Diagnostic Display Panel (Did) - Level 1 Brightstar Sirius Locomotives [PDF]

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DIAGNOSTIC DISPLAY PANEL (DID) - LEVEL 1 BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

CONTENTS Page CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 USING THE DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 THE DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MESSAGES AT LOCOMOTIVE START-UP . . . . . 2 OPERATING MODES IN LEVEL 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 READY MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SUMMARY MESSAGE - LOAD CONDITIONS . . . 5 ALARM MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 FAULT MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FAULT Mode Soft Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 EXAMPLE - LEVEL 1 OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 USING HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

INTRODUCTION This publication explains operation and use of the Diagnostic Display Panel – Level 1 for locomotives equipped with the BrightstarSiriussystem. This system is installed on Dash 7 locomotives as part of the microprocessor control system upgrade.

Level 1 is for use by the locomotive operating crew. In Level 1, the locomotive computers and operator utilize the DID Panel in several ways: 1.

The DID panel informs the operator of the general status of the locomotive’s operating condition, its computers and, in some cases, of the display itself.


If an abnormal operating condition (called a “FAULT”) is detected, the computers will initiate the ALARM mode. In the ALARM mode, the computer uses the DID panel to alert the operator to the FAULT by displaying a description of the FAULT (a FAULT message) and, in some cases, ringing the alarm bell.


This FAULT is recorded in a FAULT “Log” for later review by maintenance personnel.


The FAULT detected may require that certain operating restrictions be imposed on the locomotive as a means of protecting the locomotive’s equipment. The locomotive computers impose the necessary restrictions and inform the operator of those restrictions through the DID panel in the form of SUMMARY messages.


The operator can use the DID panel to review all active FAULTS (FAULT messages) and their related restrictions (SUMMARY messages). The DID panel also enables the operator to Reset selected FAULTS, and attempt to return the locomotive to normal operation.

GENERAL INFORMATION Several “Levels” of operation of the Diagnostic Display (DID) Panel are available to railroad operating and maintenance personnel. This publication explains operation and use of Level 1 for locomotives equipped with the BrightstarSirius system. Access, operation and use of other Levels and features of the Diagnostic Display Panel are covered in the SMI–00750 series of the Running Maintenance Instructions. Revisions are indicated by margin bars.

NOTE: In some cases, the ability to reset certain FAULTS has been restricted by the railroad.

 Copyright 2000, 2002 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. This copyrighted document may be reproduced free of charge by General Electric Company customers, if such reproduction is used exclusively in that customer’s internal operation. These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the user's purposes, the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company. Any applicable Federal, State or local regulations or company safety or operating rules must take precedence over any instructions given in this material. GE has no obligation to keep the material up to date after the original publication.

THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Verify numbers for parts, tools, or material by using the Renewal Parts or Tool Catalogs, or contact your General Electric representative for assistance. Do not order from this publication.


SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

USING THE DISPLAY Experience is required to effectively use the display. Only with frequent use will this experience be developed. Operation of the locomotive will not be interrupted or degraded if a mistake is made while using the DID panel in Level 1. Neither is it possible to cause any damage. Use of the panel by all responsible persons is encouraged.

THE DISPLAY Message Windows (Fig. 1) The Diagnostic Display (DID) panel has a two–line display window. In Level 1, FAULT and SUMMARY messages are displayed on the top line. The second line of the display is a “Menu” line as described in Fig. 1.



Directly below the two–line display window is a row of “soft keys.” Use of these keys in Level 1 is described briefly in Fig. 1, and in more detail later in this publication. Below the “soft keys” are three rows of keys containing numbers, letters and commands. The use of these keys in Level 1 is described in Fig. 1. Most of these keys are used for Level 2 maintenance operations and are not covered in this publication.

MESSAGES AT LOCOMOTIVE START–UP Certain SUMMARY messages are intended to inform the operator of the condition of the DID panel and the locomotive computers as they are powered–up. Several examples follow:

NOTE: These are special SUMMARY messages which are not a result of FAULTS. They require no Reset and are not stored in the FAULT log. 2

OPERATING MODES IN LEVEL 1 After the locomotive computers have been powered–up and are operating normally, three modes of operation are available in Level 1: 1.

READY mode


ALARM mode


FAULT mode.

