DKA Dan HHS (DR Wisma) [PDF]

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KETOASIDOSIS DIABETIKUM DAN STATUS HIPERGLIKEMIK HIPEROSMOLAR Dr. Wismandari Wisnu SpPD-KEMD Divisi Metabolik Endokrin Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI / RSCM 2018

Data Pribadi § Nama lengkap : dr. Wismandari Wisnu, SpPD, KEMD, FINASIM § Tempat/tgl lahir : Jakarta, 12 Februari 1972 § Alamat : Jl. Karyawan no 14B, Jakarta 12310 Riwayat Pendidikan § S1, Sp-1 dan Sp-2 di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kedokteran Riwayat Pekerjaan § Humas Divisi Metabolik Endokrin, Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM (2009-sekarang) § Koordinator Kelas Internasional Mahasiswa S1 FKUI (2018-sekarang) § Koordinator Kelas Reguler Mahasiswa S1 FKUI (2017) § Koordinator tingkat 5 mahasiswa S1 FKUI (2012-2017) § Wakil Koordinator mahasiswa Departemen IPD (2010-sekarang) § Dokter PTT di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan (2000-2003) Organisasi/Kepanitiaan Anggota IDI cabang Jakarta Selatan Bidang Humas PB PAPDI Bidang Organisasi PB Perkeni

Bendahara Perkeni Jaya Bendahara PAPDI Jaya Anggota Internasional : AOTA, ISE, AFES

TOPIK • Definisi KAD dan HHS • Patogenesis KAD dan HHS • Tatalaksana KAD dan HHS • Pencegahan


Komplikasi Akut DM

• Hipoglikemia • Hiperglikemia - KAD (Keto Asidosis Diabetikum) - HHS (Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state)

Slide 5

WHAT IS DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS ? Ê Acute decompensated metabolic state due to § severe insulin deficiency § over-activity of glucagon & other counter-regulatory

hormone Ê Common in Type 1; Rare in Type 2 Ê Potentially life-threatening Ê High mortality Ê Incidence : 5-8 /1000 diabetic persons/yr Ê Mortality rates 9-14 % - Has improved with insulin useà 2% Watkins et al. In: Diabetes and its Management 2003

FAKTOR PRESIPITASI / PREDISPOSISI KETOASIDOSIS DIABETIKUM • Riwayat pemberian insulin inadekuat • Diabetes onset baru (20 – 25%) • Penyakit akut • • • •

Infeksi (30 – 40%) Penyakit serebrovaskular Infark miokar Pankreatitis akut

Kitabchi et al, Diab Care 2001;24(1):131–53.

• Obat • • • • •

Klozapin / olanzapine Kokain Lithium Penghambat SGLT-2 Terbutaline

• Tidak diketahui

FAKTOR PRESIPITASI / PREDISPOSISI STATUS HIPEROSMOTIK HIPERGLIKEMIA • Riwayat pemberian insulin inadekuat (21 – 41%) • Diabetes kasus baru • Penyakit akut • Infeksi (32 – 60%) • Pneumonia • Infeksi saluran kemih • Sepsis • Penyakit serebrovaskular • Infark miokard • Pankreatitis akut • Emboli paru akut • Obstruksi gastrointestinal • Dialisis, peritoneal • Thrombosis mesenteric

Kitabchi et al, Diab Care 2001;24(1):131–53.

• Gagal ginjal • Heat stroke • Hipothermi • Hematom subdural • Luka bakar berat • Endokrin • Akromegali • Tirotoksikosis • Sindrom Cushing • Obat (Beta-adrenergic blockers, calcium-channel blockers, klorpromazine, klortalidon, cimetidine, klozepin, diazoxid, asam ethakrinik, obat imunosupresif, L-asparaginase, loksapin, olanzapine, fenitoin, propranolol, steroid, diuretic tiazid, total parenteral nutrition)


