Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang [PDF]

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Dialog percakapan bahasa Inggris 3 orang berlangsung di toko sepatu.. alurnya… X: hay these shoes are lovely, can I see them? (sambil pegang2 sepatu) Y: wich one do you like? Z: that X ! really cool.. (si Z recommend to X) X: ehm the black ones. Y: the black ones, they’re quite lovely.. imported from Italy X: i’ve been to Italy hahah, how much are they? Y: hmm this shoes is eighty dollars X: eighty dollars?? So expensive.. (ternganga2 denger harga segitu..hikhikhik) Y: not so expensive.. only fourty dollars for one shoes (haha..lol)

X: do you have another pair of black shoes?? (nyengir gigit jari


Y: mmm, this pair! Only twenty dollars.. X: why these shoes so much cheaper?? Y: because they made here X: hmm what about quality? Y: the quality is good, this shoes’ll least a long time

Si Z bisik2 ttg harga sama si X.. swiwswittswiwwswiww


X: how about fiveteen dollars for the pair? Y: oO I’am sorry ot enough (belum dapet bang segitu mah wkkww), eighteen dollars! Terus si Z bisik2 lagi sama si Y kayak tadi..ckckck, kemudian.. X: I’ll give is sixteen (si X nawar ke si Y) Y: okay for you special prize (haahah dapet murah ni yee).. Would you like a bag? X: No, that’s ok, thanks anyway.. Abis itu duitnya di kasihin ke si Y.. Udah deh tu sepatu di bawa pulang ama si Y.. nah si Z nya ngapain? Jadi setan ya bisik2 mulu wkkww Contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 3 orang saat membeli di toko sepatu: perhatikan dan pelajari text percakapan bergaris miring.

Vina ; hi dea, what are you doing here? dea; oh .. hi vina, I want go to the post office, with my friends Feli. vina ; hallo , i am fina. nice to meet you. Fell ; mmm , i am felli . nice to meet you too. Dea ; vina, do you know where the post office? vina ; yes , i do. The post office is located next to the museum. felli ; are you sure? Vina ; yes , i am sure. ; felli ; oh i see.. dea : thanks vina.. Vina ; you're welcome..

contoh: dialogue 1 situation:kiara met denias who loves folktales very much in the canteen school at the break time. kiara:"hi,denias.have you ever heard the story of 'the lion and the mouse'?" denias:"no,who told you the story?" kiara:"ms.vita,the english teacher,told us the story this morning.it's a good story" denisa:"could you retell the story?please..." kiara:"ok.a lion caught a mouse.the mouse asked the lion to set him free.the mouse.promised that he would help the lion one day.the lion agreed.and...denisa,i forgot the rest of the story.how if we go to the library to find the story book?" denisa:"great.let's go" dialogue 2 situation:"denisa and kiara are on the way to the library.they meet harun,kiara's brother." harun:"kiara,where are you going?" kiara:"we're going to the library.denisa and i want to borrow some english story books" harun:"will you do me a favor?" kiara:"what is it?" harun:"will you please return this book to the library?" kiara:"sure.no problem" harun:"thank" dialogue 3 situation:denisa and kiara are in the library denisa:"look at this book.it's about indonesia folktale" kiara:"this one is a bedtime story book.i will borrow this one" denisa:"i will borrow the indonesian folktale book.oh,no.i don't bring my library card" kiara:"do you want me to borrow it for you?" denisa:"yes,please.thanks"

a : hey, what are you doing right now? b : Hmmm... you can look by yourself... I'm reading a novel a : yeah I know... But I mean, what is the novel you read? b : goosebump a : owh... yes I know. I ever read it formerly

c : hi guys... wow... good book... b : yeah.. this is limited edition c : may i borrow it? a : hey, dont lend that book to him b : why? c : yes... what's your problem? a : you always return something that you borrow lately b : ooo... yeah... i will not lend it for you c : please... I promise... I will return it on time a : Don't believe him.... b : okay,, i will lend it for you.. but, you must be responsible... c : okay... I will... b : although you always return something lately, I still trust that you can change your bad behavior a : huft... yeah, I hope he will be responsible c : thank you Fanny : Hi Boy. Hi Vily Boy : Oh hi! What's up? You look so happy today. Vily : That's right, is there anything interesting? Fanny : Look this! Vily : Oh my God! It's very beautiful! Fanny : Yeah, and I love it so much. Boy : So cool. Its an expensive watch. Vily : How can you get it? Fanny : I got it from my father as my birthday present. Boy : Wow! Congratulation! Vily : You're so lucky! Fanny : Okay, thanks.

James : Hey there!!! How are you ?? Martin : Hey!!!! I`am fine,how about you ?? James : I`am good,you ?? Martin : Mmmm,,,,,yeah...good :D Josh : Hi James,Hi Martin ?? What are you doing in this pace ?? Martin : owh,we are just meet in this place James : Yeah,thats right,,haha :D Josh : Eh,do you want eat meat balls with me in that Restaurant ?? James : Sure.. :) Martin : Waw!!! Good idea...!!!! :D Hhe...eh,but i don`t have much money.. T_T Josh : Relax Martin,i will paying you for that Meat Balls,, :) Martin : Really ?? :) :D Josh : Yeah,i`am really :) Martin : Waw!!! Thnaks man!!! :) Josh : You`r Welcome... James : eh,C`mon lets go,don`t be waiting..HAHA :D Josh And Martin : Okay,,,,i`am so hungry..haha :D Udah tu..* 5 ya ?? :D