READY MODE READY indicates that all of the locomotive systems are functioning properly, and the locomotive is READY to operate at full power. READY can be displayed in one of two ways: 1.

READY, appearing with Battery Amps and Volts and Oil and Water Temperatures, indicates that there have been no FAULTS detected or Reset.


Some FAULTS do not impose operating restrictions on the locomotive. When this type of FAULT occurs, “READY – Fault Message Stored” will be displayed.

BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A

System Power–Up Upon system power–up, the system defaults to Level 1, and the display will start in the top–level screen: H i g h e s t

P r i o r i t y

Se t

S h oMo r e



S u mm a r y

Me s s a g e

GoBa c k

Re s e t

- e t c -






The “ShoMore“ and “GoBack” keys will only appear if more than one Summary Message is present. “Reset?” will appear only if there is an active fault. “Set” will always appear and allows the user to move to the “Set What?” screen; “–etc–” will always appear and allows the the user to view the fault “History”. Se t

Wh a t ?

L a n g


L e v e l


Ex i t




The “LANG” key is available only in IDLE mode; pressing the “LANG” key allows the user to change the DID display language. Note that these keys are shown only if the software is set up to recognize them. For example, if the DID is set to English–only, no keys will appear. If the software provides English and Portuguese, English and Portuguese keys will appear. Se l e c t

L a n g u a g e

En g l i s h

Sp a n i s h



Po r t u g


Es t o n i a n


E t c .


Once the operator selects a language that is different from the present display language, the following screen will be shown: Ac c e p t

L a n g u a g e

Ac c e p t

Re j e c t



Ch a n g e ?




If “ACCEPT” is pressed, the system will show the following screen and reboot with the new language text displayed upon power–up. If “REJECT” is chosen, the screen will return to the Top Level. 3

SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

L a n g u a g e


Se l e c t e d ,


Pressing “–etc.–” from the Top Level screen shows this screen. Pressing “–etc.–” again returns to the Top Level screen. If “History” is selected, the operator will be shown the locomotive’s fault history.

s y s t em

w i l l


r e s e t


H i g h e s t


P r i o r i t y

S u mm a r y

Me s s a g e H i s t o r y






This Display indicates that the power was applied to the system and the DID panel is functioning.

D i s p l a y

i s

Re a d y

NOTE: This display will appear for 10 to 15 seconds while the computers are powering up. WAIT indicates that the BrightstarSirius controller is starting to bring the control system “on–line” after power–up.


NOTE: Display of the WAIT message longer than 60 seconds indicates that the BrightstarSiriuscontroller is not able to bring the control system “On–Line” and a problem may exist.

The READY display indicates all systems are running and the locomotive is READY to function normally.

READY : I = 2 0A


This display indicates that the Engine Control switch (EC) is in the ISOLATED position.


V= 7 4V

Po= 1 6 0 kP a

To= 1 6 2F


BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A

NOTE: As can be seen on the SUMMARY message list, these READY messages are the two lowest priority messages. They will not be displayed if higher priority SUMMARY messages (operating restrictions) exist.


Where: Ia

indicates the maximum motor armature or grid current


indicates the motor field current


indicates the grid kilowatt dissipation

In SELF LOAD, the summary message will show: Self Load: I=xxxx A V=xxxx V P=xxxx GHP

If no faults are detected for the selected operating mode (i.e., motor, dynamic brake, self–load, etc.), the following parameters are monitored. In IDLE, BRAKE SETUP, CRANK, and CRANK SETUP, one of the “Ready:Load Conditions” summary messages will show (depending on locomotive option):

Where: I

indicates the rectified DC current out of the alternator


indicates the rectified DC voltage out of the alternator


indicates the engine Gross Horsepower

Ready: I=xxx A V=xxx V Tw=xxx F To=xxx F

In BATTERY JOG, the summary message will show:

Ready: I=xxx A V=xxx V Po=xxx kPa To=xxx F

BatJog: I=xxx A V=xxx V

Where: I

indicates the battery charge or discharge current


indicates the battery charge voltage


indicates the engine outlet water temperature (F or C) *


indicates the engine oil pressure *


indicates the engine outlet oil temperature (F or C)