PATHOGENESIS OF DKA AND HHS Absolute Insulin Deficiency

↓Protein Synthesis

↑ Lipolysis

↓ Alkali Reserve

↑ Proteolysis

Absent or Minimal Ketoacidosis

↑ Gluconeogenic Subrates

↑FFA to Liver ↑ Ketogenesis

Relative Insulin Deficiency

↑ Counterregulatory Hormones

↑Glucose Utilization




↑ Ketoacidosis

Glyucosuria ( Osmotic diuresis) Loss of water and electrolytes




Decreased fluid intake

Impaired renal function



Ketoasidosis Diabetikum

Characterized by the triad of • uncontrolled hyperglycemia, • Metabolic acidosis • increased total body ketone concentration


Metabolic Acidosis states •Lactic acidosis •Hyperchloremic acidosis •Salicylism •Uremic acidosis •Drug-induced acidosis

Hyperglycemia states •DM •NKHC •IGT •Stress Hyper-




Ketotic states •Ketotic hypoglycemia •Alkaholic ketotis •Starvation ketosis


Kitabchi and Wall

Mekanisme ketoasidosis diabetes Absolute insulin deficiency


↑ Counter regulatory hormones ↓ Protein synthesis ↑ Gluconeogenic substances

↑ FFA to liver ↑ Ketogenesis

↑ Proteolysis

↓ Glucose utilization

↑ Gluconeogenesis

↓ Alkali reserve


↑ Ketoacidosis

Glycosuria (osmotic diuresis)

↑ Triglyserides

Loss of water and electrolytes

↑ Hyperlipidemia

Kitabchi et al, Diab Care 2001;24(1):131–53.

Dehydration Impaired renal function

↑ Glycogenolysis

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Syndrome (HHS) Characterized by: • • • •

severe hyperglycemia Hyperosmolality dehydration In the absence of significant ketoacidosis

These metabolic derangements result from the combination of absolute or relative insulin deficiency and an increase in counterregulatory hormones (glucagon, catecholamines, cortisol, and growth hormone). DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 32, NUMBER 7, JULY 2009

Mekanisme HHS ↑ Counter regulatory hormones ↓ Protein synthesis

Relative insulin deficiency

↑ Proteolysis

Absent to minimal ketogenesis

↑ Gluconeogenic substances ↓ Glucose utilization

↑ Gluconeogenesis

↑ Glycogenolysis

Hyperglycemia Glycosuria (osmotic diuresis) Loss of water and electrolytes Dehydration

Kitabchi et al, Diab Care 2001;24(1):131–53.

Impaired renal function

Decreased fluid intake


Slide 14

Diagnosis Ketoasidosis Diabetes Tanda


Ê Penurunan nafsu makan

Ê Takiardia

Ê Mual

Ê Hipotensi

Ê Muntah

Ê Hipotermia

Ê Rasa haus Ê Poliuria Ê Lemas Ê Nyeri perut Ê Berat badan turun

Ê Penuruanan kesadaran Ê Kulit kering dan hangat Ê Napas Kussmaul Ê Bau napas aseton



• Mual/ muntah

• Riwayat polyuria

• Haus/polyuria

• Berat badan turun

• Nyeri perut

• Berkurangnya asupan oral yang terjadi dalam beberapa minggu

• Sesak nafas • Gejala berkembang dalam waktu 250 mg/dL) >250 mg/dL)

SHH Berat (Kadar GD >250 mg/dL)

Kadar GD >600 mg/Dl)

pH arteri

7. 25 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.24


Bikarbonat serum

15 - 18

10 - 15


Keton urin





Keton serum





Osmolalitas serum efektif




> 320 mOsm/kg

Anion gap

> 10

> 12

> 12


Status mental Sadar Sadar/ mengantuk Stupor/ Koma Stupor / Koma GD: Glukosa darah, Osmolalitas serum efektif = 2x [Na+ ukur (mEq/L)] + glukosa (mg/dL)/18. Anion gap = (Na+)-[(Cl- + HCO3- (mEq/L)] Kitabchi et al, Diab Care 2001;24(1):131–53.

