed in all age groups of guinea pigs. Guinea pigs presenting with barbering have patchy nonpruritic alopecia and broken hair shafts without inflammation. Lesions on animals that are self-barbering are present on the dorsal lumbar region and flank areas, while barbering of conspecifics typically results in alopecia on the rump, dorsum, ears, vibrissae, and around the eyes. The latter is described as a dominance behavior. It has been hypothesized that barbering may develop due to boredom, stress, a low-fiber diet, and overcrowding. To prevent barbering, it is important to increase dietary roughage by providing high-quality long stem hay, chew toys, weaning animals at an appropriate age, and separating boars. Anal sac impactions can occur in boars, especially older animals. Anal sac impactions occur as a result of a concentration of cecotropes, the soft nutrient-rich feces that the guinea pigs eat. Warm saline, mineral oil, and a nonirritating soap (Dawn, Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, OH) can be used to clean the anal sac and remove the mass of cecotropes. To prevent recurrence of an impaction, the anal sac should be cleaned on a regular basis (every 3 to 4 wk); therefore, it is important to educate the guinea pig owner how to perform the procedure. Removing smegma and cleaning the penis should also be accomplished on a regular basis. Warm water or water and a nonirritating soap can be used to clean the

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


FIGURE 2-37  Trixacarus caviae infestation in a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus). Note the alopecia and redness/excoriation on the leg. This animal is recumbent because it was seizuring at the time of the photograph.

FIGURE 2-38  Trichofolliculoma in a guinea pig (Cavia porcel-

penis and prepuce. Finally, the dorsal scent gland, or grease gland, can also impact as guinea pigs age. The dorsal scent gland can also be cleaned with warm water and soap.

mite can cause intense pruritus in guinea pigs. The episodes of pruritus associated with this infestation can be so severe that it precipitates seizures in the infested patient. Trixacarus caviae is diagnosed more often in young animals processed through commercial pet retailers and is likely exacerbated by stress. Treatment for Trixacarus caviae can be accomplished with ivermectin, but high doses may be needed (0.4 to 0.5 mg/ kg, every 10 d, for 3 treatments). Advantage-Multi® (Bayer Animal Health) is an effective treatment for guinea pig mites. Gyropus ovalis and Gliricola porcelli are species of lice that commonly affect guinea pigs.55 These parasites can be distinguished from mites by their long body structure. Most lice infestations in guinea pigs are clinically inapparent; however, pruritus and secondary excoriations may be seen with heavy infestations. Diagnosis can be made from fur plucks and skin scrapes after which the parasite is identified from the collected samples. Ivermectin (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg, once every 10 d, for 3 treatments) can be used to control these lice. AdvantageMulti® (Bayer Animal Health) is an effective treatment for lice that infest guinea pigs.

Infectious Diseases Bacterial

In guinea pigs, the primary etiologic agent associated with cervical lymphadenitis is Streptococcus zooepidemicus, although Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Streptobacillus moniliformis have been documented in animals that have cervical lymph node swellings.58 Typically, guinea pigs affected by S. zooepidemicus present with severe lymph node swelling in the cervical region. These animals do not typically show any other clinical signs; however, animals may become septic. Septic lesions can be observed in the lungs, kidneys, heart, and skin. Due to the degree of inflammation and caseous nature of the abscesses, these swellings need to be surgically excised in order to obtain full resolution of the condition. In addition, systemic antibiotic therapy, based on culture and antibiotic sensitivity results, and analgesic medication should be prescribed for the patient.


Dermatophytosis in guinea pigs is most commonly caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Lesions are often associated with patchy hair loss without pruritus and present as circular areas on the face and head. Diagnosis is based on fungal culture. Owners should be aware of the zoonotic potential of this pathogen.

Parasitic Diseases Guinea pigs can be affected by several different species of mites, including Trixacarus caviae, Sarcoptes scabiei, Chirodiscoides caviae, Myocoptes musculinus, Cheyletiella parasitovorax, and Demodex caviae.55,58 Fur plucks and deep skin scrapes can be used to identify these mites. One of the mites that deserves special note, and is the most common diagnosed in guinea pigs by the authors, is T. caviae (Figure 2-37). This sarcoptic

lus). It was surgically removed and the animal had no other complications.

Neoplastic Diseases Trichofolliculomas are a common skin tumor of guinea pigs. These tumors are typically benign and solitary (Figure 2-38). The most common location for trichofolliculomas is over the dorsum and, more specifically, the pelvis. Surgical excision is curative, although additional tumors may occur in the future.

MAMMALS: CHINCHILLAS Husbandry-Related Disease Fur chewing is a behavioral dermatopathy that is observed in chinchillas where fur is chewed primarily from the lateral body wall, pelvis, flanks, ventral neck, legs, and paws. The head is not typically affected, which confirms that this is a self-inflicted syndrome rather than barbering by a conspecific. There is no clear evidence that implicates any specific cause



for fur chewing in chinchillas; however, it has been hypothesized that dietary deficiencies, endocrine imbalance, dermatophytes, stressors, genetics, and chronic pain may play a role. Fur slip has been diagnosed in chinchillas as a result of improper handling. Fur slip is considered a natural defense mechanism for these animals. While fur slip does not cause any medical problems, it does affect the aesthetics of the chinchilla’s coat. Fur slip occurs during restraint when the fur is grabbed and the animal attempts to flee. Therefore this traumatic condition can be avoided by grasping the chinchilla at the base of the tail and supporting the body, rather than scruffing the fur.

Infectious Diseases Bacterial

Chinchillas, like other rodents and rabbits, can develop abscesses and moist dermatitis. Abscesses and moist dermatitis lesions typically occur in animals under stress from conspecifics (e.g., bite wounds) or poor hygiene (e.g., high humidity). The management of these cases is similar to that described for other species. Fine-needle aspirates, culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing, and surgical debridement of the abscess are necessary to obtain a diagnosis and direct a therapeutic treatment plan. Similar to rabbits, antibiotic agents with action against cell-wall synthesis (e.g., penicillins and cephalosporins) should be avoided via the oral route. Moist dermatitis is managed in a similar manner as that used for dogs and cats. It is recommended to dry out the wound through the use of an appropriate astringent along with concurrent use of antibiotic medication if a pyoderma is present.


Trichophyton mentagrophytes is the most common fungal infection of chinchillas (Figure 2-39). Affected animals may present with alopecia, scaling, and pruritus. Lesions may start on the head around the eyes, nose, and mouth and then spread to the body and legs. Fungal culture is recommended to confirm the fungal infection.

MAMMALS: OTHER RODENTS Husbandry-Related Diseases Barbering, a common randomly occurring behavior of mice, occurs when they chew, pluck, and remove the whiskers of cage mates. Some individuals manipulate hair after removal and then ingest the hair. The barber mouse often holds down their conspecific when attempting to pluck their hairs, and barbering has even been documented in cage mates of other species. Victims of barbering show nonerythematous pruritic areas of alopecia. Ulcers, scratches, and scabs should not be present in any animal that is suspected of being barbered. Other causes of alopecia should be ruled out prior to making this diagnosis. Several husbandry factors have been suspected to effect barbering, and evidence indicates that higher population densities of mice increase the frequency of barbering secondary to an escalation in the amount of stress to which a mouse is exposed. Additionally, mice are more likely to barber when housed in stainless steel cages and with related individuals. Barbering is not considered to be a dominance behavior. Environmental enrichment is vital in delaying the onset and reducing the prevalence of this unwanted behavior. Some cases of barbering develop secondary to mandibulofacial and maxillofacial abscesses from trapped hair in the gingiva between teeth. Ringtail is a disease diagnosed in rats, mice, and other rodents. It has traditionally been associated with low environmental humidity and high environmental temperature, although other causes, such as poor diet, genetics, and repeated attempts at tail venipuncture, have been implicated. Affected animals will present with a swollen tail, and in severe cases, the tail can become necrotic. Correcting environmental and dietary deficiencies is often curative. In severe cases, tail amputation is required. Bald nose is a common finding in small rodents living in wire/bar type cages. The animals develop alopecia over the nose as a result of repeatedly rubbing their nose between the wires or bars. Providing a different housing arrangement and enrichment can reduce the incidence of this behavior. Tail slip occurs in gerbils as a result of grabbing the tail when attempting to capture or restrain the animal. The entire skin covering the tail can deglove in these instances. Tail slip can be avoided by not restraining or trying to capture gerbils by their tail.

Parasitic Diseases

FIGURE 2-39  Trichophyton mentagrophytes in a chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera).

The most commonly reported fur mite species are Myocoptes and Radfordia spp. in rats. Infestations with fur mites are characterized by alopecia, excoriations, dermatitis, and a dull haircoat. Lesions can be observed anywhere on the body, especially around the ears and head (Myobia musculi) or along the dorsum (Myocoptes musculinus).55 Chronic infestations can lead to significant pathological disease conditions of the skin. In mice and rats, the most common blood-sucking lice are Polyplax serrata and Polyplax spinulosa. These mites typically infest young, immunocompromised, and underfed hosts. Affected animals present for alopecia and pruritus, with owners often observing constant scratching behind the ears. Additionally, animals with severe infestations can develop an anemic condition associated with these lice. The lice are long

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


FIGURE 2-40  Demodex criceti collected from a Golden Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus).

FIGURE 2-42  Squamous cell carcinoma in the ventral scent gland of a Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus).

may be a better treatment option for Demodex spp. infestations in hamsters.

Neoplastic Diseases

FIGURE 2-41  Generalized alopecia and scaling associated with demodicosis.

and yellow brown in color, with the head lacking eyes and having prominent segmented antenna. Ivermectin (0.2 mg/ kg, SC, every 10 d, for 3 treatments) can be used to treat these animals but at this time Advantage-Multi® (Bayer Animal Health) appears to be a much more effective treatment. Demodicosis is a parasitic disease frequently diagnosed in geriatric hamsters (>1 yr of age). There are two common Demodex species found on hamsters: Demodex aurati and Demodex criceti. D. aurati tends to be more common than D. criceti. The Demodex species can be differentiated by their body type, with D. aurati being cigar shaped and D. criceti being short and stumpy (Figure 2-40). Affected animals may present with widespread alopecia, scaling, and pruritus (Figure 2-41). Deep skin scrapes can be used to confirm a diagnosis. Ivermectin (0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg, SC, every 10 d, for 2 to 3 treatments) is curative. However, there appears to be an increasing resistance to ivermectin with small exotic mammal ectoparasites. Therefore Advantage-Multi® (Bayer Animal Health)

The most common skin (subcutaneous, mammary tissue) tumors diagnosed in rats and mice are fibroadenomas and adenocarcinomas, respectively. Fibroadenomas are benign and solitary but can grow to a very large size. Adenocarcinomas are malignant cancers. A fine-needle aspirate or biopsy can be used to confirm the type of tumor. Although surgical excision is temporarily curative for fibroadenomas recurrence is common. More detailed information regarding these tumors is found in Chapter 10. Cancer of the flank gland in hamsters and scent gland of gerbils may be diagnosed in geriatric animals. Melanomas, adenocarcinomas, and SCCs have been reported to affect these glands. The hamster flank glands are located along the lateral body wall, while in gerbils the scent gland is found on the ventral abdominal wall (Figure 2-42). Hamsters and gerbils with cancer of the scent glands may present for abnormal swellings in the flank and ventrum, respectively. In some cases, blood being lost through the tumor may be found within the cage (i.e., spotting noted on substrate). The diagnosis of scent gland neoplasia can be confirmed through fineneedle aspirate or biopsy suspect tissue mass and subsequent microscopic evaluation of the sample. Surgical resection is the only treatment recommended at this time.

MAMMALS: SUGAR GLIDERS Self-mutilation can occur with any sugar glider, especially if they are sick or have a surgical incision site. It has been hypothesized that sugar glider self-mutilation is behavioral in origin; however, no validated research has been published documenting the incidence, cause, or potential treatments for this problem. Mutilation of feet, tail, scrotum, and various surgical sites have all been described in the literature.59 Anecdotally, this problem has been described as being stress related and occurring more often in solitarily housed animals. It has



been hypothesized that because most medical conditions can be related back to husbandry and nutrition, this negative behavior in sugar gliders may be similar to the self-injurious behavior observed in nonhuman primates. Alternatively, others have speculated that this behavior may be related to pain or neurasthenia since sugar gliders commonly selfmutilate after surgical procedures.60 A case report described self-mutilation in sugar glider with a pericloacal mass associated with transitional cell carcinoma, leading to further evidence that self-mutilation may be related to pain or discomfort in this species.61

MAMMALS: AFRICAN PYGMY HEDGEHOGS Husbandry-Related Diseases In wild African pygmy hedgehogs, pinnal dermatitis is commonly observed. The edges of the ear are often crusty and dry, and skin secretions accumulate at the margins of the ear resulting in a ragged ear edge. Many different factors have been associated with this clinical presentation, including dermatophytosis, acariasis, nutritional deficiency, low humidity, and dry skin.

Infectious Diseases Fungal

Dermatophytosis is a common clinical disorder in African pygmy hedgehogs. Trichophyton erinacei, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Microsporum spp. have all been implicated and isolated as fungal pathogens from African pygmy hedgehogs. Most of the documented fungal organisms have zoonotic potential, consequently it is important to inform your clients about these risks. Clinically, a hedgehog may present with crusting; pruritic dermatitis of the face, pinna, and body; and quill loss. Dermatophyte cultures can be used to confirm a diagnosis.

Parasitic Diseases Acariasis is a common problem of captive African pygmy hedgehogs. Typically, the mite species that infect hedgehogs are Caparinia spp., Chorioptes spp., and Notoedres spp. In a study of wild hedgehogs, the three mites were found to infect hedgehogs at different rates and with variable pathogenicity.62 Notoedres oudesmani was sporadically observed but usually in infested male hedgehogs resulting in high mortality. Caparinia erinacei was the most common mite, but it had a low pathogenicity. Rodentopus sciuri was observed on about half of the animals studied, but clinical signs were minimal. In captivity, affected animals often present with scaling, crusting, and spine loss. Diagnosis of the mites can be made with a skin scrape. Ivermectin is commonly used to treat these infestations (0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg, SC, once every 10 d, for 3 treatments). Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are occasionally diagnosed in captive African pygmy hedgehogs. Animals may scratch at their ears if infested. Observing mites and eggs on an ear swab confirms the diagnosis. Treatment is similar to that for other mites encountered in hedgehogs. Tick and mite infestations can predispose hedgehogs to otitis externa which may develop into concurrent bacterial and yeast infections. Clinical signs of infectious otitis externa

in hedgehogs include sensitivity to the ears, purulent discharge, and malodor. These cases should be managed using the same methods described for domestic mammals.

Neoplastic Diseases Neoplasia is one of the most common diseases of African pygmy hedgehogs. Many reports exist within the literature, and ~30% of hedgehogs are diagnosed with neoplasia at necropsy.63,64 The skin is the most common location for neoplasia in captive hedgehogs. Mast cell tumors, mammary tumors, SCCs, neurofibromas, and fibrous histiocytomas have all been reported as cutaneous neoplasms in African pygmy hedgehogs.63,64 Diagnosis of skin cancer in these animals is best achieved through biopsy of the suspect tissue mass and subsequent histopathologic evaluation of the sample(s). Surgical management is currently the preferred method of treating African pygmy hedgehogs that have been diagnosed with neoplastic disease.

WORKING UP THE CASE: HISTORY, PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING Since skin disease is a very common presenting complaint exotic animal practitioners must become familiar with the methods for evaluating these cases to increase the probability for successful resolution. A systematic diagnostic approach is required to achieve a definitive diagnosis and formulate an effective therapeutic plan. In all exotic species, husbandry is a fundamental contributor to cutaneous disease development and pathogenesis. To elucidate the disease etiology and develop a proper therapeutic plan, one must obtain a thorough history with an extensive understanding of the owner’s current husbandry practices. Once a thorough history is obtained, a general physical examination is necessary to systematically evaluate each organ system. Physical examinations should be performed in an identical manner for each patient to ensure one does not miss any overt disease conditions. Diagnostic tests should be selected based on the differential diagnoses. It is best to prioritize the tests based on the differential list; this is especially important for cases where there are financial constraints. The remainder of this section is focused on specific diagnostic methods for skin disease by animal group.

Invertebrates As with other exotic species, it is important to evaluate the specific husbandry methods used to care for the invertebrate patient, so that it is possible to determine the possible effect of the care provided on it’s condition. Since there are a wide variety of invertebrates, ranging from sponges to arthropods, all husbandry inquiries should be tailored to the type of invertebrate evaluated. Their life history traits will also determine how to proceed with a clinical evaluation. The history should focus on the size of the enclosure; temperature, humidity, and methods used to provide them; substrate; filtration for aquatic species; diet; other species of which they are in contact; duration of ownership; and owner’s experience with the species (see Chapter 1 for history form). Once the history is completed, a through physical examination of the invertebrate patient should be performed in order to identify all lesions present on the exoskeleton (see Chapter 1 for physical

examination form). The initial examination would be an appropriate time to evaluate molts (shedding exoskeletons). Care should be observed when handling invertebrates, as some can sting or bite. Appropriate handling materials (e.g., gloves, forceps, etc.) should always be used to protect both the examiner and the patient. Water quality is an important component of the physical examination for aquatic invertebrates. Water quality parameters that should be measured include pH, salinity, calcium, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphorous, magnesium, strontium, iodine, and temperature. Local aquarium shop personnel may be helpful in deciphering the results of the water quality testing for less experienced individuals. If water parameters are found to be a contributing factor to the skin condition, a plan should be formulated to correct the deficiency (e.g., supplementation, improved biological filtration). As noted earlier, knowledge regarding invertebrate medicine is limited; therefore, one should utilize the well-known diagnostic methods commonly used in domestic species to guide the management of our invertebrate patients. The following list cites examples of diagnostic tests to consider when evaluating an invertebrate patient with skin disease: 1. Skin (exoskeleton) scrapes, impression smears, and wet mounts can be performed on superficial integumentary wounds to evaluate the bacterial, fungal, and parasitic flora on the skin. 2. Hemolymph can be collected in cases of integumentary disease to assess electrolyte disturbances (e.g., alterations in sodium and chloride concentrations with dehydration) or inflammation. 3. Bacterial and fungal cultures can be collected to specifically isolate potential pathogens from the surface of the skin (exoskeleton). 4. Biopsies of the skin (exoskeleton) can be collected for histopathological assessment. 5. Necropsy can be performed on individual animals to determine a specific disease etiology, which is especially important for invertebrate collections with multiple conspecifics.

Fish A detailed history regarding the management of a fish is important to confirm a disease diagnosis. The history of the fish or group of fish should focus on the size of the aquarium or pond; water temperature; water quality parameters; plant types; substrate; filtration; diet; other species in the aquarium/pond; duration of ownership; owner’s experience with the species; whether any over-the-counter drugs have been used to treat the condition; quarantine protocol used, if any; and the exact lesions and duration of lesions (see Chapter 1 for history form). Once a complete history is obtained, a thorough physical examination should be performed (see Chapter 1 for physical examination form). Most fish require sedation for a good evaluation (examination and diagnostic testing). Tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) is the most common anesthetic used for fish. Fish dosages for tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) can vary based on species, but the authors recommend 100 to 150 mg/L for induction and 50 to 75 mg/L for maintenance anesthesia. For veterinarians that do not stock MS-222, alfaxalone (Alfaxan, Jurox Limited,

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


Worcestershire, UK), which is more readily available in small animal practices, can be used.65 Alfaxalone immersion at 5 to 10 mg/L appears to be well tolerated. When handling fish, it is important to wear examination gloves (preferably nonpowder and nonlatex) to protect the skin of the fish against abrasions and oils from hands and the handler against potential zoonotic diseases (e.g., Mycobacterium spp.). Since the focus of this chapter is on the integument, these diagnostic recommendations are centered on that system. The entire skin including the scales and fins should be evaluated. Common abnormalities of the skin and fins that may be observed include discoloration; frayed or irregularly shaped fins; ulcers and erosions; erythema, petechia, and ecchymosis; edema; ectoparasites; papules and nodules; scale loss; and excessive mucus production. A diagnostic workup for fish presented for dermatologic disease should include direct observation of the fish in its aquarium or pond, a hands-on examination of the fish under anesthesia, and a complete evaluation of the water quality. In addition, skin scrapes, fin biopsies, gill biopsies, microbiologic culture, and PCR testing (e.g., for KHV) may be performed based on the clinical signs and/or lesions identified. 1. Water quality evaluation. a. Poor water quality is a common cause of morbidity and mortality for aquarium and pond fish. Every veterinarian that works with fish should have the ability (e.g., a water testing kit) to evaluate the water quality, including the temperature, salinity (marine or brackish systems), pH, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine/chloramines, and dissolved oxygen. If possible, the water testing should be performed tank/pond side or as soon as possible after being presented to the veterinary hospital. 2. Skin scrape, gill biopsy, and fin biopsy. a. All of these procedures should be performed under anesthesia (see above) to limit the likelihood of causing unnecessary damage to the skin due to restraint and reduce the pain associated with the procedures (e.g., gill and fin biopsies). b. Skin scraping. i. In fish, a skin scrape can be performed using a coverslip or the edge of a glass slide. The coverslip or slide should be gently scraped over the lesion on the skin in a cranial to caudal (head to tail) direction (Figure 2-43). This will prevent unnecessary damage to the healthy skin. The collected mucus can be placed on another slide with a drop of water from the aquarium/pond, covered with a new coverslip, and reviewed under light microscopy. Tank or pond water is used to prevent osmotic disruption of any organisms that may be present. In addition, the mucus can be spread over a slide and stained (e.g., Gram stain) to screen for pathogens. c. Gill biopsy. i. To perform a gill biopsy, lift the operculum with the thumb or finger, insert a pair of small iris scissors, clip the gill at the level of the distal primary lamellae (edge of exposed gill), remove the gill clip, place it on a slide with a drop of water from the pond/aquarium, place a coverslip over the gill biopsy, and review under light microscopy (Figures 2-44, 2-45, 2-46).



FIGURE 2-46  Wet-mount gill clip at 100× of a gill infected with telangiectasia. (Photo courtesy of Shane Boylan.)

FIGURE 2-43  A skin scrape in a fish.

FIGURE 2-47  A fin biopsy in a fish.

FIGURE 2-44  A gill biopsy in a fish.

FIGURE 2-45  Normal wet-mount gill clip at 40× prepared using a coverslip and glass slide with a drop of saltwater. (Photo courtesy of Shane Boylan.)

d. Fin biopsy. i. Similar to the gill biopsy described above, iris scissors can be used to remove a lesion from a fin (Figure 2-47). The fin will regrow once the disease process is successfully treated. These samples are prepared as described above for the gill biopsy. e. All of these samples should be evaluated with a low power objective (4×, 10×) first and then reevaluated with higher power objectives (40×, 100×). Most parasites can be observed at 4× or 10× magnification; however, some small ciliates and flagellates may need to be evaluated at 40×. Bacteria, fungi, and water molds are best reviewed at 100×. Optimum results can be obtained if the samples are observed when the condenser on the microscope is turned down. 3. Bacterial or fungal culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. a. A swab or biopsy sample can be collected and submitted for culture; biopsies are preferred. The diagnostic laboratory should be properly informed that the submitted sample was derived from a fish, to ensure the proper incubation temperature of the sample is applied for the aquatic specimen.

4. Complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry testing. a. Underlying systemic disease can manifest as dermatological conditions; therefore, it is important to have a minimum database to help rule in or out a systemic disorder. A CBC and biochemistry analysis can provide insight into the general health of the fish. In fish, blood samples can be collected from the ventral tail vein or heart. A lateral or ventral approach can be used to access the ventral tail vein. The ventral tail vein lies on the ventral aspect of the caudal tail vertebrae. The heart can be approached through the branchial chamber. 5. Viral testing. a. Samples can be submitted for evaluation of certain viral diseases, such as KHV. Both serology and PCR diagnostic tests are available to evaluate whether a fish has been infected with KHV. In the future, there will be more viral pathogens identified and more tests to help diagnose these “emerging” diseases as we become more proficient at recognizing viral organisms that cause disease in fish species. 6. Necropsy/histopathology a. Necropsy and histopathology are invaluable when trying to identify fish disease. Surgical biopsies can be collected and submitted for antemortem testing. It is important to place the biopsy sample or necropsy samples (e.g., whole fish with belly slit) in formalin as soon as possible to prevent denaturing of the tissues.

Amphibians Obtaining a thorough history is important when evaluating an amphibian case. An example of the types of questions that should be asked when collecting information regarding the amphibian patient being examined can be found in Chapter 1. Likewise, the systems that should be evaluated during a physical examination of an amphibian are also found in Chapter 1. During an amphibian examination, it is important to always wear gloves (nonlatex and nonpowder preferred) to limit the likelihood of exacerbating any skin conditions on the patient and to prevent the handler from being exposed to any potential zoonotic agents or toxins being produced by the amphibian. When evaluating amphibian skin, it is important to recognize that many diseases can have a similar presentation with skin hyperemia and abnormal coloring, ulceration, hemorrhage, edema, dermal papules, nodules, and excessive mucus production. Excessive mucus production is often one of the most common disease findings that effect amphibian skin. A diagnostic evaluation for an amphibian presented for dermatologic disease should include direct observation of the amphibian in its terrarium or transport box, a hands-on examination of the amphibian, and a complete water quality evaluation for aquatic species. In addition, skin scrapes or biopsies, microbiologic culture, and PCR testing (e.g., chytrids, ranavirus) may be performed based on the clinical signs/lesions that are identified on the patient. 1. Skin scraping. a. In amphibians, a skin scrape can be performed using a coverslip or edge of a glass slide, a procedure similar to that previously described for fish. The collected sample should be placed on a slide and a drop of physiologic saline added to make a wet-mount preparation. These

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


samples should be evaluated immediately to increase the likelihood of pathogen identification. Start with a low power objective and then reevaluate the sample with higher power objectives. 2. Impression swabs or smears, fine-needle aspirates. a. Impression smears are often less traumatic than skin scrapes. A slide is typically placed against the surface of the skin, air dried, and then stained. Fine-needle aspirates can be performed by inserting a needle (20 or 22 G) into the affected area (e.g., mass) and aspirating back on the syringe plunger. To increase the probability of collecting a quality sample, the syringe should be removed from the needle, filled with air, reattached to the needle, and the air within the syringe expressed onto a slide. These samples are typically air dried, stained, and evaluated under a light microscope. 3. Bacterial culture. a. Bacterial cultures obtained from amphibian skin risk being exposed to normal surface microflora and environmental contamination. For best results, a diagnostic culture should be obtained by irrigating the lesion with sterile physiologic saline and then obtaining a deep sample. Swabs can be pre-moistened with either transport media or sterile saline to maximize the recovery of bacteria and decrease the likelihood of skin damage. The diagnostic laboratory should be informed that the sample was derived from an amphibian, as they may culture the sample at a temperature other than 37° C. Typically, most bacterial isolates from amphibian skin lesions are Gram negative, although Gram positive and mycobacterial infections can also be isolated. 4. Fungal cultures. a. Tissue samples can be placed directly onto fungal culture media. Typically, Sabouraud-dextrose agar can be used for most fungal isolates. One advantage of trying to identify fungal organisms is that the sample can be incubated at room temperature. 5. PCR of skin swabs. a. PCR is becoming more common as a diagnostic tools for infectious diseases. Several different types of PCR testing are available, including conventional PCR, real-time PCR (RT-PCR), quantitative PCR (q-PCR), and TaqMan PCR. Diagnostic laboratory confirmation is necessary to determine the specific sample collection protocol requirements (e.g., swab type, sample storage conditions, shipping methods) needed for the type of PCR testing methodology used and the pathogen of interest. PCR testing is appropriate to be used on amphibian samples for several different pathogens: Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, ranavirus, chlamydophila, flavobacteria, and mycobacteria. 6. Histopathology. a. Excisional or incisional biopsy samples can be harvested from a lesion associated with the skin and placed in a 1 : 10 ratio of formalin for proper fixation. Samples can be cut and placed on a slide to microscopically evaluate the skin.

Reptiles Dermatologic disease is a common problem in reptiles. Cutaneous disorders are often multifactorial and frequently



associated with husbandry deficiencies, with one report suggesting that as many as 64% of reptile dermatologic lesions can be traced back to husbandry-related issues.66 Therefore it is imperative to obtain a detailed clinical history of reptile patients that are presented with skin disease. Examples of the types of questions to be asked when obtaining the reptile patient’s history can be found in Chapter 1. The types of skin lesions observed in reptiles with dermatological disease include erosions, ulcers, abrasions, wounds, swellings, blisters, vesicles, bullae, dysecydsis, crusts, macroparasites, discoloration, petechiae, ecchymoses, and edema. Reptiles with systemic diseases may also present with dermatologic lesions. Systemic disease lesions that present as integumentary disorders include petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages in reptiles that are septic and edema associated with renal or liver disease. Approximately 47% of all reptiles with confirmed sepsis had petechial hemorrhages, with chelonians having the highest overall percentage (82%).66,67 A diagnostic workup for a reptile presented for dermatologic disease should start with direct observation of the animal in its terrarium or transport box followed by a hands-on examination. In addition, skin scrapes and impression smears, fine-needle aspirates or biopsies, blood work, diagnostic imaging, microbiologic culture, and PCR testing may be performed based on the clinical signs/lesions identified. 1. Skin cytology and impression smears. a. Impression smears are often less traumatic than skin scrapes. A slide is typically placed up against the surface of the skin, air dried, and then stained. Once dried the impression smear can be evaluated microscopically for inflammatory cells and infectious agents (e.g., bacteria, fungal elements, viral inclusions). 2. Acetate tape impressions. a. Acetate tape is pressed up against the skin and then placed on a microscope slide and evaluated using a light microscope. This technique is useful for diagnosing mites. 3. Skin scrapings a. A #15 blade scalpel can be used to collect epidermal samples. The blade is scraped repeatedly over the skin lesion until debris is collected on the blade surface. The debris is then placed on a microscope slide and evaluated. The skin sample can be mixed with mineral oil and reviewed (e.g., mites) or spread on a slide and stained (e.g., bacteria). 4. Microscopic evaluation of shed skin fragments. a. Microscopic evaluation of any shed skin will allow one to determine whether there are any organisms (e.g., parasites, fungal) present. 5. Skin biopsies for histopathology. a. Punch biopsies or an incisional biopsy can be performed to collect skin samples for histopathologic evaluation. Skin biopsies can be especially valuable in chelonians with shell lesions. These samples should be placed in formalin and fixed. 6. Bacterial and fungal cultures. a. Skin cultures can be submitted for diagnostic testing in order to confirm the presence of bacterial or fungal pathogens; however, due to the nature of the sample, there is an increased risk for environmental contamination. Therefore, samples should be collected from deep

within a wound, the abscess wall, or derived from a tissue biopsy. It is best to correlate culture results with histopathology results. 7. Fine-needle aspirates; swellings and growths. a. Fine-needle aspirates can be obtained by inserting a needle (20 or 22 G) into the area of concern (e.g., mass) and aspirating back on the syringe plunger. To increase the likelihood of a quality sample, the syringe should be removed from the needle, filled with air, reattached to the needle, and the air within the syringe expressed onto a slide. These samples are typically air dried, stained, and then evaluated under light microscopy. 8. CBC and biochemistry analysis. a. A CBC or biochemistry analysis can be used to provide insight into the systemic health of the reptile. This is especially important for those cases where dermatologic lesions are a manifestation of an underlying systemic disease. 9. Diagnostic imaging. a. Radiographs or computed tomography imaging can be used to assess damaged osteoderms in chelonians with shell fractures and potential osteomyelitis cases where dermatitis has progressed to a systemic disease.

Birds Avian species often are presented to veterinary hospitals with disease conditions that involve the integument. Skin and feather disorders in birds are often multifactorial and frequently associated with husbandry (e.g., nutrition, environment). Therefore it is important to obtain a detailed clinical history in birds with skin and feather disease. Examples of the types of questions to be asked when obtaining the history of an avian patient are found in Chapter 1. A dermatologic examination of a bird should be comprehensive and evaluate the feathers, skin, beak and cere, legs and claws, uropygial gland, and vent. Common skin disorders in captive birds include broken or absent feathers, discolored feathers, dystrophic feathers, scaling, crusting, ulcerations, erythema, nodules, and masses. A diagnostic workup for a bird presented for dermatologic disease should begin with direct observation of the bird in its cage and a hands-on examination. In addition, feather cytologic examination, skin scrapes and impression smears, fine-needle aspirates or biopsies, blood work, heavy metal testing, diagnostic imaging, microbiologic culture, allergy testing, and PCR testing may be performed based on the clinical signs/lesions identified (Figure 2-48). 1. Feather examination. a. Gross and microscopic examination of the feathers is necessary in order to evaluate the overall condition of these structures. Ectoparasites, stress bars, and evidence of self-trauma or mutilation may be observed. To increase the likelihood of identifying ectoparasites (e.g., mites) the feather can be further evaluated using potassium hydroxide. The feather’s calamus should be placed into 10% potassium hydroxide solution, gently heated, centrifuged, and the sediment removed and evaluated under a light microscope.13 2. Feather pulp cytology. a. Freshly plucked feathers can be prepared on a slide and microscopically evaluated. The calamus can be

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System

History Enclosure type (size, material, etc.) Location (indoor v. outdoor) Cagemates or adjacently housed birds Current/previous diet Photoperoid Toxin exposure Humidity

Physical examination

Medical workup Complete blood count Biochemistry (bile acids, cholesterol, triglycerides) Fecal cytology and wet mount Two-view, whole-body radiographs Polyoma PCR PBFD Mites Impression smear Culture Biopsy Feather cytology



Intrinsic loss Circovirus Medical

Feather loss









Feather destruction Feather destructive behavior Preening Infectious bacterial/fungal



FIGURE 2-48  Flow chart on how to work up a feather-picking bird. PBFD, Psittacine beak and feather disease; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.




removed from the feather and applied to a slide for cytologic examination. Under the microscope, one can appreciate the presence of folliculitis by observing inflammatory cells, bacteria, viral inclusion bodies, and fungal elements. 3. Acetate tape impression. a. Tape preps are primarily used to identify ectoparasites, yeast, and bacterial infections. One must be careful when interpreting tape prep samples, as feather dander and keratin debris can often appear similar to bacteria and yeast. 4. Impression smear. a. A direct impression smear can be used for moist, exudative, and crusted lesions. With dry lesions, one can attempt to evaluate impression smears; however, acetate tape preparations may be more diagnostic. If there is difficulty obtaining a sample, a moist cottontipped applicator can be rolled over the lesion and then applied to a slide. 5. Skin scraping. a. A #15 blade scalpel can be used to collect epidermal samples. The blade is scraped repeatedly over the affected surface of the skin until some debris is collected on the blade surface. The debris is then placed on a microscope slide and microscopically evaluated. The skin sample can be mixed with mineral oil and assessed for (e.g., mites) or spread on a slide and stained (e.g., bacteria). 6. Bacterial and fungal culture. a. Several different types of samples can be submitted for bacterial or fungal cultures. Superficial swabs of the skin can be submitted; however, they are subject to false negative results because of environmental contaminants. The feather calamus can also be submitted. Additionally, an aseptically prepared tissue biopsy can be submitted for culture, which is the preferred method. 7. Biopsy. a. Skin samples can be submitted for both histopathology and culture. Bird skin is extremely delicate; thus, biopsies should be collected using a scalpel blade rather than a punch biopsy. Placing a piece of acetate tape over the affected skin and incising the tape will ensure complete excision of the skin. The sample, with the tape, can then be placed into formalin; this will prevent the skin from rolling up on itself while providing the pathologist evidence of the skin surface (i.e., the surface next to the attached tape). 8. CBC and biochemistry analysis. a. Birds with skin disease, especially feather-based problems, should always have a complete health examination. The CBC and plasma biochemistry analysis can provide important insight into the general health of the bird, including whether skin diseases are having an effect on systemic health. 9. Heavy metal testing. a. Exposure to lead and zinc can manifest as skin issues. If heavy metal toxicity is considered a differential disease diagnosis, blood levels should be measured. 10. Diagnostic imaging. a. Radiographic evidence of heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, or osteomyelitis secondary to

pododermatitis, can be used to confirm a diagnosis and plan for specific therapeutic protocols. 11. Crop washes. a. A crop wash can be used to diagnose a crop infection (ingluvitis) with Trichomonas spp., Candida spp., or other microbial pathogen. Feather plucking over the ventral cervical region is considered a sequella to these infections. 12. Fecal examination. a. A direct fecal smear may be used to diagnose giardiasis, which has been associated with feather picking in cockatiels. However there is no scientific confirmation regarding the belief that there is a correlation between feather picking and giardiasis infection in cockatiels. 13. Intradermal allergy testing. a. Intradermal allergy testing can be used in birds to identify environmental allergens. In small animal medicine, histamine is used as the positive control for this testing method; however, in birds, codeine phosphate at 1 : 100,000 wt/vol is preferred as a positive control. 14. Viral testing (PCR). a. Viral pathogens such as polyomavirus and PBFD can be diagnosed using PCR testing methodologies. Contact the diagnostic laboratory for information regarding sample collection and submission.

Mammals As with the other groups of exotic animals presented in this chapter, a thorough evaluation of husbandry is required to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of mammalian dermatological conditions. See Chapter 1 for an example of the types of questions that should be asked when developing a historical perspective on the patient being examined. After a full physical examination, a thorough dermatological evaluation is required for any animal with skin disease. Integumentary lesions commonly observed in exotic mammals include alopecia, erythema, scaling, crusting, excoriations, erosions, pustules, and ulcers. Due to the small size of many exotic mammals and limited restraint techniques, anesthesia may be required to obtain quality diagnostic samples. 1. Impression smears. a. Direct slide impression smears are often used when evaluating moist, exudative, or crusty lesions. For drier lesions, a direct impression smear may be attempted, although results can be variable. With dry lesions, a moistened cotton-tipped applicator can be used to collect the sample; the swab should be rolled onto a slide. If either of these techniques does not work for a dry lesion, an acetate tape impression may be more diagnostic. 2. Skin scrapings. a. Traditionally, in small animal medicine, a #10 blade is used to perform a skin scrape; however, because the skin of many exotic mammals is thin and delicate, a #15 blade is preferred. 3. Bacterial and fungal culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. a. Several different types of samples can be submitted for bacterial or fungal cultures. Superficial swabs of the

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System skin can be submitted; however, they are subject to false negative results because of environmental contaminants. Deep cultures or cultures derived from biopsied skin are preferred. 4. Wood’s lamp. a. A Wood’s lamp can be used to wave over lesions of which dermtophytosis is suspected. Observations obtained using the Wood’s lamp should be compared with fungal culture results. 5. Trichogram. a. Trichograms can be used to evaluate hair. Fractured hair shafts are an indication that the hair loss is traumatic rather than a developmental problem (e.g., lost at the hair follicle). Additionally, this allows the practitioner to evaluate the hair for ectoparasites and/or evidence of fungal spores or ectothrix spores. 6. Acetate tape impression a. Acetate tape impressions are particularly useful in the collection and identification of surface dwelling ectoparasites such as Cheyletiella and Myobia. 7. Skin biopsy for histopathology. a. Skin biopsy samples can be submitted for histopathology and culture. Skin biopsies are harvested using a


scalpel blade or a punch biopsy. If a punch biopsy is employed, additional care must be taken in order to completely appose the skin. 8. Diagnostic imaging, a. Radiographic imaging can be used to confirm the presence of osteomyelitis secondary to pododermatitis (e.g., rabbits). 9. CBC and biochemistry analysis. a. A complete blood count and plasma biochemistry panel can provide important insight into the general health of an exotic mammal, including if the skin disease(s) is having an affect on the systemic health. 10. Adrenal gland testing in Ferrets a. Adrenal gland disease can be diagnosed using ultrasound imaging (enlarged adrenal glands) and androgen testing. See Chapter 6.

TREATMENTS Since dermatologic diseases can be caused by a variety of different etiologies, Tables 2-3 to 2-8 have been developed by animal group, treatment method, and drug type to guide the veterinarian when managing the various skin disorders listed.

TABLE 2-3 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Invertebrates Medication



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobials and Antifungals 0.5 mg/L long term,68 10 mg/L for 10 min69 2.5 mg/L for 5 h immersion, q12-24 h70,71 50 mg/mL72,73 0.01-0.1 ppm as an immersion74,75 100 mL/L for 45 min, q24 h for 7 d as an immersion76

Benzalkonium chloride Enrofloxacin Nystatin Tetracycline Trifluralin Topical Therapy: Antiparasitics

50-100 µL/L for 4 h, then 25 µL/L indefinitely76 1 : 1 1% ivermectin:propolene glycol; dilute 1 : 50 with distilled water prior to topical therapy69 8 mg/L immersion for 24 h75 100 mg/L for 16 h71 0.625 mg/L as an immersion77 25-30 ppm for 30-60 min76 25-30 ppm for 30-60 min69

Formalin Ivermectin Levamisole Metronidazole Milbemycin oxime (Interceptor, Novartis) Potassium permanganate Povidone iodine Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobials and Antifungals Ceftazidime Enrofloxacin Itraconazole (Sporanox, Janssen) Oxytetracycline Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim Tetracycline Metronidazole IM, Intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; ppm, parts per million; SC, subcutaneously.

20 mg/kg intracardiac, q72 h for 3 wk69 5 mg/kg IM, IV70,71 10-20 mg/kg PO q24 h69 10 mg/kg IV78 50-100 mg/kg PO79–81 Bioencapsulated shrimp PO q12 h82 10 mg/kg PO q24 h71 50 mg/kg intracardiac for 1 treatment69



TABLE 2-4 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Fish Medications



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobial and Antifungal Therapeutics 0.5 mg/L long term,68 10 mg/L for 10 min68 2.5-5 mg/L for 5 h bath q24 h for 5-7 d83 Topical to wound,82 20-100 mg/L for 10 min68

Benzalkonium chloride Enrofloxacin Iodine, potentiated (Betadine, Purdue Frederick) Malachite green

0.1 mg/L tank water q3 d for 3 treatments82 0.25 mg/L for 15 min, q24 h84 2 mg/L tank water q48 h for up to 3 treatments82 10-100 mg/L tank water,82 10-50 mg/L for 1 h bath82 2 mg/L as an indefinite bath85 5 mg/L for 30-60 min bath82 20 mg/L for 5-12 h bath, q24 for 5-7 d82

Methylene blue Oxytetracycline Potassium permanganate Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Topical Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

(F) 0.025 mL/L + (M) 0.1 mg/L tank water q48 h for 3 treatments82 3-25 min bath, repeat q7 d prn82 for 4-5 min bath86 1-1.5 mg/L for 20 min bath87 17.5 mL/L for 4-10 min bath once88 1 mg/L for 24 h bath89 1-2 mg/L for 24 h bath88 50 mg/L for 2 h bath88 0.13 mg/L prn85 0.1 mg/L tank water q3 d for 3 treatments82 1 mg/L for 30-60 min bath82 50-60 mg/L for 10-30 sec bath82 100 mg/L topical to skin lesions82 1 mg/L 24 or 72 h bath90 10-50 mg/L for 2-6 h immersion91 100 mg/L for 10 min-2 h baths88 1-3 mg/L tank water82 6.6 mg/L tank water q24 h for 3 d82 25 mg/L tank water q48 h for 3 treatments82 5-10 mg/L for 3-6 h bath, repeat in 7 d86 1-5 g tank water indefinitely82 10-30 g/L up to 30 min bath82 0.25 mg/L tank water 96 h bath82

Formalin/malachite green Fresh water Hydrogen peroxide (3%) Levamisole

Lufenuron (Program, Novartis) Malachite green


Methylene blue Metronidazole Praziquantel Salt (sodium chloride) Trichlorfon (dimethylphosphonate) Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobial and Antifungal Therapeutics Amikacin Amoxicillin Ampicillin Ceftazidime Ciprofloxacin Enrofloxacin Erythromycin Florfenicol Itraconazole Ketoconazole Miconazole (Monistat, Janssen)

5 mg/kg ICe q24 h for 3 d, then q48 h for 2 treatments85 80 mg/kg PO q24 h for 10 d92 40-80 mg/kg/d in feed for 10 d82 10 mg/kg q24 h IM, IV93,94 22 mg/kg IM, ICe q72-96 h for 3-5 treatments95 15 mg/kg IM, IV96 5-10 mg/kg PO, IM, ICe q24 h83 0.1% feed for 10-14 d 100-200 mg/kg PO q24 h for 21 d68 40-50 mg/kg PO, IM, ICe97 1-5 mg/kg q24 h in feed q1-7 d98 2.5-10 mg/kg PO, IM, ICe98 10-20 mg/kg PO, IM, ICe98

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System TABLE 2-4 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Fish—cont’d Medications


Dosage 5 mg/kg PO, IM, IV q24 h98 20 mg/kg PO q24 h68 0.45-0.9 mg/kg PO q24 h for 5 d82 4-10 mg/kg in feed q12 h for 5 d99 5-25 mg/kg PO q24 h98 10 mg/kg q24 h PO68 25-50 mg/kg PO q24 h68 3 mg/kg IV q24 h100 7 mg/kg IM q24 h100 10 mg/kg IM q24 h98 20 mg/kg ICe68 20 mg/kg PO q8 h98 60 mg/kg IM q7 d101 70 mg/kg PO q24 h for 10-14 d102 82.8 mg/kg PO for 10103 d104 100 mg/kg IM q24 h105 10-14 mg/kg PO q24 h for 10 d98 10 mg/kg PO q24 h68 50 mg/kg/d in feed for 5 d82

Nalidixic acid (Neg Gram, Sanofi Winthrop) Nifurpirinol Oxolinic acid


Sarafloxacin (Saraflox, Abbott) Sulfadimethoxine/ormetoprim (Romet, Hoffman-LaRoche) Thiamphenicol Tobramycin Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole

15 and 30 mg/kg PO105 2.5 mg/kg IM, then 1 mg/kg IM q4 d106 30 mg/kg PO q24 h for 10-14 d82 Systemic Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

Albendazole Chloroquine diphosphate Enamectin (Slice, Schering Plough) Fenbendazole

Levamisole (Levasole, Schering Plough) Mebendazole Metronidazole

Piperazine Praziquantel

Pyrantel pamoate

5 mg/kg PO once107 10 mg/kg PO once108 50 mg/kg PO once109 50 µg/kg q24 h for 7 d PO110 1 mg/kg IV,111 5 mg/kg PO for 1 dose112 6 mg/kg q24 h PO113 50 mg/kg PO q24 h for 2 d, then repeat in 14 d102 0.2% in feed q4 d for 2 treatments87 40 mg/kg in feed q4 d for 2 treatments68 0.5 mg/kg ICe114 10 mg/kg PO q7 d for 3 treatments88 11 mg/kg IM q7 d for 2 treatments88 20 mg/kg PO q7 d for 3 treatments98 25 mg/kg q24 h in feed for 5-10 d82 50 mg/kg PO q24 for 5 d88 100 mg/kg q24 h in feed for 3 d82 10 mg/kg q24 h in feed for 3 d82 5 mg/kg PO q24 h for 3 treatments68 5 mg/kg PO in feed q7 d for up to 3 treatments98 5 mg/kg PO, ICe, repeat in 14-21 d87 10 mg/kg in feed, once98

ICe, Intraceolomically; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; prn, as necessary; SC, subcutaneously.




TABLE 2-5 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Amphibians Medications



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics 500-750 mg/75 L as 6-8 h bath q24 h115 Topical q8-12 h, not to exceed 10 mg/kg/d116

Ciprofloxacin Doxycycline 1% topical gel, compounded Enrofloxacin Gentamicin Metronidazole

500 mg/L as 6-8 h bath q24 h116 1.3 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h for 7 d117 60 mg/kg topical q24 h for 3 d115 50 mg/L for 24 h bath115 Topical q24 h118

Silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadine cream 1%, Marion) Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole

20 µg/mL and 80 µg/mL in 0.5% or 0.15% salt solution for 24 h bath119 Topical Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics 30 ppm as continuous bath replaced fresh daily for up to 30 d116 0.01% in 0.6% salt solution as 5 min bath q24 h for 11 d120 Topical cream121 0.15-0.2 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h117 4 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h122 2-4 mg/L bath to effect123 4 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h122 Topical115 Topical116 1 : 5000 water for 5 min bath q24 h124 20 mg/L as 6-8 h bath125 37° C (98.6° C) for 16 h126 Topical117

Florfenicol Itraconazole Ketoconazole Malachite green Mercurochrome Methylene blue Miconazole Nystatin 1% cream Potassium permanganate Sodium chlorite (NaOCl2) Temperature elevation Tolnaftate (Tinavet cream 1%, Schering) Topical Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics Acriflavin Benzalkonium chloride Copper sulfate Distilled water Formalin 10% Ivermectin Malachite green Metronidazole

Praziquantel Salt (sodium chloride) Selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer)

500 mg/L for 30 min bath127 2 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h to effect127 0.1 mg/L as continuous bath to effect115 500 mg/L for 2 min bath q24 h to effect128 3 h bath128 1.5 mL/L for 10 min bath q48 h to effect121 0.5% for 10 min bath once128 2 mg/kg topical and repeat in 2-3 wk129 10 mg/L as 60 min bath, repeat q14 d prn115 0.15 mg/L for 1 h bath q24 h to effect128 0.05 mL of 1.008 mg/mL on dorsum q24 h for 3 days130 50 mg/L for 24 h bath131 10 mg/L for 3 h bath, repeat q7-21 d115 6 g/L for 5-10 min bath q24 h for 3-5 d127 6 mg/kg topical132

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System TABLE 2-5 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Amphibians—cont’d Medications



Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics 5 mg/kg SC, IM, ICe q24-48 h115 20 mg/kg SC, IM q48-72 h116 10 mg/kg PO q24 h115 50 mg/kg IM q7 d116 5-10 mg/kg PO q24 h133 5-10 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q24 h115 2.5 mg/kg IM q72 h134 10 mg/kg PO q24 h for 5-10 d135 50 mg/kg PO q12 h123 3 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q24 h123 15-20 mg/kg IM q48 h136 15 mg/kg PO q24 h115

Amikacin Ceftazidime Ciprofloxacin Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Pfizer) Enrofloxacin Gentamicin Metronidazole Tetracycline Trimethoprim/sulfa Trimethoprim/sulfadiazine Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Systemic Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics

1 mg/kg ICe q24 h115 60 mg/kg PO q24 h115 10 mg/kg PO q24 h115 10 mg/kg PO q24 h128 10-20 mg/kg PO q24 h115 5 mg/kg ICe q24 h for 14-28 d137

Amphotericin B Fluconazole Itraconazole Ketoconazole Miconazole Systemic Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

10 mL/kg PO q2-3 wk138 30-50 mg/kg PO139 50 mg/kg PO q24 h for 3-5 d, repeat in 14-21 d115 50-100 mg/kg PO, repeat in 2-3 wk prn135 100 mg/kg PO, repeat in 2 wk140 0.2-0.4 mg/kg PO, SC, repeat q14 d prn139 10 mg/kg IM, ICe, repeat in 2 wk137 200 µg/kg SC q4 mo141 50-75 mg/kg PO q24 h137 30 mg/kg PO q12 h for 3 d, repeat in 3 wk 30 mg/kg PO q24 h for 30 d116 8-24 mg/kg PO, SC, ICe, topical, repeat in 14 d115 3 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q24 h127

Febantel Fenbendazole

Ivermectin Levamisole Moxidectin Paromomycin Ponazuril Praziquantel Trimethoprim/sulfa Miscellaneous Therapeutics Dexamethasone Meloxicam Prednisolone sodium succinate

1.5 mg/kg SC, IM, IV116 0.4 mg/kg PO, SC ICe q24 h116 5-10 mg/kg IM, IV115

ICe, Intraceolomically; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; ppm, parts per million; prn, as necessary; SC, subcutaneously.




TABLE 2-6 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases In Reptiles Medications



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics Topical to affected area142

Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic ointment or drops Gentamicin ophthalmic ointment or drops Silver sulfadiazine cream

Topical to affected area143 Topical to affected area q24-72 h144 Topical Therapy: Antiviral Therapeutics Apply to lesions q12 h143

Acyclovir 5% ointment Topical Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics

Topical to affected area145 0.15 mg/L water for 1 h bath for 14 d146 Topical to affected area145 Topical q12 h prn147

Clotrimazole Malachite green Miconazole Tolnaftate 1% cream Topical Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics Carbaryl powder 5%

Lightly dust animal and environment; rinse after 1 h, repeat in 7 d148,149 Spray or wipe on then wash off in 5 min q7-10 d prn149,150 0.2 mg/kg topical q14 d for 3 treatments151 5-10 mL/L water topical spray q3-5 d for up to 28 d152

Fipronil Imidocloprid and moxidectin Ivermectin Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics Amikacin Amoxicillin Azithromycin Carbenicillin

Ceftazidime Ceftiofur sodium

Doxycycline Enrofloxacin Gentamicin

Lincomycin Marbofloxacin Oxytetracycline

Penicillin, benzathine Penicillin G Piperacillin

5 mg/kg IM, then 2.5 mg/kg q72 h153,154 10 mg/kg IM q24 h155 22 mg/kg PO q12-24 h143,146 10 mg/kg PO q2-7 d156 200 mg/kg IM q24 h157 400 mg/kg SC, IM q24 h158 200-400 mg/kg IM q48 h159 20-40 mg/kg SC, IM q48-72 h66,149,154 20 mg/kg SC, IM, IV q48-72 h153,160 2.2 mg/kg IM q48 h146 5 mg/kg SC, IM q24 h161 2.2 mg/kg IM q24 h146 4 mg/kg IM q24 h146,162 5-10 mg/kg PO q24 h for 10-45 d131,163 5-10 mg/kg PO, SC, IM, ICe q24-72 h131 2.5 mg/kg IM q72 h164,165 2.5-3 mg/kg IM, then 1.5 mg/kg q96 h166 5 mg/kg IM q72 h159 6 mg/kg IM q72-96 h167 5 mg/kg IM q12-24146 10 mg/kg PO q24 h146 10 mg/kg PO q48 h168 10 mg/kg IM IV q5 d169 5-10 mg/kg IM q24 h170 6-10 mg/kg PO, IM, IV q24 h143,146 10,000-20,000 U/kg IM q48-96 h149 10,000-20,000 U/kg SC, IM, IV, ICe q8-12 h143 50-100 mg/kg IM q24 h143,146 50 mg/kg IM, then 25 mg/kg q24 h131,146 100 mg/kg IM q48 h166 100-200 mg/kg SC, IM q24-48 h171

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


TABLE 2-6 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases In Reptiles—cont’d Medications


Dosage 10 mg/kg IM q12-24 h143 25 mg/kg PO q24 h131 2.5 mg/kg IM q24-72 h146,162 10 mg/kg IM q24-48 h146 15-20 mg/kg PO q24 h131 20-30 mg/kg IM q24-48 h172 30 mg/kg IM q24 for 2 d, then 48 h143,146,149 10-30 mg/kg PO q24 h143

Streptomycin Sulfadiazine Tobramycin Trimethoprim/sulfadiazine

Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Systemic Therapy: Antiviral Therapeutics

≥80 mg/kg PO q24 h173 80 mg/kg PO q8 h or 240 mg/kg/d PO174

Acyclovir Systemic Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics

0.5 mg/kg IV q48-72 h175 0.5-1 mg/kg IV, ICe q24-72 h for 14-28 d146 1 mg/kg q24 h ICe for 2-4 wk176 5 mg/kg PO q24 h32 21 mg/kg SC once, then 10 mg/kg SC 5 d later177,178 20-40 mg/kg PO q72 h for 5 treatments145 5 mg/kg PO q24 h179 10 mg/kg PO q24 h180 10 mg/kg PO q48 h for 60 d181 23.5 mg/kg PO q24 h182 15-30 mg/kg PO q24 h for 14-28 d162 25 mg/kg PO q24 h for 21 d183 15 mg/kg PO q72 h184 50 mg/kg PO q24 h for 14-28 d131 50 mg/kg PO q24 h for 14 d185 10 mg/kg PO34 5 mg/kg SC186

Amphotericin B


Griseofulvin Itraconazole


Thiabendazole Voriconazole Systemic Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

0.2-0.4 mg/kg PO, SC, repeat q14 d prn (do not use in chelonians, crocodilians, indigo snakes, or skinks)153,187,188 0.25-0.5 mg/kg SC prn189 8 mg/kg PO, SC, IM, repeat in 14 d131,153,171 5-10 mg/kg PO q14 d190 25-50 mg/kg PO q3 h for 3 treatments191,192


Milbemycin Praziquantel

Miscellaneous Therapeutics Carboplatin Chlorambucil Cisplatin Doxorubicin Methimazole Vitamin A Vitamins A, D3, E Vitamin D3 Vitamin E/selenium

2.5-5 mg/kg IM, intracardiac193 0.1-0.2 mg/kg PO193 0.5-1 mg/kg IV, IC, or intralesional193 1 mg/kg IM q7 d for 2 treatments, then q14 d for 2 treatments, then q21 d for 2 treatments194 2 mg/kg q24 h for 30 d195 1000-5000 U/kg IM q7-10 d for 4 treatments162 0.15 mL/kg IM, repeat in 21 d163 1000 U/kg IM, repeat in 1 wk196 1 U vitamin E/kg IM197

ICe, Intraceolomically; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; prn, as necessary; SC, subcutaneously.



TABLE 2-7 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Birds Medications



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics Topical to affected area q24-72 h198,199

Silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadene, Maron) Topical Therapy: Antiviral Therapeutics

Topical 3 ×/wk several hours before morning feeding200

Imiquimod cream (Aldara, 3M) Topical Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics

Apply 10% solution201 3% Cream topical to affected area q12 h199,202 topical or intratracheal 1 : 10-1 : 100 solution203 3 topical soakings q3 d204 Topical to affected areas q12 h204,205

Amphotericin B Enilconazole emulsion Miconazole Topical Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

7.5 mg/kg spray on skin once, repeat in 30 d206–208 0.2 mg/kg SC topical on skin, can repeat 1-2 wk for 3-4 applications207,209,210 1 drop (0.05 mL) to skin q7 d for 3 treatments206 Dust plumage lightly206 Apply to plumage; spray aviaries, bird rooms, surrounding areas.206

Fipronil (Frontline, Merial) Ivermectin (Ivomec, Merial)

Permethrin (Adams, Pfizer) Permethrin/piperonyl butoxide/ methoprene (Avian Insect Liquidator) Selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer)

23 mg/kg topical, repeat in 3-4 wk211 Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics 10-20 mg/kg IM, IV q8-12 h212 125 mg/kg PO q8 h213

Amikacin Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Clavamox, Pfizer) Azithromycin

10-20 mg/kg PO q48 h for 5 treatments214 40 mg/kg PO q24 h for 30 d214 50-100 mg/kg PO, IM q12 h215 50-100 mg/kg IM, IV q4-8 h216,217 10 mg/kg IM q8-12 h218 50-100 mg/kg q4-8 h219–221 40-100 mg/kg PO, IM q6-8 h219–221 10-40 mg/kg PO, IV, IM q12 h199 25 mg/kg PO q8 h222 100 mg/kg PO q12 h for 7 d223 25-100 mg/kg IM q5-7 d for 5-7 treatments217,224 5-30 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q12 h217,219,221 200-500 mg/L drinking water225 50 mg/kg IM q24 h for 5-7 d201,219 650-2000 mg/L drinking water for 5-14 d201 300 mg/kg soft feed for 5-14 d201 100-200 mg/kg IM, IV q6-12 h217,219 20 mg/kg SC, IM, q12 h201 8-50 mg/kg IM, PO q8-12 h216,219

Cefazolin Ceftazidime Ceftiofur sodium Cephalexin Ciprofloxacin Clindamycin Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Pfizer) Enrofloxacin Oxytetracycline

Piperacillin Trimethoprim/sulfadiazine Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole Systemic Therapy: Antiviral Therapeutics Acyclovir (Zovirax, Burroughs Wellcome)

20-40 mg/kg IM q12 h226 ≤400 mg/kg feed227 1000 mg/L drinking water227

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


TABLE 2-7 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Birds—cont’d Medications



Systemic Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics 1.5 mg/kg IV q8 h for 3-7 d204,228,229 2-5 mg/kg PO q24 h for 7-10 d230,231 4-6 mg/kg PO q12 h232 2.5-5 mg/kg PO q24 h233 5-10 mg/kg PO q24 h233

Amphotericin B Fluconazole Itraconazole Systemic Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

0.2 mg/kg PO, SC, IM once, then repeat in 10-14 d206,207 0.4 mg/kg SC once234 0.2 mg/kg PO, IM once207,235


Moxidectin Psychotropic Drugs

1-5 mg/kg PO q12-24 h219 1-2 mg/kg PO q24 h236 2-4 mg/kg PO q12 h237 0.4 mg/kg PO q24 h203 0.1-0.4 mg/kg PO q24 h236,238 1-2 mg/kg IM q14-21 d221,237 16 mg/L drinking water237 1-2 mg/kg PO q24 h239

Amitriptyline Chlomipramine Diphenhydramine Fluoxetine (Prozac, Dista) Haloperidol Nortiptyline (Pamelor, Sandoz) Paroxetine (Paxil, GlaxoSmithKline) Analgesics

2-8 mg/kg SC perineurally240 10 mg/kg PO q24 h for 6-24 wk241 11 mg/kg PO q12 h242 1-3 mg/kg243,244 0.1-0.2 mg/kg PO, IM q24 h245,246 0.5-1 mg/kg PO, IM, IV q12 h233 0.5 mg/kg PO q12 h247

Bupivacaine HCL Celecoxib (Celebrex, Pfizer) Gabapentin Lidocaine Meloxicam (Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim) Piroxicam Miscellaneous Therapeutics Acemannan (Carravet, Veterinary Product Labs) Desorelin (Suprelorin, Peptech Animal Health) Essential fatty acids Fatty acids (omega 3, omega 6) Prednisolone (prednisone) Vitamin A (Aquasol A Parenteral, Astra) Vitamin D3 (Vital E-A + D, Schering) Vitamin E (Vitamin E20, Horse Health Products; BoSe, Schering Plough) Vitamin E/γ-linolenic acid, linolenic acid (Derm Caps, DVM Pharmaceuticals) ICe, Intraceolomically; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; SC, subcutaneously.

Topical198 4.7 mg or 9.4 mg placed SC intrascapularly248 0.5 mL/kg PO q24 for 50 d or indefinitely219 0.1-0.2 mL/kg of flaxseed oil to corn oil mixed at a ratio of 1 : 4 PO249,250 0.5-1 mg/kg IM, IV251 2 mg/kg PO q12 h252 2000 U/kg, 50,000 U/kg PO, IM253 6600 U/kg IM once254 0.06 mg/kg IM q7 d219 0.1 mL/kg PO q24 h202



TABLE 2-8 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Mammals Medications



Topical Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics Topical to cutaneous lesions q12-24 h prn (H)255 Topical to cutaneous lesions or ear canal q12 h prn (H)255

Mupirocin 2% (Muricin, Dechra) Neomycin, thiabendazole, dexamethasone solution (Tresaderm, Merial) Silver sulfadiazine cream (Silvadene, Marion)

Topical q24 h (F, H, Ra, Ro, SG)256 Topical Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics Topical (Ra)257 Topical q24 h (H)258 Dip in a 0.2% solution for 7 d (Ro)259,260 1.5% in DMSO topical for 5-7 d (Ro)261 Topical (H)262 dip q7 d for 4-6 treatments (F, Ra, Ro)263,264 Topical q24 h for 14-28 d (Ra)265 Bathe once daily (Ra)266

Clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Schering) Enilconazole (Imaverol, Janssen) Griseofulvin Lime sulfur Miconazole (Conofite, Schering-Plough) Miconazole/chlorhexidine shampoo Topical Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics

0.3% Topical q7 d for 2-3 treatments (H, Ro)255,267 1.4 mL/L topical q7-14 d for 3-6 treatments (Ro)261,263 Topical to affected area q7-14 d for 3-6 treatments (F)268,269 Topical (SG)270 topical q7 d for 3 treatments (F, Ra, Ro)271 Topical q6-10 wk (Ra)266 2 mg/kg topical once (Ra)272 Contraindicated in rabbits and rodents, 1 pump topically q60 d (F)268 0.2-0.4 mL topical q30 d (F)273 One-half kitten dose topically (Ro)263 20 mg/kg topical q30 d (Ro)274 10-16 mg/kg as a single application (Ra)263,275,276 1 cat dose places along spine topical q30 d (F)268 0.1 mL/animal (Ro)277 10 mg/kg (I) + 1 mg/kg (M) topical q4 wk for 3 treatments (Ra)266 11-16.6 mg/kg topical once (Ra)278

Amitraz (Mitaban, Pfizer)

Carbaryl powder (5%) Cyromazine 6% (Rear-guard, Novartis) Eprinomectin Fipronil spray (Frontline, Merial)

Imidacloprid (Advantage, Bayer)

Imidacloprid 10%/moxidectin 1% (Advocate, Bayer) Imidacloprid 8.8%/permethrin 44% (Advantix, Bayer) Imidacloprid/moxidectin (Advantage Multi, Bayer) Ivermectin Lime sulfur Malathion powder (3%-5%) Pyrethrins

1.9-3.3 µg/kg topical q30 d (F)279 Spray animals or topical drops 4-5 times/yr (Ro)261,280 Dip q7 d for 4-6 treatments (F, Ra, Ro)263,264,273,281 Topical 3×/wk for 3 wk (Ro)281 Topical as directed for puppies and kittens (Ra)263,282 topical q7 d prn (F)283 6-18 mg/kg topical, repeat in 30 d (SG)284 6 mg/kg topical q30 d (H, Ro)285,286 8-18 mg/kg topical at the base of neck (Ra)287 6-10 mg/kg topical (F)269,288

Selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer)

Systemic Therapy: Antimicrobial Therapeutics Amikacin

2.5-5 mg/kg IM q8-12 h (H, Ra)255,265 5 mg/kg SC, IM q8 h (Ro)289 8-16 mg/kg SC, IM, IV divided to q8-24 h (F, Ro)263,273,290


CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System TABLE 2-8 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Mammals—cont’d Medications


Dosage 12.5 mg/kg PO, SC q12-24 h (F, SG)271,291,292 20 mg/kg PO q12 h (Ro)263 20-100 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q8 h (Ro but not hamsters, guinea pigs, or chinchillas)263,293 5-30 mg/kg SC, IM, IV q8-12 h (F)269,294 15-30 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ro)263 4-5 mg/kg IM q48 h for 7 d (Ra)295 5 mg/kg PO q24 h (F)279 15-20 mg/kg PO q12 h (F)271 100 mg/kg IM q12 h (Ra)296 30 mg/kg PO, SC q12-24 h (SG)291,292 15-25 mg/kg SC q24 h (Ro)263 15-30 mg/kg PO q8-12 h (F)297 30-50 mg/kg PO q8-12 h (Ro)263 50 mg/kg PO, SC, IM, IV q8 h (Ra)298 25-50 mg/kg PO q12 h (F)271 5-20 mg/kg PO q12 h (H, Ra, Ro)261,263 5-30 mg/kg PO q24 h (F)271 5.5-10 mg/kg PO q12 h (F, H)255,258,271 7.5 mg/kg SC q12 h (Ro)299 2.5-10 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q12 h (H)263 2.5-5 mg/kg PO q12 h (Ro)261,300 2.5 mg/kg PO q12 h (Ra)301 4 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ra)302 5-10 mg/kg PO, SC, M q12 h (F, H)271 5-20 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q12 h (Ra, Ro)261,263 22,000 U/kg SC, IM q24 h (Ro but not in guinea pigs and chinchillas)263 benzathine 42,000-84,000 U/kg IM q7 d for 3 wk (Ra)303 procaine 40,000 U/kg IM q24 h for 5-7 d304 30 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q12 h (H)305,306 15-30 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q12 h (F, Ra, Ro)261,263,297,307

Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Clavamox, Pfizer) Ampicillin


Cefadroxil Ceftazidime Cephalexin


Ciprofloxacin Clindamycin Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Pfizer)

Enrofloxacin Penicillin G

Trimethoprim/sulfa Systemic Therapy: Antifungal Therapeutics

Desoxycholate form: 1 mg/kg IV q24 h (Ra)308 liposomal form: 5 mg/kg IM q24 h (Ra)309 0.4-0.8 mg/kg IV q7 d (F)310 15-50 mg/kg PO q24 h for 14-28 d (Ro)261,311 12.5-25 mg/kg PO q12-24 h for 30-45 d (Ra)256,264 5-10 mg/kg PO q12 h (H, SG)255,312 2.5-10 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ro)259 20-40 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ra)313,314 2,000U/kg PO q12 h (SG)284 30,000 U/kg PO q8-24 h (H)255 60,000-90,000 U/kg PO q12 h for 7-10 d (Ro)315 10-30 mg/kg PO q24 h for 4-6 wk (Ro)316 100 mg/kg PO q12 h for 21 d (Ra)291,317,318

Amphotericin B

Griseofulvin Itraconazole


Terbinafine Systemic Therapy: Antiparasitic Therapeutics Ivermectin


0.2 mg/kg SC, repeat in 10-14 d (H, SG)263,319 0.2-0.4 mg/kg SC q7-14 d (Ro)320 0.05-0.3 mg/kg PO q24 h for 1 mo after negative skin scrape (F)271 0.5-1 mg/kg in ears and repeat in 14 d (F)297 One-half puppy/kitten dose PO q30 d (H)321 30-45 mg/kg PO q30 d (F)322 Continued



TABLE 2-8 

Common Treatments Used to Manage Skin Diseases in Mammals—cont’d Medications


Dosage 1 mg/kg PO once (Ro)299

Nitenpyram (Capstar, Novartis) Analgesics

0.1-1 mg/kg (SG)312 1.1 mg/kg diluted with saline 1 : 12 (H)323 1-1.5 mg/kg SC locally (F)324 1-4 mg/kg PO q12-24 h (Ro)325,326 2-4 mg/kg SC, IM q24 h (Ra)275 50 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ro)327 3-5 mg/kg PO q8-24 h (F)328 0.2 mg/kg PO, SC q12-24 h (SG)329,330 0.2 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q24 (F, H)324,331 1-2 mg/kg PO, SC q24 h (Ro)263 0.3 mg/kg PO q24 h (Ra)332

Bupivacaine HCL

Carprofen (Rimadyl, Pfizer) Gabapentin Meloxicam (Metacam, Boehringer Ingelheim)

Miscellaneous Therapeutics Desorelin (Suprelorin, Peptech Animal Health) Dexamethasone

Diphenhydramine Prednisone Thyroxine Vitamin A

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin E

4.7 mg SC intrascapularly (F)333 0.1-0.6 mg/kg SC, IM, IV (Ra, SG)291 0.1-1.5 mg/kg IM (H)334 0.5-2 mg/kg PO, SC, then taper dose q12 h for 3-12 d (Ro)261 0.5-1 mg/kg IM (F)271,297 1-2 mg/kg PO, SC, IM q8-12 h (F, Ro)263 0.5-2.2 mg/kg PO, SC, IM (Ro)263,281 0.2-0.4 mg/kg q12 h (F)335 500-5000 U/kg IM (SG)291 400 U/Kg IM q24 h for 10 d (H)300 50-500 U/kg IM (Ro)326 500-1000 U/Kg IM (Ra)263 10-30 mg/kg PO, SC, IM maintenance259 20-200 mg/kg treatment for deficiency (Ro)300 10 U/kg SC (SG)284

DSMO, Dimethyl sulfoxide; F, ferret; H, hedgehog; IM, intramuscularly; IV, intravenously; PO, orally; prn, as necessary; Ra, rabbit; Ro, rodent; SC, subcutaneously; SG, sugar glider.

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306. Smith AJ. Husbandry and medicine of African hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris). J Small Exot Anim Med. 1992;2:21-28. 307. Burgmann P, Percey DH. Antimicrobial drug use in rodents and rabbits. In: Prescott JF, Baggot JD, eds. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press; 1993: 524-541. 308. Sanati H, Ramos C, Bayer A, et al. Combination therapy with amphotericin B and fluconazole against invasive candidiasis in neutropenic-mouse and infective-endocarditis rabbit models. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1997;41:1345-1348. 309. Petraitis V, Petraitiene R, Groll AH, et al. Comparative antifungal activities and plasma pharmacokinetics of micafungin (FK463) against disseminated candidiasis and invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in persistently neutropenic rabbits. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2002;46:1857-1869. 310. Besch-Williford CL. Biology and medicine of the ferret. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 1987;17:1155-1183. 311. Quesenberry KE. Guinea pigs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 1994;24:67-87. 312. Pye GW. Personal observations. 2010. 313. Walsh TJ, Petraitis V, Petraitiene R, et al. Experimental pulmonary aspergillosis due to Aspergillus terreus. Pathogenesis and treatment of an emerging fungal pathogen resistant to amphotericin B. J Infect Dis. 2003;188:305-319. 314. Patterson TF, Fothergill AW, Rinaldi MG. Efficacy of itraconazole solution in a rabbit model of invasive aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1993;37:2307-2310. 315. Harrenstien L. Critical care of ferrets, rabbits, and rodents. Semin Avian Exot Pet Med. 1994;3:217-228. 316. Sorensen KN, Sobel RA, Clemons KV, et al. Comparative efficacies of terbinafine and fluconazole in treatment of experimental coccidioidal meningitis in a rabbit model. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2000;44:3087-3091. 317. Booth RJ. General husbandry and medical care of sugar gliders. In: Bonagura JD, ed. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII: Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2000:11571163. 318. Smith AJ. General husbandry and medical care of hedgehogs. In: Bonagura JD, ed. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII: Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2000:11. 319. Morrisey JK. Personal communication. 2004.

CHAPTER 2   •  Integumentary System


320. Beaufrere H, Neta M, Smith DA. Demodectic mange associated with lymphoma in a ferret. J Exot Pet Med. 2009;18:57-61. 321. Heatley JJ. Hedgehogs. In: Mitchell MA, Tully TN Jr, eds. Manual of Exotic Pet Practice. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2009: 433-455. 322. Kelleher SA. Skin disease of ferrets. Semin Avian Exot Pet Med. 2002;11:136-140. 323. Rhody JL, Schiller CA. Spinal osteosarcoma in a hedgehog with pedal self-mutilation. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract. 2006; 9:625-631. 324. Johnson-Delaney C. Ferrets: anaesthesia and analgesia. In: Keeble E, Meredith A, eds. BSAVA Manual of Rodents and Ferrets. Gloucester, UK: British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 2009: 245-253. 325. Eisele PH. Anesthesia for small mammals. Proc North Am Vet Conf. 1997;785-791. 326. Laird KL, Swindle MM, Flecknell PA. Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. New York: Pergamon; 1996. 327. Granson HJ. Gabapentin for tail trauma in a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Proc Annu Conf Assoc Avian Vet/Assoc Exotic Mam Vet. 2010;107-108. 328. Morrisey JK. Personal observation. 2011. 329. Brust DM. What every veterinarian needs to know about sugar gliders. Exotic DVM. 2009;11:32-41. 330. Ness RD, Johnson-Delaney C. Sugar gliders. In: Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW, eds. Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery. 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2012:393-410. 331. Hoppes SM. The senior ferret. Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract. 2010;13:107-121. 332. Carpenter JW, Pollock CG, Koch DE, et al. Single- and multipledose pharmacokinetics of meloxicam after oral administration to the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J Zoo Wildl Med. 2009;40:601-606. 333. Wagner RA, Piche CA, Jöchle W, et al. Clinical and endocrine responses to treatment with deslorelin acetate implants in ferrets with adrenocortical disease. Am J Vet Res. 2005;66:910-914. 334. Isenbügel E, Baumgartner RA. Diseases of the hedgehog. In: Fowler ME, ed. Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy 3. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1993:294-302. 335. Johnson-Delaney C. Ferrets. In: Johnson-Delaney CA, ed. Exotic Companion Medicine Handbook. Lake Worth, FL: Zoological Education Network; 2005:1-42.

C H A P T E R 


Respiratory System Hugues Beaufrère, DrMedVet, PhD, DACZM, DABVP (Avian), DECZM (Avian)  •  Noemie Summa, DrMedVet, IPSAV  •  Kim Le, BSc(Vet)(HonsI), BVSc INTRODUCTION The principal function of the animal respiratory system is to facilitate gas exchange in order to supply the oxygen necessary for aerobic metabolism to individual cells and eliminate the gaseous by-products in the form of carbon dioxide. When the zoological veterinarian is investigating the respiratory system and respiratory diseases of their patients, it should be kept in mind that all living animals are subject to the same constraints. However the respiratory system and its pathologic dysfunction vary with animal groups, metabolic rate, animal size, and environmental factors. As such, all respiratory systems have some characteristics in common including a large capillary network, extended surface area, moist and thin exchange surfaces, and constant renewal of oxygen-rich fluid.1 As size and metabolism increase, respiratory physiological parameters are optimized to satisfy oxygen demands. Such strategies include maximization of the respiratory surface area to volume ratio, thinner blood/fluid barrier, more efficient ventilation, and increased oxygen extraction through various mechanisms. Respiratory adaptations usually occur in concert with circulatory adaptations due to the necessity for efficient gas transport (see cardiovascular system: Chapter 4). A panoply of respiratory adaptations have evolved in both aquatic and terrestrial animals to accomplish respiratory functions corresponding to their ecologic and biological needs. Invertebrates show a tremendous variation in respiratory mechanisms from passive diffusion across basic external or internal respiratory surfaces to the more anatomically complex book lungs of Arachnida and tracheal system of Insecta. However, despite this large spectrum of respiratory strategies, invertebrates are limited in size in part due to the metabolic, anatomical, and physiological constraints of their respiratory system. Vertebrates have developed much more sophisticated respiratory systems that maximize respiratory surfaces in a given volume as well as airflow through advanced ventilatory mechanisms. In the aquatic oxygen-poor environment, the crosscurrent exchange mechanism of the gills, combined with a relatively low poikilothermic metabolism, has allowed fish to thrive. The oxygen-rich terrestrial environment has allowed increased oxygen extraction within the vertebrate lungs, with a high level of complexity culminating in birds where crosscurrent gas exchange air capillary surfaces power their relatively high metabolism and active biological lifestyle. While


homeothermic vertebrates usually rely on a highly specialized pulmonary system for gas exchange, poikilothermic vertebrates frequently combine different systems to meet their overall respiratory needs. This is best exemplified in amphibians, which use gills and skin in their larval life stage and change, as adults, to a combination of cutaneous, oropharyngeal, and pulmonary respiration in response to environmental constraints. Fish may also use an astonishing variety of airbreathing organs to accommodate the low oxygen concentration of tropical water, while reptiles may show extra pulmonary surfaces in various parts of their body (e.g., tracheal lungs in snakes and chameleons, cloacal breathing in aquatic turtles, cutaneous breathing in soft-shell turtles, gular breathing in some reptiles). Ventilatory mechanisms are also quite diverse in vertebrates and may involve the buccal cavity (e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles), an internal diaphragm (e.g., mammals), and air sac systems (e.g., some squamates and birds). This ventilation is regulated by various mechanisms triggered by changes in partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2), partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), pH, and intrarespiratory partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) and oxygen (PO2) depending on the species. In the anatomical section of this chapter, primary focus involves the branchial and pulmonary systems with a brief mention of alternate modes of respiration in some poikilothermic taxons. Gas transport and diffusion in the vascular system and cellular respiration are not presented. For obvious reasons, information regarding anatomy and physiology is restricted to that which is general or clinically relavent. Readers are invited to consult specialized texts on respiratory anatomy and physiology for in depth descriptions of this subject area. The second and third sections of this chapter cover respiratory diseases and their diagnosis in a variety of taxons. Necropsy and pathology are not included in this current therapeutic chapter on the respiratory system of exotic animals. While various vertebrate taxa share similar pathogenic organisms causing respiratory diseases, such as iridoviruses (e.g., fish, amphibians, reptiles), paramyxoviruses (e.g., reptiles, mammals, birds), gram-negative bacteria, mycoplasmas, and fungal species (e.g., reptiles and birds), some are more specific or more prevalent in certain species. Microbial organisms may be opportunistic pathogens (e.g., mycobacteria, saprophytic fungi) or obligate pathogens (e.g., viruses, parasites). The portal of entry into the respiratory system is

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

often directly through the respiratory surfaces. However some pathogens may gain access by other means such as the circulatory system. Husbandry factors and concurrent stress in captivity may contribute to the pathophysiology of most disease processes. This condition is evident with poikilothermic species in which an enclosed and controlled artificial biotope must be recreated. As with many diseases, some species that are phylogenetically closely related may share common disease conditions but may also show marked differences. Thus, extrapolation from one species to another should not only consider taxonomy but also species ecology and physiology. Indeed, vertebrate species with similar ecologic niches may be susceptible to similar diseases regardless of their phylogenetic relationship. Therefore the zoological medicine veterinarian must always extrapolate carefully what is known of a disease for one species to another, regardless of their potential biological relationships. One should always remember that species-specific knowledge is paramount in practicing sound medicine. Since mammalian medicine is more advanced than nonmammalian medicine, the reader may refer to the literature on common domestic mammals for a more in-depth review of some mammalian diseases, diagnostic tests, and therapeutics that may be applicable to zoological companion mammals. The last section of this chapter introduces therapeutic options for a variety of diseases. Since some diseases discussed in this chapter may affect other body systems, one is encouraged to consult other chapters within this book for further information on corresponding medical and surgical treatments.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Invertebrates Invertebrates are rarely treated in veterinary clinical practice but constitute almost 90% of the animal kingdom. As a nonmonophyletic group, they are extremely diverse in their natural history, with varying degrees of phylogenetic relationships as a whole; ranging from single-cell organisms to more complex and larger metazoans such as arthropods and mollusks.2,3 As invertebrates become increasingly popular in zoos, museums, and the pet trade, there is a growing need for veterinarians to be familiar with their care. This expertise is even more important for species conservation, where rare specimens are being reserved for captive maintenance and reproductive security.2–4 In comparison to vertebrates, the respiratory anatomy of invertebrates is drastically different between species. Nevertheless, the constraints of the respiratory function remain the same depending on the terrestrial or aquatic lifestyle of the species. While terrestrial arthropods breathe by means of book lungs or tracheae, aquatic animals possess gills, and many rely on cutaneous respiration. As the size of invertebrates increases and passive diffusion through surfaces becomes insufficient to power cellular metabolism, specialized respiratory systems have developed in conjunction with the cardiovascular system.

