Cycle Time Analysis PT. NPR [PDF]

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Deskripsi Perencanaan : I. Alat Muat dan Angkut I.1. Unit a. Wheel Loader Wheel Loader adalah alat yang dilengkapi dengan bucket untuk memuat material ke dalam truck, atau untuk aplikasi lain seperti waste handling, memuat batu kedalam crusher.Wheel Loader menggunakan ban sebagai penggeraknya yang memudahkan mobilitas dan juga fungsi articulate yang memberikan ruang gerak fleksibel.

Gambar 1. Wheel Loader Kelebihan wheel loader adalah mobilitasnya yang tinggi dan manuver daerah pemuatan loading point lebih sempit dibanding dengan track shovel dan kerusakan permukaan loading point lebih kecil karena menggunakan ban karet. Salah satu kekuranganya adalah dalam menempatkan muatan ke dalam dump truck kurang merata bahkan kadang-kadang bisa miring,walaupun faktor ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh skill operator. Terdapat 3 metode pemuatan material dari loader ke dalam truck, yaitu :

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 I Shape Loading, yaitu truck bergerak maju saat loader mangambil material dan mundur saat loader siap memindahkan material ke dalam truck seperti pada Gambar 2.3 dibawah ini.

Gambar 2. Metode I Shape Loading  V Shape Loading, yaitu Loader melakukan gerakan V untuk mengambil dan memindahkan material kedalam truck seperti pada Gambar 2.4 dibawah ini.

Gambar 3. Metode V Shape Loading  Pass Loading, yaitu Pada metode Pass Loading truck bergerak menuju beberapa loader yang bucketnya telah terisi penuh (Lihat Gambar 2.5). Truck bergerak dari satu loader ke loader lainnya sampai bak terisi penuh.

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Gambar 4. Metode Pass Loading Pada perencanaan ini adalah pengisian material ke dump truck dengan metode V Shape Loading berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangan. Kapasitas produksi per jam (Q) wheel loader dengan metode V Shape Loading dapat dihitung dengan rumus :


Dimana : E

= Efisiensi Kerja Operator (Rochmanhadi, 1985), lihat tabel 2.1.

Cm = Waktu Daur Loader (Cycle Time) (menit) Q

= kapasitas bucket Loader (m3)

Tabel 1. Faktor Bucket Untuk kapasitas bucket loader (q) adalah : Page 3 of 17

q = q1 . K Dimana : q1 = Kapasitas munjung (menggunung) bucket loader K

= faktor bucket Loader (Komatsu WA500 Bucket Selection Charts), lihat tabel 2.2.

Tabel 2 Faktor Bucket Cycle Time Wheel Loader (Cm) yang beroperasi untuk V Shape Loading adalah :

Cms =



Dimana : D

= Jarak angkut (m)


= Kecepatan maju (m/s)


= Kecepatan Mundur (m/s)


= Waktu tetap (Lihat tabel 2.3)

Waktu tetap adalah jumlah waktu waktu yang diperlukan untuk ganti persneling, pemuatan, berputar dan membuang muatan.

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Tabel 3. Waktu Tetap Berdasarkan Jenis Pemuatan

b. Dump Truck Pada pekerjaan pemindahan tanah mekanis dimana pemindahan tanah memerlukan jarak angkut yang cukup jauh atau dalam memobilisasi alat-alat berat dan mengangkut material. Pemilihan jenis alat pengangkutan tergantung kondisi medan, volume material, waktu dan biaya. Dalam kondisi aktual dilapangan jenis dump truck yang digunakan adalah jenis dumping belakang Rear dump truck Seperti pada gambar dibawah ini.

Gambar 5. Dump Truck Kapasitas dumping 30 ton


Kapasitas Dump Truck Penentuan kapasitas Truck harus disesuaikan kapasitas muat loader dan jarak angkut alat pemuatnya. Jika perbandingan tersebut tidak proporsional, maka kemungkinan loader Page 5 of 17

akan menunggu atau sebaliknya. Perbandingan yang dimaksud ialah perbandingan antara kapasitas muat Loader dengan kapasitas Dump truck, kurang lebih antara 1 : 2 @ 5 , yakni kapasitas 1 Loader dapat melayani 2 @ 5 Dump truck, perbandingan ini juga akan mempengaruhi waktu pemuatan. Urutan perhitungan produktivitas dump truck adalah sebagai berikut :  Menghitung waktu siklus dari Dumptruck, yang meliputi : 1) waktu muat. 2) waktu angkut 3) waktu bongkar muatan 4) waktu untuk kembali 5) waktu yang dibutuhkan Dumptruck untuk mengambil posisi dimuati kembali. Waktu siklus adalah jumlah kelima waktu tersebut, yaitu :