In MOTORING, the summary message will show: Motoring: I=xxxx A V=xxxx V P=xxxx GHP Where: I

indicates the rectified DC current out of the alternator


indicates the rectified DC voltage out of the alternator


indicates the engine Gross Horsepower

In DYNAMIC BRAKING, the summary message will show: Brake: Ia=xxxx A If=xxxx V P=xxxx kW

* If option is available

Where: I

indicates the battery jog current


indicates the battery voltage

If Auto Engine Start/Stop is installed, the summary message will show: Auto Stop will occur in: m=xxx s=xx Where: m

indicates minutes


indicates the seconds

ALARM MODE The computers check locomotive operation on a continuing basis. If an abnormal condition (FAULT) is detected, the ALARM mode is initiated by the locomotive computers. Faults can either have no bell associated with them, a 5–second bell, a 30–second bell, or a continuous bell. Faults that do not cause a deration or a restriction, such as Self Test faults, do not ring the bell. Faults that cause a deration or set–up type faults ring the bell for 5 seconds. Faults that impose a restriction (i.e., motoring or braking) ring the bell for 30 seconds. Faults that cause the engine to shut down ring the bell continuously. 5

SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

NOTE: If the computer initiates the ALARM mode, when the DID panel is operating in any other mode, it will interrupt that mode to display the ALARM. When the ALARM mode is completed, the display will return to its previous operating mode. When the ALARM mode is initiated, a description of the problem will be given on the message line of the display in the form of a FAULT message, the word “Silence” will appear on the menu line and, in most cases, an alarm bell will sound.

NOTE: When any unit in the locomotive consist initiates an ALARM, the alarm bell on all locomotives will ring. All BrightstarSiriuslocomotives in the consist are notified of the ALARM through the SUMMARY message, “Alarm from Other Unit.” If the initiating unit is a BrightstarSiriuslocomotive, a message describing the FAULT and “Silence” will appear on the Display panel of that unit as described above. Pressing “Silence” on the initiating unit will quiet the ALARM on all trainlined units. The bell can only be silenced from the initiating unit; therefore, “Silence” does not appear on any other units in the consist.

FAULT MODE As mentioned before, as a result of abnormal conditions (FAULTS), it may be necessary to protect the locomotive’s equipment, by placing certain operating restrictions on the locomotive. The FAULT mode of operation allows the operator to return the locomotive to the READY condition unless conditions exist that prohibit READY operation. The restrictions imposed are displayed in the form of SUMMARY messages. In resetting FAULTS it is important to know the following about SUMMARY messages: 1.

A single FAULT may result in more than one SUMMARY message.


Under normal operating conditions, the highest priority SUMMARY message will be displayed. Highest priority being those conditions which have the greatest effect on the locomotive’s ability to operate normally.


If a FAULT is Reset, the operating restrictions imposed by it are removed and the related SUMMARY messages are no longer displayed.


Several FAULTS may impose the same operating restrictions and will, therefore, result in the same SUMMARY message.

“Silence” Soft Key

NOTE: A SUMMARY message will only be displayed once (by priority), regardless of the number of Active FAULTS which generate the same message.

“Silence” is the only soft key that appears in the ALARM mode. It does not appear in any other mode of operation. When “Silence” is pressed, the ALARM mode is terminated, the bell will stop ringing and the word “Silence” will disappear. The message line will change from the FAULT message to show the operating restriction which has the greatest effect on the locomotive’s ability to operate normally (highest priority SUMMARY message).

NOTE: Several ALARMS are considered so serious that the bell should not be silenced. In the case of ENGINE SHUTDOWN, for example, no “Silence” soft key appears. The EC switch on the SHUTDOWN unit must be turned to the START position to silence the bell. 6


A list of SUMMARY messages by priority appears on Page 11.

FAULT Mode Soft Keys The following soft keys can be used by the operator to view SUMMARY and FAULT messages and to begin and complete the Reset procedure. Soft Key Label Exit

Explanation Takes the DID panel out of the current oper ating mode.

BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A


This soft key asks the operator, Do you want to Reset?" (a FAULT). It will appear only when there are Active FAULTS. NOTE: Permission to Reset FAULTS is determined by the railroad. If Reset?" does not appear, the railroad has se lected to prohibit Level 1 reset of the FAULT. Resetting a FAULT requires two steps: Pressing Reset?" initiates the Reset proce dure. When Reset?" is pressed, the most recent FAULT will be displayed with the choice of Resetting that FAULT or looking at other FAULTS which have not been Reset (Active" FAULTS). NOTE: Reset" (without the question mark) must be pressed to complete the Reset procedure.