Insects and Arachnids

The process of respiration in spiders is closer in function to that of vertebrates in comparison to insects.5 The functional


unit of respiration, the book lung, is structurally uniform and homologous in all pulmonate spiders and scorpions (members of class Arachnida), although it varies in number among species.6,7 Anatomically, the book lungs lie ventrally in the anterior opisthosoma (abdomen). The entrance to the lungs communicates with the outside by a small enveloped atrium through the lung slit (or spiracle) and extends into many horizontal air sac pockets with hemolymph-filled lamellae.8 This series of flattened air-filled cuticular plates is where the process of diffusive gas exchange occurs with hemolymph. Hemocyanin is the most common oxygen-carrying pigment of the arachnid hemolymph. This oxygen-carrying, copperbased pigment has a higher oxygen affinity than hemoglobin, and functions more in oxygen storage than transportation.3,5,9 It is estimated that the surface area of the two-paired book lungs in a large tarantula such as Tarantula eurypelma is ~70 cm2 for a volume of 10 to 30 mm.3,8 The tracheal system is a network of branching tubes of decreasing size that come in direct contact with the tissues in their terminal stages by means of specialized epidermal cells called tracheoblasts (Figure 3-1).10,11 In insects, tracheae are composed of epithelial cells and an inward spiral cuticular layer called the taenidia.12 The diameter of tracheae at the spiracles may be several millimeters, but tracheae branch and taper down to 1 to 2 µm, at which point they give rise to tracheoles lined by tracheoblasts that transfer oxygen to cell mitochondria.12 Direct tracheal systems are mainly found in insects, although they are present and rudimentary in some arachnids. In arachnids that have both a tracheal system and book lungs, it has not been determined which is more efficient in oxygenation, nor why some lineages have such differences.8 When present, tracheoles are where gas exchange takes place and supply oxygen faster than book lungs.5,6,9,13 Gas enters the tracheal system from the environment by way of spiracles found on the thoracic and abdominal segments, which may



FIGURE 3-1  Views of the locust tracheal system. A, Dorsal

system in the abdomen; B, tracheae associated with the alimentary canal. (From Albrecht FO: The anatomy of the migratory locust, Athlone Press, 1953.)



possess filters or muscular flaps capable of closing the openings and decreasing water loss.8,12,14 Many insects retain tracheoles between moults.10,15 Oxygen is transported by passive diffusion. In larger insects, pump mechanisms, such as the flight muscles, thoracic pumping, abdominal pumping, and hemolymph engorgement, may assist with ventilation in order to change tracheal tube volume or work in tandem with tracheal sacs.12 Insects do not use their circulatory system to transport oxygen, although some species have hemoglobin dissolved in their hemolymph to help with oxygen storage. Aquatic insects have a variety of adaptive respiratory strategies, including submerging air under water (e.g., air bubbles beneath the elytra), passive diffusion through the spiracles, and tracheal gills.12


Mollusks are represented by gastropods (e.g., snails and slugs), bivalves (e.g., clams and oysters), and cephalopods (e.g., octopi and squid). The basic respiratory unit of mollusks is generally harmonized, but due to the vast species variations, an exhaustive presentation of mollusk breathing is beyond the scope of this clinical chapter. Most mollusks have true gills or ctenidia, although some have lost these anatomic structures and rely on secondary derived gills for gas exchange across their mantle or general body surface. Cephalopods tend to have a single pair of gills, except the Nautilus, which possesses two.16 In species with absent cilia, the gills are more elongated and highly folded to increase body surface area for efficient gas exchange and for waste excretion.17,18 The mantle is a secondary constituent of respiration for oxygen storage, although it has other functions in shell deposition, particle collection, retention, and sorting. It has been reported that in gravid unionids (e.g., freshwater mussels), space occupation within the mantle affects oxygen consumption and respiration.17 In terrestrial species, such as pulmonates, the mantle cavity functions as a primitive lung. Instead of having true gills the pulmonate mantle cavity is modified into a sac-like structure with increased vasculature and an opening called the pneumostome in which a respiratory network of blood sinuses responsible for air exchange is present.18,19


The crustacean class Malacostraca includes crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and krill. Similar to that observed in mollusks, there is a diverse variation of respiratory structure between species. Respiration in conjunction with waste removal generally occurs through the gills, which are composed of vascularized lamellae. The gills of semiterrestrial and terrestrial crabs frequently are fewer in number, have less gill surface area, and have to maintain a reduced respiratory volume compared with aquatic crabs.20 Some crab gills are enclosed in a branchial chamber, which is formed between the thoracic body wall and the inner surface of the carapace. Respiratory exchange can occur secondarily within the branchial chamber, with variations in function that includes production of negative pressure in burrowing species.20,21 Due to the significant interaction between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems if ventilation stops there is a subsequent cessation of the heartbeat after which the gill filaments rapidly become deoxygenated, allowing oxygen to diffuse out of the hemolymph into the environment.21

Fish Water Breathing Fish are the most diverse group of vertebrates, consequently this group of animals has tremendous interspecies differences and adaptations that should be acknowledged by the practicing veterinarian. The aquatic environment contains a lower concentration of oxygen than air because of poor oxygen dissolution in water.22,23 Compared with air, water is more dense and viscous. Considering the lower oxygen capacity of water, water-oxygen diffusion is about 1/8000th the rate of air-oxygen diffusion.24 Due to their lower metabolic rate and ectothermic thermoregulation, fish have low oxygen requirements in comparison to terrestrial animals, as it correlates with the oxygen availability in their respective biotopes. Tropical waters have even lower oxygen tension due to the warmer temperatures, and fish in these habitats have been evolutionarily selected for various air-breathing adaptations to enhance their survival in these hypoxic environments.25 All fish primarily use their gills for gas exchange. There is a wide variety of accessory respiratory organs, including the skin and specialized air-breathing organs, that have evolved in a multitude of families of fish. Some of these accessory respiratory organs are exemplified in several families of ornamental fish commonly kept in private aquaria (see section on Fish: Air Breathing). In addition, gills play important functions in osmoregulation, acid-base balance, and nitrogenous waste excretion, but this chapter only focuses on the respiratory function.26 Several excellent and comprehensive reviews have been published on the anatomy of the piscine gills and readers are invited to consult these references to gain more detailed information.27,28 Some scaleless fish, such as catfish in the order Siluriformes, also use their skin for cutaneous respiration. Most fish larvae use passive diffusion in conjunction with cutaneous respiration. The fish water-breathing respiratory system is composed of the gill arches, the two opercula covering the gills, and the buccal cavity in Actinopterygii (e.g., boney fish) (Figure 3-2). In Chondropterygii (e.g., sharks), which are more primitive, there are no opercula but gill slits (five to seven gill slits in elasmobranchs). In addition, elasmobranchs have a spiracle, which is a small hole caudal to the eyes for the entry of water; it is greatly reduced in some pelagic sharks.28 Agnatha (e.g., lampreys) have seven gill slits. The general organization of the gills follows the successive subdivision of the gills into gill arches, filaments (or primary lamellae), and secondary lamellae (see Figure 3-2).24,26–29 Modern fish species have four pairs of respiratory arches and one nonrespiratory pseudobranch on each side of the buccal cavity. Each gill arch is composed of a skeleton (the hyoid bones) called the gill septum. The gill septum is comprised of connective tissue and bears gill rakers medially that prevent food particles from entering the opercular chamber. Each gill septum supports two hemibranchs, comprised of a series of filaments, that together form a holobranch (see Figure 3-2). The spaces between gill septae are called the gill pouches. Abductor and adductor muscles located on the gill arches regulate the opening of the gill pouches and the spreading of the filaments.24 The hemibranchs are well differentiated in teleosts but are more fused in elasmobranchs. In elasmobranchs, an additional hemibranch is present on the anterior side of the first branchial slit.28 The shape of the gills and the

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System






FIGURE 3-2  General orientation of the gills. (A) Eight gills line the buccal (mouth) cavity of

the fish, four on each side. Three gills, I, II, and III, on the right side of the fish are shown. The gill arch supports the filaments (F) and gill rakers (GR). Three bones in the arch, hypobrachial (Hb), ceratobrachial (Cb), and epibrachial (Eb), provide strength and are hinged, permitting the gills to move with the jaw during ventilation. Water flows past the gill rakers, over the arch, and between the filaments (green arrows, W). (B) Gills removed from a fish showing three of the four gills (I, II, and III, separated by dashed lines). Dotted line indicates plane of cross section through the arch viewed in Figure 3-2a. (C) Dorsal view of a vascular corrosion replica of catfish gills, anterior to right. 1-4, Afferent branchial arteries (ABA) deliver blood to corresponding gill arches (asterisk directly on vessel to left of numbers); 19-49 efferent brachial arteries (EBA) drain blood from the corresponding gill arches and deliver it to the dorsal aorta (DA). (D) Schematic of a single gill arch showing the relationship of the filaments (F) of one hemibranch and the direction of water flow (W; green arrow) between the filaments of one hemibranch and across the respiratory lamellae (L). GRs on the ventral portion of the arch are not shown. (Reprinted with permission from Olson KR. Design and physiology of arteries and veins | branchial anatomy. In: Farrell AP, ed. Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2011:1095-1103.)

gill filaments vary tremendously among fish species. The number of filaments per hemibranch may differ between 50 to several hundred, providing high surface area for gas exchange.27 The tips of hemibranchial filaments are in close proximity with one another in teleosts, maximizing the area of water flow across their surface. The filaments are strengthened by a cartilaginous rod providing mechanical support. The secondary lamellae vary in shape, are numerous, and located where the gas exchange occurs. Two arteries, the afferent and efferent, are present and adjacent to the filament nerve. The lamellae are plate-like structures projecting at right angles from the filaments. The direction of lamellar blood flow is counter current to the direction of water, therefore creating a cross-current gas exchange system optimizing function. Seven types of epithelial cells form the lamellae and include pavement cells (barrier), ionocytes (ion transporting cells, also called chloride cells), goblet cells (mucus producing), neuroepithelial cells (chemoreceptor cells), taste cells (absent from filaments and lamellae), undifferentiated cells, and interstitial cells.24,28 Two arteries located on the gill arches supply the filamental arterioles and the lamellar capillary network. The afferent

branchial artery contains deoxygenated blood, whereas the efferent branchial artery contains oxygenated blood that passes across the lamellar cross-current exchange surface area. These two arteries eventually integrate into the systemic arterial circulation (dorsal aorta).24,26 Two other vascular networks are present in the gill filaments: the nutrient and interlamellar vascular networks. The nutrient and interlamellar vascular networks perfuse the nonlamellar portion of the branchial filaments. Branchial veins collect blood from nutrient arteries of the nutrient vascular network, which arises from the branchial arteries. Branchial veins flow into the jugular or anterior cardinal veins. The function of the interlamellar vascular network is unknown, although it is believed to be part of a secondary circulatory system of fish.24 Ventilation is accomplished in most fish by a pump action of the buccal (buccal pump) and opercular cavities, where the direction of water flow is dependent on which orifice is open or closed. Ventilation is unidirectional in fish and consists of two phases. The first phase consists of increasing the volume of the buccal and opercular cavities, which draws water from the mouth. The second phase involves the closing of the mouth, opening the opercula, and contracting both cavities in



order to direct water through the gills and the opercular opening. Water also flows completely or partially through the spiracles in elasmobranchs. In some pelagic species (e.g., tuna, sharks), ventilation is achieved by ram ventilation whereby the water flows through the mouth and gills during forward swimming.27,29 In lampreys, where anatomically their mouth is fixed on their host, water flows through their branchial slits for both inhalation and exhalation.28 In comparison to terrestrial mammals, oxygen is the main stimulus in triggering ventilatory changes.26 Carbon dioxide and pH also have an effect on ventilation, but oxygen demands override acid-base disturbances in fish.26 Additionally, peripheral chemoreceptors involved in the regulation of ventilation are located in the buccal and branchial cavities. It is important to note that due to the multifunctional aspect of the fish gill, gill diseases not only lead to respiratory compromise but also impair several osmoregulatory mechanisms. In cases where environmental oxygen concentrations decrease, the response of fish species may vary. Some fish migrate to more oxygenated areas, while others undergo physiological adaptations such changes in hemoglobin composition and hematocrit level and a decrease in metabolism. Over time, other groups of fish have developed unique and interesting aptitudes regarding adaptation to hypoxic environments by facultative or obligatory air breathing (see the following section).

an air-breathing organ, the swim bladder is of the physostomous type (with a pneumatic duct connected to the caudal end of the esophagus such as in carp, trout, and salmon) whereas it is of the physoclistous type (no connection) in other fish. In physoclistous fish, oxygen is secreted by the gas gland into the swim bladder and constitutes 80% of the swim bladder gas. Thus, the swim bladder may also act as a storage organ for oxygen in some fish.22 Certain fish (e.g., Australian gobies), while not having accessory respiratory organs, hold an air bubble within their buccal cavity to increase oxygenation of water immediately before it enters the gills.25 Since the vascular system of most fish, except the lungfish, is organized with all organs in serial order, there is a potential for loss of oxygen obtained through the air-breathing organs when this partially oxygenated blood is draining through the gills in poorly oxygenated water. Thus, gill exchange surface area is reduced in most species possessing well-developed airbreathing organs.25,30 Ventilation in air-breathing fish is usually achieved by the buccal pump: air is gulped from the surface and forced into the corresponding organ. The inhalation and exhalation process may be complex depending on the individual species’ respiratory strategy.25 Ventilatory control appears to be more complex than the oxygen-driven system of exclusively waterbreathing fish, and air breathing itself is periodic.


Physiology and morphology of the respiratory system in amphibians differs significantly among the three different orders (Anura, Caudata, and Gymnophiona) and even within the same order. Knowledge of species variations for respiratory strategy is useful for husbandry, diagnosis, or medical management of amphibians. In this chapter, the respiratory physiology and anatomy of amphibians is presented with emphasis on clinically salient features. As frogs, toads (Anuran), followed by newts, and salamanders (Caudatan) are the most represented animals in captivity, the majority of information focuses on these two orders. Thus, caecilian particularities are rarely described in detail. Amphibians rely on diverse modes of respiration for gas exchange, including pulmonary, branchial, buccopharyngeal, and cutaneous.32–45 Each mode involves different vascular adaptations with the respiratory and circulatory systems closely interrelated (see amphibian cardiovascular chapter).32,46 Depending on species, stage of development, natural history, and oxygen availability, the functional implications of these different respiratory modes may vary.32–45 In most postmetamorphic terrestrial amphibians, lung or skin is the primary site of respiration, whereas many aquatic species and all premetamorphic stages rely on gills and skin.32,37,43 Buccopharyngeal respiration is considered a minor site for gas exchange and part of cutaneous respiration by some authors.35,36,38 Cutaneous respiration is not discussed in detail in this chapter. However, veterinarians should keep in mind that skin may be the most important site for respiration in some amphibian species such as the aquatic Titicaca water frog (Telmatobius culeus) or the lungless salamanders (Plethodontidae).36,47 Amphibians that predominantly rely on cutaneous respiration usually have an increased cutaneous exchange surface (e.g., skin folds, hair-like structures) and a lower metabolism.48 Moreover, during hibernation, amphibians may switch to exclusive cutaneous respiration.48 Skin can also be a

Air Breathing

A wide variety of tropical fish have developed air-breathing capabilities. Some of these species, commonly kept as ornamental fish, include bettas, gouramis, and plecos. Aerial respiration has evolved independently over 68 times in fish and there are at least 49 extant fish families with this characteristic; thus, there is a myriad of air-breathing strategies and accessory respiratory organs.30,31 Due to obvious space limitations to cover such a broad topic, only general features and the most relevant information is presented here. As the swim bladder is not a primary respiratory organ but a hydrostatic organ in most fish, its anatomy, physiology, and diseases are not covered in detail. Air-breathing organs are extremely varied in form, function, and effectiveness. The air breathing organs in fish can be classified into three groups depending on their body location: organs associated with the skin, structures located on the head or along the digestive tract, and lung and respiratory bladder structures.25,31 The skin is mainly used by amphibious fish and several species of catfish. The second category of air-breathing organs include the gills (with structural reinforcement to withstand surface tension in air); simple but specialized respiratory epithelia in the buccal, pharyngeal, branchial, and opercular areas; specialized chambers in the roof of the pharynx; specialized structures derived from the gills or opercular chamber (e.g., labyrinth apparatus of the Anabantids such as bettas and gouramis); and intestinal organs such as the esophagus, pneumatic duct, stomach, and intestines.25,31 The third group comprises fish that have evolved paired primitive lungs from the floor of the alimentary canal with a glottis and proper pulmonary circulation (e.g., lungfish) and fish that use their swim bladder developed from the side or dorsal aspect of the alimentary canal (e.g., gars and bowfins). Lungfish are obligatory air breathers. In fish that use their swim bladder as


major site of excretion of CO2, even though O2 may be provided by a different mode of respiration, as described in Rana catesbeiana, Siren lacertina, and Amphiuma tridactylum.45,49 Adult Anurans may present three modes of respiration: buccopharyngeal, pulmonic, and cutaneous. Newts and salamanders may rely on four modes of respiration: branchial (retained gills in neotenic species), cutaneous, buccopharyngeal, and pulmonic. Finally, caecilians can have up to three modes of respiration: pulmonic, buccopharyngeal, and cutaneous.35,36,41 The respiratory system in amphibians includes external nares, narial ducts, internal nares (choana), buccopharyngeal cavity, glottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi or bronchial tubes, and lungs. When such structures are present, they vary depending on species and the animal’s stage of development.32,35,36,38,50 Embryonic respiration in both aquatic and terrestrial eggs of salamanders and viviparous caecilians is accomplished by three pairs of external gills.33 Anuran embryos usually lack gills; however, some species may have two to three pairs of poorly developed gills.33 In most frog species gill development usually occurs before hatching, except in Xenopus, Discoglossus, some Scaphiopus, and some Bufo, which develop these respiratory structures after hatching.33 Other organs may contribute to embryo respiration such as maternal skin (Pipa), a highly vascularized tail in terrestrial embryos, or a nonvascularized abdominal sac (Discodeles, Platymantis).33 Respiratory studies of amphibian larval stages have only been performed in a few species; therefore, extrapolation should carried out with caution.34 Respiration in most amphibian larvae is branchial and cutaneous.32,34,38 Tadpoles are the only larval stage amphibian that has internal gills. All Anuran larvae have visible external gills upon hatching that are recovered by an operculum until a pair of branchial spiracles appears and forms the internal gills.34,36,51 Gills are the major source for gaseous exchange in Anuran larvae.35 Caudatan larvae have three pairs of plumate external gills, which resorb during metamorphosis in terrestrial forms or remain in neotenic species such as the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) and common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus).35,36,38 The gills of Caudatan larvae that live in ponds have moderately long fimbriae and a general bushy appearance, whereas the gills of larvae that inhabit streams have shorter and more robust fimbriae.33,52 Viviparous caecilian larvae strongly resemble adult caecilians, although external gills are present for a few hours after birth.35,36 Oviparous caecilian larvae have external gills that are also quickly resorbed.35 Adult amphibians share some particularities in their respiratory anatomy. The nostrils open to the narial duct, which leads to the buccal cavity via the choana.32 The nostrils and corresponding narial ducts are intimately associated with the olfactory system. The buccopharyngeal cavity is composed of the mouth and the pharynx, and is covered by a highly vascularized ciliated epithelium.32,38 The glottis is a longitudinal slit-like structure, on the floor of the pharynx, delineated cranially by the arytenoid cartilages, and is opened and closed by the mm. dilatator laryngis and constrictor laryngis, respectively.32,50 In aquatic amphibians, the glottis tends to be much smaller than the glottis of a similar-sized terrestrial amphibian.36 The glottis leads to a triangular chamber, the larynx, which is supported through its length by a series of semicircular cartilages, the lateral cartilages.32,36 The trachea leads to the bronchi or bronchial tubes depending on species, which end into the lungs, if present.32 Studies in axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), fire

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


salamander (Salamandra salamandra), red-bellied newt (Taricha rivularis), and African clawed frog (Xenopus laevi) suggest that pulmonary surfactant, host defense proteins, and serotoninpositive neuroepithelial endocrine cells in amphibians are similar to those observed in mammals.53–56 In Anurans, the nares are closed by an upward swelling of the m. submentalis.32 The arytenoid cartilages are an integral part of the sound-production system in Anurans and are more developed in males than in females.32,57 The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring in most adult amphibians except in pipid frogs (Xenopus and Pipa spp.).32 The trachea is extremely short in Anurans and bifurcates within the lungs.32,35,36,38 Caution should be observed during tracheal intubation and washes in these taxa in order to prevent pulmonary epithelium trauma.32,35,36 Except in pipid frogs that have bronchi, all Anurans have bronchial tubes.32 Anurans have simple, highly vascularized, thin, sac-like, paired lungs, which are weakly partitioned by a thin septa composed of connective tissues.32,35,38,44,57 Positive-pressure ventilation should be carefully performed in Anurans, as pulmonary rupture can occur.35 Anatomically, the right and the left lungs are approximately the same size, although species variations do exist such as those seen in Ascaphus, which are smaller in comparison to aquatic species such as pipid frogs and Telmatobius.32,36 Other anatomical variations have been reported in Anurans, such as the presence of a cartilage in the lungs of pipids and variation in lung compartmentalization across amphibian species.32,58,59 Compared to Caudatans and Caecilians, Anurans have smaller and more numerous pulmonary compartments.32 In Caudata, the nares are closed by smooth muscles.32 With the exception of some aquatic salamanders (Amphiumas, Cryptobranchus), Caudatans have a very short trachea, which has clinical significance during tracheal intubation, as previously described in Anurans.35,36,50 The trachea is comprised of cartilaginous rings that also extend into the bronchi of some species.36 The bronchi are short, wide passages that lead directly to the lungs.50,60 Most salamanders have simple, welldeveloped paired lungs, with the exception of some species living in mountain streams (Salamandrina, Rhyacotriton, and Onychodactylus), which have smaller lungs.32,36 Plethodontid salamanders are lungless.35,36,44 The right and the left lungs of salamanders generally are the same size, with the right side slightly smaller than the left.36,50 Terrestrial species have sacculated lungs with highly vascularized internal septae, covered by a thin eptihelium, while aquatic salamanders (mudpuppies and waterdogs, Necturus spp.) have single lobes.32,35,36 In terrestrial species, each lung has two longitudinal compartments: one containing the pulmonary artery, the other the pulmonary vein.32,60 Obligate neotenic salamanders and some aquatic salamandrids (Notophthalmus spp. and Triturus spp.) have few, poorly vascularized septae.32 Neotenic species (Siren spp., Necturus spp., Ambystoma mexicanum, Proteus anguinus, Typhlomolge rathbuni) possess external gills and rely heavily on branchial respiration.36 Some of these species (Siren spp., Necturus maculosus) have both lungs and gills.36,43 As for Caudatan larvae, gills may present short or as long filaments, depending on their natural environment.35,36 The hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) relies almost entirely on cutaneous respiration, although lungs and a singular gill opening are present.42 In Caecilians, nares are closed by means of smooth muscles, as in salamanders.32,36 Compared to Caudatans and Anurans,



caecilians have an elongated trachea, which bifurcates into bronchi.32,36 In Cayenne caecilians (Typhlonectes compressicauda) and red caecilians (Uraeotyphlus oxyurus), the trachea forms a ventral evagination, which is called the tracheal lung and contributes to gaseous exchange.32,36 Lungs are extremely elongated paired structures, which are divided in alveoli and are infiltrated with cartilage in most caecilians.32,36 The left lung is usually shorter in caecilians, although variation may occur with the absence of a left lung in some species.32,35,36 Aquatic caecilians, especially ill or neonatal animals, should not be placed in an enclosure with relatively deep water, as pulmonic breathing is their most important mode of respiration.35,36 Since amphibians lack a diaphragm, all pulmonary and buccopharyngeal ventilation occurs through a buccopharyngeal force-pump mechanism controlled by the cranial nerves.32,38,52,61 When the nostrils are opened and the buccal floor is depressed by contraction of the throat musculature air enters into the buccal cavity.32,38 The nostrils then close, the buccal cavity floor is elevated, and the glottis opens, forcing air into the lungs.32,38 The cycle then reverses: The buccal floor is depressed, the glottis opens while the nares are closed, and air is expulsed from the lungs into the buccal cavity.32,38 The nares then open while the glottis is closed and the buccal floor is elevated, expelling air out of the mouth.32,38 In Caudata, expiration is active via muscle contraction, whereas in Anurans and caecilians, it is passive.52 Expiration and inspiration movements are performed by the nares in Cryptobranchus, Amphiuma, and Triturus and by the mouth in Sirens, Necturus, pipid frogs, and terrestrials caecilians.32,36 Respiratory physiology in caecilians is not well described.36 Similar but faster and oscillatory movements occur in frogs and salamanders corresponding to the ventilation of the olfactory chambers.38,62 Reversible adaptations of the respiratory system to the environment, such as change in the preferential mode of respiration or fimbriae development of the gills, may be seen in amphibians. These reversible adaptations of the respiratory system can occur due to oxygen availability, stress, and temperature.34,39,40,63 Some amphibians may also change their behavior when exposed to low oxygen levels within their aquatic environment. Such behaviors include gulping air behavior in tadpoles or swimming toward the surface in salamanders, newts, and tadpoles.34 The respiratory system has a secondary role in amphibians other than gas exchange and includes maintaining hydrostatic, electrolytic, and metabolic homeostasis, waste excretion, and communication through vocalization between conspecifics.32,36,41,62,63

the class Reptilia (clade of Sauropsida).64 Despite the anatomical variations among reptiles’ orders, anatomy of the nasal cavities within an order is very similar.64 In crocodilians, the nares are slightly raised above the level of the upper jaw, allowing breathing while partially submerged, and adult male gharials have a large nasal excrescence, the ghara, which is supposed to act as a vocal resonator.65 Crocodilians also maintain the control of the opening of their nares to prevent water aspiration. Moreover this group of reptiles has a large soft tissue valve in the pharynx to prevent aspiration when the oral cavity is filled with water (formed by the velum palati and gular fold).66 In saurians, the nares are clearly visible in most species and nasal salt glands may be present in others (e.g., green iguana [Iguana inguana], desert species).67 The nasal cavities in reptiles can be divided into five structures, including the vestibulum nasi, the cavum nasi proprium, the ductus nasopharyngeus, the conchae, and the Jacobson’s organ.64 The vestibulum nasi usually is a short, simple tubular structure, located from the external nares to the cavum nasi proprium, although it may be more complex or longer in some lizards (Varanidae, Chamaelonidae, Iguanidae, and Agamidae), turtles (genera Caretta, Chelonia, Dermochelys, Eretmochelys) or snakes (Laticauda).64 In chelonians, the vestibule is divided cranially by a cartilaginous septum into particularly large right and a left nasal chambers.68,69 In tuatara (Sphenodon spp.), many turtles, and squamates, the limit between the vestibulum and the cavum is marked by a ridge in the lateral nasal wall.64 Erectile tissue may be present around the vestibulum to close off the nares during immersion in some turtles and most species of squamates.64 Histological structure cannot be generalized, as important variations of the extension of the stratified epithelium occur in lizards.64 The cavum nasi proprium is a large and complex chamber, located between the vestibulum and the nasopharyngeal duct, partially covered by a sensory epithelium. The cavum nasi proprium is defined by the presence of a species-dependent number of conchae, which are projections of the lateral wall of the nasal cavity into the former cavity.64 Anatomy of the cavum nasi is highly variable among reptiles, even within the same order.64 The ductus nasopharyngeus is a tubular connection between the cavum nasi and the choana. This structure is absent in tuatara, short in most lizards, more developed in snakes and turtles, and reaches its maximum development in crocodilians.64 The conchae are absent in chelonians but present in other reptiles.69


Reptile lungs are simple sac-like structures, which can be unicameral (snakes and some lizards), paucicameral (transitional, Iguanidae, Chamaelonidae, Agamidae), or multicameral.69,70 Most chelonians, some squamates (e.g., Varanidae, Helodermatidae), and all crocodilians have complex multichambered lungs, whereas most other reptiles have simple, primary lungs.69,70 The pulmonary gas exchange sites in reptiles are called ediculi (wider than deep) or faveoli (deeper than wide) and consist of small crypts instead of alveolar sacs.71 These pulmonary gas exchange sites are much larger than mammalian alveoli and generate much less exchange surface, which is one of the reasons why reptilian lungs are

Although lungs conserved a similar basic structure and function among the various group of reptiles, major differences with significant clinical implications exist, even within orders. A sound understanding of the respiratory physiology and anatomy of reptiles is a prerequisite for managing respiratory disease, interpreting clinical tests, or monitoring anesthesia in these animals.

Upper Respiratory System

Great variations in the nasal anatomy exist among reptiles, with crocodilians having the most complex nasal cavities of

Lower Respiratory System

larger and may occupy a large area of the coelomic cavity. Tuataras have a simple single-chambered lung and lack bronchi.69 In addition, some reptile species may use accessory respiratory surfaces such as the skin (e.g., Trionychidae: softshelled turtles), buccopharyngeal (e.g., many lizards), tracheal diverticula (e.g., snakes), and cloacal bursa (e.g., some freshwater turtles).72 In chelonians, the air passes from the nares, through the glottis, trachea, and bronchi before entering the lungs.71 The glottis lies at the base of a muscular fleshy tongue in chelonians.71,73 Unlike snakes and lizard, the trachea is reinforced by complete cartilage rings and in most chelonians divides after a very short distance into two bronchi.69,71,73 Therefore, attention should be paid during tracheal intubation to avoid passing the tube too deep into a single bronchus or damage the bronchial bifurcation.74 The bronchi often enter the lungs dorsally relative to mammalian species.73 A single cartilage-reinforced intrapulmonary bronchus divides the lungs into a complicated network of bronchioles and faveoli.70,74 The lungs in chelonians are paired, similar-sized, and large sac-like organs.68,73 They are divided in many septae and organized in faveoli, with a structure similar to a cross section of a sponge.68,73 The lungs are located dorsally against the carapace and above the visceral organs.68 The lungs of chelonians are attached to the ventral carapace and the vertebral column by the pulmonary ligament.71 All intrapulmonary septae lack perforations and most species possess a complete double capillary network.70 When the head and limbs are retracted, the lung volume reduces by one-fifth of its initial volume.74,75 As with all reptile species, chelonians lack a true muscular diaphragm, but many possess thin, membranous, nonmuscular, diaphragmlike structures that separate the lungs from the other viscera. This is called the post-pulmonary septum, the pleuroperitoneal membrane, or the pseudodiaphragm and is absent in seaturtles.68,71,73,74 A strong vertical membrane separates the left lung from the right.68 In ophidians, the glottis opening is composed of two small vertical arytenoid cartilages, is located rostrally on the floor of the oral cavity, and facilitates direct visualization and intubation in conscious snakes.73,76,77 When swallowing large prey, the larynx can be moved forward between the tips of the mandibles or antero-laterally to the side of the mouth to allow the glottis to open and facilitate ventilation.76 The trachea in snakes is a long, flexible air duct that goes from the glottis, through the tracheal lung (when present), and ends directly in the right lung at the level of the base of the heart.73,76 When present, air passes into the left lung via a short left bronchus.76 The trachea is reinforced by a species-dependent number of incomplete cartilage rings that are separated dorsally by a thin membrane. This tracheal membrane lacks muscle fibers and may expand dorsally to form the tracheal lung or the cardiac lung.69,73,76 The tracheal lung is usually a single, vascularized, longitudinal organ that is distinguished from the lung by the presence of pulmonary constriction at the level of the heart.76 In some species, such as marine Hydrophiidae (sea snakes), this constriction is not present and the tracheal lung forms a single structure with the right lung, called the thoraconuchal lung.76 It is believed the tracheal lung allows gas exchange when the lung is compressed by ingested prey.73 The cardiac lung is a structure similar to the tracheal lung but is relatively reduced in size and located in the cardiac area.76 In snakes,

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


the trachea usually lies ventrally to the esophagus and passes on the left side of the heart. Exceptions exist in Scolecophidia (blind snakes), where the trachea lies on the right of the heart, and in Boidae and most snakes with a well-developed tracheal lung.76 The lungs in snakes are elongated, membranous, and fusiform in shape with a voluminous tissue-free central axial lumen surrounded by exchange surface.76 As a general rule, the left lung is absent or vestigial in more advanced snakes (Viperidae), while in primitive snakes (Xenopeltidae, Loxocemidae, Pythonidae, and Boidae), there is a right lung and a small left lung.70,73,76–79 Pythons usually have two lungs whereas boas’ left lung is vestigial or absent. Colubridae, however, have a vestigial left lung.80 Total length of the lung ranges from 16% (Uropeltis) to 94% (Acrochordus granulatus) of body length, although most snakes have values between 40% and 80%.76 All snake lungs are usually arranged in a single longitudinal unit except in Anomalepididae, Typhlopidae, and Acrochordidae, in which the lungs are multichambered.70,76 The right lung (and the left lung in Boidae) can be divided into two major structural and functional areas.73,76,81 First, the cranial portion, the alveolar lung, is a thick-walled and highly vascularized structure with major functions in gas exchange and constitutes up to half of the lung mass.73,76,77 The respiratory tissue is present in this area of the lung and is composed of a honeycomb network of capillary-bearing partitions.81,82 The second major area of the reptile lung or caudal portion, also known as the membranous lung, is a thin-walled, transparent, nonvascular and nonrespiratory structure, similar to avian air sacs and serves to store air. These two parts are separated by a transitional zone.76 The cranial portion of the lung usually starts at 20% and ends at ~40% of the snout to cloaca length. The caudal lung extends to the rear of the animal and may reach the cloaca in some species.73 Aquatic snakes may use this air sac to assist in buoyancy.80 Lizards have incomplete tracheal rings similar to those found in snakes.73 The trachea bifurcates into a left and a right bronchus when it enters the thoracic cavity, near the base of the heart.73 Intrapulmonary bronchi may be present (Iguanidae and Chamaeleonidae) or absent (Agamidae).70 Lungs are usually equal in size in lizards, except in Anguimorpha and Amphibaenians.67 Structurally, the lungs may be very simple, intermediate, air-sac-like organs (Gekkota, Scincomorpha) or a more elaborate reticulated structure with a variable number of faveoli (Varanidae, Helodermatidae).67,73 In lizards, the lungs represent a significant volume of the coelomic cavity and in some species may extend caudally to the lumbar region during inspiration.67 As described in snakes, the lungs can be divided into two parts: the cranial respiratory portion of the lungs and the caudal nonrespiratory air-sac-like portion.73 For example, in skinks (Scincidae), the caudal lungs are organized into an air-sac-like structure as observed in snakes.83 Chameleons possess large tentacular diverticula projecting from their lungs.69,73,83 Additionally, some chameleon species have an accessory lung lobe that extends from the anterior trachea cranial to the pectoral girdle (the post-pulmonary septum).84 Some lizards, such as monitors, possess a membrane that separates the heart and lungs from the rest of the coelomic cavity, similar to a diaphragm in mammals.73 Two types of pneumocytes have been described in the green lizard.85 Surfactant quantity is 70 times greater per surface area in the central netted dragon than in mammals.86



In Crocodilians, the glottis is caudal to the palatal valve, which seals the glottis while submerged to prevent aspiration.66 This palatal valve is composed of a dorsal flap from the soft palate, the velum palati, and a ventral flap, the gular fold.65,66,73 In crocodiles, the trachea passes on the left side into the thorax before bifurcating, avoiding pressure on the trachea while swallowing prey.70 This anatomic function of the respiratory system is not found in alligators.70 Crocodilians have complete tracheal rings. The intrapulmonary bronchus is reinforced by cartilage in the cranial half and there is variation among species.70 In crocodiles, the intrapulmonary bronchus is straight and ends in a terminal sac; in gharials, it lies laterally; in alligators and caimans, it bends medially and terminates against the medial surface of the lung.70 Similar to chelonians, all crocodilians have tubular, highly vascularized, sac-like multichambered lungs that lie in pleural chambers separated by a complete mediastinum.70,73,87 The lungs in crocodilians are more complex than those of other reptiles. In crocodiles, the lungs lie loosely in the thoracic cavity, while in the caiman, they are fused to the ventral wall of the thorax.70 Crocodilians have a pseudodiaphragm that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdomen and is comprised of two membranes: the posthepatic and the postpulmonary membrane.66,70 The latter separates the lungs from the liver and has a muscular component.70 The posthepatic membrane is attached to the m. diaphragmaticus, which extends to the pubis.70 The muscular part of these membranes acts like a diaphragm by pulling the liver in a caudal direction during active inspiration in association with intercostal muscle movement.70,73 Microscopic anatomy of the respiratory tract is similar in reptiles.73 The trachea is lined with a typical pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia and goblet cells, which transitions into a squamous epithelium in the bronchi and avascular portion of the snake lung. Pulmonary surfactant is present in faveoli.88,89 Innervation of the reptile’s lung includes cholinergic fibers and adrenergic nerves of sympathetic origin.90

Respiratory Physiology

For most reptiles, pulmonary respiration is the main source of oxygen uptake.70,90 However, some species such as softshelled turtles rely almost entirely on cutaneous respiration in water.88 One major characteristic of reptile respiratory physiology is their ability to function under anaerobic metabolism utilizing a strong blood buffering system to compensate for lactic acidosis.73 The ability to function under anaerobic metabolism has an important clinical implication, as it allows reptiles to conceal severe respiratory diseases until the compensatory mechanisms are overwhelmed.73 Unlike amphibians and despite the absence of a muscular diaphragm, all reptiles use negative pressure to breathe, except chelonians. Chelonians employ positive-pressure ventilation, allowing these animals to have normal respiration despite shell compromise.71,74,90 Respiratory cycle patterns vary depending on species.90,91 However, all reptiles include variable periods of apnea in their respiratory cycle.90 Lizards and snakes have active expiration and inspiration through the contraction or relaxation of the intercostal muscles, the pulmonary smooth muscles in some species, and dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral muscles.73,90 One must not restrict ventilation in a lizard patient while holding the animal around the ribs during physical examination.67 In snakes, the caudal avascular portion of the lung may help ventilate the vascular

portion while ingesting food, as it is cranial to the pylorus in most snakes.90 In chelonians, respiratory physiology differs between terrestrial and aquatic species.73,90 On land, expiration is active and inspiration is passive, whereas it is reversed in water because of the effect of gravity and hydrostatic pressure on visceral organs.73,90 Ventilation is carried out by movements of the inguinal, axial, and shoulder muscles in order to create a pressure change within the coelomic cavity. Thus, movements of the limbs are observed during normal respiration. Some aquatic turtles use other respiratory surfaces, the most notable being the cloacal bursa during periods of underwater hibernation. In crocodilians, expiration and inspiration are both active processes.90 However, expiration becomes passive when the crocodilians are submerged, as with turtles.90 The diaphragmaticus muscles in association with the intercostal and abdominal muscles produce coelomic volume variation by pulling on the caudal part of the liver.65,90 In reptiles, the stimulus to breathe comes from low blood oxygen concentration.73 Ventilation is controlled by partial pressures of oxygen (PO2), and carbon dioxide (PCO2), acidbase balance, and stretch receptor feedback in the pulmonary parenchyma. Low PO2 seems to be more important than high PCO2 in the control of respiration, especially in turtles, although most species are extremely tolerant to hypoxia.90 Lizards are generally more sensitive to PCO2 than turtles, depending on species and ecologic behavior (divers, burrowers).90 In aquatic snakes, hypoxia is the main factor for controlling ventilation.90 Increase in oxygen demand with higher temperature is not met with an increase in respiratory rate but rather an increase in tidal volume.73 Hypercapnea causes an increase in tidal volume by suppressing pulmonary stretch receptors. Hypoxia results in an increase in respiratory rate.71,73 Some aquatic species have respiratory adaptations related to their diving behavior (e.g., loggerhead sea turtles) where there is reduced airway resistance and muscular contributions toward breathing.92 The lungs function as a major oxygen store in loggerhead sea turtles and may provide oxygen for up to 20 minutes of submersion.93 Prolonged submersion (at least 3 h) is possible due to their high anaerobic capacity.93 This diving reflex may prevent the animal from reaching effective planes of anesthesia.68 Gular movements may be observed in some reptiles and are often not related to gas exchange. However gular movements have been associated with communication with conspecifics. This behavior may be displayed with olfaction in turtles and crocodilians, courtship in chameleons by inflation of the gular pouch, or defensive behavior in the chuckwalla.65,70,71,90 In snakes, the avascular part of the lung acts as an oxygen store but also cools the testes and plays a role in buoyancy.90 In chelonians, the lungs play a significant role in buoyancy. Other pulmonary functions found in reptiles are locomotion in snakes, hydrostatic role, behavior and threat display (e.g., lung volume increase in some lizards to prevent them from being extracted from their rock crevice), or vocalization (chameleons, snakes).67,77,90 In some aquatic and semiaquatic turtles, abnormalities in flotation may be observed with respiratory disease. The abnormal posture of the turtle when floating may be associated with the hydrostatic function of the lungs, although abnormal flotation may also occur with excessive gas in intestines or extrapulmonary ectopic air in the coelomic cavity due to pulmonary trauma.68

Mammals The respiratory system of small mammals is more familiar to veterinarians, as there is a uniform anatomy among all mammalian species with specific adaptations to suit environmental and evolutionary pressures. Detailed descriptions of mammalian anatomy and physiology are beyond the scope of this chapter, in which only a review of comparative differences between the species is outlined. The primary function of the respiratory system is the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the lungs and cells of the body. During the process of respiration, air is moved back and forth through the airways to transport gases and eliminate waste perpetuating gaseous exchange at the level of the respiratory surfaces. Inspired air is a mixture of 79.4% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, and 0.03% carbon dioxide. In contrast, expired air in mammals consists of 80% nitrogen, 16% oxygen, and 4% carbon dioxide.94 In addition to providing gas exchange, the respiratory system has other functions in mammals:95 ◆ Facilitation of venous return to the heart ◆ Participation in bicarbonate buffering system of the blood by regulating the exhalation of CO2 ◆ Removal of heat and water from the body by warming saturation of inhaled air with water vapor prior to expiration. Respiratory heat loss is due to evaporation. ◆ Production of sounds and therefore communication ◆ Homeostatic regulation of other bodily systems such as angiotensin-converting enzyme released from the lung capillaries involved with the renin-angiotensin system in the regulation of systemic blood pressure and fluid homeostasis. As in other taxons, the mammalian respiratory system anatomically can be divided into the upper and lower respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract consists of the nares, the paranasal sinuses, pharynx, larynx, and trachea, while the lower respiratory tract consists of the bronchi, lung parenchyma, mediastinum, pleural cavity, and chest wall. Air flows through the nostrils across the alar folds in the nasal cavity. The upper lip, divided by a cleft in rabbits and rodents, is known as the philtrum. The nasal cavity is divided into the left and right septum. In guinea pigs, two recesses are present within the nasal cavity: the rostral and maxillary recess.96 In rabbits, both dorsal and maxillary recesses are also present. Ventrally, the nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity, cranially by the hard palate and caudally, the soft palate. Each portion of the nasal cavity has dorsal and ventral nasal conchae that extend into the cavity from the lateral walls.95 In rabbits and rodents, the nasal conchae also house the vomeronasal organ and olfactory sense organs.97 Mucosa lines the nasal conchae, which are scrolls of cartilaginous tissue that aim to humidify air as it is inspired and may have olfactory function. The upper respiratory anatomy of the rabbit is outlined in Figure 3-3. There are extensions into the maxillary, ethmoid paranasal sinuses that open from the nasal conchae. Rabbits and rodents are obligate nasal breathers and any signs of open-mouth breathing are strongly suggestive of primary or secondary respiratory disease.98,99 The pharynx is located at the caudal ventral area of the oral cavity and continues through the glottis that opens into the larynx. This connection between the pharynx and the trachea also contains paired vocal folds for communication among conspecifics.

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


Anatomically, the rabbit epiglottis is dorsal to the soft palate, while in rodents, the larynx lies dorsally within the oropharynx in close association with the nasopharynx.100–103 In rabbits, the epiglottis is large and the glottis small. Rabbits and rodents seem to have a high susceptibility to laryngospasm thus, when associated with their anatomical properties makes these animals difficult to intubate without experience using a blind intubation technique or endoscopic guidance.97,98,104 There is no laryngeal ventricle in the guinea pigs and the vocal cords are small and poorly developed.96 The trachea is divided anatomically into the cervical and thoracic trachea. Rodents possess Clara cells in the bronchial epithelium, which are thought to provide the major component of the distal mucociliary escalator.105 The trachea bifurcates in the thorax and splits into principal bronchi that ultimately ventilate the pulmonary lobes via first-, second-, and third-order bronchi.106 Terminal bronchioles anatomically mark the end of the bronchiolar tree and at its termination are the respiratory units consisting of the pulmonary blood vessels to a respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, and alveoli.106 The rabbit lung does not contain respiratory bronchioles but rather terminates into vestibules, which contain alveoli.107 The guinea pig has very prominent smooth muscle in the distal bronchi.96 The lungs consist of several lobes, with number varying between the species of exotic companion mammals commonly treated by veterinarians. Rabbits have three left and three right pulmonary lobes, but the right caudal lung lobe has increased subdivisions, the lateral and medial lobes (Figure 3-4).103 In most rodents including guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, and degus, the right lung has four lobes (see Figure 3-4).96,108 In hamsters, the left lung has a single lobe.109 In rats, the left lung is not subdivided and the right lung has four lobes (see Figure 3-4),110 while in ferrets, the left lung has two lobes and the right lung four.111 Generally, the left cranial lobe is smaller than the right due to the presence of the heart. It has been suggested that because there is no septae dividing the lungs into lobules in rabbits and guinea pigs, generalized pneumonia is commonly diagnosed when compared to other small exotic mammalian species.96,102 The thoracic, as opposed to the abdominal cavity of rabbits and rodents, is relatively small compared to other mammals including the ferret. The pleura is a membrane that lines the visceral and parietal surfaces of the lung. The cavity within the two pleural layers houses a potential space called the pleural cavity. The mediastinum anatomically is the partition between the left and right pleural cavities. The primary source of oxygenated blood to the respiratory system is via the pulmonary trunk from the conus arteriosus arising from the right ventricle. Blood flow from the respiratory system involves the pulmonary veins that course into the left atrium of the heart after collecting venous blood from the visceral pleura and bronchi. The pulmonary vein of most rodents is thicker.105 There is a large lymphatic drainage network associated with the respiratory system, where lymph nodes are found within the thoracic cavity including the tracheobronchial lymph nodes. Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue is common in rabbits and rats, but absent in hamsters.97 The vagus nerve, sympathetic nerve, and the phrenic nerves contribute to the pulmonary plexus that, in turn, branch away from the lungs. The thymus regresses in adult dogs and cats, although in the rabbit, it persists into adult life and retains



FIGURE 3-3  Upper respiratory system and head anatomy in the rabbit (top) with corre-

sponding CT segmentation (bottom). 1, Palatin process of maxilla; 2, incisive bone; 3, upper incisor; 4, lower incisor; 5, body of mandible; 6, soft palate; 7, hard palate; 8, proper oral cavity; 9, oral cavity; 10, apex of tongue; 11, body of tongue; 12, root of tongue; 13, genioglossal muscle; 14, geniohyoid muscle; 15, mylohyoid muscle; 16, lingual vein, body of hyoid bone, thyrohyoid muscle; 17, upper lip; 18, lower lip; 19, deep branch of lingual nerve;20, mandibular lymph nodes; 21, choana; 22, pharyngeal ostium of auditory tube; 23, nasal part of pharynx; 24, oral part of pharynx; 25, pharyngobasilar fascia, medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes; 26, epiglottis; 27, cartilaginous cricoid plate; 28, trachea; 29, cartilaginous thyroid plate, sternohyoid muscle; 30, esophagus; 31, dorsal nasal concha; 32, ventral nasal concha; 33, medial nasal concha; 34, endoturbinate; 35, dorsal nasal meatus; 36, medial nasal meatus; 37, ventral nasal meatus; 38, olfactory tube; 39, cerebral hemisphere; 40, interthalamic adhesion; 41, pons; 42, mesencephalic tectum; 43, dorsal sagittal sinus; 44, cerebellum; 45, spinal medulla; 46, ventral arch of atlas, ventral internal vertebral plexus; 47, internal jugular vein, long muscle of head, and axis; 48, trapezius muscle; 49, spinous process of axis, splenius muscle of head; 50, dorsal arch of atlas, dorsal straight muscle of head; 51, nasal venous plexus, sphenopalatine vein; 52, nostril; 53, auricle. (Reprinted with permission from Popesko P, et al. Colour Atlas of Anatomy of Small Laboratory Animals, Volume 1. London, UK: Saunders, 2003.)

considerable size, lying ventral to the heart and extending forward to the thoracic inlet.112 Comparatively, only in young ferrets is the thymus prominent, and it can extend up to the cranial mediastinum.113 Small mammals often have very high chest wall compliances and low functional residual capacities.105 Breathing in rabbits is through contraction of the diaphragm and in cases where resuscitation is needed and artificial respiration is required, suspension of the rabbit horizontally in midair with the one hand on each limb rocking head up/head down every 2 seconds can be effective in recovering the patient.97,112 There

is limited ability for heat exchange in small mammals, particularly in rabbits and rodents that have absence of sweat glands; these animals are unable to pant and rely on heat dissipation primarily through their ears and tail. This is in contrast to canines whose primary form of heat regulation is via the respiratory system and footpads.114 Additionally, the rabbit glottal and proximal tracheal areas are well vascularized and may be involved with thermoregulation. The physiology of ventilation in mammals is quite different from other vertebrates in that inspiration is an active process that works using the negative pressure of the pleural

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

FIGURE 3-4  External anatomy of the left and right surfaces of the lungs in rabbits (1, trachea; 2, right cranial lobe; 3, right medial lobe; 4, right caudal lobe; 5, left caudal lobe; 6, cranial part of the left cranial lobe; 7, caudal part of left cranial lobe; 8, dorsal margin; 9, ventral margin; 10, caudal interlobar fissure; 11, basal margin; 12, diaphragmatic surface; 13, costal surface; 14, cranial interlobar fissure of right lung; 15, cardiac incisures of left lung; 16, pulmonary apex; 17, pulmonary base), guinea pigs (1, cranial part of cranial lobe; 2, caudal part of cranial lobe; 3-4, caudal lobe; 4, diaphragmatic surface; 5, cardiac notch of left lung; 6, interlobar fissure; 7, dorsal margin; 8, acute margin; 9, ventral margin; 10, cranial lobe; 11, medial lobe; 12-13, caudal lobe; 13, diaphragmatic surface; 14, interlobar fissure; 15, cardiac notch of right lung; 16, trachea), and rats (1, trachea; 2, dorsal margin; 3, caudal lobe of right lung; 4, cranial lobe of right lung; 5, medial lobe of right lung; 6, left lung; 7, interlobar incisures; 8, ventral margin). (From Popesko P, Rajtová V, Horák J. A Colour Atlas of the Anatomy of Small Laboratory Animals. Vol. 1. Wolfe Publishing Ltd; 1992.)




space induced by chest expansion. Expiration is passive. Ventilatory movements are primarily stimulated by dissolved CO2 in the blood with hypercapnea increasing ventilation, although oxygen and blood pH also contribute.

Birds The avian respiratory system is probably the most efficient gas exchange system of the animal kingdom and possesses a number of anatomical features unique to birds. When compared with the more familiar respiratory system of domestic mammals, some anatomical and physiological differences are striking and have major clinical implications for anesthesia, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutics (Tables 3-1 and 3-2). An excellent understanding of the complex avian respiratory anatomy is critical to the practice of avian medicine and surgery, as it is found in or around virtually every organ. Therefore, the respiratory system is described in greater detail for birds than for other animal groups.

The Upper Respiratory System

The upper respiratory system of birds is composed of the nasal cavity, the infraorbital sinus, and its diverticula. The external openings to the nasal cavity are the nostrils or nares, which are often located at the base of the beak and may be covered by feathers (e.g., eclectus parrots, some macaws, crows, grouse). There is wide anatomical diversity in the anatomy of the avian nostrils. Avian nares can be perforated (e.g., Gruiformes, Cathartiformes), closed (e.g., some Pelecaniformes), located at the tip of the beak (e.g., kiwis), have a tubular form (e.g., Procellariformes), and bear a nasal operculum (e.g., Psittaciformes, some Galliformes).115–117 The left and right nasal cavities are separated by the nasal septum that is perforated in a few species (perforated nares above). The nasal cavity is divided successively into the nasal vestibule with a squamous epithelium that contains the rostral nasal concha, the respiratory region with a mucociliary epithelium and containing the middle nasal concha, and the olfactory chamber

TABLE 3-1 

with an olfactory epithelium and caudal nasal concha (absent in African gray parrots).116,117 In all aquatic birds, a mucosal fold, the nasal valve, arises from the roof of the nasal cavity or the septum. This valve deflects water away from the olfactory chamber.115–117 The conchae are cartilaginous structures that increase surface areas by scroll formations, which limit heat and water loss during ventilation.118 The rostral concha is visible through the nostrils in Falconiformes and occludes much of the opening (different from the psittacine nasal

TABLE 3-2 

Major Clinical Implications of Some Anatomical Peculiarities of the Avian Respiratory System Medical Area



• Use of uncuffed endotracheal tubes • Air sac perfusion anesthesia possible • Increased respiratory depression of inhalants/inhibition of intrapulmonary chemoreceptors • Positive effect of IPPV on cardiac output • Fast induction and recovery • Increased tidal volume and tracheal dead space • Capnography not accurate with breach into the air sac system • Intermittent positive ventilation does not decrease blood pressure • Some surgeries require penetration into the air sac system • Wound irrigation may cause fluid aspiration (e.g., pneumatized bone fracture, abdominal surgery, sinusotomy) • Subcutaneous emphysema is a common minor complication • High susceptibility to airborne toxins • Poor drainage of sinusal exudate (dorsal openings into nasal cavity) • Respiratory diseases may spread to organs surrounded by air sac diverticula • Fluid, organomegaly, masses may decrease air sac volumes and thus ventilation • Air sac system allows coelioscopy without insufflation • Sinus exudate can be collected via transcutaneous punctures • Decreased ultrasound windows throughout the body • Better delineation of coelomic organs on radiographs than in mammals • Nebulized particles should be below 1 to 2 µm to reach air capillaries • Nebulized particles are less likely to be deposited in cranial air sacs • Low drug distribution into air sac membranes


Disease pathogenesis

Major Anatomical and Physiological Differences in the Respiratory System of Birds Compared to Mammals Fixed external nares Larynx: lack of epiglottic and thyroid cartilages No vocal cords Complete tracheal rings Elongated trachea, wider tracheal lumen Increased tracheal dead space Sound produced by the syrinx Single paranasal sinus with many diverticulae Lungs filled with parabronchi and air capillaries Presence of large air sacs Larger tidal volume No functional diaphragm Fusion of parietal and visceral pleura Active exhalation and inspiration Respiratory system pneumatizes most bones and cavities Thinner blood-gas barrier Cross-current gas exchange



IPPV, Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation.

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

operculum).117 The largest concha is the middle, which is lined by a mucociliary epithelium that acts as a primary defense against infections. The rostral and middle conchae communicate with the nasal cavity through a common meatus nasalis, but the caudal concha only connects to the infraorbital sinus. The nasal gland (salt gland in marine birds) discharges salt secretions within the nasal vestibule in marine and some desert birds. The nasolacrimal duct empties into the nasal cavity. The olfactory function is accomplished by the olfactory epithelium lining the nasal surface of the caudal concha within the nasal cavity.115 Some birds such as kiwis, turkey vultures, petrels, and albatrosses have an exceptional sense of smell. The nasal cavity also participates in air filtration and communicates with the oropharynx through the choana in its roof. The soft palate is absent in birds. Birds have only one paranasal sinus, the infraorbital sinus, which communicates dorsally with the nasal cavity and the caudal concha and pneumatizes most structures of the head and neck (Figure 3-5).115,116 It should be noted that the quadrate bone, articular bone, and most bones of the braincase are pneumatized by diverticula arising from the tympanic cavity (whose opening is the infundibular cleft) with no connection to the upper respiratory system.119 The lateral wall of the infraorbital sinus is made of soft tissues and skin. The sinus is particularly well developed in Psittaciformes where many diverticula are present (see Figure 3-5) but is absent in some cormorants.116,120–122 In Amazon parrots, one rostral unpaired

1. Infraorbital sinus Nasal cavity Nares

1 1



1 2


diverticulum and six paired diverticula have been described (see Figure 3-5).121 In macaws, two rostral unpaired diverticula (including the transverse canal) and eight paired diverticula have been identified.120 However, the terminology and characterization of psittacine paranasal diverticula are not homogeneous and somewhat confusing. Right and left sinuses communicate in psittacine birds through the transverse canal, while this interface is not present in most other birds (e.g., Passeriformes).116,120,121 The largest diverticulum of the psittacine paranasal sinus is the cervicocephalic diverticulum, which can reach as far as the shoulder and is not connected to the lower respiratory system (see Figure 3-5). The cervicocephalic diverticulum should therefore not be mistaken for an air sac.116,120

The Larynx, Trachea, and Syrinx

The avian larynx consists of four cartilages: the cricoid, procricoid, and two arytenoid cartilages.115,116,123 The cricoid cartilage forms the body of the larynx, the arytenoid cartilages enclose the glottis forming the laryngeal mount, and the procricoid is a small caudal cartilage articulating with the cricoid wings and arytenoids. The epiglottic and thyroid cartilages as well as the vocal cords are lacking in birds. In birds, the larynx does not generate sound but may serve to modulate along with the tongue, as observed in parrots.123–125 In several species (e.g., pelicans, hornbills, kiwis, penguins, some ducks, etc.) a median crest, the crista ventralis, arises ventrally from the

Rostral diverticulum Preorbital diverticulum Infraorbital diverticulum Postorbital diverticulum Mandibular diverticulum

2. Cervicocephalic diverticulum (infraorbital sinus)

Cranial portion Cervical portion

1 1 Glottis


3. Cervical air sac Primary bronchus

Choana Lung 3


4b 4b

4. Interclavicular air sac a. Intrathoracic diverticulum Cardiac diverticulum Sternal diverticulum b. Extrathoracic diverticulum Subscapular diverticulum Axillary diverticulum (+ humeral, subcutaneous) Subpectoral diverticulum Suprahumeral diverticulum (+ subcutaneous)





7 6

5. Cranial thoracic air sac

7. Abdominal air sac

6. Caudal thoracic air sac

FIGURE 3-5  Respiratory anatomy of the Amazon parrot. (Modified and reprinted with

permission from McKibben J, Harrison G. Clinical anatomy, with emphasis on the Amazon parrot. In: Harrison GJ, Harrison LR, eds. Clinical Avian Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders; 1986:31-66.)



cricoid cartilage inside the glottis and should be avoided during endotracheal intubation.116,123 The dilator and constrictor muscles of the larynx control the glottal opening.116 The avian trachea shows a high variability in length and anatomy, which can be extreme and is lined by a ciliated columnar epithelium (see Figure 3-31; see McLelland 1985 for a complete overview).123 The avian trachea typically starts in the midline and passes slightly to the right side of the neck as it enters the thoracic inlet. In some species, the trachea is particularly elongated and presents as tracheal loops. When present, the loops may be encased into the keel, such as found in trumpeter swans (Cygnus buccinator) and whooping cranes (Grus Americana) (see Figure 3-31) or located subcutaneously (e.g., helmeted curassows (Crax pauxi), magpie geese (Anseranas semipalmata), trumpeters (Psophia spp.), some birds of paradise). Furthermore, other tracheal adaptations may be encountered including tracheal sacs which are found in the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) and the male ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis). Bulbous expansions of the trachea are also present in the males of certain duck species including the rosy-billed pochard (Netta peposaca) and usually occur in the midtrachea (see Figure 3-31). Penguins and petrels have a double trachea formed by a septum extending from the bronchial bifurcation. This septum is particularly pronounced in the black-footed penguin (Spheniscus demersus) and Aptenodytes penguins but is shortened in most other species of penguins and petrels. Mynahs and toucans have a slight ventral kink to the trachea before it enters the thorax. Tracheal cartilages are complete in birds but asymmetric with a broader half part usually overlapping the narrow parts of the two adjacent rings. The increased tracheal length in birds is compensated by an increased tracheal diameter, resulting in a resistance to tracheal airflow being similar to mammals. However, the tracheal dead space is about four times that of mammals, which is compensated by a larger tidal volume. The syrinx is a complex structure in voice production unique to birds (Figure 3-6). It is located at the bronchial

bifurcation, is surrounded by the interclavicular air sac, and is a particularly advanced structure in Psittaciformes and Passeriformes (songbirds). The syrinx exhibits many variations among species and is typically categorized into tracheobronchial (most common) and bronchial types.115,116,126 The main structures of the syrinx include the tympanum, the structural body of the organ, the pessulus that divides the airway vertically, and the paired medial and lateral tympaniform membranes, which are the vibrating structures (see Figure 3-6). In addition to these structures, a left dilation of the tympanum, the syringeal bulla, is frequently present in the males of Anatidae.116 The syrinx of Psittaciformes has been described in detail and lacks the pessulus (see Figures 3-6 and 3-12).126,127 Sound production is controlled by a number of syringeal muscles. Psittaciformes possess two unique pairs of short syringeal muscles: the superficial and deep syringeal muscles (see Figure 3-6). Passeriformes may have up to five pairs of intrinsic syringeal muscles.116,126 The avian airway muscles can be divided into laryngeal, tracheal, and syringeal muscles and a large number of these muscles are encountered with species-specific anatomical variations. The syringeal muscles are the most variable of the avian airway muscles. The reader is invited to consult the Nomina Anatomica Avium and the work of King and McLelland for a complete description of the avian airway muscles.116,123,126

The Lung-Air Sac System

The avian lungs are located dorsally and do not enclose the heart as in mammals (see cardiology chapter). The lungs are not lobed and are indented dorsally by the vertebral ribs. The caudal border usually reaches to the ilium but may extend as far as the hip joints (e.g., storks, geese).115,128 The lungs are bordered ventrally by the horizontal septum. The airways are formed by the two primary bronchi that bifurcate at the level of the syrinx, continue within the pulmonary parenchyma (intrapulmonary primary bronchi),


















B FIGURE 3-6  Diagram of the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) syrinx. A, External ventral

view; B, external left-side view; C, horizontal section. BC, Bronchial cartilage; LTM, lateral tympaniform membrane; PP, paired protrusions; SP, m. syringealis profundus; SS, m. syringealis superficialis; ST, m. sternotrachealis; T, trachea; TL, m. tracheolateralis; TY, tympanum (composed of 4 tracheosyringeal cartilages). (Modified and reprinted from Larsen ON, Goller F, 2002. Direct observation of syringeal muscle function in songbirds and a parrot. J Exp Biol. 205:25-35, with permission from the Company of Biologists Limited.)


CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

and end caudally into the abdominal air sac (see Figure 3-5). Four groups of secondary bronchi arise from the primary bronchi and are, from cranial to caudal, the medioventral, medio-dorsal, latero-ventral, and latero-dorsal secondary bronchi.115,116,128,129 Multiple parabronchi branch and anatomose off the secondary bronchi. The anastomosed parabronchi carry atria, which lead to infundibula and air capillaries, with the latter constituting the gas exchange structures of the avian lungs. Atria bear atrial muscles forming a network of muscle bundles capable of regulating parabronchial and





atrial diameters. The largest bundles are found at the orifices of the parabronchi.128 Bronchial muscles are also present in the primary and secondary bronchi. The parabronchial lungs are divided into two structural units: the paleopulmo and the neopulmo (Figure 3-7). The paleopulmo, in which ventilation is unidirectional, is formed by the medioventral-mediodorsal system of bronchi and parabronchi. Located cranially and dorsomedially, the paleopulmo is characterized by layers of hooplike parallel parabronchial connections between the secondary bronchi. The neopulmo, in which ventilation is


4 5

3 1

Caud. thor.



A Cr. thor. Cerv. Cr. thor. 6 Cerv.


Caud. thor.


2 5



Caud. thor.

1 Clav.

B Cr. thor.

6 Cerv.






Cerv. Cr. thor.


Caud. thor.

Caud. thor.

1 Clav.


Cr. thor.

FIGURE 3-7  Left panels, Successive stages in the division of the lung into a paleopulmo

and neopulmo. A, Lungs composed only of the paleopulmo such as observed in Sphenisciformes; B, moderate development of the neopulmo forming the caudal part of the lungs such as observed in Anseriformes; C, highly developed neopulmo occupying the entire lateroventral aspect of the lungs, such as occuring in Passeriformes. 1, Trachea; 2, primary bronchus; 3, medioventral secondary bronchi; 4, mediodorsal secondary bronchi; 5, latero-ventral secondary bronchi; 6, paleopulmo; 7, neopulmo. Right panels, The length of the white arrows indicates the estimated dilatation of the air sacs in inspiration; the length of the shaded arrows the estimated compression in expiration. Cerv., cervical air sac; Cr. thor., cranial thoracic air sac; Caud. thor., caudal thoracic air sac; Abd., abdominal air sac, Clv., interclavicular air sac. (Modified and reprinted with permission from McLelland J. Anatomy of the lungs and air sacs. In: King A, McLelland J, eds. Form and Function in Birds, Volume 3. London, UK: Academic Press; 1985b:221-280.)



bidirectional, is formed by an anastomosing network of parabronchi connecting the lateroventral-laterodorsal system of bronchi to each other and to other secondary bronchi. The neopulmo is superficially located caudally and ventrolaterally, constitutes less than a third of the pulmonary parenchyma, absent in Sphenisciformes, and most developed in Passeriformes (see Figure 3-7). In contrast to dead-ending mammalian alveoli, the air capillaries anastomose freely with each other and have a diameter ranging from 3 µm (e.g., passerines) to 10 µm (e.g., penguins, swans). A surfactant covers the exchange surface and prevents collapse.128–130 Air and blood capillaries are entwined in a cross-current pattern in such a manner that the blood-gas barrier is much thinner than in mammals creating a cross-current system allowing blood to become oxygenated at different degrees along the parabronchus.115,128,129,131 This arrangement in combination with greater surface exchange areas and thinner blood-gas barrier makes the avian lung a more efficient gas exchange mechanism than other vertebrate lung configurations. In birds, the lungs communicate with extrapulmonary thin-walled transparent chambers, the air sacs, which are responsible for respiratory ventilation. While six pairs of air sacs develop in the avian embryo, the definitive number is reduced and usually comprises nine air sacs: two cervical air sacs, one interclavicular air sac, two cranial thoracic air sacs, two caudal thoracic air sacs, and two abdominal air sacs (see Figure 3-5). Notable exceptions to this classic configuration include passerines with seven air sacs (cranial thoracic air sacs fused to the interclavicular air sac), chickens with eight (fused cervical air sacs), storks with 11 (caudal thoracic air sacs divided into two), and turkeys with five (caudal thoracic air sacs absent, cervical air sacs fused to two primordial clavicular air sacs, one small pair of clavicular air sacs).115 Multiple diverticula arise from the air sacs and pneumatize various anatomical structures with important species variations (see Figure 3-5). For a complete description of the air sac topographical anatomy and their different diverticula, the reader is invited to consult the corresponding specific references.128,129 The cervical air sacs are associated with vertebral and large subcutaneous diverticula depending on species (e.g., gannets, ostriches). The interclavicular air sac is the origin of a large number of intra- and extrathoracic diverticula including two large axillary diverticula; surrounding the heart, and pneumatizing the sternum, coracoids, and humerus. The cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs are located below the lungs and incorporate most of the thoracic space. The walls of the thoracic air sacs are fused medially to the horizontal and oblique septum and laterally and ventrally to the body wall. The abdominal air sacs are the largest air sacs in most species that are commonly presented to veterinary practices, although one of the smallest in penguins. Both the perirenal diverticula, which is dorsal to the kidneys, and femoral diverticula pneumatizing the femurs arise from the abdominal air sacs. The air sac walls are formed of squamous cells and connective tissue with very little vascularization. The air sacs are connected to the lungs through the ostia, which may network with both primary (termination of bronchi) and secondary (termination of parabronchi). When a large number of parabronchi forms a funnel-like tubular structure, it is termed a saccobronchus (present with the caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs).115,128 The cervical,

caudal thoracic, and abdominal air sacs have one ostium and the cranial thoracic and interclavicular air sacs have two (medial and lateral).

Respiratory Mechanics and Regulation

In contrast to mammals, the avian lung does not participate in ventilation. Ventilation in birds is performed by the air sac system, which in turn does not play any direct role in gas exchange. Air sacs act as bellows to ventilate the lungs. Therefore, the avian lungs are practically rigid and vary minimally in volume. Avian lungs are also unique in that ventilation is both tidal as in mammals (bidirectional in neopulmo) and throughflow (unidirectional in paleopulmo). The air sacs are functionally divided into two groups: the cranial group of air sacs composed of the cervical, interclavicular, and cranial thoracic air sacs receiving expiratory air and the caudal group of air sacs that include the caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs, which receive inspiratory air.129,131 The inspired air goes directly to the caudal air sacs, bypassing the medioventral secondary bronchi through a process called the inspiratory aerodynamic valving.129 Expiratory flow from the caudal air sacs is directed through the paleopulmonic lungs through the mediodorsal secondary bronchi by expiratory aerodynamic valving terminating in the cranial air sacs (see Figure 3-7). Air is finally expelled from the cranial air sacs and goes successively through the medioventral secondary bronchi, the intrapulmonary primary bronchi, and the trachea.129,132 Flow is bidirectional in the neopulmo, which is in series with the caudal air sacs. Two respiratory cycles are necessary for a given volume of inspired air to move through the avian respiratory system. In birds, both inspiration and expiration are active processes and the relaxed sternal position is at midpoint between endinspiration and end-expiration. In addition, the thoracic cavity is not at subatmospheric pressure as in mammals and a large number of muscles participate in ventilation. The intercostal and abdominal muscles are the main respiratory muscles but other muscles are also involved (Table 3-3).128,131 All abdominal muscles are expiratory. In some birds, the furcula and sternum TABLE 3-3 

Ventilatory Muscles in Birds Inspiratory Muscles

Expiratory Muscles

M. scalenus Mm. intercostales externi (except 5th and 6th spaces) M. intercostalis interni (2nd space) M. costosternalis pars major Mm. levatores costarum M. serratus profundus

Mm. intercostales externi (5th and 6th spaces) Mm. intercostales interni (3rd to 6th spaces) M. costosternalis pars minor M. obliquus externus abdominis M. obliquus internus abdominis M. transversus abdominis M. serratus superficialis pars cranialis and caudalis Mm. costoseptalis M. rhomboideus profundus M. latissimus dorsi Mm. iliocostalis and longissimus dorsi M. longus colli dorsalis pars thoracica

Adapted from References 128, 131, 136.

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

are mechanically coupled in such a way that wingbeats assist respiratory ventilation during flight.133,134 The volume of the air sac system is variable depending on physiological status (intestinal volume, reproductive physiology) and species. Positioning during anesthesia may also influence the air sac and tidal volume and is found to be the lowest in dorsal recumbency.135,136 While intermittent positive-pressure ventilation usually decreases blood pressure in mammals, no effect or a positive effect has been reported in birds.137,138 The basic respiratory rhythm originates from the brainstem but is modulated by reflexes under several well-defined receptors.131,139,140 Central chemoreceptors are present in birds and initiate an increase in ventilation when PaCO2 increases. Arterial chemoreceptors, located at the carotid bodies near the parathyroid glands, are innervated by the vagus nerve and modulate ventilation in response to changes in PaO2, PaCO2, and pH. Another group of chemoreceptors, innervated by the vagus nerve and unique to birds and reptiles, is found in the lungs and are known as the intrapulmonary chemoreceptors. These chemoreceptors are stimulated by a decrease in PCO2. This is in contrast to arterial chemoreceptors, which decrease ventilation. Additionally, air sac mechanoreceptors are also present. In summary, changes in ventilation occur in response to changes in PaCO2, intrapulmonary PCO2, PaO2, and pH. The unique anatomy of the lung-air sac system of birds allows anesthetic and respiratory gases through a cannula in the caudal or abdominal air sacs.

RESPIRATORY DISEASES Invertebrates Signs of ill health in invertebrates can be nonspecific but are similar to those in other species. Nonspecific clinical signs of invertebrates include weight loss, anorexia, lethargy, color changes, presence of discharge, dysecdysis, behavioral changes, and sudden death.2 The underlying cause of most respiratory diseases in invertebrates is often secondary to environmental stressors, including poor husbandry (e.g., malnutrition, improper temperature, humidity), inadequate hygiene, and climatic and environmental changes. It is extremely rare that the clinician is specifically presented with an invertebrate suffering from a respiratory problem.3

Environmental Diseases

It cannot be stressed enough that poor husbandry and management are the fundamental cause of clinical disease presentations in invertebrate species.3,21,141,142 Each invertebrate species, whether aquatic or terrestrial, requires the owner to have an in-depth knowledge of ideal environmental conditions and proper diet. Poor hygiene, low ventilation, high stocking densities, and high humidity create ideal environments for bacteria and parasites to thrive and compromise the animal’s immune system.16,142 The health of filtering aquatic organisms such as bivalves is highly correlated to water quality. Gas bubble disease, commonly reported in fish, associated with supersaturation of room air and oxygen or changes in differential pressures of gases in the water, has been described in gastropods and cephalopods.18 Aquatic invertebrates are more susceptible to high levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates than aquatic vertebrates. Increased release of fine


sediments and food may impair respiratory and filtering activities of some invertebrates.

Infectious Diseases

While one can speculate that there are invertebrate diseases with primary underlying etiologies, there is little medical literature to date describing this. Often, the respiratory system is affected secondarily as part of a systemic disease process such as septicemia. Normal external and internal bacterial flora of most invertebrates have not been well investigated, and it is often difficult to determine whether or not bacterial isolates are primary, opportunistic, or nonpathogenic.4,143 Fungal diseases have been described in insects, although these tend to infect the external cuticular layer.144 Specific respiratory diseases of invertebrates are rarely reported.

Parasitic Diseases

The oral nematodes of the Panagrolaimidae family are an emerging problem of captive tarantulas and have been reported to be fatal in adult tarantulas through the occlusion of the book lungs.145 Although infection appears to remain localized to the mouthparts, it is often associated with secondary bacterial infections of the surrounding tissues, with associated necrosis and inflammation.146 Diagnosis can be made by microscopically examining the oral discharge on low power, whereby numerous small motile nematodes are visible.147 The nematodes are believed to be transmitted by Phoridae gnats and most often diagnosed in spiderlings, due to their higher humidity requirements. Proper quarantine and prevention of exposure to adult flies appears to be most effective in reducing disease incidence, although flushing mouthparts with saline appears to be as beneficial as antiparasiticides such as ivermectin and fenbendazole, which when administered to spiders can cause toxicosis.145,146 Parasitic (Prostigmata) and saprophytic (Astigmata and Mesostigmata) mites can cause obstruction to the book lungs.146,148 Acroceridae flies are true endoparasites of spiders: With the fly larvae being deposited onto the spider’s body and entering the book lungs to penetrate the opithosoma. Acroceridae larvae can be present subclinically within the tarantula for months to years with the mature stage larvae consuming the opithosomal tissues before rupturing from the body and pupating.146 Microsporidiosis is commonly diagnosed in Crustaceans. These protozoa-like organisms directly attach to the gills, causing destruction and eventually systemic illness which eventually leads to muscle degeneration. The microsporidian organisms have a direct life cycle, and the end of the life cycle is characterized by the production of environmentally resistant spores that disseminate the disease.21 Bdelloura candida is a flatworm found in the gill leaflets of horseshoe crabs with the eggs laid exclusively on gill lamellae.149 While Bdelloura candida are ectosymbionts, they have the potential to be invasive in high numbers. Insects may also harbor tracheal mites. Among tracheal mites of insects, the most well known and studied is without doubt the honeybee tracheal mite Acarapis woodi.150 It lives in the trachea of bees, sucks hemolymph, and reduces the host life span.