Waktu siklus DT = waktu muat + waktu angkut + waktu buang + waktu kembali + waktu tunggu/tunda. Dimana : n = jumlah siklus yang diperlukan Loader untuk mengisi Dumptruck. C 1 = kapasitas rata-rata Dump truck (m3). q 1 = kapasitas munjung bucket Loader (m3). K = faktor bucket Loader. Cms = waktu siklus Loader (menit). D = jarak angkut Dumptruck (m). Page 6 of 17

V 1 = kecepatan rata-rata Dumptruck bermuatan (m/min). V 2 = kecepatan rata-rata Dumptruck kosong (m/min). t 1 = waktu buang + waktu stand by sampai pembuangan mulai (menit). t 2 = waktu untuk posisi pengisian dan untuk Loader mulai mengisi menit)  Waktu Pemuatan : Waktu yang diperlukan Loader untuk memuat Dump Truck dapat dihitung sebagai berikut :

Waktu muat = (jumlah siklus untuk mengisi DT (n)) x (waktu siklus (Cms))

Dimana : -

Waktu siklus adalah waktu siklus untuk loader (Cms)


Jumlah siklus Loader untuk mengisi Dumptruck sampai penuh (n).Daya muat Dumptruck dapat dinyatakan dalam kapasitas volume atau berat muatan.

Jika daya muat dinyatakan dalam volume, maka:

Kapasitas bucket tergantung material yang diangkut. Faktor bucket ditentukan oleh sifat alamiah yang dimuat.  Waktu angkut material dan waktu kembali : Waktu angkut dan waktu kembali harus diperhitungkan dengan kondisi jalan yang dilalui atau keadaan jalan seperti tanahan gelinding dan/atau tahanan kelandaian. Dibawah ini skema sederhana cycle time tump truck.

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Gambar 6. Skema Cycle Time Pada Dump Truck -

Kapasitas Produksi Dump Truck

Produksi perjam dari sejumlah Dump Truck yang bekerja di pekerjaan yang sama secara simultan dapat dihitung dengan rumus sebagai berikut :

Dimana : P

= produksi per jam (m3/jam).


= produksi per siklus.


= effisiensi kerja Dump truck

Cmt = waktu siklus Dump truck (menit). M

= jumlah Dump truck yang bekerja.


= jumlah nsiklus dari Loader untuk mengisi Dump truck.


= kapasitas munjung bucket (m3).


= faktor bucket loader. Page 8 of 17


= effisiensi kerja Loader.

Kombinasi kerja antara Dumptruck dengan Loader, Persamaannya :

Tabel 2.4 dibawah ini akan memberikan data Truck atau Loader cadangan yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan besarnya proyek yang dilaksanakan.

Tabel 4. Data Cadangan Loader dan Dump Truck I.2. Produktifitas a. Keserasian Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut Untuk menilai keserasian kerja alat muat dan alat angkut digunakan dengan menggunakan Match Factor yang dirumuskan :

MF =

Dimana : M

= jumlah alat angkut


= waktu yang diperlukan alat muat untuk mengisi alat angkut Page 9 of 17

sampai penuh. Ml

= jumlah alat muat


= waktu edar alat angkut diluar waktu tunggu

Adapun penilaiannya adalah : -

MF < 1 , artinya alat muat bekerja kurang dari 100%, sedang alat angkut bekerja 100% sehingga terdapat waktu tunggu bagi alat muat karena menunggu alat angkut yang belum datang.


MF = 1 , artinya alat muat dan angkut bekerja 100%, sehigga tidak terjadi waktu tunggu dari kedua jenis alat tersebut.


MF > 1 , artinya alat muat bekerja 100%, sedangkan alat angkut bekerja kurang dari 100%, sehingga terdapat waktu tunggu bagi alat angkut.

II. Alat Muat dan Angkut Produksi alat mekanis selain dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik dan mekanisnya, juga dipengaruhi oleh keadaan tempat kerja alat tersebut digunakan. Untuk mengetahui produksi alat muat dan alat angkut maka perlu dilakukan pengamatan terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penilaian dan analisa sistem yang ada pada Crushing Plant PT. NPR (Nusa Persada Resources) melalui pengamatan langsung dilapangan terhadap alat muat dan angkut yang sedang beroperasi adalah meliputi :