Pressing this key completes the Reset pro cedure. Pressing Reset" tells the computer that this FAULT has been corrected, remove all operating restrictions imposed by it and, if there are no other Active FAULTS, return the locomotive to normal operation. When all Active FAULTS have been Reset, the message READY - Work Report Stored" will be displayed. If other Active FAULTS re main, the highest priority SUMMARY mes sage will be displayed. CAUTION: Equipment damage may re sult if a FAULT is repeatedly reset. If a FAULT has reoccurred more than three times, it should not be reset until the cause of the FAULT is determined and necessary repairs made. NOTE: If a FAULT causes power to be re moved, the unit will not load again until the call for power is removed and again requested. This is done by momentarily placing the Throttle handle to IDLE.

NOTE: If a FAULT is Active (not Reset) it will not reoccur. If a FAULT is Reset and the problem not corrected, the FAULT will reoccur and the ALARM mode may be initiated. Older and Newer

FAULT messages are displayed in order of most recent first. The Older" and Newer" soft keys allow the operator to view Older" and Newer" Active FAULT messages re spectively.

ShoMore SUMMARY messages are displayed in or der and of highest priority ShoMore" and Go Back" GoBack allow the operator to review ALL SUMMARY messages (operating restrictions). Each time ShoMore" is pressed, the next lower priority SUMMARY message will be dis played. Pressing GoBack" will display the next higher priority SUMMARY message. NOTE: The choices ShoMore" and Go Back" are given only when there are low er or higher priority SUMMARY mes sages respectively. NOTE: If there is no key pad activity for 15 seconds, the display will change to show the highest priority SUMMARY message. REMEMBER: When a FAULT is Reset, the FAULT and SUMMARY messages related to that FAULT are no longer displayed.


SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

EXAMPLE – LEVEL 1 OPERATION NOTE: The following example is intended to demonstrate DID operation, rather than show actual locomotive operating circumstances. Let us assume, for example, that READY is dis played - (The locomotive is in the READY mode.)


A hot diode condition in the main rectifiers (a FAULT) is detected and the ALARM mode is initiated. The display will change to show the FAULT, the word Silence" will appear, and in this case, the alarm bell will ring. When Silence" is pressed OR after 30 seconds pass, the ALARM mode is completed; the bell stops ringing, the word Silence" disappears and the dis play changes to show the highest priority SUMMARY message.

FAULT code E07A

Ho t

Di ode s S i l ence


Second Alarm Next let us assume that a bad outside air tempera ture sensor is detected. This FAULT occurred after the hot diode FAULT previously discussed and is therefore, a NEWER FAULT. The ALARM mode is initiated and the display will change to show the bad temperature sensor FAULT.



( Ou t s i d e

A i r

T e mp )

Se n so r


S i l ence

NOTE: This FAULT is not accompanied by a bell but “Silence” will appear. See FAULT MODE

The procedure as previously described will be fol lowed, the ALARM mode will be completed and the highest priority SUMMARY message will be dis played. Alarm will sound for any additional faults de tected.

FAULT Mode The highest priority SUMMARY message is now displayed. Won't Load: Hot Diodes" is the highest priority operating restriction placed on the locomo tive as a result of the hot diode FAULT.

Wo n ' t

Load :

Ho t

S h oMo r e

D i ode s Re se t ?

The operator now has two choices: 1.



Press “Reset?” which will initiate the Reset procedure, or Press “ShoMore” to view all operating restrictions placed on the locomotive.

See ShoMore and GoBack NOTE: If there are no other SUMMARY mes sages, ShoMore" will not appear.

See Reset? NOTE: If the railroad has deter mined that a FAULT should not be reset in Level 1, Reset?" will not appear.

BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A

ShoMore and GoBack Wo n ' t

Load :

“ShoMore” and “GoBack” allow the operator to review all restrictions placed on the locomotive as a result of Active FAULTS.

Fau l t

S h oMo r e

Each time “ShoMore” is pressed, the SUMMARY message next lower in priority to the message currently displayed is shown.