Neoplastic Diseases

Neoplastic diseases are of relatively little clinical importance in invertebrates. Invertebrate, inbreeding and oncogenesis



associated with carcinogens have not been well characterized and reported in the literature.151

Fish Environmental Diseases

Low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water leads to environmental hypoxia. Oxygen is poorly soluble in water and solubility decreases with salinity and in warmer water (i.e., aquatic environments for tropical fish and ponds during the summer months). Insufficient water oxygenation may also be promoted by low water-air surface exchange (e.g., ponds, insufficient water circulation, no mechanical aerator, ice coverage in winter), limited quantity of photosynthetic organisms (e.g., plants, algae), high stocking densities, and inadequate water quality (especially regarding nitrogen parameters).23 In a heavily planted aquarium or a pond with a large algae population, oxygen decreases dramatically at night because of the cessation of photosynthesis and is at its minimum at sunrise.23 Lack of proper acclimation of new fish or fish introduced to unfamiliar environmental conditions may also precipitate respiratory diseases. Chronic environmental hypoxia is less of a concern in aquaria due to significant mechanical aeration, but acute hypoxia may occur with power outage and equipment failure. A low DO may also lead to decreased numbers of nitrifying bacteria that rely on oxygen to metabolize nitrogen waste (aerobic bacteria), hence increasing ammonia and nitrites in the system. In ponds, low DO may be common in summer often related to increased water temperature, plant growth, and increased metabolism of water organisms. Likewise, in the winter, ice may prevent oxygen diffusion and snow may inhibit plant photosynthesis. Formalin treatment also reduces DO. Acute hypoxia causes typical signs of fish respiratory disorders (See section on the physical examination on fish). Specific signs of acute environmental hypoxia may include death of non-air-breathing fish and gathering at air-water interface or near water inflow (see Figure 3-18). Chronic hypoxia leads to prolonged stress, which may promote secondary disease conditions.23 Tolerance to hypoxia varies with fish species (goldfish are particularly resistant). Ammonia poisoning causes hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the gills and is due to inadequate nitrification. Ammonia poisoning occurs with new tank syndrome (immature biological filtration), overcrowding, overfeeding, improper filter maintenance, and in the presence of toxic substances to nitrifying bacteria such as excessive ammonia, nitrates, chlorine, chloramine, antibiotics, and methylene blue. Ammonia toxicity also causes chronic stress, promotes disease, and induces hyperexcitability and neurologic disorders. Ammonia is present either as NH3 or NH4+ (ammonium), the former being far more toxic. Increased temperature and pH (especially when >8.5) promotes the formation of NH3. Formalin treatment interferes with the Nessler method, commonly used for measuring ammonium in colorimetric tests, leading to falsely elevated values. Nitrite poisoning, also due to similar causes as those for ammonia poisoning, specifically targets the respiratory system of fish by inducing methemoglobin formation. Nitrites are actively transported by the gills into the bloodstream. Gills usually appear brown due to the methemoglobin color and is related to the ensuing hypoxia. Nitrite poisoning is affected by several factors, notably the chlorides, which inhibit gill

nitrite uptake by the ionocytes.23,152 Channel catfish are particularly susceptible to the toxic effects of nitrites. Due to the high-chloride water content, marine fish are less susceptible therefore nitrite poisoning is rare in marine aquaria.23,152 Nitrate poisoning (old tank syndrome) may also lead to methemoglobin formation. Nitrate is less toxic than nitrite with higher concentrations required to cause clinical disease. Nitrate is the final product of biological filtration and will continue to build up in an enclosed system if not removed by water changes, plant metabolism, or denitrification (anaerobic bacteria in an aquarium and algae). Increasing nitrate concentration may eventually cause death of nitrifying bacteria with an ensuing increase in ammonia. Nitrates may also enter an aquatic system, such as a pond, through agricultural treatment (waste, fertilizer, animal farming).23 Fish susceptibility varies by species and effects of nitrates are more subtle in an aquatic system due to the lower toxicity and chronic exposure. In a newly established aquarium, ammonia peaks first, followed by nitrites, and finally nitrates. Acutely low pH may also lead to dyspnea. Fish species vary in their optimum pH range. Most freshwater fish do best in neutral to slightly acidic water (especially South American cichlids) with the exception of African cichlids and brackish water fish, which do best in alkaline water. Marine fish require an alkaline pH and have a narrower range of tolerable pH. A drop in pH may be caused by fish metabolic activity, acid rain in outdoor systems, minerals added to the aquarium (e.g., silicate, stones leaching minerals), environmental contamination, and low alkalinity in water (content of calcium carbonate, buffering capacity of water). pH decreases over time in an enclosed system because of acidic metabolites excreted by living organisms.23,152 pH also affects the toxicity of many compounds such as ammonium (see above) and metals. Gills are particularly affected by acid stress and low pH which stimulates gill mucus production, ultimately interfering with optimal gas exchange.23 Other, less commonly measured parameters that can damage the gill epithelium and/or cause dyspnea include hydrogen sulfide (excessive anaerobic metabolism), dissolved gas hypersaturation (mainly nitrogen that may form bubbles in many organs including the gills and buccal cavity), and toxins.152 High CO2 levels may also be encountered in ponds and during bag transportation of fish. Suboptimal water quality parameters are also major risk factors for numerous gill and integumentary diseases of both freshwater and marine fish.

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Low water quality may be a predisposing factor for most infectious and parasitic diseases by lowering fish immunity, increasing fish stress, inducing gill and epithelial changes, and providing potential nutrients to pathogenic organisms. In addition, water temperature influences DO, the fish immune system, and life cycle of common gill parasites and viruses. Many organisms will infect preexisting lesions including bacteria, water molds, and other opportunistic pathogens. Previous gill inflammation may also lead to increased mucus secretion and cuticular substances, which may act as substrates for the growth of pathogenic bacteria.153 Bacterial branchial diseases are common and a variety of bacteria may be implicated, primarily gram negative organ­ isms (Table 3-4). Most bacteria infecting the gills are also

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System TABLE 3-4 

Notable Pathogens Responsible for Gill Lesions and Diseases in Fish BACTERIAL DISEASES Flavobacterium columnare (FW)* Flavobacterium branchiophilum (FW) Epitheliocystis (FW, SW) Aeromonas hydrophila (FW)* Aeromonas salmonicida (FW, SW)* Bacillus cereus (FW) Bacillus subtilis (FW) Vibrio spp. (SW)* Mycobacterium spp. (FW, SW)*

VIRAL DISEASES Lymphocystis (FW, SW)* Channel catfish HV (FW) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (FW, SW) Spring viremia of carp (FW)* Cyprinid HV2 (FW)* Cyprinid HV3 = KHV (FW)* Atlantic salmon paramyxovirus (SW) Grass carp aquareovirus disease (FW) Pilchard HV (SW) Catfish aquareovirus (FW) Turbot epithelial cell gigantism (SW)

PARASITIC DISEASES Protozoa/Sarcomastigophora/ Ciliophora Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (FW)* Cryptocaryon irritans (SW)* Trichodina (FW, SW)* Chilodonella (FW)* Brooklynella (SW) Tetrahymena spp. (FW) Scuticiliatosis (SW) Amyloodinium (SW)* Piscinoodinium (FW) Ichthyobodo (FW)* Cryptobia (FW, SW) Neoparamoeba (FW, SW) Ectocommensal ciliates (FW)* Myxozoa Henneguya ictaluri (FW) Myxobolus spp. (FW, SW) Sphaerospora molnari (FW) Crustaceans Copepods, especially Lernacea in goldfish and koi (FW, SW) Isopod (FW, SW) Helminths Leeches (FW, SW) Monogenean trematodes (FW, SW)* Centrocestus formosanus (FW) Turbellarian (SW)

FUNGAL DISEASES Saprolegniosis (FW)* Aphanomyces invadans (FW) Branchiomyces spp. (FW) Loma salmonae (SW) Adapted from References 153-157. FW, Freshwater; HV, herpesvirus; SW, saltwater. *Significant in pet and ornamental fish.

responsible for skin lesions or systemic disease. Depending on the pathogen gill lesions may be associated with the overall clinical picture and observed less often than skin lesions. One should note that gill lesions are usually more serious than skin lesions due to the many physiological functions of fish gills (see the section Anatomy and Physiology at the beginning of this chapter). Columnaris infection caused by Flavobacterium columnare is arguably one of the most important bacterial gill/ epithelial diseases of aquarium freshwater fish and causes necrotic and erosive lesions, often appearing as cottony fins.154 Bacterial gill disease, caused by Flavobacterium branchiophilum, is mainly a disease of cultured salmonids and produces a proliferative and hyperemic branchitis with no skin lesions.154 Epitheliocystis is caused by chlamydia-like bacteria and primarily targets gills with minimal skin involvement noted clinically as


small nodules. Other less selective organisms may infect the branchial tissue as part of a systemic syndrome causing septicemic and ulcerative disease due to motile aeromonad bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila, one of the most common bacterial diseases of freshwater fish, and Aeromonas salmonicida in salmons, koi, and goldfish.155 Vibrio spp. cause a common systemic bacterial infection of marine fish. Viral diseases usually cause branchial lesions as part of a systemic or generalized epithelial process. Lymphocystis is a common sequela to iridovirus infections and is often diagnosed in aquarium fish. The primary clinical condition associated with the disease is the production of highly enlarged dermal fibroblasts macroscopically visible as white nodules, notably in the gills.153,154 Spring viremia of carp is a rhabdoviral disease that mainly affects the common carp but also is diagnosed in koi and goldfish. Gills are frequently targeted by the rhabdovirus and hemorrhages may be grossly visible. Koi herpesvirus (HV) (cyprinid HV-3) causes pale, swollen, and mottled gills in koi and common carp and may lead to chronic infection.156 The main fungal disease that infects the gills of fish is the freshwater mold (saprolegniasis), which causes typical white cottony lesions on the gills and/or skin that may turn brown, green, or red with time, if colonization by algae.154 Other fungal diseases are also encountered including branchiomycosis (gill rot), which specifically affects gill tissue.153,154 Due to an adequate nutrient supply and the relative safety of the opercular cavity, there are a large number of parasites that infest the gills of fish. These parasites belong to various animal phyla such as Arthropoda (e.g., copepods), Annelida (e.g., leeches), Platyhelminthes (e.g., monogenean trematodes), Ciliophora (e.g., ich), Sarcomastigophora (e.g., Ichthyobodo), and Myxozoa (Table 3-4). Some are almost exclusively encountered in wild-caught or pond-raised fish (e.g., copepods, leeches), while others are common in home aquaria (e.g., Ichthyophthirius and other protozoan parasites). Life cycles will vary but all protozoan parasites have direct life cycles and most clinically relevant metazoan parasites in home aquaria also have direct cycles. The myxozoan parasite Henneguya ictaluri causes proliferative gill disease in channel catfish. Monogenean trematodes (e.g., Gyrodactylus) mainly have direct life cycles, while digenean trematodes (e.g., Centrocestus) require intermediate hosts such as aquatic mollusks (snails). The monogenean trematodes are external parasites of the gills, while digenean trematodes mainly cause internal infestations and masses. Clinical signs and lesions due to parasitic infestations vary from hyperemic and irritated gills to focal hemorrhages (trematode, copepod) and gill necrosis with associated dyspnea. Parasites may transmit bacterial and viral diseases to their piscine host. Most parasites will also cause disease on the skin and gills, however these disease conditions may be due to secondary complications associated with the infestation. Protozoan parasites are probably the most clinically relevant parasites for aquarium fish. Ichthyophthirius (ich) is especially common in freshwater fish and causes white nodules on the skin and gills.154

Noninfectious Diseases

Noninfectious diseases of the respiratory system, unrelated to environmental stress are rare in fish. Neoplasms of the gills are very rare but oral tumors may interfere with water movement through the buccal cavity. Papillomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and chondromas have also been documented in



fish species.157 Several cases of branchioblastoma have been reported in koi.158,159 Tumors of the pseudobranch are described in Atlantic and Pacific cods.160,161 Environmental contaminants, pollution, and viruses are strongly suspected to promote epithelial oncogenesis in fish. In addition to inappropriate standard water quality parameters, specific toxins may induce respiratory signs in fish such as copper (environmental contamination, chemicals), iron (environmental contamination, rust), chlorines (tap water), cyanide (“cyanide-collected” marine aquarium fish), manganese, rotenone, detergents, algal biotoxins (wild fish), toxins of zooplankton (jellyfish, siphonophores in wild fish), and mycotoxins.153,156,157 Overdose of therapeutic agents such as formalin, pesticides, copper, and hydrogen peroxide may also cause gill pathology. Panthotenic acid and vitamin C deficiencies have been associated with gill lesions.153 Finally, trauma (e.g., predation attempts) or congenital defects (especially to the opercula) may be observed.157 Histologic lesions of the various airbreathing organs have also been reported in some fish.162

Amphibians Primary diseases of the respiratory system are uncommon in amphibians.47 However certain systemic infections, such as mycobacteriosis, may affect amphibians’ lungs or gills.47 These diseases are described elsewhere in this book. Depending on species or environmental conditions, cutaneous disease is likely to affect respiration in amphibians.47 Cutaneous diseases are also described in Chapter 2 of this book and will not be described here. Very few reports of caecilian disease have been published, and therefore, most reported respiratory diseases concern Anurans and Caudata.47,163 Systemic diseases of amphibians with respiratory involvement are listed in Table 3-5.

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Parasitic infestation of the respiratory system is the most commonly reported respiratory disease of amphibians and includes helminths (e.g., lungworms, flukes), protozoans, and arthropods.39,63,164,170–179 Nematodes (Rhabdias spp.) are common and represent important pulmonary pathogens in Anurans and possibly in Caudatans.39,63,164,170,172–176 Animals affected with low worm burdens are generally subclinical, although heavy infestations can easily develop in captivity and are associated with poor hygiene, due to their direct life cycle.47 Adult nematodes live in amphibian lungs and feed on blood and pulmonary secretions. Larvated eggs and larvae migrate into the oropharynx and are coughed up, swallowed, and deposited in the feces.47,170 The larvae can be directly infective after being shed by the amphibian or after maturing in the environment. Infective larvae penetrate the skin and migrate to the lungs. Clinical signs in heavy infestations are nonspecific and include lethargy, anorexia, anemia, and dyspnea.47 Lesions in the respiratory epithelium consist of inflammation and fibrosis secondary to the ventilation-perfusion mismatch and the worms’ physical presence.170 Secondary bacterial infections are common.170 Many species of adult trematodes, especially Haematoloechus spp., have been reported in the lungs and oropharynx of frogs and toads.47,63,179 Lung flukes have minor pathologic impacts in the lung, even in heavy infestations.47,63,179 However the trematode infestation may be fatal if the parasites occlude the bronchial lumen.63 Lesions such as hyperplasic nodules in the pulmonary epithelium induced by the attachment of flukes may also predispose their host to secondary bacterial and fungal infections and have been mistaken for metastatic adenocarcinomas in the past.63,177 Other trematodes such as Clinostomum, Diplostomum, and Manodistomum have been

TABLE 3-5 

Selected Systemic Diseases That Most Commonly Affect the Respiratory System of Amphibians Type



Clinical Signs


Iridoviridae, ranavirus (Bohle iridovirus, frog virus 3)63,164,165 Chlamydiosis (Chlamydia pneumoniae)39,166 Mycobacteriosis (Mycobacterium spp.)167–169 Filariid worms170


Chromomycosis (Cladosporium spp., Fonsecaea spp., Exophiala sp., and Phialophora spp.)39,164 Metastatic calcification with hypervitaminosis D, imbalances in dietary calcium and phosphorus, or underlying renal disease170 Melanosis170


Hemorrhagic septicemia, multifocal necrosis in liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, and lungs Pneumonia, anemia, pancytopenia, anemia, skin hemorrhage, hepatitis, splenitis, death Granuloma in visceral organs with systemic disease, rare granuloma in the lungs (6%) Heavy infestations may cause capillary clogging in lungs and glomeruli. Granuloma in lungs and other visceral organs in disseminated infections.

Hypovitaminosis A170

All amphibians


Parasitic Fungal


Anurans All amphibians All amphibians

All amphibians

Lungs are a commonly affected site with great vessels, kidney, gut, and skin.

All amphibians

May be present in liver, spleen, ovary, kidney, lung, heart, skin, brain. Significantly pathologic lesions are only in liver. Metaplasia of epithelium including the respiratory tract

reported in amphibian lungs.39,164 Adult flukes of Sphyranura spp. are commonly found on the gills of aquatic salamanders, such as the mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus).47,178 Gyrodactylus spp., a parasite of fish, are also commonly diagnosed in the gills of tadpoles and may cause death with heavy infestations.47,164 The trematode Polystoma spp. are known to infect gills in larval stages but no specific lesion has been reported.63 Ciliated protozoa (Trichodonella sp.) or dinoflagellates (Piscinoodinum pillularis) may heavily infest the gills of some aquatic amphibians despite being primarily fish parasites.39,47,164,174 Low-level infestations of ciliated protozoa in ideal husbandry conditions is subclinical; however, clinical signs including dyspnea, anorexia, and lethargy may develop when the animal is immunosuppressed or exposed to inappropriate husbandry conditions.47 Gray discoloration (Piscinoodinum pillularis) or reddening and ulceration (Trichodonella sp.) of the gills may be observed along with increased mucus production.47,164 Myiasis of the nasal cavity is a common respiratory disease in amphibians, especially in Anurans.39,47,63 The larvae of two fly species (Bufolucilia bufonivora and Bufolucilia silvarum) can migrate through the nasal passages of wild amphibians.47 B. bufonivora is a common obligate parasite of Anurans and some salamanders in Europe, Asia, and northern Africa.47,63 B. silvarum is a facultative amphibian parasite and has rarely been reported in Anurans in North America and Europe.47,63 Adult flies lay eggs on amphibian skin with larval migration moving toward the hosts’ nasal passages, which occurs after hatching.47,63 These parasites cause extensive destruction of the nasal mucosa and surrounding tissues, including nasal bones, and have been reported to migrate to the eyes, tympanic membrane, and brain.47,63 Infestations are usually severe and fatal in amphibians.47,63 Fungal infections may affect the lungs or gills in amphibians. Mycotic pneumonia is rarely reported in amphibians and most reports describe the infestation in Anurans.180 Aspergillus spp., Geotrichum candidum, and Candida spp. have been cultured from lung tissues in frogs on postmortem examination.180 Mycotic infections are not common in Giant toads and other Bufo spp.39 One case report describes pulmonary cryptococcosis in a free-living common toad (Bufo bufo) confirmed on postmortem examination after being killed by a car.171 Saprolegniasis gives the appearence of a fungal infection that affects the gills in amphibians, fish, and invertebrates inducing respiratory distress.47,174 Saprolegniasis infections are commonly associated with poor husbandry or opportunistic development on traumatized gills.47 Saprolegniasis grossly appears as focal areas of cotton-like material on the skin and gills.47 Dermocystidium spp., a protozoan-like fungus, may grossly appear similar to Saprolegniasis, although it tends to create pinpoint multifocal lesions, with fatalities reported.164 Bacterial and viral primary respiratory infections are rarely described in amphibians. Pneumococcal pneumonia has been reported in tadpoles of the Amazon milk frog (Trachycephalus resinifictrix).63 Grossly, pneumococcal pneumonia appears as emphysematous overfilling of the pulmonary parenchyma with gas bubbles, with corresponding ataxia and exercise intolerance.63 Two case reports also describe necrotic interstitial pneumonia and death, which were suspected to be secondary to a calicivirus infection in ornate horned frogs (Ceratophrys ornata).63

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System Noninfectious Diseases


Due to the highly dependent relationship amphibians have with their environment, any adverse changes to their living conditions are directly associated with immune system compromise and subsequent disease morbidity. As a result, amphibians are often regarded as sentinels of environmental health. The integumentary system of amphibians is well adapted for transcutaneous gas exchange. They have higher requirements for humidity at 70% to 90% and lower preferred optimal temperatures in comparison to most reptiles. Less favorable environmental conditions such as high levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates and low DO levels have direct impacts on respiratory function. The maintenance of excellent water quality is required for those amphibian species that are primarily aquatic in nature. Consequently, the clinician must have a sound knowledge base regarding the husbandry requirements of each species. Hyperplasia of gill epithelial cells has been described in wild and captive salamanders, following prolonged exposure to poor water quality.47 Just as environmental parameters are vital to understand the possible underlying causes of the presenting disease condition(s), so to is information regarding past medical and treatment history. Developmental stages of amphibians should be properly identified during gross examination as normal physiological changes (e.g., metamorphic degeneration of the gills), which may be mistaken for pathologic conditions.63 In captivity axolotls, which are usually neotenic, may undergo a metamorphosis and lose their gills with thyroxin supplementation or when living in an inadequate aquatic environment.181 Experimental studies have shown that when amphibian larvae were unable to access air, the resultant anatomical changes observed included atrophied or forked lungs, invagination of the posterior body, and abnormal spherical or triangular shaped lungs.63 Genetic abnormalities associated with defective gills have been reported in the axolotl.63 Environmental toxins may cause respiratory diseases through ecological changes but may also directly affect their highly permeable integument. Rotenone is a pesticide that is known to induce breathing difficulties secondary to respiratory enzyme inhibition in frog larvae.174,182 Exposure to pesticides will decrease resistance to infection, and has been reported in the larvae of Rhabdias ranae (leopard frogs) and is likely to occur in other amphibian species.183 Tap water that contains chlorine or chloramines may cause gill irritation; hence, it is recommended that water be dechlorinated prior to housing the animal. This irritation and break in local immunity predispose amphibians with gills to infection by opportunistic pathogens.175 Other noninfectious diseases to consider are upper airway obstructions, pulmonary rupture due to excessive intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV) inflation during anesthesia, lesions directly on the trachea, bronchial or pulmonary epithelial trauma from rough handling, thoracic wounds, coelomic masses, and traumatic gill damage from cage mates, especially in neotenic Caudatans.164 Gastric overload and the presence of a large meal may compress the pulmonary tissue and lead to respiratory compromise in Anurans. Primary and secondary pulmonary neoplasia is rarely reported in amphibians, although neoplasms in other areas of the respiratory tract, such as the tracheobronchial region,



have been described.177 Reports indicate that axolotls are highly susceptible to nasal cavity neoplasms however the exact tumor classification has yet to be specifically identified. At this time the nasal cavity tumors of axolotls are either an adenocarcinoma of the mucosal epithelium or neuroepithelioma of the neurosensory cells.177 Gill papilloma can be experimentally induced by injection of perylene in the barred tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium).177

Reptiles General Considerations

Respiratory diseases are one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders of captive and wild reptiles. Reptile respiratory diseases are often multifactorial in origin, and usually are associated with immunosuppression and suboptimal husbandry conditions.66,73,184 Moreover, viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections of the respiratory tract may occur as well as disease related to noninfectious causes (e.g., trauma, foreign bodies, toxin inhalation, neoplasia).184 Respiratory disease may occur due to a primary underlying cause or related to a secondary pathophysiologic condition(s), such as aspiration pneumonia initiated by a generalized neurologic disease condition or or aspiration of necrotic debris due to stomatitis.66,184 Upper respiratory tract diseases are particularly prevalent in chelonians, while lower respiratory tract diseases are more common in squamates. In this chapter, only primary respiratory disease conditions are covered. The presence of a poorly ciliated respiratory epithelium and the absence of a true diaphragm make the elimination of foreign body particles or inflammatory exudates from the trachea or lungs difficult in reptiles, especially chelonians and squamates. As a consequence, inflammatory debris tends to accumulate within the respiratory system. In addition, reptiles produce caseous pus that further complicates exudate clearance. Accumulation of cellular and physiologic debris into the caudal extension of both snake and lizards lungs has important clinical implications for medical management, as this area of the lung is poorly vascularized and unaffected by systemic antimicrobials.73 Debris may also accumulate in the accessory lung of chameleons.73 The accumulation of inflammatory exudates in association with cellular infiltration and loss of normal tissue elasticity compromise the ability for compensatory increases to tidal volume.73 In addition, reptiles have an incredible ability to cope with severe respiratory disease by switching to anaerobic metabolism, which may delay the detection of clinical signs by caretakers and lead to more advanced respiratory conditions at presentation. Due to long incubation periods of some viral diseases and the potential for chronic shedding of organisms from diseased individuals, it is recommended to test species susceptible to particular viruses (e.g., tortoise and mycoplasma/HVs; viperids and paramyxoviruses; boids and inclusion body disease [IBD]) prior to their introduction into a herpetological collection and quarantine for a minimum of 3 to 6 months.

Infectious Diseases

VIRAL DISEASES.  Herpes virus infection of the upper respiratory tract is commonly diagnosed in wild tortoises or immunocompromised chelonians that have experienced a stressful event (sudden changes in temperature, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disease, concurrent diseases, the onset

of breeding season) or have been subject to inappropriate husbandry conditions.74,184 The first case of an upper respiratory tract HV infection was reported in a California desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) by Harper et al.185 Since then, HV infections were described in Europe, America, South Africa, and Asia.186 All tortoises should be considered susceptible to HV infection, although Mediterranean tortoises, especially spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca) and Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanni) both in Europe and in the United States, seem to be the Testudinid species most susceptible to HVs.73,74,184,187 All characterized reptilian HVs belong to the alphaherpesvirinae, and four different tortoise HV isolates were reported based on genetic characterization: Tortoise HV 1 (TeHV1) primarily identified in Russian (Agrionemys horsfieldii) and to a lesser extent in Mediterranean tortoises and is associated with low morbidity and mortality; TeHV2 most often diagnosed in North America and affects desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii); TeHV3 is a European/central Asian virus and is usually reported in Mediterranean tortoises (Testudo spp. and Russian tortoise), particularly spur-thighed and Hermann’s tortoises with higher mortality than with TeHV1; and finally, TeHV4 has predominantly been reported in Bowsprit tortoises (Chersina angulata) and is, at this time, considered a subclinical disease.186,188–190 TeHVs are suspected to have the ability to switch host species; therefore, mixing of tortoise species should be avoided.186 In particular, TeHV3 seems to be milder in spur-thighed tortoises but particularly pathogenic in Hermann’s tortoises. Hermann’s tortoises usually experience high numbers of fatalities to both TeHV1 and TeHV3.190 As with all HVs, affected individuals should be considered permanently infected and potential chronic shedders of the organism.191 Latency is thought to occur in the central nervous system and other tissues following primary infection, until recrudescence occurs during a period of stress.74 Typical presentation of Testudinid HV infection is a glossitis/stomatitis/ rhinitis/conjunctivitis complex.74 Other clinical signs that are commonly observed include nasal discharge, edema of the ventral neck, dehydration, depression, exfoliation of the skin of the head and neck, hypersalivation, dysphagia, dyspnea, nasal discharge, and yellow diphtheritic membrane formation on the tongue, oropharynx, and nasopharynx. Lesions may extend to the trachea, lung, and proximal gastrointestinal system.74,184,192 Necrotizing hepatitis and neurologic signs (meningoencephalitis) have been reported.74,184,192,193 Experimental TeHV3 infection provided evidence that the clinical course of the disease may only last 2.5 weeks in spur-thighed tortoises.194 The virus typically causes necrotizing lesions with characteristic intranuclear inclusion bodies.192 Shedding mainly occurs through oral and salivary secretions.192 Lesions may spontaneously regress in spur-thighed (TeHV3) and Russian (TeHV1) tortoises, but death is common in highly sensitive species such as Hermann’s tortoises with TeHV1 and 3 and Russian tortoises infected with TeHV3. In marine turtles, especially Cheloniidae (Chelonia mydas), HVs induce several important diseases with respiratory lesions: lung-eye-trachea (LET) disease, fibropapillomatosis associated with the turtle fibropapilloma-associated HV (TFPHV), and loggerhead genital-respiratory HV.184,191,195 Herpes virus infection was also reported in redheaded agamas (Agama agama), with evidence of disease in the liver, lung, and spleen.196

Iridovirus of the genus Ranavirus induces similar clinical signs to HV and mycoplasma, resulting in upper respiratory tract disease in chelonians including nasal and ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, palpebral edema, caseous plaques in the oral cavity, and pneumonia.71,74,197,198 Ranavirus has the ability to infect several animal classes such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates.71,191 Ranaviruses have been reported in a wide variety of tortoises, terrapins, and turtles. Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) appear to be frequently infected and chelonian iridovirus infection was first reported in a gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) in North America.198–200 Chelonians usually become infected following exposure to amphibians in outdoor ponds.71,74 Necropsy may reveal ulcerative tracheitis, pharyngitis, esophagitis, and pneumonia.197 A picornavirus known as virus X has been known to cause rhinitis in Mediterranean tortoises.191 Paramyxovirus and reovirus infections are important causes of pneumonia in squamates.197,201 These viruses are associated with pronounced hyperplasia of respiratory epithelial cells (type-II pneumocytes) and variable diffuse interstitial infiltrates of heterophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages.201 Paramyxoviruses in snakes include two main agents of respiratory diseases: ferlaviruses (formerly known as ophidian paramyxoviruses) and the emerging Sunshine virus.202 Ferlavirus has been detected in Colubridae, Elapidae, Viperidae, Crotalidae, Boidae, and Pythonidae but are most commonly found infecting crotalid snakes.73,77,184,202–204 Pythons seem to be more susceptible to ferlavirus infection than boas.205 Transmission among snakes occurs by contact, respiratory secretions, fomites, and ectoparasites, especially mites.77,184,202 No report of vertical transmission has been published at this time.202 The transmission pathway of this virus is unknown.202 The disease course of ferlavirus may be acute/ peracute death and chronic (wasting syndrome with dysorexia and regurgitations) or subclinical evolution for up to 10 months.73 Clinical signs may be variable and include stomatitis, open-mouth breathing, and nasal and purulent hemorrhagic tracheal discharge with accumulation of caseous necrotic debris within the lumen of the airways.73,77,184,197 The lung tissue is often thickened and edematous.197 Neurologic signs have also been reported in advanced stages of the disease with death occurring within 1 week of the onset of the overt clinical signs.73,77,184,197,202 Ferlavirus infections are suspected to be immunosuppressive secondary to a potential lymphoid depletion.202 Sunshine virus causes neurorespiratory disease in Australian snakes.206 Sunshine virus was reported for the first time in an outbreak of neurorespiratory disease in Australian pythons in 2008. Lethargy, inappetance, and neurologic and respiratory signs were reported.202 Histologic lesions include hindbrain white matter spongiosis and gliosis and mild bronchointerstitial pneumonia in some snakes.202,207 At least three genotypes of ferlaviruses have been described. Ferlavirus infections that result in pneumonia have also been reported in lizards and chelonians.206 IBD is a viral disease of boid snakes mainly characterized by neurologic lesions. Several snake species can be affected but most reports identify Burmese pythons and boa constrictors. While the disease seems restricted to the neurologic system in pythons, boas suffer from systemic lesions including lesions in the respiratory system. In addition,

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


secondary bacterial infections including pneumonia are common.184,208 Retroviruses have historically been implicated, but recently arenaviruses have been strongly associated with the disease.209–211 Although adenovirus infection usually affects the liver, intestines, and pancreas, adenoviral pneumonia has been described in crocodilians and snakes.205,212 Tracheitis caused by an adenovirus was also reported in Jackson’s chameleons (Chamaeleo jacksonii).213 Recently, a novel nidovirus has been found to be a major cause of pneumonia in captive ball pythons.214 BACTERIAL DISEASES.  Bacterial respiratory infections are usually secondary to different primary causes such as suboptimal captive environments or concurrent diseases.184 In particular, too high or too low humidity seems to promote respiratory infection. Bacterial pneumonias are fairly common in reptiles, especially in ophidians. In snakes, pneumonias may be primary or secondary to bacteremia, bacterial stomatitis, and viral infections (ferlavirus, nidovirus, IBD). Conversely, various bacterial infections such as bacterial endocarditis, stomatitis, abscesses, and dermatitis are frequently associated with pneumonia in snakes. Bacterial pneumonia can be focal, unilateral, or bilateral and is especially prevalent in captive snakes (Figure 3-8).73 Aerobic gram-negative bacteria from normal flora of the buccal and respiratory tract or environment are usually implicated in chelonian and ophidian pneumonias, including Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Aeromonas spp., Salmonella spp., Morganella spp., Providencia spp., and Staphylococcus spp.73,74,184,197,205,215 In snakes, chronic stomatitis may result in pneumonia due to the snake mite Ophionyssus natricis which is capable of transmitting Aeromonas hydrophila among snakes.216 Pasteurella testudinis was isolated from desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) and leopard tortoises (Geochelone pardalis) with pneumonia.184,197,217 In snakes with pneumonia, Salmonella arizonae is a common bacterial pathogen.218 Moreover, for some authors, bacterial infections with Aeromonas sp., Klebsiella sp., and Pseudomonas sp. of the respiratory tract are considered to be common in veiled chameleons.216 Anaerobic bacteria, such as Fusobacterium spp., Clostridium

FIGURE 3-8  Pneumonia with gross pulmonary congestion

and exudate in a boa constrictor. (Courtesy of Lionel Schilliger.)



spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., and Bacteroides spp., are not considered part of the normal flora of the respiratory tract; however, these bacteria have been isolated in reptiles with pneumonia.73,184 Mixed infections with anaerobic and aerobic bacteria have also been described.184 Snakes with pneumonia have been reported to be susceptible to bacterial valvular endocarditis.219,220 Mycoplasmosis is a well-studied upper respiratory tract disease affecting a large variety of captive and free-ranging North American tortoises. This intracellular bacterium is particularly prevalent in desert and gopher tortoises (Gopherus agassizii and G. polyphemus) with etiological agents being identified as Mycoplasma agassizii and Mycoplasma testudineum.73,74,184,197,221–223 Experimental transmission of these organisms has demonstrated their pathogenicity in tortoises.223–225 Mycoplasma testudinis has been cultured from tortoises but does not seem to cause upper respiratory disease in chelonians.223 All chelonians should be considered susceptible to mycoplasmosis, and additionally, tortoises may be co-infected with TeHV and ranavirus.74,223 Transmission of the Mycoplasma spp. organisms occurs through direct contact with affected tortoises via respiratory secretions and nasal discharges.73 Mycoplasmosis is often observed in immunocompromised turtles, in the immediate posthibernation period or when suboptimal husbandry conditions are endured.74 Mycoplasma agassizii has been isolated from California desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii), Florida gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus), Russian tortoises (Agrionemys horsfieldii), Greek tortoises (Testudo graeca), marginated tortoises (Testudo marginata), and leopard tortoises (Geochelone pardalis).74,184,224,226–228 Mycoplasma testudineum has been identified in California desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) and Florida gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) with upper respiratory tract disease.229–231 Mycoplasmosis in chelonians has a high morbidity but a low mortality rate, although survival time in the wild is suggested to be lower in affected tortoises compared to unaffected tortoises.230,232 Typical clinical disease signs include conjunctivitis, serous purulent nasal discharge, increased respiratory sounds, and palpebral edema73,74,184,197,223 Erosive changes of the nares and pneumonia may be observed in chronic cases.73,74,184 The incubation period of Mycoplasma spp. infections may be as little as 2 weeks, although chronic and subclinical infections are common.73,222,223,233 Intermittent shedding and clinical signs may occur over several years. With severe infection, tortoises may present with open-mouth dyspnea, lethargy, and anorexia.184 Aberrant behaviors have been observed in tortoises with mycoplasmosis.73 Clinical signs may become more apparent in periods of stress caused by shipping, seasonal changes, or suboptimal husbandry.184 Mycoplasma agassizii adheres to the ciliated mucosal epithelium of the tortoise upper respiratory tract. As a result, the infection causes a severe disruption of normal tissue architecture and function, resulting in severe secondary and opportunistic infections, especially gram-negative bacteria.222,223 Mycoplasmosis is also a recognized respiratory disease in crocodilians.66,197 Mycoplasma alligatoris has been reported in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and in the broad-nosed caiman (Caiman latirostris).66 Other crocodilians species closely related to alligators may be susceptible to Mycoplasma alligatoris infection.66 Mycoplasma crocodyli has been reported in Nile crocodiles.66,197,212 Clinical signs include

lethargy, weakness, anorexia, white ocular discharge, paresis, and edema (facial, periocular, cervical, limbs).66,197 Pathologic findings reveal pneumonia, pericarditis, and polyarthritis.66,197 A novel Mycoplasma sp. was isolated from a Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) with a proliferative tracheitis and pneumonia.197,234 Mycoplasma insons is considered as part of the normal microbiota of the respiratory tract of the Green iguana (Iguana iguana).235 Chlamydiosis is a systemic infection that has also been associated with pneumonia in reptiles.218 Mycobacteria can cause pneumonia in reptile species, although the respiratory tract is not usually considered the primary site for mycobacterial infection.73 Pulmonary mycobacteriosis (Mycobacterium haemophilum and Mycobacterium marinum) was described in a ball python (Python regius) while a boa constrictor diagnosed with Mycobacterium chelonei developed a pulmonary granuloma along with granulomas in other internal organs.236,237 Mycobacterium spp. were also recovered from a reticulated python (Python reticulatus) with pulmonary granulomas.238 In chelonians, M. chelonei caused systemic granulomas including a pulmonary granuloma in a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii).239  Mycobacterium kansasii caused systemic infection and pulmonary nodules in a Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis).240 Acid-fast organisms were recovered from pulmonary lesions in a loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) and a Hilaire’s side-necked turtle (Phrynops hilari).216 Mycobacterium szulgai was the cause of a granulomatous pneumonia in freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni).241 Pharyngitis has been described in crocodilians secondary to septicemia, with reported cases also involving the tonsils, the dorsal flap of the gular valve, and glottis.212 FUNGAL DISEASES.  Mycosis of the respiratory tract is commonly diagnosed in reptiles, particularly tortoises, sea turtles, and crocodilians.73,184,242,243 Most fungi are opportunistic invaders of the respiratory system, integument, and gastrointestinal tract.66,67,184 Few reports have identified fungal organisms as the primary cause of respiratory disease in reptiles, with most originating as environmental organisms.184,243 Inappropriate husbandry conditions, especially low environmental temperatures, excessive environmental humidity, chronic stress, excessive fungal spore exposure, and misuse of antibiotics, may promote fungal pneumonia.66,73,184 Different genera of fungi have been associated with pneumonia in reptiles, including Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., Mucor spp., Geotrichum spp., Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhizopus spp., Chrysosporium spp., Purpureocillium spp. (formerly Paecilomyces), Acremonium spp., and Beauveria spp.73,242–244 Purpureocillium lilacinum (formerly Paecilomyces lilacinus) is the most clinically significant fungus causing respiratory disease in reptiles. Purpureocillium lilacinum has been found as the causative agent of pulmonary granulomatous diseases in various species, especially chelonians and crocodilians.71,242,245,246 Some unspeciated Penicillium mycoses may in fact have been due to Purpureocillium, which used to be in the Penicillium genus and later in the Paecilomyces genus.242 Aspergillus spp. have also been isolated several times in association with pulmonary lesions in chelonians and crocodilians.242 Aspergillus pulmonary mycosis has been reported in two green anacondas (Euncectes murinus).247

Chelonians, especially giant tortoises and sea turtles, appear to be more susceptible overall to fungal pneumonia than any other reptiles with Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Purpureocillium spp., Penicillium spp., and Beauveria spp. isolated in animals with respiratory disease.184,243,246,248–252 Single cases of pulmonary involvement with Coccidioides immitis in a Sonoran gopher snake (Pituophis melanoleucus) and Cryptococcus neoformans in a captive anaconda (Eunectes murinus) have been reported.73 In crocodilians, most fungal infections are thought to be of enteric origin and occur in other tissues secondary to an immunocompromised state.66,212 Fungal pneumonia in crocodilians is usually focal or multifocal, with granulomatous solidification of parts of the pulmonary parenchyma.212,253 Dilatation of the bronchi and the formation of emphysematous bullae have also been reported.253 Agents commonly recovered from crocodilian species with fungal infections include Purpureocillium lilacinum and Fusarium spp.248 Beauveria bassiana was the cause of fatal pneumonia in two American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis).254 Metarhizium anisopliae was recovered from a fungal pneumonia in association with pulmonary oxalosis in an American alligator.255

Parasitic Diseases

Numerous parasites have been reported in the respiratory system of reptiles.73,74,77,184,212,253,256 Most respiratory parasites induce localized inflammation and irritation, which often leads to secondary bacterial pneumonia.73 Therefore, mixed respiratory diseases involving parasitic, bacterial and/or fungal infections are commonly diagnosed in reptiles.184 Pentastomids are worm-like, annulated crustacean parasites that affect the lungs, trachea, and nasal passages of wild and captive snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodilians.73,184,253,257 Snakes and crocodilians are particularly affected.184,253 Adult pentastomids feed on tissue fluids and lay embryonated eggs that pass into the oral cavity, are swallowed, and are excreted in the feces.73 An intermediate host, generally a small mammal or a fish, is necessary to complete the cycle.73 Genera of clinical importance include Sebekia, Raillietiella, Kiricephalus, Porocephalus, and Armillifer.256 Sebekia is the main reported pentastomid genus in crocodilians and parasitize the lungs of the final host.256 Fish serve as the intermediate host of Sebekia.256 The genera Subtriquetra sp. and Leiperia spp. are found in the nasal passages and in the trachea of crocodilians, respectively and humans may serve as incidental hosts.73,212,253 Kiricephalus, Porocephalus, and Armillifer spp. parasitize snakes, and several pentastomid species are common lung and air sac parasites of certain wild North American snakes.256 The genera Raillietiella and Sambonia have been reported in the lungs of lizards (e.g., geckos, chameleons, monitors).256,258 Clinical signs of pentastomid infestations in lizards include increased respiratory efforts and open-mouth dyspnea secondary to the obstruction of major airways by the parasites.73,184,256 If present in the lungs, the parasites may cause inflammation and predispose the animal to secondary bacterial infection.73,253 Subclinical infestations have also been described in snakes and crocodilians.77,212 Lungworms, Rhabdias spp. in snakes and lizards, especially Rhabdias fuscovenosa in snakes, Entomelas sp. in lizards, Kiricephalus spp. in snakes, and Angiostoma carettae in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) may also affect the

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


respiratory tract.73,184,259,260 Infective larvae of Rhabdias spp. may directly penetrate the skin or may be ingested through contaminated food or water.197 Ingested larvae penetrate the oral mucosa, gain access to the circulatory system, and ultimately become distributed to the lungs, where the larvae mature.197 Heavy infestations may lead to secondary bacterial pneumonia.73 Renifers, or lung flukes, are digenetic trematodes of the genera Dasymetra, Lechriochis, Zeugorchis, Ochestosoma, and Stomatrema that may be found in the buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, or occasionally lower respiratory tract of reptiles, especially snakes.73,77,256 Although most lung fluke infestations are subclinical, a heavy parasite load may predispose the host to secondary bacterial pneumonia.73 Amphibians have been identified as intermediate hosts.73,256 Infection of freshwater and sea turtles with digenetic spirorchiid trematodes of the genera Spirorchis, Henotosoma, Unicaecum, Vasotrema, or Hapalorhynchus may cause clinical signs suggestive of pneumonia, although the target site for these parasites is the circulatory system.73,256 Monogenetic trematodes may inhabit the nasopharynx or urinary bladder of aquatic chelonians and are believed to be nonpathogenic.74 Other parasites have been infrequently reported to affect the respiratory system in reptiles, such as the trematode Hemiuridae in sea snakes, visceral coccidia in crocodilians and tortoises, Microsporidium in an inland bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps), the snake lung mites Entonyssus and Hamertonia spp., and Amblyomma exornatum ticks have been diagnosed in the nasal passages of Nile monitors.71,73,197,212,256

Noninfectious Diseases

References to developmental anomalies (congenital disorders) affecting reptile lungs were not found in the literature. Penetrating injuries to the lungs may be diangosed in snakes, chelonians, and lizards, secondary to bite wounds from other pets or secondary to car or lawn mower traumas in chelonians.71,184 Respiratory foreign bodies are also commonly reported in chelonians and lizards, especially green iguanas (Iguana iguana).184 Foreign bodies, such as plastic objects or fishhooks in free-ranging aquatic turtles, may lodge within the oropharynx and cause acute obstructive dyspnea in reptiles.184,261 Trauma, inflammation, or neoplastic proliferation of the surrounding tissue of the respiratory tract may also result in obstructive dyspnea.71,184 Primary neoplasia of the respiratory tract or pulmonary metastasis has rarely been reported in reptiles (e.g., fibromas, fibroadenoma, fibrosarcoma, adenocarcinoma, oviductal carcinoma, chondrosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, lymphosarcoma, plasma cell tumor).73,262,263 Lymphoma commonly affects oral tissues and lungs in snakes, lizards, and chelonians.184 Several cases of tracheal chondromas associated with severe dyspnea have been reported in ball pythons (Python regius), suggesting a predisposition of this ophidian species to the tracheal neoplasia.264,265 In sea turtles, fibropapillomas caused by chelonid HV5 may be located in the lungs. Pulmonary edema from cardiac or hepatic disease may present as respiratory in origin and is uncommon.73 A single case of pulmonary edema has been reported in a spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca).266



Respiratory distress, especially on inspiration, due to reduction in tidal volume, may be caused by coelomic distension secondary to organomegaly, ascites, obesity, or pregnancy (see Figure 3-25).73,184 Loosening of the skin around the nares just before shedding may produce noises during respiration and can be interpreted as respiratory tract disease.73 A New Caledonia giant gecko (Rhacodactylus leachianus) was reported with an intussusception of the proximal left lung into the left bronchus and trachea causing hyperinflation of the right lung, lethargy, abdominal distention, and death.267 Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis was documented in a leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis) presented with dyspnea.268 Hypovitaminosis A is a common disease in chelonians and results in the degeneration of epithelial surfaces including the lung faveoli.67,71,74,269 Hypovitaminosis A can cause pathological changes that result in a large variety of clinical signs associated with rhinitis and lower tract diseases in chelonians.71,73,74 Semiaquatic chelonians with acute hypovitaminosis A commonly present with periocular changes, whereas chronic deficiency in terrestrial chelonians is typically associated with respiratory, hepatic, renal, and/or pancreatic epithelial abnormalities.74 Pleural urate deposition has been reported in cases of visceral gout.270

Mammals General Considerations

Upper and lower respiratory diseases are common in small mammals, with respiratory distress a common presenting complaint. Signs of respiratory illness can go unnoticed for a significant period by owners. Therefore, clinicians are often diagnosing and treating animals that have a chronic disease, consequently management of these cases can be challenging. Prompt recognition and appropriate therapeutic intervention are essential, as a delay can result in severe compromise or death of the patient. Rabbits and rodents are obligate nasal breathers, thus any lesion and/or disease affecting the upper respiratory system may present as a respiratory illness. It must be emphasized that the onset of many diseases is related to physiopathogenic and environmental factors that lead to a compromise in host immunity. Stressors such as poor husbandry, sanitation, diet, high stocking densities, poor diet, and concurrent and underlying illnesses are examples that contribute to this. Consequently it is important to obtain a thorough history regarding the animal’s signalment and also understand appropriate husbandry practices in order to gauge the likelihood of environmental contributions to the clinical picture. Bacterial respiratory diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats, with mixed infections composed of multiple pathogens commonly diagnosed. Ferrets will present with secondary pneumonia due to a primary viral etiology, while hamsters and gerbils, in the context of clinical significance, do not commonly develop primary respiratory diseases.271–273 African hedgehogs have been reported to present for respiratory disease and have similar etiological bacterial agents as rodents.274

Infectious Diseases

BACTERIAL DISEASES RABBITS.  Despite its presence as a commensal, Pasteurella

multocida is an important bacterial pathogen in rabbits, causing

opportunistic infections.275–277 Pasteurellaceae are gramnegative bacteria considered part of the normal flora of the rabbit mucous membranes. Pathogenicity is related to the type of strain affecting the animal and is more likely to occur in immunosuppressed animals.278 Different disease states exist—once an individual is infected, acute disease such as bacteremia and pneumonia may develop after which the animal may become a chronic carrier or develop chronic clinical disease.102 Studies have shown that there is a lack of passive transfer of antibody in weanlings, and none is actively acquired in adulthood.276 As a result, adults are often presented with a vast array of clinical signs including rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, nasolacrimal duct infection, otitis interna and media, tracheitis, pneumonia, and abscessation.276,279 Bordetella bronchiseptica is not considered a primary pathogen in rabbits despite historic reports of pure cultures being isolated from clinically ill animals.276,277 Bordetella bronchiseptica is a common inhabitant of the upper airways in rabbits, but reports suggest that this bacterium could lead to pneumonia in some cases. It has been suggested that Bordetella bronchiseptica predisposes individuals to Pasteurella spp. infections. However, Bordetella bronchiseptica is a pathogen of clinical significance in rodents, and exposure to rabbits may be a predisposing factor to respiratory disease in these species.102,276 Treponema cuniculi is a venereal disease that is transmitted horizontally and associated with poorly managed colonies. The bacterium is a spirochete that has an affinity for mucocutaneous junctions.279 Treponema cuniculi infection is more commonly known as rabbit syphilis. Overall, rabbit syphilis is rare in nonbreeding rabbits.279,280 While it is not a primary respiratory pathogen, the presence of ulcers, vesicles, and discharge around the lips, nares, and eyelids resembles upper respiratory tract involvement.281,282 Lesions are generally found in the genital region and can cause local lymphadenopathy.279 Diagnosis is made by confirming the presence of the spiral organisms in lesions using silver stains.280 Other isolated bacterial organisms from rabbit respiratory lesions include Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella spp., Yersinia pestis, Escherichia coli, Mycoplasma pulmonis, Mycobacterium spp., Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Vibrio spp., Bacillus spp., Chlamydia spp., and other Pasteurella spp.278,283,284 RODENTS.  Chronic infectious respiratory disease is probably the most common disease of pet rats. Chronic infectious respiratory disease in rats is classically caused by the action of one or several bacterial and viral pathogens (see the section on rat respiratory viruses below under Rodents). The most important rat respiratory bacterial pathogens are Mycoplasma pulmonis, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Corynebacterium kutscheri. Bacteria of lesser importance that may precipitate clinical signs by potentiating the pathogenic actions of the major murine pathogens include cilia-associated respiratory (CAR) Bacillus and Haemophilus spp. Mycoplasma pulmonis, an intracellular bacterium that is commonly isolated in rats, is a major respiratory disease of concern in older pet rats. It is a chronic disease to which acquisition occurs at a young age and may persist for life as subclinical disease.285–287 Mycoplasma pulmonis infection varies in clinical presentation due to the complex host, environment, and pathogen relationship. Examples of predisposing history include high levels of ammonia as a result of poor sanitation

and hygiene, concurrent viral infections, bacterial virulence, and dietary vitamin A and E deficiency.288,289 Often, the organism is isolated with other etiological agents, commonly with CAR Bacillus.290 M. pulmonis is transmitted horizontally through aerosolization and vertically in utero.291 The pathophysiology of the disease has been described as a low-level airway inflammation, sustained damage, and remodeling of airway epithelium progression to bronchiectasis.287 Clinical signs are not only associated with the respiratory tract but can appear as neurologic signs associated with otitis interna. Mycoplasma pulmonis infection has also been reported to present as endometritis associated with bacterial dissemination.287,288,291,292 Elimination of M. pulmonis from large populations of rats and mice is impossible without rederivation or depopulation.105 Streptococcus pneumoniae is considered a commensal bacterium of the nasal passages and ear of rodents. This grampositive bacteria is pathogenic in rats and guinea pigs but can also cause subclinical disease.293 The presence of Streptococcus pneumoniae can potentiate other diseases such as mycoplasma, as it causes suppurative inflammation of the upper respiratory tract spreading to the lungs, resulting in bronchopneumonia.286,293 Serotypes III, IV, and XIX cause disease in guinea pigs and may be associated with poor husbandry and hypovitaminosis C.294,295 Corynebacterium kutscheri may also be part of the natural microbiota of rodents. Infections are usually subclinical, with development of pulmonary abscesses associated with immunosuppression or concurrent infection with other pathogens, in particular, M. pulmonis.289,293 In mice, the disease is more generalized, and it has been reported to cause mucopurulent visceral disease in the kidneys and liver and septic polyarthritis.296 The identification of the CAR Bacillus is still pending phylogenetic classification, although has been described as a filamentous rod that adheres to the ciliary respiratory epithelium.296 The CAR Bacillus has been described as a potentiator of other diseases such as mycoplasma and Sendai virus.290,297 Subclinical infection can occur in rats and mice, with transmission likely associated with direct contact to affected individuals.293 Bordetella bronchiseptica is a gram-negative aerobic rod that causes purulent bronchopneumonia and suppurative pleuritis.295 Bacterial pneumonia is exceedingly common in pet guinea pigs, and other bacteria may be implicated.295 Guinea pigs are highly susceptible to B. bronchiseptica, while mice, hamsters, and rats appear to be more resistant to the disease, which presents as an opportunistic infection.105 Some individuals can develop immunity and eliminate disease, while others become subclinical carriers.100,114 Rabbits, dogs, and nonhuman primates are known subclinical carriers of the disease, therefore it is recommended not to house these animals together with guinea pigs.295 OTHER SPECIES.  Bacterial pneumonia is reported to be uncommon in ferrets, but Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus zooepidemicus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Bordetella bronchiseptica have been isolated from ferrets diagnosed with respiratory disease.298 Pneumonia is reported in African hedgehogs and sugar gliders but there are few reports pertaining to specific pathogens. There is one article that described P. multocida being isolated from a sugar glider that was housed in the same area with rabbits. A sugar glider housed in the same

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area as rabbits, culturing P. multocida.299,300 A case of Corynebacterial bronchopneumonia was documented in an African hedgehog.301 Other cases of pneumonia have been reported in nonpet species of hedgehogs.

VIRAL DISEASES FERRETS.  Canine distemper virus (CDV) is a single-

stranded RNA virus of the genus Morbillivirus in the Paramyxoviridae family. It is a highly contagious disease, although because of the above properties, it is a short-lived virus prone to environmental desiccation. Domestic ferrets are highly susceptible to CDV, with reported mortalities close to 100%.302 Due to the ubiquity of CDV in dogs, young and unvaccinated ferrets are at risk of being exposed to the disease through canine companions.298,303 The primary mode of transmission of CDV is aerosolization of viral particles onto mucous membranes from respiratory and other bodily secretions. The respiratory system is a preferred site for a virus replication, causing upper respiratory tract signs. The incubation period of CDV is 7 to 10 days, anorexia, pyrexia, and serous nasal discharge are the initial clinical signs observed with the disease in ferrets.304 Progressive clinical signs include fever, oculonasal discharge, dermatitis from crusting, hyperkeratosis of footpads, secondary bacterial pneumonia, and death.305,306 Due to routine vaccination in ferrets, CDV is not a common clinical presentation.306 Antemortem diagnosis of CDV infection in ferrets is achieved by fluorescent antibody of conjunctival swabs or blood smears and postmortem, brain tissue. Influenza virus, an RNA virus from the Orthomyxoviridae family, is classified into three species: A, B, and C, with A being most medically relevant to ferrets.307 The ferret is extensively used as a model for human influenza research, as disease progression in ferrets is similar to humans.304 Influenza virus is a zoonotic and an anthroponotic disease, transmitted primarily by aerosolization of respiratory secretions, and causes primarily upper respiratory disease.298,306 Ferrets may exhibit high fever that may undulate, heavy bouts of productive sneezing, lethargy, and inappetence.308 In comparison to distemper, influenza virus has a low mortality rate and clinical signs resolve within a 10- to 14-day period.309 Similarly, respiratory secretions are often mucoserous rather than mucopurulent.306 Since the disease is self-resolving, supportive care is recommended, including force-feeding, cough suppressants, antihistamines, antimucolytics, and antibiotics to control secondary bacterial infections.273 Antiviral medications can be used but their efficacy and therapeutic effect are unknown.310 The systemic ferret coronavirus has been documented to cause pulmonary lesions and upper respiratory signs in young ferrets, and Aleutian disease parvovirus is known to induce interstitial pneumonia in minks.298,311 RABBITS.  Reported viral diseases of pet rabbits are uncommon and some only appear to pose problems with laboratory animals. In Europe, the myxoma virus is highly virulent to Oryctolagus cuniculus and can lead to hemorrhagic pneumonia, suppurative bronchopneumonia, fibrinous pleuritis, and nasal disease in the atypical form of myxomatosis (amyxomatous form).284 An outbreak of HV caused respiratory signs in a commercial rabbit facility in mini-Rex and meat-type rabbits in Alaska.312,313 RODENTS.  The Sendai virus belongs to the paramyxovirus family. This RNA virus causes acute respiratory disease in



rats and is regularly associated with co-infection with organisms such as mycoplasma.288,291,293 Rodents are natural hosts for this virus, and infections often reduces fertility and fecundity and in young individuals results in retardation of growth.293,296 The sialodacryoadenitis virus is a coronavirus and is not considered primary respiratory pathogen in rats. The sialodacryoadenitis virus causes inflammation and edema of the cervical salivary glands, initially causing rhinitis that may appear as an upper respiratory infection. This coronavirus is a highly contagious disease, spread through aerosolization and fomites to which epizootics do occur, and clinical signs include lymphadenomegaly, corneal lesions, conjunctivitis, keratitis, and porphyrin staining.288,289 The virus has tissue tropism for salivary glands, with chronic focal lesions having been identified in the harderian glands.293,314 Mortalities associated with the sialodacryoadenitis virus in rats are rare. Other viruses known to cause respiratory disease in Muridae include the rat respiratory virus (hantavirus) and the pneumonia virus of mice (paramyxovirus). The guinea pig adenovirus is responsible for bronchopneumonia in this species and has low morbidity but high mortality.315 Subclinical infections have also been described in guinea pigs diagnosed with adenovirus. PARASITIC DISEASES.  Parasitic respiratory diseases are uncommon in exotic companion mammals. European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) and one species of hedgehogs of the same genus as the African pygmy hedgehogs, the Algerian hedgehog (Atelerix algirus), have been reported to have an endemic primary lungworm disease, Crenosoma striatum.316 The life cycle of the lungworm is completed in the hedgehog and acquired through snail ingestion. Clinical signs commonly observed in hedgehogs with lungworm disease are wasting and difficulty breathing associated with larval migration.317 FUNGAL DISEASES.  As primary respiratory pathogens, fungal diseases appear to be rarely reported in small mammals. Cryptococcus spp. are a type of capsulated, dimorphic, basidiomycetous fungi that is ubiquitous in the environment. Cryptococcus spp. has been isolated in dogs and cats with upper respiratory disease, but in dogs, it has been reported to disseminate to include the eyes and central nervous system.318 The few reports confirming disease in ferrets have been described all presentations listed above and are commonly associated with immunosuppression.307 Other fungal pneumonia that has been reported in ferrets includes Pneumocystis carinii, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Coccidioides immitis.298 Aspergillus pleuritis was diagnosed in a ferret with concurrent lymphosarcoma by one of the above authors. Fungal sinusitis has been described in rabbits.278

mass associated with an elongated maxillary incisor tooth root.98 Cranial thoracic masses may lead to signs of respiratory disease by compression of lungs and major airways. Rabbits normally have a well-developed thymus into adulthood, and in cases where animals diagnostically have a cranial thoracic mass, this organ is often associated with an abnormal mass. Differential disease diagnoses for cranial thoracic masses include thymic hyperplasia, thymoma, thymic lymphosarcoma, thymic carcinoma, chemodectoma, ectopic thyroid tissue, thyroid carcinoma, thymic branchial cysts, mediastinal granuloma or abscess, hemorrhage, mast cell tumor, and metastatic neoplasia.99 Thymic lymphoma and lymphepithelial thymomas appear to be the most commonly reported cranial thoracic masses diagnosed in exotic small mammals in the literature.321 These cases often present acutely for signs of respiratory distress, although they may also be associated with “cranial vena cava” syndrome, where there is exophthalmos due to impedance of venous return to the heart.289,321,322 Nevertheless in ferrets cranial mediastinal masses are often caused by lymphosarcoma.273,322 Primary neoplasia is rare, although guinea pigs are known to develop bronchogenic papillary adenomas.289 Bronchogenic papillary adenomas have been reported as underdiagnosed in guinea pigs and should be a differential in cases where there is no response to conventional treatment for pneumonia. The prevalence of bronchogenic papillary adenomas is approximately 30%, and while the tumor is slow growing, rarely metastasizing, it does reduce the functional volume of the lungs.100,323 In rabbits, secondary pulmonary metastases due to uterine adenocarcinoma in nonspayed females are common.292,322 There are few reports of respiratory neoplasia in hedgehogs and sugar gliders (Figure 3-9). Ferrets have been reported to commonly present for respiratory distress as a result of underlying cardiac disease (see cardiology section). Pleural effusion due to congestive heart failure is common in this species (Figure 3-10). Small mammals may be presented for predator bites, conspecific confrontation, accidental falls, and motor vehicle accidents. This occurs more often to ferrets due to their curious nature but other species are just as susceptible. Animals may present with fractures, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, and hemothorax, for which emergency and critical care is recommended.104,273,322

Noninfectious Diseases

Perhaps the most common disease in pet rabbits and some rodents is dental disease, with strong correlations to poor diet and congenital conformation. The disease may cause abscessation of periapical tissues and may present as upper respiratory signs, as anatomically, rabbits and most rodents are obligate nasal breathers (see Figures 3-26 and 3-28). In addition, disseminated bacteremia may lead to pneumonia.99,319,320 Similarly in prairie dogs, pseudo-odontoma is a common presentation and is due to the space-occupying

FIGURE 3-9  Lateral thoracic radiograph showing a diffuse thoracic mass in an African hedgehog; the final diagnosis was histiocytic sarcoma. (Courtesy of Isabelle Langlois.)

FIGURE 3-10  Lateral thoracic radiograph showing pleural effusion due to congestive heart failure in a ferret.

Vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs causes nonspecific illnesses including signs of recurrent pneumonia, painful joints, immobility, anorexia, pathologic fractures, weakness, petechiation, and diarrhea.100 Ascorbic acid is required as a cofactor for the synthesis of collagen and dietary supplementation if recommended for prevention. Supplementation may be administered using commercially available vitamin C tablets and offering dark-leafy greens in the diet, with response being rapid.324 Supportive care and therapy is recommended in ongoing management of the patient’s overall disease conditions.99 Intestinal obstruction and gastric stasis in guinea pigs and rabbits can cause reduced thoracic volume and resulting in respiratory distress.295 Aspiration pneumonia has been reported as well as iatrogenic induced pneumonia due to force-feeding mineral oil to ferrets with suspected foreign body.298 Endogenous lipid pneumonia has also been reported in ferrets.325 Respiratory hypersensitivity or irritation has not been well documented in exotic companion mammals but does appear with some frequency in rabbits. Dusty, moldy, or allergenic hay may be implicated in some cases of respiratory hypersensitivity in rabbits. Nasal foreign bodies are possible and hay is frequently identified as the cause in many cases.326 Shortnosed rabbits seem also to be affected by a syndrome presenting with clinical similarities to the canine brachiocephalic syndrome, but this disease condition has not been well described. Laryngeal paralysis may be encountered in rabbits as well as laryngeal and tracheal trauma after repeated or difficult intubations.

Birds Nasal and Sinus Diseases

Rhinitis and sinusitis are common diseases in birds and have the potential to spread to most structures of the head, owing to the extensive pneumatization of the beak, skull, and cervical area. Diseases that cause rhinitis and sinusitis in birds frequently extend to the periorbital region. Chronic granulomatous rhinitis (or rhinolith) is frequently diagnosed in psittacine birds fed a seed-only diet and is particularly common in cockatiels, African gray parrots, and Amazon parrots. Chronic granulomatous rhinitis appears to be strongly correlated with nutritional deficiencies, notably vitamin A. Concretions of desquamated epithelium, debris, and necrotic and inflammatory materials occupy the nasal

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


cavity and induce progressive tissue destruction, which can be extensive. Upon debridement, permanent damage to the nasal cavities and nasal conchae is often present. Since the normal function of the upper respiratory system is compromised and chronic nasal irritation occurs, rhinoliths periodically recur. Opportunistic organisms frequently involved in the disease process include a variety of gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Klebsiella spp.) and fungus (Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., zygomycetes).327,328 Nasal plugs caused by exudate secondary to chronic rhinitis also occur in falcons.329 Spiral bacteria have been implicated in upper respiratory disease and infection of the choanal slit and oral cavity in cockatiels.330 Infectious rhinitis and sinusitis may be caused by a variety of organisms and frequently manifest as nasal discharge, periorbital swellings, redness, and facial feather loss. Hypovitaminosis A may also cause squamous metaplasia in various locations of the oropharynx. Chronic sinusitis in macaws is responsible for a so-called sunken-eye syndrome.327,328 Sinusal exudates do not drain well in birds because of the dorsal location of the sinusal opening into the nasal cavity (see the Anatomy and Physiology section at the beginning of the chapter) and the viscous consistency of avian inflammatory exudates, gram-negative bacteria, Chlamydia psittaci (Chlamydophila psittaci), and Mycoplasma spp. are frequently cited as common etiological agents respiratory disease in various species of birds. Uncomplicated avian chlamydiosis frequently presents as only a mild rhinitis and conjunctivitis in cockatiels and pigeons. Gallinaceous suffer from a high rate of sinusitis for which Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Avibacterium paragallinarum (infectious coryza of chicken, formerly Haemophilus), and Bordetella avium (turkey coryza) are common etiological agents.331 Mycoplasma gallisepticum is also a significant disease of house finches in North America and presents with conjunctivitis, sinusitis, and significant morbidity.332 Mycoplasma infection is also associated with upper respiratory disease in psittacine birds.333 Mycoplasma spp. appear to be commensal organisms in Falconiformes and Accipitriformes.334,335 Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. marinum have been associated with upper respiratory granulomas in psittacine birds.327,336–339 Viruses with specific nasal and sinusal tropism are uncommon. Rhinotracheitis in turkeys is caused by a pneumovirus. Localized skin diseases around the nostrils, such as cnemidocoptic infestation and poxvirus infection, may constrict the external nasal openings. Cryptococcus neoformans has been identified as a cause of a chronic rhinosinusitis in a cockatoo.340 Parasitic diseases of the nasal and sinusal system are less common than infections with bacterial organisms. Cnemidocoptic mites may cause hyperkeratosis of the cere with subsequent obstruction of the nares in budgerigars. Trichomoniasis may extend to the choanal area and sinus in raptors and pigeons. Cryptosporidium baileyi was the cause of upper respiratory infections in falcons and scops owls.341–343 Various helminth parasites may be found in the nasal and sinusal tissues in wild water birds, in particular Anseriformes, and include trematodes of the Cyclocoelidae family, Trichobilharzia spp. schistosomes, and Theromyzon spp. nasal leeches.344–346 Plant or seed foreign bodies can be lodged in the nasal cavity or the choanal opening, and chicks may aspirate formula through their choana. Respiratory irritants may also promote



nasal inflammation and sneezing. Choanal atresia has been reported in African gray parrots and an Umbrella cockatoo and is characterized by the incomplete development of the choanal region.327,347 Hyperinflation or rupture of the cervicocephalic diverticulum of the infraorbital sinus is a relatively common occurrence and manifests as one or multiple large subcutaneous air pockets. This condition has been described in multiple avian species.327,348–350 In severe cases, it may significantly restrict cervical movement (Figure 3-11). The pathophysiology is poorly understood and the exact location of air leakage in cases of a rupture is difficult if not impossible to determine. This condition may be caused by different diseases of the cervicocephalic diverticulum such as trauma, infection, congenital abnormality, and disruption of normal connection with the infraorbital sinus. Choanal and sinusal squamous cell carcinoma have been reported in a black-footed penguin and an eclectus parrot.351,352 Other nasal and sinus neoplasia reported in psittacine birds


includes lymphosarcoma, carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, and melanoma.328

Tracheal Diseases

Diseases of the avian larynx are uncommon. They include glottal internal papillomatosis (mainly in green-winged macaws) and laryngeal trauma from intubation (damage to the crista ventralis).353–355 Postintubation tracheal stenosis occurs approximately 1 to 2 weeks after an intubation event and has been reported in blue and gold macaws, geese, bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, a curassow, and other avian species (Figure 3-12).356–360 The authors have also diagnosed postintubation tracheal stenosis in a sandhill crane, a Jandaya conure, an African gray parrot, and a screech owl. Tracheal stenosis secondary to severe tracheitis or tracheal trauma has also been reported.361–363 Tracheal foreign bodies are more common in small psittacine birds, particularly cockatiels, in which a millet seed is commonly aspirated.348,364–366


FIGURE 3-11  Cervicocephalic diverticulum rupture in a blue and gold macaw (A) and a domestic goose (B).




FIGURE 3-12  Tracheoscopy in birds showing the normal syrinx in an eclectus parrot (A),

a xanthogranulomatous lesion associated with tracheal stenosis in a blue and gold macaw (B), and a syringeal aspergilloma in an eclectus parrot (C).

Viral diseases of the trachea cause diphtheritic lesions and primarily include HV infections such as the infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chickens (and also pheasants and guinea fowls), the Amazon tracheitis virus in Amazon parrots and other psittacine species (in recently imported birds), cytomegalovirus in Australian finches, psittacid HV3 infection in eclectus parrots and Bourke’s parakeets, and poxviruses such as the diphtheric or wet form of poxviruses typically encountered in passerine birds, various parakeets, lovebirds, and mynahs.327,328,331,353,367–370 Vaccination of galliformes species, other than chickens, with chicken-attenuated infectious laryngotracheitis virus may cause disease. Various bacterial agents implicated in tracheitis may lead to tracheal stenosis, either by fibrous tissue or granuloma formation. The trachea was found to be the principal replication site for experimental Chlamydia psittaci infection in the turkey.371 Bordetella avium primarily infects the trachea in turkeys.331 Mycoplasma spp. are routinely recovered from the trachea of normal birds of prey.334,335 Enterococcus faecalis is associated with chronic tracheitis in canaries.372,373 A granulomatous tracheitis caused by Mycobacterium genavense was diagnosed in an Amazon parrot.374 Tracheal and syringeal aspergillosis is the most common fungal infection diagnosed in the avian trachea (see Figure 3-12). Species frequently diagnosed with tracheal aspergillosis include Amazon parrots, African gray parrots, macaws, and falcons. Hypovitaminosis A is frequently cited as a predisposing factor for the formation of tracheal and syringeal aspergilloma. Several parasites are known to infest the avian trachea and include nematodes such as Syngamus spp. (mainly, Syngamus trachea) and Cyathostoma spp. (mainly Cyathostoma bronchialis) and acarids such as Sternostoma tracheacolum.327,331,375 Tracheal worms infest a wide range of species but clinical disease is most frequently encountered in captive birds of prey, poultry, and game birds. The life cycle of S. trachea is direct and earthworms may act as paratenic hosts (larvae may remain viable for up to 3 yr in earthworms), which facilitates reexposure in a closed environment with access to the ground. C. bronchialis infests mainly Anseriformes and birds of prey and requires earthworms as intermediate hosts.375 Sternostoma tracheacolum (tracheal, air sac mites) infests primarily canaries and Gouldian finches. The mite has a direct life cycle and is passed from parents to chicks.328,376 Inhaled toxins and smoke-inhalation injuries may cause severe necrotizing tracheitis (see the next section). Hypovitaminosis A not only predisposes birds to respiratory diseases by altering mucosal defenses but may also promotes epithelial changes, notably in the syrinx. Tracheal neoplasias are uncommon, but tracheal osteochondroma has been reported in parrots.328

Diseases of the Lungs and Air Sacs

Lower respiratory diseases are common in birds, and infectious causes tend to predominate. Bacterial pneumonia and airsacculitis have been reported, with a variety of organisms being identified as causative agents, but gram-negative bacteria seem to predominate. Bacteria commonly reported to cause lower respiratory infections in birds include Pasteurella multocida, Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (mainly chickens), Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp., Chlamydia

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


psittaci, Riemerella anatipestifer (mainly waterfowl), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Mycoplasma spp., and Mycobacterium spp.327,329,331 The importance and pathogenicity of bacterial isolates also depend on the species of bird involved. Chlamydia psittaci frequently causes diffuse airsacculitis, and Mycobacterium spp. generally produce large granulomatous lesions.331,377–379 Avian chlamydiosis is an important disease of birds, especially Psittaciformes due to its zoonotic potential. Chlamydial strains are host specific and often produce mild disease in their natural hosts (e.g., cockatiels).371,380,381 In addition, long-term presence of chlamydial organisms in nonclinical natural hosts is suspected. Large avian wildlife reservoirs have been identified and are sources of exposure to susceptible species. Different avian serotypes are described, and serotype A is predominant in Psittaciformes, but serotype E is associated with more significant clinical disease. Serotype B is the most frequent in pigeons, and serotype D has been characterized as highly virulent in turkeys. Clinical signs are variable in avian chlamydiosis but commonly involve the respiratory system, where mild to severe airsacculitis is a frequent necropsy finding. Viral diseases of the lungs are less common than other infectious causes but include paramyxovirus I, avian influenza, infectious bronchitis (chickens), avian polyomavirus (nestling cockatoos), and canarypox.328,331,353 Aspergillosis is a predominant respiratory fungal infection in birds. Avian species reported to be more susceptible to respiratory aspergillosis include northern raptorial species (e.g., snowy owls, gyrfalcons, rough-legged hawks), juvenile red-tailed hawks, golden eagles, northern goshawks, penguins, flamingos, seabirds (e.g., pelicans, auks, gannets, gulls, petrels, loons), certain parrot species (e.g., African gray parrots, Pionus parrots, blue-fronted Amazon parrots), waterfowl, storks, and mynahs. Large epizootics in wild birds have been reported when gregarious species are exposed simultaneously to large quantities of spores.382 Wild bird chicks of susceptible species may have a high mortality rate, and the infection appears to be associated with nest materials and dynamics promoting high local spore loads.382 Aspergillus fumigatus is the primary fungal species isolated in birds, but other Aspergillus species can be cultured (e.g., flavus, nigricans, nidulans, etc.). Aspergillosis is neither zoonotic nor contagious, but any environmental strain has the potential to be pathogenic. Pathogenesis appears to be associated with exposure to high spore loads, resulting in acute pulmonary aspergillosis or some degree of immunosuppression leading to chronic pulmonary-air sac aspergillosis (Figures 3-13 and 3-14). Tracheal and syringeal aspergillosis constitutes a third form of the disease (see Figure 3-12). Risk factors that have been associated with an increased susceptibility respiratory fungal disease include lead toxicosis (waterfowls, raptors), smoke-inhalation injury, captivity (especially seabirds), stress, steroids, tetracycline (likely due to immunomodulatory effect of long-term use), neoplasia, circovirus infection, hypovitaminosis A, and others.382–386 In the authors’ experience, an air sac cannula maintained for several days, frequently leads to focal aspergillosis lesions. Since the air sac system pneumatizes most of the avian body, aspergillosis lesions may extend to any internal organ by local invasion or distantly by hematogenous dissemination, as Aspergillus spp. presents as angiotropism in tissues. Moreover, Aspergillus spp. produce a wide



FIGURE 3-13  Whole-body radiographs of an African gray parrot with respiratory aspergil-

losis. On the ventrodorsal view (left), the right part of the air sac system presents some soft tissue opacities, and on the lateral view (right), the air sacs are considerably thickened by aspergillosis lesions, which form characteristic “caverns.”

FIGURE 3-14  Close-up view of a focal lesion of aspergillosis

on an air sac membrane in a snowy owl. The air sac is displaying mild thickening and hypervascularization, and the small fungal plaque is supplied by a small vessel.

variety of mycotoxins, some with immunosuppressive effects such as the gliotoxin, which may participate in the disease progression and pathogenesis.387 Various experimental avian models have been developed to further elucidate the pathogenesis and progression of the disease.388–392 Several lower respiratory parasitic diseases are of significance in birds. Sarcocystis falcatula is a protozoan parasite that has an indirect life cycle, with the Virginia opossum serving as the final host and cockroaches as potential mechanical

vectors. Sarcocystis falcatula is associated with an acute pulmonary form of the disease in Old World species, such as cockatoos, rather than the classic muscular form.393,394 Pulmonary lesions are also common, with disseminated visceral coccidiosis in cranes.395 Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite whose final host is the cat, and that can affect a wide range of avian species. In birds, pulmonary lesions are common with toxoplasmosis. Atoxoplasmosis is caused by the coccidian parasite Isospora serini and affects diverse passerine birds from various families, with canaries and finches commonly reported with the disease. Pulmonary lesions are reported with Isospora serini, but hepatic and splenic lesions predominate. The air sac mites Sternostoma tracheacolum live in the air sacs and lungs but are most often pathogenic in the upper airways (see section on tracheal diseases). Various filarioid nematodes, identified in the lower respiratory system of birds, include the genera Paronchocerca, Splendidofilaria, Chandlerella, Serratospiculum, and Diplotriaena.396,397 Most infections of filarioid nematodes in birds do not produce clinical disease. Serratospiculum seurati is a common parasite of air sacs in saker and other falcons in the Middle East, and beetle species are the intermediate hosts. Other species of Serratospiculum have been reported in birds of prey from various geographical locations. Serratospiculum and Diplotriaena do not produce microfilariae but rather eggs that developed in insect hosts. These parasites may produce airsacculitis and promote lower respiratory infections. Several genera of air sac flukes (trematodes) have been reported to parasitize wild and captive zoo birds and are associated with mollusks as intermediate hosts.346,398 Birds are quite sensitive to smoke-inhalation toxicosis and airborne toxins because of their large and efficient pulmonary exchange surface. Incriminated toxic fumes frequently include polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE; teflon) from overheated cookware, cigarette smoke, household aerosols (e.g., house perfumes, candles, disinfectants), carbon monoxide, and

ammonia. Signs are most often acute, especially in PTFE inhalation and other toxic fumes, with severe pulmonary hemorrhage and congestion observed on postmortem examination (see Figure 3-33). Respiratory signs may develop as long as 3 days after toxin exposure. Several other noninfectious diseases of clinical significance have been reported in captive birds. Aspiration pneumonia may be encountered in baby birds (chronic poor-doers) and gavage fed hospitalized birds. The “conure bleeding syndrome” frequently manifests as bleeding in the respiratory tract and hemoptysis. Hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage also occur in birds of prey with secondary rodenticide poisoning.399 Advanced atherosclerosis and cardiac diseases can also cause respiratory signs. Chronic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis has been reported in Amazon parrots and has been associated with right-sided heart failure in some birds.400,401 A chronic obstructive respiratory disease has been reported in blue and gold macaws (these authors have also seen several affected green-winged macaws) housed with species that produce higher levels of feather powder such as cockatoos, cockatiels, and African gray parrots.328,402 This syndrome is characterized by polycythemia, pulmonary congestion, and atrial smooth muscle hypertrophy. Severe inspiratory dyspnea with open-mouth breathing is often observed and is intermittent in birds diagnosed with chronic obstructive respiratory disease. Pneumoconiosis (anthracosis, silicosis) results from the accumulation of foreign material (dust) and dust-laden macrophages in the lungs and has been reported in various avian species.328 Pulmonary fat embolism has been reported in an osprey and pet psittacine birds.328,403 Air sac cannulation for several days often causes a moderate to marked air sac inflammatory reaction. Subcutaneous emphysema around the body may be caused by air sac trauma such as that resulting from a coeliotomy, coelioscopy, or fracture of a pneumatized bone. Neoplasias of the lower respiratory tract include pulmonary adenocarcinoma, air sac adenocarcinoma, and metastasis of malignant tumors. Pulmonary and bronchogenic carcinomas have been reported in macaws, a partridge, and a cockatoo and often manifest as hind limb ataxia/paresis due to local invasion of the tumor into the spine.404–408 These tumors frequently invade the humeral air sac diverticulum. Air sac cystadenocarcinomas have mainly been reported in cockatoos, but an African gray parrot case has also been documented. These tumors usually arise from the proximal humeral and axillary air sac diverticulum.409–412 Undifferentiated neoplasia of the lungs and air sacs has been recognized in cockatiels and seems to be diagnosed most often in the thoracic inlet occasionally compressing the trachea (Figures 3-15 and 3-16).328,353 Marek’s disease may cause pulmonary tumors in chickens.331

Extrarespiratory Diseases: Airflow Occlusion and Air Sac Compression

Due to the extensive nature of the air sac system in birds, especially that of the abdomen and thorax, any extrarespiratory disease resulting in reduction of air sac volume or occlusion of major airways may result in respiratory clinical signs. In the thoracic inlet, masses of nonrespiratory origin may occlude the trachea, syrinx, and interclavicular air sac, leading to inspiratory dyspnea, aphonia, or voice changes (see Figures 3-15 and 3-16). These masses include thyroid masses (goiter,

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System


FIGURE 3-15  Cranial lung/air sac mass in a cockatiel with

dyspnea and regurgitation. The final diagnosis was lymphoma. White arrows delineate the mass.

FIGURE 3-16  Soft tissue sarcoma in the interclavicular air sac

of a cockatiel that presented with open-mouth breathing and regurgitation.

especially in budgerigars, thyroid neoplasia), bony callus from a coracoid fracture, aneurysm, large granulomas, neoplasia such as undifferentiated sarcoma (see Figure 3-16), hemangiosarcoma, thymoma, and other tumors.413–416 Typically cardiomegaly does not induce coughing in birds as it does in mammals. A significant reduction in air space may occur with fluid accumulation in the coelomic cavities of birds, such as ascites resulting from cardiac, hepatic, or neoplastic diseases, and egg-yolk coelomitis. Severe respiratory complications may arise if the fluid/yolk gains access to the respiratory system through a breach in an air sac or coelomic cavity membrane.