II. 1. Unit

Berdasarkan pengamatan dilapangan, dalam melakukan kegiatan pemuatan terdapat alat muat Wheel Loader dengan rating Komatsu WA500 atau ekuivalen dengan kapasitas maximum bucket (q1) adalah 5,6 m3 – 6,1 m3 atau rata - rata 5,8 m3 (Lampiran A) dan melayani unit dump truk 30 ton atau setara (C1) 35 m3 (Lampiran B), merupakan unit yang digunakan untuk alat muat dan angkut material dari Rom stockpile ke Feeding Hopper a. Kapasitas Produksi Wheel Loader Page 10 of 17

Kapasitas produksi per jam (Q) wheel loader dengan metode V Shape Loading adalah

Q= Dimana : q

= q1 x K = 5,8 m3 x 1,15 = 6,67 m3


= 0,85


= 30 detik = 0,5 menit -- estimasi waktu daur V- shape

Gambar 7. Loading Wheel Loader Metode V-shape Jadi kapasitas produksi wheel loader adalah : Q=

Q= Q = 800,4 m3/h atau 680,34 t/h Kapasitas produksi 1 unit wheel loader adalah 680,34 t/h, sehingga jika ditotalkan untuk dua (2) unit wheel loader maka kapasitas produksinya adalah 1360,68 t/h. b. Kapasitas Produksi Dump Truck Page 11 of 17

Kapasitas produksi dump truck dapat dianalisa dengan menganalisis cycle time terhadapa jarak tempuh dan kecepatan yang dibutuhkan terhadap lima (5) parameter utama yang mempengaruhinya. Adapun lima (5) parameter tersebut dapat dilihat pada skema dibawah ini :

Gambar 8. Skema Cycle Time Pada Dump Truck

Dimana dari skema tersebut dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut : Waktu siklus DT = waktu muat + waktu angkut + waktu buang + waktu kembali + waktu tunggu/tunda. Untuk menganalisa masing masing parameter tersebut berdasarkan pengamatan aktual dilapangan adalah : 1. Waktu Muat Waktu muat (tm) = (jumlah siklus untuk mengisi DT (n)) x (waktu siklus (Cms)) Sehingga untuk menganalisa waktu muat adalah :

tm = n x Cms Jumlah siklus pengisian wheel loader ke DT adalah : Page 12 of 17

n = C1 / (q1.K) =


= 5,2

Dimana : C1 = 35 m3 (kapasitas dump truck) q1

= 5,8 m3


= 1,1

Cms = 0,5 (menit) = 30 (detik) -- estimasi waktu daur V- shape Untuk menghindari pengisian wheel loader meluap pada dump truck, maka pengisian berdasarkan analisis dilakukan hanya 5 kali, Sehingga waktu muat (tm) yang dibutuhkan adalah :

tm = 5 x 0,5 tm = 2,5 menit = 150 detik/loader waktu muat untuk dua (2) loader rata rata adalah :

tm = 2,5 menit = 150 detik /2 = 75 detik = 1,25 menit Jadi Waktu muat yang dibutuhkan untuk satu (1) Unit Wheel loader adalah 150 detik, jika menggunakan unit Wheel Loader dua (2) unit maka waktu rata rata yang dibutuhkan untuk pengisian dump truck adalah 75 detik 2. Waktu Angkut dan waktu kembali Waktu angkut dan kembali rata rata (tak) Berdasarkan jarak tempuh adalah :

Jarak angkut = 580 m, kecepatan angkut = 20 km/h = 105 detik Jarak kembali = 795 m, Kecepatan kembali 40 km/h = 72 detik

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Jika dirata ratakan maka waktu angkut dan kembali rata rata (tak) dump truck adalah :

tak =

= = 177 detik / Unit = 2,95 menit atau 3 menit per unit

Jadi estimasi waktu angkut dan kembali rata rata Dump Truck adalah 177 detik atau 3 menit.

3. Waktu Buang Waktu buang rata rata (t1) secara analisis meliputi waktu pengambilan posisi untuk dumping dan waktu dumping. Lamanya waktu buang yang dibutuhkan untuk dump truck berdasarkan data adalah :

Waktu Pengambilan Posisi Dumping = 60 detik Waktu Dumping = 15 detik Jika dirata ratakan maka waktu buang rata rata (t1) dump truck adalah :

t1 =

= = 75 detik = 1,25 menit Jadi Waktu buang rata rata aktual dump truck adalah 75 detik atau 1,25 menit 4. Waktu Pengambilan posisi Waktu Pengambilan posisi (t2) secara analisis adalah lamanya waktu tunggu/tunda yang dibutuhkan dump truck adalah selama pengisian Page 14 of 17