TATALAKSANA Pemberikan cairan

Terapi insulin

Koreksi Kalium

Koreksi asidosis

H + PIN PAPDI. Panduan Praktik Klinis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. 2015




IV Fluids

pH ˂ 6,9 Determine hydration status Severe Hypovelemia

Mild dehydration

No HCO3-

Cardiogenic shock

Hemodynamic Administer 0,9% Monitoring/ NaCL ( 1.0 L/hr Pressor Evaluated corrected Serum Na+

Serum Na + High 0,45% NaCL (250-500 ml/Hr) depending on hydration state

Serum Na+ Normal

Serum Na+ Low 0,9% NaCL (250-500 ml/Hr) depending on hydration state

When serum glucose reaches 200 mg/dl (DKA) or 300 mg/dl (HHS), change to 5% dextrose With 0.45% NaCL at 150-250 ml/hr


Insulin: Reguler

pH ˂ 6,9 100mmol in 400ml H20 +20mEq KCL, infuse for 2 hours Repeat every 2 hours Until pH ≥ 7 Monitor Serum K+ every 2 hrs

IV Route (DKA and HHS)

0.1 U/kg/B.Wt as IV bolus

0.1 U/kg/hr IV Continous Insulin infusion

IV Route (DKA and HHS)

0.1 U/kg Bwt/hr As IV Continous Insulin infusion

If serum glucose does not fall by at Leatst 10% in first hour , give 0.14 U/kg as IV bolus , then continue Previous Rx

When serum glucose Reaches 200 mg/dl, reduce Reguler insulin infusion to 0.02 – 0.05 U/kg/hr IV, or give Rapid-acting insulin at 0.1 U/kg SC every 2 hrs. Keep Serum glucose between 150 And 200 mg/dl until resolution of DKA

Establish adequate Renal function (urine Output – 50 ml/hr)

K+ 5.2 mEq/L

Hold insulin and give 20 – 30 mEq/hr Until K+> 3.3 mEg/L

When serum glucose reaches 300 mg/dl, reduce reguler insulin infusion to 0.02 – 0.05 U/kg/hr . Keep serum glucose between 200 and 300 mg/dl until patient Is mentally alert

Do not give K+, But check serum K+ Every 2hrs

K+ = 3.3 – 5.2 mEq/L

Give 20-30 mEq K+ in each Liter of IV fluid to keep serum K+ between 4 - 5 mEg/L

Check electrolytes, BUN, venous pH, creatinine and glucose every 2-4 hr until stable. After resolution of DKA or HHS and when patient is able to eat , initiate SC multidose Insulin regimen . To transfer from IV to SC , continue IV insulin infusion for 1- 2 hrs After SC insulin begun to ensure adequate plasma insulin levels . In Insulin native Patiients, start at 0.5 U/kg to 0.8 U/kg body weight per day and adjust insulin as needed. Look for precipitating cause (s)

Diabetes Care 2001 Jan; 24(1): 131-153


IV Fluids Determine hydration status Severe Hypovelemia

Cardiogenic shock

Mild dehydration

Hemodynamic Monitoring/Pressor

Administer 0,9% NaCl (10 L/hr)

Evaluated corrected Serum Na+ Serum Na + High

Serum Na + Normal

0,45% NaCL (250-500 ml/Hr) depending on hydration state

0,9% NaCl (250-500 ml/Hr) depending on hydration state Serum Na + Low When serum glucose reaches 200 mg/dl (DKA) or 300 mg/dl (HHS), change to 5% dextrose With 0.45% NaCL at 150-250 ml/hr

Diabetes Care 2001 Jan; 24(1): 131-1


Bicarbonate pH ≥ 6,9

No HCO3-

pH ˂ 6,9

100mmol in 400ml H20 +20mEq KCL, infuse for 2 hours

Repeat every 2 hours Until pH ≥ 7 Monitor Serum K+ every 2 hrs

Diabetes Care 2001 Jan; 24(1): 131-1


Insulin : Reguler IV Route (DKA and HHS) 0.1 U/kg/B.Wt as IV bolus

IV Route (DKA and HHS) 0.1 U/kg Bwt/hr As IV Continous Insulin infusion

0.1 U/kg/hr IV Continous Insulin infusion

If serum glucose does not fall by at Least 10% in first hour , give 0.14 U/kg as IV bolus , then continue Previous Rx