Space-occupying masses are also associated with impairment of abdominal ventilation and are encountered with large tumors (e.g., budgerigars), granuloma, eggs, and organomegaly. Obstruction of air sac ostia is rare but may interfere with ventilation. An ostrich was reported with intestinal entrapment in a right pulmonary ostium.417 Finally, obesity with intracoelomic fat accumulation may impair normal ventilation and induce dyspnea, especially after exercise.

SPECIFIC DIAGNOSTICS Invertebrates Physical Examination

A thorough history, including husbandry and control of water quality for aquatic species, is just as important as performing a clinical examination on invertebrates. It is difficult to assess the respiratory rate of invertebrates and determine their effort, especially since most do not have ventilatory movements.3,9 Diagnosis of diseases in invertebrate species can be frustrating but should nonetheless be pursued to gain a better understanding of the processes involved and their physiological responses.143,418 The use of magnification through a hand lens, surgical loupes, or an endoscope will facilitate clinical examinations, especially when examining the ospithosomal entrance to the book lungs in arachnids for any evidence of mites or larvae or spiracles in insects and arachnids.419 Presence of discharge, ulceration, and abnormalities should be noted and properly assessed to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Judicious use of anesthesia may facilitate a better examination, as it is important not only for the animal’s safety but also potentially for the handler.3 Induction for terrestrial species is carried out with 5% isoflurane that is titrated to effect.3,148 For immobilization of aquatic patients, tricaine methanesulfanate (MS-222), benzocaine, clove oil, and ethanol have been recommended.9,148


When establishing a diagnosis in invertebrates, one must consider the potential existence of an ecto- or endosymbiont relationship, given that there is little literature and/or research describing invertebrate pathogens.145 Routine hemolymph collection submission for culture that may provide evidence of septicemia can be submitted but is nonspecific for the respiratory system.145 Antemortem wet-mount slides of the integument and aspirated contents allow for cytologic assessment on individual specimens.3 An example of this diagnostic technique includes identification of the oral nematode Panagrolaimidae under light microscopy on a smear with a drop of saline. Swabs can be taken for microbiology, but it may be challenging to differentiate pathogenic organisms from organisms that are normally part of the invertebrate’s environment and microbiota.141 A fecal sample may also be analyzed as part of the health assessment. Postmortem examination of an invertebrate patient may be more rewarding than a thorough clinical examination.419 It may be necessary to sacrifice a number of animals from the collection rather than just obtaining the affected individual in order to establish a diagnosis utilizing a representative sample of the group. Submission of tissues for histopathology after

immediate fixation should be interpreted with the help of an experienced invertebrate pathologist to obtain the best results.

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiology, although readily accessable in clinical practice, is not diagnostically useful in most terrestrial invertebrates (e.g., arthropods), as there is no real soft tissue differentiation.146 Ultrasonography using a 10 MHz phased array curvilinear probe may be a useful diagnostic tool, but the ospithosoma has a water-resistant cuticle that is repellent to ultrasound gel and traps a layer of air on the cuticle; thus, ethanol is preferentially used. Antemortem diagnosis of Acroceridae nematodes may be confirmed by an experienced operator.148,419 Microcomputer tomography has been reported to be used for imaging invertebrates. Moreover magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have provided excellent images and resolution of ospithosomal anatomy in arachnids.15,419

Fish Water Quality Testing

Taking a thorough history is paramount when practicing fish medicine. Specifically, clients should be questioned on the frequency and water quality testing methods used, quarantine protocols, frequency and amount of water change performed, life support systems present (e.g., filter, protein skimmer, ultraviolet [UV] sterilizer, algae scrubber), general maintenance and feeding, number and type of living organisms in the system (e.g., fish, invertebrates, plants), and a rough idea of morbidity and mortality. A variety of kits may be used to measure water quality parameters. Continuous monitoring of major parameters such ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates is also available. Alternatively, semiquantitative commercially available kits, based on color charts and marketed for aquarium hobbyists are perfectly acceptable for use in the clinics for individual patients (Figure 3-17). Quantitative kits and electronic probes are relatively expensive but provide more accurate results than those based on color charts. Test kits that are more accurate are recommended when investigating large culture systems to aid in identifying chronic stressors that may promote diseases or decreased breeding and growth. A minimum database for water quality measurements should include pH, ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, hardness, alkalinity, and salinity in associated species (marine and brackish aquaria, African cichlids). Water samples may be frozen for future analysis of various water quality parameters. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is defined as the water concentration of oxygen, and this data is measured using a DO meter. Dissolved oxygen should be measured on site relative to the water temperature, as oxygen concentrations will also change in a water sample due to air exposure. Other parameters that may influence respiratory health (e.g., ammonium, nitrites, nitrates) and oxygen dissolution in water (e.g., temperature, pH, salinity) should be measured. Water concentrations of ammonium and nitrites should be near undetectable concentrations using colorimetric kits in a stable aquarium. Fish species vary in their susceptibility to ammonium and nitrite poisoning but the levels of these compounds should remain low within the aquatic environment. Nitrate levels may be higher but keeping levels as low as possible is best, especially when invertebrates are present. Ideal pH depends on the

CHAPTER 3   •  Respiratory System

species being maintained within the environment and it influences the amount of toxic unionized ammonia. pH may be measured with a colorimetric test or an electronic pH meter. Water salinity is measured with a conductivity meter or with a refractometer—a cheaper alternative when fish are only occasional patients.

Physical Examination

Signs of respiratory disorders and hypoxia in fish include air piping, deaths of non-air-breathing fish, lethargy, anorexia, gathering at air-water interface (Figure 3-18) or near water inflow, death with opercula and mouth open (agonal response),

deaths of larger fish (less tolerant of environmental hypoxia), increased ventilation (more frequent and more important opercular movements), and jumping out of the water.157 Close visual inspection of fish can be performed under magnification and can reveal epithelial lesions on the skin and fins. It is common to find small white lesions that are nonspecific to a particular pathogen and warrant further investigation. Examples of the small white lesions include ich, lymphocystis, epitheliocystis, bacterial ulcerative diseases, saprolegniasis, and columnaris infection. Ascites and exophthalmia are common disease syndromes associated with systemic bacterial or viral infections and osmoregulatory failure. A hands-on physical examination usually requires the use of chemical restraint. A variety of anesthetic agents can be used in fish, with MS-222 and clove oil (isoeugenol) being the most commonly used products. Due to the potential carcinogenicity of MC-222 and clove oil, the use of benzocaine may be a safer alternative when fish anesthesia is a commonly performed procedure (less data are available but this does not require buffering). Sedatives may cause detachment of some surface parasites. As far as the respiratory system is concerned, the buccal cavity, opercula, and gills should be examined. Gross inspection of the diseased fish patient may reveal lesions, abnormal masses, nodules, discoloration, parasites, and petechiation. Masses may impede water flow through the gill. Pale gills can be associated with anemia, while tanned brown gills suggest methemoglobinemia, and metazoan parasites may be noted as clinically overt lesions. Gill rakers should also be carefully inspected, as many larger parasites may be present in this location.157 Increased gill mucus production is commonly observed with a variety of branchial diseases.

Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Tests

FIGURE 3-17  The Nutrafin Master Test Kit is a commonly used water quality test kit commercially available for private ornamental aquaria.

A gill clip should be performed with the fish under sedation or anesthesia. After grossly examining the gills (mainly color changes), a fine pair of scissors is introduced into the gill chamber. The primary lamellae are lifted with the blade, sectioned at their tips, and immediately transferred to a microscope slide with a drop of aquarium water after which a cover slip is placed over the sample. Bleeding should be minimal. Turning the condenser down on the microscope will enable better contrast for the assessment of gills and aid in identification of parasites. If the wet mount of a gill clip is inconclusive,

FIGURE 3-18  Angelfish with gill lesions breathing at the water-air interface where dissolved oxygen is the highest.




gill biopsies may be submitted for bacterial culture and histopathological evaluation. Hyperplasia and fusion of secondary or primary lamellae and increased mucus secretion are commonly associated with gill disease and damage.153,420 Necrosis of the gills may be detected microscopically after fixing and staining and could be caused by infectious agents. (Table 3-4). In many cases, when gross gill lesions are observed, the gill clip will reveal parasites. A number of parasites can be observed moving, therefore are easier to identify, but nonpathogenic protozoans may also be present. Ichthyophthirius and Cryptocaryon nodules may be diagnosed on secondary lamella with their encysted trophonts in tropical freshwater and marine fish. Ichthyophthirius is easily identified by the presence of its characteristic C-shaped nucleus. Accurate identification of protozoan parasites is not required for most cases, as treatment is similar for all species. The presence of hyphae should raise the suspicion of water mold infection (saprolegniasis). Bacteria may also be identified and specific bacterial shapes in conjunction with macroscopic lesions may point toward specific respiratory pathogens. Long thin rods with flexing or gliding motions in conjunction with epithelial and/or gill lesions are consistent with Flavobacterium spp. infections (see Table 3-4).154 Large fibroblasts visible on the wet mount and concurrent with macroscopic nodular lesions are suggestive of lymphocystis. Since most gill lesions are frequently associated with skin lesions, skin scrapings and biopsies may also be indicated as part of a thorough diagnostic workup. Skin scraping is performed with the blunt side of a scalpel blade in the direction of the scales. The resulting material is placed on a slide with a drop of aquarium water after which a cover slip is placed over the sample. Skin biopsies are performed using a small punch biopsy using standard surgical methods. The defect is often not closed due to the inelastic nature of the skin. Loosely attached parasites on the skin may be lost during fixation, consequently may not be identified when the sample is histopathologically examined. Blood samples are generally collected from the caudal tail vein in fish. With respiratory disease, the complete blood cell count (CBC) may show erythrocytosis, polychromasia, or anemia.157 However, the hematocrit may vary depending on collection sites. Electrolyte changes and increased ammonia may be identified on biochemistry due to disrupted osmoregulatory function or increased environmental ammonia. Elasmobranchs have very different biochemistry profiles and normally maintain a very high blood ammonia concentration. Bacterial cultures of lesions on live fish are usually complicated by secondary bacterial and fungal invaders. Additionally, bacteria can be fastidious in their growth requirements, therefore specific aquatic animal laboratories may need to be sought for testing. The primary pathogen may also no longer be the most common organism present when the animal is sampled. Nevertheless, secondary pathogens are still part of the overall disease process, therefore most cases should be treated. Molecular testing is commercially available in selected veterinary laboratories for common fish viral diseases (e.g., spring viremia of carp, cyprinid HV3). When diagnosing disease outbreaks or performing routine health monitoring of commercial stocks, a small percentage of the collection may be sacrificed for postmortem examina-

tions, histopathology of internal organs, and culture to determine the potential etiologic cause of the problem. The vast majority of diseases seen in pet fish may be diagnosed by a combination of water quality testing, physical examination, and diagnostic testing.

Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy

While diagnostic imaging modalities are useful in piscine veterinary management, their use is limited to evaluate the fish respiratory system because the gills can be directly evaluated. However, in some species, the gills cannot be directly assessed due to a more enclosed branchial chamber (e.g., puffer fish, elasmobranch). Radiographs are useful when trying to diagnose swim bladder diseases. A 2.7-mm rigid endoscope can be used in anesthetized fish to evaluate the opercula, gill chamber, gill arches, and their lamellae. The endoscope has a magnification of approximately 20 times with the ability to collect endoscopic biopsies. The gills can be approached through either the opercular opening or the buccal cavity (Figure 3-19).

Amphibians Physical Examination

As for reptiles, amphibian health is related to the environmental health, thus a complete anamnesis is mandatory.421 Physical examination should always begin with hands-off observation to evaluate respiratory effort and rates.164,173 For aquatic species, water quality testing is recommended including DO (only on site), ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, alkalinity, pH, hardness, and bacterial counts (see Fish section). A separate water sample must be supplied by the owner. Water test kits used for fish aquariums can be used for amphibian aquatic environments (see Figure 3-17). Amphibians with respiratory diseases may present with tachypnea, open-mouth breathing, cyanosis, and changes in behavior, as described earlier.34,164 A hands-on examination is then accomplished, taking care to handle the amphibian patient carefully with powder-free gloves moistened with chlorine-free water. Chemical restraint using MS-222, clove

FIGURE 3-19  Gill endoscopy through the opening of the opercular chamber in the mouth of Mbu pufferfish. The gill septa and the hemibranches are clearly visible.

oil, or other anesthetics may be needed to perform a thorough physical evaluation. The nares should be clean, and respiratory disease is suspected if excessive mucus or bubbles are present.164 If present, gills should be carefully examined, although the internal location of the gills in tadpoles makes external noninvasive examinations difficult.63 Auscultation of the lungs can be performed accurately only in larger specimens.164,422

Clinical Pathology

Tracheal washes may be diagnostic for parasitic, bacterial, or fungal diseases located in the lower respiratory tract amphibians.164,422,423 Samples may be obtained in anesthetized patients by infusing a small volume of sterile 0.9% saline using a sterile tomcat catheter or intravenous (IV) catheter through the glottis.164,422 Some clear mucus is physiologically present in the mouth of most animals and contamination with this secretion should be avoided during tracheal washes.423 As the trachea is very short in most Anurans and Caudatans, extra care is required not to damage the lung epithelial mucosa.164 A wet mount may be immediately performed after sampling to help in therapeutic decision while the amphibian is still anesthetized.422 Cytology and culture of the tracheal sample are recommended.422 A microtip culturette can also be used to swab the trachea.423 Confirmation of infestation by Rhabdias spp. may also be obtained with fecal examination by observing the typical larval stage of this parasite.47,164,170 However, Rhabdias larvae are indistinguishable from those of relatively common nonpathogenic gastrointestinal nematodes (Aplectana spp., Cosmocerca spp., and Cosmocercoides spp.) therefore proper interpretation of the parasitic larvae is extremely important.172,173 Nasal flush may be useful to diagnose myiasis of the nasal cavity by Bufolucilia spp. in Anurans and to remove any parasites present.164 In amphibian species or larval stages with gills, protoza, helminths (trematodes), or fungus (Dermocystidium spp.) may be diagnosed on gill clips, impressions, or scraping.47,174 Low numbers of protozoa or trematodes are generally not considered a problem in healthy amphibians.164 The adult trematodes Gyrodactylus spp. are small (200), followed by Caudata (~10) and Anura (~4). A central lymph heart associated with the truncus arteriosus is present in some salamander species.50 Disruption of lymph heart contraction results in edema and weight gain. A terrestrial lifestyle is associated with a lesser dependency on lymphatic circulation due to decreased water cutaneous absorption.53 Frogs have two pairs of lymph hearts: one anterior pair and one posterior pair.44 Large lymph sacs and lymph spaces are also present throughout the body and can be extensive, as observed in the frog. Lymphatics empty at different locations along the venous system, including but not limited to the subclavian veins and the renal portal veins.

Reptiles As observed in amphibians, the cardiac anatomy varies significantly among reptilian taxons, and the internal anatomy of the ventricle can be quite complex (Figures 4-6, 4-7, and 4-8). The basic organization of the heart of reptiles revolves around the presence of two atria and one ventricle, the latter showing various degrees of structural and functional compartmentalization depending on circulatory adaptations to specific ecological and physiological demands.56,57 Reptilian hearts can be loosely classified as being crocodilian (e.g., crocodiles, alligators, gavials, and caimans) or noncrocodilian (e.g., snakes, lizards, and chelonians). Most published descriptions on specific species (e.g., monitor lizards, pythons, crocodilians, and freshwater turtles) show highly variable designs in anatomy and physiology.58–65 The reptilian heart is more or less globoid (e.g., chelonians) or ovoid (e.g., squamates, crocodilians), except in ophidians, in which it is elongated. In most species, the heart is located relatively cranially within the coelom at the level of the pectoral girdle in lizards and crocodilians and immediately past it in chelonians (see Figure 4-6).57 In some lizards (e.g., varanids, teids, and helodermatids), the heart is more caudally located. In side-necked turtles, the heart is pushed to the right side to accomodate the retracted neck. In snakes, the heart is typically positioned approximately 15% to 35% of the body length from the head, and heart beats can usually be observed ventrally.66 Some ophidian species, such as aquatic species, the heart can be located much more caudally.65,67,68 In snakes the heart is mobile within the coelomic cavity; this probably facilitates the movement of large whole prey in the esophagus.69 As in other vertebrates, the heart lies in the pericardial cavity. The pericardium is caudally attached to the visceral peritoneum by a ligament, the gubernaculum cordis, except in varanid lizards and snakes.57,67 The reptilian heart is composed of a sinus venosus, the left and right atria, and one ventricle, except in crocodilians, where two ventricles are present (see Figures 4-7 and 4-8). The ophidian heart is asymmetric, with a large right atrium extending farther back and covering a large surface of the right side of the ventricle.70






D FIGURE 4-6  Topographic anatomy of the heart (white circles) in a few species of reptiles.

A, Green iguana (Iguana iguana); B, red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans); C, ball python (Python regius); D, veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus).

Three arterial trunks, the left aortic arch, the right aortic arch, and the pulmonary trunk, are visible externally running from the ventricle between the two atria, rotating toward the right and forming an angle of 180°. The two aortic arches merge together caudally to form the common abdominal aorta (dorsal aorta).56,57,65,69 The sinus venosus is situated on the dorsal aspect of the heart and attached to the dorsal wall of the ventricle by the dorsal ligament. It receives deoxygenated blood from the two cranial venae cavae and the posterior vena cava and drains into the right atrium through a sinoatrial orifice guarded by a small valve.56,57,67 In some species, the hepatic vein or jugular vein also drains into the sinus venosus.61,69 The sinus venosus is much reduced in crocodilians, and harbors a partial septum

internally in most squamates and crocodilians.67 The left atrium tends to be smaller than the right and receives blood from the two pulmonary veins. The atria communicate with the ventricle via the AV funnels guarded by unicuspid AV valves.56,57,67,71 Chordae tendineae-like fibrous strands attaching the AV valves to the ventricular musculature have been described in some species.62 In noncrocodilian reptiles, the ventricle is subdivided into three subchambers: the cavum pulmonale, cavum venosum, and cavum arteriosum (see Figures 4-7 and 4-8).4,56,57,62,63,65,67,70,71 The ventricle is internally complex, and two-dimensional anatomical drawings may give an incomplete understanding of its structure, depending on the plans and considering the anatomical and topographical diversity among species (see

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

LAo PulA







































FIGURE 4-7  Anatomical drawing of the different reptilian cardiac configuration. A, Che-

lonian and squamate pattern; B, varanid pattern; C, crocodilian pattern. CA, cavum arteriosum; CP, cavum pulmonale; CV, cavum venosum; FP, foramen of Panizza; IS, interventricular septum; LA, left atrium; LAo, left aorta; LAV, left atrioventricular valve; LV, left ventricle; MR, muscular ridge; PF, pulmonary vein foramen; PulA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RAo, right aorta; RAV, right atrioventricular valve; RV, right ventricle; SA, sinoatrial valve; SV, sinus venosus. (Reprinted from Wyneken J. Vet Clin Exot Anim. 2009;12:51-63, with permission from Elsevier.)

Figure 4-7). Basically, the cavum venosum and arteriosum (together sometimes referred to as the cavum dorsale) are mostly dorsal and on the left in respect to the cavum pulmonale (also called the cavum ventrale).65,67,70 Noncrocodilian reptiles have two ventricular septa. One is the muscular ridge (also called the horizontal septum or the “muskelleiste”), which runs from apex to base, is incomplete cranially, and separates the cavum pulmonale from the cavum venosum/ cavum arteriosum, especially during the ventricular systole. This muscular ridge is poorly developed in chelonians except in see turtles and giant tortoises.57,70 The interventricular septum in archosaurs (crocodilians and birds) seems to have evolved from this muscular ridge. An incomplete muscular septum (also called the vertical septum), which is relatively inconstant in structure and position across species (e.g., it is strongly developed in pythons and monitors), divides the cavum dorsale into the cavum arteriosum to the left and the cavum venosum to the right and often joins the muscular ridge at its base. An anterior large interventricular canal, below the AV valves, is the only connection between the cavum arteriosum and the cavum venosum. The AV valves are positioned in such a way that, when pressed medially (open), they partially or completely obstruct the interventricular canal.71 This system allows a functional separation of the systemic and pulmonary circulation, with the cavum pulmonale being the functional homolog to the mammalian and avian right ventricle and the combined cavum venosum and arteriosum (cavum dorsale) being the functional homolog to the mammalian and avian left ventricle.4,56,57,65 The cavum venosum is a relatively small cavity that receives both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood at various times during the cardiac cycle. During early ventricular diastole, the cavum venosum and pulmonale receive deoxygenated blood from the right atrium, and the cavum arteriosum receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium.56,57,72 During late ventricular diastole, blood flow from the atria has ceased and deoxygenated

blood from the cavum venosum flows into the cavum pulmonale; the AV valves then close, which opens the interventricular canal and allows blood flow from the cavum arteriosum into the cavum venosum (see Figure 4-8). During late ventricular systole, the muscular ridge separates the cavum venosum and the cavum pulmonale. Blood from the cavum pulmonale is ejected into the pulmonary artery, and blood from the cavum venosum is ejected into the left and right aortic arches. As in the amphibian heart, sequential ejection into the pulmonary and systemic arterial circuit is partially regulated by pressure gradients between the ventricle and the double arterial circulation. The right but not the left aorta branches off several major arteries, and both aorta later fuse caudally to form the dorsal aorta. Aortic valves are bicuspid. The pulmonary artery later divides into left and right pulmonary arteries. Since the muscular ridge nearly completely divides the ventricular cavity in varanids and pythons, a more pronounced separation of blood flows and higher systemic pressures are seen.4,62,73 On the other hand, testudines have a larger cavum venosum and more blood mixing occurs.4,70 Unlike mammals, reptilian atria make an active contribution to ventricular filling.71 A different cardiac anatomical pattern is encountered in crocodilians, which possess a four-chambered heart with a complete ventricular septum but still two aortic arches (see Figures 4-7 and 4-8). The left ventricle ejects blood into the right aorta, while the right ventricle ejects blood into the left aorta and the pulmonary artery. The right and left aortic arches anastomose at two locations: first at the foramen of Panizza at the aortic outflow tract and second at the level of the abdomen by the dorsal connecting artery.4,57 Opening of the foramen of Panizza is actively controlled. Reptiles have the ability to regulate blood shunting in the ventricle, based on their metabolic needs in a degree that varies across species.2,4,56,57 While cardiovascular shunting is detrimental in birds and mammals (congenital abnormalities),

CURRENT THERAPY IN EXOTIC PET PRACTICE Squamates and turtles Pulmonary veins

Systemic veins

Atrioventricular valves

Lymph filtration

Right atrium

Left atrium

Interventricular canal

Muscular ridge



Digestive tract Liver

Left aorta Right aorta

Cavum Cavum venosum arteriosum


Lower body regions

Head Thorax

Lymph hearts

Dorsal aorta


Cavum pulmonale

Interventricular septum

Pulmonary arteries

Crocodiles Foramen panizzae

Left aorta Right aorta

Left aortic valves


Pulmonary arteries Cog-teeth valves


Right aortic valves Left atrium

Left ventricle

Right atrium

Right ventricle


Arteria brachiocephalica


Head Thorax


Lower body regions


Digestive tract Liver

Lymph filtration

Systemic veins Pulmonary veins

FIGURE 4-8  Schematic illustration of the circulatory and lymphatic systems in squamates/

turtles and crocodiles. Red, O2-rich, CO2-poor blood; blue, O2-poor, CO2-rich blood; shades of violet, different degrees of mixing; yellow, lymph; arrows, direction of blood/lymph flow; top, illustration of squamates and turtles shows blood supply of the digestive tract via the left aorta in turtles and some varanids; bottom, alternative blood supply of the digestive tract via the dorsal aorta in squamates except varanids. (Reprinted from Campen R, Starck M. Cardiovascular circuits and digestive function of intermittent-feeding sauropsids. In: McCue M, ed. Comparative Physiology of Fasting, Starvation, and Food Limitation. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 2012:133-155.)

it serves important physiological functions in reptiles and is favored by natural selection. The extent of cardiac shunting is determined by the difference between pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance, which is partially regulated by parasympathetic and sympathetic tones. As such, during rest, diving, and apnea (increased parasympathetic tone), a rightto-left shunt may occur, which decreases pulmonary perfusion. When metabolism or activity increases (increased sympathetic tone), a left-to-right shunt may occur, which increases pulmonary perfusion. In most reptiles, breathing is intermittent and long phases of apnea may occur; this system may therefore be optimal to limit ventilation/perfusion mismatching and is advantageous when diving because of increased anaerobic metabolism and bypass of the pulmonary circulation. Other factors may also influence the degree and direction of cardiac shunting in noncrocodilian hearts (e.g., temperature, anesthesia, healing, digestion, vascular sphincters, hibernation (chelonians), and diving reflex in aquatic species), and various investigative approaches have been followed in order to better understand the potential functional and adaptive benefits.2,4,57,74,75 It is also reasonable to assume that anesthetic drugs, pulmonary ventilation, and the composition of inhaled air may have an effect on cardiac shunting during anesthesia, which varies among species and may impact the duration of anesthetic recovery and isoflurane excretion in reptiles. Interestingly, despite a complete ventricular separation in crocodilians, cardiovascular shunting still occurs through the foramen of Panizza with the two aortae originating from separate ventricles.2,4,56,57 Crocodilians also have a sphincter at the base of the pulmonary artery that can close down the pulmonary circulation.3 As for cardiac shunting, HR, stroke volume, and blood pressure of reptiles greatly depend on environmental and ecological variables such as temperature, oxygen demand, and activity. In addition, different cardiovascular variables are important in reptilian thermoregulation such as HR and cutaneous vasodilation.56,57 For instance, green iguanas experience tachycardia and about 20% of right-to-left shunting when heated to increase thermal transport.71 Reptiles may indeed benefit from having two aortas, with the left being the target of cardiac shunting for thermal transport with blood bypassing the lungs while the right (having more branches including carotids) still supplies the brain and major organs with welloxygenated blood.71 An interesting and important physiological feature in intermittent reptile feeders, aside from cardiac shunting, is postprandial hypertrophy of the heart and digestive vascular flow increase, which can be extreme (e.g., ophidians). In postprandial snakes, ventricular mass can increase by up to 40% and blood flow volume to the intestines and portal system up to 30% and 300%, respectively.75–77 In infrequently feeding Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus), heart mass can increase by 40% within 48 to 72 hours after a large meal to support the postprandial increase in metabolism, which seems to be promoted by a plasma-fatty acid mixture.77 As in fish, amphibians, and birds, reptiles have a venous renal portal system that exhibits great species variations. The lymphatic system of reptiles is more developed than the venous system and varies considerably among species. It is made up of anastomosing superficial and deep lymphatic vessels, collecting vessels, sinuses (also called cisterns), and

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


main trunks (see Figure 4-8). The lymphatic vessels form a large network across the body and include perivascular, coelomic, muscular, cutaneous, and vertebral vessels. The collecting vessels drain the superficial and deep lymphatic nets into sinuses and main trunks. The sinuses are dilations of lymphatic vessels, and their anatomical distribution mirrors that of lymph nodes in mammals. These include the precardiac, subpubic, ischiatic, subvesicle, and pelvic sinuses. The main trunks carry the lymph to the venous system. Reptilian lymphatic vessels are also larger, relative to those of mammals.78–80 Lymphatic vessels contain numerous valves that enable a unidirectional flow. They are particularly numerous in the collecting vessels and in vessels between sinuses and main trunks. In turtles, snakes, and some species of lizards, two lymphatic hearts with contractile activity contribute to propelling lymph through the lymphatic system. In snakes, they are found between the lymphapophysis on either side of the vertebral column at the level of the second or third caudal vertebrae. In turtles, they lie deep under the last vertebral scales of the carapace. In crocodilians, the lymph hearts are found at the base of the tail, between the transverse process of the caudal vertebrae and the caudal border of the ilium.78 In reptiles, as observed in amphibians, a specialized cardiac conduction system made of Purkinje cells does not exist, and less specialized cardiac muscle fibers take this function. While no histological evidence for a specialized conduction system has been found, reptiles do have a functional conducting system with the presence of a sinoatrial node or cardiac fibers in the sinus venosus that initiate the electrical impulse, which is then propagated by ventricular electrical channels.5,57 The heart receives innervations from both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers. The parasympathetic fibers run in the vagus nerve and provide cholinergic (inhibitory) control. The less well-developed sympathetic fibers cause positive chronotropism via adrenergic innervation.57,65,69,81

Mammals Unlike previously discussed taxons, the mammalian circulatory system can be considered rather uniform from a clinical standpoint. To meet the high metabolic demands associated with the active lifestyle and homeothermy of mammals, the heart has evolved as a particularly efficient pump with a finely tuned regulatory mechanism. The most striking differences from previous vertebrate taxons are that mammalian hearts have two ventricles, with a complete separation of the systemic and pulmonary circulation; only one aorta, the left; and an organized electrical conduction system made of Purkinje fibers (Figure 4-9). The mammalian cardiovascular system is more familiar to veterinarians than that of other vertebrates, and readers are referred to veterinary cardiology and anatomy textbooks for more complete information on the form and function of the cardiovascular system in domestic mammals.82–86 In addition, more detailed information is available for rodents, rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and ferrets (Mustela putoruius furo) than in other species of companion exotic mammals (Figure 4-10).87–97 The mammalian heart is enclosed by a pericardium that blends with the adventitia of the great vessels dorsally and contains a small amount of serous fluid. The pericardium is attached ventrally to the sternum by the sternopericardiac ligament and to the diaphragm by the phrenicopericardiac



11 5


4 12 13




3 7

14 9


FIGURE 4-9  General internal organization of the mammalian

heart. 1, Cranial vena cava; 2, terminal sulcus; 3, right atrium; 4, interatrial septum; 5, left atrium; 6, left AV valve; 7, right AV valve; 8, right ventricle; 9, interventricular septum; 10, left ventricle; 11, sinoatrial node; 12, AV node; 13,14, right and left branches of AV bundle. (Reprinted and modified from Dyce K, Sack W, Wensing C. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders; 2002:840, with permission from Elsevier.)

ligament (present in only certain species). The visceral part of the pericardium is the cardiac epicardium. The heart and its pericardium are located in the mediastinum, the partition that separates the pleural cavities in mammals; enclosed by the lungs laterally in the thoracic cavity; and separated from the abdominal cavity by the diaphragm. The cardiac lateral projection within the thoracic cavity is typically between the third and sixth ribs in most mammalian species. In ferrets, which have an elongated thorax, the heart is situated between the sixth and eighth intercostal spaces.98 Rabbits have small hearts comparatively to other mammals.97 The heart of mammals is composed of four chambers: the left and right atria separated by the interatrial septum and the left and right ventricles separated by the interventricular septum (see Figures 4-9 and 4-10). The atria are separated externally from the ventricles by the coronary groove, in which large coronary vessels are found. A fibrous skeleton, also found but less developed in lower vertebrates, separates the atria from the ventricles internally. As in other species, the right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the caudal vena cava, a single cranial vena cava (two in rabbits, rats [Rattus norvegicus], hamsters, and woodchucks [Marmota monax]), and the coronary sinus. The right atrium is divided into the sinus of the venae cavae and a blind sac, the right auricle. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins that enter at different sites. Venous entrances do not bear valves. Each atrium empties into the corresponding ventricle through the AV openings. The right AV valve is usually tricuspid, except in rabbits, in which it is bicuspid.

However, the bicuspid characteristic of this valve is shared by many species (e.g., some dogs, cats, and other exotic mammals), and it often has a bicuspid appearance on echocardiography. The left AV valve is bicuspid and is also known as the mitral valve. Both valves are anchored by the chordae tendineae to the ventricular papillary muscles, which prevent valves from prolapsing into the atrium during ventricular systole. The right ventricle is wrapped around the right and cranial aspects of the left ventricle and is a crescent-shaped cavity with thinner walls than the left ventricle. It pumps blood into the conus arteriosus (anterior part of the single ventricle in lower vertebrates) followed by the pulmonary trunks at a lower pressure than the systemic blood pressure. A pulmonic valve is present at the opening of the pulmonary trunk, which bears three thin cusps thickened in the midportion of their free edge (nodule of Arantius). The left ventricle has a circular cross section, forms the cardiac apex, and has thick walls. It pumps blood into the aorta, which is guarded by a tricuspid aortic valve similar to the pulmonary valve. The widening of the base of the aorta is known as the bulbus aortae. As in other species, the heart is composed of an epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium and the arteries of a tunica intima, media, and adventitia. In marsupials, several morphological differences from placental mammals may be present, such as a larger heart, a monocuspid right AV valve, and a divided right atrium.92,99,100 The mammalian heart is well vascularized and receives about 5% to 15% of the cardiac output, depending on the species. The supply is through the left and right coronary arteries. The left coronary artery is usually the largest, but there is an important variation in the pattern or coronary vascularization among mammalian species. The two main coronary veins are the great coronary vein, which returns most of the coronary blood to the right atrium, and the middle coronary vein. In rats, a significant proportion of cardiac arterial vascularization is extracoronary through the mammary and subclavian arteries. Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are notable for the important collateral circulation of their coronary arteries, making them particularly resistant to myocardial ischemia. Rabbits, on the other hand, have limited coronary circulation, which may predispose them to myocardial ischemia, especially due to vasoconstriction under anesthesia. The conduction system of the mammalian heart is composed of specialized myocytes and includes the sinoatrial node located in the right atrial wall, the AV node located at the base of the interatrial septum, the AV bundle (bundle of His), and the subendocardial branches of Purkinje fibers. Most components of this system are capable of spontaneous electrical activity except for the sinoatrial node, which has the highest physiologic rate of depolarization and functions as the primary cardiac pacemaker. The heart is innervated by the sympathetic (cervical cardiac nerves, caudal thoracic nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems (vagus nerve), which together form the cardiac plexus in the cranial mediastinum. In rabbits, the anatomy of the sinoatrial node region and the conducting tissue is less complex, which makes them the mammal of choice for the laboratory study of Purkinje fibers. In mammals, the aorta curves to the left of the heart and to the right of the pulmonary trunk (see Figures 4-9 and 4-10) and is commonly divided into ascending and descending

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

20 25

25 21




















7 6

23 19








A 1 1



2 6

3 9

8 9


14 22





17 9 12


20 20


10 13 11

23 24

B FIGURE 4-10  A, Internal anatomy of the heart of the rabbit with the right and left cavities,

respectively. 1, Small papillary muscle; 2, great papillary muscle; 3, subarterial papillary muscle; 4, right AV valve; 5, chordae tendineae; 6, septomarginal trabecular; 7, carneal trabeculae; 8, opening of the pulmonary trunk; 9, right AV opening; 10, left AV valve; 11, subauricular papillary muscle; 12, subatrial papillary muscle; 13, interatrial septum; 14, interventricular septum; 15, valve of oval foramen; 16, ostium of pulmonary vein; 17, right atrium; 18, left auricle; 19, left auricle; 20, aorta; 21, pulmonary trunk; 22, right cranial vena cava; 23, caudal vena cava; 24, left cranial vena cava; 25, pulmonary veins. B, Internal anatomy of the heart of the guinea pig of the right and left cavities, respectively. 1, Aorta; 2, pulmonary trunk; 3, cranial vena cava; 4, caudal vena cava; 5, pulmonary veins; 6, right auricle; 7, sinus venosus; 8, right AV fibrous ring; 9, tricuspid valve; 10, small papillary muscle; 11, large papillary muscle; 12, subarterial papillary muscle; 13, septomarginal trabecula; 14, left auricle; 15, left atrium; 16, left AV fibrous ring; 17, mitral valve; 18, subatrial papillary muscle; 19, subauricular papillary muscle; 20, septomarginal trabecular; 21, opening of the aorta; 22, opening of the pulmonary trunk; 23, myocardium of right ventricle; 24, myocardium of left ventricle. (Redrawn from Popesko P, Rajtova V, Horak J. A Color Atlas of Anatomy of Small Laboratory Animals. Bratislava: Wolfe Publishing; 1992:255.)




portions. The aorta is connected to the pulmonary trunk by the ligamentum arteriosum, which is the remnant of the ductus arteriosus. The aorta of the rabbit has rhythmic contractions of neurogenic origin.101 The single brachiocephalic trunk (innominate artery) arising from the ascending aorta usually gives origin to two subclavian arteries and the carotid trunk that supply the pectoral limbs, head, and neck. The descending aorta gives origin to several arteries that supply the trunk, viscera, and posterior limbs. The most prominent branches are the caudal phrenic, lumbar, celiac, cranial mesenteric, renal, gonadal, caudal mesenteric, and external and internal iliac arteries. The systemic venous system is composed cranially of the unpaired cranial vena cava (except in some species), which receives blood from two large jugular veins, and lymph at its origin from the thoracic duct. The rabbit lacks an anastomosis between the internal and external jugular veins, making it more prone to jugular distension with ensuing exophthalmos. The caudal vena cava receives blood from most posterior veins and is in close association with the right adrenal gland in ferrets. The portal vein drains blood from unpaired organs of the abdominal cavity to the liver, forming the hepatic portal system. The ears of rabbits have a large surface area and a large network of vessels with arteriovenous anastomoses that help with heat exchange. The mammalian cardiovascular system is regulated through the autonomic nervous system (baroreceptor reflex, chemoreceptor reflex) and hormonal factors including the reninangiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), natriuretic peptides, endothelial-derived factors, and inflammatory compounds.

Birds Like mammals, all birds have a four-chambered heart with complete separation of the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Birds have evolved a highly efficient cardiovascular system that can generate greater cardiac output, stroke volume, and systemic blood pressure than any other animal group to meet the particularly high metabolic requirements of flight. Consequently, the anatomy and physiology of the avian cardiovascular system present some major differences from its mammalian counterparts, as summarized in Table 4-1.102–106 Birds have the fastest HR of any animals, but it can actually be lower than mammals of similar body weight. The HR can increase two to four times during flight (see Table 4-13 later).102,108 The heart is located in the cranial thorax and lies ventrally in a concave indentation of the keel bone, the fascies visceralis sterni pars cardiac.103 It is partially enclosed laterally and dorsally by the cranial part of the liver and not the lungs as in mammals, which are located dorsally in birds.102,105 The heart rests dorsally against the bifurcation of the trachea (syrinx), the esophagus, and the horizontal septum on each side. It is surrounded by the cervical air sacs and interclavicular air sac cranially (and ventrally through a diverticulum that raises the pericardium in some species) and the cranial thoracic air sacs laterally.107 The heart is located in the pericardial cavity, which is delimited by the pericardium and contains a small volume of serous fluid that acts as a lubricant during the cardiac cycle. The pericardial cavity protrudes into the hepatoperitoneal

TABLE 4-1 

Some Avian Cardiovascular Anatomical and Physiological Peculiarities That Differ from Mammals Muscular unicuspid right AV valve No chordae tendinae in the right AV valve Tricuspid (poorly defined) left AV valve Muscular ring around aortic valve Ring of Purkinje fibers around aorta and right AV valve Depolarization of epicardium precedes endocardium Higher stroke volume, arterial blood pressure, and cardiac output and lower total peripheral resistance Higher heart/body weight ratio Smaller cardiac muscle fibers Absence of T tubules in cardiac myocytes Absence of M bands connecting myosin filaments Ascending aorta on the right Two cranial venae cavae Brachiocephalic arteries larger than aorta Cartilage/ossification at base of aorta Most of myocardial vascularization derived from deep arteries No cerebral arterial circle of Willis Renal portal system Adapted from References 102-104, 107. AV, Atrioventricular.

cavities. The pericardial sac is attached to the sternum ventrally and laterally; to the hilus of the lungs and the horizontal septum dorsally (to which it is fused); to the oblique septum laterally; and to the liver caudally by the hepatopericardial ligament.102,109,110 The hepatopericardial ligament is a doubled layer sheet that is continuous to the ventral mesentery caudally.109 The fibrous layer of the pericardium is also continuous to the adventitia of the large blood vessels cranially.102,107 The pericardial sac is noncompliant. The avian cardiac chambers are functionally equivalent to their mammalian counterparts, with two atria and two ventricles composed of the endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium. In some species (e.g., chickens, crows, ostriches, kiwis), a sinus venosus is present as in lower vertebrates, prior to the right atrium. It is not fully incorporated into its wall and presents a thin sinoatrial valve composed of two valvules. It receives blood from the caudal vena cava and the right cranial vena cava and is separated from the opening of the left cranial vena cava by the septum sinus venosi.103,105 The right atrium is generally larger than the left and possesses a tubular recess (recessus sinister atrii dextri) that extends to the left dorsally to the aortic root.103,104 The left and right pulmonary veins open into the left atrium, either separately or combined in a common pulmonary vein outside the heart. In the left atrium, the veins coalesce in a single vessel whose opening protrudes into the left atrium (pulmonary chamber) and is guarded by the valve of the pulmonary vein.105,109 The atrial muscle is composed of muscular bundles. The atria are separated from the ventricles externally by the fat-filled coronary groove and the main coronary arteries. They are separated

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System













FIGURE 4-11  A, Anatomical drawing of the avian heart. The right ventricle is open. AO,

Aorta; AAV, atrioventricular valve; BT, brachiocephalic trunks; CVC, caudal vena cava; IS, interventricular septum; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; MCV, middle cardiac vein; PA, pulmonary arteries; RA, right atrium; SA, subclavian artery; RVW, right ventricular wall. B, Longitudinal section of the heart of the fowl. AoL, aortic leaflet or left atrioventricular valve; AVV, right atrioventricular valve; IAS, interatrial septum; IVS, interventricular septum; LPM, left papillary muscle; LSVC, left superior vena cava; PL, posterior leaflet of left atrioventricular valve; PPM, posterior papillary muscle; RSVC, right superior vena cava. (A, Modified and reprinted from Smith FM, West NH, Jones DR. The cardiovascular system. In: Whittow GC, ed. Sturkie’s Avian Physiology. London: Academic Press; 2000:141-232, with permission from Elsevier; B, From Lu Y, James TN: Anat Rec 1993; 235(1):74-86.)

internally by fibrous rings (cardiac skeleton) that are well developed at the origin of the aorta, pulmonary artery, and right AV orifice.107 A cardiac cartilage, sometimes mineralized, is present in the fibrous rings around the aorta and the pulmonary arteries.107 The cone-shaped left ventricle extends to the apex of the heart, and its right wall forms the interventricular septum. The right ventricle wraps around the left ventricle (at least one-half of it), forming a crescent-shaped cavity, and does not reach to the apex (Figure 4-11). The wall of the left ventricle is about 2 to 3 times thicker and is able to generate 4 to 5 times higher systolic pressure than the right.102,105 The right AV valve, unique to birds, is a triangular muscular flap formed of both atrial and ventricular musculature (see Figure 4-11). This valve is also connected to the roof of the right ventricle by a muscle bundle and to the interventricular septum by a small and narrow membrane.105,107 The mechanisms of the avian right AV valve closure are poorly understood and probably partially active.102 The left AV valve is a tricuspid valve with poorly defined cusps attached by chordae tendineae to the three left ventricular papillary muscles.102,107 The aortic valve located at the root of the ascending aorta also has three cusps and is apparent externally by the bulbus aortae, where in contrast to mammals, a complete sphincterlike ring of muscular tissue is present that may regulate outflow by contraction.102,105 The pulmonary valve is tricuspid. Avian cardiomyocytes are smaller than those in mammals, lack the T tubules that are invaginations of the sarcolemma, and lack an M band that connects myosin filaments (see Table 4-1).102 The physiological significance of these differences is

poorly understood regarding the conduction velocity and contractile properties of avian cardiomyocytes. As in mammals, two coronary arteries, the left and right coronary arteries, provide the arterial supply to the heart. They each branch into a superficial and deep ramus near their origin. The superficial branch is located in the coronary groove. Most of the avian cardiac coronary vascularization is provided through the deep rather than the superficial arteries.102,103,105,107 The right coronary artery is the largest in most species, and the coronary arteries anastomose frequently.102 Blood is returned to the right ventricle through several cardiac veins, for which the middle cardiac vein and the left circumflex cardiac vein are the largest (see Figure 4-11). The avian cardiac conduction system is, similarly to mammals, composed of a sinoatrial node, AV node, right AV ring (specific to birds), and Purkinje fibers (bundle of His, bundle branches). The sinoatrial node, or pacemaker, is located between the right cranial vena cava and the caudal vena cava openings into the right atrium.102,106 The AV node seems to be located at the base of the interatrial septum and serves to transmit electrical activity from the atria to the ventricles and delay ventricular contraction. Right and left ventricular bundle branches composed of Purkinje fibers run the length of the interventricular septum in the subendocardium and penetrate the myocardium along the coronary arteries. In birds, an AV ring of Purkinje fibers is present around the right AV valve and around the aorta in a figureeight pattern and connected to the AV node.102 The heart is innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems through the cardiac sympathetic



nerve and the vagal nerve, respectively, and is controlled by cathecholamine release. In birds, the aorta curves to the right and derives from the right fourth aortic arch, which is opposite to mammals, where the left aorta is conserved instead. The coronary arteries are the first to branch off the aorta, followed by two brachiocephalic trunks branching off simultaneously (only one in mammals). These trunks supply the large flight muscles through the subclavian arteries and are consequently larger than the ascending aorta that supplies the rest of the body.102–104 The common carotid arteries branch from the brachiocephalic trunks as they curve to each side and supply the neck and head. The carotid arteries do not empty distally into a cerebral arterial circle of Willis as in mammals but have instead numerous intercarotid anastomoses with the vertebral arteries.102 Specific adaptations are present in owls in response to their extreme neck mobility. The ascending aorta supplies the trunk, visceral organs, and pelvic limbs through its successive branches, namely, the celiac, cranial renal, external iliac (femoral artery), ischiatic, caudal mesenteric, and internal iliac arteries for its major arterial trunks.103 The pulmonary trunk emerges from the right ventricle and divides into the left and right pulmonary arteries.103 As in other vertebrates, arteries in birds are structurally classified into the elastic arteries composed of the aortic arch, thoracic aorta up to the celiac artery, brachiocephalic trunks, and extrapulmonary portions of the pulmonary arteries, with the muscular arteries comprising the remainder of the arterial system.102,104 Arteries are also composed of the same three layers (tunica intima, media, and adventitia) as in other vertebrates. The venous system presents some peculiarities in birds compared to mammals, with notably two cranial venae cavae and a renal portal system. The cranial venae cavae receive blood from the jugular veins and the subclavian veins. The jugular veins anastomose at the base of the head.102 The renal portal system constitutes a ring ventral to the kidney, with blood supplied from the gut and pelvic region through the vertebral sinus, external iliac vein, ischiatic vein, internal iliac vein, and caudal mesenteric vein. A valve, the renal portal valve, is present in the common iliac vein that is open under sympathetic stimulation, with blood diverting to the caudal vena cava, which increases the blood return directly to the heart. The venous flow can be diverted to the hepatic portal system through the caudal mesenteric vein, where flow can be bidirectional.104 As in other vertebrates, the control of peripheral blood flow is achieved by contraction of the muscular fibers modulated by a combination of autoregulatory mechanisms, action of humoral factors, and neural control.

CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Disease Congestive heart failure is not a disease in itself but the ultimate consequence of a structural or functional problem that affects parts of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. The pathophysiology of congestive heart failure has mainly been studied in mammals but is likely to be roughly similar across vertebrate taxons because of shared neuroendocrine

regulatory pathways of circulation and hemodynamic constraints.111 However, physiological regulation of the cardiovascular system and the relative importance of neural vs. humoral influence may vary across animal taxons. Compared to mammals, which rely mainly on the renal and gastrointestinal systems for volume regulation, other species may have other organs involved in osmoregulation such as salt glands in marine birds, gills in fish, and skin in amphibians. In addition, respiratory physiology, cardiac shunting abilities (e.g., reptiles, amphibians), and reliance on lymphatic circulation (e.g., amphibians and reptiles) may greatly influence mechanisms of heart failure and edema formation across species. Congestive heart failure occurs when the volume of blood presented to the heart is in excess of what can be pumped into the arterial system, with ensuing organ congestion and decreased cardiac output. Heart failure can be due to abnormalities in the cardiac conduction system, valvular system, cardiac muscle, blood shunting, infection, impaired systolic and diastolic function, and inadequate preload and afterload. Regardless of the inciting cause, each of these events produces a decline in cardiac pump function. All heart diseases do not necessarily lead to congestive heart failure, but it is a frequent clinical end point. Cases of congestive heart failure have mainly been reported in reptiles, birds, and mammals (see sections on Reptiles, Mammals, and Birds). At the onset of congestive heart failure, decrease in cardiac output and blood pressure is detected by chemoreceptors, baroreceptors, cardiac mechanoreceptors, and the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus. Several compensatory measures similar to those induced by blood loss and dehydration take place to initially preserve cardiac output but may become counterproductive in the long term in the case of congestive heart failure.112,113 The magnitude, relative importance, and determinants of cardiovascular compensation may vary among animal groups, but the same basic principles and the necessity to maintain cardiac output apply to all. Activation of sympathetic tone causes an increase in HR, contractility, and vasomotor tone as well as the activation of the RAA system (RAAS) and stimulation of arginine vasopressin (arginine vasotocin in nonmammalian vertebrates) release.112,114 Renin released from the juxtaglomerular complex under stimuli such as hypotension, hypo­volemia, decreased plasma sodium, and catecholamines accelerates the conversion of circulating angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, which is itself converted into angiotensin II by the angiotensin-converting enzyme. Angiotensin II promotes thirst, vasomotor tone, and the production of aldosterone, which causes water and sodium retention. Fishes do not produce aldosterone; instead, 11-deoxycorticosterone (precursor of aldosterone in mammals) and/or cortisol are the mineralocorticoid effectors.111,115 Aldosterone is also a mediator of inflammation and fibrosis. Furthermore, a variety of vasodilatory molecules are released to counteract the excessive vascoconstriction caused by the adrenergic system and RAAS, including the natriuretic peptides, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide.113 Interestingly, invertebrates also possess a rudimentary renin-angiotensin-like system.116 Most clinical signs are the result of these compensatory mechanisms to restore and maintain cardiac output and blood pressure associated with an increase in preload and afterload. Furthermore, the heart undergoes some changes (cardiac

remodeling) in response to the hemodynamic challenges (pressure or volume overload), cardiac injury from dilation and hypertrophy, and consequences to neurohormone overexpression.113,114 The increased preload leads to edema and effusion, and the increased afterload further impairs cardiac output. Low cardiac output and limited cardiovascular adaptive abilities in response to exercise can cause exercise intolerance, syncope, tachycardia, cyanosis, decreased peripheral perfusion, and arrhythmias. In reptiles and amphibians, considering the physiologic importance of blood shunting mechanisms and the sophistication of differential blood ejection by the single cardiac ventricle, it is reasonable to assume that impaired cardiac function and chamber dilation may have great physiological consequences on blood oxygenation and ventilatory/perfusion mismatch. In addition, global congestive heart failure is to be expected in species possessing only one ventricle.

Invertebrates Reports of circulatory diseases are scarce in invertebrates despite their wide use in cardiovascular research.11 Nonspecific circulatory disturbances and lesions of the circulatory system can be encountered as part of systemic infections or with dehydration and hemolymph loss. Since arthropods have an open circulatory system, insects and arachnids can lose a substantial volume of hemolymph with significant trauma or large wounds. Also, pathogens may easily gain access to the body through the wound and disseminate throughout the open circulatory system. For these reasons, arthropods rely on hemolymph clotting more extensively than vertebrates.117 Trauma and subsequent hemolymph loss is especially common in spiders, and exsanguination is a frequent cause of death.20 Wounds over the dorsal opisthosoma where the heart and pericardial sinus reside can lose a large volume of hemolymph quickly, and small wounds on the limbs, depending on their location, may also lead to significant hemolymph loss (hemolymph pressure in the appendages can be high in spiders).20 Dehydration and hypovolemia are also common occurrences in spiders and impair locomotion that depends on prosomal hydraulic pressure. Myocarditis has been diagnosed on histopathology in a variety of invertebrates having a central heart, such as mollusks and arthropods, but is generally part of a more systemic condition. Likewise, vasculitis can be encountered in infectious and inflammatory conditions. Five cases of myocarditis were documented in the common cuttlefish associated with Vibrio spp. infection, with inflammatory lesions found in the central and two branchial hearts.118 A significant disease of commercially exploited Nephrops lobsters is a microsporidian parasite (Myospora metanephros) that causes destruction of heart and skeletal muscles.119 Vasculitis in brachial arteries has been associated with an automutilation syndrome in nine octopuses from three species.120 Changes associated with aging have been reported in the heart of various invertebrates (e.g., honeybee).121 Neoplasia seems to be quite rare in most invertebrate phyla but are reported more often in bivalves.17,122 Neoplasias of the circulatory system in bivalves include pericardial tumors in three oysters, a cardiac vesicular cell sarcoma in an Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica), and a cardiac mesothelioma in an Atlantic surf clam (Spisula solidissima).122–124

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


Fish Piscine Congestive Heart Failure Specific papers on the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure and edema in fish are scarce, but edema due to cardiac failure is common. The mechanisms of edema formation are incompletely understood and could be due directly to heart failure or failure of the renal and branchial circulations, leading to disruption of normal osmoregulation.125 Infectious diseases and associated myocardial inflammation and necrosis are the most common causes of piscine heart failure. Peripheral circulatory failure, also reported to be frequent in fish, results from destruction of the skin and loss of fluids through the capillaries.125

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Reported cardiovascular lesions in fish are mainly infectious, with a wide variety of bacterial, viral, and parasitic agents described (Table 4-2).33,37 In addition, cardiac infections are usually part of a systemic infection, and infectious agents rarely target specifically the cardiovascular system. A great deal of pathologic information is available in farmed salmonids (e.g., salmon, trout), but cardiovascular literature is minimal in ornamental fish. Pericarditis is common with bacterial

TABLE 4-2 

Common Pathogens Affecting the Heart of Fish Bacteria




Renibacterium salmoninarum (salmonids) Aeromonas salmonicida Pasteurella skyensis Flavobacterium psychrophilum (salmonids) Vibrio spp. Yersinia spp. Mycobacteria spp. Lactococcus spp. Pseudomonas spp. Streptococcus spp. Nocardia seriolae Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (rhabdovirus) Infectious hematopoietic necrosis (rhabdovirus) Herpesvirus (trout) Alphavirus (pancreatic disease virus of salmons) Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation disease Cardiomyopathy syndrome of salmon (Totiviridae) Infectious salmon anemia virus (Orthomyxoviridae) Digenean trematodes (Metacercariae) Cestodes (encapsulated larvae) Crustacean Lernaeocera branchialis Contracaecum spp. nematode larvae Exophiala spp. Phoma spp. Ichthyophonus hoferi

Adapted from References 33, 37, 125.



septicemia, but cardiac lesions may also include epicarditis, myocarditis, and valvular endocarditis (uncommon).33,125 Most fish viruses can lead to viremia, generalized disease, and multifocal cardiac lesions, but a few viral diseases have cardiac tropism (see Table 4-2).33,125 The alphavirus responsible for the salmon pancreas disease induces lesions in the atrium and in the spongy and compact layers of the ventricle.33 The disease called heart and skeletal muscle inflammation is responsible for myocarditis in salmon but seems to be restricted to farms in Norway and the United Kingdom. Epidemiology of the disease suggests a viral etiology, and a reovirus has been recovered from affected fishes.33,126 The cardiomyopathy syndrome of Atlantic salmon is associated with myocarditis, thrombosis, and ruptured heart chambers. The cause was unknown until recently when a totivirus was shown to be the causative agent.33,125,127 The disease affects the atrium and the spongy myocardium and causes death in large adult salmon. Systemic fungal infections may extend to the heart, and Ichthyophonus hoferi, a pathogen of both salmonids and aquarium fish, is a common cause of granulomatous myocarditis and epicarditis.33,128,129 Encapsulated larvae of cestodes and trematodes are commonly found in myocardium and may block the AV opening.33 Contracaecum spp. nematode larvae seem to preferentially affect the atrium of fishes.130 Lernaeocera branchialis, a crustacean copepod, can feed directly from the ventral aorta and bulbus arteriosus while externally on the host and is a significant parasite in aquaculture.131

Developmental Abnormalities

Cardiac anomalies are increasingly diagnosed in farmed salmonids. Aplasia or hypoplasia of the septum transversum causes the heart to herniate into the abdominal cavity.33,132,133 Affected fish are lethargic, and low mortality may be seen. On necropsy, hearts have an abnormal shape and other concomitant cardiac abnormalities may be seen such as situs invertus and ventricular hypoplasia.133 Ascites may also be noted. Factors such as genetic selection and high water temperature during egg incubation and larval development may be implicated.33,125,133,134 Abnormal location of the heart (situs invertus) as a single occurrence is reported to be common in farmed salmon.33 Hypoplasia of the ventricular myocardium, ventricular aneurysms, and abnormal ventricular shape are also reported.33

dissecting aneurysms are seen with toxins, trauma, parasites, and bacteria, and lesions appear to be more common in the bulbus arteriosus.33 Adult flukes of the genus Sanguinicola live in branchial and other vessels and may occlude blood vessels.136 Arteriosclerosis is a prevalent lesion in wild and farmed salmonids, and lesions typically occur at the main coronary artery, especially at its bifurcation from the bulbus arteriosus ventrally. Lesions consist of smooth muscle proliferation that narrows the arterial lumen, but the lesions seem to have no lipid or calcium, which is very different from the atherosclerotic lesions found in mammals and birds.33,41,137 Increased cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were reported in association with fish arteriosclerotic lesions as was rapid body growth.41 However, the clinical significance of coronary arteriosclerosis in fishes is unclear. Lesions are unlikely to lead to acute myocardial ischemia, but chronic ischemia is possible.41 Vascular tumors are infrequent in fish, although hemangiomas and hemangioendotheliomas have been reported, especially on the heart.

Amphibians Edema/Hydrops

Primary cardiovascular diseases seem to be uncommon in amphibians. However, subcutaneous, lymphatic, and abdominal edema (together referred as hydrops) is common (Figure 4-12) and can be due to various causes that disrupt the skin homeostatic function (Table 4-3). Localized edema may also arise. Commonly reported infectious agents causing hydrops include Mycobacterium spp., chlamydial agents, Flavobacterium spp., systemic fungi, and ranaviruses.53,138 Edema from sepsis is thought to occur as a result of disruption of capillaries, lymphatics, or epidermis. The tadpole edema virus (ranavirus) is an important emerging disease of amphibians worldwide.139 Hypocalcemia may impair lymph heart contractions and cause edema.140 Other diseases of lymph sacs known to cause

Miscellaneous Cardiac Diseases

Nutritional cardiomyopathies have been recorded in farmed salmonids and include deficiencies in vitamin E/selenium and excess in linoleic acid.33,37,125 Another disease with an unknown etiology characterized by posterior paralysis, aortic thrombosis, and intervertebral disk extrusion can affect a large number of fish.33 Myocardial glycogen storage was described in farmed rainbow trout.135

Vascular Diseases

Nonspecific vascular lesions are reported to be common in fish in association with infectious processes.33 Fish rhabdoviruses (see Table 4-2) have a vascular tropism and induce vasculitis and petechiae.33,125 Mycotic invasions of vessels occur with Branchiomyces sanguinis from branchial vessels and Saprolegnia from visceral vessels. Aneurysms and

FIGURE 4-12  African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) presented with hydrops.

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System TABLE 4-3 

Differential Diagnosis for Frog Edema Bacterial septicemia (G−) Mycobacteriosis Ranavirus Parasites Heart failure Lymphatic heart disorders Renal diseases Hepatic diseases Skin diseases Hypoosmolar water Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Liver diseases Hypocalcemia Hypoproteinemia Neoplastic diseases Genetic/congenital diseases Adapted from References 140-142.

hydrops include parasites, toxins, traumatic handling, and outflow obstructions.140

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Extension of systemic infection to the heart is uncommon in amphibians despite the relatively high prevalence of septicemia.53,142 With that said, myocarditis, epicarditis, and cardiac granulomas have been diagnosed with Myobacterium spp., Chlamydophila spp., candidiasis, zygomycosis, geotrichosis, chromomycosis, phaehyphomycosis, and ranaviruses (frog virus 3, tadpole edema virus).53,142 Since the skin has important functions in osmoregulation, skin diseases may also cause electrolytic imbalances that have cardiac effects. For instance, it has been demonstrated that chytridiomycosis (caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) alters epithelial electrolyte transports, resulting in systemic depletion of sodium, potassium, and chloride, subsequently leading to cardiac arrest.143,144 Electrolyte imbalances altering cardiac conduction may be the main mechanism by which amphibian mortality occurs with chytridiomycosis.143,144 A large number of parasites may cause lesions in the myocardium, and their importance depends on the amphibian species and their ecology. Most scientific reports come from wild amphibian populations. Trematode metacercariae of Diplostomidae are found in the pericardial sac of wild-caught African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis), one of its secondary hosts, and cause pericardial effusion and respiratory compromise.53,145,146 The digenean trematodes Clinostomum spp. infect the lymph sacs and pericardial cavity of Xenopus laevis.147 Trypanosomes have been found in the cardiovascular system of Anurans, such as Trypanosoma inopinatum in the green frog (Rana esculante).148 Larval migrans from the lungworm Rhabdias spp. penetrate the skin of amphibians and can travel through the heart before reaching the lungs.53,149 In Australasia, the larvae of the dipteran Batrachomyia spp. parasitize the dorsal lymph sacs of Rana spp. while maintaining breathing holes.150,151



A variety of congenital and genetic cardiovascular malformations have been described in amphibians.53,142,152 Laboratory African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) are sporadically found with nonfunctional lymph hearts, resulting in edema. Newts of the species Pleurodeles waltl have been documented with tail edema due to an autosomal recessive trait. A “cardiac nonfunction” mutation is reported in Mexican axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) that results in a nonbeating heart and edema in homozygous animals. Subcutaneous edema has been observed after metamorphosis in African clawed frogs. In addition, this frog species has been extensively used to study cardiac morphogenesis and congenital defects. Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis of the major arteries concomitantly with corneal lipidosis and cutaneous xanthomatosis.153,154 This lipid disorder was associated with hypercholesterolemia in some but not all cases, and nutritional causes may have been implicated.153,154 Atherosclerosis and myocarditis were diagnosed in three frogs and a Colombian horned frog (Ceratophrys sp.).155 Cardiovascular neoplasms appear to be extremely rare in amphibians.142

Reptiles Myocardial Diseases

Cardiomyopathy with subsequent congestive heart failure has been reported in a Deckert’s rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta deckertii) and a mole king snake (Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata).156,157 No underlying etiology was found in either case despite the fact that both animals showed signs of systemic disease. Postmortem examination of the rat snake showed degeneration and necrosis of myocardial fibers and mineralization of blood vessels, with focal aggregates of lymphocytes inside the lamina. The lesions in the king snake were primarily collagen proliferation and osteoid-like material within the myocardium. Cardiomyopathy has also been reported in two pythons, a Children’s python (Liasis childreni) and a juvenile Burmese python and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was observed post mortem in an adult black king snake (Lampropeltis niger) that presented for marked cardiomegaly, dilatation of the ventricle, and congestive heart failure.158,159 Vitamin E deficiency has been implicated in myocardial degeneration.160,161 The lesions resemble those described in mammals; gross examination usually reveals a whitish to gray myocardium, and multifocal losses of myocytes replaced by fibrous stroma are seen on microscopy. Urate crystals that accumulate during visceral gout have been shown to form within the myocardium.162 Gout can be of metabolic, nutritional, or iatrogenic origin.162–164

Valvular Diseases

The only current valvular diseases described in reptiles are of an infectious etiology: vegetative endocarditis. To the authors’ knowledge, degenerative endocardiosis has not been reported in reptiles to date. However, a right AV insufficiency of undetermined origin has been reported in one carpet python (Morelia spilota variegata), resulting in bilateral heart failure.165 Congenital cardiac disease was suspected because of the young age of the reptile patient, clinical signs, and physical examination findings. Due to the lack of septation in Squamata and chelonia, elevated diastolic pressures could be shared



across all ventricular compartments, resulting in bilateral heart failure. Valvular regurgitation is usually confirmed on echocardiography, such as in a reported case of sinoatrial and AV insufficiencies in a Burmese python (Figure 4-13).166

Pericardial Diseases

Visceral gout can lead to severe pericardial lesions and is easily recognizable on postmortem examination by the thickening of the pericardium, with urate crystal deposition.162 Primary disease can be metabolic, nutritional, or iatrogenic.160,162–164 A Californian desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) that presented with cervical fractures was also diagnosed with osteomyelitis and pericardial effusion.167 Unfortunately, no attempt was made to investigate the importance or underlying cause of the pericardial effusion. An 80-year-old male spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) with posthibernation anorexia and lethargy was diagnosed on echocardiography with pericardial effusion, atrial dilatation, and liver masses.168 Radiography showed pneumonia and/or pulmonary edema. Following unsuccessful treatment, the patient was euthanized and postmortem findings confirmed the diagnosis. In another report, pericardial effusion was diagnosed in a 2-year-old male bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) that presented with a 3-week history of anorexia and extreme lethargy.169 The diagnosis was made by ultrasonography and also revealed atherosclerosis in the major arteries at the base of the heart. Another case of pericardial effusion was seen in a bearded dragon by the authors. A female reticulated python (Python reticularis) diagnosed with endocardial fibrosarcoma at the base of the aorta showed concomitant pericardial effusion.170 Pericardial effusion is typically detected by a combination of radiographs and cardiac ultrasound (Figures 4-14 and 4-15). Heart venipuncture is the most commonly used site for collecting blood from snakes because it yields a meaningful sample volume, is relatively well tolerated by snakes, and has proven to be safe.171–173 However, hemopericardium and organized hematoma have been reported.172,174 Noniatrogenic hemopericardium was also observed in conjunction with a myocardial abscess in a green iguana (Iguana iguana).175

Infectious Diseases

In captive reptiles, infectious diseases of the cardiovascular system are usually secondary to systemic infections. West Nile virus has been reported to cause myocardial degeneration and necrosis in farmed American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis).176–179 Snakes with inclusion body disease (IBD) typically have large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in different organs, including the heart.180–183 Although this disease is thought to be of a viral etiology, the causative agent has not yet been conclusively identified. To date, Koch’s postulates have not been fulfilled to conclude on a causal relationship between ferlavirus and IBD. Cardiovascular lesions caused by Chlamydophila spp. have been reported in various species of reptiles. These included granulomatous pericarditis and myocarditis in a puff adder (Bitis arietans) and necrotizing myocarditis in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas).184,185 Histopathological sections from the heart and organs of an emerald tree boa (Corallus caninus) showed histiocytic granulomas and small basophilic organisms.186 Transmission electron microscopy of an intestinal granuloma demonstrated chlamydial organisms. Other

bacterial species have also been implicated in myocardial infections. A granulomatous myocarditis due to Salmonella arizonae was diagnosed in an 8-year-old Dumerili’s boa (Acrantophis dumerili) based on positive coelomic effusion culture, ultrasound visualization of abnormal ventricular myocardium, necropsy, and cardiac histological examination.187 Microscopy demonstrated a granulomatous myocarditis associated with a fibrinous and necrotic pericarditis. Evidence of granulomatous hepatitis, pneumonia, and thyroiditis were also seen with granulomatous infiltration. Bacterial organisms were observed on the histological sections of these organs. Aerobic gram-negative bacteria are the most common isolates from secondary endocarditis. A mass in the right atrium causing blood flow obstruction in a Burmese python was diagnosed with ultrasonography and angiography. The patient did not survive treatment, and postmortem examination confirmed the mass to be a septic atrial thrombus, from which both Salmonella arizonae and Corynebacterium spp. were isolated.188 A Vibrio damsela was isolated from a vegetative thrombus attached to the left AV valve and interventricular wall of a stranded leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).189 Valvular endocarditis and dilated pulmonary trunk in a Burmese python were diagnosed ante mortem and were associated with a Salmonella enterica sepsis.190 In a patient from the same species, sinoatrial and AV insufficiencies were diagnosed on echocardiographic examination.166 In this report, the concomitant finding of a double valvular insufficiency and bacterial pneumonia made the diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis likely, but this could not be confirmed.

Parasitic Diseases

Trematodes have been recorded in the heart chambers and major vessels of chelonians, attached to or freely floating within the lumen.191 Most cases of fluke infestations occur in saltwater and freshwater turtles, especially in wild and wildcaught animals. Postmortem examination of 96 stranded green sea turtles showed infestation with spirorchid flukes.192 Cardiovascular lesions speculated to be caused by the infestation included arteritis, endocarditis, thrombosis, and occasional aneurysm formation. A similar necropsy finding in black sea turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) noted the presence of spirorchid eggs and adult Learedius learei inside the heart.59 Sixteen laboratory freshwater turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans and Chrysemys picta) died over a 5-year period. Necropsy revealed, among other lesions, spirorchid eggs in multiple organs including the myocardium, in association with granulomatous lesions.193 A study in the United States characterizing the prevalence of the cestode Mesocestoides sp. tetrathyridia in 220 wild whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus spp.) found a 5% prevalence of encapsulated parasites in the heart, liver, and stomach as well as free coelomic tetrathyridia.194 The filarial nematode Macdonaldius oschei has been demonstrated to infest the cardiovascular system of reptiles.195 Females release large numbers of microfilaria into the circulation, which can be observed on myocardial histology and fresh blood smears.160 High burdens of adults in the circulatory system can lead to edema, thrombosis, and necrosis.196 Because M. oschei requires multiple hosts to complete its life cycle, infestation tends to be restricted to wild and wild-caught

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System






F FIGURE 4-13  Double valvular insufficiency diagnosed on echocardiography in a Burmese

python (Python molurus bivittatus); the insufficiency is evidenced on color Doppler examination of the sinoatrial valves. A, Two-dimensional echocardiography (right transatrial short-axis view) showing the abnormal sinoatrial valves during atrial systole; B,C, AV insufficiency; D, two-dimensional echocardiography (right AV long-axis view) showing the abnormal right AV valvular leaflet; E, color Doppler examination of the AV valve showing a marked aliased regurgitation in the right atrium during ventricular systole; F, continuouswave Doppler mode examination confirming a high-velocity regurgitant jet (peak velocity of 4 m/s, arrows). RA, Right atrium; SAV, sinoatrial valve; SV, sinus venosus; V, ventricle. (Reprinted from Schilliger L, Trehiou E, Petit AMP, et al. Double valvular insufficiency in a Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus, Linnaeus, 1758) suffering from concomitant bacterial pneumonia. J Zoo Wildl Med. 2010;41(4):742-744.)




FIGURE 4-15  Pericardial effusion (arrow) diagnosed with echocardiography (postpectoral girdle window) in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). RA, right atrium; V, ventricle.

Vascular Diseases FIGURE 4-14  Enlarged radiographic cardiac silhouette in a

bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) with pericardial effusion and concurrent atherosclerosis. (Reprinted from Schilliger L, Lemberger K, Chai N, et al. Atherosclerosis associated with pericardial effusion in a central bearded dragon [Pogona vitticeps, Ahl. 1926]. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2010;225:789-792. With permission by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.)

animals, because it is possible to break the life cycle in captivity with strategic use of antiparasitic and avoidance of intermediate hosts. Protozoal infections (besnoitiosis and sarcosporidiosis) are occasionally observed in histological sections of ophidian hearts.160

Congenital Defects

It is thought that congenital defects are rare in reptiles. Aortic valvular stenosis with secondary cardiomyopathy was reported in a Children’s python, and ventricular mural hypoplasia with plasmacytic pericarditis was reported in a juvenile Burmese python.159 Aortic stenosis associated with dilatation of the right atrium and the ventricle was found in a green iguana.197 Histopathological examination revealed atrophy of myocardial fibers and a thickening of the intima of both aortic arches, with consequent narrowing of the lumen. Although the cause was not determined, the authors suggested chronic congenital lesions as a differential. Bilateral subaortic stenosis was described in an alligator.198 A secundum atrial septal defect was reported in a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis).199 The defect was located on the craniodorsal portion of the interatrial septum. Two cases of bifid ventricles and cardiac malformations were reported in juvenile ball pythons (Python regius).200 In both cases, all cardiac chambers were enlarged and abnormally shaped, with a particularly reduced muscular ridge causing a lack of ventricular pressure separation normally found in pythons.

It is uncommon for vascular diseases to be lethal in reptiles. The low prevalence of atherosclerosis in reptiles is probably related to their comparatively low systemic blood pressure. A Burmese python was presented with acute respiratory arrest following constriction of a prey. A diagnosis of aortic aneurysm rupture was made on postmortem examination. Multiple organized thrombi were found in the intimal wall and in the heart muscle.201 Necropsy of a Spanish pond turtle (Mauremys leprosa) following sudden death was conclusive of rupture of one of the major arteries of the aortic-pulmonary trunk, causing mediastinal hemorrhage.202 Histopathology revealed granulomatous arteritis with mural thrombi, lipid deposition, and thickening of the vessel intima, with necrosis and calcification. A dissecting aortic aneurysm was also reported in a sail-tailed lizard (Hydrosaurus amboinensis), causing hemorrhage and formation of hematomas in the coelom.161 Various forms of medial calcification with or without secondary intimal thickening have been documented in reptiles. In many cases, calcification is thought to be associated with metabolic bone disease.202 Indeed, animals suffering from secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism may develop metastatic calcification despite a relative or absolute calcium deficiency.160,196 Although arteriosclerosis has been documented, mainly in green iguanas, most reported cases consist of subintimal and medial calcifications.160,161,203,204 Atherosclerosis is poorly documented in reptiles.169,202,205,206 A few small plaques were found in the abdominal aorta of a two-banded monitor (Varanus salvator).205 In another report, atherosclerosis and pericardial effusion were diagnosed in a 2-year-old male central bearded dragon, based on ultrasound visualization, necropsy, and histological examination.169


Primary neoplasia of the cardiovascular system is uncommon in reptiles. Reported cases include a rhabdomyosarcoma in a boa constrictor (Boa constrictor), a cardiac hemangioma of the left atrium in a corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus), a fibrosarcoma in a Gaboon viper (Bitis gabonica), and a 3 to 4 cm

endocardial fibrosarcoma in a reticulated python (Python reticulatus).170,207–209 In most cases, cardiac tumors in snakes present as a distinct mass that can be visible in the cardiac regions (at ~1/4 of the length of the snake from the rostrum). Tumors of primary or metastatic origin have also been reported, such as lymphoblastic malignant lymphoma.210,211 A disseminated mast cell tumor diagnosed in an eastern king snake (Lampropeltis getulus getulus) involved the heart and numerous other organs.212 A study of 255 necropsied stranded green turtles suffering from fibropapillomatosis found that 39% had disseminated internal tumors, most of them in the lung, kidney, and heart.213

Mammals Prevalence of Cardiac Diseases in Exotic Mammals

The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is difficult to estimate with precision in exotic companion mammals because of the lack of epidemiological studies and only a handful of published case reports. Nevertheless, cardiac diseases seem to occur relatively frequently at least in ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera), woodchucks, rats, hamsters, and African hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris) in captivity, based on the few published surveys and personal clinical experience of the authors.92,98,214–221 In retrospective postmortem surveys, degenerative cardiac diseases were qualified as common in pet ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters.220,222–224 A retrospective study of 95 ferrets that had a cardiac evaluation found congestive heart failure in 17 (18%) of them.225 In a study on 260 chinchillas, 59 (23%) had audible cardiac murmurs on auscultation that translated into echocardiographic abnormalities in 8 (53%) of 15 animals, with valvular disease being the most common finding.214 A retrospective study found 15% of chinchillas to have degenerative cardiac diseases on postmortem examination.226 Heart conditions also appear to be prevalent in African hedgehogs. A postmortem study identified cardiomyopathies in 16 (38%) of 42 hedgehogs.215 Three cases of congestive heart failure have been reported in guinea pigs.219,227 Laboratory rats suffer from a high prevalence of myocardial degeneration and fibrosis with aging (murine progressive cardiomyopathy) that can reach 70% to 100% by 2 years.218 Cardiovascular histologic lesions were diagnosed in 14 (5.6%) of 250 hamsters in a postmortem survey.220 Congestive heart failure is also reported to be frequent in geriatric hamsters.220 Noninfectious cardiac diseases are not documented in sugar gliders.226,228

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


In ferrets, the disease is thought to account for about 80% of cardiologic cases.216 A report found a prevalence of 4% (4/95) in ferrets undergoing echocardiographic examinations.225 Another report from Germany found a 25% prevalence in ferrets.238 However, the disease seems to have decreased in prevalence in North America, presumably due to improved nutrition.223 In ferrets and hedgehogs, most cases occur in older animals.98,230,232 Syrian hamsters are used as an animal model of DCM. In susceptible strains of this species, the disease is due to an inherited genetic defect, resulting in an abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum.239 Two spontaneous cases in pet hamsters have also been reported.233 Several spontaneous DCM cases have been described in rabbits, and giant breeds are thought to be more susceptible.92,233,240 The chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is also known to induce myocardial failure and left ventricular dilation in rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice (Mus musculus).241,242 Cardiomegaly secondary to DCM is usually appreciated on thoracic radiographs and echocardiography (Figures 4-16 and 4-17).98,231 The latter allows the confirmation of the diagnosis; echographic abnormalities are similar to those in dogs and cats, with a reduction of the left ventricular fractional shortening, valvular regurgitations, and dilation of heart chambers. Arrhythmias, when present, may include ventricular and atrial premature contractions, ventricular and atrial tachycardia, and atrial fibrillation. During sinus rhythm, an increase in R-wave amplitude may be present.98,233,235,243 On necropsy, thinning of the ventricular walls and interventricular septum is usually observed.