Jika dirata ratakan maka waktu tunggu/tunda rata rata (t2) dump truck adalah :

t2 =

= = 15 detik = 0,25 menit Jadi Waktu pengambilan posis dump truck adalah 15 detik atau 0,25 menit. Dari keseluruhan waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh masing masing dump truck yang di analisa di atas maka diperoleh cycle time aktual sebagai berikut :

Cmt = tm

+ t1 + tak + t2

Cmt = 1,25 menit + 1,25 menit + 3 menit+ 0,25 menit Cmt = 5,75 menit Jadi Cycle time (Cmt) yang dibutuhkan oleh masing masing dump truck rata rata adalah 5,75 menit atau 345 detik Sehingga untuk kapasitas produksi (P) perjam untuk dump truck adalah sebagai berikut :

Dimana : P

= produksi per jam (m3/jam). Page 15 of 17


= produksi per siklus m3/siklus.


= effisiensi kerja Dump truck = 0,85

Cmt = waktu siklus Dump truck (menit) = 5,75 menit = 345 detik. M

= jumlah Dump truck yang bekerja.


= jumlah nsiklus dari Loader untuk mengisi Dump truck = 5.


= kapasitas munjung bucket (m3) = 5,8.


= faktor bucket loader = 1,15.

Dimana produktifitas dump truck per siklus adalah : C = 5 x 5,8 m3 x 1,15 C = 33,35 m3 = 28,3 ton Sehingga untuk menganalisis produktivitas dump truck perjam adalah : P= P = 251 t/h Berdasarkan produktifitas unit dump truck dapat dipertimbangkan kebutuhan jumlah unit dump truck yang akan digunakan :

M= M= = 5,6 atau 6 Unit Dimana : Q = Kebutuhan Kapasitas Produksi Perjam = 1400 t/h

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III. Produktivitas Untuk menganalisa efektifitas dan efisiensi pada unit alat angkut dan muat yang ada pada Crushing Plant PT. NPR (Nusa Persada Resources) maka, ada beberapa pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut : III.1. Keserasian Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut Untuk menilai keserasian kerja alat muat dan alat angkut digunakan dengan menggunakan Match Factor (MF) adalah sebagai berikut :

MF =

Dimana : M

= 6 unit


= 1,25 menit


= 2 unit


= 3 menit

Sehingga match faktor (MF) adalah : MF = MF = MF = 1,25

Match factor berdasarkan data analisa adalah 1,25 dan diatas angka satu (1), sehingga dengan demikian maka : -

MF > 1 , artinya alat muat bekerja 100%, sedangkan alat angkut bekerja kurang dari 100%, sehingga terdapat waktu tunggu bagi alat angkut.

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HORSEPOWER Gross: 266 kW 357 HP / 1900 min-1 Net: 263 kW 353 HP / 1900 min-1 BUCKET CAPACITY 5.6–7.0 m3

Australian New Zealand Specification

WHEEL LOADER Photos may include optional equipment.

W heel L oader

WALK-AROUND Excellent Operator Environment

High Productivity & Low Fuel Consumption • Komatsu's new engine technology • Low fuel consumption • Komatsu SmartLoader Logic • Large-capacity torque converter • Enhanced lock-up • Dual-mode engine power select system • ECO Guidance • Variable displacement piston pump &

• Ergonomic comfort • Operator seat with Electronic Pilot Control levers • Automatic kick-down • Remote bucket & boom positioner • Auxiliary input jack • Equipped with 12 V outlet • Low noise design • Rear view monitoring system • Seat belt caution indicator • Engine shutdown secondary switch See pages 6 and 7.

Closed-center load sensing system (CLSS) • Komatsu auto idle shutdown See pages 4 and 5.

Environmentally Friendly KOMTRAX equipped machines can send location, Service Meter Readings (SMR) and operation maps to a secure website utilising wireless technology. Machines also relay error codes, cautions, maintenance items, fuel levels, and much more.


• U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage 3B emissions certified.

• Low fuel consumption


Information & Communication Technology

HORSEPOWER Gross: 266 kW 357 HP / 1900 min-1 Net: 263 kW 353 HP / 1900 min-1

• Machine monitor • Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) unit • Fuel management by KOMTRAX • Energy-saving operation support report

BUCKET CAPACITY 5.6 – 7.0 m3

See page 8.

Easy Maintenance • Side-opening gull-wing engine doors • Swing-out type cooling fan for wider core radiator See page 9.

• Auto reversing fan • Komatsu Diesel Particulate Filter (KDPF) regeneration

• Maintenance function • Turbo II Pre Cleaner • Rear Fenders • Autogrease System 3

W heel L oader

HIGH PRODUCTIVITY & LOW FUEL CONSUMPTION High Performance Komatsu SAA6D140E-6 Engine This engine delivers faster acceleration and higher travel speeds with high horsepower per ton in its class. Advanced technologies, such as Variable Geometry Turbocharger (VGT), KDPF, and High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) enable the engine to meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage 3B emissions certification. High torque at low speed, excellent acceleration, and low fuel consumption ensure maximum productivity.