Me s s a g e

S t o r ed

GoBa c k

Won't Load: Hot Diodes PRESS ShoMore

Each time “GoBack” is pressed, the SUMMARY message next higher in priority to the message currently displayed is shown.


Won't Motor: Motoring Restriction PRESS ShoMore

NOTE: If 15 seconds pass with no key pad activity, the display will change to show the highest priority SUMMARY message.


No Dynamic Brake: Brake Restriction PRESS ShoMore

NOTE: If there are no lower priority SUMMARY messages, “ShoMore” will not appear. If there are no higher priority SUMMARY messages, “GoBack” will not appear.


Won't Self Load: Self Load Restriction

Reset? “Reset?” is the first step in the FAULT Reset procedure.



T i me

( Ou t s i de Newe r

A i r

T e mp )

Ol de r

Senso r

Re se t

Bad Ex i t

When “Reset?” is pressed, the most recent (newest) FAULT message is displayed.

See Older See Newer

See Reset


SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

message text previously shown with the same code. If the FAULT has not been Reset, the Time “Fixed” will be blank.

Reset Several things happen when a FAULT is Reset. 1.

All operating restrictions imposed by the FAULT are removed.


If there are other Active FAULTS, the display will show the highest priority SUMMARY message (operating restriction) of the Active FAULTS.


If there are NO OTHER Active FAULTS, the display will change to show: “READY – Load Conditions.”

HISTORY “History” can be entered from several places. The display will return to the place where it entered “History” when “Exit” is pressed.


Explanation Directs the computer to DO the operation described on the top line of the display.


Takes the DID Panel out of the HISTORY operating mode to the place where HISTORY was entered.

Older and Newer

Same as described in FAULT mode.


Stops the activity shown on the message line of the display.


“Time” shows the time a selected FAULT occurred (“Failed”) and the “Time” it was Reset (“Fixed”). The FAULT code displayed will correspond with the FAULT



This option appears after the “Time” soft key has been pressed. Pressing the “Text” soft key will display the corresponding FAULT code and text. Therefore, by pressing “Text” or “Time,” the operator may switch between the FAULT message “Text” and the “Time” display for that FAULT condition.

The following soft keys are used as answers to the display inquiry; “Show Which Faults?” Active

Show only non–Reset FAULTS


Show all FAULTS


Show only Reset FAULTS

When one of the above choices is made (All, Active, Repaired), the display will describe the category selected and inquire: “Starting With?.” The following soft keys are used to indicate the operator’s choice: Newest

Displays the most recent FAULT first in the FAULT category selected.


Displays the Oldest FAULT first in the FAULT category selected.

NOTE: The following example will be used to show how FAULTS are displayed in HISTORY mode. The FAULTS occurred as follows: The first FAULT (Oldest) to occur was, “EO7A Hot Diodes”. The second FAULT (Newer) to occur was, “E0AE AT (Outside Air Temp) Sensor Bad.”

BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A

LIST OF SUMMARY MESSAGES1 Highest Priority WAIT Won’t Load: Locked Axle Detected WARNING: Locked Axle System Cutout Automatic Water Drain Disabled SHUTDOWN: Low Oil Pressure SHUTDOWN: Low Water Pressure SHUTDOWN: Crankcase Overpressure SHUTDOWN: Engine Overspeed SHUTDOWN: Electrical Control Problem Won’t Crank: Electrical Control Problem Won’t Crank: Crank Restriction Auto Engine Start In Process Auto Engine Stop In Process Auto Engine Start Control ACTIVE Auto Engine Start Control NOT ACTIVE Auto Stop Will Occur “CONDITIONS” Please Move Throttle to Idle No Battery Charge Engine Not Running Won’t Jog: Electrical Control Problem Won’t Battery Jog: Jog Restriction Won’t Load: Hot Engine Won’t Load: Power Circuit Ground Won’t Load: Power Circuit Problem Won’t Load: Hot Diodes Won’t Load: MU Error Won’t Load: Electrical Control Problem Won’t Load: Engine Idle Restriction Won’t Load: AESS OFF, Turn ON to Load AESS OFF, Turn ON to Silence Alarm Won’t Motor: Electrical Control Problem Won’t Motor: Motoring Restriction Won’t Fwd Jog: FWD Jog Restriction Won’t Rev Jog: REV Jog Restriction Won’t Fwd Motor: FWD Motor Restriction Won’t Rev Motor: REV Motor Restriction ISOLATED No Dynamic Brake: Manual TM Cutout No Dynamic Brake: Auto TM Cutout No Dynamic Brake: Electr. Control Prob. No Dynamic Brake: Power Circuit Problem No Dynamic Brake: Brake Restriction Won’t Fwd Brake: FWD Brake Restriction Won’t Rev Brake: REV Brake Restriction DB Limited: Fault Message Stored Transition Won’t Self Load: Power Circuit Problem Won’t Self–Load: Self–Load Restriction