Other Myocardial Diseases

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy appears to be uncommon and results in left ventricular hypertrophy and diastolic failure. The

Dilated Cardiomyopathy

DCM has been described in ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), but it appears to be a common clinical entity only in ferrets and African hedgehogs (see Table 4-21 later).92,98,215–217,223,227,229–234 The disease is clinically similar to the condition in dogs and cats. The etiology of DCM in ferrets and hedgehogs is unknown, but it results in progressive dilation of the cardiac chambers, decreased contractility, systolic and diastolic dysfunction, and, ultimately, congestive heart failure. DCM is a primary myocardial disease and should be differentiated from other diseases responsible for volume overload and cardiac chamber enlargement. Clinical signs are typical of left or right heart failure in mammals, including pleural effusion, ascites, and pulmonary edema.98,216,233,235–237

FIGURE 4-16  Ventrodorsal radiographic view of the thorax of a rabbit with cardiomegaly.



troponin levels.98,229 Infectious diseases causing myocarditis in ferrets include Toxoplasma-like organisms and Aleutian disease.252–254 A systemic inflammatory disease, the disseminated idiopathic myofasciitis also causes myocarditis in ferrets.223,255 In rabbits, myocarditis has been reported with vitamin E deficiency, Pasteurella multocida, Salmonella spp., Clostridium piliforme (Tyzzer’s disease), Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and coronavirus.229,256–258 Ketamine/xylazine myocardial degeneration in this species is attributed to coronary vasoconstriction and myocardial ischemia, with limited collateral myocardial circulation.256,258 Rabbits also suffer from stress-induced cardiomyopathy supposedly caused by a combination of vasoconstriction and increased cardiac workload associated with catecholamine release.229,259 Cardiac manifestations of sepsis are reported to be common in sugar gliders.226 FIGURE 4-17  Rabbit with congestive heart failure and cardiac chamber dilation visible on echocardiography. Right parasternal short-axis view at the level of the aortic valve; arrow shows the commissure between the two cusps of the aortic valve. The left atrium and auricle are severely dilated. The interatrial septum bulges toward the right atrium in response to an elevated pressure in the enlarged left atrium. Ao, Aorta; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

disease has been documented in ferrets, rabbits, rats, and hamsters, but peer-reviewed case reports are rare or nonexistent in most species, despite the disease being mentioned and documented in multiple textbooks and reviews.92,98,216,234,239,244,245 Likewise, restrictive cardiomyopathy is rare, but two cases were reported in ferrets.225 A case of congestive heart failure secondary to hyperthyroidism was diagnosed in a rabbit (J. Brandão, pers. commun.). Hyperthyroidism is not uncommon in guinea pigs, and similar cardiologic conditions may arise in this species as well.246 In guinea pigs, rhabdomyomatosis is a disease characterized by excessive glycogen accumulation in myocytes, leading to tan streaks in the myocardium, especially in the left ventricle. However, this disease is of little clinical significance and should not be confused with a neoplasm.247 In rats, chronic myocardial degeneration (murine progressive cardiomyopathy) is common and increases in prevalence with age and in males. No clinical signs or histopathologic evidence of congestive heart failure seem to be noted in most cases, but electrocardiographic changes and subclinical cardiac functional changes are reported.218,248,249 However, it is also cited as a major cause of death in overfed aged male rats.250 There is a high correlation between the onset and severity of cardiomyopathy and chronic progressive nephropathy in rats.218 Dietary restriction appears to lower the prevalence of the disease. In cotton rats (Sigmodon spp.), sporadic heart failure cases were described in several laboratory colonies and were associated with exophthalmos due to thrombosis in the orbital venous sinus and skeletal muscle disorders.251 Cardiomyopathy is reported commonly in woodchucks and frequently results in congestive heart failure.221 Myocarditis occurs as a result of infectious diseases or other inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. Myocarditis may cause arrhythmias and an elevation in circulating

Valvular Disease

Valvular disease is recognized in ferrets, rabbits, chinchillas, and hedgehogs, although published individual case reports are scant.98,214,218,220,225,229,260,261 Clinical signs are usually those of congestive heart failure when the valvular leakage is significant enough. In a retrospective study in ferrets, valvular disease was the most common finding and was identified in 49 (52%) of 95 ferrets, of which 17 (35%) had congestive heart failure.225 The aortic valve was most commonly affected, followed by the mitral valve. In 4 ferrets, it was concomitant to DCM. Another case described mitral and tricuspid regurgitation concurrently with a ventricular septal defect in a ferret.260 Using cardiac ultrasound, a rabbit suffering from congestive heart failure was diagnosed with mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.234 Severe myxomatous valvular degeneration of the AV valve was identified using echocardiography in another rabbit.233 An aortic insufficiency was documented concomitantly to a ventricular septal defect in a rabbit.262 A retrospective study in chinchillas identified four animals with mitral regurgitation that was severe in two animals and one other had tricuspid regurgitation.214 Another case of mitral insufficiency was diagnosed during an echocardiographic study of chinchillas.263 Congenital anomalies of the aortic valve are common in Syrian hamsters.220,247 Two cases of valvular disease were diagnosed in African hedgehogs during a cardiac assessment study.261 Valvular endocardiosis is also seen with some frequency in aging rats but does not seem to be associated with clinical signs.92,218

Congenital Defects

Congenital cardiac defects are rare in exotic companion mammals, although they have been reported in ferrets, rabbits, chinchillas, rats, and gerbils.92,218,250,262,264–266 In rats, ventricular septal defects are most common, but the majority close spontaneously.264 Two cases of ventricular septal defects have been reported in ferrets.260,267 In one, the defect was part of a tetralogy of Fallot.267 A ventricular septal defect was coupled to aortic valve insufficiency and cardiomegaly in a New Zealand white rabbit.262 A number of other cases of cardiovascular abnormalities have been reported in various breeds of rabbits.265,268,269

Vascular Diseases

The rabbit was the first experimental animal model of atherosclerosis, as it was discovered in 1908 that rabbits were extremely

susceptible to dietary cholesterol due to their inability to increase sterol excretion in response to excess intake.270–272 Spontaneous arteriosclerosis also occurs in all rabbit breeds and has even been observed in wild rabbits. The ascending aorta is the primary site of the blockage. New Zealand white and Flemish giant rabbits appear to be predisposed to this disease, whereas the Dutch and Danish country breeds seem more resistant.229,273,274 Genetic variants of the New Zealand white, such as the Watanabe strain, are extremely susceptible to atherosclerosis because of genetic abnormalities in lipid metabolism.272,275 However, spontaneous arteriosclerotic lesions do not contain lipids in rabbits, which differs markedly from atherosclerosis in other species.273,274 Lesions can be extensively mineralized, resembling Mönckeberg’s medial sclerosis in humans. Clinical signs, if present, are usually nonspecific in rabbits, but arterial calcification may be visible on radiographs.229,257 Most other rodent species have been used as animal models of atherosclerosis, but spontaneous disease is rare without genetic or dietary modifications.272 Aortic calcification secondary to renal insufficiency has also been reported in rabbits, which are frequently hypercalcemic with chronic renal disease.229,276,277 Hamsters also display a high prevalence of calcifying vasculopathy in various arteries, including the aorta.220 Rats typically exhibit aortic mineralization secondary to chronic nephropathy.92 Polyarteritis nodosa is an inflammatory arterial disease of aging laboratory rats primarily affecting mesenteric arteries, although other arteries are also involved.218,249 The cause is unknown but an autoimmune process is suggested. The tunica media undergoes segmental degenerative and thickening changes with luminal stenosis, thrombosis, and aneurysmal dilations. Polyarteritis nodosa is more common in male rats and those suffering from late-stage chronic nephropathy or hypertension. Depending on the affected arteries the disease may cause unspecific clinic signs or death.218,249 Arterial hypertension can be encountered in several species, although there is a high prevalence in aged rats, especially in males, and it is often associated with other age-related diseases in this species.218 Endometrial aneuryms in rabbits can cause uterine bleeding and are due to episodic rupture of endometrial varices.278 Affected animals commonly present with frank hemorrhage from the vulva and are anemic. Dirofilaria immitis has been reported on extensively in ferrets but also occurs infrequently in rabbits.98,279 Experimental infections have revealed the ferret to be highly susceptible to dirofilariasis, resulting in death in most animals.280–282 Clinical signs are similar to the infestation in cats, and ferrets can be severely affected by the presence of a single worm (5 to 10 cm in length) that may obstruct blood flow. Worms can be found in the pulmonary arteries, vena cava, and right heart.98 Clinical and imaging signs in ferrets are consistent with rightsided heart failure and include coughing, dyspnea, and weakness.98,283 Aortic rupture is common in woodchucks and results in acute death.284 Woodchucks also suffer from a high rate of cerebrovascular hemorrhage associated in some cases with atherosclerosis.284


Arrhythmias are common in exotic companion mammals and their characteristics and causes are similar to other

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


mammals.98,225,245,285,286 Of interest is the frequency of AV blocks in ferrets.225,287 Second-degree AV blocks can be normal in ferrets.98,287 A retrospective study identified AV blocks in 40% (26/65) of ferrets that had a cardiac evaluation, of which 7 had third-degree blocks and 6 congestive heart failure and syncope.225 Another study found abnormalities in 75% of ferrets that underwent an electrocardiographic examination.238 A case of third-degree AV block in a ferret was treated with an epicardial pacemaker and was associated with extensive myocardial mineralization.288 Common arrhythmias in dogs and cats have also been identified in ferrets and seem to share a similar etiology.225,238,286 Hamsters exhibit a high prevalence of atrial thrombosis, which occurs subsequently to a consumption coagulopathy.220,247 The left atrium is most commonly affected. Clinical signs are consistent with heart failure but acute death is common. Atrial thrombosis is also encountered in mice, and intracardiac thrombi occur with age in rats.218,250 Endocardial proliferative lesions have been noted in rats on multiple occasions. The fibroproliferative lesions are morphologically similar to Schwann cell tumors.218 Two cases of idiopathic pericardial effusion have been reported in guinea pigs (Figure 4-18).289,290 Streptococcus pneumoniae may cause fibrinopurulent pericarditis in guinea pigs.291 Primary cardiac neoplasms are rare in exotic companion mammals. In ferret lymphoma, neoplastic lymphocytes may infiltrate the myocardium. Mediastinal lymphoma may also lead to pleural effusion and tracheal elevation in the ferret.217 Thymoma may cause cranial vena cava occlusion in rabbits. Hemangiosarcoma is uncommon but has been described in rabbits and ferrets, primarily in the liver and spleen.292–295

Birds Avian Congestive Heart Failure

In parrots, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases has been determined to be between 5.2% and 36% according to various

FIGURE 4-18  Guinea pig with idiopathic pericardial effusion.

Right parasternal long-axis four-chamber echocardiographic view. The right atrium and ventricle are mildly enlarged. The heart is surrounded by a moderate amount of pericardial fluid. Arrows, Pericardial effusion; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PA, pulmonary artery; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.



Documented Causes of Congestive Heart Failure in Birds

FIGURE 4-19  Ascites syndrome in a broiler chicken; skin was

removed. (Courtesy of Dr. John Barnes, North Carolina State University.)

studies that had sample sizes ranging from 107 to 1322 animals.296–299 In birds, right-sided congestive heart failure is more common than left-sided failure; this is suspected to be related to the particular anatomy of the right AV valve. In addition, the pathophysiology of avian heart failure has been well studied in the prevalent chicken ascites syndrome, but this disease is mainly related to production systems and rapid growth, so not all findings may translate well to companion avian patients. In chicken ascites syndrome, the increased workload of the heart and oxygen demand brought about by fast growth is coupled with an overall insufficient pulmonary capillary capacity and decreased respiratory efficiency in chickens compared to other birds. This quickly leads to pulmonary hypertension, which in turns leads to right ventricular hypertrophy and ultimately to dilation. Erythrocytosis also develops, which renders the blood more viscous and further increases the cardiac workload. With the dilatory changes affecting the right ventricle, the right AV valve, which extends from its wall, develops insufficiency that in turn increases the preload, leading to systemic congestion and ascites by increased hydrostatic pressure (Figure 4-19). In the turkey, spontaneous DCM, abnormal troponin T structure, and dysregulation of some cardiac enzymatic pathways may participate in the pathogenesis. Documented causes of congestive heart failure in domestic, wild, and companion birds are presented in Table 4-4. Since right-sided heart failure is more common in birds, signs of fluid retention from the systemic circulation usually prevail, such as ascites, hepatomegaly, pericardial effusion, jugular distension, and dyspnea from air-sac compression. Pulmonary edema and congestion are seen in left-sided heart failure. However, any cardiologic sign can be encountered in bilateral congestive heart failure. Pleural effusion is possible in birds but, if occurring, does not cause dyspnea. Fluid analysis will reveal either a pure or modified transudate. A moderate increase in bile acids due to hepatic congestion is frequently seen. Electrocardiographic findings may include mean electrical access (MEA) deviations (usually right deviation), tachycardia, widened or tall P waves, atrial fibrillation, widened QRS complexes, prominent R waves, widening of the QT intervals, and AV blocks. These changes are associated with delayed



Valvular insufficiency Valvular stenosis Septal defects Ischemic cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Arrhythmias Nutritional causes Pericardial effusion

300-305 306 307-311 312 311,313-315 297,309,316 317 106,315 318,319

Iron storage disease Pulmonary arterial hypertension Pulmonary fibrosis/aspergillosis Cardiac infection Toxic causes Atherosclerosis

304,320 321,322 297,323 106,309,324,325 326-328 312,321,329-331

electrical conduction and chamber enlargement. Radiographs usually show a cardiomegaly with ascites and loss of abdominal detail and airspace (Figure 4-20). The axillary diverticula of the interclavicular air sac may appear hyperinflated from volume compensation of the air-sac system and severe dyspnea. Echocardiography is the definitive tool to diagnose congestive heart failure and ascites and some degrees of pericardial effusion, right-side heart dilation, and hepatic congestion are also usually observed (Figure 4-21 and see Figure 4-39 later). In addition, valvular regurgitation and poor contractility may be detected. Angiocardiography will demonstrate an enlarged heart but is seldom indicated when considering other more practical imaging modalities (see Figure 4-40 later).


Alterations of the ECG are common but do not always correlate with clinical signs and are rarely primary disease processes in birds. Arrhythmias can be classified into excitability disturbances and conduction disturbances. Reported arrhythmias in birds are summarized in Table 4-5. Excitability disturbances have various causes and are common with dilated cardiac chambers and organic diseases. AV blocks are associated with disrupted conduction between the sinoatrial and AV node, where the conduction can be delayed (first degree), fail to propagate to the AV node (second degree), or be independent from the AV node (third degree), during which case an AV escape rhythm occurs. Seconddegree AV block can be characterized as Mobitz type I (PR [interval] progressively lengthening prior to block), which is usually caused by excessive vagal tone and is atropine responsive, or Mobitz type II (constant PR), which is usually caused by diseases of the His bundle and is not responsive to atropine. AV blocks may be normally found in some avian species (e.g., racing pigeons) and may occur with some frequency during anesthetic events. However, a drop in blood pressure or clinical signs associated with AV blocks are abnormal. Syncope has been reported in a Moluccan cockatoo (Cacatua

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


moluccensis) and hypotensive episodes in a Hispaniolan Amazon parrot (Amazona ventralis) with second-degree AV blocks.333,334 Hypotension associated with second-degree AV blocks was observed following dobutamine administration in four Hispaniolan Amazon parrots.340 A bundle branch block was associated with lead toxicosis in a galah (Eolophus roseicapilla).331 In addition, various wave alterations have been associated with cardiac chamber enlargement, toxicities, nutritional imbalances, electrolytic disorders, and infectious agents (see Table 4-5).106,332

FIGURE 4-20  African grey parrot diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Radiographic findings include cardiomegaly (heart width to thoracic width ratio = 71%), ascites, loss of abdominal details and airspace, and hyperinflation of axillary diverticula (arrows).

FIGURE 4-21  Four-chamber horizontal view echocardiography in an African grey parrot with congestive heart failure. Arrow, Pericardial effusion; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

TABLE 4-5 

Selected Arrhythmias and Some Documented Causes in Birds Arrhythmias

ECG Changes


Excitability disturbances Respiratory sinus arrhythmia Sinus bradycardia

Slowing of HR during expiration Low HR, normal sinus rhythm

Sinus tachycardia Atrial tachycardia Atrial fibrillation VPCs

High HR, normal sinus rhythm Series of fast atrial extrasystoles No normal P waves, irregular SS intervals Wide, bizarre QRS unrelated to P

Ventricular tachycardia Ventricular fibrillation

Series of VPCs Chaotic ventricular depolarization

Physiologic Vagal stimulation, atropine, anesthesia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, vitamin E deficiency, vitamin B1 deficiency, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Sympathetic, catecholamine stimulation Atrial distension, ectopic foci Atrial enlargements, cardiac disease Ectopic foci, hypokaliemia, vitamin B1 deficiency, vitamin E deficiency, Paramyxovirus, Avian Influenza, myocardial infarction Similar causes as for VPCs Myocardial hypoxia, shock, severe disorders

Conduction disturbances First-degree AV block Second-degree AV block

Long PR intervals Long PR intervals, some P without QRS

Third-degree AV block Bundle branch block

Escape ventricular rhythm (slow and bizarre QRS), no consistent PR Short PR, bizarre and widened QRS

Anesthetics, increased vagal tone Anesthetics, increased vagal tone; occasionally normal in pigeons, parrots, raptors Severe cardiomegaly Lead, myopathy, myocarditis; uncommon in birds

Adapted from References 106, 286, 332-340. AI, Avian influenza; ECG, electrocardiogram; PMV, Paramyxovirus; VPCs, ventricular premature contractions.



Valvular Diseases

Valvular diseases in birds appear to be more prevalent with the right AV valve, frequently resulting in insufficiency. This valve responds to right ventricular dilation by thickening and readily acquires insufficiency because of its fixed position on the ventricular wall.106,296,297,341,342 A congenital valvular fissure was reported in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) with congestive heart failure.301 Left AV valve insufficiency with valvular endocardiosis has been reported in an Indian ringneck parakeet (Psittacula krameri), an umbrella cockatoo (Cacatua alba), an Indian hill mynah (Gracula religiosa), and a Pukeko (Porphyrio melanotus) (Table 4-4).300,302,304,343 Endocardiosis is a noninflammatory nodular thickening of the valves that is more commonly seen on the left AV valve in birds. It is a common lesion of chickens and is a frequent occurrence in the ascites syndrome.314,344 Valvular stenosis is not common in birds but has been reported in a duck.305 Idiopathic valvular degeneration may also occur. Valvular endocarditis, a common manifestation of bacterial cardiac infections, can occur as a result of distant chronic infections and lead to septic emboli.106,323,324 The left AV valve is most often affected.308 Trichomonas spp. can colonize the AV valves in severe cases in pigeons.106 A variety of bacterial agents have been isolated (Table 4-6, endocarditis). In cases of significant valvular insufficiency, a systolic murmur may be audible on cardiac auscultation. A complete blood cell count may reveal a leukocytosis, and blood culture can be attempted to isolate a bacterial organism. Cardiomegaly may be evident on radiographs in advanced cases, along with signs of congestive heart failure. Valvular vegetative lesions may be identified on a cardiac ultrasound examination, and signs of congestive heart failure, valvular regurgitation (Doppler echocardiography), and myocardial dysfunction may also be evident.

Myocardial Diseases

Dilated cardiomyopathy refers to primary myocardial disorders leading to a dilated heart. Due to volume overload, the cardiac chambers usually dilate during congestive heart failure, but this should not be confused with spontaneous DCM. Spontaneous DCM is a well-known disorder of 1- to 4-week-old turkeys (Meleagridis gallopavo). The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but it is associated with rapid growth and production. Genetic factors, previous myocarditis, hypoxia during incubation, and other environmental and dietary factors have also been proposed to play a role in the etiology.314,345,346 Gross findings include a large right ventricle with thin walls and signs of congestive heart failure. Histopathologic lesions include degeneration of myofibers with vacuolation, secondary endocardiosis, focal infiltration of lymphocytes, and secondary changes in the liver.314,344 On the ECG, the following changes, associated with dilation and hypertrophy of the ventricles, can be identified: increased R-wave amplitudes, negative T waves, and rotation of the MEA.337,347 Chicken round heart disease is characterized by an enlarged heart, hypertrophy of the left ventricle, and myofiber degeneration, but the disease is extremely rare nowadays.314 In other avian species, the diagnosis of DCM is unclear. A red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) was reported with primary right-sided DCM and concurrent plasma troponin I elevation. No valvular regurgitation or other potential causes could be identified in that case.312 A macaw was also

TABLE 4-6 

Infectious Agents Reported to Cause Cardiovascular Lesions in Birds Pericarditis/epicarditis Listeria monocytogenes Riemerella anatipestifer (turkeys, ducks) Chlamydophila psittaci Mycoplasma gallisepticum Salmonella spp. Escherichia coli Myocabacterium spp. Aspergillus spp. Trichomonas gallinae (pigeons) Reovirus Endocarditis Enterococcus spp. Streptococcus spp. Staphylococcus spp. Pasteurella multocida Erysipelothrix rhusopathiae Lactobacillus jensenii Escherichia coli Reovirus Intravascular/intracardiac parasites Trichomonas gallinae (pigeons) Splendidofilaria spp. Chandlerella spp. Cardiofilaria spp. Paronchocerca spp. Sarconema spp. (swans, geese) Schistosomes (geese)

Myocarditis Escherichia coli Salmonella spp. Listeria monocytogenes Pasteurella multocida Myocabacterium spp. Aspergillus spp. West Nile virus Eastern equine encephalitis virus Avian leukosis virus Parvovirus (geese, Muscovy ducks) Avian encephalomyelitis virus Reovirus Avian paramyxovirus I Avian influenza Proventricular dilation disease (ABV) Sarcocystis spp. Leucocytozoon spp. Toxoplasma gondii Atoxoplasma serini (passerines) Pericardial effusion Fowl adenovirus (serotype IV) Reovirus Polyomavirus Cardiac neoplasias Marek’s disease virus Avian leucosis virus Reticuloendotheliosis virus

ABV, Avian bornavirus.

diagnosed with lesions compatible with right-sided DCM.296 In addition, some cases of left-sided DCM have been diagnosed in pet birds.308 DCM is best diagnosed by echocardiography and is characterized, apart from chamber enlargement, by poor contractility and systolic dysfunction. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been poorly documented in birds but is mentioned in several sources.296,297,308 On echocardiography, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy shows ventricular lumen of diminished dimensions, thickened ventricular walls, and decreased diastolic dysfunction. Restrictive cardiomyopathy does not appear to have been reported in birds. Ischemic cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction are rare overall but have been documented in several cases in relation to atherosclerosis (see section on atherosclerosis). Myocarditis can occur with a variety of infectious agents (see Table 4-6). In North American birds of prey, West Nile virus infection seems to be a common cause of myocarditis.348,349 In psittacines, myocarditis with cell infiltration of Purkinje fibers is encountered with proventricular dilation

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


disease, which can be present in up to 79% of the cases.106,297,350 Iron storage disease can induce myocarditis; however, this disease is only suspected to lead to clinical myocardial disorders in mynahs.303,319 Electrocardiographic changes usually accompany myocarditis due to increased excitability (see Table 4-5). Myocardial degeneration is usually the result of nutritional deficiencies (vitamin E/selenium), toxicities, or ischemia.308 A fatal disease primarily characterized by myocardial degeneration has been reported in great-billed parrot (Tanygnathus megalorynchos); skeletal muscle and neural lesions were also found in this animal, and the lesions resembled vitamin E deficiency.308

Pericardial Diseases

Pericardial effusion is common with congestive heart disease in birds and can precipitate decompensation if cardiac tamponade occurs.106,351 Cardiac tamponade first affects the right heart diastolic function because of the lower pressure. Pericardial effusion can also be caused by hypoproteinemia, exudative pericarditis, hemorrhage, atrial rupture, coagulopathy, neoplasia, and idiopathic syndromes. Viral causes of hydropericardium producing transudates have been recorded (see Table 4-6). Avocado toxicity can also induce pericardial effusion.352 Right auricle rupture leads to hemopericardium and sudden death in poultry.314,353 Pericardial fluid analysis and culture may be helpful to pinpoint a cause when primary cardiac disease is not suspected. Pericardial fluid can be collected by endoscopy through a midline approach or guided by ultrasound.317 Pericardial biopsies may also be valuable in some cases. Enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is commonly seen on radiographs, but it may be difficult to differentiate it from true cardiomegaly (Figure 4-22). Echocardiography can be used to readily diagnose pericardial effusion (see Figure 4-21). Electrocardiographic findings may include left axis deviation and low voltage.106 Pericarditis has been described with a variety of infectious agents (see Table 4-5). Clinical signs are usually nonspecific, but fibrinous pericarditis can result in constrictive pericarditis. Pericardial filarioids have also been documented in birds (e.g., cockatoos) housed outdoors.354,355 Uric acid deposits on the pericardium are common with visceral gout and should not be confused with infectious pericarditis. Echocardiography is of low value for pericardial diseases without effusion; however, endoscopy with direct visualization of the pericardium may be more sensitive.

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

The different bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic agents reported to cause cardiovascular disorders are summarized in Table 4-6. Blood culture is the diagnostic test of choice for bacterial cardiopathies. Specific viral diagnostic tests can also be performed depending on the infectious dynamic of the agent. Electrocardiographic changes have been recorded in some instances. Cardiac parasites that can be encountered include myocardial protozoans and filarioid nematodes living in cardiac chambers, vessels, and body cavities.355–357 These parasites primarily infest birds being housed outside, where they get exposed to final hosts (e.g., cats, opossums) and arthropod hosts or mechanical vectors (e.g., cockroaches, black flies, mosquitoes). Examinations of

FIGURE 4-22  Ventrodorsal radiographic view of an African

grey parrot with pericardial effusion. Note that the cardiac silhouette is enlarged, but no evidence of congestive heart failure is seen (see Figure 4-20). L, Left.

blood smears and buffy coats may be helpful in diagnosing these parasites.

Congenital Defects

Congenital diseases are rare and include atrial or ventricular septal defects and valvular stenosis. Some defects may be functionally closed. Among psittacine birds, cockatoos seem to have a higher prevalence of congenital defects than any other species.306,308 In addition, persistent truncus arteriosus and aortic hypoplasia have been reported, each in combination with septal defects in two cockatoos.306 In these two cockatoos, an audible murmur and tachycardia were present on cardiac auscultation, and an antemortem diagnosis was reached with a cardiac ultrasound examination. A congenital valvular defect was suspected in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot.301 Cardiac malformations have also been reported in the chicken and turkey as a result of various chemicals in embryos.358,359 A ventricular septal defect was reported in a tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus), a houbara bustard (Chlamydotis undulata), a griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus), an ostrich (Struthio camelus), and a Chinese goose (Anser cygnoides).307,309,310,360 The ostrich had a defect in the left anterior vena cava in addition to its ventricular septal defect.360 A duck with an audible heart murmur was diagnosed with congenital mitral stenosis and subvalvular aortic stenosis by echocardiography.305 Ventricular or atrial septal defects associated with heart murmurs



were diagnosed in 7% (8/111) of Mississippi sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis pulla) in a mortality survey at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.361 A congenital cardiac aneurysm has been reported in the right ventricle of a pigeon.362 Bifid sternum is a congenital defect in which the sternum is split longitudinally, thereby exposing the heart to external trauma. This anomaly has been reported in three African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) and an orange-winged Amazon parrot (Amazona amazonica).363,364


Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory and degenerative disease of the arterial wall characterized by the disorganization of the arterial intima due to the accumulation of inflammatory cells, fat, cholesterol, calcium, and cellular debris, potentially leading to complications such as stenosis, ischemia, thrombosis, hemorrhage, and aneurysm. Atherosclerosis is probably an underlying lesion in the majority of noninfectious cardiovascular diseases diagnosed in pet birds and is undoubtedly the most common lesion of the cardiovascular system found on necropsy in psittacine birds. The etiology and development of the atherosclerotic lesions can be broadly explained by the response-to-injury hypothesis. While this widely accepted hypothesis has been constantly refined, it postulates that damage to the endothelium lining the artery sets the stage for atherogenesis and is associated with endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, oxidative stress, and entrapment of oxidized lipoproteins in the arterial wall.365–369 The histologic lesions have been well described in psittacines and appear similar to humans.370–374 Psittacine atherosclerotic lesions are classified into seven lesion types. In advanced lesions responsible for clinical signs, there is formation of a lipid core (atheroma; type-IV lesion) covered by a fibrous cap (fibroatheroma; type V), and complications such as fissures, hematomas, and thrombosis (type VI) may occur. In parrots, atherosclerotic lesions are central and most commonly found in the great arteries at the base of the heart, brachiocephalic arteries, ascending aorta, and pulmonary arteries (Figure 4-23).106,297,351,370,375–379 Lesions in the abdominal aorta and peripheral arteries appear less frequent. However, peripheral lesions have been documented in the abdominal aorta, carotid artery, and coronary arteries in parrot species.328,330,380–385 Complications and clinical signs are usually due to either severe stenosis from the continuously growing atheromatous plaque or thrombosis and hemorrhage caused by plaque disruption that can decrease or interrupt blood flow or provoke emboli. Atherosclerotic lesions are silent and asymptomatic until such complications arise. Stenosis secondary to atherosclerotic lesions is common in birds, but atherothrombosis and emboli are rare and, in a postmortem study, were found in only 1.9% of atherosclerotic cases.379 The prevalence of atherosclerosis in parrots has been documented in multiple sources and ranges from 1.9% to 91.8%.297,299,371,375,376,380,383,386–389 However, the range of reported prevalence is wide and likely due to reports varying in pathologic inclusion criteria, lesion severity, geographical area, demographics, captive conditions, psittacine species, and the retrospective or prospective nature of the work. A recent large multicenter study including more than 7600 psittacines provided a clearer picture of the epidemiology of atherosclerosis,

FIGURE 4-23  Atherosclerosis of the main arterial trunks at the base of the heart in a cockatoo. (Courtesy of Dr. Nobuko Wakamatsu, Louisiana State University.)

with the prevalence reported as a function of age, gender, and species.379 This investigation focused more on the prevalence of clinically important atherosclerotic lesions susceptible to induce disease and interpreted the prevalence in the context of population demographics (Figure 4-24). In nonpsittacine species, atherosclerosis has been described in almost all orders of birds.298,376,377,384,390 Three large retrospective studies reported the prevalence of atherosclerosis in multiple avian orders.298,376,384 Several risk factors have been suggested that may promote the development of atherosclerosis in psittacine birds and include age, gender, species, increased plasma total cholesterol and triglycerides, high-energy and high-fat diets, physical inactivity, thyroid disease, and co-infection with Chlamydia psittaci.371,375,376,378–380,387,388 Female sex and age have been definitely quantified and confirmed as important risk factors.379 In addition, African grey parrots, Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.), and cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) are relatively susceptible to the disease, whereas cockatoos (Cacatua spp.) and macaws (Ara spp.) are relatively resistant.379 A possible association between Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and atherosclerosis has been investigated in multiple studies in humans but remains controversial.391–393 The association between psittacine atherosclerosis and avian chlamydiosis is equally controversial and is probably not of great clinical significance.379,387,394,395 Advanced lesions have also been associated with reproductive and hepatic diseases as well

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System 1.0




0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Psittacus

0.0 0








Amazona Nymphicus


Cacatua Ara

0.8 Prevalence


FIGURE 4-25  Scanning electron microscopy of stenotic arter-

ies due to atherosclerosis at the base of the heart in a quaker parrot. Note the severe stenosis, with one artery almost completely obstructed (×60).

0.4 0.2 0.0 0



30 40 Age (y)



FIGURE 4-24  Estimated prevalence of advanced atheroscle-

rosis as a function of age, sex, and genus. (Redrawn from Beaufrere H, Ammersbach M, Reavill D, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors associated with atherosclerosis in psittacine birds. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 242(12):1696-1704, 2013)

as myocardial fibrosis.371,379 Another study identified a correlation between atherosclerosis of the ascending aorta and organ alterations such as myocardial hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, pulmonary congestion, and fibrosis.371 Dyslipidemic changes with notable hypercholesterolemia are thought to predispose birds to the development of atherosclerotic lesions, as in other animal species. Experimental cholesterol feeding readily induces severe dyslipidemia and advanced atherosclerotic lesions in psittacine birds.381,396 In a case-controlled study of 22 birds, parrots with atherosclerotic lesions had significantly higher median plasma cholesterol than control birds.387 A large retrospective study on more than 5600 blood samples showed that the differences observed in atherosclerosis prevalence between psittacine species could partially be explained by differences in their plasma cholesterol levels. Surprisingly, increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) but not LDL cholesterol was shown to significantly correlate with atherosclerosis prevalence between psittacine species.397 The impact of diet on atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia has only been investigated in a few studies. In a feed trial, African grey parrots fed a high-fat diet rich in saturated fatty acids had significantly higher plasma cholesterol than parrots on a low-fat diet or high-fat diet enriched in omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid).398 Another feed trial in African grey parrots did not demonstrate a significant difference in cholesterol and lipoprotein plasma concentrations between groups on a pelletized or seed diet.399 The intake in unsaturated fatty acids, especially in omega-3 fatty acids, seems to protect against atherosclerosis in parrots.388,400 The severity of

atherosclerosis was found to negatively correlate with the muscle and adipose tissue content of α-linolenic acid in parrots.388 In birds of prey, the common practice of feeding day-old chicks that have a large yolk sac rich in cholesterol may potentiate atherosclerosis in susceptible raptorial species (e.g., insectivorous raptors, falcons). Clinical signs are uncommonly reported with psittacine atherosclerosis but, when present, consist of sudden death, congestive heart failure, dyspnea, neurologic signs, respiratory signs, exercise intolerance, and ataxia.106,311,320,328–330,371,375,377,380,383,385,401–403 Most clinical signs reported in parrots are associated with flow-limiting stenosis of the major arteries or the carotid arteries, and clinical signs of thrombosis and thromboemboli are rare (or not diagnosed), unlike in humans (Figure 4-25). The physiologic differences between avian thrombocytes and mammalian platelets may partly explain the clinical differences observed in the nature and prevalence of atherothrombotic diseases.404 Also, the different pattern of coronary circulation in the avian heart with the predominance of intramyocardial arteries and increased collateral circulation compared with humans may be responsible for the rarity of acute myocardial ischemia. However, it is important to note that ischemic cardiomyopathy and infarction have been reported in a number of birds of prey cases as well as in pigeon and quail models of atherosclerosis.298,311,405–407 Intermittent claudication, a clinical manifestation of peripheral arterial disease, was reported in an Amazon parrot and is suspected in a number of other cases with similar clinical presentation.371,380,385,403,408 Congestive heart failure and valvular insufficiency concurrent to atherosclerosis were also reported in several parrots.320,328,329 The pathogenesis is unclear, but chronic myocardial ischemia, systemic hypertension, and an increase in the cardiac afterload may contribute to this disease process. Parrots have also been documented to experience ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke events.401,402,409 Aneurysms secondary to atherosclerosis were reported in a cockatoo and an Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria).330,383 Ruptured aneurysms and aorta were also reported in a variety of nonpsittacine birds.298,383,410 Sudden death or nonspecific clinical signs are generally acknowledged to be the most common presentation of clinical atherosclerosis. These



FIGURE 4-26  Heart rate measurement using a Doppler probe in a tarantula (left) and a blue crab (right). (Courtesy of Dr. Gregory Lewbart, North Carolina State University.)

may be partially explained by the relative inactivity of some captive parrots, which would allow severe subclinical atherosclerotic lesions to develop without clinical manifestations being detectable by their caretakers. Finally, sudden death from lethal cardiac arrhythmia triggered by myocardial ischemia or undetected cerebral emboli is possible.

Aneurysm and Arterial Rupture

Arterial aneurysm is a focal, blood-filled dilation of the arterial wall communicating with the arterial lumen and may be caused in birds by atherosclerosis, copper deficiency, hypertension, and fungal infection.330,402,411–415 Nonatherosclerotic aneurysms with aortic dissection and rupture are mainly seen in ostriches and turkeys.314,411,412,414–416 The exact cause of aortic dissecting aneurysm is not known in these two species. However, systemic hypertension (common in meattype turkeys, especially young males), genetic factors, con­ nective tissue disorders, peas in the ration (peas’ toxin β-aminopropionitrile will cause aortic rupture experimentally by interference with collagen formation), and dietary deficiencies, notably in copper, may contribute to the pathogenesis.314,342,345,417 A copper-dependent enzyme is needed for connective cross-linking of collagen and elastin in the arterial wall.308 A spontaneous rupture of the left brachiocephalic artery consecutive to degenerative changes in the tunica media was diagnosed in a whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus).418


Cardiovascular neoplasms are rare in birds. Oncogenic viruses can induce various cardiac tumor formations in chickens (see Table 4-6). A vascular hemangiosarcoma arising from the right internal carotid artery was reported in a double yellowheaded Amazon parrot (Amazona ochrocephala oratrix).419 However, in birds, hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas tend to occur more commonly in a cutaneous location.378

SPECIFIC DIAGNOSTICS Invertebrates Physical Examination

The information gained from the physical examination as it relates to the circulatory system is limited in invertebrates.

Since most circulatory disorders are associated with generalized disease, trauma, or dehydration, nonspecific clinical signs should be expected. In terrestrial arthropods that have an open circulatory system, wounds should be examined to ensure that hemolymph loss is stopped. Since spiders are kept as pets by a few hobbyists and in zoological collections, more clinical information on cardiovascular diagnostics is available in arachnids than in most other invertebrate groups. In spiders, joint membranes should be inspected with magnifying glasses for hemolymph leakage.20 The heart of large spiders can be seen pulsing in individuals with opisthosoma alopecia.20 Heart rates may be obtained in some individuals by counting the pulsations of abdominal hairs in a quiet environment.420 A binocular microscope has been used by some investigators to measure heartbeat frequency.21 A Doppler ultrasound probe can also be used to noninvasively obtain the HR of arthropods and other invertebrates. In arachnids, the probe should be placed on the top of the opisthosoma (Figure 4-26). In decapod crustaceans, the probe should be placed over the areola region of the cephalothorax, which covers the heart dorsally (see Figure 4-26). Since the spider cuticle is a hydrophobic surface, a small amount of ethanol applied with a cotton tip to the dorsal opisthosoma allows ultrasound gel to adhere better. Ethanol may also contribute to sedating the arachnid patient.20 Finally, in spiders, the HR may be obtained by transilluminating the opisthosoma from below using a cool laser and observing the heart from the top; normal HRs have been determined in a few species using this technique.421 Resting HRs of large spiders typically fall ~30 to 70 bpm, but higher values are found in smaller spiders or during exercise.20,21,422 The normal HR for lobsters is about 5 to 20 bpm.422 The conditions under which the HR is taken may be of great influence.420 Octopuses’ resting HR is ~8 to 14 bpm.423 Heart rate monitoring has also been performed in snails and octopuses under anesthesia using a Doppler probe or a pulse oximeter.422,424 In addition, HRs that are heavily influenced by environmental conditions have been studied in a variety of other species in a large body of scientific literature, ranging from studies of oysters and cephalopods to aquatic and terrestrial arthropods.8,16,17,22,421,425 However, the clinical interpretation and usefulness of HR measurements

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may be debatable and more meaningful for anesthetic monitoring. Hemolymph pressure is generally relatively low in invertebrates, and since the circulatory system is open in most of them, pressure measurement is not practical and would probably have limited clinical usefulness other than in a research setting. Spiders are able to generate considerable prosomal pressure to assist with leg extension during locomotion and jumping. In cephalopods that have a closed circulatory system with true vessels and higher systolic blood pressure than other invertebrates, invasive blood pressure measurements have been obtained by arterial catheterization in laboratory octopuses and other cephalopod species (~30 to 60 mmHg systolic in the aorta).22,120,423,426

Clinical Pathology

Abnormalities in clinical pathology parameters are unlikely to be specific to circulatory disorders, which are rare in invertebrates. Instead, they may reflect systemic problems in homeostasis and inflammation.


Electrocardiography has been widely studied during experiments on invertebrate physiology, especially in arthropods and mollusks. However, it is frequently accomplished on isolated hearts.26,427–430 The clinical practicality of this diagnostic is dubious in the light of the rarity of circulatory disorders in invertebrates. In spiders, the application of pin electrodes on the cranial top of the opisthosoma may allow the recording of an ECG.21 Electrical activity of a tarantula’s heart consists of periodic bursts of ganglionic electrical activity.26,420 The ECG in most arthropods is of the oscillatory type with a series of rapid potentials, characteristic of neurogenic cardiac contractions.420 In myogenic contractions, such as in most mollusks, the ECG shows a few simple and slow waves.

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiographs are unrewarding in most invertebrates because of the low definition of body structures and the fact that the heart is not visible without contrast agents. Angiography has been used in a few invertebrate species for anatomical and physiological studies but is not practical.431,432 An opisthosomal ultrasound and echocardiography approach has been described in anesthetized spiders and consists of placing the probe over the opisthosoma (Figure 4-27).20,433 It is recommended to apply a small amount of alcohol to the water-repellent opisthosomal cuticle to induce better adherence of the ultrasound gel. Doppler echocardiography has also been performed.20,433 Cardiac ultrasound can also be obtained in cephalopods noninvasively in water through a soft compartment or directly on the anesthetized mollusk. Reports of this technique could be found in the cuttlefish (probe must be placed ventrally because of the cuttlebone) and octopus.434

Fish Physical Examination

As for other organ systems, history taking including husbandry and water quality remains an important aspect of the fish examination. In general, salmonids seem to

FIGURE 4-27  Opisthosomal and cardiac ultrasound in a

tarantula. (Courtesy of Dr. Gregory Lewbart, North Carolina State University.)

have an increased prevalence of infectious and degenerative cardiovascular diseases. Clinical cardiologic information gathered from a remote examination or hands-on examination under anesthesia is limited in fishes. Small ornamental fish can be transilluminated. The heart can be seen beating ventrally in the throat region in some fish. The heart rate can also be obtained using a Doppler probe in the anesthetized patient that can be placed laterally or ventrally on the isthmus and breast area, on the dorsal aspect of the tongue, or inside the operculum underneath the gills.37,435 A pulse oximeter can also be used to obtain HRs.37 Heart rates vary widely among species.30,436 Fish with cardiovascular diseases usually present with nonspecific signs of decreased appetite and activity. External signs of congestive heart failure in fishes include abdominal distension (dropsy), exophthalmia, softening of the myotomal musculature, and edematous skin.37,125 The respiratory rate may also be altered and the gill filaments may be hyperemic or pale. Ascites may not only be caused by cardiac diseases but also by gill, skin, liver, and kidney diseases (e.g., kidney microsporidiosis in goldfish). Blood pressure measurement is unpractical in fish in a clinical setting but has been performed experimentally using arterial catheterization.37

Clinical Pathology

Hematologic and biochemical abnormalities are usually nonspecific and associated with generalized conditions and infections. Dyslipidemic changes have been associated with arteriosclerosis in salmonids. Ascitic fluid should be collected and analyzed. Since most cardiovascular diseases in fish are infectious in nature, blood and ascitic fluid microbiologic



culture are valuable. In addition, gill clips may help characterize vascular changes in the gill filaments.


The ECG, typically used more for anesthetic monitoring than for diagnostic purposes, should be obtained outside of water. Leads are attached using needles inserted subcutaneously (SC). Two needles are placed laterally close to the pectoral fins, and a third one is placed caudally near the anus (Figure 4-28).436 The piscine ECG is fairly similar to that of mammals, with a few additional waves (Table 4-7).30 A B wave (usually positive on lead II) occurs during the ST interval in elasmobranchs and corresponds to the contraction of the conus arteriosus. A V wave occurs prior to the P wave in most fishes and represents the contraction of the sinus venosus. The prominence of these extra waves varies with species. Electrocardiography is routinely used in fish anesthesia, but its diagnostic use and the characterization of arrhythmias associated with cardiovascular lesions have not been well documented.

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiographs are not useful to investigate fish cardiovascular diseases because there is a lack of detail regarding their visceral structures. No reports of angiographic techniques could be located in fishes, and angiography seems to be of low practical and clinical value. Echocardiography can easily be performed directly on the patient in or outside water or through a plastic bag in small individuals. The probe is placed in the midline on the throat region of the immersed fish and the heart appears pyramidal in teleosts. The longitudinal section allows viewing of all four cavities of the heart (sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbus arteriosus).437 Echocardiographic measurements have been published for Atlantic salmon and differ between wild and captive animals.437 The mean ventricular fractional shortening was 17%. Other approaches consist of placing the probe

beneath the gill arches after lifting the operculum or using a transesophageal ultrasound probe, which seems to provide better views in fish with thick scales.438 Abdominal ultrasound is also an easy method to differentiate ascites from other causes of abdominal enlargements. Echocardiography has been used in various cardiac conditions.33,437 Pericardial effusion, loss of definition of the atrium, compression of the ventricle, hepatic congestion, and ascites in salmon affected by the cardiomyopathy syndrome have been identified with this technique.437 Vascular thrombi may also be identified on the fish echocardiographic examination. Cardiac ultrasound was used to investigate Atlantic salmon with deficient septum transversum and was found to be 100% sensitive and 98% specific in diagnosing the condition.132 The septum transversum is usually seen as a thin hyperechoic band between the heart and the liver.


Rigid endoscopic techniques are widely used in fish medicine, but their applications appear to be limited in piscine cardiology. Using a routine approach through a small abdominal incision, the heart is located cranially and is separated from

TABLE 4-7 

Significance of the Different Sections of a Vertebrate ECG during One Cardiac Cycle ECG Segment

Electrophysiologic Meaning

V or SV wave

Depolarization of sinus venosus in some fishes, amphibians, reptiles Depolarization of atria Conduction from SA to AV nodes Absent in normal animals Baseline undulations occurring in atrial fibrillation Present in pigeons, some poultry species Repolarization of atria P wave + delayed conduction at AV node Ventricular depolarization Q wave absent in most birds Most birds have (Q)rS and mammals have qRs complexes on lead II Absent in normal birds Observed in bundle branch block Corresponds to length of ventricular contraction Period between end of ventricular depolarization and beginning of ventricular repolarization Conus arteriosus depolarization in elasmobranch fishes Bulbus cordis in amphibians Repolarization of the ventricles Absent in normal animals Repolarization of papillary muscles or repolarization of conducting system

P wave F waves

Ta wave PR interval QRS complex


R wave T


QT interval ST segment

S B wave

T wave U wave

FIGURE 4-28  Needles placement for electrocardiography in

a teleost fish with depiction of a typical ECG pattern. (Modified from Stoskopf. Fish Medicine. Saunders; 1993:882, with permission from Elsevier.)

Sections are in order of appearance. AV, Atrioventricular; ECG, electrocardiogram; SN, sinoatrial.

the coelomic cavity by the semitransparent septum transversum; thus, it cannot be directly visualized.37,439

Amphibians Physical Examination

As for other organ systems, a thorough history is important in amphibians, as are water quality and osmolality. The cardiac evaluation is as limited in amphibians as cardiovascular diseases are uncommon. The initial hands-off examination should detect abnormal shape, coelomic distension, localized edema, and cutaneous abnormalities. Most edematous amphibians do not primarily suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, but this should remain part of the differential until proven otherwise. The hands-on examination will confirm the presence of edema and coelomic effusion, and an aspirate of the fluid should be collected for analysis. Some frogs may inflate themselves as a defensive measure and this should not be interpreted as abnormal. The HR can be assessed using a Doppler probe placed on the cranioventral aspect of the animal. By moving the probe, one may be able to differentiate cardiovascular sounds from different vessels.440 In large frogs, cardiac auscultation is possible, but care should be taken not to damage the fragile skin with the diaphragm or the bell of the stethoscope. In some species, the heart may be seen beating on the ventral aspect of the animal in the area of the xiphoid.440

Clinical Pathology

Clinical pathologic changes are nonspecific in amphibians with cardiovascular disease. Changes in plasma/lymph osmolality and electrolytic concentrations may be seen with various causes of hydrops. Hypercholesterolemia was associated with atherosclerosis and lipid disorders in Cuban tree frogs.154 Effusion fluid should be collected and submitted for fluid analysis, cytology, and bacterial culture. Lymph may be sampled from the lymph hearts caudally. The fluid should be characterized as a transudate or an exudate.


Electrocardiography has been extensively used in the frog early on to study cardiac electrophysiology, and it was in frogs that the electrical activity of the heart was first recorded. However, the use of electrocardiography in amphibian medicine has been minimal. It is recommended that amphibians be anesthetized for a proper ECG recording. In addition, Whitaker et al. recommend acclimating the amphibian patient for a minimum of 4 hours to room temperature, inducing anesthesia with tricaine methanesulfonate, and using needle electrodes intramuscularly.440 The amphibian ECG is similar to most other vertebrates and is morphologically close to the fish and reptile ECG. SV and B waves are usually present, are of a small magnitude, and denote the depolarization of the sinus venosus and the bulbus cordis, respectively (see Table 4-7).440,441 A comprehensive study and description of the Anuran ECG was reported by Mullen.441 Reference intervals have been published with a small sample size (n = 3 to 5) on South American common toads (Bufo margaritifer), giant toads (Bufo marinus), Buerger’s robber frogs (Eleuthrodactylus buergeri), and mountain water frogs (Telmatobius montanus) under pentobarbital anesthesia but are unavailable for

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most amphibian species.440,441 Electrocardiographic parameter measurements may vary with temperature. The mean electrical axis (MEA) is usually positive in Anuran but negative MEAs have been recorded in various amphibian species.441

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiographs are of limited utility to evaluate amphibian hearts because of a lack of radiographic detail. Echocardiography has been described in Anurans and can be performed by placing the probe directly on the skin on the xyphoid area or through a water-filled plastic container.438,442 Three views, the parasternal long axis, the subcostal 3 chamber, and the high sternal, were described in two Xenopus spp. of different size.442 In this study on 50 frogs, the intracardiac anatomy, truncus arteriosus, and major vascular trunks could be well visualized, Doppler ultrasound could be performed, and twodimensional and spectral Doppler echocardiographic measurements were reported.442 Furthermore, lymph heart ultrasound measurements were performed in two Anuran species using a high-frequency sonographic probe.443 Coelomic effusion can also be differentiated from other causes of abdominal enlargement. Rigid coelomic endoscopy may allow the visualization of the pericardium along other coelomic organs.

Reptiles Physical Examination

Clinical signs of cardiac disease in reptiles include swelling in the area of the heart (Figure 4-29), cyanosis, peripheral edema, pulmonary edema, ascites, and exercise intolerance. However, nonspecific clinical signs are more frequent, such as lethargy, depression, anorexia, weight loss, weakness, dyspnea, and sudden death. It is important to note that when performing a clinical examination, care should be taken to consider the environmental temperature as this can influence cardiopulmonary parameters and distort the final results.57,444 Heart sounds in reptiles are of very low amplitude and hence cannot be consistently auscultated with a standard stethoscope. This problem can be overcome in some species

FIGURE 4-29  Cardiomegaly in a ball python (Python regius).



by using a pressure-sensitive acoustic stethoscope (Ultrascope®) that permits diagnosis of heart murmurs. This equipment is, however, only suitable in large species of snakes (e.g., large boids) and species of lizards where the heart lies in the midcoelomic region and is not hidden under the bony pectoral girdle (e.g., monitor lizards, Varanus spp.). A Doppler ultrasonic probe can be used for cardiac auscultation in all species of reptiles. The probe is placed with an acoustic gel coating on the epidermal surface at the level of the heart or large efferent arteries. This may enable the clinician to evaluate the HR and rhythm.57,444,445 In general, HRs are slower in reptiles compared to mammals or birds. The heart rate is dependent on numerous factors including but not limited to body temperature (increasing during basking and lowering during cooling, myocardial efficiency being optimum when the reptile is within its preferred optimal temperature zone), activity (HR is proportional to metabolic level), respiratory rate (bradycardia is observed during apnea as pulmonary resistance increases and blood flow to the lungs decreases), volemia status, digestion, gravidity, and sensory stimulations such as handling and postural and gravitational stress.56,69 Heart rates vary with size and species, but the normal reptilian HR can be roughly estimated using allometric formulas such as HR (bpm) = 20.6 × W(kg)−0.229 in ophidians and HR (bpm) = 33.4 × W(kg)−0.25 in general.68,446

Blood Pressure Measurement

In indirect arterial blood pressure as measured in small animals with a cuff and Doppler probe is not reliable and therefore not recommended in reptiles. Indeed, no measurement system has been scientifically validated. The thick and highly keratinized skin in the limb and tail regions constitutes a major obstacle to penetration by acoustic waves from the Doppler probe. Oscillometric techniques were assessed in boid snakes and the green iguana and were found to be unreliable or not able to obtain readings.447,448 In addition, direct blood pressure in reptile species has been obtained experimentally.449

Clinical Pathology

In reptiles, hematological and biochemical changes are usually associated with generalized conditions and are nonspecific for heart diseases. Increased plasma creatine kinase (CK) can result from skeletal muscle damage as may occur with traumatic injuries and intramuscular injections (in particular, with certain drugs such as enrofloxacin). CK may also increase with conditions affecting cardiac muscle.211,450 Dyslipidemias such as hypercholesterolemia have been shown to be associated with atherosclerosis in a bearded dragon.169 Hypocalcemia, commonly seen with nutritional disorders in reptiles, can affect striated cardiac muscle and be correlated to ECG abnormalities.445 Because cardiovascular diseases of reptiles are often of an infectious etiology, leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and heterophila may be indicative of underlying infections or hematopoietic neoplasia with secondary cardiac effects.


Electrocardiography can greatly enhance the diagnosis of cardiac disease in reptiles and is also beneficial for monitoring patients under anesthesia. The main challenge associated with interpreting ECGs in reptiles is the low electric amplitudes (usually 3 was highly associated with echocardiographic abnormalities.214 Tachycardia is also frequently noticed in animals with cardiopathies. Bradycardia may be detected in ferrets with second or third AV blocks. Irregular rhythm caused by

TABLE 4-9 

Heart Rate and Direct Blood Pressure Values in Selected Companion Mammal Species Species

Heart Rate (bpm)



Rabbit Guinea pig Chinchilla Syrian hamster Rat Mouse African hedgehog Sugar glider

200-300 230-380 100-150 280-412 300-500 310-840 180-280 200-300

Adapted from References 465-468.

Systolic (mmHg)

Diastolic (mmHg)

Female 133 Male 161 90-130 80-94


150 116-145 133-160

100 76-97 102-110

80-90 55-58

premature beats, pauses secondary to periods of sinus arrest, and gallop rhythms can also be identified on auscultation. Pulmonary auscultation may reveal crackles and harsh lung sounds with pulmonary edema. Lungs sounds are muffled in the presence of pleural effusion. Finally, peripheral arterial pulse is easily obtained in ferrets and rabbits (central ear artery) but can be challenging to palpate in smaller mammals.

Blood Pressure Measurement

Indirect over direct arterial blood pressure techniques are typically used in pets. However, while measuring indirect blood pressure is widely advocated in exotic companion mammals, significant limitations exist. Due to the small size of exotic mammals, indirect blood pressure measurements often lack accuracy and only show moderate agreement with direct measurements. Even in larger species such as cats, it was determined that Doppler measurements had poor agreement with direct values.468 For instance, two studies in ferrets confirmed this lack of agreement and accuracy and showed that Doppler techniques consistently underestimated and oscillometric measurements consistently overestimated systolic blood pressure.469,470 Underestimation increased with increasing systolic blood pressure.470 Likewise, a similar trend was observed in rabbits.471 Tail measurements were found to be more accurate overall in ferrets.469 For this reason, reference intervals are only provided for direct arterial blood pressure measurements (see Table 4-9). However, rodent-specific equipment has been validated for blood pressure measurement in laboratory rodents and may show adequate accuracy. Indirect arterial pressure is usually obtained from the tail in rats and mice.

Clinical Pathology

As in other species, hematologic and biochemical changes from are not specific to cardiovascular diseases in exotic mammals. Erythrocytosis in response to chronic hypoxia may be noticed and leukocytosis may develop in cases of infectious myocarditis. Myocardial disease may result in an increase in CK (cardiac isoenzyme), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and cardiac troponin (cTn)T or I. Troponin assays used in dogs are specific to myocardial injuries and are expected to be applicable to ferrets, rabbits, and guinea pigs because protein sequences are similar at 90% to 95% (basic local alignment search tool [BLAST]; Beaufrère 2013). Cross-species reactivity of laboratory tests is usually considered high in mammals.472 In experimental cardiotoxicosis, cTnT was an effective biomarker of myocardial injury in ferrets, rats, and mice.472,473 Normal cTnT values are similar to dogs and humans but not in mice, where normal values are 20-fold higher.473 For instance, normal ferret values fall within the range of 0.05 to 0.10 ng/mL.245 Myocardial degeneration in aging rats results in increased cTn.472 Fluid recovered by abdominocentesis, thoracocentesis, and pericardiocentesis should be analyzed and is typically a pure or modified transudate. In cases of idiopathic pericardial effusion, fluid can be hemorrhagic. In ferrets infected with heartworm, microfilariae may be observed on the blood smear (sensitivity of 50%), but heartworm tests should be used to confirm the disease.98 Antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (IDEXX’s SNAP heartworm rapid treatment [RT] test) tests are most

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

commonly selected. Sensitivity is 84% and specificity 97% in dogs, but accuracy is unknown in ferrets, especially since only female worms shed antigens and ferrets can develop severe clinical signs from a single worm (, accessed 01/2013).98


The mammalian ECG is the most familiar to the veterinary practitioner. In exotic mammals, the leads are placed in a manner similar to that for dogs and cats, and the ECG wave morphology is also similar (see Table 4-7). The ECG is most often obtained on unanesthetized animals restrained in right


lateral recumbency. Reference intervals have been published for a few species including three studies in pet ferrets and one in rabbits (Table 4-10). The interpretation of the ECG consists of determining the HR, heart rhythm, MEA, and measurements of wave amplitude and duration. The MEA is positive in most mammals (i.e., a tall R wave is visible in leads II, III, and aVF) (see the section on birds for determination of MEA). ECG recordings are critical to the assessment of arrhythmias and in animals experiencing syncope and may provide clues to chamber enlargement (Figure 4-32). In rabbits, normal rhythm usually does not include sinus arrhythmia but it does in ferrets.225,245,257 Second-degree AV blocks

TABLE 4-10 

ECG Measurement Reference Values on Lead II in Selected Exotic Mammal Species under Anesthesia N HR P amplitude P duration PR interval R amplitude QRS duration T amplitude QT interval MEA





25-27 144-248 0.108-0.136 0.016-0.032 0.040-0.073 0.00-3.05 0.028-0.060

80 250-428 0.025-0.200 0.01-0.03 0.03-0.06 0.99-2.80 0.02-0.05 −0.3-0.1 0.06-0.16 75-100

40 145-354 0.006-0.154 0.008-0.032 0.024-0.076 0.482-2.878 0.012-0.048 −0.216-0.516 0.068-0.132

46 198-330 0.04-0.12 0.01-0.05 0.04-0.08 0.03-0.039 0.02-0.06 0.05-0.17 0.08-0.16 −43-80

0.08-0.16 53.2-101.2

Guinea Pig479

Hedgehog262 13 104-296

0.01 0.015-0.035 0.048-0.060 1.1-1.9 0.008-0.046 0.062 0.106-0.144 20-80

0.00-0.44 0.03


Amplitude measured in mV, duration in sec, MEA in degrees. Note: To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is. ECG, Electrocardiogram; HR, heart rate; MEA, mean electrical axis; N, sample size.

FIGURE 4-32  Atrial flutter in an African hedgehog. The HR is approximately 180 bpm.

The rhythm is regular and characterized by tall and narrow R waves in leads I and II, indicating the supraventricular origin of the impulses. There are no P waves; however, the baseline is replaced by rapid flutter waves, visible in leads I and III.



TABLE 4-11 

Radiographic Cardiac Sizes in Selected Exotic Companion Mammals N RL-VHS VD-VHS RL ratio VD ratio





20 4.91-5.91 5.02-6.98 1.21-1.49 1.33-1.69

18 4.43-6.71 5.34-8.30

64 4.20-6.24 4.70-6.01

27 6.38-9.16 6.25-9.28

Hedgehog‖ 13 7.20-9.12 1.31-2.47

Adapted from References 239, 262, 480-482. RL, right lateral; VD, ventro-dorsal; VHS, vertebral heart score. *Starting at cranial edge of T4, ‡starting at cranial edge of T5, §starting at cranial edge of T6; ratios: †long axis + short axis/T5-T8 or ‖long axis/rib 5–rib 7. Note: To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is.

can be seen in healthy ferrets. The ferret ECG is reported to be similar to dogs with tall R waves but, otherwise, to small P waves as in cats.238 A significant effect of body position on electrocardiographic values (P- and R-wave amplitude) has been found in ferrets.474 The rabbit ECG is reported to be characterized by pointed P waves, peaked T waves, and a relatively long ST segment.475


Thoracic radiographs, routinely used to assess the presence of cardiomegaly in mammals, must be taken during inspiration. Reference intervals of normal radiographic cardiac dimensions have been determined in ferrets, rabbits, and African hedgehogs using a vertebral scale system, which was calculated differently in each of the published individual studies (Table 4-11).231,261,479–481 In ferrets, both vertebral heart scores and vertebral ratios have been described to assess the cardiac silhouette. Three studies investigated the vertebral heart score in ferrets by adding the long- and short-axis length from either the lateral or ventrodorsal view and comparing the measurement obtained to the vertebral length on a right lateral thoracic radiograph starting at the cranial edge of T4, T5, or T6 and estimating to the nearest 0.25 vertebra (see Table 4-11 and Figure 4-33).238,479,480 A heart/vertebral ratio has also been obtained by adding the heart long- and short-axis length and dividing it by the length of the T5 to T8 segment.479 Ratios obtained from dividing the long- and short-axis length each by the length of T8 have also been reported.480 Overall, measurements taken on right lateral radiographic views seemed to be more reliable.479 A study also showed that the normal ferret’s heart usually encompasses 1.7 to 2.9 intercostal spaces.238 Fat deposition may increase the vertebral heart score.238 Significant larger radiographic cardiac measurements have been demonstrated in ferrets diagnosed with DCM or other cardiac diseases.231,238 On mustelid lateral thoracic radiographs, the heart appears globoid and is only slightly in contact with the sternum ventrally. This sternal contact may increase in cases of cardiac diseases.98 In rabbits and African hedgehogs, a similar vertebral heart score was determined in terms of vertebral length starting at the cranial edge of T4 (see Table 4-11).261,481 In addition, in African hedgehogs, a radiographic ratio has been obtained by either dividing the long- or short-axis length by the distance

FIGURE 4-33  Radiographic heart size measurement in a

ferret. Red lines represent the short- and long-axis lengths that should be added. Vertebral heart scores are obtained by comparing this measurement to vertebral length starting at the apical end of T4, T5, or T6. Alternatively, a ratio can be computed with the T5-T8 length.

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

between the fifth and seventh ribs.261 Lateral radiographs should be taken in hedgehogs using a clip to hold the dorsal skin and quills dorsally to prevent superimposition with the thorax.261 It is also interesting to note that the rabbit’s chest is small compared to the trunk, which may render radiographic interpretation more challenging in this species.482 Other radiographic abnormalities classically seen with cardiac diseases in exotic mammals include pulmonary edema, pulmonary vessel congestion, pleural effusion, tracheal elevation, ascites, hepatomegaly, and arterial mineralization. In rabbits, dorsal elevation of the trachea and soft tissue opacity in the cranial mediastinum should also raise the suspicion of a thymoma.


mice, and hamsters (Table 4-12). However, clinicians should be aware that most reference intervals are based on anesthetized patients, laboratory breeds, and single sexes. Several studies have been reported in ferrets.238,487,494 However, the rabbit is frequently used in cardiovascular research and therefore there is extensive scientific information on echocardiography available for this species.256,488,495–500 Differences in echocardiographic measurements have been noted between anesthetized and conscious rabbits.497 Likewise,


The practice of cardiac ultrasound in exotic companion mammals is similar to that in dogs and cats and is the imaging modality of choice for most functional and structural cardiac conditions. Echocardiographic approaches and planes are identical to those used in dogs and cats and can usually be obtained with minimal sedation (Figure 4-34). Readers are referred to cardiologic textbooks for a description of mammalian echocardiography.483–485 In addition, exotic mammal echocardiography has recently been reviewed in detail in a textbook chapter with the application of standard scanning planes obtained from dogs and cats to exotic species.486 Reference intervals for echocardiographic measurements have been published in ferrets, rabbits, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rats,

FIGURE 4-34  Echocardiography on a ferret; right parasternal short-axis view at the cardiac apex showing the left ventricle in cross section.

TABLE 4-12 

Echocardiographic Reference Intervals in Selected Small Mammal Species N IVSd (mm) IVSs (mm) LVIDd (mm) LVIDs (mm) LVFWd (mm) LVFWs (mm) FS (%) EF (%) Ao (mm) LA (mm) LA:Ao EPSS (mm) Aomax (m/s) PAmax (m/s) Mitral E (m/s) Mitral A (m/s) Mitral E:A



Guinea Pig490



30 2.2-5.0 2.6-7.0 5.8-11.8 2.9-8.9 2.0-6.4 3.8-7.8 5-61 31-100 3.3-7.3 3.5-10.7 7.9-18.7

52 1.29-2.77 2.15-3.95 11.39-17.35 7.61-12.49 1.66-2.66 2.38-4.58 24.17-36.098 51.97-70.61 6.74-9.78 7.38-11.94 0.89-1.45 1.13-2.29 0.63-1.07 0.39-0.79 0.39-0.79 0.14-0.42 1.27-3.11

12 1.13-2.37 1.56-2.96 6.13-7.57 4.01-4.69 1.48-3.08 1.64-3.96 30.38-40.86 64.85-76.89 4.15-5.15 4.27-5.63

17 1.2-2.4

44 1.13-1.610

5.4-7.4 2.8-4.8 2.2-3.0

3.84-7.07 1.20-4.40 1.21-1.77


28.2-69.8 49.89-77.62 2.43-3.91 2.36-4.14

0.49-1.29 0.82-1.38 0.5-0.9 0.30-0.74 0.74-2.02

2.6-4.6 3.7-6.1 0.98-1.78 0.0-0.7 0.26-0.66 0.29-0.93 0.32-0.64 0.15-0.43

0.02-0.06 0.00-0.09 0.45-1.00 0.16-0.78 0.52-2.83

Mouse492,493 0.64-1.20 1.18-2.18 2.38-3.66 0.86-1.62 0.47-1.39 0.88-1.88 34-38 62-70



118 0.9-1.1

13 1.3-1.7 1.8-2.6 6.4-8.4 5.2-6.4 1.4-1.8 1.9-2.7 16.5-26.5

3.5-4.7 1.6-3.0 0.9-1.1 35.3-56.3

3.2-4.0 4.8-6.4 1.23-1.87 0.7-1.5 0.27-0.70 0.15-0.52 0.61-0.69 0.22-0.30 2.1-3.3

0.6-0.1 0.3-0.6 1.25-2.87

Ao, Aorta; Aomax, aorta maximum velocity; EF, ejection fraction; EPSS, E-point septal separation; FS, fractional shortening; IVSd, interventricular septum end diastole; IVSs, interventricular septum end systole; LA, left atrium; LVIDd, left ventricular internal diameter end diastole; LVIDs, left ventricular internal diameter end systole; LVFWd, left ventricular free wall end diastole; LVFWs, left ventricular free wall end systole; mitral E, mitral valve E velocity; mitral A, mitral valve A velocity; N, sample size; PAmax, pulmonary artery maximum velocity. Note: To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is.



echocardiography has been extensively performed in laboratory rats and mice since these rodent species are the predominant experimental species in cardiovascular research.490,491,501–505 However, most murine studies have been conducted using very high-frequency probes that may not be available to veterinary practitioners. Clinical cases have documented the usefulness of echo­ cardiographic assessment in diagnosing various conditions such as DCM, valvular regurgitation, dirofilariasis, and congestive heart failure (see Table 4-20 later). In addition, several reports demonstrated significant differences in various experimental or spontaneous diseases between normal animals and ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, rats, and mice, such as induction of congestive heart failure or DCM, and showed that echocardiography had a high sensitivity in detecting these abnormalities.214,225,238,241,263,506 Ultrasound may also be used to investigate peripheral diseases such as the degree of caudal vena cava occlusion secondary to adrenal gland expansion (e.g., hyperplasia or neoplasia) in ferrets.


Clinical applications of angiography have been limited in exotic mammals. Angiographic findings in experimental dirofilariasis have been published in ferrets.283 In this study, the cranial vena cava, azygous vein, and left caudal lobar pulmonary artery of worms could be visualized. Computed tomography and MRI angiographies have been used in laboratory animals, especially in species commonly used in cardiovascular research such as rabbits, rats, and mice.

Advanced Imaging

Cerebrovascular diseases are uncommon in companion exotic mammals; therefore, the use of advanced imaging has been restricted. The heart can be imaged using CT and MRI, but echocardiography is much more informative and practical.

Birds Physical Examination

As for any clinical presentation, a complete history and thorough physical examination should be performed. Species, age, sex, captive lifestyle, and diet may predispose individuals to cardiovascular diseases. Increased age, being female, and certain parrot species (e.g., African grey parrots, Amazon parrots, cockatiels) are at increased risk for atherosclerosis.379 Parrots are most often diagnosed with congestive heart failure and atherosclerosis, whereas commercial poultry (e.g., broilers, turkeys) suffer more from cardiac diseases related to selection for production.296,297,342,346,371,379 Specific history of cardiac diseases may include dyspnea, exercise intolerance, falling off the perch, hind limb ataxia, altered mentation, neurological signs, syncope, collapse, and sudden death. Nonspecific signs of disease such as lethargy, weight loss, and anorexia are also frequently present. Coughing does not usually occur in birds due to an enlarged heart, because the aorta curves to the right and cardiac enlargement does not cause bronchial compression.507 At physical examination, findings observed with cardiovascular diseases often include ascites, cyanosis or hypoperfusion (bluish or pale comb in chicken, bluish periorbital skins in some parrot species [e.g., African grey parrots, macaws], and increased ulnar vein refilling time), and increased

TABLE 4-13 

Common Differential Diagnoses for Coelomic Fluids in Birds Left and right • Congestive heart failure • Portal hypertension • Advanced hepatic disease (fibrosis, amyloidosis, iron storage disease) • Reproductive-associated ascites (egg yolk coelomitis, ovarian cysts, cystic right oviduct) • Blockage of lymphatic drainage • Hypoproteinemia • Neoplastic ascites (e.g., biliary cystadenoma, ovarian or oviductal neoplasm) • Viral ascites (avian viral serositis, polyomavirus, eastern equine encephalitis) • Septic coelomitis (foreign body, ruptured intestine) • Pancreatitis • Coelomic hemorrhage

dyspnea when restrained. Ascites, in particular, is frequently present in cases of congestive heart failure but is also commonly seen with other conditions (Table 4-13). Hepatomegaly from liver congestion may be visible under the skin caudal to the keel in some patients. Preoxygenation is indicated to conduct a physical examination in severely distressed patients. Birds must be handled upright to prevent circulatory collapse.351 The arterial pulse is difficult to palpate in birds and not practical to procure without anesthesia; it is typically obtained from the ulnar superficial artery at the level of the proximal inner antebrachium. Cardiac auscultation, not sensitive in birds due to their fast HR, can be obtained by placing a pediatric or neonatal stethoscope over the cranial keel bone. The use of a pediatric digital stethoscope may allow the clinician to amplify, record, and slow the recording at a later time for analysis and a more sensitive auscultation examination. In at least one case, a phonocardiogram was used to characterize a cardiac murmur in a bird.330 Murmurs and arrhythmias may be detected but are hard to characterize and may be repeated with the patient under anesthesia. However, systolic murmurs have been detected in multiple cardiologic cases in birds.300–302,305,306,323,330 Muffled heart sounds may indicate pericardial effusion, fluids in the ventral hepatoperitoneal cavities, or hepatomegaly surrounding the heart. In some species (e.g., Pelecaniformes), the presence of air between the heart and the keel from the interclavicular air sac may also muffle the heart sounds. The normal HR of birds is high, scales negatively with body weight, can increase up to four times the resting HR during flying, and can be expected to increase similarly during restraint (Table 4-14). As such, the avian normal HR can vary tremendously in an individual. Pulmonary auscultation is usually of low value to detect pleural effusion or pulmonary edema in birds.

Blood Pressure Measurement

Arterial blood pressure is higher in birds than in any other vertebrate. Direct arterial blood pressure is typically obtained by placing an arterial catheter either in the superficial ulnar

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

artery in the proximal antebrachium or in the deep radial artery in the distal antebrachium. The external carotid artery has also been used. It is then connected to a pressure transducer and measured by an anesthetic monitor (Table 4-15). Indirect blood pressure can be obtained using a Doppler transducer and a sphygmomanometer placed on the wing or leg with a cuff measured at 30% to 40% of the limb circumference. However, it has been consistently demonstrated that values obtained with this method do not agree with direct systolic blood pressure measurements and may therefore be of low clinical value as a diagnostic tool.508,511,516 Limits of agreement were wide in a study in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis) at −37 to 85 mmHg and −14 to 42 mmHg for wing and leg measurements, respectively.508 In a study on various species of psittacines, large variation was

TABLE 4-14 

Normal Heart Rates of Birds as a Function of Weight* Weight (g)

Heart Rate (Resting) (bpm)

Heart Rate (Flight/ Restraint) (bpm)

Factor Increase

380 329 284 245 226 213 203 175 152

909 815 731 655 615 588 568 509 457

2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0

25 50 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000

West N, Langille B, Jones D. Cardiovascular system. In: King A, McLelland J, eds. Form and Function in Birds, Volume 2. London: Academic Press; 1981:235-339. *Function of weight is derived using the following formula: resting HR = 744 × W−0.209; flight HR = 1506 × W−0.157. The average values likely reflect the approximate range (resting, flight/restraint) of HRs to be expected in most avian species.


seen in repeated indirect blood pressure measurements, with most variability attributable to individual variation and cuff placement.516 However, this suggested that a monitoring trend in indirect blood pressure measurement may be useful in the same bird during a single cuff placement, such as occurs during an anesthetic event. In an experiment in red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), indirect blood pressure measurements were found to be in disagreement with direct systolic blood pressure but in acceptable agreement with mean blood pressure, with limits of agreement of −9 to 13.511 This suggests that accuracy of indirect techniques may be higher in large birds. The oscillometric method of indirect blood pressure measurements has been found unreliable in all studied birds.508,511 In general, hypotension is defined as a systolic blood pressure lower than 90 mmHg, with a mean below 60 mmHg.517 On the other hand, values for hypertension in birds have been poorly defined and are expected to be higher than in mammals owing to their greater blood pressure. Systolic values >200 mmHg have been proposed as hypertensive.517

Clinical Pathology

Apart from assessing the general health of the avian patient, clinical pathology tests may reveal specific changes associated with cardiovascular diseases but are of low sensitivity. Erythrocytosis may be caused by chronic hypoxia due to persistent ventilation/perfusion mismatch and increased oxygen demands. Leukocytosis may be seen in bacterial myocarditis and valvular endocarditis. Cardiovascular microfilariae may be observed on the blood smear. Blood samples from patients with severe microfilarial infestation may be positive on canine heartworm antigenic tests.518 Arterial blood samples and blood-gas analyses may help pinpoint an oxygenation problem. Myocardial damage can lead to a rise in CK (and cardiac CK isoenzyme) and cTnT or cTnI (only 68% and 65% protein sequence homology between chicken and humans, respectively, which may affect diagnostic test accuracy; BLAST, Beaufrère 2013).312 Electrolyte and mineral disorders (e.g., Ca, Mg, K, Na), hypoproteinemia, and hyperuricemia can also cause arrhythmia and cardiac diseases. Bile acids are

TABLE 4-15 

Direct Arterial Blood Pressure* in Selected Species of Birds Species Amazon parrot (isoflurane, n = 8) Amazon parrot (isoflurane, n = 16) Pigeon (isoflurane, n = 15) Red-tailed hawk (conscious, n = 8) Red-tailed hawk (sevoflurane, n = 6) Great horned owl (conscious, n = 6) Bald eagle (isoflurane, n = 17) Bald eagle (sevoflurane, n = 17) Chicken (anesthetized, n = 40) Turkey (conscious, n = 20) Pekin duck (anesthetized, n = 72)





133 (88-177) 163 (127-199) 93 (73-113) 220 (119-331) 178 (124-232) 231.5 (157-306) 195 (165-225) 144 (116-172) 141 (118-163) 302 (289-315) 165 (138-192)

117 (76-158) 155 (119-191) 82 (54-110) 187 (104-271) 159 (109-209) 203 (146-260) 171 (142-200) 139 (111-167) 136 (114-158) 253 (242-264) 143 (111-174)

102 (58-146) 148 (112-184) 72 (46-98) 160 (70-2500) 143 (95-191) 178 (128-228) 148 (120-176) 134.5 (106-163) 131 (109-153) 204 (194-214) 121 (85-157)

341 509 510 511 512 511 513 513 514 515 516

*Mean (mean ± 2SD reference interval) measured in mmHg. DAP, Diastolic arterial pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SAP, systolic arterial pressure.




aVR –




R wave

S wave


aVR –







aVR –





FIGURE 4-35  Schematic representation of the electrical activity of the avian heart with

depiction of lead recordings (Einthoven’s triangle). Leads I, II, and III are bipolar leads, and leads aVR, aVL, and aVF are augmented unipolar leads. Tracings represent the vectorial projection of the summation of the electrical activity. P wave, Atrial depolarization from the SA to the AV node; R wave, depolarization at the apex of the left ventricle; S wave, ventricular depolarization.

frequently moderately elevated with hepatic congestion secondary to congestive heart failure. Thyroid imbalance may contribute to heart disease but is rare in pet birds. Lipoprotein abnormalities may also be diagnosed in conjunction with some degenerative lesions but have to be interpreted in the context of the egg-laying cycle, and pathologic elevations have been poorly characterized. Experimental cholesterol feeding leads to an increase in total and LDL cholesterol in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) and quaker parrots (Myiopsitta monachus).381,396 In the latter, the plasma cholesterol level was correlated with the severity of atherosclerotic lesions.396 In addition, psittacine species susceptible to atherosclerosis have higher plasma total cholesterol levels.375,397 Finally, ascitic, pericardial, and effusion fluid should always be analyzed and can provide useful information. Cardiacinduced ascitic fluid is a pure or modified transudate; thus, it will have a low protein and cellular content and a low specific gravity. Ascitic fluid should also be submitted for culture. Blood cultures may be valuable to isolate causative agents responsible for cardiac bacterial infections and can be performed with 0.1 to 2 mL only.


Most avian cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by changes on the ECG that may also provide clues to chamber enlargement.106 However, cardiopathies can occur without electrocardiographic changes. The avian ECG is typically obtained in the frontal plane by placing two front electrodes on the propatagia and one (left) or two (earth on right) back electrodes on the knee webs using needle electrodes or flat clips. Each lead evaluates the cardiac electrical activity on a different plane, and a standard examination classically includes three bipolar leads (I, II, and III) and three augmented unipolar leads (aVR, aVL, aVF) (Figure 4-35). A proper ECG recording is easier to obtain on anesthetized birds, as few will tolerate the procedure or movement and muscle tremors may impair the recordings.519 However, ECG tracings on conscious birds can still be obtained on pigeons, some raptors, and lethargic birds. Recordings need to be performed at 50 to 100 mm/s, with 100 mm/s being optimal to better assess QRS complex morphology. Electrocardiographic measurements are typically performed on

FIGURE 4-36  Typical avian ECG complex with depiction of the different measurement landmarks.

lead-II tracings. Electrical current from heating devices and anesthetic equipment can interfere with ECG tracings, and electrical filters from ECG machines may be used. The normal avian ECG is usually composed of P, S, T, and a small R wave (see Figure 4-36 and Table 4-7). The Q wave is usually missing and a Ta wave is present in certain birds. The QRS complexes are mainly of the (Q)rS types on lead II, meaning the S wave is the most prominent. This contrasts with mammals, where the QRS complexes are most often of the qRs type. Interpretation of the avian ECG should be methodical, follow the same rules as in mammals, and include determination of the HR, heart rhythm, MEA, and measurements.106 In contrast to mammals, the cardiac MEA is negative in birds with a prominent S wave that gives negative QRS complexes on lead II. This is caused by transmission of the depolarization from subepicardially to endocardially.106 However, some poultry and waterfowl, such as broilers and Pekin ducks, have a positive MEA and QRS complexes. The MEA is affected by changes in heart position and relative dilation of cardiac chambers. The MEA can be calculated using the vector method, the isoelectric method, or the largest net deflection method. The isoelectric method is the most practical and consists of identifying the lead closest to isoelectricity (summation of waves without P and T = 0 mmV) that the

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

II – 120

aVF – 90


MEA III – 60

aVR – 150

I aVL – 30



0 I aVR

+150 aVL

+ 30 aVR + 120 III

+ 90 aVF

+ 60 II

aVL Negative aVF

FIGURE 4-37  Determination of the ventricular MEA in birds using the isoelectric method

and Bailey’s hexaxial system. Example of a tracing where the ventricular depolarization is isoelectric in lead I and negative in the orthogonal aVF lead, resulting in a MEA of −90°.