Komatsu’s New Engine Technology Larger More Robust Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) System

Newly Designed VGT The newly designed

Cooled EGR, a technology

variable geometry turbocharger features Komatsu proprietary

well-proven in existing Intake air

Komatsu engines, has Exhaust air

technology that changes

further reduce NOx to Tier

the air-flow and delivers

4 levels. Larger more

air in optimum quantity to the engine

Variable nozzle

robust components

combustion chamber under all speed and load

ensure reliable

conditions. The result is cleaner exhaust gas and

performance during the demanding work conditions of

improved fuel economy while maintaining power and

the vehicle.


Redesigned Combustion Chamber

Newly Designed KDPF

The fuel/air combustion chamber located at the top of the

Komatsu has designed

engine piston has a new shape designed to improve

and developed a high

combustion and further reduce NOx, PM, fuel

efficiency diesel

consumption and noise.

particulate filter that

Komatsu Closed Crankcase Ventilation (KCCV)

captures more than 90% of Particulate Matter (PM). Passive

Soot filter Oxidation catalyst

and active regeneration is initiated automatically by the engine controller as needed to burn the particulates while the engine is running allowing uninterrupted machine operation. A special oxidation catalyst with fuel injection system eliminates the need for a traditional fuel burner thereby reducing maintenance costs and increasing reliability. HPCR Fuel Injection System Computer controlled HPCR system delivers pressurized fuel in precise quantity into the engine combustion chamber using multiple injections to achieve complete fuel burn and reduce exhaust emissions. Fuel injector life has been improved through the use of ultra-hard wearresistant material such as diamond-like carbon.


increased capacity to

Oil mist trap efficiency is significantly increased compared to the previous “Breather”s, from around 50% trap efficiency to 95% trap efficiency. Crankcase gas (blow-by gas) is fed back to the intake with reduced oil mist.


Low Fuel Consumption

Dual-mode Engine Power Select System

Komatsu installed new features on the WA500-7 to

This wheel loader offers two selectable operating

reduce fuel consumption through enhancing fuel


efficiency by optimally controlling engine power, realizing high efficiency power train and hydraulic system.

Reduced by

7% Fuel consumption

E and P.

● E Mode: This mode provides maximum fuel efficiency for general loading. ● P Mode: This mode provides maximum

* Compared with the WA500-6, fuel consumption varies depending on working conditions.


Komatsu SmartLoader Logic

operation or hill climb.

output for hard digging

The WA500-7 provides Komatsu SmartLoader Logic, a new

Dual mode engine power selection switch

engine control system. This technology acquires data from

ECO Guidance

various sensors in the vehicle and controls the engine to

The ECO Guidance provides information on a monitor to

yield enough torque for each work phase. Engine torque

help save fuel. The monitor displays messages in real-

requirement for a wheel loader varies depending on

time during operation and

working conditions. For example, it requires higher torque

on the exit screen when

for digging in V-shape loading, but less torque in driving

turning of the key. This

with an empty bucket. This technology limits the engine

function can be controlled

torque during less demanding work, therefore saving fuel.

through on the monitor. The

Komatsu SmartLoader Logic functions automatically and

operator can view fuel

doesn’t interfere with operation, saving fuel without

consumption through the monitor as

decreasing production.

well as through KOMTRAX.

Large-capacity Torque Converter

User menu for ON/OFF setting

During operation


The power train has a large capacity torque converter for optimum efficiency. WA500-7 has greater productivity in V-shape loading applications because of the increased tractive effort without requiring full throttle. The hill climbing ability allows the WA500-7 to up-shift gears faster because of improved acceleration. WA500-7 can achieve higher gear ranges and maintain higher travel speed when working in load-and-carry applications. In most applications, production is increased and fuel consumption reduced, resulting in improved fuel efficiency.

Enhanced Lock-up Large-capacity torque converter with lock-up is standard on the WA500-7, and the lock-up function activates in

Variable Displacement Piston Pump & CLSS The variable displacement piston pump combined with the CLSS delivers hydraulic flow just as the job requires preventing wasted hydraulic flow. Minimized loss contributes to better fuel economy.

Komatsu Auto Idle Shutdown Komatsu auto idle shutdown helps reduce idle time and reduce operating costs.