Won’t Transition: Transition Restriction Self Load: ”LOAD CONDITIONS” Load Limited: Low Oil Pressure Load Limited: Low Water Pressure Load Limited: Hot Engine Load Limited: Power Circuit Ground Load Limited: Cold Engine Load Limited: Dirty Engine Air Filter Load Limited: Traction Motor Cutout Load Limited: No Motor Series Config. Load Limited: No Motor Parallel Config Load Limited: Hot Traction Motors Load Limited: High Altitude Load Limited: Power Circuit Problem Load Limited: Electrical Control Problem Load Limited: N7 Power Limit Switch Please Enter Configuration Information Might Not Crank: Fault Message Stored Might Not Load: Fault Message Stored Might Not Brake: Fault Message Stored Might Not Slf Load: Fault Message Stored Compressor Pumping Continuously Alarm From Another Unit Motor: “LOAD CONDITIONS” Dyn Brake: “LOAD CONDITIONS” Bat Jog: “LOAD CONDITIONS” Crankcase Exhauster Break Off LBTS in Self Load Position Local Control Breaker OFF CCB Open or Aux Gen Voltage Fdbk Lost Air Brakes Not Reset: PCS Tripped EC Switch Not in Run Eng Start SW in PRIME Battery Jog Requested Excitation Breaker Off No PC Trainline Eng Start Sw in CRANK Fuel Pump Not Running Door Interlock or GRCO Open Dirty Air Exhauster Breaker Open Rectifier Blower 1 Breaker Off Rectifier Blower 2 Breaker Off Fault Log Almost Full: Download Needed Auto Engine Stop Control NOT ACTIVE READY “LOAD CONDITIONS” READY: Fault Message Stored READY – Fault Reset in Level 1

Lowest Priority 11

SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

USING HISTORY Press “History” to enter the HISTORY mode.

READY Hi s t o r y

When History" is pressed, the Newest FAULT is displayed:



T i me

( Ou t s i d e Newe r

A i r

T emp )

Ol der

-e t c . -

Senso r


Rese t ?

Ex i t

Ol de r

Ex i t

h h : mm . s R : MM / D D

h h : mm . s

Older" can now be used to move through the FAULT log. See Time When Older" is pressed, the next older FAULT is displayed.


Ho t

T i me

Di odes Newe r

NOTE: When there are no older faults, “No Older Faults” will appear. Likewise, when there are no newer faults, “No Newer Faults” will appear. See Time

Time Time" allows the maintainer to see the time a FAULT occurred. The FAULT code and the time of detection (Fail") are displayed. Fixed" time is not set until the FAULT is Reset. NOTE: Current time (elapsed) can be ob tained in monitor Parameter Numbers 7101 to 7107. Time is indicated in hrs/min/ sec from the time of occurrence. That is, time since fault detected and time since fault reset. It can be used to determine how recently a FAULT occurred.


FAULT code

E0 7 4

F : MM / D D / Y Y

Te x t

Newe r

Ol de r

Re se t

Ex i t

BrightstarSiriusLocomotives, SMI-00750-043A

Text Text" allows the maintainer to see the de scription of the FAULT which is currently dis played by the FAULT code and the Time."

FAULT code


Ho t

T i me

Di odes Newe r

Ol de r

Re se t

Ex i t

Time Using Time" and Text" the operator can toggle back and forth to see the FAULT message and then the Time" the FAULT occurred.

Text E0 7 4

F : MM / D D / Y Y

Te x t

Newe r

h h : mm . s R : MM / D D O l de r

Re se t

h h : mm . s Ex i t


SMI-00750-043A , BrightstarSiriusLocomotives

GE Transportation Systems NEW 11-00, GMD REV 02-02, GMD 14

2901 East Lake Road Erie, Pennsylvania 16531