MEA lies along and has the polarity of the perpendicular lead (Figure 4-36). Changes in ventricular MEA are due to changes in cardiac shape and position and are typically associated with right ventricular enlargement and left ventricular hypertrophy.106 Measurements that are usually taken include P amplitude and duration, PR interval, S amplitude, QRS duration, ST segment, T amplitude, QT interval, and MEA (Figure 4-37). The shape of the P wave may indicate left atrial hypertrophy (wide), right atrial hypertrophy (tall), or biatrial hypertrophy (wide and tall). However, the sensitivity and specificity of these ECG criteria are low. Each P wave should precede and be related to a QRS complex. Increase in the PR interval indicates an increased delay in electrical conduction at the AV node (AV block). Morphologic alteration of the QRS complexes may indicate left ventricular hypertrophy (increased S amplitude or QRS complex duration) or right ventricular hypertrophy (prominent R wave). The T wave is always positive in birds in lead II, and a change in polarity indicates myocardial hypoxia.106 In high HRs, generally >300 to 500 bpm, P and T waves may be fused (atria depolarized before ventricles are completely repolarized) and the P wave indiscernible.285,332 This P on T phenomenon also seems to be a normal finding in Amazon and African grey parrots.285,520 ST segment elevation is common in healthy birds and does not indicate cardiac diseases as in mammals.106,519 The ST segment is often short or absent, with the S wave merged with the T wave (ST slurring).106,285 With the electrophysiologic specificities of birds in mind, the interpretation of the avian ECG is similar to that of mammals. Reference intervals have been published for several species (Table 4-16). Anesthesia is suspected to affect the ECG measurements only in HR, QT interval, and the frequency of some arrhythmias (AV blocks).335,512,520


Radiographic examination is of low sensitivity for cardiovascular diseases, but severe cardiac enlargement and vascular mineralization may be detected.328,351 Other changes that

FIGURE 4-38  Left, (HW) Heart width and (TW) thoracic

width landmarks in a macaw (Ara spp.). Right, Heart width and sternal width landmarks in a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus).

frequently accompany cardiovascular radiographic signs include loss of abdominal contrast and air-sac space due to ascites, hepatomegaly due to hepatic congestion, and occasionally overinflation of the axillary diverticula of the interclavicular air sac (see Figure 4-20). Several ratios have been determined, but the most practical is the heart width to thoracic width ratio on the ventrodorsal view because these two measurements are highly correlated in birds (Figure 4-38). In medium-sized psittacines, this ratio is 51% to 61%351,524 and in Harris’ hawks (Parabuteo unicinctus), it was found to have similar values.525 This ratio may also vary depending on the respiratory phase, with a variability as high as 10%.526 In falcons, it is considerably greater, with an upper limit of 70%.525,526 Rather than using a simple and similar ratio for all individuals, regression-based reference intervals for cardiac radiographic sizes have been determined in peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus), red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), screech owls (Otus asio), and Canada geese (Branta canadensis).526,527



TABLE 4-16 

ECG Measurement Reference Values on Lead II in Selected Avian Species* Species

Racing Pigeon

Amazon Parrot

Grey Parrot



Red-Tailed Hawk

Bald Eagle

Pekin Duck


N HR P amplitude

60 160-300 0.4-0.6

37 340-600 0.25-0.60

45 340-600 0.25-0.55

41 255-555 0.03-0.47

31 259-575 0.13-0.53

11 80-220 -0.1-0.175

50 200-360

72 180-340

P duration

0.0150.020 0.0450.070 1.5-2.8

0.0080.017 0.0420.055 0.7-2.3

0.0120.018 0.0400.055 0.9-2.2

0.0090.021 0.0400.068 0.27-1.43

0.0090.025 0.0390.071 0.27-1.59

0.0150.035 0.04-0.08

0.0350.043 0.0730.089 0.10-1.0

0.0130.016 0.3-0.8

0.0100.015 0.3-0.8

0.0100.016 0.18-0.6

0.0020.030 0.12-0.80

0.0140.026 0.17-0.97

0.0600.075 −83 to −99

0.0500.095 −90 to −107

0.0480.080 −79 to −103

0.0530.109 −76 to −87

0.0650.125 −73 to −89

0.0200.035 0.0500.090 0.3000.900 0.0200.030 0.0000.300 0.0800.165 −50 to −110

20 50-160 0.0500.325 0.0300.060 0.0700.110 0.1501.450 0.0200.040 0.0500.200 0.1100.165 −30 to −150

PR interval S amplitude QRS duration T amplitude QT interval MEA

0.35-1.03 0.0280.044 0.04-0.40

0.020.028 0.030.28

0.08-0.12 −160 to 95

−91 to −120

Adapted from References 330, 520-524. *Amplitude measured in mV, duration in sec, MEA in degrees. To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is. ECG, Electrocardiogram; MEA, mean electrical axis; N, sample size; HR, heart rate.

With this approach, a predictive reference interval is calculated using established regression equations based on either the thoracic or the sternal width on ventrodorsal views and compared with the measured value of the patient (Table 4-17). The sternal width should be measured at the same level as the heart width, but the sternal landmarks may be obscured by an enlarged heart or fluids in diseased birds (see Figure 4-37). In peregrine falcons, the sternal width on the ventrodorsal view was found to be a better predictor of the heart width than the thoracic width, and the sternal and thoracic width were found to be collinear (and thus could not be incorporated into the same equation).526 Several authors claim that enlargement and opacification of the arteries can be detected on plain radiographs and are suggestive of atherosclerotic changes. Considering the variability in X-ray exposure, the fast HR of birds, and arterial motion artifacts that are likely present on radiographs in addition to the subjectivity in interpreting such changes, it is doubtful that this approach would have any clinical accuracy.351,403,528 Severe atherosclerosis may also be present in the absence of vascular radiographic signs, as documented in several case reports.320,385 Thus, radiographs should be considered an insensitive method of detecting vascular diseases.529 On the other hand, arterial calcification is fairly specific to advanced atherosclerotic lesions and can be detected on radiographs and CT scans when severe enough (see Figure 4-42, later).328,528


Echocardiography is undoubtedly the single most useful diagnostic tool in avian cardiology, and its clinical application and

TABLE 4-17 

Regression-Based Equations for Reference Heart Width* in Selected Avian Species Species


Regression Equation

Peregrine falcon


HW = 0.83 × SW + 0.37 ± 0.16 HW = 0.41 × TW + 1.27 ± 0.18 HW = 0.42 × SW + 0.20 × TW + 3.42 ± 2.02 HW = 0.36 × SW + 0.13 × TW + 7.03 ± 1.40 HW = 0.27 × SW + 0.21 × TW + 15.15 ± 5.00

Red-tailed hawk


Screech owl


Canada goose


R Square 0.68 0.33 0.50 0.36 0.27

Hanley C, Murray H, Torrey S, et al. Establishing cardiac measurement standards in three avian species. J Avian Med Surg. 1997;11(1):15-19. Krautwald-Junghanns M-E, Pees M, Schroff S. Cardiovascular system. In: Krautwald-Junghanns M-E, Pees M, Reese S, et al., eds. Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Pets. Hannover, Germany: Schlutersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co.; 2011:84-91. *Reference heart width measured in cm. The higher the R square, the better the precision of the reference limits. These equations are for the 95% confidence interval of the fitted value. The 95% confidence interval of the predictive value is slightly wider, but predictive equations are not practical. HW, Heart width; N, sample size; SW, sternal width; TW, thoracic width.

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System

value have been documented in multiple case reports on various species.300,301,305,306,311,317,320,328–330,341 Echocardiography can detect changes in chamber dimensions, valvular diseases and insufficiency, pericardial diseases, cardiac masses, pulmonary arterial hypertension, wall motion disorders, septal defects, and diastolic disorders. However, cardiac ultrasound examination presents some major limitations in birds due to the location of the heart in an indentation of the keel and the fact that it is surrounded by air sacs (see anatomy section, subsection on birds). Therefore, available acoustic windows and cardiac views are limited. Two standardized approaches have been described for transcoelomic examination: a ventromedian and a parasternal approach.351,530–532 A small transducer and high probe frequency and frame rate are recommended. In anesthetized birds, the use of alcohol should be limited to prevent hypothermia. The ventromedian approach consists of placing the probe caudal to the keel and imaging the heart cranially, using the liver as an acoustic window to avoid air sacs laterally and the keel ventrally. This is the most commonly used approach in psittacine and raptorial birds. It can be performed on a conscious, sedated, or anesthetized bird. Birds should be preferentially fasted to limit interference with the gastrointestinal tract. Simultaneous ECG can be performed to better interpret images in relation to the cardiac cycle but is not essential. Only two views can classically be obtained through this approach: the horizontal four-chamber view and the vertical two-chamber view by rotating the probe by 90 degrees (Figure 4-39). All views are longitudinal (long axis); cardiac transverse views (short axis) and M-mode echocardiography have better temporal resolution but cannot be performed in birds by the transcoelomic approach. This precludes the establishment of the same echocardiographic standards in birds as in small












FIGURE 4-39  Left, Horizontal four-chamber view and (right)

vertical two-chamber view in birds as classically obtained through the ventromedian approach. Ao, Aorta; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.


animal cardiology.483 Therefore, the amount of information gathered from transcoelomic echocardiographic examinations is much more limited in birds, and all morphometric and functional measurements have to be performed on twodimensional images (B mode). Measurements of several cardiac cycles should be averaged to obtain representative values. Reference intervals have been published for ventricular and atrial dimensions and fractional shortening ([diastolesystole]/diastole %) in several avian species (Table 4-18).351,530,532 Transcoelomic echocardiography is also thought to underestimate the true fractional shortening of the highly efficient avian heart.533 Right ventricular measurements are also not routinely taken in mammals due to their complex threedimensional configuration.484 Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that taking echocardiographic measurements may not be clinically useful considering avian heart size, HR, current equipment resolution, and the fact that observers can add up to 30% variability.533 In dogs and cats, in most cases, a good impression of cardiac chamber size and function can be achieved without having made any quantitative measurements.485 Likewise, an adequate morphologic and functional assessment of the avian heart can be performed qualitatively during the echocardiographic examination. Nevertheless, pathologic changes seen in birds are usually severe when cardiac disease is present, with dramatic chamber dilation (commonly the right heart), pericardial effusion, ascites, and poor contractility, which do not require measurements for confirmation. If measurements are taken for follow-up, it is recommended that the same operator and equipment be used, and changes in measurements should be >20% to be considered genuine. Left ventricular measurements seem to be more reliable overall.533 Color Doppler echocardiography can be used for detection of turbulence and reflux, indicative of valvular insufficiency, with right AV insufficiency being most commonly imaged. Spectral Doppler echocardiography can be used to measure inflow and outflow velocities, and reference intervals have been published in a few species (Table 4-19).351,530,534,535 Fortunately, echocardiographic examinations are easier and more rewarding in birds with cardiac disease, because ascitic fluid, pericardial effusion, hepatomegaly, and cardiac enlargement greatly improve acoustic windows and facilitate the procedure. The parasternal approach consists of placing the probe laterally (typically on the right to avoid the ventriculus) behind the ribs and above the sternum and imaging the heart craniomedially.351,532 This can be performed on pigeons and some raptors and is the approach of choice in gallinaceous birds (especially younger chicken). In these birds, the limited caudal extension of the ribs and the larger fenestration of the keel allow a lateral approach to the heart. Typically, more imaging planes can be obtained and transverse views have been described in pigeons and chickens.532,537 A transesophageal echocardiographic protocol has been implemented in several species of birds in an attempt to alleviate the limitations associated with the transcoelomic approach. With this technique, a transesophageal ultrasonographic probe is inserted into the upper digestive system with the bird under general anesthesia, and the heart is imaged from inside the proventriculus.538 Better resolution imaging and better details of cardiac structures are typically obtained, with three positions of the probe (cranial, middle, caudal) giving five



TABLE 4-18 

Echocardiographic Reference Intervals* in Selected Avian Species Obtained in the Horizontal Four-Chamber View Parameter N Left ventricle   Systole length   Systole width   Diastole length   Diastole width   FS (%) Right ventricle   Systole length   Systole width   Diastole length   Diastole width   FS (%) Aorta Systole diameter Diastole diameter

African Grey Parrots

Amazon Parrots


Diurnal Raptors†

Pigeons (Parasternal)






18.4-26 4.8-8.8 20.2-27.8 6.6-10.6 13.8-31.4

16.5-25.7 4.3-9.1 17.7-26.5 6.4-10.4 14.4-31.2

16.4-21.6 3.0-9.8 16.7-23.1 5.3-11.3 11.6-39.6

9.1-20.3 4.1-8.5 11.0-21.8 5.3-10.1

15.9-19.9 4.4-6.0 17.3-22.9 6.2-8.6

6.4-12.0 1.0-4.6 7.7-15.3 2.6-7.0 17.0-64.6

5.8-13.0 1.7-4.5 7.7-12.9 2.6-7.8 26.7-41.5

7.9-12.7 7.9-12.7 6.7-15.9 2.5-4.5 12.7-53.9

7.3-18.1 0.9-3.3 8.9-18.9 0.9-4.1

8.3-11.5 3.0-5.0

2.8-4.4 2.8-5.2

2.0-4.0 2.2-4.6



Adapted from References 351, 531, 537. *Reference intervals measured in mm. Echocardiographic measurements may not be reliable or clinically useful. To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is. † European diurnal raptors included common buzzard, European sparrowhawk, northern goshawk, and black kite. FS, Fractional shortening; N, sample size.

TABLE 4-19 

Spectral Doppler Echocardiographic Reference Intervals* in Selected Avian Species Obtained in the Horizontal Four-Chamber View351,530,534-536 Species Amazon parrots Cockatoos African grey parrots Macaws Harris’ hawks Falcons Common buzzard Barn owls


Left Diastolic Inflow

Right Diastolic Inflow

Aortic Systolic Outflow


10 15 10 10

0.12-0.24 0.02-0.62 0.27-0.51 0.40-0.68 0.13-0.25 0.18-0.38 0.16-0.28 0.14-0.26

0.67-0.99 0.40-1.16 0.63-1.15 0.55-1.07 0.75-1.43 1.07-1.43 1.04-1.68 0.84-1.32

0.15-0.27 0.17-0.37 0.13-0.25 0.10-0.34

*Reference intervals measured in m/sec. Parrots were anesthetized; raptors were awake. To obtain a 95% reference interval, all published results in the form of mean ± SD were reported as mean ± 2SD and in the form of mean ± SEM were reported as mean ± 2SEM√n. When only the range or a 95% reference interval was published, result was reported as is. N, Sample size.

consistent echocardiographic views. Furthermore, transverse views and M-mode imaging are possible through the transesophageal approach. However, the equipment is expensive and not widely available, the bird must be anesthetized, and the procedure cannot be performed in small psittacine birds because of a narrow entrance to the thoracic inlet.538 This procedure has been used to diagnose and monitor a case of DCM in a Harris’ hawk at one of the author’s (Beaufrere) institutions (Figure 4-40).


Since flow-limiting stenosis is the main mechanism leading to clinical signs in psittacine birds, angiography could be useful

to assess arterial luminal narrowing. Angiography can be obtained using either fluoroscopy or CT. The circulation of intravenous contrast agents in birds is extremely fast, and image acquisition should be performed during injection or shortly after. The use of angiography in birds has recently been reviewed.529 Fluoroscopic angiography can visualize the heart and vascular tree in real time. Under general anesthesia, the bird is initially positioned in left lateral recumbency on a fluoroscopy table. A bolus of nonionic iodinated contrast agent (2 mL/ kg IV; iohexol 240 mg/mL; Omnipaque, GE Healthcare Inc., Princeton, NJ) is injected at a rate of 1 to 2 mL/kg/s through a catheter inserted into the basilic or medial

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


FIGURE 4-40  Transesophageal echocardiography in a Harris’ hawk with congestive heart failure. Middle probe position, transverse view at the level of the AV valves. Note the chamber dilations. Arrow, Right muscular AV valve; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

metatarsal vein during video acquisition at a rate of 30 frames/s for the best resolution. The same bolus is repeated to obtain the ventrodorsal view with the bird placed in dorsal recumbency. The brachiocephalic trunks, aorta, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and caudal vena cava can be seen. The brachiocephalic trunks and aorta can be seen pulsating with the heartbeats. Marked lumen changes can be observed during the cardiac cycle. The procedure is easy and inexpensive and can be recorded for further analysis and measurements. For measurement, to account for different degrees of magnification, a calibrated marker should be kept in the field during fluoroscopic acquisition, although fluoroscopic angiography is likely more useful for qualitative assessment and investigation of aneurysm and stenosis. In interventional radiology, digital subtraction angiography is a fluoroscopic technique used to clearly visualize blood vessels in a dense soft tissue or bone environment. Images are produced by subtracting a precontrast image from later images once the contrast medium has been introduced into the vascular system, which results in visualizing only the contrast-filled vessels without the background. It considerably increases the outlines of the arteries and the detection of smaller arteries not seen with conventional angiography, specifically for extremities, such as legs, wings, and the head, but images tend to be easily degraded by small motions and noise. A preliminary, nonenhanced fluoroscopic image is recorded before administering a bolus of contrast medium and is digitally subtracted during the angiography procedure. The same bolus technique and a similar dose of contrast medium as used for regular fluoroscopic angiography are used for digital subtraction angiography, except that this option is selected in the machine. A CT examination provides an excellent assessment of all major arteries and their anatomy in psittacine and raptorial birds.539,540 The addition of contrast media greatly enhances the visualization of the arteries and veins and their lumens. A CT angiography (CTA) protocol has been standardized and

FIGURE 4-41  Computed tomography after injection of con-

trast in a Harris’ hawk with congestive heart failure, bone window. Cross section cranially at the level of the heart. Due to impaired systolic function, incomplete mixing of the contrast agent in the systemic circulation is seen. RA, Right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

published for parrots as well as for reference intervals for arterial diameter measurements.540 As the circulation of contrast is fast in birds and to capture the CT images at the time of greatest intra-arterial contrast concentrations (enhancement peak), it is recommended to start the CTA scanning immediately after administration of contrast. Alternatively, in order to determine the exact time to contrast enhancement peak, a preliminary axial CT scan may be performed.540 Reports of angiography applications are still limited in birds. A coronary aneurysm was diagnosed with angiography in an umbrella cockatoo.330 Angiocardiography has also been used clinically in a racing pigeon, two blue and gold macaws (Ara ararauna), and a whooper swan.106,329

Advanced Imaging

Computed tomography and MRI are seldom used to image the avian heart, as scans cannot be gated to the fast cardiac cycle in birds to reduce motion artifacts and improve the diagnostic value. However, CT can be used to image the arteries and can readily diagnose cardiomegaly, venous congestion, edema, and arterial calcification associated with advanced atherosclerosis (Figures 4-41 and 4-42). Likewise, cerebral complications such as ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes can be diagnosed using CT or MRI, but concurrent atherosclerosis cannot be detected when calcification of the lesions is not severe enough.401,402,409 MRI was not found to be of good diagnostic value for the cardiovascular system in pigeons because of the fast circulation of contrast media (gadolinium).541


Coelioscopy allows direct visualization of the heart and major arteries through the standard lateral approaches with the endoscope located in the cranial thoracic air sacs, the



FIGURE 4-42  Computed tomography showing advanced

aortic calcification of the ascending aorta in a female African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus). Mediastinal window. (Courtesy of Drs. Yvonne van Zeeland and Nico Schoemaker, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.)

interclavicular approach with the endoscope located in the interclavicular air sac, and the ventral midline approach with the endoscope located in the ventral hepatoperitoneal cavities.529,542 Endoscopy can only detect gross, color, and structural changes to the cardiovascular system such as cardiomegaly, pericardial effusion, pericardial exudate, arterial discoloration, and the presence of granulomas in the area. Pericardial biopsy and pericardiocentesis can be performed via endoscopy. The midline approach is recommended for pericardiocentesis so no fluid leaks into the air sacs. An endoscopic needle is used with its sheath and should only protrude by 1 to 2 mm to prevent puncturing the heart during the procedure. Pericardial fluids should be analzyed cytologically and submitted for cultures.

TREATMENTS General Therapeutics of Cardiovascular Diseases Medical treatment is the cornerstone of cardiac disease management and is directed toward the heart, vessels, and volume regulation. The overall treatment goal is to improve quality if life and increase survival time. Since congestive heart failure is not a diagnosis, the correct treatment will also depend on the accurate determination of the cause of heart failure. There is a scarcity of pharmacologic information on cardiovascular agents for zoological companion animals. Diuretics are used to reduce fluid overload, edema, and effusion. Furosemide, a loop diuretic, is the most commonly used diuretic and inhibits sodium, potassium, and chloride cotransporters in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle in mammals. Furosemide also produces diuresis in vertebrate species lacking looped nephrons (see reptile and fish subsections), suggesting a different mechanism in these species. Furosemide should not be used alone long term as it further activates the RAAS.543 Electrolytes and renal parameters (e.g.,

BUN, creatinine, and uric acid in some species) should be monitored when using furosemide long term, and hypokalemia is a commonly reported side effect. Cardiac tamponade is a contraindication for the use of furosemide because it decreases cardiac preload, which is necessary in this disease to support ventricular filling and maintain cardiac output. Finally, it should be used with caution in patients with renal disease. Spironolactone is an aldosterone antagonist and classified as a potassium-sparing diuretic. It is also thought to prevent or decrease myocardial fibrosis. It may be used conjointly with furosemide to offset the loss of potassium. However, the real clinical efficacy of spironolactone as a diuretic is uncertain. Therefore, it should not be used as the sole diuretic in animals with pulmonary edema.543 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors block the formation of angiotensin II. They promote venous and arterial vasodilation and limit aldosterone production. As a result, they decrease preload and afterload, with a risk of hypotension and hyperkalemia.544 ACE inhibitors are rarely used alone but rather are combined with diuretics and positive inotropes. Enalapril and benazepril are the most commonly used ACE inhibitors because of their longer half-life. Positive inotropes are used to enhance cardiac contractility. Disadvantages include an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption and arrhythmias (except [potentially] for pimobendan). They are contraindicated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and aortic and pulmonic stenosis. Digoxin, a digitalis glycoside, enhances contractility by directly inhibiting the Na/K ATPase pump, which results in intracellular calcium accumulation through the activation of the Na/Ca exchanger.545 Beside being a weak positive inotrope, it is also a negative chronotrope and positive lusitrope. However, the use of digoxin is becoming more controversial in small animal and human cardiology because of its failure to reduce overall mortality and its gastrointestinal and proarrhythmic side effects. Recommended therapeutic levels for digoxin are 0.8 to 1.2 ng/ mL.545 Pimobendan is a positive inotrope and arterial vasodilator (inodilator), with its action due to calcium sensitization of myofibrils and phosphodiesterase III inhibition.545 Pimobendan is commonly used in small animal cardiology and has been shown to increase both survival time and quality of life in canine DCM and in dogs with decompensated mitral valve disease.546 There have been more clinical trials with pimobendan than with any other drug in veterinary cardiology. Dobutamine is a potent positive inotrope that exerts its activity by selective β1 adrenergic activity. Since it is short lived, it is used as a constant rate infusion in refractory cases with severe systolic dysfunction and cardiogenic shock. Beta-blockers (e.g., carvedilol, atenolol, propranolol) and calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem) are negative inotropes. They are mainly used in the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Side effects include bradycardia and hypotension.547 The initial treatment of patients with congestive heart failure and severe clinical signs should be aimed at achieving a marked reduction in volemia through the use of diuretics and, on occasion, vasodilators (to trap blood in the venous system, which already contains 70% of total blood volume). Furosemide is the main diuretic for this indication. Oxygen supplementation should be instituted for dyspneic animals, especially if pulmonary edema is present. Injectable inotropes

and vasodilators may be indicated in anorexic patients. Administration of intravenous fluids is not indicated in the treatment of congestive heart failure, where the goal is to reduce fluid overload. Acute treatment of congestive heart failure always leads to some degree of dehydration and prerenal azotemia. These abnormalities usually resolve over a few days once the animal resumes normal appetite and water intake. In rare cases of persistent severe azotemia and clinical hypokalemia, small volumes of intravenous fluids can be administered. Fluid accumulation in the thoracic, abdominal, or coelomic cavity should be manually drained by centesis. Long-term management of congestive heart failure is based on the daily administration of furosemide. Once the animal is free of signs of congestion, the dose of diuretics can be tapered to the lowest effective dose. Clinical trials conducted in dogs have shown that the addition of ACE inhibitors to the treatment regimen improves survival. There is also evidence that pimobendan is beneficial to animals already receiving furosemide and an ACE inhibitor.548 In refractory cases, diuretics may be combined to further decrease the circulatory volume. Data collected from human clinical trials suggest that ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers are the only two types of medications that prevent the progression of cardiac pump dysfunction and prolong survival.113 This is likely because overstimulation of the adrenergic and RAAS pathways is central in the pathogenesis and progression of congestive heart failure.113 Finally, moderate dietary sodium restriction is usually recommended.

Invertebrates Treatments of hemolymph loss in arthropods consist of cleaning and sealing the oozing wound with medical cyanoacrylate glue and replacing fluid loss. Several layers of glue may be needed. In spiders, fluid can be given by placing the ventral prosoma in very shallow water or injecting replacement fluids directly into the pericardial sinus/cardiac cavity dorsally through the opisthosoma using a tuberculin syringe.20 Overall, hemolymph composition and osmolality vary greatly (200 to 900 mOsm/L) in arthropods, and general recommendations for the type of fluid therapy cannot be given.549,550 However, normal saline (0.9%) appears to be effective in tarantulas and use of a “spider Ringer’s lactate” formula has been published.20,551 A volume corresponding to 4% to 6% of body weight can be safely administered in spiders. Transfusion of hemolymph from a donor spider may also be performed552 and may be considered safe in the absence of adaptive immunity in arthropods. Invertebrate hearts respond to cholinergic and cathecholamine compounds, but these drugs are unlikely to be necessary in clinical cases.

Fish If an antemortem diagnosis can be obtained, treatments are primarily aimed at the cause, which is often infectious in nature. Recommended therapeutics for bacterial diseases can be found in the treatment section, fish subsection of the respiratory chapter. Abdominocentesis to relieve abdominal distension is not efficient in fish, as fluid often reaccumulates quickly. Despite the lack of a loop of Henle in piscine nephrons, furosemide has been found to induce diuresis in fish species.553

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


Amphibians Treatments for amphibian cardiovascular diseases are aimed at addressing the cause, and no specific treatments have been reported in amphibians other than physiological experiments. Treatments of infectious and cutaneous diseases are considered elsewhere in this book. In addition, fluid therapy is typically managed through altering the composition and osmolality of the fluid in which the amphibian patient is housed (see Chapter 2: Integumentary System, and Chapter 11: Urinary System).

Reptiles Very little information is available regarding treatment options for cardiac diseases in reptiles, and pharmacokinetic information is unavailable for cardiovascular drugs. Furthermore, reptiles’ unique anatomy and physiology makes extrapolation from small animal practice inappropriate. Furosemide is theoretically ineffective in reptiles because they have loopless nephrons, similar to fish and amphibians. However, administration of furosemide was found to have diuretic effects in chelonians and ophidians.554–557 One reported treatment involved a carpet python (Morelia spilota variegata) that was diagnosed with congestive heart failure causing pulmonary edema and pericardial effusion secondary to AV insufficiency.165 The authors administered furosemide (5 mg/kg); however, the snake failed to respond to treatment. A spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) with atrial dilatation and pericardial effusion was administered furosemide twice in 3-week intervals at a dose of 5.2 mg/kg. The peripheral edema resolved within 12 hours after each injection.168 Whether or not other diuretic classes (spirolactone, thiazides) are effective in these species remains unknown. The use of atropine and glycopyrrolate to counter the negative chronotropic effects of vagal stimulation of the heart has been unsuccessful in the green iguana.558 As reptile medicine continues to evolve, it is hoped that the diagnosis of cardiac diseases will increase and that this will be mirrored by an increase in treatment options.

Mammals Overall, congestive heart failure in exotic mammals carries a poor long-term prognosis. A review of 13 published clinical cases of congestive heart failure in companion exotic mammals with various conditions and under various treatments showed a median survival time of 21 days, with a maximum survival of 1 year (Table 4-20). There is a paucity of pharmacologic information in these pet species, and no clinical trials could be found. Experimental use of cardiovascular drugs has been performed in laboratory animal models, but the translation of these findings to spontaneous disease in pet animals may be challenging. In the absence of species-specific clinical data, the same approach used for dogs and cats should be followed, as basic therapeutic principles still apply (see section entitled "General Therapeutics of Cardiovascular Diseases"). Recommended drug dosages in exotic mammals are listed in Table 4-21. Serum drug levels and electrolytes should be monitored in cases where digoxin is used. However, the use of digoxin is falling out of favor, and pimobendan is now considered the inotropic drug of choice for chronic treatment of systolic



TABLE 4-20 

Survival Time in Companion Exotic Mammals after Diagnosis of Selected Cases of Spontaneous Congestive Heart Failure with Noninfectious Causes Species




Survival Time




7 mo





3 wk



DCM Cryptococcosis DCM


1 d


12 mo



Ventricular septal defect Valvular disease


At least 5 mo





6 wk



Valvular disease


7 mo


Rabbit Rabbit

HCM DCM Valvular disease Cardiomyopathy DCM

Bilateral Right

Furosemide Digoxin Furosemide Digoxin Furosemide Digoxin Furosemide Digoxine Taurine Furosemide Benazepril Pimobendan Thoracentesis Furosemide Enalapril Pimobendan Spironolactone Furosemide Enalapril Pimobendan Thoracocentesis Furosemide

1 d Few days

234 234

3d At least 8 wk

559 227

DCM Atrial thrombosis DCM


Furosemide Furosemide Enalapril Furosemide Pimobendan Furosemide Pimobendan

3 wk


2.5 wk



Rabbit Guinea pig Syrian hamster Syrian hamster


Right Bilateral



CHF, Congestive heart failure; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

dysfunction. In a review of four cardiology cases in which treatment with pimobendan was reported, poor survival time was noted except for one rabbit that lived for 7 months.233 In this rabbit, marked clinical improvement was observed once pimobendan was added to the patient’s therapeutic regimen. In hamsters with cardiomyopathy, pimobendan significantly increased survival time in comparison to control animals.560 Pimobendan dosages reported in rodents are usually much higher than in dogs and cats. A safety trial on the use of pimobendan in ferrets at doses of up to 1.5 mg/kg q12 h for 8 weeks did not report any side effects.561 Rats treated with enalapril in an experimental congestive heart failure model had a 95% higher median survival time than controls.562 Rabbits have plasma atropinase that may interfere with atropine administration. As in domestic carnivores, pleural and pericardial effusion should be tapped to relieved dyspnea and cardiac tamponade. Preventive treatments for heartworm in ferrets in endemic areas consist of administering monthly macrocyclic lactones (see Table 4-21). The recommended adulticide treatment for ferret dirofilariasis is ivermectin, 0.05 mg/kg SC monthly.98 Steroids may be added in cases of respiratory signs, and

doxycycline may be used to eliminate Wolbachia bacteria and decrease inflammation. In addition, heartworm extraction has been documented in a young ferret.563

Birds Once cardiovascular diseases are diagnosed in birds, the longterm prognosis is poor, even with treatment. For instance, a review of 15 published clinical cases of congestive heart failure in birds using various treatments showed a median survival time of 30 days (Table 4-22). The variety of therapeutic treatments, causative conditions, outcomes, and species hampers the formation of any conclusion regarding the association between therapeutic protocols and survival time. In small animals, long-term prognosis for congestive heart failure is also fair to poor, with, for instance, in dogs, median survival times of 27 to 133 days for DCM and 588 days for preclinical mitral valve disease.579-581 The shorter survival time in birds may be associated with the paucity of pharmacologic information on cardiac drugs, poor standardization of treatment protocols, greater cardiac efficiency and metabolism, late diagnosis, and challenges of chronically medicating birds.

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


TABLE 4-21 

Doses of Selected Cardiac Therapeutic Agents in Small Mammals Drug



Diuretics Furosemide Spironolactone

All All

1-4 mg/kg PO, SC, IM, IV q8-12 h 1-2 mg/kg q12 h


98,257,466,482 98,466

All Rabbit

0.005-0.01 mg/kg PO q12-24 h 0.07 mg/kg PO (Cmax: 5.6-6.0 ng/mL; HL: 20 h)

466,482 564 565 566

Dobutamine Dopamine

Guinea pigs Rat All Rabbit Hamster Mouse All All

0.02 mg/kg PO (Cmax: 2.02-2.26 ng/mL; HL: 9.4-11.5 h) 0.125 mg/kg IV (concentrations: 0-20 ng/mL; HL: 1.5 h) 1 mg/kg IV (concentrations: 5-32 ng/mL; HL: 2.5 h) 0.2-0.5 mg/kg PO q12 h 0.1-0.3 mg/kg PO 2.8 mg/kg/d PO 100 mg/kg q24 h for 30 d (troponin KO mice) 5-15 µg/kg/min (CRI) 5-15 µg/kg/min (CRI)


567 98,233 568 560 569 570 570

Negative inotropes Atenolol Diltiazem

All All

3-6.25 mg/kg PO q24 h 1.5-7.5 mg/kg PO q12 h


466 466

All Rat


98,466,482 571 562 572

Positive inotropes Digoxin*


Vasodilators Enalapril





0.25-0.5 mg/kg PO q24-48 h 10 mg/kg PO q24 h 17-25 mg/L drinking water 0.3-10 mg/kg PO q24 h

Parasympatholytics Atropine Glycopyrrolate

All All

0.02-0.04 mg/kg SC, IM 0.01-0.02 mg/kg SC, IM


466 466

Antiarrhythmics Lidocaine


1-2 mg/kg IV



Antidirofilaria Ivermectin


Selamectin Moxidectin Moxidectin/imidacloprid

Ferret Ferret Ferret

0.05-0.2 mg/kg PO, SC q1 mo larvicide 0.05 mg/kg PO, SC q1 mo adulticide 6-18 mg/kg spot-on q1 mo larvicide 0.17-2.0 mg SC once adulticide 1%/10% spot-on 0.4 mL/q1 mo larvicide


573–575 98 576 577 578

Cmax, Maximum concentration achieved in a pharmacokinetic study; EU, empirical use; HL, half-life; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; KO, knockout; PD, pharmacodynamics study; PK, pharmacokinetic study; PO, by mouth; SC, subcutaneously. *Therapeutic levels are 0.8-1.2 ng/mL.

Few pharmacokinetic studies have been performed in birds on cardiovascular therapeutic agents, and no clinical trials have been conducted. This emphasizes the need for therapeutic drug monitoring when treating the individual avian patient whenever possible. Several commercial laboratories offer plasma drug measurements such as for digoxin or carvedilol. Recommended drug dosages in birds are listed in Table 4-23. In a study of chickens, urine output was measured after administration of several diuretics, namely, furosemide, spironolactone, hydrochlorothiazide, and urotropin.583 Furosemide was found to have the greatest diuretic effect, especially when given parenterally. Other diuretics did not have a greater effect than controls at the dosage used. Loriidae have been reported to be extremely susceptible to furosemide; therefore, doses used in these species should be much lower.589 Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic that had good efficiency and

rapid onset of action in birds despite the presence of only 10% to 30% of looped nephrons in the avian kidney.590 Among ACE inhibitors, enalapril is the most commonly used in birds. Empirical evidence suggest than enalapril is safe and effective in companion psittacine birds.587 For birds, several pharmacokinetic studies on digoxin have been published, and digoxin was used in several cases in which plasma levels were monitored (see Table 4-23).300,302,304 Only two psittacine cases reported using pimobendan (0.25 to 0.6 mg/kg q12 h in triple therapy), and the results were mixed.320,582 However, the required pimobendan dose appears to be much higher in parrots, and this may partly explain the poor clinical effect.586 In Amazon parrots, dopamine and dobutamine significantly increased the blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner.340 Side effects included arrhythmias and tachycardia.



TABLE 4-22 

Survival Time in Birds after Diagnosis of Selected Cases of Congestive Heart Failure with Noninfectious Causes Species




Survival Time


African grey parrot

Atherosclerosis Cor pulmonale


35 d


African grey parrot

Valve regurgitations Hyperechoic aorta


30 d


Indian ringneck parakeet


10 mo


Amazon parrot

Myxomatous degeneration of left AV valve Right AV valve insufficiency

8 d


Amazon parrot

Right AV valve insufficiency


27 mo


Blue and gold macaw Grey-cheeked parakeet Umbrella cockatoo

Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Coronary aneurysm Myxomatous degeneration of left AV valve Pericardial effusion Pericarditis   Myocarditis Left AV valve insufficiency Dilated cardiomyopathy Left AV valve insufficiency

Right Right Right

Furosemide Spironolactone Benazepril Pimobendan Coelomocentesis Pimobendan Furosemide Imidapril Furosemide Digoxin Furosemide Digoxin Enalapril Furosemide Furosemide Supportive Supportive

70 d 3 d Euthanized at diagnosis

329 328 330



1 d



11 mo


49 d Euthanized at diagnosis 10 mo

302 312 304

Coronary calcification Cause not determined Congenital mitral stenosis Subvalvular aortic stenosis


Pericardiocentesis Enalapril Furosemide Digoxin Furosemide Furosemide Digoxin Abdominocentesis

12 d


Supportive Furosemide Coelomocentesis

29 d


Umbrella cockatoo Fischer lovebird

Pukeko Red-tailed hawk Mynah Mynah Duck


Bilateral Right Bilateral


AV, Atrioventricular; CHF, congestive heart failure.

Coelomocentesis is indicated to relieve respiratory signs due to air-sac compression and is an effective means of decreasing volume overload. It can be performed on a regular basis for chronic treatment of right-sided heart failure in birds. Pericardiocentesis (guided by endoscopy or ultrasound) is indicated in severe pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade.106,317 Slow aspiration is essential. A permanent surgical window or partial pericardectomy by endoscopy can be performed if necessary.106 For the management of atherosclerotic diseases, lifestyle changes that could be implemented include increasing the physical activity of captive parrots by providing more opportunities for locomotion and foraging behaviors and decreasing the stress level in their captive environment. Parrots eat a cholesterol-free diet, as cholesterol is an animal compound for which ergosterol is the vegetal equivalent. Therefore, animal products in the diet should be limited to the strict minimum since they are a source of cholesterol and saturated fat. A well-balanced plant-based diet is primordial. Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids such as α-linolenic acid

that can be found in flaxseed oil has been shown to be beneficial in improving lipid metabolism, minimizing inflammation, and minimizing atherosclerosis in several avian species.375,388,400 Limiting dietary excess and obesity in captive birds also seems to be a reasonable strategy, but species-specific dietary needs should be considered. Statins are employed in parrots, but their use is controversial because no pharmacologic information is available, and target levels of blood cholesterol and LDL that would reduce atherosclerosis risks are unknown in psittacine birds.591,592 Clinical signs of peripheral arterial disease have been treated with pentoxifylline or isoxsuprine in Amazon parrots.385,403 Despite the lack of evidence for efficacy in humans, isoxsuprine relieved signs of hind limb weakness in Amazon parrots, but atherosclerotic disease was not confirmed.403,593 Likewise, the use of antihypertensive medications such as ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers to treat avian hypertension is not yet applicable in birds when there is no accurate and repeatable means of measuring the arterial blood pressure in clinical cases for diagnosis and follow-up.508,511,516

CHAPTER 4   •  Cardiovascular System


TABLE 4-23 

Doses of Selected Cardiac Therapeutic Agents in Birds Drug





Parrots, raptors Chickens Chickens Parrots

0.15-2 mg/kg PO, IM q12-24 h 5 mg/kg PO 2.5 mg/kg IM 1 mg/kg PO 1 mg/kg PO q12 h


351 583 583 583 320

Dobutamine Dopamine

Budgerigars Sparrows Quaker parrots Amazon parrots Harris’ hawk Parrots Amazon parrots Amazon parrots

0.02 mg/kg PO q24 h 0.02 mg/kg PO q24 h 0.05 mg/kg PO q24 h 10 mg/kg PO q12 h 0.25 mg/kg PO q12 h 0.25 mg/kg PO q12 h 5-15 µg/kg/min (CRI) 5-10 µg/kg/min (CRI)


584 584 585 586 586 320,333,582 340 340

Negative inotropes Propranolol Atenolol Diltiazem

Most species Most species Most species

0.2 mg/kg IM, 0.04 mg/kg IV 5-10 mg/kg PO q12-24 h 1-2 mg/kg PO q8-24 h



Pigeons Amazons Parrots Parrots

1.25 mg/kg PO q8-12 h 1.25 mg/kg PO q8-12 h 2.5-5 mg/kg PO q12 h 0.5 mg/kg PO q24 h


Parasympatholytics Atropine Glycopyrrolate

Most species Most species

0.01-0.02 mg/kg IM 0.01-0.02 mg/kg IM


Antiarrhythmics Lidocaine Mexiletine Proprantheline

Amazon parrot Parrots Parrots

2.5 mg/kg IV 4-8 mg/kg PO q12-24 h 0.1-0.3 mg/kg PO q8 h


Diuretics Furosemide

Spironolactone Positive inotropes Digoxin


Vasodilators Enalapril

587 587 317,341 320

588 333

CRI, Constant rate infusion; EU, empirical use; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; PD, pharmacodynamics study; PK, pharmacokinetic study; PO, by mouth.

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C H A P T E R 


Gastrointestinal System Kenneth R. Welle, DVM, DABVP (Avian) INTRODUCTION The digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) system is one of the primary interfaces an organism has with the environment. The GI tract provides a means for collection of energy, fluids, and other nutrients, while eliminating unnecessary or harmful components. Due to the adaptations for absorbing these nutrients, this body system can also be an entryway for pathogens, toxins, and other diseases. Gastrointestinal disorders are common occurrences in veterinary practice for this reason. A strong knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the GI tract is critical to clinical veterinary medicine.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY The digestive system functions in the collection and digestion of food items from the environment. In all but the most primitive of invertebrates, the GI tract is a modified tube. The modifications are dependent on the methods used by the animal to prehend and digest food. To assist in digestion, there are glandular structures both within the digestive tract (gastric and intestinal glands) or connected to it via ducts (e.g., liver, pancreas). A result of the close interface with the environment, the immune system has numerous connections into the GI tract, such as tonsils, Peyer’s patches, and GI-associated lymphatic tissue (GALT). There are both commonalities and tremendous variation in the anatomic layout of the GI system. The wide variety of diets that animals eat and the habitats from which they obtain food has led to a number of adaptations in the GI system to allow for efficient extration of nutrients.

Invertebrates Invertebrates are an incredibly diverse group of animals. Many aquatic invertebrates are commonly sold through the pet trade. These range from simple corals to complex arthropods their digestive anatomy varies greatly among the groups. The most primative of invertebrates simply absorb nutrients from the aquatic medium in which they live. Others will have a mouth but not a “one way” digestive tract. The more complex species have a tubular system similar to vertebrates with an enormous variety of modifications.

Fish The piscine class is extremely large, consisting of an estimated 25,000 species. As such, there is tremendous variation in the

anatomy and physiology of the GI tract.1 The mouth has four basic positions in fish: inferior, subterminal, terminal, and superior, depending on their feeding biology.1 Barbels may be present in some species, and serve a sensory function. The presence and location of teeth are also variable.1 As water passes through the pharynx, food items are trapped by the gill rakers and swallowed. There is little or no processing of food in the mouth area. In most fishes, the mouth is devoid of distinct consolidated salivary glands, although considerable mucus is produced by the buccal glands.2 The esophagus is usually short, extremely distensible, has multiple folds, and in general, very muscular. In some fish species, the esophagus is lined with caudally directed papillae to help facilitate the passage of food. The swim bladder originates as an outpouching of the esophagus. In physostomous species, the connection to the esophagus is retained via the pneumatic duct.1,2 In other fish, the connection is functionally closed by a sphincter muscle at the pneumatic duct. Physoclistic species have no connection between the esophagus and the swim bladder in adulthood. While the swim bladder primarily functions for buoyancy, in various species of fish it may be involved with gas exchange, sound and pressure detection, or even sound production.1 Stomach anatomy in fish is highly variable, from being barely distinguishable from the esophagus to highly muscular. Some surgeonfish have a thick-walled gizzard-like stomach.1 Some fishes, approximately 10% to 15% of species including the goldfish and carp, do not have a defined stomach. In fish that do have a stomach, it can be straight, U shaped, or J shaped or have gastric diverticula that pouch off of U-shaped stomachs.1,2 In several species, a widely variable number of blind pouches, called pyloric cecae, project from the pyloric region of the stomach. These appear to function in food absorption.1 The intestines of fish also vary significantly between orders and species. As in other vertebrates, the carnivorous species have shorter GI tracts (as little as 20% of body length) while herbivorous species have longer tracts (up to 2000% of body length).1 The intestines may be a straight tube or loop into numerous coils. In most cases there is no distinction between the large and small intestines, although elasmobranchs do have enlarged spiral colons. The intestines may exit through an anus or into a cloaca that shares an exit with the urinary and reproductive tracts.1 The pancreas of fish may be separate (e.g., sharks, lung fishes, some catfishes), diffuse, or part of the liver creating a hepatopancreas.1,2 The pancreas has both endocrine and




exocrine functions. The liver usually does not have one distinct color between species and is large with an accompanying gallbladder.1 The liver can be very pigmented due to the presence of melanomacrophage centers and are occasionally considered to be an indication of inflammation. Conversely, some fish livers are very pale, almost white, especially in captiveraised fish.2

Amphibians All adult amphibians are carnivorous or insectivorous and have a relatively short and simple GI tract. The oral cavity of adult amphibians is large and wide with poorly developed lips.3 Some mastication occurs in the oral cavity, but prey are usually swallowed whole. Amphibia have pediceled teeth, with the crown attached to the pedicel (base) that attaches to the jaw. The teeth are shed and replaced throughout life. However bufid toads lack teeth while ranid frogs lack mandibular teeth.4 The tongues of most amphibians (caecilians with fixed tongues and pipid frogs with no tongues are the exceptions) extend well beyond (up to 80%) the mouth for prehension of food.3,4 Retraction of the eyes is required for swallowing.4 Larval Anurans (tadpoles) generally feed by filtering particles from the water, using the branchial sieve, mucus-covered filter plates in the pharynx, located just cranial to the gills.3 Tadpoles also feed on larger material in their environment by using a keratin beak on the margin of the mouth. In larval Anurans, food is transported through the esophagus by cilia rather than peristaltic movement.3 The stomach is a small dilation at the end of the esophagus and produces no enzymes, functioning primarily as a food storage site.3 The stomach in larval urodeles is similar to that found in adults. In adult amphibians, there is a strong sphincter between the oral cavity and the esophagus and between the esophagus and stomach.5 There is also a pyloric sphincter. Some Anurans Gallbladder Spleen

can evert their stomach and use their forelimbs to wipe ingesta from the mucosal surface, an adaptation allowing removal of toxic substances or indigestible material. Some frogs brood their tadpoles in their stomach.4 The rest of the GI tract is relatively short and follows typical vertebrate anatomic structure. The delineation between intestinal sections of amphibian species are not obvious although the GI tract does terminate at the cloaca. The liver and gallbladder have a close association and the pancreas is present in amphibian species. The liver does not have a significant influence in processing nitrogen for excretion in aquatic amphibians, as ammonia is freely defused into the surrounding environment through the skin and via excretion by the kidneys. In terrestrial amphibians, the liver converts ammonia to the less toxic, water-soluble nitrogenous compound urea. In a few terrestrial species, urea is converted to uric acid to conserve water. The amphibian liver serves as an important erythropoietic center, in addition to synthesis and metabolism of nitrogenous compounds, proteins, glucose, lipids, and iron.

Reptiles There are four main groups of reptiles: the Chelonia (e.g., turtles, tortoises, terrapins), crocodilians, squamates (e.g., lizards, snakes), and tuataras. There is tremendous variation in anatomy and physiology among the reptiles, so it is more difficult to make generalizations for this group. Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 show the general GI anatomic layout of snake, lizard, and chelonian, respectively. Reptiles have variable dentition. Agamid lizards and chameleons have acrodont teeth which attach to the crest of the maxillary and mandibular bones. Pleurodont teeth, found in iguanid lizards and snakes, have an eroded lingual side and are attached to a higher sided labial wall. Crocodilians have Pancreas

Mesovarium Small intestine

Esophagus Cloaca

Trachea Stomach


Right atrium


Colon Liver Lungs

FIGURE 5-1  Gross anatomy of a snake. Most snakes have the same basic anatomical

layout. The gastrointestinal system is relatively short, only slightly longer than the  length of the snake. (Redrawn from Mader DR, ed. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier: 2006.)

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


Thyroid Right atrium Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Colon Urinary bladder Cloaca

Ventricle Esophagus Lungs Stomach Small intestine Kidney Rectum

FIGURE 5-2  Gross anatomy of an iguana. Lizards vary some-

what more than snakes in their anatomy, but the basic components remain the same. (Redrawn from Mader DR, ed. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier: 2006.)

the codont teeth which are embedded in deep bony socket and have no periodontal membranes.6 Snakes have two rows of upper teeth (maxillary and pterygoid) and one row of lower teeth (mandibular). Generally, teeth are lost or resorbed and replaced throughout life (polyphyodonty). However, many acrodont reptiles will cease producing new teeth at some point and will use the remaining teeth and jaw margins thereafter. Chelonians lack teeth and are unable to chew. Similar to birds, chelonians have a horny beak with sharp edges. Most herbivorous species have a row of hard ridges on the palate to allow more precise prehension of food.7 Salivary glands primarily produce mucus which helps to lubricate food items. Venom glands are modified labial salivary glands, producing collagenases, phospholipases, and proteases. The injection of venom into prey is under voluntary control. Venomous snakes may have rear fangs (opithsoglyphous), fixed front fangs (proteroglyphous), or folding front fangs (solenoglyphous).8 The tongue of chameleons is used extensively for food prehension. The sticky tip can protrude over half of the body length to capture prey. Geckos use their tongues to clean their eyes.9 Snakes, varanids, and tegu lizards all have thin, forked, and mobile tongues which lies in a sheath below the glottis and can be extended through the lingual fossa with the mouth closed. The tongue functions in collecting chemical signals (olfaction and taste).8,9 The chelonian tongue is short and fleshy.7


In most reptiles, the esophagus is a non muscular, thinwalled, highly distensible anatomic structure. The skeletal musculature aids in passage of food.8 Reptile stomachs are simple and spindle shaped, and the transition from the esophagus is often indistinct.6 The snake stomach is indistinct, fusiform, and glandular.8 The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which prevents putrefaction, kills live prey, and helps digest food. Chitin is digested by insectivores by chitinolytic enzymes. Chitinase hydrolyzes chitin into chitobiose and chototriose. Chitobiose is degraded into acetylglucosamine through interaction with chitobiase.6 Fiber is digested by mibrobial fermentation which requires a large and complex digestive system. The cecum is prominent in herbivorous reptiles (e.g., tortoises) but absent in most snakes. In herbivores, the large intestine is very voluminous, but the cecum is not large. Transit time for ingesta may be 2 to 4 weeks to allow for maxim nutritional absorption.7 Only 3% of lizards are herbivores and these species depend on high environmental temperatures to facilitate bacterial fermentation of their food.9 The colon terminates at the cloaca. The cloaca is the final section of the GI, urinary, and reproductive tracts. The cloaca is comprised of a coprodeum, which receives the colon, the urodeum, where the ureters and genital ducts enter, and the proctodeum, which exits the cloacal orifice. The cloaca of reptiles has substantial activity in fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. In reptile species the majority of fluid reabsorption occurs within the cloaca rather than in the kidneys.10 The hemipenes of squamates lie in a sulcus caudal to the cloacal orifice. In chelonians and crocodilians, the single phallus lies in the proctodeum.6 The reptile liver is large and, in snakes, very elongated. There is no biliverdin reductase, therefore bilirubin is not produced. Alternatively, biliverdin, a very green pigment, is the end product. Liver function is similar to higher vertebrates. The pancreas may be associated with the stomach or duodenum or intermixed with the spleen, forming a splenopancreas (e.g., boids).10 The reptile pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions, as in mammals. The exocrine tissue secretes digestive enzymes including chitinase and amylolytic, proteolytic, and lipolytic enzymes. Amylolytic enzymes are produced in higher quantities by herbivorous reptile species than found carnivorous species.10

Birds With the varied niches that avian species occupy in nature, many different diets, methods of food prehension, and digestion occur. However, birds conserve anatomical similarity over the various orders more than any of the other vertebrate orders, and enough similarities exist that some generalizations can be made. Many of the commonly kept companion birds have similar digestive tracts (Figure 5-4). None of the existing species of birds have teeth. In most cases the beak is the organ used for food prehension, although the feet are also used extensively in raptors and psittacine birds to grab prey and food items. The structure of the beak varies with the function. Seedeaters generally have short, stout beaks while psittacine species have strong, hooked bills for both climbing and cracking the hard shell of nuts. Carnivores have narrower, hooked bills for tearing flesh and waterfowl have broad bills for straining their food from water. The





Esophagus Primary bronchus


Right atrium Stomach


Left kidney


Transverse colon



Large colon

Descending colon Urinary bladder


Small intestine

Ascending colon Vent

A Esophagus




Liver Gallbladder

Left atrium

Bile duct



Lung Transverse colon


Descending colon


Left kidney

Right kidney


Ascending colon




FIGURE 5-3  A,B, Gross anatomy of a tortoise. The liver is reflected cranially and the

bladder is removed. (Redrawn from Mader DR, ed. Reptile Medicine and Surgery. 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier: 2006.)

oral cavity has fewer variations, although psittacine birds are unusual in having a fleshy, sensitive tongue with intrinsic musculature that is used for manipulation of food and other objects.11 In lories and lorikeets, the tongue has erectile bristles for the collection of pollen and nectar. The lateral edges of ducks’ tongues have bristles for filtering food particles.12 Several other avian species have tongues modified for use when eating their specific diet. Most other birds have a flat, heavily keratinized tongue with no intrinsic musculature. The salivary glands produce small quantities of saliva for lubrication of food and have minimal digestive function.11 A few species have oral diverticula. In some (e.g., bustards), these

are used for display, while in others (e.g., nutcrackers), they carry food.11 The entire floor of the pelican mouth stretches for catching fish.11 The esophagus is similar to that of mammals, however it may be more distensible, and, in many species, it has an evagination called a crop, or ingluvies, at the coelomic inlet. The presence of the crop is variable. Psittaciformes, Columbiformes, Galliformes, and many Passeriformes possess a crop. Other passerines (canaries), owls, many wading birds, and some others do not have a distinct crop.11 In Columbiformes, the lining of the crop, under the influence of prolactin, produces a secretion of protein-rich material, called crop milk,

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System



Proventriculus Ventriculus Pancreas

Intestine Cloaca

FIGURE 5-4  Basic in situ anatomy of the psittacine digestive tract.

which is regurgitated to the offspring (squabs) as a primary food source. The stomach of birds is divided into the secretory portion (proventriculus) and a muscular portion (ventriculus or gizzard). Stomach size varies with species, often being quite large and sac-like in fish-eating birds such as penguins and herons11 where as other orders of birds have a more muscular stomach. Chemical digestion of ingesta begins in the proventriculus. As in the mammalian stomach, hydrochloric acid is produced in the proventriculus. A narrowed isthmus separates the proventriculus from the ventriculus and the mucosa from both these gastrointestinal organs are present and the ventriculus, or gizzard, is lined by the cuticle, a thick layer of koilin that is a tough, carbohydrate-protein material secreted by glands located within the ventricular mucosa.11 The koilin is composed of interconnecting vertical rods in a horizontal matrix. This substance protects the lining of the ventriculus while food is ground into fine particles. In hornbills, the cuticle is shed and regurgitated as a seed-filled sac that the male feeds to the female in the nest.11 The ventricular musculature varies depending on the bird’s diet, with the most developed musculature being found in granivorous species. In species that primarily eat liquid foods (e.g., nectar), the ventriculus is often not as muscular as in other birds. Release from the ventriculus is particle-size dependent, which explains the fact that foreign objects often settle here. Gastric reflux (egestion or casting) occurs in carnivores (Strigiformes and Falconiformes) to void indigestible portions of their diet from the ventriculus. Egestion or casting involves synchronized contractions of the proventriculus, ventriculus, and duodenum, usually about 12 hours post feeding. The pellet is expelled by antiperistaltic contractions of the esophagus. Owls have both bone and roughage in pellets, while Falconiformes tear up food and digest longer (due to the crop being present), therefore only roughage is present in these casts.12 The ventriculus empties into the duodenum, along with the liver and pancreas via the bile and pancreatic ducts at the level of the distal ascending duodenum.11 The jejunum and


ileum follow the duodenum. The presence of ceca is variable. Ceca are absent in psittacines and diurnal raptors, rudimentary in passerines and pigeons, and most developed in groundfeeding birds.12 Many companion birds do not possess ceca. In these birds, the colon is nearly indistinguishable from the small intestine. When ceca are present, they are paired and also vary in size. Ceca may function in water conservation along with aiding digestion of fibrous material. In the ostrich, the ceca are large and sacculated and appear to aid in digestion of fiber by bacterial fermentation. The colon empties into the coprodeum, the cranial-most portion of the cloaca. The cloaca is the common termius for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts. It consists of the coprodeum, the urodeum, and the proctodeum. The ureters and reproductive tracts (ductus deferens or oviduct) enter the urodeum. The proctodeum has a lymphatic bursa on the dorsal margin. In species that have a phallus, this anatomic structure lies on the ventral floor of the proctodeum. Droppings of birds consist of urine, urates (the insoluble portions of the urine), and feces. Feces, urine, and urates will be retained in the cloaca or retropulsed into the colon for further modification. Much of the water reabsorption from the urine occurs in the GI tract rather than in the kidneys. The pancreas lies in close association with the duodenum. The pancreas has both endocrine and exocrine functions, very similar to those in mammals. In granivorous birds, glucagon appears to be more important in the regulation of blood glucose than insulin. The normal avian liver is dark red and composed of a right and left lobe, with the right being slightly larger.13 The liver lobes may be subdivided in some species. Ventrally, the liver is in contact with the sternum and in most species does not extend past the caudal aspect of sternal margin.13 The presence of gallbladders varies with species and even between individuals of the same species. Psittacine birds, except the cockatoos, lack a gallbladder. The avian liver is physiologically similar to the mammalian liver. However, similar to reptiles, birds lack biliverdin reductase and cannot produce bilirubin. Therefore, avian feces are usually green in color. Failure of the liver to conjugate and excrete biliverdin into the intestine results in excess biliverdin excretion into the urine.

Mammals Mammalian digestive anatomy varies significantly, depending on the animal’s diet. The digestive anatomy of carnivorous and insectivorous species are often less complex than that of herbivorous animals. Ferrets, hedgehogs, and sugar gliders are the primary exotic pet species that fit this category. The digestive anatomy follows the basic model with which most veterinarians are familiar. Ferrets, in particular, have a very simple digestive tract. They have simple stomachs, no cecum, and little distinction between the large and small intestine. Their teeth are simple, brachydontic teeth, very much like dogs and cats. The dental formulae for common pet species are listed in Table 5-1. Herbivores require more specialized digestive anatomy. Rabbits and rodents have very specialized teeth. The incisors of all are aradicular (elodont) hypsodont, meaning there is no anatomical root and grow continuously throughout life. In rabbits and hystricomorph rodents, the cheek teeth are also aradicular and hypsodont, while in other rodents, the cheek



TABLE 5-1 

Dental Formulae for Various Mammal Species Species Sugar gliders Hedgehogs Ferrets Rabbits Hystricognathi Sciuridae Muridae





3/1 3/2 3/3 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

1/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

3/3 3/2 3/3 3/2 1/1 1-2/1 0/0

4/4 3/3 1/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3

teeth are radicular (anelodont) and brachydont, similar to carnivores and insectivores. Dietary fiber requires the assistance of bacterial fermentation for digestion. Therefore, many herbivores have modifications of their stomach or hindgut. Ruminants have four-chambered stomachs that represent the highest degree of specialization. Some primates, in particular those that primarily eat leaves, have modified forestomachs. Rabbits and rodents are herbivorous and omnivorous animals that are commonly maintained as pets. These species are monogastric, and generally are unable to vomit or release gas from the stomach predisposing these species to gastric bloat. Rabbits and hystricomorph rodents (e.g., guinea pigs, chinchillas, and degus) are hindgut fermenters. Part of the digestive process in these species involves coprophagy and with rabbits, distinct cecotrophs are formed and consumed. Cecotrophs provide volatile fatty acids (for energy), microbial proteins, B vitamins, sodium, potassium, and water.14

molar, and zygomatic.19 Although vomiting is uncommon in ferrets, they are anatomically capable of vomiting.19 The stomach is a simple, J-shaped organ capable of substantial distension. The small intestine is relatively short, being about 500% of the body length.20 There is no cecum and the large intestine is not distinguishable from the small intestine on gross examination. The large intestine is about 10 cm long and is comprised of 3 sections; ascending, transverse, and descending.19 The liver is large and consists of six lobes, the left lateral, quadrate, right medial, right lateral, and caudate. There is a gallbladder between the quadrate and right medial lobes. The cystic duct joins the right and central hepatic ducts to form the common bile duct.19 The V-shaped pancreas has a section along the duodenum and one adjacent to the stomach and spleen. Ducts from each lobe come together to form the common pancreatic duct, which joins the common bile duct and enters the duodenum approximately 3 cm caudal to the cranial duodenal flexure.19

Specific Features of Common Pet Mammal Species


Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are diprotodonts, which have only one pair of lower incisors that project rostrally. The dental formula is 2(I3/1 C1/0 P3/3 M4/4).15 The lower incisors, while they appear similar to rodent teeth, do not grow continually and should never be trimmed. The basic anatomic structure of the sugar glider digestive system follows that of a typical carnivore/ omnivore. Marsupials’ GI tract, like that in reptiles and birds, ends in a cloaca, a common exit for the urogenital and digestive tracts.16


Hedgehogs have anelodont brachydont teeth similar to carnivores. The dental formula is 2(I3/2 C1/1 P3/2 M3/3).17 The upper first incisors are widely separated, project rostrally, and are slightly larger than the next tooth, giving the appearance of canine teeth.18 The lower first incisors fit in the gap between the uppers when the mouth is closed. Otherwise, the digestive system is similar to other carnivores/insectivores. Hedgehogs do not have a cecum.


Ferrets have typical anelodont brachydont carnivore teeth. The dental formula is 2(I3/3 C1/1 P3/3 M1/2).19 There are five pairs of salivary glands: parotid, mandibular, sublingual,

Rabbits have a unique and complex digestive system with continuously growing teeth, simple stomach, large cecum, and a mechanism for sorting food particles by size. It is a two-pass system requiring cecotrophy. Rabbit dentition is adapted to an herbivorous diet. All rabbit teeth are aradicular hypsodont and grow continuously throughout life.21 The teeth have no true anatomical root, and are divided into the clinical crown and the reserve crown. The dental formula for rabbit teeth is 2(I2/1 C0/0 P3/2 M3/3).22 In contrast to rodents, rabbits have two sets of maxillary incisors, with the second tooth directly behind the first and diminished in size. This smaller incisor is referred to as the peg tooth and serves as a stop for the mandibular incisor. The incisors’ purpose is to cut pieces of food small enough for the rabbit to eat. There is no true anatomic distinction between the molars and premolars, so they are often referred to collectively as “cheek teeth.” During mastication, the jaw moves up to 120 times per minute in both vertical and horizontal directions.23 Rabbits eat small amounts of food about 30 times a day.23 Hunger is stimulated by a number of variables, including dry mouth, gastric contractions, or decreased blood levels of metabolites (e.g., glucose, amino acids, volatile fatty acids, lactic acid).23 The gastric pH in the rabbit varies from 1.0 to 3.0, with the low occurring after eating. This low pH essentially sterilizes ingesta. Before weaning, the gastric pH is higher (5.0 to 6.5),

which allows for the establishment of microbial flora within the large intestine.23 Before weaning, rabbit kits produce milk oil through a reaction with the doe’s milk. This oil is antimicrobial and helps prevent GI infections. Kits receiving milk replacer or milk from other species do not produce this fatty acid, therefore are predisposed to GI infections.23 The rabbit stomach is rarely void of ingesta, with hair, food, and fluid being found even after 24 hours without eating. Many nutrients, such as amino acids, lipids, monosaccharides, and electrolytes, are absorbed in the small intestine. However, the natural diet of the rabbit has very little of these nutrients in a form suitable for absorption. However, cecotrophs contain these nutrients in an easy-to-absorb form.23 Bicarbonate is secreted into the proximal small intestine and neutralizes gastric acid. Pancreatic amylase is not a important component of digestive physiology in the rabbit. The small intestine has significant immune function through extensive lymphoid aggregates called Peyer’s patches and the sacculus rotundus, primarily lymphoid tissue, located at the terminal ilium. The sacculus rotundus is unique to rabbits.23 The large intestine consists of three functional parts: cecum, proximal colon, and distal colon. The cecum is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity, having 10 times the capacity of the stomach. The rabbit cecum is thin walled, coiled, and ends in the vermiform appendix. The cecum is a long and voluminous structure consisting of three gyri, is heavily sacculated, occupies about one-third of the abdominal cavity and terminates in an appendix, which is similar to the human appendix.21 The appendix has both lymphoid and secretory functions.23 Microbial fermentation primarily takes part in the cecum. A wide variety of microorganisms are present in the cecum to assist in fermentation, including anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, protozoa, and a rabbitspecific yeast (Cyniclomyces guttulatus). Some nutrients are absorbed through the cecal wall, while others are expelled and reingested as cecotrophs.23 Cecotrophs are formed when material is expelled from the cecum, enveloped in mucus from the colon, and excreted by rapid peristaltic motility after which they are consumed directly from the anus. Cecotrophs are rich in amino acids, volatile fatty acids, vitamins, enzymes, and microorganisms. Fermentation continues within the cecotrophs for up to 8 hours until the stomach acid dissolves the mucous coating.23 Fiber is sorted into digestible fiber, which goes into the cecum, and indigestible fiber, which has a high lignin content and passes into the colon.21 The digestible fiber is fermented in the cecum by Bacteroides spp. and other microorganisms into volatile fatty acids, which are absorbed by the cecal wall and provide energy for the rabbit.21 The proximal colon is easily recognized by the presence of haustra (sacculations). This is the site where ingesta are separated into digestible and indigestible components. The smaller, digestible particles settle near the mucosa and are propelled back to the cecum by a series of contractions. The larger, indigestible particles stay in the center of the colon and will eventually form hard fecal pellets. While the indigestible particles contribute little nutritionally, they are essential for maintaining normal GI motility. At the junction of the proximal and distal colon is the fusus coli, a thickened ring of muscle with a dense blood and nerve supply, unique to lagomorphs. This structure acts as an intestinal “pacemaker,” controlling segmental,

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


peristaltic, and colonic motility, and is influenced by hormones such as aldosterone and prostaglandins.23 The distal colon is smaller in diameter and a simple tubular structure. Here, reabsorption of water and dissolved substances occurs prior to expulsion of the hard feces. Excretion of feces follows a circadian rhythm, with a hard-feces phase usually during feeding activity and a cecotroph phase during resting or nonfeeding periods.23 The large intestine has GALT, accounting for >50% of the total lymphoid tissue in the rabbit.23 Intestinal motility is under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, hormones, and fiber levels of the diet. Motilin, one of the hormones that enhances motility, is stimulated by fats but inhibited by carbohydrates.23


Rodents represent the largest order of mammals, accounting for 40% of all species and are occasionally classified into suborders by the structure of the jaw as either Sciurognathi (squirrel-like) or Hystricognathi (porcupine-like).24 There are numerous families in each of these suborders.24 Hystricognathi commonly kept as pets include guinea pigs, chinchillas, and degus. Sciurognathi commonly kept as pets include rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, and prairie dogs. As in rabbits, the incisors of all rodents are aradicular hypsodont teeth. With aradicular hypsodont teeth, the part of the tooth embedded in the bone is not a root because there is no anatomical distinction from the exposed crown. The term “reserve crown” is appropriate when referring to this area.25 The incisors have a chiseled edge caused by more rapid wear on the oral surface.25 In most rodents, the incisors have an orange coloration on their surface. This is lacking in guinea pigs. Hystricognathi are similar to rabbits in that the cheek teeth are also aradicular hypsodont teeth. Sciurognathi have cheek teeth that are anelodont brachydont teeth, with true roots that do not continuously grow.22 The Hystricognathi are more specialized for the consumption of fibrous, low-energy diets, while Sciurognathi are more adapted to a grain-based diet. However, within each group there is a degree of both convergence and divergence, with some Sciurognathi (e.g., prairie dogs), being adapted to a fibrous, low-energy diet. The Hystricognathi have greater need for appropriate use of the cheek teeth because of their continuous growth. Wear of the teeth is mainly accomplished by the abrasive nature of the natural diet, another component is the tooth-on-tooth grinding action.25 The gape of all rodents is very small, and both guinea pigs and chinchillas have a soft palate that is continuous with the base of the tongue. Food passes through the pharynx through the palatal ostium, a hole in the soft palate.26 Rodents are not capable of vomiting because of a strong esophageal sphincter and a limiting ridge in the stomach.27 Although rodents are monogastric, many species have a forestomach that has a limiting ridge separating it from the glandular stomach.27 Hystricognathi have a hindgut fermenting digestive tract similar to rabbits. In guinea pigs, stomach emptying time is about 2 hours, and the entire GI transit time is approximately 20 hours.26,28 The transit time in chinchillas is 12 to15 hours. The guinea pig cecum is large and sacculated, while the chinchilla’s is somewhat smaller and coiled.26 Chinchillas produce both nitrogen-rich feces, which are consumed, and nitrogen-poor feces, which are not. However, guinea pigs, while they are coprophagic, do not produce cecotrophs



and as a result require more preformed vitamins in their diets.26 Nonetheless, guinea pigs digest fiber more efficiently than rabbits.28 Many other rodents are largely herbivorous, but their diet is based on grains which requires significantly less modification of the intestinal tract. Even these rodent species engage in a degree of coprophagy, which may provide them with nutrients (e.g., B vitamins).27

Disease of the GI tract may occur by itself or as a part of a systemic process. Selected infectious diseases affecting the digestive tract of several categories of exotic companion species are listed in Table 5-2.

tract as part of a more involved systemic process. In spring viremia of carp, a mucoid cast may trail from the inflamed vent.30 Infectious pancreatic necrosis is caused by a bornavirus and is widely distributed. This bornavirus has commercial significance because it affects salmonids, but several other species are susceptible. Infectious pancreatic necrosis causes catarrhal enteritis and high mortality in young fish.1 Diagnosis is achieved through immunofluorescent antibody testing, serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing, or virus isolation.1,31 A virus similar to infectious pancreatic necrosis virus of salmonids has been isolated from several tropical Caribbean reef fish. In these fish, acute death is frequently observed without the classic pancreatic necrosis however epithelial sloughing in the intestinal tract is often present.32


Bacterial Diseases


Invertebrates are uncommon veterinary patients, often presenting for trauma or problems visible from the surface. As such, there are limited data available on the diseases of the digestive system. Giant spiders (e.g., tarantulas) are one of the more frequent pet species of invertebrates presented to veterinarians, and a few conditions are recognized that have at least some GI effects.

Bacterial Diseases

Bacillus spp. appear to be normal digestive tract flora that can act as opportunistic pathogens, especially under poor husbandry conditions. Mortality can occur when humidity is insufficient. Generally, the problem will resolve when the humidity is corrected.29 Proteus spp. infections have been found concurrently with Panagrolaimidae nematode infestations, but the significance of the parasite with this disease condition is not clear.29

Parasitic Diseases

Nematodes of the genus Panagrolaimidae can cause oral infestations in tarantulas. The infection initially manifests with anorexia and a gradually increasing lethargy that progresses to a huddled posture. Death occurs after several weeks or occasionally months. White discharge around the mouth and chelicerae may be noted during the late stages of infection. The minute motile nematodes may be seen microscopically in a saline prep. Treatments, to date, have been ineffective or in some cases toxic to the host.29

Fish In many cases, GI diseases of fishes occur as part of a systemic disease process. Often the clinical signs are vague and may not be specific to the digestive system. In this chapter, those disease conditions that have prominent GI clinical signs or pathology are discussed. Clinical signs associated with fish GI disease may include visible changes in either the oral or vent regions, anorexia, abnormal feces, coelomic swelling, or dysphagia.

Viral Diseases

Some viral diseases can affect the fish GI tract. The GI disease conditions associated with viral infections in fish are usually related to systemic illness and result in nonspecific clinical signs. Generally, the definative diagnosis is obtained through necropsy. The golden shiner virus may affect the intestinal

ENTERIC REDMOUTH.  This disease, caused by Yersinia ruckeri, is a septicemic disease that has clinical signs associated with the digestive tract. Clinical disease signs associated with enteric redmouth include hyperemia and petechiae of the mouth and a yellow discharge in the vent area.33 Other signs are typical of septicemia. Diagnosis of enteric redmouth is based on identification of the organism from the kidney.33 A variety of drugs, including tetracyclines, sulfonamides, tiamulin, and oxalinic acid, have been effective in treatment. Treatment should be continued for at least 14 days. RED PEST.  This disease, caused by Vibrio anguillarum, appears similar to enteric redmouth, resulting in erythema of the mouth, vent, and base of fins. Affected fish may have distended intestines, filled with clear mucoid fluid.34 MYCOBACTERIOSIS.  Mycobacteriosis is a systemic disease that can affect multiple systems, including the digestive tract. It is characterized by multifocal granulomas, consequently the clinical course of this disease is variable, depending on the location of the granulomas.1 Diagnosis is often tentative until acid-fast bacteria are identified within the lesions through the use of special cytologic stains.1 This disease is zoonotic, and treatment of affected fish is difficult. Mycobacteriosis is best prevented by appropriate quarantine methods.1 ENTERIC SEPTICEMIA OF CATFISH.  Enteric septicemia of catfish is a systemic bacterial disease caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri that typically enters the body through the intestinal tract, invades the bloodstream, and colonizes various organs. The disease primarily occurs when water temperatures are between 24° C and 28° C (75° F to 82° F), the temperature at which the bacterium optimally grows. Affected fish may “hang” in the water with their head up, show abnormal swimming behaviors, or exhibit abdominal distension, exophthalmos, or pale gills. Skin petechiae may also occur. Histologically, are enteritis and hepatitis is often identified, in addition to lesions in non-GI organs. Diagnosis is determined through culture of the lesions.1,31 Various antibiotics may be effective, but treatment selection is best attained through antimicrobial sensitivity reports. SWIM BLADDER DISEASE.  Swim bladder abnormalities in koi and goldfish occur periodically. Koi and goldfish have physostomous swim bladders; they are connected to the esophagus by a pneumatic duct. This may serve as an entry site for bacteria. Affected fish may have either positive or negative buoyancy effects when the swim bladders become

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


TABLE 5-2 

Infectious Diseases by Etiology Etiology



Invertebrates Fish

Amphibians Reptiles




Invertebrates Fish





Disease Golden shiner virus Spring viremia of carp Infectious pancreatic necrosis Ranavirus Inclusion body disease of boids Herpesvirus Adenovirus Ranavirus Pox (avipox) Papillomatosis (herpes) Proventricular dilatation disease (bornavirus) Pacheco’s disease (herpesvirus) Adenovirus Reovirus Polyomavirus Coronavirus Avian serositis virus Epizootic catarrhal enteritis (coronavirus) Rotavirus Rabbit hemorrhagic disease Sialodacryoadenitis virus Proteus Bacillus Enteric redmouth Red pest Mycobacteriosis Enteric septicemia of catfish Swim bladder infections Aeromonas hydrophila Salmonella Mycobacteria Bacterial stomatitis, gastritis, enteritis, cloacitis, hepatitis Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp. Enterobacteriaciae Mycobacterium spp. Chlamydophia psittaci Mycobacterium spp. Gram-negative bacteria (opportunistic infections) Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Helicobacter spp. Clostridium spp. Campylobacter Helicobacter mustelae Proliferative bowel disease Dysbiosis Tyzzer’s disease Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

fluid filled or overdistended. A diagnosis is based on imaging (e.g., radiology, ultrasound) and aspirates of the swim bladder for cytology or culture. Removal of fluid or excess air may be included as part of the treatment plan for swim bladder disease.




Invertebrates Fish Amphibians

Reptiles Birds


Mammals Invertebrates Fish

Amphibians Reptiles



Disease Phycomycosis Chromomycosis Mucormycosis Candida spp. Penicillium spp. Candida spp. Macrorhabdus ornithogaster Panagrolaimidae nematodes Coccidiosis Microsporidiosis Hexamita Cestodes Nematodes Amoeba Pentastomids Coccidiosis Cryptosporidiosis Entamoeba invadens Nematodes Trichomoniasis Coccidiosis Cryptosporidiosis Giardia psittaci Hexamita spp. Cochlosoma spp. Encephalitozoon hellum Nematodes Cestodes Coccidiosis Cryptosporidiosis Protozoa Hymenolepis nana Spironucleus muris Giardia muris

Fungal Disease PHOMAMYCOSIS.  Chinook salmon are susceptible to phomamycosis which is caused by the fungus Phoma herbarum. The infection affects the swim bladder and stomach. Clinical disease signs include the development of swollen



vents and abnormal or upside-down swimming. Some affected fish may have a pinched appearance cranial to the vent, fluid present in the swim bladder or stomach, and mycelial tufts in the swim bladder, while others may rest on their side.35 Necropsy samples or swim bladder aspirates may be used to obtain a fungal culture which is required to confirm the diagnosis. A similar disease condition may be caused by Paecilomyces farinosus in Atlantic salmon.

Parasitic Diseases

COCCIDIOSIS.  Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria spp., is occasionally diagnosed in pond or aquarium fish that exhibit clinical signs of enteritis. Affected fish present for emaciation, with sunken eyes and having a depressed attitude. The intestines are often filled with yellowish colored fluids.36,37 Intestinal mucosa infected with coccidia show varying degrees of epithelial necrosis and sloughing. The parasites may be observed on microscopic examination of the feces or intestinal scrapings. Coccidiosis is a potential cause of peritonitis in elasmobranchs and sygnathids.1 Weight loss, anorexia, blackened feces, and coelomic swelling are characteristic of the disease. Wet-mount preparations of feces or intestinal contents is the recommended diagnostic test to identify the organism in diseased fish. Oocysts can be found in feces or coelomic aspirates, although if in feces, the significance cannot be determined.1 Treatment with diclazuril, toltrazuril, and sulfadimidine may be effective to treat infected fish.1 MICROSPORIDIOSIS.  Microsporidiosis can be fatal to fish and is a highly contagious disease. Pleistophora hyphessobryconis is a common species found in neon tetras (Paracheirodon innesi). The parasites (primitive fungus) are found in the intestines, pyloric ceca, bile ducts, liver, and other tissues. Oral ingestion is the mode of transmission, but some microsporidian parasites require intermediate hosts. The parasites cause no cellular degeneration but stimulate hypertrophy that results in almost total occlusion of the intestinal lumen. There are no effective treatments for fish diagnosed with micriosporidiosis.37 Cryptosporidiosis has been found in angelfish exhibiting anorexia, regurgitation, and undigested feces.38 HEXAMITIASIS.  Hexamita infections can be found in a variety of fish species. In some infected fish, no clinical signs will be noted. In others, particularly angelfish, discus, and gouramis, hexamitiasis may result in poor condition, weight loss, poor appetite, catarrhal enteritis, and death.1 Diagnosis of hexamitiasis in fish is achieved by finding the trophozoites in fecal wet-mount preparations. Metronidazole baths can be effective for treatment.38 CESTODES.  Numerous species of cestodes can affect fish. One of particular importance is the Asian tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi). This parasite was introduced from China in imported grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus).1 It poses a particular risk because it can infect a wide variety of hosts including koi, carp, baitfish, and freshwater aquarium species.1 The proglottids may be identified in feces with praziquantel being recommended as a treatment option.1 NEMATODES.  Various nematode species can be found in the fish GI tract. Nematodes appear to be most common in bottom-feeding species.1 Capillaria are frequently found in tropical fishes, but their clinical significance is difficult to determine. Diagnosis of nematodes through identification of

eggs in the feces by flotation or wet-mount preparation. Treatment with fenbendazole or levamisole can be effective.1,38 Ivermectin has a very low margin of safety in fishes and used with caution.1

Noninfectious Diseases

HEPATIC LIPIDOSIS.  Hepatic lipidosis may occur in various aquarium or pond fish and usually accompanies obesity resulting from overfeeding or being fed a high-fat diet (>15% in koi).39 Other initiating causes of hepatic lipidosis in fish include biotin deficiency, choline deficiency, or toxemia. Diagnosis may be made based on biopsy and the liver may appear yellow and mottled. The cut surface of the liver may exude oil while histologically, intracellular fat droplets may be observed.40 Treatment is primarily dietary improvement and controlling the quantity fed. NEOPLASIA.  A variety of tumors have been reported in fish species. Tumors of the GI tract in koi and goldfish include pancreatic carcinoma and hepatocellular tumors.41,42 Gastrointestinal tumors reported in freshwater tropical fish all involve the liver, which include cholangioma cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular adenoma.43 In fish that are large enough, an excisional biopsy can provide the diagnosis but also can be considered part, if not all, of the treatment plan. Neoplasms in fish are often less aggressive and more differentiated than in mammals, and metastasis is uncommon. Removal of the tumor may be curative or at least palliative for the fish.39

Foreign Body Ingestion

Fish in private or public aquaria are prone to ingestion of foreign bodies. Such items include balls, decorative items, air stones, lead weights, or even tank mates.1 If noted in time, the object can be removed nonsurgically with forceps, either blindly or through endoscopy.