2nd, 3rd and 4th gears. The large capacity torque converter with the enhanced lock-up is effective for both load and carry application, and V-shape loading which uses lower gears. The enhanced lock-up reduces the clutch engagement shock by controlling engine torque with Komatsu SmartLoader Logic. Lower fuel consumption in load-and-carry applications, and V-shape loading results from the enhanced lock-up + Komatsu SmartLoader Logic.


W heel L oader


Ergonomic Comfort Ergonomically designed round dashboard is incorporated. Switches are arranged for easy access.

Machine Monitor

Color Rear View Monitor

Multi-switch Panel



Operator Seat with Electronic Pilot Control Levers

Low Noise Design

The Electronic Pilot Control

Operator’s ear noise level (ISO 6396:2008): 73 dB(A)

lever console is integrated in

Dynamic noise level (outside) (ISO 6395:2008): 111 dB(A)

the seat and moves with it. The

The large cab is mounted with Komatsu’s

angle of the armrest is fully

unique ROPS/FOPS viscous mounts. The

adjustable for optimum

low-noise engine, hydraulically driven fan,

operator comfort.

and hydraulic pumps are mounted with rubber cushions, and the cab sealing is improved to provide a quiet, low-vibration, dustproof, and comfortable operating environment.

Rear View Monitoring System

Automatic Kick-down

The operator can view the rear of the machine with a

The WA500-7 has the function to shift down to F1

color monitor screen.

automatically. It can be controlled ON/OFF through the monitor. Kick-down switch

Seat Belt Caution Indicator Lights up when seat

Remote Bucket & Boom Positioner

belt is not used.

The operator can set bucket angle and remote boom positioner from the cab. Boom position is adjustable in the cab. Bucket positioner can memorize three horizontal settings. In each horizontal setting, the operator can adjust

Engine Shutdown Secondary Switch

setting with the

The engine stop switch is incorporated to allow

switch in the cab.

shutdown of the machine when accessing the key switch

Auxiliary Input Jack

is not possible.

Connecting a regular audio instrument to the auxiliary jack allows the operator to listen the sound from the speaker installed in the cab.

Equipped with 12 V Outlet In addition to 24 V cigarette lighter, two 12 V outlets are provided in the cab.


W heel L oader

INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Machine Monitor The machine monitor display various machine information and allows for various settings of the


2 5







machine. The LCD monitor is a 7-inch color LCD and displays maintenance information, operation record, ECO Guidance record, etc. The switch panel is used to select various screens and the air conditioner control screen. By using the switch panel, you can display various user menus on the LCD screen and adjust the





machine settings. Machine monitor

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

LCD unit LED unit Engine tachometer Speedometer ECO gauge Air conditioner display Shift indicator

8 9 10 11 12 13


Engine coolant temperature gauge Hydraulic oil temperature gauge Torque converter oil temperature


gauge Fuel gauge Message pilot lamp Pilot lamps

Switch panel


Air conditioner switches / Numeral key pad


Function switches

LCD Unit The LCD unit displays various information of the machine such as ECO Guidance, operation records, and maintenance information. Since the LCD unit has wider display area compared to that of conventional model and uses color LCD, it displays more information and is easy to read. For example, “Operation Records” menu displays various records of the actual working hours, average fuel consumption, idling hours, and E mode operation ratio, etc. These records are displayed in the form of daily data and time period data.

Assists Customer’s Equipment Management and Contributes to Fuel Cost Cutting

Energy-saving Operation Support Report

Fuel Management by KOMTRAX

includes the energy-

In addition to existing items, information to assist fuel saving is provided.

KOMTRAX provides various useful information which saving operation support report based on the operating

• Average fuel consumption logs

information of your

• KDPF information

machine such as fuel

• Odometer

consumption and idle time.




Side-opening Gull-wing Engine Doors The large gull-wing type engine doors are operated with less power assisted by gas springs. The doors open in two steps. The first position is for daily maintenance and the second position is for periodic maintenance. Large steps are provided on each side of the engine to help access.

compartment for daily checks and Maintence tasks.

Auto Reversing Fan The engine cooling fan is driven hydraulically. It can be set to operate in reverse automatically. Fan reverse mode can be controlled through the monitor.

KDPF Regeneration Soot trapped by and

Swing-out Type Cooling Fan for Wider Core Radiator

accumulated in the

The fan drive unit

burning it

KDPF is removed by

swings open for

periodically and

cleaning. It features


wider spacing of cooling fins to prevent clogging. Wide core radiator can reduce core

KDPF regeneration monitor

Maintenance Function The monitor informs when the replacement interval for oil and filters is reached.