Diabetes Care 2001 Jan; 24(1): 131-1

EVALUASI TERAPI INSULIN • Periksa elektrolit, pH vena, kreatinin • GD tiap 2 – 4 jam sampai pasien stabil • Setelah resolusi KAD atau SHH dan mampu makan berikan regimen insulin subkutan • Mengganti insulin IV ke subkutan: lanjutkan infus insulin IV selama 1 – 2 jam setelah insulin subkutan dimulai untuk mencapai kadar insulin plasma yang adekuat • Pada pasien insulin-naïve, mulai dengan 0.5 U//hari – 0.8 U/KgBB /hari dan sesuaikan sesuai kebutuhan

PIN PAPDI. Panduan Praktik Klinis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.


Potassium Establish adequate Renal function (urine Output – 50 ml/hr)

K+ 5.2 mEq/L

Hold insulin and give 20 – 30 mEq/hr Until K+> 3.3 mEg/L

Do not give K+, But check serum K+ Every 2hrs

K+ = 3.3 – 5.2 mEq/L Give 20-30 mEq K+ in each Liter of IV fluid to keep serum K+ between 4 - 5 mEg/L

Diabetes Care 2001 Jan; 24(1): 131-1

PEMANTAUAN Pantau tekanan darah, nadi, napas, status mental, asupan cairan dan urin tiap 1 – 4 jam

PIN PAPDI. Panduan Praktik Klinis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.

KOMPLIKASI • Renjatan hipovolemik

Komplikasi pengobatan

• Trombosis vena

• Hipoglikemia

• Pendarahan saluran cerna atas

• Hipokalemia

• Sindrom distres pernapasan akut

• Overload edema serebral

PROGNOSIS • Mortalitas KAD : 2% untuk usia 65 tahun. • Mortalitas SHH 20 – 30%

PREVENTION (1) • Better access to medical care • Intensive patients education • Effective communication à acute illness

• Review sick-day management • • • •

Insulin treatment Blood glucose goal Treat fever and infection Start easy digestible liquid diet

• Do not stop insulin or oral anti diabetes

PREVENTION (2) • Increase BG monitoring during acute illness • Check ketone bodies (either urine or blood) when BG > 300 mg/dl • Hand held meter with BG and 3HB strips can be helpful for avert DKA episode

KESIMPULAN • KAD dan HHS adalah kondisi kompikasi akut diabetes yang mengancam nyawa • Terdapat faktor predisposisi yang harus dihindari pada pasien diabetes • Tatalaksana KAD adalah rehidrasi, insulin, koreksi kalum, koreksi asidosis dan monitor ketat • Lakukan pencegahan terjadinya KAD dan HHS dengan cara mentatalaksana kondisi akut dengan baik, tingkatkan monitor gula darah dan jangan stop obat diabetes jika mengalami kondisi akut


Krisis hiperglikemia Dalam: Alwi I, Salim S, Hidayat R, Kurniawan J, Tahapary D. Penyunting. Penatalaksanaan bidang ilmu penyakit dalam: panduan Praktik Klinis. Jakarta: Interna Publishing; 2015. Hal 109 -14.


Soewondo Pradana. Ketoasidosis Diabetik. Dalam: Sudowo AW, Setiyohadi B, Alwi I, Simadibrata M, Setiati S. Penyunting. Buku ajar ilmu penyakit dalam. Edisi V. Jakarta: Interna Publishing; 2009. Hal 1906 – 1911.


Kitabchi AE, Umpierrez GE, Miles JM, Fisher JN. Hyperglycemic crises in adult patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2009;32(7):1335 – 43.


Misra S, Oliver NS. Diabetic ketoacidosis in adults. BMJ. 2015; 351: 5660-7.


Lupsa BC, Inzucchi SE. Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome Dalam: Loriaux L. Endocrine Emergencies: Recognition and treatment. Springers; 2014. Hal 15 – 31.


Taylor SI, Blau JE, Rother KI. SGLT2 Inhibitors May Predispose to Ketoacidosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2015; 100:2849.


Kitabchi AE, Razavi L.Hyperglycemic Crises: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), And Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS). In: (Accessed on January 30, 2013).

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