Amphibians Clinical signs of GI disease in amphibians may include anorexia, mouth abnormalities, coelomic swelling or palpable masses, diarrhea or lack of fecal production, and cloacal prolapse.3

Viral Diseases

Ranavirus is a major disease threat in wild amphibian populations and may be significant for captive collections as well. Although ranavirus infection is a systemic disease in amphibian species, the liver and intestinal tract may be affected. Diagnosis may be made based on pathologic findings as well as molecular-based diagnostic tests.1,44

Bacterial Diseases

Although bacterial disease is common, generally it presents as a systemic septicemia rather than a localized GI problem. Although, Aeromonas hydrophila is often implicated in amphibian bacterial GI infections many species may be involved.1 Salmonella spp. can be a normal inhabitant of the amphibian digestive tract.45 Mycobacterium spp. may cause granulomatous disease similar to the fungal diseases. Mycobacterium marinum, Mycobacterium fortuitum, and Mycobacterium xenopi are common pathogens found in amphibian GI granulomatous disease cases. Usually there is a chronic syndrome, and affected animals may show weight loss despite having a good appetite.1

Fungal Diseases

Like bacterial diseases, fungal diseases in amphibians are often systemic but may involve the GI tract. These GI diseases often involve ubiquitous fungal species such as Dematiaceae (chromomycosis) or Mucor spp. (mucormycosis).1 Although fungi tend to be opportunistic pathogens, Mucor amphibiorum may behave as a primary pathogen in some species.1 Candida spp. and Penicillium spp. have been isolated from liver granulomas in toads.46 Intestinal fungal infections have also been found in amphibians.46

Parasitic Diseases

Although ciliated protozoa are common in amphibians, they appear to be nonpathogenic. A wide variety of flagellates also inhabit the amphibian digestive tract. Generally, these protozoa are considered to be commensal, but if the infestation is heavy and there are clinical signs such as diarrhea, treatment with metronidazole should be considered.47 Some species of amoeba will cause anorexia and weight loss. Both monogenean and digenean trematodes occur in amphibians but are not usually found in the digestive tract. Likewise, most nematodes are outside of the digestive tract. Pentastomid parasites can affect the respiratory tract or the upper GI tract.47 Treatment of parasites with metronidazole, fenbendazole, or praziquantel appears to be reasonably safe in amphibians. Ivermectin should be used with caution.1

Noninfectious Diseases

PROLAPSES.  The underlying causes for the prolapse of rectal, gastric, or cloacal tissues in amphibians often go undiagnosed; however, in some cases it may be associated with GI disease.1 Underlying causes of prolapse in amphibians include nematodiasis, metabolic disease, gastric overload, intoxication, hypocalcemia, impaction, or obstruction.48,49 Gastric prolapse is usually terminal, although it may be occur secondary to parasites or toxin exposure.1 A prolapse is readily recognized on visual examination of the patient as protruding tissue from the vent or mouth (Figure 5-5). Treatment involves surgical reduction of the prolapse, placement

FIGURE 5-5  This White’s tree frog was presented for a cloacal

prolapse. On close examination, it was discovered that an intestinal loop was herniated through a rent in the muscle and skin of the pelvic area.

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


of securing sutures, and treatment of any identified underlying conditions. FOREIGN BODY INGESTION.  Consumption of foreign material is a common occurrence in some amphibian species. The distensible esophagus of amphibians often allows the removal of ingested foreign bodies through the mouth. If the object has moved beyond the stomach, surgical removal may be required. Some species will overeat normal food items, resulting in an impaction which can result in severe gastric distension and shock. Diagnosis can be made using radiographs and ultrasound. Treatment for shock and removal of the foreign objects and/or impacted food material are required for successful resolution of these cases.1 NEOPLASIA.  Five types of spontaneous primary neoplasms of the liver have been reported in amphibians, including hepatoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma, cholangioma, and cholangiocarcinoma.50 Pancreatic tumors primarily involve the islet cells, rarely exocrine cells.50 Neuroepithelioma of the mouth originates from the olfactory epithelium and have primarily been diagnosed in captive axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). Additional tumors, characterized as adenocarcinomas, were also detected in axolotls.50 One gastric adenocarcinoma with metastatic disease has been reported in a captive African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis).50 Four neoplasms, all malignant, have been reported in the intestines of amphibians; an African clawed frog, the giant toad (Bufo marinus), a leopard frog (Rana pipiens), and an oriental firebelly toad (Bombina orientalis). The origin of 3 of the intestinal tumors was questionable, however one (in the giant toad) was clearly an adenocarcinoma.50

Reptiles Reptiles will often present with distinct GI disease or with systemic processes involving the digestive system. It is helpful to localize the disease problem based on the clinical signs. This allows a narrower differential diagnosis list and an appropriate selection of diagnostic tests. Table 5-3 describes the clinical disease signs, diagnostic tests, and differential diagnoses for the various sections of the reptile digestive tract. Oral disorders are commonly encountered in reptile practice. Due to the visible location of the mouth and the obvious clinical effect of these disorders (anorexia, dysphagia), oral abnormalities may be recognized more easily than those at other sites. Clinical signs of oral disease may include anorexia, dysphagia, exudate adhered to the mucosa or lip margins, or other visible lesions in the mouth. Differential diagnoses for oral disease include infectious stomatitis, oral granulomas, herpesviral or ranaviral stomatitis, proliferative gingivitis, oral neoplasia, and tissue mineralization.51 Esophageal and gastric conditions may also present as anorexia along with weight loss and dehydration. Additionally, vomiting or regurgitation may be seen in some cases, although this is not consistent. A midbody swelling may be noted with diseases that involve the stomach (e.g., cryptosporidiosis or foreign body ingestion). Differential diagnoses for esophageal and gastric conditions include nonspecific gastritis, adenovirus, inclusion body disease (IBD), bacterial or fungal gastritis, cryptosporidiosis, nematodes, protozoa, and neoplasia.51 Intestinal disease will cause similar clinical signs as described for the stomach, anorexia, weight loss, and dehydration but



TABLE 5-3 

Clinical Signs, Diagnostics, and Differential Disease Diagnoses by Anatomic Site in Reptiles Site

Clinical Signs




Anorexia Dysphagia Visible lesions, exudates Hypersalivation Halitosis Regurgitation Hypersalivation

Visual examination Oral swabs (cytology, microbiology, PCR, etc.) Radiography Biopsy Esophageal swab Endoscopy Radiography Contrast radiography Gastroscopy Radiography Contrast radiography Radiography Contrast radiography

Infectious stomatitis Herpesvirus Proliferative gingivitis Trauma Neoplasia Trauma Foreign body Neoplasia



Vomiting Anorexia




Tenesmus Protruding tissue


Vague signs Swollen abdomen Enlarged liver


Vague signs

Cloacoscopy Radiography Contrast radiography AST Bile acids Radiography Contrast radiography Coelioscopy Coeliotomy Biopsy Coelioscopy Coeliotomy Biopsy

Foreign body Gastritis Neoplasia Enteritis (parasitic, bacterial, etc.) Intussusception Foreign body Prolapse Cloacalith Hepatitis (viral, bacterial, etc.) Hepatic lipidosis Toxic


AST, Aspartate transaminase; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.

may also include diarrhea. Differential diagnoses for the intestinal tract include cryptosporidiosis, nonspecific enteritis, coccidiosis, adenovirus, trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, and neoplasia.51 Since there is an association with the urogenital systems, cloacal disease may or may not be related to the digestive tract. Common clinical signs noted with cloacal disease include bleeding, tenesmus, or tissue protruding from the vent. Common disease conditions of the cloaca in reptile species are constipation, cloacoliths, prolapse, and cloacitis.

Viral Diseases

INCLUSION BODY DISEASE.  Regurgitation is a problem that boas and pythons will occasionally present with as a consequence of inclusion body disease (IBD). An arenavirus appears to be the etiologic agent of IBD.52 Regurgitation and weight loss are common in affected snakes. Neurologic signs are more prominent in affected pythons, but there is great variation in the susceptibility, duration, and clinical signs among snakes. Boa constrictors (Boa constrictor) may be more resistant to disease but may also serve as a reservoir of this virus. A complete blood count (CBC) may reveal a leukocytosis or leukopenia, depending on the stage of the disease at the time of presentation. Inclusions within lymphocytes or other cells may occasionally be seen in the peripheral blood smears, although this is not a sensitive indicator of infection. A definitive diagnosis is usually obtained at necropsy; however,

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay testing and biopsy of the liver, esophageal tonsils, or pancreas may provide an antemortem diagnosis.52,53 Histologically, there are eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions in various major organs and tissue necrosis may be evident. Interestingly, in Python spp., the inclusions are more abundant in central nervous system (CNS) tissue.52 No treatment for IBD is available and control involves preventing exposure. Snakes of different species should not be housed together. Boas, in particular, have a slow course of the disease, and a quarantine period of up to 6 months or more is recommended. HERPESVIRAL STOMATITIS.  Herpesviruses have surfaced as important pathogens of the oral cavity and respiratory tract in captive Hermann’s tortoises (Testudo hermanii), spurthighed tortoises (Testudo graeca), and other tortoises in Europe and the United States.54 Infections are often associated with high mortality rates. Herpesvirus may be detected by light microscopic observation of intranuclear inclusion bodies in various tissues and/or by PCR. 55 There appears to be several types (four) of herpesviruses that affect tortoises.55 Concurrent infections with Mycoplasma spp. may enhance the disease conditions associated with herpesvirus infection in reptiles. Different species of tortoises with in the same collection may have varied clinical responses to the viral disease.56 Herpesvirus infection in tortoises is largely characterized by the development of respiratory and oral clinical signs. Systemic lesions in organs such as the liver and spleen are also commonly observed.

Rarely, viral hepatitis with no clinical signs or lesions in the respiratory system, oral cavity, or other organs may occur.57 An ELISA diagnostic test has been developed for the detection of antibodies to a chelonian herpesvirus.58 This ELISA test could be used as an important diagnostic tool for screening wild populations and private and zoo collections of tortoises. Alternately, PCR techniques may be used as a screening test.59 Acyclovir may be effective in the management of this disease, but it is important to recognize that the drug only limits viral replication and would not be curative.60 ADENOVIRUS.  Numerous adenoviruses have been identified in reptiles. The adnenovirus that affects bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) is of the greatest concern to the reptile practitioner. This disease appears to partly depend on co-infection with coccidian parasites and primarily affects hatchling bearded dragons.61 Epizootic outbreaks in hatchling bearded dragons may occur. Affected lizards may be found dead after a short period of weakness and lethargy. Neurologic signs are common, including head tilt and circling. Pathologically, hepatocellular necrosis with large basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in numerous hepatocytes may be found. Coccidial protozoa (Isospora amphiboluri) and basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies may be found in the small-intestinal enterocytes. Diagnosis of adenovirus in bearded dragons is generally made through post mortem examination. There is no successful treatment for the adenovirus infection in reptile species; however, treating for coccidiosis may reduce mortalities. Likewise, co-infection with dependovirus may precipitate rapid neonatal mortality.62 In older bearded dragons, adenoviral infection may follow a more chronic, low-grade course of disease, showing poor growth or weight loss and anorexia. Pathology may reveal nonsuppurative hepatitis and nephritis, with large, amphophilic, intranuclear inclusion bodies.63 RANAVIRUS.  Ranavirus is an uncommon disease of pet reptiles, but is considered an emerging disease of wild reptiles. Ranaviruses have been attributed to worldwide disease epidemics in free-ranging amphibian, turtle, and tortoise populations. Infection is usually fatal in turtles, and the potential impact on endangered populations could be devastating.64 Diseased turtles primarily exhibit ocular and respiratory signs in the form of conjunctivitis, ocular discharge, nasal discharge, and respiratory distress. However, oral ulcers, plaques, or abscesses are also observed.64,65 Death generally occurs within days of disease onset.66 This disease should be considered as a differential diagnosis in turtles that exhibit typical clinical signs, and affected animals should be isolated to avoid transmission to other turtles. Although not commercially available, diagnosis can be made via PCR diagnostic testing.64 No treatment is currently available for reptile species diagnosed with ranavirus.

Bacterial Diseases

Infectious stomatitis is a commonly encountered digestive tract disorder of reptiles. This is a multifactorial disease and the affected animal can be presented in various stages of infection. While stomatitis can be diagnosed in any reptile, snakes are commonly and severely affected. Stress, trauma (e.g., prey bites), poor temperature regulation, and other factors can suppress the oral defense mechanisms. This allows opportunistic bacteria to invade and cause infection. The bacterial

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


FIGURE 5-6  Ball python with moderate infectious stomatitis. Note the caseous debris, the excessive foamy mucus, and the gingival erosions.

isolates from lesions of snakes with infectious stomatitis predominantly yield Gram-negative bacteria. Common bacterial isolates include Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aeromonas hydrophila, Providencia rettgeri, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. In contrast, healthy snakes have a predominantly Gram-positive oral flora, with Corynebacterium spp. and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. being the most frequently isolated organisms.67 Since cloacal swabbing of healthy snakes also resulted in the isolation of predominantly Gram-negative organisms, it is likely these bacteria are not exogenous pathogens but opportunistic invaders.67 Initially, small petechiae, excessive salivation, hyperemia, or edema will be observed. In more advanced cases, the development of caseous debris, necrosis, or hemorrhage occurs (Figure 5-6). In very advanced cases, osteomyelitis, necrosis, and deformities are sequela to the disease process. At any point, the infection can proceed to a septicemia and become life threatening. While mildly affected animals may continue to feed, most will become anorectic. The predisposing factors should be identified and eliminated. In mild cases, this may result in the recovery of the patient. The animal’s environmental temperature should be kept at the upper end of the preferred optimum temperature zone (POTZ) for the affected species. A deep culture of the affected tissues should be obtained along with a thorough curettage of necrotic tissue. The infected area should be lavaged daily with chlorhexidine or dilute povidone iodine solutions. Topical antibiotic preparations are occasionally prescribed for treating the oral lesions. Finally, systemic antibiotics, based on antibiotic sensitivity results, should be administered. In lizards, particularly iguanas, gingival proliferation commonly occurs. The proliferative gingival tissue may become so enlarged that it is easily traumatized. Affected lizards often have mild malocclusion, which leads to chronic trauma to the gingiva by the opposing teeth. Histopathology of gingival tissue generally reveals chronic, proliferative, heterophilic inflammation with bacterial colonization. A variety of bacterial isolates may be through culture of the suspect area. Treatment of the acute oral infection involves topical and systemic antimicrobial therapy. Long-term usage of oral antiseptic



rinses such as chlorhexidine or zinc ascorbate may be useful in treating lizard infectious stomatitis cases. In some patients, electrosurgical or laser resection of the proliferative tissue is required. Chameleons sometimes develop a syndrome similar to that in snakes. Opportunistic bacterial infections can occur in the stomach, liver, intestines, and cloaca. The patient will have clinical signs associated with the site of infection, therefore determining a definitive diagnosis become more difficult. However, treatment using systemic antimicrobial therapy is indicated when there is evidence of a generalized systemic infection.

Parasitic Diseases

Intestinal parasitism remains a very common problem in reptiles. While most parasite infestations are subclinical, occasionally diarrhea, anemia, or other clinical signs are encountered. Entamoeba invadens is one of the more serious parasites of lizards and snakes while chelonians are occasionally subclinical carriers. From time to time this disease can take on enzootic properties. Treatment with metronidazole is usually effective. Strongyloides parasites are commonly found but usually are incidental. Severe infestations can cause weight loss, unthriftiness, and immunosuppression. Treatment with fenbendazole or ivermectin is usually effective; however, ivermectin should not be used in chelonians (turtles, tortoises, or terrapins) because of potentially fatal side effects. COCCIDIOSIS.  Coccidia may be present in a variety of reptile species. However, coccidia (Isospora amphiboluri) are very common and persistent parasites in bearded dragons. The presence of disease is variable, but when present, diarrhea, weight loss, and dehydration represent the major clinical signs observed. Rarely, systemic disease will develop from an a primary coccidia infection.68,69 The oocysts are readily identified on fecal flotation. Treatment using sulfonamides (trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole: 25 mg/kg, orally [PO], once daily for 5 d) or ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO, once daily for 5 d) is indicated if clinical signs of coccidiosis are present. Ponazuril is preferred because it is coccidiocidal, while the sulfonamides are coccidiostatic. CRYPTOSPORIDIOSIS.  Cryptosporidium represents a genus of coccidians that have been found to cause significant disease in a wide range of both wild and captive reptile species. Although avian and mammalian prey species for the reptiles may have Cryptosporidium spp. parasites, it does not appear that snakes (or other reptiles) are infected through prey consumption. The mammalian and avian parasite oocysts, however, do pass through into the reptile feces.70 Cryptosporidiosis (Cryptosporidium serpentis) in snakes frequently causes a specific disease condition of gastric hypertrophic inflammation.71 Weight loss, regurgitation, and a midbody lump characterize the classic form of cryptosporidiosis. Enteritis may be a part of the clinical disease process and can occasionally occur without the gastritis.72 In some cases, the parasites may enter the biliary tree.73 In lizards, proliferative enteritis is the prevalent pathology, although gastritis may occur as well.74,75 The disease (Cryptosporidium varanii, Cryptosporidium saurophilum) is very common in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) and savannah monitor lizards (Varanus exanthematicus), with affected animals presenting for weight loss, anorexia, lethargy, and diarrhea. Affected lizard collections will have a high

oocyst shedding rate.76 In severe cases, cloacal or rectal prolapses can occur.77 An unusual syndrome of aural-pharyngeal polyps associated with Cryptosporidium spp. has been reported in green iguanas.78 Although less susceptible than squamates, chelonians can also be affected by Cryptosporidium spp. Gastrointestinal pathology appears similar to that found in lizards and snakes.79 Diagnosis of the disease is based on identification of the parasite. The organisms can be found in gastric lavages or feces but are difficult to recognize. Acid-fast staining of the sample will highlight the organisms, as they will stain bright red. While the finding of the acid-fast organisms should be considered supportive evidence of infection, a negative test will not rule out the disease.80 Alternatively, PCR testing may be used to detect the organism in fecal or tissue samples.81 Although considered a zoonotic disease, there is evidence that reptilian isolates are not highly infective to mammals and vice versa.82,83 Treatment of infected animals is often considered ineffective, but therapeutic responses have been reported with the use of trimethoprim sulfa, paromomycin, nitazoxanide, and spiramycin.84 It is important to note that in many cases, these drugs appear to suppress rather than eliminate the parasite. A wide variety of other drugs and biologic treatments such as hyperimmune bovine colostrum have been reported to have some degree of success as well.71,85,86 Unfortunately, some of the novel treatment options are not commercially available and provide inconsistent results.

Noninfectious Diseases

FOREIGN BODIES.  Impactions of the GI tract are common in reptiles maintained on particulate substrates. These animals will exhibit signs of obstruction including anorexia, abdominal pain, vomiting, or weight loss. Radiography with or without contrast media will usually provide a diagnosis. Occasionally small undigestible particles will pass through the digestive tract after the administration of psyllium or mineral oil laxatives. Complete obstructions or large foreign bodies will require surgery for removal. GASTRIC NEUROENDOCRINE CARCINOMA.  Gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma is an emerging disease syndrome of bearded dragons.87 The disease typically affects young adult bearded dragons and is rapidly progressive and is usually metastatic at the time of diagnosis. Affected lizards exhibit anorexia and weight loss. Pale mucus membranes may be identified in affected animals which is usually an indication of an anemic condition. A plasma chemistry panel may reveal severe hyperglycemia, possibly due to somatostatin release by the tumor cells.88 Radiographic images will often be unrewarding in contributing to a diagnosis. Ultrasound may show the primary or metastatic tumors. Gastric endoscopy will provide a means to identify a tissue mass in the stomach (Figure 5-7); however, mucosal biopsies may not be adequate for a definative diagnosis. Histopathology of a deep section of the tumor is required for diagnosis. At present, no successful treatment of this disease has been reported.

Birds Birds with localized GI disease frequently will display clinical signs before the onset of generalized GI or systemic disease. Additionally, if there is close contact between the bird and owner, there is an increased chance for earlier disease

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


FIGURE 5-7  Endoscopic view of the stomach of a bearded

dragon with a gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma. Note the soft tissue mound in the foreground. There is debris floating in the saline medium used to insufflate the stomach. Endoscopic biopsy showed only lymphocytic inflammation, but necropsy confirmed diagnosis.

recognition. Consequently, the disease process may exhibit distinct clinical signs attributable to the site that is affected. A thorough history and physical examination may allow the disease to be localized. Table 5-4 lists clinical signs, diagnostics, and differential diagnoses for various areas of the digestive system in birds. Disorders of the oral cavity are commonly encountered in pet bird practice and wildlife rehabilitation facilities. Lesions are often observed in the oral cavity during physical examination. Hyperemia, increased mucus production, caseous plaques, swollen salivary glands, and other lesions are commonly observed when disease is affecting the oral cavity of a bird. Other clinical disease signs attributable to the avian oral cavity include dysphagia, yawning, head shaking, food adhering to the oral mucosa, or exudate at the corners of the mouth. The head may be extended during swallowing as a result of pain. The differential diagnoses for diseases of the oral cavity include candidiasis, trichomoniasis, Capillaria, pox, Gramnegative infections, Helicobacter, hypovitaminosis A, trauma, oral papillomas, and neoplasia. The crop and esophagus are affected by many of the same conditions as the oral cavity. When these areas are diseased, several clinical signs may result: regurgitation, fluctuant crop, matted head feathers (referred to by breeders as head sweating), sour breath odor (sour crop), stasis of the crop, decreased contractions, or fistulas at the thoracic inlet. The crop and esophageal disease conditions that may cause clinical signs include Gram-negative bacterial infections, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, papillomatosis, thermal burns, trauma, foreign bodies, extraluminal obstruction (e.g., goiter, neoplasia), functional ileus, and ingluvioliths (Figure 5-8). Occasionally, the

FIGURE 5-8  Radiograph of a young cockatoo with a peri-

esophageal granuloma. The breeder had apparently punctured the esophagus and deposited food under the skin. Note the gas-distended proventriculus, ventriculus, and cloaca. Severe leukocytosis and monocytosis were found on the CBC. The bird responded well to surgical debridement, antimicrobials, and supportive care.

clinical signs observed may originate from disease farther down the digestive tract. The two parts of the stomach, the proventriculus and ventriculus, is where significant digestion of the ingested food commences. When the avian stomach not function properly, the consequences are very serious. The clinical signs that may be noted with gastric disease are true vomiting (pH < 5), regurgitation, crop stasis, weight loss, passage of whole grains, diarrhea, and melena. Disorders that affect the proventriculus and/or the ventriculus include proventricular dilatation disease (PDD), neoplasia, Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, mycobacteriosis, candidiasis, papillomatosis, foreign bodies, functional ileus (e.g., sepsis, lead toxicosis), Gram-negative infections, and parasites (e.g., Capillaria). Diarrhea is the primary clinical sign associated with intestinal disease. It should be noted that what an owner refers to as diarrhea may be polyuria. Diarrhea is much less common than polyuria and involves increased water content and a



TABLE 5-4 

Clinical Signs, Diagnostics, and Differential Disease Diagnoses by Anatomic Site in Birds Site

Clinical Signs




Mouth pain (neck stretching, head shaking, yawning, dysphagia, anorexia) Visible lesions (exudates, plaques, swollen salivary glands, hyperemia) Hypersalivation Halitosis

Visual examination Oral swabs (cytology, microbiology, PCR, etc.) Endoscopy Biopsy


Regurgitation Sour breath odor

Esophageal swab Esophagoscopy Radiography Contrast radiography Endoscopy


Regurgitation Fluctuant crop Matted head feathers Sour breath odor Crop stasis Reduced contractions Fistulae Vomiting (pH 100,000 cells/µL), with a mature heterophilia and monocytosis. Reactive lymphocytosis may occur in some cases.103 An individual avian patient’s response to an avian mycobacteriosis infection is extremely variable, consequently, the absence of such findings cannot rule out the disease. Signs of liver disease, such as elevated aspartate transaminase (AST) or bile acids, may also occur.103 Radiographs



Control of this disease in aviculture is accomplished by following strict sanitation, not combining different avian species (particularly, ground birds with psittacines), prevent bird contact with the ground in aviaries, and having medical workups performed on all birds entering the facility. Since the immune status of the bird may play a role in the course of the disease, quality nutrition and stress reduction are important management recommendations for prevention.

GRAM-NEGATIVE PHARYNGITIS, INGLUVITIS, AND ENTERITIS.  Gram-negative infections are usually considered

FIGURE 5-10  Impression smear of a mycobacterial granu-

loma. The mycobacteria resist stain uptake with Wright’s stains and appear as clear “ghost-like” rods. Staining with an acid-fast stain confirmed these as acid-fast bacteria.

may reveal dilated or thickened bowel loops, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, granulomas in the lungs, or GI filling defects (barium study). Lytic bony lesions may also be seen.103 Diagnosis of mycobacteriosis requires demonstration of acid-fast rods and PCR-positive test results. The pathogenic bacterial organisms may be observed in fecal samples, cytologic specimens, biopsies (liver, skin, intestine), or at necropsy. The initial identification of nonstaining, clear, ghost-like rods on routine cytologic staining (Figure 5-10) may provide evidence of a tentative diagnosis of avian mycobacteriosis. Skin reaction tests and serologic tests are not reliable in birds. The probability for identification of mycobacteria in blood, feces, or tissue samples can be improved using PCR amplification of genus- or species-specific DNA segments.103 However, since organisms are shed intermittently and have multifocal distribution, there are currently no tests that can definitively determine if a bird is free of the disease or not. Pooling fecal samples over 1 week is recommended to increase the overall sensitivity of testing. Treatment of infected birds is not usually recommended because of the difficulty of treatment compliance and the real but minimal human health risk. For larger bird collections, quarantine of all exposed birds and complete disinfection of premises are often the only options for controlling the disease. Frequently, only sporadic disease is present when mycobacterosis is diagnosed within an aviary. Occasionally, an individual bird can be treated with antibiotic cockatail over the course of months to years. Owners must be aware of the potential zoonotic risk and be prepared for a long course of treatment with extensive follow-up. Clinical, hematologic, and microbiologic data are used to determine when treatment can be discontinued. Ethambutol, cycloserine, clofazimine, clarithromycin, rifabutin, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones are among the drugs used to treat avian mycobacteriosis. The costs, duration, and public health risks of treatment must be carefully weighed against the financial and emotional attachment to the bird.104

opportunistic infections caused by ubiquitous environmental bacteria. Poor sanitation or stressors that suppress immune function are the usual predisposing factors to avian Gramnegative GI infections. Although these organisms may not be primary pathogens, many of these Gram-negative bacteria cause extremely purulent or erosive disease, while others (e.g. Salmonella spp.) are associated with granulomatous lesions. The clinical signs observed in birds will depend on the location of the infection within the GI tract but may include erythema in the oral cavity, regurgitation, crop stasis, and diarrhea. The proventriculus and ventriculus appear to be more resistant to infection from Gram-negative bacteria due to the low pH within the lumen of these organs. Diagnosis can be difficult to confirm, and in many cases, a response to therapy is the only indication of a GI tract bacterial infection. Suspicion of a GI tract Gram-negative bacterial infection is often first considered based on finding a high number of Gram-negative bacteria identified in a cytologic sample (e.g., Gram stain) collected from a bird with clinical signs. Cytologic evidence (e.g., Diff-Quik stain) of inflammation (e.g., heterophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes) can add supportive evidence that the avian patient has a GI tract bacterial infection. A bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity profile can be used to identify the pathogenic organism and to help select an appropriate treatment protocol. PCR diagnostic testing is also available to identify certain pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella spp. Treatment for bacterial gastroenteritis includes the use of appropriate antibiotics and supportive care. Probiotics may be administered as an adjunct therapy. Sanitation should be addressed to avoid reinfection. Treatment of subclinical Gram-negative infections is controversial. Antibiotics should be avoided unless the level of organisms present is very high or the organism has a high potential for causing disease. Sanitation, probiotics, stress management, and other measures may be used successfully in these cases. BACTERIAL HEPATITIS.  Nearly any bacteria can cause hepatitis if the liver is exposed. Gram-negative bacteria predominate in these cases. The bacteria can come from the intestinal tract via the biliary ducts or the portal vein. Therefore any bacterial enteritis can potentially lead to hepatitis. Moreover hepatitis is often a significant part of septicemic conditions. The clinical course for bacterial hepatitis can vary. In acute cases, the signs can be very severe, while milder signs may predominate in chronic cases. Bacterial hepatitis may induce a moderate to high elevation of the white blood count, with a heterophilia, as well as hepatomegaly, elevated AST, and elevated bile acids. A diagnosis can be confirmed with a liver biopsy and subsequent histopathological evaluation of the collected sample, bacterial culture, and an antibiotic sensitivity profile. Treatment with antibiotics is usually effective.

Enrofloxacin is the drug of choice when culture results are not available because of the bacterial susceptibly to this drug and its excellent tissue penetration into the hepatic tissue. Duration of therapy will be based on the resolution of clinical signs, radiographic changes, and hematologic abnormalities. PSEUDOTUBERCULOSIS.  Although not common in the United States, infections with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis are common causes of morbidity and mortality in small psittacines and passerines from Europe and Australia.105 Infected rodents and wild birds can serve as the source of infection for pet birds. Diarrhea, general malaise, and pneumonia are present in infected birds and the mortality rate is high in diseased birds. Pathologic findings in affected birds include granulomas throughout the GI tract, liver, and body. Bacterial cultures are required to identify the organism. Treatment with disinfectants (e.g., chlorhexidine), in the drinking water may slow transmission within a flock.105 Rodent control and restricting contact with wild birds are also necessary to control and prevent this disease. HELICOBACTER PHARYNGITIS.  Pharyngitis caused by spiral-shaped bacteria, now classified as Helicobacter spp., has been diagnosed in small psittacines. Early references described a spiral-shaped bacterium, sometimes associated with upper respiratory signs.106,107 The organism appears to reside in the palatine salivary glands.108 Most cases involve cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and lovebirds (Agapornis spp.), although (rarely) other psittacines may also be affected. Hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa is the most prevalent sign in affected birds, with the pharynx exhibiting a bright, scarlet red color. Increased mucus in the pharynx may also be observed. Signs of oral pain, including head shaking, excessive yawning, dysphagia, and retching, may be observed in diseased animals.109 Occasionally, infected birds will also have nasal discharge. Unrelated concurrent abnormal physical examination findings are common, possibly suggesting that immune compromise may be a part of this disease condition. Diagnosis is made based on finding spiral-shaped Gram-negative bacterial organisms on Gram-stained pharyngeal swabs (Figure 5-11).

FIGURE 5-11  Helicobacter spp. in the choanal swab of a cockatiel. This organism inhabits the salivary glands and causes mild to moderate pathology and discomfort.

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


PCR testing may be performed to further confirm the presence of this organism. There are generally no hematologic changes observed in birds infected with Helicobacter spp.The disease, while apparently uncomfortable, is not usually life threatening. Treatment with oral doxycycline or enrofloxacin is generally successful. Clostridium spp. Clostridial organisms can cause severe necrotizing enteritis or cloacitis. Alternatively, a mild enteritis or cloacitis may be present. There is often a very strong odor to the feces noted in birds with clostridial gastroenteritis. Clostridium perfringens type C or Clostridium tertium have been implicated in most cases where anaerobic culture has been performed. Clostridial organisms produce severe toxins, often leading to shock and death. Megacolon or megacloaca may occur secondary to clostridial infections. The sporulated bacteria may be identified on fecal Gram stains. Occasionally, clostridial enteritis may occur without the typical sporulated organisms. Anaerobic cultures can be used to confirm the presence of Clostridium spp. With most clostridial species, the feces may be tested for the presence of toxins, but C. tertium produces no toxins and acts by colonization of the intestine or cloaca. This disease is unusual in psittacines, but large outbreaks have been reported. Penicillins, especially potentiated products such as amoxicillin/clavulanic acid combinations, macrolides, and metronidazole, are all possible treatment options for avian gastrointestinal clostridial infections. CAMPYLOBACTER.  Campylobacter spp. infections are rarely diagnosed in pet bird practice but can occasionally cause chronic diarrhea. The disease is generally mild and not life threatening, although young birds (fledglings) may succumb. Most often, finches are affected. Clinical signs often include diarrhea and amylorrhea, with high mortalities in young birds.110 The Campylobacter spp. organisms are often identified on wet-mount or cytologic preparations (e.g., Gram or differential stains) of the feces. Campylobacter spp. have been isolated from clinically normal birds, so it is important to consider the animal’s condition (i.e., no clinical signs vs. clinical signs) when interpreting the results. As this disease is contagious and potentially zoonotic, treatment is indicated in affected flocks. Treatment with macrolides or fluoroquinolones may be effective and should continue for a minimum of 3 weeks. Strict sanitation is essential to prevent reoccurrence. AVIAN CHLAMYDIOSIS.  Avian chlamydiosis is a contagious, zoonotic, systemic disease of birds. Chlamydia psittaci is the organism responsible for this disease. The course of chlamydophilosis depends of the strain of organism, host defenses, and species of bird, among other factors. Chlamydia psittaci organisms can be found and shed through fecal, urine, and respiratory secretions.111 Humans generally contract C. psittaci through inhalation. Although this disease is systemic, respiratory and hepatic signs predominate.112 The respiratory disease signs observed in birds may include serous oculonasal discharge, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and air sacculitis. The classical description of psittacosis includes weight loss; green, watery urine (signs of liver disease); and diarrhea. The hemogram of affected birds can vary; however, many birds have an extremely high white blood cell count (>70,000 cells/µL), heterophilia, monocytosis, and mild anemia. Elevations in AST and bile acids are also common. There is considerable



species variation in presentation. Neotropical psittacines often have classical signs with respiratory disease, pea green urine, and severe leukocytosis with heterophilia and monocytosis. Australian, Pacific, and Asian psittacines may develop a more chronic form of the disease. African psittacines, especially lovebirds, appear to have the most resistance and may develop a very low-grade disease from months to years without exhibiting clinical signs. Several tests are available for chlamydia detection. The “gold standard” test is culture of the organism. Since chlamydia are obligate intracellular pathogens, isolation requires the use of tissue culture, chicken embryos, or mouse inoculation.113 While these methods are very sensitive, only birds shedding viable chlamydia will be positive. Additionally, since shedding is intermittent and the bacteria need to survive transport to the laboratory, false negatives can occur. Fortunately, DNA-based diagnostics are available for detection of chlamydia in avian patients.114 These tests are extremely sensitive and specific for chlamydia; however, they do require that the patient is shedding organisms at the time the swab is collected. The time delay for results (3 to 7 d) might also be a disadvantage to the clinician. When a quick diagnostic test is required, there are a number of ELISA kits that can be used to detect chlamydia-group-specific antigen. These tests were developed for detecting human venereal chlamydiosis (Chlamydia trachomatis), although they do cross react with C. psittaci. While greater amounts of the chlamydial antigen are required to produce positive test results, these tests do not require the organisms to be viable. As with other testing techniques, intermittent shedding can give false-negative results. Chlamydial organisms can also be detected by electron microscopy, immunofluorescent antibody staining, staining with Gimenez and Machiavelli, or other special staining of cytologic or histologic samples. Several serologic tests for avian chlamydiosis are available, including latex agglutination (LA), complement fixation (CF), and elementary body agglutination (EBA).111 Serologic results provide information regarding the host’s exposure to the chlamydial organism only. Latex agglutination and EBA are arguably the most useful tests for diagnostic purposes to detect infected subclinical carriers, as the titers drop more rapidly with recovery than do CF titers because they screen for the immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies that are produced in the acute stages of infection. These qualities allow the LA and EBA tests to be used for for monitoring a patient during treatment. Paired or multiple sera provide helpful information regarding the disease status of a patient. When screening for avian chlamydiosis in a group of birds, two or more methods should be used on a representative number of birds. Birds identified as C. psittaci positive should be administered a 45-day treatment with a tetracycline antibiotic; doxycyline is the preferred drug.111 Secondary infections with yeast (Candida spp.) or Gram-negative bacteria may occur with long-term tetracycline use. Biweekly rechecks of the avian patient are recommended to evaluate the animal for any potential complications with the disease or treatment. All birds in contact with the affected animal must be treated as well. Larger groups of birds can be treated with medicated (chlortetracycline or doxycycline) feed. Psittacosis is a reportable disease in many states.

Fungal Diseases

CANDIDIASIS.  Candida yeasts (Candida albicans) may be present in low numbers in normal avian GI tracts. Under certain circumstances, the yeast may proliferate beyond the normal state and cause disease. Young birds, particularly before weaning, are more prone to candidiasis, most likely due to their immunocompromised state. Cockatiels appear to be particularly susceptible, and the disease develops characteristics of a primary disease in this species.115 The consumption of sugary diets may promote yeast growth as well. Antibiotic therapy, especially if prolonged, can provide Candida yeasts with a competitive advantage in the gut. Whenever long-term antibiotic therapy is used, the patient should be monitored for candidiasis. In preweaned neonates, antifungal therapy should always accompany antibiotic treatment. Candida spp. can affect the entire GI tract, with the organisms colonizing the mucosa. The yeast can interfere with normal digestion and absorption of ingesta. Typically, thick caseous lesions will occur on the mucosa of affected areas. In the oral cavity, yeast lesions frequently can be scraped off the epithelium without hemorrhage. Clinical signs associated with candidiasis in an avian patient include a thickened crop wall delayed crop emptying and/or regurgitation. If the stomach or intestine is affected, diarrhea, fecal color changes and foul-smelling droppings may be observed. Weight loss may occur from poor nutrient absorption. Diagnosis can be made by preparing a Gram stain from a swab of the lesion, crop wash, or fecal smear, depending on the affected site. The characteristic budding yeast are easily identified. There is often little or no inflammatory response associated with candidiasis lesions. Hematology is often unremarkable. An effort should be made to establish whether underlying medical conditions exist.115 Most of the azole antifungals are usually effective in treatment of a bird diagnosed with candidiasis. Nystatin can be administered prophylactically when antibiotics are prescribed for neonatal birds. One should remember that nystatin only works topically when contacting the organism on the mucosal surface and will not be effective if deeper invasion of tissues has occurred. Therapy may be as short as 10 days or may last months. Clinical signs and monitoring of the crop contents, mouth, and feces for yeasts should be used to determine an end point for therapy. Control of this disease revolves around sanitation, good hand feeding practices, and control of predisposing disease conditions. AVIAN GASTRIC YEAST.  This disease is caused by large, fastidious, recently characterized yeast now known as Macrorhabdus ornithogaster or simply as avian gastric yeast (AGY).116 Originally called megabacteria, the organism, which had not been isolated but could be identified cytologically, was thought to be a bacterium. The infections seem to be limited to the proventriculus but other parts of the gastrointestinal tract may be infected. Globular mucinous cysts form with this pathogen, usually at the isthmus between the proventriculus and ventriculus. Clinically, weight loss and regurgitation are the most prominent feature. Vomiting, melena, or passage of whole seeds may also be observed in affected birds. The disease is commonly diagnosed, especially in smaller bird species, such as budgerigars and finches. Diagnosis depends on finding the organisms in the feces or from samples taken directly from the crop and/or

FIGURE 5-12  Proventricular impression smear from the necropsy of a budgerigar. Both Macrorhabdus ornithogaster and Candida spp. were present, along with ulceration at the isthmus.

proventriculus. On slides that have been Gram stained, these yeasts are Gram positive, while on standard differential stains, they appear “ghost-like” (Figure 5-12). Macrorhabdus ornithogaster can also be identified on fecal wet mounts. Avian gastric yeasts are extremely large, measuring 10 µm in width and up to 200 µm in length. The organisms can be found in some clinically “normal” birds, therefore host factors are apparently important in the formation of disease. PCR tests for Macrorhabdus DNA are also available. Finding typical proventricular filling defects, using contrast radiography, in commonly affected species may give a presumptive diagnosis, although gastric neoplasia must also be considered in these cases. Affected birds have elevated proventricular pH. Acidification of the drinking water has been suggested as a means of improving survival rates.117 In one study, the administration of a bolus of Lactobacillus was successful in eliminating shedding of AGY.118 The disease has been described as having high morbidity but low mortality. Oral amphotericin B is currently the most successful treatment. It appears that while amphotericin B may alleviate clinical signs and reduce shedding, it may not eliminate yeast from the stomach of all infected birds.119 The treatment protocol involves a 30-day course of oral amphotericin B administered at an elevated dose. Care should be taken to avoid aspiration of the concentrated amphotericin suspension by the patient. The antifungal suspension is extremely irritating to the respiratory membranes and if aspirated fatal aspiration tracheitis may occur. The author uses a feeding tube to avoid aspiration of the amphotericin suspension by the patient. Research investigating the medication of drinking water with sodium benzoate show some promise in treating larger groups of birds.120

Parasitic Diseases

TRICHOMONIASIS.  Trichomoniasis is primarily a disease of the upper GI tract of birds. Lesions are usually found in the oral cavity, esophagus, and crop. Rarely, the parasite may be identified in the respiratory tract. This disease seems to be quite common in psittacines in other countries but is rarely

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


diagnosed in these avian species within the United States. However trichomoniasis is most commonly found in wild birds, especially Columbiformes (pigeons and doves) and raptors (especially those that consume pigeons), in the United States. The parasite may be transmitted at garden bird feeders.121 The gross lesions caused by this parasite are often difficult to distinguish from those caused by Candida spp. While the superficial lesions can often be scraped off the mucosa with little or no bleeding, there are more invasive strains that can damage the mucosa. The parasites can easily be observed in saline wet mounts of the lesions or of crop washes of affected birds. Trichomonads often dry out and are difficult to identify in stained cytologic preparations. Culture methods are more sensitive in detecting the parasites.122 Hematologic findings vary with the degree of invasion. Treatment with metronidazole, carnidazole, or ronidazole is often effective. Infestations with milder strains of the trichamonas organism are common in pigeons, and are thought to provide a natural vaccination against more virulent strains.123 COCCIDIOSIS.  Coccidia (Isospora spp. and Eimeria spp.) are commonly found in many types of birds, with most organisms being host specific.124 These parasites usually have a direct life cycle. Clinical signs are most severe in very young birds and include weight loss, diarrhea, fecal-pasted vents, and occasionally death. Diagnosis is based on finding oocysts in feces using flotation techniques. Treatment with sulfonamides, amprolium, ponazuril, or toltrazuril may be effective. CRYPTOSPORIDIUM.  Cryptosporidium spp. are seldom diagnosed in birds. This organism is generally considered a parasite that affects birds with underlying diseases that suppress the immune system.125,126 Cryptosporidium spp. may result in enteritis, leading to diarrhea, and proventricular infections, resulting in vomiting.127,128 Organisms may be found in feces using acid-fast stains or by PCR methods. Histopathology findings from affected birds often reveal enteritis or proliferative proventriculitis.127,128 Treatment of cryptosporidiosis is frequently unsuccessful.129 Paromomycin, alone or in combination with azithromycin over several weeks did not provide any clinical improvement for respiratory cryptosporidiosis in falcons and thus is considered to have no beneficial effect in this disease syndrome.130 Halofuginone treatment may inhibit Cryptosporidium spp. infections of the bursa of Fabricius and cloaca.131 Enrofloxacin and paromomycin may have weak prophylactic effects.132 Control of the disease involves sanitation, nutrition, and controlling underlying disease. GIARDIASIS.  Giardia psittaci, a flagellate, is relatively common in budgerigars. The flagellate parasite is often found on routine screening of fecal samples in this species. Most birds are clinically healthy. Young birds may have more severe infections that result in diarrhea, dehydration, and poor growth.133 Diagnosis is best obtained through wet-mount preparations of the feces, where either the characteristic teardrop-shaped trophozoites or the oval-shaped oocysts may be found. The addition of dilute Lugol’s iodine solution may highlight the oocysts. Although the organism is distinct from the typical Giardia spp. found in humans, the avian parasite should be considered zoonotic. Treatment with metronidazole is generally effective. HEXAMITIASIS (SPIRONUCLEOSIS).  Although there are frequent references to Giardia spp. in cockatiels, Hexamita (Spironucleus) appears to be much more common in this species.



There are few published reports regarding this species in psittacines, but it is common in game birds.124 The organisms are structurally very distinct from Giardia spp.134 The Hexamita trophozoites are smaller, move more erratically and toward the narrower end. The protozoal organisms are frequently found in routine wet-mount preparations of the feces of cockatiels. Most birds are subclinical when infected with Hexamita. When clinical signs are present, polyuria and/or diarrhea is usually noted. Feather-damaging behavior may occur in some affected cockatiels. Treatment is much more challenging than for Giardia. Metronidazole, ronidazole, or carnidazole can be used, but treatment failure is common. ENCEPHALITOZOONOSIS.  Encephalitozoon hellum is a microsporidial parasite that occasionally infects the intestine of birds. Encephalitozoonosis is usually diagnosed in small psittacine species (e.g., lovebirds, budgerigars).135,136 Immunosuppression is thought to be a factor, especially when larger birds are infected.137 There appears to be a strong association with psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) and encephalitozoonosis in birds. When disease is present, it may involve the intestine, liver, and kidneys, with the liver being more affected.138,139 Diagnosis is generally made at necropsy. This disease is potentially zoonotic and has become a considerable problem in immunocompromised humans, although it is unclear whether human isolates are identical to avian isolates.136 COCHLOSOMIASIS.  Cochlosoma spp. are flagellated protozoans that are sometimes responsible for nestling mortality in finches.140 The parasite can be carried by adult birds without exhibiting clinical signs. Society finches may be very resistant to the disease and, consequently when they are used as foster parents they will expose other finch species to cochlosomiasis. Finch species, transmission of the disease to the offspring may occur.124 Cochlosoma spp. may be found on wet mounts of feces, and treatment with metronidazole or ronidazole may be effective if there is immediate administration of the prescribed therapeutic agent(s).141 NEMATODES.  Various nematodes can affect the upper GI tract (Capillaria spp., Spiruroidea spp.), ventriculus (Acuaria spp.), or intestines (Ascaridia spp., Capillaria obsignata) of birds.124 These parasites are uncommon in individual pet birds but are often found in wild-caught birds or in those from large aviaries where sanitation is not ideal. Fecal flotation or wetmount examinations may be used to maximize the chance of finding all important parasites. Often, several samples are required before a parasite is identified. In some cases, eggs are not shed. Clinical signs depend on the location and severity of the infestation. Treatment with ivermectin or pyrantel is often effective. While strict sanitation or periodic deworming is recommended if exposure cannot be controlled. TAPEWORMS.  In wild-caught African grey parrots (Psittacus spp.) and cockatoos (Cacatua spp.) tapeworms are a relatively common disease diagnosis. The tapeworms may not be easily observed on fecal examination. Weight loss, enteritis, or eosinophilia are clinical signs that are often associated with avian tapeworm infestations. Rarely, the owner may see a proglottid pass in the droppings or the worm “hanging” from the cloaca. Often, wild-caught African grey parrots and cockatoo species that have recently been released from quarantine facilities are routinely treated for tapeworms. Praziquantel is the treatment of choice.

Miscellaneous Diseases

INGLUVIOLITHS.  Ingluviolithiasis is an uncommon condition in pet birds. Stones located within the crop are usually smooth, composed of uric acid, and, when cut, exhibit concentric layers. Coprophagy, or more specifically, the consumption of urates, is suspected to be important factor in the development of ingluvial stones. The stones can be surgically removed by performing an ingluviotomy. Reoccurrence can be minimized by housing birds in cages where they have no access to droppings. GASTRIC NEOPLASIA.  Gastric neoplasia has been reported in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus); cockatiels; gray-cheeked parakeets (Brotogeris pyrrhopterus); a blue and gold macaw (Ara ararauna); two Amazon parrots (Amazona spp.); and several nonpsittacine birds.142,143,144 Most birds diagnosed with gastric neoplasia in the case reports listed above were middle aged (3 to 20 years). A majority of the cases were diagnosed post mortem after acute death due to hemorrhage caused by ulceration of the mass. The masses in all of the reported psittacine cases were located in the isthmus between the proventriculus and ventriculus; this is where the gland types gradually shift from the proventricular to the ventricular type. The majority of the reported gastric neoplasia cases were classified as proventricular adenocarcinomas. Although uncommon, gastric neoplasia should be considered a differential diagnosis in any mature bird exhibiting signs of proventricular and/or ventricular dysfunction (e.g., vomiting, weight loss, passage of whole seeds). Radiographically, the diseased proventriculus may be mildly enlarged or misshapen. The results of a barium study in a bird reveals a filling defect that could be caused by a number of disease conditions. However the age of the bird and the location of the mass at the isthmus are highly suggestive of gastric neoplasia (Figure 5-13). An endoscopic or surgical biopsy of the mass

FIGURE 5-13  Contrast study of a parrot. The filling defect at the isthmus was later revealed to be a ventricular carcinoma.

with subsequent histopathological examination of the collected samples is required to confirm the diagnosis. Endoscopic biopsy carries the risk of perforation of the stomach wall. Shallow biopsies can also be nondiagnostic, showing only surface inflammation. Successful resection of gastric tumors has not been reported; however, since metastases are uncommon, surgical resection could be curative. Because gastric ulceration and subsequent hemorrhage are the primary causes of mortality, sucralfate, a topical GI therapeutic agent that adheres to and provides mucosal protection, may be useful in the management of gastric tumors. LIVER NEOPLASIA.  Neoplasia is an uncommon cause of liver disease. In Amazon parrots, biliary adenocarcinoma has been strongly associated with cloacal papillomas.93 The liver should be evaluated in birds that have papillomatous disease. In birds with avian leukosis, liver neoplasia (lymphoma) is often diagnosed.145 Spontaneous lymphoma of the liver is also occasionally seen. Diagnosis of hepatic neoplasia in birds is based on radiography, endoscopy, biopsy, or, most commonly, necropsy. Successful treatment of liver cancer in an avian patient has not been reported. HYPOVITAMINOSIS A.  This is the most common clinically evident nutritional deficiency in pet avian practice. The signs of hypovitaminosis A are often found in the oral cavity: swollen salivary glands, keratin cysts, blunted and thickened choanal papillae, redness in the throat, and increased susceptibility to infection (Figure 5-14). Integumentary signs (hyperkeratosis) may be present as well. A definitive diagnosis of hypovitaminosis A is based on dietary history, typical lesions, and response to therapy. Cytology of affected areas may reveal heavily cornified squamous epithelial cells, with an amber cast. Secondary infections are common due to a breakdown in the surface epithelium’s ability to adequately protect the patient. Treatment involves vitamin A supplementation followed by correction of the dietary deficiency. CROP TRAUMA, BURNS, AND FISTULAE.  Improper hand feeding practices or tube feeding can result in serious damage to the crop. If a tube is forced too vigorously or if the wall of the crop is devitalized, the tube may penetrate the crop wall. Food may then leak or be deposited in the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the crop. An alternative form of this condition occurs if food is deposited around the pharynx. Severe cellulitis can also occur as a result of food being deposited; if deposition occurs in the subcutaneous space secondary to trauma, immediate surgery should be performed to flush the area of food debris. Another common reason for thermal crop injury involves the feeding of microwaved baby formula to a neonate that may have hot areas within due to inadequate stirring after removal from the oven. This occasionally occurs in adult birds if they are allowed to drink hot liquids. Initially, edema is present, but this is soon followed by necrosis. As the tissues of the crop slough, they coalesce with the skin. The lesion will then fistulate through the fused surface epithelium and crop mucosa and food will leak out (Figure 5-15). A period of 3 to 5 days is required for the fistula to mature following the initial insult. Endotoxic shock can occur in these cases in addition to the animals being dehydrated and malnourished (e.g., food and water falls out of the crop). Intensive supportive care may be necessary prior to correcting the deficit. A tube can be passed into the defect and down the

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System



B FIGURE 5-14  A, View of the choana using a video otoscope.

Note the sharp choanal papillae. B, View of the choana using a video otoscope. This bird is exhibiting blunted choanal papillae.

esophagus for nutritional support. Eventually, the defect may require surgical repair. In burn cases, the surgery should be delayed several days until the wound begins to contract. Early repair can sometimes be ineffective because the extent of necrosis cannot always be determined. The skin and crop must be dissected from each other. All devitalized tissue must be resected. Up to 50% of the crop wall can be resected in most avian cases without significant impact to the patient. Any subcutaneous debris should be lavaged out. Primary closure of the crop and skin is accomplished using a simple interrupted suture patterns. It is important that the crop and skin are closed in two separate layers. If endotoxic shock is not severe, the prognosis is favorable. CLOACAL PROLAPSE.  Several types of tissues can prolapse through the cloacal orifice. Birds with cloacal papillomas will often have the proliferative tissue protruding from the orifice. In small birds such as budgies, cockatiels, and finches, the oviduct may prolapse from the cloacal opening. Intestinal



FIGURE 5-15  This Goffin’s cockatoo developed a crop burn

that fistulated through the skin. When the food was taken away in preparation for surgery, the bird consumed his feces, which is flowing from the fistula. The skin lesions over the sternum were a chronic problem prior to the fistula.

intussusceptions, especially in neonates, will occasionally prolapse through the cloacal opening. True cloacal prolapses occur most frequently in cockatoos, with African greys less frequently affected. The condition is most common in male birds. The cause of these true cloacal prolapses is not known, although abnormal sexual attachment to the owners is often present and has been suggested that there is hormonal influence regarding the underlying cause of this disease condition. Proposed etiologies such as straining due to intestinal disease rarely occur. The prolapse involves tearing of some of the pericloacal connective tissue. The protruding structure is smooth surfaced and red. Initial inspection to determine the nature of the prolapsed tissue is required. A cotton-tipped applicator or other blunt probe can be inserted alongside the prolapsed tissue. If the blunt probe reaches a blind end immediately, the prolapse is most likely cloacal tissue. The prolapse may be replaced and transverse sutures placed across the vent. If there is a prolapsed intestinal intussusception, open surgical treatment is indicated. (Prolapse of the oviduct is a separate problem and is not discussed in this chapter.) Supportive care is provided as needed. Unless the behavioral aspects of this condition are corrected, there is a high rate of recurrence. In these birds, cloacapexy can be performed. For the cloacapexy procedure a ventral abdominal incision is made after which the cloaca is elevated with a blunt probe and sutures are placed to attach the coprodeum to the ribs and body wall. The body wall must be penetrated to ensure adequate adherence to the internal structures so that the pexy does not break down. HEPATIC LIPIDOSIS.  Birds that are maintained on highfat and/or unbalanced diets will often form deposits of excessive fat. Occasionally, the excessive fat will accumulate in and between the liver cells. This condition is known as hepatic lipidosis. Budgerigars and Amazon parrots appear to be highly susceptible to hepatic lipidosis (and obesity in general). Unlike a similar clinical condition in cats, hepatic lipidosis in birds is

not usually associated with anorexia. Instead, the clinical signs of hepatic lipidosis in birds are those associated with chronic, low-grade liver disease. Polyuria, hypoproteinemia, elevated AST, enlarged liver, lipemia, normal CBC, overgrown beak (especially in budgies), and coagulopathies are all clinical characteristics commonly identified in birds diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis. A tentative diagnosis can often be made from the history, clinical signs, hematology, and evidence of liver disease (e.g., biochemistries, elevated AST and bile acids, radiographs). Definitive diagnosis requires a liver biopsy. The recommended treatment for the affected avian patient is a strict, low-fat, balanced diet. This diet is beneficial for any psittacine and is often prescribed based on a presumptive diagnosis. The bird’s normal diet is gradually changed to the prescribed nutritional offerings over a period of 3 to 4 weeks. If the owner has difficulty converting the bird, boarding at the veterinary hospital during the dietary conversion can be helpful. If the diet is already appropriate, restricting food quantity or adding L-carnitine supplementation may be required. Other supportive measures, including antioxidants such as silymarin, may be useful adjuncts to therapy. Prognosis is good for stabilizing the avian patient that has been diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis if the client complies with the dietary recommendations, although in chronic cases hepatic firbrosis may develop, which can be progressive, despite therapy. HEMOCHROMATOSIS.  Hemochromatosis (iron storage disease) is a metabolic disorder involving the deposition of iron-containing pigments into various solid viscera. Originally thought to be associated with excessive iron in the diet, the disease is now attributed to a bird’s inability to process generally acceptable levels of dietary iron. The disease commonly affects certain species of birds, including mynahs (Acridotheres spp.), toucans (Ramphastidae), birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae), tanagers (Thraupidae), and some other softbill-type birds. Many of the birds affected by this disease are wild caught, making genetics an unlikely contributing factor to the problem. Rarely, a psittacine bird may be diagnosed with hemochromatosis. The liver is the primary organ affected by the disease. In mynahs, the disease takes a more chronic course, with heart and liver failure combining to cause ascites and pulmonary edema. Respiratory distress and abdominal swelling are common clinical findings in generalized hemochromatosis cases. In toucans, the disease presents acutely, and death may occur without prior clinical signs. A tentative diagnosis is often based on the signalment, history, and clinical signs. Additional data may include radiographs (if ascites is not present or after removal of ascitic fluid), ultrasound (when fluid is present), or blood biochemistries. Hematologic values are generally unremarkable. In toucans, severe organ damage often occurs before any biochemistry alterations appear. The value of serum iron, iron binding capacity, serum ferritin, or other blood tests evaluating iron metabolism is questionable at this point. A definitive diagnosis requires a liver (or other organ) biopsy. Hepatic iron levels are also diagnostic. In some birds, clinical improvement and an increase of life expectancy have been accomplished by the combination of dietary iron restriction and phlebotomy. The weekly removal of blood at 1% of the body weight (1 mL/100 g) until clinical signs resolve and then monthly to

maintain lower levels has been recommended to manage cases. The hematocrit of the patient should be monitored closely when performing phlebotomy treatments. Deferoxamine may also be used as an iron binding agent to slow iron absorption. Prognosis for long-term survival of avian patients diagnosed with hemachromatosis is guarded. In species predisposed to hemochromatosis, low iron diets are highly recommended with iron content of the food product 20 µg/dL). Treatment of lead poisoning involves chelation of the metal until all of the lead is removed from the GI tract. Calcium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (caEDTA; 35 mg/kg IM [intramuscularly], twice daily, for 3 to 5 d, 3 to 5 d off, and then repeated until cleared) is the drug most commonly used to treat birds for heavy metal poisoning. D-penicillamine can be used alone or in conjunction with CaEDTA. Barium sulfate, hemicellulose, peanut butter, and Pepto Bismol have all been used to speed the elimination of lead objects from the ventriculus. Large lead pellets can be surgically removed via endoscopy, proventriculotomy, or ventriculotomy. In larger waterfowl, an endoscopic technique for removing lead shot from the ventriculus has been described. As with other diseases, supportive and therapy based on clinical presentation is crucial to the successful treatment of lead poisoning. Diazepam or midazolam can be used, as needed, to control seizures. ACUTE PANCREATIC NECROSIS.  Acute pancreatic necrosis is an uncommon condition in pet birds, but obese quaker (monk) parrots (Myiopsitta monachus) appear to be particularly susceptible to this condition. In one study, 16.5% of quaker parrot submissions to a pathology service were found to have acute panacreatic necrosis.147 The cause of acute pancreatic necrosis in unknown, but improved nutrition has been found to reduce the incidence of the disease. Affected birds are usually overweight and will acutely present with severe depression, anorexia, and occasionally polyuria, diarrhea, or vomiting. The white blood cell count and amylase are usually elevated in these cases; glucose may be very high as well. Affected birds may die within a few days of onset of clinical signs associated with acute pancreatic necrosis. PANCREATITIS.  Pancreatitis has been diagnosed in association with zinc toxicosis, herpesvirus infection, adenovirus infection, egg-related coelomitis, and a number of other etiologies. In some cases, the cause of pancreatitis has been considered idiopathic. Clinical signs of pancreatitis in the avian patient are often nonspecific and include anorexia, lethargy, abdominal pain, weight loss, polyuria, polydipsia, and abdominal distension may all be variably seen.89 Suspicion may be raised based on elevated amylase levels and an inflammatory white blood cell response. Diagnosis requires biopsy. Treatment for birds diagnosed with pancreatitis is supportive. PANCREATIC EXOCRINE INSUFFICIENCY.  This appears to be a rare condition in birds. Clinical signs may include polyphagia, weight loss, and pale bulky droppings (amylorrhea). The feces can be mixed with iodine to determine if there is undigested starch present. Amylase levels may be normal in these cases.89 Treatment using pancreatic enzymes to predigest food may improve signs while some cases appear to be transient and have a spontaneous resolution.

Mammals Exotic companion mammals are commonly affected by GI disorders; however, each group has its own common disease conditions. For this reason, the exotic companion mammal



GI diseases are subdivided in this section. Table 5-5 lists clinical signs, diagnostic tests of choice, and differential diagnoses for the various anatomic parts of the exotic small mammal digestive tract.

Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders have specialized lower incisors that are used for gouging the bark and sap of trees. Since these specialized lower incisors are prominent, they are susceptible to trauma. The lower incisiors are not continuously growing teeth as with rodents and therefore should never be trimmed. If the sugar glider’s lower incisors are trimmed, a painful infection can possibly occur.16 These iatrogenic problems are unfortunately common. Extraction of the incisors is complicated, requiring gingivotomy and fine elevation of the tooth root. Placement of synthetic bone matrix is recommended when the incisors have to be removed. Enteritis in sugar gliders may be due to a variety of causes, including bacterial infections, parasitic infestations, organ

dysfunction, malnutrition, or stress. Treatment involves specific therapy for the underlying cause and fluid and nutritional support.16 Rectal or cloacal prolapse may occur secondary to tenesmus and is more common in gliders in poor overall health. Care should be taken to identify the prolapsed tissue. Treatment involves reduction of the prolapse and placement of transverse sutures to reduce the width of the cloacal vent, similar to the procedure described for birds and reptiles.16


Hedgehogs present a challenge to the veterinarian because they roll into an inaccessible ball when frightened. This defensive response makes detection and evaluation of problems more difficult. Hedgehogs should be watched prior to handling to determine behavioral responses, since the actual exam may require anesthesia. They also have a high incidence of neoplasia that should be considered on every differential diagnosis list.

TABLE 5-5 

Clinical Signs, Diagnostics, and Differential Disease Diagnoses by Anatomic Site in Mammals Site

Clinical Signs



Oral Cavity

Anorexia Dysphagia Visible lesions, exudates Hypersalivation Yawning Head shaking Halitosis Regurgitation Weight loss Vomiting (if capable) Anorexia Abdominal pain Respiratory distress Melena Diarrhea Anorexia Vomiting Abdominal pain

Visual examination Oral swabs Endoscopy Biopsy Radiography CT

Dental disease Cheek pouch impaction Neoplasia

Radiography Contrast radiography Radiography Contrast radiography Ultrasound Gastroscopy Exploratory laparotomy Radiography Contrast radiography Ultrasound Feces Exploratory surgery Biopsy Radiography Contrast radiography Ultrasound Feces Exploratory surgery Visual exam Biopsy ALT, bile acids Radiography Ultrasound Biopsy Blood glucose Insulin level Biopsy


Esophagus Stomach

Small Intestine

Large Intestine/cecum

Rectum/anus Liver


Anorexia Diarrhea Reduced feces Constipation Abdominal pain Tenesmus Protruding tissue Vague signs Icterus Hepatomegaly Hypoglycemia Vomiting

ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; CT, computed tomography; GI, gastrointestinal.

Gastritis Gastric impaction Gastric dilatation ± volvulus Neoplasia GI stasis Enteritis Intussusception GI stasis Neoplasia Parasites GI stasis Dysbiosis Colitis Mucoid enteropathy Cecoliths Rectal papillomas Prolapse Hepatic lipidosis Hepatitis Liver lobe torsion Hepatic cysts Insulinoma Pancreatitis Neoplasia

Hedgehogs tend to have significant problems with periodontal disease. Whether due to their captive diets or a genetic predisposition, many pet hedgehogs present with severe tartar, gingival proliferation, and tooth loss. Preventive health care must include regular dental care.18 Dental care products should be used to reduce the occurrence of disease affecting the teeth of hedgehogs. The author has used chlorhexidine oral rinses as a preventive product for hedgehog dental disease, with some success. As hedgehogs are usually anesthetized when examined, the teeth should always be examined, scaled, and treated as needed. Extractions are frequently required and often require little elevation of the tooth roots to accomplish. Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic treatments are warranted in hedgehogs diagnosed with dental disease. Oral neoplasia, especially squamous cell carcinoma, is very common in hedgehogs.18 The underlying etiology for oral neoplasia in hedgehogs is unknown, but the author suspects that it may be related to the chronic proliferative gingivitis that occurs with dental disease. Diagnosis often occurs late in the disease because owners are unable to regularly examine the oral cavity. The tumors are locally invasive, therefore if complete excision can be achieved, a cure is possible. However, this often requires aggressive surgery (e.g., hemimandibulectomy). Diarrhea, occasionally encountered in hedgehogs, may be a result of a variety of species of bacteria, including Salmonella spp. Alimentary candidiasis, cryptosporidiosis, and various parasites have also been identified, but they are not common disease problems in pet hedgehogs.18 Sporulated bacterial rods resembling Clostridium organisms are often identified in Gram stains of hedgehog feces, even in animals not exhibiting clinical signs of disease. Obstructions with foreign bodies are uncommon but may occasionally be diagnosed in hedgehogs. Those affected with GI obstruction will present with acute abdominal pain, anorexia, and lethargy; patients may also be in shock. Vomiting is variable in these cases.18 A thorough diagnostic workup is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of an obstruction. The patient should be stabilized and surgery performed to remove the obstruction. Hepatic lipidosis may occur in obese hedgehogs that become anorexic.18 Tentative diagnosis is usually based on the history, clinical signs, and diagnostic workup of the patient. Treatment for heptatic lipidosis includes dietary management (e.g., provide adequate calories short term and weight management long term), hepatoprotectants (e.g., lactulose, milk thistle), and supportive care. Hepatic neoplasia has also been identified in hedgehogs and may be part of a blood cell neoplasm such as lymphoma, metastatic tumor, or primary liver neoplasm. The author has observed eosinophilic leukemia in one hedgehog that infiltrated all of the viscera including the liver.


Dental disease is relatively common in ferrets. Fractures of the canine teeth are present in a high proportion of adult ferrets. In most ferret cases, in which the canine teeth are fractured, the animal does not exhibit any clinical signs of disease, but if pulp is exposed, tooth root abscesses can occur. A root canal can be performed to prevent the formation of

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abscesses in an affected tooth (teeth) or the tooth (teeth) can be extracted. Periodontal disease is also common. Treatment should follow standard dental care techniques used in cats. Oral neoplasia is uncommon in ferrets, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common tumor type being diagnosed. Squamous cell carcinomas in ferrets are locally aggressive, and wide surgical excision, sometimes including maxillectomy or mandibulectomy, is needed to achieve resolution.148 Megaesophagus is an uncommon disease of ferrets. To date, there is no known etiology for this disease in ferrets. Clinical signs in affected animals may include passive regurgitation, weight loss, and secondary respiratory signs (from aspiration). Diagnosis is made on contrast radiography, displaying the widely expanded esophagus in the thorax with the prognosis for these cases being poor. Management is the same as for canine patients however treatment response in ferrets is poor.148 Acute or chronic gastritis is one of the most commonly encountered clinical conditions in ferrets. Clinical signs observed in ferrets diagnosed with gastritis may include signs of nausea (e.g., salivation, pawing at the mouth), pain (e.g., bruxism), and abdominal splinting. Some of these signs are nonspecific and are also associated with other disease. Vomiting is uncommon, but ferrets with gastritis may gag. Melena may occur if gastric ulceration is involved. The patient’s appetite is usually diminished or absent in affected ferrets, and animals can lose weight at a drastic rate. Common causes of gastritis include Helicobacter mustelae infection, ulcerogenic drugs (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories), and uremia from renal disease. Gastric foreign bodies can mimic gastritis. Enteritis is very common in ferrets with affected animals generally exhibiting diarrhea as the primary clinical sign. Anorexia may or may not be present while weight loss and dehydration being the primary disease consequences. A variety of etiologies for enteritis in ferrets have been identified and include viruses, bacteria, parasites, idiopathic inflammation, and neoplasia.148 Intestinal obstruction is clinically distinct from enteritis and generally presents as an acute abdomen. Hepatic diseases occasionally occur in ferrets. Clinical signs associated with hepatic disease in ferrets is often nonspecific, including anorexia, weight loss, and general malaise. The alanine aminotransferase level (ALT) is usually elevated in affected ferrets, while icterus is rare.148 In severe hepatic disease cases, reduced protein levels (e.g., albumin) or glucose may be found. Causes of liver disease in ferrets include neoplasia, lipidosis, and lymphocytic inflammation. VIRAL DISEASES EPIZOOTIC CATARRHAL ENTERITIS.  Epizootic ca-

tarrhal enteritis (ECE), which is attributed to ferret enteric coronavirus (FECV), is a common contagious disease of ferrets. Adult ferrets are most often affected, and the disease usually occurs after a new younger ferret is introduced into the household. In most cases, the younger ferret has a subclinical infection. Initially, a green mucoid diarrhea will develop; hence the origin of “green slime disease.” Feces will sometimes have a grainy appearance due to undigested material as a result of an inefficient digestive process. Although morbidity is high, the mortality rate for this disease is low. Hematology may be



normal while elevation of hepatic enzymes such as ALT is common. A definitive diagnosis can be achieved histologically or by detecting the virus in feces using PCR testing methods. Treatment is primarily supportive, including antibiotics (these should target Helicobacter mustelae), fluid therapy, nutritional support, and separation from other ferrets. After recovery, there may be persistent diarrhea for weeks to months. Corticosteroids may be useful during the recovery phase in which diarrhea or digestive dysfunction (e.g., bird seed stool) is present. More recently, a systemic coronavirus has been identified in ferrets. This disease follows a course similar to feline infectious peritonitis and carries a grave prognosis.148 OTHER VIRAL ENTERITIDES.  Rotavirus, canine distemper virus, and influenza may also cause enteritis in ferrets. In the case of distemper and influenza, non-GI signs are more prominent presentations of the disease. Rotavirus affects kits and leads to transient green mucoid diarrhea with treatment being supportive.148 BACTERIAL DISEASES HELICOBACTER GASTRITIS.  Helicobacter mustelae is

the most common cause of gastritis in ferrets. Nearly all U.S. ferrets are exposed as kits to this bacterium and become persistently infected.149 Untreated, the infection is lifelong, and gastritis appears to progress with age, although many ferrets with histologically severe gastritis have minimal clinical signs. Often, the onset of clinical disease will correspond to a concurrent illness or surgery. Clinical signs are attributed to gastritis as previously described, with ulceration being common. Definitive diagnosis of helicobacter gastritis depends on histopathology of gastric mucosal biopsy or PCR diagnostics from gastric mucosa or feces. Treatment with “triple therapy” (e.g., amoxicillin 12.5 mg/kg, PO, twice daily [BID]; metronidazole, 20 mg/kg, PO, BID; and bismuth subsalicylate, 0.25 to 0.5 mL, PO, 3 to 4 times daily [TID-QID]), as in humans, is recommended. Sucralfate (50 to 100 mg/kg, PO, TIDQID) can also be used to help minimize the discomfort associated with the gastric ulcers; however sucralfate should be administered as a separate treatment 2 to 4 hours after the other drugs to limit the likelihood that it will decrease absorption of the triple therapeutics. Clarithromycin (12.5 mg/kg, PO, BID-TID), combined with ranitidine bismuth (24 mg/ kg, PO, BID), omeprazole (4 mg/kg, PO, once daily [SID]), or metronidazole and omeprazole, is also effective. PROLIFERATIVE BOWEL DISEASE.  Proliferative bowel disease in ferrets is the same disease that swine and hamsters develop due to what was originally identified as a Campylobacter-like bacteria, later renamed Desulfovibrio. Currently, the organism is called Lawsonia intracellularis.150 Chronic diarrhea is the primary clinical sign associated with this disease. Partial rectal prolapse is inconsistently observed in animals diagnosed with proliferative bowel disease. Weight loss can be dramatic as a result of chronic malabsorption. Young ferrets are most commonly affected but animals of all ages are susceptible. Lawsonia intracellularis is difficult to culture, making a definitive diagnosis a challenge although presumptive diagnosis can be made based on the signalment and clinical signs of the patient. Fecal cytology may reveal the typical spiral to curved bacteria, but this does not constitute a definitive diagnosis, especially since Helicobacter, another common GI pathogen, is similarly shaped. Chloramphenicol (50 mg/ kg BID) is the treatment of choice for Lawsonia intracellularis.

Fluid and nutritional support should be provided as well. Since this disease can be difficult to distinguish from Helicobacter gastritis, it may be advisable to treat both conditions in ferrets with severe GI disease. Proliferative bowel disease appears to be more of a problem for laboratory ferrets than pet ferrets. PARASITIC DISEASES COCCIDIOSIS.  Intestinal parasites are rarely diagnosed in

ferrets. While nematodes are extremely rare, coccidiosis may be a clinical disease problem, especially in large, densely populated, dynamic ferret populations. In ferret populations diagnosed with coccidiosis morbidity may be high, with significant mortality, with the disease affecting animals of all ages. The most notable clinical signs observed in ferrets diagnosed with coccidiosis include diarrhea, often with frank or digested blood. Dehydration, weakness, lethargy, and weight loss are clinical signs most often associated with severe chronic cases. Fecal examination often reveals sporadic and inconsistent shedding of oocysts. Supportive care and treatment with sulfadimethoxine (25 to 50 mg/kg, PO, SID, for 7 to 10 d) is palliative but may fail to eliminate infection.151 Coccidiocides, such as ponazuril (10 to 20 mg/kg, PO, SID, for 3 to 5 d), may be more effective. MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES GASTRIC/INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION.  Trichobezoars

or foreign bodies that cause partial or complete obstruction of the stomach or small intestine are very common in pet ferrets. The size of the ferret’s intestinal lumen of ferrets will not allow the passage of apparently small foreign objects. The author has witnessed ferrets die from the ingestion of items as small as a cherry pit. Ferrets are mischievous creatures and will often ingest items that can be harmful. These curious animals have a particular taste for rubber and foam rubber products.152 In addition, ferret trichobezoars have a tendency be very firm and can lead to chronic gastric, or occasionally acute intestinal, obstruction. Typically, younger ferrets ingest foreign bodies, while middle- to older-age ferrets are diagnosed more often with hairballs. The presenting complaint for gastric obstruction may be chronic weight loss and lack of appetite, with or without vomiting. Although ferrets are physically capable of vomiting, it is an uncommon clinical presentation with foreign body ingestion or hair ball formation. Intestinal obstructions present as an acute severe processes involving anorexia, dehydration, abdominal pain, and severe depression. Diagnosis is based on palpation or radiography. Contrast studies may be performed but should not be considered conclusive. Many of the items ingested by ferrets can absorb barium, making it difficult to visualize the foreign material on contrast films. Confirmation of the disease is made through an exploratory laparotomy. When doubt exists, it is better to err on the side of caution and perform the exploratory surgical procedure. The consequences of a negative abdominal exploratory surgery are much better than the consequences of leaving an obstruction unresolved. The treatment for GI obstruction is a gastrotomy or enterotomy, depending on the site affected. In the case of intestinal obstruction, the surgery should be performed as soon as possible (within hours). The abdominal surgical procedure is similar to that used for dogs or cats, although it is somewhat easier to perform. Intravenous (IV) fluids, antibiotics, and other supportive care are administered as necessary.

EOSINOPHILIC GASTROENTERITIS.  Although uncommon in ferrets, this disease appears to be more common in these animals than cats and dogs. Unlike most of the other GI disorders of ferrets, eosinophilic gastroenteritis is most common in mature to older ferrets. The underlying etiology for eosinophilic gastroenteritis is unknown, but is suspected to be a hypersensitivity reaction. The author had one ferret develop this disease approximately 1 week after exhibiting signs of both rabies and distemper vaccination reactions. Clinical signs associated with eosinophilic gastroenteritis include diarrhea, anorexia, vomiting, and weight loss. Peripheral eosinophilia is often observed in the differential white blood cell count. Treatment for eosinophilic gastroenteritis in ferrets consists of using prednisolone at 2 mg/kg, PO, SID, for 1 week and then every other day until resolved, at which time the dose is tapered. Ivermectin was also successful in resolving the disease in one ferret case.153 Supportive care should be administered as needed. INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE.  Inflammatory bowel disease is an idopathic lymphoplasmacytic inflammation of the bowel. The source of inflammation may be diet, hypersensitivity reactions, or another abnormal immune response.148 Inflammatory bowel disease in ferrets may be overlooked because it clinically resembles coronaviral enteritis (e.g., ECE) and other causes of diarrhea. It is also possible that these other disease conditions listed above could initiate the inflammatory response. Another major differential diagnosis for this disease is intestinal lymphoma. Inflammatory bowel disease should be considered if diarrhea persists beyond 6 to 8 weeks. Hematologic test results may reveal a may lymphocytosis, and serum chemistries indicating an increase ALT and globulin concentrations. Ultrasound may reveal thickened bowel wall and enlarged lymph nodes. However, definitive diagnosis requires intestinal biopsies. Treatment is aimed at controlling inflammation and although corticosteroids may be used for antiinflammatory purposes, they may not be effective for long-term management of this disease problem. Azathioprine (0.9 mg/kg, PO, q24 to 72 h) is a useful antiinflammatory therapeutic alternative.154 GASTROINTESTINAL LYMPHOMA.  Infiltrative lymphoma is a relatively common finding in ferrets. The disease can be very difficult to distinguish from inflammatory bowel disease as it has many of the same disease conditions in the affected animal. While the pathophysiologic responses and imaging results are similar, they are more severe with GI lymphoma. Diagnosis requires biopsy of the affected region(s) of the GI tract (e.g., stomach, intestine), lymph nodes, and occasionally other tissues. When a ferret is diagnosed with gastrointestinal lymphoma the prognosis is poor. However treatment with chemotherapy can be attempted but is usually unsuccessful with this form of lymphoma.148 GASTROINTESTINAL ADENOCARCINOMA.  Adenocarcinoma is the most common primary GI tumor diagnosed in ferrets. This neoplasm is often locally aggressive and tends to induce a scirrhous response, which may lead to obstruction. Complete excision may be curative if metastasis has not occurred prior to the surgical procedure.155 HEPATIC NEOPLASIA.  The liver may be the site of either primary or metastatic neoplasia. Metastatic tumors involving the liver can arise from a variety of primary neoplasms. Lymphoma may infiltrate the hepatic tissue

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FIGURE 5-16  Liver of a ferret that died from lymphoma.