Rear Fenders Fitted standard to the WA500-7 the rear fenders reduce the kickup of debris and can be folded out of the way to allow easy access to the engine 9

W heel L oader



*Net horsepower at the maximum speed of radiator cooling fan is 250 kW 335 HP. U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim and EU Stage 3B emissions certified.

TRANSMISSION Torque converter: Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase Transmission: Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . Automatic full-powershift, countershaft type Travel speed: km/h Measured with 29.5-R25 tires ( ): Lock-up clutch ON 1st






12.9 (13.1)

22.2 (23.7)

35.5 (37.3)



12.9 (13.0)

24.7 (26.6)

38.0 (38.0)

* P Mode

AXLES and FINAL DRIVES Drive system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Four-wheel drive Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fixed, semi-floating Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center-pin support, semi-floating,                                        24˚ total oscillation Reduction gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Spiral bevel gear Differential gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conventional type Final reduction gear . . . . . . . . . . . Planetary gear, single reduction

BRAKES Service brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulically actuated,               wet multiple-disc brakes actuate on four wheels Parking brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wet multiple-disc brake Secondary brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parking brake is commonly used


Type . . . . . . . . . . . Articulated type, full-hydraulic power steering Steering angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36˚ each direction (40˚ end stop) Minimum turning radius at the center of outside tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7050 mm

HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Steering system: Hydraulic pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston pump Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 L/min Relief valve setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.5 MPa 250 kg/cm2 Hydraulic cylinders: Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double-acting, piston type Number of cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bore x stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 mm x 486 mm Loader control: Hydraulic pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piston pump Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 L/min Relief valve setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.3 MPa 350 kg/cm2 Hydraulic cylinders: Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double-acting, piston type Number of cylinders—bore x stroke: Lift cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2- 160 mm x 898 mm Bucket cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 185 mm x 675 mm Control valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-spool type Control positions: Boom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raise, hold, lower, and float Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tilt-back, hold, and dump Hydraulic cycle time (rated load in bucket) Raise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 s Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 s Lower (Empty) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 s

SERVICE REFILL CA­PAC­I­TIES Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 L Fuel tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473 L Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 L Hydraulic system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 L Axle front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 L rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 L Torque converter and transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 L

bucket selection guide Bucket fill factor

Bucket capacity: m3

Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Komatsu SAA6D140E-6 Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water-cooled, 4-cycle Aspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . Turbocharged, aftercooled, cooled EGR Number of cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bore x stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 mm x 165 mm Piston displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.24 L Governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All-speed, electronic Horsepower SAE J1995 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gross 266 kW 357 HP ISO 9249/SAE J1349* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N e t 263 kW 353 HP Rated rpm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900 min-1 Fan drive method for radiator cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydraulic Fuel system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct injection Lubrication system: Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gear pump, force-lubrication Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full-flow type Air cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dry type with double elements and dust evacuator, plus dust indicator


100 95%


General Purpose Bucket with B.O.C.


General Purpose Bucket with B.O.C. Loose Materials Bucket with B.O.C.

7.0 1200




Material density: kg/m3



WHEEL LOADER dimensions Measured with 29.5-R25 LS VSDL tires, ROPS/FOPS cab


2400 mm

Width over tires

3190 mm

A Wheelbase B B F G 50° C



3780 mm

Hinge pin height, max. height, standard boom

4755 mm

C Hinge pin height, carry position

575 mm

D Ground clearance

450 mm

E Hitch height

1115 mm


3665 mm

Overall height, top of the stack

G Overall height, ROPS cab

3785 mm

Standard boom General Purpose Bucket

General Purpose FZWM1311

KGA Straight edge Bolt on Cutting Edge Bucket capacity:



KGA Straight edge Bolt on Cutting Edge

Loose Material Bucket KGA Straight edge Bolt on Cutting Edge

5.6 m3

6.4 m3

7.0 m3

4.9 m3

5.6 m3

6.1 m3

3400 mm

3400 mm

3510 mm

3700 kg

3860 kg

4170 kg

Dumping clearance, max. height and 45˚ dump angle*

3315 mm

3235 mm

3185 mm

Reach at max. height and 45˚ dump angle*

1530 mm

1600 mm

1655 mm

6595 mm

6760 mm

6820 mm

9955 mm

10055 mm

10130 mm

16610 mm

16665 mm

16795 mm

135 mm

135 mm

135 mm

440 mm

460 mm

470 mm

28320 kg

28035 kg

27605 kg

25160 kg

24885 kg

24465 kg

281 kN 28600 kg

267 kN 27200 kg

257 kN 26200 kg

37255 kg

37415 kg

37725 kg

struck Bucket width Bucket weight

Operating height (fully raised) Overall length Loader clearance circle diameter (bucket at carry, outside corner of bucket) Digging depth:

0˚ 10˚

Static tipping load:

straight 40˚ full turn

Breakout force Operating weight


At the end of tooth or bolt on cutting edge (B.O.C.). All dimensions, weights, and performance values based on ISO 7131 and ISO 7546 standards. Static tipping load and operating weight shown include lubricant, coolant, full fuel tank, ROPS cab, and operator. Machine stability and operating weight affected by counterweight, tire size, and other attachments. Apply the following weight changes to operating weight and static tipping load.


standard equipment ENGINE: • Alternator, 24 V/90 A • Batteries, 2 x 12 V/160 Ah • Engine, Komatsu SAA6D140E-6 • KDPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) • Starting motor, 24 V/11.0 kW CAB: • 2 x DC12V electrical outlets • Auto air conditioner • AM/FM radio with AUX input jack • Ashtray • Cigarette lighter • Color multi-monitor • Cup holder • Floor mat • Front wiper (with washer and intermittent) • Rear defroster (electric) • Rear window washer and wiper • ROPS/FOPS (ISO 3471/ISO 3449) cab • Seat, air suspension with automatic weight adjustment • Seat belt • Space for lunch box • Steering wheel, tiltable, telescopic • Sun visor

LIGHTING SYSTEM: • Back-up lamps, LED • Directional signal • Hazard lamps • Rear work lamps, LH and RH side •  Stop and tail lamps, LED and turn . signal lamps SAFETY EQUIPMENT: • Back-up alarm • Engine shutdown secondary switch • Hand rails for platform • Horn, electric •  Parking brake • Rear view monitoring system • Service brakes, wet disc type • 3x ESTOPS (1x Cab, 2x Rear) • Secondary steering (ISO 5010) TIRES: • 29.5R25 (BS L5 VSDL **) OTHER: •  2-spool valve for boom and bucket controls • Auto idle shutdown •  Auto shift transmission with mode select system • Lockable Battery Isolator

• Automatic Greasing system • Counterweight, Logging •  Additional counterweight (900kg) • Power train guard • ECO Guidance • Electronically Controlled Suspension system • Equipment Management Monitoring system • Engine shut-off system, electric •  Electronic Pilot Control fingertip control levers with automatic leveler and positioner • Front fender • Full fear fenders • Fuel pre-filter with water separator • Hydraulic-driven fan with reverse rotation • KOMTRAX • Lift cylinders and bucket cylinder • Loader linkage with standard boom • Lock-up clutch torque converter • Radiator mask, lattice type • Remote boom positioner • Remote bucket positioner • Transmission, 4 forward and 4 reverse • Vandalism protection kit • Wide Coolers (excl. Condensor)

optional equipment SAFETY EQUIPMENT: • Fire Suppression system • Fire Extinguishers • Broadband Reverse Alarm • Lockable starter isolation

OTHER: • Limited slip differential (F&R) Factory order only • Bluetooth CD Radio AM/FM • UHF/CB Radio

Australia - Ph: 1300 566 287 | Web: New Zealand - Ph: 0800 566 2878 | Web: New Caledonia - Ph: +687 43 53 06 Email - [email protected]

Form No. ZESB081000_OCT2016

• Wiggins Fast Fuel • Jump start receptacle • LED Worklights • LED Worklights • Scales

FM 350 PD (Mining) New | HINO

1 dari 3





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FM 350 PD (Mining) New | HINO

2 dari 3







FG 235 JJ New

Tutup Sekilas Gambar Image Overview



FM 235 JD New

FM 285 JD New (Mining)


Tutup Dimension


Tangki Solar


106 (KM/H)



Dimensi (mm)

200 lt

Maksimum Daya Tanjak (tan Ø)

Jarak Sumbu Roda


Model Mesin Model Tipe Karoseri

Model Tipe


Cabin to End


Total Panjang


Total Lebar



Total Tinggi


350 / 2.100

Lebar Jejak Depan


Lebar Jejak


Mesin Diesel 4 Langkah Segaris;


3.930 +

Direct Injenction; Arm Roll

Turbo Charger Intercooler, Common

Taxi Mobil Boks/Bak Truk Logging Truk Sampah Mesin Derek Dump

Tenaga Maksimum (PS/rpm) Torsi

134 / 1.500

Maksimum (Kgm/rpm)

Los Bak


Tangki High Blow



Diameter x


122 x 150

Belakang Julur Depan


Julur Belakang


Berat Chassis (kg)

Langkah Molen

Piston (mm)



27/05/2019 17.09

FM 350 PD (Mining) New | HINO

3 dari 3







27/05/2019 17.09