(Figure 5-16). The most common primary tumor diagnosed in the ferret liver is cystadenoma, with cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and hepatoma less common.155 Clinical signs associated with ferret hepatic neoplasia range from no clinical signs to nonspecific (e.g., anorexia, weight loss). Serum biochemistry values may suggest hepatocellular damage, and imaging may reveal the mass or masses in the liver. Histopathology is required for a definitive diagnosis the recommended treatment options are a wide surgical excision or lobectomy. EXOCRINE PANCREATIC NEOPLASIA.  Neoplasia of the exocrine pancreas is an uncommon occurrence in ferrets. When present, this tumor type is aggressive, generally resulting in invasion into the surrounding pancreas, seeding the abdomen, and metastasizing to additional organs.155 Clinical signs may include anorexia, weight loss, or rarely vomiting. In severe cases, abdominal effusion may be present, occasionally exhibiting mast cells.156 Prognosis is grave and complete surgical excision is unlikely, however this may represent the best treatment option.

Rabbits Dental Disorders

A wide variety of dental disorders occur in rabbits. Rabbits are hypsodontic; all of the teeth are open rooted and grow continuously throughout the life of the animal. The dental formula for the rabbit is 2-0-3-3/1-0-2-3. Selective breeding for a more rounded head has resulted in these rabbits being predisposed to congenital prognathism. Prognathism can also be acquired when a tooth or its supporting bone is injured. The lower incisors then grow rostral to the upper incisors. When the rabbit’s incisors do not occlude properly, the teeth will overgrow. The lower incisors will grow upward like tusks, while the upper incisors curve backward and into the palate. The maloccluded teeth must be trimmed on a regular basis for the rest of the rabbit’s life. A preferred treatment method is to extract all of the incisors. Rabbits do very well without the incisors as long as the food is offered in a small size. Some rabbits may develop problems of the nasolacrimal duct as a result of elongated reserve crowns of the upper incisors.157



Rabbits also develop problems with the cheek teeth. If the occlusion is not perfect or the diet is inadequately fibrous, the teeth will develop points or spurs, usually on the buccal side of the upper and the lingual side of the lower cheek teeth. Weakened bones, resulting from inadequate vitamin D or calcium, have been a proposed contributor to dental problems in rabbits. Additionally, periodontal disease, abscessation, and other disease associated with these teeth may occur. Clinical signs of rabbit dental disease may include anorexia, dysphagia, and swelling of the face, jaw, or infraorbital area. The small opening of a rabbit’s mouth makes examination and therapy of the cheek teeth difficult limiting visualization and access to the oral cavity. A vaginal or nasal speculum with a light source may be used to open the mouth. Anesthesia is required for an in-depth oral examination of the rabbit patient. Skull radiographs are invaluable for evaluation of the reserve crowns of the teeth. Computed tomography (CT) can detect problems that would otherwise go undiagnosed. Small rongeur forceps may be used to trim away spurs on the teeth, or small files can be used to “float the teeth.”158 Preferably, dental burrs on a hobby drill or dental drill can be used to reduce and shape the clinical crown.22 Abscessed teeth require extraction (Figure 5-17). This is a difficult process in rabbits and either an intraoral or extraoral approach may be used, depending on the case presentation. If multiple cheek teeth require removal, it is preferable to stage the required surgeries, removing only 1 to 4 teeth at a single procedure. Whenever cheek teeth are removed, the opposing tooth should be frequently assessed for overgrowth. All of the dental work performed on rabbits requires general anesthesia and appropriate analgesia. Antibiotic therapy is routinely used for many of the rabbit dental procedures.


Gastrointestinal Stasis Syndrome

Gastrointestinal stasis accounts for a high proportion of rabbit presentations to veterinary clinics. Although it can be a consequence of an inappropriate diet, gastrointestinal stasis syndrome also can be secondary to any number of physiologic conditions including illness, pain, or stress.159 The term rabbit GI syndrome (RGIS) has been proposed to include a variety of GI conditions in rabbits.160 Rabbits have extremely sensitive digestive tracts and are hindgut fermenters, as such, have a long and voluminous digestive tract. Dietary fiber, particularly indigestible fiber, is the main factor stimulating motility of the large intestine. Inadequate intake of indigestible fiber, whether due to an inappropriate diet or anorexia secondary to other disease, is the main cause of GI stasis.159 Pain, drugs, anorexia, and/or just about any other adverse event can also affect GI function. Gastrointestinal stasis is a very common complication during the treatment of other disease conditions in rabbits. When gastrointestinal statsis occurs, a vicious cycle ensues, with further anorexia, dilation of the tract, and pain. Potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium and coliforms, normally present in very low numbers in the cecum, can readily proliferate when slow motility leads to abnormal cecal fermentation and alterations in the pH resulting in a condition called dysbiosis.159 Dysbiosis can lead to clinical signs ranging from diarrhea to enterotoxemia and death. Carbohydrates provide a substrate for the proliferation of these pathogens. Glucose is required for the production of iota toxin by Clostridium.

B FIGURE 5-17  A, Rabbit positioned for dental work. The entire

upper right cheek tooth arcade has been extracted. B, Severely diseased teeth removed from the rabbit in A.

Gastrointestinal stasis should be considered in rabbits that exhibit discomfort, anorexia, and a reduction in stools. Clinical signs of GI stasis typically include a gradual loss in appetite and subsequent reduction in fecal output. There may also be reduced activity, abdominal pain (evidenced by behavior changes, posture changes, and tooth grinding), and weight loss.159 Rabbits with GI stasis may have only subtle clinical disease signs recognized during the physical examination. Most rabbits with GI stasis are alert but quiet, with only mild depression. The stomach generally contains ingesta, which is frequently doughy to firm on palpation. The intestines and cecum may contain a large amount of gas, and the colon will have reduced feces. Gut sounds (borborygmi) are generally reduced.159 Radiography may be helpful in the diagnosis of GI stasis. A large, ingesta-filled stomach in an anorexic rabbit is

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System

suggestive of GI stasis. Severe gas or fluid distension of the stomach is more suggestive of an obstructive process (Figure 5-18). Moderate to severe distension of the intestines and cecum may also be identified.159 Concurrent and underlying conditions should also be explored. Treatment of GI stasis involves rehydration of the patient and stomach contents, analgesic therapy, nutritional support,

GI prokinetics, and treatment of underlying disorders.159 Fluid therapy may be administered through the subcutaneous (SC) or IV routes, depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s hydration status. Some of the fluids may be given orally along with assisted feedings as this method of treatment aids in rehydrating the stomach contents as well. Nutritional support is critical in the management of GI stasis.





FIGURE 5-18  A, Lateral radiograph from a rabbit with moderate GI stasis. Note the mod-

erate distension of the stomach and numerous loops of the intestines. The dried contents of the stomach appear to be pulling away from the wall, leaving a gas “halo.” B, Lateral projection of a rabbit that presented with acute abdominal pain and vascular compromise. The large, fluid-filled stomach suggested a gastric outflow obstruction. The small mineral particle in the area of the liver was an incidental finding. C, Ventro-dorsal radiograph from a rabbit with moderate GI stasis. Note the moderate distension of the stomach and numerous loops of the intestines. The dried contents of the stomach appear to be pulling away from the wall, leaving a gas “halo.” D, Ventro-dorsal projection of a rabbit that presented with acute abdominal pain and vascular compromise. The large, fluid-filled stomach suggested a gastric outflow obstruction.



Water, hay, and fresh greens should be made available to encourage self-feeding. Generally, syringe feeding will be required, as most of the affected rabbits will be anorexic. Commercial products are available (Critical Care for Herbivores, Oxbow Animal Health, Murdock, NE) for syringe feeding, but the commercial products are unavailable pulverized commercial rabbit diet or canned pumpkin may be used. In rabbits that refuse to swallow the products, a nasogastric tube can be placed and a finer ground product used (Emeraid Herbivore, Lafeber Company, Cornell, IL). Providing nutritional supplementation early in the disease process is essential because it provides fiber to stimulate intestinal motility and nutrients to prevent the onset of hepatic lipidosis, which occurs rapidly in rabbits in a negative-calorie balance.159 Gastrointestinal stasis is associated with mild to severe visceral pain. Until the pain is alleviated, most affected rabbits will not begin to eat. Opioid pain relievers are preferred, especially if pain is severe. Buprenorphine (0.03 to 0.05 mg/kg, IM or SC, BID-TID) is commonly used for rabbits that may be in mild to severe visceral pain. NSAIDs should be used with caution because rabbits with GI stasis are at increased risk for reduced renal perfusion and gastric ulceration. Prokinetic drugs such as cisapride (0.5 mg/kg, PO, BIDTID) and metoclopramide (0.5 mg/kg, PO, BID-TID) may help stimulate the motility of the GI tract. Metoclopramide works primarily at the stomach, while cisapride works on the entire GI tract. There is debate about how useful these drugs are in the management of rabbit patients diagnosed with GI stasis.159 Antibiotics may be a useful treatment option if there is evidence of dysbiosis. Metronidazole (20 mg/kg, PO, BID) is effective against most Clostridium spp., while enrofloxacin (5 to 10 mg/kg, PO, SID-BID) or trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (15 to 30 mg/kg, PO, BID) are often effective against coliform bacteria, all of which constitute the primary concerns gastrointestinal infection in these cases. Popular remedies such as lubricants, enzymes, and simethicone appear to have little benefit in the treatment of GI stasis in rabbits.159 Treatment should be continued for at least 3 to 5 days, with a positive response evidenced by a return of appetite and fecal production. Initially, the feces may appear somewhat abnormal, being misshapen, irregular sized, and mucoid.159 Gastric impactions can be a significant component of GI stasis. Rabbits ingest a large amount of hair in the process of grooming, which can accumulate in the stomach. It appears that gastric impactions are primarily due to a motility disorder, with the accumulation of hair or other material occurring as a result of improper gastrointestinal function. Normally, the hair moves through the digestive tract to be removed along with the feces. However, when GI motility is impaired, a large amount of hair can accumulate in the stomach. Since rabbits cannot vomit, affected animals will exhibit anorexia, weight loss, reduction in stool volume and size, and, occasionally, abdominal pain. Dessication of the stomach contents often contributes to the problem. If fluid is then absorbed, the mat of hair and ingesta becomes further compacted and fills the stomach, further reducing the patient’s appetite and perpetuating the cycle. Although this condition is frequently referred to as a hairball, wool block, or trichobezoar, gastric impaction does not appear to be initiated by the presence of hair in the stomach.159

A diagnosis of gastric impaction in rabbits is based on the history and physical exam findings of dehydration, weight loss, palpable gastric contents, and abdominal pain (sometimes). Radiographs will reveal a stomach full of ingesta even when the animal has not eaten. Often, the gastric contents will pull away from the wall of the stomach, leaving a crescent-shaped gas pocket. Treatment for gastrointestinal impaction should be initiated immediately following the diagnosis. The rare cases that require surgical removal of the impacted material from the GI tract usually carry a poor prognosis.159 Surgery is required only when a complete obstruction has been identified (see below). The patient’s hydration status is a primary concern and fluid therapy should be provided in a manner (e.g., IV, IO, SC) to address required needs. Caution should be used when considering the use of GI motilityenhancing drugs (e.g. metoclopramide, cisapride). The use of metoclopramide and cisapride should be reserved for cases of incomplete obstructions. Syringe or nasogastric feedings with a commercial critical care diet will stimulate gastric motility, help rehydrate the gastric contents, and provide semi-elemental nutrition until the rabbit is eating again. The frequency and amount of feces should increase in 3 to 5 days along with an increased appetite. Prevention of gastric impactions involves feeding a high-fiber diet, brushing the fur, and keeping the rabbit well hydrated.

Acute Gastrointestinal Dilation or Obstruction

True obstructions of the GI tract are relatively rare in rabbits but usually occur due to a compact mat of hair in the small intestine. Unlike GI stasis, rabbits with intestinal obstruction present with an acute abdomen and are painful, shocky, and minimally responsive.159 Occasionally, the stomach will distend to the point of rupture, resulting in sudden vocalization and death.159 Physical examination reveals severe depression, recumbency, and a severely distended stomach. Early in the disease process, these rabbits may be tachypneic and tachycardic but later become hypothermic, bradycardic, and hypotensive.159 The obstruction frequently consists of a compact mat of hair (trichobezoar) but occasionally will include carpet fibers, plastic, wax, or locust beans. Rabbit intestinal impaction usually occurs in the proximal duodenum but occasionally is diagnosed at the ileocecocolic junction (Figure 5-19).159 Radiographs will often reveal the severely distended stomach filled with fluid, gas, or both. Free gas within the abdomen suggests rupture of the stomach and carries a grave prognosis.159 Intestinal obstruction condition is a surgical emergency, and the patient should be immediately stabilized and prepared for surgery. Analgesia should be a top priority. A stomach tube should be passed to decompress the stomach as soon as possible which may require sedation or anesthesia to alleviate the distress of the patient. Intravenous or intraosseous (IO) fluid and colloid support should be initiated. In extremely rare cases, when surgery has been declined by the owner, the foreign material may pass through the intestinal tract without surgery.159 Surgical treatment of this condition involves exploration of the abdomen to identify and remove the obstruction. When possible, the obstruction should be manipulated into the stomach and removed via gastrotomy. Even with immediate and appropriate surgical care, the prognosis for this condition

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B FIGURE 5-19  A, The duodenum of the rabbit from Figures 5-18B,D at surgery. There was a firm knot of fur obstructing the duodenum. B, The stomach of the rabbit from Figures 5-18B,D at surgery. There were multiple ulcers and foci of necrosis.

is guarded, as many patients will die in the 48 hours postoperative period from peritonitis, endotoxemia, GI stasis, or acute renal failure.159


Diarrhea is a common disease condition in pet rabbits, and there are a multitude of predisposing factors that contribute to the development of this particular illness. Enteritis is one of the clinical conditions associated with diarrhea in rabbits. Pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria such as Salmonella spp. and E. coli may be isolated from affected animals, and the effects of these pathogens tend to be more severe in young rabbits. Other cases may involve overgrowth of bacteria normally present in low numbers within the GI tract. This is generally a result of alterations in the GI environment (e.g., dietary changes). Most of these infections will result in a true diarrhea, where there are no solid droppings. When liquid feces are noted, the stool, should be examined for the presence of parasites (e.g., coccidia) and cultured using standard


microbiological techniques. Initial treatment for rabbit’s with diarrhea includes fluid therapy, supportive care, trimethoprimsulfa (15 to 30 mg/kg, PO, BID), and metronidazole (20 mg/ kg, PO, BID). Once the pathogenic bacteria have been identified antibiotic therapy based on antimicrobial sensitivities is initiated. Mild enteritis may result from dysbiosis and lead to soft or watery stools which may resolve with a dietary and environmental correction.159 In more severe cases, enterotoxemia may occur. Enterotoxemia is caused by an iota toxin produced by Clostridium spiroforme. Rabbits with enterotoxemia will have severe, watery diarrhea that soils their perineum and legs and may contain blood. Rabbits with enterotoxemia can rapidly weaken and die, often within 48 hours.159 Although it is often unrewarding, aggressive treatment that includes IV fluid therapy, antibiotic administration (e.g., metronidazole (20 mg/kg, PO, BID)), toxin-binding drugs (e.g., cholestyramine), and analgesia may be attempted. Tyzzer’s disease, which can also cause enteritis in rabbits also, is caused by Clostridium piliforme. This disease causes miliary foci of necrosis in the intestine, liver, and other organs. There is no treatment for Tyzzer’s disease at the present time and the diagnosis is usually made on postmortem examination.161 Tyzzer’s disease is discussed in more detail in the rodent section that follows. Parasitic diseases such as coccidiosis are common causes of diarrhea in young rabbits. Diagnosis of coccidiosis in rabbits is made based on fecal flotation. Coccidiosis can be treated with trimethoprim sulfadimethoxazole (15 to 30 mg/kg, PO, BID for 5 to 7 d) or ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO, SID for 3 to 5 d); however, ponazuril is preferred as it is coccidiocidal.

Antibiotic-Associated Enteritis or Enterotoxemia

One problem that warrants special attention is antibioticassociated enteritis. In the author’s practice, it is still common to have rabbits and hindgut fermenting rodents present with severe enterotoxemia after being treated with antibiotics by a practitioner unfamiliar with these animals. Diarrhea, shock, and death may occur in rabbit cases of antibiotic-associated enteritis. The microbial flora contained within the intestinal tract of rabbits is a complex ecosystem. When certain antibiotics are used, a specific portion of the GI bacterial population is killed. The result is that other harmful bacterial organisms proliferate. Clostridium difficile, in particular, is thought to be responsible for the majority of toxin production in these cases. While it is possible for antibiotic-associated enteritis to happen with any antibiotic, some antimicrobial products are much worse than others. Penicillins, cephalosporins, and macrolide antibiotics should never be used orally in rabbits.159 While these drugs have been used parenterally without adverse effects, other alternatives should be considered first and foremost. Safer antibiotics include trimethoprim-sulfa, enrofloxacin, and chloramphenicol (not in meat rabbits). Aminoglycosides are safe for the GI microbial flora but still have nephrotoxic side effects, as in other animals. When signs of antibiotic-associated enteritis are encountered, antibiotic therapy should be discontinued and fluid therapy, intestinal absorbants (e.g., cholestyramine, bismuth subsalicylate), and any other necessary supportive care initiated. A high-fiber diet is the most protective factor one can use when rabbits must be treated with antibiotics, as it provides the substrate for the



normal anaerobic microbial flora of the GI tract. Lactobacillus products are of questionable efficacy since stomach acid kills most organisms during passage, and Lactobacillus spp. are not normal microbial flora for rabbits. Milk-based products, such as yogurt, should be avoided.

impactions, anorexia, lethargy, and weight loss. The cecum produces excessive amounts of mucus. Feeding a diet high in fiber and low in carbohydrates appears to have a protective effect.159

Cecotroph Staining

Rectal papillomas occasionally occur in rabbits. Clinical signs are minimal but include blood-tinged feces, proliferative red tissue protruding from the anus, and mild pain. Rectal papillomas generally are benign. Treatment of the lesions is similar to the treatment of avian cloacal papillomas, although this method is often curative in rabbits.159

Rabbits produce two types of feces. The first type, the cecotroph, are mucous, gelatinous feces, rich in nutrients. Cecotrophs come from the cecum and are eaten by the rabbit directly from the anus. Normally, the owner never observes cecotrophs. When they are not consumed, cecotrophs will stick in the fur in the perineal area and the cage bedding. The mucoid gelatinous feces are often mistaken for diarrhea by people unfamiliar with cecotrophs.159 The other type of feces is hard feces, the dry pellet that are found in the bottom of rabbit enclosures. Common causes of the rabbit’s failure to consume cecotrophs include obesity, musculoskeletal problems, dental disease, pain, or physical barriers such as Elizabethan collars.159 Occasionally, the cecotrophs may be abnormal because of changes in GI motility, microbial flora, or pH. In cases of abnormal cecotroph formation, the affected rabbit may not consume the feces.159 The key distinguishing characteristic of this condition from true diarrhea is that affected rabbits will produce normal hard feces throughout most of the day. There may be a large mat around the anus, resulting in dermatitis. Correction of any contributing factor is the key component to treat this condition. If no physical barrier to cecotroph consumption is identified, dietary changes may be required. Insufficient fiber or excessive carbohydrates are common causes of abnormal cecotroph formation.159 Pet rabbits provided only pelleted diets, or worse, seed mixtures, often develop this problem. If fed grass hay, most rabbits will have a positive response and start to develop normal cecotrophs within 2 weeks. The pelleted diet can be gradually reintroduced, but with some rabbits, cecotroph staining will reoccur.


Cecoliths, or abnormal hard masses of cecal contents, do occasionally occur in rabbits. Cecoliths appear to be the result of altered GI motility or an inappropriate diet. Specifically, short fiber length and inappropriate fiber sources, such as psyllium, may be involved.159 Rabbits that form cecoliths frequently have a history of chronic GI problems. Many are underweight and have reduced muscle mass. There is speculation that Encephalitozoon cuniculi may be involved with cecolith formation, as many affected rabbits are serologically positive for this parasite.159 Diagnosis of this condition is based on palpation of the hard masses in the abdomen, radiography, and history. Treatment involves rehydration and softening of the cecal and colonic contents, feeding highmoisture and high-fiber foods, and promotility drugs.159 If the cecolith is causing an obstruction, the prognosis is poor. In cecolith obstruction cases, aggressive therapy includes pain relief, IV fluid therapy, careful enema, and surgery is recommended.159

Mucoid Enteropathy

Mucoid enteropathy or mucoid enteritis is a common problem in young rabbits and is believed to result from dybiosis of the cecum. Features of this disease include diarrhea, cecal

Rectal Papillomas

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease

Viral hemorrhagic disease is a severe, fatal disease of rabbits older then 2 months of age. Clinical signs include depression, lethargy, anorexia, and diarrhea. Viral hemorrhagic disease may progress to neurologic signs, bloody nasal discharge, and death.159 Diagnosis is generally made post mortem using histopathology, electron microscopy, molecular diagnostics, and immunologic testing methodologies. The disease is reportable in the United States.


Rabbits can develop both hepatic and intestinal coccidiosis. Clinical disease associated with coccidial infections is generally limited to young rabbits. The presence of the parasite can be determined by finding the oocysts in the feces, but their presence does not always indicate disease. Treatment with ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO, SID, for 3 to 5 d) appears to be effective.


Various neoplastic processes have been reported in rabbit GI systems. No specific tumors are particularly common, although neoplasms have been reported in the stomach, intestine, sacculus rotundus, and liver of rabbit patients.159 Diagnosis may be made based on imaging and biopsy. Unfortunately, there are few clinical data available on the treatment of these disorders.

Liver Lobe Torsion

Reports of live lobe torsions appear to be increasing in pet rabbits. Affected rabbits may present for anorexia, a painful abdomen, and possibly icterus. ALT and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) values are often elevated, while the hematocrit is often decreased. Radiographs may be of limited value in these cases, however ultrasound is often used to characterize the location of the liver lobe torsion. Surgical removal of the affected liver lobe may resolve this condition if detected in time.159

Rodents Dental and Oral Disease

In the Hystricognathi, dental disease is a common problem. Dental disease accounts for 90% of chinchilla presentations to the author’s practice. The incisors of Hystricognathi rarely are presented with the same congenital problems noted in rabbits; instead, incisor fractures or disease of the cheek teeth may influence incisor abnormalities. However it is much more common to encounter diseased cheek teeth in these animals

than with incisors. The complex disease process is simply referred to as acquired dental disease (ADD).22 Dental disease forms when the rate of wear is less than the rate of growth which can lead to more stress on the occlusal surface, slowing the growth of the clinical crown.25 Underlying causes of ADD may include congenital defects, lack of dietary fiber, and either excessive or inadequate vitamin C.162 In chinchillas, vitamin C does not appear to be a factor. However, as in rabbits, vitamin D and calcium may be important predisposing factors to dental disease. Prevention of dental disease involves encouraging normal wear of the teeth by feeding fresh leafy vegetables, particularly from monocotyledenous plants.25 Numerous clinical aspects of ADD can present. Both the clinical and the reserve crown can overgrow, leading to pressure on the bone surrounding the apices or sharp points that traumatize oral surfaces. Typical intraoral changes include sharp edges, referred to as spurs, hooks, spikes, or points. These sharp enamel edges will typically form on the buccal surface of the maxillary cheek teeth or on the lingual surface of the mandibular cheek teeth. In guinea pigs, the lower cheek teeth angle medially and converge rostrally, therefore when the lower premolars elongate, they can quickly form a bridge that traps the tongue. Naturally an entrapped tongue makes grooming, eating, and even swallowing water very difficult for these animals. Some animals will form irregular growth patterns with altered occlusal surfaces. These are often called wave mouth or step mouth, depending on the configuration.22 Increased interproximal spaces may form, allowing food and contamination to invade the periodontal ligaments and subsequently form apical abscesses. The reserve crown length may start to distort the supporting bone. Clinical signs of dental disease may include weight loss, dysphagia, alterations in droppings, palpable changes in the mandible or maxilla, pain on palpation, elongated incisors, restriction of jaw movement, ocular discharge, and salivation.25 Diagnosis of dental disease in Hystricognathi is dependent on using various diagnostic modalities. Oral examination in the conscious patient is very limited. More than half of the potential problems will be missed if this is the only examination method used. Oral examination with anesthesia will allow a much better examination of the patient’s teeth (Figure 5-20). The use of an endoscope can facilitate detection of subtler problems. However, radiography and, with increasing frequency, CT are required to fully assess dental disease in these rodents. Dental disease in guinea pigs and chinchillas carries a poor long-term prognosis. When dental problems can no longer be managed to maintain a good quality of life, euthanasia should be recommended to the owners.25 Treatment for dental disease includes restoration of the occlusal surfaces by using a burr and drill to reduce and contour the crowns and generally needs to be repeated at 6- to 8-week intervals.25 In some cases, extraction of teeth may be indicated and may be performed through either an intraoral or extraoral approach.22 Antibiotic therapy may be indicated if there is evidence of periodontal involvement while analgesics are indicated in all cases of dental disease. Supportive care, including fluids and nutritional support, should be administered as necessary. Dental disease of Sciurognathi is usually a result of trauma to the incisors. Gnawing on the cage bars, with subsequent loosening of the reserve crowns or fracture of the tooth, is a

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


FIGURE 5-20  Chinchilla prepared for dental treatment. The

lower right premolar is severely elongated with a rostrally oriented point. The angle of the occlusal plane of the lower left arcade is reversed as well.

common etiology.163 In prairie dogs, the continuous overstimulation of the tooth bud may result in a pseudo-odontoma. These large knots at the apex of the maxillary incisors often result in compression of the nasal passages and subsequent dyspnea in affected prairie dogs.22 The crown length for small rodents is often mistakenly thought to be abnormal because the lower incisors are much longer than those located in the maxilla, with an upper-to-lower ratio of 1 : 3. Normal teeth should not be trimmed.164 Clipping incisors with nail trimmers or wire cutters can shatter teeth; therefore, the use a dental burr with a dental or hobby drill is recommended. Extraction of incisors can be very difficult in smaller rodents because of the long reserve crown and fragility of the tooth and jaw163; however, it is possible in larger species and is considered the treatment of choice for pseudo-odontoma in prairie dogs. Periodontal disease and dental caries can occur in the cheek teeth of Sciurognathi but are probably underdiagnosed because of the difficulty in thoroughly examining the teeth.22 Gerbils may develop periodontal disease when fed rat and mouse diets for more than 6 months, therefore should only be fed diets labeled for gerbils.165 Several different species of rodents maintained in captivity, including hamsters, chipmunks, and pouched rats, have cheek pouches, which can become impacted. Cheek pouch impaction may occur more readily with formulated diets that soften and become doughy when moistened. Cheek pouch impactions often present as persistent swellings on the side of the face.164 This should not be mistaken for the normal filling of the pouch with food, which is transient. Impacted cheek pouches can be carefully emptied using a cotton-tipped applicator and lavaged with a dilute chlorhexidine solution. If needed, antimicrobial (trimethoprim-sulfadimethoxazole 48 mg/kg, PO, BID) and anti-inflammatory therapy using NSAIDs (meloxicam, 1 to 2 mg/kg, PO, SID) should be prescribed. Salivary gland swelling can occur in rats with sialodacryoadenitis virus, a coronavirus.165 Although the clinical signs are largely associated with the eyes and respiratory system, the swollen salivary glands can also cause oral pain. Enlargement of the salivary glands is usually self-limiting, but treatment



with NSAIDs (meloxicam, 1 to 2 mg/kg, PO, SID) may be warranted to improve comfort.

Esophageal Conditions

Megaesophagus is a rare disorder of chinchillas. While these animals generally cannot vomit, chinchillas with megaesophagus will regurgitate which predisposes these animals to aspiration pneumonia.166 The prognosis is grave in these cases.

Gastric Conditions

Gastric dilatation, with or without volvulus, occasionally occurs in guinea pigs. This is usually in association with a generalized GI stasis as described below. Guinea pigs with gastric dilatation will present with severe abdominal distension, pain, shock, and respiratory distress. Radiographs will show a severely gas-dilated stomach, which will be rotated out of position in the case of a volvulus. The diagnosis of gastric dilatation carries a grave prognosis. Immediate care should include pain relief and possibly sedation, decompression using either a stomach tube or a needle, and treatment for shock. See the therapy section below for details on shock therapy. Gastric dilatation may also occur in gerbils and may result from being fed stale or inappropriate diets. Affected gerbils will exhibit abdominal tympany, bruxism, dyspnea, and cardiovascular shock.167 Gerbils diagnosed with gastric dilatation should be managed using the methods described for guinea pigs. Hamsters will occasionally develop benign tumors in the stomach or intestine. In the stomach, neoplasms are usually gastric squamous papillomas, and in the intestine, they are typically adenomas.164 Gerbils have been diagnosed with intestinal adenocarcinomas.167

Intestinal Diseases

GASTROINTESTINAL STASIS.  Gastrointestinal stasis can occur secondary to many other disorders. It occurs most frequently in the Hystricognathi—in particular, guinea pigs and chinchillas. Ileus is also common in gerbils following anesthesia, malocclusion, or anorexia.167 Gastrointestinal stasis in rodents is very similar to the syndrome described in rabbits. See the rabbit section for more information.

ANTIBIOTIC-ASSOCIATED ENTERITIS OR ENTEROTOXEMIA.  Antibiotic-associated enteritis occurs in rodents

as in rabbits. Guinea pigs, chinchillas, and hamsters are particularly susceptible to antibiotic-induced enterotoxemia. The normal predominant bacteria in rodents’ intestines are Grampositive organisms such as Lactobacillus spp. and anaerobes such as Bacteroides spp. If the normal bacterial flora are significantly reduced by antibiotics, Clostridium difficile may proliferate. Clostridium difficile produce severe enterotoxins, resulting in diarrhea and death.164 Chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin, and trimethoprim-sulfa combinations appear to be the safest oral antibiotics to use in rodents.162 TYZZER’S DISEASE.  Tyzzer’s disease, which is caused by Clostridium piliforme, is a severe GI and hepatic disease in rodents (and other animals). Gerbils may be particularly susceptible.165,167 This species of bacteria is an obligate intracellular pathogen, with spores that are extremely stable within the environment.167 The source of infection is often sporecontaminated food or bedding.163 Infections are typically spread among animals via the fecal-oral route.167 Stress caused by overcrowding, poor sanitation, thermal stress, or

overbreeding may contribute to the formation of disease.159 Clinical signs of Tyzzer’s disease in rodents may include diarrhea, general malaise, and death. In gerbils, a head tilt may be seen in chronic cases.167 Young animals typically develop an acute form of the disease, while older animals usually prevent with a more chronic form.159 Although the Clostridium piliforme infection originates in the intestine, dissemination to the liver and other systemic locations may occur with this disease. Diagnosis is usually made post mortem on histopathology, as the organism does not grow well on culture media. An ELISA test can be used to help obtain a diagnosis.167 Treatment is generally unsuccessful however tetracycline or chloramphenicol may be effective at reducing mortality in group settings.163,164,167 A carrier state may develop following treatment.167 DIARRHEA IN GUINEA PIGS.  Pseudotuberculosis, an intestinal infection caused by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, is an uncommon infection in pet guinea pigs.162 The infection may occur as a result of contamination of the feed by wild birds or rodents. Clinical signs associated with pseudotuberculosis include diarrhea and weight loss over the course of several weeks. This disease is zoonotic, if diagnosed, euthanasia of the patient is recommended to minimize any health risks for the human caretakers.162 Coccidiosis in guinea pigs is caused by Eimeria caviae. It is an uncommon finding in pet guinea pigs. While affected adults rarely exhibit any clinical signs associated with this parasite, younger guinea pigs may be presented for diarrhea and weight loss. Treatment with trimethoprim sulfadiazine (25 mg/kg, PO, BID, for 5 to 7 d) or ponazuril (20 mg/kg, PO, SID, for 3 to 5 d) and strict sanitation may help alleviate the disease.162 The author has diagnosed cryptosporidiosis in guinea pigs that was determined to be the cause of chronic diarrhea. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for cryptosporidiosis in guinea pigs. DIARRHEA IN RATS AND MICE.  Diarrhea is a common finding in rats and mice and may be associated with a number of different etiologies (e.g., infectious, dietary, hypersensitivity). Unless a specific pathogen (e.g., Salmonella spp.) is identified, supportive care, dietary management, and (possibly) antibiotics are usually effective.163 Viral enteritis, resulting from the mouse hepatitis virus, a coronavirus, may occur in neonates but is rare in pet mice.163 Pinworms are ubiquitous in mice but generally considered nonpathogenic. If desired, pinworms can be treated using ivermectin (0.4 to 0.8 mg/kg, PO, SC) at high doses. Spironucleus muris and Giardia muris are two protozoal pathogens that can cause severe diarrhea in mice and should be treated with metronidazole (20 mg/kg, PO, SID-BID).165 DIARRHEA IN GERBILS.  There are a number of underlying conditions that are known to cause diarrhea in gerbils, including Tyzzer’s disease, protozoal enteritis, Gram-negative opportunists, and helminth parasites, such as tapeworms and pinworms.167 Treatment should follow the same practices outlined for other species of rodents. DIARRHEA IN HAMSTERS.  Proliferative ileitis, caused by Lawsonia intracellularis, is a severe disease of weanling hamsters. Clinical disease signs include diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, and poor hair coat.164 The unformed feces stains the perineal area and, thus, is where the lay term wet tail originated for this disease (although it is often applied to any

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System

diarrhea in hamsters). On palpation, thickened bowel may be identified, and affected hamsters may have intussusceptions, rectal prolapses, and other severe complications.164 Prognosis is poor for recovery, but treatment with chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg, PO, BID) and supportive care may be effective in some cases. Hamsters with intussusception or prolapses may require surgical care. Protozoa are normal inhabitants of the intestinal tract of hamsters, although Giardia spp. and Spironucleus spp. may contribute to enteritis.164 The dwarf tapeworm Hymenolepis nana may affect hamsters. Hymenolepis nana has an indirect life cycle, with fleas or beetles as intermediate hosts and is considered a zoonotic parasite. Most hamsters show no clinical signs associated with this infestation because of low parasite burdens. Diagnosis can be made by observing tapeworm eggs in the feces. Praziquantel may be effective in eliminating this parasite.164 HEPATIC CYSTS.  Hepatic cysts are occasionally found in the livers of hamsters. This disease condition is usually diagnosed in geriatric hamsters, and the cysts form as developmental defects of the biliary ducts.165 Although the cysts are benign, they can grow to a very large size and compress the surrounding liver tissue. Diagnosis is determined through palpation, ultrasound, and aspiration of the cysts. Some neoplastic diseases can become cystic, therefore caution should be used when interpreting the examination and diagnostic results. Hepatic cysts can be surgically removed if necessary.

DIAGNOSTICS Invertebrates Diagnoses are most often obtained through history and examination in invertebrates. Magnification and focused lighting can greatly enhance examination results, and numerous methods are available to provide optical enhancement, from loupes to videomicroscopes. Some species of invertebrates can be transilluminated to visualize internal structures. Cytologic preparations of samples collected from the animal’s body surface are useful for the identification of pathogens and host responses. Imaging can be performed as well, but in some species of invertebrates, the contrast between tissues limits the sensitivity.

Fish Gastrointestinal disease in fish requires a systematic workup, as in other species. The assessment of fish should always include a thorough history, physical examination, and weight. Diagnostic tests such as hematology and serum/plasma biochemistry panels can be helpful for internal evaluation. Imaging techniques and endoscopy are also possible, particularly for larger fish species. Specific GI workup procedures may also include sampling of feces, gastric lavage, cloacal lavage, swim bladder aspiration, or peritoneal lavage. Collected diagnostic samples can be used for cytology, parasite testing, microbiology, or specific infectious disease testing.1 Radiographic images can be taken of larger fish, such as koi, without anesthesia, utilizing a sealed plastic bag with a small amount of their pond water. Foam supports may be used to aid in positioning.39 Tricaine methanesulfate (100 to 150 mg/L) should be used as an anesthetic agent in cases


where patient movement is a concern. Radiography is helpful in detecting swim bladder disorders, spinal or other bone deformities, masses, or ingested foreign objects.39 The administration of barium can help outline the GI system. However, care must be taken to avoid barium contacting the oral mucous membranes and gills, as this can impair oxygen exchange.39 Computed tomographic scanning of koi may also be a valuable tool in obtaining a diagnosis.39 Ultrasound is useful for imaging larger fish as well. The water that surrounds the fish patient precludes the need for coupling gel. Biopsies can be obtained under ultrasound guidance, although anesthesia may be essential for this technique to minimize pain.39 The swim bladder is readily identified as a hyperechoic structure if normal and hypoechoic if fluid filled (abnormal).39 Endoscopy can be used to assess the GI tract of fish that are large enough for passage of the scope. An endoscope can be used to examine the mouth, esophagus, proximal intestines, and body cavity (through a small incision).39 Biopsies or other diagnostic samples can be collected under direct visual control with this technique.

Amphibians A diagnostic workup of an amphibian case should follow a similar process as described for fish. Due to the extremely small size of some animals, magnification may be critical for examining the patient. Transillumination is a useful technique to visualize certain internal structures, albeit in an extremely vague manner. Hematology and biochemistry evaluation may provide useful information, but correlation of the results with the disease process is not always consistent. Imaging techniques as described for fish are possible as well. Although soft tissues have little contrast in amphibian species, the lungs, bones, and mineral-dense foreign material can be readily identified. Endoscopy may be applicable in amphibians of adequate size. Cytology of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, cloaca, or feces may help identify disease conditions associated with the areas/material from which the samples were collected. The same samples can be used for microbiological culture, parasite evaluation, or molecular diagnostics. Pathologic examination of tissues remains the most reliable diagnostic method currently available for amphibians. However, histologic examination of amphibian livers is complicated by extramedullary hematopoiesis and melanin-laden melanomacrophage aggregates.168

Reptiles Reptile cases can be approached in a similar fashion to higher vertebrates; however, patient size can range from very small to very large, therefore differences may result from variation in body mass. An initial patient workup should include a thorough history and physical examination. In smaller species, and for certain anatomic structures, magnification may still be helpful. Small species may be transilluminated, as was noted with amphibians. In large lizards, digital palpation of the cloaca may be helpful. Hematology and biochemistry testing are more consistent for reptile patients than in amphibians but still lack the sensitivity and specificity found with birds and mammals. Generally, the guidelines used for birds in selecting parameters and interpreting hematologic results are useful in reptiles. However, as one would expect, there are



FIGURE 5-21  Lateral radiograph of an iguana with hepatomegaly. The large liver compresses the ventral margin of the lungs. The metallic objects are hemoclips from a previous ovariohysterectomy. The caudo-ventral coelom is occupied by extensive fat bodies.

significant variation in the physiologic conformation of the different reptile species. All of the imaging methods previously described for fish and amphibians are beneficial in reptiles. The soft tissues of the reptile body cavity lack contrast, as fat is stored in distinct fat bodies rather than filling the space between organs (Figure 5-21). However, the lungs, bones, and gas patterns or foreign objects within the GI tract can be evaluated. Ultrasound can be used to better distinguish soft tissue structures. The probe can be placed directly on the skin with coupling gel, or the patient can be imaged in a tub of water with the probe on the surface of the plastic. Computed tomographic scans provide superior images, particularly with the use of contrast agents and are especially helpful when examining chelonians, where the shell makes radiographic interpretation difficult and limits the window for ultrasound evaluation. Most reptile patients are of sufficient size for endoscopic evaluation. The endoscope, depending on the available instrumentation, can access the upper GI tract, cloaca, colon, and coelomic cavity. In addition to direct visualization of the tissues or viscera, endoscopy allows for visually directed biopsy collection. See the avian section below for further information on endoscopy. Fecal evaluation is very useful as well. Since some reptile species defecate infrequently, the clinician should take advantage of available samples for parasitology, cytology, microbiology, or molecular diagnostics, depending on the presenting problems and/or tentative diagnosis. Collection of samples for cytologic evaluation, parasite detection, microbiology, or molecular diagnostics may provide the most efficient path to a diagnosis in many circumstances. Histopathology is still the most dependable means of obtaining a diagnosis in reptiles. Samples can be collected from the same sites discussed for cytologic sampling, but a small piece of the tissue must be collected. The oral cavity is readily accessible and swabs are easily obtained from this area. Unfortunately sample will be significantly contaminated, consequently the results should be interpreted with caution. For microbiologic samples, it may be advisable to remove surface debris or even make a small incision in the mucosa and obtain samples below the surface. To increase the chance of a more reliable result, a small piece of tissue can be submitted in sterile saline for the culture. Samples from the esophagus and stomach can be obtained using swabs, lavages, or endoscopic

FIGURE 5-22  Endoscopic view of a box turtle liver. Note the pale color and pigment spots. The liver was histologically normal.

FIGURE 5-23  An ultrasound of the liver of the same iguana

in Figure 5-21. After confirming that the liver had a homo­ geneous texture, a needle biopsy was taken. Histopathology showed lipidosis and mild fibrosis.

biopsy, utilizing an oral approach. Lower intestinal samples can likewise be obtained by swabs, lavages, or an endoscopic approach through the cloaca. One can evaluate the liver and pancreas through aspiration or biopsy. Generally, these samples are obtained through endoscopic- or ultrasound-guided collection procedures (Figures 5-22 and 5-23). In some smaller lizards (e.g., leopard gecko) the liver can be observed through the skin and, if necessary, percutaneously aspirated.

Birds In birds, as in other species, evaluation of the GI tract should follow a systematic evaluation. Since many diseases can be localized to the affected area, a targeted approach to the various sites is applied for avian species.

CHAPTER 5   •  Gastrointestinal System


Oral Diseases

In many cases, the diagnosis is determined based on cytologic or microbiologic examination of swabs or scrapings collected from lesions. The sample should first be examined as a wet preparation in saline and then dried and stained for examination. The normal cytology of the oral cavity will show squamous epithelial cells with low to moderate numbers of Gram-positive bacteria present. Frequently, the etiologic agent responsible for the disease condition will be identified. A microbiological culture and antibiotic sensitivity profile can follow if bacteria appear to be associated with the disease process. Occasionally, histopathology of a biopsy sample may be required to make a diagnosis. Molecular diagnostics are available for the diagnosis of some avian infectious diseases. A general health workup is usually indicated since many diseases involving the oral cavity are opportunistic.

Crop and Esophagus

Cytology and microbiology from crop washes are very useful in diagnosing ingluvial disease. Wet-mount and stained slides should be examined. If visualization of the crop is desired, an endoscope can be passed to visualize the lumen. The crop can also be inflated with air and transilluminated to detect lesions or foreign bodies. Plain or contrast radiography can also be used to visualize the crop.

Gastric Diseases

Diagnosis of gastric diseases is challenging in birds. Plain and contrast radiography are often used to determine the presence and character of gastric problem disease (Figure 5-24). However, a specific diagnosis often depends on aggressive diagnostic techniques such as surgical or endoscopic biopsy, cytology of samples obtained by a wash, or microbiology. Occasionally a causative agent can be identified by examination of the feces for parasites, acid-fast organisms, yeasts, or specific pathogens (e.g., Macrorhabdus, Gram-negative bacteria).


Intestinal Diseases

Diagnostic tests that are helpful in determining the cause of intestinal disease include plain or contrast radiography, fecal flotation, fecal wet mount, fecal cytology (including several special stains), fecal culture, plain and contrast radiography, and occasionally, exploratory coelioscopy or coeliotomy.

Cloacal Diseases

The diagnosis of cloacal diseases is often determined by direct visualization of the lesion. The application of 5% acetic acid (vinegar) aids in the visualization of small areas of papillomatous tissue. Cytology, cultures, biopsy, and other techniques may be used to obtain a more specific diagnosis. Cloacaliths may be visualized on radiographs. Cloacal endoscopy using saline infusion can be very useful for detecting and identifying cloacal disease conditions.

Liver Diseases

There are two basic steps in diagnosing liver disease. First, it must be established that liver disease is present and, second, the specific disease affecting the liver must be determined. Liver disease may be is considered based on the history and physical examination. Color changes in the urates, a swollen

B FIGURE 5-24  A, GI contrast series of a parrot. The barium is

filling most of the digestive tract after 4 hours. B, GI contrast series of a parrot. The barium is filling most of the digestive tract after 2 hours.

abdomen, or seizures may suggest the liver is diseased. However, since each of these signs may be related to other causes, other diagnostic tests are necessary to confirm liver involvement. In these cases, radiographs, hematology, biochemistry profiles, or urine analysis may be performed. If the abdomen is swollen, fluid samples may be collected for analysis. Coelomic fluid formed due to liver disease is



generally low in protein, cells, and specific gravity when compared to an inflammatory process such as egg peritonitis. The urine of birds with liver disease is often hyposthenuric, with a specific gravity 450 mOsmol/kg are considered normal.79 In Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis), the urine osmolality measured by vapor pressure osmometry was highly correlated with the specific gravity.81 An equation was calculated to allow specific gravity results from a medical refractometer to be converted to specific gravity values of Hispaniolan Amazon parrots: USGHAp = 0.201 + 0.798(USGref), with USGHAp urine specific gravity of Hispaniolan Amazon parrots and USGref urine specific gravity measured on a reference scale.81 Use of the referencecanine scale to approximate the osmolality of parrot urine led to an overestimation, with the error increasing as the concentration of urine increased.81 The feline scale provides a closer approximation to urine osmolality of this species of psittacines but still results in osmolality overestimation.81 It is important to consider that due to the avian anatomical characteristics, urine will be contaminated with fecal material, therefore artificially affecting values of urine osmolality and specific gravity. Several methods for urine collection have been described; however, some of these methods are invasive and may not be beneficial to the patient.82 Recommendations indicate that plasma ADH concentrations should be measured at the beginning of study and at 72 hours of water deprivation; ADH concentration >2.2 pg/mL at 24 hours is indicative of a normal ADH release in the pigeon.18 It is also important to ensure the safety of the patient. An animal suffering from central DI has an uncontrollable need to ingest water, and limiting access to water can be severely detrimental. The water deprivation test in a case of central DI was only reported once. In this case, the bird was weighed and placed in a stainless steel cage with a nonporous perch; food and water were withheld during the test.45 Plasma electrolytes and osmolality were determined at 0 and 170 minutes; hematocrit was measured at 0, 170, and 480 minutes; and plasma total solid concentration (by refractometry) was measured at 480 minutes.45 The subjective “clean” urine was occasionally



collected within 1 minute after voiding to measure urine supernatant specific gravity and osmolality.45 Body weight was monitored frequently to determine hydration status.45 At 170 minutes, 2.14 µg/kg intramuscular (IM) desmopressin (DDAVP, a synthetic ADH) was administered, leading to a noticeable decrease in urination frequency and a urine osmolality increase of >300%.45 The test was discontinued at 610 minutes when the birds’ weight loss reached 6.4%.45 As mentioned above, the water deprivation test is useful to distinguish between central DI and psychogenic polydipsia. In the cases of central DI, the animal should be able to conserve water because ADH is commonly produced under normal circumstances; therefore, in the case of water deprivation, the urine osmolality and specific gravity should increase over time. In the case of an African grey parrot with a water intake of 200 mL/day and diagnosed with psychogenic polydipsia, a water deprivation test of 48 hours was performed.83 Urine osmolality was 115, 710, and 758 mOsmol/kg, while specific gravity was 1.004, 1.023, and 1.026 at times 0, 24, and 48 hours, respectively.83 Over the 48-hour test, weight loss was ~10% of the bird’s initial body weight.83 All reported changes supported a diagnosis of psychogenic polydipsia and ruled out DI. Although DI appears to be an uncommon disease, it has been reported in birds and likely underdiagnosed. MAMMALS.  Spontaneous DI in exotic small mammal species (rats and rabbits) commonly kept as pets can occur.84–86 Diagnostic tests similar to those described for birds are also adequate for mammals and may help to distinguish between central DI, nephrogenic DI, and other causes of DI. The use of the water deprivation test for diagnosing psychogenic polydipsia was reported in a laboratory New Zealand white rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).87 However, it is important to consider some characteristics specific to certain small exotic mammal species. In gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), if food is restricted, they naturally become polydipsic (in the absence of DI).88


REPTILES.  Pituitary tumors appear to be rare in reptiles. A pituitary cystoadenoma associated with hyperkeratosis, generalized dysecdysis, and intestinal lipidosis was reported in an Everglades ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta rossalleni).89 When postmortem levels of ACTH were compared with those obtained from antemortem samples and a control clutch mate, no relevant differences were detected. Two cases of pituitary adenomas were reported in a black-headed python (Aspidites melanocephalus) and a Dumeril’s ground boa (Acrantophis dumerili).90,91 A limited number of publications reporting the presence of pituitary neoplasias in reptiles may be attributed to the fact that brain and pituitary are not commonly evaluated histologically in these species.89 BIRDS.  Pituitary neoplasias reported in birds are adenocarcinomas, carcinomas, and chromophobe pituitary tumors.92 The most commonly reported avian neuroendocrine tumors are pituitary adenomas originating from the endocrinologically inactive chromophobe cells of the anterior lobe.93 Pituitary adenomas and, to a lesser extent, pituitary carcinomas are common in budgerigars.94–97 A total of 156 cases of primary pituitary adenoma or carcinoma were reported in one study.96 Pituitary adenomas have been reported in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and one yellow-napped Amazon parrot

(Amazona auropalliata).93,98,99 Chromophobe adenomas appear to be endocrinologically inactive; therefore, most of the significant functional disturbances occur by virtue of compression atrophy of the pars nervosa and pars distalis or extension into the overlying brain.2 Clinical signs associated with pituitary neoplasias include exophthalmia (secondary to the extension of neoplastic cells along the optic nerve), polyuria, cere color changes, feather abnormalities, circling, vocalization, and blindness.92 Somatotroph pituitary tumors have also been reported in budgerigars.100 MAMMALS.  Although pituitary neoplasms have been reported in multiple species of small exotic mammals (e.g., rabbits, ferrets), the species in which these are most prevalent is rats.101–103 Several predisposing factors, including age and sex, have been reported. As older female rats are most commonly diagnosed with pituitary neoplasms, it has been suggested that estrogen may play a role in their development.104 In Sprague-Dawley and Fischer strains, prevalence rates for pituitary tumors have been reported to be 85% and 83% in animals older than 24 months.105,106 Multiple studies evaluating the prevalence of spontaneous pituitary tumors in control group rats have been published. Among 1857 neoplasms detected in a 1370 control Wistar rat population, 74% were endocrine and reproductive in origin, with pituitary adenoma being the most common (27.7% males, 55% females).107 In another study, among 930 rats in which 1599 neoplasms were detected, pituitary adenoma was the most commonly detected in 34% of males and 50% of females.108 Studies have indicated that pituitary adenomas are more common in older rats. In one study comparing the occurrence of tumors in SpragueDawley male rats, the most common tumor at 50 weeks was lymphoma, while pituitary adenoma was the most common at 50 to 80 weeks of age and at 2 years.109 No difference was detected among females. A genetic influence is possible, as one study reported that the highest incidence of neoplasms in young Sprague-Dawley female rats was pituitary tumor, while in Han Wistar rats it was malignant lymphoma.110 Although significantly lower in prevalence, cases of aggressive infiltrative pituitary tumors have also been reported in rats. The prevalence in one study was 0.42% (11/2609).111 In rats, PRL-producing pituitary adenomas are the most common, followed by gonadotroph cell adenomas and immunonegative adenomas.112 Mixed PRL- and GH-producing adenomas have also been described.112 This prevalence is useful in terms of potential treatment options. The treatment objective in humans is to (1) suppress excessive hormone secretion and its clinical consequences, (2) control tumor mass, (3) preserve or improve residual pituitary function, and (4) prevent disease recurrence or progression.113 PRL secretion is regulated by DA, also called PRL-inhibitory hormone, by a short-loop feedback mechanism.3,114 DA reaches the pituitary via hypophysial portal blood that is controlled by PRL itself as well as estrogens and other neuropeptides and neurotransmitters.115 DA binds to type-2 DA receptors, suppressing the high intrinsic secretory activity of pituitary lactotrophs.115 Additionally, DA suppresses PRL gene expression and lactotroph proliferation.115 The most common compounds used in human clinical practice to treat prolactinomas are all DA agonists, including bromocriptine, cabergoline, pergolide, and quinagolide.113 Cabergoline is usually the DA agonist of choice.116

CHAPTER 6   •  Endocrine System

Reports of pituitary adenomas in pet rats and treatment of clinical cases are rare. A 2-year-old intact male albino pet rat presented with a 3-week history of hypodipsia, suspected blindness, and behavioral changes.112 A pituitary adenoma was diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the rat was subsequently treated with carbergoline (0.6 mg/kg, PO, q 72 h).112 A recheck MRI at 2 months post initiation of treatment revealed a significant decrease in pituitary size.112 Clinical signs recurred at 8.5 months, and a pituitary adenoma was diagnosed on necropsy.112

THE HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARYTHYROID AXIS The thyroid gland is present in all vertebrates and is unique among endocrine glands in that it has extracellular storage of its secretory products (the thyroid hormones). The thyroid gland is among the most highly vascularized of endocrine glands and phylogenetically appears to be one of the oldest. The thyroid hormones are critical players in differentiation, growth, and metabolism.117,118 Thyroid hormones are necessary for the normal metabolic activity of most body tissues, with a major emphasis on oxygen consumption and thus the basal metabolic rate (BMR).117 Hormones from the thyroid gland are thought to perform in a manner similar to exercise by increasing the animal’s metabolic state, oxygen consumption, and cellular activity, which in turn causes increased heat production and vasodilation.119 In order to maintain adequate tissue perfusion and nutrient delivery, there is an increase in blood volume, cardiac output, and ventilation, without major effects on blood pressure.119 The basic functional unit of the thyroid gland is the follicle, which contains colloid. This colloid is the store for thyroglobulin, a large glycoprotein dimer containing iodotyrosines (that serve as precursors for thyroid hormone biosynthesis).66 The two main hormones produced by the thyroid are thyroxine (3,5,3′,5′-tetraiodothyronine, or T4) and lesser amounts of the more active triiodothyronine (3,5,3′-triiodothyronine, or T3).120 The thyroid gland also secretes calcitonin, which is involved in calcium and phosphorus homeostasis and skeletal remodeling, along with parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D.121 The T4 may be considered a storage and transport form of thyroid hormones, while T3 is the more metabolically active form.122 The T4 accounts for ~80% of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland and plasma, and it is converted to T3 in skeletal muscle, liver, brain, and other target tissues by removal of an outer layer ring 5′ iodine (deiodination).122 Less than 20% of T3 is produced in the thyroid.66 In birds, TRH stimulates GH-releasing action that causes an increase of T3 due to GH inhibition of T3 degradation by type-3 deiodinase.123 Iodide is essential for normal function of the thyroid, with a minimum human daily iodine intake requirement of 50 µg and a recommended daily intake of 150 µg.122 Iodide is actively transported from the extracellular fluid into the thyroid follicular cell via a sodium-iodide symporter, a transmembrane channel that is energy dependent, saturable, and requires oxidative metabolism that responds to TSH stimulation.122,124 After transport, the iodide is oxidized by thyroid peroxidase into a reactive intermediate that is then incorporated into the tyrosine residues of protein (mainly thyroglobulin) by a


process called organification.66 The T3 and T4 are synthesized by coupling of two iodotyrosine residues and stored in the colloid until thyroid follicular cells take up thyroglobulin.124 Thyroid hormones are released into blood when signaled by TSH stimulation.124 Thyroid activity is regulated by a negative feedback loop involving the hypothalamus, pituitary, and thyroid gland.119 TRH is secreted by the hypothalamus after exposure to stress, illness, cold, metabolic demand, or decreased circulating thyroid hormones, mainly T3.119,121 TRH stimulates the pituitary to release TSH, which causes the release of T3 and T4.119 Other conditions that can affect this axis include drugs, illness, thyroid disease, pituitary disorders, and age.121 Thyroid hormones have a negative effect, which is the primary TSH regulatory mechanism, although tonic stimulation of TRH has a permissive role in TSH secretion.125 It is also suggested that thyroid hormones have a direct negative effect on TRH release from the hypothalamus.125 The majority of T3 and T4, called total T3 (TT3) and total T4 (TT4), are bound to the plasma protein (i.e., the thyroxine-binding globulins transthyretin and thyroidbinding albumin).121 Thyroxine-binding globulins bind ~70% of plasma T4 and ~75% to 80% of T3.121 Only a small fraction of each is freely present in plasma; free thyroxine (fT4) accounts for 0.02% to 0.03% of TT4, while free triiodothyronine (fT3) accounts for ~0.3% of TT3.121 Thyroid hormones have significant effects in multiple organs (e.g., bone, heart).117 Thyroid hormones are critical for normal bone growth and development, as T3 stimulates both osteoblast and osteoclast activities.117,126 Reports indicate that T3 plays an important role in linear growth and bone maintenance and is essential for normal development of endo­ chondral and intramembranous bone.127 Thyroidal disease processes are thus known to cause changes in bone growth and development (Table 6-2).128 The thyroid gland exhibits both direct and indirect effects on the heart and cardiovascular system (i.e., influences on myocardial contractility and hemodynamics).129 The first reported relationship between the heart and thyroid was recognized in 1785 by Caleb Hillier Parry, who noted thyroid enlargement and cardiac changes in eight women.130 The effects caused by thyroid hormones on the heart result from interaction with specific nuclear receptors in cardiac myocytes.130 Overall, changes in thyroid function influence cardiac action because T3 exerts a direct effect on cardiac myocytes by binding to nuclear T3 receptors; T3 may also influence the sympathetic system by increasing sensitivity, and T3 leads to hemodynamic alterations in the periphery that result in increased cardiac filling and modification of cardiac contractility.130 It has been suggested that clinical signs related to the cardiovascular system are major manifestations of thyroid dysfunction in humans; therefore, thyroid function should be assessed in patients with cardiovascular disease.129 Even minimal but persistent changes in circulating thyroid hormones can cause cardiac changes,131 and subclinical hyperthyroidism has been correlated with development of atrial fibrillation.132,133

Clinical Assessment Several diagnostic tests associated with thyroid function have been developed over the years, and most are currently being



TABLE 6-2 

Clinical Thyroid Diseases and Their Skeletal Consequences in Small Animals Thyroid Status

Skeletal Consequences















Reduced bone turnover, increased fracture risk High bone turnover osteoporosis, increased fracture risk

Resistance to thyroid hormone Activating TSHR mutation





Inappropriately normal or high Low

Delayed bone age, growth arrest, short stature Advanced bone age, accelerated growth, premature fusion of growth plates, short stature, craniosynostosis Variable

Short metacarpals and metatarsals

Inactivating TSHR mutation T4 suppression therapy TSH-β deficiency




Short metacarpals and metatarsals, advanced bone age, craniosynostosis Not reported




Not reported







Normal following T4 replacement after birth Not reported

Reduced BMD in postmenopausal women Not reported

Subclinical hyperthyroidism


Not reported

Increased bone turnover, reduced BMD, increased fracture risk

BMD, Bone mineral density; RTH, resistance to thyroid hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; TSRH, TSH receptor. From Gogakos AI, Duncan Bassett J, Williams GR. Thyroid and bone. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2010;503:129-136. Validation of this information in exotic animals is needed but is expected to be similar to that of other species.

used in veterinary medicine. The most common initial assessment of thyroid function is based on the measurement of serum thyroid hormones. As previously stated, two different “active” thyroid hormones (in two different states) are available: TT4, f T4, TT3, and fT3. The first available test to assess thyroid function was TT4.134 This test has been available since the 1950s but has been shown to have poor sensitivity and specificity for thyroid disease.134 In dogs, TT4 is only useful if the value is normal or elevated.125 In human medicine, TT4 is not commonly used because the measurement of TT4 and TT3 is unreliable since other nonthyroidal diseases can influence these values. This condition is commonly called euthyroid sick syndrome or nonthyroidal illness syndrome.135 Euthyroid sick syndrome refers to changes in serum TSH, serum thyroid hormones, and tissue thyroid hormone levels that occur in patients with various nonthyroidal conditions; however, it is not a primary thyroid disease.136 Euthyroid sick syndrome may occur due to reduced TRH secretion, impaired TSH secretion, decreased thyroid-binding capacity, reduced tissue/cellular thyroid hormone uptake, altered 5′-deiodinase (that converts T4 to T3), and altered thyroid hormone receptor expression/signaling (e.g., reduced in skeletal muscle).137–143 Euthyroid sick syndrome occurs in cases of starvation, sepsis, surgery, myocardial infarction, bypass, bone marrow transplantation, and probably any severe disease.144 In cases of mild illness, only TT3 decreases; however, in severe cases, both TT3 and TT4 decrease.144 Among animals, circadian cycles are also included as influencing TT4 values.125 It should be noted that in formation of reverse T3 (rT3) by the

liver or in target cells, where T4 is deiodinated on the 5 position of the inner ring rather than the 5′ position of the outer ring, an “inactive” form of the thyroid hormone is produced rather than an active form. Thus, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is reduced. The relative hypothyroid state produced is a physiological means of conserving energy during times of food deprivation (starvation) and hibernation. Discussion regarding the terminology of euthyroid sick syndrome and nonthyroidal illness syndrome has persisted. When the term euthyroid sick syndrome was proposed in the 1980s, the consensus was that patients were euthyroid, and detected thyroid abnormalities had no impact on the adverse physiologic and clinical effects.145 Reports suggest that a considerable degree of secondary hypothyroid status may be present in some patients; therefore, the terminology of nonthyroidal illness syndrome was suggested.145 Under this new definition, abnormalities in thyroid function can be defined as low T3 syndrome, low T3-low T4 syndrome, high T4 syndrome, and other abnormalities.135 It is possible that the occurrence of nonthyroidal illness syndrome may be a beneficial response (e.g., to reduce metabolic rate) or a maladaptive response (with potential benefit from thyroid hormone replacement therapy).146 Nonetheless, compelling evidence supporting the use of thyroid hormone replacement therapy in most cases of nonthyroidal illness syndrome is currently lacking.146 Reductions of TT4 in humans, dogs, and cats correlate with higher mortality.125 However, because of the unreliability of the total thyroid hormone measurement, this method has been largely abandoned in human

medicine. Conversely, total thyroid hormone measurement is still commonly used in veterinary medicine, particularly in exotic animal medicine. Measurement of the free hormones is a more up-to-date methodology. Furthermore, when measured by reliable methods, decreases in fT4 and fT3 are usually modest when compared to decreases in TT3 and TT4 (in the case of euthyroid sick syndrome or nonthyroidal illness syndrome).138 Similar information has been suggested for dogs.147 Isolated measurement of serum fT3 or TT3 concentrations in dogs is a less meaningful estimate of thyroid function than is measurement of the serum fT4 or TT4 concentration.125 Nonetheless, free thyroid values are also influenced by other nonthyroidal factors.148 In dogs with severe disease, TT4 and fT4 concentrations were commonly lower than reference intervals (59% and 32%, respectively).149 Serum TSH measurement in humans is the single most reliable test to diagnose all common forms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.150 Initially, TSH measurement was used for assessment of hypothyroid cases (in which the TSH should be elevated). However, with current methodologies, it is possible to detect low values, which are indicative of hyperthyroidism. Approximately 25% of hypothyroidism cases in dogs show normal TSH values.125 Other studies have shown low correlation between diagnosed hypothyroid dogs and serum TSH values.149,151 Nonetheless, the use of TSH is a useful diagnostic test in cases of suspected canine hypothyroidism, but dynamic testing may still be necessary to confirm this disease condition.151 Since euthyroid dogs rarely have elevated TSH (with the exception of the ones recovering from nonthyroidal illness syndrome), elevated TSH is highly indicative of hypothyroidism.125 In most cases, interpretation of human thyroid function tests with free hormone assays and TSH is straightforward.152 Other methods used for serum quanti­ fication of TSH in both humans and dogs are thyroid autoimmunity. Different antibodies have been described: thyroglobulin autoantibodies (TgAA), antitriiodothyronine (T3AA), and antithyroxine (T4AA). Thyroid autoimmunity is useful for the diagnosis of thyroiditis because positive TgAA results are usually associated with underlying thyroiditis.125 Dogs with T3AA or T4AA also have positive TgAA.125 The use of thyroid autoimmunity is necessary because T4AA alone may cause a false increase in the TT4 concentration.66 This false increase in TT4 may result in the hypothyroid dog’s being within normal reference intervals or even appear hyperthyroid.66 This false increase occurs when nondialysis (direct) radioimmunoassays (RIAs) are used for serum fT4; however, this will not happen if fT4 is measured using a dialysis procedure, because autoantibodies cannot pass through the dialysis membrane and interfere with the assay.66 To our knowledge, this diagnostic test is not available for other animal species. Another thyroid function diagnostic test, used primarily for patients considered hypothyroid, is dynamic testing. The concept of dynamic testing is to administer a certain hormone and determine the physiologic response. This is possible due to the HPT axis. In a euthyroid patient, when a certain amount of functional TRH is administered, the pituitary and consequently the thyroid should release TSH and thyroid hormones, respectively. If a functional TSH is administered, thyroid hormone production should also occur. In the case of

CHAPTER 6   •  Endocrine System


euthyroidism, when TSH or TRH is given to the patient, serum levels of T3 and T4 should increase. If there is no elevation of serum levels of T3 and T4, one can assume that there is glandular dysfunction. Multiple TRH and TSH formulations are commercially available, and it is possible that dynamic effects on different animal species may vary with this testing methodology. Further assessment about the use of different TSH and TRH formulations in exotic species is required. Among exotic species, limited studies assessing dynamic thyroidal testing have been published. In reptiles, TRH induced an in vivo increase in the plasma T4 of a Carolina anole (Anolis carolinensis).153 In painted turtles (Chrysemys picta), an in vivo TRH stimulation test did not result in increased circulating T4.154 In birds, TSH stimulation tests have been shown to be effective in pigeons, multiple psittacine species, and chickens.155–160 Several of the commercially available TSH stimulation tests (e.g., bovine, canine, human) have been used in chickens. Although canine TSH has been recommended for use in birds, bovine TSH induced a greater postintravenous (post-IV) administration response.160 TRH and TSH stimulation testing has been reported in multiple mammalian species (e.g., rats, mice, ferrets, guinea pigs).161–163 Although further studies are necessary to assess the use of TSH and TRH stimulation studies in exotic species, current information is promising for clinical use. It is suggested that the primary structure of the TRH tripeptide (pGlu-His-ProNH2) has been conserved across the vertebrate phylum.164 Differences between human TSH (hTSH) and that of other species have been reported, but it should be recognized that TSH is a glycoprotein of 211 amino acids (and not a simple tripeptide).165,166 Although no scientific validation has been reported, if the chemical structure of the TRH is similar across species, this test is more likely to be reliable. Diagnostic imaging (e.g., nuclear medicine) has long been used for the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction, specifically cases of hyperthyroidism. Taking advantage of the physiologic iodine/iodide cycle, an isotope with high affinity to the thyroid gland is administered, and uptake by the thyroid gland is either quantified or compared with another organ. A comparative ratio of the isotope uptake is commonly determined using the salivary gland (which removes iodide quickly from blood, perhaps because of its evolutionary proximity to the thyroid gland). Normal ratios have been formulated for small animals and, when elevated, may be indicative of a hyperfunctioning thyroid gland, supporting a possible hyperthyroid diagnosis. Furthermore, scintigraphy is also useful to determine the presence of ectopic thyroid tissue. Reference intervals of thyroid scintigraphy for exotic species have not been well established. Based on literature references, it appears that only cockatiels and rabbits have been investigated to determine possible application of scintigraphy in assessing thyroid health.167–169 Other imaging modalities used for thyroid diagnostic testing include ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and MRI, mainly for the diagnosis of neoplasia. Although these tests have been used to assess the thyroid gland, they may not provide useful information regarding glandular function. In dogs, CT has enjoyed the highest specificity (100%) and MRI the highest sensitivity (93%) for diagnosing thyroid carcinoma; US had considerably lower



TABLE 6-3 

Thyroid Diagnostic Testing Comparisons in the Dog Test

Low TT4

Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy

89%/100% 82%/75% 85%

Low TT3

Low fT4d

High TSH

Low TT4/High TSH

Low fT4d/High TSH

10% 92% 55%

98%/80% 93%/94% 95%

76%/87% 93%/82% 84%

67%/87% 98%/92% 82%

74%/80% 98%/97% 86%

fT4d, Free thyroxine by equilibrium dialysis; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; T4, thyroxine; TT3, total T3; TT4, total T4. From Ferguson DC. Testing for hypothyroidism in dogs. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2007;37:647-669, v. This information is most likely not correlatable to exotic species but highlights the differences in the specificity and sensitivity of multiple tests in the dog.

results.170 Investigators suggest that US is adequate as a screening tool for dogs with suspected thyroid carcinoma, but CT or MRI is needed for preoperative diagnosis and staging.170 No information is available regarding exotic species using these imaging modalities for diagnosing thyroid disease. The most common imaging techniques used in veterinary medicine for thyroid assessment are US and scintigraphy.171 However, as in human medicine, CT and MRI also have potential indications in veterinary medicine.171 In exotic species, due to the lack of research in this field, it is important to investigate and determine normal appearance and findings of thyroid imaging; nonetheless, the benefits of each modality should be similar to those for humans and small animals. Nuclear medicine, although not readily available, is an important diagnostic route for the assessment of thyroid hyperfunction. Although assessment of thyroid function using scintigraphy has only been reported in one guinea pig, one rabbit, and in a study of normal and radiothyroidized cockatiels, a limited number of studies for the assessment of other metabolic functions (e.g., hepatic, renal) have been reported in pigeons and green iguanas (Iguana iguana).167,172–177 Technological developments in nuclear medicine, including the use of pinhole collimators, have been hypothesized as being useful in making this diagnostic test more practicable for exotic animal species.178 Other diagnostic testing methods used to assess the thyroid gland include cytology and histopathology. However, these diagnostic tools are used most often for assessing a previously diagnosed dysthyroid state. For example, in the cases of hyperthyroidism, a neoplastic condition may be the underlying cause; thus, determination of histological characteristics is beneficial (Table 6-3).


As in other vertebrates, the reptilian thyroid gland plays an important role in ecdysis, growth, reproduction, BMR regulation, oxygen consumption, endocrine function, hematopoiesis, and tail regeneration.179 The location and anatomy of the thyroid gland varies among reptilian species.180 In snakes and chelonians, the thyroid gland is a single unpaired structure located ventral to the trachea, cranial to the heart base, and caudal to the thymus.180,181 The lizard and crocodilian thyroid gland may be single, bilobed, or paired, and is located in the ventral cervical region.180 Functionally, the reptile thyroid gland appears to be similar to that of mammals, with some functions differing in significance and effect. As with birds, it has been suggested that

thyroid hormones may influence seasonal testicular regression, which is supported by the identification of thyroid hormone receptors in the testicles of the Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula).180,182 Moreover, thyroidectomies in agamids, lacertids, and geckonids resulted in testicular regression.183,184 Therefore, it has been speculated that testicular activity is controlled by thyroid hormones, androgens, and estrogen.182,185 Others have hypothesized that thyroid hormones exert their effects at the hypothalamic level, thereby affecting pituitary gonadotropin release.3 The effects of thyroid activity on the ecdysis of reptiles have long been studied. In the Mohave shovel-nosed snake (Chionactis occipitalis occipitalis), a thyroidectomy increased the shedding frequency, whereas administration of injectable thyroxine (8 µg, q48 h, route not specified) prevented shedding.186 Similar results were reported in thyroidectomized and hypophysectomized common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis).187 Shedding frequency in lizards is increased by elevation of thyroid hormones.188 It is, however, unclear why certain reptile species react differently to changes in blood thyroid hormone levels. A limited number of thyroid disease conditions are known to exist in exotic species. At this time, it is believed that thyroid dysfunction may be caused by improper light cycles, hibernation, or thermal gradients.180 Goiter has been reported in tortoises, particularly, Galapagos (Chelonoidis nigra) and Aldabra (Aldabrachelys gigantea) tortoises.180,189–191 In one such case involving a Galapagos tortoise diagnosed with hypo­ thyroidism, the goitered tortoise had TT3 of 0.07 nmol/L and TT4 of 3.73 nmol/L, which were considered low when compared to three suspected euthyroid Galapagos tortoises (control TT3 0.51 to 1.53 nmol/L; control TT4 13.9 to 19.82 nmol/L).189 Although the cause of hypothyroidism was not clearly determined, it was suspected to be secondary to an iodine imbalance.189 A hypothyroid (type I) goiter is less common in mammals than hyperthyroid toxic (type II), hyperthyroid physiologic (type III), and normothyroid (type IV). The tortoise was managed with levothyroxine (0.02 mg/ kg, orally [PO], q48 h).189 Another case report described an adult sulcata tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) diagnosed with hypothyroidism based on clinical disease and responses to levothyroxine treatment.192 Mean reference intervals for this species were reported to be TT4 4 nmol/L, fT4 4 pmol/L, TT3 0.15 nmol/L, and fT3 2.9 pmol/L, which were much lower than the previously mentioned reference intervals for Galapagos tortoises.193 Reference intervals for other reptilian species have been reported using a commercially available method that is no longer available.194

Hyperthyroidism has been reported in a green iguana. Clinical signs included weight loss, polyphagia, hyperactivity, increased aggression, loss of dorsal spines, tachycardia, and a palpable ventral cervical mass.195 Diagnosis was based on an elevated TT4 level (30 nmol/L) compared to the reported reference range of 3.81 ± 0.84 nmol/L.195 The underlying cause of the green iguana’s hyperthyroid condition was a functional thyroid follicular adenoma, which was surgically removed.195 The TT4 was within the normal range at 173 days following the surgical procedure.195 One case of hyperthyroidism has been reported in a geriatric corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) that was shedding every 2 weeks.196 The animal was treated with methimazole (1 mg/kg, PO, q24 h), which resulted in a return to normal ecdysis.196 Although there was a clinical response to treatment, a definitive diagnosis of hyperthyroidism was not made. One case of hyperthyroidism in an African helmeted turtle (Pelomedusa subrufa) with a history of reduced appetite and continuous skin shedding over a 1-year period has been reported.197 Diagnosis was based on measurement of serum thyroxine concentration, and the animal was treated using transdermal methimazole.197 Thyroid neoplasias and other histological abnormalities have been diagnosed in reptile species. Thyroid adenomatous hyperplasia and follicular adenomas have been described in lizard, snake, and chelonian species.179,195,196,198–204 Thyroid carcinomas have been reported in a Chinese crocodile lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus), a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), an Indian black turtle (Melanochelys [Geoemyda] trijuga), a rough knob-tail gecko (Nephrurus amyae), and a smooth knob-tail gecko (Nephrurus levis).179,205–207 Neoplasms affecting the thyroid gland appear to be uncommon and/or underdiagnosed in reptile species based on large-scale retrospective studies of zoological collections.208,209


Avian thyroid structure and function are similar to those of mammals, and thyroid hormones have been reported to affect reproduction, growth, metabolism, temperature regulation, molting, and other various avian behaviors.19 The anatomical location of the avian thyroid is different from that in mammals. The thyroid gland is located within or cranial to the thoracic inlet.210 The avian thyroid gland lies along the ventral aspect of the common carotid artery at the level of the jugular vein and origin of the vertebral artery.211 The left thyroid is attached to the ventral aspect of the left internal carotid artery, and the right lobe is attached to the internal jugular vein.211 Although it has been suggested that the avian female thyroid gland is usually larger than that in males, that observation was not reported in budgerigars.212 However, variable interspecific and individual vascularization of the thyroid gland has been reported in budgerigars and Falconiformes.210,212 Avian thyroid diseases have long been reported. Goiter (or thyroid hyperplasia) is an enlargement of the thyroid gland due to abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells lining the follicles as a result of TSH stimulation.18 It has been speculated that the most common cause of goiter in avian species is iodine deficiency.18 Historically, budgerigars and pigeons (in particular, White Carneaux) appear to be overrepresented in this category, although prevalence studies are not available.18,213 In a retrospective study by a specialty pathology service, 30/12,457 avian specimens were morphologically

CHAPTER 6   •  Endocrine System


diagnosed with thyroid hyperplasia.213 Macaws (20/30), in particular blue-and-gold macaws (Ara ararauna, 15/30), were overrepresented.213 It is important to mention again that goiter does not imply a hyper- or hypofunction of the thyroid gland; therefore, a patient may have normal thyroid function.214 To the authors’ knowledge, thyroid function has not been assessed in reported cases of avian goiter. Nonetheless, some clinical signs that have been described (obesity, abnormal vocalization, lethargy, myxedema, and feather abnormalities) may correlate with thyroid dysfunction.18 Other typical clinical signs such as regurgitation, dyspnea, and circulatory problems appear to be related to a mass effect caused by thyroid hyperplasia on surrounding tissues (including the esophagus, trachea, and vasculature).18 Avian thyroid functions have some particularities that make them slightly different from their mammalian counterparts (i.e., TRH is not thyrotropic in adult chickens and therefore does not promote TSH release).211 In the avian species studied, TSH release is apparently controlled by circulating T3.211 Both TSH and GH promote thyroidal T4/T3 release.211 No specific thyroxine-binding globulins are present in birds, as in humans and dogs; therefore, thyroid hormone is bound in blood by either prealbumin or albumin. Since the binding of T4 to albumin is weak, higher f T4 levels have been reported for birds (compared to mammals).211 Historically, the avian HPT axis control appeared to be similar to that of mammals; however, more recently it has been shown that CRH is a more important TSH stimulator in nonmammalian vertebrates.123 CRH stimulates TSH secretion and therefore T4 secretion, and corticosterone exhibits a negative feedback on T4.215 The most important role of TRH is to stimulate the GH-releasing hormone, which leads to circulating T3 increase due to inhibition of the T3 degradation by type-3 deiodinases.123 As endocrinology continues to evolve, more information and clarification of thyroid function in exotic animal species will become available. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the HPT axis of exotic animal species shares many parallels with mammals with respect to the thyroid structure as well as to the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones.19 Avian hypothyroidism has been reported and is a clinical concern for common disease presentations (e.g., feather picking).18,216,217 A confirmed clinical diagnosis of avian hypothyroidism in a scarlet macaw (Ara macao) was achieved using a TSH stimulation test.218 The patient presented with delayed molt, generalized feather abnormalities, and obesity, and there was a lack of response to the TSH stimulation test.218 Treatment with levothyroxine (0.2 µg/kg, PO, q12 h) resulted in resolution of clinical signs.218 Hereditary hypothyroidism has been reported in chickens.219 Experimentally induced hypothyroidism using radioiodine-131 in cockatiels has also been reported.159 Interestingly, the cockatiels exhibited mild or no hypercholesterolemia, obesity, or poor feathering at 48 days following thyroid ablation.159 Avian hypothyroidism is a “questionable” diagnosis. As stated by Fudge and Speer, “a plasma T4 submission can appear to be quite “rewarding” to the clinician suspecting avian hypothyroidism, because virtually all assays are often low or at undetectable levels.”220 Due to low physiological values and low sensitivity of available methodologies, TT4



and TT3 results tend to be low or below reported normal values. Only one validated thyroid assay method has been developed: a free hormone method used to determine total thyroid hormone concentrations.194 However, this method is no longer commercially available. Free thyroid hormone reference intervals have been rarely reported. Although the sample size was small, ranges for fT4 and fT3 measured by equilibrium dialysis (ED) have been reported in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots.221 In quail, it has been suggested that free hormones measured by ED have similar results to humans.222 This information is promising and may provide additional clinical use in the assessment of thyroid function in birds. Nevertheless, reference intervals for thyroid values are generally lacking for birds; thus, the clinical value of free hormone quantification in avian species is suspect at this point in time. Hyperthyroidism (like hypothyroidism) is rarely reported for birds. To the authors’ knowledge, only one scientific report of hyperthyroidism affecting an avian species has been published. A productive thyroid follicular carcinoma was diagnosed on an adult free-ranging male barred owl (Strix varia).223 Although an ill-defined soft tissue opacity over the plane of the syrinx and great vessels was noted on radiographic examination antemortem, the neoplasm was only detected through postmortem examination.223 Antemortem total and free thyroid hormones were compared with suspected normal barred owls; the thyroid values were higher than in controls (TT4 by RIA [nmol/L] 14.14 vs.